BCC Minutes 11/19/1985 R .. .. .. ~ , };. naples, PI or i da, N"vembe r 19, 1985 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier and also acting .s the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s, of such special districts "s have been created according to law and having conductea busin9øs herein, møt on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SBSSION in Building _P_ of the Courthouse C~mplex, East Naples, Florida, with the fOllowing members prt/sen t: CHAIRMAN: Prederick J. Voss VIC£ CHAIRMAN: John A. Pistor Max liasso C. C. -Red- Holland Anno Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk, Jam.s C. Giles, Fiscal Officer; Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk; Ken Cuyler, Assistant County Attorney; Neil Dorrill, Assistant County Managerl Pam Brangaccio, Deputy Assistant County ~4ndgerl Vickie ~ullins, Community Development Administrator; Ann.hcKim and David Weeks, Plannersl Tom Ruck, Public Works Administrator; Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator, Tim Vanatta, Parks, Recreati"n Directorl Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant t" the Board; and, Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. . ¡, , ; BOOK 090 r(G£ 671 ., ..,....~~..."--"'-,."--"~'---"~..."..,""-"""'-,,.,",."'''''."',"'""'",,''''''''''''''''''' .. .. .. Tape '1 I te. 11 AGENDA APROVED WITH AMENDMENTS November 19, 1985 Co.missioner Holland .oved, seconded by Commi.sioner Ba.se and carried unanimouSly, that the agenda be approved with the following changes: 1. Item 1óB(3) - Deleted from consent agenda 2. Item 13C - Discussion of leasing of Pelican Bay Pr"perty for Naples Culturdl Foundation - Added (Commissioner Voss) 3. Item 130 - Discussion of purchase of EC"logy Lab on Marco Island - AJded by Commissioner Pistor (. Item 16A(2) Movltd to 10A(G) 5. Itltm IGC(2) Moved to lOCCl) 6. Item 6C(3) Proposed Ordinance re Historical Commission _ Withdrawn Ite. '2 MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 5, 1985 REGULAR MEETING _ APPROVED CORDisstoner Pistor .oved, seconded by Co.missioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the minutes of the regular meeting of November 5, 1985 be approved as pre.ented. Ite. '3 PAUL DANT RECOGNIZED AS EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH FOR NOVEMBBR 1985 Commissioner Voss read the executive summary re~ognizi~g Paul Dent as -Employee of the Month- for November, 1985. Ite. .4 RESOLUTION 85-238 RE PETITION AV-85-008, DANIEL CONLEY, AG~T FOR LLOYD SHEEHAN RE VACATING PORTION OF FERN ST. PLAT OF EAGLE ACRE3 _ ADOPTED Legdl notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 3 and 10, 19S5 as evidenced by Affidavit of PUblicdtion filed with the Clerk, public hearing was open~d to consider Petition AV-S5-008, filed by Daniel Conley, agent for Lloyd Sheehan, requesting a vacation of c~:tain drainage easements and that protion of Fern Street lying north of the Southerly lot line of Lot 10 of the plat of Ea91~ Acres to allow the petitioner to consolidate property. Public Works Administrator KlJck stated that' ILetters of No Objection- have been received from the utility companies pr~vided that Certain ~asements are set aside for the existing utilities and the Petitionor has agreed. 11·) said the entire right-of-way vac,1ted would be reserved as a utility easement, thereby satisfying the utility companies obj~ction. He said that the k~ter Management Advlsory Board lOOK 090 P(I;l 679 . -------...-----. ---·--__._.._.u......._.. .. ..,_._..__'_.~._,...,'._. _ ,.,...~___'O~ ·' aOOK 090 ~~'.! 680 No vembe r 19, 19 S 5 reviewed tho petition and requested a thirty foot (30') drainage easement, including the construction of a drainage swal. for water management purposes, and the requested eaSements will be dedicated in the proposed resolution. Co..isnioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Co..isBioner Pistor moved, .econded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unani.ously, that Resolution 85-238 re Petition AV-85-008, Daniel Conlny, agent for LloYd Sheeban requesting a vacation of a portion of Pern Street, be adopted. . ~ ~ f , '~' L ~ :. t.'. ''''; - - - ....,----,,- " ;;; 090 PJ'.! 684 November 19, 1985 Ite. IS RI.SOLUTIOII S5-239 RE PETI'J'IOII AV-S5-009, JAMES B. SIESKY, AGEN'l' FOR SCHOOL BO~RD, VACATING A PORTION OF 1ST AVE. S.W. TO CONSTRUCT A SCHOOL - ADOPTED. COUHTY MAJlAGER TO IIECO'1'IATII: WITH SCHOOL BOARD RS PAVING 1ST AVE, S.W. AND PUTTING IN A BIKB PATH AND RETURN TO BCC WITH COMPROMISE Leqal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 3 and 10, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition AV-85-009, filed by James H. Siesky, agent for Collier County School Board, requesting a vacation of a portion of 1st Avenue S.W. to consolidat. property to construct a school complex. Public Works Administrator Kuck stated that -Letters of No Objection- have been received frQm the appropriate utility Companies and the Water Management Advisory Soard has reviewed the petition and has reques=ed drainage easements be acquired for water management purposes, which the petitioner has agreed to. He noted that the Engineer!n] Department is recommending that a stipulation be considered that the remainder of 1st. Ave. S.W. from the school site to ~eber Blvd. be sJrfaced with one inch of asphalt. He noted that this would ensure the safety and welfare of the general pUblic. He noted that a turn-around sh"uld be provided by the School Soard at the termination of 1st Ave. S.W. since the school site i. going to be fenced in. He noted that the School Board has not agreed to the surfacing of 1st Ave. S.W. Commiisioner Hasse stated that there will be ~ severe shortage of bike paths going to and from the school and quest'oned if the School Board coul.J be requested to put in bike paths, to which Mr. lCuck stated that he dons not know if it would be in order to do that as they are exempt fro ~ bu.llding permits or rezoning where that type of stipulation would be inclUded. Mr. Pi,ul Manzer of the Planning Department for the Collhr County School Board stated that he was told to USe 1st Ave. S.W. for the construction vehicleti rather thðn Golden Gate Blvd. He noted that everything else that builds in Golden Gate uses Golden Gate Blvd. He noted that he was also told that they would be accOuntable for paving 1st Ave. S.W. when they were finished Using it~ He noted that according 1.0 the Superintendent of SChools, th~y will not repave the road, addi~g that they will do without the vacation of the r"ad before they pave the road or put in bike paths. He stated that their business is not construction of street and roads, it is schools. He noted that Page 4 _J '~: ~ .. .. .. .. .. November 19, 1985 the Scho"l I~ard has worked with the City and County in the past with reference to vacation of property. He reported .that this vacation will not affect the school, adding that the bus entranc, will simply be moved to GO.Lden Ga te Bl Yd. He noted tha t he was not conCotrnf:d wi th the sch"ol busotll get/;ing dusty, ðdding that he was concerned for the people that live on 1st Av/!. s. w. c"mpla1ning about the dust from the buses and the dust; from the cars from people bringing their .;hildren in the back waY.ie reported that he fuels that the County should pave this road. ~e noted that there will be a turn-around at the end ~hich will be open. ~I stated that there will be lO acres immediately