BCC Minutes 09/03/1985 R :~...,t<~ :if7" ,,,'''''c . ~,.:.J- ...,.~.~ " ,,' ~" .6111d TO'J~Yd,680' )001 '.~/, ~.~ , I,¡ ~ . , ~i~,-~~~I'... ',", :T" !" ''1, f.. '-.. '~.<:' , .' ~:~.;þ(;: '~:. 'I' ;~~;:'{i';" , ';. . ,~~ .. . ~. . , 1.'r'Í '~uaw~Jllldea S,¡¡JJa4S '~~ÐUJllle PUO~IIIH ¡8J~ ~~ndea PUIII . 'pJlllog .q~ 01 ~UIII~8J8SV .^J~IIIJ~SJUJWpv 'U09t8111JSI ^~U~N IJO~IIIJ~STUJWPV seT~Tt~~n 'ttIllPUIIIJ;) WO~ 'JO~IIIJ~STUJWPV S~JOM 0Ttqnd '~on~ WO~ 'JO~~J~. -TUTWPV ~u8wdOt8^80 ^~TUnWWO;) 'SUTttnw 8T~~T^ IJO~OQJTO 6UTUOZ/6uTUU~td '~OJ~~ed 'r 'PJ^IIIO tJ.6I11u;w ^~unoJ ~UIII~STSSV 'ttJJJOO tTaN 'Je6111UIIIW ~~uno;) '~~n1 'S PIIIIUoa t^aUJO~~V ~~uno;) 'SJ8pUnlllS "1 ~Jna '~J~t;) ~~ndoa 'J.uuJ~S 'W JouTt1 IJ80T;;0 tlllOSJ3 'seIJD "J s~wlllr :~N3S3ijd OS1V 1',1'" -, '~\. ..... t,·".. . ',;'1",,,,:" 1'li . ...., ~-', i'" ,~:::' t. ~~' ~~v"I' ~.~4'·· '0/:.'," . 4";'h' . íb¡", - nuaUJd ,i)·:;" SJeqwaw 6UTI'\OytO¡ &q~ 4~TM 'IiPPOU 'serdVN ~S!i'3 'x8tdwoJ .sn04~JnoJ i~:.;:;L ' ·4~;0 .i. 6uJPuna UT ",OISS39 HY1nÐ3~ UT 'W"V 00:6 ~(/ '~IIIP 8T4~ uo 'l~ï': ~.w 'uTeJeq 8s,uJsnq p.~:>npuoo 6UTMIll PUIII MIIII o~ 6UTPJo:>01l pa~p.8JO uøaq ~'~';:'" _^III\.( Sill s:¡oP~sTP t"T:I'ds qons ;0 Cs)pJllloq bUTUJ8^ob '41 811 pUlP stndclv 'iif~s~ '.' Ou,uo, '0 0""" ." .. Ou no. 0'" ou. · "H' 00 '0 ',unoo 'u' '0' ou. ',;L'~r,;\ u, ".uo,..,..oo ',un.o '0 0"'. 'u' "u' '0"'.".30 3. ., ." ~ ../..... "",,- ... :¡q6TupoOD ÐUUV PUlllytOij .peH. ';)';) '.SIII\.I XIIIW J01STd 'V uqor INVIoIMIVHJ 3JI^ SSOh "r ~oTJapaJi : NVWij IVH J 't Jeqw8:¡des 'RPTJot~ '..tdRN "«"-""-""'''--'~''~"--~'"",~",-",,--,~-, ''''-.''''''~-,'' ~_'CI ... : :;3:~'~'i,..:.<·:J::: :.\¿~:~,~,::, _,;;::.),~~ ·,..r. , . _ " . '. \~~~~~~"""'!~' ...~'t"~~.~tÆ..jJ'........;.~.~.:.o"("'~,:..,·f,;.,,:'i "~':i?:.'1: ~:,"~::'~'.:, ..:.,,:J"'~.;~ ~ ",<;:~":'.:':,:::,': ....' ~',' . .';' '. '. . I, ,~~~:,~~..'I."I'...o.>.~.,t-¡"'::-'I...·'..J,';;:"';~t.+'':¡¿i, ;;.:,;. ~....,:.~ ...",:,....r;J¡;' "','" 'il>."v,~"" ..'i..:,Ù"" ;"',;":.. :, "0'/'. ", ....~.~(. '",' .# .." '. .".~.':... I" ,.::..", " ¡ .. . ,'. '., I- 'f;'.O'· '~~...,,,,,·.;.:.'.;,',,,··.,,,,,f.,'·~·,.·~ I ~.,.""",,'~"""""~~."'.' . .". .:.....',....,',.," ~.~..", .. r~.r" ..', - ':~~·~~·:'·f·'('"~·":;.~·0,.;;.'::"'.'" \\.... I·.....:;.·, . ". ,......,.:.. " .,' " ' ~ . " :.. ~'. \ : . . ' . . "j-. ~~;~:';:~'" :1r;. Tap. 11 J ' ,It.. U September 3, 1985 , . AGENDA - APPROVED AS AMENDED Comais.ioner Pistor moved, .econded by Commissioner Has.e and carried unanl.ou.ly, that the agenda be approved with the following ...ndment., A. Item llA - Discussion of GAC Liquidating Trust - Continued to 9/10/85 at requost of County Attorney. 8. Item l6Al - Mov~d to lUAl, PetitiQn TR-84-30C, Amos A. JOhnson, ro tinal thr~~ month extension of temporary residence p~rmit, at request of Commissioner Hasse. C. Item 13£ - Added, Discussion ro Pre-hurricane and post disaster plans, at requ~st of Commissioner Goodnight. Ite. '2 RESOLUTION CWS 85-6 RE ACQUISITION Of THE LILY SEWAGE FACILITIES BY THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT - ADOPTED, AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISB POR EMPLOYEES TO OPERATE TH£ LELY UTILITY IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CLOSING or THE PURCHASE Of THE PLANT - APPROVED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 22, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing W3S op~n~d to consider the acquisition of the Lely Sewage Facilities by the Collier County Water-Sewer District, generally lQcated in R26t:, T505, Sections 17, lU, 19 and 20. Utilities Administrator Crandall explained this acquisitio~ reprosents about 3,700 dwelling units. He said the agreement and resolution states that an appraisal has been completed of the Lely System by PRC/Consoer Townsend who determined three methods computed for the value of computations which are Depreciated Original Construc~ tion Cost, Depreciated Replacement Construction Cost and Revenue Generated. He said the value of the system using those three methods ",,:., ranges from $1,053,179.00 to $1,842,475.00. County Manager Lusk said that since the appraisals were done there has been a plant expansion. Mr. Crandall said the appraisals were based on .7 million gallons and the plant has been expanded to 1.5 million gallons. He said the income has not changed but th~ possibility of income increasing has changed due to customers being added. Mr. Crandall qUoted a portion of a letter dated 8/14/85, from mC/Consoe, Town.end, Project Engineer, .as follow.: ·Considering the expanded waatewAt~r treatment fAcilities and the additional percolation ponda under construction aince ~9repo~ the faciliti.. to be lOOK Uð: PAGt U I , ,~ " Page 2 --.,....~...,"'-<><-;--~".."..."._....~"""......"." ':-'" '~~.'. ','" '6 ....-';<'.':.V.1~~~.,"1ð-···t....' ·:" '~"'~7"~.;:' ""~ , ~~;,089ra.¿{: 08:~, ,r~< ,\ .. "" ,~.' ;.,~\., '<:,.se·p'tembar J, 1985 ., .~;, ·..equiUd hav'e .. value in exc... of 'the _ale, price. Aho, the improved :00lIo' , '1;: operation of the facilitiu by Collier County should promote the health ~, tandwell-bdng of the cHhen. of "Collier, County. 'The acquisition of W "", , "', ' '~~r L~lYÈ:s tat.. sewaci. SYBtem shoul d be; consistent wi th Selt'H Ma ster,...".. ~::~li~~~~n,q."n~... ~n, p'r~~uu.·. He r~~~m~end.d that, the t4ly Sewage System '.~~:¿~~j ,b~'!àc:qulf..dfor:.th.;' proþoud pr iC".of. $1,200,000 payaÞle u outlined in<~~/~ ,nJi~~Í'..oiutlo~i1rif1ve·" eqUal' yeariý'p.'yments of $240,000 plus 7-1/2"~,,~i5(;~:' .''''~ n'i:i-...'t/~th.: fit'at: annud' payment tÓbe' due one year after the 'actu~l::~¡:< . 'ðqublt1o'n';, ;" "'..,. " O:':,..::,;~'~~' ,.~' '" '. Þt"".. , , , "¡, ~""''''; i~~t~'Reapondinq to Commisaioner Ha..e, Mr. Crandall said the $l,500tOOO;~: J!, .~..'"",.~I;' "." ','_ _ .,. ,.:."..'~'. ,tiqurewas originally presented without takin9 into consideration .;...¡. ...., ...' , - ,t ,:.ìpproximately, $300,000 repairs needed to,bring the system to relllSonabie",,:' ·.t:andards. ',~;, ~t" Mr. Lusk said there was a fiqure of $100,000 which 'was a i ,:n,~'~ötlatin9 f1gur'. used by Lely"and the Countý,d'and, at one time, Mr; .~Dick K1aa. offered the plant at $1,500,000 and negotiations continued U'ntU the figure of $1,200,000 It'U reached. He said part of this 'contract, if there is ever a plant expan.ion, calls for the County to split the cost with Lely, adding there have been preliminary discus- 8ions with Mr. Klass that the County may be willing to amend the contract if he drops the price to $600,000 by saying the County would be responsible for total plant expansion. He said those are future items to be discussed. Responding to Commissioner Holland, Mr. Lusk said the County is buying the Lely System, but leasing the .ewer plant and the land where it is located because, if the plant is ever closed, the County does not need the land so there is no reason to pay for the land. Commissioner Holland sDid he was in favor of the County trying to eliminate as many of the septic tanks in the County as possible that are creating p~11ut1on but h~ expressed a problem with the County taking units that are operable where there are no complaints from the customers of that system. Me said he felt the County was neglecting aom. major sources of pollutIon. He said he could not See where spot purchaso of plants would r~sult in the major plant th~t will be needod on the east side of the area. Mr. Lusk said the County is getting ready to provide service to additional people. He saId the County owns Foxfire/Kings Lake and the County can bring that sewage into Lely ~ystem which gives an open capacity of 300,000 gallons In that area to hook up new customers who Page J . ,;f{1?r~f~~;ry~~~~~J'7J7r~:T.~~'~'~:-7:r~~1:~1::~;~:~~:"~r:'~~~i::~]t~}r'·~~S70Zt'~?~:~·(:·::~\j~;'}" ,~ ¡~~'~~·':~~í_~'¡'~!~;~¡.ik~~',,,....,~..~.l':"¡:;; ':. . ·-·'~~~i"t.~~, l~"~;¡":: :, ':1. '. .. ,: ,~.~." ," ·,:".i.;,: '..' ..,.. "~'~fr'''~~~f,iÞf~~~ii".~:~'i~~~,.' J1,~'.;. . .. ~....,·.,'~fi' , ~, ." .' ., -, '. , , ,'. ~;:;~~:~'·~t,' ~:';};f:! :"? '" <, . r ", . """"" , _, .." '." ;~~~>~ J!'4!.1'\v; ':", .. ..,.. _....~':' ~~,' ',.:. " " , " ,i', " . ',""." .' , ,.', "~.~~ . " . 't!~'~;"M""~;~"'~;:"""">';"'1' .~;.,'~..;. ". ".' 1.;.:',./i...~~:<;;,.;~;..~~s:..;;:~~,~""',¡...r~,:;.(¡...;.r.t",'~~~.;.Ì't..~¡,,~~,:.:;,>.)j .,. "'\~:';A', " , .".', ",~,.,. '. ;,',.,i:",,'.'. .¡.<:~.~tr/..,;: .',' "\',.'" " :'~'."':" "..-.."'1:" !'~~:;.,¡~.::.:'. ,.,' : . ': ,i':: ..', ',":";:','::"~~i:~'; .',\ ¡·~;}:::'·:-~;/1:ç.,,:!';:: '.'..,..'.. ;:Y' "." ;'. !~;;; ~ ;l'.f~Ù"."i '" ',~ ·;·'à':':..:..3.,,j¿:Ø:~o,;.:',:.. ,,< ,,!';' \ 'j, ·h\."'~,~!, !:t~:t:-~.:,:..,; ,,1.'.. '" , 'r" '¡'t,., ·,~~~~~~~..~~..·~..-.t~~~~,~!, .,:. '. ...",j..,',....~~~#f';~~~.' ,'; ~........' ". 'C!'i5J '.' ..~.. ,~..., .. ",~(::I:. ~ ·~··..·.""·.·...~·...'\'1·t....,..1:iEIJ ...,...,...þo'~ ',k ~:,-:~.¡... ',,' ,;ø, . ,'" "":,:..,.~(.'(~\',:1;'¡~;~:',:.,::''t;'" .,., '.:'):;,;:+ . "~'F"Jt:, ..,., ::¡:~\, .;';::::"' :..~...,:':'''' .,~':"~'":;;;'" ,,~' . <4' " . ,;";" ' ",.,:,;,'J"'-',' ~¡¡~,:" .. ,.,. ...' .. ,1lII,.:,..,..~ ,;~~~~: ,.~...,~~Y;.I,,:·,...·I.\' " ..... ~:..,.;,..4''''''~~1'>~~~...,...;-~.,...~!oW''~:;¡,\.,....,.~...~I'_·¡ o:~~ ~;;,!\¡.~;¡t '):"\'. ~. '., ,i' " ,f:~: .:.t."" ~.f'. ~:~~~'i:.....::\~..·, ;,''''..'' ':,; .:,~." ~........./','~~.:::;1.~.,':';"I ';..::..t(....~.t'~~,,··~~:~:l"'~·:"':I-',':'"-;::":'.,!'''~! .~.~'. -;.":.I!,,:.: ".: ';. ~:. ~~'~::;,': ' ??*~~- ~i., ' ~. .,...~. , i~~~'~l" ~.. ,.~,\" ,: ,.(." ;/. ~':'~~';M.,'," "<'!. ,\~;:.. .'~~-'~~, . ',,' ,r.JI-.; ., ~- ,1;. . cann~t be served, presently. He said customer bûse t~ be ftble to build the issued a ravenue source can be shown. September J, 1985 the County is also building a regional plant so when bonds are He said that the Lely System is, currently cnarging the County rates. Mr. Cr~ndall said the rate increases that might reault will not c~me about as a direct reault of the purchðse of the Lely SYßtem. He said the rep~rt shows that the revenue the Lely System generates is ad~quate to operating that plant. He said Staff foresees phasing in the $300,000 improvements and probably bond money would be used for them to be! paid back ovt!r a long period of time. Mr. Lusk explained, even if Lely staypd .as a private company, some of those improvements would n~ve to be made and ba reflect~d in the rates in the Yftars to come. Mr. Crandall said thvre are customers along Radio Road that DER has requested the County give attention to that are on bad package plants and/or saptic system and DER would like those customers put into " regular trea tment plan t. Assistant County Manager Dorrill explained that the south~rn end of the Foxfire District is the Kings Lake Subdivision and it is proposed to take the Kings Lake portion of the Foxfire plant and tap it into force mains that are adjacent and to the north ~f the Laly system to ~e treated by the Lely System, which would fr~e about one-h~lf the capacity in the foxfire plant to take new customers. He said those customers could be hooked in through the installation of new force ønd gravity mains and some, in the opnion of DER, are along R~r.