BCC Minutes 03/16/1985 W - - - Napl.., Florida, I'I.Irch 6, 1985 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that In accordanc. with· action-taken· on March 1, 1985, the Board of County Co~.i..ion.r. In and for the County of Collier ..t In wealS.O. 818810. on thl. date at 9100 A.M. In 8ulldlnq ·F· of the Courthou.. Complex, ta.t Naple., Florida, with the tollowlnq ...ber. pre.entl CHAIR/'IAHI Fredericl( J. Voss VICE CHAIRMAN: C. C. -Red- Holland Max H"aae Anne GOl)dn Igh t A8S~NT: John A. Piator ALSO ,rESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerks Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerks Burt L. Seundera, County Attl)rn~Yl Donald 8. Luak, County ~nagerl N.l1 Dorrill, Aaai.tJnt County Managers Judge Hugh Hayea, Jerry Berry, 84r Associatlon¡ Sn.,riff Rogers¡ Dougl.u Gorham, Property ^pprai.er's Office¡ Guy Carltl)n, TAX Collector; Ad~m Addison, Tax Collector's Offlcel and Deputy ChIef Rdymond 8arne:tt, Shedff'a Oepa r tlllen t. .. AC EN D^ Discusaion regardIng space allocations GrN&RAL DISCUSSION Chairman Vo.a said the purpose of this workshop la to fInd ways of cuttinq down the cost of the. projected apace needs of the CQunty. He aaid there il approximately 3.5 mlillon dl)llarl reserve from the Justice Center Expansion project and that approximately 1 million dollara needs to oe cut from the projected n.ede. He said that the ir.~o~e from sales tax would justify approximately ~~other 6.5 million dollars on the present bond issu". Aasistant County Manager Dorrill said it Wl)uld be wIse to uae a 3 million dollar figur~ for the roserve aml)unt sInce the figure. he presented previously dId not take Into account asb.atos removal. Co..issioner Voss .aid that would mean cutting out 1.5 million dollar. from the projected needs which would result in 8.5 millIon dollar. needed. A discussion followed regarding BuIldIng "A". Attorney Jerry Berry, representing the 84r Aasociatlon, said there is a need for a witness management room, rooma for takIng depositIons and a jury room. County Manager Luak said that the origInal project called for rellodel- ing the first floor and It was his opinion the Commission should Page 1 lODe 086 rA~1164. ---'^-'~-''''''''''''''''''''''>'~',"",......;",>"_.".,.".~,"-...__~....._._""_.._",,..·..._~.û".·,..".,., "'. ..............''--,,-,- 'OK Ð8S,.Ir.t 165 . I March 6, 1985 addre.. do1n9 that, plu. the .econd floor. "r. Dorrl11 ..id the current plana collI tor two new courtroo.., judge. ch..ber., an area for fine. and forfeitures and the County Probation Office and a jury waiting are.. Me .aid the nu.ber of courtroo~ woulð not ch~nge on the .econd floor but they WQuld be renovated to total three courtrooma and one In the ~obile traIler for a tot.l of alx courtroou, including the .econd floor. In respon.e to Mr. Berry, Mr. Dorrl11 said th¡at the oriqlnal budget for BullcHng -,,- 1. $695,000 and that doe. not include a.besto. related work. He aaid the current budget for a.be.to. work i. $250,000 and ia a different budget. Judge H~ï~s said the proposed third floor on BuIldIng WA" was p.rtly for projected need. in the future. He saId wIthIn three years there will be .nother Circuit Judge and within three to five years there will be .nother CQunty Judge because the statIstics for County Court have increased 167, in th~ lest ten y~ars and Circuit Court ha. increaaed 60'. He saId that the Judges relied upon the t.rat qrl)up ot architects as to what was adequate n~eds for the judiciary. H~ saId that tho.e firat µlans were totally Inðdequate. He stressed the need for a jury room and deposItion room~. During the dlscu.slon that followed, Judge HoSyes suggested thdt the third floor shell. be built, at this tIme. "'r. Lus~. asked If there would be a problem If the 101.., lIbrary ...re placed on the eight floor of buIldIng "F" and Judge Haye. said that was posslbll!, ho~.ver, thert.' Is some 1;>'11c to have the library where the courtrooms dre. H. said th~ current law lIbrary Is totally Inadequate and addt!d th^t th~r. are many ndW bookø that have not been placed because there Is no room. Mr. Dorrill .stlmated the coat of tho third floor shell for 13,000 square f~et at 520.00 a Iquðre foot. He sa~d the renovation cost of thu ..cond floor for 13,882 square feet at 550.00 a squar_ foot would be 5694,000 and a sImilar amount for the first floor. He said at 520.00 a square foot for the shell of the third floor the cost would be approximately $280,000 for a total of 1 millIon dollars for Building -A- ~hlch would m.~n a cut of approximately 5735,00C. Sheriff Rogers explained the deficiencIes at the Immokale, Stockade whIch include smoke detectors, fIre alarms and fIre escapea at the e.at end of the buildIng. He said that the prison Inspector ha. taken thr.e hours of depositions on these deficiencies and if the lite threatening situations are not remedied quickly the County wIll be Page 2 .----. I '=:J r---~ i....-J - - - March 6, 1985 .ubject to law.uits over the conditions at the Stockade. Mr. Dorrill aald that 1/4 million dollar. waa allocated for the Sheriff'. renovatlona. A di.cuaalon continued reqarding 8uilding -B-. Mr. Dorrll1 aald 8uildlnq -B- ia currently the Health Department and $50.00 per aquare foot i. !lqured for Interior renovatIons for the Utility Dlvialon to .ove In that building. Mr. Lu.k auqgested cutting $250,000 of that amount and not doing all the renovations at onc_. Mr. Dorrill saId that BuildIng "C" Is currently occupied by the Property Appraiser and the Tax Collector. lie said $50.00 per square foot is figured for renovations for 12,500 sq'¡are feet to be occupied by the Tax Collector. He saId a 8,000 square fOl)t wing ha. been proposed for the Property Appraiser at ð cost of $85.00 per square foot. Mr. Lusk p<:Ilnted out that the Pro?erty Apprais.c had reque.ted a 12,0000 square foot building. Commissioner Voss said that 8,000 square feet would give Mr. Colding two and one-half times the amount of space he now has. Mr. DorrlJl saId that the renovAtIons should Include a alx foot corridor in.tead of the curr_nt twelve foot corrldl)r whIch would 9ive mora usable space. Mr. Cdr1tl)n said the only thing that would n~t be renl)vated would be the space occupied by the Motor Vehlcld Department. Mr. Addison said the computer area would take about 2,000 square feet. Mr. Lusk suggested cuttIng the renovatll)n costs for BuIlding -C- fro~ $700,000 to ~400,000 to whIch Mr. Carlton agreed. Mr. Dorrill said the total aml)unt for BuIldIng "C" wl)uld be 1.1 million dollars. Co.misslon~r Voss suggested avoIdIng permanent partItIons. Mr. Gorhall saId with the gr~wth that has been experienced in Collier County the Property Apprdiser's ~fflce wIll need to be expanded. lie said an Income Producing Department will have to be set up under the new guidelines of the Department of Revenue. Mr. Dorrill saId that BuildIng "D" now houses the Public Works Departlllent, the BuIlding Inspections and ZonIng Departments. Ha aaid it is intended that the Public Works Department wIll remain In that building with $50.00 per square foot being U5dd for renl)vationa. Mr. Lusk saId he is trying to keep the BuildIng Department on the firat floor of a building and It is planned to put them in the Satellite BuildIng where the atorage apace is located. He said the plan is t~ discontinue the use of the trailer that currently hl)uses aOlle of the BuildIng Department. Page 3 aDDe OB6~A~t 166 "!";'!¡,' .~~-~ ,_......'""'.....4...".._,··,~,·,_,'.,"'.'~".·"".n.. "·"·'''''"'''''-'·~''_''·'''··'_.·'_''''''''·_''·''·''''''.";_1'''·'M·..""...