BCC Minutes 08/05/1986 R Naples, Florida, August 5, 1986 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board ot County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing boardCs) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSIOK in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, ~ast Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John A. Piator VICE-CHAIRMAN: Anne Goodnight Frederick J. Voss Max A. Hasse C. C. "Red" Holland ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; Maureen Kenyon and Carmen Ruiz (2:00 P.M.), Deputy Clp.rks; Donald B. Lusk, County Manager; Neil Dorrill, Assistant County Manager; Pam Brangaccio, Dep~ty Assistant County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Bruce Anderson, Assistant County Attorney; Tom Kuck, Public Works Administrator; David Weeks, Planner; Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator; Dave Pettrow, Zoning/planning Director; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; Joe Magri, Building Code Compliance D~rector; Ken Pineau, Fleet Management Director; Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. Page 1 &OO( 095 PAGt 646 ~"'''''';''''''''','''''k","'''''''''-"'''''''''''''''.''V.....~~"",_,.,,_..~.__",,,,__¡___,,___H";_""·.._,,,,,,,,,¡_,,,,·,~__,,~· - - .. .. August 5, 1986 '.rap. f1 It_ U AGnDA - APPROVBD WID CDlfGES commi..ioner vo.. aoveð, .econðeð by commi..ioner Ha... and carri.d unanimovsly, that the agenda be approved with the following chaftge.t a. Item 6C7 re Petition SNR-86-SC, street name change - deleted until advertising requirements have been met. b. Item 9A3 moved to 901 re Marco Water and Sewer District Phase II. c. Addition of Item 9E2 re CitYICounty Pelican Bay Bulk Water Agreement. d. Item 8A re appeal of nuisance abatement by Joseph Weber deleted per County Attorney Cuyler. e. Item 5B added re report on employee resignation. f. Item 6Cl re Public Vehicle Advisory Committee Ordinance - Continued to 8/26/86 by County Attorney. g. Item l2C - re vacancies on the Public Vehicle Advisory Committee - continued to 8/26/86. h. Item 14B5 re license agreement between Naples Cay Develop- ment and Bce - Continued to 8/12/86. i. Item 9B2 re contracts for refuse handling and hauling equipment - Continued to 8/12/86. j. Item 12E added - re entrance to Mooring Park on Goodlette Road - Requested by Commissioner Holland. Item U EMPLOYEB £BRVI:CB AÐRDS - PRESENTED Commissioner Pistor presented Employee Service Awards to the following employees: Herbert Dryburgh - Building Inspection James Reinking - Transportation (Absent) 5 years 5 years It.. U COtnfrY DD.GER· 8 RBPOR'l' RE BMPLOYEB' 8 RESIG1Q'l'IOlf ACCBPTBD AS FINAL RBPOR'l' County Manager Lusk reðd and presented a report regðrding his answer to allegations made by former County employee, Community am 095 PArot 656 Pðge 2 '_:III"'....._"'..,'-_.,..._-"''''-''''...,~_.". 095 P"Gt 657 August 5, 1986 Development Administrator, Vickie Mullins. 'lap. f2 Commissioner Hasse indicated that in order to settle the matter a non-biased interpretation of what has been said is needed either by the State Attorney or an independent group. The following people indicated that an unbiased opinion from an independent committee is needed 'to review all the material: Mr. Bob Krasowski Mr. John Keschl Commis.ioner Holland moveð, seconðed by Commissioner Voss anð Col. John Beebe carried unanimously, tbat tbe county Manager's report be accepted as tbe final report and a copy Þe forwarded to the state Attorney, the Conservancy, the Contractor's an4 Builaer'. Association, tbe news .eðia, and tbe County Commissioners. It was the general consensus that the Board would not take any further action on this matter this date until there has been time to check into the matter further and digest what information has been presented. ..*.. Rece.., 10rOO A.X. - Reconvened, 10rl0 A.M. .*... 'l'ap. f3 It.. f4 ORDINANCB 86-38 RB PE'l'I'l'ION ZO-S6-l0C, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION REQOES'l'ING AJŒNDJŒN'l' TO SEC. 10. 6, 'l'EMPORARY USE PERMI'l'S FROM TWO WEEKS TO FXVB WEED FOR CHRISTMAS 'l'RBB SALES - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on . July 4, 1986, .s evidenced by Aftidavit of Publication filed with the Page 3 .. .. .. ,'-,...'''''........-.'''-....-..,'''''''''-',-....'''-..-...., " .. .. .. .. August 5, 1986 Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition ZO-86-10C, filed by Community Development Division requesting an amendment to Section 10.6, temporary use permits, Subsection 10.6(c), temporary sales, sports events, religious events, and community events, to increase the two week permit limit to five weeks for Christmas tree sales. Planning/Zoning Director Pettrow stated that Christmas tree sales are allowed as a temporary use subject to a temporary use permit, but the permit may only be issued for two weeks and is non-renewable. He noted that Christmas trees are usually sold from Thanksgiving to Christmas, which is approximately a five week period. He reported that the two week permit limits the time period for sales on one piece of property creating the potential of one operation moving from site to eite. He noted that by allowing a permit" for up to five weeks for the sale of Christmas trees would be reasonable to accommodate the specific nature of the business during the one holiday season. He indicated that the CCPC held their public hearing and unanimously recommended approval of this petition. He stated that no one spoke for or against the petition and no correspondence has been received, adding that Staff recommendation is for approval. Commissioner Vo.. moved, .econðed by Commi.sioner Goodnight anð carried unanimously, that the publio hearing be olosed. Commis.ioner Voss moveð, seconded by Commi..ioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the Orðinance .s numbereð anð entitled below be aðopted anð entered into ordinance Book No. 241 aOOK 095 PAGE 658 Page 4 ,_ 095 ntt 659 August 5, 198' ORDINANCB "-38 Alf ORDIIQJfCB AMElfDIlfCJ ORDINAlfCB 82-2, THE COMPRZHEKSIVE ZOlfING REGtJLA'l'IOlf8 J'OR THE UlfINCORPORA'l'ED AREA OJ' COLLIER COtnrl'Y BY AMElfDIlfG SEC'l'IOlf 10.', 'l'BMPORARY OSB PERMI'l'S, SUBSEC'l'IOlf 10.'.C, TEMPORARY SALES, 8POR'l'S EVE1f1'S, RELIGIOUS EVEJI'l'8, AND COMMt71fI'l'Y EVENTS, '1'0 INCRBASE THE TWO (2) WEEK PERMI'l' LIMI'l' TO FIVE ( 5) WEEKS FOR CHRISTMAS 'l'REE SALES, AND TO PROVIDB Alf EJ'J'EC'l'IVE DA'l'E. Item IS ORDIIQJfCB 8'-39 AMElfDIlfCJ ORD. 8'-4 "VEHICLES FOR BIRE" RE MIKIJroM LIABILITY INSORAKCB RATES, REPEALING ORD. 85-73 RE RAns CHARGED BY 'l'AXICABS - ADOPTBD WITH CHANGES Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 17, 1986, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance amending Ordinance 86-4 "Vehicles for Hire" which establishes minimum liability insurance rates and repeals Ordinance No. 85-73 which related to the rates charged by taxicabs. Fleet Management Director Pineau stated that this amendment is regarding minimum insurance requirements, adding that Ordinance 86-4 which regulates motor vehicles for hire was enacted on January 21,' 1986, and was filed with the Secretary of State on January 20, 1986. He noted that it was determined at the time of adoption that it would be the minimum as set forth by the State of Florida, however, on the 4th of February a proposal was passed and a resolution was adopted that would authorize the County Attorney to prepare an amendment to Ordinance 86-4 t~at would increðse the minimum insurance coverage. He stated that this was necessary since the Board had determined that thè Page 5 .. - .. .._-;"'''''.'''---~...''''' " - - - .. August 5, 1986 minimum liability insurance requirement as set forth by the State of Florida was not sufficient protection for the passengers using motor vehicles for hire. He stated that the insurance requirements for taxis would be raised from $10,000, $20,000, $5,000 to $50,000, $100,000, $50,000 and for all other vehicles it would be $100,000, $300,000, $50,000. He stated that the contents of Ordinance No. 85-73 which regulated rates charged by taxicabs should be repealed since these rates are adequately defined in Ordinance 86-4. Commissioner Voss questioned if the Risk Manager has concurred in this matter, to which Mr. Pineau replied affirmatively. Mr. Ocy Richardson, President of Yellow Cab, stated that he con- curs with the insurance requirements, but he does not understand the repeal of the rates, and questioned same? Mr. Pineau stated that the rates are already included in the new ordinance. Mr. Richardson stated that the property damage has always been $20,000 and he does not see the reason to increase this to $50,000. Risk Manager Rynders stated that much higher limits were suggested when this originally came up because the County was looking for higher limits for the protection of the public. She stated that the various taxi companies were upset because insurance rates were rising and the insurance was becoming very expensive. She stated that there are no actual minimum State requirements that apply to taxicabs, other than those that apply to any vehicle that operates on the roads in the State of Florida. She stated that after checking into the matter, it aOOK 095 PAGE 660 Page 6 . _.,,,',_,.woI___~''''~ ·' ., . ·I>l··.···;··.······ "f\ -..' ."".' :r;-.' ,-.." : ~ , . ;'!;' -: 1 ,. ·I'··.·f'········ .~ ~ ,; '_','10 ~~ ' "'f!i tl· , .. 