BCC Minutes 06/18/1985 R c:::.J s;:::;.1 r:::::I Nllples, Fl'HidCl, Juno H~, lL)I'5 L~T IT BE REMEM~ERED, that th~ ~~ðrd of C~unty Commlssi~n~rs in and for th~ County ~t Colli~r, anu ~ls~ acting 3S thu ~o~rd ~f Zonin~ Appealø end as thft governing b~drd(H) of such spdcial districts as have Þevn credtwrt ~ccordin9 to Idw dnd häving conduct~d bu~inoss h~r~in, reconvened in Regular Se..ion at 9100 A.M. 1n ~uildlng "F" ot th~ Courtl1"US~ C.,mµlex., !:.òSt N"plpH, 1<'.1"r1(::o, witn tn<! fo~lo.,.,in':J rr"mb~rf> present: C itA 1 HMAN: l"r !·~d'!T i (;1< J. V·, SB VIC~; CtlAlRMAN: J.)hn A. Pistor ~Iax Bassa C. C. "Had" Holl·lnd Ann::: Goodnlgnt A1.~;o PtU:::.E¡"¡T: J,~m~R C. Gll"s, fi:,¡cal UfHcer; Elinor 1<\. ~kinner a~ ,'¡aue"..,n I;"ny.,n (;¿:(;íl P..'I.) l)(·~pu-.:y Cl"IKS; ¡,urt 1.. ~,:¡unct!r¡,;, C')Uflty Attorney; L«Jf\iJlr¡ ß. LUHI<, County ¡·,.'Inðgl'!r; :-.I~ll l.:.,rri11, A!>slstant". C.,U:lty Í"Un.¡~¿r: I-<.,n br.;!ì'J.;:<:<:l", L'..:j:.uty t\ssis~.·Jnt C.,unty M~I~' yt:r ¡ Vi ckif! MUllin:>, ç.'ITIITIunit.y D-'!vel,,;.;;r,önt Ac1ministri:lt,fH; ;\On ~:cKi.r.'" Actin~)ning Direct"r: êd.rb..:'u Coccni.,n,", ~.\:.,fí ,)l"nn,r¡ ·!''Ir.1 ";u(;k, FIJ;,1Ic~rviC'~s AdlOinistrat.,r¡ T.)!!', Cr<lnd2l11, Utilitl.!':! },dm1nlStrdtor; N~ncy lsr.1el!:l.,n, Admlni:'II:r/ltlv" ,,':;:'I18tant ...., tl'·· "r,,'rG: ¡,;n:; .'llll.Jm ".:-:.·JUlty, :;hl'rltt's Depd r tm'!n L. r' t,CiOI. û87 PA(,t 631 P/lge 1 ...... .,:.:' .----. ..-.~-----~~.~~ .,..._---~-~ / I . . . , r'~::~ 081 p~r,~ 640 ~~ Tape 11',' rf..~.,I.t.~~. 144 ~)1)" '. ¡i,.~I;~·". AGENDA - 1I.PPROVED WITH CH1I.NGES ~'~,\" . _, "",'\10\' &~'Jr;·.' :;::~\:.,{: Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and ~~:;;·;(,::~a,~'r,led. unanimously, that the agenda be approved with the following. . ,'. "Ch~n~~1~,:~.d"I.:t':(, ¡'~'i·"" ....','. ;'.! ~ ,"1.,' ... ',,'::'r~'~J~ ,. ,10..'1 l6A1. ~ Deleted, same as 16C6- requested by Co·unty Manager·.··.: \.,~! , BlW:. lOA:::' Remove 1611.3 from Consent Agenda, Pet. TR-84-23C,' .: ;,,~.:':~r¢¡> : ~1Í:~1:~'~ temp'orary residence extensi.,n .. requested by County Manager~"~·.:;'!. ; ,c:.~r lOB; ,,:,' Remove 1611.4 from Consen.t.. Agenda, Pet. TR-84-27C,:.'.,,~ )~.~~')vt; .' .ìfÆ',i~i'~ temporary residence extension ,..; requested by Count.y Manager.,' . JÍIt., ) ...,:t,:Ddf' 10C. - Remove 16A6 from Consent Agenda, Pet. TR-84-33C, " ;'. "(,'}"¡." ~ /" ',{r'!'~' temporary residence extension - requested by County "'.anager.·,.:.,,:,· ".>5~' E..'~; 10D.,-. G.,al Settingworkshop,:- Added at.,County Manager's.,.' ·f'.·'''I')·1:'.t .. '. ~.'.,. '" request. . ,.' :.;'''-i...;;'' ~~:;?':: ~~~o~n~Î:~:~£~~~:i::::f:::n::::: _ ::::: :: ::::::s!ono' : :'~ t'~~§.;b..:.. V.,ss I reques t. V,~~~~..:J¡~¡.;....." ft. 7B3 - Pet. PU-85-9C, Naples Fl"rida C.,ngregati.,n of Jeh"va's· ",) t-I'J,¡.} , . Witnesses - Continued to 8/6/85 ' Ir~ rr:'i: 1. 16D7 - Delete lIcccpt¡:¡nce "f water facilities for Bl1rclay's ,l{";'>,{," Capri pointe, Phase I - requested by C.,unty Manager. ,,'. '1' ¡';; ~.. Itell 145 .. ,J' ~', \ . . I t.: MINUTEg OF MAY 21 AND JUNE 4, 1985 REGULAR MEETINGS AND MAY 28, 1985 V¡¡i;I: SPECIAL MEETING - APROVED ~P\)t~: ' .J;(.... ,: Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and r>' . ;~~. c~rried unanimously, that the minutes of May 21 and June 4, 1985, . ' ) it; t ,Regular Meetings and May 28, 1985, Special Meeting be approved. 1..1. Itell 146 . ';/ ,'. J'" . ',:1'" EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS (PERSONNEL) , . .', Jun~ 18, 1985 1'/ Commissioner V.,ss read a special plaque in recogniti.,n of Jackie Franklin's 25 years of service t., c.,11ier County and c.,ngratulated him. He presented service awards as follows: Luz pit::tri, Library 10 yrs. Pamela Jamr." Library 5 yrs. Pedr., Ram.,s, R.,ad & ~ridge 5 yrs. N.,el Guerra, Road & Bridge 5 yrs James Ma rtin, R.,ad 51· Sr idge 5 ·yr s. Ron Jamro, Mus!!um 5 yrs ' . 'à. .. .. / .. , . '~. "'," 'J .. . .:. . ;\ , < I' ,., .,1; . '., '. ~. . .'i:;~. . !;. " <.¡~ ~ t,~{ . ", ""?f'''' '4'" ;':J-. . :: \:~ '»~)~ II.·...] .:... -4/tl';. t· , . . ,. . "; ~{'~:i!>\.f' :. ~.~." .... .-' .. c ,f-' ,"-t", '"-'t. . v' '~'J.' "': :~J··í··· ~ ' .... ".,. tì;..~r~....~·..·1'J'1>,,"'ð..~... ,.¡... -"~. ."",~~..I, '-...... .....' ,.,.¡". ';'\~:. .....,\.~'\..'. _.. ':'. . ,:r""":'-l _.1,":.'., ...;.... ,~. ~. .,,:::~i'~'M-"'-'\ ·..·IX:· ....... .....~.,.~'<.~..IiÍ;.¡Ji:?,,¡;~..,;r.¡.~~:4I~I~, .-:" ''''',., ..... ~~. "':>;'. ·'1·"·........:.·· "';",'" " " .{ .,...".~~. , !I;þ.,:. . .~"~. . t:=J ., . .-t, . \". ".' .....-, 1;," ~ . . ;:r ....,.. """-'-.'..... .. " .' . .! . .'- :.:.~ D~·.~:,~,. r '",·,';~t~,t.. ""04~ ._.. 1 ....,..- . ..... .....-......"~.. ". ~..-. . -~ .~)....~. .,....-.. .._~",."--~-_." --..--- . . , . . '. "M'" . ·ct . ' ~'~I.Q' ~..:. ;"'. l., ..",,,,,,.~- . .?,...~:~:J "11...:. ".~ . ..... .'. \,;,.t" >. '., r-: . ~ :.":- . ~,,~'.J~' . . ". ...... ........ ,w t , . .~ ~.:¡~.;':t.) June 18, 1985' . . .:(..<.:,.....!....\~ ..: '. '. :·,:1'''....',I·~ ~~¡~~....47 .¡ .." '. " . <I t..·( ~:·:.6XJ;( ~ ~..¡..~PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING SERGIO MONTES! EDWARD OATESé ·i:.~UIS HOEG'ä'~~~'f'::"~:~ ' ':' RALPH BOVIER , TOR KOLPLAT paR DEDICATED SERVICE TO ITIZENS or CaLL ERl' , ..' .'." COUNTY AS MEMBERS or COLLIER COUNTY UTILITY RA. TE AND REGULATION B.OARD. ~.:;. '¡"r"j'" ., . ADOPTED . . .. ~~ ~':'''? : After reading the proclamation, CO)~lIIisa1oner Voss moved, 8econd~d ~;\1~·\t:~ . by Commissioner Pistor and carried un~nimous1~,.that the prOClamation.:~~ recognizing Sergio Montes, Edward Oates, Louis noegsted, Ralph Bovier and Tor Kolflat for their dedicated service to the citizens of Collier County as members o~ the CCURRB be adopted. . . .~;::l "';';\~~ ...' ..~.:)tf~·· .. J(, I [:!i.~;fi I',. > . ;."">~ <)~~1 . .,t 'J' ,:,..,. .~. . I.. .11 I f~ '. .;" , ," ::' 1 .(, ," . , i' ~',.) J." ..., j.. r.~"~·' . : . ~í':: ". , I',,), .' ,'1, .,' ¡ .. i,r~\;;; . . ,'t' I, 'I; ,~, ' , .,...,,' ~,..:, l:,~ ,,,.I ,.\. , I. ';\ \';~ I ~t,:' . "'~ ....." 'i i Ii. ; /'~.',I! :' . ,,' . .. '..:r·. .,',"," ~OOK 087 PAG( 641 . ~~ " :,-,,:. --..... " ".'--"- .~-:,.~~.......,..... L~ -.'-.-....-.... . --,.,~-,..__..-_., ._~~....... "." ...~.-...,~...': ......J; '~' ... '.1." '['" ' , .' f' . -; ~'. ....'.- ;';~+'" r1 , -~ ( ',. '. " , ....,1..... :þ' , + ,....~' .' '~' , , t.,' ~'.. June 10, 1985 \Ue. 148 '~ :, '~);; PRESENTATION or PL.a.OUE FROM GULF COAST LITTLE LEAGUE J.'~~~',~\" ;-:': Commissioner' Pistor reported he attended ::r1.,'~:'t1iê G~lf C.,ast Li ttlß League ~nd comm~nded the :¡';~~'",z'ðtion. He displayed the plaque given Collier ~:' tion in rcc"gnltion .,f the h~lp the C.,unty has , , ~, . , them. Itell 149 PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING ~ULY 4-11, 1985 AS -HELP MENT.a.L HEALTH BLOOM IN COLLIER COUNTY WEEK- AND JULY 21, 1985 AS -ARBOR DAY- - .a.DOPTED After reading the Proclamation, Commissioner Holland moved, ,seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the proclamation designating July 4 - 11, 1985 as -Help Mental Health Bloom in Collier County Week- and July 21, 1985, as -Arbor Day- be adopted. Commissi.,ner Holland read th~ list of area landscape establish-' menta wh~ have d.,nated landßcaping to the David Lawrence Mental Health property. .. .~ ''\; \ ~, :'~' "ß): . I ~ h . i,r,_' \ :iXf)::/i ' .~. i/.,;.oj .(, f~.t." ,'. :'. , ·>ì;~~:' ~ . ~{~~';" I" '.¡:'. ., . ~, :" ,: .\ I t: .,' " . ~ " r' ~OOK 081 p~(,t643 !.' ,r.. ':. ,. .' Page 4 ":.. .., .r_· ',' ~ . .. ·,~I'· ~ ,~' , of, t," r-1 --, , .. r-; "., 'r.., ,.;-,\,. -/~;,~.-4 -, ; t- ~...<t {I .!.,..~,,..,~t' !\,~ ",\. , ,. ... _~..."~i I;Ii..,. .:,!'\}:!i: '~' June 18, 1965 "·'ii'V. ;,: ,\ ";11 ~~r:: .':~~~~~:E:::ION R-B4-24C, JIMMY ADKINS, REPRESENTING NAPLES FRUIT Ir VEG~;~~~:~~~':!,~" 1i' ,~ COMPANY, RE THE PARKLANDS - CONTINUED TO 9/10/85 ,,' . ," , H';~,~'¡ì~ ~~~~t:, . ,: Co_isa1oner Phtor lIo~ed, seconded by COlllJliuioner Uoliilnd and~j~~tþ¿I'. ~~\ carried unanimously, that Petition R-84-24C, Jimmy Adkins, representing "'. "~";'~:NaPles Pruit Ir Vegetable Company, requesting rezoning from A-2 , A:':'2ST4 ~~:,i;;:~i '~" to PUD for 965.4 acres known as The Parklands be continued to 9/l0/BS. " Readvertisement t., be paid by petiti.,ner. , , ~~. . . ""...- ,'lot" ... ".'. "Y , , Item 151 ORDINANCE B5-27 RE PETITION R-84-11C, DR. NENO J. SPAGNA FOR EDWARD A. McCARTHEY, ARCHBISHOP OF THE DIOCESE OF MIAMI, RE REZONING FROM A-2 TO PUD FOR THE VINCENT!AN - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Legal n.,tice having been published in the Naples Daily NewS on May 3, 1985, as evid~nc~a by Affidavit .,f Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petiti.,n R-84-llC, filed by Dr. .,' Nen., SpûgnÐ, represt<nting J::dwdrd A. ,McCarthy, Archbish.,p of the Diocese "i'" ,14, of Miami, requesting rez.,ning fr.,m A-2 to PUD for the Vincentian located .,n U.S. 41, n.,rth .,f the Hitching p.,st. Acting z~ning Director McKim stated this request is to rez.,ne a 30.7 acre parcel l.,cated on the s.,uth side I'Jf U.S. 41 betwe~1' S.,uthwest "'" I:!oulevard and the Hitching p.,st. Mobile Bome Park t., permit the develop- .' ment of a residential facility for the elderly dnd for the future development of a church, sch.,ol and vari.,us instituti.,nal facilities as~, ':"'.:t d~scr ibed in the I::xecutive Summa ry dated 6/11/85. She said the PUD "" (.'./1 document permit!3 Parcels "B" and "C" t., be alternatively used as ,~'1' ':"~~! re.sidential facilities at the same density, 8 dwelling units per acre'j,:~:::':;~¡~I\~'!": as Parcel "Aft with the maximum number of units being 246. She said the ¡:':~f':\ . ~!',t:t · 'f¡.~ ' CAPC rec.,mmended appr.,val subjec~ to Staff recommendations and Staff . t~/,,' i'~\ ". rec.,mmends app r.,va 1. .. . ,. ,,~·r,'.,;i ,:i( ,',~.\:;~: Dr. Neno Spagna, rE:presenting the petltionet, said 10 ,acres'~o~\<.~~,~{;,:. . ..., ,', .,t, ".: '. "....the h.,using has been recommended for approval at 8 units per ,acre,or,~, ' \ ¥iL'total of 80 units. He said by including 5 acr~'~of 'land"~~' ~~l~htV~hr :~'::~I'lake and the sewer treatment plant are l.,cated,' for purpos~s, df óé'n-" , ~trKaitY, the d~nsity on the 10 acre ,site will be ~a'is~'d ~., a to~:t-;J~·\.;fQ (.~units. He said the petitioner has agre.~d t., 'improve Southwest B~ùlevar' , -';':fJ" f 00/" ;.~f'i '.: ~\ ',' and other conditions stipulated by the CAPe. ';;/~t..~,f ~.¡~ Mr. Mario LaMend.,la, architect f.,r the project, was present to ,''O\:J''I,~~ "J: ( '!~.".'/"'~W'1 . ;'".h"'¡''I . .~'''J.' ·J'-f~.r, il., ' Commissioner pistor andj~·!.á<.(d' .1', 4f,. ..,.If: pag e ' 5 ,~ 'f};" 0. .'. ¡'.'~ ;~i!'~' -:~' respond to questi.,ns. Commissioner Holland moved, ~econded by ~OOK uB7 PAGE 645 ) " . .t:.~ , .,. "..---.~""""",...-.._-_.",.....,_.......~ ., , ~ "~: :.;,... ~ '. . ~;~7"Oa7 mr646' , June 18, 1985 ¡t.n:..:,carried unanimou8ly, that the public hearing be closed. I.f~r'·::';," COllaissioner Bolland lIoved, seconded by Comllissioner Has.e and . I~, carried unani.ously, that the ordinance as numbered and entitled below ~ . .){¿ be adopted, subj.c~ to Staff stipulations contained th.reln~ and ~ ~. e~tered into Ordinance Book No. 20s ,:~~:'. '/", :' \',', '" ORDINANCI 85-27 'f.. "L,:·".. . " ' ,,';, I ',i:., AN ORDINANCE, AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING I, ,.;.,!,,)~u ~ REUGLATIONS rOR THI UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY; ," ,'I ;(";~~" FLORIDA BY AME, ,N"D ING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBERS 50-26. _.8 AND, ¡:< "!'''::'~J.~ ~;,50-26-9 BY CIlAHGU:lG THE ZONING' CLASSIFICATION OF THB BEREIN " ';á,:¡J " \ DESCRIBED REAL" PROPERTY, FROM, A-2 '1'0 ·PUD- PLANNED UNIT), '~rh~';:~" .~ , ' DEVELOPMENT,': POR' PROPERTY LOCATED ON US-41 ¡ NORTH OF THI,"" :{~J: .~·f ·1· ,.):II; "~~'1'CB~~G POS~'.¡ ~D PROVIDIN~ A," EPFECT~VE DATE.,. ....,r.;,,' ~:~I,:~.I'~;·il,C+~\ ~ I, ,,' ~11 'I'~'~ I . . 'If j, .' '" , ' , " . '. i" .11' '.¡~'..., ."","{ Ite. ì52'1(:A~"f'", ' ' ',," ' , ' '. "; '.',>;>,;. ..... '"." "fff.f/"I'~'~f.r, \$,.~!..'..:"" f·~ftfr·": ~,,,,., .", '.'1 ',~T'¡:' ,; " ",~,,: '.',; :'~'r';:.'.j/1~~'¡¥.#):r " ORDINANCB 85-28 RB PETITION R-84-45C, (FORTIN/GOBEIL) RE REZONING PROM'~¡~' .( C-3 TO C-4 ,FOR 10.3 ACRES BETWEEN DAVIS .BOULEVARD" RADIO ROAD - "'; . ~~,:~~~~PTED..., , SUBJECT TO STIPULA:'IONS ,"';' ,."~;æ~,,:\~. Le?al notice having been published in the Naples Daily News Í)n May ., ,{t 31, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of publicatir.m filed with the ,t ,t¡Iolþ... "'1f.; Clerk, public hearing was opened to rec.,nsider pctition R-84-45C, filed ,'\;1~(:bY Bru~e Green and Ass.,ciatcs, requesting rezoning fr.,m C-3 t., C-4 for ,::~,,{ 10.3 acres between Davis B.,u1evard and Radio R.,ad. 1'1(':', Attt)rney D.,neld pick....,rth, rf:prescnting the petitioner, explained '~/;," 'that on Mdy 7, 1985 this peti ti.,n was considered and Staff was t)pposed, '.. ~h ;, feeling the property sh.,uld stay C-3. He said the CAPC recommended ' , ~¡.;;.'. approval by a 5/2 vote. He said there was c.,ncern that the area might '~;'~'?'t be used f.,r other than a car dealership. He indicated a site plan '~:~~':,;, showing buffcrs along Davis B.,ulevarç and said the petitioner is :~:~:..'wllling to have restrict.ive c.,nvenants that will pr.,tlict the C.,unty so ª1.:,( ,the property will .,nly be used for a car dealership. !J Tape '2 ' ·f"' Fr...' County Attorney Suunders said he had a r.,ugh draft of the f~./:: ¡ coven~:::~sSioner Holland moved, seconded by Coml1is'sioner Hasse and carried unanillously, that the public hearing be closed. Comaissioner Holland. ~~ved, ~~~onded by Commissioner Hasse and .~ ' carried unanillously, that the ordinance as numbered and entitled below í,I:.I.,,' ' *,1)'; , be adopted, subject to stipulations, and entered' into Ordinance Book ~t No~ 20: ~ " ,', I . ,1:}" ,,,1' ';'r',>,'" ',,' , .' "j' , 1" .~ ;;.~.... ¡' " .',> . ' , ;,~ ~.~ ;.~: .~.~(~ ' , ~Þ:i¡~~\\'" ,~(~ ":~';,'.' '~. ,'~ . .":' )';!{ ~;:~fy·;;4.~~~- ~'~~:¡"~"""\'U.'" ,.i.,"'¿;' '" ..., .t:" ",~,,J. ¡", ':1-,," ~'i4 .,..', ," \, ~ : ~ "".., ;.0. P.~.':';é'/".r\."';li~ ;''!i~',0'''' ":,"'\1:',:1, '. . 2,',~ ;.; ¡I\I:~" ~t\:q·:' .d~';r~'l~)\'\~: ; ,i:·~',~·~.:~'~ ,. ". '.~, ~ ; ~,' ;':".,,:. ,'~; ',":.' '.' :o.~~;I¡"!,,...:. ~" ,~:\'\' ,;,. .' )t.þ~:..'~~~~ ,,<.',~'''.'¡, ",~",,,,,,, ,.. .".\.~~'-~~~.. ,. j' t ,~.. '..,.~.. -. ,(' ,i.:,-, .. t, ... ~: . . "~~ ~. ....~ r'. ·.i,,', ,. " , ""'(:d-¡"~' "", ;"r- ,'~h ~·..~~ít.;J"';',";' ~.'i"""~ ""'''~.''!Þj'Y?;~\ . ". :'.... . ¡ . ¡'~I;;;''/'!;' . " ."'~" ~.~... '.~ ,~ ":t" '. ,'- ;.. ~" ',':'" .~' .' ~ '\, o -..', :" :.::'~' ~ J ~. ....!' !..\~å' .~,.,). ."~.#:<:<t;.., ~~~~ -- '~. :l ~ I ... . ;.. ,,0, ~.~, t I ....·~t,... i~4'" f· ~:\oJ ..",(i,,'~· I ..t,,~r:, \ . ':,f''''' . ¿I.. ft<4"_'L ,. " .".,~ ~ , " ~." '.' ')''''.", , 'H" '.d!;~;' ',~ ,'j Jl'i,í ';_10,", ~&!. "''¡;' ),fI., I ORDINANCE 85-28" , ' ·i!-·~·l·· , ¡"':.,:I~·"';)< AN ORDINAtiICE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ,!.,,:,:~~·~I1tt.r, REGULATIONS POR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY" "t:~!'\I'~1F,;~" FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER ,\:,~;'~' ,', ¡f('O 50-26-2 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIM,·'.';tttf ,1~d.t DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED BBTWEEN RADIO ROAD AND DAVIS ,'. 'I ".I:\Ì!\~:'" i; ¡ BOULEVARD IN SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST"",:·~,"iJ;~f.~'(~~ FROM C-3 TO C-4, AND BY PROVIDING POR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ,,";,~, ; "1.\\"'. Item 153 .; , ·~.·'r ;- '.- \l '''r1 'r-· . .'~. ~.. ".,. -.. i:'~/, ,. . :~~'~'::' , '..~:I" I " .' J . ~;\:r:. ~ . t..'" . ) "..'):c I~'I"\" J~~:' .::) .. ;~(i ,:,\~,\)" " June l8, 1985 ORDINANCE 85-29 RE PETITION R-85-1C, COASTAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC., REPRESENTING NAPLES GATEWAY DEVCO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, RE REZONING r;~OM E TO PUD POR 13.456 ACRES KNOWN AS GATEWAY - ADOPTED, ¡/" SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Logal n.,tice having been published in the Napl~s Daily News on May 17, 1905, as evidenced by Affiùovit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was .,pened t., c.,nsider Petition R-85-1C, filed by ~ Coastal t;ngineering Consultants, Inc., representing Naples Gateway Dlfvc., Limited PartMrship, requesting rez.,ning from E to PUD for 13.456tt":· acres known as Gateway. Acting Z.,ning Di rect." McKim referred t., the Executive Summary giving detailed backgr.,und .,n this petiti.,n t., develop an interchange commercial PUD t., serv¿ the traveling public on 1-75. She said the Comprehensive Plan designates the Pine Ridge intercha~ge as an Inter- ~ change N.,óe which is n~t defined with exact b.,undaries. She explained " Staff's opp.,sition sterns fr.,m the possibility of strip .