BCC Minutes 07/30/1985 R .. .' IIÌI 11::1 Naple., Fl~rida, July JO, 1985 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissionera in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been cr«ated acc~rding t~ law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Courthouse Cornplex, I::ast Naples, Florida, with the follo',<I'1ng members pres en t: CHAIRMAN: 'rederick J. V"sa VICE CHAIHMAN: J"hn A. Pistor Max Hasse C. C. "Red" Holland Anne G""dnight ALSO PRESENT: William J. Heagan, Clerk; James C. Giles, 'iscal Officer; I::lin'')[ M. ~i",n~r and ""c1ureen I<eny"n (10:30 A.M.), Deputy I Clerks; Donald H. Lusk, C"unty Manager; burt L. Saunders, C"unty Att"rney; Neil Dorr~ll, Assistant County Manager; Pam Ðrangaccio \ Assistc1nt Deputy C~unty Manc1ger; Vickie Mullins, Community nevelopment Administrator; Ann McKim, Planner; Tom Kuck, Public Works Administra- tor; 'I'n"mas Crandall, Utilities Administrator; Donald I'\I)hler, Util1ties Dlr~ctor of Husiness & Administrati~n; David J. Pet trow, Planning/- Z~ning Director; Dc1vid C. Weeks, Planner; Donald Norton, Public Ser- vices Adm! nistrat"r; Nancy lsraels"n, Administrative ASliiRtar.q ,;:,nd Q,puty C1ie( Haymond Barnett, Sheriff's Department. ',. .. 100( 088 r1(;[ 36 Page 1 .:r.. , ~:, ":,:i..::.~:~;";.J.,' ~~? '~-··_'··'"'"'--"'''''''''''''''''''''N._",.....,....,,"~_,",___,,,,",,,,,,_ ... - .. c::1 July 30, 19ß5 T.p. 11 , Ite. tl AGINOA - APPROVED AS AMEN~ Co..i..ion.r Pi.tor ~ved, .econd.d by Co__i..ioner Goodnight and carried unan'.ou.ly, that the agenda b. approved with the following ...nd..nt.r A. 13E - Discussion regarding z"ning violati"ns in Imm"kalee _ Added by Commissioner Goodnight. B. l3F - Discussion regarding revising tentative millage rate to .6335 mills for lmm"kalee Lighting and Beautification Dis- trict to provide $20,00U :,or im¡:>ro\led lighting and other beaut1fl:, ti~n projects - Added at requ!lst of Commissi"ner Go~dniqht. C. lOEl - Auth"rlzati~n for ~dditional hellcopter rapairs _ Add~d at rcquest of C"unty Manager Lusk. D. lOE2 - Discussl"n "f C~ns~nt Agenda appr~vðls during C"mmls- sion vacatfon - Added at request of C"unty Manager Lusk. E. lOBI - Novle Item 15B5 - did .843 for 8 Bush Ht')g mo....ers to c"rrect a~drd figure - At request of County Manager Lusk. i i It.. '2 MINUTES O~ SPECIAL MEETING 6/l7 , REGULAR MEETING 6/l8/8S - APPROVED Co.aissioner Pi.tor .ov.d, ..conded by Coagi..ioner Haa.. .nd carri.d unaniaously, that the .inute. of Special Meeting 6/17/85 .nd Regular Meeting 6/l8/8S be approved as presented. It.. . J PETITIOM R-85-2C. GRADY MIMOR RX REZONING PROM A-2 to PUD POR REGENT PARK - TO BE READVERTISED pon 8/20/85 AS PETITION R-8S-l2C Coaai..ioner Piator ~ved, a.conded by Co__isaioner H.... .nd carried unani.oualy, that Petition R-8S··2C, Grady Minor r.queating rezoning fro. -A-2- to PUD for Regent Park be r~advertis.d for 8/20/85 .. Petition R-85-12C. He. 14 RBSOLUTIOM 85-150 TO CORRECT RISOLUTIOH 84-215 RE DISPOSAL OP SURPLUS PORTION O~ OLD U.S. 41 - ADOPTED Legal notice naving been published in the Naples Daily News on Jund l4, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publicati"n filed with the Clerk, public hearIng WdS "pen~d to consid.r a resolutIon to correct H~lolution 84-215 regarding the disposal of surplus portion of Old U.S. 41. :10lIl( D8B:mŒ 12 Paqe 2 '.,,0'.'. '. ." .~'",.,.. '·"h"'" ~.""I,';., .."'.'...----. -, ,------""""".".-..-" ")<--,. ;;~ 43 July 30, 1985 ~ublic Works Administrator Kuck explained, when the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution 84-215 on N~vember 13, 1984, to vacate a portion of Old U.S. 4l that waa originally acquired by the State DOT, Chapter 177.101 of the Florida Statutes was sited as the proper procedure for vacating the land in question which was in error since that chapter deals with vacation of subdivisions. He stated the proper statute for vacating road right-of-way is Chapter 336.10. He said Staff recommvnds adoption "f th~ proposed resolution to correct this error. Responding to Commissioner Hass., Mr. Kuck said that the proposed resolution does n"t change anything other than the statute n umbe r . Co..i..ioner Pi.tor aoved, ..cond.d by eo..i..ion.r H.... .nd c.rri.d un.ni.ously, th.t the public h..ring b. clo..d. Co..i.sioner Pi.tor aov.d, øeconde4 by CO..I.sloner H.... and c.rri.d un.ni.oU.ly, that Resolution 85-150 to.corr.ct Re.olution 84-215 regarding the dispo..l of .urplu. portion of Old U.S. 41 be adopt.d. Page 3 - r:J - ';"~"¡(;f::¡'Ji!¡t':':'I';:"'~'~'';;-~?(,'"~:;/:~¡'~1,'~~~~'1~ (." ~';.~~;~~_ ,". >-"-->.~"._----- ·""-··--.........·...0.. - ... .. c:::I July 30, 1985 It.. . 5 PETITION V-85-l5C, CARL KOTIC~X, RE 10.5 rOOT VARIANCE FROM REQUIRED FRONT YARD SETBACK or 50 FlIT TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION TO THE EXISTING !y!LDING - DENIED Ltgal n"tice having been published in the Naples Daily News on June l4, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit "f Publication filed with the Clerk, public hQðrinq W~~ ~pcn~d t~ c"nsider Petiti"n V-85-l5C, filed by Carl K~tecki, requ~sting a 10.5 f""t variance fr~m the required front yard setback of 50 (eet t" c~nstruct an additi"n t" an existing building. I'lllnner McKim uxplainl!cJ that the subject pr~pftrty is located "n Domestic Avenu~ In the Naple~ Industrial Park and i$ zoned "1", Indun- trial. She said th~t the Industr1al District requires a SO (o')t fr')nt yard setback and the existing building has II 79.5 (""t front yard setback. ~h~ ex~lain~u the petiti')ner wishes t" build a 40 foot by 40 f"~t additi~n ~nto the front ~f thi3 building which w')uld dncr~ach 10.5 feet Int~ the reyuired setb3cK. She s~id Staff hali f~unj no special circumstances or hðrd~hip f')r tni~ r~que8t ~nd found that the addition could bu locatea on the prop~rty c1nd me~t all setbacK requirements, th refore, Staff rec"mmends denial "f this petiti"n. Petitioner Carl ^otecki 5t3ted, from the center o( ~m~1tic Avenue, he has approximateiy )U feet t" the easement and (rom the easement t') the existing sh~µ thore ia 7~.5 feet. He 3aid there is a total of lUY.S (eet tr"m the center of ~mestic Avenue to his sh"p and by allowing the 10.5 variancè for th~ ~ew lfiCO squarp. fo"t building he w"uld still be 99 f~et from the center of the r"ad. Mrs. McKim explain"'d.that th~ County setbacks ar'! (r~rn the pro- perty line and not (rom the center of th~ rOc1d. Responding t" Commis- sioner Voss, Mrs. i'1cKlm said, t~ her kno'",ledge, ðll the other buildings al"ng Dvmestic Avenue meet tne setDack requirements. Commi5sl"ner H,1sse asked if the n'!'"" building W<ìul,d p(~trude bey"nd oth~r buildings In the area, and Mr. K"tecki answered a(firmatIvely. Mrs. McKim said there is an ea~ement (or the private roðd and the setback is fr~m the easement. She said there is other room on the site to Qxpand the building, however, Mr. Kotecki wants to put the addition on the front of the building. C"mmissioner h"lland aSKed, in the regulations governing setback, if there was not a clause that allows a 20\ variati"n without even bringing the subject before the B"ðrd "f C"unty Commissi~ners? Mr. í. U88~ 50 pag. " " ." ,~. '........'''''"-.-''''''..''',.".....--.,.-- '. ;; 1J8B!!"'Œ 51 July JO, 19B5 Kotecki said that he has vacant land behind his building which he would like to use for open storage and if the welding £h"p i8 added in the rear of his building it ~)uld be like a back-alley garage. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Kotecki said that the fr"nt of the building i. now uaed for two offices and that h~ plan~ to make a studio for lIakin'il vIdeo tapes out of that area, put a welding shop in the front and have the offices in a control r""rn. During the ensuing discussion, ~rs. McKim explained the 20\ vari- ation, to which Commissi"ner H"lland referred, applies to a case where the owner of property is n~t ~ble to provide adequate off-street park- ing, loading and vehicular circulation as a result of measuring the setback (rom the insidè eoge of the private easement. She said in those cases the Z"ning Director is auth,,'rized to reduce the setback requirements (rom the inside edge "f the private road provided such reduction is not greater than 2S\ o( the required setback. She stated this is n~t the case in this circumstance since Mr. K"teckl d"es n"t lack area for parking, loading or circulati"n and is requesting an additi"n t" a building which would encroach Into the setback ðrea. In answer to C,)mmissioner Plat"r, Mr. ("tecki saId that it W-:luld cost t"o much m"ney to install the needed c1sphalt if: he put the addi- tion on the ba~k ,,( the existing building. Mrs. McKim said that Mr. I .Kotecki could add 2~.5 feet to the (ront "f his buil~ing ana be within , the SO f~ot sctback requirement, h~wever, n~ is reqursting a 40 f"ot addition. Co..iasioner ~'iAtor ~ved, seconded by Co..iaaioner Haase and cArried unani.ously, that the public he.rin9 be closed. Co..ia.ioner Ha~s. ~ved, seconded by Co..iasioner Pistor ~nd carried 4/l, Co..issioner Goodnight opposed, that Petition V-85-l5C be denied. It.. 16 RISOLUTIOM 85-151 RE PU-85-7C, D. L. CUTTORMSON, REPRESEHTIMC EXXON CORPORATION, RE PROVISIONAL USE ·C· OF A-I DISTRICT FOR OIL AND GAS EXPLORATION SOUTH or CR-858 , WEST or SR-29 - ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS; PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT ACCEPTED Planner McKim explaineo that the objective of this petition is t" explore, drill and produce oil, gas and other minerals on property located in Secti~n 19, Township 48 S~uth, Range 30 East (approximately 650 feet s~uth of CH-8S8 and one mile west of SR-29). She said Staff and approprlðte C~unty Agencies reviewed this petition and recommend approval subject t" the two stipulations on the Executive Summary dated Page 5 - 1:2 !!!!J .-..--- ~"'... ~~..._- "" ,~c., ,i '''I. ..;. ;1:;,:I::I.....;.~~ 0\":;)" }~~,~~.~.:<\.~,;>I :::>..~..~,.'...7,.", ~-'"~.~-....~-~ ',,.·--__·,·,..........'"'·'·_...m·.. ," .. .. £::I July 30, 19B5 '7/24/B5. She said that the CAPe hwld their pUblic hearinq on 7/18/85, and recommended approval subject to those .tipulation.. Commiesioner Hasse aaked if this p.tition had anything to do with .eismic teating and Mr.. McKim .aid it what her underatanding the p.titi"n.rs are drilling and .xploring f"r oil, only. She said the petitiQn.r. ~re limited to the property legally described f"r this provi.i~nðl use. Commlaaioner V'3SS suggested, if the Commissioners approve this p.tition, that 4 stipulation that n" seismic explorati"n be authorized. County Attorney Saunders said this petition would n"t auth"rize aeiamic exploration and explained that type of exploration ~uld need a separ- ate State and County permit. Resp~nding t" Commissl"ner Hasse, Mrs. Y~Kim said that the pro- perty is not located in any residential area. Co..i..ion.r Pi.tor 8Ov.d, ..conded by Co..i..ion.r Ha... and carri.d unaniaously, that Re.olution 85-151 r. P.tition PU-85-7C b. adopted and that the petition.r'. Agr....nt be acc.pted. .. OB8'!'a';,! 