BCC Minutes 01/21/1986 R .. .. .. l1;,nles, Flori,lll, ,Janu.:uy 21, lClA6 LET I'!' Rfo: RE~rP'I'nEp.pr, th.olt the Roard of. County Commis",ioners in anð for the County of Collier i'ln~ also actin~ ~5 the ~oar~ of Zoning 1\ppeals IIn'1 -'IS th~ go"'~rninq hOi'lrc' (0:;) of 1'!\1<:11 s[>l'!cii'll (H~trictg i'lß have been cr<!l)t,,(\ ¡¡çcorrHnr'T to lilY i'lnð hi"lvinr:r conrJuct"!'1 husin",s,> herein, met on this ñ-'ltc -'It 9:00 A.I1. in REGULAR SESSION in ~ui1rlinr'T "¡:o" of the Courthouse CO!:1plc:t, I'ðSf: !T"I?I~s, '"] or iñ<l, "ii t" the follo';,in']' me!'1hcrs present: cr·!a.IT"~JI"¡: .Trihn 1\. "istor VICE CHJ\IT'~1I\H: ".nne GOo<lnight FrerJcrick J. Voss "Tax !Iasse C. C. "Red" Holland AL~O PRF.SENT: William J. Reagiln, Clerk: James C. Giles, Fiscal Officer; Maureen Kenyon, ~eruty Clerv.; nurt ~aunrJcrs, County Attorney; Bruce 1\nderson anñ Ken Cuyler, Assistilnt County Attorneys: ron Lusk, County 11anaqer; Neil Dorrill, Assistilnt County Manaçer: Pam Brangaccio, Deputy Assistilnt County ~Ianager: Vickie Mullins, ComMunity Development JI.dr:lÍnistri1tor: ~kip Cam!" Jldministri'\tive .\ssi"ltant/F'acilities flan<lger: David pcttrow, Zonin~/Plilnning ~irector; Ann McKim and David Weeks, Planners; ~on '10rton, Pu"'>lic Services I\dmini~tr"tor: r.ouq Greenfield, EMS Director; Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator: Tom Kuck, ruhlic Works 1\ðministrator: To~ Olliff, Fleet ~anilge~ent nirector; Sh~rry Rynñers, pisk Mðna<)ement Director: 11i'\rk Thiele, Purchasing Director: Nancy Israelson, Að~inistrative -ssistant to the Board: and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's repart~ent. !CD~ Q91w,rô81 Page I ..d __~__",,,,..,,,,_,,,,.,., eOD~ 091 FJr.( GSg Tape 'I Itell n J/ nul'lry 21, 19~(. AGENDA - APPR1VED WITH THE FOLLOWING CHANGES Commissioner Voss lIoved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that the agenda be approved with the following changes I I. Item 13B - regarding prQviñing fl'lcilities for the Federal Judges - Adñ~ð at request of CO!'1nissioner Voss. Itell '2 MINUTES OF DECEMBER 17, 1985 REGULAR MEETING: DECEMBER 19, 20, AND 26, 1985, SPECIAL MEETINGS AtTD JANUARY 7, 1986 REGULAR MEETING _ APPROVED Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that the minutes of December 17, 1985, Regular Meeting, December 19, 20, and 26, 1985, Special Meetings and January 7, 1986, Regular Meeting be approved. Item .3 ORDINANCE 86-2 RE PETITION PDA-85-13C, WAFAA ASSAAD REPRESENTING BAYSIDE BUILDERS, INC. CHANGING NAME OF~ERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH PUD TO HUNTINGTON WOODS PUD, CHANGING PERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES, AMENDING DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND PUD MASTER PLAN FOR PROPERTY ON NORTH SIDE OF RATTLESNAKE HAMMOCK ROAD - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Legal notice havinCT been publishe'l in the Nëples r'cdly News on Decenber 20, lClP5, as eviòenceù by ^ffidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing waR op~ned to consider Petition PC^-PS-13C, filed by Yafùa Assaad r~pre3enting ~~ysi~e Þuilders, Inc. requesting an amendment to th~ Americl'ln Lutheran ~ urch PUD to ch~nqe the PU~ name and the permitted uses and structures, to PMenñ the ñevelopment regulations anè the PO!" "I'ster rl~n, ùnd to mi'ke nthcr incic1f!nti'\1 changes for property that is locateñ on the north side of. Rattlcsnake HanMock !?olld and two niles c~st of P.I'>. 41 in f"ection 16, '!'o~mship 50 ~outh, nan~e 26 ~ast, aA describeñ on 7.onin~ ~"p 50-2~-5. Planner ~c~iM statrè that t~e ohjective is to chang~ the ey,isting pon, whicn ùllowcrl sinoJ.c>-fa'!llAY resir1ences in Tract ""'." and mUlti-faMily residences in Tract "A", to allow multi-faMily residences (duplexes anè triplexes) which will he clustered ilS srmm on thc site plal~. She noted that lands to the north are zon~c'I RfF-5: l<mès to thp. east ñr~ zoned ~-?: lanr1s to the soutr ~cross ~~ttlegna~e Ha~nock P.oad are zoned pur, Lely Country Club Ðnò Lely PalMo: iln~ lands to thQ west are zoned ^-2 with th~ corner propcrty imm~~i~tely adjacent zoned A-? Page 2 - - - "",._....".._-_-.._..~--._"'.~-"",~~."",~.~.,.,~.~-_...,,_....-.'_"__'.... - - - Ji'\nu~ry ~1, 19R~ with a provi~ion~l u~~ for ~ church. ~he Gt~tcd that St~ff ðnñ ~ll appro!,riat~ County agen~ie5 reviowed thi5 petition and recoMmended approvl!l suhject to thc i'\mend:'1ent of th~ PU!" IJor.ument per st~ ff report dilted r.e~p.m~cr 12, 1q~~. :-ne ~t~tcñ th;,t th~ CCDC ~01G their hearing r.ecl2rnber lQ, 19rs an-i unllnimous1y rccOMr.1p.ndp.rl approval of. Pctition PDA-85-1JC subj~ct to the stiolJ1l1tion3 founñ in the FX0.Cutive ~u~mary dated January 21, 1?rr" whir.h hilvc been incorporl!t0ñ into th~ pur ðOcu:11cnt ;'}nd orrJin.1ncc. "he inrJicl!te--1 thilt one o~r ;on snoke in favor of the ~ctition at th~ cepc hearin9 and no one spo~p in opposition to it, addinq that no corresryon~ence h~s heen received re~ardinq this petition. She not.~ that the reco~menðation is for approval suhject to CCPC's reco:nnf!nr);¡tion which has heen incor!"orilt'!d into thl" DPD r'io<":ument an(] allowin0 Staff to ma~e a corrcction to the oròinilnce ilño~ting some minor chan~es, notinq that onc spction w~s oMitted in the title, which is a renu~bcring of on~ ~ection ~hich is now section 4.3 and was ori?inally ser.tion 5.3 in th~ oriqinl!l oròinilnce. Conmi:'!sioncr '{a3se atJe~tioned it: ther~ is i"Iny öensity increase to which Planner 'lcKiM indicated nC1ativcly, addincy thi'lt it is just the chùn~c regðrding ~hat ty~c of units lire illlowed. COMmissioner ~as~p stated th~t there is a drainllrye nrohlcm in that arca which should be addresscd~ Plannl'!r l1cKim atated that the ',Tater llani'\gement nepi'\rtment is dealing with that, ad~inq that all developments have to mcet the County criteri~ as w~11 ~5 ~outh Flori~~ N~t~r Man~gem~nt Ðistrict'a criteria. Mr. ~~fil~ ~55~iI~, repres~ntina. the Petitioner, indicated the g~neral location of t~e nropcrty notins that all advisory bo~rd5 hi'\ve r~co~menñed ap!,rov~l of th.~ projer.t. H~ noteð th~t it is ~ aimrle straight forwar~ ~~en1mpnt to the pun. ~e renorteð thðt he hils met the neighbors and has their i'\pproval. Rev. H. Peter Lyberg stated that he is ~leased with thp. developments coming into the area and has found Rayside Builders to be cooperative and pleasant. He stated that he is pleased with the design and the attractiveness of the project. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that the Ordinance as numbered and entitled beIow be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 23: ORDINANCE 86-2 ðOOK 091 p,~! ôB.fJ P~?e 3 \Q01. 091 w·~ 690 ORDTIW rc:E 86- 2 Ji'1nlJtlry ?], ] nø.:s AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-22, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH P.U.D. BY AMENDING THE P.U.D. NAME; AMENDING THE TABLE OF CONTENTS: AMENDING THE STATEMENT OF INTENT: AMENDING THE DESIGN TEAM MEMBERS LIST: AMENDING SECTION 1.4, EXISTING UTILITIES; DELETING SECTION 1.5, LAND USE; AMENDING SECTION III, TITLE; AMENDING SECTION 3.1, PURPOSE; AMENDING SECTION 3.2.A., PERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES; AMENDING SECTION 3.3, MAXIMUM NUMBER OF LOTS: AMENDING TITLE OF SECTION 3.4 FROM "LOT SIZE, SET BACK, FLOOR AREA AND HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS" TO "DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS": REPLACING SECTION 3.5, "MINIMUM LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS" TO "DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR DUPLEXES AND MULTI-FAMILY DWELLINGS": ADDING SECTION 3.6, "MINIMUM LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS", WHICH WAS FORMERLY SECTION 3.5, "MINIMUM LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS"; DELETING SECTION IV, RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS TRACT "B": RENUMBERING SECTION V, DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS TO SECTION IV: DELETING SECTION 5.1, WATER SUPPLY AND ADDING SECTION 4.1, ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: DELETING SECTION 5.2, SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND ADDING SECTION 4.2, UTILITIES CONSIDERA- TIONS; RENUMBERING SECTION 5.3, MAINTENANCE OF COMMON OPEN SPACES TO SECTION 4.3; AMENDING SECTION 5.4, DRAINAGE, AND RENUMBERING SECTION TO 4.4: RENUMBERING SECTION 5.5, FIRE PREVENTION, TO 4.5: AMENDING SECTION 5.6, DEVELOPMENT PLAN, AND RENUMBERING SECTION TO 4.6; AMENDING THE P.U.D. MASTER PLAN: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.'