BCC Minutes 08/19/1985 B iii 1&1 ¡¡¡¡) " , , ' Nap1.., P1orida, August 19, 1985 ","í,~ t"'.... -', LET IT BlREM'EMBERED, that the ,Board of. County Coml'lli..ionera In .' . .,!¡,~ ·)~'¡·';'ãì\ð for the C4unty of C4llhr, and also acting as th., Board of. Zonine¡' .~".,:'.'. r~·::,':Àpp.au' and.. the governing board(s) of. such apecla1 cUstrlcts ai haye ..:..:,~^~~ : Jí:';" been created accordln9 to law and havin9 ci)nducted bud""ss herein, .et}'I.' on this date at 9100 A.M. In Budg.t Workshop S.salon in Building -P- of , "[1 , 'f,,-, > the Courthi)use Complex, Ea.t Naples, Florida, with the following ;,~ .ealbers presentl rf~~" CHAIRMANI Frederick J. Voss ~.:j~;. VICE CHAIRMAN 1 John A. Pistor Max A. Hasse C. C. -Red- Holland Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: Jame. C. Gile., Fiscal Officer Maureen Konyon, Ueputy Clerk Donald Lusk, County Manager Neil Dorrill, Assistant County Manager Burt Saunders, County Attorney Lori Zalka, Budget Director Thomas Cranddll, Utilities Administrati)r Don~ld MOhler, Utility Division Director of Business and Administrative Services, and Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistdnt to the Board. AGENDA I. Rdview of thd 1985-86 Tentative Budget. 9:00 A.M. Ucil1ths Enterprise , Internal Services a. Water' Sewer District Funds Other Ci)unty Funds ~. Spacial Ass.ssment District 6-6 4-1 5-1 9:30 A.M. Debt Service 10:00 A.M. Boðrd , 'County At torney Genaral Fund 1-1 10:30 A.M. Sheriff Constitutii)nal Officers (Sheriff) Other County Funds a. Trust' Agency Funds 6-1 2-5 UTILITIES BUDGET DISCUSSION Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that his budget for 1984-85 was $19,014,518 and the tentative budget reque8t for 1985-86 is the .am~ 4S the total request which i8 $23,949,29B due to no recom- mended change. by the Budqet Office. He stated that the budget reflects an increa.e of 18 umployees in the expanded service request. aOOK 088 "AGE 436 P.t9- 1 ;.'~~1~:~~~.::~-~:'í~r:f:Jt~'7~{:\~¿~' .-."--'--- .--......... ; ';; )I. f~"'1 -;;~I ";",.''; ~.,.. .> t~; . am 088p~ct437 AU9ust 19, 1985 ~,.~.. AlIo, the debt service will be paid off in the ruerve amount that ia ...·(.../...,,:.V.U.bl. by the end of the fiscal year, adding that then w111 be debt *r;1"..rvlce b\;¡:; there are hi9her rnerve. than should be, therefore, it ......, ,,,i.1.1 be paid to rmHA before the end of the year. ~::' '.', Mr. Mohler atated that the budget reflects that the Sewer Area -A- , bonda are b.ing paid off, addin9 that th.re i. $2.5 million in r~serve. now and the total debt service In Sewer Area -A- i. $2.8 million. Øe atated that there will be no debt service for Sewer Area -A- by itself. Utilities Director Crandall stated that he i. proposin9 that there be two new revenue source. in the budget, which would be a utility permit fee for plan review and inspection and a fee for flushing, filing, and chemical analysis. He statod that there is ni) fee for permits at the time for plan reviews and. inspections. He stated that throughout the State of Florida this is done, addin9 that a .ervice Is bein9 performed with revenues fri)m the rates to perform this .ervice, and this is something that the Bo~rd will have to approve before it can be done. He noted th~t present revenue sources includo system develoµnent charges, which are presently unequal for diffe,'ent areas of the County, and with the ci)nsolidation of districts, it would b. proposed ti) equalize these fees which would have to come before the Board at a public hearing for approval. He noted that the Utilities Division shows an increase in expenditures for i)perations, which was funded through a 10\ budgeted growth factor and the use of prior res~rves and not thri)ugh a rate increase. Mr. Mohler stat~~ that ot the l8 employees that will be hired, 7 people will be for the wðter pldnt distribution, 3 people for the ,ewer plant and the rest