BCC Minutes 07/24/1985 B ",.. :t, ~ .y,"~ '..~,'Y~ 4¡rL,~': "'.' '" ".~ '~~. " 4tfM." "" "ì , ' '. ~=-::;","t:.' . "l"'..· ,,:'~ ~',.. Napha, Fll)rl~,a, July 24, 1985 ;~r;.11~ " ' , " '. ""!,,.r;.fii:' " LET IT, 8£ REMEMBEHED, that the &:lard of C,>unty Commissioners 1'n ",;," , ,. , "":"'ë. . :'~.nd'for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Bl)ard 1)£ Zoning "1,..:' ~,~ ..,. , . " '""'" Itf.~ ~)pP"la and as the governing board(s) of .uch speci,.l distr lets AS have \)::~'~.,~ \ ....,b..n cr...ted according tl) law and having conducted buain~ss herein,. met, ",,;~.t,i· á·:{1'on this date at 9100 A.M. in BUDGET WORJtSBOP S!SSIOIl in Building -F- olt",i.,,!::.\ th. Courthouu Cl')mplax, ¿,ut Naples, Ploriaa, with the f"llowl nq":t.;:í'ti members preaent::::i¥!, CHAIRMANI fr.aerick J. Voss VIC£ CHAIRMANI John ^. pistor Max Ha... C. C. -Red- Hollano Anne Goodnight ALSO"PAESENT: J"mes C. GU"s, Fiscal Officer¡ Elinor M. ~)(inner, Deputy Cl~rk; Don~lJ B. Lusk, Cl')unty Mðnager; Burt L. Saunoers, Cl')unty Attorney; Pam ~rangacci.), Assistant Deputy Cl')unty Manager; Lori Zalka, BU~get Director; M~ry Ml')rg~n, Þvporvls~r of Elections; Aubrey Rogers, Sheriff; Sam C01ding, Prl')perty Appraiserr Tl')m Kuck, Public Works Admlni6tr~tl')r; Nancy Isr~elRl')n, Administrative Assistant; DepUty Chief Huntoilr and Cd¡)t. Sam ~ass, Shl"riff's Oepartment. AGENDA 9 :UO A.M. 9:]0 A.M. 10:00 A.,.,. 1 0:] 0 A.M. ll:UO A.I"\. 11:]0 A.M. duoget Director - Overview of Budget and duaget PreSentðtlon Sh è ri f f Clerk of C~urts Property' Apprllistlr ~uperVlsor I')f Elections County Manager OVERVIEW or DUDen MID TAXES Budget Direct~r Za1ka explained thllt the purpose of this meeting is to become familiar with the tentdtive bUdget and that nl) action is needed, this date. She said on 7/26/85, the Cl')mmissloners would b. asked to set millðgl rates and public huaring dat~s which she pr~?Os.d to be Monday, 9/9/35 and Wednesday, 9/18/85. She referred to setting th. tentatlv~ millage rates and asked the Commissioners to keep In mind that throughout August and at the public hearings in Septembor the board of ~unty Commissil')ners can am.nd th~ budget in any way it .... ..; œs "'t 01 I'agl 1 ,..:..:~¡,.,~ , #íJ¡.~. . ...,,". .; ---,,,,".~....,...,-,,,,.., ~-- ¡; Œ8rr.¡ 02 July 24, 1985 fit except to increase að valorem taxes above the aml)unt that i. set In the tentative rate.. She explained the reason 1. that tho tentative rates are Bent to each property owner ~round d/lS/8S by the Property Appraiser indicating the ad valorem taxes they can expect to pay under the proposed budget, adding the date of the first public hearing will be shown on that tax notice, also. She said'that the rate in the tentativo budget for Cl')unty-wlde taxes is approximately 3.4 mills, which is an 18' Increase over the roll-back rate and for the Unincor- porated Area the rate is approximately 1/2 mill which i. a 28' increase over the roll-back r..tt!. She said this meeting WQuld be devoted to revivwing what is in thp tentative budgets and that the recommend"d budg.t will be rpvi"w~a throughout thll su:nrner. SHERIFF'S BUDGET Sheriff AUbr&y R~gQrs explained thJt h~ and his personnel have spent several months going through the budget looking at all the mandates from th~ Stat~ plus items Ruch as Insurance costs. He pointed I)ut that there is a cl')mplete unknown situation, this year, going into the new jaIl, ~dóing th~rt! are alre40y cl')ncerns abl')ut the operational coSt for tnat ouilding. He said he spent considerable tlme with the Budget Director r"viewing every incr~ase in his buogct and the budget he has submitted is what he feels is ba3ed I')n the actual needs of law \ entorcement in Colliwr (ounty. He urged tne Cl')mmiss~l')ners to Set the 'tentativv Collier C~unty buoget based on his request~ adding that he welcomes the public givIng guidance regarding law entorcemcnt at tho I budget ~rkshops. Sheriff k"gers dis~greud with the dudg~t Diru~tor s rticl)mmenda- tions of what it will taKe to carry out his budget. He said tho~e recommendatlo:'ls are basad on ..-rut the f.,uágo.:t 1,Hri!ctl')r ~uld liKe tl') see the millage rate and th~ taxes tl') be rathor than on actual need and the work that his department does. "d said he has nl')t d1scussed the needs thoroughly with tile budget IJepdrtmunt ana they d~ nl')t have the intormðtlon his pecl:lonnel tl.5s. He sðia h~ ..-:>uld WQrk "ith the Commis- .ion~ra and mðKe ev~ry dftor~ possibl~ to try and cut his budget before tnc final buoqet is ~r~s~nt~a. Commisslon~r HASS", compllmented Sht;riff Rogers I')n his comprehen- .lve report. Sheriff kogers saió that report c~ntalns a lot of the justi!lcbtion for his budget. In answer tl) Cl)mmissiontor Voss, Sheriff Rt.JqtHs sa10 that his officers' pay SChi!dule is tied into the Highway Patrol. Commissioner Page 2 .. ~ !!!J '-~,i;,,·ç~;{~·ì;<'·4,,;·)~i;:¡,:.. ~7:'~""., :' " ,~.-.!",- . ".i.. !.:o. .~."". <t'.""'" j¡J".':.;:, ,,~;,;h... _'I,,~ -- _....,,~~- "; '.. "". . ... c.;; July 24, 1985 : Vo.s said that a considerable pay raise was qiven to the Correctional Officers approximately December, 1984, and he referred to a requ~st of $465,000 in this budqet for an additional rais~, and asked if this rai.e would put those officers above the Deputies? Sheriff R?qera responded negatively and said that the Board of County Commissioners had been asked tl) bring the Correctional Officers tl) the requested level and, from that ?Oint, they stay thv same as the law enforcement personnel. H~ sald the Cl')rrectional Officers' salaries are equal to the LdW Enforcement Officers except for cert&in items. He stated his Dwpartment n~s incentiv~ pay from the ~tate for education for law enforce~ent µørsonnel which hðS been in effect fl')r a number of years and that ml')ney w~s direct~d tl') b~ paid out ?f the revenue funds that come from the Statu. He said, recþ.ntly, the State has provided incen- tive