adjoining this property which is going to be laid out and designed for a park for the use by:"lUer County Parks, Recreati"n Dopartment. Hft reported that about 10\ of 1st Ave. S.W. will be parking area for the park facility, ajding th!t the other 401 would be for the water retention pond area. ~e stated that this does not have to be done. He reported that they c,uld move the water retention pond over which would elimi- nate the S~;cer field area. He stated that he does not understand why the School 30ard is expected to pay for the vacaticn of some land that the County is not using. He stated that they will operate with"ut the vacation if there are stipulations put on It. He presented a letter from Mr. Ri:hey, the Superintendent of Schools, dated November IS, 1985, with reference to an appropriate working rel~tionship with the County whic~ Commissioner Voss read into the record and is on file in the Clerk of the B'3ard's office. Commissioner V03S stated that this is something that should be worked out ~etween the County and the School Board without indicating this as a stipulation. Commissioner Holland questioned the price of paving lst Ave. S.W., to which Mr. Kuck indicated that it would cost approximately $22,000 and the bike paths would cost approximately $12-13,000. ee noted that there was n·)t any money appropriated for this fiscal year in the capital improvement fUnd for bik~ paths. Commis.Jioner Holland stated that this vacation should be approved and the County should pay for the surfacing of the street and bike paths as th1Y are necessary. He stated that he feels that time is of the essence. Assist3nt County ~~nager Dorrill stated that this could be approved an·! then the C"unty kanager could work with the Suporintendent of Schools ,n this matter and r~port b~ck to the Board. aoO( 090 W,[ 685 Page 5 .. , . . I ,,", '_._-... ." "·.,.··.·~"'.'..,~M,...,_,,_.~,~",....,._~... .,.~."'."'*..~"_'._..._"_.,,,............,,.,' ".H',~'.;."~'''''.,'""'',,,...,~,.,~,.,.. "''"'<'"'"'''~', 11'_''' · ì !' V) lOOK 090 PAr.( 686 Novemb. r 19, 1985 Coallillsioner PIstor lIoved, second.d by Co.mlssioner Hasse and carried unllni.ously, tbat tbe pub1!c bearing be clos.d. COlllllnsioner GOodnight aoved, seconded by Co..ission.r Bolland and carried un"nl.ously, tbat Resolution 85-239 r. Petition AV-e5-009, James H. Sfesky, ag.nt for Colli.r County School Board re vacating a portion of 1st Ave. S. W. to consolldat. property to construct a school cOllplex, bf' adopt.d. Co_i'lsioner Pistor aoved, second.d by Co..issioner Hass. and carried un,niaouSly, tbat the County Manager negotiate ~ith the Superintenél.nt of Schools regardIng the paving of 1st. Ave~ S. 1f~ and the buildir.g of bike patbs and return to the Board ~ith said cOllpro.ise. paqe 6 : ., .. .. .. .. .. November 19, 1985 Tape '2 Ita. '6 RESOLUTION 85-240 RE PETITION V-85-27C, GEORGE W. SHEPARD, JR. RB A SIGN VARIANCE SETBACK ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF GOODLETTE-FRANK ROAD AND PINE RItGE ROAD - ADOPTED Legal notice having been Published in the Naples Daily News on November 3, 1985, as ~videnc.d by Affidavit of Publication filvd with the Clerk, public hearin~ was opened to consider Petition V-85-27C, filvd by George ~. Shepard, Jr. re a sign variance of 3' from the required fr"nt yard setback of 15' to 12' for placement of a sign on the southw~8t corner of Coodlette-Prank Road and Pine Ridge Road. Planner McKim stated that the objective of this petit~on is to place a sign in the yard fronting on Pine Ridge R"ðd. She indicated that the subject p:operty contains approximately 3.9 acres ~nd is zoned C-l. She stated that the prOperly presently contlins a one-st~ry C.s.s. commerical building and the petitioner proposes to place a sign in the front yard. She said that the zoning ordinance requires a 15' setback for the proposed sign and the petitioner only has a 12' front yard due t" the recent widening of Pine Ridge Road. She stated that the petitioner had approximately 23 feet of frontage along Pine Ridge Road but du~ to the County purchasing approximately 11 feet for the right-of-way for the widening of Pine Ridge Road, it left the petitioner ~ith approxi~ately 12 feet of frontage which has caused a hardship. ~he noted that Staff recommendation is for approval. Commissioner Pistor aoved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unaniaously, that the public hearing be closed. Comaissioner Holland moved, seconded by Co..issioner Pistor and carried unani.ously, that Resolution 85-240 re Petition V-8S-27C, George W. Shepard, Jr. re a sing variance of 3' fro. tbe required front yard setback of 15' to 12' for placement of a sign on the southwest corner of Goodlette-Frank Road and Pin. Ridge Road be adopted. aODK 090 ,.~(,t 68.9 pag e 7 "'"..,',....__,"""",._''i_",,,. .. .. .. Ite. 17 RESOLUTION 85-241 Rz PETITIOW v-aS-28C, TODD ROVAK, R£ A VARIANCB or PARKING SMCES rOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON TUB SOUTH SIDE or BONITA BBACH ROAD, WEST or VANDERBILT DRIVE - ADOPTED WITH STIPULATIONS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on N~vember 3, 1985, as evid.nced by Affidbvit "f Publlcation filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-S5-2aC, filed by ~)dd Novak, requ~sting a variance from the required number of parking Splices for a 966 square toot restaurant from l' to 6 for pr"perty l,)cated on the south side of Bonita Beach Road, west "f Vanderbilt Drive, described as Lots 7, 8, and 9, Block 2, Bonita Shores, Un.lt 1. Plannl/r McKim stated that the objective of this petitioner is to operate a coffee/donut shop from his store on the south side of Bonita &each Road a~proximdtely 3/10 mil. west of Vanderbilt Drive which is zoned C-4, General Commercial. ~~e stated that the property c"ntains a vacant bui:ding with approximately 6,960 square feet and the bUilding has ~pace for 6 individual retail establishments. She noted that the petitioner proposes to lease one of these retail Spaces. She indicated that the u.ning ordinance requires one parking Spac" for each 250 square feet. of gross floor area for retail stores. She stated that the 6,960 square foot building is required to have 2S parking Spaces and 30 spaces havtl been provided, leaving 2 .extra spaces. She noted that a restaurant, such as proposed, requires one parking space for each two seats or one parking space per 70 square fe&t of gross flo"r area, whichever Js greater, therefore, the 966 square foot restaurant is required to have 14 parking space. and since 4 SpaCes have been provided ar,d t\o'O extra spaces eXist, the restaurant would have 6 spaces rather than the required 14 spaces. She stated that the petitioner is requesting a variance to allow only the.. 6 parking spaces. She n"ted that there are no special circumstances or hardships that exist and therefore, Staff must recommend denial. Mr. Todd Novak, Petitioner, questioned if the gross floor area pertains to the kitchen area also, to wh{ch Planner McKim stated that the gross "loor area is for the whole bUilding being Used at the restaurant, which include the kitchen facilities and restrooms as well as eating ~paces. Commiflsioner Hasse questioned if most "t this business 1. carry- out, to whJch Mr. Novak replied affirmatively, adding that 90~ is November 19, 1985 lOOK 090 P(r.