BCC Minutes 09/24/1985 R llJ . , , ' ',' ... '. .-: ' ", -' ,.".. ',-' . . ' , .,.. . .' ''I September 24, 1985 i:~ UOK Ggg mr 605 AGIWDA - APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS C~l..loner Pl.tor .oved, .econded by Co..l..loner Ba..e and a_rrleð ananl.ou.ly, tbat tbe a,enda be approved wIth the followln9 __nd_nt.. a. Item 8A re Humane Society's financial plight - cont'd to 10/1/85 by County Manager per MI. Delgado's telephone call. b. Item 10D(1} re recommendation for approval of budget amendment to allow repayment ,of bonds - Added by County Manager. c. Item 10E(1} re negotiating contract with financial advisors' for resource recovery proposals evaluation - Added by County Manage r. d. Item 10E(2} re instructing facilities manager to expedite the clean-up, repair and renovation of Building -B- - Added by County Manager. e. Item IlB re emergency ordinance on flood elevation to be added as part of existing Item llB - Added by County Attorney. f. Item 11C re emergency ordinance combining CAPC and IAPC to establish the CCPe - Added by County Attorney. Ite. 12 MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1985. REGULAR MElTING - APPROVED AS PRESENTED Co..i..loner Pi.tor .oved, .econded by Co..l..loner Ha..e and carried unanl.ou.ly, tbat the .lnute. of Sept..bar 10, 1985, b. approved as pre.ent.d. Ite. 13 BAa~a RICBARDSOM, COLLIER COUXTY LIBRARY, RICOGNIZED AS EMPLOYII OF THE MONTH FOR SEPTEMBER, 1985 Commissioner Voss said that Harlene Richard is the recognized employee of the mont~ for September, 1985, due to her outstanding performance and contributions to the County and presented her a plaque. Ite. 14 EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARD PRESENTED TO PAULA HOUSE, AGRICULTURE - 5 YEARS Commissioner Voss indicated that Ms. Paula House has worked for the County five years and will receive her employee service award as she was not present this date. It.. 15 ORDUIAJlCE 85-47 AJlD RESOLUTIOH CW 85-1 PROVIDIWC !'OR A 5' PRO RATA INCREASE IN WATER RATES WITHIN GOODLAND WATER DISTRICT - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Marco Island Eagle on September 4, 1985, and the Naples Daily News on September 5, 1985, as Page 2 ~-s ~ ~, , r -,. '.,' '-,- _n., " -,:. . ",. ......",. ,.,., , " .. .. c;::; September 24, 1985 evidenc.d by ALfidavits of PublIcation fil.d with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a five percent increase in water rat.. fQr all classes of service within the Goodland Water District. Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that he would like the BCC to consider Items 6Cl through 6C4, adding that they are all basically the same, tl.urefore, he will giv. an overall presentation. He stated that they are four separate hearings and they add up to an acros.-the- board five percent increase for water and sower, adding that they are user fees only. He stated thdt one exception is Area -C- for which the advertising deadline was not met and, therefore, the proposed ordinance will be brought back at the next meeting. He stated that the residential customer will have an increase of approximately $9.00 per year for sewer and $8.00 per year for water. He stated that this increase is being requested to provide for a rdnewal and replacement account which is used for major capital replacement items. Commissioner pistor questioned what happens if the Marco Island Utilities is granted a large increase in their water rates? Mr. Crandall stated that it would not affect the rates that h. Is talking about, as the proposed ordinance for Marco Island sewer is what is presently called Phase I and would only affect that area. He stated that Goodland water will be increased by five percent and would not be ~ffected by the rate increase that Marco Island Utilities has before the Public ~ervice Commission. He stated that if Marc,( Island Utilities raises the County's rates high enough, there is a possibility that the County would have to raise the rates again, but that would be as a direct .'esu1t of the increase that Marco Island Utilities would receive from the PSC. He stated that he is not anticipating a further increase for Goodland or the sewer rates in the County operated collection areas, but as far as Goodland water rates, there is a possibility that if the PSC raises the rates high enough the rat. increase would have to be passed on to the custo=er. Co..l.slon.r PI.tor ao.ed, ..coDd.d by Co..l..loner H.... .a4 c.rrled un.ni.ou.ly, tbat the public h..rlng be clo..d. 'Co..i..lon.r PI.tor ao..d, ..cond.d by Co..I..lon.r B.... and c.rrl.d unanl.ously, th.t the ordln.nce .nd r..olutlon .. n~ber.d .nd .ntltled below be adopt.d and .nt.r.d Into Ordln.nce Book No. 211 &Ga~ GB'g W'¡ SOB Pa9& 3 ~i~~'~:~J:"~):'" ~(,; ~- 'Vi' '^, _"_'·".._,,"e'.""" _...,,~... ......0.."..." '_·"W_'''''''"'~' ."...., _'~.~";_._". "'..._.--.,.... · '. ].r·, \, . -~ .L.I.. .' ," -, '_'. '1"-' . ',-, '1~' -I." >".""·'·'_'a_~'...,..",;.,·__"""""..,, ....."""""___,..__..,_"........"-',""'",_.____"',_........'.."'...'c"""'..._...,,,_I'<_,,."...'""'_'..'.,"'_"_.~.,"~",.___..._,~"_"',"""'~...,;,.,',.._,.'" " . ',-. ...,1" ' . .- 1"I.yj.l.u.IIJ. ,.."~-"----,....,,,,,,,,.~.<'~,",.,,,.-,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,~,,,,,,,,",",,",,,,,,-,..,~,,......"'''''''O';M'''''',; ".,"'·._.......__·'1II,.""'"'""'""'-~..·".-""..,.·,_...""""t._·~"'.·,,_~, -. ... '-,' ". '. " .." r .... . . . ',. ..... ., . I '·"-^·~"''''''''''''''''''''_'';';_''''"''_'''.;''__'__!·''''',I.''''."__'''"''''''''___''',·.·.----...-......·""'......,.,.........."-,,.-""'''-...........''''''...·....'...0.'·...,,· - , ,.~" ., . '. " . . . . .. .', " .J~ '"~. ,.,",","....'",.~;.-.,.."~._-.;-"'.._..,, "'-"~,~....'"''''·..,·..''';....._,·,..···...,''''''''''~·-ô''''',_...I\II,,___._'._"..h_..._..""....'''''_'''',.,.....___,...'"'~''''',;~. -.... , .. -: l~'. . ".. ,,':,1 ' J .',' , . , ~ . , f' · . . , '~f!! )II . . , .. '. . ' ","ì}j~L. ',;\1 - .- ,_:.I!,~~·^ It.. 'jlJOK 089'A~r619 ORDIIIAJlCI ØTULIAIIIQ aoaD DlPAC'r I'IU I'OR ALL nPlI 01' DKYILOI'Mn/75 _ CONTINUED to OCtOeIR 1. 19'5 September 24, 1985 Co_l..1.Mr Pistor 8IÞYe4, a.coDde4 by Co_ladoner ..nand end c.rrled UftAnl....1y, that the ordinance .at.bl1ahlnt road l.p.ct f.e. for .11 t)"pea of de.,elopalenu be conUn..ð to October Ii unw Itu 110 Ra:SOLUTlo. 85-117 a. PI'I'I1:lo. Y-IS-21C..ao J. l'A01IA, U'RI8hTING ^HT.~Y DlaAlUtO, alQUU'I'11IQ YAltIAIICI ..aOll III.I'UII LO'I' 1tlQUlIt&JIlalT or 150' '1'0 121' AD A YAUAllCI I'IICIN '1'111 III.IIIUM LO'I' UO.I......,. or 2.25. ^~RE. TO 1.7. ACRII I. '!'WI 18'1'ATlI DIMTRIct - ADOPTID Leg.l notIce having been publl.hed In the N.ple. Dally New. on ^ugust 25, 1985, a. evIdenced by Affidavit of Publication flIed with the Clerk, pUblic hearing was opened, having been continued from September 10, 1985, to con.lder PetitIon V-85-21C, flIed by Neno J. Spagna, repre.entlng Anthony DiSarro, reque_tlng a variance from the rnlnlml.ft lot width requirement of 150 feet ,to 120 feet and a variance froN the .iniau. lot area require.ent of 2.25 acre. to 1.74 acre. In the Eatate_ Di_trict for property located In SectIon 29, Town.hip 49 South, Range 26 E.st. PlannIng/Zoning Director Pet trow .tated that the purpo.e of this variance Is to construct a single famIly dwelling unit, adding that the subject property I. located on the south alde of Golden Gate Parkway, 800' west of Santa Barbara Boulevard and 3/4 mile ea.t of 1-75. He stated that the property me.sure. ISO' by 630' and contain. 