BCC Minutes 03/19/1985 R .- .. .. N~pll.', t·¡'HI".1, ......rch l!i, 1~9.s Lt:T L: jS£ KEI'IE/'I8ERt:iJ, th03t thlt &ooJr¡;: of County Commi.sioners In and for th. County at LOl11~r, ~nd JIlt) jet ~q ðC th~ dOArn ~f Zoning App"ah tr.:J UI cll':: gt)Yernlng bOHd(:;) of Suen c JoclDl <.Jhcriccs ..8 h~vE' b.....n C«~o1C?d~.:cor"ln'Ì tl) I.... .,nd h':lIl1ng ::":'h.1UC~..¡O bus1n"s!: . ~r :~. 1::'.:: on Cnll dat~ ~t Y:00 A.M. In Re9ular S.'.lon In dUIl~ln~ .Y. of tha Ct)ur~nnuø... (.;1)1.11'1 "x. l::oJlI~ :·..pl,¡c, Ylor:.1u. .Iltn tt.., fnl¡".~lno.J m..r.:h.,rs j)f'JI3nt: c..: rt...:.1 hi"" ~: rr~GIH1':1I J. Vt)3S VICt. ~.I^IH.1A:<: L.:':. ·k,~;J· 1,011.,n(1 "ax M":lS.. h.:1n J Gl')o"'~. <,n t .'jiit;Nr: J"hn ^. PIstt)r AL5Q I'HESr.tl'r \II I 1 11 "'" ..J. "."Iop n, l: 1 . r 1(: J .)II''' .. C:. G 1 . II. I' III C .. 1 OftlclJr; ....oJUcC14n ¡(.)ny"n, Ü~t,uty (1·,rl(; ::)t)n·'jd 1:1. LU~k, C"U"1ty .1.,n<J(pr; ~urc L. S,undørs, L"unty Attt)rn"y; :-<J11 D->rr111, Asslst"n,: Cf)uncy ""..n..qer; Parr. ~rlln<J.!CC'lo, wpu:y '\Ss15~.'nt l'''untï ,'.'n~'p~rl '/"Im !<uck. Puellc ·....,r,(1\ Adr:dnlltr,]t"r; VICK1., :-:ulljn~, "crln') l"....ml.1n.t" D"vldoµn"nt Adótllnl:;tr.::t"r; Anr. ."d'im. A~tln') ,,,nln'1 Ulr~ctt:'r; :::;'<:'Irq" Archlt>oJld, ~r..ns?t)rt.J·~I.'n iJlr,"e~rJr; ~"1n .¡"rt"n, Publl:: ~;'1r"lco!s ^amlnllitr"t~rl "ðney :"r~AI:I·;n. I\nnllnlstr.>tIV. .\atilll~..nt Jno ú~'puty O'Ii'!t kðy¡r,,,nd tiornlft.t, Sherltt's D<.,?artmL.nt. ~CC( rær~: 189 P.I';" 1 .1 .... '. '~ .," " aDOC 086 rJ"~ 196 ~ol1 r :: r. 1 9, l!: t !I "ape 11 It.. 11 AOIHDA - APPRQVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CHANGES Co~i..ioner Bol1.nd aov.d, .econded by Co.-i..ion.r H.... .nd carri.ð un.ni.ou.1y, th.t the .qend.·be .pproved with the fo110wln9 ch.~.. I II. Itum 131:1 r. q~lf Coursea - Add.u by County ""'nllger b. It.m 161:14 re TH-85-14C moved from the Conlen~ hqanda to Itwm 10,6,4 by County ""'naq"r c. Item 16D~ withdrawn by C"unty ~nðger re aa1~ of surplua WoJ te r trltatment p1antil d. Item 10£2 ðdOed by C"unty ~nðgfr rf diacu.slon of tire purch~IIl't1l e. Item l3A unO,.r ~CC rf ðO\·j lory board polley pOlltp"n'ild until 4/2/85 - keyu~steò by Commlssj"ncr Hð~se u.. . 2 þ MINUTES or MARCH 1 AND MARCH 5, 1985 - APPROVED AS PRESENTED Co..l..ioner Coodni9ht .oyed, ..cond.d by Co.~I..ion.r H.... and c.rri.d un.nl.ou.ly, th.t the .inute. of March 1 .nd M.rch 5, 1985, b. .pproved .. pr..,nted. u.. . 3 PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING KARCH 19, 1985 AS VERNON MORGAN DAY IN RECOGNITION or 20 YEAR3 or SERVICE TO COLLIER COUNTY - ADOPTED Upon relldin9 of the procll1mlltion, Co.-I..lon.r Vo.. .oved, .econded by Co..il.ioner H.... .nd clrri.d unani.ou.ly, thllt M.rch 19, 1915, be de.ignated .. Vernon "orqlln DllY in recognition of 20 ye.r. of .ervice to Collier County. ¡--¡ pag.. :2 ----.. [, " 'J .'--.. -,..--.....-. -~-' -_..... ~ ..,j t·,r:' · .... ';Àf."{.,:i,. . ..,~'~A.,; <;., ·~otj-(, 086"',(198 ~..srcn 1~, 198~ 'IRVICI AWARDS PRESENTED (PERSONNEL) Employeo b~rvlce Award. w.re pre.ented t~ the f~]10wln9 County t:lIIpl oyn a I Char1~. Lowery - A~riculture George Archibald - Tranlportation Juan Cruz - RO~d , 8rldg~ Lloyd 1'atum - &0110 M.t" Juan ~rtln.z - HOüj , ~ricg~ Muriel /'IcLltran - Proo'!cion David ~aven?t)rt - builalng Inspection Patrici. Çarroll - Trans?Ortðtlon ~lm.r Gr.~n - Road t brloqt lO 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 ~ y~ /Irs ye a r s y.,aru years years yellrl years Y. a r. yedrs (nt)t prelent) (n"l prlllent) (n~t pres"nt) Ite. IS PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING 3/21/85, -NATIONAL AGRICULTURE DAY- - ADOPTED Upon reading of thrAproc1...tion, Co..l..lon.r Goodnight .oved, .econded by Commi..ioner H.... and carried unanimously, t~.t the procla..tlon de.19n.ting "-rch 21, 1985, a. N.tlonal Agriculture Day be adopted. i'Wn rcpcvs'~ntallves fron, th:: A'Jrt) ~usln..ss Ioo"mrn Ntlt",ork =r.<.J the ÇOwb.,lls oJcce Jtt'd tt1" prncldln/l:.1on ,'ne In\·lt.a tn,. \,;"mm18s1on t" tne Annu",ll'e11 tta' t·..I,.. 5tory .,t. th,. "';t).'J.;tL.ln(J ....illl "n ~''Y Jrd, t.,,,, facl:1 ~our on I'+'rl1 Jr::, o'In'J t.n~ I'Ut.:!lX :JuUI'r,n,¡fkct I,t tn.· 'jIvlll"n ;.,11"pplng ç" r. t.... r on i'Iit r c h ;U. Pag\: J CJ ""'7"""1 . .~ ._..J i:::ï '\.~ ' . ',..,:¡.,;,.::--.'.. ",,:.-:--:--~--;-:~:--JJ,;' '~_'_"'-' "...., ....... ,..,'>, ~'''~4 . L,iI!.orf:. "~": "W":'" '. ·'f ~_, ,"";.,,~;t¡ ,..:./:'<' "j"·"'~¡f~~,:~ :,.;~ :"~f;:~~:';i' :,~, 'r,~;~,...{.~·r ".: ,;-- r,'~' ..., '~~';;í~1 -'"'--'-"'--"''"'"''''''''''''''""''"~''-''' ',,""""'- .. 086n~200 It.. 16 PROCLARATIOI DIBIGMATJMO TIE MONTH OF APRIL, 1985, AS -FREEDOM FROM SMOKINO MONTH- - ADOPTED ,.ra r c t1 l!l, 19 a !> Upon re.d1n9 of the procl...tlon, Co..i..lon.r H.... ~y.d, .econded by Co..i..loner Vo.. .nd carried un.n1.ou.ly, th.t the procl...tlon de.19natln9 the aonth of April, 1985, .. -'r.edom fro. 8aok1n9 Month- be .dopted. Dr. "olkowski and Hoger ly.sns £cc.pted the proclanl/ltlon and Dr. ~lkowski 8tðt~d that this proclðmðtl~n highlights the lmporttnce which the public offlcl~ls plac.' "n pr"tcctlnq tho populatlt)n's health thr~uqh changlnq l1festylcu;. She stated thllt It Is o8tlm"t~d t~ðt tj"¡(: Rm~ker decr."se. hi. or h~r lif. spdn ~n tile av.rðqe hy 5-1/2 minutes Jj with ever)' cl:jllrette 8/I."kuo. 51lp. n"ted tl1~t studle. rer.~rt tr.~ adY'l'fs4! etfec:r. lIorr.'~"n', '!ls,,'s srn"k' r:f~"n thl' n,.,n-l\m()I\"r. !ih': staler. th"': th"! entire m"ntll of /'pril will O'J je·",.,t..~ to 11l'II' the clclz'!ns Itnp this hnrr-tu.l cI'::o;c:lv... h"blt ..r,1 :... Im¡..;r(\v.~ tn" r c utl1ty ,..,f Ilf... PllI;}t 4 ! ¡ ~ ~,'7ï ~ ,:-- ,~.;~~t:_:·~~~-,~-,~:; t-"~~ ----'-...-.-::~:- "'-~.,"..- ..«.....,.,~" ",.."..""~"..",, ,.,.,_.." .. ',~ ",...,.._.,~"",.._,-,- UK 086 pm 202 It.. 17 I 'I!1~IOI R-'C-C3CL VIMES COIITUlUID '1'0 MAY 7 flUS Chair..n VO.I Itated that there'il a request to continue this item to Kly 7, 1985, and it will be r.advortil~d. "larch l!i, 1985 . ASSOCIATIS RI RIIOME rOR EMIRALD LAXES _ It.. 18 ORDIKAaCI IS-II RI PETITIO. R-14-35C, COLLIER DEVELOPMENT CORP., RI RlZOMIMG FROM RKr-6 AID C-3 TO PUD rOR A COMMERCIAL ßOTE~/SBOPPING CIIITIR 8O~I8T or AIRPORT-PULLlMa ROAD AID U.S. 41 - ADOPTED SUBJECT '1'0 STIPULATIONS Legal notice having beMn published in the Naples Cally News on January 18, 1985, as evlaenced by ^ffidavlt of Publication filed with the Clerk, ~ubllc hMdrl~ was continued fr"m February 19, 1985, and I'Ierch 5, 1985, to consider Petition I1-B4-35C, Collier Dt-velopI\1ent Corporation regardlnq rezoning from k~,F-6 and C-J to PU¡;¡ tor II commercial hotel/shopping cent~r ."uthwest of Airport-Pulling HOlld and U.S. 41 ~cro.s trom the County C"urthouse Complex. Acting Zoning Director ~cK¡n stated that the objective of this p~tltion Is t" deY~lo~ II shopping c~nt~r ~nd h"t~l cornpl~x on this property whlcl, consist o( 2U.~ dcr~s. ~he notea thllt "taff .¡nJ all County aqenclvs r....l~we(J this µI:UUon ano rec"mn,,,nattd lI?proy.11 subject to amenoment of the PUD docum~nt per the staff repor~ dated Ja~ullry la, l~B~. Sh~ noted that th~ CA~ hel~ theJr public heo'lrinq on J"nullry 17, 1985, IInd unanlm,,>usly recomm~nded a~~roYal subject t" stllff .tipulatlons ~. am~nded in C19CUSSI~n with the notdtlon thllt tney have conc~rns wiCh the traffic prohlems In the IIrea. She reported that one l(otter of oPPo3ltl"n '''d!; ree"lYtlC ~nà tlo<> f'"oµl. s~"..t.' néitt1~r for nor aqalnst. ~he reported thát :lIneI' the C^F'C hearing th.. PUD d"e,Jment hils been dmenovo to Inc~rµ,,>rdtc tntlr r~çom~enC~tlons, "dulng th~t thv r\fcommen.Jatlon Is f"r dppro',,;)l of I>etltlon H-f4-3~<':. suoJect tn CAPC'II r~cQmmenà6tions. ".r. Cliff dórks::Jèlh ~f C"Ult,r UcY"loplh!nt CQq',,>rdtion IItdtca that he has rv~"dreti~ed th_ traffic sltu~tion ~j"nq U.S. 41 and he 1s pr~p~rftd ~t the b~qin~lno of =onstructlon t" In5t&11 the r\fqulred turn-l",nes and th~ me(l1~n Irn¡:r"Y.rm~nts IIlonq U.S. 41 ,on~ the liloe....alk Qn th~ sout!> ¡,¡iúe 01 U.~. 41 if th" DOT do~& not /r,lke that improvement ~Ithln the threu YCAr period. he stated tn~t In the current PUD the lo'l"guage relld~ tn"t tney woulo pðy th~ir f~ir sh~re of any other "lIge 5 -~ E'· ~--"""'-'._;"-";""._'-"~-"-'^-~'~".""'"--- .. .. - /'larch 19, 1985 IDProv.~.nt. r.quired alonq U.S. 41. Commissloner h~... que.ti~ned It this Is an Incr~ale ~r d.cr~as. In density, to which Mrs. MCKim stated that it ls an increasQ in ten.lty of us. tor th~ ¡;roparty, adding that th~ pr~perty Is ~?nQd C-3 now except for a small pløco. Sh~ staCed Chat cho hotel and too theater Is ~ u.~ not ðllow~~ und,r C-] currencly, nQthlng th~t tho rwst of the ule. are permitted. ~r. Barkldalœ at~ttid thut th~ hot~l in tho primary CGUS~ "t tensity ~no c"uld not bt aon~ unùor thlt fo'r'lsent :t"nir·~. but the hotel ha." much less tr..ftlc gO!n';Hðt"r ~hlln tne comorcl,,1 sh"ppln9 stor.,., adding thdt If thlt h"tel was not thcrlt dnj thœ existing C-3 was .axlml zed .n eommoJrclld SF"Cof, tn"re 1o")uld bit m"re tr.1ftle thlln what la under the ~r0fo'oaeú pur. Commlsslo:1or Holla:'d <,uesti"neo if Mr. BdO:sda1,! W'Ould be willing to Inltall a signa' ; Ight at the scart "f cl)nstructl"n dt the exit to the courth~use on U.