~"'....",.,,,_'...._""__,_.M<; _,, I .. (Ø) 'A~r 1B7 .,~: March S, 1985 Mr. Dorrill .aid that $435,000 i. planned for renovation of Building -D- and that could be cut by $135,000. Mr. Dorrill .aid that Building -G-, the Satelli~e Building, hou.e. the 'ark. and Recreation Department, Social Service. and the Clerk'. record. retention. He .aid that $194,000 i. planned for renovation for thi. building and new construction in about one-third of the building. Mr. Lu.k reco..ended that am~unt be left intact. He said tha~ probably the Park. and RecreatIon Department will go to the eighth floor of Building -,- when the warehouse facility is built. The decision was .ade to leave the warehou.e in the plans. Com~i.. oner Voa. .aid that 1.5 mIllion dollars 1. planned for a Detox Center in Immokalee. Commissioner Coodnlght saId that In the original bond issue it was .tated that tha Detox Center was goIng to be buIlt. She said there i. I committee in Imml)kalee who are very upset with the fact that the Detox Center is not going to be built becau.e they feel that the people in Naples have the money to take care of their alcoholic problems but some of the people in Immokalee do not have the money for their need.. She said, for the record, this committee feels the County should take care of this problem in Immokalae. Commissioner Voss a9reed the need was there. Commi.sioner Holland said that the origInal plan WðS for the Detox .. Center in the Stockade to serve for retention of prIsoners and for the Detox needs. lie said that the HRS requirements meant all the bars from the windows and the securIty fence would have to be removed. He said that elimInated the plan to use a portion I)f the Stockade for the Detox Center. He saId he and Deputy 84rnett Ire on the Bl)ard in Fort Myers for Alcohol and Drug ^buse and in this dIstrIct th~re is a 2 mIllIon dollar shortage. He 8aid almost all the money available 18 beIng funded to the Detox Cen~~r In Ft. Myers and it Is costly to take the people from Naples and Immokale. to Ft. Myers. Deputy Bdrnett saId that the Cl)unty has been feedIng people at the Detox Center. Hø said most of the people in the Detox Center are from Naple.. Commissioner Voss said that $300,000 Is planned for for the Detox Center. Mr. Dorrl1l saId tha new buIlding adjacent to the lmmokalee Health Department. Commis.loner Voss asked If S180,000 could be taken Health Department BuildIng and Mr. Dorrlll agreed. a new buIlding Is to be bu il t out of the Pig e 4 ,--; -' -. ; ~ t~ -_.........,-,-_."._,'..."..."-"-,~"...~..,,.,."''',,."'~"'','._,.,.-...."""""""','" - .. - M.lrch 6, 1985 Coaai..loner VOII .ua..riled the cut. a. Building -A- would co.t 1 aillion dollar., Building -.- would co.t $250,000, Building -C. would COlt 1.1 .illlon dollar., Building -D- would COlt $300,000, Building -0- would be al planned, the warehouse would be a. planned, and the Health Dep.r~ent would have $180,000 r..oved, to COlt approxlaately 3 ailllon dollars. He .ald the.e .avlng. would result in approxl.atelY 3 .illion dollarl. He .aid the renovations of the Jail, the renova- tions of the Stockade and the Detox Center would b. as planned, He .aid the.. cut. will reduce the architect fee. and the contlng.ncy, al.o. Mr. Carlton .aid it the Commission wIll allow him to hire hi. own archit.ct .nd do his own renovation. he would agr.e to a cut of anoth.r $140,000. Mr. Lusk .aid he would approve of Mr. Carlton'. offer which would re.ult in $300,000 for r.novation of Buildinq "Co. He .uqg..ted that Mr. Carlton not com. back In three to fIve years for more apace and Hr. Carlton .greed. The con.ensus of those pre.ont was to aqre. to Mr. Carlton'. offer. Mr. Gorha. said na cl)uld not gIve tacit approval for Mr. Colding, who w.. out of town this date, for e t~ and one-half tl..s incroase In .p.c. and the Int.rior work. H. reque.t.d that thl. be put in writing tor Mr. Coldini. He asked that the Property Apprai.