¡o Road. Co..i..ioner Pi.tor .oved, .econded b~ co~~..ioner Bas.e, and carried unani.ously, that the public he~ring be closed. Co..i..ioner Pi.tor .oved, .econ~ed by Co.-i..loner Ha..e, that Re.olution CWS 85-6 re acquisition of the Lely Sewage Facilities by Collier County Water-Sower District be adop~,ed. Mr. Crandall said the Lely System i~ presently being staffed and at the closing of this acquisition it will be necessary for the County to staff the plant with two plant personnel and two field personnel. Hr. Lusk said that Lely Estates currently has a contract with an environmental company who does the work. Mr. Dorrill said the Staff needa to höve authorization to advertise to havd those people placed on th. County payroll and trained, if necessary. In answer to Commia- .ioner Hasse, Mr. Dorrill said that the utility system is entirely paid for by user fees. He said there are certain operating costa and the lOOK 0891'~tt. 09 Page ','." ;'J:;~~~'-- i.'_ .:~; _ "f," ". #0;" J.f"~Jf'~1 , ,;~rlif;',- .' ';$.,' ,,~,'J: "::'4C " ",'fi:.'J,:" , ..1,t;;:" , ." . ~'.. ....:<~... "';~::g ,'40,.." ",. ;.', "! '. ';~ . J'... .·~,~,,·:\,t~ ',.~,"~;:,~f. "","'It, ,'> , .'r~'I;~ " " ¿(J' 4 ,,).~,': >J';'! ·It'.....1''.....i#tI'1\.. .,;k:""."~,:';:\ '. ~'" r:: i:.,""'~~ì·I""~~~."'Jií.o...""""'· , ,,"d~',:ot~~'08"" ~~9'~~:; ìO·i:;;::;,"~~~.i..~."·" ·:~:~::,:i~·...f~I,:<~':·'t'·~ep~:mber 3, 1985 ~:"'(~f~ . V1\ :. ' '.,q- ' .~ . .;;e· '; Leiy.UtllItlU ,customers will pick up the cost of the County employe... f:"¡#Mr.;t.uslc '''id,that Lely Utiliti.. h payh'l9,approximately $10,000 a .' ;~:..,3.:'~Ú;~~',:~~?III,~;o.?e:.~~. ~per",fe' ~h.~:'" ~.1~n~" but the, Cl)unty wI)u1d Mt have t;"",~~·Pl.Y;,~~.t:.iarg..,.,a;~~U,!lt.;ij", ";,.;;~,;.r~l,,,', ,,<:' I, ' ..,. ;, '.: ~.U~~.~~C.~l: for..~h~;,qUe.tiO,n, t~~:;aotion carried. 4/1, ..801lån4 ..oppo..c2.: ',,¡!f;t; ,:~,~,;t'<".' ,e, : .~è:~~~,!I,~'ion.~ P18t'or .0~~c2~ .'~~!1c2ec2. by "Co~1..1oner:, ~o0c2nI9h:~~t.\P' i'\~r\ol:'~~~~~:~: á~y.rth.~ fO,r e.ployee. ,to operate the Le1y UtlUt,l.. 'l~f ;)ÓÞ'junotionv1 tb th. c10.in9 of the purcha.. of the plant.,:' ", ,',~ ' '-"!t'J' "",..u,,·'·,~~,,>/., .:¡'"".' ", - , : ".¡."f '.¡'>;'~; ,-.~ . '.::Mt.".aeorge ¡{elhr suggested that the County enter into a temporary' ~côtl·tt\.C:t';with the present operator8òf the plant lor a transitionÜ' ~;~:fit,~,,,..,,").¡.~ , '..iI-' . V, , " .," ... .' .. .,.. .. ..> pit1odof:;~woor thr.. months before,hirIng peuonne1. i.j"· "; ~~~:Commlssloner Holland asked if there has been any consideration "ibet-weenMr., Crandall and the peoph currently operating the plant to ~...:t·~~.~.,', .... , ...... .' ' ,. ,'" ' . 'J'.,... i.l,~!t:'if they would consider continuing to oporate it? Mr.' Crandall said 'I.; ,~tþat, they will operate the plant for $10,000 a month, however, he said " ,'~"·:hè did not think that is a wise move. :~','i'!" ~¡:: . ~t.,/ ~f1~..".' '~k ~{,' j!f :;;.~ ., Mr. Lusk said Mr. Rlaas has been attempting to have the County operate the plant because the County can. do it cheaper. Commissioner PistQt said he did not think it would be in order for ,the County to have any Staff discussing with personnel ol Lely Utilities. what they would do until the Commission, has decided if it will purchase the facility. Commissioner Holland said people whl) are trained to operate the plant might choose to stay as County employees instead of having to train new people. Mr. Dorrill said he thought those people would be the logical choice, but Staff's concern would be with retainiqg a private service contractor who is on a fixed, lump sum :,:,'.'. ,~!i::I~P ;~ I':; 7-;L~ ':':'ti~ """~~' " ,:~X~!~ .,.~' ;,'.;,,, \t\: . , '~!.~',¡;', amoun t. Upon cal~ for the question, the aotion carried unanimously. 'I' , it ki', ,'í' .', ;? ':. '~~J.;'. .~~~.. ," h:"" ..,.; page 5 ,:~t~¿~~i~'t1¡~3,~i2~;~~T~7:.fT~·~~~~"~7':~·:~'·~~~':·'??:'.'!;~:;?}~:~.;:' ·~:,'~:f,:c~t,!~~~~<'~~;;:",¡,·,:7~.:'~i~;~~:" ~~~1>\M:J¡}.~\~f.Ça,~~~1:M~':'~· Iþ~~",~~~~~.,;i.~'~... ;<:. .' .~"..' .~...,.~.~ ,;': "',' M ..11' ,,¡1,"")"~ ,.: ..... '.~._.;,....;.~~.,:.,: '~'~'. -",:..~".~.'." 'f,..~ .;. ~~~~r-._~("",I . , ~~M;'" '. .' ..,.' . ,Ai,',",' ",,: :&~~ ~¡.... ' , J, J\rt'J' ~:;:(' .:"., , . .. C', ' '...".', ," ..:" ;.~ ", .,' '. '... ..,~:!,\ø~~;~ ~""~'I1!'b' 'C,",,:' ."","", ';.',', ",')' ",';..",~,~ ..~,"'!.,"',.,.......,,\~ ,:··~'.I:.~-:·r...''''',.\r..:,.¡ ·aNM,,'~";" "'i;'~·"'1'i'¿,.~ ':""'~"''':{';~/' :,"-iI" :.'..... . (" ,;) .",;~ :~;;:.'!::~: ',' ", ;., ~,'.'~ ' ' ". ~ ~.','." ~ ,.;r,:;".,~, ,,.' '.) '.:::: f;:'::":::' '. ,.~: ,':';'. ",'.:'.,.:~',.:;- ',:'~,"~;I~~~ ~;\'¡1i}i\i' ä/~,,~,~~;'~~:~J¡>""t~~~~ " '.' .". ~:~r,¡, .;..:.....,...... '~r:J'lt.. . 3 hi; ,J ',:..'., September 3, 1985 ,~\ ',:\ .;.~ PETITION TR-84-30C, AMOS A. JOHHSON, R! PINAL THR!! MONTH EXTENSION OP' ,:':,>',\ A TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT ON TRACT 82, UNIT 13, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES ;'" APPROVED Community Development Administrator Mullins said this is a rout in. request for a second and final three month extension of a temporary residence permit during construction of a principle residence on Tract 82, Unit 13, Golden Gate Estates. She said Staff recommends approval based upon the Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Hasse noted there has been a reasonable amount of work done in the area but most of it was done in August. He said there i. IlUch W?rk left to be donø and asked if Staff has emphasized that three months is all the time remaining to complete the job? Mrs. Mullins said this is emphasized with all the applicants and the letter sent as the final approval is clear that this will be the last extension. Co..i.sioner Ha..e .oved, .econded by Co__iaaioner Holland and carried unani.oualy, that Petition TR-B4-30C, .\aoa A. JOhnaon, be approved. I te. 14 BID '826, GOLDEN GATE BLVD. IMPROVEMENTS (JCT. AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD TO JCT. OAKES BLVD.) - AWARDED TO BETTER ROADS, INC. IN THE AMOUNT or $759,946.61, ALTERNATE NO. 2 .,::{~_·t~ ;;Jr~ ;~' ~;~'tl. " ,~,7f, "")~ """ , '~;l , , ~ .¡i,l , 1.·.:t "'." ,;;¡; Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on June 18 and 19, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid '826 for Golden Gllte BIVd.":~i:~ . "·:.'ì;ÚJ Improvements (Jct. Airport-pulling Road to Jct. Oakes Blvd.) until 2130 ,,';'; ."",.,! P. M. J u 1 Y 26, 1985. f! ",; :.r Pu~lic Works Administrator Kuck explained the objective of this item is to dward Bid '826 to construct a two-lane undivided roadway between Airport-pullin9 Road and Oakes Boulevard, approximately 2.15 miles. He said this project was an 1-75 commitment. He said five bids were received and the low bidder was Better Roads, Inc. including Alternate NO.2, which was for $759,946.61. He aald funds for the" road;:'J,::~{ , project are budgetod in Fund 312, County Gaa Tax Bonds and, in ,Fund, 313,~,,¡, . '.' '/" .', .' ..f"~~ Surplus 5th, 6th Cent Cas Tax.,.He sald;Staff recomm~~dstbat~81dI826~~ usln9 Alternate No.2 be awarded ,to Bettet',Roads, Inc. "';" . .' '.", ", . "..-\,}: " HesponcUn9 to CommluiQner Hus.,' Mr. K~ck said this project ì~;,,!':;,~ s.t up for completion in 150 days, and"the company. has to bond ':,'~r ~. .... .;, t, i, . '''. aDDK 089 PAGt" 15 . "",~. . ,£ j ~--~"'··""'"-··"''';--''·'''''-----"'''*'''''''''''_'4~_...~_,_._''"n'''=,,_._, ,trf~¡F'~':'~ "I"";i;;~''''''';~..:",, " ;i".. f'~~»~;;:~~':""t~~'t'''':'''';'i'''' ~ìMì'089'Åi '16 ~i , " . ,(;,:.~·)h:'~:'S.phØlber 3, 1985 :Ji1?;~~m~1;t.e' prO'jec~~,,' He UId~o~t·~prðjOct., are ~et up on a $200 a day i:~;, ::It'quIdaì:ed;oamag... ~' .t.i'4!."'r.1::' " , , ~'(~í~;J::,...,,~;'i~9 ~he' ~n.uIng dhcu.~10.n" Comm1.~ion~r Vou uId the "4:irran.portetion;Department do.. notqiv. ." much contract tim_ to new ...~~.). " ' .. .,' ..' \;".. ,."'" .. ,i . r,~t~.c,~.::,~.~,.~~~.;,:9..tV~~, to the ~.~llY(8ay'~~?r. Road and Pine RIdqa ,.R?ad,.:",,<,,,¡,;' rOj.c~,H.'.aid the time~..t forth,for,thl. 'project i. a rea.onable~~~ "'" Ir . ~ ~ .,... .. I, ,'; " 'J."' þ ", '" .. . . t '~.' , .. '.... .. ~'. .. ~ _; ... t,¡; "I"'~µ',': "'~.~.Tf.." .. ÌIIQUt1t o'f'tîm."";"·""'" '" ,""""~::,, .' -;' ,> :':"',';:¡,7i;'-",('.;i.t,~"" ,.....10..;;, ·i,...·;.;, :', " '." "'.'" ."",,~~: ' ,'~CÒ'UntY:.<Attorney Saunders said thllt the Liquidated Do,!,aqe pr~vhio~ :.>~jt' 'I,)' t, ~..." .. f"J.. ,." f'~ ~ n"á"contract has' to be related to the amount of damag.. expected tobe"';¡ :N't."'¡;;'.''':t¡,..,,,. ,,'. '. " , "",' "'í"";'>";\' ?.'~~,t:a~:~.~\;1f, t~!,contractor dou not ~inhh, in time IInd it ,11 n~t;i;'::~'è ;t..Uyapenalty. He said Staff,hu det'fmIned that $200 a day 1I.a.~..,~ 1'. ,~, .. ."', , .,. .~f , ,'.ý. '''1'. ' ~'~.a~~ ~..timate of what the actual damagu to the County would be for "'~I::::>~:¡ delay,.,:;. " ,"".'" ,,:~:;: 1~~:~~,.,,~r;...r~8P~n...to, COØ1~issioner ~u.., CommIssioner Vou .said that,' "";:'~'J Highway Pavera reorganIzed and Better Roads, Inc. became the pavinq " )." " (t " .·.;.portion. ' ~tl:ftA~:"" Co..i..loner Holland aoved, .econded by Co_haioner Piator and ;~:I" curied unaniaoully, that Bid 1826, Golden Gate Blvd. IlIIprove.ent. be ;~t" awarded to Better Roads, Inc. In the a.ount of $759,946.61, Alternate ,f,';._JI',':."" !"~" No.2. t.. j.~' ::. Itea . 5 :'~'\'1' ~ ! "r.t' ,,', COII"J'RACT MODIPICATION NO. 7 AND FINAL PAY REQUEST NO. 27 TO BAY-CON GENERAL FOR 100' CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION OP REGIONAL WATER PLANT _ APPROVED Utilitiv8 Administrator Crandall requested authorization for final pllyment for 100\ completion of the Reqional Water Plant. He said althouqh the plant was op~ned approximately one year ago there were wllrranty items th~t required additional work by the contractor and he performed that work satisfactorily and the County is prepared to pay him. He said the leaks have been remedied and are at an acceptable levul and Staff is prepared to close out lhe contrðct. Tape '2 Co..issioner Has.. .oved, seconded by Comala.loner Piator and carrlod unaniaou.1y, that Contract Modification No. 7 and Final Pay Request No. 27 to Bay-Con General for 100' construction completion of Regional Water Plant be approved. Page 7 "~~,.;~~' .,;'..J;, ,): , "'j" ,,,,,,.,,~,...., .,:;;~'.:-;: w. ""~.~' ,. L"'-'·'I." .. . '~fi1: :S"~·,,,~· . -",', ",;." """, ", ,., " ~ .. .,,";~¡. ',::';{~~ '::'5t~;.~, ,>,~, ;)j,'w ·;ii4'f.i. ,li,.!.-;t~ :~1~;1Ç, ~~':y¡:~;,~.?i~:}~~;;'·~~;,":',:~:··~, ~.~7:~i·~~'::':'J:;f:7,··,"',~:·~~J~]:?7 7'·;";"~~:}.·,:j.~~'::~'i??·~:?'~·~:1:;;Z~f.'~' .... ~'~' .._.,)~ ,:.r,.~,.: ':iJ..j¡"'~" ';'~{; ~" ~~~~~4i~~t'.~,.~, ..~~~.., I.~.".:~_ t~¡:;-" '" - ~. . ~ "'"~~~, ~,/. ' " ,.., ~ ~,,,' ;~ 'j~~ "'...'i.Ili·'I"·'..··".. "., , ~~~...,.,.:~<" .,", .,-"" ............\' ~, "'):~' <4.vi~~ , . " , ~;iii:"".';'··'r;·~·'··,~"?:···"'~~,.~)s;;':š~~·~~·:·;·'·,.""