~. 41 ~s h~ hils ~trong c"neorns regarding safety in that arell. I'Ir. Ii.1 rKsd"l... lnolcdt,',:: tn~t ther... "rc t\1') ..ntr.!nces on I'lItlHI Avenue and tW'O ~ntr~nc~. on u,~. 41, ~udln4 that the W'Orst thing th~t can hDFPon to a sh,,¡;pln'J r:cntt'c I!; oj c.,HI trðffic S!tu~tlon ¡~ cnl frt)nC of ~ Ihopplng cuntor. h~ stdtO!d that ne wryu1d be agreeable to Inlta11 a trattle slgnðl In th~ fro:1t ,,>t the sh~p~lnq c~nt~r betorlt con.truction starts. Co..l..lon.r Holland ~ved, ..conded by Co..i..ion.r H.... and carried un.nl.oully, that the public he.rinq be cloled. Co..i..lon.r Holl.nd ~ved, .econd.d by Coaai..ioner H.... .nd carri.d un.nl.ou.ly, that the Ordin.nce .. nu.bered and entitled b.low be adopt.d .nd .nter.d into Ordln.nce Book No. 19 .ubject to P.ti- tioner'. Aqr....nt and wJth the .tlpulltion that the developer aqree. to in.tall a traffic .lqnal It the courthoul. .xlt on U.S. 41 a. .oon .. po..lbl. Ift.r con.tructlon .tArt. and llait. acce.. on p.t.r. Avenue to two and .id.wllk. In.tlll.d If the DOT do.. not do It. ORDINANCE 85-11 ~ ORDINANCE AM&MDING ORDINANCE 82-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUWTY, rLORIDA, BY AMDDING THE ZONItIG ATLAS MAP NUMBER 50-25-1 AMD 50-25-6 BY CHANGING,TBE ZONING CLASSIPICATION or TO B.EREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY PROM RMP-6 AMD C-] TO -PUD- PLANNED UNIT DIVELOPMENT FOR A COMMERCIAL HOTEL/SBOPPING CEMTIR, AMD PROVIDING AM EFFECTIVE DATI. (Located SW of the Inter..ctlon of US-4l. Airport ROld acro.. fro. the County Courthou.. C~.x. 20.8 Acr..) a~!lK 086,m wj Pa91 .5 ~"....>.."_._,.._~¿"...~"h ,._,..,~. ........_"'.....____"'.. - 086ra~ 204 ....rch l!l, 1985 ····Lat.r in the .eet1n9, ~r. Kenn.th Overp.ck .poke on the companion excavation permit to this Item, .tlt1n9 that h. 1. concerned with the affect. of this development on Hald.~n Cr.ek. He .tated that the .and 1. . dralnage probl.m In thtf area and that h. would like to .e. Halde.an Cr.ek cl.aned out. .. ~ - ~ t:?~ '" ,., "·~~~~¡.£â~;" " , ...~ ": .¡,;~ '~'S;8!i~;i(~~' <::':.¡, l' '':', '~~' t.:¡}~~" ~ ~-"'~"""".~'~.,,~ ,.."..... -"""'>'''''''-'-'''''';''~''''''''.' ....,'.-'....,,,--.---......- ~ (9. 7 .. 086 rAfit 206 Tape 12 It. II RUOLU1'Iœ 15-75 RI WAIYIIIa al-ADYIR'I'ISUIQ RIQUIRIIID'I'S FOR PETITIOII DRI-'.-2C, VI.I~, MA'Llt FRUIT , VlQITABLI CO. , "ICRAIL PROCACCI !e2~ED. PUBLIC RIARINO CONTINUED TO MAY 7, 1985 /'larch a, 1935 Actinq Zonlnq Dlr.ctor McKim .tat.d thac thil It.m il to r.qu..t a continu.nc., but there i. 81.0 . requtlt to waive the r.-adverti~.m.n~ r.quir....nt.. County Attorney S.und.r. Itatad that the policy for re-adv.rti.inq 1. contaln.d in Re.olutlon 82-31 which provide. for re-advertilinq to . .pecific date~ Co..l..lon.r B.... ~v.d, ..cond.d by Co..l..ion.r Holland .nd carrl.d un.nl~u.ly, th.t the r.-.dv.rtl.ln9 requlr...nt. for Petition DRI-'.-2C, be ..lv.d. Þ Co..i..ion.r H.... aov.d, ..cond.d by Co..i..lon.r Holland .nd c.rrl.d unanlaoully, th.t P.tltlon DRt-a4-2C, b4 continued to Kay 7, 1915. P.q. S -' --:J J;~ ~, -;-::-;" ,'-.-r :._ ;~. . . ~.". '.. ~:~:5~~~1"~f1 :';'n'.J~"':. ~~ i"_., ¡rl~,: ;', , ~;-E "~" " , ,-.;~~'~ 'i.·/;~"-;A.:' ,~-:-: ¡, '.. ,',.'..'..,..1'.;... .";>-".,;.r"-"",,,,,. .~,~! ¡~.:,_'--'~'¡ ,")0:. ~-. .',~-'- ~:"\:,;;:.',~:':"~ ..._,...,_._..--,....,...,-~_._-".....,-<'.."'~,,.,...,.,' """"""'-""""'~"'.""'''''-'''''''''--''''''-_'"'~'_;___'''_'_''',"""'_"'..w.~""_.., .. 086 ra'.{ 20S It.. 110 OaDIllAJlC1 85-12 CRIATIIIO THI MARCO ISLAJlD CCftlCUMITY PARK MUJlICIPAL IIRVICI TAXIMa UNIT MOT TO EXCEED 1/4 MILL - ADOPTED "..rch 19, 1'-85 Legal notlce havlng been published in the Naplo. Daily ~cw. on hbruary 28, 1985, and the Marco Island tagh on March 6, 1985, a. avldenced by Affldavita ot Publlcati"n tiled with tne Clerk, public hearing wal opened to conlider creating tho Marco Ialand Co~munity Park ~unicipal Service Taxing Unit, not to exceed 1/4 mill. County Attorney Saunderl Itated that the Ct)mmi..ion on ~rch 5, 1985, Ipproved a rQlolutlo" calling f~r the refer~"dum to be held on June 25, 1905, and this ordln"nce establishes the Munlcipal Service Taxing Unit for that ldxlnq dlalrlct. Commllllloner VOSII I~dlcated that this will go on a referendum for the people "f Mdrc" ¡slanc t,,> determine It th~y ar~ willinq to pay to complete the pack. Co_i..loner Holland aoved, .econded by Co_ll.1oner lIa..e and carried unanl.ou.ly, that the public hearin9 be clo.ed. Co_i..ioner Holland aoved, .econded by Coe.i..loner Ha..e and carried unani.oully, that the Ordinance a. nuabered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book NO. 191 ORDINANCE 85-12 AM ORDINANCE CREATING THE MARCO ISLAND COMMUNITY PARK MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT, DEFINING ITS BOUNDARIES, PROVICING FOR ITS PURPOSES AND GOVERNING BODY, PROVIDING FOR ~ ADVISORY COMMITTEE WITH DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES, PROVIDING FOR ITS VUNDING BY A TAX NOT TO EXCEED ONE FOURTH (1/4) MILL LEVY UPON APPROVAL BY MAJORITY VOTE OF THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS IN THE MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT VOTING IN AN ELECTION CALLED FOR SUCH PURPOSE 1 PROVIDING POR SIVERABILITY; PROVIDING POR CONFLICT, ~D PROVIDING A. EFFECTIVE DATE. Ita. III ORDINANCE 85-13 CREATING THE NORTH NAPLES ROADWAY MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING AND BENEFIT UNIT - ADOPTED L..yðl ""tIC" I\"vlnq ::JE'..n pu::'l1shecJ Ir, tilE- "Jples Dally N"""s /"In februðry 28. 1965. ~s evldenc~è by Atfinøvlt ~f Publ1cati~n filed with tIlE elltr..., pu::¡Jic n~dril"'1 WdS o?~nuCJ tð consider ðn orClnance creating the North ~~~l~s HOðn~ðY ~unlcip~l Service Taxin') and ~enefic Unit. Heal Prop~rty äu~~rvisor Heln~ke statltd th~t the dlscrict will be bouno~d by L~~ L"unty on tn~ North, on the east side It will be bounded by I-7~ anu wl11 lie ""rtn of D,]vi~ C. brown Highway and north of ---, ....-I ~.... .-~- -~____. .. ----0 t: ., --=...... ..-..-,,-"""1'1'1 pag ~ 9 - ... - Marc/'l 19, 1985 WIUQU9hby Acr.., Palm Hiver, Imperilll Golf Sudiv1lil)nl and will lie .aat of Old U.S. 41. Hot lUted that ~O, plus of th.. property owner. pr...nted a petition tl) the 80arà on August 25, 1984, for this taxinq unit. He noted chat the road would align with Livlnqston Road coming fro. the south and ~uld align with the lectlon line In ðonlta. Public \<,r)rks Mmlnistr.Hor I:uclt stl.tecJ that he rect)gnlzes th'.l complexity of the design of tnis 6 mil~s t)f roadwo'lY ~hlcn Is why 1'1'.1 Is alking tor th~ creat1"n of th13 taxlnq distrlCt so that a~ t)utsld~ .ngineering tirm can be obtalneJ to prepare a preliminary j~sj9n for th. project. Ii" stat'!j c/'lat h'!' ~stlm,'tf.!d tnf: pr"lIr:\1nary design will COlt approxlmJtely $75,000 ~hlch r~verts bar.k t" 7-1/2 mill In t~x that the property own'.lrs will ?ðY oft "v~r b "ne yebr period. He stated that therQ was "no l~ctcr of "bj~ctlon received from MichJol Terranova. Hit Itated that two l~ttf'rll "f apptovð¡ W'.Ire- rtlct'lved fr"m !'Ir. , ~rs. ~inf.ld and ~r. Ve.!st' 1 , Jr. r.i stat~J that tht' C~unty's lY83 Comprehenslvt' Plan n"~s r~c"qn¡¿~ the l"c"tl"n "f this prt)~"sed roa dway. Re.l Pro ¡'HH t y :';U pe r vis 0 r fJ ~ ¡ n e k. est 01 t e 0 t h ~ C the rei IS 1" r 9 '" 1 y undeveloped pr"perty In thi5 olr~~. Th.. foll"wln'3 people sp"lt", in fùvor of tn~ pr"i)"sed t,IJxing dlltrict and n"t~d Ch~t their onJy concern Is that the C"m~isslt)n keep a tight lid on tn. t"tal 0,,11ar8 sr-nt: J.romu Smith, r~prv.entlny d numbor "f pr"crty owners Josepn Wot inteld Paul Topplno, pro¡:.crty owner' representiny f)th'~r pro¡"Hty owners Mrs. Botti.. Gulacsilt stated th~t tlie only thln:¡ sh\! 15 "PP"S~d to Is call1nq this ðre~ N"rth N..pl~s koðdway Service Tdxlng ano ~~neflt Unic, as ~I)rth Naples Is t"o large an area. Mrs. Charlotte ^,sstm"n, r~presentlnq the L'laqu.. of ^"mcn Voters, .tated that the position the League holds cl)ncerns thft assessment of economic, social and environmental c"st t)f ext..nding public service.. She asked various que.tlonll r..qarding concerns that she had In order to sh,d some light on th~ subj~ct. Tape 13 I"Ir. Stephen Tav/lla stat~o thùt h~ Is n"t "pposed to thl& roadway, but he doe I not want to be included In th.. district. He stated that h. hal bought property In th~ drca and has ~6~ acres In Section 18 and l~O acr.s which /'Ie ~urchðsed to get access to the area, adding that the proposed road would n"t hp.lp him. H.. statec that he has d~v~lt)pment pl.ns In the proce.. no~ and h.. is prepared to builn his own roads. 'DOC 086 rAr,t 209 I'aq e 10 - -------...- -~,---",,,,.,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,--,~,;,,,,,,,,,,~,".-....~,,-.,....,....,..'",.._.........'...~.."..,.~""".. . .. <,. jJIl ... 