are administrative types for operations. Mr. Crandall stated that tne Engineer and Engi~eering Inspecti)r will be inevitable and is pri)po~ed to be funded by a portii)n of the permit fee. He ni)ted that he has 64 employees at the present time. Commissioner Holland stated that everyone is being asked to cut back and Utilities wants a 10\ increbse in personnel. Mr. Crandall statEd that the department is growing considerbbly and they have taken on new projects, such as Foxfire and the possible purchase of Lely. He stated that they are adding about 150 service. per month. County Manager Lusk stated th3t a decision has to be made if there Is 90inq to be county-wide utilities, noting that it is going to be the fastest growing department within the County. He indicated that next Pac;- 2 II:! - - ~:'<.:~1'~:S~I~ .'.:;," ':- .;!~~~~.,~ riiI .. ~ I",,' ~;.;~.:~:,~'; .fþ....<.,:>,i:.~ August. 19, 1985 ,r(",.; year there v111 probably be lIore people needed and if the County do.. i'::.;,'~';;.':not vant. to upand, they CAn stop all proqr..s for another ten yuu. ~<!',.,·t,'4,;.:·cCO.mi..ionn HoUand stated that the Reqlona1 Plant is not built ." yet, and he cannot see hiring 18 people this year and po..ibly another 25 people next y.ar. He stated that he has no argualent vith the people for the vater plant, but he cannot see putting people in the office that are going to have to review and inspect, adding that this shi)u1d be done In the Engineering Department. There was general discussion regarding the lack of review and Inspections for the various projects within the County. Commissioner Voss questioned if the majority wanted to approve the budget as presented? All Commissioners agreed upon accepting the budget as presented with the exception of CQmmissioner Holland. DEBT SeRVICE BUDGET . .';'" J'";.~ .~"'t..; ':'(;1 ' ". .;\.~t' ,;,.,~, :'7::~ ";~"'i.~~ :;..'..,. ~~,.'.~":;..,.. . "fl." ~ ;'~., - ... ',d ,. .,.j> o\(~, i ,I' ~. Fiscal Officer Giles stated that the only debt issue this year was the refunding of the sales tax issue which accounts for the bulk of the increas~. He stated that the debt s~rvice is approximately $26 l'IIillion more this year than last y~ar and is primarily the refunding. Commissioner Voss questioned what the race track bonds were used for, to which Fiscal Officer Giles stated that they w~re issued for road improvements. It was the gen~ral consensus that the debt service budget be accepted as presented. BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND COUNTY ATTORNEY BUDGET Budget Director Zalka said that the budget is increasin9 for one attorney and a legal secretary in the County Attorney's i)ffice addition ~f travel funds for state legislative liaison activities and funds for the annual employee Christmas party for a total increese of 23.4\. Sh. ni)ted that this includes the County Attorney's budget, the Board of County Commissioners' budget, and the other general admini- strative functions. Commissioner Voss stated this budget reflects an attorney specifi- cally for the Utilities Department. County Attorney Saunders stated that last year, the Utilities fund vas charged $40,000 for the serVlces of the County Attorney's office. Commissioner Hass~ questioned if there would be any savings for special legal counsel if there is another attorney hired, to which Coun~y Attorney Saunders stated that the reason that he requested an increase in that budget was due to the litigatii)n that had been filed aDO« 088 PACt 438 Page 3 ~~,~~~~,.¢ ~.~- 't'::\::.... - , ",~. . ;'...,., " , ¡~ " '/1 l> ';' ",' . t~;· .!.: . '- OBh ,¡ +~<i : :"'.,"',... OP'A'it439 . ,. .r~AU"Ust 19, 1985 , ',-' .~, ,~it -~ ,. '7 ~V'...,~~ "}:"bY th4! £a at Napl.. Water Sy.t..., Inc. and the fact that the American < ;. ~':;~;.:.