BCC Minutes 09/16/1986 R Naples, Florida, September 16, 1986 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board ot County Commissioners in and tor the County ot Collier and also acting as the Board ot Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) ot .uch .pecial districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REOOLAR SESSIOK in Building "~" ot the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the tollowing members preeent: CHAIRMAN: John A. Pistor VICE-CHAIRMAN: Anne Goodnight Frederick J. Voss Max A. Hasse C. C. "Red" Holland ALSO PRESENT: 3ames C. Oile., Clerk; Carmen Ruiz and Maureen Xenyon, (2:00 P.M.) Deputy Clerks; Donald B. Lusk, County Manager; Neil Dorrill, Assistant County Manager; Xen Cuyler, County Attorney; David Mourick, Assistant County Attorney; George Archibald, Public Ì!" Work. Administrator; Thomas T. Crandall, Utilities Administrator; David Pettrow, Zoning/Planning Director; David Weeks, Planner; Nancy Israelson; Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Curtis Mills, Deputy Sherift. - ... &OOK 097 P~"( 223 Page 1 · &OOK 097 p~r,( 232 September 16, 1986 T.pe #1 It_ 1 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH ADDITIONS Commi..ioner Voss moved, .econd.d by ~ommi.sion.r Goodnight and ... carrisd unanimously, that ths Agenda be app~oved with the t~l1owing .. additions: a. 9C1 - Recommendation to execute a Lee County Elect~ic Cooperative, Inc. easement tor Immokalee Community Park b. 9D2 - Authorization to obtain 2 written appraisals tor ths sewer treatment plant land located in Lely Estates c. 12C - Discussion ot County Manager's Annual Evaluation d. Workshop on Goal's Management Program to be heard atter Sludge Workshop e. 9A2 - A recommendation tor the Board to authorize the Chairman to enter into an agreement with Kenneth Barton representing the Peterson Group ot Naples tor mitigation in lieu ot civil or criminal action tor unpermitted tree removal pursuant to-Ordinance 76-21 (Coneent Agenda Item HAl) Item #2 MlñUTES OF AUGUST 26, 1986 - APPROVED WITH CHANGES; MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 2 AND 4. 1986 - APPROVED Commissioner Voss moved, ..cond.d by Commi..ioner H.... and c.rriad unanimou.ly, that the Minutes ot August 26, 1986, be approved with the tollowing changes: Page 432, "Mr. Victor Mittolo" .hould be "Nittolo". Page 433, lst Paragraph should read, "in this area as he has had problems with them in Naples as well as in other areas where he has lived. Naples Community Hospital openly admitted liability tor treatment he and his son received trom doctors that tormerly practiced at that hospital." Page 2 - - - September II, 1986 Co_i..ioner Vo.. moved, .econded by Commi..ioner H.... and carried unaniaously, that the Minute. ot September 2, 1981, b. .pprov.d as pre.ented. Co_i..ion.r Voss mov.d, .econd.d by Co_i..ioner H.... and carri.d unanimou.ly, that the Minute. ot September 4, 19SI, Budg.t h.aring .e.ting, be approved as present.d. I tea #3 PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING OCTOBER 11 . 12, 191a, ·COLOMBOS DAY W!EXEND" - ADOPTED Commis.ioner Ha..e moved, ..conded by Commi..ioner Vo.s and c.rried unanimou.ly, th.t the Proclamation design.ting October 11 & 12, 1986, a. "COLUMBUS DAY WEEKEND" be adopted. ,. - ".. &OOK 097 p¡c.r233 Page 3 10<1.. _'f AI r11f September 15, 1986 Ite. #. ORDINANCE 86-12 RE PETITION R-81-iC, HAFAA F. ASSAAD REPRESEKTING A.T.I. or NAPLES, INC., AND ANTHONY MARANO, REQUESTIN~ A REZONE FROM A-l, A-2, & A-2 "ST" TO "PUD" KNOWN AS DOVE POINTE FOR PROPBRTY LOCATED ON SOUTH SIDE OP IMMOXALEE ROAD - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 25, 1986, as evidenced by Attidavit ot Publication tiled with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consiðer Petition R-86-9C, tileð by A.T.I. ot Naples, Inc., Wataa F. Assaad, representing Anthony Marano, sole owner, requesting a rezone trom A-I, A-2, and A-2 "ST" to "PUD" known as Dove Pointe tor property located on the south side ot Immokalee Road (SR 846), approximately 1.8 miles east ot 1-75, in Section 28, Township 48 South, Range 26 East. Planning/Zoning Director Psttrow stated that ~he property is 252 acres anð the proposal is tor 790 dwelling units, and a golt course which will be internalized, and 8 acres ot commercial which would be located on the south side ot Immokalee Road. He indicated that the net ðensity is proposeð to be 9.3 units and gross ðensity ot 3.1. He aðded that the statt has reviewed the petition and recommended appro- val ot the development and zoning subject to the deletion ot the 8 acres ot commercial and reduction ot the 790 units to 188 units. Relating to the 8 acres ot commercial, he said it would adð to an already 69.6 acres ot approved commercial in the vicinity within 2 ,. miles which wóúld be equivalent in size to 3 Pavilion Shopping Centers, and the Woodlands DRI is proposing another 21.6 acres. He &OOK 097 p~(,r 235 Page 4 aOOK 097 p¡r,t236 September 16, 1986 .tated that a proposed north-south road will be constructed 1/2 aile to the east ot this project in the tuture, and there are approximately 70 acres in that area, and it this pa~ticular part ot the project is providsd with commercial along Immokales Boad, the proper~y up to that ... new road is going to be relegated towards commercial. ~ Mr. Pettrow stated that the Collier County Planning Commission reviewed this petition and did not agree with the deletion ot com- mercial on this site, but .aid they wanted to internalize the commer- cial, meaning that that there would be no direct access ot this shopping area onto Immokalee Road. Mr. Pettrow indicated that the development trend in ths area has been to keep it at a relatively low density, so a lower density deve- lopment would be more compatible with the developing character ot the area. He said that it's remote location, even though it is in the urban land use area, is èxemplitied by thé tact that at. this time the pr~ject does not meet the required points in the Zoning Ordinanc6, receiving 21 ot 22 points required tor residential projects which indicates that this project is lacking adequate tacilities and ser- vices. He said the project did not receive pOints tor school and tire service, so language was injected into the Ordinance that no C.O.'s would be issued until such time as a tire station within the Fire Distirct serving the project is within 6 miles ot the project. He added that it is unknown when this will occur, however, it does ensure that the project will meet the minimum criteria prior to deve- lopment. Page tI - - - September 16, 1986 Mr. Pettrow stated that Statt recommended ~88 units by applying the maximum density allowed by the Comprehensive Plan tor this project to the total acres minus the golt course acreage, which gives the project the gross density ot 2.3 units/acre and a net density ot 6.9 units/acre, which is typical of the density ranges tor other golf course projects. He indicated that all County Departments reviewed this Petition and had no objection to its approval subject to the sti- pulations tound in the statt report. He noted that the CCPC held their public hearing on August 7, 1986, and recommended forwarding this petition to the Board tor approval subject to the statf stipula- tions per the agreement sheet. What the Planning Commission agreed to, he said, was that the 8 acres ot commercial be granted but with no direct access onto Immokalee Road, and they also went along with a reduction in density to 588 units, noting that the applicant's repre- sentative signed the agreement sheet tor those items. He stated that s~bsequent to the CCPC meeting, the applicant approached the Public Works Department and Mr. George Archibald torwarded a memo to the Planning Department indicating it the commercial is located on the south side ot Immokalee Road with access coming ott the main entrance road into the development, there would be a possibility ot stacking or storage problems coming into the commercial area at a later date. Mr. Pettrow added-that this intormation was not provided to the Planning Commission at the time they made their recommendation, so the Board will have to decide it this matter has to go back to the Planning 800K 097 pv.r 237 Page 6 · am 097 p~r.r 238 September 16, 1986 Commission. He added that statt contends that there is an abun- dance ot undeveloped commercial in the vicinity and teels that there should be no acces.; however, what Mr. Archibald is saying makes senee, because it in the tuture access i.-warranted, based on nee.1, they might have a right turn in and a right turn out on Imm;kalee Road. Commissioner Pis tor asked it a right-turn only requirement W&S imposed, what would be the view on that? Mr. Pettrow replied that the Planning Commission recommended no direct acceS8 and statt preters to have internalized commercial tor the people in the development, which was discu8sed. Mr. Pettrow stated that at the time ot the Planning Commission hearing no one spoke tor or against this petition. The PUD document, he said, has been amended according to the Planning Commission's recommendatione except tor the minimum setback tor the commercial tr~ct along the east boundary line, in which case the CCPC wants the 26' setback which is another stipulations plus all the other stipula- tions in the Executive Summary, and in addition, the PUD document and Master Plan have not incorporated CCPC's recommendation tor the units to be decreased to 588. He said that the recommendation i. that the Board approve this petition subject to the Planning Commission's recommendations. Commissioner Voss stated that commercial should be on Immokalee Road or not at all because, it it is internalized, until the residen- Page 7 .. - .. September II, 1986 tial area builds up. stores cannot be supported. He asked what the den.itie. were in the other golt course projects such as Foxtire, Lely, Eagle Creek, etc.? Mr. Pettrow replied that he does not have the tigures on hand, they are contained in the raw data backup, but it is comparable to those densities. Mr. Pettrow stated that it there were no other commercial in the vicinity, or very little ot it, and seeing that a new road is proposed to the east ot the project, he can understand why some commercial should be there, but there are already 69 acres approved and ths 21 on the Woodlands DRI which means over iO acres ot commercial within 2 miles of this project, not incl"ding this commercial. Commissioner Holland stated that he agrees with Commissioner Voss on the internalized commercial because 688 homes cannot support eight acres ot commercial. Commissioner Holland asked it the density was ~ calculated without the golt course? Mr. Pettrow replied attir- maUvely, addinl1 that the Comprehensive Plan allows for that. Commissioner Holland asked how tar trom this project is trom the nearest tire station? Mr. Pettrow said in excess ot 6 miles. Ms. Barbara Cacchione, Planner, stated that there are two proposed tire station sites, Quail Creek and the Vineyards, but the closest is Naples Park"'$ommissioner Holland asked, in reterence to points, it .. the project has to be near the tire station rather than the district? Mr. Pettrow replied by ths district accordin~ to the Zoning Ordinance. Ms. Cacchione stated that the recommendation was that because the m~ 097 p.