BCC Minutes 03/05/1985 R .. - - lfapll1S, 'l"rId", r;:arch 5, HaS LET IT 81 REMEMS£RED, that the doard of C"unty Commissioners in and for the County of Colli~r, ðnd also a:ting )S the Board of Ion1n9 App.als and as the governing board(s) of such special di.tricts .. have b.en createo accordlng to law ànd hðvlng conducted busln31B neuLn, m.t on tills dlote at 9100 A.I'I. in REGULAR SESSION 1n Bulldin'ì .p. of tn.. (;ourthous. Comp1...IC, I:.ðst N.:Iplus, .'l'HlcJ, \,ltl1 tn.. follo.,If1,:! _.b.r. ~r.s.ntl CtiAl"NAI'I: t'cco<:nck J. V(\SS Vlt:E. CIiAIR:1AN: C. C. -"Old- Ho:Llne !"~;< tnsse ...nnli! G"odnlqht "tlS!::NTI John A. pistor ALSO p"£S£I'ITI \l'>1111am J. keG,:!.:!n, Clerk: J~m.;!s C. GIles, f'lscal Offlc." (9100-9IJ¡' A.M.) I Vlr:pnið l1aCJC1 /lnd ¡,lðuc"en Keny"n (9145 ,".f'..) Deputy Clerks, ,Surt L. ¡¡aunders, County Attorn::tYI Don~ld B. LUSK, County I'Iana~.( Nolil [:l)rrl11. I\sslsti.nt. C"unty /'IdnJgcrl VIcKIe ;1ull1n., Actlnq Community D,vQ1op~.nt Ad~in13tr~torl Ann McKim, Acting Zl)nlnCJ .. nir"etorl '10m !CUCK, Publ1c !¡o,I)rk!! Aomlnlstr.:!t"r: 1'ht:'lm"s Cr.,no.:!ll, Utl11ti4t. AaAllnstrat,,, 'rom I'Icuònl,}I, Stûf f Pl..Inn~r :-laney Israelson, Acuuni.tratl"'..: lUlsllSt.lnt ønd L;llput)' \.111.,( R<\y tI·,rn..tt, ::ihp.rlff's Dep.r:zwn t. Motel Ther. ar. no e....tt. t.pe. for It... 11-14 .s the rec~rdln9 .qulpa.nt w.. .alfunctloninq. ,oo~ -086 ,I{,t 2S P£I-a" 1 ...-.....---'" ......~...,.___~','''''~e.~''_~~_..;...''''''_'--" .,._--..,,-,,-~.;,~----- lOll 08Sw.t 36 l' ~:" . " .' ,1 /'larch 5, 19B5 It.. tl AGENDA - ^PPAOV~D A~£NDMENTS C~i..ion.r Ba..~ .ov.ð, .econd.ð by Co..l..lon.r Holland and carri.d 4/0, tbat tb. ag.nda be approy.d wIth the following a..n4aent8. ~. Move 16A' (~rco Island Referendum) to 10C4 - keque.ted by Assistant County M41naqu Dorrill. B. Move 16BIO (R.sol./Aqmt. £rosion Control) to lOA) - Requested by Assi.tant County Manaqlr Dorrl11. C. ~ve 16811 (Companion Item to above) to 10A4 - k.qu.sted by Assistønt County I'Iðnagf'r DC'rril1. D. 'A3, P.t. V-B5-2C, Capri Christian Church - C"ntinued to 3/19/85 - R.~uest.d by I'IaSlatlnt County Mlnaqer Oorr111. l. 8"', Appeal by Mr. James Noble - Continued to 4/2/85 at request of AssistiJnt County f'..Jn.,ger D"rr111. r. lOll - Aw~rdInq of bid '789 - Continued to 3/1~/85 It reque.t o ( Count y P'Ia naqc r. G. 6LH, ht. k-84-35C, <.,,111tr D""'I' "¡n~nt. - C"ntlnued to 3/19/e5 at request of County ~~n~gcr. H. Add 13~ - Ua. <:>f Immokollef: ParK - Addl!'d by C"mmlsslont:r Goodn1c¡ht. 1. Add 1 ~ - WIscullalon of Î'lat." pollution Cl)ntrol - ^dded DY Chal rmlln VOSII. J. /\de 13D - C~rtl{lcat...s of ^~~rcçlðt.il)~ rt: G"lu~n G^tP. flres - Added by Commillsil)nl'r tllsse. K. N:lè 13t; - Annuðl vaeatlon of I CC - .100.." by Asslstant Count.y tI~nJc¡er Corr111. I tea . 2 MINUTES or rEBRUARY S , 19, 1985 BCC RECULAR MEETINCS ~D rEBRUARY 13, 1985 SPECIAL MEETING - APPROVED Co..l.s1on.r Ha.. .oved, .econded by Co..l..1oner Goodnlght and carri.d 4/0, that the alnut.. of rebruary 5 , 1985 regular .eetlng b. approy.d. Co..is.lon.r Goodnlqht .oved, .econded by Coaal..ioner Ha.s. and carri.d 4/0, that the .1nute. of 'ebruary 13, 1985 .p.cl.1 .eeting b. approyed. Co..l..lon.r GoodnIght .oved, .econded by Co.-l..loner H.... and cari.d 4/0, that the mInute. of 'ebruary 19, 1985 regul.r ..etlng be .pproyed. ~ c::J I"'"""!"'"' ~ " - ----t:~------. Pagc 2 .,'~,----- ,.__..',.....,__..--"-,"'~~..,,~ - - - . ~. ...rch 5, 1985 It" 14' "~h ··Ii.. noctAM'rIOII I)ØIGllATIJIG ftl IIOIITB or MRCI, U'5 AS ·YOUTH ART M01IT1I- '~:'-'ADO"ID , " eo..1..loaer Ooodn19ht read a 'rocla.ation dea19natin9 the of Karch, 1915 a. ·Youth Art Month· and aoved for ita adoption, aeconded by co..laaloner Yo.. and carried unanl.oualy. aonth ',' 1M 086'J~t 39 ,1f...( ':. ~~,;.wl"" "'~-".""'r.: ,.~.[~\' ¡ ,", t'J':'t ,~ ~¡,,:,. \ :~.~ .~{;.~~~~::~:-; paq. 4 ..,._~-'-----"""""", .. - .. I'I.IIrch 5, 1985 It_ IS al8OLU!1D1 15-12 RI PlT1~IOM AV-'5-00~, ASBL&t rIHA»CIAL CORP. RI ~~101 or IASIKKNTS OM LOTS 1-4, ILK. 159, 0.0. UNIT 4, PART 1 AOO'UD L.gal notlr., having b..n publilh.d in the Naplell Daily NeWS ~n ,.bruary 17 Ðnd 24, 1985, ~s evlaenctd by ^ffia~vIt Qf Fublic~tlon fil.d wItn th. Cl.rk, ~ubl1c n~arinq was opened t~ c~nlider Petition AV-85-002 t 1!.d by .\IInley 1"1 niSncièl! C"r¡';l)rèltl"n CtGueet1nq vacation of the sIx fOt)t ald. ~asementl on LotS 1 throuqh 4, bloCK 159, Gold.n Ge t., Un 1 t 4, P<1 r t 1. PublIc ¡W,)rk.1 ..dmlnlltr.:llt)! KU-:K _"tu thoJt the t:'bj!:Ct1VI' (It th. p.tItlon il to allo'" the o'..mer to build IICrl)5S IIn::! up tl) inter lor lidO lot linoll. Ii" lIðid ttt~t -LoJtt"rs "It Nt) Ouj..euon- h,.."" be.n rolcHv,d from all pertinent utility ct)mpllnles ~nr th~t the ~nqin.,ering O.p.1rtm.nt, /II ",eU ðl t.hll í.:,,",mun1ty ¡;<!"~lt)¡..~,,r.t Di"ls10n .3nd ....l1t"r I'IAn.q.lllent AdvIsory úoðrá, have rcyle~'~<1 tho petItIon '.Ind ree"mmend appr"val of the Yðcdtl(1n. Tn.re bolng nl) on~ reglstcreo to sp~~K. Co..l..10n.r H.... aov.d, ..cond.d by Co..l..lon.r Holland and carrl.d unanlaoully, that the public h.aring be clo..d. .. Co..la.lon.r H.... .ov.d, ..cond.d by Co.-l..ioner Holland and carrl.d un.nlaoully, that R..olution 85-62 r. Petltlon AV-85-002 b. adopt.d. MOl 086 ra!it ...u Pðq a 5 -_.....,,"',..._..-,............--,,---' .. - .. "'.arch 5, 1985 It.. II RISOLUfIDI 15-63 R! PITITIDI AV-85-001, DILTOKA CORP. RI VACATION or ROADS, LOTS' IASIMIMTS, MARCO B!tACH U'tIIT 17 - ADOPTED Le9a1 n~tlc~ having been publlsh~o in the Naples Daily Nu~s I)n February l7 and 24, 1985 dnd the Marco Island ~aql. on f~bruary 20, 1985, ðl ~videnc~d by "ffld3vlt ~f Publicatl~n fI1~d with tne Clerk, publIc h.arIn9 W~. op.ned to consider P~titi~n AV-~5-001, filed by \OI1111a:ll 1. Liv1nqston, ogent for Deltonð Corpor.:¡tion, rec¡u':tsting the vacatIl)n of r~~d., l"ts, and ealementS for J porti~n of ~.:¡rco Btach Un1t J.7. PUblic ""rKS A..1mInistc..¡tor KU::K 3aid tn.~t tt., obj..ctlon nf th. petitIon i. :0 aJ.low eonltruetion of ~ rnultl-fðm11y cond"mlnlum in the John Stevens Crc_k Ar~a. H~ s~id thJt -L~t:Mr~ of No Obj~etlon- hav~ baen recelved from all pertinent utIlity c"mpanl~s and th~t th9 Water M.n.gement board h~5 .:¡pprovdo the v~c~tlon. He saId that tnv tnqIneerlng Dept. and CommunIty Development DivIsion have no ~bjecti"n and that h~ il recommendIng approval. There beIng no ~n~ regIstered to sp~ak, Co..lssloner Holland .oved, seconded by Co.-is.loner Ha..e and carried 4/0, t~at the public ,. h.arin9 be closed. Co..l..loner HollMnd ~ved, seconded by Co.-l..1oner Ha.ge and carrIed 4/0, that Re.olutlon 85-63 re petition AV-8S-001 ~e adopted. aDO« 0B6 f'AGt 43 P"ge 5 ," ,___"'.""'.....___ I>' _ OBSract .m Nreh 5, 1985 .""1'....,. It.. . 