? I';el1 .4 ORDINANCE 86-3 RE PETITION PDA-85-14C, COASTAL ENGR. CONSULTANTS, INC. R£PRESENTING DUDLEY GOODLETTE AND JOSEPH D. BONNESS, AMENDING LOCH LOUISE PUD MASTER PLAN TO CHANGE THE ENTRANCE ROAD FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON SR-84, DIRECTLY EAST OF KING'S LAKE IN SEC. 7, T50S, R26E _ ADOPTED Legal notice ~avin<:, t-c~n pul"llishe(l in tn~ lTaf les Daily 1!~\o/S on Dece~her 20, 19n5, ~s evidenced hy ^f(irl~vit of Publication filed with the Clerk, puhlic hCi'lrin<:, Ioms op".!necJ to conRic1er Petition Pf1I\-A5-l4C, fileñ by Co~stal rngineering Consultants, Inc. rcpresenting r.udley Goodlette and Joseph r.. Ponness, requestinq an amen~~~nt to the Loch Louise PUD /laster Plan to change the entrl'nce road in Tract "J" from a straight street to a ~eandering strcct ôn1 to nove tre southern boundary between Tract "F" and "e" to the southeast, for property located on SP-Q4 (navi~ qo\!levar~) directly ~ast of Kin0'S Lake in Section 7, Township ~0 South, Range 2(, F.ast. Plann~r "cY-in sti1ted that this ohjective is to mê\KC the entranc'!! drive through Tract "J" a ~eanðering street r~ther than a straight street and to Mar,e ~ ~inor shift in the ~un~~ry between ~racts "~" nnd "G" to accommodate Wi'\ter ~anagement. "he noted that the rngineering DepartMent ðnñ the Traffic ~n~ineer revie~cct th~se proposed changes to the Mflster Plan and hAve no ohjection to its approval. 5nP rerorted that Planning ~taff reviewe~ this petition and the pur ~ocumÐnt allows Page 4 - - - - - _. J~nuñry 21, 19~6 minor changes in the location of roaòs, structur~s, l~~e ~nd trðct boundaries up to 100 feet of. final ñesign. An~ reported that gre~ter ch~nges requir~ ~ ?ublic hearing before thn C~T'C ðn~ the Roar~ ònrJ the prop05~Ò chðnoes are variation", greater th~n lno fp.~t an~, therefore, are considered ~ðjor v~ri~tions rþ.ouirinq rp.vi~w hy the CCPC ~nð the noa r"l . Sh~ noted tha t t.,c T'Jrooo'!nrJ cn" n'7'!!! -Ii 11 not crei'! t e ;] significnnt incre~se in npt d~nsity nor cn~n~e the c~~rñct~r of th~ PUD, therefore, ntaff ~as no ohjection to the ñT'J~rovðl of these channes. ~he rp.~orted th~t tne ccpc he1ñ their public he~rinq on December l~, 19A5, and unanili1ou~l'1 r"coMm"!nrJe~ aprroval of thin petition. She inrJicat'!1 that there was no correßpon~ence recievp-è regarñing this petition <lnd no one 5T')O~e for or <lqainst the netition at the CCPC hearing. COM~issioner Pistor questioned why the petitioner wants to have a meanñering street instci'l'- of astra ight strf"!et, to ·..,hich Planner HcKim indicated tn"lt it is for a~5thetic r~i'I"Ions '10 that they can vary thœir desi'Jn. Mr. ¡like Stephens of Coastal EnginecrinCT stated that the meanderin0 road provirJe~ i\ b~tter entrance ~n~ also gives better control over the traffic to slow it dO~tn some. [!e noterJ that it is meant to be <In im~rove~ent to )he project and will cost more mon~y to construct it that w"y. Pc st:1te~ thl!t he feals it .-ill be a mur.:h better, more practicl!l entrance drive into the project. Commissioner Pistor Questioned if there ~re multi-tamily units along the entrance way, to which ~r. ~tephenR r~nlied affirmatively not in? th~t ther~ has he~n no ch~ng~ reqar~ina the unit~ I!long the entrance way. Commissioner Voss œoved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimouSly, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Coœmissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the Ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 23: ORDINANCE 86-3 AN ORDINANCE AMENDINC ORDINANCE NUMBER 84-90, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE LOCH LOUISE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, BY AMENDING THE PUD MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO REFLECT THE MODIFICATION OF THE INTERIOR ROADWAY, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. eco( 091F~r,[691 Page S -;"'-''''-~'''''''''---''-'';~'~'<'''"~''''~''''-- aOOK 091 pJr.! G92 Itell '5 J~nu~ry ~l, 1~~~ ORDINANCE 86-4 REPEALING ORD. 83-50 RELATING TO LICENSING AND REGULATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FOR HIRE - ADOPTED TO COMPLY WITH STATE STANDARDS REGARDING INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Le?ðl notic~ havi:v: he~n puhlis~l~d in the ~!ðplc~ raily IJew!! on ~ove~~er 13, 1ge~, as evi1~nced hy ^ffiòavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, puhlic hearing was continue~ fron rec~mber 3, 1985, regarding considering ðn ordinence repealing Ordinance P3-50 relating to licensing and regulation of ~otor vehicles for hire. Fleet Man~?eMent ~irector Olliff stated that this itew was continued from rece~her 3, 1985, and the only queDtion left regürding this oroposer:1 orr:1inðnce was the insurð.nce covcrage that ~lOulñ be required by thc r.ounty for the Motor vþ.hicl~~ for hire. He reported that the state standards are low anè after meeting with the ~isk I!anagernent Director, ratcs were set up that would be $50,000 per pcrson ünd $50,000 tiT:1~s the l:1axil'1um number of per song allowed to be carried by any vehicle including vans, limousines and taxicabs and $1,000,000 liability insurðnce as well -'!s $100,Q(I() for r>roP'!rty. Pe noted that the industry stated that this ia an unð'if~ h~r~shin and would increase the cost of the vehiclþ.s for hire. 11e not~ð the state Atandards ûre more equal to Orðinance r3-50 which ~rops the rõtes to $50,000 per single, $100,000 for more thûn one, ñnrJ $2n,000 for oropcrty dümagc. He atated that thesc arþ. the rütcs that currently exiGt and the industry has indicüt~d that they could handle these rates. fIe noted that the rateR in the old orèinance could be incorporated into the new ordinance ünd this would then reflect state Atandards. Risk ~Ianagemcnt rir~ctor Rynders ste.ted that unñer the old ordinance, there is ~ ~ñxi~um liñbility of ~loo,noo irregarðless of how many passengers are in the vehicle, notinq that there shoulò be a minimum of $50,000 per pa~senqp.r, which would sive better protection for the passengers. ~he noted t11at the state stan~ard8 are $50,000 per person, ~100,00n totùl an( 520,000 on the property dil~age. TIle following pþ.ople spoke in füvor of th~ stüte standar~s noting that if the County inS1!rl1nc'? reauircl'1ents fire adopted it Houlò create a harc1shi ') on a lot of p<:'opln ani !,ut some !:l<!oplf' out of husine:'!s, and therc is not a necd to increasc the liahility for adðitional passengers as it is very selèo~ th~t f.iVA people rine in a cab fit one time as 85-90~ of the til'1e, there are only one or two pas~enqers. Michael ravis Ocy Fichardson l~ar'Jaret PereirJI1 Page 6 - - - .. .. .. Ji\nu~ry 21, 198~ Mr. Olliff stat~d th~t if it is th~ P.o~rG's ò~airc, the statp. stan~arñs could be incorporateò into thir. ordin~nce rcgardin~ t~e insurðnce rates and if sOMething di~ happen and there wa~ a suit filed, the County's liability woul1 b,! in 900~ sharI'! if th~ 8tat~ st~n~~rds were adopted. Tape .2 "rs. P.ynð~r!! ßt'lted t;,at shf1 does not fOrol th-'!t t"'~ County ',¡ould have any lillhilitv re?nr~inJ thiß. County ~tto~ncy ~nunr.ers st'lt~~ t"nt th~ orÑinance is only setting the minimum insurance r~~uire~ents and there woulrJ not be liability on the part of the r:ounty just brocause dllT'\ago!' ar"! in CXCF.'SS of. that requirflMent. Assistant Cou~ty ~ttorney Anderson stated that un~~r Rection One, I!efini t ions, "'~otor Vehicle for Pi re" th'?re Wi1!J ::;om~ minor langua9c change and under definition of "Tðxicah" on Page ~, there has been lan~uage added rccrarding "e~uipment with a top lig;'t". He stated that also on Pnge 2 of th~ proposed oròinðnce the last line under the definition of "Bus" h'ls "'>!'':!n stricken. II!' note'" that Section Thirteen, ~esignation of 7axicnbs, is in rC1ard to th~ lettcrin0 of the taxicab which was tak~n froM the old or~inance. 