BCC Minutes 09/11/1985 W ~ ;:::;;1 Naples, Florida, September 11, 1985 " (,'LET 1'1' BI REM£MiERED, that the Board of County Comml.uioneu in .,'I'j. ¿,;~1' -:>:,..nd 'for the County of Collier, and also acting.. the Board of zonine; '~~'.,~.:~p..h and" the 90verninq board(s) of such spechl cUstrl.cU as have :.~,.t.r' ~c~~~:~.en created accordinq to law and having conducted busine.s herein, .et ,:~',:::p:~,"on this dat. at 9130 A.H. in WOfksbop s...ion in Bulldinq w'w of the " Courthou.e Complex, East Naple., Plorida, wi th the followine; .elllbers pre.ents CHAIRMANI Frederick J. Voss VICE CHAIRMANI John A. pistor Max A. Hasse C. C. wRedw Holland Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENTI Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk Burt L. Saunders, County Attorney, Donald B. Lusk, County Manðgef Neil Dorrill, As.istant County Manager, and Herb Luntz, Per&onnel Director. MEMDA Discussion of Pers~nn.l Rules' Regulations QIMIRAL DISCUSSIOM Personnel Director Luntz explained, at the County Manager's request in October 1984, his department reviewed the Personnel Rules and Regulations for the purpose of streamlining them. He said the process that was utilized began with a series of meetings once a week with the Division Administrators cnd the Assistant County Managers, during which the existing Rules were reviewed page-trh-page to receive input from the Divisions and Departments. He said the Rules were re- written, inc~rporating the Administrative input and, after the Division Ad.iniøtrators and Assistant County Managers reviewed those Rules, a s.cond revlslon WðS lIIade. He sald the Rules were then reviewed at a Department level and the Department Heads returned them to the Dlvislon Adminlstrators who returned them to the Personnel Department. Se said these reviews covered the time period from October 1984 throU9h March 1985, adding County Attorney Saunders was dlrectly involved in the reviews, as well as Attorney Jim Blue. He said the Rules were almost complete when the Garcia decision occurred on 2/19/85, when the Rules had to be reviewed to make sure they did not conflict wlth the Fair Labor Standards Act. He referred to the copies of the Revised Personnel Rules and Regulatlons which the Commissioners had and said aOOK 089 PAG( 174: page 1 ,~.J'~ .' ~ ,~:,:,~,. ~~ . . ,~~~~ ··"·;f~ ;':;~ .I,';:Ï~ -"\';1"'" " .. 'JW ... i ;t.T!1 ' I ",'_ ,1 "";1;' ': .' ;. ,..,., '\;~~ . "'(1 /;'~y:, ¡' ~ J : " ,,' ;~~~"Í',,;~,'DDK 089PAGt175 September 11, 1985 ·'~i:!~,!.:~ hll Department tried to cut the or1e;1nal 90 pages to about 70 pag.., to 1<1<, ,~", '", :!(~~,:~nclud. a disciplinary procedure that would be easier to administer and "~~' "~':',. .ore understandable to the employee because it would be published in a ~;:'::": handbook arter the Rules are approved by the Commissioners. He said., {~ "". . " , "the employ... will' know if they cOllllllt an offen.. what the penalty is. Hr. ,Luntz explained the addition of the Civil Trial Commission which will give the employee an extra step beyond the appeal process , " once the County Manager makes hi. decision. He said the Commission :.:J;:;-,.: "~'ons1sta of a group of people who have nothin9 to do with the Còunty :~~~:f." ,eq:>loye.. but there will be one employee representative. He said Staff \~'~" primarily has made sure the Rules and Regulations .eet the criteria of' the Fair Labor Standards Act regarding overtime compensation, standby pay, callback pay, etc. and has streamlined the Rules to make them easier to administer and easier for everyone to understand. County Manager Lusk said these Personnel Rules and Regulations have no effect on the Constitutional Officers' employees except if the Constltutional Officers may want to adopt some of them. He said the Rules affect employees under the County Manager and County Attorney, basically those employees under the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Lusk said that the benefits presented in these Rules are no different than the benefits the employees now receive, except the ten lIIinute break has been incre~sed to fifteen minutes. He said there is a reduction in the education benefits because there was an open polley of the County paying for any tuition ar.