086N~21O /'\arch 19, 1985 Mr. Keller que.tioned if thil ~u1d have any impact on the aquUer., to which Comml."loner Vou Itauci that this would definitely be looked .t durin9 the time of design and conltruction. 'l.cal Ot!icer Gile. It~t.d tha~ the 7-1/2 milIa related to thl. project ha. to do with the engineering .tudle. .nd not the tlnanclnq of the project It.elf. He It.ted that currently the County has quite. t'ew ro.d projectl that have special assessments that benefit a limited nl.lllber of people along roaùw..ya and In order to obt.ln the belt financing, the County Ihould go through the ad valorem tax collection procel.. Co..i..lon.~ Bolland ~ved, .econded by Co..l..loner H.... and c.~rled un.nl.ou.1y, th.t the public hearln9 be clo.ed. Co..l..lon.r Holl.nd .oved, .econded by Co..l..lon.r H.... .nd c.rrled unanl~u.ly, tha~ the Ordln.nce a. nuabered .nd entitled below be adopted .nd entered Into Ordinance Book No. 191 ORDINANCE 8S-1] AN OADI_AWeE CREATING THE NORTH NAPLES ROADWAY M~NICIPAL SERVICE TAXING AND BENErIT UNIT, PROVIDING rOR ITS BOUNDARIES AND PURPOSES, PROVIDINC rOR A GOVERNING BOARD WITH POWERS AND DUTIES, PROVIDING rOR AN ANNUAL BUDGET AND TAXING AUTHORITY, PROVIDING rOR COLLECTION or TAXES, PROVIDING rOR COMSTRUCTION AND SEVERABILITY, AND PROVIDING AN ErrECTIVE DATE. Ite. 112 OADI~CE 8S-14 RELATING TO THE TRANSPORTATION or BUILDINGS OVER OR ACROSS ROADWAYS IN THE UNINCORPORATED AREA or COLLIER COUNTY - ADOPTED WITH AMENDMENTS L~g~l notic~ having been publ1sn~c I~ tnu Nðµles Cally NewH on February 211, 1~95, "II evl~cn~cc: by At fldllv1t ,,1 l'ubllclIt10n filed Io/ith th~ ClerK, public ne~rln1 ~~s op~ne~ t" ="nslaer ~~ ordinanc~ relating to thu tr3nsp"rtðt10n "f bui!uinqs ~V~f o[ acr05S r"ad~ðYs In the unlncor~"r..tec dr~, /"If ~011iø.r loun~y. l'u~lic "'0r1\5 Aar.jnistu.tQr kJ~1\ st"t'H: tn..t tn~' "bjectlve"f thi:J lt4!m 111 lor th~ bodra to c"nsiot'r line! 30QPt .n ordlnJnce relatIng to th.. tr4ns¡.><>rt "t cl.ll101ng~ In tllG uninc"r¡.."r,¡teo lire.. of ColJl~r C"unty, ðddlng tndt this FfQP"seè OCOlno'lnce regulr.s bullalng transport p"!rmlts, b"ncdn'3 <IIno t'vic:enc'~ ~f In¡;ur¡¡nci-' COVtrðge to prot!!ct to" plfrr.utc.... in C"lller C"unty <In:: will rl!1ntorcl! ¡,ollclo}s and pr/"lcedure. whl:::h At trds l1m", are currently b..,iny !ollo\oled. "'r. Bt>bby ClIdennead, C"cenh~ðo Construction, Lnc., stateo that thert! has r."t be!!n dn ordinance in tht: County r~garùlng h"us. moving pag_ 11 -.., -. c::: t··'.'....'..--- , -. , ' ----------.'".-. __...-.-"_"..'~. .....··.o~'.._,,_"~....,__~"-.... ....... - - - /'IJIrch 19, 1985 rC9ulations even though he has been complying with the County as tar a. everythIng that hal been request.a. He stated that h. teels that he can c~mply with the proposed ordinance, but h~ wt)uld r.quest that a tGW ch.1ngu be lIIade. He referred t~ Þection 4-A (1) Indicating th1t he WQuld liko the overall bu11dlnq width Co be chanqed from 20 t~et to 30 t.et, and 30ction 4-A (3) the ~v.rall building h.ight from 12 feet t~ 18 feet. HJ statcd Chat he w~uld like ~ection 9-A (3) to be ch~ng.ð trom one-mile lnt.rv~l. t" flvd-ml1p. int~rvdls. H. reported th~t un~.r Section llA, h. t.ol~ that the o"nd p"atcd sn"uld be ð minimum of $lO,OOO but ""t ~lO,oO~ pLr m"vc. He sto'ltoC that hæ h~» to go throuqh thr.. agencies, plus Ylorijð Pt)wer ~ Liqht 3nd h~ ~uld like those rul,n t~ ùc In ::om¡;J lAnce ...1 th tne ;';t.:!tc r~qu1:1tI"ns. r;1J st.;ted th.tc h. ~uld also like c" have 3"methlnq In the "rdlnanc. t~at w~uld indicate th~t chare could b~ a m~eting "f all ~~enclüs at one time a" that there ~uld not be the need to go back and f"rtn t" these various aglncl.. tn "btaln the necessdry ?~rmlts. Commlssi"ner Yoss Indicðt~d tnðt this Is something that c"uld b~ handled better on an ddmlnlstratlv~ basis un~er r~llclcs ana procodures veri us Including this In the "rdinanc~. County Att"rn~y baUnUdrg stdte~ thdt 1t d~~3 n"t M~ke any ditterence to the Cl)unty wneth~r appr"val 15 llv~n ðt "ne meeclnq or v5ri~u. meetings, ~no thl$ cnulrt hn n~nalen bettor throuqh ~n admlnlatrdtlve ~roc~dur~. Commissl~n~r V"ss qu~stlon~a If th~ changP3 "f the wldth And heiqht could b~ any problems, to which Public horks Admlnlstracor Kuck atated that n~ did n"t 5~~ 3ny pr"ol~m wltn th"se changðs as tney would be In contormance wiln th~ Stat.. Public Worr.s Adælnistrat"r Kuc~ stated tho'lt with reterence t~ Section 9-~ (J) h. ~uld cather see this l~lt at "ne-ml1e Intprvals and use common senile. County Attorney Sðund~r8 st~ted th~t this Item could read that In order to allow traffic to pass, a movIng unit must pullover as directed by law enforcement escorts or the Public Works Adminl.trator/C~unty Engineer, "r his designee. County Attorney S1und~r. stated th~t with reference t" th. $10,000 bond, he ~uld simply 3qree thAC the Item c~uld read 4 minimum of SlO,OOO insteAd t)t a minimum of $10,000 per move. Tape .. Mr. cadenhea~ referrp.o to SectIon l2 r~qðrdlng the insurance 'DOle 086f'Y,~ 211 paqe 12 .' .';.. .. 086f)?212 March 19, 1985 he would like the insurance tt) be reduced from coverag8, .tating that $500,000 to $300,000. A..latent County MAnager !)t)rrll~ stated that thio 1. .o.ething th.t would have to be contingent upon the decision. ~r. Cadenhead stated that he has a million dollar blanket coverage .nd If the inlurance cov.rage cannot be changed this does not pre.ent a problelll to him. County Attorney Saunoers stated that this ordlnðnce covers all building mover. In Colli.r County and not all of them may have the bl~nket coverage, addiny that it should be l~ft as ZSOO,OOO unless the Rlsk Mðnager Ihould dec1d~ to mak~ a change. /'Ir. Cadenhead stdtÙ thltt h. would ask that th!' perl:\lt charges be let the same as the StaCe if at all p08siol~. Public ¡""rks A.jmlnlstrcitor Kuck stated that the proposed fees type of chðnge Risk JOoIðnage r'. would be neeOed to cover all c"sts. Commissioner hDSS~ Gu~stll)ned If there Is ~ny w~y that surrounding property owners c"uld o~ notified a5 to «hen th~ building is 9"lng to be moved Into the nclghborh"0c7 County ~n"ger Lusk stat~d th~t there are certain cltles tnðt re~ulre pe"pl~ that live within s" man¡ feet of where the house '01111 b~ plac~d ~o O~ notltled. H~ n"ted that this is lom.thlng that ct)uld b~ handled aCter this "rOln"nce h~s been passed. County Attorney Sauno(rs stated tho'lt therL are four chang,¡s which £¡r~: Section 4A (1) tne maximum "verùll ~ul1jln'J wll.1th docs l"ò':lt exceed thlrty (30) fe~t; ~~ctl"n 4," (3) tll~ m,:xlmurr, "vo:ro11l building ~eig ¡t dOlts not .xc."d eighteen (1&) f"et; ::'ectl"n 9'\ (3) In order t" allow traffic to Í',)f¡;¡, " ml'lvlny unlL must pull ovt:r t" the Slc.h. at turn"uts or mlJoldn crOIl~"vers as dlr~ctec by JðW eniorcMment üscortl\ or thv Public Io.oO~s Aur.dnl:.;..r"!.or/c,,u:'1t}o' Englr""r, 0r his o\Jslc:¡n.....; ðnj St:ctlon IlJ., tho: l.!1st l~w....,rdS of thC' lllst sent.nc~ shall reðC:: M/I minimum ðf $10,~UC". /'Irl>. Linda Hittlnger state": that Sh" 1Ik,·s tll'" suqgesti<:':"I thdt Cf)unty /'..!Inðger Lusk m.!l(J(, rp.gardlng n"tifylr.g ¡;roperty owners ~'llen ð bulh:lng Is being ¡nl'l'''''\J int" th" nl:lgtIDt,rh"od. ~nl? :a.)te( tnoJt sill! would 11K~ to s~e s"methlng don" tnvt w"Uld Indicate that the nearest fOUl or fivu nvlghbor~ ~"ulo D~ not1fluu. Co.-l..loner Holland .oved, .econded by Comml..ioner H.... .nd carried un.nlmou.ly, that the public he.rln9 be cl0..d. Co.-l..loner Holland aovod, ..conded by Comml..ioner H.... .nd Page 13 -1 -- , . ------ -~_. Ite. 113 - - .. Lwgal notlc~ h~vlng bc~n publl~n~d In th~ Ndpln~ C~lly Ne~s on February 17, lY85, as wvid~ncwd by Affidavit "i Publlcati~n tiled with thw Cleric, public hearing "'as c.,ntlnu~a tr"m '''Ar;;~ 5, 19!!5, to con.idAr Petltl"n V-1;5-2C, Capei Ouist1/111 (nrucn re<.juþ.stlrg a setback variance trom the RSf-J requirement ol 15 feet to 5 te~t for erection of a sign. Zoning Director McKim stated t~~t II vðrl~nce is being rdqUesten from the fr"nt y,HO SetbacK f"r o'J slJn ,>n Lnt 41, Islp. ~l Cðpri, Nt). 2, which Is l"catec on the northe"st .:orner of Co'Jprl elvd. and ~~st Hilo Street. She 8tatwd lhoJt th~ "~jvctlve is tt) r~placw the eXistlng 8ign with a new IIlqn, adding that a fifteen foot s~tbaclc la required for the .ign from the property line al"ng Capri blvd. and East ~ilo St. She ateted that Che petitioner wi3hea to place the sign fivÐ feet from their pro~erty line facing Co'Jpri Blvd. ann ~alntaln the required 15 foot setback along Hllo St. She rep"rt,d that St~ff did n"t find apecial conclti"ns or a hørdship "'dre 1'1 fil;;tor ðnd, tl'<!rcf"ra, r~commends denial. Mr. Joe Leildabrand, 167 ~. Milo Strce:;, Isle of Capri, stated that he r~proJl"nts the Capri Christian Church and requested thilc the church ~iðrch 19,1985 carried unani.ou.ly, that the Ordinance a. nuabered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. l' with the four aboy.