BCC Minutes 05/06/1986 R Naples, Florida, May 6, 1986 Lf:¡' IT BE RI!:MEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and ror ~h~ Cuunty of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as ~ave been created a~cordjng to law and having conducted business t.'erein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M, in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" ûf the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the fo1lowin~ members present: ~ .. " '\ CHAIRMAN: John A. Pist0r VICE-CHAIRMAN: Anne Goodnight Frederick J. Voss Max A. Hasse C. C. "Red" Holland ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; James C. Giles, Fiscal .... Officer; Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk; Donald B. Lusk, County Manager; ~ Neil Dorrill, Assistant County Manager; Pam Brangaccio, Deputy Assistant County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Tom Kuck, Public Works Administrator; Vickie Mullins, Community Development J ~dministrator; Ann McKim and David Weeks, Planners; Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator; Mike McNees, Administrative Assistant to the Utilities Administrator; Dave pettrow, Zoning/Planning Director; Pat Carroll, Plannning & Contracts Engineer; Dr. Edward Proffitt, Natural Resources Management Director; Nancy Israelson, A1ministrative Assistant to the BOHd; and Deputy Ch'.<:!f Ray Barnett, Sheriff's ;.;)·I;,~partment. '~~'" ~i/~:': . j.µ..,.it..~_; 1;/,'4/ :'.,1 ) Page I BOOK 094 PAG( 01 It. Maya, uu Tap. 11 It.. tl AGIUmA - APPROVZD AS PU8mn'ED commissioner Voss .oved, .eoonded by Commissioner Hasse and oarried unanimously, that the aqanda be approved as presented. Itelll U CYNTHIA FAULXNBR RECOGNIZED AS EMPLOYEE OP THE MONTH POR MAY, 1986 Commissioner Pistor recognized Cynthia FalJlkner as the employee of \ the Month for: May, 1986. \~.. f3 ',' ORDiKAKCB 8a-18 RB PETITION R-85-28C, WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL , PEElt, ',INC. REP. LELY RESEARCH' DEVELOPMENT REQUESTING A REZONE FROM 1.-2 TO PUD TO PROVIDB POR LIGHT INDUSTRIAL AND RESEARCH RELATED USES - ADOPTEP SUBJBCT TO STIPULATIONS Leyal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on ;April 4, 1986, að evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-85-28C, filed by wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll & Peek, Inc., representing Lely Research & Development, to provide fc. light industrial and research relatp.d uses on 56.8 acres on U.S. 41 approximately one mile southeast of Rattlesnake Hammock Road. Planner McKim stated that on February 18, 1986, the Board directed the petitioner to take the revised PUD and Master Plan to the CCPC for their review and recommendation prior to returning to the Board, adding that the CCPC heard the petition on April 17, 1986, and unani- mously recommended denial based upon the lack of need for additional ,) Page 2 &OO~ 094 PAC,( 09 'DD~ 0941>,Q 10 Maya, 1986 industrial-typ~ zoning and the incompatibility with surrounding land usee. She stated that at one time, a letter was received from Michael J. Miceli , owner of an adjacent 8.7 acre parcel zoned PUD, requesting a two week continuanc'i:! to allow him time to meet with Lely Estates, adding that at the CCPC hearing a petition with 57 signatures opposed to the proposed rezone was submitted. She reported that at the same meeting, five people spoke in opposition to the proposed rezone indi- cating the incompatibility with adjacent properties, the permitted uses and their: adverse impact upon neacby property values; and the lack of need for additional industrial-type zoning. She indicated that since that public hearing, tho Petitioner revised the PUD docu- ment limiting the permitted ~ses, increasing the parcel sizes, increasing the minimum setback from any residential structure, and reducing the maximum height, She st~ted that an additional tract has been developed for the land immeJiately north of the Miceli the criteria for Tract "B" places additional limitations on PUD and \ uses a~d \. \ " height. She stated that a second hearing by the CCPC was held on \. April 17, 1986, and this time it was recommended for approval subject' to staff stipulations and, in ad~:tion, anchoring the lake location in the PUD document to the sites shown on the Master Plan. She indicated that the PUD document has been revised according the CCPC's recommen- dations. She reported that at the April 17, 1986, meeting of the CCPC, five people spoke in opposition to the petition indicating pro- per:ty values would decrease, light industrial uses in a residential Page 3 - - - I May', 19.. area would be an error, the Lely Tract on CR-951 is more appropriate for industrial than the proposed location abutting existing residen- tial, the new proposal was not any different than the original propo- sal, not enough demand exists for this type of facility, and safety would decrease on U.S. 41 due to increased truck traffic. She concluded by stating that Staff recommendation is for approval subj~ct to CCPC's stipulations. Mr. William Barton of Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI & Peek, Inc., '"\representing the petitioner, stated that during the first hearing of \pe CCPC there was a number of concerns from the adjacent property ',',. owners which he felt were valid and, therefore, when the petition came "\ before the Board on February 18, 1986, he requested that this petition be returned to the CCPC after they h..d an opportunity to meet with the property owners. He stated that at the second meeting of the CCPC, (there was a recommendation of approval. He noted that the site plan was revised, they relocated the lake structure to act as a better buffer to the adjacent PUD, the Linimum lot size was increased from one acre to two acres, and the sLde yard setback, was increased, adding that a significant reduction was made in the allowable uses and the building heights were reduced so that in Tract "B", the maximum building height is three-story and the balance of the project is four- story. He stated that due to the significant revisions in the PUD, , there were no adjacent property owners that were in opposition to this project at the second meeting of the CCPC. aOM 094...~! 11 Page 4 ) f~ , ~.." ~ 09~n~ 12 -!t.,.. . i!<~:- May 6, 1986 Mr. Bob Wðllðce, President of Economic Development Council of Collier County, stated that one of ~he targeted areas is research and developm~nt and high tech industries. He stðted that the existing places ðvailðble for business is not adequate for the type of com- pðnies that he would like to attract. He stated that the infrastruc- tures in the industrial areas are not adequate, noting that the only one thðt is closest to what they would like is the Collier Park of Commerce, but it is not the campus-style park that they would like. He gave ð alide presentation showing various campus-style parks with wide bo~levards, trees, lights at night, and low buildings with an original piece of sculpture at the entrance. He noted that this would mean jobs for the young people in order to try and keep them in the area, which is what is needed. Mr. Barton stated that it Í'. not expected that this facility will be filled up in the next two months, adding that if two companies can be attracted within a year after this project is developed, his crient '\,' ", \. Commissioner Voss questioned if this was approved, when would the would be delighted and it would be an excellcnt start. infras~ructure be put in, to which Mr. Barton stated that the develop- ment of the project is going to go forward as rapidly as the zoning is approved and the permits can be acquired, Mr. Barton stated that the project has to be created so that people can see exactly what it is that they are buying. Commissioner Pistor stated that he has a problem with the four story buildings, adding that he would be much happier if they WCla one-story and two-story. ).-,' ~t';' ,~", ~t':,',," ;:t/ i~,~·,i{ " ' ;9,"',,- ':. .,,4Ip " .'.',...r....., F;' \ . ','.J' \ "'i-i :$", , ¡Ii ~J ' x.... Page 5 .. ~ - ~ \ May " 198' M~. Barton ~tated that he doe~ not believe that there is going to be demand for four-story str:uctures either and the client agrees with that, adding that his client has no objection to making a commitment to restrict the height on Tract "B" to a two-story elevation with the bðlance of lhe property being at a maximum of three stories. He stated that he feels that the majority of the structures will be one and two-story which is what the demand will be for. He noted that he \would revise the PUD to indicate two and three stories maximum if the \. Commission 80 de~ire~. \,'-, Tap. ~2 '\ Mr. Barton stated that what his client is trying to create is a blue chip project to go along with a blue chip community, adding that I ~ollier County [¡dS been designated as a blue chip community by the t 'State of Florida Economic Development Council and right now, this type of facility is not available to attr.:ct those blue chip industries, which is what they are trying to accomplish. Mr. Alan Reynolds of Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI & Peek, Inc., stated that a PUD was created tr·,t has not been seen before because there is no existing zoning classification in the County to cover this "' type of facility so a PUD was structured that nùt only puts together the common elements, but also elaborates on some of the restrictions 'as far as lbndscaping, architecture. He noted that the land plan itself has a boulevard entrance with a lake adjacent to it which will make the entrance very appealing, adding that all the roads will be ) Page 6 8r.,X 094ð!:<' 13 ¡¡¡OK (Jg~P..