~ these Rules limit tuition payment to courses that improve an employee's job. He said the Civil Trial Commlssion was a promise he made when Collier County decertified its_ Union last September. He said this is a process of appeals past the County Manager which gives the employee job security they do not have, presently. He said the Clvil Trial Commis8~on would hear issues openly and fairly and the members would make a decision based on what i8 presented at the session. He said the County Manager and Board of County Commissioners will approve the Commission membership and the criteria he would use is someone who has experience in personnel matters, such as the Porsonnel Director of the City of Naples. Commissioner Voss said the membership will consist of one employee, two from other sources and two ~lternates. Mr. Lusk said one of the three should be an attorney to ensure legal conformity. Responding to Commissioner Voss, Mr. tusk said he preferred not to discuss the economic package, this date, adding if the Commls.ioners Page 2 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ . ...'....,,0.,. ;~~.'~.. __~l:J:.; , ".:,. ~' ~ ~ ._.~..._.~~."..",_..~.~>""._.,>._._,.',.....,~_.,-""",,,-...,.,.. ,.,.- - - t::) "'. . September 11, 1985 ¡want to discus. the benefit package he would put .uch .. package tog.ther to b. discuued at .. later date. He pointed out the.e Rule. have not changed .ick leave, leave of ab.ens. or salaries froĊ“ what the' employee. presently have. Mr. Lusk .aid Collier coun;y is in competition to hire people and if, the County is going to hire '90od people it hail to have a package that makes people want to come to Collier County to work. He said everything has to be addressed when benefits are discussed. During A discussion regarding tui~ion benefits, Mr. Lusk explalned the pròcedure of An employee signing a note before he attends cla.s which states he will pay back the tuition if he resigns before com- ,pleting one year of service after receiving tuition refund. CODa or CO.DUCT Mr. Lusk explained said the Code of Conduct can be pleced in the Emplojle Handbook and it is as good for the employee as it is for man§.gement. Commissioner Voss said it is well to have the Code of Conduct outlined so the employees will know whac to expect. Mr. Lusk said the Code gives uni formi ty in punishment. ADMIMISTRATIVI PRI-'1'ERMlMA'1'IOM BIARIMQ Mr. Lusk said the ~dministrative Pre-Termination Hearing outlines a set procedure which will be used all the tim.. County Attorney Sðunders said the procedure in Section 17 provides a full opportunlty for the employee to air his grievance and to be heard by impartial arbiters along the way. In answer to Commissloner Ha.~e, Mr. Saunders said this hearing does not relate to exempt employees who would not hav. the appeal procedure. He said attorneys IitOrking for him, Department Heads and Division Administrators wOolld be exempt. Mr. Lusk said when a person accepts the role of a management person he accepts the good with the bad and part of the bad is he may not fit into the team. He said when that happens the resign~tion of that person is requested. Commissioner Holland said he had not seen anything in the Rules regarding a possible transfer procedure. Mr. Lusk said there is a section regarding transferring employees, however, reglrding management people he said it was his hope that the County would hire the kind of .anaqement people who could utilize the managers under them. Be sAid he always asks himself if he has a problem with an employee, especially !OOK 089 P~G( 176 pag e 3 ~.A, '.. ""., "I.~ ...v..¡,«-i.~"'~~,·,: . ¡. ,~_ ." ô.\,,; ,.' ," ~ . . .~. ~~,\t~~, <':"'~~ -----..~_.~_..."-" -.- _. ',~' ~ . , , lOOK 08'9mrl77 September 11, 1985 'in th~ ca.. of a long-term employee, if there il somewhere elle this r> ,~," .