7 RISOLUTIOI as-'4 APPROVIMO AKD ADOPTIMO A REVISED POLICY REPORT R&GARDIMO A 1taS 8IMGLI rAMILY MORTGAGI RIVZIIUI 10110 PROGRAM FOR THE COLLIIR COUIITY HOUSING rINANCI AUTHORITY - ADOPTED Le9al notIce havln9 been publl.hed In the Naples Daily N~~S on February 16, 1985, a. evldenced by Affldðvit of publlcatlon filvd with the Clerk, publIc htarlnq was opened to consider a rell)lution approving and adopting s revIsed polIcy røport regarding oil 1985 single family ~ortgage revenue bond program for the CollIer Cl)unty Houllng Finance Authority. ^ttorney Don Plckworth, représ~ntlng the Hous1nq Finðnce Authority said that the issuance regulations require that the bond statement be aoopteo but tn. same dðy It was adopted II ntw .et of r~gulatlons wert adopted by the Treasury Department whIch added addItional requirements ana stt D ntw d4ladl1ne of March 15. 19E5. He said thilt the rep"rt has been rtvlled to eoineloe wIth the revised requl/ltions. Respondlng to Commissioner lIðlue, I'Ir. PiCKworth s,do that It d"ell b!lncflt 80me of the reslaents in that it provlces a pool of mortgage ¡r,oney through lending instltut10na for loans th~t usually run about 1-1/2\ belo~ normal loan rate. he laid thdt the thrust of the program Is to help first tlme hom4. buyttrS in th!l low to m"<..Ier/!tl' lr.çom~ ranqe. He SlIld tnðt the actual aecislon 18 maje hy th~ l~ndlng Instltutlon. Th"re bu1ng n~ one registered to sp~aK, Co.-ls.loner Ha.se .oved, .econded by Co..l..ioner Goodnight, to elo.e the 9ublic hearIng. Motion carried unanl.oualy. Co..i..loner Holland .oved, .econded by Co..i..loner Ha..e and carried unani.ously that ResolutIon 85-64 approving and adoptIng a revl.ed polIcy report regardIng a 1985 sIngle fa.l1y .ortgage revtnue bond progra. for the CollIer County Houslng 'lnance AuthorIty be adopted. P3g l 7 ~ - :::::J --, --- '.E'--- u._,_."... ,,., ,~""....-,-.-,,- ~ __,<-.n-~_""'."'""""""_"_'~_'_"____ .1Øw:t5&. I"~ ~~ ....~ ¡~ , ' Nrch 5, 1985 It.. II RISOLUTIC* 15-65 RI PITITIC* FDPO-IS-V-l, RAYMOND R. WOOTIH RI VARIAIICI to rLOODPRoorIMO ON PROPERTY KNOWN .S WOOTEN'S AIRBOAT TOURS - ADOPTED Le9al notice havIn9 been publisned In tne Naplea Daily Nvws on february 17, 198~, a. evIdtnced by Affid.vlt of publIcation filed with th~ Clerk, publle h.arInq wa. o~necJ to consider petition FDPO-BS-V-l fL1ed by Raymond R. ~oten, requeatinq ð varIance to employ II lesser d_9r.e of floodprooflnq than that normally required by the flood Damage Prevention OrdInance on property descrIbed as Wooten's Air Boðt Tour. (Saat 550' of the East 1/2 of tne Southwwst 1/4 of Seetion 32, Township 52 South, Ranqe 30 East). Plsnner Tom ~cDanIel sal0 that ~r. nooten wants tQ have ~ large .~eel atoraqe .h.d to store the air boats. H. said that any other u.e. wIthIn the buIlding wIll b~ ~!evðtcO line have ~p~nlnqs to pasa sufficIent water to prevent II hydrostatic load Imbalanee. fie said that all Inttr10r flnl.ncs wIll be r~slstdr.t to (lood d~~~qp. /lnd that staff recommend. that the petItIon b~ approveJ. ~r. t<aym~nd H. "'oott!n relttlrated I'r. MeLJlInl£l's corr,ments. He clarifIed thðt the pCl)perty Is locateJ Qn South 41. Mr. ~ooten said that. II nlne foot clt:vatlon wol.Il", b'~ an extreme n.>roshl¡, to worK on the bo.ta anó that h~ la In air., neea o( th.! bUl1dlng. f:e .ald that his ... onlY neIghoor 1. 1/' mile ð~~Y dOG jOtS not. ~bjlet. Tnere belnq on one el.~ r~ql5tered to spNaK, Co.-l..loner Goodn19ht 8Oved, .econded by Co..I..1oner H.... .nd c.rri.d unaniaou.ly, that the public h..rlnq be clo.ed. Co..l..loner GoodnI9ht 8Oved, .econd.d by CODD1.s10n.r H.... and ca~ried unaniaou.ly, that the petItlon b. approved and th.t Rt.01ution 15-65 b. adopted. Page 8 : ::=J ..-, _---i ._____.~r__ l: ~. - ",...<.;.,_____,.___;T_'__'___ - .. .. ".arcn 5, I985 It.. It 'IYI~IOI V-IS-1C, ~IO FRJSCA, RIQUISTJMG A VARIAWCI FROM PARKING LOT aIQUJRINa.TS FOR A BIAUT! PARLOR OM Tal M. SIDI or l09TB AVlMUI MORTH - f)IMIID Le~al notIce having b..n publis~~d In tn. ~aple. Dðl1y N~W. on ,.bruary 17, 198~, ð. c",ld.neQo by AffluAvlt of ~u~llc~tlon flied wIth th. Clerk, .)ubllc ...urln-;¡ w..a opened to consldtr F"tltlon V-9~-lC filed by ""tonio ~rl.a. ",,~u.stln~ .:I vdrldnce from tIll plI[l!;lnq r..yulr'tments for ð beauty vðrlor In t~11 C-3 Dl!1tr1ct ff)r I..ot :;, ~loeK 2, ~ðple. ParK, unit!, loe/lt"d on tra.r nf)rt~ slce of lr;9t~ Av..nulI Nl)rt~, west; of u.~. 41. ^c tIn 'J C" mmu n it y L<: V" I 0 µn en t ..11 r e: tor 1\ n n ~c I< I r.1 S t '" t..: d t h 'I t the p.tltlonwr ...,uld l1ke to nave, o.uuty p.H1t)r with) cha1rs In part of th" existIng comrner..:l.Jl ouI101n<), ....hlch hils b;,>"C'1 for t'wo bU:Jlnesses and a CdretaKers's unlt.. ~he s.:ll~ tndt .J tota! of 3 ~p~e~s are provIded, 2 for tha e.:lr"tJK.r~ unit ana S :Jp~":~s (cr tn~ commerlcul .r... She n"teo that .:I beauty parlor il re~ulr.,o to hðV~ 3 &paces pwr ch.ir or 9 sP.Jc,s (or th~ ~ro~os~d thr~~ chðlr~ (or thIs b.tðuty parlor. Sh. .aid that st.Jff dId not lIne II hdr:~nlp ,no t~at 1( th. varlanc. .. were granted, pòrKlnq for thl ott,,,r custo"",r,¡ ,"",uld not b.. "vai!dble and it ,,",uld c/!use trðU Ie eonqestlon. I'Ir. \001111am J. E:jlxon. rC'pr<.:s"ntln'J '¡r. ,]n~ ~lrs. Fr lsc,], sald thl!t tney did not reallla th~t It ~~s ~lffcrent µ~rKl~g require~ents for the beauty ,>erlor. I.~ 5I1o'",,<1C j blu"pr!nt "n~ follin tnH It wO!nt tnröuqh th.. &ul1dlnq Department. c..:halr'11an Voss cl.,rlfl.!d tn" fact th.:!t, alt~ou1h lt h5S been rcvlO!w':!d oy th-: t:lulldin.¡ [)':!r),]rtm('nt, ~~e nLll\UH 1)( c~IJirs was not spec1f1~d. Thotre oelnr:¡ nö ')n~' ~l~o.t r'.1qI8t'·rp.('. tn ::;r-,,"I!;, co_is.loner Has.. ~y.d, .econded by Co..l.sloner Goodnight and carried 4/0, th.t the publIc h.arlnq be clo.ed. Co..l..lon.r Ha... .oved, .econd.d by Co_l..ioner Goodnlqht .nd carried 4/0, that the petItIon be denled. It.. 110 PITITION TR-85-7C, HELEN TIPLER - CONTINUED TO MARCH 19, 1985 CommunIty D.vwl"pment Administrator Vlck1~ ~ullins recalled that PetItIon TH-85-7C is requestIng for the secl)nd tIme ~ templ)rary re.idence permIt tl) util1z. a travel tral1ðr uurlng cons.[uctlon of ð prlnclple residenee on the north 150' of Tr<l::t 131, Unit 20, Gl)lden Gate Estates. ~ne _ald that tne petItIon was heard by tn. ~oard on Pa q. 9 aDD« 086 PA~t 57 _"'_" .~w.,_"".~·,..."..·,_·,·~~·~~,"___ .. 086~t 58 "~rcn !I, 1S!!I tebruary 5, 1985 and contlnu.d to this date. She noted that the pttltloner'ha. exhau.ted h.r Ixt.nsions and h". boen cited by the ZOni"9 Department for violation. and that Mr.. Tipl.r appeared In court and wa. grant_d an .dalti~nal 30 day. t~ c"mply. She s.i~ that h.r bulldlng p.rmIt 1. still v.lla. She ..1d that ataff 1~ r~comm.ndlng d.nl~l of the extension. Commlaslonor Has.e sðid that he Is awar~ of the pr09ress going on and ther. h.. be.n a gr.at d..l of work golnq on in the past f.w ~..k.. HI .ald th~t n.ighb~rR, frlenda ano the churcn .rp working t~ help Mr.. tlplcr and, becau.e of the pro~re.s tnat has been made, he believe. th&t. actIon .houlu b. pClst.JJOn(:o u:'!tll ~,arc . I£., lÇ,;;S to ae" .,n.:lt progr... h.a been maCe by tnat tim~. He IbId that the ~~use has had ro~h inapecllo:'!, <; rywall ðnd tl"':trlC"l. Ms. Lin:u I/lttln9...r 6dlct tn,n this 15 an on-qoinq vlolatJ"n of the law ¿nd that I'Irs. Tlplvr Is 11vlnq on tne Idnc In violation line: it is a poor eICample for people that are oo...ylng tne law. Sn~ re4uestcd that Nr G. Tl 1'1 et be rt.m"",...C: (ron, tl!.. 1 "nd if tt,,, h,)us(! 