~, ~: ,iADlbulance .cue was getting ready for trial. He noted that .ince the,' " ·'t,tfIiI' ·$iÌ:·";,'("',b~iet. wu prepared, the Ai'IIer lcan Ambulance ca.. haa been .tayed and.' ~'~, :\;~ ~.::':~ thoro oay not bo .ny ol.nl"..nt lI",o".n '.r onoth.. . .r 5 ..nth. {":·<7..··~.~.< ~< and in light of that, the Special Counsel budget could be reduced to ; :~~ '.... " .'-. ¡"it.., '~:' reflect that by $30,000 which was the requested increase. He noted.. .'., .':' '~'I~ :~?, that the $120,000 which i. the .pecla1 coun.e1 fees in the current ' ;!þ.; budget .houle:! be sufficient. ~~ Commissioner Hasse questioned why the County Attorney's vehicle i. costing $4,600 more, to which Budqet Director Za1ka stated that. the mot~r pi)ol rates have been increased to reflect capital recovery charges in order to replace the vehicle after 6 years and there was a new vehicle received in November which WaS not shown in the budget. County Attorney Saunders stated that the Commission changed hi. contract to provide for an automobile after the 1984-85 budget was presented and, therefore, it did not show up in his budget for the current year. Budget Director Zalka stated that the Budget Office also recom- mended that just an attorney be funded rather than an attorney and a secretary, since a secretarial pi)sition was added this year. County Attorney Saunders indicated that this was not correct, adding that there has always been two secretaries in the Attorney's Office for a number of years. He stated that the position that was added was the Legal Research Assistant. He stated that if an attorney is added that will make 4 attorneys, which means that a secretary would definitely be needed. County Manager Lusk stated that one of the Attorney's works 100\ of the time on Utilities matters, adding that he supports the ide. of hiring a fourth attorney. Commissioner Holland stated that if the secretary and attorney are doing the work for the Utilities Division, then they should be charged to them and housed with tn.m. County Attorney Saunders otated that the attorney is being charged to the Utilities Department and the secretary will also be charged for the amount of work that she di)es for Utilities, but the attorney should not be housed with Utilities as there is a need for independence between the departm&nt head or division administrator and the County Commission. There was g.n~ral discussion regarding the Utilities budget and PaC). 4 - - "'~~~"'-"--'--''''-''''',".",- · . '~'.., !, ",I, .. .. Iiiiii1 AU9ust 19, 1985 ",.:the Attorney'a budget with reference to what is In the Utilities budget "','¡. I, ; for In attorney and what revenue. the Attorney's Office would recetv" ''':', ~ì.'-~for that attorney. , ' . ,~.>f.~1~ ,. 'h"a.th. general consensus that If a secretary is 90lnl) to be ':, "'..;(\ t·,,,;~~, dotn~ WOrk for the attorney that handles the Ut111ti.. Dtvision, then .;":~j:.'t~~~. portion of her salary should be chuged to Utilitiu. ·:~:,;..:;'tt~ County Attorney Saundeu stated that a reasonable al'llount would be ", ',;"~~f about 1/3 of the secretary's salary. County Attorney Saunders stated that there i. an additional $6,000 that will be received in revenu.s this year from the Pollution Control proqram. Budqet Director Zalka stated that she would charge the Utilitie. $8,000 for the year, which would make the charqe to Utilities $49,000 as opposed to $41,000 and ~uld make the total revenues $55,000. It was the qenera1 consensus that the County Attorney's budget be accepted with the reduction i)f $30,000 in legal counsel fees and $8,000 for a portion of the secretarial position which will be charged to Utilities. Administrative Assistant Israelson stated that the Budqet Director did not have any changes recommended for her budget, addin9 that she r~commended the full amount which came to approximately a 4\ increase. Commissioner Pistor stated that there seems to be some concern about Commissioners taking trips, adding that the fiqurG8 are basod on estimate. as to what