52 pag e 6 .);.:;.'., .".' ..', ......,:w ;.~-i.;¡...:h~~~...~·:,~:.~~~ ~.::;.,.... -...., '. ~.:;:.·.:,·!\j.~j~~·.j~·,~t~;;.~~~~·~· ,. ' ...,.'~h'.. -".,,'" -"--",-"",., .---.- <---- .. .. == July 30, 1985 It.. 17 RESOLUTION 15-152 RE PETITIO. PU-IS-IC, DR. N&NO SPAGNA, REPRESIHTIHG PALMER CA8LIVISIOH, RE PROVISIONAL USE "1- OF A-2 DISTRICT FOR A COMMU- NICATION TOWIR LOCATID 011 SR-tsl, SOUTa or US-41 - ADOPTED, SUBJECT 1'0 STIPULATIONS PINDING or FACT AND PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT ACCEPTED Planner McKim stated the objective "f this petition is to con- struct a 250 fo"t communiction tower, and that the Board of C~unty Commissioners previously appr"ved the administratIve OCCices dnd supporting f~cilities sh"wn on tho cite plan. She indicated the location of the property on a p~sted m~p in Secti"n 3, Township 5l S"uth, Rbnge 26 ~aat (west side of Sk-~51, approximately 3/4 mile s"uth oC US-4l.). ~he explained that Staff and all ~ppr"pridte C~unty Agencies revi~wed thiß petiti"n and recommend approval Rubject to the stipûlations outlined on the Executive bummary d6t£d 7/24/85. She said the CAPe held their ?ubllc hearing on 7/l8/85, and unanim"uSly recommended dppr~val suoject t" Staff Rtipulations and with tho addi- tion "C the foll~wlng stipulatlon~: 1. 1he 17.5 C""t right-"f-wdY sh6ll convert back to the owner if It is determined not to be needed by the County Engineer. 2. That the sign and lan~Scaping m~y be placed in èhe 65.5 f""t right-~f-way ~ut lihall be removed, at the "wners' expense, when the right-"C-way Is needed by the C"unty f"r widening "f SR-951. C"mmissi~ner V~ss aSiced if this t"wer is in the same area !IS the existing c"mmun!cati"n tower, and Mrs. McKim resp"nded aCfirmatively, adding it is thd ~ame location where the administrativ~ "ffices will be loc~tec.J. At torney Donald Pi ckloO:) rth, representing the peti tioner, stCltud the existing t"wer is 700 Ceet. He said the petiti"ner agrees with the s ti pul /It 10:1s. Commissi"ner Pist"r asked Cor cldriCicatl"n oC the notation "n "no map included in the Executive Summary Sh~wing Shell Island Road abut- ting this property, and Mrs. McKim stated that mistake on the map has been corrected and that the r"ad is CR-95l. Co..issioner Pistor aoved, seconded by CORaISsioner Goodnight and carried unani.oualy, that Re.olution 85-152 re Petition PU-85-8C be adopted, subject to stipulations, and that the Pinding of ract and Petitioner'. Agreement be accepted. aDD« 088,~ 58 paqe 7 .'" ,.~.. . . " -' ,"." ~~ ,- '.' ~·;"I.~ft1~t'::.t.:'~ :,' ~, '----,-_........,-, ,·,t'" I -. ,~\' ,.,., .. .. 11::3 July 30, 1985 RISOLUTION 85-153 RB PITIrIOM PU-85-11C, REYMOLDS ALUMINUM CO., RB PROVISIONAL USI -b- or -1- INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT rOR A RECYCLING ALUMINUM PLAIn' LC('.ATBD OIl PROSPECT AVI. 1M MAPLES lKDUSTRIAL PARK - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO AHIHDSD STIPULATIOKS, PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT AND PIKDING or rACT ACCEPTED '. ,:<:: ,;,~, ,", ..\~' ,'> >'"i6'L?1 ",> .~~ f ',", "l - .;"~.j¡ .:'},:', ',~' ',;\:~~, Planner McKim stated the ~bjective "f this petiti"n is to c"n- atruct a can flattoning plant f~r recycling aluminum and that Staff and all appr"prial. County ^gencie~ have reveiwed the petition and rec"m- mend c1pprova1 subject tl) the stipulati"ns found I)n the Executive Summary dated 7/24/85. She said that the CAPe reviewed the petition and unanim"ußly r.comm.nded appr~vc1l subject t" thl)~. stipulations. In answer t" C"mmissi"ner V"SS, Mrs. McKim 3aid this pr"cedure involves II machine that prl!sses the aluminum cans Jlnd thr"ws them into the bc1ck of c1 truck and that it is n~t 3 hammer. C"mmissioner ~istor refdrr~d to Stipulation "8" which limited the flattening o( cans to daylight h"urs and Mrs. McKim said that the petiti"n refers tl) the County N"isd Ordinance and has the same h"urs. C"mmissioner Hasse asked about wüek~nds and Mrs. Mr.Kim said the proposed resollltil)" rel~teti t" Saturdays dnd Sundays and the Nl)iae Ordinance limits c"nstruction activities by not all "wing them on Sundays ónd holioays. Commilisioner Hasse suggested tha: this petition be limited to th~ Noise Ordinancl! h"IJrs and the c"nstruct~"n hours with which tne çommissloners agreed. Co..i..loner Pi.tor ~Yed, .econded by Co..i..ioner H.... and carri.d un~ni.ously, that Re.olution 85-lS3 re Petition PU-8S-l1C b. adopt.d, .ubject to the a.ended .tipulation., and that the petition.rt. A9r..ment and Finding of Fact be acceptnd. Mrs. McKim said she WQuld notify the petiti"nærs that the hours have be.n chang_d. JIIO« 08B~ 81 pag. 8 ':.~~T ;,~t,~, ~:'~' '~:'''''' Ii ~'.... ;1!:.v'!"~*~Ti_ .~;"':..~~~~t:a~ '~ '''': W' ,-..." ~'-'-->------ ,...., ,---",-"",,,,,,,~......,,,,,- "~> --'''~'''''''--'---~, . ¡;; 08Bft~ 69 It.. 19 ., RESOLUTIOH 85-154 CBAJlGUIG SR-846 (DAVID C. BROWN HIGHWAY) TO IMMOItALIE ROAD, RI PRESINTATION 0' PALM RIVER HOMEOWNERS AND CIVIC ASSOCIATION _ ADOPTED, cOUlln ATTORlln DIRICTID TO PREPARE All ORDINANCE STIPULATING THAT NAMES OP ROADS CAN ONLY BE CHANGED BY A 4/1 VOTE July 30, 1985 Ms. relva G. Rau,':h, President of the Palm Rlvftf H"meowners and Civic Association, presented II petition with 750 names from v~rioua parts "f the County, Exhibit "A", requcsting that the name of the David C. Brown Highway be changed bc1ck to Imm~kalee Road. She said when the name was changed C"mmissioner V"ss attended a meeting of her Associa- tion when members expressed their dismay at the los; of the old nam~ and wanted t~ start a petiti"n immediately, h"w~ver, the decisi"n was made to wait for a more f~vorable political climate beCore acting. She said principal hlghwaY6 are usually nam~d posth~~~usly when hon"rin9 some"ne and it is the feeling of her Associllti"n that Imm"kalee Road has geographicc1l significance. She sc1id the nðme is historic and II part of the past which should be preserved, adding that its Indian origin 15 Seminole meaning '~here the Heðrt Lies", which has charm and f"r these rcas~ns her Ass~ciati"n mcmbers ~I)plt the name of lmmokalee R"ad will be rest~red. Tape I~ The Coll"wing pers"ns spoke in favor of changing the name of the David C. ~rown HighwdY back t" lmm~kalee R"ad: Bettie Gulðc~ik, repres~nting the CoJlier County Civic Federat(on Nic~olas Geljack ~ike Zewalk, repr.esenting th~ North Naples CIvic Association C"mmilisioncr G"~dnight expressed her concern about the presented petiti~n and about the Cl)mmi$sion even reviewing tnis matter because S~( did not think it should be a p"licy "C the Commissioners to try to change actions "C prelll"Us B<Jbrds. ~ne stated sh~ was concerned about the cost of changing tne nama ~C the ry.~d which she has been told w"uld be appr"ximatcly ~l,OOú. She said on 1/6/53 a resolutlon was adopted by the C~unty C~mmission that rvquested State funds to build a highway which WdS to b~ tn~ u~ginning ~f II hiqhwdY plðn that ~)uld eventually c~nnect the City of Naples to Immokalee. She said on 5/d/53 the Board met t" Inspect tn~ roads in District Fiv~ and agreement was reached for a route leading c.ut "f lmmokalee tl) Naples. She said the Soard passed II resolution ~n 8/4/53 "n a ml)ti"n made by C~mmissIon Br"wn requesting that the ~tate Departm~nt emend their budget s" that S.R. 846, which was c"nsideced t" be a St8te H"ad, ~uld extend from 5.50 miles to 9.88 Page 9 I!!!I &::I I!!!! - ;~j··-r;-·::~;;-,;';1[\;i-;~~:'·'r:' "'.~ ¡: d,:', ';,'.' >'\;::'::-:;::'"%~':'~~~:i:~:"::-:::'~ " ·,'¡f;,>IIf("....¡..:...,...". ···~~~·:iJ.o&~:,·,iI·':l''t1..."......"ÿ.... '.' "~ "'.".. ,,¡ "(~"¡¡"" "'.......,.;.. ··^"'--······..(.....·~1ì.1¡;,. .'.:~\:~,; "..,.......', 1(''', "'>;".: .._', '~'~,',":~~; ;"';....., ·-....-........""-~, ~.,..,~._-,~..~"--, ,,"..... ~~ .. == July 30, 1985 miles. On 10/6/53, she explained the Board pas._d a resolution to comply with the State Road ~partment and furnish nec_asary rights-of-way and easements f"r the ext.nsi~n of S.R. 846. She said in 1976 C"mmissioner Brown attvmpted t~ establish State road improvements for S.R. 846, and that in March, 1980, C"mmiBsi~ner Br"wn wrote to the DOT and ?n 3/24/80 the Board "f County C~mmission~rs passed a resoluti"n in supPl)rt "f his letter requesting tnat State funds be used from a fund callod Farm t? Mðrk~t. Sh~ explair.ed thdt C"mmissi"ner Brown ala" wr"te to s~ver~l State Leqislators and U.S. öenat"rs ~n this matter. She redd part of Rðsolution 80-72, m~ved by C"mmissioner Brown and second9d oy Commissi"ner Wimer, which referred t" Imml)kalee as the primary ."urce of winter veqdtab]~~ f~r the nation and stat~d that it was imperative that dS little cr"ps be l"st in transit as p"ssible and which requested th& repair ?( C.R. 846 and expressed c?ncern with th. safety ~( agricultuíe workers that Wtint to the farms to plant, nurture I and harvest the cro~s t"r the nati"n. She sald the resoluti"n identified C.R. 84ó;;as the only life-line between the agriculture " c"mmunity o( lmrr.,jka~..e ana the C?unty's "nly hospital in Naples. She Stat~d the r"ad was'never "(fIcially named Immokalee R"ad, p".i.nting out that the first name was Stolte Hoad 846, the sec"nd was C"unty R~.5d 846 and then it Wc1S nc1med David C. Brown Highway. Commissioner Goodnight rwminded the Commissioners that thd r"ad was built from Imm"ka16e to Naples and not the other way, adding that the residents of r~nm"kalee consider it the Naples Road. She said only through the f~re.ight of one person in Collier Cou~ty there is n"~ an evacuation r~ute from Marco Island and th. Vanüerbilt Beach area by way of David C. Brown Highway. C"mmissioner Pist"r Sdld he has been Informed that the signs previously ùsed for lmml)kalee R"ad have been preserved by the Cl)unty Road Department and they can be reinstalled and the main charge would b. tne labor plus the expense of a few State signs that ~uld need t" b. changed. He said he h~d received numerous calls from people in Immokalee who stated they were highly disturbed that the name had ever been changed and they said,~if there was any questiQ~ about chanqin9 the name, they wanted it changed t" Nðplea/Imm~kalee Road. He said there has been en"ugh discussions and suggested that the requosts of the pe"ple should b~ considered and that the road sh"uld be changed to tne histQric name. Commission.r Hùss~ sdid he rec.ived a gre~t number of calls on ,Ðt DBB ~ '7lJ pag r lO " "'~; . ........._---~.".