- referenced a.end..ntar ORDINAIICI 85-14 AN ORDINANCI RILATINQ TO THI TRANSPORT or BUILDINGS OVlR OR ACROSS ROADWAYS IN THI UNINCORPORATED AREA or COLLIER COUNTY, OR OVER OR ACROSS ROADWAYS MAINTAINED BY COLLIIR COUNTY BUT WHICH LII WITHIN MUNICIPAL BOUN~RIIS, PROVIDING rOR INTIWT AND PURPOSI, PROVIDINQ DErINITIONS, PROVIDING A REQUIREMINT rOR A STAII~RD BUILDING TRANSPORT PERMIT OR SPECIAL BUILDING TRANSPORT PERMIT' PROVIDING THE CRITERIA rOR A STAN~RD BUILDING TRANSPORT PERMIT, PROVIDING THE CRITERIA FOR A SPECIAL BUILDING TRANSPORT PERMIT, PROVIDING PERMIT APPLICATION RIQUIREMENTS AND COM~ITIONS, PROVIDING rOR PERMIT APPLICATION REVIIW AND SETTING rORTH APPEAL PROCEDURES, SKTTING PORTH THE OBLIGATION OF A BUILDING MOVER TO UTILITIES AND OTHIRS WITH rACILITIES ALONG THE ROUTE, PROVIDING rOR TRAFPIC CONTROL, PROVIDING POR THI "OVEM&NT OF BUILDINGS AT MIGHT, PROVIDING BOND REQUIREMENTS, PROVIDING INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS, PROVIDING rOR PERMIT PEES, PROVIDING rOR PENALTIES, PROVIDING FOP CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY, PROVIDING AN IFFECTIVE DATI **** Rece", 10140 A.M. - Reconvenedl lOl55 A.M. ***** RISOLUTION 85-76 RI PETITION V-S5-2C. CAPRI CHRISTIAN CHURCH. RE UESTING SETBACK VARIANCE FOR ERECTION OF A SIGN _ ADOPTED lOOK 086~~¡( 213 Page 14 > .¡.. -.--- .. 086n-.!214 /I1arch 1!1, 19E15 be granted a variance to erec~ 4 5' x la' lighted .ign. He stated that the land bet_en the church building and the property lines slope ., downward while the floor of tho chuf~~ is at 11' to comply with the flood re~~irements. He notcd that the area becween the church and the property 11nv Is limited, with one corner of the building at the ~inlmum 25' dlltance from th~ property line. He noted that if the .ign is placed a t the requested loca t Ion it wo uld be eas Ie r to read thlln if it II placed up the Ilope near tho building, adding that by placing the .ign la' further down the slope from the building, the general , , appea.ance of the property would be greatly enhanced. He als~ stated that placement of thw lign further up Che slope from the property line would creato a problem In r~adlng the sign by p3ssing motorists and could be distrllctlng t" ~em, lidding that it woulc also greatly deteriorate the appearance ot the church property by tcnding to ovarwhelm the lawn aren. He »tatert that they w~nt t? provide a quality 81gn properly placed ~n the prop~rty t" serve the community and the church and to present an overall ple4slng and b~autlful plec~ t)f pro~rty tnbt woula ben~f1t th~ communtiy. Commiss10ner YOI\S qu~stl"ned it the sign would Intertere with Che tr£tfic, t" wIden Mr. L.câoabr.Jn(1 ~tðt\ld tnat 1t hils be!"n trlec and ther~ Is no ViSibll1ty l,,~s du~ to tne sign. Co..l..10ner Holland .eyed, .econded by Co..l..loner Goodnight and carried unanl~ualy, that the public hearin9 be clo.ed. Co..l..loner Holland .eyed, .econded by Com.l..loner Ha..e and carrled unanl.ou.ly, that Re.olutlon 85-76 re petition V-85-2C, Capri Chrl.tlan Curch, reque.tln9 a .etback yariance from t~e RSP-3 requirement ot 15 feet to 5 feet for erection of . .ign be adopted. Page 15 ~ ~~ t'...",.--- - ;>. , ~".,>---_.~"",...-.""",..,._.".,,-~,..",,,,;..,,,,-,,,..,,,,-,,,,.. ...._~._,...,,~_.....""'....,._...._..., ~ .. ~lIrch 19, 1985 Ite. 114 RESOLUTION 15-77 R& PETITIOM PU-14-21C, DELBERT H. AND PATRICIA A. SANDERS, REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USE -8- or THE A-2 DISTRICT FOR EXCAVATION lOR PROPERTY LOCATED HORTH or SABAL PALM ROAD - ADOPTED SUB~ECT TC STIPULATIONS AND· FINDING or rACT ACCEPTED - Acting Zoning Director MCKim stateð th~t this pr~perty fs located north ot S~bal ~alm H03d In Secti~n 20, T~wn~hip 50 South, Range 27 East, dddlnq thet the purp¢s\! Is to ètxc.:.vatë.> lI""Jrock tl)r cl')mml'lrcial and personal USI. ~hft ~tated that St~ft and all C"unty agencies revlewvo this petitl"n .:.nd recorumenued dppr"val lIubject r" thJ stipulations ouclln~a In tn" ~xdcutiv~ Summary d"ted ~arch 19, 1965. Sh... not~a tnllt thll C~PC hJIC: th"lr pu;,l1c he"rir.g an!1, bas.c: "n thftir Findings of fact, unanlmt)ully r.cnmm~nc.C: ~pproval ßubjrct to statt .tlpuldtlons IIna ;¡n ¡,Jaltlonal stipulation th;¡t off-sltl'! use 1')( the m~terlal øhal1 bo llmitea to improvpm"nts to roads and propnrti.ø In the fmml'ldlwte bdb~l PJlm Hn~d area th;¡t hùvo an ðppr~v~d ~~stcr Draina9" ~lan ~nd genoral commercial salva t" nther nft-site lncations. Sh. no two that ~lncd the CApe hearing, on~ lcttor frl)m dn aajacent property "wn~r was rl'lceiv.a In favl')r of the pr,,~lsl"nal use. She concluded by IHatin~ that the r~coml:1o!r.(.LJtI"n is fnr d?pr"val subject to) the CAPC's tlve stIFulatl"ns. Commlssion'H V"ss stðted that h" nad a tcl<:ph"nc cull fr"m lIom"one that W~II c"ncerneJ with regards to d]ma~u o"ne to) Sabal Palm Ho~d, adding that the lxecutlv. ~ummðry Indicates th~t Mr. Sanders will have :0 repair any damag3 done to It. Public hf)rks Administr~tor Kuck sCateo th"t sinc~ the excavation permit will b~ a commercial "~eration. the petitloner will have to post ð b"nd and If tne roðJ is n"t r£p,dreo, th·] Cour«y can call In the bt)nd and canc~l tho .xcDv~tl"n pormit. Mr. bruce Molly, Sr. tt'ðt he .......n.j~Hs If "ny ct)nsideratl"n has boen givon to tno evaporatl"n fro~ ~hls l~ke that will be createð. Commil- lioner Voss statud tnat there 15 always evaporation foe any excavation. Commislioner Holland stated that olso Juring the rainy season, the lakes that have bp.en exc~vaced hold water which makes a balAncing effect. C"mmlsslonur Goodnight stated thllt she has heard concerns regarding the trattl: and the lðfoty, of the children on the road. Ms. McKim st.te~ that Chis Is not a large excavation anò It is very limited al it t)nly ~peratls certain mt)nths /)ut of tne year, adding that there will be ~ddlti"nal trucks, but it Is limited. ,o~ 086l'iq 217 - :-t= ~..-- " - , '. \ paq. 16 , , .. 086nrot218 March 19, 1985 Co.al..1on.r Bolland aov.d, ..cond.d by Co..I..ion.r H.... and carried 3/1, (Co..l..ion.r Goodnf9ht oppo.ed), th.t R..olution 85-77 r. "~ltlon PU-8C-21C, Delbert B. and p~~rlcla A. Sander., r.qu..tin9 prowl.ional u.e -b- of tb. A-2 Di.trlct for .xcavatlon lor pro.rty located north of Saba1 Pal. Road be adopted .ubj.ct to .tipulation. a. outlined In the P.titioner'. Aqr....nt and rindln9 of Pact .cc.pt.d. Ve9. 17 --. ..1-' '_! -:-:-::J F~ .....~~ ..~-.--~'.....~._... ,'. ,;~.,~"," .."'_ ..,. .' Y', ,I· ~'~~3;'f: "", ' .' ~'- '," . ~~.¡' , ,',;¡~~I' c <~I '#'~' ... .. 086,,~224 n.. 115 RISOLU'TIOII 15-71 AI PlTITIOII PU-U-SI, ALUM 80U81'<*, RI PROVISIONAL ua. -A- or RKr-I rOR A CBURCB LOCATIO OM CARVER AVI.UI, IKMOIALII _ ADOPTID SUBJICT TO STDUATItnfS AMD r~NDUIG or rACT ACCEPTED MUCh 19, 1\185 Acting Zoning Director McKim Itated that the objective of thl. ~.tition is to build a church on property located on Carver Avanue in lamokalee. She nl')ted that Staff and ~ll County Igenciel raviewad this potition and recommended approval subject to certain Itipulatlonl. She noted that the Imm~kalee Area Planning Commission held their public he.ring and, based on their Finding ot Fact, una~ mously recommended approval .ubject to Itipulatlons. Tap4t IS Mr. Albert H~usl~n stat.d that he hao c"nc*rna regardinq tn. inqresl and egress to the chruch. Ms. McKim stateO ln~t lhl' Wf)uld be t~k~n care ot nt ch~ time that ~r. H"ust"n came In wlch the site plan. ~o..i..loner Goodnight .ov.d, .econded by Co..l..loner H.... and carried unanl.ou.ly, that Re.olution 85-78 re Petition PU-84-5I, ~lbert Avenue, l..oka1ee be adopted .ubject to the .tlpulation. In .ald re.olutlon and the Flndin9 of F.ct accepted. Page l£. -.., _J ~ :::zJ :,',,!·~j;L~,~~~~· ~~Ù'i'~':,.: ',."'1:.'~' ~, " . . ' . -. ' " ,'. '¡""""" -",.._.~~...""~,."-.,"~,.~.""'.~.,,' ...".._,."..,-".,~,.., ,«."'.......-,..--..... - - - I'Iarc:n 19, 1985 It.. '11 RI8OLU!101 15-79 RIICIMOI.c RISOLUTIOM 85-42, BIRAPIM M. SANCHIZ, ADOPTID - $40 LOT Mownla CHARCE - APPROVED Acting COllln,unlty Dev"lopnont Adr.llnllitrat"r Mullins sto1tvd that Mr. ~nch.1 ls r.qu'ltlnq ~ rep.al of LI~n Number ~5-6, ~dding that the roucin. proc.durwl ~lthln th~ bul1dln~ DeVùrtm~nt weru [ollo_wo ~no ~r. Sanch.z wa~ notlfi.d "f ba1ng In viol~ti"n of C~unty Ordin~nc~ S~-:'3. Sn. atdt.d tnat he att"'ltìpt~d to .Illllvlat. this problem by contacting ... prlvat. mower ano has II cancelled ChdCK for this ~rk. She r"'por~.d that St~ff, una",r thù ~ssum~tlon that 1t hac ~oc bd~n cut, contocten lom.on. .lll! to cut che lot, ~dd1ng the contractor that ~owed Mr. Slnchez' l"t lndlclltllo th..t tI",y cut tt.. wrong lot. and tney .He willing to refund tne money to Mr. 5anch~z. ~h. not~n that due to tn. obvious .ttwmpc of Mr. Sanch~z to correct this nulsdnc~, Staff recommenos that Re.olution 85-42 be r~.clnd~o ~nd Mr. S~nch~z pay "nly tn. m"wing cnerge of ~'O which ~~s Incurred ~y th~ County. ~h~ stated that on each at the 113n rwclssion requ.st~ the liens hllve n"t been rec"rded at the pr.lent time and. th~reforQ, she 11\ only reyuestlnq rùcission of the resolutions. Co..i..loner Holla~d aov.d, .econded by CO_tl..Ionlc H.... and c.rried unaniaoualy, that Reaolution 85-79 r..cindln9 R..olutlon 85-42 b. .do~t.d .nd th.t Mr. Sanch.z only b. charg.d the $40 lot aoving ch.rge. ~ aoo. 08f)rf'y,r.22S Pitge l!i .;. j "~.'