4e noto~ th~t the other change is unrler Section Fift~~n, Pðily !'anifcat or Trip Lo() Reauired, noting that instead of all ~otor vehi~les fcr hire kecping a trip log only taxicabs are rcquired to do saMC. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Hr. Richardson sti'\teñ tlli1t the cahs from Fort rtyers should I1lso h'lvP' to comply wit;' the re1uirement,> ðnri also ohtain i1 permit from Collier County when they pick un pass~nQers in ~ollier County. Fe noted that cveryti"'e he drives into Fort '1yers Jlirport, h", hëls to pay a fee to picy. up a passenger, a~dinq that this is the only plilce in Lee County that he goes as he d~es not have a rer~it to operate within Le~ County. He n( ted that there ar'? Lee County taxis working the Rit7. Carlton in Collier County, a~ding th~t if they are called they pick up at the Ritz and drop the PQople off somewhere els~ in Collier County, notina thi'\t th~y 10 not "'ilve a per",it to do thi3. He stated that tne Southwest Florida Regional Ground Transportation Association is policing the prohle~ at this ti",e. Commissioncr pistor statpd th'lt this is covered in the ordinance ðnd cùnnot bp don~, aðdinn that t~e Cou~ty ~anDr:rer should qet in touch ~CO( 091p~r.rG93 Page 7 aDD~ 091 pV.! 604 J~nuary ~l, 19rr, with the ~it7. Carlton ðnè s~c tth<:::t can he c1on~ ðbout it. Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that the proposed Ordinance repealing Ordinance 83-50 relating to licensing and regulation of motor vehicles for hire be adopted with the above-referenced changes made by Assistant County Attorney Anderson; that the insurance requirements comply with the state standards; and that the ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 23: ORDINANCE 36-4 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO LICENSING AND REGULATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FOR HIRE, WHICH INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO TROLLEYS, TAXICABS, LIMOUSINES, VANS AND BUSES; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS: REQUIRING A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY: ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC VEHICLE BOARD AND AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE: PROVIDING FOR APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES AND ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES: PROVIDING FOR MINIMUM INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING FOR FEES FOR CERTIFICATES; PROHIBITING TRANSFER OF CERTIFICATES; PROVIDING FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF CERTIFICATES; PROVIDING FOR REGISTRATION OF CERTIFICATES: PROVIDING FOR MINIMUM VEHICLE STANDARDS; PROVIDING FOR TAXICAB S~RVICE STANDARDS: PROVIDING FOR DESIGNATION OF TAXICABS: PROVIDING A SCHEDULE OF TAXICAB RATES AND CHARGES: REQUIRING A DAILY MANIFEST OR TRIP LOG: REQUIRING A CHAUFFEUR'S LICENSE FOR DRIVERS: PROHIBITING CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL OR CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES BY DRIVERS WHILE ON DUTY: PROVIDING THAT IT IS UNLAWFUL TO OPERATE OR TO PERMIT OPERATION OF A MOTOR VEHICLE FOR HIRE IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR APPLICABILITY OF ORDINANCE: REPEALING ORDINANCE 83-50 WHICH PROVIDED FOR THE REGISTRATION AND REGULATION OF OPERATORS OF MOTOR VEHICLES FOR HIRE; PROVIDING PENALTIES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ***** Recess: 9:50 A.M. - Reconvened: 10:05 A.M. ***** Item '6 ORDINANCE 86-5 AMENDING ORDINANCE 85-2, THE COLLIER COUNTY SEAWALL AND REVETMENT ORDINANCE - ADOPTED Legal notice h"!vinr¡ heen "ublisn-:!r1 in th(' ~TQolel' l1aily r1ews on rccember '4, 19R5, ~~ cvidencÐ~ hy .ffi~ðvit of ru~lication filed with the Clerr., puhlic heÑrino Wð5 o"~n~(l to consi~er ðn orèinance ~menðing Ordinance 85-2, thn Collier Count~ ~eaw~ll an~ Pcvet~ent Ordinance. Pu!:>lic !"orks J\r:~:::inistrator ~(lJck sti:lteri th'lt the objective is to ~mend Section S of Orèinancc rs-/. "n(1 to a~enñ ~ections 4(1'1) and A(b) of the ¿ocument entitled "Collier County Regulations - Technical fpecifications." observations 5ubse~uent to a1option, the ;,eawall and Revet~ent ~e stated that based upon ~nrco IsI~n~ Seawall Committee Page 8 - - - ~ - - J~nuðry ~1, lQ?6 has requested th~t certain portions of the t~chnic~l ~pecifications be anen~ed to reflect re!~rp.nce t~ u~qri"l~~d ~p~cif.ication documents an~ to provide a realistic ~eRi~n ~hilp. maint~inin0 th~ highest ~uality of construction. '112 stl\te(1 t1-oat hð5ically ~ihat i!'l bein') ~one is thilt the ^mericðn Concrct~ Institut~ specifc~tion5 are being uscd in liou of the Florir.1a rOT specif:ication!: 3nè! c:"earing up !'lane of th~ verbage in thp. previous ordinðnce that has beon confusing. l',ssistûnt County '.ttorney Cuyler ot;!terl thi'lt there are i'I fe'" changes th~t the b~ar~ nee~s t~ consider, aè~in1 that on P~qo 2 of the propo'ler1 orciin~nco the un"'!erlinerì portion !.md'2r r,tlhp~ra.'J"raph A, t11e last line should stato: "~ny portion of a seawall which still has useful lif':! Y"'1Y ne 1Jtili7.~d, r~r;3r:He!ls of it::; conrlianr::~ with these tochnici'll opecification::;, Upon certification by a licensed r.ngincer and subnission of sai~ certification to tho County ~uilðin~ ~epartmcnt." He sta ted tha t al so on Page 2 unr1er .Sect ion !"our ]1,1, and Page 3 under 33, the 'pecific Chapter of the lImerican Concreto Institute, Stilndard 318, will be referenc~~. Tape '3 Hr. res Farrell, r~arco Islant'! Seawall COMMittee member, stated that he is in favor of this amencimcnt to th~ ordinance, a~ding that in ~ove:nber, 29 of the report'!d 34 collaosed sea~'alls were repi\ircd as a result of the Ordinance. ~2 stateci that it was also found that an additional 28 seawalls had collnoserì. Pe state~ that this indicates that owners are responding to the requirern~nts of the ordinance. 1·1r. Daryl narch, }1nchor Pnqineerinq, stated that he is in favor of this ordini'\nce as this hrin~8 thp. tcchnical s~p.cif.ications into repairing a seawall. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that the ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 23 with the changes as suggested by Assistant County Attorney Cuylerl ORDINANCE 86-5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 85-2, THE COLLIER COUNTY SEAWALL AND REVETMENT ORDINANCE: AMENDING SECTION FIVE, TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR SEAWALLS AND REVETMENTS; AMENDING SECTIONS 4(A) AND (B) OF THE DOCUMENT ENTITLED "COLLIER COUNTY SEAWALL AND REVETMENT REGULATIONS _ ~co< 091 P.I',[ 695 Page 9 ,no( 091 PV.~ 696 TECHNICAL ORDINANCE EFFECTIVE COLLIER COUNTY PROVIDING AN JanU<Hy 2], 19C!t; SPECIFICATIONS", ATTACHED TO NO. 85-2 AND INCORPORATED THEREINs DATE. Itell .7 PETITION V-B5-31, DONALD P. RICCI REPRESENTING ROBERT SCHWARTZ, RE 3.5 FOOT VARIANCE FROM MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF AN ACCESSORY STRUCTURE FOR PROPERTY AT 490 BALSAM COURT, MARCO ISLAND _ DENIED LC0<'11 notice hi"lvin'] bep.n publishl'!ð in the naples Daily ~'el'Is on January 5, 1ge6, as 'evidenced by Affiñ~vit of Puhlic~tion filed with the ClerK, public hr:3rin'] 10/<15 opened to c0nsidl"r p(?tition II-¡:)5-31, filed by Con~ld P. Picci, rryrcP50ntinr'T ~o~('rt ;'cnw~ctz, re~~e~ting a 3.5 foot variance fro~ th~ w"Iximum height of ~n a~ce5socy 5tructure of 15 feet to IP.5 fe~t for prorecty locateè ;,t 400 qal9aM Court approxi- mately 800 feet north of ~jorth Barfield r.rive, in ~ection ~, Township :·2 South, Range 21} !':ast, on 1,1ðrco Island. Planner HcKim statl?d that the ohjective of this p~titio" is to construct a boat hous~. ~r!