2.17 .cres. He reported that the property i_ zoned wE- !state., which require. . mlnlau. lot .rea of 2.25 acre., adding that the property I. leg.lly non-conformlng with 2.17 acres, but the wE- DI.trlct also requIre. . minlaum lot width of 150' whIch this lot complies with at the pre.ent time. He .tated that the petitIoner proposed to reduce the _ubject property by .43 acre by taking a 30' by 630' .trlp of land and adding It co the lot adjacent to the ea.t. He noted that the petItIoner owns both lots and proposes to con_truct a _ingle family dwellIng unit on both lots, addIng that both of the.e lot., the .ubject property and the lot adjacent to the east, are typical of tho.e found within aolden aate Eatate.. He reported that the petitioner'. proposal would Incr.... the non-conforalty of the subject property while decrea.lng the non-conformity of the lot adjacent to the ea.t, addIng th.t .1thoUih St.ff feel. that the proposal will be In char.cter wIth the overel1 neighborhood, no land-relate~ hard.hip exl.t.. He stated th.t Section P.ge 8 EJ -=:J r.::B . , r;;; t;;ii1 c::: Sept..ber 24, 1985 1.1.. of the ZOning Ordinance prohIbit. the expan.lon of e .. nonconfor.lng lot and theretore, .tat! lIIU.t recollUHnd denial of th' peU Uon. Dr. Nino Ip.gna, repre.entlng the Petitioner Anthony DiSarro, Itated that the.e type of loti already exilt In the IIt.te. .re. and thl1 WOUld not be out of character with the re.t ot the lurroundlng property. He .tated that at the present tl.e there are 75 loti within thl1 one unit that are 75' wIde and there are 22 loti that are 105' which II what the petitioner II asking for. He qave background h1st~ry al to how the lota ended up In the Ihe. that they did. He "tateð t'" the petitioner WQuld like to reduce the 150' lot by ]0' In order to It to the 75' lot which wIll qive hi. two lOS' lot. and one 120' 10:, which would lUke the 75' lot a .uch nicer lot. He .tated that the r" .n exi.tlng home on the ea.ter1y lOS' lot and Mr. DIBarro would like l, buIld two more home., one on each of the lot.. Co..i.s10ner Has.e .tated that this i. creating three nonconformIng lot., adding that people have ho.e. de.lgned that fit on the.e ...aller lot. without any probl.m.. Mr. Spagn. .tated th.t Mr. D1Sarrc 1. planning on building a 2800 .quare foot house which would not fit on the lot as it now ex1st. lie noted th.t he h.s petitions .igned by people in the neIghborhood thð do not h.ve any objections to this v.riance. Mr. DISarro .tated that he would like to keep hi. family togeth~, whIch I. why he want. to build an additional two hou.e.. He .tat.d that all hi. neighbor. are in favor of this varl.nce. Co..ls.ioner H.... .tated that he do.. not lIke the Idea of cuttinq down on the Ilze of property, he would rather add to It. CoMi..loDer 'lator lIOYed, .econded by Co_l..lon.r ..... and carried uaanl.ou.ly, that th. public be.rlng be clo..d. Co_I..loner PI.tor .owed, ..aonded by Co..l..loner ..... that Petition V-'5-21C, be de.led. Upon call for th. q...tlOD, the aotlon failed 2/3, (Co_I..loAe,. "Uaad, GoodA19bt, and Vo.. oppoaed). Co_I..lo.er Goodnight lIOYed, ..conded by Co_I..I...r ..Uaad an, o.rrled 3/2, (Co.al..lon.r. ,I.tor and ..... opppo.ed), that ".olatlon , .5-117 1'0 Petition V-IS-2lC, Antbony D1S.cro, be a"optod~ .IOOK 089 'AG[ 620 Pac] . .,~ ";, ',;;:, It," f1~ OB9,m623 .,.4t.'." ,'.., ,-,I' PftU'tOll Y-U-22C, ROIl DI rtAVII - WI'r1IDRAWII . 'J'" .~, eo..t..l...r ..... ..yod, .ocondo. by C...I..lon.r ,I.tor .nd '1,;',:;,.- .arrl.. ...1....11, tJaat ..tIU.. Y-II-22C, ... De rllYl. be '<:,rJP/ ,,, >", '''I\:Wnw;.. propo..d by .taff~ "':" ,Staa 112 UIrOLftIC. .1-1,. It. ""UrIc. Y-.I-2OC, VAllDlUIL'I' lac. AUlD alQUa'rDG " J.ss' YMLUCI ROR "81 RlQUtltlD rRC*T DIU) II'I'8ACK or 15' TO ca.aflØC'I' 'NO ADDlt'Io.I TO TO atl"I_ œl-'TOat MITAL aUILDIIICI A'!' 1 n COfUIIIRCI Inll'!' - ADOP'I'KD Septeaber 24, 19B5 ,. >"" ... .. ~ .' Legl1 notice havIng been pub1i.hed In the Naple. Dally News on Septe.ber B,.1'B5, a. evidenced by Aftidavlt ot Publication tiled with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to con.ider PetItion V-B5-2OC, Vlnderbllt Beach Karina, requelting I 3.55' varllnce tro. tho required tront yard .etback of 15' to construct two additIon. to tho existing one-story metal buIlding at 179 Commerce Street. Planning/zoning Director Pettrow .tated that thl. petItIon va. heard on Augu.t 27, 1985, and approved by the Ice, but there WI. In error as the site wa. not po.ted, therefore, it 1. required that It be reheard. Øe .tated that the Vanderbilt Karlnl i. reque.tln, . 3.55' vlrilnce from the required front yard setback of 15' to construct two addition. to an existing one-.tory metal buldling. He noted that the subject property i. zoned C-3, itermediate commercIal, and cont.ins 17,500 .quare teet. He .tated that thl. di.trict require. I IS' front Ylrd .etblck and the exI.ting one-story metal buiidlng, to which the propo.ed addItIons ~~ill be attached, ha. an 11.47 foot front yard setback. He .tated that the petitIoner wishe. to build a 40.5' X 84' Iddltlon onto the we.t .lde of the existing metal buIldIng and I 29' x 84' foot addItion onto the ea.t side of the exl.ting metal buIlding_ "a,. 12 He Itated that these propoled addition. will encroach 3.55 teet Into the required setback which ia the .ame encroachment a. the exl.tlng buIlding. He noted that there were speclll conditions Ind circu..tance. that Statt believe. exi.t which Ire peculilr to tho locltion, .ize, and charlcterl.tic. ot the land Ind which Ire not Ippliclble to the .ame degr.~ or extent to other land, structures, or buildings In the aame zoning ~l.trlct. He noted that accordIng to the lnfor.atlon provIded by the applicant the tru.. network of the exlatlnt building i. needed to provIde .upport Ind 11lg~ent of the propo.ed Plge 10 " :'k.J.,'~, . "'·'-1-' ). -,j;.' ".,' .. -=:.1 mil, ~-'~"-*'._--_.., .. ~' f.. " .;;;...> ·""t·..·.h,4'''1~:·,~: '- ... .,:~.. '" ~'f'~ ',~~;::~'~~:~' : '" "~. , ... .~ :',. . Sept..bar 24, 1985 :,i.:\¡¡( .~.<., : ,',....,r'..CScUtlon. .nl! the accolIPanylnq dry rack .tructur..~ H. .Uted that:' .4'it\'bICIU.I·tb.,propo.ed adcUUona n..d to UI-ln at 8n of thl nhtlnq, 'ItrùlÌ~.., IhcIUIŠlng the corner tru...., which au located so'·.. toc-a¡'~. '. ''''~;'~ 'i.SS foot .ncro.cbunt Into the front yard ..tback area, thl ' , ";r,~:, i' ~.'., ~'~f''; .ddIUoft. nlld to b. buUt within the funt yard ..tb.ck ar... ......,.. ~;~:'.t.tld th.t St.ff reco...nd. .pprovll. He noted that th.r.,...:.t~t:.~1' '\:'~' l.tter flc.lv.d froa 1'19. I. Bertelaen oppoalnCJ the yar1anc..,:'i'l'.....·;-....;~·,~ .. . Co_lulour ..... -.ed, ..0ohdllCS by eo.al..loMr IoU." ...~.,:~. 'y' oard" uual..u.ly; tut tb. publlo b.uI", be o1..ld;!' .' eo..sulonlr ..... ....d, ..00Dd1Hl by Co_I..lo.lr 1011... a" oard" ....1..u.1Y, tbat ....latIoA U-It. rl ..Uti... Y-.S-ZOC'.ì:,":' y....rbI1t "aob RarlDl r-.uoatl", . 3.55' Ylrl.Aol fr.. tbe r...lr.. front Ylrd ..tback of IS' t. COAl tract two .ddltlon. t. tb. 1.I.tlnt O__lt.ry ..tal buUdlft9 at 17t Co...r.. .tr..t be .doptlCS; "f: ... 089 n.'.! 624 P19. "11 .""--,~._._._,.,-,.,."......".,..,.....-_._,.."" -...._---,",."""'..,.",- .....,.-.-...---- 1"", It.. 'III 089I'A".r 627 ~,;.. ~...' RUourrIC* .5-111 RI "TITIC* roPO-I5-Y-I lOLl, IIOIITU . USOCIATU roa.,· ~' DIU.I .