BCC Minutes 02/19/1985 R ¡;¡¡¡¡a .. .. Naple., Florida, February 19, 1985 LIT IT 81 RIR&M8IRED, that the Board of County Com.i..ioner. In and for the County of Collier, and al.o acting as the Board of Zoning ~peal. and a. the governing boardCa) of .uch .pecial di.trict. a. have b..n cr.ated according to law and having conducted bu.ine.. herein, .et on thl. date at 9100 A.M. in Re,ular S...lon in Building .F. of the Courthou.e Co.ple., Ea.t Naple., Florida, with the followinq member. pre.entl CHAIRMAN: Frederick J. Vo.. VICE CHAIRMAN: Max Hasse C.C. "Red" Holland Anne Goodnight A8SE~TI John A. Pi.tor ALSO PRESE.T: WUliall J. Reagan, Clerk, Jame. C. Gile., Fhcal Officer, Elinor H. Skinner, Deputy Clerk, Burt L. Saunder., County Attorney, Donald B. Lu.k, County Manager, Neil Dorrill, As.istant County Manager, Terry Virta, Community Development Admini.trator, TOlD luck, Public Hork. Admini.trator, Thoma. Crandall, Utilities Admini- .trator, Ann Mc~im, Planner, ~ancy I.raelson, Admini.trative Asaiatant, Deputy Chief Donald Hunter and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett. lOOK 085 PAjE 723 paqe 1 ',', ~i. . - ~"""'_'I .... 'tt'¡ .... ~·\I·· ...,.~. . .. ..Jt:i! '>._..._.,-~~,-""""'-"""'-_.,.~_.,.._.,~,"'- .. .. - "'pe 11 lte. 11 AGDDk - AI"ROVID AS AMIlfDID February 19, 1985 CoIIaI..lo..r 101laDd ~Yed, ..c,nd.d by Co..l..lon.r S.... .Dd carrl" .'0, Indlo.tlDf Co..l..lon.r .1.tor'. ab.eno., tbat tb. a,.Dda be approyed with th. followlD9 ...nd..nt.. A. 1Sse - Lea.e for Immokalee Youth Guidance Office _ Continued to 3/5/85. B. lOBI - Ordinance r. movement of building. _ Continued to 3/19/85. C. lJAl - Dhcussion of Bond. - Added by County Manaqer. D. IJA2 - Discu..lon of date for next ecc workshop _ Added by County Manager. E. lOE2 - Di.cu..lon re sale of surplua property _ Added by County Manager. r. llAl - Dl.cusslon of proposed amendment to CCURRB Ordinanc. - Added by County Attorney. G. llA2 - l6Dl Removed from Conaent Agenda _ AT'T Maintenance Contracta - Reque.ted by County Attorney. II. lJA2 - Extra Gain Tille for Inmate '46167 _ Added by Chai run Vo... It.. IZ "I.UTIS or 1/31/'~ acc S.ICIAL NIITI~ _ APPROVID CoIIal..10A.¡ Goodnlgbt ~Y.d, .econd.d by Co..l..lon.r loll.nd aDd carrSed ./0, that tb. .In.t.. of tb. 1/31/15 ace Sp.clal ~~.tlA9 be appro..d .. pr...nted. It.. 13 ftOCLAM'flœ DUIGIIA'fI" WID or ruao.uy 17. 19.5 A8 -IfA1'IOIIAL -.01.11.. WlIX- - ADOP'I'ID Co~..loD.r Goodnl,bt ~..d, ..cond.d by C...I..loDer ..... aDd carried 4/0. that tbe 'roo1...tlon de.19natlnt the ...t of r.bru.ry 17, 1"5 a. -..tl...1 In,ln..r. ...t- be adopted. Hr. Raymond I. Hiller, Pre.ident of the Florida Engineering Society, accepted the Proclamation with thank.. Øe reported that the Golden Gate Middl. School won the Mlth Counts Reqional Contest and vil1 comp.t. in the State conte.t. H. pre.ented engineer buttons to the Co..halon. r.. lOOK 085 W.! 729 Page 2 "'~'~t'~" ..' .,', ~ - - - February 19, 1985 Iu. It nOO'.A.M'J'ICII DaICllan.a rDaoArl 37, 1t1' A8 wGa. IAMZD cay- _ ADQftn , CoIIas..I...~ .,.... IIOnd, ..coDdled by eo..Ia.IODor 1Io11ID4 and o.r~I&~ ~/O, ~t th. 'rool...tlon de.19n.tln9 Febru.ry 27, 1,., .. -a... aar'..D DtI7w be adoptad. Mr. Holll., from the Country Club of Marco ISland, accepted the 'rool...tion with thank.. BOO ( 085 "J~I 731 Page 3 . , ~~ ~ >,' ... . . ) . ~".";.. f,""';· . :ti "''''~ .' -""'-"''''"'''''-'''~'''''''' .,. ... "~ ~~~ ~h.c ~,¡, OJ/"f'.~ :;~;9¿; ,"I.:",,; :;,. ~i~~ ~ ,¡' .~., "-:.. :' " K"J.('tI)',,~: i ....t·..·,~,.,A' t.. ?;L~·~:(,·; . '¡-'}w., .. ..~':;:.: . :~'''',~;''''';,,~~; ~I~ '. ,"" .~~~'-.:- 'f ~.,~.':h' . , · .~~~';;';;_moa........ S, 1015.. -.murr. ct.aa ._ ;~:"~; Þa7Iftlo . WlllaD- - ADOft'ID ''f';. "n'~" , .- :.;; . <';~.54'·:~'''lour ..... ....., ..ooDd.. b7 Co_l..loDor IIollanel .nd catrS.. C/O, ~t the 'rool...tloft de.ltn.tlftt "-rob 2 . 3, If'5 .. -.Iwanl. Club '..food r..tl.a1 Weekon4- be adopt.d. Mr. Robert Fer rent., Proaldent of the ~iawa1s Club of Naples- On-The-oulf, accepted the Proclallation with thanks and aaid that the Se.food "atlval will be held at the Swmap Buggy Grounds and will Includ. arts and craft diaplays and music. -. - - - February 19, 1985 lOOK 085 PAr,t 733 Page . ;,.., ..*t';IftM, " ':", . '. . _."" ~;"~'-.; '."f: tit· . '. ~ ,. .'"~ ,.. .~,.. . ~'-~¡" ,'.j ~. ,~"t: !" ":'-'''I!A''1'' ;~ ." ,,"'. " \ ,,' ~. " ,'. ~ \. . ...,,~,;.._"'.._--.- .. - .. ... It_ II IMPLOnI IIRTICI AWARDI ('IIIODIt) The following Imploy.. Service ø...rr Bicicford, ~ad , Bridge Dona d Wheeler, Solid Wa.te Ruth Schulze, Library Dew.yne Loh.., P.rka , Rec. Mary Jo Thurston, Utilities "!ll.rd Hamilton, Solid Waste February 19, 1985 Awards were presentedr 10 Yrs. (abunt) 10 Yrs. lO Yrs. (absent) lO Yr s. 5 Yr s. 5 Yrs. It.. 17 01tD1llAllC1 '5-7 II ''''11'10. a-u-uc, AllCBOR IJIOI.URllIO, REPRISD1'IIfO JOmI D. .JA8n, II RlIOIIIIIQ nON A-2 TO Mr-' OM II COOIR or IMTlRlIC- 1'lœ or aADlO aOAD UD ..O.oIID IAlfTA L\UAJtA IXTDIIo., _ ADOPTID IUlJICT TO ITI,QLA1'IO.I, .ITI1'IO.IR'1 AGRIINI.T ACCIPTID Legal notice having been published In the Naplea Daily News on January 18, 1985, a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-84-44C, filed by Anchor Enginewring, representing John D. Jassy, requesting rezoning from A-2 to RMF-6 on the southeast corner of the intersection of Radio Road and the propo.ed Santa Barbara Extension, in Section 4, T505, R26E. Planner McKim explained that the objective ,f this request i. to dey.lop 41.6 acres undel RMF-6 zoning standarda She stated that Staff and all County Agencies have reviewed this pe~. :ion and have no objec- tion to it beinq approved subject to the stipulations found in the E.ecutive Summary dated 1/24/85 and an amendment to the traffic stipu- lation~ that there shall be ~o more than two acces.es on Santa Barbara Joulevard and one acceas on Radio Road. Mr. Jerry Neal, of Anchor Engineering repre.enting the petitioner, ..id th.t the two access points on Santa Barbara Boulevard are the result of an agreement with the C~unty Road Depart.ent and the Deparblent of Transportation. He said that the petitioner agrees with the stipulation.. Co..lal...r ..... .oyod, ..ooa4.d by Co..l.aloaor .ollaDd and oarrle4 ./0, that tb. public b..rln9 be clos.d. eo..l.aloD.r ..... ..yo., ..co~o4 by Co..laaloDer Bolland and carrle4 4/0, that the ordlnanc. a. Duaber.d aDd entitled below be adopted, aubj.ct to atlpalatloaa, aDd .ntor.d IDtO Ordlnanc. look .0. l' ADd tbat th. Petltlon.r'. Atr....nt be accopte41 aoot( 085 W'[ 735 Page 5 ._~ -- t--- , , "'. ..