it will cost to attend certain functions. He stated thnt it should be underslood that when the budget is approved, the trips that are necessary have also been approved and the Commis- sioners should not have ti) remember to brinq it up each time bofore the Board. Commissioner HaAse questioned how much is set aside for trips, to which Mrs. Israelson stated that $6,000 for out-of-county travel has been budgeted. Mrs. Israelson stated that she did not eliminate tho third secretarial position from the budqet, noting that if there is a need for the position she will come back to the Board. Commissioner Holland stated that each Ci)mmissioner should have a secretary, adding that there Is no way that two secretaries can do the job that is needed for five Commissioners. It was the general consensus that the budget for the Board be approved as presented. aDD\( 088 PA(;l4 40 Page 5 ... 'fl..' ".j& :':';.' ~ 088PAr,t4.41 Augu.t 19, 1985 ~:.;~.:,~; , BucSgetDinctor Zalka .tateeS that the other qeneral administrative :~~~.' .ervice. is for $15,000 expanded requ.st which consist of $10,000 for ~~~ìf7.dcHt1onal travel fund. f.or .tate legi.lative liaison activitiu and . "" .'. ".~ f.' ' ~':i~;!::,~$5,OOO for a pi)rtion of the employ" Christmn party. .'x~'~,'::~' County Manaqer Lusk .tat.d that he a.ked for the $10,000 to be put' ~\lnto the budget, addine;¡ that during legislative sessions this County ", 'need. to become a part of Tallaha..... He not.d that Manat.e County got $1.7 million from the State to build a H.alth Department, adding 'that this County is floating bond. to build a Health Department which ..an. th.re i. a .hortcoming of this County. H. .tated that the County should work clos.r with the le91.lator. and at lea.t once a week during ....ion, somuon. from the County should be there. He stated that the $10,000 will be returned many times over if the County has .om.one in Ta 11ah.8.ee. Commissioner Pistor stated that one day would not be eni)U9h as it would not l.ave anytime there. He stated that someone could go the nie;¡ht before and return the fi)llowing night, but It would be necessary to spend a night in Tallahassee in order to make the session for the day worthwhile. County Manager Lusk stated that time needs to be spent lobbyine;¡ with the legislative delegation. Commissioners Goodnight and Hass. agreed with the use of the $10,000. Commissioner Holland stated that he feels that there should be more than $10,000 in the budget for this type of travel, adding that another $10-15,000 would be better. County Manager Lusk stated that this is at least a start and next y.ar mi)re could be budgeted if necessary. Commissioner Pistor stated that if th~ $lO,OOO Is completely uS.d, funds could be taken from the Contingency, if necessary. It was the general consensus that the $10,000 be included in the bude;¡et for the travel for state legislative liaison activities. Commissioner Goodnight stated, with reference to the employee Christmas party, she does not feel that it should be deleted. She stated that the only thing that happens in this County that bring. all the employees together is the Christmas party, and the $5,000 is used to help pay for the band, the renting of the building, the food and the .ervine;¡. She noted that each employee has to pay for a ticket, but the $5,000 helps to defray the cost of it. ,', '(' :'e~;+ " .",,:.!<;\ ',;;;¡ '",,~'Ii¡ ';!'i.:~ '..<~ . " :1''.1.. '<'1,.f~ '. ....¡~; 5~ ,':'~ ' Page 6 -= - .. ;¡¡¡a œ¡¡a ¡;¡¡¡ Aue;¡ust 19, 1985 eoaat..ioner Pistor stated that a lot of companies help subsidize Chriataa. parties and a lot of them pay for the whole thing. He stated that fro. a personnel viewpoint, this could be a negative fdctor if it wa. taken out. It was the general consensus that the $5,000 for the Christmas party be left in the budget. ..... Recess. 10.15 P.M. - Reconvened. 