~loyee can contribute. Commiuioner Holland said if Mr. Lusk wanted ~ . ~to accept that total r.sponlibility he had no problem, however, if Hr. 1)J::~','., ~'~k allowed people under hi. to hire or flre people in supervision ',. ~~~.. . 'i,~ith wholll ho had no direct contact that is where he could ..e a poui- , ~ility f?r problems to exist. He said if there are grounds to fir.,a '.ä~'" person he could not see of.fering that perlon the opportunity to resign . because the perlon could qo to the City of Naples or to Port Myerl to '\.!~~~.J' , '.¡f¡'~,;, wo rk ~ ~~:. ~~ . , r.~~/;,:,: During the ensuing conversation, Mr. Saunderl said it is unfor- ~J';1 tunate if there is an employ.. doing improper thinqs and he resigns so a hearing process is not neceslary, but when a potential employer calli regarding a reference the County Manager has to be careful what he telll the employer so as not tc. violate ,the resigned employ'!es' rights which would subject the County to a liability. PRK-KMPLOYM&MT PHYSICALS Commissioner Voas said pre-employment physicals are a good idea, with which the other Com~iasioners agreed. COUNTY MAMAG&R'S RIGHTS Mr. Saunders said Staff took the same language out of the origlnal Union contract for the section regarding County Manager's Rights to lIIaka it clear that the Manager has every other right to manage unless it is Ipecifically stated otherwise in the Rules. OUTSIDI IMPLOYMIMT Commissioner Holland asked if the situatIon of a rounty employee holding two County jobs at the same time has been ~lim nated? ASlis~ tant County Manager Dorrill explained some EMS peopl" work part!tlme for the County and full-time for the Sheriff's Department. He used a dispatcher as an example. He said the Constitutional Officers have thelr payroll and the Boðrd of County Commissioners have no control over that payroll. During the ensuing discussion, Commissioner Voss pointed out there is a difference between a County ~ployee working for a store full;time and for the County part-time. He said what is to be avoided is an employee drawing two checks from the Board of County Commissioners. LltAn or MSINCI Mr. Lusk explained this section gives the County Manager the opportunity to grant a leave of absence without requiring the employee to use up his sick leave. Respondinq to Commissioner Voss, he said the pag e 4 ~~::::.J ~ ~,"" ~ . -,f..:'.~', ~.' ~#~...;~itr.; i~~~riiif~.~~;~ "'_'~_"".N_._.,___,_..._,,",,.,,.,,_,.>~_,",,,,,,,,,.,,, "____, ---- -~--- ..... .. - ~ September 11, 1985 f' ;majority of requ~sts from a prob4tion~ry employee for a leave of f~ '.... absence would not be approved. WORK aRDX Mr. tusk referred to the increase from 10 minute. to 15 minutes for work breaks twice a day and said that amount of time has become the . commo~ practice, now. . OY&RTInl PAY Mr. Lusk said the section on overtime pay follows the law. .IPOTISM Mr. Lusk laid there are some married EMS personnel working for the County, however, it is important to make sure that one of the couple is never promoted to a .upervisory position over the other. He described one ca.e where a legal agreement wa. .igned that the couple would not be promoted unless the County Manager approved it and that he could turn it down based solely on the reason that this is a married couple and _the couple can not sue him. Commissioner Pistor said the Rules refer to employment of rela- tives. Mr. Lusk said this section is a general statement that the County is opposed to employment of relatives but lt gives the flexi- bility to allow it when it is necessary. AMMIVIRSARY DATI Commissioner Pistor referred to the followlng sentence I WEmployees who are rehired will begin a new anniversary datew. He said the County has lost employees who it would like to r~hire. He said he has worked at companies where, if a good employee i~ hlred back and stays six months, his anniversary date reverts back and includes his previous employment time. Mr. tusk said there is no problem with the State pension program becau.e if an employee i. hired by another city who belongs to the State pension program he retains his employment already in the program. He said