¡ 693 Page 8 lOOK 090 PAr,¡ 694. carryout. Mr. Novak stated that most of the other stores d~ not open until 9:0(1 A.M. Planrler McKiM stated that a drive-in fast food restaurnnt has different requirements but this restaurant does not meet the definition of a fast food drive-in restaurant. Commissioner Pistor questioned how many tables lhere would be, to Which Hr. Hovak stated that he would lit. to have 6 tables, 2 seats each table. Commissioner Hass. moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unani.ously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Pistor moved that Petition V-85-28C be denied. Motion died for a lack of second. Mr. ~ovak questioned why the gross floor area includes kitchens and bathro~ms, to which Planner McKim stated that this provides for employees and additional personnel other than just customers. She stated that sometimes parking in reserve is allowed but in this case there is no place for additional parking, 80 if a problem arises in the future, there would be no rec"urse. Commissioner Holland questioned if there wer~ four tables with two seats each, would this be satisfactory to which Mr. Kovak replied affirmatively. Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Comaissioner Goodnight and carried 3/2, (Co..issioners P!stor and Voss Opposed' that Resolution 85-241 re Petition V-S5-2SC, Todd Novak, r. a variance of parking spaces frol. 14 to 6 for property located on the south side of BonIta Beach Road, vest of VanderbIlt Drive be adopted Subject to allowing only four ~abl.s with two seats each. November 19, 1985 .,' .....~' ,. ! ~ Page 9 _I - - - .. .. .. I te. IS N~vember 19, 1985 RESOLUTION 115-242 IIlVALIDo\1'IIIG 8/27/85 COIfTßAC1' BETWEEN BCC AHD IMMORALE! W~AND SEWER DISTRICT RE CDBG ACTIVITIES _ ADOPTED Community Development Administrator Mullins stdted that part of the CountY'1I 1983 Communi ty Development Block Grant provideo f"r water- line improv.lments and installation of three fire hyd rants in the target area, which is Immokal.e, with the specific area being South first Street. Sh.! stated that one of the approved activities is for the waterline installation and installation of three fire hydrants which was approved by agreement with the Immokalee Water and Sewer District on August 2", 1985. She stated that upon the contract being .xecuted by the Board, th,¡re W'er. Some changos within the Economic DfJvelopment Department and upon looking at the contract, it appeared that there were Some i:ems that c"uld be changed to benefit the prograD. She statad that the size of the waterlines were increased from 6 inches to 8 inches which allows for better water pressure and is botter for fire- fighting. She stated that the location of the three fire hydrants is also being r:hanged so that they will be better located within the actual targllt area. She reported that the Immoka1ee Water and Sewer District had not signed the contract and based on that, she is asking that the 8I)¡lrd adopt a resolution invalidating that contract. CoamisBioner Pistor .oved, seconded by Com.issioner Basse and carried unani.ously, that Resolution 85-242 invalidating the 8/27/85 contract between the BCC and the Imaokalee Water and Sewer District re the CDBG activities be adopted. BOOK 090 PAr,r 697 Page 10 I :' ~ ,j Ite. 19 am 090 r~r.! 700 November 19, 1985 RESOLUTION 85-243 AUTBORIZIWG CHAIRMAN TO APPROVE REVISED CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BCC AND TBE IMMOKALEB WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT RB CDBG ACTIVITIES - ADOPTED Community Development Administrator MUllins stated that this is f"r approval of the revised contract which includes the chanqes that were discussed in the previous item. She noted that ~his contract is in the amo~nt of $11,000. She stated that this item was not bid as it was a sole Source item as Immokalee kater and Sewer District will not allow anyor.e else to perform work on their system. She stated that a cost estimate from the County Utility Division was obtained in the amount of $10,850 which is basically the same amount that Imm"kalee Water and Sewer District indicated. Commissioner Pistor .oved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unani.ously, that Resolution 85-243 authorizing the Chairman to approve the revised contract between the Board and the Immokalee Water and Sewer District re CDBG activities be adopted. . " ,~ , Page 11 .. .. .. -------.-'" _I .. .. November 19, 1985 Ite. 110 RESOLUTION 85-244 AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN TO APPROVE AN ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT (CDBO) WITH TED HOFFMAN, ARCHITECT - ADOPTED Community Development Administrator Mullins stated that in December, 1984, th~ aoard approved a contract between the County and Ted Hoffman, Architect, to perform services which are approved as part of the County's Community Block Grant proqram. She stated that in August, 1985, DCA did a performance audit on the County which is a routine function, adding that one of their findings was that the C"unty failed to include in Mr. H"Cfman's contract a clause that he retain the records for three years. She stated that this is simply a housekeeping matter. Commissioner Pistor .oved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unani.ously, that Resolution 85-244 authorizing th~ chairman to approve an addendua to the contract with Ted Hoffman, Architect, dated Deceaber IS, 1984 be adopted. aDD( 090 PAr.E 723 Page 12 ......,.__.~---..,,'.,..,. ..._._"-,._".-...,~," .~~.oO;"_'~_""'''"''''''''''".~"'¥'''''_'''''''''.,,,,... .. , -~-,----- . ~ . . I ,o~~ 090 PA'·t 728 It.. III RESOLUTION 85-245 APPOI_TIRG MEMBERS TO THE CITIZENS ADVISORY TASK FORCE RE C;)SG - ADOPTED November 19, 1985 Commu~ity Development Administrator Mullins stated that at the meeting on 11/12/85, the Board created the Citizens Advisory Task Force for the PU:pose of aóvising the Soard and directing t,e Small Cities Community Development 8lock Grant Program. She stated that in the resolution it designates that the Soard will app"int the members through a resolution, adding that she is asking that the following people be .Ippointed retroactive to November l2, 1985: Commiflsioner John Pistor (Hon-votinq member) Edward Oates, Jr. Denis" Coleman Clayt"n HOde Mario Pelaez Agnes Myers Coaainsioner Hass. moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unnni.ously, that Resolution 85-245 appointing members to the Citizens ~lvi8ory Task Force re CDBG be adopted. Page 13 .. . _I - - ....___.u.,..__.=."".--..--.... -,-,,,,~,,.,., .. .. .. November 19, 1985 Ite. 112 RESOLUTION 85-246 APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO COUNTY'S 1983 CDaG _ ADOPTED Commu~ity Development Administrator Mullins stated that the Bl"ck Grant contract was done in December, 1983, and it was signed in June, 1984. She stated that over a period of time there will be revisi~ns, adding tha~ at the present time ther~ are four c~ntract amendmentß needed to the agreement with DCA. She stated that she has complied with the acvertisin9 requirements that DCA set forth and on November 15, 1985, the Citizens Advisory Task Force met in Immokal.. to consider the amendments. She reported that the Task Force recommends approval of the four amendments contained in the proposed resolution and then recommends that they be forwarded to DCA. Commissioner Pistor aoved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Resolution 85-246 approving amendments to the County's 1983 CDBG be adopted. &00« C90ml731 Page 14 "~-_._._,......._..-.'