~ 1 ' ~. -t" 'f't 1. . rabrua ry a, 1985 ~~':085PA<t736 GOD...... .5-1 " t' .:',,: ,I' ,.~:... ,~., All ~ IIIIIIDØI 0IIImIUCI 12-2 ru CCIIftnD8ln IOIIIIIG '5.,1!:~. --...all..... ftl ..IIICOUOIIAnD AUA or COLLID courn,. . rlal_, n UllllDIWCI 'I'D OF'ICIAL IOIIIIIG A'I'LAS IIAP .....at .;~~, 50-21-2 n CllAllQI1IQ 'fill IC*IIIG CLAalIPICA'I'IOII or 'I'D nail. Dacu... nonan I.OCA'I'ID I. 'I'D al 0MDU.Ir'I' or IWI'rA IA.A."'" ~ AltD ItADIO aGAD I. alC'I'ICII., TOWIr..IP 50 a~;, UJliGI 21 I~, 1':I0Il A-2 '1'0 Mr-I, AJID ay PltOVIDIJIG FOR All Ø,I\."IIn DA'I'I. " Pa9. 6 c::::::J =:J ----... . -...:.;..J ,,' :t''";¡. ~_~' >"---""~"'- """"-1._--, - .. .. ltea II February 19, 1985 OIIDIIIAIICW 'S-' U Pl'!'I'rIœ Zo-U-24C, WIL8OII, NILU., 1U'rOII, BOLL I .1111:. IIIC. UQVII'rIIIG AMDÐRD1' 1'0 UDL& CRIIX 'UD - ADOP'fID Legal notice having been published In the Naple. Daily New. on January 18, 1985, a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing wa. opened to con.ider Petition ZO-84-24C, filed by Wilson, Hiller, Barton, Soll , Peek, Inc. repre.enting Eagle Creek Country CQlb, reque.ting amendment to Eagle Creek PUD. Planner Mc~I. explained this il a reque.t to amend the PUD to allow new relide~tial categories and Itandard. at a lower den.ity, to allow a tennis canter, to revi.. the Master Plan, to clarify ths funding for the ~equlred fire .tation and to provide an emergency acce.. on Price Street. She .aid that Staff reviewed the propo.ed amendment. and recommended approval subject to Tracts "F- and -G2- being limited to the zero lot line homes,' patio homes, villas, clut~er home. .nd townhousea. She said that prior to the CAPe hearing the petitioner met with Staff and they agreed to allow the garden aparblent. and low-ri.e apartmenta a. proposed in the petition and that all unit. are limited to three Itorie.. She said that the current PUD .llow. multi-family, .ix-stQry buildings. She indicated the location of the property on a map and pointed Qut the accesa road to Price St reet. Mr. TOil Peek, of Wilson, Millur, Barton, SolI, Peek, Inc., repre.enting the petitioner, explained that this development was approved a. the Shamrock Country Club and that these are modification. in reduction to density. Comml..ioner Ha..e asked if thia property has been taxed according to the 'UD .lnce 1981 when It was approved and County Attorney Saunders said that information would have to be obtained from the Tax Collector. CoII.I.sioner Ra..e a.ked that the information be obtained. Mr.. Charlotte ....tman, repre.enting the League of Women Voter., a.ked what wa. the time trame for the central wastewater collection .y.te. referred to on Page. 17 and 241 Mr. Peek said that the fir.t pha.e 1. under con.tructlon at this time for an on-.ite .ewage tr.atment plant in the .outhern portion of the property, with the pl.n to connect to the County Regional System when it 1. .val1able. eo"laal...r Goodnight lIO"e4, aeoon4ed by Co..Ia.lon.r ..... a" carried 4/0, tbat tbe public hearin, be clo.ed. eo..iaai...r Bolland ~"ed, .ocondod by Co..l..i6nor ..... aDd lOOK 085 rn 73,9 '.g e 7 ilK 085,Af,t 740 Febru.ry 111, 1985 aarrled c'o, ~t the .rdlaaDce .D Aaabered and entitled below be a~ ... .aUred Sau OrdluHe hek ... 11. OItDDWlCI IS-' All œDIIWICI AUllDIIIQ OItDIIWICI 12-2 TO CCIIPUBUIIYI IOIIIIIQ ItIIGULA~IOII8 roa m DIIIIICOUORATID AltIA OP COLLI lit COUJrn, PLOItI. .., AllDlJ)IIIQ m IOIIIIIQ A~LU IIAP ...n 51-2'-2 .., CllAllQIIIQ m IOIIIIIG CLUSIPICATIOII OF TO nail. DI8CaI.ID a&AI. noPlIt'n FItON ·PUD" TO ·PIJD'" .LAIIIIID DIIIT DlVlto"UDIT roa IlAGU caau COØIITRY CLA, AIID nOVIOUla All IUICTIYI DATI It.. It 'ftInOll a-le-nc, COLLID DlVltoPNIIIT COUORATIOII _ COII'I'I.UID TO 3/5/15 Attorney Pickworth, representing the petitioner, requested that this petition be continued to 3/5/85. Co..I..IoD.r Bollaad ~Yed, .econded by Co..I..loner ..... and carrl.d 4/0, that Petition R-'4-35C be continued to 3/5/.5. 1t0ll U 0 pnITIOII a-u-UC, vuu . A8SOCIATU, U DCKJtALD LAKIS _ COIfTIIrVID TO 3/19/85 Co..l..Ioa.r ..... ...ed, .econded by Co..l..loner .olland .nd oarrled 4/0, ~t Petition R-S.-43C be oontlnued to 3/1'/'5. It.. U 1 OaDI~1 '5-' ~IIIQ ORD. 7'-17, 18TAlLICBIIIQ TWI PILI~ lAY LIalTIIIG QTD 11' ADDIIIG ADDITIOIlAL LAMDa TBlRITO _ ADOPTID Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily Nevs on Janu.ry 31, 1985, .s evidenced by AffId.vit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consIder an ordinance amending Ordinance 78-67, est~blishing the Peli~a~ Bay Lighting MST Di.trict by adding additional lands ther~to. ~ape U County Attorney Saunders pointed out that the Board of County ComlliS.loners have been reluctant, on many occasion., to increase a non-voted levy becauae of tax cap problems. He said this item has the potential of increasing a non-voted levy by Increasing a qeographic area that i. covered by a MST District. He said that the amount of .oney involved in this matter is $70~OOO and, therefore, the total impact on the County'. ability to raise taxes would be negligible. eo.al..loD.r Boll.Dd ~Yed, .eoond.d by Co..l..1oner ..... .ad oarrled ./0, tbat tb. pabllo bo.rlDg be 010..d. Page 8 ~ -.:::::J -.. r- .. ... .. February 19, 1985 c...1..loDer Bo11aDd ~.ed, .econded by Co..i..ion.r B.... and carrl.. ./0, ~t tb. or'IIUIDO. a. n_bored and .ntltled belo" bo adopted aDd ont.red IDto Ordinano. look ~. 191 ORDIJIAIIC& 15-' All OIIDIIIAIIC& AllDDI*3 alCTIOII two 0' OItDIIlAllCI .0. 