ml')ney for the C?rr~ctionðl Officers, thør~fore, the base pay is the same but some individual$ may earn more than the Correctional Otfic~rs wh~n inCentlve m?n~y is consièered. He said, in lieu of overtime, there was d ~alary supplement that went Into effect In 1974 for the Law Enf?rcdment üfficers b~cause lt was nl')t possible to contrl)l when I')fficers were n~eo~d and called ?ut in advance, h?wever, the Correctional Officers Wt)rk uncler a str.:.ight tirn~ ana I')ne-half oVi.:!time system. In response to Commission~r Voss' question regarding whether the Law Enforcement üfficers dre recelvlng an incroase tnls year, Shltriff ROgtHS scJld he 11as a problem in trying to determine what the 1ncrease ...)uld be since he 11<15 tl') submit a budc¡"t befl')re the Legis- lature is finlshect ~nd h4s to USG a number of things, such as the Govdrnl')r'S budget, to give him guidance. He said Repres':!ntative Hawkins dnd I')thers gave him an opin1on ot approximately what the increase ~uld oe and th~t is thu dmount incluaed in this budget. Commissioner Voss said he dld not site ~nything In the budget for raises fl')r the L~w ~nf?rcement Officers ana MS. lalka expl<lined the $465,000 figure refers to ð raise provided last year that was provided for the current fiscal year for the Corrltction41 Officers and the normal 5' is provIded for the Law Enforcement Officers in th~ Sherlff's bUdget. In answer to Commissioner Voss, Sheriff ~gers explained his request for a second pilot, stating his Department uses the planlt where feasibl~ to '~rk with other Counties to transport prisoners. Ha said ..veral Watch Cl')mm~nd.rs and different ~el')ple are qualified and insured to fly thot ~dpdrtment's sin~le dngine air cr~ft but when needed they .* 088 ",t 03 paqe 3 "'\oj-.~ ·¡â'rb-I';: .. œBPJ2: 04 July 24, 1985 said there is no way He said nls pill')t is that one quðli- must be taken away from their duti.s. He m.n can fly the amount of flying needed. fied to fly the helicopter, also. Cl~rifylng his request tor additi~nal Road Patrol Deputie., Sheriff Rogers said, in years past tryin~ to deal with the budget request and keeping the requests down, his Department kept getting furthèr behind. He said ~urlng the past three years he has been planning for the new jail and his Department has gone from approxi- mately 78 officers, which was under staffed, to 127 to open the jail and, with the budget caps and laws placed on the County regarding the ability to raise money, most of the ml')ney had to g~ into the new jail. He said a number of citizens, primarily in North Ni1ples and Gl')lden Gate, have r"quested more patrol cars in their areas. He said last y~ar there w~s an unexpected aml')unt of rcvenue to turn back to the County and auring last year's budget hearings he made the Commissioners aware of the aforementil')neo requests and, since there WaS money that had not been counted on, he requested additional personnel for Golden Gate dnd Nl')rth Naples. lie exp1aintld, wh~n he figures the cost of a deputy, that he figures the Cl')st I')f his uniform, traini,g, the vehicle, radios, shl')tgun, etc. Cl')mmissioner Gooanight ~sKej wny five more aeputies are requested for the ImmoKa1ce ar~~? Sheriff Rogers said that h1f Department works .24 hours every dðy ana over four people ûre n~ed~d cpunting days off, sick leave and training to till any pl')sition. He said the tounty has become big ofnough so tn~t spcc1dl units 3re neeo~d, 'such !IS the Special Response Unit for ~I')stage situations, needs fOl specialized traffic with radar, th~ canine groups ana s"m"times on~ or t,..., pCl')ple are needed to fill in tnose positions. He said there are peak times in Imml')kðlv~, which 19 olfferent than otner ðreas, 6u=h as early In the morni \g when the streets are full of farm labor going to the fields when there ard spacial prQblems so irr~gul~r shifts are necessary. Commissil')ner Goodn1ght referred tl') the requwsted Youth Relations Oeputi(,s Lor EVoJrgl/lu<:s lIigh School and th~ elementary schol')l, and said those D~puties are well wor'h the time and ml')ney the taxpayers are paying. Sh~riff kogers ãgreed stating this prl')gram Is one of the best things ever donc in law enforcement. He said he is trying to have enough personnel tl') handld all the high schools and middle schools, ~ddlng this program has been reflected in the juvenile problems throughout th~ County. PIIC . 4 - ~ =m ...._--.-.........._~;--- ··"·'·'¡;;""iì~.1~}·"f~,~,.r'.; "r·-..rr:1~~Q. ?":'I)j:Z' '"-,,,> ~,~, ~_._'~';:"¡(~:;:... .. r::= July 24, 1985 Commissioner Pistor asked if the additional Deputies for Gl)lden Oate ~uld come trom the six being added to East Naples? Sheriff Ro9~rs said that the booklet he distributed identifies those pel)pl~ in the areaa, as ð wholo. He explained there is a cl)ncept I')Î a service are. where ther~ is a person In a car, not necessarily ~ law ~nforce- ment person who haa all the powers, wno has limited pow.rs ano can take care "f many complaInts such as emergency and animal complaints to free up the officers. He ~aid ml')st ~f those p~o~le are supported I')ut I')f th, f'orfei ture rund so tn"y Wt)uld not come I')ut of' the General Fund. He aald these p~ople c~n be movea if they are nQoded s" the situation is flexible. He said by adding the Community Service Aides he felt he woula be in a p~sition to nanole th& situatil')ns as they arise. Commlssll')ner Pistl')r referr&d tl') the need tl') move the Marco Island Sut)statIon and lISlIea If :>11'!!riff Rl')gers had included any amount in his bUdget request for a n.!w <Jffice there? Sheriff Rl')gers said money is provloeo b.:lsec on tnt: current rent. wputy Chief Hunter Stated thnt the current rent IS ðppr~xlmatüly $12,uUO ð year. Sheriff Rogers said he hss be"n tl')lo oy th~ Mðrco 181anO P~Sl UffIca personnel that they will not renew the C~unty's 11ftse ana thay are requesting the SL1riff's Dopartment tl') ;n·)v.e: <IS S~0:1 !I,t; p')Sslt>le. H~ þ.xplalnec1 the lease expires in AprIl, 19~6. ~uring t~e ansui:1g discu3sion, Cl')mmissioner Pi8tor ~olnted out he has bp._n ~olo tnat rent fl')r c~mparable facilities ~uld be Consideraoly more than th~ curr~n~ rent. Sheriff Rogers said that tne o.,aro I')f C0Unty C~rnm1ss1Qn~rs "'ill h,iVC to ;!1l1ke a aeCIsI-Jn regard- inq whetner th~ rent beinq paid cl')uld be us~d toward obtaining pr"perty f~r the bubstdtion ~o be rall')~dtea, ~OdInq he Wl')uld prefer a permanent locatil')n because every time thIs facility has tl') be moved Sl')mel')ne's pr"perty hds to be reml')c.:!l"o. H~ rec')mm'!!noeo acquIrIng Cl')unty property for th& ~ubstation, If pl')ssible. He said that the amount of parking needed for tne Substation has been a prl')blem as ~ll as personnel g->ing and coming all niqht, d01S ~drlling in the canine unit, etc. He said he dia not believe that money c~uld Oe used from the Cl)nflscated Property fund for the purpos~ of buyinq property for II Substatll')n I')n MareI') Island. H. said those funds are primarily to be used 1n the fight of crimo, to use agaInst criminals and for those things that are not n"rmal operatlng Costs. Cl')mmlssil')ner I'istor said, 1f sl')n..thing has to be added for rent for a new Substation, that f1gure sh')uld be known by Friday in order to considar it when the millage is set. Sheriff ~)qer8 sdid it ~uld be lOOK 088n~ 05 P"ge 5 ';:':lh;: ,....'1..0 ~ ;,o;'o!~,:.~..;'t;þ¡.~,.:,~ . <.~'""'-_....,-,.._, ;.; œBI'Q œ July 24, 1985 n~ problem to obtain information reqarding the co.t of renting property on, ~rco Island and provide it to the Commissioners by Friday. Commission.r H.... a.ked if Sheriff Roger. anticipat.d any funds from the schools toward the cost of the Deputies that are placed there,' and Sh.riff Rogers said having schol)ls helping to fund that program has been discussed, but pointed out, if the scho~ls fund the program, the cost would b. .dded to the taxes, anyway. He .aid the Deputies are law enforcement personnwl placed in the schools under the direction of the Sheriff with all the liability and reaponsibillty and the Sheriff'. Department places them, dirccts them and has control I')ver them. He said, if someone else helps pay part or th. cost, the group would want tl) cl)ntrol them which can create a prl)blem. He explained some of these officers ara utilizea for schl')ol functions such as f~l')tball games with the schools paying th~ officers for that service, which also me~ns h~ dl)e. not have to take regular patrol "fficers oft the road fl')r that .ervictt. A discussion toll~w~d r.garain~ the need for increased Deputios in the Golóttn ~ate are~ with Sheriff Rogers explaining that Deputy Chief Hunter Dnd nis andlysts havtt lo"keo øt evcry areð using response time and the type of cðll~ ~nd complöints as ð quld~. He said ho is aware there is tremendous growlh in tn~ Gl')lacn Gatti area ana he ~uld like to put ml')fW De~utie8 tnere and reiterated that personnel can be shifted as th. need arises. \ I Commissioner Hasse raised the qUl!stil'Jn of a law: regaraing no CTO tim~ and that people must be paie time and a half, and Sheriff Rogers said he was nt)t sure how tnls affects his 1.J*tpðrtment', ddd1nq t.hat. the l.w affects murdcipðl µolice oepartmcnt" /!nd 1!1'Jhw...y Patr.,l pfHsl')nnel. He said they cannl')t receiv~ comp time. H~ sala his ^ttorneys are now working on this matter and the :>heriff's Conference, beginning this coming wvekend, will "'ddress It. He said every l~w enforcement ag~ncy will be hit hard it this law comes intI') effect. H~ said he feels his personnel should be paid if ~ney put in ~xtra ~rk, however, th~ corrections Dna civil employees' time Cdn be controlleo. /<Is. Z<tlx.. reit'rroc tl') the reyuest for ko.lo Patrl')l Deputies and the goal to have ðpproximat~ly 50\ of the ~~utlea' time available when they Are not handlIng cðlls tor prev~ntive pütrl')l. Sh~ aSKed how the ðeclsil')n was reached tor SO, and if there is any way tl') meDsure whether preventive pd~rol is actually effcct1vd in preventing crime? Deputy Chlet hunter said that the Sheriff's Department wants t" be able to say pag. 6 - ~ ~ .....,:.:. .>,~ -.. ,~"""-;" .~,.,;':_..'. .c:~:··fP':::;';-':"'~~·!f"~i4~l:F'~¡~;:;:;~::¡,À.,';::'T-:">.11'"". ""\.t.'W'~ -"" '--- .. c::.1 J ul Y 24, 1911 5 that at least half the time, an officer Wl3ula be 'vJe to r.spond t~ a crlm. If he i~ qiven a call. Hð said the Department is trying t~ minimize the probability that the officer Wl3uld not be able to respt)nd tQ . call and ço have them able tl') pr~vide supp~rt ft)r men I')n patr~l to h.lp 1n the burglary pr~bl~m. In response to Coun~y ,~ndqer Lusk's question regarding the fðlr Labor Standards Act, ~heriff Hog~rs said that thd ~nly difference betwlun a Sh9riff's Dl.lpartment and a Police Oepartment is that the' Sheriff is an el~cted constltutil')nal officer and has all the liability and ap!JOint.d pëople t,) carry out dutil:s, ðdaing they are not, in thll true sense, ~mploy~ed. Ho said th~ Shftriff has the right tl') flrti and hire and th~re has bean ~ ll')t I')f di$cretion and thl')SQ are 80me 1')£ the area. that ar~ unclear, ät this time. He said th~ Department is ll')ok- ing at hl')w m.::ny hours thil persor,nël art.' W':>rKing, pr'JSently. Mr. Lusk ..id that AttorndY Hlu~ has said that everyone In County gl')vornment Is covered by tnls Act dnj t~~ C~unty ne~as tl') start getting reaoy tl') implement it in October. He sai<J if that will be a tremend~u. impact on tha ~n~r1ff's buoqet, ¡hHn.Jp:; it sllould be reflected in th. tenta- tive tax rat~. Cl')mmissi~n'H V')SS sUl'l~St<;)d ttwt Snarlff R/)gers "51< Deputy Chief Hunter or s~meon~ to provide some figur~s as to wndt the overtime dmount ,r.1gn t 0<1. :"r. Lu 511. sa id his pr~blt.:m hðs bQ~n wi th thO!! EMS per- sonnel sinc~ tndt is wher~ th~ nig~ I')v~rtim~ will be. Sheriff Roqers said that 50 of tne Florida