~-^,._"..-- . . -.-- - ~fIQ 71 July JO, 19B5 thla aubject and aom. want to maintain the nam~ ~f David c. ~r~wn Highw3Y and softie want it changed to Immokaloe lIo")iJd. Ho said it i. difficult to make a decision on the subject since, changing the name w"uld be "."rt of stepping on a person who has given a great deal to Collier C"unty in .ervicew. C"mmiS.i"ner V".. said he had said many times that he did not believe roads or pUblic buildings sh"uld be named after living people and, th"ugh he likes Commissioner Brown pers"nally, he felt it was a ~ mistake to nÞme it that way in the first place. He expressed the opinion that road name changes sh"uld be made only on petition by a significant number of people from the area involved and at a public hearing, such as the case of Kelly Roaù being changed to Baysh"re Drive. H, said no such petition was submitted for the David C. Brown Highway. He saId, at the conclusion "t this matter, he was going to suggest that an ordinance be propared saying that the C"mmi~si"n could change a road name only by a 4/1 v~te after a public hearing. Co..i..loner PI.tor .oved, .econd.d by Co..i..loner H...., th.t the Co..l..ion con.ider the afore.entioned petition .. a repre.ent.tive petition of tha people of Collier County and th.t Resolution 85-154 re.toring the n..e of S.R. 846 to I..okalee ro.d be adopted with the Roll C.ll Vote reque.ted by Ch.ir.an Vo.. .s tollo~.! Co..i..loner Pi.tor Ye. Co..i..loner H.... Ye. Co..i..ioner Holland Ye. Co..i..ion.r Goodn,f,ght No Co..i..ioner Vo.. Ye. Commis~ionvr V~sa suggested that the County Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance stipulating that th~ names "f r"ads can I)nly be changed by a 4/1 vote of the C~mmission. Co..i..ioner Pi.tor aov.d, .econded by Commi..ioner H.a.. .nd c.rried un.niaOUSly, that Co..i..ioner Vo.e' .ugge.tion be .pproved. County Att"rney Sa~nd~rs explainea h~ ~ula draft the requested Qroinance and advertise it ("r a pUblic hearing. Note: Resolution not received in office o( Clerk of the Board 8S of 8/6/85. Page 11 R'!I I:J I!!!!I . ~'> ',> '::',,' ':·~"ié,~·,~~~~,::.":.;.~",,.',, ~~~¿"'~~i::;~!I~t~.",l";·'~~¡¡!;;~Ïo'!f!:;~~, c"";' " "'~~";'::"~",~.t,,,.,,~ ,,' ,'., , ',. ''c', ,": ~ "¡ Io~i\i,.,.{~~<Ç¡;, " ", ';":"",'",..;,_ _;,./.;,0",.\'\"11'.,:," "'" ""~,, 'l":#îJn'lh~' 'ioI:;'¡¡¡;~,,,¡;, _.~.._,.^---.._-"""'~ '..-----,...,.-- lilt ~ == July 30, 1985 It.. 110 PETITION MP-8S-SC, U.S. ROKB CORP./RUTBMBERG DIVISION, R! 12.5' VARIANCE fROM REQUIRED 25' REAR SETBACK ON fOXHOUND DRIVE _ DENIED Planner McKim said the ~bjective of this petition is t" build a house 12.5 feet int" the required rear yard setback. She said that the subject pr~perty is pie-shaped and f"r this reas"n, the requested v~riance is needed to locate the n"use "n the lot, adding that the g"lf course is ðdjocen~ to the re5r prop~rty lin.. She explainea, because the q.omatric shape of th. lot is a limiting fact~r in creating a hardship, Staff h~d n~ objection to this variance. She stated the CAPe reviewed thlS petiti"n "n 7/18/85 and rec"mmm.ndeà, by 6/1 vote, denial for the fOllowing reasl)ns: 1. Foxfire PUD WAS recp.ntly ðmendêd reducing the required rear yard setback from 30 feet tl) 25 feet. 2. ^ house ~hich is 12.5 feet trom th~ rp.sr property lin. may reduce the adjacent pr~perties' view ,,( the golf course. Mil. Pam S'>üSd, Project Msistant ("r Rut~nbcrg HI);ne3 in FlJxfire, statad sne had nlJthin~ tlJ add but would resp,>nd t" any questions. C"mmlssi~ner H~ss~ ~s~ed i( thili hlJme c"uld be (it "n the property aa it is, and Mrs. McKim said the II~u!1e is large and due t~ the pie-shaped lot it md~es lt difficult tl) locate it meeting the setbacks. Ms. Sousa sAid that th. h~use c"uld n,>t be placed anym~re forward, adding it is an ~xtrcmely l~rge nome. Co..l..ioner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Co..t..ion.r Ha..e and carrted unant.ou.ly, that Petttion MP-85-5C be d.nied. Its.'ll BID '843. BUOB BOG MOWERS - AWARDED TO CREEL FORD TRACTOR, fT. MYERS, fLORIDA, IN THE AMOUNT Of $1,482.60 Legal notice naving b~en published in the Naples Daily News "n July 1, 19~5, as evidenced by Affidavit "f PublicatIon tiled with the ClerIC, bids IoI'I!rl! received t"r aid 1843, for 8 bush h"9 mower., until 2:30 P.M. July 17, 1985. CQmmiasion~r Voss referred t" 3 discrepancy in che Executiv~ Summary versus the bid recap. He said that the summary showed a figure o( $1,7~~.60 and the bid recap sh"wej ð (igure of $l,482.60. He asked what the correct amount is and County Manag¥r Lusk explained that the c"rrect figur. i. $1,482.60 shown "n the tabulation sheet. Co..i..toner Pi.tor .oved, .econded by Co.-t..toner H...., th.t Bid '843 for 8 bu.h hog aover. be avarded to Creel Ford Tractor, ft. ;; OBB""-II 12 Page 12 "'~ ....~ , "'.,-...-....,. '"""4,'..,·......,. ,·_,,,.,.,'-.'.....m'""_.,..'ø;,,...,~.~ .,."".~._,. ,~~.." ;; û8B!!III! 7J July 30, 1985 Myet. in the aaount of $1,482.60 ..ch. Commissioner Hasse asked if the bids have the notation ·"r equal-, pointing out that mo.t of the bida were for F"rd machines? Public Works Administrator Kuck aaid that nQtation was placed on bids and three bids were received for this item. Commissioner Pistor pointed out that there W8re two Fords and one Holland on the tabulation sheet. Upon c.ll for the question, tha =otion é:rricd ur.:nl:ou:ly. It.. 112 RESOLUTION CWS 85-5 PROVIDING rOR RErUNDING or OUTSTANDING INDIBTEDNESS or ~RIOUS WAT!R AND SEWER ARIAS AND VALIDATION OF $82,500,000 IN ADDI- TIONAL BONDS - ADOPTED, L. THOKAS GIBLIN RETAINED AS BOND COUNSEL, COUNTY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE ORDINANCES TO CREATE THE UNIFIID WATER-SEWER ARIAS, rINANCIAL COMMITTEE TO SELECT AN UNDERWRITER - APPROVED Utilities Division Administrator Crandall explain~d Staff has had c"nsiderable operational and budgetary pr"blems due t" the sep~rate districts (or funding o( projectß. he explc1ined there ~re fl)ur out- standing b~nding issues within the area in question and each b"nd issue requires ~~parate budgeting, reporting and rates. He stated the system development charges vary c1ccording to districts du~ tl) the available customer bas~ within the dis~rict. He said because of tho separate districts his d~partrnent pr~pares and administers seven distinct and different budgets. He explained the operc1tion of different districts requires loan of equ1pnent ana manpl)wer between dist~icts and keeping I .the records straight t"r the ,'perational people bet~en th"se dis- tricts. He said the first discussio~ will involve tr~ refunding of existing ~utstanding b"nds issues, the next discussi~n will cover c"nsolidation of the aistricts, incluðing (inbncial considerati"ns, and that the third discussion will bp ~n issuance o( additi"nal bond m"ney f~r needed capital pr"jects. Mr. Crandall pl)!nted out thtt it is likely, with th~ is~uance of separate bonds (or separate pr"ject~ for separc1te districts as is pres~ntly done, that cach dlstrict may require a separate user rate t~ fund the bona. He said in the future, if the districts are not c"nsol- Idðted, tn~ County will pr~bably hhve to require rosiaents in areas of the Cl)unty t" pay alft~rdnt rates which he did n~t deem desirable. Director of 8usiness ana Administration ~hler reviewed the history of the district by statinq that each of the areas had ita initial needs and each c"mmltted its financial res"urces to solve the financing o( those needs whIch resulted in separate.bond iasuea. He explained that the "verall noeds of the County to better serve the Page 13 ~ c::1 ~ . >~~·~7;,i.~~~?~~;~~~·,.:·~;;:~;.:.,., ··'"·..·___c~__._,....____,,,.,, - .. == July 30, 1985 areas cannot be funded with the commitment ~f the existing dollars already tiod up "n the b"nd lsaues. ···Co..i..ioner Holland left the roo. at 10.00 A.M. and returned at 10104 A.M.... Mr. Mohler said there are dIfferent rate structure. that were established in different ar~as of the Count.y and the primary c"nsid- erati~ns are, if the Commissi"n cho~sos not to c"nsolidate, the effect W"llld bit th.Jt thE' addition,Jl nel:!ds for the C"U:1ty :"'uld create further an1 smaller segmentation of the CuStomcr base and wo)uld cause a greater segmentation and variation of the rate structure. He pointed out that if an overall syst~m ~ere developed with thdt segmentati"n the resi- dents in the Sdmc ge')graphical area Io':Iuld receive the same services at , a different rat~s. He said the g"al is t~ get the geogrc1phical areas and rate areas all together. H~ said as ench bona issue is created separate accounting results and an allocatIon of c"mm"n res"urces, such as m~npow~r and equipment, results acrl)ss the accounting funds which is difficult from the viewpoint of finðncin~. He said the primary thrust is to cons~lid~te the districts t" keep the rc1te structures and the financing for the comm"n overall system t~gether. Mr. T"bì' wagner, Presid.,!nt "f S"utheastern ,"Iunicip/ll B"nda, said that Gc1ry Akers, Oave Fischer, ~f fischer, Allen and Surke, and T"m Giblin, the County's 80nj C"unsel from ~ab"rs, Giblin, Steffen~ and NicKers"n, Were present tnis date t" respl)nd to questi"ns. He explained that c~nsolidati"n Io':Iuld cons~lida:e f"ur bond issues int" "ne issue ~hich will reduce the principle I)utstanding fr"m $25,000,000 to $21,000,000. rie said ~"nsolidati~n Io':Iuld result in better access to the capital markets, since when ~ollier C"unty sells a bond issue in water or sewur, currently, the C"unty is selling ð ·pocket" of the C"unty. Tape . 3 Mr. Wagner said when his firm g~es int" the market now the iasuea are not view~d as Collier C~unty bond issues but rather a smaller district which maKes it more difficult to sell the bonds and a higher rate of interest has to be paid. He said with consolidc1tion a better access to) the markets W-:luld rÐsult becausu the Co)unty Io':Iuld be kn"wn as C"llier County rather than the Collier C"unty WaterlSewer District or W1,Llou,¡hby Acres, etc. fie said the most import~nt advantage in cons~l- idùtion of the C"unty's "utstanding debt is the ability t" modify the b"nd resolution the County has "n all the districts 81) that there W-:luld IØIIK tJ88mr 74 Page 14 ;',J<.' _ ;'" ,. '._-, ~"'. '¡'''':'''''-:''-'';'. :.. ;.~:'.