BCC Minutes 11/12/1985 W .. .. .. Nnples, Floridn, »ovember 12, 1985 LET IT aE R~tEM9r.REr, t~at t~e Board of County Commissioners in and for t~e County of Collier and ðlso acting as the Board of Zoning App~als ~nd as the governing board(s) of such speci~l districts as ~ave been created according to law and hnving conducted business herein, met on this date at 2s00 p.rl. in WORKSHOP SESSION in ~ui~ding ~F" of the Courthouse Co~pley., Fðst Naples, Flori~R, with the following members presonts CHAIRMANs Frederick J. Voss VICE CHAIRMANs John A. phtor Max Hasse Anne Goodnight ABSENTs C. C. "P.ed" Holland AL~O PRESENTs Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clork1 Pam Brangaccio, Deputy Assistant County Manager1 Tom Kuc~, Public Works Ad~inistrator1 John Boldt, Water Management Director1 Ed Proffitt, Natural Resources Director1 and Willinm Lorenz, Environmental ~cience anð Pollution Control Director. AGENDA Review of Strategic Manage.ent Plan for the Environmental Science and Pollution Control Program. GENERAL DISCUSSION Environmental Rcience an~ Pollution Control Director Lorenz stated that he will discuss the strategic management plan for the environ- mental science and pollution control program which shows the direction for the program. He stated that the referendum in 19R4 was passed to set the program up for the County and the purpose of this strategic plan is to set the mission of the department, various goals, objectives and strategies, to guide program plans and to identify priorities. He stated that t~__ plan is designed in order to do the right things well. He stated that tho mission is basically the purpose for being and everything that is done should support this mission. He noted that the goals are broad statements that ~ddress a need or a problem, adding that objectives are set up that hava specific results that will help to ma~e progress in ~~eting th. qoals and the strategies are specific activities or diroctions that show how the objectives will be accom- plishQd. He stated that the .trat~gic management plan i. used to guide the program pl~ns, adding that the priorities can be identified. Fe aOD( 090 P~r.t 666 1?alJe 1 · .;D« . 090 PAq 667 Novemher 12, 19ns stnted that the develo~~nt of the plan was initially baseð upon a Water Pollution Control Committee, which was the original co~mittee that worked for the referendum. He stated that he expanded that committee to oth~r int~rest groupo and to other state and feðeral agencies that will be very much involved in Collier County's program development. He noted that it is an inform~l commit~e. to help define what the community ne~ds are and to participate in program direction and the strategic plan is a result of pUblic input. fie reported t~at the mission of the depart~ent is to recommend and implement plans and programs to protect water resources. He stated that there are four goals that have boen identified. 1. Reduce pollution fro~ sewage and sludge disposal. 2. Study effects of sewage and sludge disposal. 3. Accomplish the .ission in a cost effective manner. 4. Protect the water resources from other sources of pollution. Mr. Lorenz stated that once the four goals have been set, then objectives can be deter.ined for tangible results with target dates that will help make progress toward the goals. He stated that for the goal of reducing pollution from sewage and sludge disposal he is hoping to ~evelop a wastewater treatm~nt plan compliance program, a complaint program, an educational program, and an asse.sment summary to define the information that has been found through these activities. He noted that the secon~ goal he wants to develop is a water quality monitor- ing network, a sludge management plan, a ~onitoring network for patho- gens, and to publish an annual report of the assessment. He stated that to accoD~lish the third ºoal he wants to develop an administrative plan that is going to iðentify all the relationships between the various county departnents and state and federal aqencies, to update the strategic plan every year, to produce the budget, and to stuðy the feasibility of a laboratory for Collier County. He stated that the fourth goal iA to identify the need for ot~er proçrams. He noted that his targ~t date for staff is January, at which time ~e will have information coming in to him to define sources of pollution, other than sawaqe and sluðge, th~t May nee~ to have plans and programs developed. Commissioner Hasse questioned if solid waste is being considered, to which I1r. Lorenz stated that solid waste, in the sense of sludge, disposal is buing considered. Commissioner Voss stated that when t~e referendum was worded it was restricted to sewage basically, adding that it will have to be taken back to the people to broaden the program. Page 2 - - - - .. .. November 12, 1985 Mr. Lorenz stated that in regards to the priority programs within the n~xt year, they would have to be sew~ge and sludge. He stated that tho top priority program is the development of a sewage treatment plant co~pliance program, a~~ing that there nre Ðpproximately ~O ßewage troatnent plants in the County. He stated that according to a report fro~ DER, 40' of those plants have no problems, 4ð~ have problens an~ ab~ut 10' of those problems ~re compliance problems, in other words, they cannot meet th~ir eff.lu~nt limit. He indicateð that ~, are usually okay which means th~t DER does not have ~nouqh information on thc~ and they have not seen thom enough to know for sure whether there are problems or not. He stated that one of the conditions in Collier County is the winter season which produces higher flow and organic loading problems, ~dding that the plants are basically designed for average flow. He stated that D~R h~s only heen able to inspect the plants once a year and they are never able to see them during peak season. ~e reported that he has visited about RO~ of the plants and many of them have poor maintenance problems, adding th~t blowers are broken or chlorinators are stopped up. He stated that the proposed action for the department is to develop an inspection program where the County personn__l will inspect the plants on a monthly hasis. He stated that to do this legal authorization would be needed as well as staff and equipment. He note~ that legal authorization is going to come in the form of an agreement with DER, as they have the prime responsi- bility for