.,-"---_..._,,.._...._,~ -'---..-.~""",.."" ,,' ..--....-..... , , . , , . ' . . , . :JJ~:~ November 19, 1985 Ite. ,~ OgOp~r,t134. CAJUfIVAL J'EAAIT 85-5 RE PETITION C-85-2I, OUR LADY or GUADALUPE CHURCH POR A CARtrIVAL 11/27/85 - 12/1/85 - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Planner McKim stated that this i8 a requ~st for a permit for a carnival 6nd they have requested waiver of the surety bond. She stated that she recommends approval. Commissioner Pistor questioned if the carnival has any problems and th'r County waives the surety bond, who is lil.D1e, to which Planner McKim stated that the surety bond is simply for the removal of trash and overall cleanup. She stated that if the surety bond is waived and the trash is n~t removed "r the property cleaned up, then the County would have to do it. Co..issioner Goodnight aoved, seconded by Commissioner Bolland and carried unani.ously, that Carnival Permit S5-5 re Petition C-S5-2I~ Our Lady of Guadalupe Churcb for a carnival from 11/27/85 _ 12/1/85 be approved subject to the waiver of the surety bond and the BUilding Depart.ent inspecting tbe premises prior to the opening of the carnival. .," . ~r; Page 15 , , ~ 090 W~ 736 ..... Recessl Wovember 19, 1985 9:55 A.M. - Reconvened: 10:05 A.M. *.... It.. 114 BID '879 REJECTED AND REBID '905 AWARDED TO CPC PRODUCTS FOR LANDFILL COVER MATERIAL. FISCAL OFFICER REQUESTED TO PROCEED WITH FILING OF NECESSARY P~PER RE FUNDING. STAFF DIRECTED TO BRING ~O BCC'S ATTEN- TION, BIDS THAT HAVE BEEN REJECTED. Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 7, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid .905 for landfill cover material until 2:30 P.M., October 23, 1985. Public WOrks Administrator Kuck stated that the objective of this item is to award a contract f"r landfill cover material, adding that sealed bids for approximat~ly 770,000 - 970,000 tons of overburden fill required for the Naples Landfill were opened on September 18, 1985 as Hid package '879. he stated that two bids were received Ðt that time, one from Ce~ent Products Corporation on the bulk fill quoting $3.00 a t"n, less 10¢ a ton disc"unt, and the other was from Better Roads for the liner c~ver at $2.99 per ton not. He reported that Bunn Constru~tion desired to bid "n the project but did not receive a bid package and requested an opportunity to bid, stating substantial savings would be realized by the County. He noted that in an attempt to save tax dollars specifications wore sent out again as Bid package '905 which ~ere opened October 23, 1985. He stated that at that time, two bids were received, one from Bunn Constructi"n Company in the amount of $2.91 a ton and the other from Cement Products Corporation in the amount )f $2.95 per ton less 2' discount or $2.89 a ton. He stated that the majority of the funds for this project, up to $3,000,000 will require outside financinq, adding that the County's financial con- sultant recommends receiving proposals for floating interest rates for a five year annual pay loan, with a 12' ceiling. He stated that also available are funds from Escambia County's $100 million variable rate cooperative loan program presently at 6-1/2' and the Florida League of Cities' $600 million variable rate bond issue slated for December with Barnett Ban( Trust Company, Naples, as Trustee, expected to be 5-1/4'. He noted that neither of these loans would hav~ an eÐrly payoff penalty. lie reported that the cost of $3,000,000 is to upgrade the landfill to the new D£R r~quirements and prepare a 26 acre site which would have s life expectancy of five to seven years. He stated that under the bids for the 770,000 - 970,000 tons, the County would not be Page 16 _I - - ,,,,,,,..,..-,,,..,..,-..,~,.. ~'-""._----"-_., - - - - November 19, 1985 required to purchase that amount, adding that if there is sufficient fill material from their own lake excavation, t"he County can use that. He stated that he is recommending that Bid '879 be rejected and that th. rebid ")05 for the Naples landfill cover material bo awarded to Cement Products Corporation, accepting their discount terms, and that the n seal of £ice be requ.,sted to file non-binding le..ters of interest and initial projection surveys to fscambia County's Co"perative Loan Program and the F!orida Ledgue of Cities' First Municipal Loan Fund as soon as p"sllible. Commisllioner Voss stated that he has a problem ....ith the rebid on the basis that the people that bid in the first place are a target for Someone elsa to comø in and bid at a 10wer figure and it only needs to be a few cerits lower. Assistant County 1'Ianager DorrUl stated that it did not affect the rebid, adding that the initial low bidder was the successful low bidder the second time around. He stated that the concern was that there was a request from Bunn C"nstruction to bid as he did not receive an invitation to bid the first time nor did he see the advertised public notices of invitation in the paper. Øe stated that the rebid did not affect the ultimate recommendation to award it to Cement Products Corporation who has had this contract for the last year and a half. Tape '3 Commisaioner Hasse qU9stioned the basis of th. 2' discount, to which Assist.ant County Manager Dorrill stated that CPC has proposed a discount an~ the specifications originally required that discount periods be a minimum of IS days, adding that he has subsequently agreed to that and it is similar to the existing contract that they have with the County. Commis;¡ioner Pistor asked how this material is going to be purchased, to which Public Works Administrator Ruck stated that it 1& going to be bought on a ton basis, adding that all the loads will be weighed and they will be paid on an acutal basis. Assist~nt County Manager Dorrill stated that this is the ultimate amount of m,)ney that WQuld be needed to prepare and complete the landfill cell. H~ stateo that it is his intention to only acquire mon~y as it is needed and it is not the intention to borrow that full $3,000,000 oecause it is not .11 needed this year. Commisai"ner Pistor questioned if thd landfill is supporting itself, why does $3,000,000 hava to be borrowed? !OOK 090 PAr,E 737 Psg e 17 ." """'_"~~''"'''""";'h'-'~_'''''_'''''_'''''""";",_",_~_,,,,,,,,,,, a~·D~ 090 P~~( 738 kovemcer 19, 1985 PUblic Works Administrator Kuck stated that the tipping fee was increased ~everal m"nths ago to ~aisø money to preparø the new cell to meet the DER requirements, adding that the increase represents the money that is needed to pay back the $3,000,000 over a five to seven year period. He stated that this is to pay for the plastic liner at the prcsent landfill and for the fill. He statod that DER has required that the landfill site be raised up to the lOO year flood elevation which means that it wi 11 take about four feet of fill before the liner is placed a~d then the liner requires a cushion ftner the top of it and then there has to be slope so that the leachate will drain to a collection point. He stated that this is . lot of fill over an area of 25-30 acres. Commissioner Holland questioned the size of the last enlargement of the cell at the landfill? Public Works Administrator KUck stated that the cell that is curr..nt.