~ JOIIII, alQUUTllIO APPROVAL or A VUIUCI nOM TIll KIIIMUIC u.sl "" 't,t.'·,; nOOD IUVATIC* 011 TRACT . or JllARCO BEACI SU'DIY. nIT OMI - ADOPTID ' .~ ,i$r~~"'':: Le9a1 notice hnlnlJ bun pubU.hed In the Naplu Dally lIev. on ' ';;;F-'i" Sept..ber., 1985, .. evldencecS by Alt1davlt of Publication fUed wltlÌ'~; the Clerk, public hearing va. opened to con.lder PetItIon FDPo-85-V-' fIled by Hole, Monte. , As.oclate. for Dale S. ~one., requ.stln9 .pproval of a variance fro. the mlnimu. bas. floOd el.vatlon required by the FloocS Damage prev.ntlon OrdinAnce on property described a. Trìot, ,~. .,;/ -B- of Marco Deach Subdivl.lon Unit one. Planning/Zoning Director Pettrow .tated that this petItion I. by the Marco I.lancS Yacht Club and Involve. a boa tel. He noted that the property contain. a re.taurant, marina and other facilltle., adding that the .ubject buildIng wa. inadvertently con.tructecS at 5.04 inche. below the required flood elevation of 10 feet above .ea level. Øe .tated that in .uch in.tances the FecSeral 'In.urance Admlni.tràtion permit. the aIJent writing the policy to round to the next vhole foot, adding however, that the certIfication mu.t be accompanied by a copy of · variance i..ued by the County. He .tated that this petition 1. to request .uch a varIance. He reported that thl8 reque.t 1. In the nature of hou.ekeeping and the approval should be granted mechanIcally, but It would be setting a risky precedent for Staff to recommend approval of a variance basecS on a hardship created by the applicant, therefore, Staff recommends a denial whIch they a~e compelled to do. Comml..ioner Pistor statecS that he would like to per.onally deny thl. petitIon and have the building. torn down, but at the tIme, they agreed that this would be a boa tel and that everyone that lIved there had to arrive by boat, but now there are.adverti.ements beIng circu- lated that state. It doe. not make any difference how one travels, everyone is welcome at the boa tel. He .tated that he agrued thi. vhen it wa. originally approved and this bohove. the Commls.ion to be careful about any further buildIng In the area. He .tated that they are not lIving up to the agr.ement when they w.re IJranted the per- ml..lon to build. County Attorney Saunder. stated that he Is looking Into the fact of whether the u.e of the boa tel can be restrlctecS to people arriving ju.t by boat. ) ..'. .0 - . tI~:. , .'. ~ .. .' ... <It; " ' _ ' ... '. ~ ' . " . \' , .~ ~ - , , '. . ;. I ~ -. 4 ....., '" ~ ..... ... ".. "r,.'" , L .'1,( Sept..ber 24, 1985 "~:. 1',' ,...¡.... .."'I" Page 12 .. 11:2 lIE. ·~ I. . .' ~ . ' O' " . . .' " -, .. ~ ~ . f t ~'".f~' .. " ........ \-., ...,.'" ./' . ~ .',,:. ~.,~ , 1- ¡¡¡¡¡a 1&1 ;--r....~t..., I~' ,,4. .'" <, i·:¡,'; -t~~""~}\ Ii .!ifltIAI,.~ ',' " .~"~., '~:. '+ ., ~,"~~~..¡,. ,.. 'I I.¡. I ,'~ '. ;StpU.btr 24, U85 ' (~.i,¡~'., . : ~'; .: ~ jé~~~::~" ....f. .~~". , ;; ...:' ".:~::~,..t>.. ." 'I,.. \..,... \ ~ f t I' '" " "'i, ,._~.. ,\&,~~ .. ',ëe.at..S..r ,tator ....d, ..oonded by COMta.loner IoUlad lact' '~¡~ '!; -"t. .,' I'd" ........l',.....t tbe "'110 .earl.. be 01oeecl. ' " '.;;,1"" ~,~. " - ,'j :'" "',,\- ~l' L¡' .!~!,;,,,,, c-1..S...r ,Inor ....d; ..oonded by eo.S..lon.r ..... _d ~..z¡'~~~i" ,..rr... __.....ly, tbat .....lIItloa IS-1ft Ie ,.UUo" 'DPO-....Y-.(~~:;i\~ t"le; ....t.. I ...ool.t.. for Dll. .~ Jon..; reqa..U", .ppr...l .r i~..s:; 'Í~\ ~;, ..rt.... 11'_ th. .iaS... ba.. flM4 tl...U.a req.Sr.. by tho '1'" i.~t· r, ,_, "'";~~: ...... lPr.ftaUon OrdSaaac. Oft proporty d..orSbed .. 'raot e.- of llaro. ",I:', " "MIa htH1hl.lon UnSt On. be .dopt.cI.'~ .::~~ .\: ". mK 08'9 PACt 628 .19' "13 ...."., , ;.~:Jn·V_:~ .t,,~-~) '¡~"", ',' i£¡~~ " " ~'-'"¡,.,''' ~~'t'i' ::~,~ .,~~,~,~,.; , ' ,~~:;,·.1J'"<t . ;';"~j." 'j,: '.' .....i'.~,.." +~f~ ~. ~:.~I:.i,iff' ~ :~:..... ~.' ~_"l~ ~~'ÿ,' 'j, . to' '" ~', ~,'1' "",-"""";.,,,.._-,~-~,, -,,,.,>,,,,,,,,,,"--" , . ~ . III. . . , "', J.,. . .fo,. ... I'" . ..', . . , . .' , , /' . ~-- -~- , . S.pte~b.r 24, 1985 ~,- .uW; 089nr.f 631 . ' ' 'lft'l'l.. ....S-te, IlULU rLOItlM CœGRIGA'I'IOII or oJIIOVA" WI.,.llla, :"'::IIIC..I'. PIOVI.IOIIAL VII rOR A CIURCI I'll OOr.D'1 GATt IITM'I' - DnllD :~ ',~ 'lInn.r flblU. .t.ted th.t the Maple. Florida Con9u9aUon of ~t~\ oJ.hoya'. Mttn'~I.I, Ina. II requ.ltin9 provl110nal UI. -1- of Eatat.. for a church loaat.d on 39th Str..t S.W. betw..n 17th Avenue S.W. and \\:. ,~~:. 19t.h Av.nue I.W., b.ln9 the north 180' of Tract 169, Unit 27, Colden Cat. ..tat.a, conlllting of 2.7 aer.l. She r.port.d that to the .alt and the north the land II und.v.10p.d, to the louth there i. a ho.. and ~ aorol. C.R. 951, II MaCone1d'I re.taurant. She .t.ted that the peti~ . ',:¡,,. Uon.r wllhe. to build an auðitorlœ (ohuroh) for approxlINte1y 150 ,.,~ ¡' p.opl.. lb. report.d that St.ff .nd .11 revlewln9 .g.nei.1 review.d " r the petition. anet had no objection aubject to the atlpul.tlona found tft- the Executlv. Summary. Sh. Indlcat.d that the CAPe held their publla he.rlng on May 6, .nd aev.n 1.tt.r. were .ubmltt.d in f.vor of the p.tition bec.uae it would b. en a.a.t to the community, 90' of the congregetlon 11v.. In Gold.n Gate, .nd th. building ita.lf blend. In with the co.munlty. She noted thet one peraon .pok. In favor of the p.titlon and on. l.tt.r wa. r.celv.d objecting to the petition b.eauI. It would cr..te .n incr.aa. in tr.ffio and It would d.treot from the rur.l cheraeter of the Eatatea. She at.t.d thet . petition with 31 11gn.ture. we. aubmitted objectIng to the petition for the .bov. r.eaona and b.cau.. It would m.ke the fourth church along 39th Str.et S.W. She Indicated that four people apok. oppoaln9 the p.tltlon for the above re.aon.. She indicat.d that b.a.d on th.lr Flndlnga of ract, the CAPe r.comm.nd.d d.nl.l and St.ff alao recomm.nd. d.nl.1. Co..l.aloner H.... qu..tion.d If the provlalon.1 u.e i. gr.nt.d 1. there .ny control for .nythin9 el.. that 1. put on the prop.rty? Plann.r McKI. .tat.d that provi.lonal u.e 1. for that u.. on th.t property and the plen. that are aubmitted are only plot plan. and not final lit. plan., adding that any u.. con.id.red under the church u.. would b. al10w.d on that ait. which would m.an approval of . church and any normal acc...ory typ.. of building. or u.... She .t.t.d that it oould b. 11alt.d by putting c.rtaln .tipulation. on the property. County Attorney Saun~.r. .tat.d that a provl.lonal u.. 1. . u.. of the property in . particular way and not for a particul.r .tructure or .1.., adding th.t .om. r.strictlon. could b. impo.ed on other typ.. of 400...ory u.... Th. following p.opl. .poke in oppo.ition to the provl.ional u.. P49' 14 , ~ E!J ~. -=s ~: " ~.;. ¡ , .. r.Þ, ....'~~',- . '.~" ft'. ~\ "'':f: " ~~.~ ~:': . ·.~-Ir· "1,:" . nIr¡;. .~. 'i~~', , ç" "-" , !~"., , ':;;,~~ ,,-''';:# .,- , <.'<', '. ., ,-, ""~,I ~4: , ~_..,".;;=. '. . ,;" ,'~""" '~~~~..., , ' . " ~. < . ......, " I. ~: "."" '.GI .. CiiI I ¡: ~'\~·:..e .d.tin" tr... on the prop.rty, n.rrow ruid.nthl .ttUU and :,~r~" brld9'" too ..ny church. on 39th Stu.t. ; ~l t.... . 2U , ·7"' ,O.ort. K.ller , . .Jack 1. Irutto C. rol r...b ,< "',' ';':". ./'. It "' ~ ~ . d,;" .... \', ,'{, ',"':~..~i,; . 'J:! .,¡,~~ ~,.. .,:~~~ ';~~.'. ",,'.1' ~.i'¡"i ~t~.... ~,!