.. J'';~ . \ .. - - I'!.1rch 19, l~as It.. 117 RISOLUTION J5-80 RESCINDING RESOLUTION 85-55, FRANCIS DEAN, ~ ADOPTED Acting Community Devel"pmont Administrator Mullins st03t~d that Mr. Francil Dean is rc~uestlng a repeal "f LI~n Numbftr ~S-l~ And Resolution a5-55 for mowing of [.t)t 569, Unit 3, Isles of Capr 1. !>h" statea that thll W4Ð routinw prOCQuure ot the Þulldlnq V~p~rtmcnt, adding thJt the pwtitlon~r does hdV~ a bill ror mowln1 the l"t, but the C~unty contends that thay mry~cd th~ l"t wn~n th~ ~~tltl"ncr failed try do s". Sh~ stðtwd that bas~d u~ryn enf"rc~m9nt of the "rdlnanc~ 3nd th¿¡t thQ c"unty did hav. tht lot ruln9puctua .n~ ~"~~n, St~ff ruc"mmends Jlnlll I')f th~ petitioner's request. Mrs. Gl...nn O<relt:¡;~r, rcprc's..nt1n'1 ,"Ir. OM"n. St,llt:<.J th...t she is appealing t~1f! lien dJII1nst tne pr"¡Hrty, -1Cd1ng that "'r. D1an received the notice "t n;;ls..,,;;.. Oct":J'!r 2~, J!lSO:, ~n.J tho.' Jot ...."5 mowec Octn~"r 24, 1954. ~l1e stlltt'J tho'lt up"n '''r. Dean reclt!vln'J thu letter, l1e callea thw County dnJ ~dvlR~a th"rn th~t th~ m"wlng was d"n~ In c"mpll.1nce with ll1~ 30 dðyS th~t,/.'s alll')....~d. ;;~e report<!d thllt the pr"per~y ....dS not rL-ln3p..Ct"U untIl early l~~S dnO tn~ grdss hila ~gdin grown by that t 1m... ~h. stðt"d th..t If. tne <¡r...:lS ',Mil t~\at long In til-t early part of 19~5, tner~ I\h0ul~ h.v" be..n ..nOLh~r notl~" sent Ind1catlng that tnwrw Wd5 a""th~r nul~'nce. She r1port3d that with th~ n~w ordinance the 1"t5 will hdv_ t" ~.. m"~ea m"ru o(tpn, dadlny th~t ~n appeal should b~ accupted "n this l"t. Acting Community Develoµnent Admln!strllt"r i"ulllns statltd U·,....t a co~plJlnt WðS f~ce!ved on Oc~ober 2. 1984, Jnd It ~o'Is nv~stlqated on Octob..-r 5, 1984, ,:¡nd ð letter was sent t" ~Ir. o...tI!n on October 2&, 1934. She noted that tne second Inspactl"n WdS Jðnuary 10, l!l8S, .!Ino the lot was m"wed on January 15, lYBS. Mrs. Kreitz~r stated thllt this Is II nu~ "rdlnance and Itveryone has to teel tl1eir way through It, adding that there has been II pr"blem in qvttll1g things organized and she feels this w1l1 work "ut in the future. County Attorney ~au"ders stated th"t the Çommlssi"n~rs dro dealing with ~ question of fo'lct as to whethpr thlt grðss cryuld have 9rown 18. within that 2-1/2 month purioo, ðdainq that if the c"mmlssit)n believes that It ct)uld have, hv Wf)ulcJ suggo!st that the lIan be rel!lased. He statea that the "rdinanc~ requires that whenevo!r there Is II violatl"n, .... notic,¡ will be sent out, ðdd1ny that If the vlolatil')" Is cUfltd and then 2-1/2 months ldter th~IU is 5noth~r violation, th~ County is under IDD~ OS6f'1'.f 231 Page 20 -,~~ fir II ." _'"'''"''_'__~''_''·~_''''''''H.·~~'''''''"'''"''~'''~·''___'''''''''''___.... \ ,.. 086,.~.t232 I'Iarch 19, 1985 oblig.tlon to .end out another notIce and this i. a que.tion in fact that the Comml..ion wIll h~ve to det.rmine. CommI.sioner Ho11ðnd stated tha~,if this man was notified in Octob.r .nd h. i. in violation again 2-1/2 monthl later, the COlt .hou1d be e.ca1ated and the ordinance should bo amendod to reðó .. sucn. County Attorney Saunders stated that this could be an amendment to the Ordlnanc. .nd he WQuld investigate the matter turther. Co..i..ioner Vo.. aoyed th.t St.rf reco..end.tion be .pproyed. Motion died fòr a l.ck of ..cond. Co..l..ioner Vo.. aoyed, .econd.d by Co..l..ion.r H.... .nd carried 3/1, (Co..i..loner Holl.nd oppo.ed), th.t Re.olutlon 85-80 rescinding Re.olution 85-55 b. .dopt.d. Page 21 - , ! ~', ;.~'·f.~~l - I ."'Ii, " ~-;,,~.;....~~~¡k ,'*' '~t-"-..;..;. t~, ..~¡?, h* ~~ J ::.~~i:._:~.:'~,:",;·{. "; '~,'~.' "'E"';;" " """','.' : ' .,::-;"":' ' "'~"~ .. 086 rK.,{ 23~ It.. 118 PI~I~IOM TR-85-lC, DOMALD PERKINS, REOUESTIMG A SECOND TIMI TEMPORARY R&SIDENCI PIRMIT FOR THI W 150' or TRACT 75, UNIT 61, GOLDEN GATE ISTATIS ~ APPROVED rOR A TWO MONTH EXTENSION /'\ðrcn U;, 1ge!i Acting Co~munlty Devp.lopment Administrator Mullinl It,ted that this is a cont!nuðtion froll' the J"nuðry IS, 19iJ5. meetIng wher.. Donald Perkins is requesting tor ð sec~nd time a temporary relidence permit to utilize a travel trailer durInq construction of Ills prlncIple re.ldence. She .tated that on July 12, 19B3, the origln.l 6 month period w.. approved 6nd on Januðry 24, 1984, . 3 ~nnth p~rmit wall i..ued which expired April 24, 1964. She stated that Mr. Perkin. wal cited by the Zoning IXtpllrtment In April, 198... And has slncf IIppf:ðCed in court which is A relult ~f the c"ntlnu.tion of the January 15. 1985, ~entlng. sno stated th.t at the pr~sent time, th~ last f0rm'l inspection "f his residence Wð~ In F~bruary of 1965 f"r a tub set, adding thllt thl!re III nO) r"ugh ,:l<'ctrlcld, rouqh plu'I'blnq, or air ct)ndltlonlng, ~ddlnq thllt ther~ Is ¿ sm¿ll ,,~~unt of sidIng to be com~leted b~d the nou~e is FrLsdntly stu~aea ~ut. Sn~ stated thðt bDsed upon the currcnt zonln~ "rjlnJnce, Stcff rec"mm~nds denial. Me. v,ntdd Pit I k In5 StðtC': tn¿t If'! hers tt-,: rl)ug~ plulT,blný cOI,¡¡.l( t¡dy j"nt: .Jna the r"ug:1 elc;:t:,lc.Jl will be Insp~cteù tnls wveK. h~ st~ted tn3t hI: has tne [~CI~ b"~r0 put up tna th~ gðblc cno~ closed off. He n"t~d that n~ a15" h~~ ~ll lh. plumbing fixtures to ct)mplete the hl')m~, .dolng th.t It IS all Insloc hl~ nnmL. He stAt"O that h~ h~s '/\llde II lot of prl)qrccs ""IU1In thu two) m"nth1ò th)t he \olliS c¡lv(;n, but It la 9"lnc¡ t" tðKC at l~ðst ~n~lncr month. Hp 5t~t~G tn~t t"r him t" mov~ off the property now woul~ ~OSt hI~ blot ot m"n,y tn get set up in l,n"tlltr ll)c"tl"r, \oIltll ,., '.-'it<' /In;: tnrp." ch¡lr.r~n. He stð::CÓ tl1,)t he wants to 1ct In thl~ h"us~ Jh mucn ¿¡S cvtry"n~ cl~u wants him t". He att-tea th,)t enec" lS n"t ù nClqr,D"r "n hi... str.'ct, th-:,rcfnre, illS hl)me bu1nc¡ DuI1t 13 n"t b"tn~rI~g J~yon(;. He nl)t~~ ~~~t n~ n~s h3c p~rs"n~l problers l1K~ Ð dutth In the l~~lly Jnu nlu vunlclc breð~ln~ o"wn \oInlch WaS':' r.lùj"r r..:;.><:lr jotJ "':,Ich C?uS:'(j r.jrr. t" 1"5e tjm.:. Ì'1": nr:>t'!J that ~H. hab ~150 :>E:c'n contro;'\tca \.Ith tnC' tnrc;,t f,'[ [lre,;. ~ommls610n~r h~ss! btatco ln~t he ;'\~s s~en Mr. Ptrlllns' nl)m~ IIno th"re n.)5 tH~..n <I tr\.',nencnUb ~~ount oi W/)rk don\: /lnG t!ì" m"t~rli11s dr" ,,11 on-sIte. He stdt,O that II I1ttl~ con~1derallon sn"ul0 be ¡Iven to .omf! of t.hus.. p..o?l~ th,.t h!.J': beltn Involv"0 In tn.. rOlcent f!rds. HI! roftlrr6d to an IIrticll! in th~ ~aples Uhily News which IndicDted that 1'.sg8 22 ~'-l .---- , --' ._--~... At: .- . W~_._ ...._. - - - I'Idrch 19, 19a5 ~.. Perklnl and one of h.r childr~n had to ðbðndl')n thair vehicle in order to got aw~y trom the fir.. Mr. Georg. Knlhr, í'resldont of Colliftr Ct)unty Civic rederati.,n, atated that Mr. Perkins Ihould r.c~iv~ Anoth.r two-month ext.nsion, but it Ihould b. uno.rstoou that th.r. will not bo Another cxten~lon. Hr.. Linda rllttinqer stated that two months ago Mr. Perkins t"ló the Commllllon thDt hu "nly nA.a~d a f~w more w~~Ks. Shn n"terl th,t ahe cnecked wltn th~ 3ulld1n1 Dep"rtm~nt the prevl"us d3Y ~nd ~ðS t"ld that Mr. Pllrklns' lASt Ins!_.:c~lon ....as "n FoIbruDry 2G, 19ò5, and lh·.rt<- fore, h.. c"uld not Ita"" b..en :nðt =1"8" to ç"mµl'ltl"n tlJ'") month" ago. tihlt st.:¡ted th~t 11'f n.,s h"d s1nc.. July, l~!!), to compl~ltt thi3 h"mti. 5h. not.d that DY ðll"wlng this, It is sdttlng the stagA for nther pltople to do th" lSoJm~. 511.. ref'l')rtea r,;I.:Jt th'! lu....o; dre n"t. donerud to and the p.u:nlt sn"uld bo (Hnluó ana that tIe be r<!H Uttstea to ro!move his trailer. T.pe 16 Co..l..ioner H.... .oved, .econd.d by Co.-i..ion.r Holl.nd and carried unanl.oully, that Petition TR-85-lC, Donald P.rklns, r.qu..tin9 a ..cond ti.e t.mporary re.id.nce permit for the W ISO' of Tr.ct 75, Unit 61, Go1d.n Gat. Estat'l b. approved for tvo .onthl. n_.n PETITIO. TR-85-7C, BELEM PHYLLIS TIPLER, REQUESTING A SBCOND TIME TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT FOR THE N ISO' OF TRACT 131, UNIT 20, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES - APPROVED FOR TWO MONTHS Acting Community Develor~!nt ~dminl~trðt"r Mullins stated that this is a c"ntlnuatl,," fr"m the ~ðrch 5, l~65, m~eting ðnd Mrs. Tipler i. r.questing a templ)rary re51do!nc~ permit f"r the sec"nJ time to utlliZð a travel tr,,¡ler "n tho! N 150' of Trdct ~31, Unlt 20, Gl)lden Gate Estates, whll.! her h"me is b"illg constructed. She stated that at the pre.ent ti~e thd drywall Is co~pl~ted, all windows ðnd do"rl\ are in, and .xt~rIQr plaster 19 up alth"ugh it III not palntp.d. She stated that .11 plumbing ano "lectrlt.:al are rouqh"d 'in and the tub set is compl.te. ~he presented pictures to the CQmmlsslon sho....ing the Interior of the home. She indlcdtttd thdt p"oplp. in the area "f Golden Gate Estates are still helping Mrs. TIµl&r and the ht)me could b. completed in t..., to three \oICaks. Hrl. Tipler st~teó that she is ~equ.stinq an extension to finish her houl. which IS being a"ne ~y volunteers, ~ddinq that It is almost tinllh.d. She stat~d th~t th~ work~rs neea m"re time as they can only 600« 086 f)~,t 235 Paqð 2 J \ ~ -_..........._-_.."",'"..'"'