~ b~ing worked on is a little less than 25 acre.. Commissioner Holland stated that he does not like the idea of bidding and rebidding. PurCha3ing Director Thiele stated that there is a list of almost 100 contrac~ors that like to be involved in bidding and this list has been cut down to reduce mailing and ßtaff time and still qet good bonafide vendors to do the work. He stated that in this instance, contractors that had given a good price in the past were recognized and sent a bid, adding that Bunn Construction was not included because of a jOb in the past that he had not bid on. He stated that when he asked if he could bid, he indicated that he could save the County up to $250,000. de stated that this was brought to the attention of the County Manal/er and it Was ala" discussed with the lower bidder prior to rebidding. He stated that as it turned out, $100,000 was saved but not $250,000. He noted that the same company Was low bidder both times. Assist.snt County Manager D"rri11 stated that if it had not been rebid, the (:ontractor WW)uld have shown up at the meeting indicating that he could save the County $250,000 and in order to avoid this, Staff felt that it should be rebid to give the contractor the oppor- tunity to bla. Commi s:1ioner lIolland questioned if the low bidder was negotiated with after the bid opening, to which Assistant County Manager D"rrill stated that he met with both of them because they indicated that they intended to work together. He stated that Bunn Construction will be Page 18 - - - ~'-"""'-"'~'"--~"''''''''''''''-'''---'''''"'~''--'""'"'''''''_'"'' ""_"~-f.""''4f..,,_,..,., _I .. .. November 19, 1985 doing all ~f the trucking and supply a very smaIl percent of the actual fill and Ciment Products is actually supplying .the dirt, but it is proposad t~at they work under CPC's low bid to give the lowest respon- sible bid ~s it relates to this matter. He stated that he met with both c"ntrðctor~ but not with either one on an individual b~sis. Mr. G£orge Keller, Pr~sident of C"llier County Civic raðeration, stated that he finds that th~re are c"nfusing element., noting that it appears thtt this $3,000,000 w"uld be spent for capital improvements in order to start this new process at the landfill. He stated that if all of this material is n"t going to be used right ~way, it appears that Some of this $3,000,000 is going to be spent for fill in th. operation of the lanéfill and he thoU9ht that this is why the tipping fee was raised. He stated that if this $3,000,000 is going to be financed and part of it is used in the operation of th~ landfill, that is an operating expense. Public Works Administrator Kuck stdted that the everyday fill material that is needed to cover the landfill is included in the bids, but it is still 9"in9 to cost $3,000,000 to prepare the site with the liner and fill before it starts operation. He stated that there could have been two separate bids, but this bid would also be g"od for furnishing che routine or daily fill material. Mr. Keller stated that there are two issues, adding that one is a contract to supply fill and another is whether to go into debt for $3,000,000 ~n the bonding. Assist.lOt County Manager Dorrill stated that the $3,000,000 figure is the tota~ estimated construction price of the cell and he has worked with the ri~cal Officer to pursue variable rate financing to help pay for Some of that, and he is asking to submit letters of interest and applicati"n and they will then come back to the Board whcn :here is a need to execute whatever agreement is necessary and the total amount will then b~ stated. he stated that the $3.00 surcharge that was added to help pay for this can only raise about $250,000 a year and there is $3,000,000 Worth of work that has to be done, therefore, it is obvious that there will not be a lump sum of cash on hand to do this which is why it is recommended to pursue the variabl~ rate interest to help pay for Some of the upfront costs tha~ are needed to build the ce11. He stated that the construction capital is money that is intendod to be borrowed, adjing that it may only be about 2/3 of the $3,000,000. Mrs. Chdrlott~ ~stman, representing the League of hom~n V"ters, 10DK 090 "A(,£ 739 Page 19 -..."..... -.",.._,.."'........>._~._Q~...> " ..-...~-,..",,,..,....- ".... -_..-"'''"''"''''''"...,.,,,''''','-''',,,..,"_J''''''',..,'-'''''''""'__...._.............''''"__.,,_..._.........""'.'...~\"""",._..",..,,,,.<,,_. .,...,.;""~_;'" , - . . , , . ' .. lOO( 090 p~r,t 710 November 19, 1985 stated that the fill is referred to on the bid sheet as sludge, adding that this c)ntains water which weighs something. She stated that she would like ~" know what sludge is with regards to this fill? AssistJnt County Manager Dorrill stated that sludge is a limerock slurry and the material is being bought from the CPC limerock pit which is the wut material as a result of the draglines digging out of the water filled pit. He stated that the other materia 1 is the overburden which is th~ sand and a certain percentage of roots and stumps that is scraped off the top of the land before rocks dre hit and actually begin the mining. Commisnioner Holland questioned how much longer the present site can be used, to which Public Works Administrator Kuck stated that he just received an extension on the DER permit for another 3 months. He stated that he is in the process of preparing the plans to get the permit to prepare the 26 acre site. He stated that he could probably get another 3 or 6 month extension until the new cell is prepared. He stated that the area of the new cell is being cleared and then it will be filled, ~hich will take several feet of fill. He stated that there is eno~h room left for 3 cells, adding that there are about 76 acres that will b~ constructed for the new requirements which will be done in three phases, 25 acres at a time. "4 stated that each cell should last about 5-7 YEars and if the mass burning or fluid bed disposal is used, 1 t would inc:rease the life of those 3 cell" to about 28-30 years. In ans~ler to C"rr,missioner HoIland, Mr. Kuck stated th.'It it is g01ng to ta.;u $ 3, COO, 000 to prepare the site to meet the DER require- ments and t~at money is going to be spent OVer the next 12 months, therefore, the money will have to be made available. He noted that the tipping fee was increased $3.00 a month which, over the next five to seven Ydars, will generate enough mon~y to retire the $3,000,000 that is going to be borrowed. Commisßioner Hasse stated that if the slurry is being purchased, there must be 10-20\ water in it which means that good fill is not bdng purchllsed. Assistllnt County Manager I)'Hrill stated th.st this slurry has b"en bought in t~e past, but the County has not purchased any f"r quite some t1me due to the fact that when it dries out, it is a very dusty material ana creates a problem. He stated that although this was bid, it is the intention to use the overburden. Purcha~ing Director Thiele stated that this was an alternate bid Page 20 - - - ._.n'.."