\r., 23.9 Page 8 '<I'r""<T_,~.. tOOK 097 P1r.~ 240 September 16, 1986 project did not meet the points at this time, that no C.O.'s b~ issued until there was a tire station in the district serving the site. Commissioner Holland asked it that would allow Quail Creek or the Vineyards to hold back on any constructiOR because ot competition? ... Commissioner Voss stated that the project donates the land ând it is up to the tire district to build the station. Mr. Mike Zewalk stated that tive stations will be built by North Naples, right now there are two, the next one will be at Wiggins Pass and in about 1992 there will be one at Quail Creek. Mr. Wataa Assaad, representing the applicant, gave a brief description ot the site, adding that the present zoning is agri- cultural, active tarming, void ot vegetation with the exception ot two parcels, and the Land Use Plan identities the site as being urban. He noted that tho property complies with the density rating system in the Co~prehensive Plan and qualities tor 4 units or more per gross acre. He indicated that the rating system in the Ordinance relates to the old Comprehensive Plan which no longer exists, and based on that the project achieved 21 points out ot 22, but the Zoning Code does not .ention that that is tinal. He mentioned that in reterence to the tire station issue, the project is in the Golden Gate Fire District but close to the Quail Creek station site, adding that North Naples and Golden Gate have reciprocation. He said that they have agreed not to get any C.O. 's, or do residential building until such time as there is a tire station within a certain mileage from the property. At this . Page 9 - - - September 16, 1986 point, h. added, the two tire chiets are trying to coordinate some agreement in reterence to the boundary line. He said that in reterence to commercial, they tried to make it compatible with t~e Comprehensive Plan, and have elected to go with eight acres which is low compared to other commercial us.s. Regarding the accees, he said, they have agreed that there will be no direct access to Immokalee Road, and pursuant to the meeting with Public Works access should not be precluded right now becaue., it it is needed tor trattic reasons later on, the plan has to be amended and the zoning process gone through; the Engineering Department does not grant access, but it says that should access be needed, they have the right to approve it administratively. He etated that regarding density, considering only the net resIdential, there is a density or 9.3; it the entire project is considered, the density ie 3.13, which is below requirements; the 790 units are in line with the Comprehensive Plan and none will abut , the perimeter ot the property. In reterence to the setbacks, he said, th·!· language is contained on Page 42 ot the PUD document, and the number ot dwelling units was lett at 790 because they tind it totally impractical and uneconomical to develop ð88. Commissioner Voss asked it there is something less than 790 which would be economical? CommissIoner Pistor asked it 700 units would be acceptable? Mf~ Assaad replied that it was tIne. Commissioner Hasse asked it they concur with the commercial? Mr. Assaad replied "Yes." In answer to CommIssIoner Voss, Mr. Assaad stated the project ha. MOK 097 PI'.r 241 Page 10 · ~nOK 097 PA',( 242 Sept.mber 16, 1981 exceeded the normal trAditional percentage ot lake retention arb~, it will have more water bodies ~han the average development becau.e more will be retained on the property. Commissioner Holland asked it they were willing to hav._the Engineering Department have the right ot r.tueal tor approv.l ot the entrance and exit to the commercial area? Mr. Assaad replied attirmatively. Mr. George Keller, Collier County Civic Federation, asked it the applicant would consider two stipulations: under no circumstances would there be access to Immokalee Road, and it there i. commercial there would be a ðO' butter on Immokalse Road? Mr. Assaad replied that they have agreed to leave a 26' setback and to butter the east boundary line ot the commercial property, and as tar a. access to Immokalee Road on the commerical site, the agreement i. as was pre- vh,usly stated. Mr. Pettrow stated that it commercial is gOing to be allowed at the location, he would recommend it going back to the Planning Commission in the torm ot a PUD amendment. Mr. Assaad stated that he would rather the Commission aake a decision tOday. Commissioner Voss stated that statt is competent to determine the necessity ot addi- tional entrances at a tuture date. Commi.sion.r Holland moved, e.conded by Commis.ioner Vo.. and ·c.rri.d unaniaously, that the public hearing b. clo.ed. Coaai.sion.r S.s.. aoved that this application b. granted with Stattl. stipul.tion that th.re be no coamercial. Page 11 - - - - September II, 1981 Motion died tor l.ck ot . second. Co__issioner Holland aoved, eeconded by Commissioner Voss and c.rri.d ./1 (Commission.r H.ss. OPpossd), that the Ordinance as nua- ber.d and entitl.d b.low b. .dopted, for 700 units and any entrance or .xit onto Immokalee Road from the commerci.l property be administra- tively .pproved by the Engine.ring Departm.ntl ORDINANCB 86-62 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPRE- HENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS VOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA 01' COLIER COUNTY, VLORIDA BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP HUMBER .8-26 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSI- FICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY VROM A-I, A-2, AND A-3 "ST" TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT XNOWN AS DOVE POINTE FOR 700 DWELLING UNITS AND 8 ACRES 01' COMMERCIAL, FOR A TOTAL +/_ 262 ACRES; ~OR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE 01' IMMOKALEE ROAD (SR 846), APPROXIMATELY 1.8 MILES EAST 01' I-71, IN SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST AND PROVIDINO AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Iteca #11 See Page 3 / 1- for, agreenent ORDINANCE 81-63 AMENDING ORD. 811-111 RE PETITION PDA-81-10C THE VINXYARDS DEVELOPMENT CORP., HUAA ASSAAD, REQOESTIlfG AN AMENDMENT TO THE VINXYARDS PUD: RESOLOTION 81-16. AMENDING DEVELOPMENT ORDER 811-2 - ADOPTED Legal Notice having been published in the Naple. Daily News on Auguet 13, 1986. as evidenced by Attidavit of Publication tiled with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition PDA-86-10C ~ tiled by the Vineyards Development Corporation, Nata. Assaad, repre- sent.d by Atto~n.y George Varnadoe, requesting an amendment to the +- VJneyards PUD to ~elocate the goit course, the school 8ite, th~ park site and The Village Square to the northwest portion of the site; and, aoox 097 W,f 243 Page 12 · &m 097 p,r.~ 24.4. September 16, 1986 companion petition a. evidenced by Attidavit ot Publication dated August 31, 1986 tiled with the Clerk, requesting an amendment to Development Order No. 8ð-2 as amended by Ree. 8ð-221, by amending tne Master Land Uee Plan and by making the determination concerning a subetantial deviation, tor property locatsd between Airport Road and Golden Gate Estatee, north ot Pine Ridge Road and eouth ot ~ineyards Boulevard in Section 1, Township 49 South, Range 26 East and Sections ð, 6 and 8, Township 49 South, Range 26 Eaet, ±l,92ð.4 acres. David Weeks, Planner, stated that this is an amendment to the PUD and Development Order approved by the Commissioners on May 7, 1986. The petitioner plans to relocate the golf couree more centrally, relocate the school site and the northeast park site and the Village Square to the northwest portion ot the site. He added that the pro- posed changes to the Master Plan are as outlined in the Executive Summary. He stated that statt reviewed the changes and has no objec- ti';n to approval subject to the stipulations. Mr. Weeks said that this is a review to determine whether or not there i. substantial deviation trom ths Development Order tor the Vineyards; statt has reviewed it and have detsrmined that it is not a substantial deviation, and the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council and the Florida Department ot Community Attairs have concluded the same. He added that the Planning Commission heard this petition on August 21, 1986, and unanimously recommended approval subject to statt stipulations, and atter that meeting statt realized that the Page 13 - - - ...."w__..'_"'_;~,_~,'"',".,."·~,"',."~""...._"',',"'_,,..,·,·"··.,,·""",.~._""",......,._.;,..","y_."""."""",,,,.,,,-^-..",., September 16, 1986 Land Use Schedule on the Master Plan should include the tollowin~ ver- biage: "This Schedule replaces and supercedes the Land Use Schedule and Table "A" in the PUD document". He concluded by saying that the recommendation is tor approval subject to the CCPC recommendations, including the verbiage to be placed in the Land Use Schedule; no ,. ~ correspondence was received. Attorney George Varnadoe, representing the Vineyards, stated that generally they are adding 9 hole. to the golt course, realigning some internal roadways and relocating the park site, echool site and Village Squars to one location. In accordance with Chapter 390 ot the Statutes, this Board must decids whether or not the proposed changes . . constitute a substantial deviation to the Devèlopment Order, and as Mr. Weeks mentioned, it had been determined by various agencies that it is not a substantial deviation. Mr. Wataa Assaad stated that the proposed changes will not increase any dwelling unit number or acreages ot the commercial, no access points are being added to external roads, and commitments in the PUD document or ths Development Order are not being changed. He indicated that they took some ot the acreage that was previously allo- cated to lakes, revised the water management plan, and used it tor the golt course,,~ecause the golt course plan, as proposed, was not ade- - quate tor the númber ot dwelling_units. The other changes, he said, was allocating land on the northwest part of the parcel to accommodate the school, the park, and the Village Square; the tire station will be Page 14 ~m 097 WI 245 ·~·"""·-·'·"'~''''_'''''"_'.IIf.' · : ;OG~ 097 Pi'.