-,...........~."..".~.'"'"..."'.'"'.~'<.,., ... 086""~236 l'Iðrch 19, 1985 ~rk on weekends. Mr.. Lind. Hitting.r .tated that the lack of low enforcement continues to exist on this construction site also. She stated that the p.t1tion~r has continued to live on this property for 1-1/2 years. She ~otvd th.t the lirlt 1nlplction was made on ~ebruary 2G, 1985. She .tðted thlt the way the work 1s belnq done it could take another six. months to compllte the home. She noted that the pet1tloner 1s continuing to break the law and the petitioner should be requ~sted to remove the trailer. Co..i..ion.r H.... aov.d, ..conded by Co..i..loner Holland and carri.d 3/1, (Co..i..ioner VO" oppol.d), that Petition TR-85-7C, H.1en Phyllis Tipler, reque.tin9 a ..cond ti.e te.porary r..idence per.lt for the N 150' of Tract 131, Unit 20, Gold.n Glte Estat.. be approv.d for a two aonth .xten.ion. Ite. '20 RESOLUTION 85-81 RESCINDING RESOLUTION 85-45, JOSEPH VERBANAC - ADOPTED Acting Compunlty Oevelopment Aóministr~tor Mullins stated that this reque~t Is tn reRcln~ Hesolutlon 3~-4~ as th~ wr"nq properLy own_r was notifie~. 5h~ Htated that the 10t ~dS cut but when the corr~ct proplolrty ooJno:r ....I1S <Hu:rminco, It JrlS fl')unc th.:.t he h.::d not been legally notified, "nd therefore, d lien c"uld n"t be plac.~ on the prop~rty. ~. reportuc that as Mr. Verb~~dc W3S nOl lhe pro~rrty own..r, she 15 requt'stlng tho'lt the rl!solutlon b" rescinded. Co..i.sioner Holland aov.d, seconded by Coaai..10ner Ha.l. and carried unani.ou.ly, that R.solution 85-81 rescinding Re.olution 85-45 be adopted. rage 24 -I 10.-..,...._ ~,----- ...-- ·"t '''-I ~ ~- ,'.1 ~----_..."..,.._...._--."."._,~-_.,.~..- ,. 086 ~'i! 238 It.. 121 PETITIOM TR-.5-14C¡ QIORaI BINDRICXSL RIQUESTINQ rOR A SICOND TIMI A T~PORARY RI8I~INC PERMIT ON THB B 7S' or W 150' or TRACT 13, UNIT 2&, QOLDEN QAT I ESTATES APPROVED rOR 60 DAYS I'ktrcn l!l, 1985 Acting Community Development Administrator /'Iullins Itated that Mr. Hendrickl il requeltlng a second timo t.~porary re.idønce permit for the E 75' of the W 150' ot Tract 13, Unit 26, Goldcn Gate Estates. She reV"rted that hi. pormit has explreo and he Is n"w tlaklng that hi. temporary rosidence bo allowed to be put bðck on the pr~perty until the end of May, 1985. She stated that based on the current zl)nine;¡ orûinanco Itaff recommends denial. I"Ir, Ucorge Hendricks, petltlon~r, stated thðt du~ to the illne.. of his monther-In-law, he had to return to Indiana which put him behind five monthl, He stated that he h~S th~ rest of the material "n-.lte and would like to or there when the carpeting Is I~stalled. He Indlcatt'd that n. ~uld nave tlnal InllpecUe>n by I".'y l7. 1985. He stated that If his cabln~ts c"me In wh~n schedul~d. he w"uld have the home c~m?lct"d within f' m"ntn. /f,r. I'hll h...uley øtðu..a tll..t hI! Ilvl:s nt-xt to ",r. lI"norlcks' property and he han nnt nða ðny pr~bl~m5 ~ltn him. hI! stated that he has n" obJectl~n t" th~ tr6v~1 tr~11rr b~ n1 tn~rc, acolng that It Is very ðttractlve and Is plðc~c b,nlnò th~ h,,~t' uno~r c~nstructlon. Co..i..loner Holland ~ved, seconded by Co.-i..ioner Ha.se and carried unaniaoully, that Petition TR-e5-14C, George Hendricks, r.questln9 f~r a .econd ti.e a te.por.ry relldence permit on tha E 75' of the W 150' of Tract 13, Unit 26, Golden Gate E.tate. be approved for 60 day.. ne. '22 COMSULTANT TO PREPARE TUr. PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING STUDY FOR NORTH NAPLES ROADWAY MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING AND BENEFIT UNIT, AND CONSULTANT ~EL£CTION COMMITTEE - APPROVED ~'ubll": 1....rl\:I 1',umlrlÌstrc:toH :IUCK sti,le:.J lhJt thb is .. (.;omp~'\I"n It"r" t" tt..: "rc.lnðnc, tr..ll "',Iii IIO<"ptt:O bJrlilr lr'll:.: n"t\.. MrG. C....rlottL' \\.!.\t~.ðn, rel'res~~tl~g In,, L'Ièlgu" ot ,,"¡~"n V,.,t(!rs, S\.Ltt~(1 tll...t sn': ","'Ul:.J 11"" lO h/.vl! ccrluln f.:JClS t)11 th.l p:coru. ~h. noted thllt the letter tn/lt was sent tre>m Dn"'nln,,-f'ry", J.\nuary 17, 1~(l5, refo!oi t" tht: prl/S~ntdt]on of tt:·~ p.HI tlr.>r. ::.~ptember 25. l!lò'; 3nd the next µùrðgraµh I\t~teS t~~t It ~3b tn~ir uno£rstnndlng thdt this "ctlon had th'.. "fftecl "t r..akl!1g tnl,. <'1n offlCi/ll county pr,.,jttct and I'ago 25 -~~ ~ " - - - ",u c h 1 9, 1 9 e !. thu., authorized ~taft to bvqin th' proc.ss of riqht-~f-WAY acquIsi- tion., dw.lqn enqin..rinq, and bidalnq and .0 f/Jrth tl1.~t ....,uld hAd to a final "I.I.~.nt he.rln1 and hOp~fullYI th~ apprnval of the project and the 1.tt1nq of ~ontr~ct.. Shc .tatca that tn~ Ivttlr ~llo Htat~d tnat while ~h. County It~ff hdd o".n ~xtrpm.ly cooperative 1n this effort, thllY 4CI conc"rned ~h.t the project lI;dY bo ~n the back burner. She It~t.d th~t thw lettec indlcatiO that 53\ of the p~t)pl. slqn'd the petiti"n ,...Ir.h th'1 th"~r,t "t tI'.i) proj,ct b'!ing und,·~rwðY ')ulcitly (lnd cOlllplet~d withln tWO') or thre" YC.1rs. :,he- st.nee th.~t the l~tt~H st.!t~s that the r"ðdwðy, wlll sOI~ly D~ n~c~cd 1n tr~ tuture ~nd the proF~rty own.rs that will 04nðC1t ~r~ wl111n~ t" P¿¡y Coc th~m. Co..i..lon.r Holland .ov.d, s.cond.d by COIII.is.loner H.... and carri.d unanl.ously, that the consultant b. dlr.cted to pr.p.r. the preli.lnary .n9in..rln9 .tudy for the North Napl.s Roadway Municipal S.rvic. Tax1n9 and 8.n.fit Unlt, and .It.bli.hlll.nt and 1II..b.r.hip of a Con.ultanl S.l.ctl~n Co..itt.. .ad. up of the folluwlnq people be approved I N.il Dorrl11, Alsi.tant County Kanaq.r To. Kuck, Public Work. Ad.iniltrator/County Enqin..r G.org. Archibald. Tran.portalon Dir.ctor It.. '23 EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.204, DELBERT H. , PATRICIA ANN SANDERS, SEC. 20, T50S, R27E. EAST OF ISLE OF CAPRI ROAD AND NORTH OF SABAL PALM ROAD EXT. - APPROVED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Publl.: ~orks Administrator KUcK ~tat~d t,al this Is d companion Item to the praviou~ly appr"vcè µr"vi&l"nãl u~e. Co..lllioner Holland .ov.d, s.cond.d by CO.lllilsion.r Ha.l. and carri.d unani.ously, th.t Excavation P.r.it No. ;9.204. Delbert H. , Patricia Ann S.nd.r.. S.ction 20. Townlhip 50 South, Rang. 27 East, Ea.t of I.le of Capri Road and North of S.bal Pal. Road Ext.nsion b. approved .ubj.ct to the followlnq stlpulationlt l. Th~ bott"m elp.vatlon "t the c"mpleted excdvdtion sn~11 be limited to 13 ft. bel"w existing qr"und .1fter backfilling bottom of lake with rock bouloers removeo during th. exc~v"tlnq "perati"n. 2. N" off-site o1scharyc "t groundwater shall be permitted. 3. oft-slt, us~ of the material shall be limited to Improvam~nts to roaas ùnd propert1as in the immealate Sabal Palm Road area that hav9 an appr"vœd Mðst~r Drainag~ plan. and g,neral c"mmcrclal sales to "thar otf-slte locations. 4. Pctltion~r Is t" submit in writing to the County Tr)nspor- lOOK 086 ~',! 239 paqe 26 ,. œ6~240 Nrch 19, 1985 tatl~n Oep~rtment, plans to sign anc mark Inter..ctlon of CH-~51 and Sabol P~lm H~ad f~r traffic control for their review and ~pproval. It.. 124 POLICY rOR BANDLIMG BUDGET AMEMDMENTS or SUBSTANTIAL MAGNITUDE - APPROVED tludget Diructor Lori Zalka staCed that this pl)llcy UOIIS not change the formal proc9óure ~hare all b~g.t amendmenta over $l,OOO ara placed on tho Board agend; under thtJ Clerk's rep"rt. She Itllted tht.t it clarifiel an un~rltten proctlcø ~herø Execu~lve Summaries will bu pr~.ent.d C"r Items "C subAtðntial magnitude ana It d~Cines aubltantial magnitUdo. ShO'! stilted tt,.H she rllc"mmenos that thill policy be adopted. Co..la.ioner Goodnight .oved, .econded by Co.-i..loner H.... and carried unan1.oualy, that the tolloving policy for h.ndlln9 budget ...n4..nt. of .ub.tanti.l ..gnltude b. approved. Ex~cutlve 5ummorlel\ requlreé for: 1. N1 lnCreCf>C In thc' toto'll revenu..s rlf Ð fu~.:: In ¡HI amount ~v"r ~50,OUO unless tne lI~oltl"n..l r@VdnU"A will be pl"ceo In ð r~serve ücct)unt. 2 . An in c r.. ~ 5 C I n. c I,}.I í t b J l' r'" j "c: t n vcr $ ., () , ,; 0 C . J. A~y r.1ues:s fr"m ~ rcscrvp ~cc"unt nvrr S25.nnO. 4 . '<d " r 9 II n 1 Z II t I "n s, r e c 1 " S 5 1 fie" t. I " (¡ s, ,) n .1 0 t n ': r i f1 C rea 5 e s 1 n " n "r~ðnlzatlon In an am"unt I')ver $2~.OnO. S. He',uesu¡ f"r no", pn,;ltlor.s wIll bv "cc"nl',¡nl"c by .:In t"stl",ate "t Lnr t.t)tdJ ~Of>L Inclu~lng Irlnql benefits 1Jr.~ ðSS"clbted t)~~rdtln~ Lxp~n~¡s. 'j. N'!w li...rV1C.,s anu r)tr,<.!r 1~:.;u,,~ (HSCUOi!oi'd oy tl1', tI'1drd which WI 11 11 d v '" , b ur1 q ¡¡ t b.p" c t n V " r ~ 2 5 . 00 () '00 ¡ 11 I n <.: 1 ud e II n w~llmaf" "l the t0tal ct)~t. 7. If th~ ~C'tUøl C"Ht 0f u~y ...r t~es.' It~ms Jk gre~tcr th8~ tn~ c:>tl""lJt.. r.y :11"r" trl~n 2(,\. tn. t;0..;ro t)l l"unt.y l","",i~S10n~rll '00111 ;,,," n"tl(I,,(.; O()lnr~" ILJJ.,<,L ':;I\,~~,<.:m..nt III ap¡;rOllfO. It.. US COUNTY MANAGER AUTHORIZED TO TERMINATE EXISTING CONTRACT WITH NAPLES TIRE RE TIRE PURCHASES AND SERVICE. AUTHORIZATION GRANTED TO PURCHASE TIRES AND SERVICE ON A SPOT BASIS UNTIL 4/2/85, AND COUNTY MAHAGER TO RETURN TO BCC RE A NEW VENDOR rOR REMAINDER or FISCAL YEAR - APPROVED I.SSlstllnt C"unty Man,~ger L0rrl11 st"teC1 ttlllt ðS"t ~,rct, 1(;,1985, thè currl.nt tir.... 1I~~(Jor, NJples 1'lr~, I~ expf!rienclng s"me "rgðnlzttl"n,d ct1l1n'1óts -'né son,\:, fin.Jnc ¡¡ r"!"rglSnIZ,ltlon "t th:dr comp~ny Lnd b~c¿us~ 0l this, they Celt t~ðt It was in chelr Intere~t to Po1g ~ 27 _ .