71-" TO MaD ft& 80UllDUIU or TO PILICAII lAY LIGITIItQ NUJlICIPAI. a&RVIC& ~AXI.a DIa~!CT It ADDIlfG TIOS& CIRTAI. RlCORDID a.DIYIaIC*8 DQWII AS PILICAII lAY WIT FOUR, PROVIDUIQ FOR All &'FKCTIn DA~. It.. 112 aaoLUTIC* 15-5..·.& P&TI~I,* PU-It-I.C, AJUrOLD GLASS, RIPRKIDTIJtQ ROllI. OIL CO".,' aIQU&STI.a paOVISIONAL USI -f- or C-4 rOR A BUILDIlfa I.'" ftWI 1,00080. ft., LOCATlD 011 8W COIUIIR or U.8. U . IILI.Y/- 1A!8~ DRIn -' hDOPTID SUBJICT TO CAPC STIPULATIOIfS, rIIfDIIfC-oF-rACT ~ PITITIOIIIR'S AORIIN..T - ACCIPTID Planner McKim said the objective of this petition i. to build a ..If-s.rvice qas station with a building le.. than 1,000 .quare feet. She seid Staff and all County Agencie. have reviewed thl. petition and reco...nded approval subject to the stipulation listed in thø Executive S~lIIary dated 2/8/85. Mrs. McKi. .aid at the CAPC hearing three people spoke ~ppo.ing the petition for rea.ons unrelated to the petition, and that the CAPC recommended approval .ubject to the stipulation. Mr. GlasB, repreaenting the petitioner, said that there will be no ..rvice repairs at this gas station, howev.r, milk and bread will be .old. Co..l..10A.r Bolland ~..d, .econd.d by Co..I..lonor ..... .nd oarrled ./0, that Re.olution '5-5' r. P.titlon PU-I.-IIC b. adopted .~'.ot to tbo .tlpulation aD~ tb.t tb. rlndlng-oz-r.ct .nd P.tl- tlon.r'. Agr....nt be acc.pted. &OOK 085 w.r 741 Page 9 ", --..._-~.. '.,:~~ - - ... February 19, 1985 "aaol.ftlœ as-sf aa nn'fIœ po-a.-lie ARJrOLD aLAIS, RIPRISD'!'IIIO -II. 011. COR'_. UQUIrtIIIO nonlIôMÄl. USI -d- OF C-5 I'OR aUILDI.a Laa 'I'IIAII 1,00" '0. n. LOCA'I'D 011 .. CORIfD or PI" RIDOI ROAD , AJUORt"/POU.I1IG ROAD - ADOrrlD IU8JIC'f 'fO CAPe STIPULATIOIfI, .I~IIQ-o'-rAcr ~D .1'fITIDlIR'. AGRilMEI'f _ ACClrrlD Planner McKim e.p1ained the objective of this petition is to build a .elf-.ervice qa. .tation with a building les. than l,OOO .quare feet. She .ald that Starr and all County Agencie. have reviewed thi. petition and recommend ap~r~Y.l subject to the stipulation. 11.ted in the E..cuttve Summarý dated 2/5/85. Re.pondlnq ;to Commis.ioner Hasse, Mr. ~rnold, repr..entlnq the petitioner, explained that Mobil 011 Corporation has a .tandard building produced for this use and the size la 950 square fe.t. eo..I..loDer Ba..e ~Yed, ..conded by Co..t..loner 1011and and o.rrle4 C/O, tbat Re..lutloD '5-5' r. P.tltlo. PU-S.-ltc b. adopted .~jeot to CAlC .tlp_1atlon. and that th. Flndlng-of-Iact and 'etltlo..r'. A9r.....t be accepted. lOOK 085 r~~t 747 '.q. 10 . , ~.:~~,!~,'" '~.;'" . "'~. "" ·~l~· . ...... . . ' t.",¡ ,~: ... .."". ..~.,/~:-':' ···-"~··.f~ " -~; ~, _."-J' ' .. ... .. February 19, 1985 lte. .U 'ln1'Iœ n-U-2OC. ...,.. rIltD8, UOUUTI1IG PROVUIC*AL UII -e- or ""-1 .oa A .UUIU 8CIIOOL LOCATKD AT II COIUIIR or PI" RIDaI DRIft , CARINIAII ROAD - DDUD Planner McKi. explained that the obj.ctive of this petition is to expand an e.lsting nurs.ry school frò. five to eight children. She .ald that Staff and all County Agencie. review.d this petition and recO...nd .pprov.l .ubject to the atipulations listed on the Ex.cutive Summary dat.d 2/8/85 with an additional stipulation of tiling of the Decl.ration of Pro~ective Cov.nant attached as Exhibit -A- in the back-up .aterial..' She Itatftd that S.v.n lett:ers of objection have been rec.ived, including on. from the Pin. Ridg. Civic ^ssociation, and that three people .poke again.t the p.tition at the CAPC pUblic hearing on 2/7/85, with the opposition c.nter.d around concern for incr.ase in number of childr.n, the exce.. noi.., setting a prec.dent and increa.~d traffic In a r..id.ntial ar.a. Attorn.y Wil.on, repre.enting the petitioner, explained that Mi8S ri.ld. has h.ld this nur.ery school for fi~e year. and it is her .ole 80urce of income, adding that: she has been carinq for approximately six to eight childr.n. He said that the Department of Health has advised His. Field., since .h. Is caring for more than five children, that she .hould make an .ppllcatlon ~o the Board of County Com_is.ioners for per.l..ion to do '0. He explained that ahe currently cares for five children and that the Departmønt of Health gave Miss rielda five month. to obt.ln permiS.ion. He said that she has installed a .prinkler syst... He aaid that it waa hia opinion that the Pine Ridge Civic As.oclation's main complaint was that if Hisa Fields was granted the provlslon.l USQ that sh. would ultimately care for 25 children, how.v.r, at the petitioner'. r.queat, one of the stipulations ia that the number of children be limited to eight. The following persons .pok. .gainst this petition on grounds of setting a precedent .nd Incr....d tr.ffic and noi..: Mr.. V.nette Skillin Mr. John Cardillo, President, Pine Ridge Civic As.ociation Mr. Tho... Ru...ll Mr. George K.1I.r, presid.nt, Colll.r County Civic Federation, Inc. Th. following p.r.ons Spoke In favor of the petition citing the nur.ery fUlfills. n.ed and i. Miss ri.lds' only income I Rev. Rl chard Ma pes ;;0; 085 PI~~ 753 Page 11 MOt 085rm754 Mr.. Donna XI...ll February 19, 1985 Co..I..loner Vo.. a.ked It this petition were approved and Miss l1e1da' property were .old, what would happ.n to the provi.lonal u.e? Co..unlty Development Adalnlatrator Virta ..id, norm.lly, the provl- alonal uae would rvn with the land, however, the petitioner ha. yoluntarlly agreed to record a covenant which would ce... the nursery .choo1 operation .hould the property change hand. in any form. ae .ald If the covenant were violated that would require civil action. He .aid that owner-occupied child care facilities are a provi.ional u.e in all re.identl.l di.trict.. County Attorney Saunder. said it was hi. beliet that if there wa. a Ylolatlon of the recorded covenant that would be . violation of the County Zoninq Code, which would be a criminal ..tter, al.o. eo..l..lener ..... ~Yed, .econded by Co..l..loner Bolland and a.crled C/O, kbat Petltl.n PU-'C-2OC bo denied. ee·aaclS8. lO.05 A.N. RICo.YKMIDI 1011t A.N.... !'ape U It_ 115 'ITI!'Iœ ft-U-UC, AJUIOIID NASTAIIDRIA, RIQUISTIIIG A 3 NI)"" IXTD8II* P&RNIT TO UTILIII A !'RAVlL !'RAILaR DURIIIG Co.STRUCTIo. or A PRI.CIPLI RDIDalCI 0. . 