<O:"~!,t~~:·'iTI'r.·~, ,;, . . ',C':...._:d.......~~.,f¡;=...,,;.,...wÜJ".¡,.,';....-I""'.........~" " '" ""'""r ...~;,. '~,~~.¿x.LL~"'..,~"':. '~~'~ . ,.'~ ,..¡::it. ,'.,~~~I' ,~·~~~~~1'N".r:"~~~~~T~ ~ :.\".. '. ,.4'.~. I .~~~~~. ,.'~ ',~"',';" ,'.._~... ,:·,.·",c··¡,~·iIIIII!IIi!iII·" 't1o'V¡......~".,. "".'~"""If!!!!j""'"" '~"',".. ~;'/':', ,.', "~ '. ".~",,::..~:~";?:'!~:';";':-;::Jj::"':r,~:~~:.,,:,..~,:':'. , ,:f,>, );>/:w\? .',' ,':, ",. .,«."'-..«'-'""""....~""-~......,_......"~,',,; 'I ':1' 1 ~.~. .' . ': .~'. >"-." ~ '~'" :- ' .: > ,.. .,C.;'';,. ,.:" ".~: ";,;" 'Þ!':'~'" ,." . . """'/'?l;,;tj~;~ , ~~),:~ J\.' , ·)th~~~\.~,~ ~ '>' 'J. " ,'ri~.:~' I~,." 0"$,. t',.·, ,i,'-!IÎ.(.:~:þ',t ~~~"-.'t~,,,!t~,":'.; ...'~1t1't~1t~~~·;ot-'; 11: ':," -~,,:,"" <, ;'. :c", ,,':, "",~,'. '." . _ .)' ",',. I.,: r1."f"'....4 , ~"\ . '~~ ' "',' ,;.å..;~......,~.....:.:b.Î.",~~~~~~.¿,~.:........Lt¡,'Ý'';'~loI'ì:! '~~~;¿,.. ¡,f ..... ...,. _~~;t.f,~ .)~T~:r~...."~r"~ !.f'itj,f.''f7'!;;.'R~' .' . 1.4~ :,.\,~:.tj.~',;' . .,::;~ -';~'~~"i';~i, ~ "':·.~;..··r.~..·::t' :....1,..;.\ ;~'·~:re:.,i..Y.~F, "'Á·,·:",:tt~-:;'i;~'~ "~:·"'li1¡.."J .~ :(,~. ....'1,.~..;.~, r.~(t.,..'ì ¡. 2·:~, ).,~ {.'~;.,? ", . "':'~d'~' 2.'\~~:'·¿~~~ : .!, ~'f ~r ~. .,~.:'} ,,¡";., ¥~/_~ ~~ ;,~/"~'f, ~~''-.' :'.; ....~., 1.'1. <~'..' :\'.. ' . :'i;~,.. t;~¡,. ~'\~:'j~~~~:~~'r~4i~J,f~1~~ii~'~~~"';¡j~l;(~ September 3, 1985 'BID 1868, BOARDROOM CARPETING - ~W~RDED TO BISSLER CARPETS, INC., N~PLES, IL, IN THE ~MOUNT OF $4,580.80 Legal notice having been published in the Naplos Daily News on Auguøt 2, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid '868, for Boardroom carpeting, until 2:30 P.M. August 21, 1985. Assistant County Manager Dorrill explained thv next improvement Staff has programmed for the Boardroom is to replace the green carpeting that is approximately 10 years old. lie said bids w.r~ let and advertised and Staff recommends the low bid to Hessler Carp~ts, Inc. in the amount of $4,580.80. Co..l..loner Ha..e .oved, .econded by Co~.issloner Piator and carried unani.ously, that Bid 1868, for Boardroom carpeting be awarded to He..ler Carpet., Inc., Haple., Plorid., in the amount of $4,580.80. Ite. 17 TV CABLE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH DELTOH~ BROADCASTING COMP~HY, INC. - APPROVAL WITHHELD UNTIL FRANCHIS!E ~ND P~RINT COMPANY CAN PROVIDE SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE THAT OTHER C~BLE COMPAHIES CAN GAIN ~CCESS TO THB PROPERTIES County Attorney Saunders explained, based on the action the Board of County Commissioners took at the 8/27/85 meeting concerning the regulation of obscenity, he added Section 13 to the proposed Franchise Agreement that says if the County passes an ordinance regulating the dissemination of obscenity, the Franchisee agrees to comply with those regulations. He said Section 13 includes a statement, if the '·",~n':'I" Franchisee violates the ordinance on two separate occasions, that the Franchise is subject to revocation at the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners. He said it was his understanding that th~ Franchisee has no objection to this paragraph. Mr. Mark Simmons, representing Doltona Broadcasting said his firm has no problem with this Section provided, ordinanc~ is passed, that this language is insert in all cablu franchises in Collier County. Commissioner Voss asked if the question of whether or not some ...., ,¡, other cable company would be able to obtain access to . the prol''!!rty had \,".""" ~',;;:~:,~'b..n resolved? f'lr., Saunders responded it hU,not, addinq Staff hu /",",' ,"',' , ; ~" investigated the situation and it wa. hi, feelinq that the Boar~should p~ " consider this particular franchi.e, on tho merits of the Franchisee and . aDK 089~q 35 '-J" '~ Company, if the Inco, Page -,.,_._.~_....~-- n',.,,_.,.,_~,..... "".",,,,,~, .,.....,."....-'k_.*'_..______>,.¡,_"'.~....,._.,,_..'""~.~ "",.,."..-.."""",-,,......_,--1......- !II...... f.... ,"""¡ "', "1 .,,,,,,~.'......tò4Y' ~ ~'MjII".~-r' , 'it'I~~ " nl>11 ':, 3'6: ;;:." '.~..~::", , '" ,'i~/:«%~::1:,~'\;' tw'~"O~ UC"^""Gt , '" ,..,+.",'.".,.,',~~'~,(."""f1lit, ,::~~~.~"I;,..S.pt.mb.r 3 1985 .~.....t..:¡>-",.. ~ ~.~' '''' ,.'~;.1:1f,t;',¡oIf~..·¡~...."> t1'.;l/.',· '" I ~~;~~"" if there 11 a problem ,with c:ömpiHt1onwithother franchises, he said ,I~~~:'~ tha't~8 a~',item the i.ndiv1dual:~ra~CI1.i"~S should attempt to rUf.)lve as .'~4oPPo"d to,:the County trying .t,~~eio1Y,_ that i..uQ. Rupondin9 tf.) . _ t,:" j, _" "', ,.,.,.1", ,"..'~' "." ,,' . " '. .' -;, ". .... ,'" , -' ,\L*,Collllllldoner,Hau., Hr.', saund~rt ..ld:Palm~r Cablevis10n already haa a -it.~6~h"::.i~·: th.~~'rea ùnd.t·'·(H.c:\.í'd~·n; Ànd. the question is, if the ":, :¡,;-'~ ......,.¡.'.."..". ~."1'Ít'J\'''''>'L j . ''''''h~' . ~':".. þo', "~~.', ',' . . " ,../1:.. öunt"Y'7'gt.nu':'thfs franëh1ø.~\wh"the~,thts Franchisee w111 be able to <',,;~;.:.' "l~'~Ï(~:~nY:~oØlP'~'ìt1~~ 'w1th:·pâl~.·(by,:Y1rtu'~of 'the flct that,th",:.1;:~:~X '¡v.m~t·"f~ thèpare"{co.ç,;riy I·O("D.'ÜoñaBr óadcasting comp~~y, I;~~;'~~" ·~;'Atf'o·}'ri'.~, Pi~k~rth, i repr...nÙng"paimer 'cablevidon, said he' do~.;<:j~: +f;~""f ;.~ -..,~ ,-' " ..._. , . "". /' _, ",' ..' ";'h: .,> r,'t~,f" ótbdhve' that, the County (Iou not have power to deal with this '7~';:,: .,:;~~ .' tJ.N" 'Jì., 11." f t ,~ '~,,-. '" ..'.; "att'er: and should leave the subject to be resolved by Palmer ,:,:;,": ."",j:.t:;" 1. ,..'I" '_ ~ ,t "'/i;"'*"":'~ Cåb1e'vhion' and Deltona Broadcasting, because the entire reason there !'...:::" ';'::*"",Y! . " -,/ , ' . ~:n::',franchhes and public regulation of cable television is because ,~f, ¡a recognition that there i8 a public interest involved. He '''.. ~ .... -', "', ,.. ~. ~ 1 . " " " _ . ". ' . , 'ittrlll 'believes there is a substanthl probability that the granting of ....~ - If t .," .. " ,~~.~ ,:~~ia franchise to Deltona Broadcasting will have the effect of denyln<J, "i'---- to th_ residents wi thin Marco Shores a choice in cable television service. He said, if that is not the case, his firm believes that Deltona should affirmatively assure this Commission that this will not happen. He said the residents are the Commission's constituents. He said he believed that the County could require such a demonstration, adding there is nothing in the law that prevents the County from doing that. Mr. Pickworth said the concepts involved in this matter are well established and the most well established concept Is that any governing body has the right to l~pose reasonable obligations on a franchisee which it believes are necessary to protect the public interest. He said his firm believes such a demonstration shf.)uld be made by Deltona before a franchise is considered. Commissioner Voss said he would agree with Mr. Saunders if this were just another cable television company asking for a non-exclusive franchi.e, but in this case the television company is owned by Deltona. He said Deltf.)na could, if they chose to, deny any other cable tele- vision company the rights-of-way or whatever is needed to reach prospective custom~rs. Mr. Saunders said he had no problem with the concept that the County can ensure that the public interest is protected. He said a problem he has with this Issue is that what the County is, in effect, attempting to do is require a third party, the Deltona Development Corporation, to agree to something in order for another party, the pag e 9 , ,~;~'f"..,,~1'~~~~,~.~~=,,~~...~.. - /i .,~~,l'.......òI.~."I;/'·"P.1'i" "dr"If~,-;~~.T'.~~..r~~~,,~ 1'J."'~ ,..~I'f.¡ ''fQ,;...~'n-..·~..,4'· ?2':~~{:~t'; ~-~~~"~:~i'~~' :'~:..'~':'.:~-~ ·~:I·~:~': ~. _ ..~..:;.:. .~:~~~ ~'" ",' ~. ::",'. ~¡ -~:. .'.~.~.i;',:~~, ,:·~·t ~~;. ., ',1, :'~_. :-:,~~:~ ;,:~ /?' ~~.. t:~;~"~~.'~;~·'~~-·~ .'~ ;~;:\~:~;~j;.~' .,'.. :~.'~:. '~~::":~~'; ~ :~:~ ,'~ t·.:~;\;~:'?fJ' '"l " ';,.' "~'. ..."'.~~ :¡£:ii-;'~.,:"'" '. '~';'\:;.~."~~~~.I:~:7..~-;;~:~: ~:L~'~,";'/~'~.~_'~~.~j~t:,,~..~:4t '~~~iL~'ý)i~~, "~\''it',;~~~.¡¡:.·t;,''·''¡·;'''~:J.¡"~:: ,.:'~~ ~.~ ;~.:.: .::.';' .~,'.'~_.:~~ .. ' . ,." ".",';'~,""-t:.fiJ.'":.1>:;>:'~:l{.:.it;I;"'~,,",,;...!,-,~..,I>/.'t~~~~~R.~ ' '~;'~'ú:ò.'::<":;""""'~~~" ,t ~,:'_Q"j'I,,' ......,',.... 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",.,',' '~', ~Ii _,. . . ..... . ~..' ... . ." ,.'t~.:,.,' _ '''::!..''~'''~' ''VK,,,!-,.¡.t:j. :~~~'"'' '." . ~< ....:-:. . ., ". \' _. :........~... ' ". ~" ~..:.,..............~~,li,~.....·'~~~"-Jf~'I.',..~t..'\r.l'fO·"..wr..)il":Á;}.~<:~~~ ,.~ '. -' 1",; . ," "'.. ". '~"~-l,: ,'.. '~.".~,. ";,."':' ~-"'~.l.~:...~~:; ., .... ;.~, '. { :.'.; '., ,-' ~ '0: '4 , " "~M!(~~'~'1'~~p;~~*~~~~~iti~s:'t' '¡. '.,'" . ,,' ~ " ~~:;,,"i' ,~...~:(. ~ ",' \:,~.0 t;::; ';:¡,' ¡~:~~,:~~-;x,~¡:~~:,;Q;:);¡;í;C~~ff1~;~,~~¡;~~~}:~::~;J.'fj~,~~;~(ff;tf:;~::~frrl~~~ ~.'! 10;,. . .,-~ ' , "\ ,41"'" t" '. ',I."'. ".t',f., "I';' ,'j-,., ':'J'" t· .-..., - .L..,.......I ¡','o' .' . ", .o(.~:tl'~""~'~""""'" ..... 1';¡J.r.....,·~....,;.J,,· ,j",,,, ,.,.':.. .~;, ,;,"" ·¡..··'!..tt·I'~ ~ : " ..\,J,~ :"'" ,t, \ril~'" {I', -,,I",, '. : ' ....1.. .. ""I'~' ~";'I-'..::..., I,~ _,~ '.;~A~:·· ~.~., ',' ,..... ~".. i.~ f-~:.f ,.....i .')', ';. ~... .t~ .." ,. . ','''. "', , ,.~" " ',.' ' ._" '" "" ",,,..¡,, " ";, ''''';''''!Ä,',','' ,." ~'·,..¡,.:,;.f.:r,:;:: .l' September 3, 1985 ", ·,~:;tl. Company, to obtain a franchise. Commissioner Voss ".~1-:t the same party because Deltona owns the television _,,-,~'--"..~~.,"..,...., """,.<",,--,_.',,.., " ...+ /i .r. " ,·1 D.lton~ 8roadcasting pointod out they are company. Commißsioner Pistor said Palmer Cablevision already has a non- ~xclusive franchise for this area. Mr. Brad Estes, Manl1ger of Palmer Cablovision, said when the County grants a franchise to a developer it is a different situation than ~hdn a franchise is granted for a different company that will serve developers. He said Palmer Cablevision is in an awkward position of having been franchised in this area for years and denied by the d.veloper to serve the development. In response to Commissioner H~lland, Mr. Estes said his firm has been able to ov~rcome the objections and competition to get through present develo?ffients and install cable and this situation is the only exception in the County where his firm is not serving. Commissioner Holland asked if the easements dedicated within a subdivision are not under County jurisdiction? Mr. Saunders said it depends on the particular easement, and the problem Palmer Cablevision is facing is that the Deltona Development Company may dedicate ease- ments to the Deltona Broadcasting Company to cross the Development Corporation's propdrty to install lines and may not grant those same easements to anybody else. He said some easements are dedicated to the public and some are dedicated to particular individuals or companies. Commissioner Holland asked if the County does not have any stipu- lations in the PUD's or building permit where granting an easement could be inserted? Mr. Saunders responded negatively. Mr. Simmons said Mr. Estes' statement that Deltona Broadcasting does not need a franchise, now, is incorrect, adding his firm does need a franchis~ in order to provide some premium services. He said his firm contacted some affiliates who stated a franchise is required for i~s arøa in order to obtain an agreement with the affiliates to provide the service to the subscribers. Hß said the other reason for the request is bec<1use Deltona Broadcasting would like to grow beyond this area. He said Deltona Development Corporation is in ~he process of .