~ 246 September 16, 1986 west ot the highway, but the donation ota site has not been t1nali- zed; ths Fire District has indicated that they may want another location. Commissioner Pistor asked it the lakes which are be1ng eiIminated ... - water management plan was determined by statt to be adequate and are necessary tor proper drainage? Mr. Assaad stated that the revised meeting all regulatione. Coaaissioner Voss moved, seconded by Comm1ssioner Hass. and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Holland asked it the applicant is 1n agreement with the language to be included in the Land Use SCheduJe? Mr. Assaad replied attir.atively. Coaaissioner Voss aoved, ~econded by Commissioner Haese and below, and Resolution 86-1S4 amending Development Order 8ð-2 as pre- carried unanimously, that the Ordinanc. as numbered and entitled viously ..ended by Rws. 8ð-221 by ..ending the Master Land Use Plan and by mak1ng the determination concerning a Substantial Dev1ation, be adopted subject to CCPC Stipulations and the addit10nal verb!a;e be added to the Mastsr Plan: ORDINANCE 86-13 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 86-1ð, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE VINEYARDS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOP- MENT BY AMENDING THE PUD MASTER PLAN AND BY PROVIDINO FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. , . Page lð .- - _. "_",~""~,..,""',.",,,,,.,,,.,, "'~,--,.,..... .""........"'... __,._...·__."""";.,b",~'·,~.',' ,."...", ~Cû( 097 P1r.r 254 September II, 1981 ... RECESS 10:10 A.M. - RECONVENED 10:15 A.M. ... Ite. #5 RESOLUTION 86-16S RE P~TITION AV-81-014, WILLIAM L. HAAS, PETITIQNER, REQUESTING VACATION OF THE 6' SIDE EASEMENTS ON LOTS 19 & 20, BLOC~ 39, GOLDEN GATE UNIT 2 - ADOPTF.D - . Legal notice having been publi.hed in the Naples Daily Néws on September 7, 1986, ae evidenced by Attidavit ot PUblication tiled with the Clerk, pUblic hearing was opened to consider Petition AV-81-014, William L. Haas, petitioner, requesting vacation ot the 6' side easements on Lots 19 & 20, Block 39, Golden Gate Unit 2, so Petitioner may build across interior side lot lines. George Archibald, Public Works Administrator, stated that the petition is simply a vacation ot a interior easement to allow a building to cross the property line. He added that the County has received "Letters ot No ?bje~tion" trom a~l ~arties and statf has reviewed the proposal and recommends approval. Commissioner Hasse asked it the petitioner proposed to build other buildings on this property? Mr. Archibald replied "No," there will be only one building on the lot and a halt and it will be a mUlti-family unit, a triplex; the zoning is RMF-12. Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unaniaously that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that Resolution 86-165 re Petition AV-86-014, William L. Haas, Pet~~ioner, requesting vacation of the 6' side ease- ments on lots 19 & 2~/, Block 39, Golden Gate Unit 2, be adopted. Page 16 - - - __;.""'=",,",,~M.·~ ,_. .....__._----_..._""-~--- aOOK 097 P~G( 256 September II, 1986 Ite. #7 ORDIHAKCE 88-G' ESTABLISHIHG THB PORT O~ THE ISLANDS CO~ITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - ADOPTED _ Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 27, 1986, as evidenced by Attidavit ot PUblication tiled with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance establishing the Port ot the Islands Community Improvement District. Attorney George Varnadoe, representing the developer ot tha pro- ject, Port ot the Islands, Inc., stated that the petition is to establish as a growth m~nagement mechanism a Community Development District to manage and tinance the basic services such as water mana- gement, roads, sewer, street lights, etc. to the Port ot the Islands development. He added that fhe District makes sense tor the County and Port ot the ISlAnds, and pre-tile testimony has been provided and other exhibits ..,l.th that opinion. Using the Comprehensive Land Use map he located the property which is about 22 or 2' miles southeast ot Naples; it is 486+ acres, split by U.S. 41 with existing tacilities on both sides ot the highway, and has various zonings _ commercial, multi-tamily, single-tamily and the plat tor two tingers was approved last year. Mr. Varnadoe explained that a Community Development District is a limited, non-policy making, local government tool which may be ueed to make sure basic services are managed and tinanced etticiently and economically without burdening Collier County; it is not a deve- Page 17 - - - -., -~.. ...._.._,-,~,.." Septembsr 16, 1988 lopment, it is a way that basic services tor development may be petormed a~ high quality over a long period ot time at no cost to the Collier County taxpayers, in a manner that it totally consistent with the terms and conditions ot the Development Order, and any rules, regulations and ordinance ot the State tor this County. He explained that the District operates by strict compliance with detailed proce- dural duties, including ethicft in government, contlicts ot interest, disclosure torms, notices ot meetings, reports to various agencies, competitive bidding, consultants Competitive Negotiations Act and other requirements t~ promote due process and protect the interest ot the pUblic. Mr. Varnadoe st.t,-d that Chapter 190 sets up the Charter tor the District and it w.s created by the Legislature in a ~anner to prevent changes that ,:oulcI lead to subsequent abuse ot its terms, conditions and requiren.nts, adding th~ Board ot County Commissioners must review Chavter 190 to see it there is sny reaeon it should not be applied to any given ~iece ot land or project. He indicated that the 6 tactors which by law this Commission look at are: 1) Petition presented is true and correst; 2) To establish the District is not inconsistent with local government plan or the State Comprehensive Plan; 3) That the Port ot the Islands area is of sutticient size, compactness and is sutticien\ly contiguous to be developed as a tunctional community; 4) That the Di.~r~ct is the best_alternative available to provide these services as compared to other alternatives; 6) That establishing &OOK 097 m! 257 Page 18 _~........ .M.."'_._.___.__.... ~·.O""',.·..C·,."',.·""IO...".·"'"........._W......·".M.""._._·.._,_~"~"'~""'" &OOK 097 PAr.( 258 September 16, 1986 the District is not incompatible with any local or regional taci11ties or services that may already exist in the area; 6) That the Port ot the Islands plan is amenable to separate, special district government. Mr. Varnadoe stated that Chapter 190 itatee that it th~ District is created, the pOWf.1.'S it will have automatically and tÞe Boat'd ot Supervisors ot the r·istrict will determine whether or not to utilize those powers which g~nerally are; Water management, water supply, sewer and waste~(ater management, bridges and culverts, district roads, street lights. H~ added that there are certain optional special powers that may be granted with the consent ot the Board ot County Commi.sion~rs an~ those are parks and tacilities tor indoor-outdoor recreation, tire prevention and control, school bUildings and related structures, security, except the District may not exercise police power, an~ control and elimination ot mosquitos, waste collection and dis~osal. He indicated that these special powers have caused concern and addressed them in detail. Commissioner Pistor stated that the five members ot the Board ot Supervisors ot the District have been listed, but asked what the pro- cedure was tor election ot tuture members? Mr. Varnadoe stated that the process is outline~ in the Statute which becomes the Charter tor the District and may not deviate, but the initial members would be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners and in 90 day. there has to be an election by the landowners, adding that the five members outlined were chosen by the developer. He added that the means by Page 19 .. - - "~-"""'''__'''"",'"'_'''_'W .".~."'-_."'-'-..,,,,,,,,,.., September 16, 1986 which any assessments are provided is set torth in the Charter. Tape #. Commissioner H.~se asked it at the end ot the 90 days there will enough people in th. doveloplment to draw trom? Mr. Varnadoe replied "Ho," because at t;-¡itl point the developer owns 5151% ot the land and when ad valorl!'l"< taxes are proposed the residents have one man, one vote, or at tha ~nd ot 6 years it is automatically turned over to the residents. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Varnadoe stated that the landowners dutieo to the County do not change, they pay their taxes like ever¥one else. Assistar.t. County At·,orney David Mourick stated that he researched Chapter 190, and since the procedure is basically a financing mecha- nism, there has been very little oPPosition from the County agencies who may be attected by it. He indicated that the creation ot the District enables the developer to finance and construct the intrastructure for development and to do 80 at a lower rate rather than obtaining tinancing. He noted that in the past week his oftice has received some comments trom Solid Waste Department, the Chiet ot the Ochopee Fire District and the Parks & Recreation Department questioning how the enactment ot the ordinance creating the District might attect .their agencies. He indicated that once the District is - created with th; special powers ~e Board ot County Commissioners is, in ettect, giving its consent to the exercise,of these powers by the District and the District can go ahead with whatever plan it comes up !COK 097 P~',t 25.9 Page 20 --- -~~"«'·"""''''_'''''''''''''''",'''.·_''~d'''·'~''"''''''''~<~''''''''_'''''"_' &OOK 097 PAGE 2ôO September II, 1986 with. He said that the decision the Board has to make is whether it wishes to enact an ordinance with or without these special power. and rsquirs the District to come back at a latsr date when they have a plan to submit as to how they propose to use these power.. ... He added that Chapter 190 is basically a tinancing mechanism with ge~eral powers such as sus 'wd be sued, to tax and float bonds. Atter a long discussion, Mr. Varnadoe stated that the County is not in a position to provide the services to the property because of its location and the District can provide them cheaper than any other mechanism. He listed a number of documents which he wanted included in the record; Attidavit ot Publication, original petition and all exhibito which include consent of the landowners in the District, location uap ot Port ot the Islands, map ot the proposed District, copy ot tho Collier County Land Use Map, Developer's Agreement with Department ot Community Attairs, copies of the pretile testimony, the receipt ot Notice « Consent to appointment of the five Board ot Supervisors. Tape .15 Mr. Varnadoe questioned, atter being SWorn in, Messers. E. S. Hightower, Wataa P. Assaad, Thomas M. Taylor, William H. Clark and Gary L. Moyer in reterence to their pretile testimony. Neil Dorrill, Assistant County Manager stated that to resolve the statt's concerns regarding the provision ot tire service, the Ochopee Fire District can require the special district to enter into a Page 21 - - - ,_.,. -..".....