(.~ c.,mmercialization which d.,es not c.,mply with the c.,mprehensive Plan, , the distancE- from the interchange, encroachment int., and devel.,pment of ",' 'I" a ~esidentially developing area, and suitability of current Estate ,;~~!i zoning ~hich all.,ws 1,Hge l.,ts to extend from Pine Ridge Road to 8th "i'('f~~'~<"/::: " Avenue S.W. which are appropriate for residences as exempl ified by..·' ".f.' , ,', ;:,,;~~1sti~9 residences. She said CAPC rec~mmended approval sUbjec,t;,t~(,¡ ~"~\i: \'~ ; ,:amendment of the PUD document per Staff report and that Staff ~nd ,~,', j",:,f,i;;;.)·,' _..\,,;\. r~ti tioner agre~ on uses and number, and si ze of, tract., s in" th~ .F(U? ,~';'l..;:~: rtiJ. ~ .,' '. '¡"d ' ,', ' , .,,, ".J!;' ,'II' '.¡ ,r. .\ q,. , ocument. ,.', 'I ,,' ,.., ,.'f.JP!r:.' ., .'\'...' ,;;~,/(;;;',,:' Mr. Michael Stephen, of Coastal Engineeri,ng '~.ep~~s¡n~ingi~~-':''''';~1f' .: ,:':petiti.,ner, said that Mr. Richard Hall, pr.,ject engineer, and Dr: Lée::,' . ,"", ,." ,\', ....:;C E. Koppelman were present to respond 'to questions;' 'He dist'r'ib~'tè'd"\:::¡ '1. ,,' ", copies of Dr. K"ppelman's resume stating his qualifications. ,k"..~'+".:: "'. ~ . i fw. '<'i.'" ' .' Dr. Koppelman defended the petiti.,n and stated it will not be "i~r¡t!' ;() strip commercial because definite requirements would have to be met. ..~;t,;j!",d: He said the petition meets the C.,mprehensive Plan requirements and . '~.'~;~:~"" <~~:' .':~" Page ~:ø;:':'\~'~ I . t, . .~. ?I ....;.;......,;.... I_~- .', , , m~ 087rm647 .., ',':",.(,. .~,~ . ,M!, 'ho " t.'.., ... "I... .. " ' ..~" ."~ ~-~"'l":! ,~nA :',1.: I ,,'Î(" . "~!l\ir-':', .' , ~_.""~ .. ----" . .. '~' .., .~' ~. ~ \\. ~~:':&CQK ' Ûg-¡ PAG~ 648 " June 18, 1985 ..~,'!'" . ',' " 'i"'" requested favorable c~nsideration of it. ....LL ",. Rl" ..11, Vie. "..ld.nt of .." Duniop, sold th". wll1 not ~> :i:6e a gr'eat deal of traffic fr.,m the pr.,ject and it will Mt pr.,mote ;0;\:, <~,striP commercialization. He said this is the ideal l.,cation for the ~~.~.:.,c:ommercial area at this intersection. .,.., ,;t'h" , '. " ¡~\ ,>:.(,"~;I'I:,: Mr,.' Stephens said meeetings were held with Staff in May and June " 1.-, c:>.~t~~~'r~,\Y.far\;;" :.~e, said, the ,pr imary intent is to provide a gateway pro":,, ~,~,,~~: j;~Ç,t;~l:~..~,~p~,.~sr s:~mething that wi1.1.be representative of the characte~.\(;i:',lít1c 1.~,~\q;~,;~~i~~, ~,f: ~~.~, ~aples c~m"m~ni~y,~" ~e fe~erred t,o two sit~ pl~ns o~¡:r~:!~;' J~~i' ~f~~~~,~~iC,'~"SlhOWS all,~he deve1,~p-nent has been set well,back from<j':.~' the';r,o~.dway and ,is heavily buffered, by a lake and vegetation along the,::·,I;,J~ ~,~I '"lj.'~'" '.' '~, ". 'I ' . . . ,.~.~ ..,' ~ tþt~,~e!..~,~,g,~,,~oa;d right-of-way,~", He sa,id three ,acr~s of cy~~ess.will b~i":~'~~f,it .,{..;,prese,~vedon the western extreme end of the property. He said staff, ...,:;¡.;f l/:;rcan control strip commercializati.)n thro.ugh PUD regulation. He said "~~.ii.,there ha.s been only .,ne h.,u~e built in the area. He said the northwest f.'/' ,..<~ quadrant is the prime quadrant in terms .,f market demand. He sai'd the, (W" CAPC feels the 180 acres is the acreage t., be dedicated to c.,mmercial , >fIt.:., ..~t"~? ,at that interchange. If,~,.~,i.,T"a.pe 13 businespes ~ Mr. Stephens referred t., letters .,f interest stating n ,"".J would, like to immediately move ahead with projects in the interchange. ',>.' , , He referred to letters from surr.,unding property owners stating they ('&,\'..' have no objection t., this petiti.,n. He said the pr.,ject is consistent , ,' with the Comprehensive Plan. He ßöid the .,wner is willing to commit t~ the devel"Fment of this pr.,perty as c.,mmercial and he will commit that fk~;,;"~ he will start devel.,pnent .,f the prop~rty within twenty-f.,ur m.,nths of .!It'~,, ~", ~,i..t" '-approval and if he d.;)es n.,t the zoning can be rescinded and go back to "'''''. -' ;'....,.., residential. C.,mmissi.,ner H.,lland gskeå if all the green area .,n the site plan is buffered area and Mr. Stephens said that was c.,rrect and th~ blue a rea is water retenti.,n. Commissioner Holland ask~d .,wllat percentage is in the f.,rm of a building and Mr. Stephens sdid probably 20\. C.,mmis- si.,ner Holland said there has been 3 l.,t .,f planning and he c.,mmended the devel.,per f.,r bringing in the design which he th~ught would be an asset to the area. , ... '.' " ...~~. ì " ;~', . Planner Cacchione n~ted that each .,ne of the seven parcels are )f.tJJ'4~ ind ividuðlly owned and the potential for: ðcceSS along pine Ridge Road ",,,,,:~. ;).'~" ','.' , '," '~.' ~, .,' i~ ,:.~oUl,~ greatly be increased ~ith each in individual, r:>wnership. She 8ðid,)<";"~ , r,there' are currently 51 acres zoned for interchange commercial develop- .~~I;' !~ì" ~ ':. t, ' ,',~' '/ . (,¡'(~ .~. 1-.. r~\~ J' ,'" I " .1. " . I .. ,. \ . ~ "l.bf4i;~ .\~. 7 ,~~, ':' .. I" '. . ~ ' . . ' ~"I~ ; \"1' .J"f'·' 'I. I, Page,S l:' . ,...,..\}, ,," t..,\ I, \;,~\.. ., '_1'- ,..'J.. J..~;'f'-~, ,~\,...q\ ï;1'f:~ ' ,; , . ~ "~ ~ .',.,. ,.I -to," .. . . -:>"1'" ·'·f.... ~~ 'itt ~.-r.. ~. "'- ~., Ir- _." . "j I. ..... .': . . . Co e. JJ-~...~. .'j'¡O'. '~~~": . .'1"..- ",.ii, _, ,.,'1>'.. I " f,: , ,~~; ;;}~/:;~~:. ,.:=J' ,C .'" "":.- ...::,...'...~. ,,~ ~:..,.....;' . ~,... -··1 "." - '~; '. ~ -.. , . _.".'.;~--J fI·I,t.'I!!''; .,' 'I" ~i - "'... .'1, :~ ,"L. .y.'(:~ c" ;. .',- .. o't.'>':.("...."·!'t . , ., ._,.._"...~~~_._-"~: . . ~ . I .\, .r-r ( 'í~,I', )," If ,':, ~ , "', '''''",''' . \,' June 18, 1985 'I.: ment at that intersection. She said this is a residentially zoned area , ',ri.:~·f , ' ~ .\. ~~~~nd not A-2 And there Are rosidences in the area end to prom.,te com~ '\;,':'marcial in An area that is residential ,is agAinst the tenets of the... " t~:",~co~p'rehensiv'e 'Plan. " ", ' " " ",;":,, , ' , '~" ":'i~f';f ,\(~;,?;.~;..~~ct,ing Zoning Director McKim 'said in the PUD, .,n the,:s,ite;,~h,~"o~h~~ '!':". Page ~4, Secti.,n 5.05 it is referred, to as the illul.ltrat1ve conceptual: .~'f:~ ~~.. .ite plan and is not a binding site phn by the verb.1ge of thePUD. ~'¡";":Tf41i ~, ' ,", 1 t< She'suggested lf that is ,whc1t' the Commissioners ,want t., bind the "~,~:':;;!'~, petitioner t." if the petition is apprl.>vcd, th,at; secti.,n needs to be changed t., make it a bind i.,,,; site plan. Mr. Stnphens sc1id the petiti"n~r hðs indicated this is the general ,>,)., plot plan and w.,uld ,.haye agreed to the number of fracti.,nali zed tracts :,::':"': ;;i~':~: and there ~ul d be no) addi ti.,nal parcCJls involved. He said there may , ,~í;' be 80m!! shifting required by the approval but the plan will be SUbstan-./."::¡Ì'~~~ tially the.. same. He said there will only be .,ne future access allo....ed:,\,::,.fl¡, . at the existing median cut.;"I,".'7'~~? CO!lllllissioner Holland moved, sec.onded by Commissioner Goodnight and ::,,<:;~f,: 'cArried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. ""'r}~.ffl Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and ' , carried unanimously, that the ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adopted subject to stipulations and entered into Ordinance Book No. 20: "'~ . . .~ ,f ORDINANCE 85-29 . ~ .. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 49-26-3 BY ,CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM ESTATES TO -PUD- PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR NAPLES GATEWAY PUD FOR INTERCHANGE COMMERCIAL LOCATED NORTH OF PINE RIDGE ROAD APPROXIMATELY 1/2 MILE WEST OF 1-75, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. , . '. 'r' , " , ., 'J ~. ,': . .,', '," 'I.þ,~'.""f' '"~ 'i(i;. ....!~.~~'~:~': f ".,0;.;:::; "':;~"'''''w.':'' ..', . ~:I .' '. ./", .~jI. . \' U \·~:"l: ",': ~H~;(~:~ -,'1~:" (f>~' ",~:':"': "/: '. ';~'.'~' ~~i . . "". (;,." '".< 1~,"I, , '.\'~ ."'\ ':'? '. f ",:'4c"h1-- .)'"'·'.IJ1:. J.- ~~~~(.I't;. )~ ~ ..::~~,jj,r¡~·;\',\~ '" ~'" ',' :..,; "'PI "-.':" .Ij .... , ",. ., '. '.".r ~. ." , , :,..;, 4,\.A.. "".'.. f'. . ',;~~ . '."j"': .·.·1.. "I"~,'I. ~ _ , ~",,~)t..;j:,;;;~ ; .~ ;~~"f-~,Y~f ~ :~; .,' ß,~·t,'t ;' ',': pag e 9 '~~~(~ ., , :,~iiþ,I.~~ ~I"r:< .; ~.I .J. ~'_' .. :t".,,~~~ ),:',~, "', " ,-,;.. , , ...' . /~~¡.;." '"t,> J.:, ' ',i.,"'.'!¡ " I..:(_~;.(. ," ',r' J. ',.. r' " tm 087 PAr,r 649 , , . .......\ - ;::-....... ~ . . .,._, .......,,,..---,. L_ ;;¡;;a ~ c:= Juno] lS, 1~a5 lte. '54 ORDINANCE 85-30 R! PETITION R-85-3C, YOLANDA M. JAEGER, RE REZONING PROM A-2 TO PUD POR 29.8 ACRES KNOWN AS JAEGER PUD - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Legal notice ~aving been publiRhed in the Nðpl.s ~aily Haws on May 17, 19B5, ð$ ~vlè~~ccd by Affid~vil .,f Puolicùti.,n filed with the ClerK, ~uolic hiar~~g ~JS o~yn~d to c.,n&id~r patitl.,n k-&S-:C, fil~o by Yolðnj~ ~. ~~~;er, r~qu~stlng reZ.,nin1 tr.,m ^-~ to PUJ f.,r 29.8 acr~s )(n':....n a.~ Jù¿g-!!r ?u:' "n the! n'Jrtt1 side ~f i'int: iddg~ WJ~d, ....est of the J & C In"ustri"l i-"r..... in :."ctl'Jn 10, '¡"J',,¡r,snlp <:9 S.,uth, HI:H1Cj<:: 25 I::LiSL. i,cting Z.,nir,g :;iro!ct.);:, ì':::Kl:n s,1id t:î!< purp"sr! of tills µetiti.,n is ';1) I.<dvE.l'Jp ,~ C,);;¡¡r.~; ;i.Jl/i r...;ustr 1Jl pr"}jE.(;~ c"nsi..:;tir1Cj -:If t'N") tracts, ')ne t., OJ! ot!val"?",; :.os se.1f-;;ecvic!! st.,rag,~ ,:¡ntJ tlH: I)thcJr t., bf! sûJ..¡- dlvldad. ~h~ S3lC ~t~ff ðna rnvl~w Jgcncics hðv~ no "~j~ction ~f its approval subjt!ct t" dlTI9nOm~nt I)/: the PU~ ~"cument .JnO ras~er plan per ::>taií r!!p"rt :Jùt,¡':; ::/.:;(,./!:!~. ::.11~ s,du lh~ CAPC r&c"¡T1m.~nded it¡Jpr"véll suuject :0 the .tl~ul~tlonR c"nt~inda I)" tnd txecutlv~ Summary datr!d 3/l:2/e5. :O!1(! sale "L'!tters 'J~ ,,0') aDjeCtl"n" hdVE: ;'¿CII r~c¿ived. ~ne .aie p~titl~nur re~uE:sts an ð~citi"n "t m.,vinq t!q~i.pm~nt r~nt~i b~ing all"w~l; :oS a cQnc,,:.:ual us'. ..r.~i :>t.,f[ ....,,,10 r....vi! 11., µUJol'-'!m ',n this lte:'1. Att"rn",y V..rr1:'-""'~, r",;.r,....."ntin'.J t.~,: ¡;~titil)n;?r, H \·'..·,H! Jr. iH:ri...11 ph~t"qr~pn .,f the ~r"perty. He saio th~ tirst Uaptist Church haa ~ubm1 tll::.:J ,;, "L¿tr,.,: .,t N., J::>j·:cti.~:1" t~ this pr.,jec::. lie re~eat'!d th9 ra'-iuest t,,, lignt r¿ntDl equip.¡¡ent. Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the ordinance as numbered and entitled below, be adopted, subject to stipulations, and entered into Ordinance Book No. 20: ORDINANCE 85-30 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS POR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA or COLLIER COUNY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 49-25-2 BY CHANGING TBE ZONING CLASSIFICATION or THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM A-2 TO ·PUD· PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR JAEGER PUD, A COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT, LOCATED NORTH OF PINE RIDGE ROAD, WEST OF PINE RIDGE INDUSTRIAL PARK, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. f,CDK û87 '.r.r 651 PClg~ 10 ..; ..,,~_.,-~. .....-- I I ;-¡ '~'~1 ..,: ·~mt· ,~~ ~, '" , ' :' ~,~~ ',1 .:';'" ~ :~.r;r:-(",,··~ '~,; ;;¡P~' , '. " June 18, 1985 ":"i: ;,:óooI,~' ,I telll '5 5 ' \',\ ~..." ¡ .~~TITION R-85-'C RE LELY SOUARE _ CONTINUED TO 9/'O/S5 'C,- .: ,··.i~i~t¡¡ .¥,,(,_., . Co...la~'ono< .lato, movod. ..con'" by Co..'oo'ono< Nollond ond -, "f,~fl!lJ .'~'. . ~""'~"~'·"."":'~fi1 ,,t;:',r.carr1ed unanimously, that Petition R-85-4C, Agnol1, Msud, Barbe~',·,~},~~~f~ :, " Brundaqe, and Shannon, representing Naples Community Golf Course, Inc. . i'i n:".:W , , ' ;' I; And Industr la1 Concern and Investment Company, N. V. be continued to ,:~ 9/10/85. Readvertisement to be paid 'by' petiÚ.,ñer. 'i, ...RECESS: 10:20 A.H. RECONVENED: 10:30 A.H.··· " , ..~~ , ~~1 ";'., RESOLUTION 85-133 RE PETITION AV-BS-OOS, WILSON, HILLER, BARTON, SOLL , '~! PEEK, INC. AS AGENTS RE VACATION OF PARCEL ·88-17· AND PORTIONS OF '.~,' "~,·.:\~I PARCELS ·CC· , ·55-16· OF REPLAT OF WYNDEMERE TRACT HAP - ADOPTED ~ Legal Mtice having been published in the Naples Daily NewS on ,',,::'..;:/~) June 2 and 9,1935, as evid~nccd by Affidavit of publicati.,n filed with ~, '~i the Clerk, public hearing was .,pened t~ consider Petition AV-8S-00S, ,'?"'.,I,>:J.; filed by Wils.,n, Miller, I3c.rton, 5.,11 & Peek, Inc. as agents, request- ing vacati.,n of Parcel "GS-17" and p"rti.,ns of Parcels ·CC" and "53-16· of replat of Wyndemere Tract I'1.1p t., allow petitioner' to replat. Public w"rks Administrat.,r Kuck explained this is a request to approve the vacation t., all.,w the p~titi.,ner to replat. He said the patiti.,ner has submitted a site plan. Commissioner Holland lIIoved, seconded by carried unanimously, that the public hearinq Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by carried, unanimously, that Resolution 85-133 adopted. 1..y~" ':'A· >i;:,:; ';'¡i~it·~, ,.1:','.'1" :1\ '1.d" ,\! , .' i' ';:, ,\\'t'; ~~'1 ';,:, '¡~:.f . ::,<,/,;,:'- <i:t,~,,' ~~:....t~·~', . \ ¡..¡ '(., ,.',4 .~1,.ti (t :.:.1'/:(.1'" ',.' '.', ',1 I. ';, . ";'& '~..! Y" ~"" . . '",', ·,~."E,:."",:~~,·!l···'·~':1" ~~1! , ".... ~,' ì:' IP, ,tl " ,.j,. ., ~.' "''il ' ,:OJ , ),."í,).'~ ,~ .'Ai1t,'·" ..¡~{ ~\"ì' ç. . .......\ ,j :~~: ,~; . J!;~!,f(.q~,1f?·Jfi P.., .,>~.:];J,~ ~- , .~ J~i!~.. -."... ., . ,'.' {:"¡'" Itell '56 " Commissioner Hasse and be closed. Commissioner Has~e re petition AV-85-00S, I;' , . t¡~~, ~4 'w c" " I,'.'. , ' , , ", 1" ~OOK i}~¡r PAGrf)!)~ .~.: '",,:,'1 ',' " " ',.., .. ~ ...,......~--~._,. ....,.. ,......'; nt."": . r.-·~ . Ii ....I '., '(f'''':! '~"'l" \ .. ., " ,.{.~ ~,~~~~ I II , . , .~ June 18, 1985 "~t~ ¡ Ite. 157 ,,~,~ I ;: ., RESOLUTION 85-134 RE PETITION JW-85-006, ALVIN D1EPHOUS~~' IU: V~~~~IO~'.'~\~J,\ ',! :~'(: OF S 30 FEET OF I 140 FEET OF COCONUT RIVER ACCORDING TO PLAT.P~,J· >/;:~~' I ,~._~ COCONUT RIVER UNIT ONE - ADOPTED " ' . " , ',~~t~ ,i,:,:~," I Legal notice having been publishe'd 1n the Naples Daily NewS ron ';':N ~,f"'i ~ June 2 and 9, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Cl.:trk, public hdnring was I)penedt,). c.,nsider Petiti.,n AV-85-0D6, filed by Alvin Dieph.,u~e, requesting vacation of the sl)utherly 30 feet of the easterly 140 feet of C"cl)nut River according t., plat of C.,conut River Unit One s., p~ti~l.,ner may use canal rlght-.,f-way t., expand parking. Public w.:>rks Administratl)r Ruck said tho! Engineering Department, WMAB and C.,mmuni ty Devel.)pment Division have rec.,mrnended approval as does Staff. Com.issioner Holland .oved, .econded by Commissioner pistor and carried, unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that Resolution 85-134 re Petit~on AV-85-006. be adopted. " , " ':',' . " ,,"",. ~, " " , ,'"1" . .J i" '. I '.' ;.\, ~I' . , " \ "" , , J ,I " [f- ~ " ,I .. >.\ ":,., ",' . , '~.\ r" ~OOK (j~rA~~f)!5~ hqe .¡:-~ _ .,ì ,.I';; . ",.",..,.- '- "~\ . ........... r f, ,¡...~. rt '-. . , .~.,' . .., \"1 " .h'~ ,,' I ',''''~ J;" , ;,'~..¡.;, . . ,'r·',!'J; ~ '~" ~I ~. .Ite. 158' ',,' ','I; . .~..' . ,. . I: ;':'" ORDINANCE 85-31 ESTABLISHING THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER POLLUTION CONTROL }1.¡;' 'ii.;. ~ PROGRAM - ADOPTED :. .: ~ I~rr:'::~r LlIgal Ì'\.,tice having been published in the Naples Daily 'New~ onMa'i::\~~!1itt I ,',,30, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit .,f publicati.,n filed with the '. 'I,".':':::';;' L .¡ " . '.'. '.' ,", '''i''1,'\',,:,-\i~~ 1"1)" Clerk, public hearing was "P7ned to c.,nsidcr an .,rdinancc establishing , '/, the Co lli e r c.,un ty Wð t.a r' Po llu t i<:>n C·,nt ro 1 prog r am. ' C.,unty Att~rney Saunders said this .,rdinence establishes the program approved by the v.,ters in the referendum. He intr.,duced Mr. Bill L.,r"nz, the l'.,lluU.,n Cl)nt.r<:>l Program Director. Mr. L.,renz exp¡alned his programs and seid he intends to identi- fied problcms and n~eds .,f the pr"qram. He said he wants t., includ~ a wastt!water treatment plant and establish a Water Pollution Contr.,l Committ.ee t., assist in the the program. He said he envisi<:>ned begin- ning with the wastewater treatment plant. C.,mmissioncr V0SS said that Dt,s~me time the vl)tcrs will have to be ðsked to allow use .,f the money f.,r other than s~wer rclated items, but this ..."uld n.,t c"st m"Cl' m·,nI1Y· COMmissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. COMmissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that the ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adopted an~ entered into Ordinance Book No. 20: rl ~ ~'" . ".) L '~et::~ , I). .',;~'t ."<¡':! ,,~;'r¡ ;. ::,jJsi,f~ , , "." ,'.. ')T:l?"!~. ' ORDINANCE 85-32 RE PINE RIDGE INDUSTRIAL PARK MSTU SUPPLEMENTAL TO ,,;,\"...~ir'¡¡ð~:;' ORDINANCE 81-94 - ADOPTED ' ..",' '....-'; ":~f~It'~i :"::,:,,, Legal Mtice having been published in the, Naples D~'i ly 'i~~~',.~~ '"¡Mi,i;~ '", r 30, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication" filed ,with t,:1e f'" 'bl'~ì:! ~ , , ...,,1 I . 'l,.l ~ :.