~ OB8M 75 July 30, 1985 ~~. be ~ne r.solution and many of the provisions could be relaxed from the pre.ent provi~ions. He used the examplo of the current requiremsnt, under the C"unty's large water ðistrict, to have a double reserve . account and explainad that there iü actually $4,000,000 tied up in ø reaerve account where.s the C"unty sh"uld only nee~ $2,000,000. He explained the reas~n rQc the double r~A~rve ðccount is because, when the i.su~ was set up, the County waa just getting into the water and aewer business and the financial market was not used to seeing the County as ~ credit and had re~ervations ab"ut buying the C"unty bonds and the d"ubl. rtlserve Itcc"unt was required. HII said the budgetary problems ~uld be relieved and he mentioned the current problems for the budgeting department ll) allocate the dollars am"ng the six districts. Mr. kagner referred to the President's proposed tax bill which contains the provision that the County c"uld nôt advance refund beyond l/l/ôó any ~! th. C~unty'5 outzt~~~ing jebt which ~uld m~ðn that if the Cl)unty wanted to c~nsolidate its b~nd issues int" one b~nd issue, and did not do it b~for~ that date, th~ County ~uld n"t be able t~ acc"mpllsh thti c~ns0lidðtlon until 1~92 which ~uld b~ the e~rliest datti that Collier C~unty would not hav~ an advanced refunding "n its outstanding debt. \ /'1r. To¡n Taylor, of Hole, mntes, and AS5~ciates, explained that Staff has complIed a five year cc1pital improvements program on which his firm has ,..,rkoc t·) g-:t tn<! County in a positi"n f>f providing adequate water and sewer service in metr"~lltan C"llier County. He said his fIrm feels the varIous sewer areas should be consolidated into one ~dter service distrIct and s"me of the "utlined proj~cts that need to:> be acc~mplish~d will crOB!> OV'H the b"undðries that currently exist and those b~unaariti5 s~ould be el Im1n~ted because they cause harjship in constructing tnc pr"jects that are f~lt to be the most cost effec- tive and necessary for ~ollier C~unty. He referrea to the chart Mr. Crandall displayed listing some of the propolied water improv~ments which n~ed to be be~un "vcr the next two or three years such as the kegional ~ater Plant ~xpansion c1nd an ~xpDnsion to th~ existing wœll- field. he said ~1r. t.:ranaall would soon bring back-up aata t~ the CODmiasionera on what will be needea for the plant expðnsion, adding that currently that plant is near ca~acity and the expansi"n needs to be started In I)rder to continue providing services that existing Customera are receiving, al"ng with the ne~ customers who will come on Page 15 ~ r=J ~ -"'-'""1----: , -',~7"':",~-~ .,.:t7-~-" "'---~.. ":';::~:~\:,~:-'-~'";, .«, ',1"·'" ,<,~";:";, .:~:~tri~~>??>, ~ .¡'", .------.'^ . "~"--,._,-_.~-_..".... -........ .. III r:= July 30, lnS line during ~he next føw yeara. Mr. Taylor s~id, regarding the Capri Area System Improvements, the Utilities Division has recently completed c"nstructi"n of a $2,000,000 storage facility off Mðnatce R~ad and additional improvements need to be c"mpleted to get that system operational. He said there is a need for a N~rth Naples st"rage facility and referred t" the hist~ric pr"blems witn pressure and v~lume al"nq the Vanderbilt Drive area extending t" Bonita Shl)res and stated th.!lt th"se pr"blems can be solved by getting a stl)rage tank in the North Naples area which is pr"p"sed, in the five y~ar plan, to be c"nstructed during the next c"uple of years. Mr. T~ylor said that the CommlSliil)n Is c"mmltted t~ the effluent disp"sal spray irrigati"n ðYStem that will be going t" Imperial Golf C"urlie and explðined hIS firm and PRC Engineering are in the process of ddsIgning that system with the 9"al t~ have it "n line by next year. H~ said, since th~ N"rth Naples Sewage Tr~ðtment Plant has received appr"val f~r ~n increasej "perating capacity by DER, it has been brl)ught up to l.~ milli~n gallons ~ dc1Y and, after the effluent spray irrigati"n comes on line, the plant will be at its full rated capacity "f 2.~ milli"n gall~n5 a day. H~ saie Stðff has c~mpiled " list "f all tne pr"J~cts scheduled tl) c~mc ~n Iin<! "nee the irrig"til)n system is "perati"~31 whicn Wl)Uld bring the C"unty very near its 2.5 mIllion gall~ns d day capacIty, ~nd th~ County needli t~ be prepared to g" into an expansi"n of the N"rth NajJl~s Sewage Tr(;dtment Plant S"~n after this occurs. he said Phase I ~f th~ ~ewer Master ~lan for a new sewage treatment plant, prl)posed-tl) serve what is n"., Areas ·C· and "D", was br~ught to the Cl)mmissi~n recently and explained that his firm is nl)w in the proce~s ~f compl~tlng Phase II. He said the final plant site l"catil)n hðs nl)t b~en c~mplet~d, hl)wever, if the C~unty Is going to 9" f"r dOdlti"nal valid~ti"n it is ~is firm's opinion ~hat a plant f~r that area sn,'uld be included. He sl!id IInother pr~ject on which the Utility Division and the Cl)unty Manager's Office hdve been working is ncgotiati"ns with Lely Utilities f"r acquisition "f that sewer system. He exp18in~d if that pll!nt was acquired thr"ugh Board action it would be used fl)r an interim pdri"d until the new sewage treatment plant in Areas "C· dnd "D" cl)uld be c"nstructed. H~ said the evaluati~n and dppraisal prtlpared by PRC Enqineering "nd H~le, Montes and Associates rec"mm~nded that improvements be d"ne to the Lely Utilities c.)llectlon systtlm to bring it up to County standards which was ftsti~ated to cost ;; 08B~ 7li Page 16 . '..,~,: ~ '. ',,>~~~~(Â~i~(':":~~~' <:..;" ~- ~~ ., ' ~-:-~~.. . . -. . .... .. ~. . ~,'. : .. ..' . I ." .... '. .. ., ."..'.. -.-.---.--"" ·-'___·""·'_'.".H.",~, "_'_.__,____.,., .;; 11B8ftOC 71 July 30, 1985 $500,000. Mr. Taylor referred to the East Naples ,aewer system construction and said, at thlQ point, there are a number of package plants and sep- tic tanks which currently nerve the area adjacent to Naples Bay. He said he met, recently, with Water Pollution C"ntrol Administrator Lorenz about this situc1tion which is one of his areas "f concern. He explained that Mr. Lorenz has inspected some,of the package plants with DER and found ."me of them were operated well and others were not. He said Mr. Lorenz is forming a Committee to try and address the matter and to devise recommendatIons for operation "f septic tanks in the area. He said his firm has pr"posed that an East Naples sewer system be c"nstructed in ð three year program. H~ stated the preliminary estimated cost o( the sew~r improvements is approximately $4l,700,OOO and appr~xlmately $8,300,000 f"r the wa~er impr"vements f"r a t"tal of $50,000,000 to get the prop"sed projects underway and c"mpleted to get C"ll1er County cau-:¡ht up to the level it shoulO be. H~ said additional improvements and rec~mmendations will be coming out in the Master plan as they are c"mpleted, but he p-:¡intud "ut that the C"mmilisi"n is n"t committing t" any projects, at this time, since they will c"me back to the C"mmission on an i~dividual basis for formal approv~l t" issue bonds on them. He rec"mmended the validati~n "f the, issue currently being discussco this Oate includ~ the aforementioned: projects. \ Mr. Saunders referred t" Page 15, Paragraph "L-i"f the pro~osed 'res"lution and gave the Cl)mmlssioners the (allowing ~m"unts tl) complete the blanks: $50,000,000 l"r the first blank; $17,095,000 f~r the I second blank; dnd $8,392,000 for the third blank. He explained that the formal action needeo is for the Cl)mmissi"n to ad"pt the pr"posed resolution and authorize him to fil~ a C"mplaint for Validati"n "f $82,500,000 in bonds wnich c~nsi~ts o( $22,500,000, the existing d9bt that will be refunded, and $50,000,000 in new m~ney, H~ said $60,000,000 is being requested to cover $50,000,000 (or projðct costs cecaulie of the c~st for issuance. Mr. 'rom Giblin, bond C~uns~l, explainl!d thi!t most "f the addi- tional $lù,OùC,OOO is f~r reserves. He explained that validation is a two to three month proc~ss which includes a Court proceedlng in which the C"urt valid5t~s the projects which the C"unty would acquire or con- struct, refunding of the "ld b"nds, plus validation "f the issuance of the bonds proposed this date. He said an Order to ~how Cause is publishl!d in the newspaper to give every"ne in the County an oppor- Page 17 ~ ·,.,....~~~::r~:~;:.;~,~;·' "....,... c::1 ~-..-~,...~..- '~·':~·::r .'''', ,>.;.).; .....: :~. ~" !!!!J - .. c:= July 30, 1985 tunity to attend the validation hearing which Js held approximately twenty days fOllowing the publishing of the Order to Show Cause. He said if the Judge finds everything in order he will sign a Judgment and thirty days after that the bonda are ready t" be ."ld. ,He said the C"unty cannot contest the bond issue for any statuatory purpose after tli;¡ JIJtjgment has been signed. In answer to Commissi"ner Voss, he saId the C~unty ~uld issue only enough ~"nds for refunding purposes plus any projects tho County wants t" acquire during the next year "r so. He sðid that one larg~ bond issue ~uld save m"ney, since there are costs as~~cidtcd with each b"nd issue the County ~)uld d~. Fiscdl Officer Giles solid the C.)unty W-:luld have to be concerned with arbitrage pr~blcm8 if the projects are n"t on lin~, with which Mr. Giblin agreed. Mr. Giblin said that generally there is a thre~ year c"nstruction p~riod. Clerk Heagan litatca for the rec~rd that currently there is a C"unty ~ater-~~wer District with user arldS and the makeup of that County ~ater-Sewer District is n~t being changed, with which Mr. Giblin agreed. Mr. Reagafl said the 'mly thing being dl)ne is changing th. user areas and chor" is n,)ching in the pr,)¡:x>sed resolutil)n "r documents that "')uld give any"nt! thf! impr"ssl"n th~t 3ny "f the g~od faith and credit of C~lli~r C"unty WQuld bp. tl)uched by the creati~n "f the District, and Mr. Giblin explained that th~ ~nly thing that is pledged for the pay- m~nt of the b~nds arc thv revenu~s from the system itlit!lf. Mr. Reagan said if one area I)r dny district happened t" g~ into fault the Cl)unty's money WQuld n"t be tl)uched, ana Mr. Giblin agreeo. Mr. Reagan said he was only verifying that the C"mm~ssi"n was not trying to pledge any of tne revenues of Collier Cl)unty for the sewer district area and Mr. Giblin agrcea. Mr. Crdnoall 5aid that the reasl)n Staff pr~pos~d the figures pre- sented is becaus~ it is rec1sl)nable that tha projects need to be accom- plished within the n~xt c"uple of YOars and they fit int" the phase "f the Master Plan in which the County is, currently. He said withIn a y~Ðr or two, with th~ Master Plan completed and these projects underway or partIally c"mpl~tej, Staff may ask for additional validatIon for future projects, h"wever, th~ County needs to take one step at a time and what has been presented can be justified by the Master Plan at this stage. C"mmiss1onðr Voss said it m~kcs sense to have "nc water-s.wer district inste.d of six. He referred t" the w~ter porti"n of the ¡;; D8B..,~ 78 Page 18 r-- ,-." '--. " " '¡.';~'_':':~~'~': .;<:..., ._:.,~ '.;'t~:,:":..:;ó'.::,'t-., . ._..",,~, ..... ......,..