095nr.t 661 , {, I August 5, 1986 was agreed that the rates should be set back to whàt the previous ordinance was prior to the amendment, noting that if last year's figure was $20,00Ô then she is in agreement that the property damage could remain at the $20,000. , Mr. Richardion stated that since this ordinance became effective, there are about 15 permits for taxis that have been issued, which is against the ordinance as they have not come before the Advisory Board, adding that he would like this checked into, as this was the reason for this ordinance. He stated that if everyone gets a permit, there becomes numerous seasonal taxi companies and then the year-round com- panies have a hard time surviving in business. . Commissioner Holland questióned if the ordinance that was adopted in January specifies that an applicant must go before the Advisory Committee before an occupational license is issued, to which Assistant County Attorney Anderson stated that the ordinance requires anyone who does not have an occupational license to engage in a motor vehicle for hire business as of the date the ordinance was adopted, to go before the Public Vehicle Advisory Committee to apply for a permit, which is different than the occupational·license. He stated that this was to establish need. Assistant County Attorney Anderson stated that the permit that is required under the motor vehicle for hire ordinance is separate and apart from any occupational lic~nse that they have, adding that they will have to have both the license and the permit. Ha stated that Page 7 - - - -"""_.._-_.,'._-_....~..- .. .-.. - .. .. .. .. , August 5, 1986 those that had occupational licenses when the ordinance was adopted are automatically entitled to a permit, as they are grandfathered in. He stated that he is not aware of businesses in operation that do not have a permit fr~m the advisory committee. Commissioner Holland stated that if these people are not in compliance with the ordinance, there should be some action taken imme- diately to clear this matter up. Commissioner Voss stated that the ordinance this date deals with the insurance requirements and should be adopted, but in the meantime, the County Attorney should investigate whether taxicabs have received licenses illegally and if so, they should be rescinded. Mr. Gary Mastro, Chairman of the Public Vehicle Advisory Committee, stated that they have worked hard to come up with a workable solution to these problems by adoption of the ordinance, adding that there now seems to be a lot of issues that have not been followed through. He stated that with regards to the insurance requirements, it was recommended that taxicabs keep the minimum state . requirements; that limousines and vans be set at $100,000, $300,000 and $50,000; that buses and trolleys be set at $500,000 and $1,000,000, and $50,000. Risk Manager Rynders stated that in January when this ordinance was passed, she had requested that buses and trolleys have much higher limits than there is in this particular ordinance, but it was not adopted because the bus and trolley companies complained of such high rates. lOOK 095~! 662 Page 8 ~...... ,~t_...___"",,_~""'''''''''''·'"''''''''"'·o lOOK 095 PAf,;t 663 August 5, 1986 commissioner Vo.. aoveð, .econ4eð by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unani.ously, tbat tbe publio hearing be oloseð. Tap. ... commissioner Voss .oveð, secon4eð by Commis.ioner Gooðnic¡bt an4 carrie4 unaniaously, tba~ ~be insurance requirements for taxis b. .e~ a~ $50,000 for bodily injury ~o 'one person, $100,000 for .or. than Oft. person and $20,000 for property damage, that bu.e. and trolley. be set at $500,000, $1,000,000, and $50,0001 anð that limousines and vans be .e~ at $100,000, $300,000, anð $20,0001 anð tbat the orðinance as num- bered and entitled below be aðopted and entere4 into orðinance Book lfo. 24 with tbe above-cbangeð insuranc. requirement., ORDINANCE 86-39 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 86-4, SECTION SIX BY REVISING THE MINIMUM INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR MOTOR VEHICLES FOR HIRE; REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 85-73 WHICH RELATED TO RATES CHARGED BY TAXICABS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Commissioner Pistor directed that the County Attorney check into the matter regarding the occupational licenses that have been issued for taxicabs since the ordinance was adopted and to return to the Board with said information in one week. :ttem " ORDIKANCB 8&-40 AJŒlfDING ORD. 85-13 nICH ES'l'ADLISHED BORTH NAPLES ROADWAY MB'l'U - ADOPTED. RES. "-125 IKI'l'IA'l'ING A PROGRAM J'OR THE PURPOSE OJ' PROVIDING ROAD AND WA'l'ERLINB IMPROVEMENTS Ilf NORTH NAPLES ROADWAY MS'l'U WITH ES'l'IMA'l'ED CONS'l'RUC'l'ION AMOUNT OF $5,112,749.1' - ADOPTED. RES. 86-126 APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICA'l'IONS, COS'l' ES'l'IMA'l'B, AND Er.TABLISHING DATB'FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON 9/2/86 FOR THE NORTH NAPLES ROADWAY MSTU - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 17, 1986, as evidenced by Áffidavit of Publication filed with the Page 9 - - - ....., _..".__..,...._..«.-~,~"".- ø.. _. .. .. .. .. .. August 5, 1986 Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a proposed ordinance . amending Ordinance 85-13 which established the North Naples Roadway MSTU and resolutions initiating the program to provide road and waterline improvements with an estimated construction amount and approving plans end specifications, cost estimate and establishing a date for a public hearing. Attorney Don Pickworth, representing the Engineers, Hole, Montes & Associates, stated that the North Naples Roadway MSTU was created in 1985 and when it was created the County authorized the consulting engineers to prepare a preliminary engineering report and prepare pre- liminary plans and specifications for the purpose of constructing the roadway which runs north from Immokalee Road to u.s. 41. He reported that this was brought to the Board by the property owners in the area that have asked for the MSTU. He stated that his purpose is to deal with the necessary paperwork in order to proceed with this project, adding that the original ordinance needs to be amended by adoption of the proposed ordinance; a resolution needs to be adopted initiating the program, and a resolution which accepts the preliminary descrip- tive material that has been prepared by the consulting engineers and filed with the Clerk. Commissioner Hasse questioned if provisions are made tor water hydrants in the area, to which Mr. Scott Globitz of Hole, Montes & Associates, stated that the project proposes to put a main water transmission line along the roadway corridor, adding that the cost aool( 095 FA!;! 664 Page 10 , I August 5, 1986 .. . ~ . estimates do include fire hydrants every 500 or 1,000 feet which starts at Immokalee Road and proceeds northward along the corridor. Mr. Paul Toppino stated that he was on the committee of property owners that aske~ to have this district established, adding that he is in full support of this project. Mr. Bob McMichael stated that he is also a property owner and was on the committee, noting that he is in favor of this district and asked that the ordinance and resolutions be adopted in order to hold the public hearing on this matter. Commissioner Voss moveð, seconded by Commi.sioner Goodnight anð carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Voss moveð, secon4ed by commissioner Bollanð and carried unanimously, that the Orðinance as numbereð and entitled below be adopted and entered into Orðinanoe Book lfo. 24' ORDINANCB 8'-40 AN ORDI1D.1fCB RELA'1'IKG '1'0 THB KORTH DPUS ROADDY HtJlf:rCIPAL SBRVIC3 '1'AXIlfG A1fD BBNEFI'1' tnfI'1', AS CREATED BY ORDINANCB 85-13t DESCRIBIlfG THE LANDS '1'0 BB INCLUDED IN SECTIONS lO, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, '1'OWNSHIP 48 SOOTH, RANGE 25 BAS'1', AND CBRTAIlf LANDS IN SECTIONS 7, 18 AND 19, '1'OWNSHIP 48 SOOTH, RANGE 26 EAS'1', ALL AS MORE PAR'1'ICULARLY DESCRIBBD IN THB ORDINANCE t PROVIDING J'OR A GOVERNING BOARD OJ' THE UNI'1't PROVIDING J'OR THB POURS OF THE ONI'1't PROVIDING 'l'RA'1' THE UNI'1' MAY LEVY AD VALOREM '1'AXE8 Olf REAL PROPER'1'Y WITHIN THE UNITt PROVIDING FOR THE CONS'1'ROCTIOlf OF ASSESSABLE IMPROVEMENTSt PROVIDING J'OR THE ES'1'ABLISBMEXT OF ASSESSMENTS AGAINS'1' BENEJ'I'1'ED PROPER'1'IESt PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCB OF ASSESSMENT BONDSt PROVIDING FOR THE COLLEC'1'ION OF ASSESSMENTS EITHER THROUGH '1'HE AD VALOREM '1'AX COLLEC'1'ION PROCEDURE OR THROUGH FORECLOSURE; PROVIDING THAT ASSESSMENTS ARE A LIEN ON PROPBRTIES ASSESSEDt PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILI'1'Yt PROVIDING 'l'RA'1' THIS ORDINANCE SHALL AMEND AND SUPERSEDE ORDINANCB 85-13 IN I'1'S ENTIRE'1'Yt PROVIDING AN BFFB~"'l'IVB DATB. Commissioner Voss moved, seconðeð by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unaniaously, that Resolution 8'-125 initiating a proc¡ram for pag. 11 II2J - - '-~"-~"'-~~~~"'~"~'---"'-"-'._,. ", """""-"",."",,--,,, ~,..__~:,,;;o.""'·""~·'·.L·.~~"_~'>·"'_'''"'_~·'__'' .". ¥···-.."'____.-.~.",.-.._..."..·^,"',.'"..".'....',H~......m_·"·~.,.··,~-.w"'",·"'_',.._,·.··.·..,,·.·.,·,",._"",..·n.·.' , .. .. .. .. Auqust 5, 198' the purpo.. of providiftg road anð waterline improvem.nts in tb. Kortb .apl.. Roaðway XS'l'U with an ..timateð construction amount of '5,112,749.1' be adopted. COMmi.sioner Voss aoved, seconded by,Commi.sioner Goodnight aftð carri.d unanimou.ly, tbat Resolution 86-126 approving the plans and .pecifications and cost estimate and est&bli.hiftg . date for a public bearing on september 2, 1986, for the Kortb K.ple. Roaðway MB'1'U be adopted. ",'l',.-, . ~ r " . '; . ~ ,-"", &OÐK 095'$".( 666 Page 12 ..... ~ .. '1, ,. ,'..I... 095n?' 675 August 5, 1986 It.. " ORDI1fAJfCB U-41 ZSTAIILISHIKG S'1'AlfDARDS J'OR CREA'l'IOlf AlfD RZVUW OJ' couwn ADVISORY BOARD - ADOPTED, SUB.1ZC'l' 'l'0 RBV'ISIOKS MADI BY 'l'HB LZAGt1B OJ' WOIœ1f V0'fZR8 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 17, 1986, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a proposed ordinance establishing standards for creation and review of County Advisory Boards. Administrative Assistant to the Board Nancy Israelson stated that in 1985, the League of Women Voters recommended that the Board adopt certain criteria, in the form of an ordinance, governing the creation, membership, appointments and review of advisory boards, noting that this matter was workshopped'and the County Attorney drafted such an ordinance for the Board's consideration. She stated that the original advisory board policy was adopted in 1979, with various revisions made throughout the years, but this will be the first time the criteria,has been thoroughly stated in ordinance form. She indicated that part of this ordinance expands on the present policy and better defines the criteria and procedures. She stated that major additions are as follows: that new advisory boards must be created by an ordinance which specifically states purpose, functions, powers, membership requirements, terms of apPointments, etc., that a new ad hoc committee must be created by resolution, stating the specific project, respon- , sibilities, and giving the date the committee automatically dissolves Page 13 -...,..... ~: (, 4. ;~... ~.