~lling the property under discussion and it will no~ be under Deltona's control. He said the property will be turned ~~Jr to the C~unty, who will have the PUblic easements in a couple of months, as soon as the plat 1s registered, and Palmer Cablevlsion would then have the ability to come down the road and .erVe th_ area. "D~ 089 PAr.t 37 Page 10 '" ..'-:............ "'_""·,.....4.,_ .. ..._-"........_..._,......,"'-,.,_.~..,,-~-.,"'~''',.~'...~._. .,....,' .-,.....--.....--.-.......,.,......." .......... , ,',t'.. ,\., ':,:;,:,~~. , "":1 "';:'i~ ..~.' .,: '¡;i :;,: ,4ío.r.",'I~""~",.,".' ~,.:'~ "" ¡;~{'::""'4;i"\:\'/t.:~,:::p~j~::,,·. "'J"" ~,~.:\ ~.~1,,~~;:' " ~,..",~\ ~.:" ". ~.1"~~ ~'.r"1$1f,~,"·~,;t; ~(-<~... :,·,.[t '.; ,,:';'~~. ,-,;'. ;"-', ~;~'QQf".Q8'9'Ac:t3g ..~. .;'~.~;.'f\;,ri:,!:~J~~~: ;~:iilj.~fr· September 3, 1985 ~~... <,,,. . 'CollllllhaionerVoa. add,th. prObl.lII, is after palm.r hav.. the road 'lit:...... "nd.9~~ J aC,rou the ~rop.rtyt:ö the "bulldin91. Mr. Simmons uid this ~(~!;.\.~bj.~t i. ,n'90tiated"on aon'.-to-o~.b...ia with thou people who own f"1~,.:t... "~" '«"", ,'1. '" .,. ~ . "",""" ~:_¡",,,,_. ,.i>~_~'.,.:_ . . . :...~...·th.property;,.·' '.\::",' ';"'''::, < " " ·,'~~'~\j?t~;~i~,t.;.~~} ,~n.'~~.~~ss~~~~~~.~~~d:'ff,'.~,~'i;~~~,ld,:~~t ,~e a qood idea ~or Mr. <'t~/, Illlmon., to :havlr.DtltonaÞ.vtlopm.nt9Corporation, put in,writinqthat .:now'>· .11l::w~~#~1~- "prop'~!t:l:fÌl·~~.ô~ðí' th~t,"the' .~~e~ent. år_ not:..xc:~·~~ti~~~,;~r' èlt'ona "Sroadcastin9 Company'.? :Mr. Simmon. said whon the property ',11': f~r,~,~;~'ò~.r .it, is' all non-èxclua1v. ,and"wh.n this occurs,. De1tòna ,~¡<l, "&ro'aðeaatirìq 101111 hav.to continu. having a l1fe-lonq lea.., on the ','::,':2:-1:' ~~,~:,¡,::~~oP.~i:,tYWi th Døltona Developunt, Co rporation. ' .. ":: ,:<~:~ ,.¡ç~,~~,~;,.~,;." Comm~ssioner Vou said he had no problem with De1tona \Bro~dc..t,1.n.9~ '~~'~~~.~.Company having a franch1.. but h. was concerned that the Commiaaion ..<f":, ,'~~:~~u ~,ure that, the e,..ements, ,arc avai}~ble ,to other cable compari.~e'ÎlXY,.;; ";;";",< "He asked Mr. Saunder. if the Commission could qrant the franchise :"':~"',,." ~:~.\ \ ".' , ~"'1~'!;,'~ .~~;,.; contingent upon receivinq appropriate assurance from Deltona DeveloP':"';;i,;.;~"'1 ~')" mInt Corporation that future easements, by them or subsequent own.rs, ';"',,'t't'~, would not be withheld? Mr. Saunders said it w.,uld be better to obta1n",/,i~~' that assurance prior to granting the fra~ch1se because, even though it d" :?<!Õ::(~ is a wholly owned subsidiary, it is a distinct, legal entity to WhiCh"~ the C.,mmisslon is granting a franchise and whatever is said this date concernin~ the Deltona Development Corporation will not be binding on anybody. Commissioner Hasse asked if B.,m~thin9 could go along with the deeds when the property is sold and Mr. Saunders said that could be investigated, however, if the Commissioners want to be assured the easements are open the franchise should not be approved until the assurance is obtained. Commissioner Pistor referred to Mr. Simm"ns' mention of an agreement that Deltona Broadcasting Company has with Deltona Development Corporation giving them the right to access to Tropic Schooner and he asked if that is an exclusive right? Mr. Simmons said, currently, it is an exclusive rIght. He said other developers will come into the area and there are not too many people willing to invest in the cable industry and if the Commission eliminates a developer such as Deltona Development Corporation a large porti"n of people interested in the cable industry wIll be e11mi nated. lie sa id the easements might be withheld in the future in favor of Deltona Broadcasting whether or not the franchise is granted. ,: ,'" .'<~>¡o.'~ "Æ~~ ,;~; ',~:1t~f.! .~ ,'::"'~ ;"H; ,.., ..~' "".;.-.. :.,. ',' .~, Page 11 ", ~~~~i~n~}·?:'~ ~:',~..:~ ~:::3¡V::~~:~:~}:~rr;~:!~~~T~::~:~g7TN:Tr~~r~,S,~~1~%5!;77:?:~,:\~~t": >:;~:~~fi ~~~~"/~'~'~"":"~"':i.\~' ~'I~' A~'~""_·~··'··"·' '~;"·:'\;" \:....$:\.....1: ,',....;,:¡,~,.-'.~.... ~!~.~....;.........'.,.~:I, ~~. ..:>~~",:..,.';..\. ':./~;¡.~~~~:.::~~.~;;...~'!'~.,.I~....:;...\~,'þ~\.....)~~.~'t:", .,.....' ~. '....., .~_'>~.,~,~~..,: .. 'I».' ~ . 'r, '., ~ lU,O' ,,,,~,~<,",' ':iIÚ.~ ','!I... " "....', . ~.,-~ .. ·1z.J~'~.k..:.J:~"· .' . ' . . ". 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' September 3, 1985 In response to Mr. Simmons, Commissioner Voss said if Deltona Broadcasting had an exclusive franchise, since there is no regulat~ry body that controls the prices, the company could quadruple the price of, television if it chose and there would be nothing anyone could do about it. He said the wðy to avoid this from happening is to permit competi- tion. Mr. Simmons agreed but said in two months Palmer Cablevision will hdve the right go into the area. Mr. Estes said his firm has had to tèlke the low then developers come into the high density areas and sys~ems to serve thos~ ar~as. He sdid single family very expensive to serve. Assistant County Manager Dorrill asked if cert~in easements are not required to be dedicated for the purposes of storm drainage or retention at the time peo?le request site plan approval and he asked if a similar agreemen~ could not be required of developers when the Commission deems it is in the public interest to have certain ebsements that benefit everybody that lives in a project? Commissioner Voss said this could be required in the future but this development has been accomplished. Co~i..ioner Ha..e moved, .econded by Commi..ioner pi.tor, that approval of the franchi.e be withheld, at the pre.ent time, until the Co..i..ion receives adequate proof that there i. no way Deltona Development Corporation can restrict any other cablevision company fro. coming in with a franchi.e, and if De1tona Development corporation .e11. their properties that they make .ure, with the exchange toward , donating the property to the County, that this I'>eed of Restriction goe. \~~,..~~.: " with the property. Mr. Simmons said he would not think Deltona Development Corpora- tion would give up any rights that any other daveloper does not have to and they will not sacrifice their position on this matter for the cable franchise. He said the Commission will be granting Palmer cablevisio~ an exclusive franchise if competition is not allow~d in this area. Mr. Saunders said the l~st P~.t o~ the motion means if the Deltona Development Corporation transfers property the Commission wants to make sure there are deed restrictions or easements that provide that cab~e companies other than De1ton" aroadcasting Company car~ qet across the "., .~,prop~rty. He said the problem hø has with that is that tho Doltona '~ev.lopmont Corporation is not subject to any approvals before the Board of County Commissioners, this date, and ha did not think that,~he aODK ' 089 pm 3.9 density areas put in small subdivisions and are page,12 ...... ·.."'·...·~,~IÌ~~~t:;. ''''''. --- .¡,.,..., "'iffy"- no-n,''\~'iåìi:'~''':~i~ :t;,!t"t\ ~::''','<!!', "'¡z,,~' i!t, ..11,' ~''''~, . "':r~~;c'''''4~~'''';;'~''' ,....... ' '~...."'¡.~¡(,., ~aooc.,uou~,(.«JU .,' i~:.·'~,' 'i~};',¡:::' ,.", 't,..~~,~.~::~" ~I/.', ":. ',," ~~"";, ""í.:.,,'., ";''''J~,'' ", ':~',., ,,. . ',' ...... ,"....'} 'W'., ",',' S.pUmber 3, 1985 ·c:,·,..,",..:"....,~·:.,i !¡sr.: 'j," 'of '.. . ','., ' . . ' "'~ "¡ , .. ',' . : . -.Y ,);>/!.>'ìoeircS 'atatine¡ ,th..corporation,h.. ,to do' aom.thine¡ in their d.dicati.,n '~I~ ~~:~;H,~~" pr~p..~t~;,~l1;"b.:bin(U~e¡ on :th"lI in ~~y ~IY. "';:~, , ;'J'âpe t 3' ; ","~ " ,t, ',,' " ' . . " :...~\ .¡.', ,,··...~'·'#fil 411 ,;, !'"N- '.. "-J'''''' ~, f "-.\ '~~~f~~; "'·~~''':"M.r .:.,SI~~d~ra..\I'~i~~~~:~ar~,.oft~,!moti~n: ~ertai nine¡ to wi thho1d in9 , ~,:;'1~ "·:.pprÒva1·~until th.r., is ~d.quat. ~vid.nc. "that" oth. r cable compani.. ',~"/~; a;·:17¢~~~~.f?:···~'~'"i~Í'·~·n6uqh:'·'·,"\,.\1/:'.'·~:J,,~,:,:;~~~ :i. ,~..",;..: ":,' . ..:, ..i~..."" . ~:, "t,.,·1IIf"""'·:i~' J"¡'" 1'" ".." ,*-,". ,I ""~~Ii':!:r''''''~~'.'~';'~'' ,.,'~ "",ihf¡ .."I .,"I\~,1,,"t',~ . :~ .,'.~.... .,.. " . '.:" 1. .'.......... . ',. .' .. '. ,. ,....1..1' ,;11- . :~,..~~~i..~~¡~2.~,~..~. l ~a.~cS'd t~*,:~~'ii ~n,. ..!tf!,nd'~' ~., co_~ ~~ i on~~ ,;~~~~~ lltor anc! curled unaniaoualy, that~ the Co_tulon withhold approval',]" . ,,,:',J"~'~'¡:"~""_ .""\;-" ;". /, ,~"'" "-'¡, _,." . .' 1 '.' ~.(\ !~,~~.~~~~n~~~I.~:.~~11 ~1\...rr~nc~l~,4I!:a~~ th~,par.nt ,~~,~panY,ca~~\t,:1~: ,¡,'!i.~!~,~':,.ùtf~.c1~~t ,.evid.nc. to th'..BO~~cS o.f countyC~~ha1on.ra tha~~: :otber cable ,coapaniea will be able to gain ace... to the property 10 "'1~1'; .. ,'" .' " ......".!. " 'they. can coapet. in the Marco Shoru, ar... "..' , :'...' ~:.:;;: '\';~.~;) Upon 'cdl for the quuUon of the or1c¡i.nal 'aoUon it carri.d :,<,,~ ,;unaniaoualr. ' ,'~I'"'' ¡¡., .,~.' .'.)1', V~"'~" I.:, ...... n....u ,'; .. 4. : , " ~.~...~ " ROUTINB BILLS ';...- . .. .. f.,.,.,' :' .'r",' APPROVED FOR PAYMENT t:+~'t. I. ' ~,.......,' Pursuant to Resolution 81-150, the following ch.cks were issued August 30, 1985, in payment of routine bills: CHECK DESCRIPTION CHECK NOS. AMOUNT Vendor 132586 - 132890 $886,112.49 '9 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 85-392/400 - ADOPTED Commissioner Holland carried unanimously, that 8~-400 b. adopted. Co..i..ion.r Holland carri.d unani.ously, that adopted. ·--RECESS. 10:03 A.M. moved, a.cond.d by Commi.aion.r Haase and Budg.t ~.nda.nta 85-392/395, 85-398 and mov.d, ..cond.d by Commi..ion.r Pi.tor and Budg.t Amendment. 85-396/397 and 85-399 b. RECONVENEDr 10:14 A.M..... It.. 110 CAPe AWD IAPC ELIMINATED. ONE BODY INSTITUTED TO BE CALLED CCPA AND CONSIST or 9 MEMBERS, ONE FROM DISTRICT 4, AND TWO FROM EACH OF THE OTHER FOUR DISTRICTS Commissioner Voss said discussion has been held regarding elimi- nating the Coastal Area Plðnning Commission and the Imm~kalee Area Planninq Commission, establishing one body called the Collier C~unty Planning Agency. fIe explained the CAPC has two:¡ members whose terms Page 13 , . ,I.,;. ";':("::'," ....'....., '- ~, i r.:;, .... ---. .,.,~_...-'......."'-- ;~.' ::,11 r~~":,.: ;, ,",' September 3, 1985 );:;;;','.eXPlre on 2/2ti/87 and five members ....hose terms expire in 1988. :.t~,..-., ',:¡-: . e":'."thill should be changed to allo.... staggered terms. He said one ,.....