~ .,"'~ T.r. Norman Su.an O.r. Ann McDer.ott .,A1 Mr.. Carol L..b .ub.itt.d . p.titlo~ with 48 .i9n.tur.. oppo.in9 thl provi.ion.l u.. of thl. prop.rty for . church. Th. followlnq p.opl. .pok. In f.vor of the provl.ion.l U'I 01tln9 the f.ct th.t the p.opl. of the conqr.q.tion liv. in Oolden O.t., the ohuroh p.opl. .r. quiet .nd vell ..nn.r.d, the church hold. bible .tudy and not .oel.1 .vent., traffic Impact will only b. trom tho.. p.opl. th.t liv. In the .rea, .nd an ....t to the community. W.ll.c. Endr.. Mich.el a.II.way .,1111.. r..ux Steve Cook. Pr.d Jontl. Harry Oood Mlk. Mich.ntl J.rry Drak. Co..l..lon.r Vo.. '.tat.d th.t on. church h.. b..n d.ni.d to b. built there .nd If this church 1. .pprov.d, the Bo.rd would b. oontr.dlctinq th....lv... Co..i..lon.r Ooodnl9ht .tat.d that ahe h.. conc.rn. for both .ld.., .441n9 that .h. cannot In 900d con.clence vote to approve thl. provi.lonal u.. when the l.at proviaion.l u.e tor. churoh In the .... ar.. w.. turn.d down. ".pe f4 Co_i..loHr .1.tor ..v.eS, ..oon4.d by Co_i..lon.r Vo.. .IHI a.rrS" .....~u.l', th.t Petition 'U-15-tc, ..pl.. rlorida c.Dlr...tS.. .f J.b...·. Vita....., Ino. b. d.nl.d. ..... aeca... 10.35 A.N~ - R.conv.n.d. 10.50 A.N~ ..... 'It.. '15 ....1rlA'fI.. al NICULa D&tGADO UGARDIIIQ twa IIUIWI& BOCIan" r¡aAlCIAL 'LIGBf - COMTI.UID TO OCTOIIR 1, 1915 . Co...I....r Gooclnltbt ...ed, ltoon4.d W eo_il.lonlr ,lat.er aacI o.rrSed ....I..u.l', th.t tb. pr...nt.tlon by Nioh.l. Del,ado rlf.rdln, ~ auaa.. Bocl.ty·. flnlnol.l pllvbt be contlnu.d t. Octot.r 1, 11.S. r-- "" 089~'" õJ2 P.CJ' 15 .\~ \ f '\ ,~~. I'", . :r"li '. ~; -~- ~ "~';'l7";':'/~;f"';' J". .J. ~""A ·_~"···'~·~'._""'IW ''''' . ''''-'''''--'-'- , ,- '.., ( ., oil . .,¡ . .. . f . , ~ It.. nu.. 0891'A~ 633 Saptaabar 24~ 1985 ...... s,,~ì' !'i,. ~'.~~~; '1': .\: , laournœ .5-200 IftULII.11IG 10LID wun IATU, nu OR CllUQU rea flAIl.,.. AlII) DIlI'OIAL O'IAATIClMI - ADOP'I'ID. l,.oUr DlalCTaD TO MAD A ITWY I' AUTO rll' ",. ,... LAIIDr¡LL MID RlTURM ,.0 ace WITHIII 30 DA'l'. PUblio NOrk. Ad.inl.tr.tor ~uck .t.ted th.t thl. I. . recoa- .end.tlon to .dopt . re.olutlon ..t.bll.hlng .011d w..t. rat.., f... or ,.:' chuga. for tr.n.hr .nd dl.po..l op.utlon. to provide the n.a....r)' ~ ,.. . ,. r.v.nuo. to lln.nc. the tr.n.l.r and dI.po~al op.r.tlon. ol the Solid ~.ta Dap.rtaent. Ha r.port.d that the opar.tlon. ol the Solid WI.te Dap.rta.nt .r. llnanc.d .ol.ly with u..r le.. a. .n .nt.rprl.. .ccount .nd to ,an.r.te the r.v.nu. r.quIr...nt n.c....ry to m..t the budget exp.ndltur.., h. 1. r.qu..tln9 that the 1.ndfl11 dI.po.a1 l.. b. Incr....d froa $12.00 to $15.00 p.r ton and the r..ld.ntl.1 di.po..l (p...-through) f.. b. Incr....d lro. $21.00 to $27.00 p.r y.ar, which I. a $.50 . .onth Incr..... H. .t.tad th.t the tran.f.r .tatlon rlt.. Ire propo.ed to r.maln at exl.tlng l.v.l. of '2.00 for .utomobll.. Ind .tltlon w.gon. .nd '4.00 per cubic yard lor truck., trail.r., .nd van.. H. .t.t.d that the 1.ndfl11 f.. Incr.... 1. propo..d to m..t the co.t of a DIR ~.ndat.d Imperviou. c.11 liner r.qulr.ment, which 1. proj.ct.d to rwqulr. a $3,000,000 expendltur. hiving I 11f. .xp.ctancy of five to ..y.n y..r.. H. not.d that the 'l.cal Y..r 1985-86 budg.t Including the Incr....d tippIng f.e. wa. pr...nt.d to .nd .pproved by the Solid NI.t. Advl.ory Com.Itt.e on July 17, 1985, .nd h. ,1. r.co...ndlng thlt the propo..d r.t. r..olutlon to flnanc. .olld wa.t. .ctIvlti.. lor the rl.c.l Y..r 1985-85 .tf.ctIv. Octob.o 1, 1985, b. .dopt.d. Comml..loner Pl.tor qu..tlon.d It the $.50 . month 1. the ~xl.u. th.t tha v.ndor. c.n .dd to the re.ldentl.l bill., to which Mr. Xuck .t.ted th.t the v.ndor. could a.k fnr an Incr.... In their pickup .nd hlulin, ch.rge., .ddlng that thl. oharge 1. .1mply the .1212.12 co.t to the County to m..t the DER r.quir.m.nt.. Comml..lon.r Ho11.nd .t.t.d that h. h.. problema with ch.rglng .n lutomoblle to go to . tran.f.r .tatlon or 1.ndflll. He .tat.d th.t I lot of g.rb.ge 1. dump.d by the .1d. of the ro.d bec.u.e people will not pay thl. charg.. He .tat.d that h. would 11k. to know how much the County would .ctudly rediae with the bookkuplng, ha"dlln9' .nd weighing th.t 1. InvolY.d wh.n .n automobl1. drlv.. In. HI .tated thlt he think. th.t p.opl. are going to .1th.r put th.lr q.rbage In .om.one el... dump.t.r or put It b..ld. the ro.d. He .tlt.d that rath.r th.n .ddlng to the Incentlv. for p.opl. to dump on the .112. of the ro.d It ,t,... '; .,., ': ;~f;;~~ . ~\ 'Ige IS ~ta .-=:1 I~=:J .:..~~~~;:,~I; t~~tIi",.,.~;f.!~', "~~, ,,' ".,'";:;,...:...,,,.,í¡"'~. ,¡:;, ¡.,_~"'.~-,.~ - '~'.:~." ~'''''''~fII:',~~~~~.'.t.~,~.~~::,~~._''''~'~'1~.\_- ,~- ..·...·...r ,,"*_ '.. ;¡¡¡; (o~\t~,.l,~ .!" . "4". '.", < , ',: ,;.~\' ; ,~ ' , ,:", S.pt.llb.r 24, 1985 '~ri~'~~h~~td be', taken .".y .f\d h. btlhv.. that if the U.OO h. Wrt ~'\~:"..\ ~~'~,droPP.d, th.re would b. . INch cl..ner ar.. in Collier County. . lit ~J:*;'~~" f;¡";~,~.,,,t.'.tat .dtbU h., i. doubtful if there il any .on.y ..d. fro. the U'OO":.".'~,' ,.~r'4'ì.''';:H 1'- l~fI. afur aU .xpln... ar. paid. ' ·;\)"....·..·11 'if I"~ I ' ',~, >"~. ..~..,...... ~:~"'.:~~I':j' 1;~'Ald.t.nt County Mln'9er Dorr111 .taud th.t .t the tran.flr ,..;': ~~~};. ItaUon., t.h. County do.. not bruk ev.n, addin9 that the lIon.y 11 ..d. '''I.;';:. fro. the franchis. fl... .: "", <"~~; Co..i..toner Yo.. .Ut.d that h. fill. that the only .olution i. ,. "'2, 901n9 to b. ..ndatory piCkup. Co..l.llon.r Holland Itat.d that h. would likl to ... the f.. .l.inat.d for a p.riod of .i. .onth. to ... if it løprov.. thl litu.tion on the hi9hway., and if It do.. not th.n a f.. could be put back. Co..i..lon.r Vo.a que.tlon.d how lIuch i. collect.d froll the .2.00 f.., to "hlch Mr. Xuck .tated that h. do.. not hav. It Ipllt up, addln9 that h. coll.ctl ..ver.l hundr.d thou.and dollarl per y.ar at the tranlf.r Itatlonl. H. Itat.d that h. f..ll that If the f.. "a. takln off the autoMobl1.., it would be a 10.. of .round .100,000 p.r y.ar. eo.al..loner V..I 4Ir.ct.eS th.t the IolleS ~It. Depart8ent find .ut bow ..., lut...bll.. Iftd It.tll. va,onl 00lIl Int. tb. trln.f.r .tltlo.. IDd wb.t ..pen... .r. Involv.d .nd r.port b.ck to th. ICC wltbla 30 dl", Co..i..lo..r .I.tor ...tð, ..0oDd.eS by Co~I.loD.r ..... Ind oarrl.d unan~ouIl" tbat R'lolutlon '5-200 .It.blilbl", .olld v..t. rate., f... .r ob.r,.a for tranal.r ..d dlapo..l operation. be adopt"; \ 10111 08'9"-,, S3I .aC). 11 . . '''~.. ····"·"",·"··,,,"~,,·,,-·'"<-,,~,·~,,,·,;·,,·,~""'..._,"'"'·"'_...M.___........-.._...__,._."'"'.....,._..." "=,..^"~."''''b·'''',_,_,·_ ., I., ,.." .:¡ .<ú ,,;.~. .,.., r' J ". . ~ . . . . \ . _._ OM " 0...'· . __. . , , '..~-~ ". ~ ~ ¡;;:a Iij' ~ r ''W,. ~,q,. .¡t--~}" " ~''W' ';.../ J. ... ","" , ',~J, - . l'J'·:;~~ i··;n.. It"i'! ;f'!'IÃ' "'!"f;. '1);- Sept'.ber 24; 1985 '~:~ )_"_;' "4r! ,".... '·;·'·~f ~ "'~ ;, ~-~ ":~t ¡()it I''''~ 11' "f~- ,J, lID "'5 rea COURt'mU81 QROQIIIMI MIIITIJIUCI - AWAJU)ID '1'0 I.aca GOODIf1. I. n. MOun or u, no ,.. MOIITI ro. A OIII-YIAR MAIIITIIWICI COITMCt Le9al notice h.vin9 been publl.hed in the N.ple. D.l1y New. on July 19, UIS, II evidenced by Affid.vlt of Publioatlon Ùhd 'With the Clerk, bid. vere reoeived for Bid 1865 for Courthou.e Ground. Maintenance until 2.30 P.M., Augu.t 14, 1985. Public Service. Admlnl.tr.tor Norton .t.ted th.t thl. ite. w.. continued fro. l..t veek due to que.tion. that needed to be .n'~red. Be noted that Purcha.lng Director Thiele .ent a me.o, contained In the agend. p.cket, .n.warlng .ald que.tlon.. He .tated th.t Staff i. reco..ending av.rd of the Bid to the lowe.t bIdder, Bruce Goodwin. C~I..IOft.r ,I.tor .ov.d, ..cond.d by Co..l..lon.r Goodn19ht .nd G.rrl" ~anl.ou.1y, th.t lid "'5 for Courtbou.. GrouDd. Kllnt.nanc. be ..rded to Iruc. Goodwin In th. ..ount of 12,350 per .ontb for. ...