·'''",,,,.,_,,,. .. - - November 19, 1985 that was presented and it is not being recommendod. Commissioner Holland stated that 1f the Purchasing Department puts out a bid and for some unknown reason decides to reject it, he would like to have this brought to the attention of the Commission before it is done. Commissioner Voss directed that the Purchasing Department bring theGe matters to the Commission's attention. Commissioner Pistor aoved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that Bid 1879 be rejected and Bid 1905 be awarded to CPC Products for landfill cover material and that the Fiscal Officer be requested to proceed with the filing of the necessary paper. regard- ing funding. Ite.. 115 STAFF TO IØVESTIGATE ALTERNATIVES AND REPORT BACK TO THE BCC RE LAND PURCHASE OF 305 ACRES IN SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST PUblic Work~ Administrator Kuck stated that the objective is to provide for future expansion of the Col1ier C"unty Landfill and other appropriate County facilities. He noted that growth projections for Collier County as well as environmental considerations and long-term waste dispo3al costs, oblige consideration of this land acquisiti"n to assure availability of adequate res"urces. He noted that the continued use of the landfill site with"ut resource recovery will consume the present sito within 16-18 years which i. based on an annual growth rate of 4'. He 3tated that the existing site with resource recovery will consume the site within 28-32 years, again based on annual growth rate of 4i. He indicated that if resource recovery i. used, tha~ particular plant W'3uld have an expected life of approximately 40 years. He said that the acquisition "f this land would assure the C"unty of an ade- quate landf1ll site for many years and in addition, it would eliminate the problemn associated with siting a new location in the future as has been eviden~.d by other more developed jurisdictions which ace present- ly attempting to acquire addition~l sites. He stated that he was told that the So:id Wasce Advisory Board strongly endorses the additional land acquisition, but Dr. Stokes has contacted him indicating that this endorsement was not necessarily the feelings of the advisory board. Tape '4 Mr. Ruck noted that s"me members of the Solid Waste Advisory Board contacted him indicating that at one time they thought that this should be considerp.d but at that time, they thought the cost "r the ~and would be less. he noted that this purchase wou)~ provide a source of cover lOOK 090 Ø f,f 74f Page 21 ,~~~ (J90PA~(742 Novemb~r 19, 1985 material for the landfill, adding that permits w"uld be s"uqht to proce~d with the construction of the water retention system which would provide cov!r material at a sUbstantial savings by utilizing the material at our own site rather than purchasing off-site and paying to have it delIvered. He stated that if the site was purchased, they would put t~e w~ter retention area in and use some of the overburden fill to build the lined cells. Commis~ioner Hasse stated that the appraisals i~Jicate that this property is valued at $1,809,000 and $2,350,000. He stated that there is land tha~ is immediately east of the landfill that is not as large as this property, but it can be acquired for between $3,000-4,000 an acre. He questioned if all the alternatives had been inventiqated? Mr. Kuck stated that there are various parcels that have been sold over the lent few years and some that arC! for sale, adding that one parcel consisting of 287 acres sold for $12,000 an acre. He stated that the land ranges from $3,500 to $42,000 an acre. He stated that he was contacted with regards to a full section of land, 640 acres, that was for sal~ for $1,200 per acre, adding that this site is one mile east of the existing landfill but there are considerable wetlands and cypress on it. He stateo that this site does not have direct access to the present landfill either. He stated that the owner, Wallace Løwis, is aSking $;,225,000 for the 305 acres that is being proposed to purchase, adding that one appraiser has indicated that· the property is worth $7,BOC an acre and the oth~r appraiser has indicated that it is worth $6,000 an acre. He stated that Staff is not saying that the land is worth $3,225,000 but this is what the owner is asking and he is before the Eoard to get direction as to what Staff should do. Commissioner Voss stated thétt either the owner gets his asking price or the County goes to condemnation which costs a lot of money. Assisttnt C"unty Manager Dorri11 stated that Staff could negoti- ate, assuming that th2 o~ner is not firm on his asking price. He stated that it 1111 St"ff's opinion tnat 1£ the owner will not budge from the asking çrice, then the property is too expensive. Commissioner h"lland stated that with the appraisAls that hétve been obta1.1~d it w"uld sef:m foolish t" go back and make a recommenda- tion of $.5L over and ab"ve what has been recommended to the County as fair market price. He indicated that if there is land about a mile east of the site that can be bought for less than that, the County can take into consideration the cypress heads and still end up with more Page 22 - - - ~. __">_·"_"~"'~'·'·''''·'·~''"''·'''''.*'''''''n...."·,,.~_.___·'_'e"'·,_. ....~,.~--,...._.._,--"'""""""'..,~,.._-_.,.,.¡.,.,"'''''""...."',,.,' " # ~ ; . I . " , , ~ - .. November 19, 1985 land than the 3~S acres. He stated that Staff should look further into purchasing other property in the area. Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that Staff simply wants to know if it is worth their while to do the research necessary to t~ke care of long-term landfill needs and noted the fo~t that the existing landfill was between $1,000-2,000 an acre. H. stat~d that another reason that this was br"ught up is that there will be $3,000,000 spent for fill and a lin!r for the landfill and S~aff n~eds direction as to whether they should purchase land to obtain their own dirt. Commissioner V"ss questioned if the land that is around $1,800 an acre is pur:hased, how much of the land is usable and is n"t cypress or wetlands? ~r. Ruck stated that the only w~y to detp.rrnine that is for SFWMD and D~R to mak, a preliminary investigation on the property. Commissioner Voss questioned if the road could be built to get the fill from that land to the present landfill site, to which Mr. Kuck stated that this is a pr~blem because there is n"t a road that goes along the s'lction Une, adding that right-of-way would have to be acquired in addition to building a road. Commisllioner Pistor stated that he has several questi"ns about the property to the east and he likes the lower price but he wants to be sure that it could be used if purchased. CommiS3ioner V"ss stated that there needs to be further investi- gating before anything is done. He stated that, of the land that is available, it has to be determined if it can be used, what it would cost to put a road thr"uqh th. area that is workable and determine the price of sone of the other land in the area. Commissioner Pistor stated that they sh"uld check with Mr. Lewis to see if ho would compromise someplac~ between the two appraisals that were obtainEd. Commissioner Holland questioned the approximate cost of the liner that needs to be installed, to which Mr. Kuck replied approximately $600,000 - $700,000. Commisfioner Holland stated that DER and SFWMD should be contacted to look at all possible sites in the area before any decision is made. The follo~ing people spoke in opposition to the purchase of the 30~ acres of land for the Collier County landfill citing the fact that there is not an urqency or need for this land; the land is too expensive; the u~e of the landfill could be increased by diversion of construction debris; the landfill can be illcreased 3 times its life !ODf. 090 F~q 743 Page 23 ,1 &OO( 090 ~Ar,t 744. November 19, 1985 expectancy if resource recovery is used; Georgi Keller Tom Shields Mr. Charlotte westman, representing the League