1 II not eompl t:ted In 30 <; ays. Co..l..ion.r H.... .ov.d to continu. the h..rlng ur.tl1 March 19, 1985. Co..l..ion.r Holland .econd.d the motion whleh carri.d unani.ou.ly. Co..l..loner H.... aov.d th.t the County Attorney eh.ck ~lth the State. Attorn.y to .ee the tl.. .l.ment of Mr.. Tipl.r'. c.... Co..l~- .ioner Holland ..eonded the aotlon ~hlch carrl.d unanlmou.ly. Ite. III PETITION TR-85-12C, JOSE MORALES - DENIED I\ctln< :;ommunl ty [¡¡vclo¡..m:n': "cminlstrlltor Vickie "'.ulllnli said : ¡dt tn.. petitIoner II. rt.lju1t!atln<j ... Vt.rn\lt. t,r) utlll;t" ¡, trtJvll trl:dlvr a ! II rt:6l:1fnCC ~ur1ný constr<Jctlon o( ð prlncl,lc dlOcll1ng ön thct east 7~' r.f thr: w'~st 15Ci' of 1r,;:~ 13~, Unl~ 27, <"~luen (¡:.to Estélte.s. Sh" not.,c tnllt tn( property 1.3 on 15th AVt!nu", :.i..'.., ,.,f( ot c.:.k. 951. ~h... s/de tn"t. tl.. "ro¡.>(.rty 111 not. remot" or 1501..tuu .Jnd thdt st,ft 1£ rc~"mmenal~~ uen1.1 01 th~ p~tlt1on. ,":r. Jos:, ..""des 5.'11(;. th.:t. tht prop"rty is IG,>ldt"" "n~ vulnero!Jble to fires. he entered into tn£ rceorJ excerpts from the Febru~ry 27, l!lô5 issue of the GOldlln Gllte t.1l',l" In ....hlch burgul.Hics ano flres wert eit.d. ",r. Georg" K.dlEr, ¡'rcsit.:er.t of th~ Coll1e( County Clvlc fudcrctlon said th~t thd property 15 In an areo that il protty w.ll ..age 10 ~ --' =::J r- --,~. ...- --.... E'-'~ .. 111 .. M.1ren 5, 193~ dlvelop.d and under no clrcumat.nc.. .h~uld It ~om. und.r the provL.lona of the ordInance th~t woulo alll)~ a p~r~lt in a reml)t4 arel. MS. Lln~a ~lttin9.r .gr..d with ~r. Keller ,nd requ..ted that the ~ermlt be denleo. Co..is.ion.r H.... .aid that Mr. Moral..'. clreu..t.ne.. do not warr.nt a per.it and h. aov.d th.t the petItion b. deni.d, seeond.d by Co..i..ion.r Vo.. and c.rri.d 4/0. It.. 112 RISOLUTIOM 85-66 APPROVING A» AGREEMENT 'OR THE EROSION CONTROL PROJECT KNOWM AS THI COLLIER COUNTY TIOERTAIL RIVlGETATI~N PROJECT - ADOPTED. EXECUTION 0' DNR CONTRACT - AUTHORIZED Actlnq CommunIty ~.Y.lopm.nt AdmlnlscrJtQr vlc~14 ~ullln. ~~ld that thl. 1. the tlr.c phd'~ of th~ CQunt~'s urQslon control proj.ct ItnO)"," ... The Collier County rlgertð11 ~"Yltqdtèlt11')n projl:ct. She sa1d that lne total projecteo cost rl')r tn~ i;un~ ""'n"YI:',n",nl I'r0'1rðm WDS $230,000, Rev,nty-flve p.re~nt tl') be funodd by th~ btðte ana twenty-t1v~ pltrcenc liuppllcd by thø County ;,s I"eal r:l.' teh. :.ihe saId tnat $114,769 1s commltt~o to) erosl.,n control at T1qertðl1 ~nd It W3S .pproveo by tnc C.,vernor dno Ç~blnet. She SJIC thsl ~t3ft Is .. recI')mmendlng that tn~ ~ðrd 5dopt ð rcsolutllJn .:Ipprovlng An !lgreement for the erosion control pr"ject. Co..l..ioner GoodnIght .oved, ..conded by Co..i..lon.r H.... .nd c.rri.d 4/0, th.t the .t.ff reeo...nd.tlon b. .pprov.d .nd Resolution 85-66 b. adopt.d and th.t the Chalr.an be authorlzed to execute DNR contract C2122 on behalf of Colller County. Pig" 11 I0OI: DB8",':.! 59 " . ,----_.;-_...,,"'...."'~-,.,;,- ,- _ 086M 18 r.::,.~~· {d' 0(: 'þ ~ I. It. 113 ~, t ,41, . , / Nreh 5, 1985 aaourno. 1S-17 A'PROVIIIO .... AGRllMbT IITWIIII COLLIER COUll'rt ....0 IMYtROMNlMTAL J.RVICI. UML1MI~IO al TIGIRTAIL RIVZGITATIOM PROJICT - AÐOPTIO Actln9 Commun1ty Development Adminiatrator VIckie Mullin. .ðid thAt thi. 1. . compan1ùn ltc. to the prwvious ltem and it 1. for contracted ..rvle... Co..l..1oner Goodn19ht ~v.d, ..cond.d by Co..is.lon.r H.... and aarri.d un.nlaou.ly, th.t R..olution 85-67 .pprovin9 .n .9r....nt betwe.n Colll.r County and Invirona.nt.l S.rvic.. Unllaited to perfor. contr.ct.d ..rvlc.. for the .ro.ion control project known .. the Ti9.r- tail R.y.~.t.tlon Project be .dopt.d. paqe 12 :::J c:J - ....----- 't.-n".. =t~- " '. ."'.:.., ,'" " ~: ,.,. , l .~. _,.,.. ",,,__~__. ·'."ð_''''''_ , . ~ - 086raçt, 86 . . . .' "'~d " . fì'~. : }(:;" -'It.. ,U RIIOLUTIOM '5-~' ISTAlLI8BIMO PARKIMa 'IIS 'OR TIGIRTAIL PARKING LOT FACILITY - ADOPTlD. ADVERTISIMQ AMD BIRIMa or STA,r TO OPIRATI FACILITY - AUTHORIZED l'Iðrch ~, 1985 Public &e:vlee. Ad~inlatrator Don Horton said that staff i. rocom.endinq a charge of fifty cents per vehicle and t15.00 for en annual pa.. for parkln9 At Tle:¡ertail and requestlne:¡ that the Board authorll~ Adv.rtl.lng and hirin9 of staCf to I)~rðtc the faci11ty. h. .ald that lt Is projpeted thftt they ~uld r~alize a $4,000 poait1ve balAnce at the end of tn. y.ar. Co..laaioner Holl.nd 8Oved, a.cond.d by Co..ls.loner H.... and carried 4/0, that ResolutIon 85-68 ..tabllahlne:¡ a schedule of parkin9 f... for the T1gertall 'arkln9 Lot 'Aelllty be adopted. ~ ¡ ---, -.-J ...--....--.,.- "~,---,._-~-"----~~.;~~ Page 13 .. E·t,.. ': ./ ,', " .., - - I!III I".arch 5, 1\185 ... RICISSI 9a40 A.M. - 9150 A.M. at which ti.e Deputy Clerk Ma9ri wa. r.placed by Deputy Clerk ~ureen Kenyon. ..¡, Tape 11 Ite. 115 GUIDILIMES ESTABLISHED rOR STATE AND rEDERAL GRANT APPLICATIONS rOR THE PAR~S AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Publlc Sarvlec~ Ad~inistrbtor Nl)rt~n 9t~t~d that thIs Il~m w~s brl)u~ht up oefor., 3dáinq thdt h9 hds 1S~ðd for dppr"vðl to apply under tn. Land dnd ~~ter C~nsurvðtlon func for tn~ ~nst Naples CommunllV Park. He noted that the request was ~ppr~~e~ Jt that time, but at th~ Sðmw tlm., the ~tate chdngcd thdlr r~guldtl~ns ~nc :h! rules governlng thIs proqram, .Iddlng that It cJuJad ~ul:e ~ awl~y in the applicatl~n procedure. H~ stbted tnðc fJr~5 , H~~r~atl~n ~lrc=tor V.JnatlJ hilS re'~ðreh~d the new qr~nt 9tl?ulatl~ns ~nd fuel~ that If thd C~unty .) ppll e II for mo r e t n J n t...., q r.:. n t S. ':. n.:! lis 0 n <! q r J n t for <! iI en 0 f l WQ parka, the development of the remainlng thrae pdrks will probably be delayed for liS much..ls J Yd/H ~r m~ru. :Ie stilteo th,t SlJff is, th~retor., recommendIng thJt the ßCC .:Ippr~ve J propo9ðl to apply for only two of tn. l-'.1rk IIltus '....rdeh would bu un:~'r th~ L.lnc lnJ .....Jter Conservation Fund and under tne ~Iorld~ Hrer~Jtlon Development "s.lstanc. Program. 11~ repcrted thJt bCC3US& of th" tlmlnq !¡nd the w.,y the parka are senedullng ~ut, the t~ that ~ould be appr~prtðte for tnls purf'~Sd ~ula co! ~a::;t :-Iapl(!s C~mmunity Pi'lrk /lna G~ld~n ~.1t" Community Park. :1" stated that he ....ould furt.hH r('comm(}na that If wither on" or b~:h of ch~ grants are r~c~j",~c th~t an ~ppr~Frlate adjustment be maje to th~ bond funds tnat are r"mðlnlnq In the fund t" be split 'f'luc111y clmonl t:\!! r"nllllnln'J pilri(s. lid n"tcd thllt lh'l'ro was a qUlIstl"n lit th. ..1I:)(l(shop r"~drdlnq the qr.1nl!l that mDY b~ Dvnil.:lblG, oeding th~t in S~~t~mb~r he formed ð co~mltt~~ to Inve~t.lqote th~ available gronts. tie stated thllt ther" were :3 grant possIbilities found at that tim~, but thare .....ru only tWl) fcasible soucces of funding wnich were tha Lllnd .InJ ~ater Conserviltlon fund and the Florida R4ercIltlon 1)'Jvelo T.1ent. f.ssistanc'l.' pr':"jrñ~l. He staled th'Jt tnJroJ "'ilS one oth'l'r p"sslbl11ty whleh ~as th" Urban Pclrks Âsslstllnee Hecreatil)n Pr~gram, which ~p~~drud t~ hllve s~me promIse, aaalng thal ~fter h. cheek~d into It further, It ....