( ,Clerk, public hearing was opened to c!~nsider an ordinance' rega,rd'ing<)~! ~",:', Pine Ridgo Industrial Park MSTU, supplemental to Ordinance 81-94. ,0' :',,~ ,!'(;, Att.,rney P1ckwo:¡rth said this ordinance has been rt!viewed 'by Mr. ',' Giblin, Bond Counsel, and several changes have been incorporated~ j , " , ..' . June 18, 1985 ORDINANCE 85-31 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PROGRAM AND PROVIDING FOR ITS PURPOSES AND IMPLEMENTATION; PROVIDING FOR ITS FUNDING BY A ONE-TENTH (1/10) ~ILL TAX LEVY; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING,AN EFFECTIVE DATE. It.. '59 ~COK ~¡rPAGrf)f)Jl ',' Page 13 .. - L>:~~~~,,::087 rm 662 ~:",~r~~J':,~.4 ,Mr. Pickwort~ said the ordinance st...tes th<lt the C.,unty is auth- I t>,¡ orized to utilize the procedures in Chapter 197 upon c.,mpliance with ¡ f~,~,..~~~h~,V~riI)US requirements and the County needs to formulate an agreement /'!i;J,: ,with the Property ^ppraiser and the Tax Collector in order to issue '. "ï"'j;f. :,".j ~ . : , 'a'SSeBBmSnt bonds.' He said there was an amendment t., provide that, .1..... ",..- '~"'\, ,"'," í"" as e.sment~ ~ay be put on a taX bill and collected in the sam~ manner " .~' .1 '" ,,' '.' , . ' _, "a.~f~aio're;¡;na~es which wi 11,. apply f.,r this Di strict. .' ~¡!'Commi.sioner Pi.tor moved~ seconded by Commissioner Hasse and .;r.... ,~..". A" ,....j . ~ \,\,' " " .... " c~rr1.d, unanimously~ that the public hearing be closed., ,I ~ ',:~·~'cô~~¡'s.ioner plator lIoved, .econded by Commissioner Has.e and . ~,;í" I" ' , ' ' '''Ii' 'f :'J-t( c!l,~ded unanilllously~ that the ordinance aa nwnbend and entitled below ':;~" '': ,~~~:,:. b.e adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 20% 'f~' ..1\.' r I;':; ORDINANCE 85-32 f;,1f1 \ ,.,-t.\ " r .~!r;~ ~\·'~·.'I~i';. -: ~¡'" t',~').I.·¿"1 t ',' .' I'~,,~ t.)~~tí, )" . l"i¡ ,,) t·:""-' ' t.:~ 1, ~':' r W' r~- ~'('" .,' .~ i Item '60 \ June 18, 1985 ",;~.,;, ~~).~~, ,. ,'\~I, . . ,}/.":" I ,..f '~,~kU,,: :...,~.,:'~,,( . ; fl' .-.-ð., , ". <',:1..:-'[;.1.",: ;""4)' " . . i, :;;'.;~""... . ¿, ~f ......~ -..... . ,: ,?¡I.,- AN ORDINANCE RELATIN3 TO THE PINE RIDGE INDUSTRIAL PARK MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING AND BENEFIT UNIT, PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OP AS~ESSABLE IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING POR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ASSESSMENTS AGAINST BENEFITED PROPERTIES, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ASSESSMENT BONDS, PROVIDING FOR THE COLLEC~ION OF ASSESSMENTS EITHER THROUGH THE AD VALOREM TAX COLLECTION PROCEDURE OR THROUGH FORECLOSURE, PROVIDING THAT ASSESSMENTS ARE A LIEN ON PROPERTIES ASSESSED, PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE IS SUPPLEMENTAL TO ORDINANCE 81-94 CREATING THE UNIT; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Commissioner Voss asked the County Manager to investigate whether the Sch.,.,l B.,ard wants to be involved in this MSTU District. RESOLUTION 85-135 DESIGNATING NAPLES AND IMMOKALEE LANDFILL SITES AS POTENTIAL AREA LOCATIONS FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE TRANSFER/STORAGE FACILITY AS REQUIRED BY F.S. SECTION 403.7225 - ADOPTED Legal n.,tice having been published in the Naples Daily News on June 2, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication tiled ~ith the Clerk, public hearing was .,pened t., c.,nsider a reso.l¡)ti.,n designating Naples and Imm.,k~lee Landfill sites as p.,tential area locations for ha~drdous waste transferlst~rage facility as required by ~ection 403.7225 of the n.,rida StatuLes.'" , ' Planner Chuck Lamine explained that the Florida Water Quality f'~Jnlt',~s\lrance .Act of 1983 directed the Florida OER to create guidelines for'~' T" ~~.~ ' County and Regional hazard.,us waste assessments and required that each, . :'~4~t..¡;ìh',\" · ' ' , ' --'. ~,:.,,,,,.;'.,, ~, ~~(~~7!<~u~ty" in the, state designate two area locations where a hazardous, ':.:':~~~~~'" - ,,~t',..~ste ,transfer, storage facility could be located. He said this w.-:ste ,:~;~...,: . ).~,,\t..'I'/ ,':'. ," ,,' ~ ",...u\· , ,.~~"'~l~.rVey has' involved 1,256 Colliër County, busi~esses' and V.a ;ious. '<: ::'i.~,.;\ J\:t . ., l1...'.,..;.". '. \. . ,. ,'\ :(: ':·r·'~··, '... ;(f;t~f~:~':" "y:"",,::~: ,\..", ~'.', P~9.'.Ù' ", "~jð~"~', I,..~ . ,'- .'." :... ~! r r .~.t. '! <,~" ' ~ii~.·.~·~' , ~:' 't~";' ~~,~:,..' ~fi .''i"'f:.¡~ ,'-'-'-j " , .;..j¡i,~'" 1-" . . '. " I .....,.o!ft,,; L ,1' \(',-.--J .1'''''- ..... :.....-... . , ,'..",,'. >~ '.":r·. .lair': ~~:>: , .:,...--, ,- . . ..., ---'-::..~ ".,.!'!. ',- .,~~'! '"'t...::~~~~~ '1M" . -; "';',':"1' ' ~, , ..... " ~. ' .,.' ; ,,', ""---'1.,:' "~:¡'" ','" ,,,,,,,,,,~..,.,,.. " j;.~,6.I, ..-~- "'~'" , , " !. "'~.i 'J .' .,....'.,';_,,~..._._~'""_,"'.H,~_'_ ~ ri.'·· , ~, . ,.,. , '. !t.;.1 , " .4:' ] t ~ r .. ì -" ':·}1 I ;F J,no 18. 1985 ',: ;j¡~i1 "f.." government agencies which have been identified by DER liS being , ',~~; ~:":potent1ðl generat"rs of hazard"us wante. He said the list includes:' ':~"~'~ ì .;:~':~ bun{nes~es such as gas stat i.,ns, ma cinn, fa rmers, and s., forth~ He, ',:::'~J~,~,;~~: ¡ ~t,' .~id the purp.,se of tho survey Staff did was to determine the . ': 'I~''''¡,''';' :'¡ If¡ quantities of waste types and methods of wa,ste dispoul currently bein9":"'~4J;;'~~~~: : ':' used in c.,llier County. 'Of the 1,256 surveys mðiled, he explaint!d, 953 (, '~ resp.,nded of which 200 have been id~ntified asbeinq generat.,rs. He said the U.S. Envir.,nmcntal Pr.,tecti"n ^gcncy has id~ntified waste as being any mat~rlal thðt an .,wner wishes t" discard and is either ignitable, c.,rr.,sivoit,' ,reactive or t.,xic. Mr. Lamina referred t., Table 1 in the Executive Summary dated 6/11/85 which indicates the annual am.,unts in pounds of hazard.,us waste kn.,wn to be gencrated by businesses in Collier C.,unty. He said "f 1,530,000 p.,unds disp.,sed .,f annuðlly, 26% or 4,004 pounds are being disp.,sed .,f im¡H.,perly. He said Table 1 also indicates that waste oils ~" and lead acid batterics mak~ up the majority of C.,llier C.,unty's hazardous waste. He stated m.,st of the oil and battery waste are disposed .,f properly thr.,ugh recycling. He said the majority .,f other waste types are impr.,pcrly disp"sed. He explained Table 2 inQicates mcth.,d of disp.,sal and the m"st .,ft~n used meth.,d is the C"unty landfill with recycling being the sec.,nd most p.,pular. He said .,ver the next five years 20, .,f those businesses ch.,sen will be visited on-site t., achieve 100\ response rate and t., vurify informati.,n Staff r--¡ I ). ~ ",'" '. has collected. Mr. Lamine said another comp.,nent of this assessment has involved ,,:,,:~~ a ruview of the hazard.,us waste management procedures at the Naples and",', ;~},~JI , ' . ~.,... !mmokalee landfills. He said af~cr visits t., b·)lh landfills and ," :,,{Î' ;\ .' ,"""'. discussions with s.,lid Waste Department' Director Fahey, it was ackn.,wl- ,,~j: ?;i,¡j ,edged as alm.,st impossible t" prevent the dumping of all hazardous,~'·i~*~,~,:;, matt!r1als. He said the landfill permit c.pplication does indicate, ,that '¡1.I.,:'· '::\: hazardous materials will not be accepted and if any such 'mate'ri~i~~:~t~r' }:\'~lsc~'v~'red the hauler is res~onsible for its removal and !u,s,e ~~,~'d~~{~ ',",;' facility will be terminated for that person. '¡',":,t;'"di\"~":'~ Y, : Mr. Lamine said the main reason lor ,this publ!c he¡r'(~9" is I~£~;;'{~j' ;~'~'f designate t"'" l.,cations where a hazard.,us wðste storage facility maybe jf~;"';'t,·,. ./ ..., .': :'J located as requi red by the above-named Secti.,n of Fl.,ridél Statutes.' He' ,." '>;;:~ said on June 6, 1985 the CCPA held its public hearing and recomme~ded" <t:.'" ~~~, I ':." f to the B-:Jard the designati.,n of the Naples and Immok.:Jlee lan~flll sites '(, . ,; , (t, "':4, ~ ~.::, [ as p.,tential l.,cations for hazard"us waste transfer facility. He said ,'t ~OOK 087 PAG~ 663 .~~. ,it page 1S'T ~ ",',~,Ù;! !.1~ .,:,.:' , !.' . ~'~' .', .,;,."" .' --, it: - , ~ .... . "i. ",'-,'!,~(.!"., ,..... ",' - \ ',"", \' ~)' " . /:, : " \,,~I"; , "r'" June 18, 1985 "'::;;,~~r"':'~~:'Ii'(f:': ' It..,6l '·tf.";"':'; ,'~ ,',' '': '" '.I :'¡:, ' -~:~1'.. RESOLUTION CWS-85-3 REAFFIRMING OF SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES ro~~' ,.,~+~~il!i~ ,i"i' COUNTY WATER DISTRICT SERVICE AREAS ·C· , ·D· WITH NO CHANGE - ADOPTED~;,~I . .,,~\ Legal n.,tice having been published in the Naples Daily News' on "i,~fH ",': June 2, 1985, as evidenced, by Affidavit of 'publication filed with' the··,¡t:~"~~M~ Clerk, public hearing was opened to consiðera resolution redffirming system devel.,pnent charges f.,r County Wator uistrict Servicos Areas "C" and "U" with n~ change. Utilities Admi~is,trat.,r Crandall said this is an annual review as required by Ordinance 84-35 and after review Staff determined that thore should bo n., chðng~ in the system dov~1"pm~nt charges f.,r C.,unty ~ater District Servica Areas "C" and "D" but Staff reserved the right to ruvi~w them again as the Master Plan 1s complet.~d. Commissioner pistor .oved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that Resolution CWS-85-3 reaffirming system "development charges for County Water District Service Areas "C" and "D" I with no change be adopted with provision to review same. Commissioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the review report be accepted. , ,,,.¡ ,'I ¡ >;. \ ':< ' ~, '; I' ,t' - ... i,1 ",11 ' tCDK 087 TAr,~ 667 :tl .: . page ~. .\. , ., .:.,: ¡,' .~. ;0. ". .":,. ¡..... '. ,·\~~;:ir "," ' i1;~i.Ogip~~.~670 ì:' 1, . " Ite. 162· ' , ¡ ~þr'{··,·~/S·~' :! " ~¿~:,~:·,:':R!SOLUTION CWS-BS-4*RE COUNTY REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM DISTRICT 11 FINAL :'1~~;/"S~¡~~SMENT ROLL - ADOPTED. FRONT FO~T ASSESSMENT METHOD - APPROVED. /Jii ".~": Legal not:~<:e having been published in the Naples Da ily News on ',:)t.. ,'June 2, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of publ1cati.,n filed with the' > è'N1tk{',pUblic h'''~ringwaa opened t~ consider a resolution confirming ;~ ~¡':.~~~ 'l'r~v'lsed ;relimlnary assessment roll for the constructed water ",...,:',:,'~,~{~;'~ ~#~~~~¡'rits'\o:f 'th~ C.,u~ty Region~l We tcr syste~ A~isessmcnt' District,':f1.'-t;.:~1' t~,.r Ilt~, ..',~ \: r ;~ ;', I¡"}'<' .,' .~ ,.. J'.. .' . '" .. '. I , , .' \; .'1! ~ .: ~i.!1.f l~)'jf:"I":"""""'+'¡L"" ,.. ~ I' , .' ..,~ . . 'ii' All .1iJ,H,..,'f,."JI\h.,.'('~",,~':"I'... ,'.ti·~·: ',.,~\?, ~j ','/' ,. . I'":·~('·"''''~lfr ,,' j~~t:ll,~tles..^dministrator Crandall said this isan on-g.,ing itelll' ~":~r~}~:::' , ;~,~...,,~?vel11be r ",,:l,~80 DS a..~:e¡so lution ,to establi S~}h i s ,d ~ ~tp~.t, fO~i:"",~,; ;r,.\tßt \~~~ ,mprovements. HI! sald it 'included the building "f a regional water: ,.' ,:J'n' !rl,'treatment plant and approximately' 19 mUBs of water main. He said the :. ~~ð'~~; .- ¡~maIns range in size from 20" to 8" and the assessment pr.,cedure was .....¡I'II'" " ~ þ.established and re-discussed as a front f.,ot assessment basis. H~ said " *~,...., " )!':~11i,~nlY the persons that actually front the main that was installed sh~w '~r,¡'\i,\ up on the assessment r.,ll and have been assessed. He said the basis ,'h,. (¡~" . ,i:'~,!:~"for distribution size was determined fr.,m the Engineers .,f Record as ~L;::"~ ,well as the Utility StDff that 12" was needed as a distributi.,n, system ~ .. \ ,~~;. and the C.,st for anything abQve 12" was abs.,rbed by the C.,unty. He t~' ,~,. ex.plained the Nr. H.,ger Haines fr"m CH2M Hill was present to discuss ':ì,\~,~,' r:; the meth.,d and that ^dministrative Assistant Mi ke ~lcNees w~uld explain ....., . .( \ ' "v,. the details of the Dssessments. ¡~:¡>.':' Mr. Haines said that this is an assessmt:nt t., r~cognize benefits f;\~~;\:"special and specific t'1 certain prop~rty "wners within the diøtrict who ~~>. ': -directly abut the watt<r main. H!t said thl::Y have a benefit that .,ther, r: ' people in the water service area do not have. He said all the users of \ ·r.'.. , ~, the water pay for the gen~rDl benefits but the pe.,ple along the water ,,' main have a special benefit because they have ð water main at close June 18, 1985 hand and with a tap and they have service with.,ut th~ need .,f a water main extensi.,n. He said there are many ways of accepted meth.,ds for assessing, area basis, front footage and modified fr.,nt f.,otage which is used in this case, whi~~,is a ~~gitimate and acceptable way of assessing for this benefit. ,..., ,~'" ,'. , Mr. McNees stated for the record that there are two) .objections to l~~~~~~¡''e ~'assessment. One from Industrial C.,ncern and Investment Company' to'r.' 'i':"~'''! tlf'.":, :~~,rcel. on the corner of S.R. 951 and U.S. 41, a piece that surrou~~~;:\'<:\~;: '> the corner lot and they feel they are being double assessed by beIng 1 " :',~.',~"" ,1\ t.'~{\ '.\_ ' .' ':f>\¡~!':';'. '! . r..,: ,....~.~,sAAa<~.~~~d to. r fron.,tage on both roads. Also, there, is a lett~r fro:;'~r.~"(r;,:J "~, ;.' :l~.~ ~J;'.I ,.,1 ,\ :. .,.. . I ' ..\~". 'J 'J' ': r1 r; ,", T'~'f¿~ '>(.',. t ' . "., , ...·i\ ",·t4·( " ~t.· i ',..¡~;¡;J",~."tl·.' 674 ,~.I,' ï:¡,.·I,~.~...,,~·r~,..' ';-'\~.'·1\ ' {...: ~ Pa'~.' ~ '0' . ':~7i/:t~~~'p'ag:a', . " """, ~,~':'~'!,..{ ..(- i-,)~')': ...,.... <;,'.:: ' ,.¿~~\~'ì1~,s~;~I " ~~',~.",:, ' '.' .'" . ',' , :~,-¡:~ "::' '.' ..:' '>r.}'lò:LM ow..' '.~...,W"..~~.':'1'1:~~ - I ,. . _10· )I.," . -,-,--~ t7.."....~'r:rt,f~ .... ~. , ;:,~,,~ '{:f,:"il~'; ,~. . "'¡ ,,···k.:::.,....:: ~. II \ ',."t ",...,_.., :~:' .-' ~~~;~~ ;' ,'~' " <:1 ¡ ,', ,,' ,'L ,"~' i=:J :1(~,,¡o..,-:.. ' .:.?,,~'1- '~':,' ).".¡~',ø:',;'i'-<',.."...:Ij", ,~;(~~,'1,t .~,':~. ,"1(':';,:,. ~:",,!;:~'''!'k. \.::;:~. . .. . _ ~.). ' . ".'~ '-~ ' '..' ~~I' ,ú.fiN' "". f ¡ ~-- ,,' .,.,. :" - 11 r¡' ~ "''''~ ,/.. .~ .'~; ':':~p ,4 , ,ttt . " ,: \ .., ~ :¡..., ~w.,· " Juna 18, 1985 not ask to have the water system different than what ., ). \ ~.-' -'\.. . ,.:', Hary Staats who objects because she did , I :!' ~ system and sh.,ul d Mt have to p'ay for II ,~". ' '~'/$ currently hl\s. 1 ,¡. ,\, 't~~ Mr. Crandall referred to II diagram and stated the blue ar~a is ,~:,:,whøre the people could be actulllly asses sod and where the mains lire the yellow area sh.,ws that one side of the road main that wa3 specifically installed for that project and it was they hDd been ass~ssed prcvi.,usly and 'c.,uld ri~t"be assessed again. He said on Dn assessment project it is n.,rmal that ev~ryond wh., fr.,nts the pr~jact is assessed r~gard1~sß .,f whethAr they WJnt t., ho.,k up n.,w or at a future ñ~te. .):" . : , ,U ,'r ~;~ " ,,' ':1'-1 , ,':;:;..:1: .~.,~ " .~;;: 'lvI' "I(\,' I :; \.';~ i/'. ";~1 , ' ~',t',~ Resp"nding to C.,mmissI.,ner H"lland regarding the pr.,perty that has t~ front f.,,,t assessments, Mr. Crandall said that the person d.,es n.,t actually own the c.,rner pro?~rty. He said the ordinance .,nly allows for adjustment t., the c.,rner property and it was adjusted for 150' for that .,rdinance. He said Staff's positi.,n is there arc t~ separate pieces of pr.,perty and b.,th sh.,uld be assessed. ;'1., , ,",,} ,',' ,\:;~ .\',\1 , , ~ 'J."~ ' .,.. ...,.,. f·' ":::.~ o ;', , h~ .~ .. . , Mr. J. Walter Cr·)ss, representing the Fort Myers District United Meth.,dist Church, stated the church .,wns 730' that is being assessed which ~u1d require .,ne water tap for all 7.1 acres and w.,uld mean an assessment .,f $14,123, which is expensiv~. He objected t., this type assessment, n.,ting there are a number .,f .,th~r ways the assessment c.,uld have been d.,ne. H~ said in 1980 the assessment was a little over ,~: $11.00 ð running feot and it 1s t)ver $18.00 per fOr:1t at the present -.'.' time. . .' ," :~ ..! ." . J "1"1,",..' Mr. Crandall said other meth.,ds were investigated and some meth.,ds<r\";:J! improved assessments on s.,me properties but made them m.,re .,n ~ther, '1¥:f"i',,It' properties. He said th.HC were the least am.,unt .,f inadequacies with :~,¡:;'~J this method. , ,)~"\,,,,~;i;~:\~~:/' Mr. Crandall said there Is a statute that allows scho.,lsn6t'to'be, assessed unless they have agreed in advance In writing, :Úat th'e't.I~.11,l.l be assessed and the sch.,ol in the area was not as~esse~;"1 " ~I\~j,jj:':";i;; ':, . .....,. , .. "J ~ 'f' II , Commissi.,ner Holland said he was originally ~pposed ,to thls.:me~hoð~ of assessment and is still opp.,sed to it. He said' he :d~d' n'~tJ~'i'~k\;\~'1 n front f"ot assessment was faIr becaus;ð s.,me pe.,ple will not be,payln~rl', ····.1 , . .' ~l_, " ,HI '.\_J', "~',~" :"I'~ Mr. Cliff Barksdale, representing Collier Development c.,rporati.,n,{:;:',. ,>,~ ;::~t t~:.,~~e 1 ~:i::;~ ~:t ~:::: ~:: :~:~ ~:::n;a:.,~l ~:: 0 ~::~g:n~a:l ~~:: :~;~,.<,<~'::f: &OOK 087 PAr,: 67 f ) pag e ì;: ~7-,:' ,i' . ,,'f/')~ , .::..;' .._..... J._...,:~ j" ,( -r.,'.. :J. '¿, ' . '."