-<;." .,- .""~"",...,. .._.."~,.... ~'."''''.'' ----,- ÞDC 08Br:;( 79 July 30, 1985 proposal and asko~ if Mr. Crandall was talking abcut expanding the existing wellfields cr are new wellfielda baing plannt~ to be opened? Mr. Crandall said he meant expanding existing w~¡l'i_¡dQ, only. C~m- miaaioner,Voss asked if any attempt is being made to obtain wellfielda in the area of the Coröl Ridge Aquifer and Mr. Crandall answered that the County is not in the stage "f the Master Plan to make that recom- ~endation. Commissioner V"ss said the C"unty will need t" tap that aquifer and he thought the County should begin the matter. CommIssioner Voss referred t" $19,250,000 listed for the East Naples Sewer Line and asked if that was strictly for the installation of the sewer line? Mr. Crandall answered that am"unt is for the col- lection system with lift stati"ns and n" treatment facilities. He explained that am"unt is prop~sed t" serve an area in Area "8", East Naples, that was dtt~mpted to be s~rveo ,somu years ago but it was turned d"wn by referendum. In responlie to Commis~ion~r Voss, Mr. Crahdall explained that the ncrthern area of Sow~r Area "8" is tentatively planned to be served by a plant possibly at rine Ridg~ RI)~d which ~ulo take in portions "f Areas "B" and "A". He saio th~ rec"mmended c"nsolidati"n would all"w this and the plant could be built "n Pine Ridge R1)3d, however, Staff sees the need being gredtar for the area of the Coun~y where all the septic tðnks ðnd small fJðckaq'! plants are located. Commissi~ner Pist~r referred to the area east o~ Secti"n "A" and ·said it SfH!mS t" him that area includlls s~veral deve~<)µnent6 thot are well alcng and the drea where ne has envisi~neo tha North Naples Water I Plant loQuld go on the C~ral Hidqe ,1.,<1ul£er. H~ asked if any th"ught has been givèn to extend the districl t~ include that area? ~r. Crandall explained th¿¡t the study ðr~ð auth'Hizcd by PRC ðnd Hole, Wlnt..¡;: "nd Associates includes one mile eðst of ~.H. 951 up t" the Collier C"unty line. He said that the bo~ds have t~ be cons~lidated first and Staff could then c~me t~ the C"mmissi~n to r~quest a change in the ordinance to include that area in the water-sewer 8rea. ~r. S~unders said that th~ last pðrt of directi~n Staff needs is for them t" come back with ordinbnces to redraw the boundaries "f the ~ater-Sewer District and to repe~l ordinances that establish vari"us separate districts, which will be d"ne in th~ future. Coaai..ioner Pi.tor moved, .econded by Co~.i..ion.r Ha... and c.rri.ð unanimously, that Re.olution CWS 85-5 providing for refunding of out.tanding indebtedness of various water and .ewer ar... and pag. 19 ~ ~ B!!I _ _r'~__'''V,''~__'r'''' - , . ......-- ._--1.:.:: ~';" " ...... ' - ØiiJ a:I July 30, 1985 in .ddition.l bond. b. adopted. ~v.d, ..cond.d by Co.-i..ion.r Pi.tor and Mr. L. Tho... Giblin be retain.d aD bond 'valid.tion of $82,500,000 " Co..i..ioner Boll.nd carried un.niaoualy, that , counsal. In answ~r to Mr. Giles, Mr. Saunders stated that Mr. Giblin would be retained at the aame scale as the previ"u. b"nd issue. Co.-i..ion.r Ha... aoved, .econd.d by Co.-i..ion.r Pi.tor and carri.d un.niaou.ly, that the County ^ttorney b. dir.cted to prepare n.c....ry ordinance. and advarti.. the. for pUblic hearing to cre.t. the unified County Water-Sever Area in accordanc. with the Ma.ter Plan. Co..i..ioner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Comai..ioner H.... that a Fin.ncial Co..ittee, consistinq of the County Manager, or hi. de.iqnee, the County Attorney, or hi. de.ignee, the Clerk, or hi. de.ign.e, and two people fro. the qeneral public, be for.ed to brinq reco..end.tions for an underwriter to the Board of County Co.-i..ioner.. Tape 14 Durin; the follo....ing Sh"rt discu'ni"n, C~mmissioner Voss responded t" C~mmissi"ner Hasse by stating that thft Board of C"unty Commission will have to appr"ve the selecti"n "f the members of the publIc, adding that he has a coupl~ of rec"mmendati~ns for names and other Commis- sioners can present their recl)mmendati"ns when the matter is discussed. Upon call for th. question, the øotion carried unanl.ou.ly. Mr. Mike Zew31k asked if the $60,000,000 new b"nd i.su~ ~uld have any impact on the current users "f the system and Mr. Crandall said there will be n" incr~a3e in anybody'. rate as a direct result of the bond issue. iI'm ~ BD Paqe 20 -Iii{ '''',~ ".-., .".; ..'1 . ":,;:'4,~,..:...~ v,~.,' ~ ,~: i¡.,~, '~''''-'''''''''''+''''''''"';'''''-''"'~'''''"' ,..~.,-'"",""'"'"..."~.,-",,..... }/~~!i ~r~¡'f¡~ . . '\~1~~ '~ ,H' '~!,~ "/..: , ':'"" . ".. r:c=I emJ c::t '¡r't. :"" July 30, 1935 ····At 10130 A.M. Deputy Clerk ~enyon replaced Deputy Clerk Skinner.... ..~' ~~ ri'iio .,,~~ H~'~~;~ . ; ).r~~~ ;.~~.~ "'/$' , ."., . ~ ..¡. .." . ,~.. "".:!~ . I "I.~ It.. 113 ADDITIONAL $20,000 AUTHORIZED FOR REPAIR OF HELICOPTER Assistant C"unty Manager Dorrill stated that this item wa. added at the ~~nag~r's requ~st, adùing that "n Jun~ 18, l~ö5, the engine for the helicopter was sent to Texas in order tl) p~rform SOlO. emergency rttpairs. He statud that at that time it W!lS indic.ned ttut du.. t,,· the nwnber "f hours on th~ engine, there sh"uld be considdration gIven to oVdrhauling th~ entire enginu at a C~st I)f $50-55,000. He stated that it WdS decided that "nly thv emergency enginw repair w~uld be done. He rop~rted thdt up~n inlipwcti"n by the fuct~ry auth~rized repðir station, it wad determined thc1t there was additiondl ~)rk thðt ne~ded t" be und~rlak~n in ~rd~r far them to certify tna rep~lr and thðt the angine is air woHthy. Ha stdted that during the tear down of the engine, it w~s d~termin~d that the major c"mpon!nts ~er~ "f sufficient quality that ~ complete "verh~ul would give the C"unty d zero time engine which w"ula mo:an th,;Jt it woula bll g"~d for ánocher l,OOO houts and c"uld be done f"r abl)ut I)ne-half of the original price. He stated thdt if the C~unty 15 g~ing co s~0nd th1S type of m"n"y the engine should als" be analyzed and ~ut "n ~ wet c~ll, whicn is t~sting equipment that determines if the ~nglne lS pcrf~rm1ng and h~s been balanc~d properly in accor03nce witn the manufacturer's rec~mm~ndation. He stated that f~r cr.cs'3 rC~dirs ttle Outcome ....,uld b!l a z-::rl) time t'ngint! that W':Iuld be certifie~. He ßt~tad that he is recommending thDt these r~pairs be done and the enginc be pul on ð wet cell, adding thDt he is asking for authorizc1tion for an addIti"nal ß20,000 f"r repair ~f th~ helicopter. Co..i..ioner Ha..e .oved, seconded by Com.i..ioner Pistor and carri~d unani.ou.ly, that an additional $20,000 be authorized for the repair. of the helicopter. Ite. 114 5 ITEMS HANDLED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA DURING acc VACATION _ APPROVED ~ ·1";~· ..... County Manager Lusk stated that while the Bee was on vacati"n, the rt! Wit re 5 i tams hand led undlfr the c.)nsent ag cnda, add ing tha t he Wl)uld lik~ approval for those it~ms. Ht! indicated that the five items w~re as follows: l. necommend.1tlon to approvCl a change .Hdar in the amount of $4,936 f"r the Immokalee C"mmunity Park, Phase I, P~rt 1. ... 088 rAGll50 Page 21 , .; 'I ~ ).§~ ';~~~; :,~' "~a' ...,~!,~,,,:, ....- ;r;~; .,1,:/,; ...'-~~' . .'1J~ ,. , ,. . \ ~:" ""."·"'1Iloo ....~ ,....~....'" .---"'--,-'.... ~. "" .,- -,-....^"".~.-..._.."' ',"._~.",.".._...~,.....,..,_.~---,_.- .,.,. - gee P&9' 1'79 July 30, 1995 100( OBB PACE 151 2. Hocommendation for approval 8nd exvcuti¢n of b resoluti"n to establish a r.strictedboa~ zone in Vanderbilt Lagoon. (Resolution 85-146) See Page ..L.?O-/?/ 3. Rec"mmendation for approval of grant applic4ti"n for Community ServIces Trust Funds for operation of Child Care Center. See Pages I/'.:J. - IF'? 4. Rec"mmendation t" approve purchase of IBM PCXT-2356KB f"r the Water Monagem<:nt Department. 5. RecomnJendati"n to accept for rec"rdati"n in the Board minutes information pertaining t" the ðcquisition "f right-of-way for Santa ~rbar" blva. OR a.,,,k 1136, Page 2334 OR B,,~k 1139, Page 2150 OR d"ok 1141, Pag~s 1110 through 1114 OR book 1142, Page 1381 Conaissioner Pistor DOved, seconded by Commi.sioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the above-referenced five items that were handl~d during the BCC vacation b. approved. It.. US RISOLUTIOM 85-l5S AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY ATTORNEY TO RETAIN THE LAW FIRM or KARON, MORRISON ¡ SAVIKAS, LTD., TO REPRESENt COLLIER COUNTY RE EAST NAPLES WATER SYSTEMS, INC. VS. COLLIER COUNTY -¡ADOPTED I C~unty Att"rney ::'aunderg stateJ that ~Ir. G.dlop: has been retained by the ~CC t~ bu lLbo counsEl In th~ dt!fens~ ~f th~ ~ivil rights action that was filed by the I:;ast Naples ",atE:r Systems, Inc. He n~ted that /':r. <ìallop has had" re1átlons/llp with the firm of Karon, "",rrison , Savikas for yuite some tIme, aading that he feels that it woula be advisable to retc1in tnls (irm t~ provide th~ abilitý to be ðbl~ to develop m~morc1nda and discovery "n ð very quick basis. H~ stated that he has met With Mr. ~'rriso~ ~nd Assist~nt County Attorney Anders"n h~s met with Mr. kichdrd ~~rn, wno is the individual from tr~ firm that w"ulð'b. ~rlm3ry c"unsel f~r tn~ County. H~ slateo th~t tne firm nandles ð lot of civil rights m~ttvrs involving local governm~nts ðnd has don~ a l"t ot insuranc~ worK and r~presents a lot of major companit's in their insurance problems. He fltated that Mr. M"rrls"n c"uld be very helpful In tneSe matters, adding that he would keup th. SCC apprised "f now much ml)ney is being spent on these cases. He staled tnat h. would like this (irm to assist him in all th~ cases Page 22 ~ - I::!!S --."~. ,. .', ':i;',~!,,,,:'< ;~i''':':: '~,¡,.._.,,-,... "'-;':"~;'::~'i;;/@~~{::;0:''::':,.l;~;;~~;;;r~~:~i~'-.~ - - July 30, 1985 Involvln9 the insurance ..ptct, but th. only ca.. that he n..ds their ~r, legal as.istance on i. the civil rights case in Miami. Co..i..ioner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Coaai..ion.r H.... .nd carri.d unanimously, that Re.olution 85-155 authoriaing the County Attorney to retain the lav firm of Karon, Morri.on , Savika., Ltd., to r.pre.ent Collier County ia reference to Ea.t Naple. Water Sy.tems, Inc. ys. Collier County, Ca.e No. 85-0787-CIV-NBSBITT be adopted. . aoole 088,ACE 152 Page 23 .' " 1.:'~ .' ..._",._~.__._,...-....,' -------"....._......-"";,.,.._,,,~'"._.""