Sncrltts drc cov~red unoer II self-insuranc. plan and there is a ~ssibility there could be civil suit. which cl')uld have a rate lmpdct "n the 'insurance ." .5 laoor oxpert hal'S been hired to deal specifically ~itn Sher1ff Oepðrtments and he will be availdble at tne :iinerifts' C.)nterence, a.:::Jdlng by the first I')f ni!xt w'!ek h<! should have Some answers. ~0mmlssi0ner Voss pointeo I')ut the ~ommis.ion ha. to know by this t'r iday. Sheriff H')gers agrceu t.) 101')11. at tne sUbjllct and try to pl'ovldlt figures, pointing out that hilS Department i. moving into the new jail at this time anu it is a pro~lem. Ms. Zalka said she did not think it was apprl)priate to increase the rate aoove the aml')unt the Sheriff has dlready requested because he doe. have a ~75,000 reserve in his reque.t. She said, if that aml')unt would nl')t Cover thll need, it w~s her opinion that the Sheriff cl')uld re-addre.. his prioriti.. and l1vt! with the budget as he requested. Re.ponoing t~ C0~missiQn~r Holland, Mr. Lusk said that the possi- bility that the County employe~. would be 8Ubjoct to the overtime ... œs~ U1 Page 7 "',,0 '" "¡!" " , .. _...~~ - ,,' -"'---. ',-.. ...'" .,011.",,,,":,,, ""." .~·~*~~r;-.f1~·,ç··: 1 .{ 0" _ ..~. ---.._..".,-,..',..~. '. "-"._._.._"._-~ ------...'''''""''''',~-~-;-,,-,~..._,--._,-''''....... "-.. _ œ-sPY.tOB July 24, 1985 matter has been known tor about f~ur months. Ho explained the Supreme Court ruled in February and no one expected that government employee. WQuld c~m. under the rUling. He said that Att"rney Blue is coming to the County in approximately three weeks to meet with him and the Constitutional Officura to answer questions on this ~ubject. He said his budget reflects the overtime and record Keeping possibility, adding that the Sheriff has the greatest impact because he has Court time for which he may have to begin paying. Mr. Lusk stated some of his ~ploye.~, such as Civil Defense employees and supervisors, are exempt from the time and one-half rUling. County Attorney Saundtrs said there was a question In his mind as to whether th. law applies to law enforcement officers, adding he had a copy of the Act ana would review it ana speaK tl') Mr. Blue about this sUbject. H, said it was his understanoing that the Act did not apply to firefighlers and law enforcement officers. Shdriff ~)gers said he was aware of this Act sometime ago and added that his attorney and the Soeriff À~soci~tion's attorn£ys hav~ Deen working on the matter with the Stat~. He said the original re~earch indicated that his employees would not bl:< unoer tnt, ACt oeccOUS!! the ~neriff appo1.)ts people who become officials and tney are not th~ same as employees. He said when he suOmittea his budget on /".3y 1, 1965, his Departmef'lt felt fairly safe , that the Act aid not apply to his employe.~. He said it has only f 'become apparent auring th~ last two or three weeks that there is a good chance his Department may comt under toe Act. , Fiscal Officer Giles said i' WdS hi~ understanding that the rule. and regulations from the Department of Labor affecting law enforcement officers, ambuldnce people and peo~lc of that sl')rt will bu issued October 15, 1985, adding tnat Mr. blue will be able t~ give them information before that date. Sh~rlff Ro~er8 8aia that th~ BUdget Director is recommending that the C"ntingencies not be carried in individual budgets and that the Þ"aro of. County Corr.rnissior. will carry the Contingencies. HI! sðid, if that is cut out and if there is any excess money In his Department where some tJju¡¡tm~nt can bit made, he will do so. Ha said, if he doe. not have excess money and a ~peclal Contingency, his Department would hAv!." tl') lOOK tl') th~ Commission for m·:'ney. In response to C'.1mmlssioner Hasse, Sheriff kogers explained that his budget is approximately 75' to 80\ personnel ,¡,nd it the money is not available, vAcancies will not b.t filled ana nð will be short of pltrsonnel on the roads in order to make Pa9_ 8 - ';""'f ~ , ""'--;~~~~~-"",,., »~^_., '~¡:!!",'W~~1II!i': -"~",~ ~' .J,:)..o¿>..,,:'!': <~'~'1j,;~. :~;J'trt~,êdJ:h~9~~,:~..,:,¡:..¡:~'oI'~~:~~~i~~? I!!!I ~""N'~""'_""'~"~_____",,- , .- ",.,""".,-~...,-....--" . '..... "': ... .. , t'_'~ ,":", 'rOt,~ . -J)'"l_ f : .. .. r=:2 July 24, 1985 up the ne.ded money. CLERK or COURTS BUDGBT Fiscal Officer Giles explained that Clerk Reagan underatl')od several weeks ago that his budget would be heard in August and he made his vacati"n plans. Ms. Zalka said she had a letter from Mr. Reagan stAting he WQuld nl')t be pre.ent fl')r this presentat11')n bdcause he is scheduled in Auqust and that Mr. Giles Wt)uld be present tl') respond tl) any questions. Mr. Giles saia that Mr. Reagan wantod tl') Oevel~p a tor~al resp"nse to th~ Budget Dirdctor's recommendation for the August workshop. Ms. la1k,) said that this '-':>rkshop is n.,t really to discuss the rcco n~end;!d budget but the tentative budget in I')rder to faml1iar1z.t the Commission with what is in the tl')tal requ~st. Mr. Giles S~id th~t the best familiarization is ~hat Mr. Reagan has alr~ady distributed, the d~tðils of his Circuit Cl')urt and County Cl')urt I')perat!ons and how things are changinq ther~1 adding he "')uld rather rely I')n Mr. Reagan's presen- tation. He Rairl th~ J.