/ , their share. ,. "", '. . ~~, ~ . ~,~~ ~.' .',"; ,'}l7~1Ø " ." '·1 ,S :~>j.1:/ ' ,"'~f ~.. "0"':11:,,",",, . ""'. ~ -..-._---~..--.....'"",.~,,-_.......,,-'~..."-- r: ' fD~K,' DB7 r~r.t'67l ," " ....._..__ .. June 18, 1985 .,~ .."I. ~~~;;,.~18.l0 a front fo.,t for $2,618,640. Hø said choosing the 12" line is I',)~;:perhaps the fallacy in the distribution of the cost. He said he did '" '.~~.not hel' t.he 12" line is requi red' to serve the properties and the "~:~;¡r~,:~~~pos,e was to loop lhe enti re system and increase prnsures for the . ',~:~ entire system. ,He said the minimum line has unfairly allocated the " "J,I'.J.."" " · .. . 'cost to, those property owners fronting on the line versus the general ,.: ," ,.ò' ò.i:y~,ì};:~~~.~~,~' t~at the' sys,tem should provide and' collect the, revenue t~X't~' , ,ay, to~;through user fees. He said the costs of $18.00 a fr.,nt foot !:J~''M[} a1~!~d''i'~p'r''~:p~r'tìonat~ tö the benefits. that are being received .for thos~ ,tY~t ,,;:if.~F~f'''''''' "~'III\"'~" ,",". .1' 4¡.1.¡'~"", roperties"'v'1"" "" ~¡" . ""J."" "'. ' , , , ' , . .:. ¿;J' . I ;.~> . ,I ' . , 'I I 0.' '" 1,1"" 'l~;:l:M';W'fr'c'Ne~S"~aid¡t'he diffe~en~'~' in the t~ amo~nts' re's'ults from'the'::;::':'t,., '.'~ .¡., ""'~' '., . . ,! i980:amount, being an estimate and the final amount is- the actual.', ", (',~:'I.:·"¡'~~.i ',,\r~·onstruci:.ionand finance cost of the project. ..' '..,.. ' , ,.',/ ,}:n:':: I: 'Attorney Siesky, representing Hubsc'hman Associates, said the ;;;~tri'otice:did not require statéments to be submitted in writing o!Ind asked ~'-, - . ,~; that the Commission accept his clients' statements at this time. Mr. j~'_ .' t . , ~< Sa unders suggested c.,mpl iance wi th the Statutes of submi tting stata- I ~ :",ments in writing. Mr. Slesky asked if his statement presented this ~,: date c.,uld be submitted and the consensus .,f the C.,mmissioners was that 1i¡~~if" ',,\ ï;,; '¡: ~;/;:" .. " "j," "r)' 'He said the analysis presented this ." '~ 'bonded rate. He said the b.,nd rate t,,' I¡" " ~; .,: ;".' ','". an it could be. Mr. Siesky submitted his n.,tes for the rec.,rd f.,ll.,wing h is statement. Mr. Siesky said the interest rate is 9.875\. He said he re-read Resolution CWS-80-10 which said the rate w.,uld n.,t be in excess of 8\. date said 1\ in excess of the is limited to 7.5\ and he suggested interest rate c.,uld not be ch~rged in excess .,f 8.75\. Mr. Siesky dsked if the lines could serve an area larger than 150' on each side of the line? He said if it can much of the money being spt!nt on the lines i£ going to benefit others in the wéI'ter service area and the other .,wners and C.,unty Water Sewer District should bear a portion of those costs. .~ Mr. Si~sky s~id th~ fr.,nt fo.,t meth.,d is working t., the diSãdvan- tage of the small pr.,pp.rty .,wner. He said the line d.,es not go across I' the front f~~t&ge by its entirety.and yet his client is being charged . ~\~ by the entire front fo.,tage and he requested the, assessment be reduced. ,,'(' '." ' .. ,,',' I"¥';&i¡p'l!.~, ,r,equested another meth.,d .,i: assessment be used. , ,·,-.,{:,\t~, ~~\'('I'¡,',~r.,~,""" ,.,.:M., r. McNeas said if there is a discrepancy in the am.,unt of pro- I.," i. ,:~tf..e.,.~Y, ',ontin. on the line, end .'00' could be 'u,nlshed, the St~'~,:;,r.';·;~VJ \~' 'I' ~~.:;;::.~..~~;,~ ~..~,.lling to adjust the assessment. ;.'. \, ';.:, U;:'~,~:k:~I:~ '~'~"\".'t'r\':f'ì'" " .. ':.':, ." ,: , "", ,.,. ·i '>;ir~ ",;~ '~. .¡~...:'~~',)~,.:i(¡ " , , ' " ! Page' 20 ' ~. ,}- I.~::';~.. 0- '" I, ,I ._'.\,.¡.~.;:,..;~,', >.:,...(,'~~.\~II''I, . ...'-/.... I f~" , ,\, ....::Yi~~/(~y<,,'..:;'. :~, .....:... ,>, .' .', "-' ~:"~" ;,~~?f'!!.:" ¡.~ ,."~~~S '. '.' " :';à~~I~\: :.J<,J ., ,~,.:~ ~::;oIf!".."..#.~'~~' .. , .'. .. ,,_ -0." '. ...,~;¡; "}' , I '''' i..':.,..¡,:' ;', ,,~ \~ " '" " '';:', ~<;f , '¥ _¡'F~i":'~~" , . . ¡to. , .. ..,....~,~~~ "~.1¡ .... .' ( .. ~ ,..... ."." :~.fc::J .' .,'.;.:: , , <., ':.t::._ '- I , M-',-":i,'U:.,\¡,,,,;..p« "\role .:'¡'. .'~' "r l ''i. .' .t1)~~. ".~:.."':\./t"";~~")' ,"I :'" ;.. _..,--_..~._^ ·<il. - , I'; ., ~ ", '.. - " . '~J1'~ ,I ~ _,.,..,..,....__."_.,,,..,.,._0, ~~,p.-~. ."".._~"._..,"",- I , '\ ._. -l ,. ..,~ ~, ~~ I "~"(" ," ~' I I'· ~í + 1-( "I. '~J '.' If. 1 , , .~ "i',,!)!~\ "I'ð f ~ 't,41'~./ II. . j I,; r " 'J~('~' ;... -~ . " . ¡ ,I" ,.,' """,ì~,!;~ '. Miller, Barton, 5.,11 and ~"':":~j:,,~,.~ªt 1984 tha fact that the line ,01'~~~~ spoke to Mr.érandall thên'~:(~fØ~~'.':~~1 " ~\J Mr. Saund~rs suggested that the Board authorize Staff t., use the high~st interest rate that is possible. He suggested if there is a difference in the Hubschman assessment that could be spreaó through the entire number of property ,,',mers or .thrf,)ugh water fees but hI:! asked that the commissi.,n direct Staff acc.,rdingly and it C3n be taken care of in the res.,luti.,n and it can be brought back ff,)r the signatures. He said nf,) other public hearing is necessary. Mr. Barksdale said that those pe.,ple with water meters installed' were exempt and hè said the meters should hav~ been installed prior to 19~O. He said with the reduction in assessable f.,.,tage the remaining property owners are being unduly assessed. Mr. McNees said that the adjustmt:fnt letters have been researched and there were eight parcels reduced and three were where water service was in place prit;¡r to c.,mpletion of the system. ,Tw., property .,wners >",f had met'ers in place prior t., 1978, he explained. He saie' one property )i,;'~, ,¡..". owner did n.,t front the system a~ all. He said the Scho.,l B.,ard was exempted as per Fl"rida Statutes. . " I " ','. Commissi.,ner Voss said there are two alternatives where adjust-, ;,r!:~f~~\5'~;' '¡; ,,' ments are made if an area is wr~nglY assessed¡ ~ue to ~h.~n~mb~/ .o~ ./:\j'{~~:t'J:? :'", ;"ont fe.t, that au.ssm.nt has to ba phc.d on oth", P,~?p·"Y, o~~'~; "l' :{.i'·'or in the water rates. He said he was inclined t~ use'Jhe'wat'~r""ra't"~:, I~;" ' ,:l ~, A discussion of water rates necessary was held with Mr. 'da'~dai1 <;1' ~f! . "'1 ~ . "'r;"~ .....-\.~'~ 'þ!. ~ ,stating it would be ð small increase." . ;"" ;":,' '~·W'í.'~ ':.ti~ , : , ; ." t", .)!" II. r # r ~ In resp.,nse t., Mr. Siesky, Mr. Crandall said the im~a,ct fees¡.;'~ave,~,Jr:!,<.1.; no direct reflection .,n the assessment project.; ". ' , Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and ' .,..' ',' '.¡ , carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse~ that the Commission stay with the front foot .ethod of a88e88ment~ ~.~,~--,-,~,., . ~: " r--l ¿.~...~ ", -., . 'I.. ~" '. r;-¡ .' ,,' ,,' .. ... . t ..... ..... ...~. ... .... ...,. .~... ~ Y'... '. ow, J... ~:?\"""" """.-".' . . ._'~. ,." I . 'rape '5 ' ..'~~t?~"::;'" Mr:' Harry' HUbschm~n said that 'Wi 150n, ~ '.., ,'.',\' Peek' brought t., his attention in October, r.;\?·:"d'~QS 'not fr.,nt the entl re pr.,perty and he t· , . . ab.,ut it but n.,thing has'been dona. Fiscal Officer Giles suggested th3t the 'odjustments be thrl)ugh water fees because of th~ C.,st on repr"gramming the large am.,unt .,f n.,tices that are being s~nt .,ut. Mr. Ilub schma n .as ta bli ~hed thll t ab.,u t 1/2 0 f his a ssessme nt. is in June 18, 1985 . ,. " err.,r. m~ C8lr!~r 673 page 21 -~-~. . ,~ " 'oiI J. .(.~;\, . "1,- -. .J \'\.'1- ; ", '~rt 1 ....,,, .....1". , .., ~ ,...,. .. . . .!,,~ -:,!, , , , .~ , , - ,...., / -- ". ,;·. ,:'1 ":.:r':f, , ,,:t,~ .\,<, I\; '::.'~.\'¡;. :.1, . ....~~,':'I~~-v~r ,.. ':;{"i~f~~' ¡, "P~'g;~' ~:_~~:,~ '~:: , ~ ':\ .. ~ :'1 : ::.,~',.~ (,.~,-, . . ~'I.1"'"'''' . ,. ...~ '"'' IW, ' ~ ,'.. I 1~.'" . . «;,. '"' J:. . -:': r-: :~"~ :.,,~ ,-/" ~~;mK' 081PAc,r674: June 18, 1985 tit"';':,.'lh(",,. Commissioner Holland said he could not VI)t8 for this as it is t}A:,'.~ "t~~caus. there are too many unanswered questions and that the situation r',~:"': s~ould be researched further." ~i~~)~ì¥~:~f' Assistant C.,unty M.1nager Dl)rrill said he did not know what else . y~~.'~~~~,Staff .cl)uld .do. '~~kif ~p~ n ~all :~r the question, the IIOtion carried 4/1, Coml1asioner ' . \¡ji.. H~~~,ando~~~ed~,: -1"-:(' . \,; ;¡i, ,'.?t:.',:,~,:~ .vI; ~olUllisa1oner Hass! lIoved, seconded bY, Commiuioner pistor and'~~íf.:,.,rt\,' car~'i'ed,4íi;,co'mm1aa1oner Holland opposed~" that if Staff finds a ,,',·:~.,i ;¿:../ lfii.f:~~\n~f I~" foot'àg~;j,\hat difference 1¿' ~ssu.llent 'sho'u1d be Pi~ked"t,;;:::'~~~~ , ~ì' irrwåt'''~'' ~atea~ ;::' é,~ " ;' ," ',.<'. '. :f' ,'.'. ,~L~,'~:<~ ~~P' During the, ensul~g discussion" Mr. Saunders clarified that it isf ,.I,~~ ~.t,. ,,{!'~~~~~ible to take several motions ~ecause everything has been advertised' ' .;,., i;.,{, " \,~'. prl)per ly. )~1tf.;'.' COllllissioner pistor lIoved; seconded by Commissioner Voss and, ,j\"ì ,..", , ,i"\,,carr1ed 4/1, COlUDissioner Holland opposed, that Resolution CWS 85-4 . I" ,I. I,! \\11 approving the preliminary asses silent roll for County Regional Water ';f~{,¡( System Assessment District 11 be adopted. h· ,~,\: " Fiscal Office Giles clarified that the 60 days nl)tice W'Juld be ~ , \,.: I y.' I' {'I· 1'" ' ;\ t', from the time the n.,tices are mailed. Comaissioner pistor moved, seconded by Comllissioner Hasse and carried 4/1, COllmissloner Holland opposed, that the Clerk be authorized... to lIal1 final assessllent notices after notified by the County Attorney of all adjustments and that the 60 days be from thft date notices are ,. mailed. I]~:.'~~ I Mr. Saunders said ~taff would investigate th~se .,bj£ctIons filed :in writing as required by the Statute. * CWS-85-4 was amended by CWS-85-4A (Attached) , " "~' : 'j'.. I :.' . };~{.,~',:,' . .'.'1 " , \ ;!..{..:;, '" , ('., , ' '''. - , , -,Y "., :! ; ~. , ' . " lit ,< -- .. . .f , . '¡~~~;r,í( ,i.~~;j.'.; ". . þoi' ¡":"" '::'1;' ,~,.,'r,Y,·'·~' '" ~"'\" .....>'...., ~ t-·-' ~._, . ~~ .;j¡.,' ,...,¡,.~,..:~ , I·:"'¡¡t¿~, ~""," vq{'JIt, ,:.,~, "L, .š:i~~· ".' , ':\'~""'- ! -..........~'.",'~.'......_.....:...,.;.;-~-'- :""-.' , . ~'f..:l~.."- -- \ '~i"'<~i" ~." . .~ °7: . :. " ~ ' ~ ' .. ~ ,',:':,: L;;'~ t<~ ',-,,) ~ ~(~,- '·':1 " .k I., t ..t..),~ -: ..f~ ~ í,-, .J , "t...... ~ '. " .., .,' ~'r' "~'~¡~"J{ ':~~,<\" " , '.' ' "~r¡""~~,,::, .:~~ \ .i. . , Juno 18 1985 . "1 .,',"1'V....,t~.!i"';\,~~ .f." ;,,' ' , '.' II' \','r~.\\ft:f'~, It.. 163 ":1 T '; ;..,·;~ '4':'11r ' ~~~:.,;.R~'SOLUTION85-137 RE co'LLIER CO~~T'l INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Aù~:o~I~~").~1. ,~~ \ ¡~~II' FOR ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BONDS NOT EXCEEDING $2,8,50,000 :~:~,*'¡~¡:I). . , :~,~;,~E ,BEVERLY RETIREMENT - ADOPTED ' '" ·.!J~~.~,f.' ' , " Legal notice having .been' published in the Naples Star on May 25, '. i..:·..,,·, " 1985, <IS evidencod .by copy of a notar,i~~d Aff~,~a,vit ~f pu.blication ,I ;,'\~ filed with the Clerk, public hearing Wê1S opened t., c.,nsider a t'j-; '~1 resolution r&gardiny the Collier C.,unty Industrié!l D~velopment ):, Authority for issu~nce of Industrial Ddvel.,pment Bonds n.,t exceeding ~~I ", ' '", $2,850,000 f'H ~evt!rly k,!tiremf!nt.. .. v ,J: ' Mr. Bo:¡b Wallace, Executive Secretary of the Industrial Development ..,., Authority, eX\Jlained this is a re-issue of previ.,usly approved action'·';','.' ..'..'~~ in a larger am~unt t., obtain ê1 b~tter interdst r,:¡te. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the public' hearing be closed. Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that Resolution 85-137 re Collier County Industrial Development Authority for issuance of Industrial Development Bonds not exceed $2,850,000 for Beverly Retirement be adopted. '-;/: '-, 'i.,; ,',;':';':1' '... ì~.."~.~ " :\;~ . '·,..1 " , 1 " , .. " , ' 'I"~ ":"':" ' ¡'~ ~OOK 087 PAr.r.§79 Page ",,", , . ~; ,...., -~..,--~.---,.-~-." ".....,,-,.~_.,.,..,.,".~.-,,~~~._-- '," L "--... "~" I: ~,1 :--:1 " .:'.\i\' ""',1 ''í..'''':t'': " . ....;:.'" . ~,'ð.' r=:1 . 4,. . , ". . June I'. 1m:::). J. Ite. 164 ' , .', ¡, '~"'~" ';.~'i ~~~I~~~:~:~;B~-~~tÍT~~~=~ ~·~l~o':S RBZORIRG PROR '-2 · '-25T TO. ~UD,~~.ï~~ . t'!', COlUliaa1oner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Bolland ~nd '¡f~f~!·~~ .",'" "'\~' " JI~ ,:,.: " carried unaniaaoua1y, that Petition DRI-84-4C, Jimmy Adkins re re:zonin9,~Xiji~;.»í~ " from A-2 and A-2ST to PUD for park1ands be continued to 9/10/85. ~t· " Ite. 165 '... " \.~. ..' ORDINANCE 85-33 AMENDING ORDINANCE 84-63 (WEED ORDINANCE) TO PROVIDE INVOICING CAPABILITIES BY COUNTY AND ESTABI,ISH PROGRESSIVE FEE SCHEDULE - ADOPTED regal n.,tice hdvihg been published in the Naples Daily News .,n May 30, 1935, ~$ ~videnc~d by Affidgvit of publicati~n filed with the Clerk, public h~ariny Wd~ "pen~d t., consider an ordinance amending Ordinance 34-63 (Weed Ordinance) t., provid~ inv.,icing c~pabilities by thd C~unty and ò!stablish a progressivt! rell scht:!dule. C.,mmunity Dtlv~loµnent ^dministfùtor Mullins explained in .,rder to ~bdte a nuisance .,f weeùs .,ver 18 inches a letttlr is s.ant t., the pr.,perty .,wner and a resoluti.,n is br"ught to the C.,~missi~n t., place a ..l,itm .,n the pr.,pcrty if the a~I')Unt is n~t µaio within 30 days. Sht: said this change loIOuld allo... the Building Dcp.Htm~nt to sen~ out the initial invoicp. and give a 30 day peri.,d. Commissioner Plator moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Coaaaaissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unaniaously, that the ordinance as numbered and entitled be adop~ed and entered into Ordinance Book No. 20: ORDINANCE 85-33 , , , " AN ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 84-631 AMENDING SECTION 14 (A) PROVIDING FOR THE SENDING OF AN INVOICE AND REDUCED ADMINISTRATIVE COST WHEN INVOICE IS PAID, AMENDING SECTION 14 TO ADD SUBSECTION '(B) PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT AND COSTS WHEN INVOICE BAS NOT BEEN PAID WITHIN 30 It811 166DAYS PROVIDING POR EFFECTIVE DATE I ,,\;':,:~~:,Y,~,;',,';t ,,~;,'...",I.' "1 . ~('" . r .f~ ..', ',,, ," ð' .,;:, ORDINANCE 85-34 AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-20 (CITATION ORDINANCE) TO . " INCLUDE DUTIES OF ENFORCEMENT OF PROTECTED TREE " EXOTICS ORDINANCES~,. '~," , FOR ZONING INVESTIGATORS AND AUTHOR1..ING ZONING INVESTIGATORS TO ISSUE it ,: ;~. CITATIONS POR VIOLATIONS OP SAME - ADOPTED r,. ' 30, Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on 1985, as evidenc~d by Affidavit of publicati.,n filed with the ~OO~ [J~PAG~f)~~ '.: !.l.~: ~ r-1af.!\1' . ",,\ ~ ' ,:': ' ':';;"~> , Page 24,,; , .:'.::'~'.~'~._- -- ..----........'" ...........'~-_.~._.- t _ ~_ _._. ··r_""<·~I~·_"'·_·" i: ~oo~ 087 pm 690 ~\' Clerk, public hearing w~s opened to consider an ordinance amending ~~t:: ';';¡Ord1nðnce 82-20 (Ci tatil)n OrdIn11nce) to include duties of enforcement (;¡;'!",:..,~f t~e Protected Tree Ordinance and Exotics Ordinance fl)r zl)ning 0~!'t.investigat.,rs and auth"rizing z.,ning investigatl)rs to issue citations ~:~{i:.::'~~r violati.,n,s of same. ¡,')'é','4"'::Y;~' Community'I:1evelorxnent Mministrator Mullin8 said the pUrp.,s8 of , " 'N~ ' "it~l\~~i, ~~I~ndme~; ~"is t., provid~ author,~ ty to Staff to issue a M,tice to,~~1. ìr';~l/~ "," i~lpe" ,a~,t",\l~, ,,<;~ur,~,' ,~o, r ðnyono, wh~ violates the Protected Tree ordin.an_ce,,~;, ~<":f;I;~ / ~ Tap.'! 16', 11>'\I:'i' '" ¡'," :':'(,)..:: ' ',' , ' " ' .. f i"1:i .;.' ,.' ," I ,~",~""',l.t"~'\'(;'·\.:~I"'·,'''\'' '. ," ',', " "j, , ."....' ,fJ,... >'f.' , ':~~,~'~~f~: ,~ul1,~ns, said when the C.,mmissioners return fr.,m vacation:~h~',:S'~",~,1 '. ,q,l~,ri~g back"ð, resl)lution authorizing the' particul.llr employees £'01'1'01 "d:;'" ', :N:'J, ,'\',' ,1". ..,. ,"" ' ' ,,":~'." r '\þ " ~i" this purp.,se. " " . 't: ';7j~',¡Y;,:,.'-'col1mi8.ion.r pistor 110ved, seconded by Coml1iaaioner Has.. and,,;.."':f),:'~¡\ ',¡",.f ',,' , .~\,','::carried unanil1ously, that the public hea.ring be closed. ' ~r¡ji.i,i!:, COlUl1issioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and \llf:,:\~¡ carried unanil1ously, that the ordinance as numbered and entitled below. þ,):',¡ be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 20: I~f' ,'", ' " y;:' ..: ORDINANCE 85-34 ¡,:;,.., \,¡ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-20 BY AMENDING SECTION :;' ",; ONE, PARAGRAPH -B- TO SUBSTITUTE -ENFORCEMENT SECTI01~- FOR 1 -DEPARTMENT;- BY AMENDING SECTION TWO, PARAGRAPH -A- BY AMENDING THE DUTIES OF ZONING INVESTIGATORS TO INCLUDE THE PROTECTED TREE ORDINANCE AND EXOTICS ORDINANCE, BY AMENDING SECTION THREE, PARAGRAPH -A- BY INCLUDING THE PROTECTED TREE ORDINANCE AND EXOTICS ORDINANCE IN THE TRAINING PROGRAM FOR ZONING INVESTIGATORS, BY AMENDING SECTION FOUR, PARAGRAPH -A- BY AUTHORIZING ZONING INVESTIGATORS TO ISSUE CITATIONS FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE PROTECTED TREE ORDINANCE, EXOTICS ORDINANCE AND AMENDMENTS THERETO, BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~-:t' June 18, 1985 ~ !t ': ': , ' '''I I tell "" , \, ~. , " 167 PETITION SMP-85-1C, BRUCE GREEN AND ASSOCIATES, REPRESENTING THEODORB CURCIE, RE SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN APPROVAL FOR GOODLAND ISLES, THIRD ADDITION - APPROVED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Legal notic~ having been publish€d in the Naple~ Daily News 6n June 2, 1935, as evidenced by Affidavit of pub1ic¿Ù~li filed with the Clerk, public hdóring was "pen~d to c.,nsider pctiti.,n SMP-85-1C, filed by Bruce Green anå Associ~~es, r~p(esenting Thd.,d.,rc Curcie, re ~ub- division Master Plan appr.,val for G.,.,dlðnd Isles, Third ^èdition, 5.59 t " acres. ' .:;,~\f.