-.,,,.-,,..,,------.- ......."'---.-.--,-""-,-...-..«.'"" September 16, 1981 inter local agreement to specity . 'evel ot service above and beyond that being provided. Mr. Gary Moyer concurred. Mr. Varnadoe st.ted that he has no objection to that proposal concerning the juri~dictional authority ot the Fire District, and asked tor the granting ot the addition~l powers with the exception ot solid waste cgll~~tion and disposal which they hava agreed to withdraw and adopt the ordi~ance establishing the district. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he will tormulate language with reterence to the Fj~e District, and advised that concerning this peti- tion the Board can consent now or consider to consent later, there is no requirement that it consent at any time. Mr. Dorrill stated that hi. ottice i. in support ot what is being proposed subject the two moditications that have been requested and protect the concern regarding tire provision. Chiet Vinc~ Doerr stated that he has spoken to Mr. Scott Hightower concerning the tire protection and the details can be worked out, and teels that it would he a good addition, adding that it is an important project and will probably be the largest development in the District. Utilities Administrator Crandall asked it the limits ot the district wil¡ be 486 acres? Mr. Varnadoe replied that it is not - ... possible to expand because the p~oject is surrounded by State and government-owned land, but it they wanted to ~xpand they would have to come back to the Board. Mr. Crandall asked it he was willing to agree &OO~ 097 P¡r,[ 261 Page 22 _.....,.-"'-'"'".._..._~ ."«,--,,~... ,..- I."_.._____,__,_'"..._,_=-.",_""'....,,_,~-,._;._,,._._...,_....,,-,~__ · 097 Plr.r 262 September 16, 1986 that any current or tuture ordinance relating to ground water protec- tion will be adhered to by the District? Mr. Varnadoe stated that they have to ftdhere to the law. Co..i.sioner Vo.. aoved, seconded by Commis.ionsr Hasse and carried unanimously, to close the public hearing. ... :... Co..issio~er V~~s aoved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unar.imoU.ly, that the Ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adopted, del.ting in Section I, paragraph (t) and County Attorney i. directed to dratt language that the Improvement District is subject to the regulatory ju~isdiction ot the Ochopee Fire District: ORDIlI'ANCE 86-64 AN ORDIlI'APCE ESTABLISHIlI'O THE PORT OF THE ISLANDS COMMUNITY IMPROVEMKll'T DISTRICT: DESCRIBING THE EXTERNAL BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICT; lI'AMING THE INITIAL MEMBERS OF THE BOARD or SUPERVISORS; NAMING THE DISTRICT; SPECIFYING CONSB1~ TO POWERS UNDER SECTION 190.012(2), FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING THAT "HE COUNTY MAY NOT AND SHALL NOT EXPAND, MODIFY OR DELETE ANY PROVISION or THE DISTRICT CHARTER SET FORTH IN SECTIONS 190.006 _ 190.041, FLORIDA STATUTES, OTHER THAN AS ABOVE REFERENCED IN SECTION 190.012(2), FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING POR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY: AND PROVIDING AN EFPECTIVB DATE. Itea #8 RESOLUTION 86-111 RE PETITION PO-86-10C, WILSOll', MILLER, BARTON, SOLL a PBEK, INC. REPRESBNTING FUTURE CITIZENS, INC. REQOESTING PROVISIONAL OSE "P" OF THE RO ZONING DISTRICT FOR A CAMPGROUND _ ADOPTED Planner Weeks stated that the lands to the north and west ot the site are zoned RMF-6, and lands to the east and south are zoned A-2; the lands to the north are undeveloped and contain single-tamily resi- .. Page 23 .. .. _. --~",-_._._,._""..,,",,~,"-_.,->----,,-- ---~'''._"''''.._-,-- ',"OO"- S.pt.mber 18, 1981 dences; lands to the east and south are undeveloped, and land. to the we.t are undev.loped and contain singl.-tamily re.idences. He indi- cated that on Augu.t ð, 1980, the subject property wa. rezoned tram agricultural to rec.eational open space and at that time the Board granted a provision.l use tor a campground and amended the Compre- hensive Plan and also granted provisonal use tor a campground similar to what they are r~questing today. At the .nd ot on. year, he said, the Board grant.d an extension ot the proVisional us. and becau.e d.velop~ent had not commenced as ot August I, 1982, the provisonal use expired; theretore, to develop the site with a campground, provi.ional us. "P" must again be granted by the Board. Planner Weeks indicated that· the campgrouhd i. intended to be used by organizations that are youth oriented, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc., and is expected to be used when school is not in s.s.ion. He described what the proposed tacilitie. will include and mention.d that the eubaitted site plan shows what is being proposed. He said that that RV and trailer camping will not be allowed and the campground is not intended to be a commercial campground. He indicated that atatt recommends a tinal site plan be required at the time ot applica- tion tor building permits and it will ahow the tacilities with a mini- mum 80 teet .etback to insure an adequate visual and noise butfer. Based upon the-internal location ot the proposed facilities, the low intensity ot the uses, the intrequent use of the 8ite, the minimal traffic impact and the recommended stipulations, he .aid that the pro- &Gû~ 097 Plr,r 263' Page 24 "'-"'''~'''''''~'-''''''',",<....."-, .,.................---. · aOOK 097 PAf·f 264 September 16, 1986 ject should be compatible with the adjacent properties. He noted that statt and all County agencies revitwed this petition and have no objection to its apçroval subject to the stipulations as tound in the Executive Summary. H~ pointed out there 4s concern on the part ot the residents in tho area and the Plorida Game & Presh Water Fieh. Commission that the Eagles ne.ting on the .ite might be attected by the developmer.t and ~tipulation (t) addr.s..s that concern, and Plorida Game & Freshwater Fi.h Commission requires that there be no permanent structures within 600 teet ot the Eagles nest and the site plan does show that. Planner Weeks indicated that the CCPC held their public hearing on August 21, 1986, and recommended torwarding the p.tition to the Board tor approval subject to statt'. stipulations as amended, and with the additional stipulation limiting the number ot campers on the property to 160. He noted that since the CCPC hearing, 23 letters and one petition with 43 signatures against the project have been received. Statt's recommendation is tor approval subject to the Planning Commission's recommendations. Commissioner Hasse stated that he wants to emphasize the tact that this site has nothing to do with the Boy Scouts, and Mr. We.ks con- firmed that. Allen Reynolds of Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI & Peek, Inc., repre- senting the petitioner, described the property and stated that the Environmental Advisory Council was contacted and given a site plan and Page 26 .. .. .. _...._.,_...__."..~~"....."'""'..,.,'-'"-"'-, September 16, 1986 their assessment W'!iS thl\t this was a very low impact use ot the pt'O- perty, adding tha (,..bins have been lett out ot ths 1100' impact zone. He said that the pe~ltioner agrees with the requirements. He JndJ- cated that on~ of ~he issues brought up at the Planning Commission hearing was b~ttnring and design ot the property and they have centra- 1ized the improved tacilities to a corner ot ths site which is the most remote trom the e"isting residential development. He also indicated that they hav~ met with the Fire District and have made provision tor a tire vehicle to get in and out and a key will be provided to the .. Pire Distrlct tor the gate to the second access which will be kept locked. He indicated that nesting ot Bagles occurs generally during - the winter and most ot the activity in the camp will be during the summer. He noted that one concern was proper supervision and Future Citizens, Inc. have created rules and regulations tor the use ot the . prcperty which address allot the pertinent concerns. The tollowing people spoke against the project claiming it will increase canoe trattic attecting the residents, increase noise levels, cause problems because ot inadequate supervision of children, increased activity and development in the area will cause the Eagles to abandon theJr nests, and diminished property value. Hol~y Miller BettrEmer Mar ion- B.eers Mrs. Allison Nancy Coon Debra 3ansen, Wildlite Biologist, Florida Game & Presh Water Pish Co_ission Barbara Biper &Cû~ 097 p~r.r265 Page 26 aOOK 097 PI,.r 2G6 September 18, 1986 Stuart McF~~land, President ot Future Citizens, Inc., stated that the campground will provide a tacility which is needed tor youth and supervision wIll be a high priority, two chaperones per group, and any group viola~lng the rules and regulationa-ot the camp wi11...not be :... allowed to use the tacility again. He indicated that the camp' will be used only ~y organized youth groups and provide them with a good atmosphere. He added that it will be an improvement of the area. Commissioner Haase asked the length ot the camping period during the week? Mr. McFarland replied that it will be used during the week, but primarily weekends. Commiesioner Hasse stated that he noticed that the entire tenting area is in the restricted area. Mr. McFarland said that it has been discussed, and chances are that the tenting area will be moved down into the area ot the bathhouse, but it lett where it is, it would not be used during nesting time. Commissioner Hasse asked it the camp was going to be uaed only tour mo~ths out ot the year? Mr. McFarland replied that the tenting area will be respected during nesting season, but the rest can be used all year. Thomas Davis, Assistant V.P. ot Future Citizines, Inc., stated that this plan is essentially the same a. the one approved in 1geO, and the only change that has been made ia to move the bunk houses turther away from the Eagles nests. He indicated that what the group is trying to present is a controlled tacility for camping tor all youth in Collier County, and thsy like that property for the very Page 27 - _. - 'R' 1M' liT. d. September 16, 1986 reasons that they are being restricted; it does have Eagles nest, goter turtles, t.idal creek and vegetation that will make good nature trails which will give children a unique camping experience. Commissioner Hasse asked the petitioner it they are going to moni- tor the land and the restrictions that have to take place during camping season particularly, and ott camping season when the Eagles are nesting? Mr. McParland answered attirmatively. Commissioner Holland asked it there is a means ot entering the canal and n~t going through the restricted area? Mr. McFarland replied that it