~' in~r~ase inclua~s thd f~es budget I')f his o££ic~ and D~t~ Prl')cessin1 which results in cll')se to ~ 25' increase. H. said mUCh of that has large ðmOUnts I')t capita! out1~y wi:h Data ProcesHing equipnenc whicn IS reimbursed witn u¥er charges t~ depart- m.nts that neeo It. A discu;.s1on fOl!oweo regðrding the computers th~t were tl') be s"ld ~nd Mr. Giles s~id, pres~ntly, tne personnel are in th~ process of getting all th~ data otf the 1170 computer in ordar tl') sd1l it. In answer to CommiS61oner Pistor, he explained that the County's financial ayst.m is on thd smallest of tt.. three PDP systems ,and the plan WIIS pr~Sented to th~ Board 1')£ County Commissioners tl') sell the two larger PDP 11 systems. He expldin~d th~ ?ldn to m"ve tne COU~ty's main financial system tl') the I')ther 1170 ~ystem anu 8ell the 8maller onc since it has been founa that I')ne is slow in processing. C"mmiasioner Hasse aSkea, with the change of the Budget Officer being with th9 bl3ard versus the Clcrk I')f the ~ourts doing tha budget, wnat kind of aav1n~s did the Clerk redlize? Mr. Giles said there is Some savings, how~ver, he was nl')t sure how that would be measured. He explained that the budgets were handled, previously, by having the primary review of requests b~ing done by management, as Is now being done, ~lthl')ugh it was not carried to the degree that Ms. Zalka has done. H. said that the Inputting is still thare ~hich ~rs. Gibson has done in the past, hl')wQver, there was d lot of typing, cl')pying and datd r.GDtI DB8 pt." D9 Psg. 9 :-.,~~ ' ;.' ',"'" ... .. :,)~,,;;;i~~~ai....;~J :s¡. . -I "'''.;~,.'.-('t<;:,L~j7 '.-~ :;¡t/~...t:, t' "~""""""'""""""'"",""d"_" .(, .. O88PI'A 10 ,}~.,; , . '~.!:~ , '.:~~,. -:.'- " ;.-'J." '(,~ ',', ;~~~~¿. H~' ".~~; '),~ July 24, 1985 sheet work that he had the Minute. and Records personnel d~ since the Board of County Commission ~as on vacat1~n during the month of June. He .aid h_ did not treat the subject as a year-round functIon as far a. analyzing the departments and their activities and, it was his I)pinion' that was part of the problem .lnce more of that was needed. He said that Mr. Reagan is planning on having a phys!cal inventory of all fixed ....t. for the C~unty beginning in Augu.t, which has not been done before, and that will be a mon~~ental task. H~ said in the past the reference. have been maintained on fixed a..ets by an I')utside agency in Fort Myers and all the fixed assets have now been put on the Cl)unty'. comput~r. He said that Mr. Bob Beat was the køy extra person that he had f",r the budget process, in the past. He said detailed rp'spl')nse <:In each item will be given at the budget ~rkahop. PROPERTY APPRAISER'S BUDGET Property Appraiser Coldinq explained that,the majority of his budget is persl')nnel and th~ other part ceals mainly with computer .quipment. He said he was ll')sing employees and he acquired Cody Assl')ciatos tl') ~akp. ø study t<:l rectify this sltuation which resulted in pay scales being raised within his office far different posltions. He said that is where tnè maj"'rity of the increæsè has gone. H~ stated the budg~t hø pr~sented to tn~ btate has been increasea approximately 10-1/2\ ana the ~tdto has tentatlvely ap~rl')vøo tn~t budget. I Ms. Zalka saio tndt th~ bl')ara of Cl')unty Commissioners ha~ until August 15, 1 Y85, tl') n'>tl ty th~ !:itat«:· ",f any changes ~hE'Y would 15 ICe in this Oudget. Mr. Coldinq salO he has the same numbeT of personnel as last year, /lltnougn he has tnrec If'sS püoplp. tn~n he h~a five years agl'). Mr. cnlding s/lio it CI')Sts a lot of money tl') train p~rsonn~l within the different jobs in his "ffice. He explained that his Department Heads ~end him their want lists /lnd he reviews tnose requests and reduces them to the items that /Ire actu/llly ne~ded. he saia that Ms. Zalka mentll')n~d puttlng some of th~ utilities within his budget, however, lt WdS hlS opinil')n that is not permissible acc",rding to law. h. sdio if it ~rc pl')ssicle the Cl')unty c",uld Sdve som~ money since it pays apprl')ximately 85\ of his budget and the I')ther lS\ Is paid by ~ther agencies. Ms. la lka sald she had a letter fr"m the State that .aid putting the utilities within nis budget is permissible. Mr. Coldinq p"inted out that her oftlce had a telophon~ c~ll, this date, that the State i. nl')t sure it is possible, with which ~\s, Zalka agr,¡ud. II~ pa!). 10 - l1li !!!! " ,"", -.~.,.":,,,,,,,,,¡,¡¡~¡;;m4";;f~)i'~~,á,~'~~'" '),;:~,< '4V-:~7;tJl'~'~~_'~ _ ,. ' ""':'" ",', <7,' ' "".!):J'""Ji..,,, ".' " " , ,«, A't'·:"r......, ,.;. ':',..._~' -~~¡"';;.¡,~!'i¡"j,'.... ' '''' .,..;;t,~;,.;~~:!.,¡:;~:~w."r:u.~...¡,; , ~_._._-< "-=..,...".,,.~"""..,... -"--,.._."'<....,~,_........",..,-- ';.". ", .. '.. 1:1 '-, " ::¡ July 24, 1985 r..ponse t~ Commissil')ner Piator, Mr. Colding said he had n~ pr~blem adding the utilities to his budget but he W!8 n~t going to dl) anything that was illegal. Cl)mmissioner Holland said that h. wes unåer th~ impressil)n that allQcatinq coSts was something the Soard was trying t~ eliminate and Commissioner Voss explained that th~ advantage ~f allocating this cost tl') Mr. Cl')ldinq is that his office is supported by the County and Special Taxing Districts and that would 0111')'" thotm t.) p~y ð part I')f the burden. Ms. Zalka 3xplained the alloc~tcd ch~rgcs arc òppl1ed tl') all the ðgencl~s by th~ Fiscal Office and t~ey are now being charged tl') the Property Appraiser's budget bu~ /Ire n·,t included in his actual budget, therefore, ~nly the Cl')unty pays for them. Mr. C,ldinq p~intod ou~ th~t the ~chl')ol Board has / large shar9 I)f taxes cl')ming off, addi~q they and the cities pay ~I')thing. He suggested th~t thd County ~I')mrnissil')n try t~ get a law changed to rectify this situdtion. Cl')mmissloner r'istor /lgreel:, nl')wever, he said this has been tried fl')r Y~drs but with no succes~. He sala this item has come up at the SACC mttet1ngs .Jut it has nl')t been possiblt: to get /lnYl')neto propos. a 8i 11. Be sald the (;I')unty snt)uld nl')t h~ve t" p.:ly tor c"llecting the ~chool and City tdxes. C.,mmissil')nar ~istor reterr~a tl') the 13,500 Contin~ency in Mr. Cl)lding's ouòge~ and he dSKed how Mr. Colding would be affected If tne Cl')mmissil')n were tl') remove th~t amount frl')rn his budget? Mr. Coldinq reR~noed thðt nis budget is different frl')m the I')ther Co~stitutional Officers in that his is apþroved by th~ St~te ana h~ aid nl')t kn"w what prl')bl ems ne ·...,uld have. He sa id ,presently the C.)unty Wl3uld pay 85\ of the $ 3, sou. Mr. Glles SJiu thð~ ther~ are ind~pendent taxing authl')rities ana if the Commission reduces the aml')unt in the Prl')perty Appraiser's budgüt, the taxing authorities will nl')t pay it tl') the County. Mr. Colding said that he figured therd ~)uld be approximately $22,000 c"mlng bðCk and 85' of that ~)uld come back tl') the County Commissioners this year. Mr. Giles Said if it is permissible to add this amount to Mr. Colding's budget he agreed with Ms. Zalka, even though it doe. not affect him if the Commissioners add it to his budget, but it Is helpful becaus~ It ~eðns that the Independent Districts pay their fair share of tne cost. "f(): ~'..