ðS fl)und that there was zer~ fundIng av,J1lable for 1985 ana it looks bad for l!i36. fie report"a that the oth.r qrjnts thðt we rei ehecked were the Community Develo?ment Block Ps.;¡C 14 &001 086 'AG! 89 ,.. 088rv.t ~ March 5, 1985 Grant, Economic Oevelopment Grant, President's Physical fitness Program, farm.rs Home Adminlstratlon, ~nd the .dder~l Surplus Reel Property Grant. He stated thAt he ls confIdent thAt there are only two gooó posslbl1itios, but ther~ Is no way thwt a grant for tAch of the flve Commu:,ity Pbrks .".,uld be available "lth"ut olllaylng the entIre procedure. Ho stated that Staff 1& rec(\mmennlny ~hDt ~uthorlzðtlon be granted to apply for the East Naples C"mmunlty Par~ under the Land and ~.t.r Conserv~tion Grant and the Colden Gate CommunIty Park under the florlda R.cr.ation Development Assl.tance Program and if eIther on. of the grants are reeelved or b"th of them, the appropriðte adju$tments would b. made with the remainIng park bond funds. Co..i..ion.r H.... 8Ov.d, .econded by Co..l..lon.r Holl.nd .nd carri.d 4/0, that the BCC .st.bll.h .p.eiflc guldeline. and/or poliel.. for .tat. and f.d.r.l grant .pplicatlon. for th. Park. and R.er.ation Depar~ent, a. outlIned by Mr. Norton. It.. 11' MARCO ISLAND COMMUNITY PAR~ MASTER PLAN - APPROVED WITH THE ELIMINATION or THI LIBRARY, THE REMOVAL or THE 2 PICtnC LODGES, AND A 7,280 SQ. rT. COVERED 'LOORED 'ACILITY INSTALLED WHERE THE LIBRARY WAS PROPOSED Mr. 1"m I'eel:, of ...1150n, ,~.111~r, IMrt"n, .,flll , I'ee:-', Inc., atl'lted thðt h-. lS th.t p"rks consul ti.nt., ð<lulng tnøt ,'~)OUr ð yei'lr .1'10 tho.) /'Iast"r Plan for th~ ,-.arc" Isl.:¡nò Pl'lrk wa$ <'Ipprove¡¡. He stðted that aublequ"nt to that <'IfJpro"'dl tr\"r" W"S /0 dll!\cu551"n am"ng tne eltlzens on /'Iareo Island :hðt l:1dleateO that the gymn/ltoriul!I th/lt ',",as .~o..-n on the orlg1n...l n""..tcr ¡.ldn ""s n"t tn(' ct:51rt'5 1')£ the ~omr.1unlty ..nu there WðS ð joInt comrnltt£:ó." of t~1: ~,arc" !:¡land CIV1C As!>oc1ðtlon "nd the Mareo Island Tdx¡';/lyo!rs AsZ"cli'Uon trut s'"nt. out. " gucstl"nn¿lrl: ",lth r4r8!>Qnses relurnt!O thðl InoicðteJ t:J1j prefer",ncl' ..!IS f"r ð clvlc center 0:1 tht! fJ.1r~ pro¡'>trty ~lon':¡ ...:tr. s,,~,," otf1.'r f';¡Clllt1"S. t1~ st/!teo that he w"s inst.ruct.t!": :.>y th~ boara to r~a~slgn tnJ ~,¿¡st..r Plðn f"r the ~dr:o lslbnU pðrK, hcclng tndt t.h~ ~(C ~I~., 3p¡."lnteo J mumbcl "f the ~~reo Island ~Or.1nunity t" thu Pdr~s , kdcrt'~t.ll')n Aj",lsory b"ard, who In turn 4S!lc:r.olt!fJ " /"",r<:" Islonc' Acvlsory Comn,ltt...". h.. .tateo th¿t thl!' comm1ttw" hdS b..~n meet1ng fl')r tnc pJst f~w mflnth~ ~nd t~~y put tOgl:th.H . 1 ist C'~ I tl'r,\b U-"Jt 1.0" rl I" K",,¡..inc; wi l:, UI'_' ",1 shl:b ':It thE' commun1ty and suomltted tnat. llst .,t 1tvms t" hlm to place 1n 4 master plan or. tn" &it'l. tl~ rlf"rr.:: to tho! ~"'st"r pllln ir.:.>1cðt1n.,¡ th.3t the property 1& d 2~ <ferlt µaret:l in total thðt is l"catt!o sout~ of !'I4rco Island's Unit 25 wnlch 15 b~lng devulop~d. He stdted that thüre is a pag Ii! 15 -.., '---' I -----.. -----.-. .- J~~ ~ ..-""..........;'_......._-"""'_...~.,.~......"',......._.,._""'--_._- .. .. - - I'Iarch 5, 1985 Lee ~unty ElectrIc Co-operatIve tr~nsml..1on line that runs along the western boundary of the property and H.athwo~d Avenue 1. to the west Qf that rlqht-of-way. H. ~tated that there ls a 10 acro lake constructed wlthln the pr~perty wh1ch wð. con.truct~cJ .. part ~f the deðleatlon of the property to the County by Deltona, addIng that they had the rlght to dig the 10 acre Idke to use It for stor~ watcr retentlon purposes for their Unit 25 and a130 to remova the matcri~l from thls l)ke for the development of Unit 25. he st&t~d that tnere W3S ^~pr"xlmately 150,000 cublc yards ~f matorlal r.moved from the lake anè ab~ut 90,000 was reml)Ved to UnIt 25 ùnc 5G-G~,uOO was lef. 3ne dIstributed on the park property. He Indlcated that there 15 ðbout )-1/2 acr~. of the proporty tnat lS tðKen up wltn tn" L~. County ~luetrlc Co-opcrdtlvl rlght-~f-w~y. H. stðted th~t therc IJ dppr~xlmately 12 acres of property r~maIninq ~o work ~lth on th~ slte, add1ng th¿t the lIst of Ite~ that hlf was (urnl~ned ~y the ~dylsory Commlttp.e 15 sho.n on the plan. H~ st6tco that tho»u Items Ineludw ø 20,000 s~uare foot civic center, a 5,000 square foot recr~atlonðl fael11ty whicn 1. enclosed, a futurp 25 meter swimming po"l, ~ chlldrcn'5 pldY ar~ð for plðY equIpment, ~n B,OOO squdre (oot 11br1ry sitc, "uteoor bðsk.tb~ll and voll.yball courts, us~s ðrounu th~ ldk~ ~r~ plcnle l~dq~., ð malnt.nanc~ facll!ty for utll1zlItll)n hy th" Pllrks, Hecreatl"n ::>epart/llent for ðll fðelllt1es loeatod 1n tn,! Mðreo Island area, a jo~giny, wðlk1n~, and bleycllnq ~ðth ðrou~d thft l~kc, ~xercls. stðtlons along th~ ~Jtns, ~oçks into t.h~ Idk~ to pro~loc dCCI:'~S for (lshlng purpose», a bOdt taeility whicn ~ulJ b~ used (or paddlv bOllts ane ciln". r.nt" 1 ..r~ðs, IIn ,,¡>cn plllY ar,," ttut i,¡ Inrq.. rn"ugh to be us..c for a praetlc~ s"ce~r or f"otb~ll fl~ld, 3nc )~5 parklng spaces. He stilted thllt thls pl~n w~s lI~prnved oy th~ su~-cOmmlttee "nd was pre.anted to the Parks' Hecreatton Advisory t!oard for their Approval, whIch was OOta in'to. 1104 3tatE'd that he uno!!rbt.:Jnds thZll tnere hðS beron 80m. discussion re~IIrdinq this mastec plan and h. 15 IIval1llble for any qUI.tlons. CommlslSlont!r Itl)llûna questlo:\ca it thill parklnCj facil1tlQs !IIeet the cod., to whieh ~r. Pa~~ statvd th~t the COJe says there has to ba 1 .pllca for every 100 squAre feet or for ~Ycry threJ SCdtS wnichever Is the greater number. He stðtcd that ðecordln~ to square foot3ge, lt would require 333 8~ae.,s and ~ccording to the number of seðts, it would r.quire less than th~ 33) spac~s, adding that there Dre enough spaces to m..t thl cod.. r.~ulrem.nts. Peg. 16 '001 OB6rl~t 91 -----~"-,._--"'.~.",.....~,.._"',.'""~,--_......~_.- ,.-.,- ,,_..,...._---,,-~_.__. ,.. 086 ,~t 92. "..reh S, 1985 Comm1..1oner liolland .tat.d that there have been numerous .e.ting. In thv last two weeKI wlth ev.ryon. on Marco Illano, addinq that he 1. happy to .ee th~ Interest tnat the differ.nt qroups have shown in try1n9 to com.. up ~lth .om~tnlng tnat was acceptable to most of the peoph (In the island. !Ie øtated that he has talked ~ith 100-IS0 people In the lalt two ~_kS wIth ref.re~c~ to this park, aaalng that he has nad recomm.ndotionl made and he bellevel that there hal b.en diseu.sion to see 1£ nls reeommondatlons would be financially fvasible. He stated that one recommenaatlon WQuld be to remove the Library from the site, notlnq that there ar~ lands availðblc and thc County wIll furnIsh the necessary l~nd In ð c"nvenlent loc~tlon for the Library. He stated that ther. hðS Deen a reco~m8ndation to reml)ve two of th~ picnIc lodqes and wIth the open terr~ces that ar. sno.n on the plan, It would not cr<tate a h,Hdsnlp. ¡.¡., st.,tad that, In &doltlon, ~hcr4.' the lIbrary Is shown on the ~.ster plan, he woulc rEcommend ð 7,280 s4uare fl)ot covdred flooreo ðr". that wOulc b.. us".:; f(\r b..sk..tball, tennis or ðny other Insld. gam.... Mil stilted th!lt he l.