is just a matter ot putting the canoe in the water and moving out of the area, and it is a distance from the nests. Co..is.ioner Vo.s ~ved, seconded by COmmis.ioner Holland and carried ./1 (Commissioner Hasse opposed) that Resolution 86-166 re Petition PU-86-10C, Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI a Peek, Inc., repre- sent1ng Future Citizens. Inc., requesting provisional use "P" of the RO Zoning District tor a campground, be adopted 8Ubject to the Planning Commi.sion's recommendation.. - ... aoo~ 097 P~G[ 267 Page 28 September 16, 1986 ..... Re~.ss: 12:30 P.M. - Reconvened I 2:00 P.M. at which t1~~ Deputy Clerk Xenyon replaced Deputy Clerk Ruiz ..... Item #9 RESOLUTION ~6-167 RE PETITION CCCL-86-3C. COLLIER COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION DEPT. RE PERMISSION TO REVEGBTATE A DUNE AND CONSTRUCT A CROSSWALK ON BrACH FRONT PROPERTY ON MARCO ISLAND - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 31, 1986, as evidenced by Attidavit ot Publication tiled with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition CCCL-86-3C, tiled by Collier County Parks & Recreation Department requesting per- mission to revegetate a dune and construct a crosswalk on beachtront property on Marco Island. Assistant Natural Resources Management Director Henningsen stated that this is a request to revegetate a beachtront dune with native plant species and to construct a·crosswalk o~beachtront propert~ which is located 1/4 mile north ot the southern tip ot Marco Iuland. He noted that the County owns a 20 toot easement at this location with a portion ot it being seaward ot the Coastal Construction Control Line. He noted that the revegetation and crosswalk will pro- vide beach access tor the citizens ot Collier County, greater satety tor the citizens walking to and trom the beach and protection ot natural beach teatures as well as re-creation of lost habitat. He stated that statt recommends that this variance be granted with the stipulations that the crosswalk must contorm to specitications ot the Florida Depart:ment ot Natural Resources and that revegetation of the &cOK 097 Plr.[ 275 Page 29 T-..____'_·..."'_"""'..·,··,·,~;"",,·,',,"",,·,,·"'~_"..,,'..,,'"',··...""*',",..."....,,,-,-.,.",,..-"'µ~".,,.".."..._,~-- · aOOK 097 Plr.r276 September 16, 1986 dune area Jll\u·t involve use ot native plant specie., and they mu.t be reviewed anð subject to a~proval by the Natural Resources Management Department. Commissiol,er Vo.s que.tioned how much- this cros_alk 'WQuld cost, :.. to which Acting Parks & Recreation Director Smith .tated that it would be around $2,ðOO. COlllllli..ioner H.... aoved, seconded by Co..is.ioner Vo.. and carried '/0, (Co..issioner Goodnight not pre.ent at this time), that the public h.aring b. closed. Coaaissioner H.... mov.d, .econded by Co..i..ioner VO.. and carried '/0, (Co..is.ion.r Goodnight not pres.nt at this ti..), that Re.olution 88-167 re P.tition CCCL-88-3C, Collier County Park. . Recreation Departm.nt re permission to rev.getate a dune and con.truct a cros_.lk on beachtront pr~perty on Marco I.land be adopt.d. ~'~ -: .: Page 30 - - - September 16, 1986 Its. #10 PETITION R-8~-20C. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION - CONT'D TO 10/7/86 Commissigner Voss aoved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried 4/0, (Commissioner Goodnight not pre.ent at this time), that Petition R-86-20C, Community Development Division, be continued to October 7, 1986. Item #11 RESOLUTION 88-168 RE PETITION PU-86-12C, BCC, REQUESTING PROVISIONAL OSE 8.10'OF THE "E" ESTATES ~OR A ~IRK PROTECTION FACILITY - ADOPTED SUB3KCT TO THE PETITIOIfER S AGREEMENT AND FINDING OF FACT Planner Weeks stated that this is a request tor a provisional use .. tor an essential service which is a fire protection facility for property located on the southwest corner of Randall Blvd. and 8th Street H.E. approximately 1/2 mile east ot the Immokalee Road and Randall Blvd. intersection containing approximately 6-1/2 acres. He noted that the properties to the east, south, and west are zoned Estates and are undeveloped. He etated that the property to the north is part ot the recently vacated plat ot the North Golden Gate City, which has been approved to be developed as golt course, commercial, tuture school site and tairground site, multi-family, 8ingle-tamily, and agricultural uses. He stated that this petition originally included the..Big Corkscrew Island Fire Department and the Division ot Forestry, addin~ .that since the !ubmittal the Big Corkscrew Island Fire Department has withdrawn their participation in this request because they have obtained their own piece ot property and will be 8GOK 097 W.! 279 Page 31 ..... _.._"""","",,",..'L'- ~.... &COX 097 PÂ<.~ 2:~m September 16, 1986 requesting t.heir own provisional use. He stated that at this time, it ie just tor the Division ot Forestry. He stated that this property was purchased by the County approximatel~one year ago and the intent was to develop the site with a tire tower. He stated that~he site .... may include the tollowing, an observation tower, residences tor the personnel and their tamilies, a garage to store equipment, tools, and vehicles. He stated that the southern halt ot the property is heavily vegetated with cypress and one ot the stipulations is that the cypress head be preserved. which will ~ct as a natural butter to the proper- tie. to the south, noting that they will contorm to the County's noise ordinance and that their equipment will be tested in accordance with the ordinance. He noted that statt also recommends that there be a landscaped butter along the ea~t, west and north property line. He _ð.C Ilh;¡~~~'" stated that Statt has no objectio~to approval subject to the stipula- tions tound in the Executive Summary dated September 16, 1986, and that no letters have been received against this petition. Commissioner Pistor questioned it a modular home is going to be built on the property, to which Planner Weeks stated that a trame home is much more expensive than a modular home, but the Division ot Forestry representative stated that it was their intent to build a trame home it they had the tunds available. Planner Weeks stated that a modular home is allowed in the Estates District so long as it meets building codes. Commissioner Voss stated that this results trom about 1-1/2 years ago when all the brush tires were happening, adding that Miles Page 32 .. .. .. "__W\l~_'" ß'" . ". lit r -.. ....__",,..._.___,.."'_.,,;''''.......~,.,.._'"......''''_.'...'..._..,......., September 18, 1986 Scotield indi:ated to him that there should be a program ot checker- board burni~g which evolved into the tire tower situation. He stated that this is a worthwhile venture and the County should move ahead with it. Comaissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Resolution 88-168 re Petition PU-86-12C, requesting provisional use 8.10 ot the "EW Estates tor a tire protec- tion tacility be adopted, subject to the Petitioner'. Agreement and the I'inding ot I'act. - ... ~OOK 097 p~r.~ 281 Page 33 · aOOK 097 W! 288 September 16, 1986 It_ #12 8 MOKTH UPDATE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT HOUSING PROGRAMS DEPARTMENT _ ACCEPTED AND ANOTHER UPDATE to BE PRESENTED IN MARCH. 1987 Wanda Jones, Economic Development Houeing Programs Director, stated that since March when she was hired, she has been working hard to accomplish a number ot ditterent things. She indicated that there were a number ot problems with the CDBO grant which resulted in a good grant being turned down by DCA. She stated that she has been trying to clean up that grant and it is now in close-out status and awaiting the preliminary certiticate. She indicated that the mod- rehab program, which is a housing assistance program that the County is involved in, has some problems which she is trying to solve. She noted that some ot the problems had to do with compliance which related to the housing quality standards in those units, adding that the County is under contract tor a period ot IS years with the owners anå as a result ot that, the County has to monitor and continue to aake sure that the units are in compliance. She indicated that there were a number of units that were put under an agreement to enter into a contract and they had not resulted, so the agreements had to be ter- minated in order to get that program straightened out. She stated that the program utilization tor the Section 8 eXisting program was very unleased, noting that there were a total ot 118 existing cer- tificates available and only 34 ot them were under lease in March. She stated that since that time, the number has been brought up to a Page 34 - - - September 18, 1988 total of ðð trom the original 34. She stated that this time, there are 90 tamilies that are being assisted, and there are still 10 cer- titicates that are out. She stated that the program lease up is the way the program earns its money and supports itselt, adding that the County earns a tee ot $37 tor each unit that is undor lease, which is an important issue in trying to make the program selt-supporting. She stated that the administrative tee on the total lðð units would be a little over $68.000 a year. She stated that in Washington, there is a move to try and reduce lhis tee and she is requesting that the Chairman write a letter to the Legislative members asking that Washington not reduce the tees. She stated that with the mod-rehab program, there are a total ot 35 units County~wide and the contract stays with the unit. which means that the assistance goes to the people as long as they remain in that unit. She noted that in the Section 8 program it the people move, their assistance goes with them. She stated that at this time, the maximum amount ot money that could come into the County under administrative fees or assistance tees for both programs is around $747,000 on an annual basis. She stated that the contract tor the Section 8 with HUD is good until 1991 and under the mOd-rehab, the contract is good until 1999. She noted that she has applied tor 20 vouchers which is another program, that is similar to the SectiÓ·n-8 program. Shr stated that it usually takes 15 to 6 .. months to get thåt contract into-the County, but Hhen it does, it Hill give an additional contract authority ot $114~ðOO, adding that in &oor. 097 W! 28.9 Page 315 ~-'.".""""'" "'''''--- ":'if ~>: . 