-~.,,'",...",,.". - t;ii.1 ~. IIiiìIiíIiIII July 30, 1985 ..,,;,1:-:e. U6 '('RISOLUTION 85-156 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION or THE SECOND AMEMDM!IIT TO 'BBACH ACCESS FACILITIES AGREEMENT BlTW!ElII COLLIER COUNTY, SHELTER S£AGATE CORP. AND WESTINGHOUSE COMMUNITIES or NAPLES, INC. - ADOPTED Count.y Attorney Saunders stated that this amendment Is ne~essary in th&t the original beach access facilities agreement pr~vioes that Can-American Seaqate C"rporeti"n, which is n"w Shelter Seagate C"rp"ration, has t~ pr~vid~ funds f"r the constructi"n of the bnach acceSB 8yst~~ as l~nq as Collier C"unty obtains the necessary permit and begins construction within OJ cortoJin tim., peri"d. II., stat."d that b.,causø of appeals fIl.,d by tne Pwlican bay Propurty Owners Ass"ciation f"r the n"rth~rn b"arowalk wnicn wua the alternative b"~rd~dlk system, the C"unty was n"t able to meet the deadlines in the first amendment to the beach access dqr~ement. He stated that he is asking that all the time pario~s be extended to Oct"b.,r 1, 1986, by the sec"nd am.ndment. He n"t'!d that tne P:alicùn B-'y Pr.)perty OWners Associtltion to"k a voluntary dismissal from the admin1litrative hearing tnat they requested on the n"rthern b"~rdwdlk, addIng that he rvc.ived an Order 'from the Hearing Officer ab"ut a week aq" in which he gr~nted their m"tion to withdraw ùnd close the c~s~ WhlCh means that the County sh~uld be able t~ "btain the D~R permits for the alternative b"ardwalk within the next couple of wekS. lie statc<.! th.3t it <'Ipp&drS that constructi"n should be able to begin by October 1, 1986. Com.i..ioner Ha.s. aoved, ..cond.d by Com.i..ion.r Pi.tor and carried unaniaously, that·Re.olution 85-156 authorizing .x.cution of tbe ..cond a..nd..nt to the b.ach acc... facilitie. agre...nt between Colli.r County, Shelter Seagat. Corporation and Westinghouse Coaaunitie. of Naples, Inc. be adopted. ;; OBB~~154 Page 24 ,'dl',¡';J.oolÞ'P\.:}~(""?:':"""~ ...~~l~ ,?t '~-_...._._,-----,,-_..... :. ' .': , " '--; or _,: " . ": ,". . <- . ,,,' . '- .'~, /, , . , ~,o - ~i :<II' . . !-~ ~~ .. raii1 c:a ",l'- .;'" It.. 117 ,n:~:;:_, July 30, 19~5 .' ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT ,-~~,; "'\, ~ "'''h Pursuant to Resolution 81-150 the fol1owir~9 checks were issued thro\JÇ h Friday, July 2(., 1985, in pðyment of routlnti bills: CHECK DESCRIPTION CHECK NOS. AMOUNT ~ I Vo!ndor 12~134!:> - lJlól6 $8,055,349.28 BCC Payroll 1~794 - 17553 S 763,958.14 Ite. 118 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 85-309/318; 85-321, 85-323/324, 85-326/332; 85-334/341, 85-343/351; 85-353/J55 85-357/360, 85-362/364 AND 85-J66 - ADOPTED . Coamissioner Plstor .oved, .econded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that Budget Amend.ents 85-309/318; 85-32l 85-J23/324 85-326/3J2 85-334/34l 85-343/351; 85-353/355 85-357/360; 85-362/364 and 85-366 be adopted. ne. U 9 RESOLUTION 85-157 AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR $1,400,000 FOR ONE-YEAR PAYABLE AT 5.6\ INTEREST FOR SPECIAL ROAD ASSESSMENTS FUND - ADOPTED ~iscal ufficsr Giles s~ðtea that he is rdqu~stlng approval of a resolution t" borrow $1.4 millJon for I)ne y~ar for th~ road ass&ssment fund ~hich is payable at 5.6\ to the first National Hank of Nóples. He stated that bids were s"licit&d. Co..issioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unani.ously, that Resolution 85-157 authorizing issuance of revenue anticipation note for $1-,400,000 for one-year payable at 5.6' interest for special road assessments fund be adopted. Fisc~l Officer ~ile5 st~ted that the Florld~ League of Cities has developed a program f"r units "f l"cal 9"vernment, c~unties and cities, where they have a l"an fund. He stated that Mr. Dave Fischer advised him that a loan of this amount c"uld have been obtained for about 5-l/<~ working with the municipal l"an fund. He stated that ho would like to present t" the BCC at a later date m~re information "n this lo~n fund and t" c"nsider special assessment pr"jects to be funjed by this fund. He stated that a tabulation of expecttid projects is required and the amount to be financtid ov~r the next few y~ars so that it can be planned and can be borr"wed up t" seven year~ at a c"nsider- ably reducoa rate. He statèd that the interest flu~tudtes ~nnu~lly and ;; 088....?160 Page 25 "'.,11 ~.' f ., . ..~ . ,r -.;; "/~';¡:~"'h :~:~~::':08B-161 , July 30, 1985 ;~~~',,,a:.r~Vbi~n,to the ordina,Ù:e W¢uld be required to provide for ""'}~:;, ,,,;~..e._ent. at perhaps n above whatever the revision is each year on ;.;ff'··'~~. the tnter.at ao that the Cl)unty is not hlllrmed by the fluctuClUl)n but 'f^;~ Vi",· l, ~" :~*~·~,'~;:..l'ð 10 that the lllaxlmum benefit 18 obtained from the lo....er interest }'.~ .::; ~ ,:, r'n... ~~.~. ~:"\",, . "'Y':-""~ '. . t, ~ . , ~ .. .~ h:". :'.:~. ,.'1.:!::.::;~ :~ ~ Pðqe 26 :-":',,;),-.r,:óf~,.' . ' :'t<,;, <.Xtrw;r. ",:'_,' ~~r~' t 53 , . . . .',.~.. ;'.': ..... .~:..__.:~ ,. :ø' , ' . '.', .... ..~.... . .. ...... . . ,,:¡¡.,;..,,r. ."j.....1: ,n,"·. '-'jÁ"".:'I!<",¡v. 'I'c' ._~:·#ìt\:;~: ~-':1" t....+~,~. "'" .~ ..~:~.::' '. "' ~;>. ~k '1~~., "¡.'''''''~'~''~'~.'1:'..()'' .. (*~ ''', ....' ,..' ~~~:>~ di:'; C," " ... , , r::::I \. ,-... 1.;."" .... ,'P..;¡. ""', '''':'..,,- "~''f~..;~-:. .} 4~"'1f ~.'""'\ . } "\~'~:" ,,;' ~:" ""~~"~~:~:' ), .t··..._~~:..\~,,..,',',,"' '_ ~'~, ·~teh.2Òr:.I~;""., ;','"';. . 'c ':~~ _'''''~~:·~;,J:Ji<:.~~~I':·I,:~.W~·..t:'~i. ...'! · "fI:;"',~,',d"'JtâOù:rtIOII '85-158 RIAPPOIN'I'IIIG "0811 T. CONROY, "R. AND EUGENB BRISSON, , ";;'~' ~;'1fO fOUR-YIAR 'riMS ON '1'81 COLLUR COUHTY 80USIIrQ FIMANCI AUTHORITY , ;ì.t~¡;:':ir ADoPTID'; '" ," " ' ~ \~;1;' ~~':~'~~~,~, \:. '.,+ <, eOllllIa.toner ph tor IIOv.d, ..cond.d by Co..18doner Goodnight and ,', c.~~ted un.nt.ou.ly, tbat R..olutlon 85-158 reappointing John T. Conroy, "r. and lugene Bri..on to four-y.ar ter.. on the Colli.r County Bou.lng Finance Authority with an expiration date of 8/J/S9 be adopted. ."'. ~' '., ~ J ul Y J 0, 19 B 5 IIØ 088f&l64 Pege 27 - " -,' ~'ìf:"\:~'" ~ '. .~~'.~ .. ...~-,~ .,~",,~ ,- !\;~ ":~'( .,1~;~~!i~,t· :.\~:~ "'~1~ 1,~t . d~'~ ' q" .~"~ " . ',". - Œ~2ì c;:a July 30, 191:15 ;'" Ii.. 121 60-DAY RIQUIRlMIMT RI ISSUAMCE or THE PERMIT FOR THE LABOR DAY WIIKEMD JAYCII-SPONSORID EVENT AT PORT or THE ISLANDS RESORT - WAIVED Commi8si~ner V"ss atated that he haa been t"ld that at this point the arrangements haye not been fin.li%~d. Mr. Gary Dunn, President of Mdinland Entertainment, 8tat~d that he is ~rking with the Jaycees on this MDA pr~ject. He stated that he is aaklng for II waivðr "f th. 50-day requlr~ment 5~ th3t they can mß~q applicati"n, adding that this event was g"ing t~ t~ke plðce at the ~wamp Huggy grounds, but the c~mpany did n~t ~t~nd b~hi"d th~lr agreements. tie stdted that the event will nl)w be htdd /It th~ Port "f the Isl.:lnds Hesort. Co..laaioner Piator moved, seconded by Commis.ioner Goodnight and carried unanimoualy, that the 60-day require.ent regarding the iaauance o! the permit for the Labor Day weekend Jaycee sponsored event at Port of the Island Resort be waived. It.. 122 COMTRIBUTION OP $500 TO GREATER NAPLES LITTLE LEAGUE AND SENIOR LEAGUE GIRLS r,OPTBALL - APPROVED Administrdtiv~ Assiøtdnt l~r~elsl)n stattld tn5t a lettp.r WðS received fr"m Mr. Ge''Hqe Pitt:~.'!n requesting sup?"rt -:¡f the teðm as has been done in past y~ars. Sh~ indicdtea th~t in 1983 dnd 1984 3 $500 c"ntribution was given to th~ Greeter Naples Little L~ðgue and Seni"r League Girls ':;oftbdll. She indicðt.ed that thtt tP'{.!:1 hðS btten very Bucca.sf ul. Co..i..ioner Holland-moved, .econded by Commi..ioner Ha..e and carried unani.ously, that a contribution of $500 to the Greater Naple. Little Leauge and Senior League Girla Softball be approved. It.. 123 WORKSHOP MO»DAY, AUGUST 5, APTER BUDGET MEETING AND TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, APTIR BCC REGULAR MEETING It NECESSARY RI OCCUPATIONAL LICtNSES, IMPACT FIlS, AND RE~ISTRICTING - APVROVED Commissi"ner Vo.s stated thðt the problem regarding redistricting ah"uld ba hand1crd, adding that there are sonu. c~mplicðt;ions ,...ith budget hearinqs coming up, but this matter needs to be resolved. C"mmissi"ner V"s. stated that at the c"nclus1on of tho budg~t meeting on ~nday. August 5, he has asked that occupati"nal licenses be discussed. He noted that impðct f~~s for new c¢nstruction c~uld Jls" be discussed at tne budget hearIng al ~ll as the redistricting. lOOK 088 P'AG[ 166 Page 28 . '.,(, ~';:;.1: ;"&,.,- .':~, :,'\'~J.4~ ." ,,'.,'J:~,¡~ ".',"..',' -_ ' ,'1_ j ,~~ !'. . ,\~l' ' ;',' ,: ',.'. .',".:',.....~, 'i': . ,.,..::~.:_"'."~,'~ ":"':' .,...':',~ '''. ,,' ".~ , - . ¡ \ 1 t t 1 July 30, 1985 : "a~5088nu.lõ7 Co..i..ioner Pi.tor ~Yed, .econded by Co.ai..loner Goodnight and carried unanlaoully, that a work.hop be held Monday, Augult 5, after 'tbe budget ..eting and Tue.day, Augult 6, after the Bce regular ...tlng, If nece.nary, to dilcu.. occupational licen.el, impact fee. on new oonatruction, and rediltricting. Ite. 124 COMMuNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTED TO DETERMINE WHAT AREAS ARE AFPECTED BY VlØICLI PARKING PROBLEMS IN IMMOKALEE AND REPORT BACK TO BCC WITH RIQUIST THAT A MORATORIUM 81 IMPOSED ON ISSUANCI OP RED TAGS AND NOTICE or VIOLATIONS rOR CERTAIN TYPES or VIOLATIONS IN CERTAIN AREAS Commissioner Goodnight stat~d that she is asking f"r some direction from the &-:lard with reference t~ parking vehicles in Immokalee. ~h~ stated that ð few months ag" she askea (or Z"nlng Enforcement officers to help clean up Immokalee at the request ,,( some of the Civic Associatl"ns. She n"ted that one."f the problems that has been encountered is that some "f the agricultural workers have large trucks that aru parkea in th~ir yaros and there is ðn ordinance that Bays th~t this is against the zoning. She noted that a lot 1)( pe"ple have been rdd tagged for tnesc vi~lations, as w~ll as ml)bile homes that are not in the correct areas, but h~ve been there f~r quite sl)me time. She sta~ed that she is aSKing that Strtff work with ner and some of the people in Imm"kalee so that these pr"blems can be corrected. Community Dev~lofrn£nt Administrator Mullins staL~a th.)t there are r..tr1cti"ns in the entir~ County ðnd some of them ð~C not as stringent in Imm"kalee, adding that Lmmoi<al('t: d"cs have some u'niqut: prr)blems. She noted that there is a pr"blem Wltn thw vehIcles ~hen farmt:rs bring them h"me. ::.na reportea chat tn~ Imml)Kéllee area master plan is being undertaken but will nQt ba r~ødy tor about d ycar. She rep"rt~d that they are trying tl) 31lo~ som~ of th~ farming ðre~s t" keep their ve~icles at their h~mes, which would be l~ss stringent. Cornmiss1"n~r Goodnight stateo that these vehicles ar~ us~d t" heul watcrmel"ns or p~llet boxes dna they ar~ thv s"le vehicle f0r these pe~ple. ~h~ stÐtea thJt th~s~ lürge trucks arc parkpd 1n their fr"nt yards and this is where the probl~m c"mes in, addinq that the vihicles are being red tagged because they are parkec in th~ir yards and ar~ n"t bein9 used. She stated that she Is asking for the Commlssi"ners to give her lS~ma time t" ....,rk thE: problem out and n"t pr"secut~ these peQFle until some kInd of an 6lt~rnative plan Is workvd "ut. County Att~rney Sðundørs stated that Community DevelQpment needs Page 29 =::2 - !:::J " -- .. ",þ -_.