·oul0 r"eommond that this building be open with ventilatIon ~ (ùns and 119h:8c for night us~. He noted that most of tne org!nlzat 'ns re~resentea on th~ Island have maae this recommendatIon a& II pl)sslbl~ IIce~p:ðblc plùn. He stated thdt h<t WQu.\d milk.. ð motion tn.,t tht'SCf ctJ~nqo5 bl! :ude U It is fInanclally fe.sible with thlt ~11I~~c t.hat. has n~~n set and th" mon~y that is on hand. ... ~r. Pdek Gtat~~ that he h~s b..En !lsKed to look at thes~ cnðnges, adding tnat he old ð cost ~st mat~ on thls plan as It 15 pr"sently prepùrl:d wItt. the o?xe.,ptlon o( ti¡" Llbr.HY. II.: Stat(;C th/lt th(;' nloney to bulla tn~ LIbrary is to com~ fro~ th~ Llbrdry soure~5 sna other sourcOls. 11<: St.dt(.C tt,.H witt, the excel-non ol tilt.! constrUCl1on doll.:lr, for tho Llbrùry, hIs estI~~t~ of tho? e"nst.r~etIön eost for thls facility, cxclu~lng tn~ äwimmln3 pool wroien i~ ~ future Item, Is 53,224,uOO. I\'J st,1t~( :h~t he lonk'!c iH locèltlng /I (DCIllty 0:"1 the .1t~ thLt nas ~ C0ncr(.t.~ floor wlt~ u 5t.eel ro"f st.ructur~ ov(.r Lne tOF of It tha:: wo",lC t.t' lar<Je i!:"Iougl1 to JCCommOOdt(. û bas~ctbilll c?urt ,. 111 c h ..'0 U 1 (J r" y u 1 r (; i, 51 (J:J rlf l'" 0 f "~p r 0 x i m ,- t~' 1 Y ï U f t: (; t by 1 n 4 f P. e t , an~ by elImInatIng tne two pIcnic 10Jges, this Caeillty coulo be eon~tructvo without cn..nglng the 53,224,OOU fiyure. Tne foliowlng people Sp?Ke In fa~or of thO! master plðn wlth the reVlseu ch~ng.s: Jim Ca rtar Hobl!rt I'IC Inni 5 Ç21 SC(\tt Dr., Marco Islanc 87 N. Colller blvd., l1arco Island paq a l7 ----, -....: t .. -~""'^"'''"'"'''''_'''O"'''''_''''_''-''Ù"''''''''''''~'''''~'''''"''';'''.~.,. "...-"..,..._........___......,..'" .. - - Phil Josberger Oene Hunter Nilreh 5, 1985 276 Crapewood Ct., Marco L.land 1651 CollingBwo~a Avw., ~rco Island Mr. I. E. Ev,ns of Marco Island atðtcd that thl, master plan is only re~slble ~rovldln9 a reforondum is p~saed to .Itabllsh Ð ml11aqe and borrow a subltantlal am~unt of money, adding that It ~uld seem that any actIon taken w1th r.gar~ to approvðl ~f this plan should be subject to th. condlti~n that no fundI ðre c~mmitted or Sp3nt and no aCllon la to!ken that .,ooulò .:omm1.t tn"t ~l<!!n ur.tll a[tcr thore Is ð ref.r'lndl.lll. Comml.alonBr V~&5 8tat~c lnat If th. r~fcrendum è~~s n~t pas., the Park commlttwe ~111 tnke !I gooo l~oK at astablishing prioritIes f~r c.rt~ln ?ðrtl "t that p~rK thht wIll tIt into th~ available budget. Mr. J.1me. Pearson, 355 kO"kery Ct., I'IlIrco lslsnd, stated that h. 1. not in tavt')r I)f tn. ...lan JS sho',.rn, adoing th..t tr,.J pt!oplo/ on I"\.!rco ¡.land ori~inally votod for a communIty c~nter ,nd th_y dId not votw tor a 5,000 square foot reercatlon c~nter. Mr. ,{<.>bert Dtmðr-.!st, CO.Jnty Library Dlreetor, stat<fd that he pr...ntly :I.:!S" eommltmunt fro:TI tn~ feu.,r..:.! Govt.rnment for ~JO,OOO 1n constructlon funds :¡nuer t~I" Llbrdry ~crvlc}s anj Conr.;:ructlon Act, Tltle Ii, ddding that there I~ ð very g~~d cnJn:e th,t thls grant will be l~st if the'Llb(ary i3 n~t built ~n tne ~aret') Island CommunIty Park .1 te. Tape '2 Mr. ~mareBt r<fferreo to ~ fl1.. th~t represents the fed~ral applIcatIon that nas ~een underway for t~e lðst 28 m~nth5. He stated th3t to ~asieðlly deny the Llbr~ry th! opp~rtunlty t~ build In ~his park will celay th~ LIbrary, s" substantl~lly that there Is no way that the SJO,OOC grant coulo be obtøln!d. He ~tðtc~ th,t he ~pprö~ched the Parks' Hecreation ~ðrd for permlss1~n f1v~ months a~o t~ talk to tha M~rco Island SUb-co~mltt~~ about the ~d"'13dblllly of putting a lIbrary on thIs sltu, addIng that all the c~mmlttQes were in favor. Me stated thAt the LIbrary do.s not hold tItle to any other pieee "f land on Marco Island for a l1orary. IJ. reported that there has been ample amount of time for input from anyone objuctlng to thls library. He reported tnðt tnu funds would be lost because of tIming, adding that the applicatIon for th~ or1g1nal grant has Qxpir~d by a substantial perlod of tima. He stated t~at he is one year behInd tor the applIcation of filing the orlg1nal doewnentatlon and slx months b~hInd the dat. lIne f"r the start of phy.ical construction, ~ddinq that only by the 9rdc~ of the ~tðff (\f the State Library of Florida hJS ho ~een paq. 19 me 0B6 ra~ 9S ,-_....._-_......"""'-,--"..._~~""~-"",.~,,-,---- . . . . '. .. . . , .: ."". ' . '.', . ~ .'.. .",.. . _' ''II. ~.. ' .' . . ~'. . ' ". '"' 086,.,-,t fM. I'IDrch S, 19E5 glvQn an opportunity to submlt an applIcation as lat~ as February 22. COllllnl..loner tlol1anð que.tlonttd wh.nt the Li brary would have gotten th. money for the utlllti connectlon fie. in th. ~ark aria, to which ~r. Demar..t .tAted that th~ fund. for th. construction of the bu1ldin9 wa. not fully eommltt.d, adding that ln th. capitll improvem.nt trust fund for th. I1brDry h. has b.tler than $7~,OOO to be u.ed a. matchlng fund. for the $80,000 grant. he stet.d that much of the r.malnð_r of th~ constructlon funð. would co~. a~out throu~h the dIsposItlon of the curr.nt I1brary bul1ding, ad~lng that thlrw are negotIatIon. wlth oth.r groups that have cxpr~s.~d ,n intere.t. He .tated that h. was told that he would have to handle his pro-rata shIre of f..s based on the land that wIll b. utlllzed, which is ðppr~ximately ~/IOth. or one percwnt of the total ðv~ilabl~ aquare fo"taqc in the p~rk. H~ stated that ql",cn curr~nt. c~nstruetion eosts, connection fe.s, and wqulpmlnt costs, he woulo wtl11 requIre Bom. addltlonal h.lp from thw Commlssion. PublIc &ervlels AdmIn15trator Norton statla thlll ð lIbrary fIts Into the park sltp very nleely for the ""'Qr611 Deneflt o( thw communIty, but it Is u¡:. to th.. p<'I'I¡.lc to ¡J.:elde wh'1th.H they w~nt the 11Drary in tnelr pllrk or nOl. I'Ir. I1o!rb ::'"",a'1 , t\rchlt'~Cl, IItcte<J th...t hO! Is In favor "f the revised r.>4ster plan as COmmLI!dOner 1~,,114nd recommended. Co..l..1on.r Holland .oved, ..cond.d by Co..i..lon.r H...., thlt tbe Marco X.land Co..unlty Park M..t.r Plan be approved wIth the ali.inltlon of tbe Library, tbe re.oval of the two picnic lodg.. and that I 7,280 .quare foot covered flooreð facilIty be in.talled where tbe library wa. propo.ed. Comn.i sSlon"r C,>oonlqht I\t~t.Cd tn.lt lllKt Aµr.1 or I"<>y whan Sh\! was t n .. en... i r .iI.. n 0 ( t h .! 1:'.. r k Ii " f; a c I ~ I) lion ^:1 v 1 . C' r y bI:> 8 r:J, the ma S t. I r p 1 a n for tne I'I..&rCQ islaf'',; sit", ..,,;; bein;¡ UIS:;"U!i!h'C;. ~r.(. Inalcðtl.!o thðt. l:¡~r. 01,15 8 comnlunlty eenter thdt was pl"nnec thl.lt "'1'5 ,=^llecJ ¿, gy¡:¡n...toc lur. elf,': ¡;~l'Ipl(, (f"m .'", reo 151;,n.:; 5<Jlu thty clu not w"nt It. ::ihe r"porte~ th3t I',r. Tucker 'oIa5 tn" r.1ember ot the !','fIO:S , Recreation tI"ttrd fror.-, ~ðrcl'l .sl,Jrd at tl,,, tir.1c I.n~ rC51c;n~a :,t thðt mp.etIng, thcrotor~, ~vcrythlng hðO t~ De Gtartec .::Ill "v~r agnin. Sh~ stated tnc'lt tnll1 ltod5ter 1'18:1 hi.s been W?rK':':: on sine< lðst. 1\;)(11 ono 2': to 36 noura befor~ the plar. is to OC ðPp[o",~d, tvvryone oecldrs th..t they w~nt chanqe~. Sn~ not.cd thøt ~r. ~urt.on has don~ a good job tryIng to gtrt. I'eo¡;le to lvll him oIhJlt. they wðnt.d In the pDrks, and it is tlmll .. paq. 19 ~ _.._~ .. - .. /'larch 5. 