- ~~'~ .. ~.I!'----",---""..._;~~..._.....--"...".._..",,~._,_..._-_..--,....,............._'.....__"'....~"._~. ,.~...¡J -' ~ t':' " August 5, 1986 (one year or less); that before an advisory board is formed, infor- mation must be provided to justify the n~ed for its creationJ that in addition to publicizing vacancies on advisory boards through the media, notices will be posted at the Courthouse and at the County Libraries; and that a review proce~s has been established whereby each year several of ~he present Boards will be scheduled for a review by the Board of County Commissioners to determine if they should be con- tinued, modified, consolidated or abolished. Mrs. Bettie Gulacsik, President of the League of Women Voters, stated that she is in favor of the proposed ordinances, but would like to make some changes. She stated that in Section 5, paragraph 4, no person should serve on more than one board simultaneously. County Attorney Cuyler stated that the reason that the proposed ordinance indicates "two boards" is that" at times there is not enough ...~ interest, adding that they do not wish to have members serving on more than one board as a policy matter, but by having the proposed ordi- nance indicate "two boards" it gives the BCC the authority to appoint someone to two different boards if there is no other person interested. It was the general consensus that this pargraph remain as stated in the proposed ordinance. Mrs. Gulascik indicated the fOllowing changes that should be made which the BCC concurred with: Section 5, Paragraph 5 should be added to read: "No member of any County Board shall become a candidate for any elected politi- cal office during his or her term. Should any County Board member qualify as a candidate for an elected political office, such &OOK 095 PAr.! 676 Page 14 ~- .."'_"'...-.,_,"""__........H".,,_.·,.._·,,"'...._~__·,,_""...~~·M,'^ ,. ",.,__.,".,..,...."',..,..,._...__........'"_........_____~.__......."'.""~þ"."...".~.,_____ 095nr.~ 677 l .I ¡ , August 5, 1986 qualifications shall be deemed a tenure of resignation from such board." '1'ap. f5 Section 8 should read "two consecutive board meetings" and not "three", and the last sentence in Section 8 should be deleted. Section 9, paragraph (d) should read "four years" instead of six years. Section 9, paragraph Ce) should read "four years" instead of six years. Mr. Bob Krasowski stated that he opposes the fact that anyone serving on an existing board be required to remove himself from that board if he seeks an elected office, adding that these people should not be penalized in such a way. commi..ioner Vo.s aoved, seoonded by commi..iofter Basse and carried unaniaously, that the pUblio hearing be olo.ed. Commissioner Voss aoved, seconðed by Commissioner Goodnight and oarried unaniaously, that the Orðinance as numbereð and entitled below be aðopted with the above referenced ohange. by the League of Women Voters and entereð into Orðinance Book Ko. 24: ORDINANCE 86-41 ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR CREATION AND REVIEW OF COUNTY BOARDS AND PROVIDING A POLICY DECLARATION; PROVIDING EXEMPTION; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR MEMBERSHIP; PROVIDING PROCESS OF APPOINTMENTS; PROVIDING TERMS OF OFFICE; PROVIDING SCHEDULE FOR REVIEW OF BOARDS: PROVIDING ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. It.. f8 RBSOLU'l'IOlf "-127 RZ PE'1'I'1'IOK AV-S'-010, XOBLMAlf EKGIHEBRIBG, IKC. REQUBS'1'INQ VACA'1'IOlf 01' A 12' DRAIHAGB BASEMENT Olf LO'1'S 32-33, RBPLA'1' OJ' MARCO BEACH OBIT 11 - ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO S'1'IPULA'1'IOlf Page 15 .. .. .. -....- .. - .. .. .. August 5, 1986 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 20, 1986, and July 27, 1986, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filec with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to con- sider Petition AV-86-010 filed by Kuhlma~ Engineering, Inc. requesting vacation of a 12' drainage easement on Lots 32-33, replat of Marco Beach, Unit 11, so petitioner may build across platted easement. Public Works Administrator Ruck statéd that "Letters of No Objec- tion" were received from all pertinent utility companies and the Water Management Advisory Board approved the petition administratively. He stated that Community Development has reviewed the petition and has no objection. He reported that the zoning is RMF-16, further noting that there is a 36" pipe that lies within the 12' easement which the Petitioner will relocate at his expense and will also provide a 15' easement for the new location which will, be recorded with the resolu- tion. He stated that he would recommend a stipulation that the vaca- tion not be executed until the pipe has been relocated or until the petitioner provides the required security. Commi..iofter Voss aoveð, seconðeð by Commi.sioner Ha.se and oarrieð unanimously, tbat the publio hearing be closeð. commissioner Voss aoveð, seconðed by Commissioner Holland and carrieð unanimously, tbat Re.olution .'-~27 re Petition AV-.'-010, Kuhlman Bngineering, Inc. reque.ting vacation of a 12' drainage ease- aent on Lots 32-33, replat of Marco Beach Unit 11 be adopted subject to tbe above referenced stipulation. Ef~~I' r i &ODK 0951'At;{ 678 Page 16 o.' . \\-;.'"" .DOIt 095 PAG£ 681 August 5, 1986 %t.. tt RBSOLU'l'IOlf .'-128 RB PZTZTIOX AV-"-Oll, WES'1'ZlfGBOUSE COMMUlfI'1'IB8 OJ' DPLES, IKC., RBQtJES'1'IRG A VACA'1'IOlf OJ' A 50' DUIJlAGE EASBMElf'l', PARCBL "D", PBLICAlf BAY, tJlfZ'l' 1- ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 20, 1986, and July 27, 198~, as evidenced by Aftidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to con- sider Petition AV-86-011, filed .by Westinghouse Communities of Naples, Inc. requesting a vacation of a 50' drainage easement, Parcel "D", Pelican Bay, Unit 1. Public Works Administrator Kuck stated that approval of this peti- tion will allow the petitioner to reroute drainage and replat Parcel "D". He noted that a petition was received by the Engineering Department from Westinghouse Communities of Naples, Inc. requesting the vacation of the SO' drainage easement and letters of no objection have been ~eceived from all pertinent utility companies. He stated that the Water Management Advisory Board approved the petition admi- nistratively and the Community Development Division has reviewed the petition and has no objections. He indicated that Parcel "D" is to be replatted with appropriate easements. Commissioner Voss moveð, s.óonðeð by commissioner Gooðniqht and carrieð unanimously, that the public bearing be 010seð. Commissioner Voss moveð, seoondeð by Commissioner Rollanð and carried unanimously, that Resolution "-12' re Petition AV-"-011, Westinghouse Communities of Naples, Inc. requesting a vaaation of a 50' drainage ea...ent, Parcel "D", Pelican Bay, Unit 1 be adopted. Page 17 - - - ø.. .. " - - - August 5, 1986 It_ 110 J'Int. PLA'1' APPROVAL !'OR nLICAIf BAY, "CilLBNVID PLACE", ACCEP'l'AlfCB OJ' COlfS'1'RtJC'l'IOlf IBCtJRI'l'Y, EDCtJ'1'ION OJ' COlfSTRtJC'l'IOlf A!fD MAIlf'l'BNAlfCB AGREEJU:lf'l' OJ' StTBDIVISIOlf IMPROVEMENTS, A!fD ACCBP'l'AlfCB OJ' DRAIlfAQB EASBJŒlf'l' - APPROVED Public Works Administrator Kuck stated that this is a companion item to the previously approved item, adding that this will replace the vacated Parcel "D" with a platted and written drainage easement by accepting and recording of the final plat of Pelican Bay entitled "Glenview Place" and in addition, he is recommending acceptance of the subdivision security for the construction improvements in the amount of $83,170.06. He stated that the plat of Glenview Place will provide part of the drainage easement that is being vacated as well as a separate written drainage easement that will be recorded to make up the bulk of what is required. Commissioner Voss aov.d, s.conð.d by Commission.r Bolland and carri.d unanimously, that the final pla~ approval for Pelican Bay, "Glenview Place", acceptance of construction security, execution of Construction and Maint.nanc. Agr....n~ of Subdivision Improv...nts, and acc.ptance of drainage .as.m.nt be approved. aOOK 095 P~r,i 684 Page 18 ".' p . J ?:¡, ! ¡ !,' lOft 095.'Ar1. 691 " ,.: August 5, 1986 It_ 111 RESOLU'l'IOlf 8'-129 RE PE'l'I'1'IOlf PDPO-8'-2, XICHAEL J. WILLING, REQUES'1'IKG APPROVAL OJ' A VARIAlfCE !'ROM THB MINIMUM BASE J'LOOD ELEVATION REQUIRED Olf PROPERTY DESCRIBZD AS 442 PALM COUR'1', COmfER'S VANDBRBIL'1' BEACH - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 20, 1986, as evidenced by ~ffidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition FDPO-86-2, filed by Michael J. Willing, requesting approval of a variance from the minimum base flood elevation required by the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance on property described as 442 Palm Court, Lot 3, Block H, Unit 2, Conner's Vanderbilt Beach. planning/zoning Director Pet trow stated that this would permit the construction of a home at an elevation of 6-1/2' above the sea level instead of 12' above the sea level as required by the ordinance. He reported that the lot is a vacant sp.awalled waterfront property and is adjacent to an existing ground level single family to the east and a vacant lot to the west. He noted that the existing ground elevation is 3' and the ground elevation required by the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance is 12' and the elevation requested by the applicant is 6.5' which means that there is a difference for the variance applied for of 5.5'. He reported that the owner has been notified and has aCknowledged by letter that the granting of this variance may have a significant effect on the cost of obtaining flood ins'Jrance. He stated that all of the existing homes on Palm Court except that on Lot '. I . ~; ,} .' , ! " ;," ,¡:tage 19 , ¡ ~.: ~ , ~, : . -: ...: ~; ..