-y..r ..lnt.nanc. G~ntr.ct wttb .ddltlon.l cb.r,.. of ..03 per lIqu.r. foot. It.. III , "' ., , .t ., .. ~ ";,i IUDQft MaDCIIIT '1'0 ALJ.OW ADJD8tMarr or TB' DIIT IIIIVICI CAaRY roRWAaD '1'0 ACTUAL, ,IA Tal '/30/14 AUDIT AMD alPAYlCDT or 1000Da III IlWIa AltIA -A- or T81 COLLIIR COUNTY WATIR-IIWIR DIITRICT - A'PROVID Uti1itle. Adminl.tratlon Director Mohler .t.ted that he i. reque.tlng th.t a budget amenrlment be .pproved to .llow the County to repay. l.rge portion of the Sewer Are. ·A· bond.. He .t.ted th.t there i. . "debt .ervlce re.erv. th.t cannot be u.ed for .nything other th.n retire.ent of the bond. and If It 1. not u.ed for that purpo.e, the County would be in violation of the bond covenant.. He noted that the longe.t ter. bond. would be paid off flr.t. Co~..lon.r 'lator ....d, ..condod by Co..t..loner ..... 'Dd Garrl.d un.nlaou.ly, tbat the bud,.t ..end.ent to .llow .dju.t8ent of tbe d.bt Hnlc. carry forward to .ctual, per the '/30/14 audit .nd r.,.,..Dt .f bond. in Sewer Are. -A- of tb. Collier County Mat.r-I.wer Dl.trlGt be .ppro..d. It.. 11' ."An DIUC'nD '1'0 IIITD 1Il'1'O .IGOTIATI0II8 mft rlleBn, JO..IOM, ALL" I lUUI Itl alaoUItC. RICOVlRY 'ROPOSALI IVALUATIOII AI.l.tant County Kln.ger Dorrill .tated th.t l..t Tuel4.y when he g.ve the BCC . .t.tu. report on the Re.ource Recovery project, he .entlone. th.t he would prob.bly be CO.ln9 back with. reco..endatlon lOOK 089 Pact 636 ,.g. 11 . ;i"' .:r ... ~.' -;i;¡" , -Þ.'''_ ...- . . t ,".. €" ;, "g. l' o~n ~'1 Sept.llber: 24, 1985 . a~O .~~~G1~~0 n'90tiation. for . tin.noill advl.or. ..rvlee. to a..i.t , the ..hcUon coni tte. in .vdultin, the buline.. and tlnancin, pro- .:-,-·.:po"11 contdnld within the r..pon.. to thl County'. RPP for r..ourcl ," ~\~:' "cQ~.ry. He ltetld that It that ti.. the f1 r. Phch.r, John.on, All.n ,":,,,··\."IUrkt "a. bting conlid.red. H. Itated that hi Ipoke with Mr. '1Ichtr~:;"":, ., and it 11 hh reco...ndaUon th.t the Staff b. directed to enter into, a., . ,~~~' an .9r....nt with Mr. Pi.cher for the .naly.i. work ...ociat.d with ¡ ~~~' linancing propo..l. b.cau.., at thil tille, the County iI not anUc!- ! .,. j :;\~' patin, being involv.d In .ny ..1.. of revenue bond. In .upport of the : (', flcl11ty. He .Uted that within the next two or thr.. we.k., Mr. ¡. ~, 'i.cher'~ effort will b. conc.ntrated on brin9in9 back I .hortli.t oi ""~to . the propo..l.. ""It. ";-, ,i.cal Officer Qll.. .tated th.t h. received corr..pondtnce fro. -,; Mr. Pilch.r regarding Unancln9 the .01115 wa.te lo.n pr09ra. that wa. dI8CU...d on the fillera r.9ardln9 the t3,000,000 that needed to be borrowed. He .tat.d th.t Mr. rlacher 1. an expert In providin9 infor- .ation on .unlcip.l bond flnancln9, but he doe. not believe that he i. .killed in the .r.. of flnancl.l evaluation. re,.rdln9 the propo.al.. ~.1.tant County Mln.ger Dorr1ll .tated that he ha. t.lk.d with anoth.r fir. that doe. a lot of .pecl.1ty work In thi. lleld, Jam.. J. Lowry of N.w York. Mr. Dorrill noted that Mr. rl.cher ..y need a..i.- t.noe froll th.. in t.r.. of cOllputer lIodelln9 In ord.r to determine . r...onabl. tlppin9 f.. b..ed on wh.t the propo..d co.t of the plant Ihould bt in t.r.. of oper.tin9 .nd capital and froll that the v.rioul .11ovance. for Inv..tm.nt t.x cr.dlt and acceler.ted depreci.tlon Ihould b. .ubtract.d which would then 9ive thl Co~nty a tlppin9 fe. .nd . bett.r coep.rl.on of the differ.nt propo.al.. rl.cal Officer Gl1e. .tated that thi. i. why he believe. that. bi9 CPA firm could h.lp lIore with Mr. Pl.cher a..l.tln9 th.. on pro- vldin9 the financln9 a.p.ct. Mr. Dorri11 .tat.d that Mr. Pl.ch.r i. awar. of thl. and if that type of an.1y.l. WQuld be r.qulr.d, hi. contract n.ed. to anticlp.te for .pecla1 .ervlce. under tho.e provl.ion.. Commla.loner Holland que.tloned If a dIfferent fIrm 1. 901n9 to be u..d, why 11 Mr. r1.cher b.in9 retained at all? Mr. Dorrlll .tat.d th.t at thi. point, Staff ha. r.c.lv.d 18 propo.a1. which put. a r.al burden on the .taff. H. .t.ted that the fte. are very h19h for the firm of J.... J. Lowry, addln9 that they oharge $150 an hour. He .tated th.t Mr. Pl.cher could do the type of .,~ ... 11#..' ,:'i' ,\Ì'< ...l. ~I I!I .....~~.. -= tS "~,:'~,¡.~,, ,;..,1;.....,.,,, , ... Iiii:iia "" Sept..b.r 24, 1985 analy.i. that 1. n.ed.d at thi. point. He not.d th.t the R'P wa. wrltt.n to .ncourge .Ich vendor to own and tin.nce the plant , th...lv... County Mln.ger Luak atated that ao.. of the propo..la hay. b..n both weYI, but mOlt of th.m would b. th.t the v.ndor own. the pl.nt. He .t.t.d that .0.. companl.a have propo..d . .23.00 tippIng t.. four y.ara from now .nd th.y ..y the coat ot the plant i. going to be $50 million, and then another propo..l .ay. th.t the plant will coat $39 .illlon .nd the tipping tee i. the ..... He at.ted th.t h. i. having difficulty in trying to und.r.tand which would be the be.t propo.al for thia County. H. .tat.d th.t he ia trying to a.ve mon.y at thia point. rl.cal Officer 011.. .tat.d Mr. Pl.ch.r do.. not get into that ar.l, but J.... J. Lowry do.. .nd that l.v.l of .n.ly.ia would require people that are Involv.d In financial analyala ver.ua .unicipal bond- ing. H. .tated that the County .hould not be conc.rned with ..vlnq money on thl. big I magnitude on conaultlng .ervlcea, .ddlng th.t the County might not get .. prof...ion.l advl.. .. th.y need. He .tat.d that if . .11llon can be .aved on the bid, it would be worth u.inq a firm like J.... J. Lowry. Mr. Dorrlll .tated that the County i. looking .t .ome type of a .od.l for . formull where the County c.n determine wh.t . r..onable tipping fe. ahould b. b..ed on what lc' ~ropo.ed to be ap.nt, .nd wh.t i. r.quired In the w.y of oper.tlon, .nd wh.t the fln.ncial Idvi.or knowI about the In. and outl of the tax law. He .t.t.d th.t fro. that information, the County would ~..ch a r.a.onabl. tipping f.. which would b. c~apar.d with the tipping fe.. a. propo.ed by the varloua co~ani... H. at.ted th.t Mr. Pi.ch.r indicated that he could do the work, ad~lng that h. indicated to Mr. Fi.cher that he had t.lked with J.... J. Lowry firm and in the ev.nt that Mr. Pi.cher could not give the type of an.ly.i. that h. 1. looking for, h. want.d to r...rv. the riqht to UI. J.... J. Lowry in .ddltion to the .ervlc.. that Mr. 'iach.r would glv. to the County. , County Mlnager Lu.k .tat.d that h. ha. probh.. und.ratanding the financi.l propoa.l. th.t hlv, be.n rec.lv.d, adding thlt on ao.e of them the comp.nle. .re 901n9 to pay the County for the garb.g. 12 y.ar. from now but they .tart out with. higher tipping fee the firat tew yeua. He atated that h. doe. not know which 01... would be the top four and Mr. Fi.cher could help the County .elect the top four Ind then look at . N.w York con.ulting company. IDIII{ 089I'A'ir 638 PIge 20 -, '''.,'.'. I "~ .".;>~t . ~',:_ ~·~.';~è:~ .;~,~i4!1 .",. '.;'" '1'1' , 1" ' ~~ ;0;......: . ~"..., " :.,.;r¡ '\,'i!>f' '.k"., ,"*, ~,,.. ...'( AI! :~ , I .;.; ¡ , ',.¡ ¡ l t : Dan, ~n September 24, 1985 .{: to" 8/JinVßner HoUand atated that Hr, Pilcher 18 b..icdly 90ln9 to "~",' bt put on the co..lttee In an advhory capacity. ",t(1!. ~ \ '" '" '. Mr" DorrUl aUted th.t he .... Mr. rhcher ..rvlng e aiRlUer type .:~¡:'~t: .