¡: .~ , ~ ~ "::f'; ',,~ :}: ~ , 71. , 11," ,: " . . , f· ,.J.,.,'" ,', ...... \. . '1 f r ;.; OB8~ n Peg. 11 ~.;" ~,~~_!~~t~..·,~~~. ,..,. .:;Ji?", ,,,-_...,,,,-,--,. ~·__ro._".,~._.....,__~..."",,... .".,.~.>",... aooc 088 'ACt 12 July 24, 1985 Ms. %ðlkð said in the tentative budget it is higher tl) include thoøe costs nl')t In the Property Appraiser's specific bUdget but as a .eparate item that the County pays, since that is where it ~uld cost the County ~he most, and she added the tentative budget currently reflects the County paying the entire amount~ SUPERVISOR or ELECTIONS' BUDGET Supervisor of Elections ~rgan st~t.d that when she took office, in 1981, thcr~ were 40,650 r~gistered voters with a perm~n~nt staff of eight including the Supervisor. She said there is still a staff of eight permanent p~opl~, lncluding herselt, And the vl')ter registratil')~ records !lave rllalizc,j c.: 62-1/2\ iocrellse in the volume of activity. She s~io her üepartment h~s avcrageù an Annual growth rate of 10' or more, pointing out that because last year was a presidential election year the annual gro~th rat~ was in excess of 20\. Sh~ said that perloalcally after II major election cycle she reviews her job descrip- tions to 5~~ if thcre is ð need for reclasSificatil')n of job descrlp- tlons IInd/l')r salary 1 imit "no that was done in preparation for the budget. Sh'<! explain",ù 5h'.! ,1nd ht:r St<1ff reviEwea thl')se 1t~ms that they ~uld like to have dnè cut those items thdt wer~ not n~c~ssary. She ret:erred to tne ¡.;revil')lIs oiS:::USSll')/Õ regõrGing Garciõ V.HSUS thi! City of San Antonio ana tne I')Vert1m~ situation 3nd 8x~lained; in checking her 'overtime rccl')rds, she 15 dblo tl') dl')cum~n~ 2,400 Plus' h~urs of overtirna which ~uld be: in an exc~ss ~t $22,000 if sh~ hac ~o:pay tIme bno a I half at tnw curren~ rate. bll" Haia sn.. halo rt:qu~SteCJ two adC11tit>nal empll')yees in her buog~t bec~use she discovered it will be cheaper tl') pay tw) new ~mrloy~ss thðn to poy timt: and a nul! to her existing .mploy~es. ~~spono¡nq to Commi6sion~r Voss, sn.. s~id that in the budgeting cycle th~re is no 'Jff-tclection y"'lIr bt'còuse e:very budget cycle has two major èlectil')ns. She sale there will be an electll')n t)n S4iptembCtr 2 .:ono be¡:;temb~r jl" 1986. Commis~it)ner ~i8tt)r rcferreú to a print-I')ut the Cl')mmissioncrs recelv..CI froll1 Mr. Ci 1~J:i 1')( all th" budgets in th" County èlnd !laid th~t he noticed that Mrs. ~~rgan's budget shows that 41' of her $500,000 for this yeÐr Is unobligated. Mrs. Morgan said th,t befl')re the end of a fiscal year her üep~rtment ord~rs supplies that will be utilized in the coming Yèar. Shl!! cll:rifltcd that sh~ has signed a number of purchase orders which have probdbly not cleared thrl')ugh the machinery and the figure tl') whictl CommlHsloner Pistor referred is q')ing to be overstate<':. She said th"se ?UrChðS~ t)raers are for forms to be used in the cominq Paqft 12 - ~ I!!!! .", ~~~'~"""..;"~.'r~· ,~;"t":- "'·:;''';F7~~~';¿;\¡:IW;;-J:,'~:¡:JI~...,.....,~-,¡:í'¡¡;--." ..,<NI"'-"~ " .'.. """rl{;¡:~:""'.;:;:l~"'~"",.',,,,,~,,,,,,,~,,,~ ",,!,\*~ ....t,: "" .,/ 'C'-_.",.';","";;', ',.,:~\1!' . ".--.......""-,,,., "".....~.,"',..__.'"'~..~, .. .. r::I July 24, 1985 election cycle, absentee ballot envelopes, and ballot cards. She said some ch~nges h~ve been made tl') the election law that will require that her Dctpartment re-do a good bit of the training 1~,lterials for pl')ll workers on election day and there have bden sl)me court cases that are having ,n impact on how sha orders suppl195 and whethur I')r not she will be able to rl-use some of the supplies as she has in the pdst, because of those situations. She said it ~uld bw less costly if thl')se supplies ~re not re-utilized such as ballot cdrds. ···RECESS: 10:22 A.M. RECONVENED I 10:43 A.M.... COUNTY MANAGER'S BUDGET Mr. Lusk r~pl')rtea, due to this w@ek'~ storm, th~ County started receiving storm debris ~t no cndrge Qn Tu~suay, July 23, 198~, at the County's transfer ~t~til')ns ðnd wIll do so througn Thursday, July 25, 1995. ay consensus, the Cl')m,,,lssion¿u; õgreed with this prl')cedure. Mr. Lusk referraa to nIS buaqet message ~hich he distributed to the Commissioners, this oate, dna reao it since the Commissioners had n')t hild an oppOrtun1ty to d') SI'). II':! said that during the budget d!!velopn-:nt proc'.?ss, t",;! focus>!o on the fOll'1wing high priority dreas tQ improve service tl') C.)llier C"unty residents: t:nviron;nent, Transporta- tion, lio'Ialth ano :;dlaty, Cul ture ~n,j Hticreðtil')n élnd ~).:¡nagement J:;ffici- '.!ncy. He explù1ned hi! h,ls re'Hgdnized Collier C<')unty g.)vernment during the current fiSCiIÍ y~ilr '"1 tJIH1 ~mpnl\Sl5 1');"1 Improvt"d man3gement effici- .. 