~- ~_J n i' 1 ,,-- ç 0 I~ r~ 1 :<;~ ; , L ~ 'I ,¡ ;'!" ; L~'· :J:"~' j ;" , ; ~ .. .. .. .. f""j (' '.' - J(.', ~.., ~: . ~f' . ;.,'1::;' 'Ø'i' :!~,:' ~":'; .(," '~;'·~i'· .. .. .. August 5, 1986 5 are ot Pre-F.I.R.M. construction, adding that there were all built prior to the adoption of flood regulations when the only elevation requirement was that they be built 18" above the street they front and although not el.vated, they are eligible for flood insurance at Pre-F.I.R.M. subsidized rates. He noted that the recently completed home on Lot 5 was elevated by filling the entire lot to the required elevation of 12' and the vacant lot, NO.4, which lies between the Willings Lot No. 3 and Lot No. 5 will probably be filled to the same level as Lot 5. He noted that if the variance is denied, Mr. Willing will have to comply with the requirements of the FDPO by employing filled stem-wall construction; building a two-story home using the ground level for parking and storage only; or filling the entire lot and using slab-on-fill construction with or without retaining walls, if a certificate of proper compaction can be-provided to the Building Director. He stated that staff recommendation is for denial. Mrs. Michael Willing, Petitioner, stated that she would like to be able to build at the requested elevation in the event that either her or her husband would have to be in a wheelchair in the future. She stated that such a raised elevation would be impossible to manage if they had to go to their living quarters in a wheelchair. She stated that her neighbor has no objection and his elevation is 4-1/2 feet and with a retaining wall between the properties this would block his view which would be unfair to him. She requested that this variance be granted. Tap. It &ODK 095 PAGE 692 Page 20 LJ; --~"""",.",_.~"..,,,,.".,,..., August 5, 1986 Mr. Clarence Griffith of 474 Palm Court stated that he is the adjoining property owner and is requesting that Mr. & Mrs. Wil1ings be granted the vari~nce they are requesting. In anwer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Pettrow stated that the 12' elevation requirement is predic~ted on the 100-year storm occurring. Commissioner Holland stated that this effects the right of the surrounding property owners as well as Mrs. Willings and the neighbor does not have any objection to the granting of this variance and Mrs. Willing is aware of the high flood insurance rates. He stated that it is difficult for him to a9~ee that this home should be constructed at the higher elevation when ~11 the homes in the area are constructed at the lower elevation. He stated that he would be in favor of granting the variance because the people next door would be drasti- cally effected if the Willings had to fill the lot, which would be the only choice in order to be able to get in and out of their home if a wheel chair was needed. Commissioner Pistor indicated that when these issues came up a few years ago, the existing Board at that time tried to compromise between the adjacent property owner and the federal requirement, adding that in this case, the compromise would be that the home be built at 8' instead of 6-1/2'. Commissioner Holland stated,that if this home is built above the neighbors home, the drainage will flow to the neighbors and will create problems for them. Page 21 .. - .. .. - - .. .. August 5, 1986 commissioner Voss moveð, seconðed by commissioner Gooðnight anð . carried unaniaously, that tbe public beariftC¡ b. closed. ..... commissioner Voss left the .eetinq at 11'SO A.M. ..... Commissioner Holland aoved, seconðeð by commissioner Hasse anð carried 3/1, (CODalissioner pistor opposeð and Commissioner Voss out of the room), tbat Resolution 86-129 re Petition J'DPO-86-2, Michael J. willing, requesting approval of a variance fro. tbe minimum base flooð elevation required on property describeð as 442 Palm Court, Conner'. Vanderbilt Beacb b. adopteð. . " , , v '-, ~ i ¡ (" i'-, :. :. J ~ ¡ &ODK 095 m1694. .!) . Pac¡e 22 .\¡ " "'-... ... It1~¡t f,: " .-.-~--'..._-->'- ,'.-.--.. ._- -~,-,,-,,- aOK 095 PAG{ 697 ~ i < ):.l AUgust 5, 198' It_ 112 RBSOLU'l'IOX 8'-130 RB PB'l'I'1'IOlf V-I'-I, DR. HUMBER'1'O A. PUJALS, RBQtn!lS'lIlfG I' 3" VARIAJfCB J'ROM '1'HB REQUIRED REAR YARD SETBACK OJ' 25' '1'0 16' ,It J'OR PROPER'l'Y AT 1673 SAK MARCO ROAD - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 20, 1986, as e'lidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-86-8, filed by Dr. Humberto A. ~ujals, requesting an 8'3" variance from the required rear yard setback of 25' to l6'~" for property located on the south side of San Marco Road, l/4 mile east of Gulfstream Street in Section 16, Township 52, Range 26 East, ,on Marco Island known as 1673 San Marco Road. Planner Dave Weeks stated that the objective of this petition is to construct an addition to an existing single-family residence. He stated that the property is zoned RSF-4 and is a waterfront lot that contains 8,000 square feet and exceeds the RSF-4 District minimum lot area requirement of 7,500 square feet. He noted that the existing residence is centrally located on the lot and meets all setback requirements. He noted that the petitioner is proposing to build an addition onto the rear of the residence and will encroach 8'3" into the required rear yard setback of 25 feet. He stated that staff recommendation is for denial. Mrs. Etta Pujals, Petitioner, stated that her father is going to moving in with them and the actual room is very small and they would like to be able to square it off as facilities for a wheel chair and walker are needed. She stated that the pool area is behind this area. Page 23 ! },¡ ·,·v.... - - - -,-_..~_._-,...... , - - - t August 5, 1986 Commissioner Holland questioned if Mrs. pujal's father is in a wheel chair at this time, to which Mrs. pujal replied affirmatively, adding that he is 91 and also needs the walker to get around. Mr. Haberlin, the contractor, stated that this is a lot that is facing south with an empty lot on each side. He noted that the seawall setback to the pool is in compliance, adding that they wish to bring the existing guest room out to the deck area of the pool which means an addition of approximately 70 square feet. He stated that this would not be an adverse effect on any future building in the area. . commissioner Goodnight moved, .econðed by commis.ioner Holland and carried 4/0, (coaai.sioner vo.. ou~ of the room), tha~ the publio bearinq be olosea. commissioner Basse aoveð, seconded by Commissioner Bolland and carried 4/0, (Co.ai.sioDer Voss out of tbe room), that Re.olution 1'-130 re Petition V-I'-I, Dr. BUmberto A. Pujal., requesting an 8'3" variance from tbe required rear yard setback of 25' to l'f9" for pro- perty at 1'73 San Marco Road be aðopted. . .. 'dJ">G¡ ~,( t'~ r : . . . . .¡,. ~' .. :1, 1 ¡ ~¡ (t,r r.:f1ul,;.r<t. 1 :';t" .I aOD ( 095 PAti 698 Page 24 , i'l,J It· ).' j WJ_ ;'.,; : ~ '. \ : ,";-.i; r.. ~' t')r' :.'J(",~' __"~'_""'_'_'___'''''''''''''''''''''''."'-^'''-''''"",-""",,,.-"r...""~',""C>~,,"~H"·"''''~·'''''''''-···'''····'··--'"''' ..," :1"; aODK 095 PAï.r 701 August 5, 1986 It_ 113 RBSOLO'l'IOlf .'-131 RB PB'l'I'1'IO. V-"-', RICH lfORGAR'1' OJ' R AlfD If IlfVBSTMJnf'l'S, IlfC. REQUES'1'IlfG A 15' VARIAlfCB FROM THE REQUIRED SIDE YARD SB'1'BACJt OJ' 40' TO 25' J'OR PROPERTY Olf THE SOU'l'HEAB'1' CORlfBR OJ' 8.R. 29 AND SOU'l'B 7TH S'l'RBET IN IMMODLBB - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 20, 1986, a~ evidenced by ~ffidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-86-9, filed by Rich Norgart of Rand N Investments, Inc. requesting a 15' variance from the required side yard setback of 40' to 25' for property on the southeast corner of SR 29 and South 7th Street in Immokalee. Planner Weeks stated that to the north, across S.R. 29 is zoned C-4 and contains a mobile home storage lot; to the east is zoned C-4 and contains a mobile home sales office and a barber shop; to the east across South 7th Street is zoned C-4 and is vacant. He noted that the corner parcel contains two lots and because it fronts on two streets the property is considered to have two front yards, two side yards, and no rear yard. He reported that the property contains a commer- cial building that is approximately 1,800 square feet, which pre- viously contained a transmission repair business and prior to that, an automobile service station. He said that the building has a 25' side setback at the southern boundarý. He indicated that a convenience store with gas pumps is required to meet the same development stan- dards as an auto service statiory, adding that the required side yard setback and front yard setback for a convenience store with gas pumps Page 25 t,. ~ ~f 1. - - - ..,..."---_."""''''_.",;.,..,."...,.''''','''~"......,.,."''.....,"".''''"' 