~t 14. May 6, 1986 paved and exceed County standards. He stated that there will be a bike path that goes through the entire project, adding that there will be three on-site lakes for water retention and they have been placed in locations to create buffers' between any buildings in this pr:oject and the neighboring residential uses. He noted that all utilities will be underground, including all the electrical facilities. He reported that landscaping standards will exceed any minimum County standard, adding that there will not be any metal exterior ~uildings permitted. He noted that there is also a ~trict limitation on signage so there will be no advertising of any type on signage allowed in the project. He stated that a sign identifying that building is allowed and that is all. He noted that no outside storage is allowed, and with reference to the permitted uses, there are only ó categories allowed. He stated that there are four tracts within the project, "A, "B", "C", and "D", \, noting that Tracts "A", "C·, and "D" have the limitations as far a~ \. \ " the two acre size and 6 permitted Jses. He stated that Tract "B "has \ '\ been limited to four permitted uses which are professional offices exclusively and medical-type facilities. He stated that the closest residential structure to any building in this project is over 600 feet away. Commissioner Pistor questioned if "('Ie six-laning of U.S. 41 has been taken into consideration and que~tioned if the cross-overs have been taken care of, to which Mr. Reynolds stated that this has been accommodated, adding that there is an existing 200 foot right-of-way Page 7 - I - - Maya, 1986 on U.S. ~1 at that location and that is sufficient for the six-lane cross section. He stated that the two entrances are located across fr:om existing median cuts at both locations, adding that there will be improvements to those median openings for turn-lanes. Commissioner Pistor questioned if the client is willing to contri- bute towards the cost of traffic lights if it is found that they are necessary, to which Mr. Reynolds replied that this is already provided for in the PUD document. '~ Mr. Barton stated that it is important for the commission to be ~are ot the property ownership as it is contiguous to this site, "1.",,\ adding that the area to the north and west and wrapping around on the '\ south side are all properties of Lely Estates. He stated that the property owner that is going to be the most affected by this project fs the applicant. He stated that the applicant recognizes that those properties are going to be predominantly residential in nature, adding that this project is the type of .:'roject that will not detract from that, but will, in fact, enhance : .. He stated that there are four ... abutting property owners to the south and none of them object to the project as it is being presented this date. He noted that all abutting property is zoned A-2. Commissioner Voss questioned the definition of light manufac- turing, to which Mr. Barton stated that his understanding is that light manufacturing is the assembly of the product. He stated that they would not utilize the raw materials, but would simply assemble the parts that are manufactured elsewhere. ) Page 8 .> &G~K 094 PAGl 15 ;c,ay; 094·mt 16 May 6, 1986 Planner McKim stated that she would agree with this definition and it may be appropriate to put seid definition in the PUD document. Mr. Barton stated that they have no problem with this definition being in the PUD document, adding that they do not mind the restric- tions, because this is what they intend to end up with as the finished project. The following people spoke against this petition citing the odors, the noise, the location, not enough need for this type of faci- lity at the present time, increased traffic, and lack of enhancement: James Schaefer, representing Lely Golf Estates Tape 13 George Karth, representing Myrtle Cove Homeowners Mary Grimsley George Archie, Jr. commissioner Voss .oved, seoonded by Commissioner Goodnight and oarried unanimously, that the publio hearinq be closed. commissioner Hasse moved that Petition R-85-28C, Lely Research and Developlllent Park, be denied. Mot~~n died for lack of a second. \ " Commissioner Holland stated that he has some " mi xed emotions about' '. be the best thing for \\ this petition, but feels that this project would this property. commissioner Holland moved, s.oonded by Commissioner Goodniqht and oarried 4/1, (Commissioner Hasse opposed) that the Ordinance as num- bered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinanoe Book No. 23, subjeot to CCPC's stipulations and that the buildings be liaited to a maxilllum of three storiess Page 9 , ' - ~,',~. . " ( [ Maya, 1986 ORDINANCE 86-18 AN OI:DINANCE. AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2, THE COMPREHENS IVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA O~ COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 50-26-9 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF TilE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM A-2 TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNom~ AS LELY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PARK, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON US-4l, APPROXIMATELY ONE MILE SOUTHEAST OF RATTLESNAKE HAMMOCK ROAD IN SECTIONS 29 ^ND 30, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST; TO PROVIDE BUILDING SITES FOR CLEAN LIGHT INDUSTRIAL AND RESEARCH RELATED USES ON 56.8 ACRES AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ***** Recessl 10:20 ~.M. - Reoonvened: 10125 A.M. ***** \ Itell 14 \ ORDINANCE 86-19 RE PETI~ION R-85-33C, DR. KENO J. SP~GN~, REPRESENTING LIEBIG INVBSTMENTS, INC. RE REZONE PROM IL AND A-2 TO PUD ltNOWN AS REGENCY AUTOHAUS - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS .. \ Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 4, ]986, es evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the ~lerk, public hear;ng was opened to consider Petition R-85-33C, filed ~y Dr. Neno J. Spagna, representivg Liebig Investments, Inc., requesting a rezone from IL and A-2 to PUD known as Regency Auto-Heus for a light industrial development for approximately 14.6 acres loceted on the east side of Airport Road north of Hazel Road and south of Westview Drive. Planner McKim stated that the objective of this petition is to develop d light industrial project which will include a new car dealership as well as other light industrial uses. She stated that ,lands to the north ere zoned IL; to the east are zoned IL and , E-Estates to the south are A-2; and to the west across Airport Road rage 10 , . eOOK 094 P~~,l 17 ,¡ ,¡ t I r r I ~ !;,~ --.-",,~.-"-""'" 'CaK (]~PA~l jl~ May Ii, 1986 is Naples Airport. She reported thet on the surrounding lands is the Elks Lodge, a motor vehicle storage lot, a single family dwelling, a war~house, Naples Airport, and undeveloped land. She stated that Staff, CCPC, and all County egencies reviewed this petition and have no objection to its approval subject to amendment of the PUD document per the stdf report dated ',t>ril 10, 19B6. She indicated that the CCPC made some revisions to the staff report which have been revised in the PUD document. She indicated that no correspondence has been received and no one spoke at the CCPC public hearing. She concluded by stating that Staff is recommending approval subject to CCPC recom- mendations. Dr. Neno Spagna, representing the petitioner, stated that he believes that he has a plan that evþ.ryone will be pleased with. He stated that he held a meeting with the Coconut River Estates homeowners and the Airport people and has not received any objecti~n. He stated that he has no problem with the stipulations that have been " \. recommended and they have been incorporated in the PUD document, adding that he is requesting approval. Commissioner Pistor questioned if the owner of the property zoned E-Estates has been contacted, to which Dr. Spagna replied affir- matively, adding that he haR r~ objp.ctions. commissioner Goodniqht M~v.d, seconded by commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that the public hearinq be closed. commissioner Goodniqht moved, seconded by commissioner Hasse and carried unanilllously, that the Ordinance as numbe~~d and entitled below paqe 11 \ ' .. -.-/ . .... - . .. \. ~-~...,.~~-------'" Maya, usa be adopt~d into Ordinance ß~ok No. 23, subject to CCPC's stipulations and the Petitioner's Agreement: ORDINANCE 86-19 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 50-25-l BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM IL ANn A-2 TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, KNOWN AS REGENCY AUTOHAUS, FOR A LIGHT, INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF AIRPORT ROAD, NORTH OF HAZEL ROAD AND SOUTH OF WESTVIEW DRIVE, ± 14.6 ACRES, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. \ \ \'"", '\ . ) &011( 094~r., 19 Page 12 " l, ,. . : ~ " , , " " - .. Maya, 1986 Itelll IS ORDINANC3 86-20 RB PBTITIO~ R-85-32C, ANTHONY D'AGQSTINO, REPRESENTING ~ENEDICT P. MIRALIA, RE REZONE FROM RSF-4 AND C-4 TO RT FOR A MOTEL ADOPTED SCBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Legal notice ha"ing been published in the Naples Daily News on April 4, 1986, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-85-32C, filed by Anthony D'Agostino, representing Benedict P. Miralia, requesting a ',rezone from RSF-4 and C-4 to RT for a motel consisting of approxima- . <. tely 3.~ acres of property on the east side of U.S. 41, 1/2 mile nor:th ....., of Immokalee Road. \ Planner McKim stated that the objective of this petition is to construct a 56 unit motel, adding that lands to the north are zoned , RSF-4 and C-4 and c~nsist of the Pewter Mug Restaurant and undeveloped :land; lands to the east are zoned RSF-4 and consist of single-family dwellings; lands to the south are zoned RSF-4 and C-4, consisting of single family dwellings and a commercial building. and lands to the west are zoned A-2ST and C-4 and consist of undeveloped land. She reported that the original petitions for the subject property were a change to C-4 zoning and a provisional use for a motel, but some per- mitted principal uses in the C-4 would not comply with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan nor would they be compatible with adjacent pro- 'perty, therefore, the RT zoning District, which is much more restric- tive with regsrd to permitted principal uses, would permit the same uses proposed by the original petitions. She stated that with this 80DK 094 P~'·t 21 Page 13 _.......""--".,--" "....,--^~' . '" t 094 PAr,! 