'OOK 097 ,~~t 290 September 16, 1986 addition to that, she has applied tor 180 additional Section 8 cer- titicates. She reported that she is hoping to receive 90 ot those certiticates which would mean an additional contract authority ot $1126,000. .... ... In answer to Commissioner Voss, Ms. Jones .tate~ that the $37 tee is on a per month per unit times the number ot months that the unit is under contract. Commissioner Voss stated that a tew years ago, there was a grant that was applied tor on property that was acquired trom the Collier tamily, which was turned down and questioned it the County could reapply tor that grant? Ms. 30nes stated that she i. in the process ot re-developing that grant and it will be resubmitted by the December 30, 1986, deadline. She stated that DCA in Tallahassee has reçommended that the grant be resubmitted as it was a good grant and rate~ high. She stated that the reason that the grant was not tunded was because ot the problems thðt were related to the CDBG#3 grant and with these problems being resolved, this grant will now stand a good chance. She stated that another problem on that grant is that the County does not have a Fair Housing Ordinance which she is in the process ot preparing. Tape #8 Ms. Jones stated that the money trom the State is getting tighter and the competition is getting greater, which i. what the County is up against now. Page 36 - - - September 16, 1986 In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Ms. 30nes stated that the deadline is December 30, 1986, on the grant that is being resubmitted, " adding that she would anticipate that it would be 3 or . months atter the deadline betore anything will be heard on that grant. Ms. Jones stated that in Fiscal Year 1987, she will be considering doing some kind ot a re-hab grant tor the Naples Manor area, adding that in the process ot developing the Enterprise Zone application, Naples Manor representatives have expressed a need tor some neigh- borhood revitalization. She noted that another thing that she is working on is the Standard Housing Code, which is an important issue that needs to be put into place in the County, and a result ot that would be the Code Entorcement that goes along with that. She stated that she is also exploring the possibility ot applying tor some tarm workers trust tund money which is money that can be used tor low- income, rural, and tarm workers, which would be Immokalee. She stated that she has also applied tor the Attordable Housing which would go directly to Developers trom the State. She indicated that a Housing Trust Fund needs to be developed at the County level. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commis.ioner Has.e and carried unanimously, that the six month update of the Economic Development Housing Programs Department be accepted and another update - .~ be scheduled tor March, 1987. Ite. #13 AGREEM&KT WITH KENNETH BARTOK ~OR MITIGATION UPON BASIS OW UNPERMITTED TREE REMOVAL - CONTINUED FOR ONE WEEK ~CQK 097 ç~..., 291 Page 37 aoox 097 p <:! 292 September 16, 1986 , As.i.tant Natural Resource. Manage.ent Director Henningsen stated that Statt is recommending t~at the Chairman be authorized to execute an agreement tor mitigation ot unpermi tte4 tree removal. . He stated that Ordinance 70-21 requires a per.it tor removal of proteêted trees and under those guidelines the Department has cited Kenneth Barton, .. representing the Peterson Group, tor the removal ot ten native pro- He stated that in lieu ~t criminal or c1v11 act10n, a mutually accep- between Commercial and Industrial Blvd., known as Corporate Square. tected trees trom a site on the north .ide of Radio Road located Natural Resources Management Department, whereby a minimum ot 6 to 7 table mitigation agreement-has been reached between Mr. Barton and the toot live oak tree will be planted at a County-owned site designated by HRHD. He stated that it is probable that the tree will be planted at the Caxambas Pcss Boat Ramp Community Park on Marco Island. Commissioner Hasse stated that there were 10 tree. removed and than one tree should be replanted? only one tree is gOing to be replaced and questioned it possibly more Mr. Henningsen stated that the original negotiations were handled by Dr.. Proffitt, Ms. MUldoon, an~ the Code COlllpliance Inspector, adding that atter negotiations it was telt that this larger size oak tree.. tree was equitable adjustment tor the removal ot the ten native Commissioner Voss questioned what type ot trees were cut down, to . ~f 1 which,Mr. Henningsen stated that there were 8 slash pines, 1 sabal palm and 1 dahoon holly. Page 38 - - - _~_."_o.,,,,,,,,..,"~,,,,",.__._ T -.... "".. ' '~'_"m'_ ,_ . - - Ii ,.~. September 16, 1986 Hs. Joyce-Anna J.A. Rautio questioned it there is a provision in the .agreement in case the oak tree dies, to which Assistant County Man~ger Dorrill stated that there is not such a provision, adding that there is a requirement that the Developer agrees to maintain insurance in the event that any accident or injury realizes trom the planting ot this tree on a county park site and also agrees to hold harmless in the event that someone is injured in accordance with the planting ot the tree. 'J ~Hrs. Rautio stated that she would suggest that this matter be checked into in case the tree dies, as another tree shoUld replace it. Mr. Dorrill stated that the item could be continued tor one week and Statt will check into the matter. Commi.sioner Voss aoved, seconded by Comais.ioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the agree.ent with Kenneth Barton be con- tinued tor one week. Ite. #14 BID #88-1020 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OV A 24-BOVR UNATTJrKDED .vEL PUMP ISLAKe AT THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX - AWARDBD TO 3 a M PUMP SERVICES, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OP 867,862 :~egal notice having been published in the Naple. Daily News on August 11, 1986, as evidenced by Attidavit ot Publication tiled with the Clerk, b~ds were received tor Bid '86-1020 tor the construction ot - a 24-hour unattended tuel pump ialand at the Courthouse Complex, until 2:30 P.M., August 27, 1986. ,t~bl1c Works Administrator Archibald stated that this itell deals with the relocation ot the tuel pump island at the Courthous. Complex, ~ '-<1 m~ OD7 W.! 293 Page 39 . ""'''~'-~''~'-''- ,=""........",'"."""".,."""'",."..,,,,..~.," ,.,.---.. 1ODt' 097 PI'.! 294 September 16, 1986 primarilY to align it with the new parking area south of the Museum and also to make a parking area where the warehouse is being built now. He stated that in relocating the island, the County will be in compliance with some ot the DER requirements and accordingly, the specitications were prepared w1th those optional requirements_ included. He stated that on August 22, 1986, two bidders did submit proposals, adding that he 1. recommending the low bid as submitted by JaM Pump Service, Inc. in the amount cf $67,852, which includes the new fuel pump .tation a. well as the monitoring system that is re~ired by the State DER. ,.Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that thie includes new underground tanks, adding that the County would have been torced to replace the existing underground tanks because ot the new set ot environmental regulations. He stated that this bid also includes the cleanup ot the old site and the removal of the eXisting tanks, noting that this is a good bid. He stated that this tueling station is com- puter assisted which keeps track ot the amount of tuel used by each eapl~yee and each vehicle. In answer to Commissioner Voss, Mr. Dorrill stated that the County is required to drill monitoring wells around the perimeter ot the ~derground tanks to monitor tor leaking gasoline, adding that it is part ot the automated electronic system. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that Bid #86-1020 tor the construction at a Page 40 - - - September 16, 1985 2t-hour unattended tuel pump island at the Courthouse Complex be awarded to 3 a M Pump Services, Inc. in the ..aunt ot $87,882. It_ #a BID #85-1013 FOR A REPLAC!MXNT LOADER/BACKHOE FOR THE ROAD AND BRIDGE SECTION - AWARDED TO FLORIDA-GEORGIA TRACTOR AND EQOIPMENT COMPANY IN THE AMOUNT OF S37.16ð. Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 21, 1981, as evidenced by AttIdavit ot Publication tiled with the Clerk, bids were re~eived tor Bid #86-1013 tor a replacement loader/backhoe tor the Road a Bridge Section until 2:30 P.M., August 6, 1981. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that tour bids were submitted by vendors tor both prices on a replacement backhoe unit and a specitic price tor the trade-in value ot the existing backhoe. He stated that in consideration ot the bids that were received in . . comparison to an available State Contract and also in consideration ot a proposal submitted by the vendor ot the State Contract, the low bid or the least expensive route tor the County in consideratIon that the equIpment bid meets the needs, would be to purchase the backhoe trom the state contract and tollowing purchase of the unit, the County would then declare the existing trade-in unit as surplus and request .eale~bid proposals tor the sale of that unit. He stated +- that he is, there tore , recommending that the four bids received be ; ~, rejected and that the board consider purchas~ ot the replacement backhoe ott the State Contract at a total price of $37,168 and also µu &UúK 097 W.[ 2D5 Page 41 '._...__..~_.~....""".,_..,-_..,.,-,,.."..... "''''''''-_111'11 ~,.-,._._.",.,.., . am 097 p~r,t 2gB September 16, 1986 .uthorize Statt to proceed with obtaining sealed bid. to sell the unit that will not be traded ~n. He stated that the vendor that sub- mitted the intormation on the Stat. Contract has guaranteed that he WOUld be willing to .ubmit a bid equal to the same bid tha~~e had submitted or $6500 tor the tr.de-in. Commissioner Voss mov.d, seconded by Commissioner H.... and carried unanimously, that Bid #81-1013 tor a replacement loader/backhoe tor the Road and Bridge Section be .warded to 7lorida-Georgia Tractor and Equip.ent Company in the amount ot $37.166 in accordance with State Contr.ct #766-900-86-1. declare the trade-in .. surplus, and authorize statt to advertise the trade-in unit for purch..e by sealed bids. . "J Ite. #16 -¡IT ~ LEE COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. OTILIn EASEMENT lOR IMMOXAL!E QQt.Doft1NITY PARK - APPROVED Acting Parks & Recreation Director Smith stated that this item is a request tor Lee County Electric Cooperative, Inc. to receive a uti- lity easement to run electrical service to County-owned property at Immokalee Community Park. He stated that the County Attorney's ottic. has reviewed the easement, adding that he is recommending approval ot this easement. Commission.r Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that the Lee County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Otility Eas..ent tor Immokalee Community Park be approved. ¡lOi. !j'-' Page 42 - - - ----..»"- -,---,,,,,,,,.".,. ..--.__.