if a person worked for a firm that is not a member of the State ,,' pension program he would lose the time he works for that concern In hi. ~ retirement plan. Commissioner Hasse ~sked, if someone leaves County employment on the basis of retlrement and then decides to work for the County again, would that person receive his pension as well as a paycheck? Hr. Luntz said if a person leaves for more that 30 days he would come back as a new employee and begin a new probationary period. ae said he would have to check to see if that person would receive a pension, as well. . " aOOK 08'9 PAGE 178 Page 5 ", .... . ,-, . - '.:. '~',".. . . ,-,-", , ,:"':""'-.',/ ... _' ,.,..' .#~ ~?;,],'"~..:)'i"~i.'r~ ~'N~::·,,~:·~. ." ..~ ' __.w-.r··,............ 'DDK 08'9mr.179 S.ptember 11, 1985 Commissioner Hollan~ described a similar situation and sald the p.rson would not r.ceiv. a pen.ion. He saið at the time the p.rson '<:". retire. again hi. pendon 1arecolllput.~ becauu he hu lIIore service In ~ \t"l"'· ~ _ ~ ' ~;~;f""( the pension program. $4i'< .. 4...1' '~:..'" .. . A d hcusaion follo.....d regarding uniority during which Comml.- aioner Voss said he did not want anything in the Rules ....hich requlre that the County has to promote on the basis of seniority. Mr. Saunders said, regardlng transf.rs and lay-offs, seniority is a factor but it is not the only fact~r. He said seniority n.eds to be defined because the term is us.d. Mr. Lusk said that seniorlty'is a factor but the County is not bound by it and there was no place in the Rules where seniority is the criteria, to his knowledge. COKPIMSATORY TIMI Commis.ioner Pistor asked which employees would receive compen- satory time? ***Commissioner Holland left the room at 10132 A.M. and returned at 10:44 A.M.*** ' Mr. Lusk said Staff could 9iv. the Commissioners a list of those people who will recelve compensatory time. Commission.r PIstor said the list of people should be in the Rules so people will know who is eligible. Mr. Lusk said the people are eith.r eligible for compensa- tory time or they receive overtim., adding there is no in-b.tween. Mr. Luntz said the .xempt list includes the professional, admlni- strative and executive groups and was compiled in conjunction with Mr. Blue's office to match the Falr Labor Standards Act. He explained all the Department Heads plus the County Attor¡leys are exempt from ov.r- time. He said compensatory time to that group is a privilege 9rant~ by the County Manager if he wants to glve it. He said the professional and administrative groups include the two Executive Secretaries, the Secretary to the Board, a buyer, the Administrative Assistants, Personnel Specialists, EMS Billing Coordinator, Engineers and Planners and th.y were exempted from overtime. He said these people will receive compensatory time and must maintaln a log and complete a form requesting compensatory time which must be approved by the Div;si¿n Administrator and the Personnel Office. PROBATIOIIARY EMPLOYEI AMD PROBATIONARY STATUS Commissioner Pistor said th.se two items seem to be redundant. Mr. Lusk said these items define words. pag e 6 ~l··. ] 'f'{,,_ .-~ _ ......... ~ [:;.;:....J ,_. -, .-...;~>:;;~-- '~'" .,), ,-~ .-.~4-,~, ,,' ~v~~7¡¡; ~ ';. ""'; .;;y" ,:;~, ',~'\í':.~~.~_1».i',,_;~~~;it~~~; p - - ~ "!i:)~~,,;',', ' , ·1(',~'·,,~ DWLOYlI IVALUATIOIfS ~n;~·~'~::; '. ' Comllliuioner Pistor sU9guted having two employee evaluations, on. ,,~~,,~,~, ' , ~t,".;.è¿'··'an actual evaluation and the second a discussion at .ix month intervals ~t~fj'}::~in9 the ellploy.. how he 18, performing. ~';''''~,;;'''' Hr. Luntz said, currently, there is an option to perform Spe71al ~~"""£Valuations anytime it is necessary. He sdd Commissioner Pistor's ;"';¡"""'j' . '", sUIjJgest10n tfOuld be an adminhÙative policy as opposed to something in the Rules. He said he would not want to be tied to two evaluations in a year. He explained Departments are doing Special Performance Evalua- tions ?n sub-par employees at the present time, at which time, the indlviduals are counseled as opposed to