·,n _--'I , --- I "---~ - ~ , I 1-- .. .. - 1"l.Hch 19, 19a5 t.rninato th~ c~ntrJct with the Ct)unty. he noted that their contract runs until S~pt'mb.r 30, 19U5. He stated that he r.comm~nds th~t the c~ntract b. torminat.d etfectlve thll dat~ ~nd in addltll')n to that, ho i. rocommcnolng thðt tht Coanty Manager be authorized ov~r the next few w..kl to purchase tlrol, service, 3nd road s~rvice on ð spot basis utilizing t~~ stðnoðra purchasf "rc..r ðrro'lnq~ment ~nj r~~ort bðCk to tho b<'>ard rH. /lprll 2, 19f?5, IIlch .j nel)otl.1t"!d .-:~ntr,)ct with ~ new lC\cal tir~ vend"r t" tulfill trie t~rms ~f th~ tXI5t\n') c"ntrdCC which Is co the ~nd ~f tnd curr~nt f15c,1 y~ar. Lounty ,"I.jn~-.J~r l..UIIK stat.,,,, th~t ~i! n"''HI:> tl) '1" to bic"n tnls, but in th" next tWl') ..,r +;nrc.! ·.-I~~k5, ~he r~ ¡i'1Y ~ld'J': t" O~ 30me s"rV1CC or purcha.es ~~c~. h! st¿~eo Chðt he ni!~~S tlm~ to) check lnt" wnet th~ c~ntract st~tes bof"r~ hQ n:g"tl~t~s wlt~ ~nothJr vcndO)r. Tape 17 Comml!'sl"ner ;'''11/1n.::1 VI)!C,_'Q '1ls cO);:r'~rn;¡ NItti re(orenc.. t" checklnl with tIN') "r thre'~ (jl(fer':nt v~r,~"r3 In "rder t" "btldn the best price _Ithln th~ n~xt f_w w~eKS. C"unty M3nbqur Lusk st~t~d th~t th~r~ ..,,,ul,j n"t b~ Jny purcha8~:> mðd,) "'lt~~u: r.1!I kn"..'¡,'rl1', il<1Jir,q thlt "CII pur:::hðll(, r'rr'~r wo)uld Cl)"\(.' bef"rw nlm (lr~t ~~ thðt n~ ç"ulJ K~~p trJ~k "C thJ sltuJtl"n. Co..i..ion.r Holland moved, ..conded by Commi.sion.r H..I. .nd carried unanlaou.ly, th.t the County "anaqer be authorlz.d to ter.lnat. the .xlstin9 contr.ct with Napl~. Tire r. tire purcha..., ..rvic., and ro.d ..rvice .nd th.t .uthorlzation be qr.nt.d to purcha.. tlr.. .nd .ervic. on . .pot b..i. until April 2, 1985, at vhlch ti.. the County Kan.9.r vill r.turn to the Soard vlth a r.co..endation req.rdlnq a new loc.l vendor for the r..aind.r of the fl.cal Y.~~' It.. 126 RISOLUTION 35-82 CORRECTING EXHISIT -S- TO RESOLUTION 83-200 R! LOT LINES AND EASE"ENTS VACATED IN GOLDEN GATE UNIT 2 AND UNII 4 - ADOrTED County Attorney Saunders stated that this proposed res~lutlon is to corrvct an error in ð previous relolutl~n. Co..l.slon.r H.... aoved, .econd.d by Co..i..ion.r Holland and carried unanl.oully, that R.solution 85-82 corr.ctlnq Exhibit -8- to Re.olution 83-200 to corr.ctly d..crib. lot lln.. and ......nt. to be vacat.d In Gold.n Gat. Unit 2 and Unit 4 b. adopt.d. ¡lOt( 086"q 241 pt.,)e 20 "--T--- 1:~ -- . .' ,', , "',,.1 ._w,·__"__«·""·"'· ,......",.,._.__."....-,..~.__.~,_.~..,._-~-~,-' - - - ,-.arcn 19, 1985 It.. 121 s~p DIRlCTID TO INVESTIGATE THI rEASIBILITY or THI COUMTY OWNI~G A GOLF COURSE AND TO REPORT BACX TO THI BCC County M4nðg~r Lusk sC~tod that ne is ~økin9 tne bo~rd Cor direction ryn ~h.ther the County wants to go Intry the golf ct)urae buainel'. h~ stat~d th~t he dð~S not want ~t,ff getting inv~lv~ù In lomethlng It the t~ðrj Is g,,1~g t" ,~t~ It ~,,>wn. HI notwd th~t If the 8CC Is int~relted In the g~lf courso buslnþ.ss, h. will have Itaff pursue ~h~ i.sue, but hþ. needs dirðctl"n frry~ tr1 ~ðrd. C;ommilòsioner 11,,>!land st..ted tn.:t ':t1a<: IIhould bioi public golf C.,ursð. bS s~me p.,,¡..li! c.'!nn"t IIU"rc t:l! t..'I that th.. pr lv"t~ golf courle. chHqe. ~ n,n..c thðt st,ltf sh?ul::l b.. jlr"ct.td try brine; ba::k to tha Comm1ssl"n d r.c"mm1naðtl"n as to h()~ tnd C;"unty c3n g~ Into th1 golf coursa tU'Ilne"1\ ~1thnut It c,,>stlnq ~n' tdXpðyvrs ð tortune. The C,,>llo..dng ,J""pl,, ¡¡P"ku :., "µí-'I')sltir,n ~() tll') C,,>unty I').mlng <I ql')lf c,,>urse, cltlnr¡ tnp flct tno'lt It ¡¡n"uln ~(' ~"n': by r~fer"ncuml tn.'!t it Is tt)o exp~nslv~1 '~ulJ n">t b~ self-su~?"rtlnq; anj necessltles Ih~uld be to'lk~n carl" "f bpft)rp lUAurlds: Mrs. J~/lnn~ hro">K~r Mr. Glorgc K,IJdr ,~r. d r uc., Ho 11 y ·,r. JI');) ....lll1ð:'!\s The fOll,,>·..lnq ,Jl'"pl., :lp">~(, ln :ð',,,1' "r d ,Juollc q"lf c"urse for :hft reðs"n thlt d pUbliC c,,>ur~~ I\houlJ ~. m"~~ ~v^ll/1DJl" to p~"pl0 for recr.atl"nal purpos~~, It sn"ulu be self-5u~portln1, ðn~ th~re Is a need tor ono: Mr. Puter GU15"P¡;" /'Ir. Mlk1l Zt.,.,,,lk I"Ir. T"ny Gl "réoH:"> Mr. JaCK dr~~den /1r. /",/1 r K AS h 1 e y Comm1ss10n~r H)~se s'at~d thdt h~ 15 n~t opp,,>sud t" ð g"lf course, buc there are r)ther things thot cl)uld be ù,,>n. with that kind of m"ney, like Installing a c"uple "t 3wimmlng ?"ols that may q~t m"re us., adding thðt if golf c"urs~ø ~re purch~~ed, thaÿ hava t" be 1.1!-su,Jportlng. Co..i..ioner Goodnight .eved, .econded by Co.-i..loner Vo.. and carried 3/1, (Co..il.ioner Ha.l. oppo.ed), that the Staff b. directed to inve.tiqate the f...ibl11ty of the County owninq a 901f cour.e and to report back to the BCC. .. 086n'.I245 p,jge 29 (,.',;/ .. ,....., =........ ......_~^_." ...~..-..,~,>'~ ,. æs~248 xu. 121 ROUTIMI BILLS - APPROVED rOR PAYMENT ~lðrch 19, 19115 Pursu~nt to Resolution 81-150 the following checkl were l.sued throU¡h Fr',day, March 15, 1985, in payment ot r,:>utlne bills: . CHECK DESCRIPTION CHECK NOS. A~OUNT V.tndor 125623 - 126H1 $3,279,836.26 BCC Payroll 11151 - 11709 $ 243,775.66 It.. .n IUDOET AMENDMENTS 85-194/199, 85-2~1/2041 AND 85-206 - ADOPTED Co..la.lon.r Ho11anj .ov.d, ..conded by Co.-llaion.r H.... .nd carrl.d un.nl.oualy, that Budget ~end..nt. 85-194/199, 85-201/204, .nd 84-206 be .dopt.d. .... Co.-l..loner Goodnight .eved, .econdeð by Co.-ia.loner H.... .nd c.rried unaniaoully, that the f011o~in9 It... und.r the Con..nt Agend. be approved and/or .dopt.d: .... IU. 130 QUIT-CLAIM DEED rROM rLORIDA STATE DEPAR~ENT or TRANSPORTATION rOR VACATED RIGHT-Or-WAY TO BE INCORPORATED INTO GOLDEN GATE COMMUNITY PARK Set- P,1ges d.5.3 - ~t. It.. 131 DRAINAGE EASEMENT rROM THE SCOTTSDALE CO. rOR LOT 26, BLOCK 12, PARK SHORE UNIT 5 ::;"I'¡'''~1.:5~ ltell 132 ArTER-TH~-rACT MANEUVER PERMIT rOR THE US ARMY AT THE IMMOKALEE AIRPORT fROM JUNE 2-9, 1984 S.., ~'..Jt.; .,;( C,O - J ~ lte. 133 AGREEMENT BETWEEN SOUTH rLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AND COLLIER COUNTY RE AQUATIC PLANT CONTROL ON THE GREEN CANAL AND ADDITIONAL EXPENDITURES FOR CHEMICAL HERBICIDES !..e~ ",c:;es ;¿~J.. - e::l¿ 3 P~ge 30 ---. , , ---, r-::-' ,~ - -------.-....- .~-----. e:- . ..~. - - - ~adrcr\ 19, 1!J05 It.. 134 OUT-Or-COUNTY TRAVlL IXPENSES rOR PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR, T.I. lUICK, TO ATTIIID UNUAL COMFlR&MC& or THI NATIONAL ".SSOCIATIC'lN or COUMTY IMQINE~RS rROM APRIL 17-19 IN PHOENIX, ARIZONA IU. 135 SALES AGRIEMENT WITH D. L. ARNOLD, TRUSTII rOR PURCHASI or VACANT 'ARCEL ON DOMESTIC AVENUE ::;"" P.'q,'s d.t.~ - ~(¡,~ IU. '36 EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.212 - COLLIER PUD TO COLLIER DEVELOPKENT CORPORATION, SOUTHWEST SIDE or US 41, OPPOSITE THE SOUTHERLY TERMINUS or AIRPORT ROAD - WITH STIPULATIONS I. ~"> ~.c~v~t.a mnterldl and 1 1 D~ r.~,,>vLj fr"m t~~ pr"jAct sit.. 2. Of f-~it" tlISCrl,JC~" of qr"lIn(J"'Jter durlnq c"nstructlon st,~ll h'o! "n!y tnr,,>uqh ðpprovAj d1JC~dr1P stru~tur~s, i~clud!nq c~ntrol ",.,Ir "nd ..n~r9)o.Ji'!tlpðtion, .:lÍt..r ...Har qllJlJr.y tr"o'It:nenC 4pµrOvtJ by t~c C,,>unty lnglndLr. Ite. '37 rINAL PLAT APPROVAL or NORTUGATE VILLAGE UNIT ONE AND 110\ CONSTRUCTION SECURITY ACCEPTED It.. . JI RECORDING or rINAL PLAT UD PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE or IMPERIAL GOLF ~ØTATES, PHASE IV It.. '39 FINAL ACCEPTANCE or CAPE COD ISTAT&S AND RELEASE or ONE-YEAR 10\ MAINTENANCE SECURITY Ite. '40 QUIT-CLAIM DIED A)¡ D AGRIEHDTS REGARDING rINAL ACCEPTANCE or LILY TROPICAL ESTATES, UNIT 1 , 2, LILY GOLl ESTATES, UNITS 1 , 2, rOREST HILLS SECTION, PINEHURST ESTATES, ST. ANDREWS WEST AND ST. ANDREWC EAST S~t< Pðgf!S ;J.~7- dJ 77' Ite. 141 TRUST DEID PROM LELY ESTATES, INC. POR A 100 ACRI TRACT IN SIC. 28, T50S, R26E, TO REPLACE THE TRUST DEED FOR TRACT -A- AND TRACT -A-A- or LILY GOLl ESTATES AS SECURITY rOR UNCOMPLETED S~BDIVISION IMPROVIMENTS WITHIM THE LELY COUNTRY CLUB AND LILY BAREFOOT BEACH. QUIT-CLAIM DIID RILIASING TRUST DIID FOR TRACTS -,,- AND -A-A- ~e:! Pdq~ S ó17....j-- ~ 79 '* 086,1<,r 247 Pð<J" 31 . . I-- -..-.-'.... _..__--.' .m"~"_~~_~"·~'""'_""'_" .. 086.,,-:t U8 "'1a rc:h 1'), 1985 I u. 14 2 WZA'1'BZRIZATIOII COIITRACT t85WX-74-09-21-01-00B WITH DCA A1f1) A PJtOORAM IBRVICB AOUEMDT WITH CZ1rrJO CAMPESUIO SU PAgU :1.l'ð.. ..3/..5" It.. '43 EXIITI.G PLAN1UNG DIRECTOR POSITION RECLASSIPIED TO A PLANNING A1f1) ZONINO DIRECTOR It.. 144 PETITIOR TR-B4-17C, ANA PICOT, REQUESTING A TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT FOR THZ W 150' or TRACT 4, UNIT 83, OOLDEN GATE ESTATES It.. t4 5 Þ REVISED PARTS I AND II OP ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS CONTRACT FOR SECTION 8 EXISTING RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM NUMBER 10.