~.,::¡ ,",rdee that he h.. for other typ.. of flnancln9 andyail. , :,r,,':J::~ :~.,. ,~, ;'" eoaahdoner Vo.. .tated th.t it would be reuonable to pay Mr, ,,' ":";:~ ., /.:.. r1.ch., .. c... 1ft on. ,..k ..r.... .... .f ... p,.p..". .n' lot hi. . :.'~,';',:~,:' " Indicate to the Com.luloneu whether he can do this or not. ;'-..'!f;,¡¡¡' , ',,' .'" rheal Officer QUe. ahUeS that it 18 illportant to r..lhe thlt '''¥:;~~ )', when tht four top propoull are condeStred, upendve help is 90ln9 to;;.;.," ,;~. <.," have to b. hired to .nalyze lomething .. cOClpl1cated, .. thh; " ';jr;1t£ ;;¿ C...I..ioner Gooclnl9ht lIOn', .eGoDded by C......oner ..... and '. " ,.....1, Gard., _ani!lOU.l)" t.h.t ItaU be directed to enter inte ne,ot"tlon. wlt.h rleoher. Johnlon, Allen, , lurke re,.rdln9 reaouree reoover)' propo..le evalDatloD, It.. 120 rACILl71U JlAllAGla 1......UCUD 'fO D.IDIU '.1'111 CLIWI-U', UPAla AIR) 80M. "DOYATIOII or IUILDII10 '1' . Mr. Skip ea.p, Facilitle. Kln.ger, .tated that l..t aonth the Health Dep.rtment wa. temporarily relocated from Building 'B' to Bul1din9 'A' for the removal of a.besto., which ha. been cOllpleted. He at.ted that Staff ie recommendln9 at thla ti.e to clean-up, repair and complete .o.e limIted renovation work in BUlldin9 'B' to include a dropped ceiling, panelln9, 11ghtln9, and floor coverln¡. He .t.ted that thl. limited renovation pr09ra. 1. not to exc.~d $40,000 and will be peid for by fund. .lre.dy budgeted for this project. He øt'ted that he il reque.tlng .pproval to obtain 3 qu~te. for the ceiling and floor coverln9 In lieu of form.l bid proce..ln9 and to .pprove the purchl.e of the ..terl.l. to complete the project by the County'. Bulldln9 Maintenance Department. He .tated th.t he anticipate. the completion of thl. project withIn 30-45 dey.. Co_luioner PI.tor ....d, .eGoracled by eo_h.ioner Goodnl,ht a'" oarrled unaDi.ou.l)', that the racllltle. Mana,.r be In.tructed to tapa4lt. the olean-up, re,.lr and 11.lted renovatioD to lulldlnt -.. a'" that a J quote protr.. for ..ourln, contractor. be utlll.ed in ord.r to ooaplete thle pro'ect within a 30 to 45 da, period. P.ge 21 t: ~;': ... "',, ;""". !. ;: f '" , ~ &J - lIE, -~,-'~.-,._---,--, , r.;¡¡a I:iiiiI ;:::a , ,,,,...';~ 'I. \. " .~+,~,' '" ,t!~~~ 'l;~'.;' ,...,., '.pt.llber 24, 1985 ~,. .. ,', . ~ '~: Itl..21' Þ~"'"í~An AftOItIIll "OIIICU1'J:œ .DYICU AGRIIMDf lOR COLLIn coulln An " :~!; cln or IAPLI. - A.'RQVlD ~""" County Attorn.y Slund.u .tat.d that thl' .. .. uoolII..nd.t1on to { ..:."" approve an .gr....nt for proltouUon urvic.. to b. rend. red by the ~ 'tat. Attorn.y'. offlc., .ddlng th.t thi. 1. the .... .gr.e..nt th.t , the County hu had wi th the State Attorn..y .nd the City of Napl.. for the la.t I.v.ral y.ar.. He .t.t.d that the only ch.ng. in thi. y..r" .gr....nt ov.r l..t y..r'. 1. that the ..l.ry rang. for the AI.l.tant 't.t. Attorn.y ha. b..n ral..d by .bout .1,500 .nd the .alary for the ..or.t.ry ha. b..n ral..d by a f.w hundr.d doll.r., .1'0. R. .t.t.d that the City of ".pl.. will p.y 50\ of the co.t for the Attorn.y and the S.cr.t.ry .nd the County will p.y 50\ of the co.t. Co..l..loner Ooodnlght ..v.d, .eeond.d by Co..l..lon.r ..... .nd o.rrl.d unanl..a.ly, that tb. It.t. Attorn.y pro..eutlon ..rvle.. .'r....nt for Colll.r County .nd tb. City .f ..pl.. be .pprov.d. ~II Doouaent not r.c.lv.d In Cl.rk of lo.rd Offl0' .. of '/27/11. .,. 1 ~i,'~~~ , ., " ~. .' 'iI.,' e'.''¡',, ," ,'..M'~ , "''':';'<'-fI; '¡~">l~~i*: '.:ì,¡jb..t(: 't; ~..;;.~ ,,'1~~ , ' ..i;"ffrí" d' .~ '."'~~~~ '~·,·i:'.'fm or',,' ." "'Æ"'I~"" :t., :' \:,.~", "''''1 .1'-/;., . ".pt IS It.. 122 'RUDfAflœ œ .... ITATU8 0' 'l81 'LooD ILIVA..lœ APPlAL AIID ...Ar, DIUCTID !'O ..IMRI All IMIRGIIICY ORDUWICI RI 'LOOD ILIVAt'IOII 1110.... TO II IRouan lACK '1'0 t'B1 Ice 011 OCTOIIR 1, 1985 County Attorn.y Saund.r. st.t.d th.t thl. It.. Involv.s the flood .l.v.tion .pp.al, .ddlng that Aa.lst.nt County Attorn.y CUyl.r will ,ive . short r.port on the statu. of the County" .pp..l to the r.d.r.l Im.rgency Manage..nt Aqency and .1.0 dlscu.. the ...rgency ordinance th.t w.. added to the ag.nd. for consld.ration. Aa.l.t.nt County Attorn.y Cuyl.r .tated, with ref.renc. to the e..rg.nay ordlnanc., hi. r.comm.ndatlon i. that it be handl.ð on Octob.r 1, 1985, adding that the ordln.nc. 1. almost In fln.l for. but It 11 four or Bv. pag.s long and if it were brought back next we.k, it.., would giv. the Com.i.slon.r. time to look it ov.r. He .t.t.d th.t th.r. I. . l.tt.r In the ag.nda pack.t from the F.der.l I.erg.noy Man.ge..nt A9.ncy which Indlcat.. th.t th.y have r..olv.d the flood .l.v.tion .pp..l in Colll.r County" f.vor. H. r.ferred to . S~uth 'lorid. wat.r Manag.ment DI.trlct ~p noting th.t on. of the problem. th.t the County will h.v. 1. that the det.ll on thi. lIap 1. ...11 .nd the dlff.r.nce 1. that the flood In.uranc. r.te map ha. a chalk 11n. on ......~,'_:...·,·t . I lOOK OB9nr,r640 P.ge 22 ,~: > ~'''''"''''''';;;''''''''-'--"~'''''''''' ,..... '..'"'--,-..... ,,':". 089,mA41' ~ It whloh in3îcate. the difference In the two elev.tlon .r.... H. ~~t;~.utecS that It uk.. it very difficult to pinpoint lota .nd .r... where '.,. ,~...t:;t. .tructuu ia to be bullt, add In,. that he htla th.t StaH c.n do thll "'<f.~ ~\ ';~nd tht Ordinanc. that 11 ,.oln,. to b. .U9,...t.d to the Bce 1. going tò' ;',~~:.'Iit ~~;:~,,::'ie.yt dl.cretion with the Staff ...btr. to only grant peralta for tht, ::':~ \t> flood .ltvation htighU of the South 'lorida Water Mlna,.e.ent DlItr1ct'''~i¡; ~," .It.ation. in tho.. ere.. where they h.l ( onfident that it 18 away " "'~ ~;,,¡, frOIl the l1n. and th.t the flood inaurence rate a.p will back up thtlr :~.r~ "1 d.oialon when the new m.p. arr he. He atattd th.t tht b,ckeJround of ' "~: .'. the flood devation .pp..l la that the County .ubmitttcS the South, ".( ~{'. Plorlda water Mlna,.e..nt Dlatrict dtv.tion .nd requ..ttd th.t a .tucSy "~'~:~ ~. b. don. and then .uba1tted the d.v.tiona to the 'ed.ral Imergency ',' \:!:. I'~;' Mln.9....nt Agenc:y .. aupport for the County'. cont.ntion tbat the elev.tlon. were too high, .dding th.t on Stpt.mber g, 1985, he received a letter Indlc.tin,. th.t rEMA w.. goln,. to .ccept the South rlorlda Water Mlnage..nt Dlatrlct elevationa .nd they were ,.oin,. to pr.pare flood Inaurance rate .apa. He atated th.t there will be det.l1ed a.p., but they will not arrive tor a period of tlm.. He at.ted th.t the PIMA h.. authorl..d the County In the int.rill period of tl.. to uae the South rlorld. Wat.r Man.gement Diatrict elev.tions, if the County 10 wllhe., as beln,. the moat current and technical Infor..tlon for the flood pl.ln ..na,...ent. He stated that St.ff will have a little probl.. doIng that becau.e of the lack of detail on the map, .ddln,. th.t he h.a requeated a larger lIap. He at.ted that If the BCC do.. con.ider tht ordinanc. neKt week, It ia Staff'a recomm.nd.tlon that the St.ff be given diacr.tion not to permit .tructur.