of W~men Voters, presented . press release dated N"vember 19, 19ð5, to the Bee which she read into ~he record re the positi~n of the Board of Director of the League of ·¡o omen Voters with reference to the purchase ~f the 305 acres of land fo: the expansion of the County landfill which is on file in the Clerk )f the ~ard's office. Tape IS Mr. Rlchard Jaeger, Realtor, stated that there is a half of section of land in Secti"n 32, Township 49, Range 27, that is available for $566,000 as well as the other half of that section being available for the sa~e price. He stated that this is actually $1,826 an acre. Comailsioner Voss stated that the consensus of the Board is to look at alternatives before anything is done as well as investigating other land in the area and return to the Board for final discussion as soon as possible. Ite. 116 PROPOSED RESOLUTIOH RE RESERVATIONS AND FEES FOR USE OF COUNTY ATHLETIC FIELDS AT ~OMMUNITY PARKS TO BE REWORDED AND BROUGHT BACK NEXT WEEK Deputy Assistant County Manager Brangacclo stated that this item is to adopt a resolution establishing a reservation and fee policy for groups and/or organizations for use of county athletic fields for tournament~ and/or fund raising activities and to transfer funds from contingenc" to cover the maintenance costs. She stated that this is being done now so that when the community parks are opened, there will be a clear reservation process and a well maintained and supervised athletic facility for these special events. She stated that the fees proposed f,)r the lights are an old fee that'is presently in place and the tQurnanent fee is a new fee. She noted that the overtime that would be nf!f:!ded for the additional h~uCf. wouló be approximately $2500 but the re\'enuô!s generated from the reservation fees is estimated at $3640 so the budget amendment would show a positive impact on the general fu~d of $1,040, because the revenues will offset the expenses. Commif;sloner Pist"r questioned why the $2600 has to be transferred from c~ntirgency to Parks fund to set it up, to which Ms. Brangaccio stated that there will not be any money transferred from contingency. Commissioner Holland stated that he does not like the idea of children h¿vlng to pay money to playa ballgame, adding that this .- . Page 24 _I - - -'.-"'.""""""".".."."'" ,,,..."',,.......,,, ..'"·____",'~""'..~~o__ .. - .. .-. - November 19, 1985 should be looked at when the Parks have been completed. Ms. Branq8ccio sttlted that Staff supports this resolution because the County is going to be spending the $2600 because there will be a staff p~rs"n doing the reswrvations and one sup~r~isin~ the events. Parks' Recreati"n Director Van~tta stated that h. is talking about profitable tournaments that are baing put on by people, addin9 that he is trying to re-couperate the County'.. actual cost. Commifisioner Holland stat.ed that the resc.lution is not written that WdY, ~dding that it states that this resolut.~~n is approved for all athletic tournaments and fund raising activities. He noted that it should say for all non-county athletic tournaments which are fund raising activities. Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that it is staff's rec~mmendation to charge basic costs that the C"unty incurs for events that are o~tside the normal scope "f the County's recrcation programs. Commissioner Holland stated that the resolution does no~ read that way and it ßhould be re-w"rded before it is ad"pted. Co.missioner Voss directed Staff and the County Attorney to reword the resolution and brin9 back to the BCC next week. Ite. U 7 EXECUTIVE/CEPARTMENT HEAD PAY PLAN POR PY 1985-86 - APPROVED Assistant County Manager Dorril1 stated that last summer a pay plan was a~proved for the entire position classifications with the exception of the department head or the executive level pay plan. He stated that there are a total of 8 positions that are scheduled to be changed but only one involves any money and the cost of the changes is $765. He stated that the one position that is schedul~d to involve cost is that of the Emergency Management Director, adding that the survey showed that this particular position was sUbstantially below that of other Counties that were the same size. He stated that it is recommended that in addition to the $765, that the current incumbent of that positi"n, Mr. Hagner, be moved 10' above the minimum entry level or another $2,178. Com.is~ioner Holland aoved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unani.ously, that the exe~utive department head pay plan for PY 1985-86 be ~pproved. BOD( 090 PAr,r 745 Page 25 &00': ,. 090 PA(·r 746 November 19, 1985 Itell U8 NON-EXCLUSIVE CABLE FRANCHISE CONTRAC7 TO CRYSTAL CABLEVISION CO., INC. TO SERVE AREAS or CHOKOLOSKEE AND PLANTATION ISLAND - APPROVED Assistant County Manbger D"rri11 stated that this item was approved 15St week, but the full contract document was not part of the back-up material, adding that 1t has been entered 1n the Board's record and he neejs a motion to approve the actual contract as it was approved in concept last week. Co..ilsloner PIstor moved, seconded by CommIssioner Basse and r.arried unsniaously, that the non-exclusive cable franchise contract to Crystal Cablevislon Co., Inc. to servIce areas of Chokoloskee and Plantation Island b. approved. Contr~ct not received in Clerk of tbe Board's office as of November 22, 1985. Page 26 _I - - - ·">--_"^''''''_""_",~""",,,,,-'''_'''.'''m''',,_,,'''''''''· "'~-_""."___··...,."...,,,,,,,.v,~...,,~.._",,;,."._'_+,;J." .".;,.~..,,_ ,;" ,_, _I - .. November 19, 1985 It.. U 9 REPORT THAT COUNTY WATER/SEWER DISTRICT BONDS HAVE BEEN VALIDATED _ NO ACTION TAKEN Assistant County Att"rney Anderson stated that this wi 11 not require any action, adding that it is simply an update on the proceedings that took place November IS, 1985. He stated that Judge Nelson of Lu Cl)unty Circuit Court validated the Coun::y Water/Sewer District's .12-1/2 m111ion dolltlr bond petition, addin9 th-!lt the intervenor ~ have 30 dðys from November IS, 1985, in which to file an appeal with the Florid~ Supreme C"urt. He stated th8t the rules of court provide that if an appeal is filed, the County has the right to an expedited hearing and if an appeal is filed, it does no~ necessarily mean that the County cann"t go ahe-!lQ and mar~.t the bonds. H. stated that the bond counsel would have to look at the issues raised on an appeal. He stated that if an appeal is filed, he will ask for an a ppea 1 bond. It.m 120 ROUTINE BILI.S - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Pursuar.t to Resolution 8l-lS0 the following throl.13h Friday, November IS, 1985, in pa~ent "f CHECK [IESCRIPTION CHECK NOS. checks were issued routine bills: AMOUNT $221,412.38 261,034.10 Vo!nd"r BCC Pð ~'roll 135671 - 135848 21629 - 22207 It.. 121 BUDGET AMENtMENTS 86-59/69 - ADOPTED Coamissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendm.nts 86-59/69 be adopted. Ita. '22 DISCUSSION REGARDJNG BIDS - NO ACTION TAKEN Commissioner Holland stated that he asked for this to be put on the ~ganda and some of the discussion was brought up while they were discussing the landfill material cover. He stated that he d"es not undorstand ~hy quotations w.re obtained from three companIes and then they are all thrown "ut and it is rebid. He stated that this puts these compar.ies in an awkward p"sition. He stated that he feels that these people have been d"ne an injustice, adding that he thinks that the Commissio~ should know whæn ~ bid is rejected before it is put out ~OOK 090 PAr,[ 74:7 Pago 27 - ,·""'''........"'4'__~_''_'''''''''""'"'..".,'',·"".,''''_>,....'''