1CY, nas el iminated the 1.Jivision of Admini5trativ'! :;ervicas ~nd has expano!d th.. Division "t AdministratIon tl') include slI,Jport soi!rvices directly under his control. He stated that the 44\ increase in the Administration DivIs·)n is primarily tJue to tloO) new departmp.nts, adding that althougr. the ~udget ùfflce costs an additional $130,000 over the ddopted 1 <;¡~4-!:IS buogut it l1as !lav~d S9iJU,000 during the first budget process. be sala the DivIsion I')f Administration includes a buaget increase of $389,000 whicn is n"t an addltil')nal Cl')st but is du~ tl') the establishment of a new lntt. t nal Service Fund for WorKers' Compensatl-:>n claims. He said, by self-insuring thoi! County's Workars' Compensation claims, the Risk Management Department, which costs an additil')nal $17,000 in Gunoral Fund, could save as much as 3133,000 bðS~d on the present level of cl~ims, adding th3t the Risk Management Department is also responsible for impl~m~r.ting the new Dental Insurance Plan for all County empll')yees at no additional cost to the Cl')unty. He pointed "ut that the $130,000 increase in th~ Administr~tion bUdgwt reflects the ~nnudl ?urch~ses of the Central Stores I')pvration but it in tl')tally aooc 08B rACE 13 Pllq. 13 -",".,,¡ ·~'~~;~:~·~':~~~~::.tt~~' , ;"~;";~.< -",~'¡fi..'~ .----.'''-.''-,-.. ...-'-------.....-.-'''." ;; OBBrG 11 July 24, 1985 offavt by charge. to user agencies, and stated that this new budget proc,~ure allows a reduction !n the net budget by $60,000. He explained the major idsue in the Administration audget is the Expanded Service Request I)f $190,000 for l.as~-purchase of a new helicopter to replace th" 25 year old unit currently In us~ and reflects his priority area of ~alth and S~fety for Collier County residents. Mr. Lusk explained the Increase in the operating budget of the Public IIl)rks Division of 8' is from $12,522,000 to $13,538,OOO...ith his high priority to improve the environment being reflected in the Water M~nagament Dùpartm~nt with $273,000 in expanded services in the Canal Mðintenance Program hnu replacement of an outdated dragline. lie said there is d rcquest for $J,OOO,OOO expanded service In th~ ~I')lic Wast~ Disposal Fund to prepare II new lincd cell at the landfill due to DEft. requirements. HG stated this project w111 b~ tundp.d by a loan that will be repaid by a $3.00 tipping fee, an increase from $12 to $15 per ton. He said this is no')t an impact on the budget as far as the pro- perty tax rate whicn the Comrnissil')ners will set on July 26, 1985, He explained thnt the pldstic liner w11l have a life from f.ve tl') ..ven Ylfðrs. In res¡.>Onse to') Commissi')ner H~sse, Public I\orks, Administrat.or Kuck explained, when tne ce~l is filleò, it is c~ppej with a dirt cover. t Mr. u1sk saia théat thc l'u.:Jlic v,.,rKs Dlvisi-:>n lncludes thoe I'\')t<:lr Pool l.1tern/ll ",ervice rl'nd wh~ra /I saving5 <:If $4~,OOp was achi~ved throU)h a 10 vehicl" reductlon in tht: fleel SlZa. Ik o!xplain~d that an ongl')ing vehicle replacèment program has been e6tablish~j and capitnl recovery charges are beinq collected to rcplace e~cn vehlcle every six years with tne goal of redllcing tht: high maintenance costs associAted with an old flee~. Mr. !.us ( said thllt the 13.. increase in th~ I'ubllc S'Jrvices Divi- sion frl')m $U,2~6,OOO to $9,344,000 addresses expAnded services of $282,OúO for the lmergen~y MedlCal Servlc~ tl') fund an East Nðpl~s Paramedic Unit and a volunteer IImbuldncc 5ervice in tvcrglades City. He S/!Iid the n"ðlth ana so.Itety theme Is hlso reflected in an $8!1,OOO increase tor the new Montal Health Crisis Stabilization Unit added during the current year. H", polnt",d out three ot the new Community Parks, ImmoKalee, Golden Gate and North Naples, are expected tl') be ready during the 1~85-8G fiscal year and six month~ of funding is provided for each park incluaing a total of $251,000 for operAtion ohd ma1ntenanc~ in the Municipdl Service Taxing Distr!ct ana a total of Page 14 - r1!rJ I!!!! :;'1' '~. i~:': ~,';V';', ''7':~~:è~t~~~,,'7;:-¡.~,,~, ~' '~"""~m' ,.~"7""-'>!-"':'~-"''.T.<'! ~... 0'.' :' '.>:t... ';;·'·'·-;;4-·";~:',I>,;"\'i.'t,s.:,. ·1i~jf;h.J. .-'; :ij4·,-~'~~~~:. ':~*¡~:l\cf,~~t.;..-;~r~..i.;~:'~~~... ---.-....- .. 11:1 July 24, 1985 $130,000 !~r Rdcreation and Supervlsi~n in the General Fund, which addresses his priority area of Culture and Recreation. Mr. Lusk referred tl) the Community D~velt)pm.nt Division and th. ria. In workload and revenue due to increased constructil')n A~d ßtated, in order to prot~ct the envirl')nment, the Increased rðvenu~ will fund expanded servlces of $137,000 for t~ planners and tW13 Investigators. Ha said additional revenue ~ot needed f"r the Community D&velopment Division will be transferrwd tl') thw Municipal Sgrvic~ Taxing District to r~pay that fund fQr the subsidi~3 of previous years. HQ said the 46\ incrl!'as~ In th~ Community OevelofA1\ent Div18il')n budget 1a dUI) tl') addit10nal ülocK ~rðnts of $705,000 received nuring the current yæar. MS. Zalka said those 'r~ ffidtch1ng gr~nts. Referring to Ut11itil!'8, I'Ir. LUSI< said that ,1nother example of his high priorty to ~r.,t~ct the ~nvirl')nm€nt 1£ reflected in the Utilities Enterprise funds wtiÍcn are increase:J 381 ltnd ttxplùined thllt the increas~ is totally tuna~d by current ~ervlce ch~rgus ana Is due to the eX~ðnsion of tne wdt~r 3~d s~wer system, Including the acquisition of Fox fire/Kings L,)ko :.e"'H ¡'~cility ùnd the Lely ':;.!w'I!r ~Y8tem. H':} said the County's cl')~~itmunt to improv1nq the environment is al~o reflected in tne new I:.nvlronmúntùl Sc\<!nc,-, dnd F')llution Control Program which is being fund~d by ùd val.,r~m tax~s approved by the v~t.rs to monitor water quality. Mr. ÚJs" sa10 tnat all tne buo'Jets reflttct ~ total OpHrating bU:Jget incr~asd ot 231 from $35,300,00U to $43,442,000. He explained thac the Capital Pr0ject runds aru incru~sed 13~ from $21,051,000 to $2),759,000 for several high pril')rity areas and rwflects the management efficiency th~m~ by addrtt~sJng tn! need for an ongoing commitment to upgr3011 and maintain tne Cl')unty's infrDstructure. He stated that in thw first year $750,000 will be useo for ~úd1til')nal cl')urtrooms to e)"J,.nd BUilding -A-; ~451,000 will be Usud for Water Drainagfl prl')jecta, the Coco~atch~~ anù G~lden Gate Canals and $150,000 will be used for the Mðrco Island Library. transportation tl') Incrdase and he prl')posed $1,000,000 thot 5th IInd Gth Cent LI')Cal He expl~ined his highest priority is In the dollars provided for road cl')nstructlon fro~ Rl')ad Impact Fees and $1,054,000 from Option Gas Tax recently apprOVotd by the ~tate Legislature. Commissioner Pistor referred tl') thd Cl')mmunity Parks and said Mr. Lusk only sho~s ar"und $700,000 to $800,000 left for each of the ~arka. ii. s.Jid h.t tht)~ht th3t tt.. figure ",as IH"und $1,000,000. Deputy lOOK ()~'A~l Jl~ Page 15 ...,~" ':;~'.