~r be activ.ly Involved In the pl.n. with the architect and Cl)mmisslon.r Voss .aid that was n.c....ry. Mr. Lusk a.k.d that the $100,000 .avlng. through Mr. Carlton' off.r be put In the warehouse .ince that will be a multI-use buildIng tor all of the Con.titutional Officer.. A discussIon follow.d as to wh.ther Mr. Coldlng would want to get hi. own architect, during whIch Mr. Lusk saId thIs i. a new County- owned buildIng and It was his opInIon the CommIssIon need. control for construction of that building. He agr.cd that Mr. Colding .hould work clo.ely with the architect. Mr. C;orham saId the Property ~ppral.er Is lookIng at more or l..s a .hell for the building with fl.xible interior. CommIssioner Voss requ.sted that Mr. Dorrill put in writing all the r.ductions that have b..n agre.d upon. Mr. Dorrill .ald that hIs calculatIons of the cuts in the program re.ult In a reduction of $1,450,000. H. said if there is a .1milar pro-rata d.cr.a.. in architectural and engine.ring f.e. of 10' and reduction In the .xi.ting contingency fund by an .qual amount the total paq. S 1001 086 'J.:, 168 ','.' ,\ ~ :;,'..,. ; .~'-_.- -_"--,"-,~,,,.,.,..,..,,...,--" .-;~~~ ... 088 I'1'.! 169 .'11; I', :: t;,". . .,'~ , , , "-,rch 6, 1985 reduction will b. $l,470,OOO" Co..i.sioner Vo.. .aid that would brinq the oriqin.l 11 million dollar. in n..ds to 9.5 .illion dollars. "r. tusk cautioned that the 6.5 ailllon dollars is not availabl., yet, and that the Board of County CQm~is.ioners will have to make a decision regarding a bond issue. Mr. Dorrill said it wa. hI. opinion that the chances of the County retundinq within the next thirty to sixty day. are very poor. He said it would probabl~ Þ. thIrty to .ixty day. b.fore the Co~ml..ion mak.. a deci.ion on a parity bond 1..u.. Clerk Reaqan .xpr....d hi. conCern about the t.n traffic court cl.rk. and two aailrooll cl.rks that were de.igned In the orIginal archItect'. plans to be part of Bullðlng -A" and part of BuIlðlng -F-. Ue .aid he has been told that those have been taken out. He said they w.re part of the original 23 million dollar bond i.sue. He saId that the original archltactl were very good and that they had experlenc. d.signing courtrooms around the country. He said that he has stayed with the original plan. Mr. Reagan said that the original 23 million dollar bond i.sue Included the Clerk, SherIff. State Attorney and Public Defender. Mr. Lusk said that he did not know that those twelve people were being cut out of BuildIng -A-. Mr. Dorrlll saId that the last plans he .. .aw showed the Fine. and Forf~Itures Department on the fIrst floor of Buildinq "A". CommissIoner Holland saId there was no cholc. but to put those people back In Building "A". Mr. t.usk uld It Is the CommIssioner.' decision where people are to be placed and Mr. Reagan's people should Þ. considered In Building "^" until a different deciøion i, ma1~ by the.. . Mr. Reagan aSked that thw CommissIoners keep him In mInd ~ith regard to the origInal bond Issue. Commissioner Holland said it was his Int~rpretatlon. after talking with the JUdges, that there would be room left on the fIrst and .econd floor of Building "^" for the Clerk's need.. Mr. Dorri11 said that It was his intentIon that Mr. Reagan's County Court-related activities would move to the first floor of Building -A-. Deputy ChIef 8arnett requested that the plan, as changed, be given to the Constitutional Officers so th.y can b. aware of the n.w space paqe 6 ,--, - ~ t:::) -'~"'---"-' -L.: ·r· ....- ~ - - .. March 6, 1985 plan. and ~r: Berry aaked to be lnfor.ed, alao. ... There belnq no further buaine.., the meetinq waa adjQurned by Order of the Chair - Timol 10140 A.M. I. 086I'At,t 110 ;#';.....- ii" - ---'-"-"""-'''''.~-'''''''''~'',"",--~"......".,>-..,,,..__.,,-,,.. Page 7