22 May 6, 1986 protective measure, Staff Celt that the RT district would be appropriete for the subject property. She indicatcd that all appropriete County agcncies reviewed the original petitions and heve no objection to approval subject to the stipulations, adding that the Planning Staff recommended deniaJ of these petitions but suggested that the petitioner change the request to RT zoning, in which case I , t r t Staff would recommend approval subject to the stipulations found in the Executive Summary, which include stipulations from the EAC, WMAB, Traffic, utilities, Engineering, Fire, and the Planning Department. She reported that CCPC held their public hearing on March 20, 1986, and, at that time, the petitioner changed his request to RT which required additional advertising for the Board which has been done. She stated that at the CCPC Staff amended Stipulation "B " which required additional red mangrove seedlings be planted along canal banks and in the riprap area by adding that this shall be included in \ " the landscape plan to be reviewed for approval by the Natural "I.,.., Resources Management Department. She reported that the CCPC did not \. approve the request for rezoning to C-4 and the petitioner withdrew the provisional use request. She noted that the CCPC did recommend approval of the petition requesting a rezone to RT, subject to staff stipulations, including the amendment of Stipulation "B " and with three additional stipulations; I) that no mcdian cut shall be requested from FOOT; 2) that no interval ownership shall be permit- ted; and 3) that the existing boat ramp/docks shall be removed. Page 14 . ',{';''¡ \ ',"t , , f~':~" , . " ;{~ . . t, ~ - ~,/ ~. -......---~.,,-- May', 1986 She reiterated that at the CCPC hearing, 6 people spoke against the petition with their concerns being traffic safety on U.S. 41, safety of children being r,ext to a motel, the precedent-setting nature of this petition for nearby undeveloped prpperty, noise generated by the project, loss of privacy; and adverse impact upon the adjacent water- ways, especially to the snook population. She reported that one letter and one petition with 22 signatures has also been received in oppositicn to the zoning with the same above-referenced reasons. She ~,concluded by stating that the recommendation is for approval subject \ ~o CCPC's stipulations. -'''" Tape ~4 \ In answer to Commissioner Voss, Planner McKim stated that this request and the request for the Days Inn was submitted at approxima- :tely the same time. She noted that under the RT zoning, time share , :and multi-family is allowed, but the Planning Commission recommended that time share not be allowed for this property. Commissioner Hasse questioned what will happen to the buildings that exist on the property at this time? Planner McKim stated that they will have to be removed in order to build the motel that they are proposing. The following people spoke against the petition citing the excessive traffic, glare of headlights, safety of children, loss of privacy, excessive noise, adverse impact on the waterways, setting a precedent, creating spot zoning, and enough motels in the area: Page 15 &ûOK 0941n 23 I,' \ t , . t I I , ¡ ¡ i t I I ¡ ! . ·f BGOK 09·1 PAGt 24 May 6, usa Guy Storer John Wynn Gail Grady Joan Storer Faye Wynn Lynn Eggley Tap. IS Mr. William Barton, r-epresenting the petitioner, stated that the petition is to rezone from RSF-4 and C-4 to RT for approximately 400 feet along U.S. 41. He stated that listening to the public, there seems to be four pertinent issues which are traffic, impact on water- ways, precedent-setting action that might occur, and the advent of noise and site line. He stated that with regard to traffic, this area is a troublesome area but under present zoning there could be an expected 1,932 r,ily trips and if it were changed to RT, the daily trips would be 796, adding that with the zoning change the traffic would be enhanced. He stated that he also agrees that a median cut in the area wOùld be totally inappropriate and would cause additional hazard and risk. He stated that with regards to the impact on water- ways, the proposed facili ty is not intended to be a mar ina motel. \'He '. stated that one of the stipulations states that the petitioner will enhance the shoreline by placing additional red mangroves along that shoreline. He stated that this particular piece of property is surrounded by waterways on the north, the east and the south and by \ , .\ U.S. 41 on the west, noting that he finds it difficult to envision that the approval of this petition will set a precedent that will lead to enother rezoning of this naturé. He reported that with regard to noise and site line, some of the adjacent property owners are troubleo Page l6 _./ .' - -- -.... :....- - .. . .._..._~/..~........~..;............ _ I , ' ...".; .. ~.' ......~~.; . -.-.... ... _.....