~._. -,.__._-~",~_...-.. ....r ¡ í I I \ J ¡ J t -4. ;~,..'. ... "-:"'.. .:."', ,:',',<, ;.'.. ,:',>:' ~,:.:' . ','~, ,:V .',. '". ,,' ,', ': ~..'~' ... ',. ;,"'·It ' .~.,..~ .~.~'... . I-f '.... .~ ,.. . ,_ I. " , '.' , ..~....: .. œi EZ:J ", ,'f ;\:~';"l:~ July 30, 1965 ~~~~~to determine what area. are aff.cted by the.e pr~blems and c~me back to '1f.II '~"'-\'f."" ~:, the Bee with a request the.t . moratorium be imp".ed on issuance of red ~tag. and notice. of violation. for certain type. of violat1~ns In 'certain ar.... H~ .tat.d that after this moratoriu~ is imp"sed by re.olution, Staff n.eds t~ go back and determine what long-term .0lutiQns are needed to c"rrect the problem "f parking. He stated that if there i. a aeaaonal parking probl~m, s"rn. type of a parkinq overlay dl.trict could b~ developed where parking of farm vehicle~ would be p.rmitted during certain periods of the ywar and not permitted during other porti"ns of the year. He stat~d that this is u tw" step process. Commis8ion.r V"S8 directed thllt the C"mmunity Davel"pment Department handle this situðtion. Community Dovelopm~nt Administrñt"r Mullins stated that she sh"uld b~ aole t" address individual c"ncerns and come back in 4 we~ks. She st.¡ted thdt in th,¡ m'tal,timu, r"utine proc..dures have! to bo (oll"wed. She .tat~d that in f"ur weeks, sne would have specIfic arec1S and sp£cific ndedS so that th~ HCC could place d morat"rium on those ðreas. Commissioner Voss indic.tad that under general discussion that he unJerstanos that tne lmmokalee Pldnning C"mmissi"n has d~cid~d not to me.t until Octob~r, adding that he thinks that possibly the Immokalee Planning CommissIon sll"ulc bl: abl)lilih"!'d anQ let thrJm nave representation on the CAPe. Commissioner Plstl)r stat~d that if the Immm"~alee Planning Commissi~n is eliminateo, then the CAPe and the CCPA sh"uld be combined to have just the Collier C"unty Planninq Aqency. Community Development Administrator Mullins st~ted that she would like to wðit until the study in Immokalee Is cl)mpleted as there will be significant changes made. Commissioner G"oonight statec that she would like to wait for the ma.ter plðn of ImmoKalla bef"re anything is done, adding that sh~ åoes not like the idea of the Imm"kalee Planning Commission not meeting until October, but indicated that she would work on that. "J!. ;;; 088 PAGE 168 Page 30 ~.. '. " ¡" J!. , ,:,. '''J' '.,' ,,:t ;1, , .~ " ~': .,,",', .. 1f'1~~ ~'.r ,.' ::-~~/;-~,. ~:I:-;''''' ~,,~~t¡~:., :':~J:' ~.¡ "'Œ," ,." ,no'o 169 f.'4:';, ·y',ta..·uoo PAGE '. :!t.. 125.. ' ,)~tRiïöiU'l'IOII 85-159 RIVISING 'l'RB 'l'1JI'I'A'I'IVI MILLAGE RAU TO .6335 MILLS ~i+'~~FOR I.MMOIALII LIGB'I'UIG AND BlAU'1'IPICA'1'ION DISTRICT TO PROVIDE $20,000 ~~F~ POR IMPROVED LIGHTING AND OTHER BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS - ADOPTED if¥~¡'" ~\r(;.: July 30, 1985 Commissioner GO"dnight stated that last September a presentation wa. made to the Civic ...ssociation in Immokalee ab"ut the lighting and beautification di.trict. She noted that up until now, tho County has taken can of the lighting and there has n"t been any m"ney al1ocate~ for beautification. She stated that the whole issue has been com- plicated because at one time, it was an independent district and now it ia a dependent district and the County has been taking care of the lights. She atal~d that In N"vember there wftro five members that war. elected t" serve on this b"ard, adding that it was not until yesterday that the Attorney's office ruled that this is n"t an ind9pendent district, it is a dependent district, therefor~, Im~okalee needs some money through the millage so that the beautification district can continue. She noted that the five member board in lmmokalee has approved it. Co.-i..ioner Goodnight .oved, .econded by Commis.ioner Pistor and carried unaniaously, that Resolution 85-159 r.visin~ the tentative mlllag8 rate to .6335 mill. for Im.-okalee Lighting :and Beautification District to provide $20,000 for improved lighting a~d other . beautification projects be adopted. : page 31 aJ - =:J - ....--·":'......r-~..,.....··-- . ......~,.. ;.; 088f'AGt171 July 30, 1985 ..... C~..I..loner PI.tor .oved, .econded by Commi..ioner GOQdnl9ht and carried unanl.ou.1y, that the following item. be approved, adopted and/or adopted under the Con.ent agenda: ***.. 12' CIRTIrlCA~E or COMPLETION FOR 1981 SMALL CITIES CDBG PROGRAM PROJECT 'B-81-DN-12-0021 See Plsge /90 -191 .. It.. 127 RISOLUTIOM 85-160 PROVIDING FOR ASSISSMIHT or LIEN IN ORDER TO ABATB A PUBLIC MUISANCI ON PROPERTY OWNED BY rRANCIS M. YEATER, MARCO BEACH UNIT 10, BLOCK 344, LOT 2 Su Page /9~ It.. 128 RESOLUTION 85-161 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMIMT or LIEN IN ORDER TO ABATE A PUBLIC MUISANCE ON PROPERTY OWNED BY CARMINE DILASCIO, MARCO BEACH UNIT 2, BLOCK 60, LOT 4 :>ee pag It /93 It.. 129 RBSOLUTIOM 85-162 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT or LIE" IN ORDER TO ABATE A PUBLIC NUISANCE ON PROPERTY OWNED BY CLARENCE H. SURRELL , BESSIE M. HOVEY, MARCO BEACH UNIT 10, BLOCK 348, LOT 18 See Page I c¡ ~ It". 130 EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.217 - COLLIER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD/BARRON COLLIER HIGH SCHOOL, SEC. 12, T49S, R25E, ON EAST SIDE OF AIRPORT ROAD, APPROXIMATELY 3/4 MILE NORTH or PINE RIDGE RD., SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS 1. The excavatil)n stall cl)nt"rm with C"llit<r ç,')unty vr(Jln,!lnc~ SI). 80-~G, 65 amenoþ.o by Ordindnc~ N/). 8~-3. 2. NI) excavated m~teridl shall be r~moved fr~m the ~rl)jcc: site. 3. Off-site alHch~rge ~f yrl)unawlltcr during constructJl)n shall be only thr"ugh ~ppro:>vlld dllichll,q., structurHS "tter o/aler quality trll<ttm~nt dp .Jrúvtld by thE.' C"ul,ty Enqineer. 4. 1'he "\aster Orainagtl Plan !lhall be altered ~s dir~ctlla by tht. i'lèlt"r l'Ianagt'ment Dirt'ctor t.) bring the f'rojf:ct int~ cl)mpleti:! compliance with all C"llier Co:>unty ~nd South ~lnrlda ~~t.r Management District criteria. Page 32 fI:::1 - c:::I \!I""'.'i'c'\-""~" .... .._ L.;"'-'_._"_.~-^'" -- .' " ~ ~.. .. _. .. ': ~.. ~_"~ .~ ,I.' , _ ,.', po:: ..;J.' ", . ~'. < _'. ~:' :-- . , . I ..'.: ".,," __ .. _ _ . ., to .. . ,. " . .' ':'¡J. ~ ¡,'" _ .....;·7 BJ E::J .. "';';Xt'''' in July 30, 1985 -- "",) . "':". ."...... IXCAVA~IOM PlRMI~ MO. 59.216, QUAIL 2, PRASI II, SEC. 20, T48S, R26E, OM MOR~B 8IDI OF IMMOKALII ROAD, APPROXIMATELY 1/2 MILE BAST or 1-75, 'U8JICT ~O S~IPULATIONB 1. N~ excavated material shall be removed fr~m the project site. 2. Off-Bite dlachar98 ~f 9roundw~tor during conRtructll)n ahal1 ~e only through appr"ved dlsch~rq~ structures after water quality treatment approved by the C"unty Enqineer. . It.. 132 TBOMAS BRIWEN APPOINTED AS THE ALTBRNATE MEMBER or THE GOLDEN GATE BEAUTIFICATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE It.. 133 LAKI TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CEMETERY DEEDS NOS. 420-422 AND 424-428 !>l:Ie Pages /905- ~ ()iI, It.. 134 I RICLASSIrICATIOM Or:PRESENT DRAFTER IN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TO ENGINEERING DESIGNER . It.. 135 AGRBEMENT WITH DORIS B. ROZYCKI, A.R.N.P., RE PROVIDING NURSING ASSESSMENT SERVICES UNDER THE COMMUNITY CARE OF THE ELDERLY PROCRAM Sd~ P.J'3eB ::lo 3-;l.O.s- It.. 116 BID 1841, RI ANIMAL CONTROL KENNELS FOR IMMOKALII - AWARDED TO STEEL BUILDINGS BY RLS, INC., NAPLES, rL. IN THE AMOUNT or $25,6l0 AND FISCAL OFFICIR DIRECTED TO PROCESS A BUDGET AMENDMIMT FOR AN ADDITIONAL $1,110 FROM GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCY Legal not.ice having be~n published in the Naplos Udily N~ws I)n June 14, 19B5, as eviaencea by Affidavit of PUblicati"n fil~d with the Clerk, bids were receivea f~r Hid .841, for c"nstruction of dnimal control kwnnels for Immokal.. until 2130 P.M., July 3, 1985. It.. t3 7 RISOLUTION 85-163 AMENDING RISOLUTION 85-116 AUTHORIZING STArr APPROVAL or CIR~AIM INDIGENT MEDICAL COSTS See Pages ~ 0' ;;; 088I'A(;£ 172 Pag\t 33 .<..' -"., ", I I ~~~~;', ., it·!ý,V'¥ ~..~ ' , . ~'I)¡:"" ItiL,.~~l1J July 30, 1985 ~'~"~' '. , " .: >~":;'{>~" RISOLUTIOM 85-164 AUTBORIZIW 'I'HI DISSOLUTION or TUE UTILITY RAT ';;".,'" R&GULA'I'IOIJI rUMD (CaS) AND THI TRAafSrER or THE REMAINING FUND 8A'" ,;~,.! TB& UTILITIES ADMUIISTRATIVE rUND (401) Sue pag.. ~O"?-d.oP' COUM'I'Y ATTORNEY DIRECTED '1'0 PRIPARI AM ORDINANCE DErlASING ORDIN~ 7'-103 . 83-4. RI SewER AREA -8- SOUTH HALr MSTD; REMAINING rUND, USID FOR COUNTY'S SIWER MASTER PLAN FOR THIS DISTRICT n.. 140 UTILITIES ENGrAalR or RICORD, BOLE, MONTES AND ASSOCIATES AUTHOR' PROCEED WITH ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR WATER DI~~RIBUTION SYSTEM ¡. PALM SPRINGS SUBDIVISION IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $JO,400 It.. 141 WOODLAKI PHASI I AND orF-SITI WATER FACILITIES - ACCEPTED SUBJICT STIPULATIONS l. That ~ll ltgbl d~cume~ts ar~ found to be legdlly suffici the C~unty Attorney. 2. Certificates "f Occupancy n0t bu issued f"r any 5tructuI within the pr"ject until t1i'esanitéJry SCwlH, facilities \ !'J6:rv.e the proj~cl havE. b~en c"mpl cted /lnJ appr0vt.d by tic, Utilities Divisil)n. i (O.R. Book 001148, pag.. 214-231) It.. 142 LILY PLAZA WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES - ACCEPTED rOR OWNERSHIP, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION SUBJECT TO STIPULATION l. That the '1'rustot~ executin9 the lcgèll oocumE'nts sut.mit to Utilities Divisi"n, in writing, letters bnd/0r oocum~nt~ conveys to him at le~st 51\ of the b~ncficidl interest I: the benefIciaries prior t" the County ~ðt~r-&~w~r Distri. accejJting OWT\ersh1~, operat.io:"l .Jná r",Jinten!lnc,", "f the W,'~ and 8d~er facIlities. (O.R. Book 001147, pag.. 2010-2015) It.. .43 AGRIEMENT WITH ~P'L CO. FOR THE USE OF THEIR RIGHT-OF-WAY TO INSTi, COUNTY SEWER EFFLUENT LINE TO IMPERIAL GOLF ESTATES See Pages ~ð9 -...</3 p" =:I - 1::,. .".~....,... --¡;,,;.'''.... '..' ~._.- .. r.;¡¡¡ t::::J "*"\: July 30, 1985 ...