¿:l'«" Ac'ting Zoning Di rector McKim said this reque'~t is to develop~'2'2 'ç~.. :'/~~~,·,:,'·.r' I, I' '. ~ /-. " .. . r"~~: lots under RSF-4 and VR z.,ning. She said the Subdivisi.,n Review ...,.or', iI ~¡,... j',:;." ..:",;Commi ttee revi ewed this item and recl)mmended the stipulðtil)ns krt ,.~~~f:'.' ., "r~ ' ~,:,,' ~/l~~:,' ' : j.~ ",.l,:~"::.. ..' ~.~. '!". \ , . .~: . f ,.:'1 ~ . I \.'.''r >,: :'~ :W'.r i h~ ;,', \ ,~.-;.p; n t ~:' ," '~:'~~. ;-. I ¡J....., : ", ,,¡,' ,'" f),,~,i, Pðg. 25"1"" $r:: (_,( . "'-:"\/, . r , " "' :':~~' "" ~'j':M ' .'~ ....., t. :.......r.1~~,~:¡¡J . ~. . '. .: . ~ 1)'" ,l',~, ~ì:~: ,:'\",'~: ~',ç..,_..;. . ,¡f"I;'..,q¡r.,· 't·, ",' , ~I_~-. 'II':-' ,.~'?<. ,:.,', ,;;...::~tf' ,'A":~""/';'o,~:-¡o:.¡~ '. "-l ~'~~:¡.~~ ~;~"', . ~~ ~:~....;'~...~~ "" ~"j.... ..... t; .......1' .'."-¡" i ' :~ I .' . ;,:;'. -:~~~, .....~_......, ----' ,;t~;Wt·,·...-·>- 'M . . . II ",,, ~" , . 10---' -, ,. . '-----..J . .," ,·:·:'f , . ',' ...r..;"Jf. ',' ""-",,""""'--- ~ . .' J:. ~. ~..-.".' ~." J...4t ~' ..~ ·;¡~I". ...,t, ~ . ~l·I.¡'·-·lÎ.''''M· ,,: ri;l'."~ '- ". '..~ ,.;A." '" ,.'~J·1 .- ", ~' ,:, :tr:..." ~ .. ~ >( , ' ,~ .' 'V,:':~,::;,- ,.".' ""." . , ~:, ~xecutive Summary dated ,4/23/85. She uid the CAPC recommended , ~ åpproval subject'to those stipulations. ,:.~\"I'¡Mr. Joseph ßt"Jggs, røpruenting the petitioner, said the , . . . " accopts tho stipulati.,ns and is working on Dn agreement with ',¡', Corporation to obtain single access worked out by Staff. " Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor carried unanimously, that the public hearing be,closed. Commiçsioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that petition SMP-85-lC, Bruce Green and Associates, be appr~ved subject to the following stipulations: 1. Th~ exemptions as requested except f.,r 13, Str~et Lighting which must conf.,rm with the requirementG of th~ Subdivision Hcgu1ati.,nG. June 18, 1985 ·1 '. :. ," ., 2. Tho! ðgreed upon access ont., CH-92A as sh.,wn in attached diagram. 3. Final c.,nstructi.,n plan appr.,val shall n.,t be granted until acceptable plans f.,r Utilities have be~n ~ppr"v2d by the Utilities Division (see attached mem" dated February 6, 1905. 4. If individual septic systems are used they must c.,mply with Cnapter 1006, ~l"rida AdministratIve C.,de. J,. ,I. " ',. .. "\.: ,~. I .) , . ~OOK 087 mr 691 page -., - ---.--.--.- -<...--;- ..~ t' am 087 mr 696 It". 168 June 18, 1905 RESOLUTION 85-138 RE PETITION V-8S-llC, WILLIAM LEACH, M.D. RE VARIANCE FOR FREE STANDING SIGN ON LOTS 31, 32, BLOCK 73, UNIT 2, PART 2, GOLDEN GATE CITY (GOLDEN GATE WALK-IN MEDICAL CENTER) - ADOPTED Leg~l n~tice having been published in tho Naples Daily News on Jqne 2, 1985, as I4videnced by AffiC1åvit of publlcati.,n filed with thlt Clerk, pUblic hearing was .,pened t., consider Petition V-BS-lIC, filed by Dr. William Leach rp.qùesting a varIance for Ð free standing sign ~n ~ts 31, 32, bl.,ck 73, Unit 2 Part 2, G.,lden Gtte City (Golden G&te Walk-In Medical Center). Acting Z.,nin~ Dir~ctQr McKim said this r~quest is to ~llow a free stanaing slgn f~r icentif1cation .,t ~he mln.,r em~rgency facilitt to 11110"" s,~fe i'..nd pr.,mpt LlCCt'üS f.,r thE< geN!rDl public in time 'Jf n"'ld. ~h~ said 5taff did n.,t find ~ny s~~cific hðr~ship and r~commends dtmitd. A l~ngthy discussi'JI1 æn!>ut¡u uuriny wh1c;h [.;r. LlfiiCI1 (!)(plaln¡':(J tht.: neec t., better i(nntify t.Ol::: (>Iopt!rty so pntient!! cun finc the f(.cil- 1ty. He r~lðt'~ instancos wt~re neDrt ~Ltd~K victims c.,uld n.,t tind tne meoical facility. ~... sili;) é. 4':ÜO' d.,u[>le-f:¡ct:! sign ¡It!! height of 2~' .....,l.olc ìH sufiici.:r..... Commissioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carlied unanimously, that Resolution 85-138 re Petition V-85-l1C, be adopted, due to unusual medical circumstances. page 27 ....- \--J CI:J t:::J -- .' ,,', ',', ~". "',. rt r-t ,.~. . '. 7,f"""":":' 'f;, :Item 169 '1\'",.. . ,"\:'RBSOLUTION 85-139 RE PETITION V-85-12C, STEPHEN PROM REAR LOT LINE TO 17.57 rEET TO CONSTRUCT A -/'". JUl'\e 18, 1985 ,I,i,,:~~ LEWALLEN, RE VARIANCE "t~.~ HOME - ADOPTED "J~ ;'. '¡ .~'~.<, \ I.~. " Legal n6ticc having been published in the NLlples Daily News on. ,.:I~/~, " , ' . . ''''~~i¡;'' ',{'¿'.:"UI'\8 2, 1985, as evidel'\ced by J\.ffidavit of public:atiol'\ filed with the .",;!.~;.)i"/,. Clerk, public hearing was opcned t., c"l'\sidcr Petitiol'\ V-OS-:-12C, fU~~,o!'·'~'~~¡.'~ .¡:, .'by Btephen Lewllllel'\, requestil'\g a var1.'JI'\C:c from the r8ðr l.,t line to , .~:' . .' \ . ,~' ... 17.57 f~et t., construct '8 home 01'\ Lot 41, Tall Pines Subdivisiol'\. Actil'\g Zoning Dirf:ct.,r McKim èxplained thl-s is a request to reduce th~ rear setback ft.,m 25 feet to 17.57 fc~t. Sh¿ said Staff did n.,t find a hardship and rec.,mmands denial. Mr. Lew.J ll<!n ~{'It~red pictures into the rec.,rd t., indicdte the trees he is trying t., save by p.,sitioning the h.,use in the mðnner he wants. Mr. Jim S~ftz and Mr. Greg Davenp.,rt, neiqhb.,rß .,f the petitioner; defended his r~4uest and said they have n., objecti.,n. c~mmissi~ner H.,lland st~ted he ,has kn.,wn Mr. Lewallen and knows of his interest in pr.,tectinq the environment. Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Resolution 85-139 re Petition V-85-12C, be adopted. \ .. .7 , ,j ¡¡ , '.' ,;...... "! ~:' '~~~ i '( ~oaK 087 PAr.r 69,9 .j .," Page 28 ....-" ~._._._-- , aoo~ usn mr 702- ,'.¡, Ite. "110 ~~(: 'h: RESOLUTION 85-140 R£ PETITION V-85-13CL MR. , MRS. JOSEPH CANNISTRACI, :.,.:".'.,,' RE VARIANCE FROM REQUIRED SETBACX TO EKECT A SIGN ON LOT 1, BLOCK 73, ~ UNIT 2, PART 1, COLDEN GATE CITY - ADOPTED ,r"t). ,,~:¡."I:'r'¡ ;'!~"~~:,.ìi~/ ' Legal notice having bø&n published in the Naples Daily NewS on '~~'::,~II~,u.ne 2, 1985, tiS evidenced by Af fidavit of pUblication fi led wi th tho f '''.' .,Clerk, pUblic hearing was opened to consider petition V-05-13C, filed , ,,~¡.~.~ ~jI'" '.. , .,.. . W;~~.I,~f'.,tI~~"Mrs. Joseph Cann~strllc1, requesting a variance fr.,m the S\61~Ci,~~:~~d.,s,~.~ba~.~".to ere.ct II signon 'Lot ~:;", Block 73, Unit 2, Part 1, ,f, 'Golden Gate Ci ty~: " , ' ,," , P' , )"'/\'.' ". . ' '",. ," . '?.., TApe 17. ", . "", ~"-r:' ,¡ 'J" ":' ',' ,(; : ; ',.,' í{'t..~/¡ ,'··~,1·,· , '." ~~1~r.r):~" Acting Zoning Director McKim explðined this is !!I requeJlJt to rflducø ,. ill/the, required setback for a free standing·,sign from15' to between 0, .' t rr';;f~~t and 5 feet. She said Staff did not find any hardship and rtlcom- ('~n!,: mends den ia 1. .. ;:,. ,: ....,'\1, It f.!;.":::{:' Attorney Cardillo, representing the petitioner, spoke in def&1nse ,If'i) 'I /' ,~~ of this request. He submitted pictures of area signs for the record. ~~~;! He explained th&t the sign sh.,uld be near the offices for this proµerty J;t~ and that is what the request is for. He said the size requested is .'{'/ 3'xlS' d~uble-faced ût a h~ight of 251 which was ðgreeabla with the f~1 Building Department but they question the positi.,n of the sign. /.>. , COØlJllissioner Holland lIoved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and ;'·i. ì...",'.,.' carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Pistor moved to deny Petition V-85-l3C. The motion failed for lack of a second. COØlJllissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse And cArried 3/2, Commissioners Voss and Pis tor opposed, that Resolution 85-140 re Petition V-85-13C, Mr. , Mrs. Joseph Cannistraci, be adopted~ June 111, 1985 , ' ,.' I Ì',~.JI" \ .;' j:ì\ ' .,.,..¡ 'l.~;: rrr ;', ,~'; . 11'/ . , ....,. ~' :.'J" . (; , . '~: ,\ J , " '¡" '. h, ~: ~' , " ~:. ..¡ ...... IJ. .,(/ . .\~ t .f 1'~<~'~ ',' '3;~r~,,' ;:, ,~::, ,'l .l .. .... .':f' .: \ 1 :,., ,j '\'. ,'f. \(1': ~K" ~~;~, i~!';: 'It;,:.- ',. 1~",}~,"7 ¡to.. ':"./1 ~,. ':~~~L'\",\,¡ II "\I" ,:.~~·-·tif'i;,-::':'.\...¡:w~ ," .. ,:~.,~~~: VI·.'~ , t~~;::ii,:~i1 ~,~\~;~. ',~:~~".", ~~. :.~..,;f). ';' ~':.";!, . ~ií, ~",; . m< i.~i!~~,'~,:·.:;:; I, ... ~ t',:\, '. ",. \ ': " .. '. ._.,"'"1. '. '. ".' ,'~, " ¡ .,' . ~ - ,,' . ':'~:'" I' i~:,~' ~~'J..~:,.. ~, ,,'~.~ , ...·,"",·.'1,1 . ..~~ '----':;f'~ " .;, i.....'\.~,~\~. '.:~ ,.J\4" /. ~.. ---J 'iiI'~ " . ,;..~~.... '~ ., i' , ';II . ...-: '" . .----, -- ...' .......' ...,...._,.,'_,'_"....._",·__·b,"'"..'~·.._·,·,,· _. '. ,)... J'#'.t;. ~ "~~ /..:~"tJ\'... . "'9;' '''1 ,~.:, . J " ~ -. r:-l ~.:' '.. , . , .' . . . '-1,-;':'.', ,': :);~I'.... " ~} " , ,:,:.~ :.,' ~,.., ~, :,' de' ., '.:,~~ ' ; \:'~', (~ ' ;, . "':~.. ~. t' :' '1/'ft ;" .;:~ I, , . "" .. , " ,Ii" ,{ .";~ CHURCH/FIRST BAPTIST '~:1:t..i ¡..",~f ""~~ '~,i \ ~:.'7J~1 " ,;" f~,,': *.*RECESSI '12125 P.M. '>." at which time Deputy Clerk Clerk Skinner··· June 10, 1965 RECONVENED, 2100 P.M. Kenyon replaced Deputy , ", , . ~~ ~<r;~.{·:-' 't. t" It..' 171 " F':" " PETITION PU-85-5C, CENTRAL FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST ¡::'CHURCH IN GOLDEN GATE ESTATES - DENIED ~ctin9 Zoning Direct.,r McKim stated that this petition has been discussed twice and tht! petitioner is present ..this date f.,r any questi.,nr.. Public WOrks ^d~inistrðt"r Kuck stated that .,n June 4, 19a5, a 24-hour traffic study' was c.,nductcd at the inter3ecti.,n .,f S.M. 951 and 25th Avenue S~ and als~ at the inters~cti.,n "f G.,1den Gate Pdrkway and S.R. 951. He stated that on. of thft criteria for traffic signals is that thd 8 highest hours Dh.,uld gdncrDte Ðb.,ut 150 traffic maneuvors !rom .,nc directi.,n per h.,ur, adding that during th.,sc h.,urs the traffic count was fr.,m 48 t., 128 per h.,ur at the intersection .,f 25th Avenue SW and S.H. 951. He rep.,rtcd that at the intersecti.,n "f S.R. 951 and G~ldBn Gate Parkway at almost all nours of the day the traffic maneuvers are .)ver 150 per h.,ur. He n.,ted that at the present time the c ~ iraffic c~unts do not Wdrrant a stop light at th~ intars~ction of 25th 1 Avenue sw and S.H. 951. He stated that th~re is a p.,ssibility that : .'" within t-.n Y¿<lrs, a traffic signal will be required. '1\ kevorund JameS Allen, represO:!nting the Church, indicat'ld the '.'Ii l.,cati.,n .,f the proposed church and stated that th9 church will not ~" j~ create noise in the neighborho.,d nor will th~ lights from the church ,~~ bother any.,ne. He stated that acc.,rding t., population figures another ..)":~' '1'~ ,.,\,1,'," ,.-f church tan be justlfiO:!d in G.,lden Gate. ~e i,ndicated that he has ''''!\~t:;{ c.,ntacted all the pe.,ple on the fotreet., :!o n.,ted that with reference, :¡f.¡\'.~' to traffic, it hi considerably less .,n a Sunday than it is during the :1":'~"': . 'j ''',';:< . .L, ':,"'!t J .1 ~ .. ,:"¿j;' ¿ ;.O::~\ ~;,,1:' ' ,.1"'" . .:.,.¡,.~,,;::./. ' .'~' ;' ..:. # .;" .Ai' ~ ~ ::; ».7.. . ~¡,.~""... ,!~,....'I..",~! Jr~:: ,,(,~~.t~;~I' .,;' .~... ,r'-. ~~~'. ¡:' 1'~ ; , I',., ''; ,.i '~¡...~. ,. , ", ,':,.'.. fI"..'~'JJf"J ¡~ :.11;:., '1,,'(, ..n :' , I, 1" ~ .. week. Margaret Jerguson Tape 18 church: . ¡' M~e Adkinson it! Harold Krout, Reinalda Seda GordoCl Helsel Murie 1 Black C<1rolyn Howard The f.,ll.,wing people spoke in favor of the Kim Cruise Elias Scdis J.,hn Jergus.,n Jr"tham Black Marie Marsh Ruby Bales ,~~~'>...).} ,Þ. . " '1::, " ' ,~ '1~" .' .. "~' ~-~:. ~:" .~~ '...:. ':" ';"~ 30 .",:~ .d" ,''9' ;.: ,..~ ",' ...! .... ,,,- Mr. Larry La~lrence statt!d that h~ is agilinst a church b,}ing l.,cated at the intersecti.,n. He noted that he has not been c.,ntacted ~oo~ 081 p~r.t 705 Page ",~:.,-: ... :.~ '~'. .., """~ . j~2~t:~.~ .:.J' .' ;,.~";~': : ~~It~~' .: I";:.,;.,~..,.,~r~...¡,,~~i·,'> ,..~,~~. ". ',. , ".;.,." {>." -", ," f'·:'nG~;Ô87p:Gr..ro6 .' June 18, 1985 :i'~:;';'r8garding this church and he lives on the street right beside the .. ~'(>,.~. ' , '¡" ;;;~,l~.c:ation of the pr.,posed church. HI! st3ted that he is c.,ncerned with ;¡; '"..- the zoning of the lot bütwl:!en the church and the restaurant, asking ¡!' ;'?'~""what will happen to that 1.,t7 He n.,ted that he turned in a petition . ,,' ..} \ '" ' ' , " ;"tWo 'weeks ag., th!lt ha,s 75 signetures of, families that live in the area "h '," .~.' " I . r, thât are opposed to the church. ",I" ,,' " ,.\ . '>,f!~~,~ ri~',~':F~~,wansw~C'(t~ Comml ssi.,ner G"odnight, Ac'ting zoning Di'rector MCKlm«~i. ,s~~~'d'~~hð't: 'Stiaff had ño prOblems with recommending approval of ~he'i:;::;: );~t~f' :~l;ÚlJ,~~ís,Ub,~:~:~t ,to certain stipulati,.,ns, but when the CAPC held,thelr./'Y~æJ;., ¡,pú'1;l1e' heating;' they rec.,mmended denial and their rec.,mmendati.,n is the, \:~,'f :~~o'ne th,at comes to the SCC. ' . ';). 'J.,,'.' I'" :::1,. f¡$i'."c' . . M ¡: ';~ ').,~. 'f~;\~~ Commissioner Go.,dnlght stated that the first time that'this " }.{'·¡;petition was heard representatives of the the church were not present t ':C~~'1,\!,t'o represent themselves ¿¡nd'there was a l.,t .,f I)µpositi.,n, adding .thet ",:,:';,,¡'the second time it was heard both sides were heard and in this me'eting . I, /-, ,;~' >' the majori ty is for the cnurch. she stated that the Commissi.,n is in a &~ difficult p.,sition and it is ð hard decision to make. She stated that ~,' a church is g.,.,d for any neighborh.,.,d and the tr~(fic situation is not going to increase because of the church. Commissioner Goodnight moved that Petition PU-8S-5C Central Fellowship Baptist Church/Fist Baptist Church be approved. Motion died for a lack of a second. Commissioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried 3/2, (Commissioners Voss and Goodnight opposed) that Petition n, :~PU-85-~C be denied. Item 172 RESOLUTION 85-141 RE PETITION PU-85-1I, SALVADOR AYALA, REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USE ·0· OF ·VRw FOR PROFESSIONAL OFFICES LOCATED AT CORNER OF COLORADO AVENUE AND SOUTH FIFTH STREET IN IMMOKALEE - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS AND FINDING OF FACT ACCEPTED " Acting Z.,ning Dir~ctQr McKim stated that this 'requ~st is to use , the existing building located on the s.,utheast cnrner of c.,l.,rado Avenue and South Fifth 5~r~et in Imw)knlee for prafessi.,nal oCfices. She n.,ted that Staff and all C~untÝ agencies reviewed this petiti.,n and , ,have no .,bjection t., tho! appr.,val subject to tw," stipulati.,ns. She ~:~{:û."'noted that the Immokalee Planning Commission held their public hearing .,,¡, '. , ' t,~~~\,.t~::,~"n May 29, 1985" and unanimously rt!co~mended approval subject to the V· ~';,'" at! pula t ion s. ' , s¡ ':I',{(,,, . ~j.'!:>!'J,¡':-. Ms. carmen Torres stated that she do~s not want to see this' ,.~; ~r..ovisional use granted as the people will not be able to use this ..~:,:".,., ,",' àA~' ' ,;~~~; '~ ".~¥' ~'.;:~, . ... ,....¡ :~:': . ~õt'\"I,iot\. of' if: ....~;:...... . , .. ..,.;~~<~": >~~1- :-"~I .,.... -'~,.,::-;! ~~.,.,.¡'" ,,' ~', [=::J ..: . ...,..~' . " Page 31 ~...' '., " . .4-1...·.= ~ , ' ~,.. .;.. . ,ø.-.ø----, , ; ,'. ,~. '" .. .....~.. . '~f~,~:J}-¡d ,;, ¡.;.~t\.~'·'f,'",:,'1,., ~~:,.,;;",,¡. - . ' " '. ~ ""',"",'" ~....", ,·'··,,"1 , , , -, , .... . " , \." ,...1 ,~.. "':~r,;f.> ;' .,.. '.'. . I J' ..'-,.> ' ' .', '.;'::'~' '~;~i~I' , '\". :,.{ , 19 e 5'.'>: .> .'~~~¡¡ .. June 1 e , '.' ' ~' '. '..!~:Ii~~, ~ ':~;"·existing building any longer for their social affairs as they have in '::,'~,'~;,i~~ , ""¡">~I!~'!'" ,:,'/~the past. She submitted a petition of'pers.,ns opp~sing the Mning -:',..,~~¡~!;4.' ': ,':::Oh4n'::..18"ono< GoodnIght .tato' thot the bull"n. woo built' .bOut 'l::¡~ : or 11 years ag., ðnd it was bùilt f.,r a dance hall at that tima, adding ".": '~,:\~' that the petitioner is pr.,p.,sing to make the buildings int., .,ffices for. HRS. Sh~ no>t~d th~t :hir. building is ab~ut J bloCKS off Main Street. She noted that it is ð problem for the people, but she c~nnot dcny a persQn the right to,do with his building what he w.,uld like a~ l.,ng as it g.,e~ al"ng ",ith z.,ning. ~hc statcd that tt.