cnforcing the compliance program. He stated that his department will be their inspectors and he will have legal authori- zation to be their agent or representative to inspect the plants. He noted th~t he will be hiring two pollution control specialists in January. He stated that initially his department will be defining the problems through the program and encouraging voluntary compliance of the sewage treatment plant owners. He stated that he would be working with them understanding the process and trying to get them to comply voluntarily, adding that he will not have enforcement capabilities in the early part of the program. He stated that DER will have the responsibility for __nforcing the law, adding that he will report to t~em the violations and it is then DF.R's docision as to what enforcement route they will use. He Btateð that the next priority is a w~ter quality monitoring program whic~ is to monitor groundwater and surfac__ water vcrsIJI'I !IIOnitorir.q a sew~ge treatr.lent plant. He noted that there are many wells that are available in the ~~unty which were aoo;: 090 PAfil668 Page 3 I aoo( 090 ~AI;( 66.9 NoveJ:1ber 12, 1985 established to satisfy the needs and accomplish objectives of other state an" federal aaencieø that are differcnt than the County's objective to Monitor pollution from .ewage and sludge disposal which means that the County will be able to use so~e of the established wells in developing the water quality monitoring networ~. He noted that the U~GS samples annually for chlorides, temperature, conductance and major constituents, which is somewhat geara~ for looking at .alt water intrusion. He indicated that the SFWMD samples annually for all t~e above-mentioned constituents, plus nutrients and organics, adding that this year they established 30 wells under the ~~ter Quality Assurance Act and they will be monitoring those wells annually, also. He stated that there has not been any data collected to evaluate the effects of sewage and sludge in ter~s of an on-going monitoring networ~, adding that there has been a number of studies end the County's network will fill this gap. He stated that with reference to surface water, he has not been able to find any continuous monitoring stations, adding that there has been miscellaneous studies but that 1s all. He said that to fill the n~ed the County has to identify the ~nitorin9 needs and set the objectives, thrn use the existing wells as much as possible and implement the progra~ by doing it in t~ree phases. He stated that one phase would be the fixed station, fixed frequency monitoring which will help deterJ:1ine natural con~itions and what the background is as well as to help develop trends. He stated that the second phase is the survey monitoring which is where special geographical locations will be targeted, adding that a numher of wells will be found or areas to monitor surf~ce water to find out if th~re is any contamination. He stated that the third phase is a special project monitoring and one of the special projects is the septic tank areas that have high density septic tanks and also high groundwater table. Mr. Lorenz stated that his third program is the development of a sludg__ management plnn and the best way for him to set up this plan is to aSK questions like: Where is it going? t~o controls it? Is water guality being affected? How much can we expect? What should we do about it? He stated that ~ftcr all theso question. have been addressed, then a management plan needs to be developed to emphasizo resource recovery and to make sure that anyt~ing t~at is developed for sludge manage~ent is also useful for the solid waste management of the total County. He stated that these are t~e threo tecllnical programs that he wanted to highlight in terms of priority, adding that t~e last Page 4 - - - .. - .. .-,¡,. November 12, lqA5 thing that ~e wants to t~lk about is program planning. He stated that he wants to continue to do the right things well or even ~ett~r so ~e has developed a plan th~t will be followe~ within the department to b~ sure that thero is proper 10n~-rangeplanning. He state~ that he anticipates all the future need. for the County an1 that is tr~nslateð in good project plans an~ he has the proper ~anagement plnn to ensure that is being done effectively ~nd efficiently. He stated that through the strnte~ic plannin~ proccss he can develop the qonls, objectives, and strategies and through thos__ the program plans are dev~loped and then the imple~entation goes into effect. He noted that every year an evaluation is done and future needs are then identified so that goals, objective" IInti strategies are set for the next year and future needs. IIr. George Keller questioned if Mr. Lorenz would be inspecting the County's plant, to which he replied negatively. Mr. Keller stated that he would like to propo~e that Hr. Lorenz be very careful with the buð1et or else he will be using all the money up in staff. He state~ that there is too much money spent on administration an~ studies and not enough on action and he would like to see the labor force kept d~4n and see some action so that the taxpayers will h~ve 50~e return on their investment. ~Ir. Lorenz st~ted that this is a point well taken which is why he wanterl to develop this plan to identify What the objectives are so that the personnel needs could be matched up to the future objectives. Commissioner Hasse questioned if the water plant coul~ be used for some of the testing? Mr. Lorenz stated that there are a n~mber of considerations, adding that the two facilitios that are available now will not be able to cover all the parameters that he wants to develop in the monitoring network nor will th~y be able to handle all the samples that are sent to them. He stated that he wants to develop the monitoring needs and look at the monitoring needs of the other depart- ments also to find out what i. going to be more cost effective, which , is a plan that will be developed prior to the next budget cycle so that he can come back with a recommendation to go with the County-owned facility or go to private labs, whichever i. more cost effective. . . . There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourno1 by Order of the Chair - Times 2s45 P.M. 800K 090 PA'.r 670 Page 5 ,. -~..._,...................",-"., "."~.;.,,,~--_.. ...........~ ,_,"____,·,r.""""·"·,"',"~,,·*u·.,,,·,.,,~,'".,,,_. ..,~"h..I'."'"