1985 th.t .veryone dleld.d that. Upon call for th. qu..tlon the yot. va. 2/2, (Co..is.lonor. 000dn19ht and Vo.. oppo..d). Comml.a~oner Vosa atated th3t ln ord~r to q~t thl. master pl~n qolnq, the plan could be approvej wIth the exceptlon of the llbrary 3n~ that COUld be h.lo In ~b.y.nce until May 7. 1~~5. Cornmlasloner Goodnlght 5t"totd that she ,"""u!d sl.t:J.Jest thllt this plan go baCk to tnt ParKs' K.ereatIon ~dvls"ry Ól)ar~ ~nd let tnem decIde an1 come bacK wlth 4 recQmm.n~ation. Mr.. ",,,thy Stðd..pool" ,.,f /'IoIrcl) lsl.:lnd st,Jted th.Jt ahe 19 In f,olVor of tn. revIaed lMatlPc pliln, ,1dolnq tn....t tho!y ...111 !Ill mðke ,n effort to work toqetn.r to 11t to~ ref"renau~ F.JS.~d It tn~ mastur pl^n Is approv.d. Library ~!r"ctor ~~rnðr~st atated thot It Is not his Int~ntIon [I) Jmp'de the proqr~s. of the devell)pment of th~ ~I)mmunlty park, addln~ that It 15 hi. profession.,,! o~lnl"'~ th....t ~ llurary fIts ...ell wlthln ~ cOllullunlty !JarK, but he """ulo lIke to suqqe.H th3t thot malltlfr plan ce approved, a. r.com~.no.d by Cl)n,~I~SII)~~r Holl~na, L3 long as t~~ Commlssll)n I~ "ware that th~ S~u,aOL will ~rob~bly ~o: co! aval!Dble fl)r any futuro Ilbrary uu lO ~q. Mr. ¡v, n ~ u r t ,., n , '!\ ~ m be rot U¡ 'J ....J r K s , h IJ C fl' oJ t 1 0 n ¡,j '" I 51) r y 8Q ,) r d , stato!d tnot tn" sub-committ~e rccom~uno~d the changes that were mscJe by Com~lss10n.r ~()114nu In ~roo!r to ~3kc tho qrou~~ h3pµy. H~ stated tndt tho sub-c"m,nlttcè was pollo!o .:Inc1 they all IIOU:lJ In fllllor "f the revi.lto ch.lng.s. H.t ..tilted th..'t ho: h"í,~(j th.,t th., C"r-In !J!il<:>n '",,",ul<1 rltconsidJr Commlssll)ner :lol15no's matlon. Com:lll".ionllr Io"l1and stðt~c that the ",,,r ,,us 9fOUps from Marco 1.1and came up wlth th1s ldea IInd they ar& satlslfrj wIth It. Co..l..1on.r H.... ~v.d, .econd.d by Co..l.alon.r Holl.nd .nd carrl.d 4/0, tbat the Marco IsI.nd Co..unlty P.rk M..ter PI.n b. approy.d with the .li.lnatlon of the library, the re.ov.l of the two picnic lodq.. and th.t . 7,280 aqu.r. foot covered floor.d f.el11ty be lnatall.d wh.r. the 11br.ry va. propos.d. Pa~ot 20 NOK 088 rAGt 95 .,': .', ,,~.... \":~ \, " .. 088m 96 c..,· It.. 117 RISOLU'I'lOe1 IS-It CALLIIIC FOR '1'111 MARCO ISu.MD COMMUNITY PARK RIFIRDDUM ILICTIOIf OM .tWI 25, 1915 - ADOP'I'ID I'Iarc:h !>, 19115 ~ublie Service. Ad~ini.trator Norton .tat~o that the referendum that i. being r.commended for approval Is e..entially ..t at , cap of on4t-quartQr of a ml11. He nOUd tnat the length of tilu that was ..tablished orIgInally w.. elimlnðted .0 that th.re ~uld not be any cap .. to how long lt would take to raise the money, but there i. still . cap on the $2.8 mll110n whIch 1. the D.xl~um aml)unt that 1. .uthorlzeo for the r.ferendum beIng propo.ed for June 25, 1965. eo..i..ion.r Holl.nd .ov.d, ..oond.d by Co..i.slon.r H.... and carried 4/0, th.t ResolutIon 85-69 c:alling for the Marco I.land C~unity Park R.feundua U.etion on Jun. 25, 1985, be .dopted. !-age 21 ~ ::=J ~ ~ . ~_M"'_~_"'__'. - ,- L.;.' ." . .~,.. L' t"!'· ..--~....- -- -- --_.._~"",,,,,,--,~,, .. .. - I'Iðrcn 5, l~ðS It.. III IUDaft MaIMlift' '1"0 TRAIIIr&R $74,000 TO UTABL18B TBI BUDGIT orrICE - M'ROVID County Mlnðger Lu»k stated th~t It has b~cn d~t~rmlncd th~t th.re ~re alr.ady expanse. budq.ted ln the Clerk'» budq.t ðnd therefore, '121,000 18 nQt neeaed. hi nl)ted thdt I)nly f71,000 ~ould b. noedad and tho1t any mon.y that 11 not u»tr:! would be put (HIC/( IntI) the c"ntlngancy, aooln9 that there wIll b~ nonwy 1~ tn~ Cl~rk'6 ~tficE' tn5t will nQt hw ap.nt b.c~u.. of this. Co..l..ioner Goodnight aoved, .econded by Co.-lssloner Voss and carried unaniaously, that the budqet a.end..nt to transfer $74,000 to e.tabli.h the budqet offIce be approved. Ite. In KEW POSITION 0' DEPUTY ASSISTANT COUNTY MANAGER - APPROVED County "Un.gwr l.us ( :it.,t...¡J thðt ..hen 11.. Wð6 hlre':l, th~rw wert! 10 admlnlstrators ~nd n0W t~}rc Jr~ í øumlnlstr~tl)rs, dduinq th~t h~ lS a.klng for the b~~rd t" .Ipprryv~ thl~ p?sl~il)n. he 6t~t~d th~t he 15 not creatlnq ð new ..~sltl~:1. ~r1j tI'dt tnl3 ¡"oslt.l":"I 10/111 h..nolo! ð lot ... of the ;>osltlons tuðt ..aro ,d I.nln,t.J'¡ In U.", ;.>"st. hof reµçrt,/o thllt It wIll help hIm I1I<In...·~.. o"ttel "nu ..:¡lvI! him ..,or.. cO:"ltrol, .!Io<Jlng tto..t hot ls recommendIng very str~nqly ~h~t thIs posItion bot Jpprovèd. Tape I J COlllmlssio:ar t.dSS4 stdtwu th..t bfffort! "n?t.her p?:'ltlon ls filled, tne Commi.sll)n Jn~uld s~e ",ndt Is ~Qing to :"Idppt!n wit' th~ n~'" p!~plff th.!lt have been put IntI) ~tn~r ~"sltl":"Is. C"mmlssi?ner Goodnlint stat.d that she eQneurs wIth thof C?unty I'I.1naqer liS ne has ,dmo~t. (0110,"'''' tho, Ar U'.ur Youn~ study t? tn" lett..r.. Mr. G.?rg~ Kotll..r, Presld~nt of (?111er C~unty Civie Fed~rðtl?n, stðtea th~t his µr?~lem 15 tn~t tnls purson tnat Is b~Inq put Into thld posItIon id nofW and is not that faml11ar with th~ County. hw stated that there needs to ba somvQn~ that Is familiar wIth *hðt Is happ.nlng In thIs County as th~r" "re ð l"t of ",roblems In thls County,1ddlnq that "" thlJ1KS to" County ;·'.Jnð~IH is m~ving ah'!dd t"" fast. CQmmlssloner Holland st~t~d that hu had mixed ~mQtlons db?ut thl. posltion until ho ciseus5"a It wIth County .'\LIn.!lqer Lusll. H" statl.'d tn_t there have owen ch'n~es mao. ana s"me of them ha has not liked, but after listening t" C?unty v~na~er Lusk, as (ar as obllg.:ltlon is concerned, thIs PQsltlon ,"",uld c¡lve thl) County M.:In!lger a b"tter P"qe 22 too« 086 'A'l gg _ 088w.tlOO . C~:f . ," I q.... ""'rcn ~, 19B5 opportunIty to ke.p closer contacts on the other 1000 employe.. he ha.. C~i..1oner Goodni,ht ~.d, ..conðed by Co..1..ioner Holland and oarrl.d 3/1, (C~I..lon.r a.... oppo..d), that the new po.ition of Deputy Aa.S.tant County Mana,.r be approved. n.. 120 Routt.1 IILLS - APPROVED fOR PAYMENT Pursuant to A..olution 61-1~0 the followlng cnecks wwre i.sued thro~h HidAY, I'I.1rch 1, 1'Jò5, In pAyment of routlnt bilhl C"'CK D~SCRIPTION CH~CK NOS. AMOUNT Vendor 12~213 - 125622 ~1.777,943.0B dce Payroll 10600 - 11150 248,105.47 n.. 121 IUDaET AMENDMENTS 85-183/184, 85-186/188, AND 85-lB9/193 - ADOPTED Co.ai..ioner Holland .oved, .econded by Co..i..loner Goodnlqht and carried 4/0, that ludqet Aaend..nt. 85-113/114, 85-116/181, and 15-119/193 be adopt~d. It.. . 22 RISOLUTION 05-70 RE MORALITY IN MEDIA - ADOPTED Coaalaaioner Holland ~oved, ..cond.d by Coa.ls.10n.r H.... that Resolution 15-70 re MoralIty In Kedla be adopted. 'Ihe follow1nq pl<opl" .p""!: In fð"or of thl< pr"p"li~d r~.olutil)n r'9_rdlnq ",or"lity In I'L:cle: e.Jrbero1 lI.ttl!t.o!r Dlan~ ¡.,lth..rs ~urry Clem~ntsl)n 'j'l)m Malon!!y Ju~ 1 1<11 t z Lð510 Tar ¡ T.pe 4 !:'! ttjl ...;.: iI-on Jonn !1oosl)n n.. r r let U f ! "r Ie,! r q \llcky Lln05DY L,) r ry h/lmm"nc .Joanna ~oa J'Jnny Dura Nol! llli."n CI) mr..1 Ii 510 n.. r Gt'l1) c r, I q t. t & ul; ':. 