~ .' SU99ution is that all the people from the CAPC plus two pGOple from ~~::"',' the IAPC be retained to make the CCPA a 9 momber board. - Commissioner Hasse said there would be two alternates in addition to the 9 m~mber board and C~mmissioner Voss agreed. Commissioner Goodnight said she discussed this situation ....ith the people in lmmokalce and most of them agreed to this plan if two members ....ere allowed on the CCPA from Immokalee and if the meetings ....ere held in Lmmokaloe when anything concerning zoning in Immokalee ....as discussed. She said her concern is that in 1988 there ....ill be four vacancies on the IAPC so that moans any ne.... Commissioner, if the IAPC at~yed as it is now, would have to stay with these people for the next four y~ars which she feels is ~ disadvantage. She said one member should be appointed In one term and the other members should be appointed in another ~erm. Commissioner Voss said this could be accomplished by having one member appointed for a two year torm and the oth~r appointed for a four year term. Commissioner Voss said the fair way concerning the five members whose terms expire in 1988 is to -draw from a hat- and the terms should be 19H7, lY88 and 1989. Commissioner Holland suqgest\:!d that the nine member ' names be placed in a hat and have three terms expire in 1986, 1987 and 1988 and this would stagger three people's terms every year. Commissioner Voss said that could be done. Commissioner Pistor said alternates would not be needed because If ..ven people are present there would be a quorum. Commissioner Holland said he would like to see alternates remain because it has been a custom that an alternate has attended many mc"tlng. by the eime he or she is brought up on the Board. lie said if a member is needed there would be someone available with experience on the Board. ,.. " CCPA ~:m:i;s~:;::r P~::::. said it might be better to eventually have the ""..);1; 'ti:~ ..1,C~,mm1ssioner Voss said there should be two people from ImmOkal..,,~~,)~~;~~lí ¡;¡¡ ,.~nc1 if an alternate is moved to full member status he might, notþe 1:::1,.,,;,;;' ',. ' ,ImlaOkale. person. He concurred that alternatea, are CJoocì. H~ said -if;",\:.~r~~lnallY the Commissioners were try1n9 to spr'.~d partlclpÙion in " ,¡:~'éM'CoYer the entire County, which wu why, the memb.u¡came from..' ,~41tt~~~·.:~\ ":'.:~, ' aOOK 089p~q '41.' ' ;;/', Pa98 ~~T~."'''·'·'¡':· ...--__......... 1..t.~..,.....'___..____....__. '''''_'".....'~.".'''',..''''"',''"'._'''''''_,<''''' .,......, ,,·A" ",.'A ''''089' ,.'.'.-',' , ,,~', ".-~,'''''',' ,t, 1':" ',.:'):~'¡"<,""""''''''';'''~'J,''',' ~,'~ .' '.." ~""::-"'42 ,.''f¡-- '. .... _.."4¡:~,;'~-'"':;:"Tj~', ,..:~'r.' ~'iWt,n~,n'; r.J¡,¡"..ODK ft\l ' , " ,'.", "....I' . .' .~ '., ".' , '" ,'",,/,.' , ' -'''''',, " '.}:..,.. September ~J' varioua Distrlct~, but if there-are ;¡ternates thøre W· "\(:' from the samlt District. . '.,;", f":',:,cornml...loner piat,or said ~~,at., ,the law that w,. pused in 1974 uid , t',·, 'there shall be only on. plannin9~,agenc:y in the County and that was why " I" ~ -', _. -,\ . . ." ',-'. ' ,. . "'.',,,;','the:CCPA was forllled becauu 'aqraement' co'uld not be reached that the, ""';. !,,-",. . - -... .~~..,. " . . " ~. '"' ...", -'-' . '.. . .' ·';.t,;';.~,~f,WOU1d , be, d,i...01vè~. He ui~bY m~kinq, the change to only, havlnq " 'tp,,1::h.(~CP'\ the County ia, ,conforminq .with the pruent law. " ~'.J ' .:~.~"'~'i<>.'.'" (;,"'11":;,(: ",.,~, '.' .' '>-, .1>"," . ,." ...., " ...'.. " , ~ t ~ . . f '¡:·~~l~,'ÿJ Ri'.pondin9to Commias1'oner Coodn19ht, Community Development '!"':"'~~'. ~ '\'ðmintatrator Mullins said she spoke wi th the County Attorneys about, ·t~~~'''''I:;1.''·: "'", ,r' . ' , . ,~ ..~th,è,:'Board·. abill ty to dissolve the Planning Commiulons. She said, i" {~ ~L~~~.9ally the Collhr County Planning '\gency serves as the public housing ,',~l~ t, " ' l'" '_.'" "',' - '. ',. " ".j"' .-~)t 1i~::.,a9.ncy and as long as that body is kept Collier County, should h. in':';:;,;',,'4:.~ ' :~;Ä'~omPl1ance with the laws. She said some bureaucracy may be el1minat~d':"!¿f:;'~l "M'" by. combinin9 the two boards into the CcrA., . ·'!}í.f1 .,"~;¡.",:r:;,:: r.. County Attorney Saunders uid the' authority for establishing' "',:d~~~,',~) ; ~\ " Planning Commissions is found in Chapter 67-1246 of the Laws of Florida <,,<" ~.,\t~\ h ",~,il' ,'...' , and Section 5A provides that the County Commission may establish one or ,~t' more Planning Commissions. He said the Planning Commissions can be consolidated into one Commission or the system can be maintained as it is, now. He said the Special Act will take precedence over General Law as it relates to a particular County so Collier County would still be operatin9.under Chapter 67. ComlTllssioner Goodnight said it was her understanding that the lAPC was embodied by the State, but Mrs. Mullins said there is no legal basis as to why Collier County has to have either the Coastal Area Planning Commission or the Immokalee Are~ Planning Commission. She said the only thing the County must have is the Collier County Planning Agency. Mr. Saunders agreed the County has to have at least one, which could be the Collier County Planning Agency for the entire County. Mr. Saunders said the Special Act does require that no more than II minority of the members shall be replaced each year. Co.missioner Pistor .oved~ seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that the Coastal Area Planning Comaission and the I..okale. Area Planning Commission be eliminated and one body called the Collier County Plannlnq Agency be instituted. Commissioner Voss soid in order to retain the present number of people now on the CAPC, plus two people from lmmokalee, the CCPA would be a nine member board. He said there could be three ðppointe~s each year. Rösponding to Commissioner Has~~, Commissioner Voss sdid there t;',':'\;r_~< 3, 1985 might be people page 15 :~~~,,:w.~~"~~~%t.~;\~~~~".~~~~~~-tt:T~.~,~~~~':, :"-r .r."~.'f..,~ f~:.ro~.~~~... ~k~:;.·;.:~:~~:~~?~~~~~·~·:·.:~ <..~..~.' " .... . :~..~' .:'./: '.::"'.~ ':"'" >: :-;.·.~(:::~·T,': '. ..~_':~<;:' ~,;~.~>~...~ ":~.~."'" .~ .'.~'. '~... >:~. ....; ;.: . :'. ..' "".. ~',.. ..... ~'... :~- :."\.:~. :' ...." ,.~l~~"~~~i'~~~~J'~Mt4f~i¥~ki¥~~~~~~~~:~¢*;~*~; î~¡~>,~t. " . '~~.~. : ~/ , ." " .:' ·i'-,..:::t~~ ~."~)';.:"""'_""~"','~'" ,'" to'"''''.1 _,.,1,/1,.,.1»' .-~ ..... ," .,. '.,',(..1..':':."~..,:. ",t.," . "'-,.::,4...",~ ~!;':::;: :. <.\~;,',~,' . ':: . ,:.. . " " ,', ,:',?::?! ~~'I'_""~ ."~,~,. ....'.,'. ,:"',,,',' :" " " " "è,\::~' r((.;.\, .~..~... ',;(~ ,.' 4\9~..;. ", ~~ '''''. .·'M <-..,~,....... 1"'1',' ....".",..~ ';.~. 10M·' ,....,.,""', ~ 1:..<,~,~...,~,...,..r1\"· :" , ,I,' .,,~. 'h -'. "t '':;:''1;: /. ;¡.;" ',rr,,' ',' . ';, " ,. ',' ;',.e,:'"L·,'¡,,": " ," """ ",' ":., _H"':'~~i~'~"~( ,~', ' ',...:;,...:.~_., '~~.~~"-...." ,"....;,;~.l....."~~.:t~I"I'!..H.:' ~'\Lr:'LI"" ..1...".............., ''',j.............''Iti~:, ..~'.~.ii\ h ~~-.o:"f!~,.,.'t"',.,.Yt'"(lr. , ,.~...-"'~-!.~...~'!!"!","~~,.,.,.r:;~~~~¡""x,""''''~~~~~~'nJ', --M; ~:f;~~·'~··,·,·· " ~, " ", ," ,":; ":;!'!)"":":!:'~:7:';;~'" '.',~ </;;<'.' ~:.:~,:·~"\}~}l~i ..... . ~ '~~~'~::~:Ôi~'~~ """'~"""",-., .,...,."I\'....",>~..........¡¡,,1.:.2ròIQ,;..i""¡........,~ ...~,. '.- ,'!~",,~,_~,¡...~,..... ."_'.__J --...-... ~ ;._....."'..._IH..__~·,_. ""'~~""""'''''"'''''''''-''_.''''''''''''~'-~'''''''-'-''",",,'-'''''~~--' September 3, 1985 is nothing in the law that says the membership must be by District. Commissioner Holland said the four Districts, other thðn the City of Naples, sh~uld be more heavily represented on the CCPA because they are the people who are more affected by the decision of th. Agoncy. Commission~r Pistor agread and suggested there be a maximum of two members from each District and one member from District 4. Commissioner Holland moved, .econded by Commissioner Piator and carrieð unanimously, that the CCPA consist of 9 members, one from District 4, (the City of Naples) and two members from each of the other four Districts. Mr. Richard Hahn, member of the CAPC, said the rules adopted in 1982 called for no more than two four-year terms to be served by any member of the CAPC. Commissioner Voss said all the advisory boards come under the t~ term rule. Mr. Hahn said there are some people on the CAPe who are over two terms, now, and suggested the Commission consider eliminating these people, at this time. Commissioner Voss said the plan is to keep th~ same people on the CCPA plus two and, upon the expiration of a person's term if he has served two terms ho would not serve again. Commissioner Holland said if the terms are staggered the length of the terms may be affected, but that anybody would be in agreement if it were done by "drawing out of a hat· to stagger the terms. Commissioner Voss said it is agreed that the Commission will "draw from a hat· to determine the members who will serve through 1986, 1987 and 1988, three for each year. He said there will have to be advertisement for two people from Immokalee to serve and the Commission' :';....~\'~ will draw blltween those two to see which will serve a two-year term and ',~ which will serve a f?ur-year term. Commissioner Goodnight suggested that the four members now on the" IAPC be written to and asked if thvy would like to serve on the new b03rd. She said three applications have bean received form Mr. Colwman's resignation and those applicants should be written to see who would bow out. She said there will be thrwe meøtings a month for the CCPA whi~h rnø~n3 ~ pcr~on will have to drive twice to Naples and this may eliminate some of the people. ¿.._ " com,miS8ioner Voss asked Mr. sa, U"nders, to, include ":anguage that any" "'. 'i~I';~' ~eetinCJ involving the lmmokalee, area would be held in IlIItllo~a1e.. ...~ . Commissioner GoodniCJht asked that, it be an evening meeting. ·,:,;·r' Mr. Hahn sUCJCJested that the problem of conflict of interest of 1Ð~ 089 f>JGt 43' Page ,..~~, __"'_~H_n '" "'.. .......J'~'~. ",'. '..., " " ...,:-'. "'-, ' .....,","J,:'.,..i......",..,'"''_:.''.~''' ~"""", ',,'Ii<"" "" ~!~:~'o·~,·'089;\t/~"·/·:'~::'~;~!:;¡ç;~1.~;~::~:,tt':¡;,.;'.p·tember' 3, 1985 .~,~' " people. on the CAPC b. addr...·.,f.·1' "",' ·#.~'~i~ :~.'M'~~.Saund~r'.. .~id, h.~.wouïd draft a resolution that. reflects ~"",' ','··,~(·'o'.'..···. ~,., ·l"'~·, _ "'1'" " if:,.,~er,~~~inc¡',\,di.!cu.I~ð.;\o~·. th.,~. ~~bj.c~.nd, bring it. back on 9/10/85, for, It, Bec approval. H. .aid he ,wanted :tolll4ke lure thore are no t,.. ,"',-i FI ,/j1"'~ ,(~'.'~.'.,~¡" ,1.,"- _.; ". '41 ê~ìuplicaÙ~'n,....,wl.th".nyoth.r~rdi.n.nc..and Commiuioner Vou agreed. , .' . . ~¡¡~ '""~,..·.~-...~rf,n.~·"·'.'~·'i.._,:;·"· c. ',h, ~'i.'.· if", "_. , .....".,'.~. ,'I ':~);\t.'Nf.,.~~~,':. tOÄc~.~~~~·t~,nu:~,~o.., ~r..\~au~der. uid, it ~Uld be.,;:f~·'~'~:;: ~~.. ~o.pr.i .,t~ ;"t,~..~.~ ¥,out ~i n, t~,~ ',' r~~~ lu t ton, 0 r the, ord i nan.c:e the, pr07~ U;~7~t> :f"!)~~?Vl~9-~~~:on."fr?1II oH~~e:,on.th~;,CCP^.,Af,ter a Ihort (H'-Y~':~ . ussioñ" the' conlGnsul of ,the 'Commissioners was to include an ~;',,?~: ;.,~. ..t·.r.'.i'<.··.~,·,··..·1., '. "'" '.", ...