10.30 A.M. ..... SHERlrr's BUDGET Deputy Chief Hunter stated that the budget was being prepared in February, soliciting the supervisors to indicÐte their needs for what they must have ti) di) their jOb, adding that thesd are submitted to hi. office, compiled, and are then analyzed in comparison with the informa- tion on hand for the prior calendar year and from that a bude;¡et recom- mendatii)n is given ti) the Sheriff. He stated that from the initial request over a half million di)11ars was cut, adding that 63 pei)ple were requested to be hired and that was cut to 46.5 people. He stated that the positions that are being r~quested are for 1984-85 figures and not 1985-86 figures. He statœd that most of their budget revolves from personal servir.ds. He noted that he attempted to determine the time and a half impact and out of it came ð revised budget which reflects the revised figures due ti) the Fair Labor Standards Act. He stated that the revised figure would be $999,171.00 which takes into account the 42.5 hours that a law enforcement officer may be required to work under the legislation as well as taking into account an additii)nal number of hours up to 48, that it is expected a patrolman would have to perform in order ti) accomplish his work. He stated that it also includes the difference between 42.5 and 10 hours that an investigator i. going to work overtime each week. He noted that this is all included within the $999,171.000 figure, adding that also included is the 10' automatic overtime figure which is to be absorbed as it has been paid for the last ten years. Commissioner Voss stated that the officers Were paid 10' for which they worked 4 hours a week ovortime in the past. He questii)ned, if that 4 hours has now become time and a half, has the salary buan increased plus the lOt? He stated that he does not think that anyone should get a raise by a Supreme Court decision. Mr. Hunter stated that he calculated his figures on a 42.5 hour work week recognized as being required, plus a recognized minimum of 1.5 hours which is what is required to work in order to satisfy their IDOl( 088 PAGE 442 Pae;¡e 7 J;', ,:,'*,g¿~.i:;t~.;!",·:~-:~ .... !r~~'~~~; ;..:,g:¡:':';:J:1if ;~ ~."',~.!~¡;;:ui-. ~~,~~:,t?"f':{¡·~;';:~:;:j'~~.;f:~~;~.~ .',. ,~c.^¥~-;~,;;:>~,·~:;· " "; ,~. ~¡ -> ,it._·... '1'_...... """"'-~"""-'""'-"--'-""-'''--'"--''''---- Page 8 lOOK 088 ,..rot 443 August 19, 1985 job and that was their annual flc¡urft which wa. taken and annualized 'ba.ed on a 42.5 hour work week p1u. time and a half lor 1.5 hour. which 'raS.ed ~h.' hourly rate .li9ht1y due to the fact that the 10' was absorbed. Co~als.1oner Holland stated th.t the 4 hours that the.e people received for the last 10 years was 9iven at that time in lieu of . raise that tha County said they could not afford. He qu.stioned how auoh overtime his men work? Mr. Hunter Indicated that they .re required to .ccount for 4 hours beyond the normal 40 a week, but they work the amount of time that is nec....ry. Commi..ii)ner Holland stated that regardless of wh.th.r th.y work 44 hours or ~O hours, they have been paid for 44 hours for the past ten ~" lL,,·,~~, !1t~ ' ~~' , . '¡¡'""''. ;;";;; ~. ' .~~~~~ years. Commissioner Voss stated that he i. saylne;¡ that the 44 hours that they will be working now, because of the time and a half hour situa- tion, they should be receiving the same ami)unt of money that they w.r. makine¡ before rather than the Ci)urts saying that they have a raise. Commissioner Holland stated that the Sheriff's pay is tied to the State Patrol salary by state legislation and the Ci)unty does not really have a lot to say abi)ut it. Mr. Hunter stated that the State Patrol will be receiving a Dlaximum of 15' over the next fiscal year and will be subject to the time and a half as well, adding that he is only proposing 5', plus the 10\ absorption that he already had adjusted, plus the minor