disciplined. He said i~ sOllie cases when a Special Performance Evaluation is done a 90 day review is set to find out if the person has changed. Hr. Lusk sU9gesteð that 'Department Head. could be encouraged to review any employee who is not going to have a satisfactory rating three months before his regular evaluation. He said this would accomp- lis~ Commissioner Pistor's goal of telling an employee that there is need for improvement but would not make the Supervisor do evaluations that are not necessary for the good employees. Commissioner Voss asked Mr. Lusk to consider evaluating employees after six months without going through the entire evaluation form and put it in the administrative procedures. Commissioner Pistor said pointing out to an employee where Improvements are needed in his performance would be beneficial and might ellminate the necessity to hire more help if employees are encouraged to work at peak performance. During a discussion on merit increase, Mr. Lusk said increases are received based on whatever percentage point scores ln hiå evaluation. CALLBACK PAY September 11, 1985 that merit the employe. In response to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Luntz said that Attorney Blue helped re-write the paragraph on callback pay. Commissioner Pistor questioned the following statementl -This rule shall not apply to any callback which occurs within two hours of the employee's regular starting time: in such clrcumstances, actual time worked will be paid-. He asked, if a person is called in,two hours early and works the entire day, is he is allowed to leave two hours early? Hr. Luntz said the person would be entitled to overtime if he works 40 hours in a week and is called back for two hours. eOOK 089 pm 180 Page 7 ". ..- ~ '.,,- . ,";' '~'¡~',.\.~.\.; '~:""-~¡'~':~ .,;¡;~,,~ ~~~~\,;w:r~~~i~~::~~~,':~+;~}i~.*-1· -_.....~.._. -..........--.. ..,-- t' ~..."."><.",~,-.,...._.,,, ."'~'''-''''''''''.~.'-';''''''''''''''''''-~'''~''-'''''''.'"~''-''.'--'._'"'' , '001(' Q89 ~AGt 181 .~¡~; "".~ ' ':(t~~ ,:,.,.:,1' ~"'i~ ;,':~;~... 1a ,.~~~ ".'l~ "'Ipf~ ...,. .:~~:' /,. S.ptemb.r 11, 1985 c: During the discuuion that followed, Mr. Lusk said that if a person is call.d in two hour. before work begins he would be paid for; that amount of time and Commission. 0 Pistor said h. did not und.rstanð 'the Rul.s as statin9 this. , Mr. Oorrill said añ .xample of this sltuation would be in the Utility Division wh.r. people are subject to callback for meter r.pairs 'and if th.r. is a call at 7100 A.M. that would b. within two hours b.for. the employ.. would normally be91n his work day at 8100 A.H., but the reason h. is call.d in at 7tOO A.M. does not guarantee the p.rson' two hours worth of callback pay. Commissloner Pistor said if a person is called in two hours ah.ad of time the per30n would rec.lv. two hours straight time pay, but Mr. Luntz said if the person works over 40 hours in a seven day work we.k ,the rat. would b. time and a half. ,. . ~: ~":~~~j ::% '~~<¡I ,<,,~'~, , ...~ . . -:~"¡~ Commiøslon.r Holland agreed with Commløsioner Pistor and add.d if a person ls called in there ought to be some way of that person being paid for the inconvenience or, chang. in their working schedule. After a ahort discussion, Mr. Lusk s~id Staff would review the call back pay section. Commissioner Hass. asked if a part-time employee is called in would he receive time and a half for two hours? Mr. Luntz said until a person r'Iches 40 hours in I seven day work ~.k time Ind a half i. not paid. Mr. Lusk explained Library employees work on Saturday and on Sunday people work in the Utility Division which ls why there is a s.v.n day week. Mr. Dorrill said the employe. do.s not work seven days, but haG Monday and Tuesday off if he works Saturday and SundaYT STAIIDBY PAY Commissioner Pistor questioned the two hours Standby Pay? Mr. Luntz explained a situation where an employe. is told to stay near a telephone because he may be needed and, at that point, that individual will be guaranteed his rat., for example $5.00 an hour. H. said, if the person is not utilized, the $10.00 for two straight time hours is divided by 40 hours whlch results in one-quarter of an hour added into the person's base rate. He said this section was developed by Mr. Blu.'s offic.. Commissioner Pistor ask.d if the per~on has to remain at home in this Standby Pay situation and Mr. Luntz responded affirmatively, adding this is not so-called -beeper time- which would allow an individual to go out of his home. .r¡ .. Pae;1 8 "-:: 0;:;J I¡¡'~~j ;::,.