~.., n..... . Of.. \ .7','" AUTBORUA'I'IOII FOR BOLl, MOftES , ASSOCIATES '1'0 PROCEED WITH ENGINEERING i , SIRVICIS FOR CAPRI WA'I'IR WORKS IMPROVEMENTS MID RIHABILITATION IN AN j ',,' '. MOUll'f' 110'1' '1'0 !XC!!D $36,500 ,r¡j~~',; ¡ "'~. It.. 145 . Ale ) ,.' LDSI AoGRIIMIH1', ADDIHDUM '1'0 LEASE ~GRIEMEN'1' AND ADDIHDUM TO PURCHASE ¡ AGREEMENT WITH U.S. HOME paR PURCHASE or rOXFIRB SEWER TREATMENT PI.ANT j Soe Pó1gQs';:¡J'I-~d}¡f ~ 1 It.. 146 CERTIrICATES rOR CORRECTION TO THB TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED BY PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE 1984 TAX ROLL 2l6-22G 5/17/85 - 7/16/85 1983 TAX ROLL J75-377 6/2.;/85 - 7/11/85 1982 TAX ROLL 693-6!i5 6/2~/85 - 7/11/95 1984 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1984-H9 1)/20/65 It.. 147 IXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATES NOS. 4l755, 34515, 32683, 44567, 42254, 34569, 24844, 46790, J5280, AND 44607 It.. 148 DUPLICATI TAX CERTIFICATES NOS. 2088 AND 3144 TO JUDY HOLLEY HESTER AND NO. 1870 TO WILLIAM J. PORTER Se. Page. ~d.s"-~.;J.7 It.. 149 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - rILED AND/OR REPERRED Ther~ being no objection, the Chair directed th~t the f~lll)wing corresp"ndenc~ be fileo anc1/,)r r~ferrea t" the vari"us departments as indicated bvl"w: 1. Notice from th& Area Agency n~ed8 of Older Americans to 7/19/85 in Ft. Myers. xc: on Aging re public ("rum on the ue held 7/12/85 .n Sarasota and Mrs. Skinner; Filed. 2. Certificate of Dlabursttments, SavIngs & Loan Sanchez. xc: Sale, Certificate of Title, and Cttrtl(icate of C.se No. 64-2036-CA-Ol-IIDH, Citizen. F~deral Association vs. Carl"s A. and Maria Teresa Mr. S~undersl Filed. - II. 088~174 Page 35 , ¡~ ":'-~~"','I."':'.'~"" . ,. =--- ,',' "'~,::,KW:'::t.,¡:r..., ~.,. _ -, '. , I I 'j , J ¡) ·..;....·088' ~'75 I ~ht;;" ,_: I'J$I.L 1';:';\I~;,'..\;".~~,. 3~. NotIce of MAiling and Certificate of Service for Civil Acti"n ¡ ~~"~:":" :', betwen Nltples Associates, Plaintiffs, and the C"ll1er C"unty :-:.::,,'...,; '-" 8I)ðrd of County Comml88ionen and the Collier C~unty Í'iater ,~.... ': Sewor District, Defendenta. XCI Mr. Saunders; t·iled. ~. . t. , \,..::.;,., ,:>,', .:~'t~~'~::'!». .:.': ,;t'tl~' ' \.II.() l,-r.: I 'f( ~~ . '. 5. , '. J , 6. I j 7. I t t [ f. I 1 ~ ....- July )0. 1985 4. Memo dated June 3, 1985, from Dept. of Administration, Division of Retirement, røgardlng tho Uorida Retirement System Rule Amendments Errata. X~: ~r. Luntz¡ Payr,,1l; Filed. Memo dated Jun~ 3, 1985 from Ddpt.- of Community ~ffairs, Division of Housing' C"mmunity D.velopm~nt, regarding Notice of Fund. available to local 9"vernments through the Florida Financial Assiatance for Community Service Act of 1975. XCI Mra. Brangaccio; Filed. Letters dated May 6, 1985, June 25, 1985, and July 2, 1985, reapectively from the Florida Department of Correctl"ns to I:;hœr1ff ¡¡.)gers re inspectIon rep"rta dated May l, 1985, June 20, l~S5, ~nd Jun~ 27, lqR~, re the Collier C"unty Jùil and !:itockade. xc: t'i lea. Letters dated June 11, 1935, June H, 1985, and July J, 1985, respectively from tne Department "f Environmental Regulations enclosing sn"rt form applications, Filv Nos. 111050035, 11l050905, 111053685, 111055795, and lll0605l5 ("r dredge and fill activities. xc: Mrs. Mull1ns; Dr. proffitt; t'ilcd. B. Letter dateci Jun~ 17, l!:lSS, fr~m Stðte "f tlori<Ja, Department of Insuranc~ ~nd Treasurer, regarding a cläim f~r Anq~llð Laurella. xc: Mrs. I\ynders; rilea. 9. Letter oated June 2U, 19&5, from ~!Jartmerlt of t.aturill k~sources rJ Advanced N"tlce of Exp1ratlon~ P~rmit File CQ-45, Vélnaeroilt ~<!i1ch M-)tel, Inc. XCI Mrs. Null!nS, Fi led . I NO. lO. Letter cJated July \I, 198~, trorr. the Departlr.ent rJf lIc.tural kes~urces, regarding approval of Permit No. CO-I01, Admiralty l1"use C"naomlnlum Alis"clation. xc: Mrs. Mullins; D,·. Proffitt; t'ilea. ll. Memo date~ Ju~e 1, l~L~, from the Uap~rtment of Ndturðl Resources, Bureau of Vessel TItling and Re9istratl~n re Govt.rnment DucalR for Fì' 19!!5-6r.. xc: ~ r. Pac.:! (with aec.Üs); Filed. 12. Memo dated June 11, 1'Jb5, from Depc.rtment of ReVf:nue encl"slng the 1985 "'l'HH,· calen~r. xc: Mr. Luskl /'Ir. Giles; Mr. Colding; /"15. ZlIlk<J; Mr. Carlt"n; Filej. 13. Statement oated Jun~ 17, 1985, frorn District C"urt 1)( Appeal for tiling Fe~s for Appeal '85-13~O CR.CT. IU4-~52 CF A 31 CTC, btate of f'l"ridð VIS. J"hn Ho1!nry boom. XCI Mr. Reagan¡ Filed. ... Page 36 ~ -= .. I']Ii .~'!'FPYI~:~"\, .·(~~;::a;~:{~~~V\~"';;""·~'¿',_;..~... ~ .."....·i'e,..\;....~:j;]~ø·;:~~,,:.· ;. \ ~. ~. ' . -, . I . f'......' .... _ I·': It' : .... ~ . _..: ""- J ø'·. ... .. '. ..) " I . Ç t ... .. tS1 ~ t I f , l;;. . July 30, 1935 14. Petition received July 3, 1985, from the residenta of Everglade. City reque.ting the operatl~n of ~n ambulence to b. placed in the Everglades area. xes BCC; Mrs. Branqaccio, Mr. Greenflüld, Filed. 15. Copy of memo dated May 30, 1985, to Th~mas Crðnd~ll, Utiliti.. Administrator, from James Giles, Fiscal üfficer re th~ Utility Funds Fin~ncial Statements for p~riod ende~ 4/30/85. Filed. " , 1:5. ~py of mem" dated Jun~ 24, 19é1~, fro,1l JamctS Gi las, Fl SC.3l Officer, t" Robort Fah~y, Solid ~~ste Direct~r, re Solid \'Iðste DisF'osa1 f'i nanci.3l Statements for peri"d endea 5/31/85. Fi hd. , 17. Ca¡¡y t')f m~ml) date Jun't 25, 1985, from James Gl1<!s, E'L~cal ufficcr, to Dl)uq Gr~~nfield, EMS Director, regarding I::MS Financial 3tðtcments fl)r p~riod enoed 5/31/~5. Fil~d. 18. ~"py of ~eml) ~ataa Jund 25, 19&5, from James Giles, Fiscal Officer, to i)·)na1d Lus:(, Cl)unty i'ldn/lC t::r, regarding f'leet Management/Mot"r Pl)~l financidl Statements (or peril),j ended 5/Jl/cì5. Fi l(¡d. 1 Y . Moi! m" 0,) t ~ CJ J U:1" ';. 7, 1 ya 5 , f r" m t I" ria a Co 101111 s S 1" non Vet,Hans' Affairs regarding advanc'.iI publicity for tl1:.! Vietnam V"terðn "^ r ,"Ium"r 131 oeinq built in Tallðllasr:et:. fi led. 20. Minutds receiv~~ und til~o: CAPC .:¡nd CCP" ;neetings ~( June 6, 19ð5, M.d Junl:! 20, 1985. CCPA m4t!etin,:, of !'\dy 2:;, 1985. ~M~AC mceting ot 6/12/cìS and ag4t!naa ~( 7/18/e5. G~lden Gate C~mmunlty Center Aavisory C~mmitt~~ meeting of Ap r i 1 3 Ú, 1 9:J S. Library Advisory board mð~ting "f May 23, 19~5. City "f N.!Ipl,:s meeting of June 5, 19d5, and July l~, 1985. 21. Memo ddted Jun.1 20, 1985, (r"m Nllti"n,,1 Ass~ci3tion of Cou~ti~~ reg~rdlng th~ survey of c~unties - Second H~qu~6t. xc: Mr. Lusk; flIed. 22. Letter dat"!o June 9, 19b5, frl)m Glena4 A. Gl)sn,¡ll .jf Nllples Park re~ðrdlng ð chllngø of addreas (~r ~wner of th~ property in Naples 1-ark, Unit 3, Bl"ck 3!1, Lnt 50. xc: Mr. Colding; Mr. Carlt"n; ""ninq; Filad. 23. Letter aatfrd June 5, l!/85, frf)m OS"'T Internati~nal Corporatl"n requesting t" be registered for n"tices of sale of surplus e4uipm",nt. xc: PurchasIng ~partment, f'iled. 24. Proposed budgets for fiscal year 1!/85-8ú received f"r Special Taxing District ~iq Cypress island firti & Hescue; lmml)k~lee V"luntedr Fire Department; and Marco Island flre Department. XCI "IS. Za lkd; Iii II/d. I ! 25. L!ttllr dated July 16, 1935, from ~vll'!l Gdrd.n ::ðter Control District to Mr. Hvagan encl"sing the prop"s~d budget for ;;; O88!'1çt 176 Pl1q e 37 .";..,~....,,....oi:,·~,~, " 08'S,AIit 177 their diatrlct. July 30, 1985 XCI.... Za1ka, Mr. Gilts; t'iled. 26. ,Memo dated July J, 1985, frolll the Public Se rvice Commission. of ..et1ng on July 16, 1985 re Collier C~unty w!terlsewer rate 1ncrea... XCI Mr. l:i4unders, ~'ilod. Memo dated July 1, 1985, from the State B"ðrd of Administration of Florida regarding April-June 1985 investment activity. xc: ~r. Giles; Filed. ~mo dated Jun~ 13, 1985, fr"m the'State Board of Administration of ~loridð n"tifyIng tha~ they wIll be clo.ed July 5, 1985 and unable to do investment transactions for the Local Government Investment Pool. xc: Mr. Giles; Filed. 27. 28. 29. Letter dated JUlr lO, 1985 from SQuth Florida Wator Management Distr ct regarding well c"nstruction permit no. SfOG265-D, Immokalee Park, Sec.4, 'l'47S, fC¿9E, C"ll1er C"unty. XCI Mr. Vanatta; filed. 30. N~tific~tion dated July lO, 1965 from the Unitod ~tates Department of tho Interior re 'publicati"n oC final rule reclassifying the American Alli9at"r'~ stötus in Florida. xc: Filed. 3l. Letter from United Stätes ~nvir"nm~ntel Protecti"n Agency wnclosing material re9ðrding ~ea Lev~l ~is~ in particular communIties. xc: ~rs. Mullins; Dr. ~roffitt Fileu. 32. Letter dated May 30, 1985, fr"m FIscal OCficer Giles to Cnarles HUdn"ll, Farmers hl)ml.! Auministralion rElg¡"rdlng the FmhA quarl6rly re~"rts as "f Mbrcn 31, 19Bb. xc: Filed. 33. Letter dated July 10, 1985, from Att~rnp.y kax [liraels"n advising that future billings sh"ulo be se~t to him for aSSeßsments for Account Nf). UIU701. xc: r l"inan¡;e Ùt!fJt.; Filed. 34. I Letter datea July l2, 19J5 from Alice Jtter aovinlng that Lnt 24, 81~~k a2, Unit J, Golden Gc1te, h~s or-en mowed. xc: ~r. W""dcocK; Filed. 35. Letter dtlted June 7, 19íìS, fr"m th~ C:~mmerèif.l Lending Division of Naples t~dcral regardin~ lrrevl)cabl~ Letter of Credit No. 5-07, Am~ndmenl r~ exp~rðtlon Odt~ t~r Whisperin9 Pines, Inc:. xc: Mr. b~lòt; Filed, Ite. '50 ACCEPTANCI AMD PILING paR RECORD THE RESULTS OF THE MARCO ISLAND SPECIAL ELECTION or 6/25/85 RE A TAX LEVY OF 1/4 MILL TO CONSTRUCT A COMMUNITY CENTER Su Pages :J,;¡¡- ~3/ It.. 151 APPROVAL or J'USTIC& CENTER EXPMlSION BUDGET AMENDMENT IN THE AMOUNT or $2',000 POR SALARIES paR THE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT AND SECRETARY [ PðCJ. 38 S3 _ r=::I _, ., ',.,¡-.;:;,f.iij¡1~,W~_."" _ .. ' '., <' ..,' ~_'&.;;,,':""'''~:-''''''''.:-'-::-':;' r:; '..-T', ·i '1'~I"~'"1"'~~;'~' ;',,-~: ;...~ ~':~.: ".I .:~~,...'~ , ~~'1'~-1~' ~,':~;..., ~.~,'I"."......., . .. :, Xt.. . 152;"...", ~,', :"'> , f~:~',;,~~;i~'l';~"'~!' VARIOUS wSOLa SOURCEw PURCHASES AUTHORIZED ~t;~:';l,VACA'I'IOH MID PINAHCE DEPARTMENT DIRECTED TO PAY SAME ,,, ....' , , ' "'..3 .., ~1::""" '~ ~. Bit. Pa9 ~ øII; Ø\ ¡ ¡ ,.,' 1 ~,' t ""', . . i':~> , 1 ",..: ,.1" , iI'> Ü 1':' r'" :'P,; , q.ç, ~,I .:(.. ,.~' . ~ .' . '''-f·1 ~,,~.,. . ..~ '\ , July JO, 1985 DURING BCC .~ 111 . ,I' . . . * * * * .~1 ThP.re being no further busine.. for the G~od "f the C"unty, the m..tln9 was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Tim., 11145 A.~. 80ARD OF COUNTY COMMI~IONERSI BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFfICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DI~TRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROl. . i ." , .' voss, CHAI RMA ¡~ ~\c1IìÙ /) AkTlWf.l, , I L ~!-1..~S';~ M:tGAN, ,t:LERK ':'~:~'I', I '... \..' . " 'I" ~ ¡ r . .,,1 -..- - ø.,C\ " ... ~~\ .'~i',:::1"'~¡~':;ppr~ved by the !iCC I)n Æ.-~ r ?~ /,? /5 /"-:.o.g:,,..... -- ~ ~~ .."I. ¡f'ë"'¥.~{''' ---- 0 r a s co r rec t eo / . ~. ;;; 088'1r.t 178 PlIgtt 39 ~ .. ~ "". .