...~,,.·,,','',HI. <,"·N.,., ""i...'''· ¡DO'; 090 PA';I 748 to bid again. Assistant County ~na~er Dorrill explained the situation regarding the bids ~n the fence for the Sheriff's department, adding that a complaint ~as received from a fence company indicating that he was n~t given the opportunity to give a qu~te, which was when he decided that the qu~tes would be rejected and it would be put out for bid, which is what was done. ~ovember 19, 1985 Assis:ant County Manager Dorrill stated that in the future if staff decides to reject something and rebid it, he will c"me to the Commission and tell them why before new bids are submitted. Ite. 123 SITE 1.7 PEJ.ICAN BAY TO BE LEASED BY NAPLES CULTURAL FOUNDATION FOR USE AS A CULTUJ~L CENTER Commi¡;sioner Voss stated that the prt)perty at Pelican Bay that ~estingh~uEe is obligated to dedicate tt) the C~unty was discussed II few weeks IIgo. He stated that it was basically agr~ed that this property w~uld be mæde available for the Naples Cultural Foundation if they ch~se t~ u!;e it. Be stated that a m"tion ~as not made to that effect, which is w~at he asking for at this time. Tape '6 COlIDhsionerHolland lIoved, seconded by COllllissioner Goodnight and carried un.nillously, that if the Naples Cultural Foundation does determine that the site at Pelican Bay is best suited for their purposes it will be made available to the. for 99 years at $10.00 a year. Item 124 RESOLUTION 85-247 RE PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR ECOLOGY LAB ON MARCO ISLAND FOR SHERIFF'S SUBSTATION - APPROVED Commtssio:'ler Pistor stattJd that a few weeks ago it was I1greltd to purchase the Deltona Corporation Ecology Lab for use by the Marco Island Sheriff's substation, adding that the agreement is ready for signature. Assistant County Attorney Cuyler stated that he has been working with Delton3 ~n the agreement of purchase and sale, adding that an agreement has been reached. He noted that the resolution ratifies the earlier action of the 80ard authorizing the purchase of the propcrty and the improvements and authorizes the Chdirman to execute the purchase of salo and aqre~ment which is attached. Commission~r Pistor stated that the method of payment has boen paqe 28 - .. - - ·. .. .. November 19, 1985 worked out with the Fiscal Officer. FiscHl Officer Giles stated that the method is to finance it over a period ~f two years with a rate of 6.25\ a year with two install- ments. CommIssioner Pistor aoved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unani.ously, that Resolution 85-247 re the purchase and sale agreement of the Deltona Corporation Ecology Lab on Marco Island for the Sheriff's Substation be adopted. &OO( 090 P(G£ 74.9 Page 29 '-"""-"-,--,-"--""-","""._""~,..."~,~..,,,,.........~,,,,,.,~,-'-,.".>.",-,-,--' , . ' &00< 090p~([76~ November 1~, 1985 ·····Collmi.sioner Pistor lIoved, seconded by Commiasioner Goodnight and carried unanimou.1y, that the following items under the Consent Agenda be approved and/or 'dopted:····· Ite. 125 PETITION TJ:-8S-4C, GEORGE CORZINE, FINAL EXTENSION or TEMPORARY RESIDENCE URHIT ON NORTH 165' OF TRACT 103, UNIT 7, GOLDEN GATE EST. Item '26 AFTER-TBE-fACT CONTRACT WITB FLORIDA STRIPING IN AMOUNT OF $3,250 FOR CENTERLINE AND EDGELINE STRIPING OF C.R. 846 BETW~~N S.R. 29 AND COUNTY LINE ROAD Ite. '27 See P"ges tocurnent not received in Clerk of Board's office as of 11/22/85 EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT WITH REBECCA TEDERS TO PERFORM DRAFTING SERVICES RE SANITARY LANDFILL FOR SOLID WASTE DEPARTMENT See Pd9e8 'it,.I'J -7~'l Ite. 128 SBORT LIST OF CONSULTAHTS FOR ROADWAY DESIGN or RATTLESNAKE HAMMOCK ROAD, PORTIONS OF C.R. 951 AND RADIO ROAD. PRESENTATIONS SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 26, 1985 Agnoli, Assaad, Bðrber and Brundage, Inc. Flood Enginecrs Hole, "¡"ntes and J,ssociates J"hnson Engineering, Inc. Wilson, Miller, Barton, 5011 , Peek, Inc. Item 129 RESOLUTION as-248 ESTABLISHING A COMPREHENSIVE ANIMAL CARE PROGRAM Su Pages '7'7ð -~73 It.1I '30 RECLASSIFICATION OF UTILITY DIVISION CLERK II'S TO CUSTOMER SERVICE CLERK. NEW PAY PLAN TITLE OF RECEPTIONIST Customer Service Clerk - PdY Grade C-04 keceptionist - PdY Grade C-02 It.. 131 UTILITY EASP-MENT FROM SYLVIA KAHN FOR THE REGIONAL WATER WELLFIELD MONITORING PROGRAM See Page '7~ Itell 132 Page 30 - .' - - - ~_'''''<~>""_''_''*''''_'''''_''____~''~'_''_'__'.'';''''''''',,";'.."""''',,"'0 ~ _I .. .. November 19, 1985 CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTIOH TO TaB TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OPPICE Tangible Personal Property 1985 ~ ~ N~vember 1, 1985 November 1, 1985 N~vember 1, 1985 ~ovember 1, 1955 1985-1 - 1985-12 1985-16 1985-21 - 1985-37 19a5-40 - 1985-46 1985-13 - 1985-15 1985-17 - 19B5-1a 1985-20 - 1985-38 - 1985-39 Personal Property 1985 November 1, 1985 N"vember 1, 19~5 November 1, 1985 November 8, 1985 1 - 30 CA-:" - CA-S 1985 Tax Roll N"vember 1-5, 1985 October 22, 1985 Item '33 EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATE NOS. 41699, 46876, 36778, 49105, 48600, 36894, 322!14, 48172 AND 22343 Item '34 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - rILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: 1. Letter dated 11/06/85 from John M. Miller, Naples Airport Authority, regarding proposed zoning of property known as River Reach - xc: Vickie MUllins, filed. Letter dated 11/05/85 from Bruce Scheiner, Porsonal Injury Lawyer, regarding client Robert Crawford - xc: Sherry Rynders; Burt Saunders, filed. 2. 3. Mi nutes of EMSAC 10/09/85 moeting and 11/13/85 agenda. ~~mo dated 10/30/85 from Matthew B. Coffey, Executive ~irector, NACO, re available funding for emergency food and shelter pr~grams - xc: Don Lusk, filed. C"py of letter dated 11/09/85 from J"hn A. Thabes, Att"rney, Saunders, Curtis, Ginestra & Gore, to Florida Dept. of Trans- portation re 1-75 Alligator Alley - xc: George Archibald; Tom Kuck, fileå. 4. S. Item '35 aOO1: 090 PAr.t 765 P3ge 31 "·''''--'''--~''''''''''_';''''_"""'''_'~'',''';;;'''ri'''""'._'''''''''"o;,,,,",.._.....-..,..,.."'''''....".''' +.,..". ,<,.. '-.,. ··'.''*H''i;',....,;'''·_,...."._,"·..'~...H·...'' ,,,...,q-,."'; .", me 090 W.E 766 November 19, 1965 COMMISSIONER PISTOR ELECTED CHAIRMAN - COMMISSIONER GOODNIGHT ELECTED VICE CHAIRKAN Chairnan Voss opened the floor for nominations for Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. Coami~sioner Hasse aoved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried un4nimous1y, that Commissioner Pi.tor be .lec~ed as Chairman. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carrieð 4/1, (Coma¿ssioner Hasse opposed) that Comaissioner Goodnight be elected as Vice Chairman. ..* There being no further business for the Good of the C"unty, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 11:45 A.M. BOARD OP COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL. CHAIRl"iAN ATTEOST"':' 0.,.;, ~:I.~~fl;~~GAN~ CLERK c:a :. .'t,:/ .. ! ~~. ~. ;.' ~ ::: . . :': . 0-: ~~~C. T)1eslf.nf nutes .àþp!>Wed by the BCC on ~. 3,1'1ð"cj- a& pr~s~.nte~./ ~ or as corrected #. ~, ~ ~ Page 32 0_· .. .. .. -- - -- - ""~,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,---,>,,,.,,,,,,,,;,,,,--,,..>,,~,~..,,",