'þ.. ... ." r - .. - t. ~ . August 5, 1986 is 40' and 50' respectively. He noted that the petitioner is requesting a 15' variance to allow an addition onto the rear of the building with a 2;' setback on the southern boundary and would allow maximum usage of the existing building interior for r~tail space. He stated that after review of the criteria, Staff does not find a land- related hardship and, therefore, the recommendation is for denial. Mr. Mario LaMendola, Architect, stated that the owner is under- taking a complete remodeling of the building. He stated that the addi- tion is 25 feet from the property line, noting that there is a slab there that was used as a hoist to remove transmissions, which will b~ removèd and will be landscaped. He stated that there is pavement to allow traffic to go around the building, adding that the whole deve- lopment is more in conformance with new construction then if it was left the way it was originally set up. He stated that what was ser- vice bays is now a store front and the whole development will be an improvement for the area. Mr. Craig Woodward, Attorney for the Petitioner, stated that this addition is for a walk-in cooler which'would be 25 feet from the side 'setback and the existing building is 25' from the side setback. He stated that all the gas pumps are located in the front of the building where there is ample traffic flow. He stated that this will improve the neighborhood considerably, as it will be a nice landscaped con- venience store. Commissioner Pistor questioned if the cooler could be moved or made shorter, to which Mr. LaMendola stated that it would interfere Page 26 am 095 PACE 702 aoOf; 095 rAG!: 703 , " , . August 5, 1986 with the interior of the store it it was moved, and it would not look as nice in another location. '.rape ., Commissioner Goodnight stated that this will help the area tremen- dously, adding that the people in the area are definitely in favor of this. commissioner BollaDd aoved, seconðed by commissioner Hass. and carried 4/0, (comai..ioDer vo.. 'out of the room), that the public hearing be closed. commis.ioner Goodnight moved, seconded by commissioner Ba..e and carrie4 3/1, (Comaissioner pistor oppo.eð and Commissioner voss out of th. room), that Resolution 8'-131 re Petition V-8'-9, Rich Borgart of Rand 1f Inve.tmeDts, Inc., reque.ting a 15' variance from th. required side yarð setback of 40' to 25' for property on the southeast corner of 8.R. 29 an4 South 7th street in Immokalee be aðopted. Page 27 .. - - - ~"._, ·"._"'o._,.",~,~_.·,,~··_····~,·,_.,,__ I - - . August 5, 1986 ..... aece.., 12'15 P.M. - Reconvened' 2100 P.M. ..... Deputy Clerk Ruis replaced De~ty Clerk Kenyon It_floe RESOLU'l'IOlf .1-132 'l'ERMIlfA'1'ING COHMUWI'l'Y DZVZLOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CON'l'RAC'1' NO. 84LG-53-09-21-01-H34 BETWEEN COLLIER COOlf'l'Y AND THE J'L. DEPAR'l'HBNT 01' COHMUWI'l'Y AFFAIRS - APPRovED Assistant Cou~ty Manager Pam Brangaccio stated that since last September staff has been actively involved with the current CDBG in clearing five Findings from a site visit made by the State in August, 1985. She s~id that this will be be the final official action before coming back to the Board with the final close-out and audit procedure. She mentioned that the Citizens Advisory Board met on July 1, 1986, and July 31, 1986: the meeting on July 1st was to recommend to the Board that the contract with the Florida Department of Community Affairs be terminated and the meeting on July 31st was to approve necessary internal cleanup of the grant documents between the State and the County, amendments to the Grant budget and the adjustment of the milestones. She indicated that the recommendation is for the Board to adopt the resolution, as presented, adding a paragraph regarding the advertised Public Hearing on July 31, 1986 which approved the 7 motions amending the Grant budget and adjusting the milestones, and a paragraph stating that the Board adopts the 7 Motions. Commissioner Goodnight moved, .econded by Commissioner Voss, that Resolution 81-132, as ...ndeð, terminating Contraot No. . t ~ &OOK 095"A(;[ 706, Page 28 .",,-~~~-,._--, < .....,..".""."'_.__..., ,. -þo '. 't SOft 095,....t 707 I I I \ I August 5, 198' 84LG-53-0t-21-01-H34 between Collier County anð the J'lorida Department of Community Affairs regarðing the Community Develcpment Block Grant, with the attached 7 Motions be aðopteð. Commissioner Holland stated that according to the Executive Summary there is 1'0 known fiscal impact to the County. Ms. Brangaccio ~ $66l,lOO said that back in 1983 the total amount of the Grant was ~ßß¡IØØØ and I~ it is now being reduced to $;JJí~JJ, which is what has actually been }~ spent and the remainder will go back to the State and reallocated in the new funding cycle. Commissioner Hasse asked if the remaining money will be reallocated to Collier County? Ms. Brangaccio said if the County applies and is funded, yes, but the monies will return to the State pool which will be reallocated in the new funding cycle and Collier County will be eligible under that cycle. She added that the intention now is to have the audit and all close-outs done by September 30, 1986, and the County will then have the records ready for the next funding cycle. Commissioner Hasse asked what the reason was for returning the money to the State? Ms. Brangaccio stated that the funds are for an apartment complex of roughly 84 units that had to be cut down to half that size because there were not enough facilities to permanently relocate the displaced tenants in accordance with the State program. Upon call for tbe question, tbe aotion carried unanimously. Page 29 , - .. - . ··,-,····,__.,_,...·,·..."'"_"_4,.._·."~'''''·H"._','p.".__~,·<"''''_''_"''';'''''.''''''',"''',_"~~..",,". 10ft 095 ,ar.t 711 .' 1;i'1' , f . ' ~ August 5, 1986 Item US RESOLUTION 8'-133 AMElfDIlfG RES. 84-195 , 84-219 IRCREASIlfG APPLICA'1'IOK !'BE J'OR VARIAlfCZ PE'1'I'1'IORS J'ROM $150 ~o $425 - ADOPTED Planning/Zoning Director David Pettrow stated that on July 22, 1986, the Board approved an Ordinance amending Section 11.1.b of the Collier County Zoning Ordinance to require notification of all owners of property wit~in 300 feet of ~he property lines of the land for which a variance is sought, and at that time the Board directed staff to report back in two weeks with an emergency ordinance amending the variance petition fee to cover the costs of processing for a variance. He said that presently the staff is reviewing the fee schedule for all petitions and will report back to the Board in the near future with proposed increases. He added that staff is now recommending that th& variance petition fee be adjusted to cover the increased advertising expense to notify property owners within 300 feet, and the expenses incurred processing and reviewing, adding that this will prevent another increase being needed for variances when the other petition fees are adjusted. He indicated that a cost analysis over the pas~ year for reviewing and processing variance petitions, taking into con- sideration additional advertising costs, showed that the average cost of a variance is $425.00. He said that the proposed fee is expected to cover all costs incurred by éommunity Development for processing and reviewing, adding that approximately 30 to 33 variance petitions are received by the County each calendar year, averaging about 2.75 per month. Page 30 ~:J í' - .. - ..'..-."-".,--...-...-, -,-"""''''.....''''''-"'._"'''-,.,,,.,''''''.~_.='"'',.,,'''''-,.....,.~...._,..~''' . I.. _. '""\ .~. " '~" " , - - .. August S, 1986 Mr. pettrow stated that the recommendation is that the Board increase the variance petition fee from $150 to $425, adding that these fees have not been changed since 1982. County Manager tusk stated that a petition which requires only one or two mail-outs, versus one requiring 100 or 200, would be carrying a burden. Mr. Pettrow said that the price is not significant, the important factor is tracking the system and keeping it in order, which involves a lot of man-hours end people, all petitions, small or big, require the same amount of work, and charging a flat average rate seems in order. Commissioner Holland asked how Collier County compares with otl!er counties for variance petition fees? Mr. Pettrow stated that in checking with other counties, Collier County was found to be in the middle range, some counties were higher than'$425 and some below. commissioner Voss aoved, .eoonded by commissioner Bas.e and carrie4 unaniaou.ly, that Resolution "-133 amenðinc¡ Resolutions 84-195 and 84-219 increasing variance petition fee from $150 to $425 b. adopted. , . ~ t. , r,. &001( 095 PAG~ 712 Page 31 .._....þ._....,,"'_.,_.........,,~"' --~",~--,-'.._"'-"""'".."-'''_...,;."-,,.,~...~~.,''"",'',....-",,.~-,,,.-""".; ,. ",.~".".'~.'."""""""".'" ".......,.,~,,-,-. .. .. .. . August 5, It.. It...lIS , COIrtn.'\~ J'OR SAlfI'l'ARY SEWER IMPROVDIBJITS RB MARCO DTZR AIm SBnR DISTRICT PR~SB II AÐRDBD '1'0 GUYMAKK CONSTRUCTION, IlfC. IN THE AMOUK'l' OJ' $1,317,846.20 - APPROVED Utilities Admlnistrator Thomas Crandall stated that staff has received bids for the construction of Phase II sewers for Marco Island, adding that the plðns were requested by 18 prospective bidders and bids were received from 8 firms. He indicated that the low bid was for $1,317,846.20 from Guymann Construction Inc., adding that the Staff, Wilson, Miller, Barton, SoIl' Peek, Inc., and Hole Montes reviewed jobs that this firm has done similar to the work involved in this project and concluded that Guymcnn Construction Inc. was their recommendation. Mr. Crandall stated that thp.re are two easements outstanding and the County is going through condemnation procedures to obtain them. He said that Staff is requesting that the bid be awarded to Guymann Construction, Inc. in the amount of $1,317,846.20. Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that the contract for the Marco Water and Sewer .District Pha.e II iaprcv..ents ~. awarðed tc the low bidder, Guymann construction, Inc. in the amount of $1,317,84'.20. " ,..... Page 32 &001( 09j'lr,t 714 " CI. l-' f/¡~:\.:· .... -_._.._.._",,-..--~.- ,..,----....._..........._.~"....".,-<>.,-"". ',' !I/:~ '.:.:~. :';.f!~..' ....', .'. , t , t" ~:ll '~~\:-,' .. .... fl1 .... ~ August 5, 1986' DISCUSSIOK Olf EXIS'1'IKa TELEPHORB IYSTEM,·RECOMMElfDA'1'IOK. BY S~APJ' AND AL~ER1fA'1'IVE. - S'1'AJ'J' TO COlf'l'AC'l' A~''1' AIm, HAVE 'l'HBM ZXPLAIlf 'l'BE SYSTEM '1'0 BCC BNABLIKG 'l'HB BCC '1'0 MAKE A DECISIOlf _ APPROVED ... .,. Commissioner Holland stated that he ~ad requested the County Attorney's office to investigate the contract the County has with AT&T for the telephone equipment to ascertain whether there is any liability on thei~ part for misrepresentation. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he will try to have an answer within the next two weeks. Commissioner Holland stated that if AT&T has liability, they might want ~o rectify the existing problems concerning the system. Thomas w. Olliff, Assistant to the County Manager, stated that the problem with the current telephone system is that it can only expand to a certain point, so while the County is looking at what grounds exist for a possible lawsuit, it also needs to pursue a solution to the situation or the County will find itself in a time trap. Commissioner Holland indicated that a project of this magnitude should be competitively bid. '.rap. .. Mr. Olliff stated that the issue of the County reaching maximum capacity on the present telephone system and that it could not expand beyond a certain level without making serious changes to the existing , system or going to a new system, was brought before the Board a few months ago. He said that when staff realized the County was running out of telephone lines, AT&T was asked to give a presentation wherein aODK 095 PAGE 716 Page 33 ¡"""""''''~';-~''''''-'''''"'''"''''---~-''"-'''-' '......'..-..,.,.,,-.--......-..,-....,,-,,-..."'..... .,,~~ ..."'"..""...,...,.;"_...'-"...~--_...,",""'....".;..,."....,.,.'. ·i.~J/· ~ .r-, ~"-' ~ ,., I~' '* 095~lGt 717 \r.!" August 5, 1986 they outlined two basic options; one was to make additions to the existing system and the other was to buy a new one. He said the addi- tions consisted of one switch at a cost of $150,000 and features parallel with the existing system at a cost of $100,000 which means that amount of money for 250 lines and at that point the system could not be expanded further. He said that in regard to the second option, AT&T proposed their digital system at a cost of $676,902. Mr. Olliff stated that staff obtained estimates from AT&T on their options and then decided to see what other options were available to the County outside of AT&T. He added that the County had three ave- nues open to it; staying with AT&T, going with competitive bids for a new system or go to a State contract. Mr. Olliff indicated that the State contract is broken down into four categories depending on size and Collier County falls into a Group Four State Contract which is let to the Rolm Corporation, a subsidiary of IBM, and offers some benefits that other phone systems do not, with service technicians based in Naples. He noted that the staff felt that gOing with the State contract was the best option for the Board of County Commissioners to look at and the reasons are listed on the Executive Summary, adding that the substantial benefit was eliminating the time and cost of RFQ, consultants and the final' RFP process. He pointed out that under the State contract, they are bound to 150 days, from the time the contract is signed by the County, to bring the system in, install it and have it running. He noted that ,.. .; Page 34 .. .. .......,.."..."."....'"""'~,..._...~-_.-.,...._y..>....--~,- ~__"'.'m ".,<-.""_._____""",,,,, t. August 5, 1986 the Rolm system is expandable to 20,000 lines and capable of handling . all the growth that the County will have as well as offering good ser- vice. He continued by saying that the Rolm system ties in with the DHS long-range study, which said that within the next three to five years the County shculd institute the ph?ne-mail system, which requires a digital system. He explained that on the phone-mail system voice mesaages can be left, eliminating management time spent in tracking down people, adding that this feature will be offered, one to each department. He said that a representative from the State is present to explain the system further and answer any questions. Commissioner Voss asked when the State contract expires and does the staff expect the same contract next year? Mr. Olliff said the expiration date is September 9th and they hope to do something before the contract runs out because they do not know what it will be next year. Commissioner Voss asked if the equipment that the County pre- ...~ sently has is usable on the new system? Mr. Olliff answered that all the single-line phones can be used on the Rolm system. Commissioner Voss asked if the Rolm system is compatible with the equipment that the Sheriff's Department has? Mr. Olliff answered affirmatively. Commissioner Voss asked what the trade-in v~lue of the existing system is? Mr. Olliff stated that the trade-in value is 10 cents on the dollar, but the County can explore the possibility of selling it to to get a better price. After a long discussion, Deputy Chief Barnett stated that two years ago the Sheriff's Department went along with the change to AT&T " . lOOK 095 PAGE 718 Page 35 -.....-...'" "~...-...-.,."",...._,,,. -"'~" "",,",,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,----,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-----,,,~,,, _... f. .._"','.,.,_..._c,..... ,····.....""'"..^..._,H".......""__...,,,."..;,....''"ä''''...~.._.'.__''''.",",,,,;._.., ~~"~'.~"'.. ."'.~....._...~..'_..."","..~*,,,' .., .._"."., ...., ..""." 095,m 719 August 5, 1986 and if th9re is another change th&re will be a service problem which has always existed to a certain extent. Ms. Linda Myers of the Division of Communications, State of FlorIda, stated that with the County's growth in two years time the present system, ~~ich is not fulfilling the County's needs, will be maxed even if additions are made to the system. She added that the State explores the needs of the agencies and counties, puts specifica- tions together and presents them in a bid fashion to the vendors, thus saving the counties time and money. These bids, she added, are awarded based on the best system for the money. Commissioner Pistor øtated that in the back-up material provided to the Board it is being asked to approve two additional carriers which will add 128 more lines for a monthly charge of $534, and adding that 128 to the 600 lines already existing seems to be sufficient. Mr. Olliff stated that it is not sufficient based on the County's current growth. Ms. Myers stated that all AT&T is doing is band- aiding a bad situation, and any money spent now and in the future on the system could be used to purchase a new system that will accom- mudate the needs of the County in the future. Tape It County Manager Lusk asked to what point the 128 lines will take the County? Mr. Olliff said one year, and after that the County will be forced to spend $250,000 for more expansion or get a new system, and in terms of delivery and selection the County needs to make a Page 36 - .. - "'1_ B"I"""I -_,___,__ , , .. - - - ~ August 5, 1986 . decision. Mr. Lusk stated that the new system should be considered and how to go about acquiring' that system, whether through the State or RFP's, and any other way woúld be wasting money and the County would be facing the same decision in the future. After a long discussion regarding compatibility of equipment, Mr. Hill of United Telephone Company stated that they sell as well as ser- vice AT&T equipment, My tel and the Rolm system. He suggested that staff should get the vendors together and let them demonstrate what their equipment can or cannot do, the required maintenance and what kind of maintenance each company performs. He added that a great deal of money has been spent on the system and many people do not know how to use it correctly: He indicated that if the County intends to go to a new system more time is needed to determine which system will be best. Mr. Lusk stated that the County has the ability to expand cheaply with the 128 lines right now, and also have a State contract next year, but it should make a commitment to change systems because spending almost half a million dollars for 228 more lines will not be wise. He also added that if the County commits itself to a competitive bid, it will have to spend additional monies for a con- sultant. Mr. Ed Machado with the Rolm Corporation stated that in reference to customer support and service, Rolm's clients, which he outlined, are well satisfied and as far as marketing, that is the number one &OOK 095 PAGE 720 , Page 37 .-.,..........-."'.."................-.. ~.,,.,,,,,,,,---,,,-~ loot 095 riG( 721 ""1 .'-. ' ··-v. August 5, 1986 consideration. Commissioner Voss asked how long was the period of maintenance referred to in the Executive Summary? Mr. Olliff said that was the first year maintenance. ., 'lap. 110 Commissioner Holland asked if the Rolm system was purchased, as proposed, would that include the 12e lines? Mr. Machado answered affirmatively. Commissioner Holland asked if the proposed 250 phones were added, what would that cost? Mr. Olliff stated that he obtained costs on three different systems to replace what exists now plus 128 lines, and they do not include 250 more phones; the UTS system is $409,000, AT&T system $676,000 and the Rolm system is $333,852. Mr. Ken Baker with United Telephone Communications stated that the counties who have gone to the expense of hiring an outside consultant and putting out a bid spec, have, been satisfied and have 8ignificantly reduced the cost a8 compared to the State contract. . He 8aid that UTS can meet whatever need8 Collier County has, and they can have more' technicians in the field qualified for any 8Y8tem. Commissioner Pistor stated that he would like to accept Mr~ Hill's suggestion about bringing in the vendors to show and explain their 8ystems. Mr. Lusk 8uggested having AT&T brought in to discuss their ability to expand the present system, and if, afterwards, the deci8ion is made to go to a new system then vendors can be brought in. Commissioner Voss stated that if a new system is considered, a con- 8ultant would have to be hired to write the specs. ~ í t... '-'1 P Page 38 - .. .. _""""'_~^O>""_"'~...,,,,,,,,_,,,..........,,,".