~ $25,000 that was,. appr"ved by th~ commi~si.,n the pr~vious day will be used t., build a community center wh~re ther~ can be such S.,Ciðl events. Mr. R"b~rt Myala stated thdt the people that signed the petition want to keep the building as it no'... ,exists, addIng thdt wh~n the new c.,mmunity center is built it will not be able to be rented out t., the p~ople like this "ne has b~en. He stat~d that the people of Immokalee will end up with.,ut a p13ce f.,r s.,cial activities. Commissioner G,).,ònight statp.d that it is not morally right for her to prevent the .,wner of tnis building from using his building aa he wishes ðS l~ng ~s he abides by the Co>unty c"des. Tape '9 Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner pi.tor and carried 4/0, (Commissioner Holland out of the room at this time) that Resolution 85-141, re Petition PU-85-1I, Salvador Ayala, requesting provisional use ·0· of ·VR· for professional offices located at the corner of Colorado Ave. and South Fifth St. in Immokalee be subject to the stipulations contained in the resolution and that rinding of Pact be ðccepted. .... c r.(.~· " " ",t; . .1/"1 . .c~ .r;,..; .~. " , , ~oo~ 087 PAGE 707 : ';~'à '..'.'.j'..'~'.~.¡ ~ ." . " I' ':,..... , .:~:, ~ , ' ..' ," {.- ~ ~ .,' .~... ... ·..·tlfÞ¡ . . ~', ... Page 32 , ' ',- ....--, ;--¡ - " . ~ rl ~..-.' .. .,t'.'· ., f" -.." ...... . '" ., , ~\o" It "",.', Ii'!.',;" ", ,-.~ ;, *. :"\ June 18, 1985 , , " .. :'Item '73 .... '-. ?~ì';:"PETITION PU-85-9C, NAPLES FLORIDA CONGREGATION OF JEHOVA'S WITNESSES, ~~~~1NC. - CONTINUED TO AUGUST 6, 1985 ':.1, ;;~"'" COJDJD1s81oner Plator moved, .econded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that Petition PU-8S-9C, Naples Florida ,Congregation of Jehova's Witnesses, Inc. be continued to August 6, 1985. Item 174 ~ - ~~;.~,,'. . ;:J '..: RUTH FIELD DIRECTED',TO COME BACK TO THE BCC WITH A NEW PETITION REGARDING DAY CARE FACILITIES AT 114 CARIBBEAN ROAD. FILING FEE TO BE WAIVED rt.r::;. Ruth Fi£ld ISt.:'ltpd thilt she was surprisEd t., learn that the Pin~ Ridge Civic Ass.,ciation was ~gainst her variance and is simply asking that phe be all.,wed t., tak~ ~dre 6. 3 children inste~d .,f 5 children. She indicated that she sp.,ke with C.,unty Att.,rncy Saunders .,n this matter in ord~r to .,blain a variance with.,ut setting a precedent. ~he noted that she w.,uld be willing t" have included within the variance a clause stating that if the h.,me is evcr s.,ld, it will be sold illS a private home ~nd n.,t a day care facility. She noted that the variance c"uld state that she will have "nly 8 childr~n in hcr nurscry sch".,l cl~sses. She stilted that. B ci111urt:n w.,uld help her financially. C.,unty Att.,rn~y Saunders stated that he sp.,ke with Ms. Field concerning her petiti.,n, adding that this will only set a precedent if the Commission wants itt",~et a precedent. He stdted that he t.,ld her that th-.: only body that could do anything about the: matter wdS the BCC ':,:',.' \:, ~.;,1· ~ ,'!" which is why sh~ made a presentati.,n. C.,mmissi.,ner H.,lland questioned if it is p~ssible for the Commissi.,n to ðllow Ms. Filed t" have 8 children without mðking any ',';~'.~,,'¿'-~t; :'i~,'. ',~ " change in her pr.,perty? County Attorney Sa under!; stated that the ~nlYI'I'r'¡~"",~"!1} " , , ,,,, Þ. I~ ~~io way that she can have a children is' for the BCC to grant a variance. ''I:: 1,:,.ÎI'IJ ( . "',f.~~~ C.,mmi ssioner lI.,lland stated that there was a verY:,simi lar, ca~e in!;l ¡ ,vj~, ~~ the City "f lJaples and it WilS approved with.,ut any ch~~ge in t~.ei Z"~i,~9~:' ~"~J.....: or a variance. ",I.. ,,',..,/, I t' ' , /.¡: :1 ':~ :\ Ms. Field stated that a license h,:¡s t., be obtained if 'there is any }~~" " more than five childr~n, adding that she has met all the,other ~' requiremo¡,nts f.,r her lic:ens!! and has sent in the m.,nl]y but, in order t" "/;,- get a lic~nse, a variance must be granted. . ...I~' Commissioner H.,lland stated that he can unùerstand the predicament that she is in and the working pe.,ple of thh t.,wn need a place to keep '¿" " ,'~ } ~ ~DDK 087 tAG[ 711 Pðga 33 'r " , . 1·;loti " . ," t, --. :f.: : .:.;~.. that th~sé' ~re. J~tr.~ .." ~ . '.~~¥~ Hasse . ,; , ,,'.' ,';1.''1 .I!\I; and "".~,/I"ì. . .' :..ft\ ,t ~ .... , : .~, '.::o.,~ ,.,¡ . Z~J . ,,;~:!'. ~ :',~~~,,·;f...,.,: P~~j~:;~ti~~' ..~ "jJ,' øtyt~.~ '::::"Y¡; " ~OOK G87m£712 June 18,1985 th~ir children. He st~ted thàt he is in fav.,r .,f all "wing the 8 children at her home. C.,unty Att.,rney Saunders stated that tha .,nly thing the !:ICC could do is let her file a nuw application and waive the fee if the BCe '~.sires, but she will have to come b~ck for an.,ther public hearing. '" ,'::~J:'," éOllmis.ioner Holland moved, ..cond.d by Commissioner Hasse and ,. ".... ~.~ì;~~,~~~ri.d.unanimOU81Y, that the filin9 fe. be waived and a new petition .~ ðlY~,è.. be"flled and brought back to the Bee for a public hearing~'. ,,;,\;; hI''' ",,4.' '. :j. """ ' ,f".. ¡/Il.:J." I'l/- Itell 175;',1., ,.0:' ,,'~, '. ,·: ·~·t?·~;, ,...~3\~)t~~~iu·~·;o'~ ,~r~~i.c2'>D'ECLARIN~:'A NUIS~NCE AND PROVIDING FOR PROPERTY OWNER' ,f,k ,I ~¡;'~:, MORGAN S. THOMAS TO ABATE THE NUISANCE AT BLOCP: A, LOT 13, WHI SPERING :' ';,,',Y '~'Íì:;~Y PINES SUBDIVISION WITHIN 30 DAYS - ADOPTED.'>;' I~!'fr!~(,::jt,:'.~" commu'nity Devel"fATlent Administrator Mullins stated that this is to"\' ,J' ' ",~', , request Dn ~b~tcmcnt of a nuiR~nce d8te~ May 29, 1985, which is in Whispering pines Subdivision. She stated that this is in reference to Ordinance 84-63, adding that the routine pr.,cedures and insp~ction of complaints were followed. She n.,ted that Mr. Thomas was n.,tified by letter and acc.,rding t., the ordinance, he has the right t., petition the B~ðrd to be excused fr.,m having to comply with the ordin~nce. She stated th~t Staff's r~comm~ndation is denial of the request t., rcscind the notice of abatement by the ~cc approving the resoluti.,n. ~:r. Thomas stilted that he haß "wned the I~Jt since 1972 and the property is up for sale at this time. He stated that he has not put any trash on that l.,t, adding thót he knows wh., has but he has n" way of proving it. He not~d that directly across the street fr.,m his property is II junkyard which has ab.,ut 30 1awnm.,wers, cement mixers, wrecked cars, ~tC. He reported that his lot 1s absolutely useless with the junkyard that 1s across the street and that piece .,f pr.,perty has not been cited for anything. He pres~nted pictures of the lot acr.,ss the street fr.,m his pr~perty. C.,mmunity Duvelo¡:mont Adloinistrator Mullins sta~.ed t.hat she would send an investig~tor .,ut t., the lot acr.,ss the stre~t fr.,m ~lr. Thomas, but the issue with Mr. TIlomas still h8& to be r~solved. c.,mmißsi.,ner Holland stated that he felt that acti.,n should be - . deferred .,n this item until th~ property across the street is lo.,ked into. f',~,',ï'!':-.:". Community Develo¡:.ment Administrator Mullins stated , two separate issues and should be dealt with as such. Commissioner pistor moved~ seconded by Commissioner " <, ,:,;,/,:." '.,' , k" . ~~~.> ", ' ',f' : , " I~'~ ' : .".'I'~'~;$.;. ,'" ',tj'/"~:~< ..,....I'J..",~,-.-=":'....... ';'>r" '- ::::J ~ ¡--, ," -, l ~ " ... .... .,~ . ---~ 't'," . , (~ .'~ .. .;~ ~ ,: ....-~- ,,;,,'(.~~: , '~'ft? ':"..*.(.~ ,-'" ./ Giiiii:I ... ;;¡¡¡; JUnlt 18, 1965 carried unanimously, that Resolution 85-142 declaring a nuisance and providing for property owner Morgan S. Thomas to abate the nuisance at Block A, Lot 13, Whispering pines Subdivision within 30 days be adopted. Staff directed to check into the cluttered lot across the .treet from Mr. Thomas. EGQ( 087 PM,( 713' paq e 35 ./,-- ,'1... .. ...^" ...,.-....----'.--.----- " "'i' --, , ", '.~. ¡, ,':;~¡ :"t: June 18, 1985 '(::">11".&11 ,\.,' **..* R 3 lS P M R d 3 2S P M ...*. ,'I ," ecess: I .. - econvene I I .. ; ! :}-I ,.:"~\"~ ,;.~ t '. ~.¡ ,', 'I ' ,;~t.. '76 J{'))'IJ¡~I'~ 'F'; STAPF DIRECTED TO NOTIFY BY REGISTERED MAIL ANYONE THAT IS APPLYING FO~"':'~:'<:i;t~ I ::jt THEIR FINAL 3 MONTH EXTENSION TO INFORM THEM THAT THEY MUST VACATE THE,~ i( r ~.~.~ ',!"" 'TEMPORARY RESIDENCE AT THE END OF THE 3 MONTH PERIOD. PETITIONS ' 'r~' .I':,~,t' TR-84-23C, LILIAN MARIE HERMAN; TR-84-27C, PAUL PLAMONDON; AND ') TR-84-33C, WAYNE TUIBODEAU, REQUESTING TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMITS FOR ':\ GOLDEN GATE ESTATES - APPROVED I .}t , ,~q .. '., .!.,I....,¡ , .:, ~}I '¡~'1 ,;' , '~~ ~.?~. ..'\"~"''''''''~ f "f'~¡¡ FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT FRO~ ;~E'.~ ~~;~* PRESENTATION AND TIME FOR T~E GOALy:~; ,;, '~'I)~;::~1;J j , <', . /, 1.'¡~' ~ Deputy Assistant C.,unty Manager Brangaccio'stated that she """"; ,l U"'j: contacted different s.,urces ~n a program f.,r goal setting, using the:,{\) ,,:Æ'~,::,',. I, . Florida State pr.,gram as a m.)del. She stated that she c.,ntacted three ::;'1 universities and two .,f them resPQndcd with pr.,p.,sals. She n.,tcd that ð pr.,~"sal was als., received fr.,m a private marketing firm. She indi- cated that she would recommend the pr.,p.,sal fr.,m the Fl.,deJa Institut.e of Govcrnment which is located at the Edis.,n C.,mmunity College Campus rt r-ï C.,mmission~r G".,dnight. fitated that. ~ll thr~c .,r these temporary petitions arc t.,r thp.~r final thrp.p. m.,nth ext~nsi.,n and the .,wnp.rs have made very little ~r~gr~ss on the c.,nstruction .,f their h.,mcs, adding that she w-,uld like t" sU'!'J(,fit th3t StaU be directed to send s"me type of II regi5terrld letter t., them telling them that thuy have oply three months t., c.,mplel~ lh~ir ho~c and at the end .,f that time that they mUßt Vc"ICèlte th~ pr~mis!:!s .,f the trCliler beclluse of the current ordinance thJt th~y agreed t., when they to~k out the temporary residence p~rmit. C"mmunity lJevel.,pnent ^dministr~tor Mullins stated that these pe.,ple c"Irc rQutinûly n.,tified but II m.,re explicit letter can be sent out to them. Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissionet Hasse and carried unanimously, that staff be directed to notify by Registered Mall anyone that is applying for their final three munth extension to inform them that they must vacate the temporary residence at the end of tbe 3 month period. Co~missioner Goodnight moved, seconderl by Commissioner Hasse and' carried unanimously, that Petitions TR-84-23C, Lilian Marie Herman; TR-84-27C, Paul Plamondon; and TR-84-33C, Wayne Thibodeau, requesting tem~rary residence permits for Golden Gate Estates be approved. , Item 177 r.. ',' STAFF DIRECTED TO CONTACT THE EDISON COMMUNITY COLLEGE RE A SETTING WORKSHOP .... " ' aODK 087 PAr,[ 715 page 36 ';"... ~ . .- ...-.~.__._...~.__...---- ...;.~¡..... U~:,;:~~ ~:.- 087 flG~ 716 June 18, 1985 She n.,ted that the C.,st difference in norida Institute of C.,vernrncnt W':Iuld . &OOK ;j~." " I~,~,:\: : t, ,~ in F.,rt Myers, which is $1,500. ,the pro?"sðla is the fact th~t n~t have to charge for h.,tela. ."....' 'I ': Tape 110 ;':¡:. \;'t~,'.~ MS. Brllng¡ ~cio reported that she W':Iuld ro!commllnd tho c.,urSf: '¡1,\".':."'through the Edison C.,rnmunity C.,llege as they have a pr.,ven track record , '. ~ ,,,r ',,' . ' ,:,1, , " :' 'i~;',goal,set~ing W':Irksh.,ps involving g.,vernment and bre doing on-g~ing '~~:ir.~ ,'\ {raining sessions' for the C.,unty employees of Collier, Lee, and ' :i,\ ~i:. ,'¿~~\.:iottê::::"She, indicated that the sessions are bòsically a total of 9"}{"~; r ~':W~'Ü~··.I.':;.'r':.\'»::¡~' (;",'.; ,'. .",.', .' ' " " '..',' ;,'"" r. ~ho ,r,s. :'L~,).,:.~S'", l.' .'.,;:.. ( '..., " "'';~ ;' " , .dl, ~ ,~·~ltf~~·C~"~is;l~n~r Huse moved, seconded bV COlDlliuioner pistor and, " .)ì¡" .~\~'~¡;Jl{.j, ò. ' 'I' ,,): ~ ,.:;;~ carried unani~ou81y, that Staff be directed to contact Florida ,'<!~ .' ()'~!:¡' Ì~'~t1t~te' of GoverNl1ent from the Edison 'Co_unity College re a ¡1)'~;. ' presentation and tim. for the goal setti.ng workshop. tti:'~lt~~ 178 tk~;)';" RESOLUTION 85-143 APPROVING THE ASSIGNMCNT OF THE CABLEVISION FRANCHISE (>-i,'", FROM SOUTH FLORIDA TELEVISION CORP. TO PALMER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. - ~:'; . ADOPTED rl~~ " , , ¿.'" 't'" ,I'. t~" ;):.' ,.' County Attorney Sdunders stated that this franchise agrecment is consistent with the franchise agrcement thdt s.,uth Fl.,rida Television Corp. has with Collier County. He read p.,rtions .,f the res~luti.,n to the Commission, n"ting that thls is bauic¿lly a tautine assignment thdt ,wo:¡uld be effectuated by th~ resoluti.,n. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Resolution 85-143 approving the assignment of the Cab1evision franchise from South,Florida Television Corp. to Palmer ~ommunications, Inc. be adopted. .' " . . " I ' :.i....\' i" , . .. ,,\,~/ ¡to:...,. ,. , '.. '.~.~~"',¡~~:: , " 1 " {'i': '~;l: pag e 3 7'~Wh· ,.. .1 i.' ;'. .,.:tf;,~, '~h" ,,. ".' !Io~' l.~ð ." ~....,....~.....~.t . :\' , .~~ ' ",~: I, " ' '......:. '. , .,' ~ . 'i~ ~~,~ . r-í~:~',¡'>' ".'":'~ . ~,.,...,.... .!..\,r1! '~. ,,,,,\,,,~,.~.~;-\,~,".'~": ..., .". ',' ",1\,:,. .:'~;~~~~ ., ~.~.' .... ", tat "..',. . '., ',~." .... .J. .., >t,. '¡ ;tt4,~ . ,', ~/""" ....--, . ,,~rtr~>~~. ........I. '~~':~fl' '.',C] ,~~ .t... ~ '.('4. ~ .i ' ~..". ."~" .",",~,",..,."--~.,.......--,,. .... " A ., ..... ". ...~.. ",~~ :.~~'~ '. . -..-"",..."-"-~--,._........,,,.,_...-- 'OOK 087 PA~t 718 Itelll 179 .::un.. it, lS¡¡~ MOTION TO DOWNGRADE ZONING FOR BAREFOOT BEACH - DIED Cam~i55i"ner V"ss stóted th~t cn~nging of the 8arefQ"t ~eHch PUU was brough:; t., thf! C;"mmiSS1"n, Ðcding tClat h~ m",t wlth the CðnS!HVIHICY and they feel that th€' bea:h ,'5n"uld r.l)c be dcv..:l"¡;~C lit ...11. He st.l1te:l thllt he shur~s this feeling, but It 1s n.,t prbctlcðl b~cc!luse th~rp w...s already II PUD .,n th~ prQPcrty. Ue 5tat~d that the Conservancy was c"ncern~d with the dreas that are !;uscer-~ible to Wc!lSnðutS in the event of a major st"rm and wIth density Qn tnu beach Itself. He n.,ted that in the m"ti"n tClat C"mmIssi"ner H.,lland made IInd ~dS agr~dd up"n by the Commission, there ",,,ulo be t....." 150' s,~cti·'ns "f beach wherf' there w"uld b~ n" structures builL otn~r than r~çrBatlOnal struct.ures 5uch as ~ tt!nnis court I:Ino tn,:,t tt1ey '..:"uJ,: bp !I!l(¡::te~ by th~ CO'Jnty !::ngint:cring staff Lllo:mg ...it." tn'. 1:;n"pn",,,[ lng stool: r;f L'-ly, ðcdin9 I.t'oi,t tit", C;"untj' Engine~rinq ~tHtf has ~een t"Ja t" ~bt the dpprðva.1 "f the C;nnservbncy dls". ~!.. re?'Jrtec. tl\;t U1[, ::ör..tt..r f)f d..n",ity ....JS n.,\, r.;f gr<Jat conc~rn t" h im b~CðUS~ he '.',:i5 c<')nc~ r,,"!G ...,i t:"\ ¡~CC"'61' t·, tl1-: ber.cll ðno Lelv a g r " e d UJ F U t t ¡, ~ r ,")<, c~ i r. 5', t n.; S'J tj " r1 ern (, r. G ,) t ëi.. r ~ t "" t d"';> (; J) i n t ., u r y~ars. ~:e st~t~a t~~t LG1Y ~l~') ~qr~~~ ~~ P~VL ~ ~~rt~iny ~rc¿¡ at t~)r 600' strip ,:,1 OCð:í, ·.t tn~ t"Jr~1ì i'nc '..:":Lin 1": rr'();'"Lt~:;. h,~ r~t~'')rr-''':(J that the Stðt¿ ".ssoci¡,ti',:) of .;rJunty C";~,rr.issl"no::rs' ~tÐff m.Hlt: II i'rto~E'ntðtl"n l.;.st ..",~f: In tnrt ~'iy¡;rS r)¡1 tnt:, "cti"n;; "t tho:! It·<jisli,tirJn this lust sbtision, d~din~ t~d= onH "f th~ thin~s thd~ was p"int~a out un",.3r th~ n./I' C'HH:S b'~o.ir:(\ln'.; :':,1 rch 19~ lS ti\,~t ,,11 f;tructur"~ ¡,I1<.1 r'JSlo.:nct!$ "n t~ '. b'~i.C:¡ n¡;'/'" :0 0" bUll: t') \~itl1:,¡t.:nt! l~rJ mpll wind velfJcity, ¡¡adIng tn"t this ria!; O':J\.II':.!!':!O r.ir.1. 11-= n'Jt..,O UH:t hr w"s úl~" told that th.. L"dstul C;"ns,ructi.,n C;ð~tr"'~ Lin~ ~cs ~~ing s~t baCK &no thiJt bðrcfoot t:!~,.;,ch ¡ni.lnt ,.r.c up t,;,d¡;:¡ un!Juild~bl<' ¡,ntit,dy. ¡it' n"t....J thdt dn"tf\t'!r t.hi¡)g th¡:t ',.''''5 a!~cusS",'; was tfiiit tn.. µr~,.;cnt. "l..,vati"n m.!:)i b", <:r,¿H~':I¡:U U¡:""'df'l. t,~ r,"t,,,j that t.;¡",S~ r~.'5r.;;¡';; ,"""p: surticit:r,!: t" t,ir.1 to t.hink l:IHlt ';'.~1tH" ¡w"ulo:: Ct' " r'.c~nsit.R[ .1t.ior, ",[ th'1 de::isi"r" nlcJUb by tÌ1.~ C;.,mrcl;;si'HI...rs :') ¿,¡)pr...v" ~h.. I'UJ) "l\.'Jr..;:I'J¡) f"r Lt,ly i)òr"t".,t l3i;dch. h( S::'"t.t:G t;)éot III! int.~no"CI t" <'IS~ f.,r that this c~t!o·, but Ipls lnur,() 'Jut Ln.:Jt ttl",r" i,o; ë tec;~:\lc"lity in t.lH .,rt.ilì:,tlc...' Dr". it cannl)t b~ d.,ne b"c;¡us'? lIE> w"ulc n"ve oeo,;n r~4uir-do I." writ~ ¡¡ letter to tne< C;"unty .'k.ln¡¡gLr .....it.llln j d",ys "t: 1.11\, é:lcti"n .)í tile C;oJmmissiQn s.;¡ying tnllt /Ie w.~s g"lr.g t~ bring LIds up ,mien h... uiò n"t jr,) beCdÚS~ he è.i~1 nl)t kn,," t.hat 11." h.:.:d t.,. ho:: n.)t!.~ tll.:.t t.h¡;r~ is b t\::ch:1icdlity in the ordln"nctis which m~y invdli::atu the .:Io:tir~ns of t.~¡i!1 C;"mmission, ¿odding page 38 C=:J c:J -' '---J ........"'~~'"'- - ..ill ~_.. -...~o:. "'". .~".... ~:~' ....,-"'...._- I:~,m,ª,.' '-'~~""':X~"'~' .".." . ...... ,_,,~~~...,r. ~"'~fI\""t' , ::"'...."1.';: .....t;;;¡.... (;:,,'" (.~:",.,:¡.. :;1'.,1. . '," \~, ." 1. .'~. ", '. ~, t' " .A· 'fÚ;~,,· .' _, :J~\:~iM~'~:; .'.':~::,..:.::: ,~~~~,~'lò~~~~; .....~. ":, ~"\'i' 1.:1, I . ..,~. . .~t..~' . .~, ......4.~ - ~~"~.. ~;'·4'\t-· ....t" '\'~"~' ''":'.::\1, ,i~;~·.. ;.~',,'I ":~;~þ~' . . '~~:m;r. ,¡1.....'):t...;.~I,(~·r·'\", ,r...... .""~.{J..' ~. :: '~~í~rr <'::~:¿1~·t.~;":;iY~7'f· Junl1 la, 1~85 '!~~'Ù:JI/f~hì'~~::r~~t"rue"'€~:t~IÛ~; may hdva t>:J com" bock ac¡ain f"r hoorings :1br'~the '>cÄ'P6' ~~d' ~'h~' êd'm'mi ss i "n. .J~r~ø:;~ntŸ "Aft~'r~~ý'S~undèrs stilted thdt the technicèll1 ty is Secti.,n ':r25.