~ repðrtf"n t~~t t"~ su~jpct property i5 zoned ~~F-3 and contùins a sinsle fanily re~i~ence and is at the end of a cuI-de-sac ðnd is ~ w3tprfront lot. ~.,~ rl"ported that the petitioner o¡.tns a 42' hoat thi'lt is appror.ini'ltely 19.5', high which is measured from water's edge to the top of the cûbin. She indicated thilt the boat is prcsently moored at the dock in the reac yarrJ and the petitioner proroses to construct i'I ho<,thousl? in the rear ilnd side yarr'! to protect the boat from th~ wl"ùther. fhe stated that thp rropose~ boathouse will be lA.5' high whereaq the Zoning Ornin~nce liwit~ the hei~ht to 15', adding that the hOi'lt could fit inRide A IS' ho~thouse hut this would not 3110'1 for tid~l fll1ctu.:1tions :1uc'l as i'lrp exnerienced r11Jrin'] !!torr.1s, therefore, the petitioncr is re1ueRtinry a 3.5' hniaht variilnce for an acCeRsory structur~. ~.,~ n~te~ that Rr~ci~l conñition3 and circu~- stances rf!sult from the ~ction of the applic~nt, ~s h~ created his own h11rclship by purc11òsing a 1x>~t of this ~iz~ ...tithout firRt insuring that the CQunty's r~~ulation3 Houlñ ~~rnit th~ construction of a ho~thouse of lIn aðeauate sb:e in which to store it. ~(' inrlicaten tJVlt !':taff is recoMmending denial as t~~ zonin~ ordin~nce ñoes not ùllow a v~rii)nce for t.,is type of criteria. "he renorteñ tn~t i'lpnrov~l of thiR petition would set a ~rece~ent for hei'Jht of ~cces30ry structures not only with bonthouses hut also with ~V's or ~otor homes in a garðqe. Commissioner Voss ouesticned where the 15 feet is taKen from, to which Planner /:cf~ilT1 staterJ th~t it is taken from (.'rade. Page 10 .. .. .. - - - ,January 21, 198~ Co~~is8ion~r Voss inñie~t~~ that if ther~ was a higher lot, thcre eoul~ he ~ hi~her "'>oathous~. Planner r'c!(ir1 ~t~t'?~ t~é\t a b,.,athousfJ '·,i11 aCCO:11MorJi"Ite II hi'Jher boat than II garaqc 1uc to the fact th~t th~ water is not usually u~ to grar.c. Co~,"is'5ion~r IJO"lS r'Tuestion<'!cJ where th~ ar,l'l~ is til~~n fro:1, to which Plé\nn~r Wce~~ staten th~t it is tak~n fro:1 th~ str~~t. rlr. ron Picei, "'1rco 1'arin~ Constru-::tion, state'; that h~ har1 the saMe auestion as to ~her~ the elevation is m~asur~ñ from, adding that his finish'!r1 floor cl~"'<ltion is n..:;' i"Inc1 t>,c r..onthotJs~ !'lo'IS "'cen d~signer1 to mect the contour of his existino grar1e in a compatible area for acJjaccnt ncicrh"'or~L 'Ie stl1ted that },~ ate!")')'!r1 the hoat.,ouse up to 7.5' which is one foot below the finishcct floor qrarJe and with that he re~uires the extr~ 3.S' exception in height due to the extremc tide conditions that ther2 has b~~n over the last f~w years. He noted that the boat will hf! "'1oorø.r. in the I~atcr o'In1 need'! t"~ protection from the tropical e1e~ents. Comnission~r "ollanrJ ouestioned hO~1 Many lo'lrger boats than 42' are ir, ~larco 151~nñ, to '....'lich :lr. Picci st,Hl'!r' t""t the trend recently has been Inra~ boats anè there are several of theM a"'ove 42' at the yatch club. Commissioner T'oll'!n,; st"lt.~ that SOr1eono:! thilt has ~ 4?' boat anð n~~ds a height varii'lnce of 3.5' to protect it, should be able to have that varianc~, a~dín0 th~t th~ County M~Y be gettin~ a little too restrictive. 'Ie ~uestion"!rJ if the ro()f lin~ of the boathouse will be abov~ the roof lin~ of the hOMe? Mr. Ricci renlied nœa~tively, a~1ing that it will be cOMp~tible with th"! ho~e in b~th the design and elevation. CO"T1missioncr ¡!011an,; c-¡uc5tioned hOIl l!1uch of an eyesore this would ~rel1te, to which 1~r. Ricci replied none, adding th~t it would enhance the property and is part of the theme of living on the water. He stated that the boathouse is designed for openness and therefore, there will be no obstruction of view from the adjoinin'J property owners. He stated that this lot is on ~ cul-de-3ßc and is oversized ~s well as bein9 pie-shape~ ~nd the boathouse will b~ feathereñ back into his lot and the views of the adjacent properties arc facing in different directions and, therefore, thœre will be no blocŸ.age of view. He stated that it would be on a AS' angle hðck from the seaw~ll parall~l to the ûdjacent Dro~crty line. !OOK 091 W.! GD? Page 11 _.'_;~ ~ '·"·'"M_._____"-'_.._.__ ,,~.'..._._,,_ &OO( 081 wr Ga8 l"rr, JarH]dry :"'1, Planner ~cKi~ Rt3t~~ th2t shA hn~ verbal c0m~unic~tions with the property owner n~xt to ~herc thp ~oathousc Hill he huilt, a~dinG that this property owner ha~ concerns ahout th~ h~iryht of the boathouse. fh~ Et~ted thAt the or~in~ncn w~q original1v 20' an~ ~a3 re~uced by the ronrd to 15' èuc to ccnc~rns of nccessory structurES. '~r. ~icci stAted th~t th~re Arc s~vcral to~thouse5 thnt are hi9her than l~' t.,at hi"lvc he en con5tructe4 un~er the old ordinl1nc~> ad~ing that th~ rrohlcm is tho elevation is to ~c r.easureè from the center linc of the street to net the finished flocr elevation. Planninr/Zoninn rirn~t0r rcttrow st~tc~ that if the elevntion is i!'eaSUr0C' from th~ strc0t, it is nuit0 ;Jrol:nrl" that there could re i1n inor~inately hiGh structur", ~~~in~ that in -o~t cases th~ oracle of the 'I1nd is rrctty flnt. !It.:' st~Jtr.:(; that ~)t vJl1ter t 5 (~rj,::"e if tne orar1e is 5' above sen lcv01, th0v could huild to ~n' ahovn sea lcvel which would mean 15'. Pc stated that this would he sufficient for ~ost hoats anè Sti"lff in tryinG to rrotnct what the or~lnan~e is sayina. CO",.missioncr "oll~,,~ ~t"'tu: th~Jt r,O on~ h;¡s control OV0.r the ,¡ tidcs, nnrl t~is G~l()ul~ ~~ t~~~n into con~il1~r~tion. '·r. John \'h.:¡l"n, "", ?ìlsa." Court, sti1:,," t1ìi.lt his rroperty is adjacent to th~ DrOrOSa.~ ~o~th~use ~n0 ~e o~jccts to this vi\riance because if this bo~thcu5e is constructed, it will he -'lhove th~ h0ight of his ho!:'e and :'r. "'ch·"¡.ìrt;-'s "01"1(> as well .ìS the rest of t11e homcs on thiJt hloc):. I!e h", in exccss of not~r' t,~t the bO.1t is 42' ]or.~ ~nf. the structure will "'! nt<1t,.," tl....'t it \'ill also ohstruct the 5C' 10nn. beautiful w~tcrway ~i(>~ ~ror.> hi~ propnrty and the adjaccnt nf'ighbors pror-:-rt)'. 11(' 3tiJterJ t},,~t this ntructur.;; hi"ls a roo: on it i"Inc1 .,hen you put ~ ho~t under thnt roof, it crentes i) so]i~ structure an~ the~ you ¡)lock the view of t!:<:' ""i'ter./.]y. Pe st.ìtec' th,.,t zonin,"! 1l1w5 iJr£' establishef to rrotcct the ~njorlty <1n~ a varli'ncn should h0 wei?he1 ve r y he <1 .Ji 1 Y ¡", for ni'l 1 n., Inn " c h .~ n,., e . II e n t" t e" t h " t t hiE '''I r i <1 n c e òoes not i\ffect th~ ìcn~r?-l pUhlic, only the irre(;iate nroi,.,hbors ar.ð as onE"' (')f t~(~ i~~"~ir·t,... n---'í"'h~Grf, bl~ o""'~cctr: to t~le v¡.ridnCf? COMmissioner ri~tor ct~t~~ that the ~0nthouse can he huilt at l~' without ¡¡ v;lri~nc", to whicJ., .'r. '¡"halen in;lic.ìtecl thiJt hi" is nware of this, \wt rw r.oes not W'1r.t th0 v.ìri,1nçe of 3.5' gr.lnt€'cl. Corrrissioner "011'1n,1 st<1te,1 that he t.êJS .) rrohlem \<lÍth this a5 lots on r1arco Island ar", sol~ ~s a nelq~borhoo~ that c~te~s to bo~ting. "'r. ricci rr,ferr~c} to the '3ite F'lêln in(~ic<'tinrl th", locê1tion of the rroposed hoathous". 11,! stètrc] that it is In' off '·r. Fhnl'm's property Paqe 12 - - - ~ - ~ ,J'1'" 1J,~ r'l ? I, 1 '1 P 6 I in~, a,lding th,:¡t it only nd£1 t? he 7' fro," tn,Jt pr0;"1crty 1 ine. Ha note~ th~t thA ho~thoIJ~~ will hA h~hin~ the ~ul~h~~~ line in~t~~~ of rrojactinc¡ inta t11',? 1o·,)t'?n/'1f. Po:' st'1t'~rl tli~t it will b.! com;>'1tihle with wh~t is ~xi~tin~ th~r0 no~. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried 4/1, (Commissioner Hollal1d opposed) that Petition V-85-31 be denied. Tape t4 Item t8 PETITION V-85-32C, HOLE, MONTES & ASSOCIATES, INC., REPRESENTING CIRCLE J( CORPORATION - CONTINUED TO 1/28/36 f)l;¡nn~r I"ee'-:s st;>t<:>'J t:'.~t ."'t,lff h,),s rC'1\Jcsted thAt this iter!' be continued to Jllr.uAry ?