~._;''"'.,,.,.. "-"""~-"-'-'-'--- · lOOK 097,AQ 3UO September 16, 1¡S6 Ite. #17 AUTHORIZATION FOR PURCHASE OF SOLE SOURCE UTILITY EQUIPMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF 61 660 FROM THE TURBITROL COMPANY _ APPROVED Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that some pump work and electrical work is being done at the Isle-ot Capri and Manatee Road pump tacilities and in order to accomplish this, Statt deci~ed to do some in-house work and they are going out t~ individual bidders tor equipment. He stated that this particular item is a sole source, adding that this is moditications to . control panel at the eXisting water treatment plant that needs to be tied into transmitters at a remote location and instead ot replacing the entire control panel, thei need to purchase some turbitrol equipment, which is what the County currently has. He stated that the price is a quote and is a result ot negotiations, adding that it is a tair price and he is asking that this be approved. Coaaissioner Voss moved. seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and ca:Tied unanimously, that the Utilities Division be authorized to purchase Bole source utility equipment in the amount ot $61,660 trom the TUrbitrol Company. Ite. #18 UTILITIES STAFF TO OBTAIK WRITTEN APPRAISALS ON THE EXISTING ..ø ACRE SITE FOR THE SEHER TRXATÞŒNT PLANT LAND IN LBLY ESTATES _ APPROVED Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that this is a result ot Bome discussions ~,ith regard to obtaining sewer treatment plant land in line with the grant that has been applied tor in South County. He " , Page 43 - - ~ '---_.._._..,.~-,---~"^'~,,.. ---=-."...".,.,~ S.ptember Ie, 198e stated that h. revi.wea .ome of the availabl. land in the area that i. ne.aed tor this sit., adding that the conclusion was that the first priòrity is the existing land where the Lely sewer treatment is. He noted that there is 48 acres there which ie .uitable for the needs. He stated that the Lely people are willing sellers, but appraisals need to be obtained tirst. He etated that he would bring thie back to the BCC atter receiving two appraisals, adding that the estimated price of the appraisals would be $10-1&,000. Clerk Giles questioned it this land is currently being leased, to which Mr. Cranaall replied attirmativaly, adding that when. new tacility is built, the County needs to own the land and the require- ment ot the grant is that the land has to be owned prior to being eligible tor grant money. Commi.sioner Holland questioned it the entire 48 acre. i. n.c....ry tor the construction ot the plant, to which Mr. Crandall reþlied attirmativ.ly. 'County Manager Lusk stated that some ot the 48 acre. i. unusable land.;' Mr. Crandall stated that 13 acres ot the property cannot be used to build on, but it can be used as a butter area. He stated that at ,. ultimate build~out, more than 48 acres could be Used, but this will s.rve!the needs at this time. Co..is.ioner Voss aoved, .econded by Commi.sioner Goodnight and carried unanimouslY. that the Utilitie. .tatt be authorized to obtain <)2~, m~ 097 W\ 301 Page ·u t v' ~ aGOK 097 nq 302 September 16, 1986 two written appraisal. on the exi.ting 48 acre .ite for the .ewer treatment plant land in Lely Estate.. It.. #19 GROUP MEDICAL COVERAGE RATES AND FUNDING ~ETHOD INCREASE ~ APPROVED ·'Risk Manager Rynders stated that this is a request to â~~~orize the increase in group medical rates and the method ot tunding the increase, adding that there is a 14.67' increase in group medical rates according to the carrier, which is due to the tact that the lo.... have been high and .ome is due to intlation. She stated that the increase amounts to $260,000 with a portion of it being tunded through the employee-paid premiums which are deducted trom pay ch.cke, adding that there would be an increase ot $1.89 per pay p.riod to the employee. She stated that the recommended amount ot funding to come trom the Board is that amount that has been budgeted. She stated that she is recommending that approximately $222,000 be ta~en trom Reserves which are held by Gult Group Services as there are eutticient tunds in that reserve. County Manager Lusk asked it this has been discussed with the other constitutional otticers, to which Risk Manager Rynders stated that they are in agreement that this is the proper way to handle this. Co..i..ioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that group medical coverage rates and tunding aethod increase be approved. .q" . '¡¥G Page 45 ',' - .. - H.'~"...'__"_ September 16, 1986 It.. #20 ROO'l'In BILLS - APPROVED 'OR PAYMENT Pursuant to Resolution 81-100, the tollowing checks were issued through ~riday, September 12, 1986, in payment of routine bills: CHECK DESCRIPTION CHECKS HOS. tJ1Q.ID!I ¡Vendors 148363 - 148577 $1,310,942.73 Ite.,#21 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 86-416/420; 86-423/420: 86-427/429; 88-431/432 AND 86-434 - ADOPTED Coaaissioner Goodnight aoved, seconded by Coaaissioner Voss and carr1ed unanimously, that BUdget Amendments 86-416/420; 88-423/426: 88-427/429; and 86-434 be adopted. ,'(.r Tape #9 It.. #22 ~. + ~ ST~ TO PREPARE AN ORDINANCE TO ALLOW FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS AND SOCIAL CLUBS AS A PROVISIONAL OSE IN AN A-2 ZONED DISTRICT Commissioner Voss stated that this subject has been brought up ber-ause the Italian-American Club has a facility on Airport Road in an area that is zoned agriculture and they are a non-contorming use. He stated that it seems that a provisional use in agricultural zoning could be made so that the BCC could look at each case and have a vehicle whereby a situation could be approved or denied. Mr. Anthòn~~Gnerre. representing the Italian-American Club, .tated that he has a contract with an architect to build a 1,300 square foot addition onto the Italian-American Club. He statsd that ;'1 ;Ii &Oc~ 097 W,r 3"03 Page 46 \ ( ~. · 097 Plr,t 304 September 16, 1986 it .eat. all the code requirements as well a. setback., but he was told that the bUilding permit process could not continue as the club '.' is non-contorming. r·r Co..issioner Pistor questioned it thi. could be done b~ the :... Co__ission under the current zoning ordinance or would this t~pe ot .itúation have to go through public hearings to make an amendment to th.rrZoning? ·"Planning/zoning Director Pettrow stated that this would have to " be an amendment to the zoning ordinance, which would be classitied as a provisional use in the agricultural zoning. County Attorney Cuyler stated that this would have to go through the formal zoning process as thie is . change ot use, and there is no var.iance provision tor non-contorming use.. He stated that he could coordinate the matter with t~e Planning Department and the ItalJan-American Club to try and reeolve the matter. Mr. Gnerre stated that he did not want a zoning amendment or a PUD,'·· adding that he simply wants to have the addition built. .: Commissioner Holland stated that he. doe. not understand how thie -- property could be zoned agriculture when there is a traternal building sitt~ng on the middle ot it. ~ounty Attorney Cuyler stated that the concept of non-contorming is that a zoning district is changed, but a use that exist. is allowed, but the general concept is that sooner or later that use will cease to exist and they will not be able to rebuild that use because ,I Page 47 "~ , ~f } '-;" '",:'. - - - ",,-,-,._-----_....," September 16, 1986 it i. no longer permitted. He stated that although he understands this .ituation there are other non-contorming uses in the County which the County Planning and Zoning statt probably wish would go away because thøy are not appropriate. He stated that the matters have to be handled consistently. He stated that the only problem is a time problem and the appropriate procedures need to be tollowed. Co..issioner Voes moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unaniaously, that Statt prepare an ordinance to allow trater- nal organizations and social clubs as a provisional use in an A-2 zoned district. and to work with Mr. Gnerra to resolve his problem as quickly as possible. t Ite. #23 REFD.E1fDUM OM KOVEMBm BALLOT RELATIMG TO PROVIDINO PROCEDURES WHEREBY THE ELECTORATE HAS THE OPPORTUNITY TO VOTE FOR ð TO 7 COMMISSION MEMBERS - WITHDRAWN AT REQUEST OF COMMISSIONER HOLLAND Commissioner Holland stated that he has been requested by numerous people in the last week to put this item on the agenda tor con- sideration tor placement on the November ballot. He stated that in 198., the State had on the ballot the opportunity tor the voters to decide it they would like a choice in the maks-up ot the Co¡~issions in the ditterent counties, adding that it was approved in Collier County overwhelmingly. He stated that atter talking with various people, it wá~~he consensus that the people would preter tive people - - elected trom districts and two at large not residing in the same dist~ict. He stated that he teels that the voters are entitled to a choi~. on the issue. c' &Cû~ 097 p¡r.\ 305 Page 48 "'__·,.......v ...... ·...__""""""_·_"""'·~··,"'"~·.;',_'"'M,.."""'"';_".,.··~,·,"··".,.~_""..,."_'.~,,,. . &OOK 097 Plf.( 306 September 18, 1988 Commissioner Pistor stated that with regards to the two at large not ~eing trom the same district is not within the province ot the Commission. He noted that he thinks that the idea ot single member districts has good points and bad points, but he tee Is that bet ore the citizens are asked to vote on anything they should be given~.~l the tact.. He stated that he would suggest that this matter be put ott tor 8 months and brought back to the BCC in March ot 1987 to determine it it should be put on the presidential primary in 1988. Commissioner Voss stated that he concurs with Chairman Pistor and is a little at raid ot the single member district due to parochialism, but he doee not tee 1 that the people should be denied the right to make that choice. He stated that the citizens should know what they are voting on betore they go to the polle and it it is decided to put this on the ballot at the next presidential election, the County could mak~ a concerted ettort to eðucate the people on the pros and the cons~ .~o..issioner Holland stated that the people that want to see this on , the ballot plan on educating the people in the next ten weeks. Commissioner Goodnight stated that shs does not teel that anyone has the right to deny the people the opportunity to vote on this .atter, but the people should be educated on the matter before they vote. She stated that she received a letter trom a representative ot the·Guadalaupe Social Services in Immokalee that indicates that he has not had time to research the matter. T" Page "'9 - - .. ; iII_' ,....,.,~___..'_'......_M,._~~'~'""··",,· . ..........,$,...,-"""""',-...,,.,,,~~....._._.~...,,-._--,.,-,--"-,,"..,"",.