1 t t .. ç tor t h... r l cor c; ~ pt't 1 t I" n lnclclJtlng op¡>Qßltl?n. ~hl liale; lhlll 3tH ,.0131) r~ecl"e:j nóm"5, letters, an~ t..l,¡¡h?n'J c.;lls lr. ,',:!r'~~m'~nl. Upon call for the qu..tlon, the aotion carrIed 4/0. pagœ 23 t==::! r=J :=:J .- -.....---.------. ,. -'-E~;;'- ,'. .~. .'~"" .. ... - I'Iar::h S. 1985 It.. 123 IMMOKALII LITTLI LIAGUE PIESTA ON MARCK 9, 1985 - APPROVED Coøml..loner G~odnlqht stat.d that th. Immokale. Llttle L..guI ~uld like to n.ve parml.s1l)n to u.. tha Airport PJrk for ~ ~~xleðn fles~a to ralse ~oney on bð:urdðy, Y~rch 9, 1985. Co..l..ion.r Goodniqht .oved, ..cond.d by Co..l..loner B.... and carri.d 4/0, tbat the I..okelee LIttle Leaque b. p.r.ltted to hold tb.ir M.xlcan ri..ta on ~rch 9, 1985 at the Alrport Park. It.. 124 STArr TO PROCEED WITH TBE HIRING or THE ENGINEER 'OR THE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PROGRAM C~mml~~ll)n~r V?5~ ~t~t~a t~.It th~ County ðp~rQV~a ~t th~ lest electIon, by a conslotrðbl-. ,n.IC'JI''I, the referendum .:Ipprovlng an Jd vdlortm tðx ¡nere~~~ Qt Qn~ tvnth nl ø mill t.o ~onltQ( th~ cl)unty's wet,,( õUf- Jly. It. st~t(!C tn"t tt1.. ~t.:lff has !dvr.rt1!1~d f"r an Enqln;ur to h.ad tn4t ~ffort -<:'10 t',v ,"",ula lIKe t" hav.! tt'.., lice direct tho! St,sff to "roc"va wlth the hIring of thv cnc¡ln!!er. Ite statcd that there would n"t be any mon~y ðVdl1able until Wnv~m~~r when tn, taxes c"m~s In, but th1 Cln"ral tuna CQuld l~ncj th" mon..y tn that "nt'Hprls.. t" .upp<)rt tnl. p"rs,," un~ll R,IU ~Qn~y c~n ~~ r"~ðIU "U~ "t tnt ~d vJl"rem t.x".. Co u n t y Mð n a c¡ e r I.U 5 K 5 t .. t '" a ulin S t ,) ff 1 s s I t:I ply 1" "K 1 n q for dlrectlon ~ec^u~.. n~ ~Qulu ;'\~Vl t" c"n~ b~:K t" th~ uCC WIth ,n ¿ml)unt of rr.on"y tnat ,"",ula navv to :J.. bl)r r?weo l rnm t~e Genl!rð 1 tund, I)ut hll n(.leds ,11 rectlon as t" "".th~ r the bCC....Ints S:ð tIt" b., ...., (K 1"e¡ on the proj.et or just walt. 110;1 5tJt",d that to put the proqrhm t"qether the County n~.d. tne lnvtro:'lm~ntal Enq1n~~r on b~~ro. Co..l..1on.r VO.. .oved, .econded by Co..i..loner Goodnight .nd earrl.d 4/0, that Staff proc..d vlth the hlrinq of the Engln..r for the vat.r pollutIon control proqr... It.. 125 CBAIRKAM DIRECTED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES or APPRECIATION TO BE ISSUED TO THOSE WHO HELPED WITH THE GO~DEN GATE 'IRES Co..l..10n.r H.... .ov.d, .econd.d by CODal..ion.r Holland .nd carri.d 4/0, that the Ch.lr..n b. authorIzed to .1qn the Certlfle.t.. of Appreciatlon to be pr...nt.d to qroup. .nd Indlvlduala that provld.d a..istanc. durIng the r.c.nt flr.. In Golden Gate Eatete.. It.. 126 BCC VACATION JUNE 19. THROUGH JULY 23. 1985 f\ðge 24 Mil 088~',~ 103 w _.,,""''''_~,...._,_.-.,,__..."'"_~,~_~-. ... 086w,tl04 ~oiJrCn S, HBS Co~mlssloner Vo.. stated th~t his sU9gestlon Is that since there i. a ~.eting on June 10, the bCC shoulo begin their vacatIon I)~ June 19, 1985, and go throu'1h July 23, 198~. h.. .~.t.d that th.re would b. Comrl..10n.rs arounð during that tim" but th!lt wo:>uld be tne official vacatIon. Co..l..ion.r Yo.. .oy.d, ..conded by Co..is.ion.r Coodnight and carri.d 4/0, that the BCC vacation to b. Jun. 19 through July 23, 1985_ It.. '27 APPROPRIATIo. or '32,000 TO IE EXPENDED lASED OR 9 MONTHS rOR ry 1914-15 rOR THE CLERK or CIRCUIT COURT TO PROPERLY IMPLEMENT CHAPTER 84-110 - APPROVED Cl.rk of Courts keagðn .tated that, .. wa~ dlscussed In the ~rk.tlop, this I. for" proqr<l1Tl thlll ....15 passl?(J by the r..agll1Atlon and atf.c:t. all c.;ountl.11 In lnc btate of HC'lrldA. 1:'1 st.::ltcd that the flgurlt ..now. S",2,(¡(;U ""rllch "'Hi reCuef!U In th~ worksllop down to $32,0(;0. he .tðt.d thðt for the ben~flt of thl? pub1le, 1: is I?xp~eted to reeoup mOlt of th~ ¡. CORtS tnro~Jh ~om. ~eo~rð1 tun~ln~ wlthin 12 to 16 month.. Co..i..loner Holl.nd aov.d, ..cond.d by Co~.i3s10n.r H.... and e.rrl.d 4/0, that the .pproprl.tlon of $32,000 to b. .xp.nd.d b..ed on 9 .onth. for F1 1984-85 for th. Clerk of CircuIt Court to prop.rly .. i.pl...nt Chspt.r 84-110 be approv.d. ..--- Co..ls.lon.r Coodnlght aov.d, .ec~nd.d by Comei.slon.r H.... .nd carri.d 4/0, that the following Ite.. und.r the Con..nt Ag.nd. be .dopt.d .nd/or approv.dl .-... Ite. '28 LEASE WITH LEWIS COLLINS 'OR IHHOKALEE YOUTH GUIDANCE O"ICE .:>( I: hlql:S 110 - /).,If Ite. 129 TRAVEL AND ATTENDANCE TO COMPUTER TRAININC COURSE IN ATLANTA, CEORGIA, MARCH 10-13, 1985, FOR JEAN J£r'ORDS AT A TOTAL COST or $882.50 It.. . 30 SOCIAL SERVICES CASES W-l968 AND W-5100 It.. . 31 RALPH CARTER APPOINTED TO THE PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL IU. 132 PII')e 2!¡ :=! ::=J ::::J -------t',~ - "_.....__.,--""'--,"--~...',". '"'~~"""-''''_.'''' ........""...~ .. - .. MArch 5, 11185 CIAIRMAM AUTHORIZED TO SIGN 1985 JOI SIRVICE COMPONINT PLAM rOR SDA '20 ¡).u Pages _as ~ /;.. 7 U.. 133 CIAIRMAM AUTHORIZID TO SIGH COITRACT WITH THI COLLIER SPORTS OFrICIALS , ASSOCIATION rOR THE PURPOSE or PROVIDING ADEQUATE SPORTS orrICIATING AT COUNTY SCHEDULID ACTIVITIES ,')I!II rages .{).['- /.30 ne. 134 POSITION DESCRIPTION AMD PAY GRADE INCREASE 0' TPI TENNIS PRO/MANAGER POSITION TO PAY GRADE P-07 Ite. 135 PITITIo. TR-84-7C, ILOUISI THOMPSON, REQUESTING rINAL 3 MONTH IXTENSION TO TIMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT FOR S7S' or N1sr' or TRACT 55, UNIT 195, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES Ite. 136 COWTRACTOR'S LICENSING CLERK IN THI BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENT TO IE RECLASSIFIED TO CONTRACTOR'S LICENSINC TECHNICIAN AT PAY GRADE c-oa WITH A 5' INCREASE Ite. 137 PITITION PP-85-2C, WI~SON, MILLER, ~RTON, ':1LL , PEEK, INC. REQUESTING PINAL PLAT APPROVAL rOR rO~'IRE, UNIT THREE hPPROVED WITH ~TIPULATION 1. ' 'h" final plat not bt r't.:"rc.c until t.11~ rH<iulr..¡J 1mprov-.ments hdV~ b~~n constructed ðnd ð~cept~o "r untl1 ~?pr"v~d »veurlty lti fQc",lvcd. Ite. 138 PITITION PP-85-1C, NILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL , PEEK, INC. REQUESTING rINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR rOXrIRE, UNIT TWO It_ '39 CARNIVAL PERMIT 85-1 RE PETITION C-85-1I, I~O~LEE JAYCEES REQUESTING A PERMIT TO CONDUCT A CIRCUS ON MARCH 7, 1985 Sell P.1CJe /.3/ - r IU. 140 RISOLUTION 85-71 RE PETITION SNR-85-2C, MARVIN BENFIELD, REQUESTING STREET NAMI APPROVAL rOR BEN'IELD ROAD WHICH RUNS NOUTH AND SOUTH, INTERSECTING ALLIGATOR ALLEY, 1/4 MILE EAST 0' THE TOLL GATE ::iI!C t'ages 13~ IU.'41 Pðq I .26 ... 086 n~,! lœ .. 'œ6m1OO /'Idrch !¡, 1985 , , R&SOLUTIOM 15-72 RI PETITION SMR-85-1C, MARTIN IAMARCHIK, REQUESTING STREET IIAIt& APPROVAL rOR MDtMNI ORIYI WHICH RInIS lAST AIID WEST IWTIRSECTINO 8TATI ROAD 951, ONE MILl SOUTH or ALLIGATÇR ALLEY Se. Pitg.. 133 It.. . U ,nITIOM TR-14-ltC, WILLIAM &. SCBRADER, REQUESTIMG THE rIRST 3 MONTB IXTIM8IOM PIRMIT TO UTILIZI A TRAYlL TRAILER DURING CONSTRUCTION 0' PRINCIPLE RESIDENCE ON TRACT 8, UNIT 25, GOLDEN GATE IST~TES Ite. '43 DRAfT or GOLDIM GATE &STATU .....STIR PLAN FORWARDED TO STATE LAMD PLAII- MINù AGf.NCY , REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL AS REQUIkED BY r.s. 163.3184 It..... PETITION TR-84-13C, rRAMCIS , JEAII MUSICK, REQUESTING 3 MONTH EXTENSION PERMIT TO UTILIZI TRAVEL TRAILIR DURINO CONSTRUCTION or PRINCIPLE RESIDENCE ON TRACT 116, UNIT 87, OOLDEN OATE ESTATES Ite. 145 REVISED POSITION DESCRIPTION AMD P~Y CRADE (C-08) INCREASE FOR THE PERSONNEL ASSISTANT POSITION Ite. . 