~\,. .··f......-.. _ 0,,::, " I "'. -"',',<>. ". _:. ~.......:_,,'.I~:.... " t'ïndance "r.qúiróment, and thÄt two unexcused meetings of a member ;:"~.~, ,,;t:~ld~'~uto~ati~ally remove him from of fice. " , ~ :".~" >.~",. ' . ape;':'.,.'.",,' 't,.. '~:¡" " " ,."i U'!".'111 h,:, , 'I ", , .:1,,,, :\CDIRAL DISCUSSION R& REDISTRICTING, DISCUSSIOH FOR FIV! SINGL! MEMBER; ,. , ._,'DISTRICTS AND TWO AT-LARGB PLACED ON THB Bee 9/10/85 AGENDA '..' :. f.,. , ,;~;~~~~'!,: 'Commissioner Hasse said the Commission has received a number '~NÌ! peti Hon. in regard to Colden Cate and Colden Cate Eltates being ~:';'". separated in the present redistricting phn. He uid there is a " £:1:.;, harmonious gr>:)up in that area and it is a separate identity like Marco Island and that he would like to see it remain that way. He suggested directing tho Community Development Department to devise several ways of accomplishing redistricting wherein it is non~p~litical and where people who live in a distinct area feel they want to be together. He said t.he people in the Golden Gate area are working well as a unit. Commissioner Voss said that t.he law says that the districts shall be set up to represent an equivalent number of people and not. voters and that the proposed redistricting map was done on that basis and politics was not a part ~f it. He said all the Commissioners represent all of Collier County and gerrymandering a district is not necessary to have anyone person represent anyone district. Commissioner Holland said he had problems with tho redistrict.ing proposal as it was originally drafted. He said Staff uses 23,000 persons for each district and he did not think the Collier County census shows that figure. He said until 1982 there were two C~mmis- sioners who lived in the City of Naples and many people were dissatisfied. He said additions to the City have been incorporated that may change the numbers. Planning/Z~ning Director Pettrow expleined Staff used geocells for the redistricting proposals and for each geocell there is a certain ~;..... ¡', ", i ) '. ~'; ): t¡., t ~:¡ i~:, .. ,~,' . . 'J ", ",' 1" .I.,' ~.' .,' ...... ~.,'" .. ',' ....; ....... ·.<t~(':','.t..::...,~( :. ~...-.~:.:...:.:~..:~,..'::~ ,..::t: .~·.-...~':'...,~.r.~;,::.:j..t::.t~~..:~~·:. ~~~~..:.>',~rþ:~.,:J;v,,'-i,-,,~(~'..,;¡..r:'t;k··,f'~.~·.~.,,;~Î,~~~~~,\,,~.;'II,r.1\;·~~';IN»:."'IWi,~.;.,:.~'~~"""'."~¥~'ht;ri.,IÛ~:..':.¡,~~.,..~_,". æ;~~/:j~:;~~:':,;''',,~./,,' ,,', " ',' .:,':"'::.:,"; ,~;.';:~;.',;·.'{,}~ç:~:~>.,~~,'.:i~/:"i·,. ;,<:<'\.,: .~" ";,,,,;:::':,".~" '~.' ',',>",;~~:~~~ .t~~~&ò~~:-;~~~~~~.;~~;S~,~~~-ti!.~,~~~~~~~;.~~'~ ~.. :.-....,., ,..f: ~;.:. 'II!!!I .':. I·t ,;.', '". > .. ~.,...~'\,'~\,~..}j"t'·'MB!fIIJ..r;~I...''-'II'':..·F ~ .,.",.., .'.!~ )1, '.. ~".,' ,'"<,,''\., am ~",,\'''l',!';:~~~~'¡ r'7~ .< : ,;". - . ~ ',... ,', ' : : ,~:. .'~..'..:._~:·.'.'/';.-~~>·:·...~:,../~~.~..~,~~~:.~.t·I~~~:,~·:'''~·''r~~/.\~:: ....::' '~". '''-::'' ' . ":.~,;;:;.t:,J,O,'_~~\\ _.._,~._...,~'..'...-"~~"...,..._,~,~.._~"..'" Page 17 ~.. ~ .'. _.'1?'''~___'1'''''~''''''~'' ,,,,,""Mt,,~-,~... ..',e '""'''".,',.-..",'~'_.'".."".",.,~,.'"'~'"'""',..--._-~_"...''''',,.,'~,-~ ·",·"~",_,,,,,~,"""~¡;¡;;U4'_; J ___.__~.*_-...,,,_....., ,~ _.._'..__",_~.....'___".,_,~".__. ~',._.,-,".,.._~,,~ ~..~,~....'.,,~ .'..._,,__ September 3, 1985 numbvr of pe~pl. pvr household and did not base th~ number on an electrical meter with a flat meter, which has been shown to be relatively error prone. He said Staff broke down each geocell and, based on the 1980 census, have factored in for each geocell the number of people on the average for that area. He said the information that was generated for the proposed district map is as late as the end of 1984. He said there ar~ approximately 23,000 people in each Commission District. He said there is no way to aggregate what Commissioner Hasse is proposing. He said if another plan is done one or two of the Com- mission Districts will protrude into another Commission District now so far removed from their residents that, in future elections, the person elected may not be back wh~re the central population may be. He said Staff has proposed an objective plan without political consideration. Commissioner Voss pointed out if Golden Gate City and Golden Gate Estates were tog~ther there would be too many people in one district, to which Mr. Pettrow agreed. Commissioner Goodnight said Golden Gate Estates is only two miles from where she lives. Commissioner Hasse said the proposal is a complete separation of Golden Gate Estates and Golden Gate. Commissioner Goodnight said she did not understand how they are separated. She asked if it was because one area is in District 5 and one is in District 3 and Commissioner Hasse agreed. Commissioner Goodnight said she does not represent Golden Gate ~states any more than she represents North Naples, East Naples, Marco, or Immokalee so the areas are not separated. Mr. pettrow explained the C~unty is broken into census tracts determined by the County prior to a census year and are fixed through- out the census period. He said these are areas of land delineated by powur lines, political jurisdictions, railroads, streets, coastlines, etc. He said, within the census tracts, Staff has created smaller units called geocells comprising a number of people smaller than the tract size that is a manageable area of land of which Staff can be aware through building permits issued for those specific areas. Mr. Pettrow said Staff begins with the base information provided and every so many months ~taff looks at building permits and other data issued fo~ that area and ascribe what the Census Bureðu did for the av~ca9., "nunbar of people per households. He said the building permi t. can show ;':;'f' "~'. , ", ,," " )"" .:'..~ in C.o.'. how many units are actually'on line which results in the ':'~þ,~\',¡ ~, housing count and by factoring in th~ l\u:nbe',~ of people per dwelling -', , ' 'Io!-.'~ '. "' .~' . ,< . 'OD( l189l'Act. 45" " Page '::'''~:.':<~~..a¡,~ ~_~""".".:""'~f"\AIII.. ~~,.'~,...,.,.:".......>t......." -----~ ""'~"".'-~~,~-"""""",."""""-«.".""""",,,,-,,,,, ~ ',,,,.,",,,,..,,,,,_...,,,,,,~--,.,--^,,>.,,...., "'~."_.,"""'""""""",",,~"'~''''''''''''''''''--''''__ ·........_·...';""''''""_M·__,..·.',·,''',·,·,'.,_^'~··,...'';·''·''.M'"" ~:';:C~ijgg~~:~~D "."~ " ~Y""f~"':~",C~~~::j~'~:~~~t,' :,,' ~:..>:ì , ",': ~ ~, '. .(-;ï~· l,·"t,;" Septomber 3, 1985 .¡:~, :'unl,~_ the nLlllber of:peoplt ,rU,ldln9, 41n the qoocell results. He referred ,¡~. .to a qeocdl'map., ,,' ,. - ,,'.. - '!'!4~':""O:-l' Rupondln9 to Commlul~'ner Voss, Mr. Pœttrow said the qeocells do ~*::':'n~Jt; hav.~'th. ume nLlllberof people- In. them. Ue said the Districts that . .'.:·~,St:·.tffötia.4 In the propoudDistrlct Map are bued on an aggregation ~f(:~C?j:¡"~~~i3:'O:OO,;~~·i'~:.. p.r-~D~,-~,t~;i~\·t~;.~.i~:~'.~};... .', . "', i . , , li;c.o~.mh,.:loner, Holland uked "w,hat,St~H dld'wlth the number'ot . .:." ":ühso14 units in,Coll1er County?, Metropolltan Planning orqanizattl)n' '~'>-::", .. èneè~or. Perry said; lnaddItion to the pe,rsons per household rate that;~ ~~;~':~~~t'f.:rom the 1980 census, Stat f 'ðls~ u~ed the occupi ed household ,,'~;~'i~; , Ite~'from that cen$Us. He said Stoff examined the types of units that,~~ ~..' ",! " II·-ttJ are constructed in each of the cella so if an imbalance is noted in.the '~ .',~, ' , ' " J#r, ~,~b,er, ,of multi-tami ly units that is added to the, cell, ðnd Staff "W?Uld' ~djust the occupancy rate to more closely.reflect the multi-family type 0,., ;' .. i .. c' '" 1 . ".,' t!l;~~.êC:upancy. He said from the 1980 Census "there is a èertainpercentaqe:" 1': òi all housing units in the County that are occupied full-time. ,~t;~·",,;' , . Commissioner Holhnd said if Staff checked with ðnybody involved ,.,,< ' ,~~¡I'.' with real estate in Collier Cl)unty they will be told that from 1980 ~ until 1985 the units that h~ve been built are loss than one-third that have sold on the rðtio they did prior to 1980. He said he did not believe these factors have boen taken into consideration in the ways the redis~r1cting lines have been drawn ðnd that ,is one reason he opposes the proposal. Responding to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Pettrow suggested that he provide the data to the people who want to keep the Golden Gat~ ðnd Golden Gate Estates area intact ðnd Staff will check the figures to make sure they are aCCU.lte. Commissioner Hasse agr.e~. Commission£r Pistor asked how many people are in Golden Gate Estates and Golden Gate City? Mr. pettrow said Staff would have to calculate that. Commissioner Voss said, even though a particular area is in a particular Commission District, the pvople in that area can, and frequently do, go to any ont: ot the five Commissioners. He sdid tile major point is to try to get an equal number of people in each District. County Attorney Saunders pointed out that Section 124.01 of Florida Statutes requires that if there is qoing to be any redistricting it must be done during an odd numbered year so this process must be completed during this calendar yeðr. \ ¡> Page 19 .'{(:', '~?1~~7~?!~7::?:~·r':':~::::;r!~'~:~«'~ :,'7\~?', 'í',~~r;~'}~::':: . ~'~~;:C!, ~';'.?'7''7'~T:-~:~''':C7~'~.:~~::;~~':''~'~~~: :'~tr; _~~~~~'î~:~~2~i:~~~~;$'~:"'~:~~:~~~~~~l~~~\¿~:" "~¡:i~J~:;,t ,~r::;;:"':'" ',. . "\..,,.'.,,~_...,... r ~",t. "'¡:",\..o:'<~ \..,. . ,">' ~,~i~l'~'t.. ..~; ~~~, ~"""j}i ~;.~- ? ~~.:~~:?li~: ::!t:."..: Ì" . ~,~ '";.'. "';o:r ~,~.;,;~,;~.:"....~~,,,..,~;),~. ^ .~~, l' ,,;,"~ ',,~., .......-.,....,...' :';;"f,...~.\:r,....'...\..,..".,;, '.·.·.;..'~"",·r\'.;.·,;,·.~ ''''''', . '. '" .,', ".::.,.....,~" :~ ,,!t'~.¡~;~æ:. Ift..t!~·~;;','.. ' . . . ... . '" , " ..... .. ·,¡.~~·I"'~¡: : ·A"'·;j;.·· .... ''\I., . . h . '~",'tjr '-~~~·:,t,'·~",' :.. ".' . . ~~. . ... ;':,~':, :~';-". .;,,': )'. "'''~''';''i " , ".. ..,.~\ .,':·::~~~·~r~:":: ~\~lg~*~~~~,~~~~~¿:;,,~~~.~..~~' }¿~~:_"':~';,:" ""!i.i!!. "~ ';:>. :<?,' "{~~~?;~~:":.,~),:-,,,~~,:;,~:~;.~:~,,,,:::{,,.~.\:; ':'.~~ "'t.~ "·:~~"~~~0t~.:, "'_"~'~-~'~~''f~~':;!~~~iJ~i'~~- ......"'-........ ..... ',......*_........~_......,,,........,,'--,.""" ...."..._'~.-.".."..__._-- ". ,.,--,' .., '__,it,_"_,_.,...""""".,u",o~,..,..,__",..._..._·.;.,,,",._._.'....,, "",,,,,,,".~.>,,.'"_~"'_"".T' '..,.<.~,>....-.-.-..~,~ ''''''''''''''''-'''''-''--^'-", '/ September 3, 1985 Mr. George ~eller said he has tried to find ~ut h~w many avenues in Golden Gate Estat.s aro n~~ in District 3. Mr. Pettrow said Staff could give Mr. Keller that information in his department. He explained "';.,,,, _"'(':1'."'\ . with the proposed District Map, Stðt! could draw that line on a highway ,:,~~ m-'p to sh~w the actual roads in that District. -::~ ,."