~, 190E, as t~cr~ is r.orc inforn'1tion needed for further revia"i. Item t9 STATUS REPORT ON INSURANCE FOR WESTERN GATEWAY VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE SERVICE - NO ACTION TAKEN Risk '~n3'1pr r1rcctor r'lnr:J~r5 st;¡terl t";¡t this is siMnly 11 status report, addinc thi"lt sh~ cher~"d int0 the in~1Jrl1nce th~t Western GAt~way Vounteer nnbulanc9 ~~r'lic9 hAs '1nd they are c'1rryin~ a ssno,ooo combined sinnle liMits coveraae, includin~ their aeneral and auto liability, medical ~alnractice, oor30n'1l injury, an~ property dama~e. She noted that it is 11 v~ry co~rrehensive policy an~ covers all their 1T'cMhcrs anð is e~uivalent to the County's COVer'1r'TC. ~e stat~d that as far as wor\:men's co~p~nsation coverar¡~, if in fact, they ;,re 111'1 inr:J~pcndent cantractor. the rounty ~ttorney h3s in~ic~te~ that they are responsible for thei~ own work~en's compensation coverage. She noted that she sees no rroblcn "iith the coveraoe t.,at they '1r~ carrying at this tiwe, addin0 t.,at the ordinance reflected state re~uirements and she does not ~now if the ~oar~ wants it rewritten to include the $500,000 or leave it out and know that ~vestern r,ateway is carrying it. COMmissioner Pistor stated th~t thiq is a renort that was requested by the Co~mission and there is no action needed. ~OOK 091 WI fiOD [laae 13 ~m 091 w: 700 Item no .1'1 n u a r v ;1 I, lOp h AGREEMENT WITH WILDWOOD LAKES RE WATER FACILITIES _ APPROVED Utilitir-'s rircctor C:r'lnoj"11 st¡'t~d t1,~t ~'il'h:çO(1 Ll1kes is located on ravis Plvd. and t ~y ~re in the process 0: clcl1ring the I11n~ to develop the property, addin9 th'lt they are inter~sted in s~ttin1 C0unty water service. He stðted th"Jt "'ilson, ~"iller, "¿Htnn, ~oll r, Pee}:, Inc. originally was goinq to desiqn a 10 inch wl1ter ~ain for service, adding that Staff ennine~r~ ~~t~rMine~ that there was too ~uch a pressure loss with ~ 10· and a 12" water Main MiniMum would he needed. He stated that ·"hile r'?yir,winrr t',at, it W'1S also r'eterl"inc(' th;¡t Hith t11c consulting en~i~eers bein~ in the nro~ess of ~cvelopin~ a water master pl"n, and with the he~vy dcvclonMPnt nnticinated alonq rDyis Blvd. that a 16" \oIi"Iter r-;¡in ~'ould b",tt"'r suit thr.- County's nc"!rJs for the future. TIe st'!t~r~ that t'1is :-.o3.s r,r.-cn r1isCUS5(>r] ....ith ·.rilrJwood Lake!'! developers, the li~lihood that if they would install a 16" Mi"Iin instead of a 12", the County w~uld particinate in the cost of the Materials which arr:ounts to a':.J::;ut <;90,oon. He st?,~ù that ;,e is recorlll1endin<1 that the Coun~y partici~ðt~ witt th~ ~ev~lo~ers on thi~ ~~ttpr. Ue not~d that A~ditionally, since r~Yi0~in~ t~is t~~ first ti~c, he ~i5cussed with th~ deve10~ers th~ possibility of in5t~llinn hydrants alonq the 16" line at 1,000 foot ir.ter'./iJls, Ilhi-:'n would \)C' 7 hydrants. µe noted t'niJt in the past tn~r(: n'lS r,('(,n ;) roo1i(:¥ of not i~st"llina hyc]rants on trðn3~ic;~\Íon ¡'-dins 'Jf this tYr>C' , dr]'~ing th"t it is his dC5irc to rJo so. ~<! stated that this is " rcco~ncnd~tion ne would li~e to add to the Executive SU~~ðry w.t~ iJ stipulation not to exce~d ~15,000 to install 7 hydrants. Co~mi5sioner Pistol' st"tcd th~t these ~re ncede1 in th8t area in case of fires "nrl all new areas should try to aet fire protection in when (JC'lc]o!linn. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the agreement with Wildwood Lakes re water facilities be approved: that ~uthorization be granted for a budget amendment from Account 411-999-9010-9930, Reserve for Capital Outlay to Account 411-114-1120-6310, Improvements General; that the Utilities Division reimburse Wildwood Lakes Development Corporation for pipe oversizing costs not to exceed $90,000; and that an additional $15,000 for seven hydrants be authorized. Page 14 - - - aOG~ 091~n 704 Itell .11 ,T"nui'lrv "'1, I'1PC:; COURT ADMINISTRATION SUPERVISOR POSITION _ RECLASSIFIED Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that the Court Administration Supervisor position be reclassified from Grade P-05 to P-09 and that a 5% promotional increase in his annual salary be granted. Item 112 CHANGE ORDER RE SEALING , CAULKING OF BUILDING "F" _ CONTINUED ONE WEEK °urchasin<:; rirrJ'tcr TI>i(;J" st¿>t"r~ th"t this it~T7' r~oeG two thin(1!', ad'Hna t~'1t in thn SU;-O'1Cf ',,'":en t},n Jast t>JO strJr!71S cane through there was w~t~r da~~ge to ~uil(in~ "F" ar.~ w~tDr ~ctunlly came in through sone of t.,e sea"3. 'Ie :;':JJt~c' thõ>t the ~O'-'f(1 3')rrolle:J rer>i)irs for two sirles of th(: huilr;iw¡ 'Ú,ich too'~ on th,-. rost ·Jama'Je and ""rJ the most deterior~tion. ~"notr~ thnt since that tine, he has ~een processing a nUò0et aren~nrnt i'ln'] t~r-rp is d seconG ~roblrn that needs to be arJdressp.d, ~hich is ~~~re thp fun~s ar~poin'J to cone from to pay for the wory., Eo"! not,::(l t~l)t th~ "O,H-l has ù;JrfCllu' items thi'lt rer:¡L1Íred capital nOni"3 nn~ n0~ ~ 1(:r~rturc ~ro~ c~Dit'11 funrJs is npe~erJ and rcncral fun~ contin'~ncies is nee~ed to c0npl"t" the wory. th~t .,DS alreM]Y been (lnnr(1l1o.'j, tie in"ir.ated tDat sinc" thcrp will he a ycnr10r on site in t~p next cou.-,lp of 'Ie0>:(3 to r]o t1-¡r~ ~¡orJo:, ho. hels offcre;! to do the oth>?r two Zl:,~S ')f thO' ruilr1inn ëlt trdR tiMP. for l1))out 60{ of the cost for the [irst t~,'Q sines cf th" builrJino. fir.> stated that the senlinn nn~ caul~ir~ nri~arily ~r81s ~ith th" ~e~~s ratween the slabs. fie sUIted tnat this ·....i 11 no::> "one froM the 3econ<Ï to the fifth floors and will rCPQir ~ny s~ars t~~t rnod to rr re~aire~ on the new floors. COTT\missioner ;'oll·")n(' <iuestione~ if caulldnn ~n(' s'?')lin~ ~¡;!s inclu;!o::rl in tl,,? :ir~t ',i·1 '.";"nn l'~i5 "oi ]r'i'1(1 ,",':¡r; re:':;intrcrl wh!'n t1-¡e top thrce floors I'll):; -:ut Or!, to ,.¡llie1-¡ r'r. ""hiele !1tùteo1 thnt he has not verifiC'" thnt. I'e sL,t·::!" t!l;Jt tj-¡r \'Ior1: thot I"il!) r10nc on thiE "',uilding was ßupDo5cn to lest for 3 nu~h0r of years hut, due> to the weùther eleMnnts, this ~uil~in(1 n~co1s to he rcpùirerì 5GCr"r t.,an nnccBsary. ConT:liszionr:r I'ister nLJc>sticncd ;'¡by t.,e s('¿olin,., ~¡ñ5 not done hefore t1-¡e huiI(;in<::r \oIi'l5 Dñirtr.." to ',/'lic¡" "r. ï'ni'?le stater; that ùftp.r the l<:lst storm he was ::ilJrr,ris(>r' to sr.>c th"t th" "¡rteriorntion was "'1> extcnsiv~ as it waD ~ctween the seDnF ~nrJ actually ~~d wùter leakage. ~omMi5sion~r qnl12~~ ~l]~8tion~~ i~ thcr~ i~ any qU~rðntc~ on the J ea)o;,v,c 85 Most of t"e J ,""J:!, Ciè-P fro!!' t'l,.. tor thr..", floors? ~'r. Parye 15 - - - -"","",,,,~,,,,,..~,,,.,.,,,~.,..,,,,, "--.....---.,., -'·"-"'''''''"_~_".._W'' .. .. .. ,Jûm1'1 ry :n, 1981'; Thiele stûted thi'lt this woul~ have to be ~ñdres3~d by the Construction ~anagcment Teôm, ~ddinr:r t~~t he rJoes not know wh~t gUArant~es there are. COMmission~r Vo~s stated that the other two sides of the building arc goin~ to ni'lve to ~e rlone a~d ~s lon3 ~5 the vendor i~ h~r~ ;,n~ he is qivin3 >I 40~ r1i'3cOllnt, hn. thinJo:n th<!t >luthorizi1tion snould be granted to go i)~,!~~ wit~ the rc~t of t~e buil~in~. Co!:'missioncr "o11"lnrJ ('!lJe~tion~rl '.ÒLlt tY!1(] of '1''1tcria1 is going to be used, to whicl, ~·r. 7'1iele :Jt;¡teri thi'lt he dirJ not !<no~l, hut 11 consultant froM 73~n~ in~icated that this materii'\l woulrJ be stilte-of- the art Mi1teria1. Com:ni3sioncr '-'ollan-] '1uesti0ned ,,,'10 th~ consult"'nt fro", 'T'ô!1':n is, to which ilr. Thiele statect th~t this inforn<ltion is in hi!'! records whic., he docs not hi1v¿ with hi~. COMnission~r Vo~s stat~d t11ût t~is builàin~ has ~rec~st s]ahß and the joints have to he caulked. Comr.1Í9sioner Hollrmð statr.!1 that thl?se slabs are supposed to be self-scali1nt. He? st·)tc1 that he ,.,oulrl na1(eo a reconl!1F.!nrlation to withðraw this item until ncxt week until further information can be obtained. F£'ICilities ~~ana,?er C<lnp statad that h'.'! \-Ias not rrep£'lred to 'JO into the construction of the buil(Iih1 this date, but he can have the information availahle next week. lip. stated th'lt the building is eleven years old and two sides of the building haye already hcen approvad to be caulked ûnd he woul~ rcco"1nen1 that the "oard ilpprove the other two sides to have it all done at on~ time. ~F.! stated that one problen is a severe hu~idity probleM and bv snaling ~n~ caulkinr'T the sides, this will satisfy thût pro~leM. Conr.lission,..r !!ollan~ qUl?stioned if Hr. C£'Imp could answer the question of where the major leaks were during the last storm, to which Mr. CaMp repli0d negatively, actdin'J that he could get a full report by next week. Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that the change order recommendation on the 8ealing and caulking of Building "F" be continued to January 28, 1986. eCOK 091 p~r,[ 705 Pa']c 16 --""''''--''''«''.''''''~'"''''''" aOOK 091 mr 706 Itell 113 SERVICE PLUS MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH AT&T _ APPROVED JDnUDrv 21, 19P~ °urchasinrr rirl'!ctor Thiele st<lt"!d t;;:¡t JlT&T i'lnñ t!TS <:Ire doing eVE'rythinc: OOssihle to upr'Tr;,;1,! thr.! sY!5tf'm !l0 th'Jt it ~/ill "Iork the way it wr\s d~signed to work. ",? !