46 EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.205 - 'OX-WIN - SEC. 17, T505, R26E, NORTftE~ÐT CORNER OF INTERSECTIO~ OF COUNTY BARN RO~D AND WHITT~KER RO~D - " APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS 1. N~ ~xcðvated nwtör161 shall b~ r.m~v~J fr~m th~ pr~j(ct sltc. 2. oft-site ~lse~~ryc of qrouno~tt'r ourlnq e~~structl~n sh~ll O~ only thru ð~ ùppr~v~c ~isch.:lrq~ 5truetur~ ~fter wlOter qUalIty trC,HF!1( nt nP[H"'hG by th,; County ln~lncC'r. IU. 147 R&SOLUTION 85-74 ~PPROVING A LETTER AGREEMENT WITH EVERGLADES CITY CONCERNING COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE ~C4 !',H U> __!'}~:_-Lf-.!l_ Ite. '48 PRESENT POSITIONS IN DEPARTMENTS OF THE UTILITIES DIVISION RECLASSIFIED TO SECRETARY II Ite. 14 9 APPROVAL OF REIMBURSEMENT TO THE DEVELOPER or TOLL PLAZA R.V. PARK POR COUllTY REQUESTED WATER MAIN OVERSIZING IN THE AMOUNT OF $13,998.14 Page 27 :::J _'8~7' ,.._",."»..,.,..,~,...";,""..~.....;~".,,,_".~,.,>""_L_-"'_ .. - .. It.. 150 MRS. ItA'l'BLKD DOllS, MR. JAY IISHOP, AIID MR. WILLIAM MCAIILY REAPPOIM'I'ID TO SOLID WASTI ADVISORY COMMITTEE POR TWO-YEAR TERMS IXPIRINQ 3/16/87 It.. 151 CIAIRMAM AU'l'BORI%&D TO SIGW CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS AS PRISENTED BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE ~reh 5, 1985 1932 T~¡( ROLL 590 .1111/1:5 1':)(>3 T";( HOLL 365 - Jó7 2/11/65 - .!/IJ/35 19t14 'r,\;( ROLL 1515 - 134 .!/11/&~ - 2/15/55 l\l!\4 T!\NG I 8 LE: PlRSON^L PROPl::kT't 19134-110 .!/14/!l5 IUa '52 EXTRA GAIN TI~E FOR INMATE NOS. 36357, 33381, 25377, 31205, AND 40039 IUa '53 Itaa '54 TAX COLLECTOR TO ISSUE DUPLICATE TAX CERTI'ICATE NO. 1972 TO J. RICHARD KROPP AIID NOS. 4535, 4536, 4537, 4538, 4539, 4541, 4542, 5562, 4530, 4531, 4533, AND 4534 TO ALLEN R. ST. GEORGE 8!C~~S~_0! LOSS S"., ¡'~ge s (SO - /(;,3 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - 'ILED AND/OR RE'ERRED There belnq n'J C'bjecti"n, the C,~lr alrßcted tn,H tho fol,"\oIlnq corre.pcnaencoJ be fillo dn%r referrv~ tl) the v~rl"us tepnrt~ents as 1 nd I cat.o be 1 ow: 1. Letter Gðt~a 2/22/J~ fr"~ A10ncy on Aging enel'Jslng O¡')nltorln~ Hl!¡>ort for th.. Mr. Nor~on, Filed. th~ ~xQcutlve Dlreetl)r of Arca ø c"µy ,,( the Annual flscal C"lll~r County Aging ~rn~rbr. 2. DupJrtmwntðl RI!?orts: ~i leo. A. foreStry Department, Jðnuary, 1985 ~. Collier County Library, Jðnuðry, 1995 3. Public nl)tice dðtl10 2/15/95 from the úepartm~nt of tho Army r£e¡ardlnq the Chðnncl fr"m ~~ples to ~"rdon Pass Appllcatl"n. XCI Mr. Vlrtð, filed. .;. Letter datvd 2/11/85 from E.nvlronmentdl ::>upervlsor of D£~ '~ncloslng ð short for~ a?pl1::.sl1I)n (File No. 110989695). XCI ~r. Vl rta, Filed. .. OB6~!1U1 --,-~--~... Page 28 xc: ,,-~ ........,#.........._..,..,.......<,_.,,~.,.... .. 086rra 1œ .. /'larch 5, 1ge5 Letter dated 2/8/85 from Disbursement OffIce SupervIsor of Daputlunt of HIghway Safety a!'\d I'Iotor Vehiclos reporting lost PetroleUIII CredIt Cards. XCI Sheriff ..ogara, I:'iled. 6. lAtter dsted l/24/d5 from DIHt regarding approval of tll1'e extension fQr per~it number A-C0-77 ~l, The Rltz-Carlton Hotels, LTD. XCI Mr. Vlrta, FIled. s. 7. Lettor dated 1/15/85 hOI' DNR r.garding ap¡:;roval of tIme extensIon to permit number CO-58, r.L.S. C~rporntlon. XCI ",r. Vlrta, filed. 8. Letter dated 2/19/85 from the Secrett.cy or Cttpartment of Transportation enclosing two execut.d copies of agr.ement betww.n Collier County ðnd the Depðrtm~r.t ~K 9~1 from Marco Isllnd Bridge tl) U.S. 41. XCI I'.r. Kuck; Mr. kCchlb;¡ld, ..tleo. 9. Lottter r.c~ived 2/11/85 from Kepr"sentat1111: Bert harris, .lorió. house of kepreaentbtlves, regardlnq grant for housing Improv*ml:nts in Immok.J!£e. XCI !':s. IoIill1emson, f'illld. 10. Letter dateo ~,LHuðry 19[)!) from Mlchul lUll, Offiet of the :iecretary (\t the Tr~.&ury provldlng ~encrðl ~~v~nu~ SharIng .orm HS-L. xc: JIm elles, f'11ed. 11. Copy of 2/I5/t !) mCIIo'HdnC:u!:', fron, JIm GIles, fll!e.:¡l Of!iclor, rl!gdr~ln~ Jv5tice Cwnt~r 0utst~n~lng comffiltmants at 1/31/95. xc: nle;;. 12. Latter o¿t...c: 2/d/ì:,~ fron, th" F'r,,:,;1c.HH 01 ~.c.rco Associt.tlor, I)f ~ondor..lni\Jm5 rl'1,Hdlng µIH"saillnq on t',arco 151:lnd b6ach. XCI "'r. lu""1 I'Ir. ~ðunOlrs/ f'lleo. .- 13. Copy of 2/H'/8!) ðqenoð for tne Land and ,^,^ter Adjuolcatory CommIssion Inolcatlng vpco;ninq MðrC0 Sh"rtiS ~HI and ineluding r~commenoðt¡on to IsEut a 11n~1 0rollr ~doptlng re:ommtnded urocr on;) St1f;ulllt.l0n "t ~Jttlemt'nt. xc: ',Ir. ~itUnOerlil ...r. Vlrta I tilt:.!. 1". ~Op."1I ('f /".inlotls rp'::"lvea dn:.: filcú; ... COðstAl ^r~i. I-¡.H1nln'1 COlnnlss¡"n, ~ebruðry 7, 1'Jf:5 IJ. Uty Of N/lt"l...., J"nUGry é;, IG, .¡L, " ~II~. 6, l~t;~ C. ('clloµe'~ fire (ontrC'1 Cll1'rlc', Aovlsory Cl')mn'o1tt"~, 2/':;/85. l~. lP.tt~'r ~.:t~:.: 2/12/~~ fr",~ :-I.ltlo:...~l AS~?Cl.:.:iC':1 of C"...ntles r.qar~¡n~~beStos Correet.lon Clbl~s t"r County-üwn~' !Jul1c:ngs. ,;c: /',r. lus", ,~r. :o"uf'1,-"rs/ I'll,,:.. 1 u. Llltt.:r :J¡¡t:fC 1/2::/ ~, f ro!l' :.r,.., !:xecut lV" vI r-:ctor "t ~outn\o'est rlörlo~ hG~lgnul ~l~nninq ("uncIl r~gðr~ln9 tn~ Vlnloyorcs DMl Ap¡,licatlor. tcr D.,v",lopll,,,r,t Approval DRI .2-(;3£"';-39. ICC: dh;). 17. Public r.?tle.. ll-óS f rorr th.. U. ~. CQ"Sl (.;uuo for a:J"pO:ion of revlaed bridgc 11qhtll.''¡ ano oth.r slgnals whlcn WIU published by ::he CI).)st (iullrd in trill f'edurðl I<èglsler. xc: ~Ir, KUCK, Filed. 1'age 29 .-, _,..,J ~ - -----' r---1 ,t '. '-t:-;¡., __._.0'-_...,.__---.·,..,···---·,····,-----·'--···....-· .. - .. ~rch 5, 1985 18. ~.mo dated 2/12/85 from fIscal Offic.r Gil.. to Cl)unty ManGger Lusk rvqarcin~ ~.HA inquiry of 2/4/85 on projected 10.... for 1~84-85 Sv~er Are. -A- and Marco Island ~It.r and Sewer. ~es filed. 19. LAuar datea 2/12/85 from John ..... OJllins r"garding ~.ttr and Hwr .,.....IIII1.nt for Willouqtlby ^cr.s E of Lot 422 and Lot 423. xc: :'Ir. t....a"rgerÞer, Filed. 20. Lotter dat.d 2/1d/BS from C. A. ;"ourphy of Murphy Law Fl eØl rlg.rdlng a.8..am~nt. outlt~ncin~ ~q,lnl~ Hl1dy Ol.o~ ROI.. or N'Jtðl1. Ehlne Hagga on Lots 47, 48, 49, Þloc ( il2, ~aple. Park, UnIt S. ICC: :>Ir. Laa1trq.:rber, filea. 21. Lettar dateC 2/11/35 from Jurgon b~~~ttl~r of ~9st Germany r ~gardln'3 tne cwm"'JIIl of ....eds from prQP...rty cSt. I'oð rco Ho!aeh Unlt 11, blQCK 361, Ll)t II. xe: Mr. '''ooocoek, f'lleu. . . . . . . Th.re oking no further ousin~.. for .th~ GOQG of tn~ County, th~ meetlnq W3. aajourneò by úrdar Qf th~ Ch~lr - Time: 11:40 A.M. UOAKD vr CùUNT~ CO~MlSSIONE~S/ BOARD Of ZONING APPEALS/EX- OfFICIO GOVERNING bOARD(S) OF ~P~CIAL DI~TRIcTS UNDER ITS CO,HRUL //; It: /-1 ¡,rn:I)t.I\.~I; J. fo:,:.., CHAIH1'\AN ATTEST: Í'I I LLIA."I J. FcEACAN, CLE~I< ~..:"~.,~ "'~~ '. ~. J"'ìc. ----' ------~. ~~ ~ . " . .; " T~,. mlnutu·ap¡i.ovca by th~ ~CC.,n ~~ ~/?~ a¿pr...ntoJd lior ðS corrdctad / " " . I fro ~ . I, :; ~:... I . ~ ':1' .. .. 086mlQ) ,~ ," .. P.sg. J 0 . ~~,;,,-,...._=---