____~.,,~._,._,_ ',^,", _.., .. .. .. .. ';.. ~~:. ;r,1' , ,tJ;', Kif ~:"', I~·· ;:~'; ~t if, .. August S, 1986 Comais.ioner Voss aoved, .ecoftðed by Comaissioner Bolland and carrieð unaftiaously, tbat A'1"'1' techniciaps be brought in to explain their aystea. It_ fl8 DISCUSSIOlf OJ' CITY/COUJl"l'Y PBLICAlf BAY BULK D'l'ER AGREBXE1fr _ S'l'AJ'J' DIRECTED TO IlfSURB CITY OJ' lfAPLES Gt7ARANTBES O'l'ER SUPPLY TO lfORTH lfAPLES RIGB'l'-OJ'-OY PBRMI'1'S J'OR LIDS tnt'DER COUJl"l'Y ROADB DElfIED tnn'IL AGREEMENT IS REACHED WITH 'l'HB CITY - APPROVED Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that the County had been negotiating with the City of Naples and Pelican Bay regarding the City's desire to s~ll Pelican Bay bulk treated water, and the concern has been that the City, who supplies North Naples, has difficulty maintaining adequate pressures and volume to their Carica Road tank. He said that as a result, the County has intervened to try and become a party to the agreement between the City and Pelican Bay. He added that the City has on their agenda for 8/6/85, a recommendation to exe- ... '. cute the mentioned contract that would provide Pelican Bay initially with 600,000 gallons of water a day; therefore, the staff would like authorization to attend that meeting and indicate that the Board has authorized the County Attorney to initiate appropriate measures to intervene and prohibit the parties from ,entering into an agreement without solving the County's problems with water pressure in North Naples. Commissioner Voss stated that the City has never been able to deliver water to North Naples, and added that until th.y can deliver 1001( 095 PAC[ 722 Page 39 - . IOOIt 095,A(;t 723 August 5, 1986 that water in the required quantities, the County would be opposed to them entering into any contract to sell bulk water to anyone. County Manager tusk stated that the County Manager should also be instructed, through the Public Works Director, that right-of-way per- mits will not be issued for lines under County roads until the Commission feels that something has been resolved. Utilities Adn'inistrator Crandall stated there is a possibility that the City will want to get a permit from the State to do work on U.S. 41, and the County has the ability to intercede in that permit process. He noted that he has not received a reply to the letter sent to the City regarding guaranteeing water pressure to North Naples, although it has been discussed. Commissioner Pistor said that until an answer has been received; the County will not let them proceed. Mr. tusk stated that Pelican Bay was created through legislative action to serve themselves water, and Naples has its own service area and would be serving outside of that area and that is another question that needs to be addressed. Commissioner Holland stated that from what he has heard Naples is proposing not to furnish Pelican Bay out of the same transmission line that services North Naples. Mr. Crandall stated that they serve North Naples with a line that runs along Crayton Road, aoross Seagate and up U.S. 41. to the County's meter at Vanderbilt Beach. Commissioner Holland asked if the City is committed by law to furnish the County with water at a certai~ pressure to furnish the North Naples area? Mr. Crandall stated that ; "\,(' ; Page 40 - .. .. .. .. .. .. . August 5, 1986 . that is a legal question, but the interlocal agreement has no mention of pressure although there are certain mipimum pressures outlined in the Florida Administrative Code and fire codes which the County feels the City has not met. Commissioner Voss stated that the agreement says that the City will furnish ample water and there cannot be ample water it there is no pressure, adding that the City had indicated that while they had the capacity to treat more, water, they did not have the pumping capacity to pump water to North Naples. He indicated that the City has flatly refused so far to give the County a meaningful guaran- tee that they will service the North Naples area. commis.ioner Voss aoveð, second.ð by Commission.r H...., tbat tb. County staff b. .utbori..ð ift the fteqotiatioDs with the city of .aples, to u.. wbatever legal aean. and any aean. tbat th.y have to insure that tb. City guarante.s water supply to North lfapl.s b.for. they connect to tb. Pelican Bay syst.., and th.t right-of-way permits for lines to be put under COUDty roað. is d.ni.ð until an .gr....nt i. r.acbeð witb tbe City. Commissioner Holland asked if the County will be able to meet the deadline mandated in the CitY/County agreement by the time specified? County Manager Lusk stated the County will meet it two years earlier. Commissioner Holland asked if the City has decided on a location for the tank the County is to build in order' for the County to acquire the tank on Carica Road? Mr. Lusk answered negatively, and said that he has asked the City Manager in writing for a commitment f~r the site because the County needs that before running its line to North Naples. &OO~ 095 PAGt 724 Page 41 ."..,..,",..,......,.",,,.,....,~"_.,-""""'-- ì· Ii:" i~<~;~;'. 095 725 ':C'/i. '~Gt \'.;:" í\ August 5, 1986 Upon call tor ~h. qu.stion, ~h. aotion carried unanimou.ly. It.. U, ROU'l'IRB BILLS - APPROVED J'OR PAYMElf'l' Pursuant to Res~lution 81-150 the fOllowing check were issued through Friday, August 1, 1986, in payment of routine bills: CHECK D~SCRIPTIOlf CHECK BOS. AMOtJ1f'1' $2,363,640.38 Vendors 146535 146862 BCC Payroll 033023 - 033025 $ 343.80 Ite. 120 BUDGBT AMElfDMElfTS "-3"/372, 37'/380, 382/383 _ ADOP'l'ED Commissioner vo.. mOV.d, s.conð.d by commission.r H.... .nd carri.ð unanimou.ly, that Buðget Amendment. 8'-3"/372, a'-37'/380, and "-382/383 be adopteð. Tape Ul 'It.. '21 RBSOLU'l'IOlf a'-135 AUTHORIZING ISSUANCI OJ' RBVBØUI TAX AØ'1'ICIPA'1'IOK NOTE FOR SPECIAL ASSZSSMENT ROAD IMPROVEME1fTS _ ADOPTED Clerk Giles stated that he is requesting authorization for the County to borrow $1,575,000 at 4.77' for one year for Special Assessment Road Improvements, adding that this process is done on a annual basis for the road projects. He indicated that the bids received are detailed on Page 13 of the Clerk'. Report. '...... Commissioner Voss moveð, seconðeð by Commissioner Hass. and carried unanimously, that Resolu~ion 86-135 autborising the issuance of · Revenu. '1'ax Anticipation Kot. in tb. amount ot '1,575,000 .t '¡ "I , pac¡e,,42 '" '.; (Y.J ',. .. .. .. .. ··_..··",·,··,,'"·........,..."'>...._"_~,..,,"_"".-_'",__'.~,'4"..,~,",_~_""..",.,. J 'I ",) , .."J;., . .... : j~{ß{ - - - AUCJU'~ 5,198' 4.77' for Oft. year for Sp.cial A.......nt Roað Improvem.nt. be adop~ed . , , ~{: " ~ ~'; .ii'. ~ ¡'" j.. ,~. .- , ~;; ;:¡,:,;'" "t~ ,.Jf', :t ;t7~ ~, :1~~> " ;:r_~ .¡: '., , ,,'r;""J:c-q l" ~,~ {_j ..~;', ,¡;~.; ~, r" ~~: ~L ..)'...,.(.. ;'{ì.th ~Ì/t~{ n~, ·'t~:1.":" ..'~ 'j,".. . '.1-;. ~~ ;¡\"'.~' ;'~-! It.J~," f :,J'. . .' ì;' ~" 1 1: .-; i. t }ht , '-j. ., j'; III.,) ,'1 ~ , . ,':, ¿ 1':.;1 BOOK 095 PAr.¡: 726 Page 43 IJ' ," , Ii' I,. ....} .., III' ---'-,----~..-_..."."'.."¡.."""""""__.it_,_".~,_,.., ;",,-¡ ¡...'\ .' \ -; .- IODK ()fJf)PAGt~~jl August 5, 1986 :It.. 122 DISCUSSIOlf Olf CAD.MBAS BEACH PARK AIm BAREFOO'1' BEACH PAJUtI COUlf'l'Y ElfDORBEJœJf'1' OJ' P11RCHASB OP CAXAMBAS PARK W:I'1'HDRAQ _ APPROVED Commissioner Voss stated that on August 1, 1986, recommendations were made to Governor Graham and the Cabinet on the prioritized list of acquisitions to be made under the Save Our Coast Program. He indicated that C~xambas Pass ranked 35 on the list and there is no chance that the State will acquire it. He said that at this point the Board should withdraw sponsorship of Caxambas Pass because it is better to withdraw than to have the State say "No". Commissioner Goodnigbt aoveð, secoftded by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, tbat the County's endorsement of the purchas. ot Caxambas Pass by tbe StAte of J'lorida be witbdrawn. Commissioner Voss stated that on Barefoot Beach Park the State Attorney has written to Lely directing them to proceed with the construction and paving of the parking lot at the North end of Lely beach which is County property, and also reminded them that three 0 years remain to construct the road that goes down to the north end of the State beach. He indicated that Barefoot Beach ranked 18 on the priority list submitted to the Governor, which was approved. Commissioner Voss stated that it is well for the County to wait until the State Attorney receives a response to his letter before making a decision on giving up any property at that north end, adding that if the County decides to give up the one acre parking lot, it . will have to be advertised for a public hearing. Page 44 .. ¡pO". . . . .. .. , - - .. . August 5, 1986 Commissioner Pistor asked if the 600 feet of parking has ever been deeded to the County? Commissioner Voss said that it is shown on the PUD, but he does no~ know if the County has ever received the fee . simple deed. The following people spoke objecting. to the County trading any portion of County-owned beach, particularly 600 foot of Barefoot Beach located just south of the LeelCollier Line: Emily Maggio Marjorie F. Ward, submitted a petition with 1,002 names of residents of Collier County. Dorothy L. Johnson Mrs. Johnson asked why Caxambas Park was not accepted? Commissioner Voss stated that he suspects that the price was a large part of the decision, adding that the State had only allocated $105 million. Item 123 MR. DOUGLAS KAY APPOIJlTBD '1'0 'l'HB BOARD OJ' ADJUSTMENTS AlfD APPEALS !'OR A !'OUR UAR TZU BXPIRIIIG AUGUS'1' t, 1"0 - APPROVBD Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board, stated that on August 9, 1986, Mr. Mark Strain's term expires on the Board of Adjustments & Appeals; however, he is eligible for reappointment and has sent a letter and resume indicating his interest in continuing. She indicated that a press release was published concerning the . expiration and resumes were received from Mr. Terry Hoff of Crown Construction and Mr. Doulgas Kay of Encore Construction. These resu- aOOK 095 net 732 Page 45 ...."."_.....-----""".-.+..,,,.,"'...,,,,....,,.'"'""'"'"'........,...,. _........._--_._..