....., Mr. Pdttrow explained the area on the overlay r~pr.sentø the areas ~,~ that hav.:! been changed. ,:~"'''' Mr. Keller said the C~mmissioners are elected by District so they primarily represent that District. He said when he has a problem he wants t~ be able tQ call his CQmmissioner. Tape 15 Mr. Keller said thG area of Golden Gate and Golden Gate Estates is an area like Marco Island and it w~uld be beneficiðl for those two areas to be in the same District. Commissioner v~ss suggested that the people who want Golden Gate and Golden Gate Estates to be in one District should get the geocell data from Staff and come up with their own solution and Statf will check it to see if there is an equal number in each District. Commissioner Holland requested an item be put on the 9/10/85 Board ðgenda for the discussion of Five Single Member Districts and two At-Large Districts to make a decision to put the matter Qn a referendum to let the people decide. It.. 11:Z EMSAC - DR. CHESTER TRIPLETT, SGT. RICHARD DAVIDSON, AND JONATHON 5MELKO REAPPOINTED, WILLIAM SNAPP, MICHAEL J. McCORMACK AND GEORG! HENDERSON APPOINTED - EXPIRATION DATES or 8/31/88 Coami..ioner Pistor .oved, .econded by Commi.sioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Dr. Chester Triplett, Sgt. Richard Davidson and Jonathon S.elko be reappointed and that willi.. Snapp, Michael J. McCormack and George Henderson be appointed to the EMSAC with the expiration date. of 8/31/88. It.. 113 -BLUE RIBBON BOARD- MEMBERS APPOINTED '1'0 HELP WRITE AM AGRICULTURE MONITORING ORDINANCE Agriculturo Dl'ect~r Crown ~ðid, aft.r question was raised by the C~unty Envir~nmentali.t in regard to the impact of the d.~.lopment of citrus .elect a panel of a croa.-section of the community to review of citrua growth and to make recommendations to the Board of aOOK 089 net 47 "". .,'~' .t_',i-i _. -'..-.- ---''''"''-'--''--'''''--'''---~'''''''''''''''~'''''''---;''~"''~ .. ,. pag_ ""'''''''~'''' '..." "'tJ.,'...''JH,..' '''''1\0 "~11!" ",,",,'" ·....t.,,-"""·,~~"¡, ..' ~T¡~:ÔB9~~~~; ~;, ~'~'?:~ ~':~·~:" '~~~1,~{·f~~T~iJ, '~~p~eØ1b. r'" 3, 1985 ~"." C~nIlÌll..loner. in regard to Ø1onltorlnlj this Ij roWth. Ho submitted tho ...'."".. following: names for a -Blue Ribbon Board-t ,,~ ,". " ' '..:::'~": ',Mj~"'':d1r.· kOSi Obley, president, Naples Chamber of COlllmerce ~~~~:;;.~~j;;:t~~r~,:ic2:~~e~~:on, member B~a~d of Director. for Chamber ~···;,,>..:"'Mr.'J/)hn Oar91ulo,' Cheirman, Aqri-Buain... Committ.. for , 'V'':::" ,".:.:Naplea 0'1 amber, of Commerce" ,': ,.< '," '. , , , ' ' '~':Mr~"~;Mile' Scofield, Ø1ember"Aqri-Busin.... Committee " ·'~Mr;~"ohnny·GoOdnightt represtntatlve oLColl1er County SoU':,,: ;' ô':JandWa ter,Conservatlon District Board . ,,,' :·>,Mt';':Mlke.'Taylor, repr..enutive of Barton Collier Company ."~:Mr., David 'Land, Pr,e-ident, ,A9rl-Busin.., Group for ",..1,:<", ,:,:,..~lcolll.r EnUrptiu. ' . \~;:"!Hr~·R1chardJohnson, c1t.ru. and vegetable grower in the , '~',:" Immokale. area ~..' ~6r":' Edward Proffitt, County Environmentalist < ~;'é,'Mr. Larry Lukin, with the County Hnlth Department ";,,...:..:..,:' Mr. 8ill Lorenz, County Pollution Control Director . "'~"~,; Mr. Ed Johanson, repre.enting the Cor.servancy Ilt~:'~'~ï';' Mr. John E. Pdce, Jr., member of St'WMD ~1~\'~~~/ Mr. Reggie Brown, Agriculture Director of Collier County :~~ ¡;~. Mr. Brown said this group 18 a broad cross-section of the r", -, i' community from the environmentalists and individuals interested in .~~ " 'f.. water qual! ty and the envi ronmenta1 impact of ci trus in Collier County as well as individuals representing the citrus industry in the County. He said the original proposal was to hold a workshop at a later dat~ with this qroup to bring back to the Bee the changes the citrus industry mðy ~rin9 to Collier County and to go forward with direction from the board of C~unty Commissioners. Commissioner Voss sald the workshop would be of the above members He said a finalized report of committe., to which Mr. Brown agreed. would be brought back to the BCe. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Brown .aid the committee is to present the impact and scope of citrus and agriculture in Collier County in light of recent freezes and the Board of County Commissioners would be in a pOBlti~n to make decisions in regard to a monitoring ordinance if the group believ~s that is a nec~ssdry item. Mr. George Keller expressed his opinion of a problem involved if there is an attempt to re9ulate what a person can plant on his property. Commissioner Voss read a section from Dr. Proffitt's memorandum suggesting it would be useful to ascertain if a potential problem exists and to define the scoµe of the County government involved; proposing a workshop where experts on ecology and agriculture could introduce the Commission with the specific problems and ben~fits of Page 21 ".: ~ \ ,r~~~~~·,<r,'~~~-,~ "?~~~:~'.~",:,: : ":7S.}S~~:·::~~:'T·;,D?:~,?::r~·::?~~·',!::,t;1~J:,'~\:~~'7:!:,~~,:~:~:~~~r<, ii~\,'~~""'Y.:,' 4' ;', " ""~," ·'j~~~~¡~;'~X~':;f.i;.~~;:;it,·"· '.::",t" ;..., ":~;~!.¡;'~{':';;~ti;.,~,' " ",·~";;'~~'i.iG:t:\¡;.J;·~;·"~,,k;/'.~:"~~~("i..Ü:'Ìi';' ~(~ ,'If. .... \., . . . .. ~ '. -..... ,.': ' .' ,'~~~~t~~~-~.t;fU\-~~"""r.:.~.4f~"(~(I~-(#t'~,~"1~~~"3: ~~~:::':':';:.~, . .".' , - ' . ".' . ~ '..- . ~ '~~.~~.~~~~ "~.', ' :,:;..,¡\~" ~~f:""'::· . , " , """,: ',,~.:~~ ~,."..,'~ " " ' ..'. '" 'if>""I'\. 'P \:~~'. ."~'; " '.', " ", ...,..<., '."" , .... ~' ,~,'.: "'cV:t~,~ ~~~~'~\'~"''''\'''''!''.''''~'''''"'''''~'' ,., ',,¡., ,'> ,,·.··..~......1:i,f,",'··~~'...·..~· '....~...·I.:·.. ,".'\. ...,'¡":,' "I:""":ì\"""..jOt:' "\>,p.",..'\.4.'I:~, i/¡{~'ll'".'~:·r.., '<, " " " ,'. .,',..,::;,...):~;:¿. ',,:'~,:: :',' ' ,',' " , . :...':,,',.,.... ',; :;':;'~~'?:~. 'w..~~~~~~~'J¡~.~.b~, òÏt¥f\~~~~~~~-"¡;'~~,;\.I;rt;."""'..:':':~'(~" .' . I' ¡'I'.P· - .... ...' ·~¥/... ..' ...~I '. ·~.".t..~.~'... ....1·'" 'j.}'""""":-... ~~/·:.:\:-,¡¡¡;."-~~·':J-,;¡;..,' .~':,:; '.:'., m!J ," .' ':' ¡'·';~~;¿:~JII'r~:,:;·/:,·~".~. : ',>.:,'..: , "':.;r.Waø.,>' "/{':/ , ."".. ";..0#':. ..._"..........._......,._._--~"-,_. ;.,.,,-,,--- --.----. ..~- September 3, 1985 larqe-scale citrus agriculture I suggesting ðn agriculture m~nitoring ordinance that would require citrus and ~ther agriculture growers over a threshold acreage to provide the Natural Resource. Management Oepðrtment with specific surface and 9roundwat~r data such as pesticide and nutrient c~ncentration; and .uggesting that the data produced and paid for by the citrus industry would hr.lp Collier County determine if any significùnt pollution were occuring as a result of citrus agri- culture. Commissioner Voss said the County has an obligation to invostigat~ this matter to see if the groundwater needs to be protected and, if so, how. Mr. Kaller said this is a bureaucracy that is not needed. Commissioner Goodnight said the agriculture people want to have Some type of Committee like this so they can addres£ the problems b~fore th~ DER or one of the State or federal agencies try to tell the people how to do it. She said this Committ~e can h.lp Staff ... what the situation is and address the problems themselves. During the discussion that followed, Mr. Bro'~ said that the South Florida Water Management District controls the development of the sites for citrus in Collier County, adding each site is permitted for C~n~umptive Water Use Permits as w~ll as Surface Water Management Plans. He described the SFWMD's' review pr~cess and said n~ develo¡;ment can take place in Collier County without SFWMD's approval. Community Development Administrator Mullins suggested that a hydrologist ba added to the wBlue Ribbon 8oardw. Mr. Brown said Missimer and Associates may be willing to offer a person in this capacity. He said Mr. Charles Nix, a retired hydrologist with the National P~rks Service, hds indicated he would be willing to review hydrological information and make comment but did not want to be on the 80 a rd. Mrs. Mullins suggasted a planner should attend the meetings of tho ·Blue Ribbon Board· to oversee thl overall impact of this matter in resp~ct to zoning. She recommended that Planner McKim be on the ·öoard·. COm8i..ioner Ha..e aoved, .econded by Co.-i..ioner Goodnight and carried unaniaoualy, that the above named per.one be appointed to a -Blue Ribbon Board- to help write an agriculturt øonitoring ordinance. aOOK 089 PACE 49 PaCje 22 '.. ,. '.. ,'---_..;'-.............,..,.... ::.. , .. '" .',~{~; " "'iii,. ,; ! ,~~;S : ,,~\ 'I 'I: ~~~I~;' -:~~;,~~ ....:\-.."i>l',., paqe 23 .~i~\f'~""'':;¡' ~~~i"..",~' "'O; I.."'~'t-. ,~i~%,-,-',: '~}",',~,~~"""j,~:~:~:~'~"~;O-;1.,.t~ ,:..~:~~ .t:'a~øK 08'9n~ 50 ,,', :"~" t;'" ",,¡ rl;" 3, 1985 . " It.."14 . .; ,,!"', ";'1 , ;¡,"':', ,~' DUCUSS:!ON RI PRE-HURRICANI AND POST DISASTER PLANS ~~;.:.~~t:~,~~~f,~~~~,I''''10'~'~~r ao~~~.19~t¡,:~.~~..~ed .th.~re need. to be some direc~i"n ~,' ,on:,pre-hurrlcane and po~t;,dluster plan. after JlurrlcaneElena haa ð"ne t..,r:;~¡';,;:>!·"';¡\¡J.ft""~.t,~"·~.J.,-,~."l,JJt,~_: ..i/ftf~AttIt.''''¡t~:. \',,'-" ~ toO 'it , " ' 'J' ;,r'" " 'dalllac¡etoiCentral .ndNor.th:~lorida and Alabama, and Mississippi.' : .' ,'r~\'~;f~ ;h\:'!i' ~'~~ràs {~¡{è ~'>Vó".í¡', i1~'qi.t.ð . . ò'ñ;.onè'" f r~1II 'èò 111 e rcour\ty I!Ih~U{d"~5.:<·' :!\':4:1.;~'ðj ."·";": t '.,,"", ' ,"". . - ',,< ,'l"'-"),,~ vh1t"'tb" ait",whtre c1amaqe oC,curred after th_ water recedu. ":/.;,.'. !~~,I·c'olll~iàáion.r Holiand' .atd 'hat 'D~'. Mi ke Stephen. qave; a l't~1Ì"'~·>7':;~;:'". ep';'rt"iì~~t year" He said It~a8 his understanding uveral compan1e~'·~/'·~ .' . ,\-' '.". " , ,'. l't',·, ",.., re. making slide presentation. 0:1 this matter to be mado available. y.,¡,:<;,\¡, '~~~~~~~''ffr-¡'::' Emergency Manaqement Direclor Waqner suqquted waitinq until the¡ 'j~ .~ If:~t:~ .~éumulat.. its Damage Aueument Report. which will qive.u"ti1è:..\ ,~;:r~,l'nforínation available. ,',..., ~~I%~~r~" A.uhtant County Manager Dorr1ll said Mr~ Wagner is scheduled to;_;:I;~~~.: _,tt,end the Annual Pre-Leq1slative Se..ion of the Division of Emergency', r-;., " Manaqement in Tallahassee where fundinq will be discussed. He said th.''i0:;" , : '~''''~'~-k{ neW ruIn and imposltil)ns of the Growth Manaqement Bill, which passed ':,::~'~ durinq the last Logislative Seuion, will be a topic at thiit meetinq. '.~ r' He suggested that Mr. Wagner qive the Boård of County Cr.IJnmissioners a )::i:~ report on the recommendatons of the impl ementation of the Growth ,:~~~ . ~.' : ,/ ..; :. Manaqement Bill. "¡f~' Responding to Commissioner Plstor, Mr. Wagner .aid the plan. his ~~ ,\ , ,. department has reqarding food durinq disasters depend on the Red Cro...,~ He saiù his Dupartment pamphlets request people tl) take enough food to " the shelters that does not have to be cooked or refrigerated for 46 to 72 hours and after that the fled C'coss has plans with area fOl)d brokers to furnish food almost immediately. He said water becomes a problem and discussion has been held reqarding various schools using th~ir heating water as drinking water for the shelters. He said the pamphlets request that people bring three gallons of water with them to the shelters. Commissioner GOOdnight said Collier County has never had tl) evacuate and that the Cl)unty needs to be more ready than it is. Mr. Wagner said that is a valid cl)ncern. He said during Hurricane Elena 1-75 was useless along the Tampa/St. petersburg area for evacuation. He said Collier Countys plans call for people to go inland to S.R. 27 which was away from the effects of that storm. He said bnother access road going east and west to intersect with S.R. 27 is neeo&d. ~¡·~.