110' OF !'RACT 7, WIT 32. GOLDn GATI ISTATU _ APPROVJ:D FOR , MOIT.8 WIT. .0 IXTI~SIO.8 POSSI8LI Community Developaent Admini.trator Virta ..id this a a reque.t for the first three month extension to a Temporary Re.idence Permit. He referred to the Executive Summary dated 2/5/85 in which Staff recom.end. denial and explained the reasons Cor that recommendation vas because the building permit had not been obtained and the .ite doe. not meet the locatlonal requirements of the ordinance. In an.wer to Commlasioner Holland, Mr. Virta .aid that a trailer ha. been on the property Cor approximately two months. He .aid that a building permit was obtained on 2/18/85. ~r. Virta clarified that there was never a permit for the trailer to be placed on the property, only the ability for Mr. Ma.tandrea to apply tor such a permit, after the Board of County Commi.sioner. approved that reque.t in July, 1984. He stated that the time frame of the por~lt begin. when the Board grants approval for the petitio~er to apply for the perllit, whether or not the per.on seek. to obtain the trailer permit. He explained that a new form has been devi.ed for Tomporary Re.ldence Permits which require. the building permit number. Dur1n9 the en.uln9 dlscu.slon, Mr. Virta explained that a per.on Page 12 I - _ -J ---'- -r-'-.'-- --- - .. "" February 19, 1985 ba. .1. aonth. after a building permit is obtained before the first Inspeotlon take. pla~e. COII.issioner Holland .xpr....d hia opinon that the entire subject of travel trailers and Temporary Re.idence Permits needs att.ntlon. Mr. Armond Ma.tandrea, the petitioner, .aid that he purcha.ed the prop.rty under di.cu..lon on Logan Boulevard and applied for a trailer per.it before placing a trail.r on the prop.rty, howevur, bad weather ..de it Impossible. for him to get into the prop.rty. He said he had cleared the prope'rty to put In the driv.way. Due to the bad weather, he .aid he did not pick up the trail.r permit .ince there was no way any lIore land cl'earing could be done on the property. He said when he wa. ready to proceed with construction, two or three weeks ago, he was told that six month. had lapsed on the trailer permit that h. never h~d picked up. In response to Commissioner Voss, Mr. Ma.tandrea said that be could not build hi. house In three months. Re.ponding to Commi.slon.r HOlland, County Attorney Saunders said that ~h.ther or not a person could put a trailer on a piec. of property but not live in it WQuld depend on the area where tho property was located. Mr. Virta .aid that there are limitations within single falllly districts as to the length of time that a trailer or R.V. can be placed in a front yard. ~ .aid in this instance thp. trailer is occupied. Mr. Mastandrea said that he is not living in the trailer but it is ready to be lived in. He said that FPL has not been out to run the electricity to the property. Mr. George Keller, pr.'ld.nt, Collier County Civic Federation, Inc., read a letter into the record regarding Temporary Re.id.nce Permita (!xhibit 1) r.queatirg a change in the ordinance. Mr. Vlrta said that the new Temporary Residence Permit application incorporates all aspect. of that portion of the Zoning Ordinance and .ptlls out the tl.. limits and ask. If a person is applying for their Initial permit, hi. first or final extension. Commission.r Holland a.ked If this would have to be an amendment to the ordinance and Mr. Saunders said thal the form Mr. Virta mentioned sets forth the provl- .lon. a. they are contained In the ordinance and he ia not rewriting the ordinance. Mr. Joe Grll1l1 spoke in oPpo.ition to thia petition becauae the .lte I. not remote and reque.ted that the trailer be removed. He said that there 1. a .ercury vapor light on Mr. Ma.tandrea's prop.rty at aODK 085 rJ~r 755 Page 13 .',,.. .' w..'_.,..__..._..."....o<,,.,,, ""..,~.-.-- - ... -~' ''t' {~." 'OIC 085l'ACt 756 ~{: é~) ni9ht. :£,.,... It February 19, 1985 Mr. Cei.. said that the trailer has been on the property lor 'approxlaatoly five month. and that a culvert and driveway have been install.d, althoU9h h. ha. been told by the Engineerini Department that no p.r.lta were obtain.d for those. Mr. Ma.t.ndrea .ald that he has a potable generator for the el.ctrlclty on hi. property .nd that V.ter i. .upplled frolll a nelihbor through a iard.n ho.e for te.porary u.e. He said that the trailer va. on the property .everal tl.e. for .torage, only, a. he had been told thl. wa. .11 right if no one lived in it. ee..l..lon.r Iol1and ~..d. ..cond.d by Co_l..lon.r B.... and oarrle. 3/1, eo..l..10oer Yo.. oppo.ed, that '.tltlon TR-.C-14C be approwed for' ..nth. witb no .xt.n.lons po.slbl.. It_ 11' DlacuUIC* or All OUIIWICI RILATIItQ TO NOVIJIIDT or .Un.DIIIa! _ COWTIWOID TO J/lt/.5 Co..I..loD.r Ooodftl9ht ~..d, .econded by Co_I..loner B.... and oarrl.d 4/0, tbat tb. dl.cu..lon of an ordinance relating to ~....nt of bulldl.,. be contlnu.d to 3/1'/15. It.. 117 W'OltUm. Faa ftUIIITATIOII 011 uaOORCI RlCOVIRY 011 2/2'/15 AT 1130 '.N. - .uPROVID Public Work. Administrator ~uck explained a requeat by the Solid NoI.te Department to conduct a public work.hop at 1130, 2/26/85, to provide Information to the public and to pr~mote public understand1n9 of the nece..ity for the Collier County Solid Waste Resource Recovery Act. Hr. Ir. E. Ev.na aald that he presumed that this workshop would allow an opportunity for public input on this sUbject, a~~ added that this Act, a. written, i. far broader than i. needed to tu¿fill the purpo.e for which It was drawn. He lU9geated that a preliminary ....10n .hould be held on thl. Act. Com.l..lon.r Voss .aid that there will be an opportunity for public Input at tha work.hop. eo..l..I...r ..... ".ed, .eooM.d by eo_haion.r Iolland aDd oarrle. C/O, tbat a work.hop for pre..ntatlon on a..ourc. R.oo..ry on 2/2'1'5 at l.30 '.N. be .pprowed. IhII 'II Page lC ¡:::j =:J ----, ---..J _R.., _ F-' .. .., ... February 19, 1985 COLLID COUII'I'Y rAIR 80AAD Al'POu''l'N1II'T8 _ APPROYlD CO..Is.ioner Vo.. .nnounced that the following ~ember. are r.co...n~.d to oe appolnt.d to the ~ollier County Fair Soardl Hr. 8ill Hill, President John Cargiulo, Vice President Drew Wenz.l, Treasurer Jo S.lvia, Secretary Donald Lusk, Past President Reggie Brown, Agriculture Nin. Ribin.ki, Public Schools Paul Martin, County Bar Alsn. Ji. O'Connell, COllier County Civic .....n. Co..l..loner ..... ~..d, .ocondod by Collnl..lon.r Goodnltht .nd oarrled 4/0, tbat the abo.e-n...d ponon. bo .ppolnted to the ColUer Count~ Fair Boacd. It.. In 8AU OF 8n.1.U nO'IRT'r, JlVI IQUIPMDT, AJlD COUIIT1' TRUCK 14970 FOR 8CRAP - APPROVID. CAPRI MATIR PLAwTS - DIPIRRID As.istant COunty Manager Dorr1ll said that legðl notice was made r.cently regarding aeveral inatances of surplus property involving equipment formerly aasociated with th~ Motor Vvhlcle I~spoction Station, a water treatment plant off the Isle of Capri Road and a .crap piCk-up truck .tored at tho County Complex. He said this is a request that the former MVI equipgent be declared surplus and sold in the allount of $1,265 to Caatle Equipment, of Orland Park, Illinois and that the Ite.. related to the water treatment plant be deferred until proper Itellization and Staff work Is completed and returned to the Board. He st.ted that bids will be received until 2126/85, regarding the scrapped truclo: which h.s an e.timated scrap value of less than $25.00. He r.quested Soard authorization to dispose o~ it at the time that bids ar. rec.ived .ince it i. Ie.. than $25.00. eo..l..10n.r Boll.nd ~Y.d, .ocond.d by CO"I..lon.r ..... and oarried 4/0, ~t sal. of .urplu. proporty of JlVI equlpaeat aad Count~ truck 14t7G for .orap be appro.od and the Capri ~t.r Pl.nt. be deferrod. It.. 120 .RUDTATIœI or ..01'(811) AMDIJRDT TO CCURU ORDUIAIICI TO TO CCURQ at COUIITY Anoun - UP.OVID County Attorney Saunders e.plalned this is a reque.t by COl. Be~be to ...nd the CCURRB ordinance to provide, in the event that there i. an Int.rvenor in a Utility Rate ea.. and that Intervenor repre.ent. aor. &OO~ 085 W,( 757 Page 15 '. ;. ...- ""-_.,'--~ .fIr:.:, , ,11ft 085~Ar,! 758 rebruuy 19, 1985 th.n 50' of the Custo.er. of the Utility, that the rate ca.e e.pen.e of the Intervenor be p.ld out of the gener.l rate case expense which 1. P....d on to the u.ers of the utility system. ae .U9ge.ted, In the event the Bo.rd approve. this, that the first step would be for hi. to aake · presentation to the CCURRB to obtain their input and then he will prepare the appropriate amendment to the ordinance and return it to the 80a rd. Col. John Beebe, pre.ident of Lakewood Civic Association, .aid that he and other .ember. of hi. a..ociatlon are rate payer. to the Eaat Napl.. Wa ter Systelll, Inc. and are currently involved in a rate C..e hearin9 before the CCURRB. He explained, unlike the Florida Public Service Comlllia.ion, there 1. no pUblic counsel representing the rate payers nor a pUblic .teff of auditors, attorneys or engineers to audit the utility'. books, to scrutinize the expen.es, I') exal1liTto the rate ba.e and capital structure, plant additions and plant operation.. He .ald that the County Staff are neither for nor against the utility or any Intervenor. He said that the County Rate Consultants who te.tify aa expert witnesses work from data supplied by the utility and make no Independent investigations. He said that utility rate payer., who may be aware of other facts affecting the capital structure, expense. claimed, cost cf the plant and other elements which go Into the rate base and rate of return and which ultimately affect the rate. peld by the consumer. for water and sewage service, have no choice but to engage legal counsel and, possibly, their own rate consultant and intervene to get their evidence into the record and to make their point.. He .aid that their intervention benefits all rate payer. and the co.t should be spread over all rate payers provided the Intervenor. can show that they represent a majority of the rate payers. He aaid an a.endment to authorize such a pass-through to all rate payers of the Intervenor.' expenae is recommended for the Board'a consideration and he urged the COllllli.sioners to refer this proposal to the County Attorney for drafting of the proposed amendment and referral to the CCURRB for their comments prior to SUbmission to the Board of County Comml.sion for action. He sU9geated that the method of rate regulation .~oulð Þe re-examined at the conclusion of the East Naplea Water Sy.tems case. He said that the CCURR8 members are outstanding and are doing an excellent job, but the problem is the expense which must be borne by the rate payers. Col. Beebe explained if the Public Service Commission held the Page 16 t::::J ~--'" ----I - .~_. - -----"'b:L Y --... F ~......_"-_.. - ... ~ February 19, 1985 utility rate cas.. there would b. no need for the County or Intervenors to ..ploy consultants and if the hearinq. of the PSC w.re held in COllier County the State Public S.rvice Colllmi..ion Hearing Offic.r would hear Intervenors and any rate payer and would bear the expense and a 2' R.gulator Fee would be paid. aa i. now done. He .aid that the .avings to rate payers on their utility bills would be considerabl.. ø. recommend.d that con.lderatlon favoring the current method of rate r.gu1ation versus regulation by the Public Service Commisaion be e.am1ned to determine which would be most beneficial to the rate payers. Mr. Stephen'Adama, preaident of the Glades Country Club Apartments Aa.ociatlon. ..i~ that his organization fully concurs with Col. Beebe's pre.entation. Commlsaioner Holland aSked If the County Attorney had been approached on the pos.ibility of East Naples Water Systems, Inc. being for sale, and Mr. Saunders said he had, adding that at the last meeting the Utility reque.ted, the Utility told Staff they were interested In dlscu..lng acqul.ttlon and they gave a ballpark figure for the acqul.ltion price and indicated they would be willing to enter into m.aningful negotiations. Commiasioner Holland .aid he had been told that this offer will be