-~--,-, September 16, 1986 Commissioner Hasse stated that he is against single member districts because ot the ward system that it ultimately forms, but he 1. not opposed to having the people vots on this matter, but everyone .hould know what the issue is about. The following people spoke against this item citing the reasons that this is a political issue; that the people need to be well intormed betore they vote on anything; that this should not be hurried through; that the County i. not large enough population wise; it is costly to the tax~ayers to put on two more Commissioners; and .ore space would have to be made available tor them: Gina Hahn Georgia McKinney 30hn Xeschl Chuck'Mohlke Tape #10 " 3ess Perry George Keller Mr. Brad Estes, President ot Naple. Civic Association, stated that they have been encouraging the Commission tor over a year to bring this matter to the public tor a vote. He stated that they have been concerned about the timing and would have preterred that a study com- mi~tee be appointed a year ago, but they are willing to undertake the .atter. He stated that if this issue is postponed, he would urge that the study committee be appointed at this time. At the request ot Commissioner Has.e, Mr. Mohlke read a letter that he had written to Commissioner Holland questioning it single member districta would make the political process open to all voters and would it permit voters in each district to select candidates of r(;:j"':. !Cû( 097 ~lr~ 3'07 Page 60 ·dJ . -----""---_.._--------- 091 WI 308 September 16, 1986 their choice? Co..issioner Holland ~tated that this has been brought up and di.cu.sed and he does not t..l that there i. enough interest in the aatter and, theretore, he would reque.t that this item b~ withdrawn. Ite. #H -": SPECIAL MEETING TO BE HELD OK THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1986, AT 3:00 P.M. TO MAKE FINAL DECISION REGARDING REFUNpING PARKS G.O. BONDS County Manager Lus~ stated that he .poke with Financial Advisor Dave Fischer this morning and PaineWebber has indicated that they telt that the window was open tor the retunding of the Parks G.O. Bond.. He stated that about. months ago, the Commi.sion set a level that with a 8300,000 savings, they would go into the market and right now the savings would be $400,000 and questioned it he should proceed? He stated that he indicated to Mr. Fischer to proceed as long as the County Commission could stop~he deal by the end of the week at a spe- cial meeting. He stated that by going to market this day, the millage a. tar as the Park Bonds will be reduced by $36,000 a year, adding that there is no new money as it is simply a straight retinancing with a lower interest rate and reducing the debt service. Commissioner Piator stated that he teels that this is too small a savings to go torward with, but questioned how the Commission telt? Commissioner Hasse questioned what the cost would be, to which County Manager Lusk stated that he teels that the cost would be approximately $100,000 tor the refunding but there would still be . .avings of $3ð,000 a year. '. ..:. Page 61 - - .. September 18, 1988 Clerk Giles stated that the difference in the interest rate is what accounts tor the present value .aving. of $36,000 a year. Mr. Lusk stated that he would recommsnd that this be approved as $36,000 a year is a good savings tor the County. He noted that Mr. Fischer would like to have a meeting on Thursday atternoon or Friday morning. Comaissioner Voss aoved, seconded by Comaiesioner Goodnight and carried unaniaously, that there be a .pecial .eeting on Thursday attsrnoon at 3:00 P.M. to make a final decision regarding retunding the Parks G. O. Bonde. Itea #2G ". C1IAI~ AJfD COUNTY MANAGER TO MORX TOGETHER '1'0 REVISE COUNTY MAHAGER'S COMTRACT AND BRING BACX TO BCC OR SEPTEMBER 23, 1986 Commissioner Voss stated that there are some things in the County Manager's contract that should be revised and he would suggest that the Chairman work with the County Manager to revise his contract. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the Chairman work with the County Manager to revise his contract and bring same back to the BCC on September 23, 19U ~ ..... Co__issioner Voss aoved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the following items under the Cons~ Agenda be approved and/or adopted: ..... .. Itsa #28 BID #81-101ð FOR ELECTROSTATICALLY REPAINTING PURNITORK IR THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S AND TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE - AWARDED TO STEELTECH ELECTROPAINTINO IN THE AMOUNT OF S3,ðð6 &OH 097 W! 309 Page 52 ( , , I"~ _.~~""""""<""""'--""-"""'-""'---""~''''''''''"''''.'''''"_'~'-''~~> lOOK 097 p~q 3iO . Septsmber 16, 1986 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 1. 1985, as evidenced by Attidavit ot Publication tiled with ./ the Clerk, bide were received tor Bid #86-1016 tor electrostatically repainting furniture until 2:~0 P.M. August 20, 1986. Ite. #27 ; .' ':.-ut MARRANTY DEED BETWEEN AMMON GOLAN, TRUSTEE AND COLLIER CO~ FOR PROPERTY IN NORTH GOLDEN GATE. (FAIR SITE) See Pag~3 Is:. .3/7 Ite. #28 RESOLUTION 86-169 ALLOWING THE CANCELLATION OF DELINQUENT AND CURRENT TAXES FOR PROPERTY DONATED BY AMMON GOLAN, TR. TO COUNTY FOR PUBLIC OSE See Pages 3/R- 3;;¡..3 Item #21a 86,000 AUTHORIZED POR UTILITIES TRAINING PROGRAM Ite. #30 RRSOLUTION 86-170 AUTHORIZING THOMAS P. CRANDALL, UTILITIES ADMINISTRATOR, TO IXECOT! V~IOUS DOCOMEHTS ON BEHALF OF GOVERNING BOARD OF VARIOUS MATER/SEWER DISTRICTS See Pages .3 a -st-~Øl~- Ite. #31 BID #86-1021 FOR KATER PIPE AND FITTINGS FOR COUNTY MATER-SEWER DISTRICT - AWARDED TO DAVIS METER a SUPPLY, INC. IN THB AMOUNT OF 841, 662 .10 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 11, 1966, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication tiled with the Clerk, bids were re~eived tor Bid #86-1021 for water pipe and fit- ,I' "... .", c Page 63 . - - .. "''''''''o"".,.,..,""__C._..U",,,,,,", ".._,"'......¡,O,¡...,...._.""*'_...,"','~;.."",."._"~."..,,,-,,.""_,~ September 16, 1986 tings tor the County Water-Sewer District until 2:30 P.M. August 22, 1986. It.. #32 SEHER SERVICB BOUNDARIES REVISED TO ALLOW THE CITY O~ NAPLES TO SERVX THE NAPLES SANDPIPER BAY CLUB See Page .3~' Item #33 PAY INCREASES FOR OCHOPEB PIRE DEPARTMENT Ite. #34. 1917 HOLIDAY SCHEDULB APPROVED See Page ~ Øl7 Its. #35 AQUATIC PLANT SUPBRVISOR RECLASSIFIED TO KATER MANAGEMKRT SUPERVISOR WITH A 10' IKCREASB Item #36 PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING THE WEBX OP SEPTEMBER 15-19, 1986, AS COLLIER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL APPRECIATION WEE~ See Page ~.;t. ? Ite. #37 DUPLICATE TAX CERTIFICATE HO. 2638 ISSUED TO ALAN N. STEPHENS See Pages ,3Ç).9-33ð Ite. #38 MISCELLANEOUS 20RRESPOHDEHCE - PILED AND/OR REFERRED ... There being no objection, the Chair directed that the fOllowing correspondence be tiled and/or reterred to t~e various departments as indicated below: &COK 097 p:',r 311 Page 54 <N__,...·""',""'"'__._,""""',""""-'....,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,"'""',,···,,?,···,,,··¥, . aOlilC 097 we: 312 September 16, 1986 1. Copy ot a letter dated 8/12/86 trom Nancy 3. Schwall, Chiet, Gult Coast Permits Section, Dept. ot the Army, to Robert E. Purlong, Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI & Peek, Inc. regarding permit application Nç. 86IPU-20216 concerning dredging and tilling. xc: BCC, Neil Dorrill, Murdo Smith, and tiled. 2. Letter dated 8/27/86 trom Betty Ir. Curry, Fire Commissioner, Big Corkscrew Island Pire Control and Rescue Distr1~t declining proposed contract tor the Randall Property;' xc: BCC, Don Lusk, Neil Dorrill, and tiled. 3. Copy ot a letter dated 8/28/86 trom Clerk 3ames C. Giles, to Kenneth R. Palmer, State Courts Administrator, submitting the bUdget ot the Clerk ot Circuit Court. xc: BCC, Lori Zalka, and tiled. 4. Letter dated 8/28/86 trom Tom Lewis, Jr., AlA, Architect, Dept. ot Community Attairs, advising ot a meeting ot the Florida Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program Advisory Council at 1:30 P.M. on September 8, 1986, in Tallahassee. xc: Neil Dorrill, Nina Small, and tiled. 6. Letter dated 8/27/86 trom Victoria J. Tschinkel, Secretary, DER, regarding Committee on the Restoration ot Golden Gate Estates and requesting two representatives trom Collier County; a County Commissioner and an administrator to provide technical assistance. xc: Neil Dorrill, Nina Small, Dr. Prottitt, George Archibald, John Boldt, and tiled. 6. Final Order trom DNR received 9/6/86, Permit No. A CO-136 ATF, tor Collier County Parks and Recreation Dept. tor work at Tiger Tail Beach, Marco Island. xc: Neil Dorrill, Nina Small, Dr. Prottitt, Kevin O'Donnell, and tiled. 7. DNR Announcement received 9/6/86 trom the Trustees Internal Improvement Trust Fund advising of pUblic regarding amendments to Chapter 18-21 (wetslips). Dorrill and tiled. of the hearing xc: Neil 8. Memorandum dated 8/25/86 trom Ronald F. Cook, CPA, Finance Dept. to Thomas Crandall, Utilities Director, regarding Goodland Water District Financial StateMent for the period ended July 31, 1986. xc: BCC, Lori Zalka, and tiled. 9. Memorandum dated 8/27/86 trom Ronald P. Cook, CPA, Finance Dept. to Thomas Crandall, Utilites Director, regarding County Water-Sewer District Financial Statements tor the period ended July 31, 1986. xc: BCC, Lori Zalka, and tiled. . Page 66 - - - ~---_.",-",..,---'-",",.",.,,,,"....,,..,,,,,..~-~,,.".,.,.,._,-~_.,..,-...~,--._.- ... September 16, 1986 10. Memorandum dated 8/25/86 trom Ronald F. Cook, CPA, Finance Dept. to Thomas Crandall, Utilities Director, regarding Marco Water and Sewer District Financial Statements tor the period ended July 31. 1986. xc: BCC, Lori Zalka, and tiled. 11. Copy ot a letter dated 9/3/86 from John P. 3ackson, Chiet, Marco Island Fire Department to Mr. Harlan Haskins, Haskins, Inc. regarding Marco Island Fire Service Appurtenance System _ Notice to Proceed. xc: BCC, Lori Zalka, and tiled. 12. Letter dated 8/21/86 trom Randy Miller, Executive Director, Dept. ot Revenue, in response to our letter dated August 12th regarding the County Property Appraiser's budget tor 1986-87. xc: BCC, Lori Zalka. and tiled. 13.' ~emorandum dated 9/9/86 trom Sheritt Aubrey Rogers, regarding amendment to Fiscal Year 1986-87 Budget as proposed, and at\aching an amended Certification torm and all necessary expanded service request torms tor an amendment. xc: BCC, Lori Zalka, and tiled. Ite. #39 CANVASS OF SEPTEMBER 2. 1988. PRIMARY ELECTIONS FILED POR THI RlCORD See page$ .3 3/-.3.5/ ... There being no turther business tor the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order ot the Chair - Time: ':00 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS ONDER ITS CONTROL ....,..., " . ... .: ':.' I . f, ~ , .,It ()~ BOh.¡,D -', () ß~ ATTEST: "'\:'~ ......... C.. '. .' 1.-1 3AMES q-: .{b~~ê:¥Í!IÚCc "..., i ') ..':-.15','" :..,j ". ~ _ CHAIRMAN ~'j' ~-ð '::' -?,\~~~~.¿J( , The~'~, ~~~~te~ed by the Board on ~ /8" ç;;-~ as presented. or as corrected &CQ~ 097 P~',I 313 Page 66 (" ' , t f