òtated that the r;>¿¡jor chilnae is that trunks that hod becn ordcre~ in the fall ôrc b~ing ?ut in place this weck, which will be a total of R trunv.s that will effect incoming and outgoing calls. He stilted that UTI:: h;,d a "rohle,., in the past month in some of thcir upgrade work, noting that some of the trunks that were already on site w~re being disconnected and, therefore, there was a deficit numbcr of trun~s which ap~ears to he the hul~ of the proble~. He stater] th1Jt every !'Ossible !;¡cct of i!:1pro'/inr- the syste"1 here has heen addressed. He stated that he has no other suggestions than the ones that are listerJ on the ~xecutive Suml'1;:¡ry, which will be implemented. T1e noted th<'!t the telephone team ~Iill not be allowed to disband and vlill still ~eet on ~ ~i-weekly hasis until every problem that is outstanèin~ is resol'/cd. ue st~}cd reg;¡ràinq ~ny continued problE'Mß, tl1i1t l.T""! ¡"ill be responsible in '=Jrovidinr¡ ñ¿¡ta to !'!how that it is the locill utility and the County in turn can follow up with the Public Service Co~mission if the reauircd service is not being obtained from the local utility. Commissioner Pistor auestioned if credit will be received for the phon(?s tl1at have been disconnectcd over the past fp.vl r.'onths, to which /-:r. Thiele stated that he woulñ be surc that credit ~I/!S given. ~'r. Thicle stated that he woulc1 IH:e a motion approving a Service Plus l1ùintenance JI·0reeMent 'Nith JI.T&'!', l'I(ldinq that ^T~,,. ~Iill be responsible for' all rrot-lcms. He stat~r:J that there is such an agreement for the ~h~riff's r~~l'Irtmcnt system. Com~issioner Polland stated that the problems l1av~ not been resolved hecause he ',{i1!; cut off as of tI,e rJrcvioul5 day. He stated that the a~ditional trun~s ar~ äimply for the inco~inq calls and questioned what tho:! ppoplc cio t~;1t arE' tryin'J to call out? ~r. Thiele stated that !'Ill he can do is report the call and the probleM. Yo noted that no out~oinn cnlls !'Ire 3upposed to be lost with this tel~phone systeM, addin~ that if tne calls get lost in the downtol/n office, there is notl1inq thl'lt the çounty can do to ir.1prove the system. He stated that if the County ~YBtea is working perfect, but the surrounñin? ðsencies are not up to ~ar, there is nothing the County can do. Paqe 17 .. - - -._.,.,."..."".,,_.~...,"~,.". --..-........-"'-...........--.;.". ...'''-,,'''''..,.....;~- .. .. .. January ?l, 198~ ComMissioner Polland stated that he cann0t see r.dving the sar.1~ co~pany that is responsible for i'\11 the prohle~3, an additional agree~ent, õrJñin~ t~~t t~is SY3t~~ was not in this condition thr~e :nonths ':).go. Co~~ißsioner VOS5 "tl1t~~ t~~t if tner~ i~ just on~ co~pany, then that co~pany will cr~t all th~ r~portB an0 they will deterMine the ?robl'.?Ms. CO::1r.'is~i()n"!r '101land stat'!!d thi1t he woulrl ?r'!fer hðving a contract with ð loci11 COM;)i1ny, liJ.:'2 IJT!:J. Mr. TIliele ~t~t~r. that a lot of thp. prohlpns that th~ rounty has been having is with l.'"!':'. fie stated that if SOr.1eone cannot get into the Courthouse it is because they c~nnot nat into th~ system r.owntown with UTr,. ~e stat~ñ th~t ;¡ contract with ~T&T will ~can t~at they have to rcsponò to m;¡intenanc~ on ð quir.~'!r sch~du10, and if so~ething is not workin~, AT&T has to follo~ thr~ugh to find the probleM '2vcn if it is with {~S. Pc noted t"~v will also nrovidc data in case the County hils to go to the Public ~0rvice COMMission. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried 4/1, (Commissioner Holland Opposed), that the Service Plus Maintenance Agreement with AT&T be approved after the County Attorney has approved it. Mr. Holland ouestioned if9tne r.1an that is on contract to the County at 515.00 per hour to handle tele~hone problems, will still be kept on ·Jnd also '1'J~stioned who iluthorizc,l that person? Mr. Thiele stated thilt this ml1n does the changes to the system and docs not do rerairs that arc u:-vlcr contr;lct, ð-]rlinq t"ðt he would prepare ~ report on this natt~r. Note: Document not received in office of Clerk of the Board as of 1/29/66. !OOK 091 PAr,[ 707 paqe 18 ~-'--'"""',....-..-,'"'_-..._--_..._"'".," BOOK 091 W,[ 708 Itell 114 J-'lnui'lry :'1, 1ge6 FISCAL IMPACT POLIcY FOR EXECUTIVE SUMMARIES _ APPROVED 8ud9ct Director Zalka stateñ thðt the recOMMendation is to ad~ a (iscal impðct ~cction to ûll ~T.~cutive ~u~~~rieR ~xc~pt for ~oning and plðnning ûMcndM~nts. ~he 5t~te(\ that the fiscðl impact section will include the cost of all the projects thftt are considered, the budget impact, and th~ sourc~ of fun~s, adding thût th~ purpose is to give the ?oard more financial inforM~tion in orrJcr to help ma~e d~cision5 and also to ~nsur~ the ~oard thðt future budget aM~ndMents are in line tlith those rOûr~ decisions. COllmissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse, that the fiscal impact policy for Executive Summaries be approved. Tape '5 County ^ttorn~y ~ðunçers Rtftted that there Mûy he SOMe instances where a fiscal iMpact is impos$ihle to ~nalyzc in an Executiv~ su~mary. He stated that there ~ay be cxcections, for cxa~ple, if there is a fiitu~ti0n invo1vina 1iti~~tion ther~ MðY be ROMC li~itðtionR in how far ~ he wantø to go i~to ~ fiscal in~~ct in an r~ecutivc $u~n~ry. COMMiSsicnp.r nistor stated th~t if there is 3uch û situation, then there shoul~ Þe an e~nlanation given in the Executive Summary. Co~missioncr ~olland stated that one of the first things that he was ~oinq to o!\sk r1R. 7.alka to do tl1\S to ç:rive hi" a complete brcakdo¡'ln of i'!ll out~ide le'jal fee'! an-T how many cases were penc1ing anò "'hat is being S~ent in a yei'!r, ~~~ing that the nublic is entitleð to know this. , Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. Item US RESOLUTION 86-8 ESTABLISHING MODIFIED BUDGET AMENDMENT PROCESS _ ADOPTED WITH CHANGES rU~ryct rir~ctor 7~lki"l stnt~~ th~t thi~ it~n was ~eferred for two weeks for further review ~nð c18rification ~n~ hùse~ on that review she r~coM~cnds a chñnn~ in the nro~osed resolution. f,he ~tated trat originally she reCO~~~n~ert th~t the Board approve all ~udget ~mendments over $5,(1)1), nO~1 the li~it is SI,OOO. f.h", stater1 that her re'1Ísed r~commcndation is $2,500 ~ut on~ cxce~tion to that li~it ~ould he transfers fro~ re~erv~s, aòdin~ that ~h~ recoMMends that any trðnsfer from i1ny reserve aCCOunt in any dollar a~ount requirc P.oard approval. She stated that th9 other reco~~enrlation incorporated is to have the Dud~ct Office revi~w ~ll burlset a~enòr.cnts, adòing that this review Page lCJ - - - ·~"""___'."v_"~_,..",~" C" .·..·,-~.~"-_.-,..._c__~_,_,~,_..,,_~_~~"'_ --,.......-...,--",..-.., .. .. .. Janu~ry 21, 198fi would not ~e an a~proval proc~ss hut a reviaw proc~£s.q¡,c 9tat~d that to clarify this, she w0uld su~q~st thAt the wor~s on the n~w budget amœnd~cnt forn that i£ ~cing proQOSC~ he chan~cñ from approval procesß to review proces~. th~rcforc, th~ rccoM~p.n~~tion i~ to approve th~ revi3~d rcsolution with a S2,500 liMit an~ to arprovG the new revised bUdget am~nñ~nnt9. Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse, that Resolution 86-8 re modified budget amendment process be adopted with the above-referenced changes. r~rs. Charlotte Fe:' t~an, rep~c3nntin'J the Leaq\ ~ of :'Iomnn Voters, ~ucstioned if the a~end~ent haß been change~ froM approve~ to review, to ,..