forthcoming in writing. He suggeated that the Board look further into this matter quickly and establish whatever 1. n.c...ary to do the feasibility study as to justification of a bond is.u. to purcha.e the facility. Mr. Saunder. said that the County Manager has contacted the Engineer of Record to have them do a more thor~uqh study of Eaat Naple. Water Sy.tems, Inc. Utilities Administrator Crandall .aid that East Naplea Water Systems. Inc. has .hown good faith verbally that they are willing to s.ll their facilitie. and Staff ia stepping up the progreaa of the .tudy of that .yatell. County Manager Lu.k saiJ that East Naple. Wat.r Syst..., Inc. has been requeatad to put their propo.al in writing, after which Staff will commence work on the detail. involved. CO..I..lon.r ..... ~Yed, .eooDd.d by Co..l..10ner GoOdDight and oarrled ./0, that a pre.entatlon of a propo..d a..ndaent to th. CCUIRI Ordlaaaoe to the Collier Count, Utility Rat. aDd .egulatloD Ioard by the COUDty Attorne, be approv.d. Mr. Saunders clarified that the amendment to the CCURRB Ordinanc. would affect all regulated utllitie. and not just East Naples Water BOOK 085 ~vr 759 Page l7 .,...~"..., . . ---._,o."""'.'"...~,.,,"."-"__..... '", ""~ # . . .'. F~~", .' :1pW~~' , . '.. Ii . :.~,.. 085rm 760 ~.~ ¡~'r~',' lyateM, Inc. 'Jgiteìt 121 ';~¡'\¡!,; 'NaotaTIOII IS-CO Rt A"." JlAIIr'l'DAllCI COImtAcn ;)f:··:~'~ ' r.bruary 19, 1985 - ADOPTED County Attorney Saundere .xpl.ln.d th.r. wa. confualon over the laat alx week. concernlnq probl.ms that wwr. experl.nced with AT'T and lnatal1atlon of the phon. syst.. In the Sheriff'. Departm.nt and h. r.port.d that approxlllately twwnty hour. of m..ting. in the last thirty d.,s have b.en h.ld with AT'T regardlnq the probl.ma of obtaining ....nti.l .qulp..nt for the Sh.rlff'. Department. He sai~ when this It.. wa. Initially compiled for the agenda It was felt that two additional agr..II.nts vere n..ded with AT'T, one call.d a Service Plus Agr....nt for tho Sh.riff'. Department and an Addenda to that Agr....nt. He .xplain.d, after meeting with AT'T, a solution was r.ach.d .nd . ne.d for the Add.ndum has been eliminated. H. said that tho Sorvic. Plus Agr..II.nt will be signed by the Sheriff and will not conc.rn the Board of County Commi..ioners. H. said that the Board noods to ..ecute a Maint.nanc. Agreement on the facilitiea installed in Building -,- and all of the other items concerning the Sheriff'. Department have been .11~inated. He said that the one year warranty p.rlod with AT'T has .xpIred w~i~h nece..itat.. the Maintenance Ag r....nt. eo..laaio.or ..... ~Yod, .oco.dod by Co..l..loDer GoodDlght and oarrl.d 4/0, that Resolution 15-10 ro the AT6" Maint.nanc. A9r....nt be ad4Þ~" _ Pa 9 e 18 C=:J ---, - .~ - t ,.,,-. ..,~ m~ 085 PAGl 7GB ltea 122 ItOU'I'I.. .ILLS - A."OVID FOR 'AD'U'I' February 19, 1985 Pur.uant to Resolution 81-150, the following check. throur;¡h hbruary 15, 1985, in pay¡:lent of routine billl: CHECK DESCRIPTION CHECK NOS. Vendor 124293 - 125212 BCC Payroll 10054 - 10600 vere I..ue" AMOUNT $3,647,805.85 $ 239,204.64 It. 123 .UDQET .~"DN~ '5-l7l/17' I '5-l7t - ADOPTID CoaaI..loDer BollaAd ~Y.d, .econded by Co..ls.loner Goodnl9bt and Oarrled ./0, tbat aud,et AIIo~nt. 15-l71/176 aDd 15-17' be adopted. It.. 12. .1X7 .0"'.0' SCIZDULID lOR 3/1/'5, SPICIAL AaETIWC al DI8CUSSIO. WIT. PI~IAL ACVI.ORB RE Bo.D a&PI~CI.a SCBIDULID FOR 3/1/.5 .T lC.JO A.N. County Manager Lusk requested that the Board of County Commis- sioners hold a Special Meeting to have. discussion from the County Financial Advi.ors regarding the type of refunding to bv aone on the Bond Issue. Commi.sioner Voss said that the Financial Advisors have bepn requested to prepare what the debt service would be if 23 million dollars worth of bonds wre involved and how much it WQuld be if 2, 3 or 4 million dollars were added to the initial amount. Mr. Lusk said that part of the problell1 11 the direction received a few months ago regarding the Health Facility, adding that the Board .et up a Financial COll1mittee, at that time, who looked at the refund underwriter. and their dutiea was to look at an unde~writer for a lIealth racUity Bond. He said some type of direction is needed as to whether the Health Facility is to be put with this refunding or If it will stay separate. By ooaa.D.~, the decl.10n was ..d. tbat the ne.t work.hop will be be1d on J/l/.5 at 9aOO A.N. Tape 15 Mr. Saunder. said that the Special Meeting will be adverti.ed for lOl30 A.M. on 3/1/85, and h. said he' would contact the Financial Advi.ors and Underwriters to make sure they will be available. Ite. 125 IXTRA QAIW TIME POR I_NATI '.6167 - APPROVED eo..1..loner Bolland ~Y.d, ..cond.d by Co..ls.loner ..... and Page 19 =:J =::J - . ! ---... - 01- --.~.......:~.._- ~ ,.._~---"" .. .-- .. February 19, 1985 oarrled 4/0, that Ixtra Gain TI.. for In.ate ,elll' be approye4. ltea 12' U~IAn,* OIP cœrIIlCAT&D TaUS? PUIIDtJ rOR PROCURIMI:II'r or nCDICAL, LlGAL IX.,ITI.I fOR COLLIIR COUWTY SIERI,.,. OFFICI - APPROVID Deputy Chief Don Hunter explain~d a request for appropriation of Confi.cated Tru.t Fund. for the procurement of technical, legal expertise for the Collier County Sheriff'. Office. He said this i. to be . part-time poaltion, adding that an evaluation of the job has been _.de and 20 hours per wek would be needed. He said the work would not Involve criminal :l.aw but would be only for the Civil Division to answer question. of legal nature. Commi.aion.r Voss said a more efficient way of proceeding with thl. aatter would be through the County Attorney and if another person had to be added to the Staff to do the work it waa his opinion that 'should be done. Mr. Hunter said there may be a conflict of interest if the ~ounty Attorney handled the position. Commi.sloner Voss said, in those cases, out. ide counsel could be obtained. County Attorney Sa under a .