-3402 TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OP UNITS UNDER CONTRACT FROM 26 TO 118 See PAC'1eø 3/" - .3 .;10 Ite. '46 RESOLUTION 85-83 AMENDING RESOLUTION 85-27, CORRECTI~O TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR REGARDING CCCL-84-11C Se.. I"'aC'1f'II .3 ~ / ~ -3 ~..3 Ite. .47 LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN MARCO ISLAND HOSPITAL, INC. MD THE BCC FOR AN EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES SUB-STATION LOCATED ON HOSPITAL PROPERTY AT MARCO ISLAND :,ep Da')plI J.,;)¥ --3.:1..9 Ite. 148 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN SATISFACTION or MORTGAGE IN THE NAME OF PAUL K. (DECEASED) AND LOUISE POWELL (SOCIAL SERVICES) !:-~'e P.1~e .3.3ð It.. .49 AMENDMENT NO. :2 TO THE CONTRACT B!TW1!:EN THE BCC AND THE DEPT. OF HItS FOR PROVIDING HOM!HAKER AND OTHER SERVICES UNDER THE COMMUNITY CARE FOR DISABLED ADULTS PROGRAM fee f'aau .3.3/-033 JL. 'Iage 32 ~ ~ì -- -~.- :::~~. .) ----_...."._...~."._""---..,._.._... .._<-"'-,,_.......__.~.- __.'",_.,,~___"'_.._..._.._"~_"~'""","k' - - - March 11), 19~5 tt_ no GU.II'f AWARD AGUEMEHT AND CIVIL RIGHTS ASSURARCB FORM BBTWEDI COLLIBR COUITY AHD THE FLORIDA DBPARTMEHT or STATZ, DIVISION or ARCHIVES, BIlTOn AHD RECORDS MAHAGI!:MBHT TO COMPLETE A HISTORIC SITES SURVEY or COLLIIR COUNTY See Paqcs .3 JS'" 3.3 9 IU. 151 AGREEMENT B!'naEN THE BCC AND THE GOLDEN QATE ROTARY CLUB FOR USE OP COUWTY PROPERTY WEST OF THE GOLDEN GATE COMMUNITY CENTER FOR ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE SALE, CONTINGENT ON CERTAIN CONDITIONS PrOflp.r perM1tt1n~ ct'rt¡flc..,tion of 1nluranc. IInc1 nolltinCl ot ~ ~200 cash ~n1 allsurlno t~e clean un of the prooerty. ~ee paqcø 3 '¥-O - .3 .t,t I It.. 152 LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD AUTHORIZED TO MAKE MODIFICATIONS OF THE COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRAF.Y SYSTEM COLLECTION POLICIES IU. .53 CHANGE ORDER .3 TO BETTER ROADS FOR $4.680 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MECHANICAL ROOM, INSTALLATION or CONCRETE COLLARS ON LIGHT POLES AND UDUCE COST FOR IRRIGATION PUMP SYSTEH AT TH! IHMOAALEE COHHUNITY PARK ~ell PII<le .37'- ~ Ic.. .54 UTILITY I:AS!MENT ACCEPTED FOR S~ER AREA ·S· SOUTH 1/2 AT CRICKET LAKE APARTMENTS See Paqes 3~3 - 3~ Ite. .55 RELEASES OF UTILITY EASEMENT TO QUAIL ROOST ASSOCIATES OF NAPLES, LTD. AND DEL-MEADE PARK, INC. RE QUAIL ROOST' MARCO SHORES ESTATES MOBILE 80ME PARItS See Pðges .3 <Sir, - 3 ¢ 7 IU. .56 AUTHORIZATION FOR ENGINEERING COST/FEASIBILITY REPORTS FOR CAPRI WATER SYSTEM FROM CH2H HILL, INC. AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $1,900 It.. .57 ItESIGIIATION OP HR. AItIN AND APPOINTMENT OF DR. CHESTER TRIPLETT AS THE COLLIER HEALTH SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE ON THE EMERGENCY MEDICAL 8ERVICES ADVISORY COUNCIL WITH A TERM EXPIRING ON 8/3/85 a. 086r1'.{249 Paqe 33 I " W,arc:h 19, 1 anI) ... 086n~.t250 It... 158 UAPPOun'KZNT or MRS. MTHY OJIAH,t,M . MRS. BIRNEY MILLZR TO GOLDa GATE COMMUlIITY CTR. ADVISORY COMMI'M'EE I'OR 'I"WO YEAR TERMS EXPIRING 12/31/85 It.1iI '59 '$250 AUTHORIZED I'OR ADVERTISEMENT IN THE PROGRAM 800ft ON 6/29/85 I'OR THE MISS FLORIDA STATE PAGEANT FOR MISS COLLIER COUNTY, SHELLI BENRETT It.. 160 CERTIFICATES I'OR CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS AS PRESDTZD BY PROPERTY APPRAISIR'S OFFICI 1983 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1983-596 2/25/85 Þ 1984 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1984-111/112 2/25/85 - 3/7/85 Ite. .61 DUPLICATE TAX CERTIFICATE NO. 3580 ISSUED TO WAYNE MILLER DUE TO LOSS ~ee paoe 3¥? Ite. .62 MISCELLANEOUS CO~RESPONDENCE - FILED AND/oR REFERRED ~er~ beinq no objection, the Chair direct~n th~t the following corre.ponrlence ~~ filen an~/or referred ~ø lndicated nelawl l' Memorandum dat~d '/2h/P~ fro~ ~ean Walterø. Petire~ent Teehniclan, I"nroll!!'ent <:eetion, f'ept. of "dminll!tration, enclollinc: th~ tJncnrolJ~d Contributor. Rf"port Ll.t for the pt'rio(1 of p/"~ to o/"/!. ~ç: "'r. Texter (ln~ "r, Lunt~. Fllect. 2. Coc:y of PeC'u'!~t ~or !'.:1YI'\(·nt fro~ Dc'ë't. of COl"munit" Affairs, ~~ilect to First NatlonRl Rank ~ Trust Co. of ~~nle~ for Contr"ct "'0. 04-LC-53-""-"I-H3/! in "",,ount of ~",f,.d".(\O. :o:el !"s. Ir,'iI IHI!:'son, '~r. Gil",s. Filed. ,1. Lctt(!r C'aten 2/2'7/>°"" fro":\ Conmulllty II.ffdirs, re ~·.:1ir plus cory of application. ~ull1ns. Fll':!d. ?uro:>ðu (",ief r'drtc:':. ['e.,t. of "oul\in'1 >'onth for ,.ori!. 101'15, XCI "s. l1il1iamson an" Ms. 4. Copy of m~moranrlum ct~te~ 3/1/1'15 from ~ancy P. eartek, eureau Chief, ~pt. of Community ~tfairs, re oublic ~earlnq on Florida's oroposed Final ~tateMent of O~jcctives and Certif)cates {or Þllocation of ~mall Cities cr~r, ~unð. for re~erðl Fiscal Year 1"~5. X~I ~s. ~illia~son. ~ileð. I>aoe 34 ~ - ~ ~ .,,' , E<'~~'" - - - - "arch 19, 190,5 5. Letter dated 2/26/P.5 tram Pichard ~. ~~ntr.ll, Environ. Sup' v., ntR, encloYing a short form application rile MOl. 1109ge325, 1109<'18305. XCI MI. p.<ullin., Filed. 6. Letter ~ftted 2/27/q~ fro~ r.ou~l41 L. fry, Fnviron. ~up'v., CER, enclosin1 a sho~t form application file ~o. 111000635. XCI ~s. to'ulUn'J. Filel1. 7. Letter .jat"!" 3/f:.IO,5 from :'iOUglðs L. 'Pry, "'nviron. ;up·v., ~ER. enclosinq a shnrt tor~ IIppl1cation ~il~ ~o. 1110I)35~~. XCI ~II. ~ullins. ~Ileð. ~. Cory of ~~marandu~ áat~o 2/?5/~~ fra~ P.ich~rl1 ~. r,~ith, P.r.., rhlef. ~urellu of W~st~w^ter ~4nal')e~.nt anrl "rants, "~R, r4 Conti true t i on C-ra nt II Proa rAr" "r I or I tv c:ya t P.'" ,or !"a.. tew" ter 'rre"t~ent 'forks, r:hanter ) 7-<;(1. Flori"", IId",injstrativ"! CCY.!". XCI "r. r)orrill IInd "1r. ~rllndall. "'ilp.l1. CI. Copy of m.mora.,....1M l111te'1 3/\1"'-<; fro'" fl'lyne S. <!uebner. r:hlef. Pur.au of ""!!lII'!' 1 T\tl1n" <'Ind P.e-'1istr",tian. I"'IR, re i811111\nco:' of ~'y I"'l~-"" \/"51('1 f'ec",ls. XCI ~'r. Il,Ur.1t: , Mr. ,John P,v:e o'Inj "r. OJ]iff. "'110;>-::1. 10. "ot1!ic'lt1on riat"rl ?/1r¡/,,~ froM ~"?nnil 1'. ,10r-:!an. Fi.dd 5up'v., Enl1an'1",r"!'1 "'OO;>CI"II "ielrl ':tat1on. enclosin~ II cony ot ~ recant Fe"e-ral Þeallter publication that ~elistll t~e brown !,eliclln In C:tatcII of ^!.. <"L, r:^. <:C, '.1e, ano:! !'Oints nortnwarrl alon1 }ltl"ntic 00'''t. xc: r.r. T'roftHt. "'11erl. 11. Lott..r ollted 2/1<1/1'· (rr- ':. Pic'1,H,j !'aY90n, ':~lcf, "aturlll 4az¿¡rdll Prðnch, CO",'¡...rlll '-cr",.Jncy ....,na'lcment l\'l"!ncy, re Co",mu:1ity ^ssessr.>~nt 'I:..\t ",1)1("", ",as hcl,j on Janu~ry 2P-:n. 19P5, plus cory of varIances fro" t'lev.Hion stan' ards. XCI ~. r. ~c r,~ n 1 e 1 s, ~'r. Lu s \0-. " n"" "r. \I i r t... . !" i 1 e-ri . 12. Copy of mt'moranrlum ~~terl 7/~0/q5 to Tho",,,, Crandall from F1SCIII 0ffic,:r Gllas re IItllity !"unrl~ f,n £1('r1od enrleo:1 I"ecembcr 31, 1",p4. plus cony of bal"nc':! sh.!et. Piled. \3. Co:",y of ::,p.mor,1n"'!um ,Mterl "/2o/n<, to roU'1 Ct"'!t'nfit'lrl from F'lSCðl off icer r.11e!l re F...,S F'inllnciðl "tatements tor ",erioc\ enrled D~cemt>'Jr 31. IQ"4, nlu!! cony af balM',:e eh'!'et. Filed. 14. Copy of letter from JdY Pakes, D1r.. novernar's Ener1Y Office. .nclosin~ survey form to collect data within major Standllrd In,justrial Cl.1ssificatian sectors. XCI Mr. LUllk. Fihù. 15. Cory of Final Orrler received 3/7/P5 for Case ~'o. P4-2132, FL Past eOðllt RdilwdY ~o. anrl ~etrapolit~n Qad~ County. "'L. vs. PL. Land and Wðt~r Arlju1ic...tory Commisllion. FL. r1vision of l\ùmlnistrat1.ve 'Iellr1n'15, ano1 F'L, [lept. "f (:om:nun1ty I\tfairs. :O<CI :,:r. Saunders. Fil'!o:\. ]6. Copies ot Minut,ul Filed. A. CAPe an" CCf'A, Feb. ?1, 19135 R. Contro'lctars' Licenslng 30ard, Feb. 211. IOA5 C. E~!-"!\C. !"ebru.,ry 11, 1,?G5 [I. Golden Gate Com"unity Ctr. Þdvisary Comm., Jan. 29, 19Q5 allOC 088 "".1 251 !'aqlt :15 ~..-".. . '--:t ..,.-1 -~-- 1J88.'1!2!iZ March 19, 19B5 E. Library Advisory Board. Jan. 24, lqa~ F. Par~l. ~ec Advisory 9oar~. Feb. 19 and Jan. 24, 1985 17. Copy of letter dated 2/21/85 from Fi.cal Officer Gilel to Farmer. nome Admini.tration enclosing quarterly reports for Marco Island Waterlsewer,.~ewer Diltrict A. Gooðland 11ater ~i.trict and Willoughby Acres. . . . There being no further business for tho Good of the County, thr meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time., 1.00 P.M. RO^~D OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSI ROARD OF ZO~ING APPEAL~/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING ROARD(S) OF SPr.CIAL DISTRICTS UNDP.R ITS CONTROL " ~lH Rl: 0 ,III>. ,.' _ /' ~ .";'-........... ...... C' ..": . .. 7-";" <" ~ ~:' ' -- :ATTtsTt -' :"~1LLIA~t ·~T.i ~!Þ,CAN, CLERf< ". ". l:" '..~ ~, ~-: ~ ,/:~,.. /,rc;J~~¿2c The.. minute. approved ~y tnc ~CC - ----' .. pre.ented ~--~ ...o.~~... CI~AI RMAN on~, .~/~ f"//J all or as corrl!ct.d Pa"e 36 r--'ì Em] l"'~"'" "1',' f~'. ~..' '!It;'';''''! -j . .'., " -\" $-~:.<"'I"'"I"< <t~{ '",~)R,:~t-.,'. ""t~. ~.-. ~ ',"; '1':'" ? "~'''-¡;~ .~, -,.. ,~_. ít