¡hic}, lb. Zal!':3 reo]ier~ affirMativ~ly, "lddinCl thñt i'Jll budget amendment3 will require the approval of th~ Goard an~ the review of the Budgct Office. ê>he statc1 thilt if thcre are hU~get amend~ents over $2,500 fro~ one account to ;,nothnr, it will re~uire noard approval. "r. ~"c3tnan statc'l th1t thc Lea:j\!c 0: "onen "oters su.?ports efficiency in governnent, hoth in fiscal Mðtters and in qovern~ent procedures<. She stated that onc" Constitl1tional Officers' hudgets are approvcd, thcy shoul~ be ~ble to transfer funds from one linc item to another \~it:'out other interference. S11e notc:4 that this processs fails to consider separation 0: powers like governmental offices that arc not regulated hy 3tatc statutes an~'electeñ officials that are, addin~ that this process ~Ioulò rc~uire an elccte~ official heing required to have their budgct amendnent ~rrroved by an appointed e~ploye~. ~e reported that elected officials ~re accountilble to the public, adding that she is aware that almo~t all the Constitutional Offi~ers favor fiscal impact stateMents. Sh~ ~ucstioneñ if the intcnt of moving monies from one line iteM to another is to have it approved hy the Bud~et Office? ~ s. Zalka stated that at this time any budget am>:!ndl'1ents over $1,000 require Board approval ~nd she is proposing 'that the $1,000 figure be çh~nged to $2,500. adding that in effect, they are receiving nore flexibility. She stated that the QU1get Office is simply requiring review of these bud0et amendments so that before the Board approves it, if there are any comments or gu~stions, they can be made to the Boar.]. She ~t3ted that the approval p~oc~ss is not being taken i'\way fro~ the 10ard or t~~ Constitutionill Officers, noting that she is only asking to see these bU~get amendMents an~ review them. /1rs. ~'lestMan stðte-1 that after the Constitutionill Offic~rs' burlgQt/;l hav... h'!€-n approvEr], t~l>Y <¡houlo1 h.... -'lhl" to transfer Monies 8DDK 091 p~r.! 709 !'age 20 aOOK 091 f'~r.~ 710 January ?l, 19P6 providing they ðre not i~pacting anoth~r resource. ,~e stated that there should be good f~ith in hath ñirections, añðing that it is practical and important that there be recognition of the difference between the Constitution~l Officers ilnd the man~gcrial people. f1s. Zalka stated that her concern is when the Board approves budget amendments, that the nudget Office revie~' these before they approve them. She st~ted that she is not taking any controls that the Constitutionlll Officcrs have. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. '* Pê\ge 21 - .. .. , 'w···,~"_,,,,·,,",,,,,,,,,_ó,,."",,·,.~,.___, '"'-_._--, *"~",,,,_,~__,___,,"__,W,, &001: 091w.[712 Item #16 J~nu~ry ?l, 19P~ ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Pursuant to PesOlution PI-ISO, the following checks were issucð through Friday, J~nu"ry 17, 19P.~, in payn~nt of routine bills: CJ..!ECK DFFCr.IPTIO'1 C¡P::CY ';O~. 1\1'0mT'!' Vcndors 137999 - 131'1392 $A97,204.A2 Itell #1 7 BUDGET AMENDMENTS sh-124/127 _ ADOPTED Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendments 85-124/125 be adopted. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendments 85-126/127 be adopted. Item 118 MR. BILL HILL AND MR. PETER HUBSCHMITT APPOINTED TO THE TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL A~~inistrative ^ssistant to the Po~td Isr~~lson stat~~ that there are two pcopl~ that ,eed to ho Hrpointe~ to thp Tourist revelopnent Council to fjll the V,1:::¿:nt po~itions of '~r. Îocorr¡e Po~'lett an" "r. Montes. ~he state~ that the I'r. Howlett was in the non-owner operator category of the Council and ~1r. "oates ,.,as in the owner operator category. She reported th;,t th~ Touri5t ~evelopment Council has recommender '!r. Bill Pill to fill the vac~ncy cr'.'!ated by /,'r. Powlette's resignation anò they ~lso expresneð their èesirc to increase repre- sentation on the Council fro~ Marco Island and ~inc~ ~r. Peter Hu"sc:hnitt from the 'arriott ~'arco t:!eilch f.!otcl had applied, it is bcing recommended thi'lt he fill /-'r. I~oates' nosition. ,':'he stateå th,1t the appointments would he for the reMainder of the rrevious Members terns anè both would expire npril lQ, 19P9. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that Mr. Bill Hill and Mr. Peter Hubschmitt be appointed to the Tourist Development Council. Item II 9 COUNTY MANAGER AUTHORIZED TO MAKE A PROPOSAL TO GSA FOR ^ FEDERAL JUDGE FACILITY OF 12,000 SQUARE FEET WITH 12' HIGH CEILINGS Conr:i!Jsíoncr Voss state<" that the last fe~' months that he was Chairman of the Þonrð, he un~ertoo~ wor~ with the judges to try ftnd resolve some rroble~ß th~t exist€~, ad~in~ th~t Chairman Pistor asked Page 22 - - - "~="'~"~'''^-'''''-'~'''''''''';'"''-'''--~~----""",,,,-,,,,,,,,. .... -""-"','-""",,- - - - J~nunry 21, 1985 him tc continu~ to work with thc juJg~~ iln1 h~ hns ðono so. He ~tate~ that they starterJ by !oo\';inq at th~ original ,,1.::1n Hhich ;"'!; to rOJ"1odel Building "A", but 3<!ver'll rroblem~ hav~ ilrisnn with respect to Building "A" th<'lt M; ~e it !'~cr> un'1(>:'Iir'1hl~. rrc rerort~rJ th¡)t thc n~xt t.,ing th.,t he 100":e1 at 1M'! Hhet"'er ()r not it ¡.¡;¡s fC;¡Sible to ti'Jke rJo~m the <;>xif;tinn old j;¡iJ .1.,,1 hui 1,1 i\ :1ui lrling t.h~r'~ for thc court systeM. He noted thnt t11c I1rchit~cts rrcrnr~~ some initi;¡l layouts to exoMine and it W!:'I fOl1nd t'l'!t t'1i:'l idea "I<1S not reHlly H':)r~rõ!hl'? <;>itJ,"!r. H~ notcrl t11õ!t the hest thin'" to i!o would JC to !')¡)Vc th", ol~ jail, rio thc renov;:¡tion work th~t i~ re~uired in orr1~r to occu~y it, i'Jnd th~n builñ a buildin" for the ju~icia! which would be in the area that is north of th~ old jai 1 13nr1 ea3t of 'llJÍ l,lino "r.". Pc inrJ iCi1ted thilt he harJ <I m~eting ~lit'1 t:'e locnl "Irchit'1ct and it II;¡S fclt that it '..,;¡S rcason;¡hl'!! to do this and the architects "iill b~nin Hork on it. 90 noted th'lt he discussed it was the Sheriff, Judng qrousse;¡u i1nd the Clerk and it was the hest solution. n<;> 3ti3tei! th'lt th~ co~rl iCi\tin,:, factor in <'Ill of this is the prohohility of ~aving ð feder;¡l judgc in Maples and they have rJi ffer('nt re"IJÍr~:"'ents than tne local jUrl'Jes. He stated that if there i~ ;¡ cereMoni~1 court, t'er~ has to be 16' ceilings and if it is not" cereMonial court, they have to have I:> I ceilings. lIe stllterl th;,t they re~uire o'! gr~at ~eðl of s!Jace ',¡hich cOl"plicates tJ;1ings, ~ut it is i~~rtant to h~ve iI fe~~ral judge in Colli~r County, anrJ thoref0re, the . of County woul~ desi~n a bUll~inq to accoMmodøte thc~ and proviñe them tho n~c~ssary space ·.hich they woulñ rent fro~ the County to help p~y off the indebtedness that will b~ incurre~ as 3 result of building this new building. He noted that one t'1in~ thi'lt ne~~& to be done is to authorize t~'! 11an;¡ger to prepare a prop03,,1 to the GSA to either provide the federal juñges space ~Iith a cer~l"onial court or space with a re,:?ular court. County ~ana'Jer Lusk stat'!d that on~ of the options that GSA is asking for is that the County let the federal judgds occupy 20,000 square feet, which he is recommen1ing not be allowed, adding that he docs not believe thilt 20,000 square feet could be tied up for t1,c next twenty years. "c ~t;ã e<.1 Ul¡)t another option is that they would like to occupy 12,000 square feet in the proposed new facility. Re stated that if ñ ferJerol jUG;C C0"1C5 to ~1i)p1e$ before the n~w building is built, he has proposed to GSA th;:¡t there would not be any rent charge until the new huilding is built 1'Inñ in thc meanti"1c, the federal judge could Use the! first fleor of '3uie~~/nö9i:~(,;713hCY ~.¡oulri pay for whatl~'Jer ~a<Je 23 _.~-.,.. --_......~." aOOK 091w.[ 714 ·1anuð rv 21, 1 ""'IS carp~ting or painting thPt ne~ðs to hA ~one. He st~te¿ thilt once the ne,,! builnin<:r is finished, th~n thp~, ~'0111r:1 ~ov" the tederal junge and stllrt chi'rging rent. J''? noted thilt t}¡p Sr'T'1IHr! feot;,np on one fl(')or in tn(! nell huil('ing woul!'1 he 1<;,00" Sr'TUiHe fAct. tT... f'tiltC(] thi\t ~"H:'n their lei\se is up, the County judges could ~ove into that area, so it would be over-building at this ooint but the juñges would be paying for it. He staten thi'\t he would recommend that he be allowed to indicate to GSA that the County is willin9 to lea"le then 12,000 square feet in the n~w fôcility ",lÍth a 12' cp.ilin'J. fie stat"n that. "SA has found another location in this ~ounty that can offer a 16' ceiling and he does not believe t.hat the County shoulð huild the new building with 16' high <:eilings for the ,:?overn:!1cnt, ~,hen ther", is iI lociltion available in Collier County frem a private sector thilt hils such ceilinqs. Comnissioncr Pistor questioner. if one of the floors in the old jail will be left ðS it is for Clerk Peùgan to store record5, to which Count.y ~"anllgcr LIJck state,l th;,t he !'1oef¡ not l;now if the vrchitects have rC3cher! that ~oint or not. ComMis~ion~r Pistor st.ated that it needs to he thou911t a'::>O'Jt h(·caus!'