difference in hourly rate between the 42.5 hours and the 44 hours. There was a lengthy discussion regarding the hourly rate, the overtime, and the salary adjustment versus the court decision. Bude¡et Dir~ctor Zalka stated that there is copy of the Fair Labor Standards Act which shows a proposal where the hourly rate is reduced in order to pay the same amount of money for the same 44 hours of work which is a way to pay for the cost of the overtime without any additi- onal increase to the budget. She stated that this would pay for the 44 hours, but for the hours worked bayond 44 there is a calculation that shows how additional employees ci)uld be used to work the overtime so that the budget would not have to be increased. She stated that instead of the $1 million as is requested, she would recommend no Increase to the tentative budget using he. calculations. Commissioner Voss stated that as a percentage of the total in- ., - ... þ,;,.,. ".'. \:...;...~,\:.' I<\~~...",'" ),", ,,,., .~.~~.I¡'~~.¡,f;~;~,,: . '~. -V.,f. i..',. ------.....--- _....-._..~.._.,-".,...,''''''''-."~_.,,,...,.....,,......'''---- ;¡g ... .. Aue;¡U.C 19, 1985 crease of all the budqets this year, the Sheriff's budqet a. ori9inally pre.ented was about 59. of that total Increa.o and if another million dollar. Is addeð to that, it goes even higher. He stated that this million dollars represents about .15 mills in ad valorem taxes which i. quite a burden on some people. He stated that there needs to be a way to compensate for the additional cost that the Sheriff i. faced with In overt hl,r. Mr. Hunter stated, with reference to the Budget Director's recommendation, the number of overtime hours is not going to deducted by using other employees as there is still a lot of paperwork invi)lved that has to be handled with regards to each complaint. He stated that if fewer people are hired this year, the County would not be able to handle crime in the manner that it should be handled. He noted that last year they put on 6 new people and this year they want to hire an additional 20 people. Commissioner Goodnight questioned the 33' availability for road patrol versus the national standard of 26'. Mr. Hunter stated that there are no national standards by virtue that each department is different and is responding to a different populace. Commissioner Gi)odnight stated that the Sheriff's Døpartment has a high percentage of increase and now more is being added to the bude;¡et. She stated that as a citizen she would like to see her tax dollars go to the Sheriff's Department, but something has to be cut as the budget is too high. Mr. Hunter stated that there are a couple of possibilities, addine;¡ that pei)ple could be phased in during the year, but next year the full amount would nave ti) be picked up for all the people that are hired this year. He noted that instead of the total $16,716,000 if a phase-in over a period of months was done, it would reduce the budget by $171,314.00 and there ci)uld also be some latitude in taking a number of positions and placine;¡ them under the Confiscated Trust Fund and the elimination of the reserves for the Health Insurance would make a total reduction of $306,339. He noted that there is also a difference in the projected revenueø compared ti) last year, adding that approximately $60,000 more should be earned by the end of the fiscal year, which would be approximately $376,000 total reduction. He stated that there may be residuals in the amount i)f $350-360,000 due to the late i)penine;¡ of Building "J". 'OOK 088 PAGE 444 Page 9 ./,'t:''''"t, .';~ .....':,:'(""~:~;:)J{~i:r':~~'.~:" ., '.. . ,.~, i ·;fr , ;'<·:;~7~ .<:~~ t ..1.