å too clo.e to that ch.lk line. H. atated that h. hop.. by neKt w.ek h. will h.ve .n id.a a. to wh.n the m.pa will arrlv.. COllmi..loner H.... qu..tion.d If the el.v.tiona .r. goln,. to be lowered, to which Mr. CUyler replied affirmatlv.ly, .ddln,. that the problem i. if the County wa. rai.ing the elev.tion., homeowner. would not be anxlou. to com. In and get per.lt.. He st.ted that the lower el.v.tlon. .re 901n9 to cause the problem. Mr. CUyler .t.ted that the reder.l Emerg.ncy Management Agency In late 1982 c.me to CollIer County and IndIcated th.t advancing In the hurrlc.ne sur,.e methodology h.d ¡ndic.ted to the. th.t flood elevatlona In Collier County .hould be ral.ed .nd th.y ver. adding wave h.l,.ht addition. onto the current flood elevation.. He atated that th. BCC at that ti.e, deter_lned and came to the conclu.lon th.t tho.e elevation. S.ptemb.r 24, 1985 '.ge 23 IIii -=s I!!:'!I' í , g;a œ¡¡a ~ ï\'\.' "'...~~i"!~, ':';"'~t~~_~ ',' ~"'~' ,could not '14/,,·'f' :1!',~<.corr.ct. He lut.d that an appeal "u fUed .t that till. and th.y :,~.},;.,..,,'!Or"l1Y cont.ct.d the South rlorld. W.ter Nn'CJ...nt Diltrlct .nd ~f,',' ..k.d the. II .n Ind.pendent body to pr.pare flood ehv.tion. for, ..' ft~~~ eolll.r County .nd th.y e.m. up wh.t th.y con.ldered to b. .nd "h.t r."v rEMA h.. now ree09nh.d to b. the htut .chntlUc .nd t.chnled tnloraatlon .nd .l.v.tlon. with reCJ.rd to hurrlc.ne .urCJe, whleh I. the po.ltlon th.t the County 1. .t now. He .t.ted th.t for flood In.ur.ne. purpo.e. It h.. been determined th.t tho.e .lev.tlon. .re of .ufflcl.nt helCJht to protect property d.m.ge within the .re.. d..iCJn.t.d If th.y are built to th.t h.lght. Co.ml..loner Pi.tor que.tlon.d If It 1. In writing th.t the South rlorld. Water Mln.ge.ent Dl.trlct m.p c.n be u.ed7 As.l.tant County Attorn.y OUyler .t.ted that the letter from PEMA b.ck. up the eonv.r..tlon th.t he h.d, .dding th.t the Indlc.tlon pre.ented In the April, 1984, South Florid. Wlter Mln.gement Dl.trlct report may b. u.ed .. the be.t .v.ll.ble .cientlfic .nd technical d.t. for pur po... of flood pl. In man'CJement~ ø. .t.ted that the letter 90e' on to ..y, however, that the County .hould b. aw.re that In.uranc. r.te. on new V-son. .tructur.. may be quite hIgh until the m.p. '1" officially r.vl.ed. He .t.ted th.t thl. Indlc.te. th.t the in.ur.nce people will .tlll ch.rge .. tho~h the .tructur. were being built below what It .hould b. built .t until the m.p. .rrive .nd .r. Incorpor.ted Into .n ordinance. He .tat.d th.t for. p.rlod of time, in.ur.ncI r.t.. '1" not CJolng to be .dju.teó, only the permitting procedure would b. .dju.t.d. He .t.ted th.t he would ..k th.t the eoard direct Staff to .. . pr.p.r. .n .m.rgency ordln.nce to .mend the flood pl.ln ordln.nc. to t.ke Into con.lder.tlon interim requl.tion, ~f the South Florid. w.ter Man.ge.ent Dl.trict elevation., .nd the m.tter can be further dl.cu...d n.xt week If the BCC .0 de.ir... Co..I..IODIr ,I.tor ....d, ..con4e4 by Co..I..lon.r I.... .nd c.rrled UDlnl.ou.1y, th.t It.ff be dlr.cted to pr.p.re .n ...r,.ncy ordlaaao. to ..end the flood p1.ln ordtn.nce to t.ke Into con.lder.tlo. Interl. rovu1.tlon. of the louth P10rld. W.ter Ran.g,..nt DI.trlct .1...ttoDe and return to the ICe with .... on OCtober 1, 1t.5. Ite. 123 September 24, 1985 b. correct .nd .ought to find .vid.nce th.t th.y wet. not '.¡~,~ ~ j, ~,:j¿1t ,"";J!j¡,~r, ~~'~"_: ':~ ,~ . '~1 jr~Ij"" 'ÍW" - +~ ; ',~' :¡..,.",.,Ií. '.1~., :",;~' \t.",1J~'.' . ~'No' .4.....\0 . .~~,.:f~:~ , ....._."¡.,.~~ ",.. ~.~~\ ..". ''''"\.. ^~~,~~ " lIIDCIact DICLAUD. OIlDIlWICa 15-51 anAaLIS.IIIG ,... COLLIR COUIIft ,LAnIIIG COMIIIIOII (CCPC) - ADOPTID Comml..loner vo.. .t.ted th.t thl. 1. an emerqency ordInanCe with aDD« 089 PACt 642 P.91 24 '. ¡.t ~:., '~"~' ,~ .."'" '_i___'·"<"~ "'...'-....'0"....'__ ,~, ",,~,'" ".'. .' " ~~~p~~tf¡4~ning the CAPC .nd th.8;:~·~~~o2:~.1~~:C, .dding th.t :,'f'U thh ordin.no. 11 p....d, n.xt w.k nomination. will b. puunttd to ..,.. , .,' ',.th. 'loud. . ;j~'r ~ 'j~"jJr__"~.~TL~ ~~'.:'~, "",.cò'u~ty ~ttorn.y 8tund.tI IUt.cS thlt the Co..iuion p....eS ,'. ,', '......'~',~;: .f~~jhc"olutloft l..t w.k whioh dir.ot.d hi. to pr.p.t. .n ordin.no., add1n9 f~;~1\ïi"th' ordlnlno. h n.c....ry b.en.. of .xhting ordin.no.. th.t ..; . '( ~,~~..t'blilh'd the CO.ltll Ar.. Pl.nnln9 Co..i..lon .nd the Immok.l.. Ar.. ~ ;)~~,:.',PlaMin9 Co..iuion. 1M IUt.d that the Co..iuion il .wu. of the .,; ~,:.t: "1',:.," t.ra oontdn.d in the ordln.no. .. th.y .n b..ic.lly the .... .. what'~~ " " ~ WI. oont.in.d in the r..olutlon. 1M .t.t.d th.t the ...rg.noy .n.ct- ..nt proo.dur. r.quit.. th.t th.r. b. . finding of .n ...rg.ncy .nd a wliv.r of notic. by . four-fifth. vote of the Co..i..ion .nd the .n.CbD.nt prbcedur. would .1.0 r.qulr. th.t the Co..i..ion vote four-filth. to .pprove the ordlnanc.. Comml..ion.r Vo.. .t.t.d th.t th.r. i. . 10~ of confu.ion .bout wh.t organllation mak.. the d.ai.lon .nd it .hould b. ..ttl.d i...dhtely. Co..i..ioD.r ,i.tor 8Ov.d, ..oond.d by Co..i..10ntr I.... and oarrled unanl.oally, tb.t .n ...r9.ney be d.ol.r.d and tb.t not10' b. w.b.d. Mr. ~ Gtt.. .t.t.d th.t he would .ncour.g. the p....g. of thil ordln.nc. .. It i. very lauch n..d.d. CO..I.lloD.r ,I.t.r 8O..d, l.oODd.d by co..illlon.r I.... and o.rrled UD.DI80Ully, tb.t Ordln.no. 85-51 .It.blllblnt th. Col11.r Ct~ty 'l.nnl", Co..I'llon be adopt.d~ It.. '2. ROOfII. IILLS - APPROVlD rOR 'AYMIMT pur.u.nt to Re.olutlon 81-150, the followln9 check. wet. 1..u.d through rrld.y, Sept.mb.r 20, 1985, In paym.nt of routln. bill.. CHECK DESCRIPTION CHECK NOS. AMOUNT V.ndor 133390 - 133781 19327 - 19901 $1,708,128.91 248,590.28 ICC P.yroll It.. 125 lUOOI7 AMIMDMIMT8 85-431/434 AND 15-43'/440 - ADOPTED C...laalon.r ,Iator .ov.d, a.oond.d by Co..I..lon.r Goodnltbt and oarrl14 ananl.oualy, that luðget Aa.n~nt. 15-431/43. and .5-.3.'..0 be adopted. Page 25 " , .. -= -, "....,.~-"',.. ~'_,·"·~·,,"_..·~..··....·..""""'<........,._^...",··c',',,·,""',~;,,."',.,'_ """f .- ... r::::II September 24, 1'85 ~'.( It.. 12' *~~ ,¡ ",., /:~::', ''I'Aft DIUC'IID '1'0 Ulauca UD CC*I'IIII DlIftlC'l' IOUllDUIII AIID fRlJar .. ,.~'",;¡':' ftA'I'UI or DINODLI'I LIGITIIIG UD IUU'I'UICA'I'IOII DIIftIC'l' AIID alfORt ' .S ;", JACK '1'0 ICe 011 'fill IIICIIIARY MI.DMnrl TO '1'111 ORDIIWICI ':\" .' Co..inioner Goodni9ht Itlted thlt in 19156 th.re "'II I r..olution .at.blllhin9 the li9htinq dlltrlct in Immokal.. and for a period of ti.., there "'al no one on the advi.ory committ.., addln9 that It on. ti.. it w.a Independent and then it Wlnt dep~ndent. She It.ted thlt lalt fill it wa. decided that a new advi.ory bo.rd wa. ne.ded so five people Wire put on a commls.ion and It wa. decided that it would b. indep.ndent .nd then the lawyerl ruled that it wa. dependent. Sh. atat.d that ahe II .skin9 that Staff be directed to follow throU9h ",ith thil and come up with a reco.mend.tlon for an advilory committ.. for the Immokal.. L19htin9 and B.autiflcatlon Dlatrict. Public Wbrk. Director ~uck .tated that It appear. that he will b. comln9 back recommendln9 that all the exl.tln9 ordinance. on li9htln9 and 119htin9 beautification and. combination be repealed for Immok.l.. and then come back with a new ordinanc. cr.ating either a new lighting and b.autlflcatlon di.trlct or a oomblnation of the two and a .ethod of budgetin9 .nd fundin9 for it in the future to eliminate the confuaion that there ha. been In the paat. C...S..Son.r GoodnS9ht .ov.d, a.conded by Co..S..Son.r ,i.tor and aarrled unant.oully, that 'taff be dir.ct.d to r....rch .nd oonfir. dl.trlot bound.ri.. .nd pr.a.nt .t.tu. of tb. Iaaok.l.. Li9htiD9 and ".utlfio.tion Di.trict .nd report b.ck to the acc on the n.o....ry a.DClMDt.,U the OrcUn.nc.