! the ":11eriff har'!P in'!iCiltcr1 thèt not all three floors would be n<:encn. Pe noted thôt the t~irñ floor could be used for some of the files t"Jt Clerk Qcanan ncc~s to "Itorc. Commissioner Vo~s indicated that if the third floor is useñ for such a purnose, it will hi1ve to he air con~itionp.è. He noted that sooner or l~ter, there will frohahly hùve to be jail facilities on that third floor so whatevpr is none, must not rreclune the use of that as cells eventually. County ',anaqer L'Jsv. statc~ that if the thi rd floor is remoñeled for storage, it is soin~ to he a lot chc~pcr t~an bein~. rl'!nodeleð for cells. Commissioner Voss stated thi:'.t also ::Jlon'1 with this is the re1'1ovèll of the ash~stos fro~ the prcs~nt ~uilðing "r", a1ðing that the County ju~ges hove in~icateð that the County could have three weaks in ~rril wh~re tncrc ~/ill not b~ court so that the asb~~tos coul~ he r",noved. 4e noted th~t this still has to he di~cussed further with them. Ccunty '1ònager f,u' ç ~t<Jtcñ that thp jU(1~{'S \-IouJc' he sti1ying in ßuil,Hn0 ")I" for t"'Q ycnr!l, 50 it "/ould be worth removing the asbestos, puttin~ in cheap c~rpct ðnd paintin~. Commicsioncr f'oll."Ind nuestioned if. any con,"!ideri'ltion has heen given to thp. ryoscibility of usin9 propcrty that \-11'15 offer{'1 to be lcascd to the County a~joininr" this (Jrcpcrty to Duild tnc cO!1rtrooms or Page 24 - - - , ··~··_'''~M'~.'''_'"''''''_''''____'''"''_'''''''''''"'''~''''_''~_'_' _'_ ~...... ~--~"""""""''"''''''''-""""",",.-..""""",.._~,,,-,~,_._,~-,,,.,,,,., - - - ~~nuðry 'I, 19R~ tne fec'eral Court? !Ie state-:3 that h~ floes not kno'..' whcre the County stan~3 with regard to p~r~in~, hut ouestionBd if there is goin~ to be ~nothcr building built, wher~ will thp 3ddition~1 p~rking b~ obt~ined fro¡:' ? County ~!.,n'1?Cr LU3~ st;¡tc~ that '1alf of th~ first floor of th~ ne~' huil~ing will bQ Dar~inn, ~hich wil] ~ic~ Un so¡:' ~ p;¡r~in~ spaces, ac!rHnrr tn'1t th'!r~ Hill he !';(tri'l ones. 'fc :Jt1ted th;¡t the ncor>l"! 11Ith the '1:1joining prorJr.rt'l have al'~ays w<lnte(l to !'Jell it anrJ not 10001!se it. He 3tated thRt t~ey wcrc A::¡~inq ~1.5 ~illion. COr.l!:1issioner "oll3n:] stê!tc-J t1,.:1t it night ~e ,·¡fsr:> to ':1uy th.1t proí'erty wl1'1tever the price, becðuse it is gOin? to be neederJ. County ";¡n"!s~r T,usk 3t.,tC'~ that he '.Ioul~ like to do thðt, >'ut he hi'\S not t>ccn ahle t-:- figure out wh~r~ the $1.5 !Million ',~ill corne fro::'!, adding thilt 20 YCilr3 fron now, this C0unty is going to have to buy t11at property and then buildings will proh.:lhly h<lve to be torn ( Ol'tn. He stated that it is rarõ to ~urchase property at thi$ time for $1.5 million that will sit there for the next twenty years. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that the County Manager be authorized to make a proposal to GSA for a Federal Judge facility of 12,000 square feet with 12' nigh ceilings. of ***** Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the following item. under the Consent Agenda be approved and/or adoptedr ***** Item 120 ONE DAY LEASE AGREEMENT WITH CORVETTES OF NAPLES INC. FOR USE OF THE IMMOKALEE AIRPORT ON JANUARY 19, 1986 Item 121 See Pages,? /9-7 ~d¡ HORTICULTURE TECHNICIAN POSITION RECLASSIFIED TO HORTICULTURE AGENT Item 122 CONCEALED PISTOL PERMIT 186-3 TO DOUGLAS H. RISHER Item 123 CONCEALED PISTOL PERMIT 186-2 TO JACK HARPER Item 124 aOOK 091~, 715 Page 25 --,......_.~........-., aoo( 091pj', 716 ,],-,nlprv "J, ¡OO(, VICTORIA PARK I SEWER FACILITIES - ACCEPTED. CONNECTION TO SEWER AREA "A" WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT - APPROVED. ALL SEWER FACILITIES LEASES BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND CARUSCAN OF AMERICA INC. TERMINATED UPON CONNECTION - APPROVED. DEVELOPER'S UTILITY EASEMENT _ ACCEPTED O.R. Book 1175, Pages 748-750 & O.R. Book 1165, Pages 1847-1848 Item '25 SEWER FACILITIES TO CONNECT CRESCENT LAKE ESTATES TO VICTORIA PARK SUBDIVISION SEWER SYSTEM AND SEWER AREA "A" WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT - APPROVED. TERMINATION OF SEWER FACILITIES LEASE BETWEEN THE DISTRJCT AND CAMPBELL ENTERPRISES NUMBER-ONE A UPON CONNECTION _ APPROVED. O.R. Book 1175, Pages 751-756 Item '26 SEWAGE TRANSMISSION AND WATER FACILITI~S FOR EAGLE CREEK COUNTRY CLUB TRACT "E" - SUBJECT TO STIPULATION O.R. Book 1175, Pages 614-639 1. The legal documents are fcund to be legally sufficient by the County Attorney. Item .27 . WATER FACILITIES FOR EAGLE CREEK COUNTRY CLUB TRACT "C" _ SUBJECT TO STIPULATION O.R. Book 1175, Pages 640-655 I. The legal documents are found to be legally sufficient by the County Attorney. Item '28 REPLACEMENT AMBULANC.2 REPORT r, ~ull', I~-ì,]('" 1'1"~ ':'yn, !1 F;'n l'"~ul,ìrr''' ¡,~C; t-ppn çr~~r,!r~ trroucn l\0rO "ror1ur:t!:, "rLìn..O. ~t c:''',S::J) '..dt'" -1.:1ivf'r" sC'l'.'r'ulpr1 ',¡ithin 3(1 <Jays. Item '29 CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION AS PRESENTED BY PROPERTY APPRAISER 1985 Nos. 123/128 Dated 12/26/85-1/3/86 1985 Tangible Personal Property Nos. 1985-105/109 Dated 1/6/86-1/13/86 "aa!' 26 - - - _. ·'-'·."."__~.".,,.C_O_~"'·'~'~""".""_ Itell 130 .. - .. J!I:1Ul1ry 21, 1')0(, EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATE NOS. 48752, 33640 AND 48256 !tell 131 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED "'her"! h(!in'J no o~j",ct on, th,~ <"hair direct<:?r] t'",t tnE! follo~lÍn'J corres?on~~nce be fi1~~ ~n~/or r",ferr0~ to t~(! vdrioug 1~part~~nt5 as i n1 i ca t::!rl b~ 10'"': , .'.--.--"..,...-........,--,«".-..... 1. Letter ,lat,?r1 01/07/"<; fro'" !,:illii)J:1 I"'Ii\rl:, Exccutiv~ Dir0ctor, ~reð ~r'Tcncy on ~0inn, Rnclosin~ ~ co~y of th0 First Semi- -nnun] I~nitorinry Report for ~ollier County ^0in~ "rogram. Peferr~0 to ~on ~~rton an~ filed. 2. Lo:!tt"!r r~3te-:' f)1/,''''')/~r; froM Tom 1.(>\oIi3, .Tr., 1\1,', "rc~'Ít<:!ct, De:1t. of Co"",unitv Affairs, 1I,]visina of \·/or).:shQl')s r"! FY 1985 cr~~ ?ro"rft~, Cc~~ercial Pevitaliziltion ~ftte"orv. Referred to "ilr.I T1rðn"i'lccio, Vickie ~'ullins and file'!. - 3. Lett",r dDte~ OI/10/2~ from S~in ~urnsiðe, ^$3isti\nt nirector, rc~t. of Ço,,~unity ~ff~irs, setting forth the rroc'?~ure5 for the c01'"['letion of 1<):>') ":M2rg'?ncy "ani'lfTR'IIent i\ssist-'lncc Jlgreenent. T'eferreri to !Tell r:orrill, Bill Wagner and filed. 4. "~Cr.1orl1n~U!:1 C'i)t'!r) 01/07/0.6 fro~ rYarolè f~. J;Vlnton, ^dmini- stri:1tor, r>~'Jt. of Fr1I1C"ltion, r~ t11c ::;ur.1~er Food Service Progrnm. ncferr0~ to ron qorton, Tin Vanatta and filed. 5. Letter d!ltcd 12/20/0.5 from Bandy ~rm8trong, Chief, DBR, inforMin~ of the inittation of the ~tatD of ~L's FY 19ns Public !:orr.s Pro<1ra'1'. Referred to Neil T'orrill, Pam Brangaccio and filed. 6. l'emoran1uT:1 d-'lte.-1 12/30/85 frol1\ James TV. 5toutamire, DER, re notice of the availability of funds for 1985-86 Coastal ~1anager:1ent Grant Progr/!;:¡. Peferre~1 to Vickie 1~ul1ins, !:.'r. Proffitt and fil~d. 7. Letter d!ltcd 01/n6/g6 fro~ ^rnctt ~. Mace, Jr. Director, Institute of Fooj nn~ ~qricultural Sciences, a~visinq of an American .\sseMbly Confcrenc'1 on "Future ¡'!-'lter Voe in Florida: COr:1petition and Regulation". Referre~ to ~ickie Mullins, Tom Crandall, TOr:1 Kuck and filed. 8. Parks & Rø.creation Advisory Ooard minutes of 11/27/85 and aqenda for 01/16/86. CC"~ r:11~utes of 12/19/n5 anå ag~nña for OI/I~/86. 9. &OD~ 091 P~(.[ 717 Page 27 '."O_~'""'·'-'''''''''··__"__""''''__'____·"''"'"'~'''''''''·4·._,'''''''''''''~,",. m( 091 m¡ 718 Jnnu~ry ~l, 19A~ T"hcre heino;¡ no further business for tnc ('00<1 of the County, the mo~ting ~las ;:vJjourn~r:1 hy Order of the Ch<>ir - '!'il'1e: 11:4<; I\.!~. p,o,.P.C OF r.Otn"!·y Cf')1H1I~<:r()t1EI>~/ TJ()!',fH' O~ UmIm; )\r>r>r.l\u·/rx OFFICIO CCVEP.IIlITG B01\.nn(!=;) OF SPfCI1\L CI~7RICTS !Jrm!::" IT5 CONTROL ( O. £, i:¡- A:x::rEs.N nil 11}.~L1N1. g:. ¿¡fEr-J\~" CLF!'K ~ ,- ......._.~" c:> r',: " L c:- ~'~:/' '~ßC. ~'~'e,,;I'1.\p'-u.t:~S· approve" by the pee on ~/ // /f'cf(;; as ,¡,II."} ~ ~ 'r presented or as corrector. ".. Pago 2'3 - -- -