~id that his Staff is at capacity and the Commia.ion ha. recently embarked on a Pollution Control Program and there 1. involvement with acquisition of utili~ies and the position under diacuaalon would be added ~rK for his Staff and it WQuld be unrealistic for hi a current Staff to be able to handle the additional NOrk. Commissioner Vosa said that this request is for a paralegal peraon and if another legal person i. needed the place for auch a peraon i. in the County Attorney's office. eo..l..10Der 1011an4 ~Yed, .ecoDded by Co..isaloner Goodni9ht, that tho appropriation of Confisoated Trust Funds for tbe procure.ent of teokDloal, 1.9al ..pertl.. for tbe Colli.r Count, Sheriff's Office be approyed. CO..ia.ioner Hasae said that he could see no reason why the County'a Legal Department could not be u.ed for thia po.ition. Mr. HUnter .aid that this leqal counsel would not only help the Sheriff but would al.e help train deputies regarding civil law and policy procedures. Deputy Chief Barnett aaid that the Sheriff is an independent COnstitutional Officer with a budget of 11 .illion dollar. a year and b. needa to have advice on how to apend the money. He said he has been bandllng the civil suits for quite a while and It ia almo.t a full ti.e job. He said that the County Attorney'S loyalty should be to the Board aOOK 085 W,r 7G7 Page 20 ,"'/1 ~:...~~. . ,~~ I . t' .,. '~'i · !\!"... ,. 085,m7fi8 February 19, 1985 of County Com.l..loner.. 81 .aid, .. far a. he knew, the Collier County Sheriff'. Offlc. 1. the largest law enforce.ent a9~ncy that doe. not have an attorney. ør.. oall for ~ queatloD, tb. ..tloD carried 3/1, eo..l..loner .... oppo.ed. It. 127 DI8CU8SIo. _I TIAPORAaI RIIIDI.CI PIRMIT8 Co..i.sloner Voss asked if the people requesting Temporary Re.l- dence per_ita on the Consent Agenda have buiJdinq permit. and Community Development Administrator Vlrta said that two are request. for e.ten- aions, that the people have building permit. and the buildings are under construction, however, he did not know if the other two had building permlta. County Attorney Saunders stated that the procedure that haa been followed regarding Temporary Residence Permits is not inconsistent wit.. the code, adding that approval is .ubject to a building permit being is.ued. Mr. Joe Grimm said that Mr. Virta has not checked on the other two Temporary Re.ldence Per~its on the Consent Agenda. Commiasioner Voas sai~ If the Board approves them Mr. Virta will check those cas.a and added that all the CommIssioners are doing, now, is giving the person permiS.ion to apply for a Temporary Re.idence Permit. Mr. Saunders .aid If a trailer permit is approved, this date, and no bUilding perllit is ever issued, that trailer permit will expire and a trailer cannot be moved on the property until a building permit i. actually obtained and the trailer permit is completed by Staff. He said that th~ Zoning Director i. aupposed to makn a recommendation to the Board concerning approval or denial of the Commission authorizing the is.uance of a trailer permit and Staff will then issue the permit for the Board. Commis.ioner Voss aaked, if permission ia granted by the Board, that the Community Development Department check to make aure 4 building permit ia issued before any trailer pcrmit is iaauea and Mr. Virta said he could guarantee that. Hr. Grimm requested a case-by-c~se recapitulation on all the Temporary Residencv Permits a. to whether or not the applicants have complied with the ordinance 4. far as the remoteness of the site, the e.istence of a building perllit, and the on-going construction in caae of building permit extensions. Page 21 t:::::J ::::J ==:J -F - ... ... February 19, 1985 eo..l..lon.r Ra..e a..ured Mr. Grimm that Staff i. working on the probl... reg.rdlng Temporary Re.ldence Permit.. Mr. Grimm .aid that the first application on the Consent Agenda is In Unit 34 wh1ch i. ne.t to Green Boulevard and he maintained that i. not re.ote. He contended that the ordinance. in Collier County are not applied unifor.ally to evoryone as they are intended to be. Mr. Saunders .aid that petition is for a three month exten.ion. Mr. V!rta ..ld th.t Staff recommended denial of that permit at the original application and it was approved. He aaid that the house has been fr..ed and it has rough siding on it and considerable pr09resa haa been ..de on the slte~' In response to Mr. Grimm, Commiasioner H~llðnd said that the Co..l..ioners vo'te their conscience on the.e permits. ··*The followlnv Ite.. we:. approyed .nd/or adopted under the Con..nt AcJenda by ~t1on of Co_lsa1oner Boll.nd, .econded by eo"I..lon.r a.... and carried 4/0.... lto. 12' 'I!'. ft-U-3C, aoan SIIALLanIUQIR, u 3 MO.TB IXTRSIOII TO TEMPORARY aKSIDElCI PIRKIT OM waST 180' or TRACT 97, UMIT 34, GOLDIV OATI ISTATI5 It.. 12' .ay. ft-.5-11C, JOI NARTORILLO, RI TEMPORARY RISID~I PIRKIT, O. WKST lSO' or YaACT 56, UWIT .1, GOLDIN GATI ISTATES It_ 130 .ay. ft-lC-l5C, PATTI IITLA1ID8, RI 3 NONTH IXTDSIO. TO TEMPORARY RISIDaCI PIRKIT rOR UWIT 18, TRACT 56, GOLDI. ~ATI ISTATIS It_ Ul pn. U-'.-5C, U.I. IIOftI/RUTDIIRO OIYIIIO. U VARINlCI FROI'I RIAA YARD IIt'8ACI roR LOT 4, aLl. C, UWIT 1, roxrIRI, 5420 FOX BOUWD DRIVI It.. 132 pay. ft-.5-.C, GIORGI CORU.I, JR., al TDlPORARY RISIODICI .IRKIT, 011 17n IT., w.w., TRACT 102, UWIT 7, GOLOR GATI ISTATU It_ 133 ItalC:LA88IPICATIOII or CLIU I POSITIO. IN FLlIT MAJIAOINI1n' DIPT. TO IICanUy II &OQK 085 PAr:t 76.9 P.ge 22 ~DOIt 085 mt 770 'ebruary 19, 1985 It.. Uf InIllœ 0Ir fOIlnœ DaCRIPTIOII AIID I.cUUI '1'0 PAY GRAD. ....10 or ~IC OPIaA~IOIII IØPIRYIIOR Itnln pmnœ '10 caDft LAD ftArrORD rAJUCS aOAD PAVI.a ASSIaM...., DIS'l'RIC!' - ACCIPnD (Or191Dal petltloD DOt recelyed In Clerk of Ioard offloe) It.. 131 CC*I'IIUIA~IOII or NICIA&L JlCCLILLAII A8 A GOLDa GATI PAUWAY lIAUTIPICA- ~IOM ADVIIORY CONNIrTl1 AL~IRKA~I NIKBIR It.. 137 hTDlSIOII or couaTllOUSI GROU1lDS NAIIITIIIAJICI COMTRACT POR S NOIl1'BS WIn IPARKY'S NAIIITIXAMCI Ite. U. lID "15, I'OIt UAL1'II DIrT. AIID COUll" MAIIAOIR CONPUTIR COMSULTATIO. SlaVICII - AKAaDID '1'0 tROCaR ABSOCIATIS, I.C., UAPLIS, rio, I. VARIOUS ANOuwra rOR VARIOUS STAaIS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily New. on JanuAry 7, 1985. a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication fi~.d with the Clerk, bid. were taken for Bid '786, for c~mputer consultation .ervice. for the Health Department and the County Man~ger, until 2130 P.M. on January 21, 1985. It.. 13' Ca.raAcT FOR IY '15 LIBRARY OPlRATI.a Q~ (STATI AID) ADNIMISTIRID IY ITATI LIlRA.RY OF FLORIDA See Pages 71L/- -77? Ite. 140 APPROVAL '1'0 IUlNIT ~ APr~:=ATIo. UMDIR JUVE.ILI JUSTICI ~D DILI.OUEMCY PRIVEMTIOM ACT It.. In C~I ORDCR MO. 2 I. ANOu.r or $',COO TO BETTIR ROADS, I.C. roa COIII'l'RUCTIOM OF DUaOUTI AT IMOKALII COMNUIIITY PARK BASUALL FULD S.. Pag.. 777 Ite. In SAU OF SnpLUS JtADAR ALTINITIR '1'0 COLLIIIt COUIITY NOSQUI'I'O COIIftOL DII1'IIIC!' rOR '500 (=::¡ ----.