~ It.. 121 11'1'1'1'1011 a-IS-4C, IlAPLU COIUIUJrI'I"I GOLr COVR81, IIIC. AlII) llIDU8ftJAL COlIC... AlII) 11fYIS'1'JI1II'I' CO. alOU11t'11IG allOlllllG PROII 1UCP-1I AIID ac '1'0 'UD DOWIII All ULY 100ARI I'OR PRO'IR'I"I AT 'I'D IIORTI&A8'1' CODltR or UI U AIID ''1'. AIIDRIWa aLW. '1'0 I. RlADVIRTI81D AltD IROUGlt lACK '1'0 'I'll acc Comml.sioner Ooodn19ht .tated that a f.w wvek. a90 thla petition "'.. b.fore the Bee and it wa. denied on a 3/2 vote, adding that at that ti.. Comml.aloner Vo.a had made .ever.l commentl .bout 100kln9 Into the ..tter and poatponlng it for a few weeka. Sha at.t.d that at the end of the ..etln9, ahe ..ked the BCC to recon.lder It which waa .gre.d upon. Sh. atlt.d th.t .he would like to have thla petition brouc ht blok 1911n. Co..S..loD.r Goedni9bt .ov.d, ..conded by Co..i..loner 'S.tor and c.rri.d un.nS.oualy, thlt 'etitSon R-IS-4C, "Ipl.. Co..unlty Golf aoDIC 089,Af.{ 644 aDD.c 089"AC~645 s.ptember 24, 1985 ,< . Coare., 11'0. aacl Induetrlal Cono.rn and Inv..taant Co. raqua.Unt 'I ~~:f:; . 'relonS.. ft. Mr-1I end QC. to '~,~_nown a. Lely Iquare for pro,.rtr at " '<:J:: {~........, ,&be aortbea.t GOmer of UI .n and It. Andrewe 11¥d. to be readv.rU.d' ': '~"',~ ,..,> ',,;¡-V,_ . ...,:,,,,., ",' ~~~~ ~," I)r...bt "'011 to the ICe. , '":t:J,, ",' ~"'" ", ~> 'tI,¡.;, ,p....'~, ~~.iff' .'.''''; ~. è "..;¡.; : . ,t --' .' t:> ' ' ';.'!o~ _..t..... ,...,.tlb. _a, - lor _b.t.... .", ' " ,- . '''':'", "I;:,>,,, 'S.tor end carried unanS.oany, that tb. followS", it... '" "l/!,i(¡'1 ,¡' ','''' b. Mopt" aneS/or appro..eS andor th. Cone.nt AI.nda. ..... ' ~'·lt~'U. " ,,~,;' "'~A'III1II't to al MDI '1'0 '1'111 UlfI'rlD ITATa COAI'I' ClVAID I. ftl AIIOUft o. ~;~;\ U,4n~1O 'LU' ¡.,.IRIIT fOR DAMGII DOIII It '81 RlI' YUilL ·CY'R...- ': It_ 12. ~; AI .~~~' '"I'.TITIOM 'IR-14-3JCi WAnl ftIlODIAU; Itl laeon . fIlIAL 3 MO; IX'!: 0' . j TIKPORART R&lIDIMCK 'IRMIT OM T81 WI0S' Of TII W1.0· Of TRACT JJ, UNIT ¡.' n. OOLDIII GA!'I IITAT.. It.. no CCIWI'ItACT lXTallC* Of WlAftlRUATIOII VI PROGRM .0. 15WX74, AMDØlDIT .0. 1 'RON '/30/1' TO 11/30/" I.. '8'.. ~ð - ~ ð'l It.. 131 MODlflCATtOM Of UCAVA!'IOII 'IRMIT MO. St.l", WILalfOOD UTA,...; '1'0 UCOQIIJlI Maw OIGIIUII' 0' PRO'IR1'Y (A. R. MAti DIVlLOMIIIT CO.)- ALL O!'IIR COIIDITIOIII AND I!'I'ULATIOIII TO RIMAIM THI IAMI It.. 132 IIISTAI.I.ATIOII 0' 'LA'IIIIG II0000L A!' IIITIUICTIC* 0' C.R. US AJID .ORTII COLLIIR DAL'I'II CDlTla D'I'MIICI, fUlfD11IO fROM GnlML fUlfD . WORlt '1'0 II CONPLaTlD &ARLY PART 0' ,y l"S-'1 u.. .n CCMIIIft IUDOI VlIG.,. LINI'I'I UTULISUD, TlWlSPOItTATIOII DI".; IM'LIIIIII1' SIGMIMG O. IRIDOII 1M ACCORDAMCI WITI 'IDIML . .TATI RIQUIRIMnT. It.. ut GIIMD MIL '1'0 II I.STALLlD 011 AIRPORT/PULLIIIO ROAD IIDIWALI II'IWID POIMCIAIIA IL...DTARy ICHOOL MID POIltCIMlA VILLAOI It.. US RIGft-O.-WAY MRIIIIDIT WIn A. I. RBODD fOR VIDal1lQ Of I.R. f51 1&TWln U.I. 41 AlrD MARCO I8LA11D, lAID DOCUMn!' '1'0 II RICOIU)ID I.. 'a,.. (1),6- ~ - (¿,S.3 It.. US Peg- 27 ,,', ...' " .. .. ~f ",".",,,~,.,,-,._----,_.. . '"···-"'"_'_'__'O..'_·~_M'·_"."~",_,_".>o.·"""",·_,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,",",.. .,".....;."''';~''~.,,'''-'''''''''''',..<...,...,_.'" ·~.,,~¡.. ~.' t /~r" ",' , leptember 24, ass ~~~~, ~u &ODe 089~Ar;tt)47 \.' ~~'" .~,~. ,..... . , , II. ...US DICIIIM IQUUMIft fROM ftl 'URU'" DI". ,-0 II DOIIAtlD ,-0 "~;'~~:IIA'I.SI POLIC. AtSLITIC LIAOUI A' 'tlXlCIUWI 'ARK ~t~"'4.·'~\ ~"', .\"\ . 1rII,..,f'O#' I~' '". ~,,';;'" AGlDtIIrr anwaa COLLID COUllft a COLLtU coo.,.! ICOIIOMtC DlVlLO",at',., «".;;:COUIICU. rOR un-" UO,OOO COIITRtlUTIOII .' '.~ ~ ~ <'i;;¡' , ': I.. 'a,.. ~ J:l - "J I ~ ~,It.,. US ,,~. AGRlDlIft Irma COLLID coun, . COLLID IOU . WAUR COII.DVAtIOll ~¡". ÞII'r. 'OR un-It UI,OOO COIf'l'RIIU'l'IOII 1'::1~: I.. ,.,.. ~ I~ - 7/7 ~ It.. UI \ ' " ¡;.. """';0"--: ,., '. '" . ~ UllUlIAaLI aoun rILL At UI'I' UGIOIIAL WATn. PLAII'I' ,-0 II IOLD AT 25 Clftl .... lARD ,-0 IOIIITA LII1IS'I'OII1 tRAIIIPOR'ATIOM, ll1C. AftIR DIDUC'fIOl POR COUll'J't CIAROII 'OR RIMAIIIIIIG .CRA' 'AUM ,-0 COUll'l'1' tAIIDrUL It.. U7 CanrlCAfttI or CORRICTIC* ,-0 ftl TAX ROLLI AS PRUIIITID IY 'I'D 'RO'IRTY A,'RAIIIR'S orrlCI ¡;.,.~/-~ ,. 1977 TAX ROLL 440 -441 9/5/8 5 1978 TAX ROLL 613 .. 614 9/5/85 1979 TAX ROLL 668 - 669 9/5/85 1980 TAX ROLL 626 .. 627 9/5/85 1981 TAX ROLL 636 - 1i37 9/5/85 1982 TAX ROLL 6" 7/26/85 U8 - 699 9/5/85 1983 TAX ROLL 378 7/26/85 379 .. 381 9/5/85 1984 TAX ROLL 183 7/26/85 227 8/29/85 228 9/5/85 It.. eel IXTM GADI 'l'IMI roB IIIMATI .OS. 40263, 41011, 41275, 45270, 47''1, 4'15', 27421, AIID 31452 Page 29 ; ;<,.~:,~"';'"", ....~.J :i~ '''~:~A\r~ ":,,,..~,. " ..,;"41. :,' .',;.-'(I,!i .' .,~~~'~;: '. - - -, ".._.."."."'<._""""-,.,<,..,,"".......,,.,*~..,-"''''~..-__..._.--____...--..__,......""_.o; ....__..~~, -"'-~".,,-'.'-,,""-...-..,.......,.-""..._.-_-,-,,',,-,-.,..' ,'''''''-''..>,..."_.,-,,, -.-- ,. c;¡¡¡; ¡::¡:a '" '''., "t:',' , ~·~..\<-l',I:.' ':í{~; (: '>:h~ "'1"\ ~~..<-.<,{ ~. ,~, ';-r.~Jt....t ¡~~~'JRcm.L or IUOU AlII) 1.8OLYlIICIU Lln rent TAX 'liAR 11.. AI .,' 'f:i al .... TAX COLLIC'I'O" t', , ~:~tIII .SO :~~ 'MI.CILLAMIOUI CORRllPONDEMCI - 'ILID AMD/OR "I'IRRID There being no objection, the on.ir directed that the following corre.pondence be filed and/or referred to the various department. .. indicated bel OWl 1. Letter received 9/11/85, from Douq 118 L. Fry, Environ. SUpv'r., DIR enclo.lng .hort form applic.tlon rile No. 111090865 dredge and fill permit. XCI Mrl. Mullinl and Dr. ProHltt. rUed. ,.)1; 'I'\~:~ . ~ 't¡';" 101"1'"10 .;' "; :'f, '1"' "10; · "'i;l1I!· " 1'('. ¡, .....' h,n ;. .' '~" ' '~'1 Septe.ber 24, 1985 2. Mlmorandu. dated 8/28/85, from Supervl.or of Ilection. Morgan attaching a lilt of oHlcial' polling lit.. for III pucincu wIthin CoUler County. 11 led. Letter dated 9/6/85, trom Brl.n R. Mrazik, Ph.D., Acting A..t. Admin., Ottlce ot Rl.k Aslelament, reder.l Inlurance Admin., rederal Emegency Management Aqency, Itatlng that b..ed on the ,srwMD report, lEMA will revi.e the .... rlood Elevation. pro pOled tor Co111.r County. XCI Mr. tu.k. rUed. 3. 4. Copy ot ...orandum dated 8/30/85, to County Manager Lu.k trom Fl.cal Ottlcer Glle. re r1eet Management/Motor Pool rlnancill State.ent. for the period ended 7/31/85. riled. Copy of ..mor.ndum dated 8/23/85, to Solid walt. Dir.ctor rahey from rllcal Officer Gl1e. re SolId Waate Dl.polal rlnanclal St.tement. for the period ended 7/31/85. Filed. Copy of letter dated 9/3185, to Moody'. Invaatorl S.rvic. trom rllcll Officer 011.1 .ubMittlng updat.d information e. reque.ted. rl led. Copy of letter dated 9/5/85, to Jame. G. John.on, rinanoial Auditor and An.1y.t, from ri.cal Officer 011.. re lranchll. Rate Ba.l. for Solid Waate Collection. riled. 5. f. 7. 8. Copy ot memorandum dated 8/22/85 trom ri.cal Officer Gil.1 re 1985-86 Debt Service. 11 led. 9. Lett.r d.ted 9/6/85, trom Dr. Jane Polkow.ki, Publio H.alth Unit Dlr.ctor, HRS, and Roger Ivan., Bu.. Mgr. II, .ubmlttlng Collilr County Publlo H.alth Unit Querterly R.port. xc. Mrl. Br.ngaool0, Mr. Norton .nd Mr. 011... rl1.d. M.morandum d.t.d 9/9/85, trom Karen Mlcrarl.nd, OPB, Offi~e of the Governor, attachln9 additional b.ckup ..terl.1. for rlorid. Land Ind Weter Ad]udlcatory Com., It.. No.2, Vineyard. DRI. XCI Mr.. Br.n9acol0 and Mr.. Mullinl. riled. 10. aDK 089 'Ar.t 648 Pag. 30 .."",.._-~~"~<-...~,_...,..,;-,...~;.._.",~.<"" '"-'"~'''.''''-'"'''-'''--'"-'''''''~--"--;''' ~ .. __"_R. -_"'~'__"__""_"""_"__'<" .,,.,·_"...w_____