~'6'61~of' the Flor'ida"Stat'ute which roquircs that all ordin3nct'!s r " ' ..',~'. ... . " )V,approved by the C>:Juntÿ Commissi.,n hove ':.>:1 br,¡ ~cnt trJ thH Sacretilry "f .(, 'ot, '" ," ., '~:~".Stat8 wit.hin 10 days of enactment, H)(lin< l.i1!1t Zt.1H 1>1 lìdviny fJr.,bl.,ms ,(11,.; , . ,<,\c. with reference to> the fact that th~r~ wer(~ cn,~nCJ<!g ,n,.::::::!jur1nq thp. .>. !,., );':: :actual hearing and ~taff had to) -1" b"çk ¡¡nd n..~'~t Hil.l! tlw p.;titi.,rvH ,~~ and redraft th"se d9c~ments. He stat~a th~t tne 3t~tut~ r~~uir~s thilt ,:)\':even though tha' fin~l 'document is r,,)t rf.doy <It tl1<::' m'~~:tlng, it !.:till ..,.I.. . ';"..,;i ,has to be in Tallahassee within lU :J~Ys. h'~ n"tea th..!t th"re has be"~n ;S~ problems meeting that deadline on snv¿ral µ~tLti..,nR ~nc this is "n~ .,f ..rC them. He rep"rted that the draft..d chi,n<Jp¡, l)Y th!: p4.~titi,'nl1r ....~r~ n.,t I.;~eceived by the C>:Iunty Staff untl1 J~no 12, l~øS, w,icn w~s ~ d..!YB . ,', ~.). after the Cf')unty Commissif)n me~tin:.J (]nd ~.H':CilUS£: at sc:n~c:ul in") prt)blems, there was n" metlting between St",{L ünu t!i"! i""tlti'J!1:H untl1 Jun::! 17, 1985, which exceeded the 10 days that 15 r~l. uired by the St.itute. He .. ;;¡¡¡¡:¡ " , ,¡~ noted that there is a potential pr.,bl~m with filing th0 dQcumenta with the Secretary of State. He stated that ~~ t9r ~a th~ rccQnsi:Jcrðti>:Jn issue is c"ncerned, he read an:J ir,t':rpr.:t(;(; ~,::(;t1'):1 2-:!.1 .15 p'Ü:,q th~ .::.' only way that this item c"uld b~ rr.c·)nsic.cr<!u. Hè nr)t'i:-:J .:; C"mmissltJnO( ,::'~:.,.. would have to send a memr~randum t" th,-" C.,unty "·'~nag..;r ;!t l~a£t :; d,'\ys , .o! ~., (\'... prlor to the meeting indicating r,l' wiint'':JG t·) r~c.,n"i:':er .;I cfHtain , ,.::¡ . ' ' :/9.;;pe.tition or schedule a special bo.HC m~er.1nc;. "~stc',::ec that he still ·,~~'~7.::thinks' that there is a potential pr,,~lem with t:Jl' s,=cr~t3ry "f Stdte. .,<t.\4. ., I ," ,'~;P,'!,H. n';ted that' an"ther approach I;> tni'lt ti:'~ C.,unty C·),~mis5i"n c~ulci :,~:'t."chan~e the z>:Ining "n the property, .1:.1r.ll'1g ttli:!t if t;¡~ c"mmi!';slrJf\ wanttid *1(tÇt~" thfnk. the :matter ·thròûgh'furttHH, StaJ:í c·,ula b~ oi reeted to tÌ:<iinitiðte a down-zone petition on th,~ pr~¡:>t!Cty whicn ...'.,ulu tð.~.'~ ð super flj;mi~2k p;:~Iif ;;n'::~:M:::t t~: ';.~:n~~';':, t:~:: i~::: ~ y · no thm Is ~.;~r"4~'r?í,~~,~m~is~i~ner Voss ,s't~,~~.d that hI.! is vo¡.¡ry c.,nc~rnHd ¡lh'Jut p,¡.,ple ';1W;~~~,~.~~?",~n; the'ib:.a~h ,Mre "'.~o, n.ow than ¡b~f.,re. lie stat~d that since he :~",...,cannot ask f"r rec"nsiderati"n, hI:! w.>ul':1 lii<u trJ ;iU¡': the propert.y ;> 'd own": zone d . ; ;tommissi"ner Hollan~ stated thclt thdrw were f"ur c"mmissi"ntlrs : ',~ ,- that voted in favor of the chang.; t'No wec!ks Ltg", ad::iing thr:tt h~ is ;!/:, concerned ab~ut the statement that tile C;.,unt.y Att"rn::v m,HJd wi th reference to the ù"cumvnts being Bent t" '1'all,Jha~gEH~.· He S\:ðtllU tlHI t '.... .~y ..'t.. , ,&OOK 087 PAr.r 719 Pðgt.! 39 ,. . .....~ i J' ~ I:. ........ ., ' ,¥_.-~--"_._'~-. ._~_....."';-'-'-- .~..._.,- -,-~' .t.:....,. I .' -.... ~ ...,.. .. ....... __<,a' , m~ 087 p~ç£7Z0 June 18, 1985 he was under the opini~n that the Clerk's office notified the State I,; when an ordinance had been passed. '''!,~t~ t..}.¥~:. County Att~rney Saunders stated that this is c"rrect, adding thllt ~"'-:: ~hø ClerK sends the ordinances to Tallahassee automatically but the )~;!,tþ'r?,blem in' this, 'cðse was thélt tOere was M ordiMnce pr"vided to the '. 'Cler..~" to b.,e, sen,~, to Ta1lÐh",ssee. He noted that the reason f"r that was.'::i.U." 't~t;,.there~ ~r~, several changes made in'the PUD document which is part.,I,:], ~f;',t.~:~'or~'~~I~~'é?é and the County did ,not receiv~ them until 8 days afte~I~Þ'fi~t '~~~r1!~~:~.ar,i?,~·::IÎ~!" noted tha,~. on Friday, June 14,.1985, the C"mmunity. :,,/"~: !}~~,~I~.;~µnen~ ?~~isi"n attempted to meet wi th Mr. Vines t" discuss the ,ío'~:1'?¡" . changes because they were not (Ill acceptable. He stated that they were:, ~'1· ,.fíJ~·~6?r~fleC't{v·~' of 'what th~ Board appr"ved "n Ju'nê' 4, '1985, and th'e ' . <!t;~~ ,: ~ '. 'I " ' ..,., :,'i~>;' ,language needed t" be 10,1" rkp.d "ut to refl,ect what had been apprf')ved. Ue, f~~:~:~:,stated that Mr. Vines WII!! not in his office at the time and therefore, ~;ji~:..: .th~y could not meet with him, adding that Staff and Mr. Vines finàlly me~ on June 17, 1985. C"mmissi"ner Holland stated thðt if a motion is made, seconded, and passed, then thDt is what is approved. He stated that neithcr Staff nor Mr. Vines has the auth~rity to chanqe a moti"n. , County Attorney Saunders stated that Staff was attempting t" draft a d"cument that rcílected the v"te of the C"unty C"mmissi"n "n June 4, '1985, adding that there wcre several changes that were rec"mmended by the CAPC, the Staff and the C"mmissi"n. HI! n"ted that the lz:nguaqe that was sent over by Mr. Vines did n"t lOO¡ r~flect the v"t~ which is why it t""k several days t" finalize the documents. Commissi~ner H"lland questi"ned if Staff or Mr. Vin~s can legally change a m"ti"n that is made, t~ which c"unty Att"rney Saunders replied " negative ly. c"mmissi"ner Voss stat~d that there wcre certain changes mÞde in the m"tion and thcre has to be a d"cument that reflects th"se changes which is what 5taff was trying t" get d~ne. He stated that they c"uld ""t get t"gether with Mr. Vines t" agree upon the changes. C"mmissI"ner H"lland inoicated that Mr. Vines did not have anything to agree upon. d~¿ing th~i"the Staff did n"t have anything to ~~",' agree up"n. H~ n"ted that the changes wera ,set 'forth in the m"tion and ~~i'-t(',.. Staff s imply had t" make tho! changes to reflect the motion. He stated :¡".,:',.,." "", . '~~"",;~~~~. it seems thDt Staff is setting p"l1cy. ;,'1: f~¿¿;Þ(~i:~"~'.r Acting Zoning Direct"r McKim stated that the document was /.'\'~C ¡f!;;:;~~.~e.f.id,ent in a few areas, adding that one exhibit was not attachéd'.. ~i''';':''''':':'·~:;'A.',' , ., " " , ' ,(" , \::, '~.'" . " ";t.i'.¡;~{,·.í;1 ,'.', , . , .' ,. ., i,>(.1,,~.,:-'I:,..""',. ' ',\, pag~. r,ff"', ~.: .~, (";~ ~·f· '-fl- "',' Ir. ,~ . . , " ..-J:' ,). .. i '< . ",,' t.~~~,.." ' 'r' '.: ~~-J:tfJ<- ..~ .... ", -"¡-', .' ~. ¡---1 'II! ~."""~'._ f'" f~~~~ie,''''~~' . ~...".. .> . . ., '-,' J./> ",J.', .,,.,', :::J ':,--'r(.:I,.~, .--~ ---' }' '11./:' .' ,,' '.~ . .1~ ;1 , 1.. J,. I I!!t, .,'"t', .~;~ . <;::r: :;, , ,ý,\,~ . II ~""'''''~ .#;.,~~ -~,.__."._-""'--"' :1 ,......, ~ '. . "}';¡!fC"~' I '..\/'/, :."1, June 18, 1985 ",,·c"r. She stated that there are technicalities but all paptHw.,rk has to be i~,;: :':i' ,; I order as it Is part of the PUD d"cumcnt. She statQd that Staff was;;~""~;~:'~ ,~, \~aiting on a,figure regarding the footprints and there was als" a" "'~; ,+ 'Y~":""questl"n as to wheth~r th~ pr"tective c.,venants sh"uld b~ a part of the .,;",:./,.d"cument, if it sh"uld be referenced and attached to it, or n"t I.Ipart....:'I:~;,,~:..~ ,', at all. ~he n'Hcd that these arc min"r things, aôding th,H thure was"~ ::\:~I I· ....,rdin'1 changes by the µutlti"ner. She st.ðtFJd th¡;:t n"t.hin,:! is miljor' :;::;;~~ ~ . ~ .'''1': ~ ':~;~ and the m.,ti"n is n"t. being changed, adding thût Staff wJS implementing : ::,;~~) 4' ~\'t It. She rep"rt:.d thdt thert was n"t a r!!vised PUD d"cum¡,nt on June 4,;1-....:'i>- 19ó5, which me.:,"s th,:¡t ¿¡n alrno.st new PUD d"cument hod t" be prepared '~~;~J~: wh ich takt!5 U;,1C. '. : <~: 'I Me. G~.,rge V~gil, Att.,rn"y on bchulf of Lely l3arefo"t I.hlach, stated "",~o( /, ; .,. that the Declðrati~n "f Protective Covenants indicates that any'. structure has t" withstðnd 140 mph winds, adding that the pr"tection that C"mmissi·)ner Vr)SS WdS lQoklng fer is in the dl)curnents. He stated ~." that as far as the situati.,n stünds n"w, the .10 days is simply an administeri¿¡l act. He stated that 12 days or 14 ddYs d"es not hurt anythIng, adding that the Secretary of Statù is n"t gr.;ing to ch¿lnge the ordinance .,r d" anything with it. he stated thJt the ordinance is certainly n.,t v"id, adding t.hJt the C"mmissi.,n v"ted on it, he hð5 acted in reliance upon the v"te and everything sh"uld proceed and the Fðpers should b~ sent to T~ll<lhðss~e. He stated that it is incredible to think that after an "rdinance is passed and it does n"t reach Tallahassee within 10 days, that at that p"int thpre is n" "rdinðnce. He stated that this is not the way that things are d"ne in the United St-ates, adding that this is purely ad~linistorial and it is his p"siticn that everything should pr"ceed. Commissi"ner Voss stated thàt this'concern was pointed this date and he asked the C"unty Attorney to l""k int" the matter. ncted that as far as the 140 mph wind is ccncerned, if he had known :ab"ut that, he may n"t have v"ted as he did. Co~issioner Voss moved that Staff be directed to petition for a downgrading of the zoning for Barefòot Beach. died for lack of a second. C"mmissi"ner Pist"r questioned if Mr. Saunders had any kn"wledge of what ha~pens to "rdinances that have been sent t" the State later } than the 10 days? C"unty Att"rney Saunåers stated thùt he has n.,t f"und any cases' ,{.:' where that has actually happened and there has been a decision that the ~OOK 087 PA~r 721 \.... Pag e 41 " - .¡.~ :.'..~ ...' ~~OK 087 PACt 722 June 10, 1985 ordinance 1s invalid. He noted that he has not f.,und b~ything either way .,n it. He rep.,rted that he has c.,ntacted other County ^ttorney's and he hðs n.,t found anyone that has had that pr.,blcm. Ho n.,ted that ",:, .'..a~, a little bit of backgr.,und, there was a problem with the Lcly ,"ï,~~?,~muni,ty Resort, DIU because of the pr.,blém of getting that to /, ",..Tallahassee and he advised Mr. Klaas that it left ",pen thft qut'stion of ." ~'~~1.ii~o~h.e~,. t¡'at par,Ùcular ordinÐnce~as still valid. He stated that Mr.~!/.I;~(.':~.' ';,~~a~s\,,~,~s. elefted to bring i t bac~ because there is enough question aa,/~.:~,t~" ¡~~ r~;~~~,:~'~,~ ~t, ,i~: valid, ·or not. H~ ,~tated t~~t no auth~.rit,Y has been i)"\{;~~~ , ' ~I~~~.,,~ne...wa.y ;~t:.',:ðMther on it, e~~~pt that the, Stðtute says that it :,.¡:,'<;~I, shall be' recorded wi thin lO days from enactment." '\" ,','~. ·1):~'J"· "iJq,1:"'~isc~l Officer Giles stated that the Clerk's off'ice did not' ! ,It ;rr~\:::~:; :~.:fn:;~e·[~e th'~'Le'iyDRIwithin the l'Ò"day pedoð,bu't whe'n'it was received .'..~ " . : ':! ",,:' ,/,it was transmitted to the Secretary of S.tate. t' ...,., 'f .f~';~~': '" Commissione r Holland questioned h",w many others lire pend ing ," (,', -'. similar to this, t., which County Att~rney Saunders stated that thv .,nl¥ two:¡ th~t he is dware of is 1.ely Barer.,,,t Beach and the Lely DRI. Commissioner Holland moved that the County Manager be directed to fire whoever is in charge of the department in handling these IIffairs. Motion died for lack of a second. " ,r I , *** ***** Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that the following items under the Consent Agenda be adopted and/or approved: ***** *** - Ite. 180 PETITION TR-B4-l7C, ANA PICOT, REQUESTING FINAL THREE MONTH EXTENSION OF A TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT FOR THE WEST 180', TRACT 4, UNIT 83, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES It.. 'Bl PETITION TR-84-28C, JOHN R. THOMAS, REQUESTING FXNAL THREE MONTH EXTENSION OF A TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT ON THE EAST 150' OF TRACT 109, UNIT 23, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES : Ite. 182 ) PETITION TR-84-34C, ETHEL GROOMS, ,REQUESTING A FIRST THREE MONTH t EXTENSION OF A TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT ON TRACT 19, UNIT 23, GOLDEN ~, "'., ~~TE ESTATES Cf.;,' ~\(\: {, ' , ,"f- -, :'·f, I'~~'" ' ~:,~~;,(,·{~t~:'.; \(·f,·;·~l1:···, ~1 .,,/¿J1'1 ' Fì.>~: ~!~~t ':" ~'r I. ';~.I , , ' page .. ..,: ft, I!"I~~ ~~~~',;~ ~. ,', l:"', \.' ~ ~ "( Ù··ïI..'(·'\~· ; " '\ ' '~ '-" )',' ~I.. "¡ .)~ ,!'./~ " ,'-, .., ,. ~ . I ~: , /.": r--¡ .,~ "\;~,\,,. ", :=J c=J ,~".<;..:.~j. . "~'~' , .. 1'&'" - ' , .¡' "'4. ._7', , ,':;k ¡,,~-, ~~._."".,~"._,_.- GM;I 1m ;¡a , JU:H.' 111, l!lUS Item '83 PETITION TR-85-1BC, WILLIAM R. HOLCOMB( REQUESTING A SIX MONTH TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT FOR TRACT 64, UNIT 87, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES Item 184 REIMBURSEMENT TO ELDRIDGE E. AND ESSIE RAYE STYRON FOR ACCRUED INTEREST ON THE AUTO RANCH ROAD PAVING ASSESSMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $l68.74 Item 185 REIMBURSEMENT OF $5,091 TO NAPLES SHOPPING LTD. FOR ONE HALF OF THE COST ASSOCIATED WI Tn THE RELOCATION OF TRANSMISSION LINES RE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT GOODLETTE-FRANK ROAD AND FLEISCHMANN BOULEVARD Item 186 TRANSFER OF ENTERPRISE FUND CAPITAL ASSETS FROM MOTOR POOL TO THE REBPECTIVE ENTERPRISE ACCOUNT Item '87 AGREEMENT WITH TURNER CORP. FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A BACKGROUND WATER TESTING WELL FOR THE IMMOKALEE LANDFILL SITE Si~':: Pol')''! 73/ Item IBB BID '819, LAKEWOOD WEIR MODIFICATIONS, AWARDED TO GARLAND & GARLAND IN THE AMOUNT OF $14,287.00. L~qal n.,tic~ ~dvin1 b~~n ?ubIiGh~a in ~n~ ~~rl~s ~~ily ~dØS on MUY 20, 198~, iJS i!vié<,nç,¡d by Atfiü..,¡vit.,r ¡'ubIic,~t.i"n Ul~:.1 with t.h<! Clt!rK, lJiC:s w';!re r2cciv",d unul 2:JÜ P.'~'. Jun~¡ 5, lS8S, f'Jr Bid ~Slc;, ¡:',r 1.oJk,~,...,.,d ^,!ir ;"',dific,ni"ns. Item '89 RENEWAL LEASE AGREEMENT FOR HEALTH~LES OFFICE FROM OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION IN COURT PLAZA FOR_~649.00 PER MONTH SH p;\ges 7.JJ. - '1~ Item 190 RESOLUTION 85-144 APPOINTING AND AUTHORIZING SPECIFIC PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION PERSONNEL TO EXECUTE JOINT POLE USE DOCUMENTS Se'~ P;:¡ge 14~- 7.51 r Item 191 RELEASE OF SIDEWALK SECURITIES MGIC INDEMNITY CORP. BOND NO. US-00065 IN AMOUNT OF $29,844.32 FOR LAKEWOOn UNIT FIVE AND AMERICAN HOME ASSURANCE CO. BOND NO. USHC-165 IN AMOUNT OF $11,616.00 FOR LAKEWOOD UNIT SIX '~1.,.. ~OOK (]~PA~!í7~~ P"ge 43 --.-...----.. I ...¡~( : " ", · '. ~1...4': . "".,,~ t:;'" · "1',,\V.' , ,.- c..! ' Page u.;.It;..r:' · ..,." . ",\~¡Iè¡,·t~; _ 'l~~f~~~ ".'~,,"..J-.:;. \, " ' '~;: ~ODK 087 rm 724 :~ IUD 192 June 18, 1985 .~. " BID 1821, REPAIRS TO EAST GOLDEN GATE WEIRS AWARDED TO KELLY BROTHERS IN THE AMOUNT OF $13,361. . I "', f f~" :. 'r .¡J.~ 'j-.',.,~,." Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News "n May .'.' ,~I· " . ,<~,.,~}O, 1985 tiS evidt:nced by Affidavit of publicatl"n filed with the Clerk .., t; , ," " ,,:~,~.~\~~8,..,~~re ,recei.veduntil 2130 P.M., Ju.ne 5,1985, for Bid 1821 f"r, :ti:repairs"to the East G"lden Gate weirs., , Irt'\'~:"19'3'~"I~<I ,';. ':'r.!/il'" . ,. '., .. ",< ., , em -~'''1...I~ÞI'r.: '., t··'.".i1'~ .', . t~' ~ ,;, " .. .~tr; ,.\~r,f1J. '~þ;.. '"'~,, '.~j 0"'''"'' ,; :, : ~ , .. '" I" PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE OF BLOCKS a, C, D; E, P AND LOTS 1 THRU 109 OF ,:'BLOCK wAw OF ROYAL PALM GOLF ESTATES, UNIT ONE - SUBJECT TO STIPULATION " 'i;~~~!/.~':S. preliminarr Acceptance not to become effective until the " l":'/\"'," ,. ~~~~~n~;~ itiee Dlvi.lon i. in <eceipt of .pp,ove' .cceptence t~~ It~:E:::~ (GOLF COTTAGES _ WYNDEMERE) OF PARCEL SS-l7 , PORTION OF PARCELS;' ~I:f. '.CC. , SS-16 OF WYND EM ERE TRACT MAP , P~ELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE OF . ~.' IMPROVEMENTS THEREIN TOGETHER WITB APPROVAL FOR RECORDING OF PLAT - " SUBJECT TO STIPUL~TION 1. preliminary acceptance n"t to bec"me t:fíective until th~ County Utilities Uivision is in receipt of approved ðcceptðnce documents. Ite. '95 PETITION TO ESTABLISB ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT DIST. FOR EVERETT ST. _ ACCEPTANCE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION. ENGINEERING DEPT. TO PREPARE FEASIBILITY REPORT, PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL' COSTS ESTIMATE FOR FUTURE PRESENTATION TO BOARD D~dicatlons recorded: OR ~o"k 833, Pag~s 1153-1160 Itell 196 PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE OF REPLAT OF MARCO BEACH UNIT 25 SUBDIVISION AND ,', ~ ACCEPTANCE OF WARRANTY DEED FOR PARK SITE (TRACTS "REW AND WRpW) Warranty Deed rec.Hdcd: OR B~ok 105,0; Pag!;!R 876-878 Item 197 CARROLL , CARROLL TO PROVIDE NARRATIVE APPRAISAL REPORT ON THE 300! ACRES WEST or AND ADJACENT TO THE EXISTING LANDFILL. STAFF TO '¡ , NEGOTIATE WITH PROPERTY OWNERS FOR ACQUISITION OF SAID LAND ~i Ite. 198 '" . t~'.. '~. I, .. . f~~~~ ADVERTISEMENT FOR PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD ON 8/6/85, RE hrr:.:~i. ~~DINANCE CREATING NAPLE~, PRODUCTIO,N PARK HSTU liJ''f' t~'·,I".r ','!" , f~~~t~,,::: : :" ..fj ~.,.,,~ 0,,' 'I~" '..f. " . r . ~I ); '.. j.. .. , ,. ,;.:, , '/t 'j~ ,: ADOPTION' orl , .,.¡ 'i·' t;. . . \' --' ''1. .- '. ,,'0 ';,'" , ,"I; · , ii;' ,'¥I'(.'I:, 'j':_ j'~.'J,, \ I " '.' ,.. " '.... . ' " '. ,', .... .