~.c~·w ,c , ," >·,~.~~,""-~"w~,¡: ;'"1-""'" ,,.¡,. '''~ ~&ì..:,...",,.;'~/"'{;,,",",;(-~'I'·,,"', ,:,' ~ ,-.......~....,.~__"..~; ,......~-;..;:~....~~._;'~~~~~~~~._.,.,.,-;~ ;-.:."'\:1.1': ,k....·/'. ,-,··'"';"'r';"'·,·,-""'!;:,t-t ~¡"""'~h-\)'#~l:.r.t1(¡~~1":~"··4~"· .' __~._~,. ,.-,....~-.'.".."_.,.._......~'""e'"...J;'...,_. _,.. ..,....;,.>.,f...."'~~-q..~.~ - -.,..",-,....,......."'-,-..'"....,""><_.......,,._.- .. - r:::J ...,... ...... September 11, 1985 Hr. Lusk said if the County wants a man to stay at home because he !a.y be needed there ls an obligation to pay him for two hours. Hr. , , '"Dorrlll described a possible situation during a tropical storm when a .';person lIIay be needed to open weirs as an example of this type of ·~.tandby work. In answer to Commissioner "olland re~ardlng night budget hearings, Hr. Lusk said that exempt employees are used and no overtime i8 paid. Ke said a supervisor has the ability to tell an employee he i~ on standby but Department Heads watch to see it Is not abused. A.dlscussion followed regarding the helicopter pilot during which Mr. Dorrill sðid he is an exempt employee. He said in the past several weeks while the helicopter has been repaired the pilot has performed all the maintenance on the other helicopter. AJOrUAL LEAVE 1M IXCESS or 240 lOURS Commissioner Piator asked if Staff is not trying to encourage employees to take a vacation every year and Mr. Lusk answered afflrma- ~ivrly. H. said there are some cases when it is difficult for a person ,to take his annual leave and this is what causes the ability to obtain approval for build up of more annual leave. Commissioner Voss referred to the paragr~ph that states the employee agrees in writing to take annually at least 80 hours of annual leave during any year in which the employee's accrued annual leave exceeds 240 hours ðnd fail~re to do so will cause automatic loss of annual leave. He asked how an employee could accrue more than 240 hours? Hr. Luntz explained 360 hours applies to the EMS employees who work longer hours and thelr accrual is different. He said the County Manager can approve additional hours but it has to be special circum- stances. which he is familiar, is put in writing that He said the idea is to Commissioner Voss said in the companies with if an employee does not take his annual leave it he is going to accrue it otherwise he loses it. make people take their annual leave. Commissioner Holland agreed with person ought to take his annual leave for it and start over again. Mr. Lusk said there is a problem with paying for annual leave because it is not budgeted. Commissioner Holland said the money could be put in the person's termination pay and Mr. Lusk said that is being Commissioner Voss and said that a or at the end of the year be paid .- &OOK 089 PAr.( 182 Page 9 ~ -.... j, .' ,-.. I ~.. .'.<..: ,".,." ~ . .....,., / _'~_"."","".'U~""~,","..w,_,~·"..~~..·,""",.._....,...,~.,......"""..,,<__,""'''' September 11, 1985 ~.,Qa.9![~~ In response to Commis.ioner Holland, Mr. Saunders said that the Rule. require that before an employe. can take annual leave he has to .obtain approval from his supervisor so that it does n~t interfere with the work of the department~ He said the Court would have no problem enforcin9 that, but would say that an employee has a right to take hi. annual leave at a time that is convenient for the employer. Commissioner Holland referred to instances in the City of Napl.. where employees built up 10 and 12 weeks annual leave and took it all,' at one tlme and there was no legal way