~~~t:'''''''r''\:.,.....(;\~~~:~~r.\~?T.'f~'~~~~~'i!~~~.":''':1.,.. ,r.~..""...-'; .~., f".' ...--.1' ,...o{~ ....1..._ I~'- ~';' ,~\:~~:~¡~:f;:j;·::~::..,;:\-,~·..::~,\: :;:',,;~~><';~:;,:A;~:' :'.:':":',:',,.' _,,' .','; ':">:'~';~,' '.','~'.:",:;' '/,;~:,;~:~~:,,<:\::;::,:; ;(,: "ç~~{¡;'(', , , ~~1~~~~"''J.:~··¡~~~'·'.,\~~i;i·~k~·'''·!:t'~~~~'' , .. ".'. \.. ,'t.".., ,:' ,'..It'.. "';" ',' ,,".,., ,.w, ,',. ",.' , ,..:.;,,,~,,. '...,' .'.,., ,'" ,:.' ,,,\¥. .",." 'S/'~"~"',:;¡~~:, , , , ' . .', .. "I I:"", .;_,' . . t' - t .:,' ~~"".""«." ~"."'" ."~.,,,:~ ~";~,Îr;~'·'~'A"''''~f:\ ',::~c:" ~:t,,,!4·":'t~:it:;¡ù.:f, '~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~n¡~¡,~~~~~~,~'¡~¡~' ,/<":~<' ': ~', ".~':'>,": '>.";:,:,":':;<; ..:;".,·1:,:..:,.' .' .';'Y":':~, ":,,';',",,:' . .... II ,,~:~:~ 4~~_~'~_' ....~'-'_..~,~_......,--"..",'"..-.;,'---~---~...."_.,"_.," .._-",-,,,;~"...-.,,~;"~,,,,~..._,,,,,,--,,-..._,<-,,_.~,,,,,,,,,,-,,-,-,~----.;'-"'-~",-"- ..~".~-~_.""",---------,..~-~-...,.._"-"",.-,¡-,...,~.~"",..._.,"",..,-'"..._..,....._-----"""",.--.._---..-~..'"'~..' ~"r;.'.. ",,,~-,,.,,,,..,,_,,._,,,,,.,·.',,"·","M""~ ~""'''',_..~._"~_._.''''''''.~ ;.." O~B9''"''1''!:''''5''1 j~~' ,~~""""""~~~~'J.ì~.\.;~~·f~'''''''''' ..........a- '2 ¡ - t.. I "".~, '~¡ .\.;'lII(r 1, :),.~ ....,. . 'I'~ WI\ . mt:, .. ' '~?;,¡7;~'~":':";~' :' 'September 3, 1985 ~',%t.. It. . , ", !;;,~'t: ';!~1t., ; 4' ,~~.,.~, '';'''~'.~', ..~t -,.... " ....,- ",,~.....,.~/ .,;" ":'í AMDIJMDIT 'to COYC&SSIOIII ACRIIHINT, rOR CAXAMBAS FASS PARK RI COUNTY ~"i)P", ASSUMING LANDSCAPI MAINUNAHCI RESPONSIBILITY ~:;~¡,i~':';;"'~:~;¡>' s.. Pa9;. lilj.:... {¿, 7_ .... ~(,1.i'·~..,i': ,.... .' .f. . ~' ,,' ." "20""'~ ,... " If ¡''';'f\ ti.·'!.L.. I ,It.., '"'" '.+'Q,' ¡;",t.\,\,~' ~ . ~,"')r"" :'11' '",,..:,.....~~.., '.... '. .., :. .,~"".... r:tr ?~.:.t:l.~.....,.¡.·~-"i':..l1·:, ;.~ ", ~~.,\:: ,,' " " ~!iph.M'ci ·õr;'.'mi;!SITï"wÄìrî: PAcILÌTÍÎS 'ANDOn-SI'1'I SEWER IRvurG WOODMERE RAC UE'1' 'CLUB'~;' ..,' '\,'t~t:Jr,,:'R.cord"ð·in ÔR',~Ok"i153, Pa9u 2033-2075 '~~'"A-~'",.\. ", ~ ....; ...' ~" '¡,';1t';,j. :'. ' " " ,~ '.; , ", ~<~t~:'¡~~~:~""~1t, ',¡ V' , , ",.. ' ~~~¡~,¡: '''ÎSÔt.uTIoII $5-187 AUTBORIZIJIG SIaMATURIS rOR AMENDMDT'TO'P',MER¿uiNCY·:.(¡ ~, " ,},',~ ,JlAHAGIHENT ASSISTANCI AGREEMENT BETWEEN THI DEPARTMENT or COMMUNITY:", ~\~....~:rrAIRS AND COLLIER COUNTY , .' ' ~;~;~ii~:,'" "." Su Page 6 r ' ~~: ~~,'~. 122 ,itJ¡¡:,'; AMENDMENT or FY-S5 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT 'S5EM-OS-09-21-10-010 Seo Pag... h9 - '7/ 123 DOMALD LUSK CONFIRMED AS TREASURER or COLLIER COUNTY FAIR BOARD FOR 1986 FAIR ltelll 124 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - rILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the miscellaneous correspondence be filed and/or referred as follows: 1. Letter dated 8/15/85, from William F. Zuna, Director, Div. of Ad Valorem Tax, Dept. of Revenue, to Property Apprðiser Colding adviHin9 of necessary changes to '85-86 budget request plus copy of Property Appraiser'a summary of the 1985-86 budget. xc: Ms. Za1ka. r'lled. 2. Letter dated 9/22/85, from Douglas L. r'ry, Environ. Sup'v., D~H, enclosing ahort form application No. 11083485 for dredge and fill activitius. xc: Mrs. Mullins ana Dr. Proffitt. f'iled. 3. Copy of letter dated 0/15/a5, from Rodney S. DeHan, Admin., Groundwater ~ection, DER, attaching format for data submitt.al. xc: Mr. Dorrlll. r'iled. 4. Copy of memorandum received 8/10/85, from Michael D. Jernig.:.m, CIlairman, District Eight health Council, Inc. advising of annual meeting of DEHC ~oard of Directors. Posted on ~ulletin board, Building -F". Filed. Page 25 ," ......~". ;",.:;.~. ',~' '.,; " t .. " J ~ .... :'. . '. "): <,"~"" '~;;""~"..:" ".\1 ~~,;,trfI,~,~ "'" :"~;' .\..... ""': ~;,\<\"." .'/;:, . ,,' ¡':?"":'! ,:, " " .' eO ........~ > / '::jJ:,'~"'~:¡.'": ,:' '.; ',t,'..,'". '. . . ,.i· ".:,'.'..' " .... :,,-'~.~ ~w~~~;e~i...t:.~II.\i:~;~~~~~J~i~~~.Å~,~~~ '~~~"'" ,.., ~.."", ,,:','}':'~~'>';':'~:;','>..,;' ': ,::'" ' ' .,,~. cœI ,'" '" '.~', ";)'d~ .."'........""'''....,''.""''','''''---......'''--....''','''....,,.,'''''..-.... , ''''-.-:';..---- ......~ "·_"'..,."~"..._"~_;-,;,I'-_'~··'I·~..·.>f......-,_._..,,...·... ...'~;,~....~......,'_.~..""-"',."'""_"""....-"~..,,',.,.~...,, ."."'%. :>... ...." ;#".' '.' '", "t.." '~~....~..:r.., . tt ~". 01> . - .' "~~"..~'- ';"'.1' :.. ':": - "'J ',!if~ ~ ...~-;:~?-.,,1.! ,.~~";-!:'...~;~~~:i-.~~~""\" fa, p" " ,,' . .". ,...~'..,-,....""\'''.' /':":';'¡~~~'\fo.~.;....it, ;¡'~'"'~<'"..: ';'7:''\ '~¡'~~~~1~.r.l-r. . '~¿~;' <..."'\ ·.:.~.~"~~::"':;I ~.: ~..,~:. . :~,~.~ r'~ "';'. , ,1', \ ...... -', ...:'.: ,~....:<Y1 J " ~:~~-< :..íÁ~'\-;~: "-·~Il-:: ;,. '",{".11J·:f~:";" ' ';i¡'~1~i.~~~~¿:'~.~~-;"~$i~~~A~~~tlW'1"-~~~~~~"'~~ "t~~-~:;:7'..::::?,..;~. i..~~·"';:'.~:,t:: '~..f.,:.,·-,··:"\~:,/~;,,,<"/;~~~~f!:~' "1': ·7~,:~7.r/P: ;,,¡.if'. :;'.....;.-..: ,;~~';':.~~~;~~1!: 7:~,'f1,~~":''''' ";". : ':.;,,<:'./'~;':~~. ~,.,,-::' '.....',;:,..::,':',.,':. :-":.,:: ,: 'i.;'., : . , ',;, ':.-: ',,". '. , ;~, ::.' ,,';' , . " <." :<·\.;::¡~;£:l~'~ä' ·'~·.;.s.;~~,\¡¡:"·~';;;";';""'~~(~~~~~~"",",~\"""'IroA4~';~"'U.-':'~IÄ~"'~4 . " , . September 3, 1985 ',;}fJ. .,,;.,, ..--....-""----."'.......-."...,'"".- . ; -~... . \,".. \.': '. . . . .\' . . ,~ '.' :":.... \ , ' S¡ 'Copy of letter dated 8/9/85, from Ralph R. Clar~, Chief, Bur. of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, DNR, to Michael J. Moore, approving time extension, Permit File No. CO-45, Vanderbilt Beach Motel, Inc. XCI Mrs. Mullins and Dr. Proffitt. Filed. 6. Copy of letter dated 8/14/85, from Elton J. Gissendanner, Exec. Dir., DNR, advising of new rule, l6Q-14 concerning protection of state'. land. and product. and enclosing a copy of the rule, XCI Mrs. Mullin. and Dr. Proffitt. Filed. 7. Letter dated 8/20/85, from Carlos R. Carrero, Engineer, Bur. of Coa.tal Engineering and Regulation, DNR, notifying Dept. of Natural Resource. is considering a coastal co~:'ruction control line permit for Hole, Montes and Assoc. ~ocated at 4348 Gordon Drive, Naples, plus copy of map of the area. XCI Mrs. Mullins and Dr. Proffitt. Filed. 8. Letter dated 8/21/85, from D. W. McKinnon, Dir., Div. of Corporations, Florida Dept. of State, ac~nowledging receipt of Articles of Dissolution for Racquet Club of Marco Island, Inc. and enclosing certificate, plus copy of Articles. XCI Mr. Saunders, Mrs. Brangaccio and Mr. Vanatta. Filed. 9. Copy of letter dated 8/5/85, from Fiscal Officer Giles to Charles Hudnell, Dir., Farmers Home Admin., enclosing FmHA Quarterly Reports as of 6/30/85. Filed. 10. Letter dated 8/20/85, from Charlio B. Hudnell, FmHA Di.trict Director V, acknowledginQ receipt of Quarterly Report for 6 month period ending 3/31/85, and requesting the re.erve account be broken out, as well a. the accounts receivable on future r~ports. XCI Mr. Giles. Filed. 11. Copy of Notice of Appeal received 7/29/85, re Development Order No. 85-3 and Ordinance 85-17. approving Development Impact known as Lely, plus copy of Development Order 85-3. XCI Mrs. Brangaccio and Mr. Saunders. Filed. 12. Copy of Notice of Appeal received 7/22/85, re Development Order No. 85-2 and Ordinance 85-15, approving Development Impact kno~fn as The Vineyard., plus copy of Development Order 85-2 and Petition of the Florida Dept. of Community Affair.. XCI Mrs. Brangaccio and Mr.. Mullins. Filed. 13. Copy of minute. of City of Naples dated 7/31/85, a/07/85 and Agenda of 8/7/85. Filed. 14. 26 letter. from citizen. favoring Petition PU-85-9C, Naple. Florida Congregation of Jehova'. Witne.., Inc. XCI Mr.. McKim. Filed. 15. Copy of petition received on 8/5/85, from concerned =it~zen. re drainage problema at U.S. 41 and South~~st Blvd. ~~I M~. Luak and Mr. Kuck. Filed. 16. Copy of Notic. of Work.hop dated 8/16/85, froa ?lorida Public S.rvice Commia.ion re Baaic 911 and Enhanced 911 Service. to 'D ( O89,..IGl 53 Page 26 ,.r":.ri n'c;h ~~';~;r~,!'\ ~<~~, ,.,' ,', ~;;. è,~~;:!;-:~Ç8.Pt;lIb.r i~ ~',~~~1"~~,·,,~~;.~~~ð,. ~~,~3(,~~~~~i:'f~'(f~~'~~:"~.'~' ,and Mr. .,~,.,..?~ "J>., 17.:' Copy of Notice of~Inhnt ,to I.pply for AIIendment of Water and ~<; ~.;.'> ~ ",','''' Sewer"C,ertificah.receiv~d 8/23/85. frolll Plorida PUblic ~'C\"":~~:'" " t-<t'Ser\lice CoIII.hlton for h..t. Napt.1 Water SYltell', Inc. XCI :'l{/·t~·,i,·· ":..'Mr. Saunders and Mr. Crandall.PUed. ,:;;f"'4·r ¡":,.,,,,:,·~Z',~" ~,~,····.., ,'..~..~; ~',;'"' , '. _ . ,", .' 't.I..'" '" . , , '. . ~~:,~,~,~f:ri!·,:ì8,.;~~1'te;·:,'d¡t.d "âïì~/S5~)tro-';;,Tilford c. Creel, Dep. .Exec. Dir., ..~ ~.w;:t¡.¡;.~.~~)j"";'·:'J:SFNMD,:,.nclodn9~r.co..e,nd.dacquidtionI froll Itaff ,to . '. ~~"~ !,f~t"I'''¡'f'''{I'''dOPt a five year 'plan' under ·the ·Save Our Riven" '.,' , "..;¡,,'t::Ii . ~:;·,::'.~:~';:':·~;Y."':2.~~~~l~\.~io.~~r~;" ~,CI~:',M,r.~'iLuI~~nd' Mr:, Dorrill., Pi1e~.',:' ,';-',:;',;,~,' .ii', *.;,f.1f,',' ·'-",·;"'I{·;"~""';'fr·.~,·,~, "~I~' ,,,,;,;..,,' . ~uip ;~~$.~",,:_. ..:a.~J.y;"~ "~' ",J °'1 " ~~"~. . ~.-.~.,.~~~~, ,I ,t:~_. ',,:, ':'19.:,¿}(.èopÿ of 'letter, ~al:ed,B/22/B5~ from !Uen P. ,Underwood,;: PubliCI 'ã~~~CoØllDunieation. Specialht, SWFWMD, advhing of public' ,<,~i" "1'i2,;1;7'~,~7;~~:~\I~OP,,~~: ,~~~~¡ld,~!:~f!/SS', xc I ~r..' Bol~t.,;, P~l~~,:r,i:i~t:~f( ,,¡;,'~,:20. 'Copy of .e.oranlSu. dat.d 7/22/85, from SWP'RPC Staff enclodn ,).. .' copy of, Poat DhalterRule and DCA ataU ,analysh. rU.d......' " , :', " ',. ".:' ",;..,'. " .', ,: \ .' ':, ' .' ~.". 21; Copy of Notic. to State and Local Governllent PUblic Offici~l~~ dated B/15/B5~ from U.S. Dept. of Labor, re Garcia v.San ' , .'.nt.onio Metropolitan Tran.it l.uthority, et al. XCI Mr,~ LUI)c; Mr. Saund.rs, and Mr. Luntz:. Filed.""., " /, rea CORRBC'l'IOIf TO 'rBB TAX !tOLLS AS PUBBlI'l'BD BY PItOPZItTr OFFICB 1984-150 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY ~ 8/20/8S It.. 126 EXTR.\ 01.IN TIM!: FOR INMATE 110. 31097 * * * There being no further businel., the meeting wal adjourned by Order of the Chair - Ti~el 11140 A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERN!NG BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL FREDERt.tÇ<~ CHAIRHAN CLERK ¡" , ~ I - ,., ,1, :2'1\e~~ ,·lIin':J1;~. ..pprovµprov pre.enteð'O ',.....--- ';, ',' -\!,. P ,:,. , . " , I '. . ...').. ,~,~ '\I f\ '. \ ·¿J.c ,. ~ . y the BCC on ~ ~ r".F"F"~ or as corrected aa Page 27 ~;~~\[~}~f00:: :;~G~:~J,(2,;.~:~t::-~~~3?,::'~~~( ~'~~:'!1:p.P~;:~t7?;r.~7t;;·7~-:: -~ ",~~ 4:r::,: ~~'::;.;:j~..R~~~·è;~,'éi~~Æit~iJ, ::;'·'l~~,'~;·~>,··:~ì~··~~~~i:,;,'~;~'~,::'~:¿~~;¡¿~',jJ:';:~:"':~'/:;::'~;. 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