~ ", ..,-------,~- 'M 088 '~Gt'4.4.5 August 19, 198 5 8udget Director Zalka .tated, with reference to the school ~crosslng guards, the Florida Legislature has authorized the "ColIl'lli.sioner. to add a $4.00 penalty to traffic fine. to fund the i.... " ".chool c¡¡uards proCjral'll, adding that if this was done it would Dlean revenue for the City as well as th. County and if the $37,500 was put t~ards the school guards proCj ram it would reduce the unincorporated, area taxes from 26' to 24' which would be a way to save ad valorem tax dollars. Commissioner Holland stated that he i. Ci)ncerned about not having enough law enfQrcement officers for the job that shQuld be and has to be done. He noted that with only two or three in a district the protection that is needed cannot be obtained. Budget Director Zalka stated that she would like to clarify some numbers, adding that it was mentioned that there is a $600,000 decrea.e to the Sheriff's budget which is actually a $600,000 increase because there is abi)ut $350,000 expected to be returned this year due to the late opening of the Justice Center. She noted that this money is already in the tentative budget and there is $300,000 worth of cuts in the list that was rec¥ived, but the cuts are then applied against the million dollar increase for overtime, Si) the net effect is that this budget is $600,000 more than what is in the tentative budget which means taking that amount out of the Commissioners Reserve for Con- tingency in order to fund the budget. Mr. Hunter questioned the amQunt of the residual that was included in the budget, to which Ms. Z~lka stated that for next year it is only $100,000, but she does not know what it is for this year. Mr. Hunter stated that the $100,000 figure that was r.ferred to a few mi)nths ago was the residual figure, adding that there is a difference between the $100,000 and thA $350,000 that was not predicted a few months ago, therefore, there may be an additional $250,000 comine;¡ back to the County. Budget Director Zalka stated that she does not remember the figures at this time. Mr. Hunter stated that during the first workshop it was pointed out that at least $76l,000 needed to be considered in the millae;¡e by virtue of their understanding that they would be subject to the time and a half regulation~. Ci)mmissioner Voss stated that th. $761,000 was not included 1n the budget at that time. Pac¡¡ e 10 -= - - f' .;' ;1:~ .¡.... -.-,...--,,-.. .. I:ii;8 ..... August 19, 1985 Budget Director Za1ka .tated that a total of $392,000 Is pro- grammed a. revenue. to be received at the end of this year from the , s.vlng. in detention a. well a. other money that is to be received. Mr. Hunter questioned If it included all the intere.t that I. being earned on investment plus meal. ptoe;¡ram., purchase agreement., and .0 forth, to which Ms. Za1ka .tated that this include. the money that get. transferred to the Sheriff which the Sheriff transfers back to the County. Mr. Hunter stated that he is projecting 12 mi)nth revenues at $316,776 plus the $350,000 residuals but some had already been reported in the budget last Ydar. He stated that $252,537 was originally bude;¡eted and reported for court fees, h~using, release program, etc. He stated that there will be an additional $64,000 interest or revenues that the Sheriff's office t.akes in, in additi~n to what was predicted for the 1984-85 budqet and there will also be $350,000 worth of residuals. Budget Director Zalka stated that she has $392,000 planned in the budget which Wi)uld make a difference of $22,000. Commissioner Voss stated that he W?uld recess the meetine;¡ until after lunch to qive Mr. Hunter and Ms. Zalka an opportunity to resolve the problem with the figures. Commissioner Piscor stated, with reference to another matter, the Sheriff's Department on Ma..:o Island has been notified that they have to move as soon as possible. He stated that lhe rental or payment Is going to be around $50,000 a year instead i)f $12,000 and a decision has to be made regarding that matter. Mr. Hunter stated that at this time all they have done is to look at the facilities, but no negi)tiations have been made and this is not included within their budget. Commissioner Pistor indicated that this is somethine;¡ that will have to be resolved and will have to be included within the budget. Commissioner Voss stated that at the present time there is a discrepancy in figures and the matter should be resolved before any further discussion. ..... Rece... 11158 A.M. - Reconvened. 