to stop it. Commissioner Voss said the purpose of annual leave is to make a person take a vacation and annual leave should not accrue excessively. He said a person has to have approval of the County Manager not to take his annual leave and that there should be a limit as to how lo~g the , . Manager can approve it. He said there should be a two year maximum for a person not to take a vacation. A discussion followed regardlng annual leðve being turned into sick leave, and Mr. Lusk said that is a penalty put on an employee if he does not take his vacation. He said when a person leaves County employee he receives 20\ of his accrue~ sick time but he receives lOOt of his vacation time and n~ employees want their vacation days turned into sick days. Mr. Lusk said it might be helpful to have an administrative policy where the County Manager states he expects an employee to take hls ~hree weeks vacation every year and if the hours are not used they are to be approved by the County Manager. The Commissioners agreed. ACCRUAL or SICK LEAVI Commissioner pistor referred to the statement that employees may accrue an unlimited number of sick leave h~ur. thr~u9h~ut their County career. He asked what control there is if à p.rs~n works for the County for ten years and accrues 30 weeks sick leave, decides to leave and -gets awfully sick- and takes off six months? Mr. Lusk said a person could be required to furnish a certificate from the doctor,' adding that the County does not automatically have to pay that six months pay. A discussion was held regarding conversion of slck leave to annual leave if the slck leave is not used, and Mr. Lusk explained this is an attendance incentive plan to encourage people not to take sick days. He said the County saves money with this program by the employee not Page 10 ~t·~·¡;:,} [S' "lit] c:::J ~. .- """".",~"" 'i"~""'" ":,": , , , ' ~,/~~<:""'¡:'~,.,.:,'."<.(,",,',,;,.j~+.... .. ·{',rJil.'f;!'.'--r.·t;r>l>fa,.~!., ~'-' '; ~ J ~;-'~~ ..'- - - :::::J September 11, 1985 ..~~.' ;.~usin9 his sick days. Com.isaioner Hðlland said he is a. opposed to people building up . a. he is to buildine; up vacation pay. He said if an employe., work and does not use insignificant reasons to stay home there , are .any companies and municipalities who give a one day b~nus to people who do not take sick leaýe during the year. H. said he is in favor of a person being paid lf a County doctor states a person i. sick. PIRSOMAL LEAVI Commissl~ner Pistor said he did not know Personal Leave existod. Mr. Luntz explained a person cannot use a Personal Day to go to the beach or add it to his vacation time. He said if a person has to se. a lawyer or close on a house or do anything not covered anywhere in the Rules, that is Personal Leave. He said it is strictly for buslness needs and employees are paid for that day. Mr. Lusk said he tried to eliminate the two Personal Leave Day. and give one extra annual leave day, however, the employees to whom he 'spoke had a problem with that. He said he found that Personal ~ave is very important to amployees. Mr. Dorrill said that Personal Leave cannot be accrued if the time is not used during a year. .JURY DUTY Commissi~ner Pistor asked if the County pays an employee that is on jury duty. Mr. Lusk said the employee is paid full salary and he keeps any fee he is paid for the jury duty. Mr. Dorrill said that the County used to require that employees pay the County whatever they received for jury duty but this was changed when ,a number of employees were required to sit on Federal Grand Jury in Miami. He s.id this was an inconveniftnce for the employee to drive to Miami every day and it was decided to allow the employee to keep whatever money he received from the Court. Commissioner Voss said that Mr. Lusk would put together a benefit package for the Commissioners to consider at a later date. * * * There being no further business, the meeting was adjo!Jrned by Order of the Chair - Time: 11:30 A.M. aooK 089 PAGE ï84 Page 11 ," ~ ,', . "~" . ....·~~O;',;'¡Ä!;·¡v!:;;t:: >::~:' 'iI ~ " ...._..-...