~ , .----1 -- . ' ............ ---------- .. _"'_.._._«=-<,--,,,,,,,,,_.,~-",~~--", - P.ge 23 - .. - February 19, 1985 It.. "3 IIIDODICY JIWIAOIIID'f AS8J:8'I'AllCI . NAIIITDlAJlCI . SIRVICI RICURRIIIQ CllARG18 COIITRAC'I'8 SU paqu 77 ¡; ~ 7?...5" . Ite. .U CDTUICATU PO. CORRKCTIOII 1'0 TAX ROLLS AS n18D1'ID II PROPIRn Al'PRAI8IR 1982-670/671 1983-3'61/364 144/155 1982 TAX '{EAR 1983 TAX YE"'R 1/24-31/85 1/23-31/85 1/22-216/85 1984 TAX YEAR 1984-109 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX ROLL 19B4 l/2B/8S It.. .n IXTRA GAl. TINI rOR I.MATI NO. 34713 It.. '41 NISCIL~IOUS CORRISPO.DIMCI - rILID AND/OR RErlRRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the miscel- laneous correapondence be filed and/or referred as indicated belowl 1. Letter dated 2/4/85, from Egon Hill, reporting on aid to Senior Citizens in Collier County during Calendar Y.ar 1984. FUed. 2. Departmental Reports - Filed. A. Collier County /'Iu.ewn, January, 1985. B. Public Safety, January, 1985. (Medical Examincr) C. Veterans Servicea, December, 1984. 3. Letter dated 2/4/85, from John /'I. DeGrove, Sec., Dept. of Co.munlty Alfair., re Florida Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Housing Proqr4111, plua copy of COllier County'S ranking and housing score. xc: Ms. Williamaon. rUed. 4. Letter dated 1/25/85, from Gordon Romeis, Environ. Sup'v., DER, re effluent discharge to Cocohatchee River from Collier District -A- Sewage Treatment Plant. Filed. 5. Latter dated 2/1/85, from Richard W. Cantrell, Environ. SuP'v., DIR, enclosing short form application (rile No. 110988445), plus copy of Health Depart.ent septic syst.. .It. evaluation. XCI Hr. Vi rta. Filed. 6. Latter dated 1/24/85, from Verlon E. Shannon, Chief, Aaal.t.d 800~ 085 W.( 771 Page 2. .... "}¡;":"" ..,I. . j~~;;"" '.> t . --- _'>,-<,~~,..-.<~,...,. "_.,-~-~, ,y 085 ~AGt 772 rebrua rf 19, 1985 Houaln9 Manage.ent Branch, RUD, enclo. ng an approved copy of HUD Fora 52673, Eatiaate of Totel Required Annual Contribu- tion. for ry endln9 9/30/85. XCI Ma. Wl1ll.maon. riled. 7. Copy of ..lIorandUII dated 1/21/85, fro. Richard W. Froe.ke, Chief, Office of Recreation Service., Dlv. of RecreatIon' Park., DHR, re Draft Recreation Grant Program, Rule for Land and Water Conservation Fund Program and Florida Recreation Developmont AsaIstant Proqral1l. xc: Mr. Norton. riled. 8. Letter dated 2/1/85, from William J. McGill, Mðnaqer, Airport. Division, U.S. DOT, enclosing copy of Office of Inspector General Report on Us. and Dispoa,l of Real Property, Federal Aviation Admini.tratlon, Southern Region. XCI Mr. Kuck. riled. 9. Letter dated 1/23/85, from Attorney William R. Burwell re EMS claim for Robert Wallace, Probate '83-433-CP, Alachua County, XCI Mr. Wampler. riled. lO. Copy of letter dated 2/5/85, from Edward Kreider, Exec. Dir., Five County Builders, Contractors Aslin., Inc., requIJsting bidding documents for Health Dept. Buildings, Collier County. xc: Purchasing Dept. Filed. ll. Copy of letter dated 1/8/85, from James J. Bracher, Exec. Dir., Hospital Cost Containment BQard, enclosing a copy of t!1e 1983 Hospital financial Data Report. Filed. 12. Letter dated 1/24/85, from Leveda Brown, Chairman, Alachua County Board of County Commissioners, explaining .urvey queationnaire re indigent health care to be mailed to all Florida Counties. XCI Mr. Norton. Filed. 13. Copiea of Minute.: A. CAPe' CCPA, l/17/85 and 2/7/85 agenda, Es. Contractora' Licensing Board, 1/16/851 C. Emergency Medical Services Advisory Com., 1/9/851 D. Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Com.. 11/27/a4. Filed. 14. Letter dated 2/6/85, from Robert J. Larson, Acting Airport Director, re approval of a one year extension of the lea.e with Collier County for the hellcopter/EMS station which expIred 9/30/84. xc: Messrs. Dorrill, Norton and GUes. Filed. 15. Letter dated 2/4/85, from P. Gerald DeSimone, General Part- ner, WOodgate at Naple., re aewer impact fee for Treetops of Naple. PhaSlt II, Bldg. Pnrmit '&4-3446. xc: Mr. Dorrill. I"iled. l6. Letter dated 2/ó/85, from Mr. and Mrs. Noah Kirkland oPpoa1ng 78 unit multi-family condOllinium project proposed near them. XCI Mr. Boldt and Planning Dept. Filed. 17. Letter dated 2/4/85, from CharUe B. Hudnell, Dlat. DIr. V, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, re proposed 1984-85 bUdgeta for Marco Ialand WaterlSewer, Sewer Diat. -A-I Goodland Water Diat., and Willoughby Acrea. xc: Mr. Lusk and Mr. Gile.. ri led. Page 25 C=:J ----i '-----r" " -_""~""-""''''''''',,~-.-...";"..... - - - February 19, 1985 18. Letter dated 1/23/85, fro. Allen £11a. enclo.ing check for Leln '84-16, Unit 2, Blk. 19, Lot 26, NoIfles Park. XCI Mr. WOodcock, check .ent to Finance Dept. Fled. * * * There being no further buslnes., the meetinq was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Timel 11140 A.M. .' BOARD OF COUNTY COMHISSIONERSI BOARD OF ZONING APPE~LS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BO~RD(S) OF SPECI~L DISTñICTS U~DER ITS CONTROL ...~~~oss. C"A!'''' ATTEST I WILLIAM J. REAGAN, CLERK ~,;~\".':'H~(::...~ . , S~.~ ~1'7~ ':~ - /k 'þ.~ Dc.. ~e.,e;'.Uñut.. ~proved on~"'...c. 5;~?Pr- . .' .' '.. oç 'corncted ~ ~ . ~ . , IIA"':~'11'~\\~\"'" " \ /IS presented lOOK 085 PAG( 773 .' ,).:~, .' ~~.,~;... -- Page 26 L- --.. . ,..,... I" " .~..