~~; ,O'.q."... -h I'"~_,, , .....,-~,..~-'"_.~~-"_.".."...,.,.._"...~-'''"..."".,..=.^'~ -' " ,""'-- '....'-.-,--.--. lOOK 088~lo;( 16 July 24,1985 Assistant C~unty Manag~r Brangaccl0 said the first figur~ Is Staff's proj"ction of what wi 11 be loft after mr:>ney is spent r:>n park construc-' tlon. She clarified that Staff had projected Some money Wr:>uld be spent on the ~rco Island parK this fiscal yøar and that the ml')ney will be in the carry-forward money and Staff will bring a budget amendment to the Bl)ard,on Octl')ber 1, 1~35, which will reflect'the new figures fl')r the Community Parks with the actual expenditures for this fiscal year. In answer to Cl)mmissioner Pistor, she sald that the bids tor the North Naples Community P~rk are currently being reviewed and will go to the Parks and køcreation D~partment in a few weeks and will come before the ~ard of Cr:>unty Commlssil')ners in AuguSt. She said there is $1,000,000 per. park plus th~ additional ml')ney approved tl') bring ~ðch SIte up to standard. h dlscussll')n follr:>w~d regarding park m~int~nance and Mrs. Brangaccio said that there is an individual maintenance worker position funaca at each park. ~n@ 5aio that the Parka and Hecreation Department Staff will bring to tn~ tloard th~ five funding levels fl')r thê Cl')mmunity Parks during tht' buaget \o')r~sho')F-' s'!ssions for the inform"tion I')f the Cl')mmiR~ioners. Sna saia it Is cneapcr t~ hðV~ r:>ne individual at each park aite, but sr:>me o')f the larger ~Guipm£nt Will bt' centrally pooled. Mr. Lusk said that tnèr~ will b~ another individual fl')r each park fr:>r th. recreation prl')gram. : Ms. Zðlk~ aSkeè if th~re ....ert> any issues that tþ~ Commissioners ....ant to /I-:Jdre5s on July 26, 1995 "'hen they adl')pt th~1 tentative millage rates and Commissir:>n~r Pistl')r sðid he Wànteo tl') be sure to/lt there is sufficient money in tn~ tentativ~ millag~ r/lte 51') thac it will Cover all the various items è:scussea thIS date. H~ rcferrej tl') ~ request for /In adaitil')nãl Attorney and a legal secret~ry ,nd Ms. Zalk~ said th.Jt thcre is mf)!1'.'y In tht: tentatIve bud<J~t fr:>r tnose P"sitions. Ms. Zalka clarlfi~d th^t tne tentative bUdget includes all the -Wànt lists· for the Cr:>r.stituti.,ni.l Officers and tn,! Cl')unty Attorney and the! C,)urts. Cl')mmiSSI.,ner Voss ref~rr~~ tQ the $20,ODO pll')tter requested by th~ Planning [)epar tm.!nt ano ~Irs. ~rangaccio explained tner8 were abl')ut t~nty expanded servIce requests in the Cr:>mmunity Development Divisl)~ and ~taff was nl')t off urea tn~ option of funding all of them by the buag~t Directf)r hnu th~ Cl')unty Mðnagor ouring their review process. &he said tne new Pl.!lnn1n-l Director has only bllen here approxima\;~J~ .,¡,e .nd one-half ml')nths and h~s not hao a cnðnce to review the County'. Paglt 16 - ~ I!!!!J ~----, ~?- ,^.. ·b.:·," .,_·(,·~t-,.·~' ~'''r'''~''''''''::''''.~''!"''.-<;.: ..:.~.;.;."",.:þ. ~þI".r1'''''..,,~~.,¡\:.,">, ""~;\.,,,~{~:; ,.-..1·;>'!,\to-::..;,~, .,:..'t"-T >if..hl' --- .. lID ~ July 24, 1985 She said that the af~r.menti~nud plotter ll')ng.r in Cl)unty employ ~nd this item is ~taff will bring it back probably during Technical Planning Secti')n. was requested by persl)ns nl') not a high priority now but the next fiscal year. Ms. Zalka pointed out that there Is already a tentative millage rate increase I')f 18\ C~untv-wlde. Cl')mmissioner Voss said that figure do_s nl')t include Whðt may occur with regard to ovp.rtimc for fire- fighters and Idw enforcement officers. Mr, Lusk said, I'S f.1r liS funding thv E;o :> overtime, h" is going tl') cut the h~ur rat. using thc 4\ increasQ with 2-1/2' tl') func I')vertime .Jnd 1-1/2\ fl')r r.1Is~s. HI) dxp1ain!d he Is recommending a 4\ ',o/agc Increase fl')r all his ~mployees with ~ 3~ merit program, which will basically cost l~, which is the 5\ g061 that the C~mmission s~t ~ cl')uple of months ~go. He said h~ is uSing soma of that to ffieet the re~uiremunt of th~ ~agc Act ¡dW th~t tn~ CQunty is now undor. CO;1\mlsslo:18r liolland aSKed Mr. LUSk, befl')re Friday, to talk with Mr. .~xw~ll in fort My~rs ~nd aSK him why th.y ar~ cl')ntp.mplating eliminating ç,)unty t:M~ and .-1r. Lusk iIIgreed to do so. Commission~r Pistl')r r~f~rr~c to thd part-time ~~dical Exami~er and Mr. Lusl< expicdn.?d this p0sitlon was aáåad last yellr ana the request now is for ~ full-timp. Assistdnt ~~oicdl EXdmin~r. In answer to Com- missi~ner V')SS, l-1r. LUSK salu that the renovation ~f ] new mor9'u& is incllJC..o in this DUdg~t dùcing th<lt :;t~Cf f.tIt It WJS morc Cl')st effec- tive f~r the C~unty to dO th~ renl')vati~n than to pay ~ higher rental fiqurd dnc ndve tha rotnovdtion done by Naple3 Community Hospital. Ms. Zalka gaia that th" Commissil')ners can increase itvms in the budget withl')ut increasing t~XotS because th~y can C~t sometn1ng else and take mondY out of tne Reserve fl')r Contingency ana that they have flvxibility. Shc said It is n0t reyuircd to Increase the tentative millage rdte in order t~ funa Items the Cl')mmlssi~ners may want tl') add to the booget. A short discussll')n w~s held cl')mparing this year's budget presentation with last year's presentation. Mrs. Brangacci~ said that the Cl')nstitutional Officdrs' requ~sts are pres~nted this y_ar dS they have bean requesteo. * * * There being n~ further business, the '~rkshop was adj"urned by Oraar of th_ Cnalr - ~im~: 11:15 A.M. aDO« 088 rACE 17 Pag. 17