~ " ,¡'....j .. ~~.. '. , " '~~. : '- ,..-., .<t~" " --' >~i'~-~ <",..-,,!,', ":·..~-~¡~r;.. ~" . ' 'J :·"lti.. _.' " ~''''''''~..'' " . ¥".. .....","1".... .,.o. '011 ,,' r~'~---' ."'\':.;' . '\. ---... ".~,.....:.. ~' . ,fI" .=:J .~".r.. ". '1,,:>'1',/,' ',';'( :;':..,"~ . } . .' _._.-__.-ow.' ''.), - r1 r-1~"",¡''''' " " r-1 ...~.., ;1' . :i. ",:." . ~..¡ I ~ .) . ......, ". t I , , i ':: ¡ . I ~'....J: .; '.. ',~! i ,,- '.." ',-j ,,. : "t, ·~·iII,"'.}"'! t Ite.. 199 ' '..,"~('¡;~;~ì~1;t 1 ~~M~DIFICATIDN'TO EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 5'.171 ·FOX.,..·. SEC. E. T50S :~i!~1' ,~i\~~,~R26E, SUBJE~T TO STIPULATIONS , ' "'",'Æ:t~J'! , 1. Truck traffic shJ1I b~ limited to thé ml)st direct. rl)ute fr"m' ,::~,:~;:.~1 . ':':,::. ~ . the ma te ria 1 s to ck pi led t~ th e Rad i I) R"ad e nt rance "f Foxf ire. ""."'i'çl,."\1"~ ;: ~':I~ ; :.f,,~"'~, , ';' ::~ ': ,:,..·';1 1, .. ' , .." ...... ·'·jL:'~_''"¡¡ " . June 18,'1985 2. Off-site disposal of all material {g 1imited t~ thirty (30) continu"u~ cal~nddr days, subject t,,_a11 licable C.,unty Cod~s and Urdinances. '0,.'" Ite. 1100 SOLE SOURCE AIR CONDITIONING UNITS FOR TWO SOLID WASTE DOZERS 184413 , . AND 184391 FROM KELLY TRACTOR COMPANY IN AMOUNT OF $1,400 EACH Item 1101 PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS/REAPPOINTMENTS RE JOB TRAINING PARTNERSHIP ACT ] , ,,.¡, '..:,~ ,..,. ~;' t;, Hendry c"unty: Mullis G. Th" r n tl')f\ 3 yr s. ROl)tl r Men"Ui 2 yrB. HèHry Cunninghllm 3 yrs. I'<illiam A. Daniels II 3 yrs. , .' David Bitner 3 yrs. 'I', J. C. Spann 3 yr s. R"se.tnn S.Jmson 3 yrs. Marty Mi raql ia 1 yr. n"bert C"ker 3 yrs. , ,I, , , Collier C"unty: Charl"tte C"unty: Item 1102 PURCHASE OF MICROCOMPUTER WITH COUNTY FUNDS FOR USF. IN PROVIDING "',i IN-KIND INSTEAD OF CASH MATCH FOR AGING GRANTS - BUDGET AMENDMENT ";" EPFECT PURCHASE Item 1103 ;~iCONCEALED PISTOL PERMIT 85-06 TO MI~HAEL H. MERRILL f '. .I," Ite.. 1104 P~~~ì ,'. ' ..:,'¡'¡i'CONTRACT WITH COUNCIL FOR "',! :(AREA AGENCY ON AGING) RE ';::'¡ ELDERLY (CCE) PROGRAM ' , ' ~ 11:1 J~'", I'~~.' jr " , , . .'~'!'¡ \"-r!f~~,.. ; , /' S~): ~...¡. SOUTH CENTRAL FLORIDA~'INC. CO,MMU1o!ITY C~;R.E,l9~t.~HE I~,~~~it . d',o " \",~..~.~,,>. ,,' '" ' :1 ¡, ¥)'-' I'\I(:~' ~f ~..I ",:,. t,~ '~.,:.rq 1j "I'."JI '~'¡.J,: ,: '.' .~ .,~.I i . ;" ,,"{'- ' ' ,. 04;U - ',I.¡": ~' ;)f~ ,: ' :,.~ HUMAN SERVICES OF FUNDING UNDER THE , . ~,~,~; , See Pages 7.5;;). - 7/,3 r' Item 1105 BID 1815, FOR A 1985 TORO SUPER PRO 81- MOWER FOR PARKS DEPARTMENT AWARDED TO WESCO-ZAUN EQUIPMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,075 Legal n"tice having 10, 1985 as evidenced by be~n published in the Naples Da~ly Affidavit of publication filed with ~ODK 087 PAGl 725 '\ "..,~" I,'...J: ~ News on Me y". '\:'.: the Clerk" ?~ " Page 45, I,' ~~...~:: . ,,--- .- ", aOO'K 087 rm 726 June 18, 1905 bids were received until 2:30 P.M. "'.ay 29, 1985, for II m"wer for ParKS 'l~~ ''''iï~f . ,I~:, Department. '\I ',: , Item 1106 ,.' " , ..1 ;1-" . . ~ . - . RESOLUTION 85-145 AMENDING RES. 85-15 ESTABLISHING THE NEW PARKING FEE ,'" SCHEDULE FOR PELICAN BAY PARKING LOT FACILITY .. . '~~(I~ ~."¡")I.~..'~ . ;1" ,. !"..,~,,::£,."1" " ~ee Pages '7~L/.-7(¡.6 , , 1 ¡.e"p· : ' , Item II07://'rW... ,'",;. ,", , ~r.t'-l"·"'-I¡',~).r~'~~ .~'. ':. '.~ ,.' t', . . } ~~¡. HOL!~! MONTES " ASSOCIATES, INC~ TO DEVELOP A BASIS FOR SYSTEM ,'DEVELOPMENT CHARGES FOR SEWER AREA -B- NOT TO EXCEED $4,200 'I't~'I'¡f,':·I';'1'''O·~8'~:,:·.í!' "";'1 ;:,,·I,~.',fJ,·, , T," ' '....-:I~. " I", i...p .... J.t.J~' ,'t\ :~:-·.), ,"~:;"¡~'if ,'" ,', f .. ... .....¡'.~ , '_ . \ ~').f"'il"t.;'¡':." ,i,~"'~J;.¡! '" ',' 'I': ,lot t' 'J I. ~ ~J~f ,t~~MISSIMER , ASSOCIATES TO PERFORM REQUIRED GROUNDWATER MONITORING AT ',.'..' '~nt, I:"~~~~A~ GOLF CLUB AT A COST OF $11 ,80S AND NECESSARY BUDGET AMENDMENT "I .~ .,....r, , , '." .soe P<1gcs Notef' DOíUD1entlt1ot received in Clerk I s Office I " I" ",,".,' , as 0_ Ju_v ö, ~Ö'" · ' . tI' " ~\ Item,..,110g' :;', ,r;" ' . ~. ~'::. ~'AD'D~T~ONALCOMPENS^TION IN AMOUNT OF $10,428 TO PRC/CONSOER TOWNSEND "Ú9, FOR ENGINEERING EVALUATION OF MARCO ISt.,MID WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM AND , ~. " NECESSARY BUDGET AMENDMENT ,~ ':,',' " " Item 1110 h·" f,}\ " ' !,....'" ,- . ,n;.( '- ~q1~'¡' "'J;:~::#~ ..' " ;, ii '",J\,..' ' .,; (", #~',' . ~ '0 ,)I'¡¡ :' ~ . f . ~ It ACCEPTANCE OF WATER" SEWER FACILITIES FOR GREENFIELD VILLAGE AT KINGS LAKE - SUBJECT TO STIPULATION 1 . That all legal d"cuments arc f"und t,> be leg¡¡lly sufficient by;,,: . the County Att"rney. Docum~nts rec.,rdcd: OR B,,~k 1142, P~ges 1701-1729 I';, Item " :", t;;, (/: ' ",_/1.. f ~, Io-!:" 1111 ACCEPTANCE OF WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES AT GOLF COTTAGES AT WYNDEMERE. SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS S<:e PagEos See OR Book 1144 Pages 577 thru 592 1. Th~t all legal docum~nt~ ~rc r"und t" be legùlly suffici~nt by the C"unty Att"rney. 2. The final pli.Jt f"r G"lf Cottages mURt be accepted by the B"ðrd, recorded in the Official Rec"rds and a copy submitted to the Utilities Divisi"n to permit completi~n nnd recordAtion "f th~ conv~Yðnce ~"cuments. t~t,' ^" I' , "'.'!.I. \i\')(..:.:'." y,'(f,"': ..,..-".;~ t.J-·" ; " r. . (,." '.,."!~'."\ ,.:,j, ,., ',',-.' . '. , '1. ;'f~'~~('" . .' \l, _,' ; '~~! ~, of 'I~I'( ,~t,~";: r ',' .~" .\ 1:' , rf,~,~~;,'" '¡~;~ir.'t,;,; """v~~, ' .1':... ": . ":4 t' 1\ .i~~:~·': ...- ,.... ',l '~ ,"rt~{ ; " ";":>:l~," . ;:-¡,·f Page 46 "!-'~"'.J' >,.',:,:l\··, ";"~y~~. " .,'~..~:~.. ' '...,., J,a.;,"' ¡.~\mlit.""4 , . I \ . ',;' ,;' :." ~ ~"',..: ';'\. .. ~" . "). ,. .'- ....\"..' . . . . '4 ~~.>' .~ ,. ..~,.,.¡,}.~" ~t . .. ~';'~oIC'Í<'e _:,,~.,.. .: "J-" ,~~ ~ '. .(~.. "J' ~ '..->'; .~ í ,"~~'~'" " "...:.~~' ,.,,., '. {' '" ~..;:_f. c:::J CJ ..,.''í.'':>t,.... ,- "(Ä1('';~· -_..".~~-'~-,..,-_.~~."..-.." .¡.;,.; .: , " " , '!" ," ~, ,.., r-1 ....,., ~..' ." . "':""¥, to,', w,.."{ , "'¡ :,;ljl;",..11 , ' " '.."..,..... ' , ". ò, i:~ ,i',,;ÙìÜ , .. (\'t:~w.rlì,JI·t ~STATES ~OLDn~(tMf.'~:: LIEN AGAINST ':',~i~;~ DISTRICT;, ,\"'." , \' '. ,,';, , >: ;:~;~~f:,~ , ,', 'II'"" . 'J ~IJ ,..;1 . f" ': . ~ JunO! 113, 1985 Item Ill2 {I~I~' .. . .'~)" AGREEMENT WITH ALAGOLD DEVELOPMENT CORP. D/B/A LANDMARK {' ';; ,THE COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT HARMLESS PROM CLAIMS OF <:r,~" WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES CONVEYED BY DEVELOPER TO THE t~ 1,:: \1,:. See Page s :l..!!iL:7Ø Item 1113 HOLE, MONTES , A~SOCIATES, INC. TO PROVIDE ANNUAL REVIEW OF SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES FOR SEWER AREA -A- IN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $6,000 AND NECESSARY BUDGET AMENDMENT . ,:~i ':~~jl . .,...... ,,\ . ,~,~ .~~ . , . ~,. '.';:.'J. , ,\:,~ ·,(fl ~; ,,}~ Item 1114 ACCEPTANCE OF WATER FACILITIES WITHIN RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF U.S. 41 EAST FROM DUDA FARMS TO SOUTH SHORES COUNTRY CLUB Se c pag es 7 (..!. 77~ Item '115 BATSON, JONES, BENNETT' CO. TO PERFORM THE ANNUAL MANAGEMENT ADVISORY SERVICES WITHIN THE UTILITIES DIVISION, NOT TO EXCEED $12,500 INCLUDING OUT OF POCKET AND TRAVEL Sa..! pages7?3 -77(,. Item '116 CONCEPT OF BUDGET AMENDMENT IN AMOUNT OF $150,000 TO BE RECLASSIFIED FROM BUDGET ITEM FOR -BULK WATER PURCHASZS· TO BUDGET ITEM FOR -IMPROVEMENTS GENERAL· WITHIN COUNTY WATER OPERATING BUDGET NOTE: No document received in Clerk's Office See Pages ".. nf Tl1ly 8. 1985. . , '~~:~T. ¡ <~. ~~ . , .~: ,'/':,\,;.'." '; ,) . ,..' ", ~ .' Item 1117 AMENDED POLICY RE USE OF COUNTY YEHICLES See Pages '777· 7f?d.- '. , , ,'-" ¡J',,' "r, i\ ,: ."j':, ~,", ,'" :' .;l. ~'¡I' I: ~ :~' ,; 1'" ,!....~.\ "',\1.. "·l . \:'-;- BID '820 FOR MOVING SHERIFP'S DEPARTMENT INTO THE NEW JUSTICE CENTER - ~. 'AWARDED TO SISSER BROTHERS IN AMOUNT OF $1,660 POR WEEKDAY MOVE OR ". $2 075 POR A WEEKEND MOVE CONTINGENT UPON RECEIPT ,OF PERFORMANCE BOND:~ ,': Legal Mtice having been published in the Naples' Daily"'New '·on Mà~'~~>:,: 20, 1985, as evidenced by AfÙdavit ~'~ Publici1ti"n filed wi~h ~;e' d'~~cr,,, .' ".' \f':~" Clerk, bids were rcceiv~d until 2:30 P.M. June 4, 1985, f"r m"ving the .¿;, , tì.'.' Sheriff's Oepartmùnt int" the New Justice Center. \'..'j'.... f.~ "0< 1187 '~f'! 727 P.. e .}!~~j Item 1118 ~~.\ . '" FP,L TELEPHONE LINE AGREF.MENT TO UTILIZE EXIÐTING COURTHOUSE TELEPHONE , POR MONTHLY METER READINGS Í . ',; ?~"'~'\' " ' , ::,.'~.,j,¡,t ", SeePd'ge_'7tf.3 it '··.'r).'-i:tí~~·.', ',_ ,I~ . , IU'.' 1l29¡í~)".' ", ", ) ?'l:t~~,;. ~!,-,. ",.'.,' PURCHASING DIRECTOR TO ATTEND NIGP/NPI GOVERNMENT PURCHASING ;IN LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY ON JULY 27-31, 1985 . . ~1a..;':I""\..t", "'f,:\;',: i 'I'" " ' j~i~t~~~~~~¡'~~~~~~P~~D;:~E _~~::~D~~~;~R· RE':~~ED "~!;.i~~~'¡~~·Tt:;'/~" 'b~ing no obj~cti"n, th~" Chai/dir~cteci \hat the followiing Lil2' c,orrespondence be filed ùnd/"r refcrred ,t" the var!.l)us departments as ~~"ji:i', i"ndicated bel"w: " ' f;/';'~;';'ì'~:F"' 1. C"py of memorùndum received ~/30/85, to All Racipients of " '1 " . florida Retirem~nt System Rules enclosing c"py of ëlmendmentS' '::;, ¡f,' effective 4/17/05. xc: Mr. Luntz. Filed. . ~ " . I', P."'" " ,r ", , , ',' ~OOK 087 PAGr728 Ite. Ill9' ,"',," '.\ ..~~,~' ,,: :;', " , . . . ',' ~\ ,'\ ;,~. " ,.:.!!!;:'. .....!.,., . 8. . .'...1 ~ ~ (;:.i,~{"' '¿i~i ...' r~~} t', .1:,.;~1. ( 'Þ1., .;}~. i:~tr-,t./,~ .,j , ~ì/;.¡¿j\':J.If}" , V"iI \:l'Vt"'" ' '..: tta/,"',..; ,~'.,', " !~~:j(!~~:/:,:, ' . '. I~' ..... :.~ . .....~;.'.~ ." ,..,...,...lroa1.·~ '. '.. ",'. ~~""......, . w;¿_r" ~ '", " t?,~,r. :,....... ~- I. . ·.:t:"d;~ Final Order dated 5/29/85, for Administrativcly Appr"vcd .' ,~ M"dification of Permit No. A-CO-77 M2, The Ritz-Carlton;. ' . ,( ~.. H"tels, Ltd. for construction or other activities. xc:;., ,Mrst,,:·~( Mullins and Dr. Proffitt. Filed. ' ":~': , ,1'...,.:' ,-q"I~': ",g . .: :'-' .~. \.~ t.t' . _.J, .1 r·.'I't'f' ~t ~'?-'" ~ .~; f' \'~R~f\;! " "_~ PZlge U: ~~Ì"\\ ~i, .:.::',\.. June 10, 1985 i" t . ' .i.;.'., . . "1~' ~.~~ . -¡. "'-' 'þ~ ¡.- CONFERENCE, : :°1" , ' .If , I ¡j, .\, "If 't''j ,J ' .. ".ä,1. , ' ' '::í~.' . .;"~".: r.'; -'Ífr, ",'1 r,~ ':, ' . 2. M~morandum d~ted 5/29/85, fr"m Richard F. Barrett, Divis!"" Direct')f, re t....., .....,rksh"ps to be held to discuss S::ate Legisl¡¡tive Ch.!lngcs. xc: Ms. \\'Ul1ams"n. Filed. 3. ~'eml')rùnduJt\ datt:d 5/31/05, from Richëlrd W. Smith, Chief, Bur. "f ~astewater ~nagement and Grants, DER, re ~nvirl')nmpntal Regulation Commissi"n c"nsiderati"n of c"nstruction grant program issues. xc: Mr. Crandall. Filed. 4 . Letter datt!rl 5/25:/85, fl'.)rn-t"uglas L. Fry, t:n'Jir"n. ~up'v., DER ~nc1úsing sh"rt f"rm application File No. 11104497 f"r ùredge and fill activites. xc: Mrs. Mullins. Filed. 5. Letter dated 5/31/65, [r"m D"uglas L. Fry, Envir"n. Sup'v., UCR encl"sing sh"rt f"rffi ~pplicDti"ns File N"s. 111046715 & 111046725 for dredg~ and fill activities. xc: Mrs. Mullins. 1"i led. 6. P~m"randum dated 5/31/85, from Richard W. Smith, Chief, Bur. of \'Jas t€wa te r Ma n::lg emen t and Gr ants, DER ì r,e Cons t r uct i"n ,',,' Grûnts Pr"gram Priority System f"r \\èlstewater Treatment ¡""rks Rule Chap. 17-50, FL ¡,dmin. Cod('. xc: Mrs. Mullin5. Filed. 7. c"py of mem"ranoum, dated 5/24/85, from Le" L. Minasian, Jr., Envir"n. Admin." 6ur. .,f Land Acquisiti"n, DNR, re Land Acquisition Selection Committee Meeting b/5/t!~. xc: Mrs. Mullins and Mrs. 6rangacci". Filed. t',' ,';'*; ··i.';/~) .. ,~. .,' \ ...., ~;. '" ."."t,·' ... '..)~. : '/ ,,' . '4. J.,\ , ' , ~,~.. ,'" ~.- :Ifr',.., ~." - ' , .' .;tit"¡ r----\ ;.'>i),,-- <.' ,..' . "¡.":~ .". ~. ". . ,"' " 't ...", '.. " , ,. .'.! ~ ¡;:. ,," ~"'-"""'1 .: ".;,~'"! .,,,--.-.,'..,..,',.." . " ' .~, ,~.," f ';~ 'f ~":"'-'. -. .,........-. -. ;. .~ :,''''\f",·Ç!~.~; ..... ...!. 1'.";', ..... , ' :":;"F1" . ;,;!,;:t',,: ,9. ':t;' '" ,::' Bi'~"''''''!'~' , ' .. , , , , \"'~¢é' t"J( ~I ,;',r~',': '.. 10. . ~~'~-"'.~ ",,' , ", ~"" . . \,~. './:':' r ;' . \~.: .; , ; " 1 1 . " ;¡" ,'1"' 12. :t " ...\ ~i 13. .~ .. ~J~ ;,({~ !' I> ~ ,.'¡,\ I ~~:~ : "'¡I;·\' ..( 'I, "I , ",19. . , . ' - r,. .t,., . '" \ ~:J;; ..... ' ~ .~ rï >1'.,' ,.,...~.~! 'j ~'\. \ '. , '.... J ' ~I" : ,-:""J " ,:\4 J<r:.:' ,'Jun<! 18, 1985, ' :,;{~¡¡~ Letter dated 5/14/85, from Dob"rah E. Flack, Di r., DiV~"Of,', ",:,t:,~,fl,~" Beachos and Shores, re Bðref"ot B<!ach. xc: Mr. Lusk,and",,'J;t~~/¡ Mrs. ~rangacci"..Fi~ed. , ' "", , ,,!;,.,:'.:,¡":Ii!~ Copy of mem"randum dated 5/16/85, t" County ManðC]er'Lusk from~'; 'Fiscal Officer Giles re Fleet Management/M"t"r p",,1 Finðnc1al"'{;I~l,¡; 5tatem~nts f"r period endèd 4/30/85. ,Fi led.",~\ ,I',i"f.'~~N"\" , ,~ C"py f"Jf m~nt"randum' dated 5/20/85, to EMS Director Grcenfield , from Fiscal Offic(!r Giles ro EMS fInanciQl Statcmdnts f"r p~ri"d ended 4/30/85. E'iled; '. '.... \ ~ Copy .,f memorandum d~tœd 5/21/8~, t" S"lid W~ste Direct"r Fahey frf"Jm Fiscal Officèr Giles re Solid Wast~ Dispf"Jsal Financlal,S~atements for peri"d ended 4/30/85. Filed. L"Ltor d.3ted 6/4/85, fr"m J"hn M. Eklund, Chairman, Library Advisory ôoard, re pr"posed 1986 budget for the Library Syst:~m. xc: Mrs. Branqacci", Mr. N"rt"n and Mr. Demarest. Fi led. 'j', ~ ' ."... .' --.,..)', , 14. C"pies of Mi nut~s. Pi l~d. ". A. CAPC 5/16/Q5 and Agenda for 6/6/85 u. C"ntractors' Lic~nÐing U"ard, 5/5/18 C. EMSAC ~/d/B5 and Notic~ of Meeting f"r 6/12/85 D. City of Na¡.>ltls, 5/15/85 i " 15. Letter dilted 5/31/B5, £r."n 1'heod.,re J. D.:.niels, of Heno, NV. re rez"ning "f p~titi~Jn H-G4-24C (Th~ Pdrklands). xc: Mrs. McKim. filed. ,( 16. KS Order N", 14395 rec~iv.:!d 5/24/85, re Jut1ßdiction¡,l res"luti"n "f BCe of Collier C"unty declaring that ef"Junty subject t" the pr"visions of the Watcr and Sewer System regulat"ry law, Chap. 367, f.S. Filed. . 17. ." '.... ~..; ~:.'-,~:: ,".ì,,~;, ,:r' Cf"JPy of letter dated 15/10/85, frf"Jm Dalè A. Knapp, Dir., i,,\,\'f)'~:Ä \~ater and Sewer Dept., l'SC, re s~minar on utility regulation~<1'~;~,J;;~~; scheduled f"r 5/22/85 plus inft)rmation re same. Filed. ,.,,:;,!:;,~,..',,4 . :. . . .;.; .. '1.)( 'tl~-':'! C"py of mem"randlUTl datad 5/28/85, from Steve Tribble, Cf"Jmmis-,,:'J,'¡} r si"n Clerk, pse, re D"cket N". 850155-WS, encl"sing time ..' ,:"; ~,' ' schedule (CASR) showing dates designated by Commission, for:., ·!Ø;i c"mp1eti"n "f stages I)f work in d"cket. xc:" Mr. Saun~ers '/';¡ ,'1' and Mr. Do r ri 11. Fi led. 'Y: ';;' ,i,~'(:;r;,{ ':;',..f; Letter dated 5/31/85, fr"m Att"rney N"rden re"N"~i'~~~~/f:,d~'m · against C"llier C"unty on behalf of John Threlkeld ,for ";if,;.:~ Injur ies he sustained as a resul t I)f an accident on"S/14/85.. ' ~ ,I '~"'\,"''''''íd ' xc: Mr. Saunders and Ms. Rynders. Filed. "',' ¡" ;"' I':;i ", , ',,, ~.' ",/'1'.,'. ~, J ".' rft~~"'!: t.., ',1,' . Letter dated 5/21/85, 1:r"m LeI) Dducet, Maisonnette, N.B., rG '_,'1";' ( Naples property. xc: Mr. Wo"dcock. Filed. 18. . , 20. ~ .~ " .~. , . ,,~ \; ~ ;,.(,.>~~"" $' .... 'I."" ~,' ,,"~li: ,: ~~ ¡,~ ~.-: . 1 ~ 21. L~tter dated 5/28/85 from R. L. Greenup, Direct"r Public 1'ransp"rtation op~rati"ns, FDOT re Imm"kalea Airpf"Jrt~Master Plan. xc: Mr. Kuck. ¡"iled. &DD~ (JB7 PAG[ 729 .....j~\ ..- :.: ,Page 49 î",""., .',.-' '. '-""~~,-"..~,r.. \'".;"'~/'. , ';'. .' '..~\;" ..~,.~-"._~.._-- " ~:'1:;>:':~ '," DIRECTED TO PURCHASE NEW COMMISSION CHAIRS ,'1, I . ' stated that the Commissi"n chairs are and very uncomfortable. He dir~cted the County Manager to new chairs. "'f" ( *** '~i'!"" ',' There being n" further business for the G"od of the C"unty, the 1:~' meeting was adj"urned by Order of the Chair - Time: 4:00 P.M. ~;'~ .¡J!:.;.!., .' I~i·tt, it' ;, ~~~r¡¡:/J!. :ÚW'¡, ':' " ~-'Yr>",~;:"; , ft . \ '.: . ",~, ' :.,' ;. ,.;1', '".; ~ " ATTEST: ~~ ~I,t~~~.~/I.'~~~GAN, C1.I::RK ,r" ~~~.:~.:../'.'.". .. r',/', (( 1'n~." ,~...' . ,.,~ ç- ,:" .p: , \ ~V . c', '; , ; , , ~OARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ ~OARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX-OFFICIO GOVERNING ~OARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL F"'D""'ìf%.~'t!. C"Al"MA' ',"'} , ~'\ ~. ~ ) . ,~ '1 '( .~ " :" if I, .. . ' " j., , . Q,C. , ,,""'~.~, ~i~~6\e:o ~~rovCd bY' ~he BCe -~~#c.3':1 /T. rs- p'rtt.;1.tttè'd ,~ or as c"r rectl.!d .' , ' ',' as " ... ,.', , , ,..../) ~ ;, :~~ \:- .~.¡ I· " " .¡ . . t.' ,"'" . ). ,: . 1 ~,l' '. ..r.' 4':' . . \ ',' '¡"I;' , ~ " """'.., " ....-.., ,¡ -.' , . ~ '".;" " ," ,~, "i'~~ ~ I ~' '," ..' '~'.\ ".', '. , . .¡,t' ,.' ~ ;','1'>: ,.,.., ' ,,':;'11;' ',.,...~~ ~ '.._~"..,'.:t .10....,..\ ~.~~:t~" ".', :··t~,:~~~~. ... to,.' ~",t'K;, : , ", .' " 'Y~'4: ¡:"';';;A.\~~J\.~~} .' "'''''''Ï\'''' ,., ,.' ,'r' \. \, ¡ ," '>': '\ ',:ti:~:,."""",~ '13;;; . ~r>';~.,:~ri~~ :. t1 ~...~.~~.J..'.' ';~~._ ~;J:.{"~-9~~~: .',. ~Io. . "0' ;--\ ~~., ,......---, .ø ,~~)..--J . r:.;. ..........."'"-....--.-----'"