~ tOOl 095 raCE 733 August 5, 1986 mes, she added, were reviewed by the ståff liaison and the Chairman of the Board of Adjustments' Appeals and recommended that Mr. Hoff be appointed to the Board, but it is not a specific recommendation. Commissioner Hasse stated that he read the resumes and Mr. Douglas seems to have the finest background. commis.ion.r B.... aoved, .eoonded by commi..ioner Bolland. and o.rried unanimously, that Mr. Dougla. Kay b. appointeð to the Board o~ Adjustments' App..ls for a four year t.ra expiring Augu.t 9, 1990. Tap. 112 It_ 124 DISCUS8IOlf O. UCilIODL Sn'ER 'l'RZA'1'MEJft' A1fD LIn DGIUBR - BKBRGDCY DBCLARBD A1fD CRAJlGB ORDER ISSUED TO BOLB, KaJITES , ASSOCIATES TO De PROJECT SCHEDULE - APPROVED Utilities Administrator.Crandall stated that in July, 1986, DER notified the County that it was grant eligible if certain deadlines were met, and since that notification was late and DER has imposed stringent deadlines which terminate April 30th when they will issue. the grant funds, a number of things have to be accomplished. He said they are trying to get Collier County to do the most economical pro- cess of sewer treatment for a large area, and the County has to prove that it has a good, economical plan. He indicated that the help of the consulting engineer will be needed, and HOle, Montes & Associates, Inc., who did present and prepare the 201 Facilities Plan, would be the logical firm to use rather than allow another firm to come in and start from scratch. He pointed out that this involves a~out $262,000 of engineering work directly associated with this grant process. Page 46 - - .. ·~''''''''''·_>'__'_'_''-__''''_''.''_'__'''___''~_;'.''''''''.'''_~'''e_""~,.._~",_". - - ..- August 5, 1986 Mr. Crandall stated that at this point if the County waits 45 to 60 days for a consultant selection, it w111 not be eligible for this year, which means that the County can go' ahead with the work with the assumption that it will be eligible next year. Commissioner Pistor asked it the request today was to authorize the staff to arrange with HOle, Montes & Associates to do the necessary work to fulfill the requirements for the grant 80 the County can acquire the money to pay for the Plan they will design? Mr. Crandall answered affirmatively. ... Of A..i.tant County Attorney Anderson stated that the Board needs to deciare that an emergency exists, and County Attorney Cuyler said that the substantial economic loss can constitute an emergency. comaission.r Vo.s aov.d, s.cond.d by Commission.r Goodnight and carried unanimously, that an ..ergeDcy .xists ðue to the economio 10.. that the County .ay incur. Commissioner Voss .ov.ð, second.d by Commission.r Goodnight and carried unaniaou.ly, that a Chanq. Order be i.sued to BOle, Kont.. , Assooiates, %no. to perfora .ðditional wort to .eet the project sohe- dule .gr....nt .. outlin.d by DER. %te. 125 TRAJ'J'T.C STUDY TO BE DONE AND A SIGNAL TO BE INS'1'ALLED A'1' '1'JIB ZNTRA!rCE TO MOORINGS PARX A'1' BEGINNING or J'ISCAL 'YEAR - APPROVED Commissioner Holland stated that within the last five or six weeks several traffic accidents have occurred at the entrance to Moorings ,: '~ am 095 PAGE 734 Page 47 _4"'"'......."'."""'........~",·.<.·.·,~.. 095 PAr.t 735 August 5, 1986 Park, and several residents have asked the County, in view of t.he fact that a lot of residents are elderly, to speed up the installation of a traffic signal. He said that the residents are reasonable and are asking for any t~pe of protection that the eounty can afford to slow the traffic down. Transportation Director Archibald statAd that some"special signs have been added along the roadway, particularly on the north-bound lane. He noted that a flashing light or signing would not be much help, and the biggest problem being that the volume of traffic is so low that it does not warrant a full-fledged traffic signal that would stop traffic. Commissioner Holland stated that it may be low, but this is a situation involving a great many elderly people that are dependent upon driving in and out with some degree of safety, and the north bound lane should have a warning signal. Mr. Archibald stated that yellow flashing lights could be installed economically, north ~nd south bound, and the cost could be shared with the facility. Commissioner Pistor stated a traffic study should be done and a warning signal installed. Commissioner Holland stated that he would like some action taken now. Commissioner Hollanð moved, .econded by Commissioner Has.e, that ataff be ðirected to install the moat coat-effeotive type of traffio signal at the entrance to Moorings Park at the beginninq of the fiscal year. Motion oarried unanimously. Mr. Archibald stated that he will give a report of costs to the Board after the traffic study is made. Page 48 - - - 'II - .. - , August 5, 1986 *****commissioner V088 .ov.ð, seconð.d by Commi..ioner B.... and c.rried unaniaously, that the items unðer the Cons.nt Aqenða be .ðopt.d and/or approved. ***** Item 126 PURCRASB O~ IBM 'l'O~ RIHa RB'l'WORK ARC HBWLE'l"1'-PACKARD LASER JE'1' 500 PRINTER J'ROM S'1'A'1'E IBM PURCHASING CONTRACTS POR TRAHSPOR'1'A'1'ION DEPT. Item 127 LEASE AGRnJœ1f'l' BET1fED 'l'RE BOARD AlfD JERRY HA'l'J'IELD AlfD TERMID'1'IOlf OJ' LEASE AGREEMElf'l' W7'l'R ~N-AIR, INC. See Pages '1Ltð - '7S'.f/.- It.. 121 A1'POINTMElfTS TO IMKODLEE AIRPOR'1' ADVISORY BOARDs BOB COLmCUf, GLEHH SIMPSON, JŒJtN!:'l'R RUTTER, JIM SMI'l'R AlfD BOB HE1t'SOKE. APPOIH'l'JŒNTS '1'0 IMMOKALEE AIRPOR.'l' 'l'2cmn:CAL ADVISORY COMMI'l"l'EE, JŒJœ8R8 OJ' IAAB PLUS HUEY HOWARD, JERRY HATFIELD, S'1'AHLEY nRJ'ORD1 CHARL11.I GAU'l'RIER, GEORGE ARCHIBALD AlfD SARCRA SCHOELZEL It.m 129 BtJDGE'1' AMElfDMElf'l' TO PROVIDE I'UlmS J'OR RBDEHPTIOlf OJ' SBORT-TERM DEBT Ilf J'U1m 705 It.m 130 BID lfO. Do-l011 J'OR on 198' J'ORD TAURUS AWARDED TO 'l'AXIAMI I'ORD I'OR $10,791 Item 131 PAYKBlf'l' !'ROM O'1'ILI'1'IBS DIVISIOlf'S PBT'l'1' ~SH J'U1O I'OR BXPBHSES INCURRED !'OR BUSInSS LUlfCHBON IK 'l'RE AMOUNT OJ' $26.57 Item 132 LIST OF COOH'l'Y PROPBR'1'IBS SOLD 6/28/8' AUCTION AND A~BORIZATIOK J'OR REMOVAL OP SAME , . ',.1 ,,'ojht~f_~!B BDDIC 095 "AGE 738 Page 49 ...___,.__-__'"".m<::,._Oj,"""-"""-~_.."_.".,._.,'__ 095 PAr;t 737 August 5, 1986 It.. 133 MOlf'l'H-'l'O-MOICTJI LEAS. WIn A'1"'1' IIO'ORXA'1'IOX 8Y8TBXS J'OR TWO CAJUU.U AJfD 32 CP-LC2C LIn PACU J'OR THE 'l'ELEPHOn SYSTEM See PagE: 7~').5 It.. 134 Ja8CBLLAlfEOU8 CORRE8POlfDDCB - J'ILED AIm/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed andlor referred to the various departments as indicated below: 1. Memo dated 6/12/86 from Otis M. Brooks, Housing and Community Development, Department of Community Affairs, re Notice of Funds available to local governments through the Community Services Trust Fund. Referred to Pam Brangaccio, Kevin O'Donnell, with original, Vickie Mullins and filed. 2. Letter dated 7/8186 from Tom Lewis, AIA, Architect, Department of Community Affairs, re 1986 amendments to the "Coastal Zone Protection Act of 1985." Referred to Pam Brangaccio, Vickie Mullins and filed. 3. Letter dated 7/21/86 from Terri Ross, State Corrections Sent. Spec., advising of inmate No. 718145 to be 'released for com- munity service on 7/25/86. Referred to Glenn HOllingsworth, Department of Corrections and filed. . 4. Letter dated 7/21/86 from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Supervisor, DER, enclosing short form application (File No. 111222905) which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Pam Brangaccio, Vickie Mullins, Dr. Proffitt and f Ued . 5. Memo dated 7/14/86 from D. J. White, Assistant Chief, DNR, advising of scheduled meetings of the Land Acquisition Selection Committee. Referred to Pam BrangacCio, Kevin O'Donnell, Pat earroll and filed. 6. Letter dated 7/23/86 to Mr. William J. Reagan, former Clerk, from W. R. Howard, Secretary, Devil's Garden Water Control District, enclosing a copy of the minutes of the Annual Land- owners' Meeting and a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Devil's Garden Water Control District. Filed. Page. 50 , - - .. "-;.".._",_."""""''''''~;'.''''''''''''''~''''''-'''';'''''----'''",,.;,-,.._>,.~_......".,.."",._^,,~.".".-..,-_.._. ~ 12. - \,.~3 . - - - 7. August 5, 1986 Letter dated 7/18/86 from Lloyd Harger, Insurance Specialist, Department of Insurance, regarding a claim received by the Department of Insurance from Joseph Perrira. Referred to Sherry Rynders, Personnel and Îiled. Memo dated 7/22/86 from Leo Dav!s, VP Local 2396, Internatio~al Assoc. of Fire Fighters, informing of addition of one more witness to the PRC prehearing order. Referred to Don Lusk, Ken Cuyler, Leo Ochs and filed. Minutes - Collier Soil and Water Conservation Dist., 6/26/86. Filed. 8. 9. 10. 7/18/86 Preliminary Notice to Contractor that construction materials and concrete pumps are being supplied by Krehling Industries, Inc. to aunn Construction, Inc. for improvements to North Naples Community Park. Referred to Pam Brangaccio, Kevin O'Donnell and filed. 7/18/86 Preliminary Notice to Contrector that construction materials and concrete pumps ar~ being supplied by Krehling Industries, Inc. to Bunn Construction, Inc. for improvements to Golden Gate Community park. Referred to Pam Brangaccio, Kevin O'Donnell and filed. 7/24/86 Preliminary Notice to Contractor informing that HVAC Control System is being furnished to Kraft Construction Co., from Future Controls, Inc. for .improvement of proper~y at the Collier County Government Center, Bldgs. C & D.' Referred to Neil Dorrill, Skip Camp and filed. Letter dated 7/11/86 from Wayne E. Daltry, Exec. Director, SWFRPC, giving notice that the SWFRPC is prepared to begin a final review and evaluation of the Collier DRI '10-8586-59. Referred to Pam Brangaccio, Vickie Mullins and filed. 11. Ite. 135 RBAPPOIlf.rXB.., 01' MR. nLLIAM c. ERICUOlf 'fO EXBRGDCY MZDICAL SB1tVICBS ADVISORY COUlfCIL !'OR A 3 YEAR TERM ZXPIRIHGAUGUS'1' 31, ltSt 'f,~'): ',,¡ , ,~'.! ~ f. :: 1 !. ,-r-~ ",' t.{::r\ &ODK 095 PAGt 738 Page 51 1001. 095 PAIi( 739 ~ j it! , August S, 1986 ... There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned at 4:45 P.M. by Order of the Chair. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL i<.£~ .~. approved by the Board on ~tJ:..r "..,. A/?..P" or as corrected ~ . i ~: ;. . . e;::..~ ~ f; :" :';. . These . ~~s - --. ( -; ,. ;. ~:: :~: 84 ·e.~sented .' : ~ . ';'" ~? ..~ of!; ~.; ..'j-("" .I, ~I' "~':/,/ II'.~,~:. 'f, t) ......... ~~... ." "'" of .('lf3nO~-:> .....- I" ." t.t.,..,....1 - See pages 707 and 710 .f Page S2 - .. ,