2.00 P.M. ..... Budget Director Zalka stated that the $300,000 that i. estimated to be returned is included in the tentative budget, so there i. no additional money above and beyond what is already in the tentative budge~. She noted that the numbers were based on the adopted budget, .'.;:i{. ·'t-f'~·· ·:'¡'''i_.-;t~·''('. ... "',~<, , . ,', f'~£I¥::/ ..'<, ~ , '7~(' ,~ """é.:"~-:I" ~."" .. I. . . :?~,.',~ V'1J ;~~ ~~r¡þ :;.4- ,:,.~ ,/'¿ '. '.;:¡ f'," aOOK 0881'ACt 446 Pae;¡e 11 ~.. . J, ~ ">~""..- ""'z"f' .~ .....:,..~i ~·tìt>4.~ "'i;.;, '~,"~ "'-"I".~'~..... , ,', '.," ' -.' 't:,~~ "~' ·'_fT,..,. , I/,";'}'-JJ.;._, the' ":'l#~r:. the "....11 ~..,'.{ ~:. aDOC ÐB8PAC£447 August 19, 1985 ".r:.J ~;" '" but the ..ti.ate ha. already been u"hed based on current experience ·.....n,,"..., ::,.~ 'which 18 reflected in thl) carry forward nLlllbeu for next year, adc:Ung ~,:; , ' "::. that the, revenue. have already been recognized. '''' "'i";'~l" I, ... ··}oÌ'.:~F'··. Mr. ItJnter stated tha t the only money tha t wa. not included 18 ,,~"':'i~ ,:.3~6,OOO which is the pha..-in and t:he u.. of a couph positions In ~~t trust fund. j~j' Ms. Za1ka .tated that this refer. to the reductions that are ~':.' propo.ed in the budget that was presented to the Board this date, ~ddin9 that with the $306,000 reduction and the $1 million increa.e, there is approximately a $700,000 increase in the Sheriff's budqet compared to what i. in the tentative budqet. Sheriff Rogers stated that there are a lot of people that are goinq to be exempt and he realizes that the County is in a bind, but he 1. In a bind as the laws have changed which he has to comply with. There was general discussion regardinq the difference in pay between the 42.5 hours and the 44 hours. Commissioner Voss stated that the budget is still $700,000 over and the Commission never ci)ntemplated this increase but, since the law has changed, the overtime has to be paid, but there i. not any mi)ney in the budget for it, so he is asking that the Sheriff try to cut $700,000 from other areas within his budget. Commissii)ner Holland stated that it was his understanding that the extra money for the overtime was originally included in the tentative millage rate. Budget Director Zalka stated that the additional $1 million amount 1. based on providing enough money for 48 hours for road patrol deputies which means that if that much ovðrtime is worked, the annual .alary would 9i) up 24\. She noted that this means that there would be enough money in this budget for ð 24\ increase in their annual salary. She stated that approval of this budget means finding $692,832. Com~ission.r Voss stated that there is ani)ther cost that will be added to this, because the Sheriff's substation on Marco Island has to be moved. Commissioner Holland stated that the Sheriff kni)ws what they need to operate and they did not ask for the increase that was mandated by the State. he stated that he thought the money for the overtime was Included in the buuget by the Commissioners when the tentative millage was set. He stated that he would approve the bude;¡et as Mr. Hunter presented it for $16.5 million, otherwise services are going to be cut. Page 12 ~ - - ._....r,.:~.,.~.u~ .~, "" ~~t': ; ,', ,'it'·,·".. ," ~':-. ., l' Y~', "." ..'..¥....."" ~". ,,; '11,," ",f . ~~:; #- ' _......,_.-.-.""""'...._,___...'"',......___.___·~.....'"_....'....,'.........-I..__.-."_·-·· ·..._....,...\~IIM__·,,_..._-,·,---'-""""·,.._""..,~