~. Maya, 19" by the Pewter Mug Restaurant, yet hey feel that it is all r:ight to ~ut single-family dwelling units 300 to 400 feet closer to the Pewter Mug than they are right now, which is what would occur if this pro- perty was developed as single family. He stated that the reason that this site is in the poor condition that it is today, is because the aite has bee~ mis-zoned for yeðrs, and he would request that this petition be approv£d. In answer to commissioner Hasse, Mr. Barton stated that the owner ,has owned this property for 10 years, adding that in the event that " this petition is approved, the existing commercial structure will be re~~ved this ye',r. He noted that there is a small apartment unit '\ behind the commercial that may stay there longer because the women that lives there is trying to find another location to move into on ,the fixed income that she hðs available to her. commi..ioner vo.s moved, .econded Þy Commissioner Hasse and oarried unanimouely, tbat tbe public hearinq Þe closed. Commissioner Holland questioned if this type of structure tends to buffer the noise from the Pewter Mug Restaurant, to which Planner McKim stated that the residents to the East of the motel would still be affected, but those to the south of the motel would have somewhat of a noise buffer. Commissioner Holland questioned what buffering is between the , petitioner's property and the first homeowner's property, to which Planner McKim stated that with the mangroves planted along the canal a ) Page 17 ðODK 094 P)',t 25 \ ¡ 'i . t i \ I I ! ."' i 1'1. .~ ,. ,~.. . ~"'ODK 094 fV·t 26 ~ :; May 6, 1986 buffer will be established, adding that possibly additional criteria could be added. Sr.e stated that according to the zoning ordinance, in certain instances, Staff requires a buffer with 80% opacity being developed within a year of planting. She stated that the mangroves could be planted thick enough to actually provide this vegetative buffer. comaissioner Has.e moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and oarried 4/1, (Commissioner pistor opposed) that the ordinanoe as numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinanoe Boo~ No. 23, subjeot to the Petitoner's ~qreement and the amendment of sti- pvlation liB" to read that the additional red lIIangroves seedlinqs should be plante~ along canal banks and in the riprap area whioh shall be included in the landscape plan to be reviewed tor approval by the Netural Resouroe Management Department and that these manqroves shall .eet the opaoity requirement of the zoning ordinance in relation to buffering areas: ORDINANCE 86-20 , .~ '. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 48-25-5 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM RSF-4 AND C-4 TO RT FOR A MOTEL FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF US-41, APPROXIMATELY 1/2 MILE NORTH OF IMMOKALEE ROAD (SR-846) IN SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, .! 3.53 ACRES, AND BY PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. \ Page IS ¡ t ¡ ¡ ¡ f I ¡ ¡ t i I I I \ I ~ " \ ~ - -.. " - aoaK Q~A~.r 30 May 6, 1986 Ite. U ORDI~CE 86-21 RB PETITION PDA-86-1C, WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL , PEBX, RBPRESEIITING BARNETT BANIt TRUST CO. RZ 1\MENDMENT TO BERItSHIRE LAltBS PUD - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPU~TIONS Lcgal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 4, 1986, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition PDA-86-IC, filed by Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI & Peek, Inc., representing Barnett Bank Trust Co. reque~ting an amendment to Berkshire Lakes PUD. Planner McKim stated that the petitioner is requesting amendments to Berkshire Lakes PUD by adding Section 2.14, Parking, and amending Section 4.04.03 Minimum Setba~ks. She stated that with the parking, the petitioner is 5110wing 1-1/2 parking spaces per unit with 1/2 in reserve, adding that Staff has added an additional stipulation clarifying that landscaping will be required on the reserved parking. She stated that the other amendment is a minimum setback from the golf course of zero feet for the residential that backs up onto the golf '. course. She noted that the CCPC reviewed this and recommended appro:..,·, \, val with staff stipulations. She stated that no one spoke for or against this petition and there was one letter of opposition received with no reason given. She stated that the recommendation is for approval subject to the Petitioner's Agreement, Mr. Alan Reynolds of Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI & Peek, Inc., representing the Petitioner, stated that his client is in concurrence with staff stipulations. P·~ge 19 I - -,/ ~ Maya, U8a commi..ioner Goodnight moved, seconded by commissioner vo.. and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. COlllllli.sioner Goodniqht moved, seconded by commissioner Holland and carried unanimou.ly, that the Ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adopted and enter~d into Ordinance Book No. 23, subject to the retitioner'. Aqreement: ORDINANCE 86-21 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 83-46 (PRE:VIOUSLY AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NUMB¿R 85-75) WHICH ESTABLISHED THE BERKSHIRE LAKES PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, BY ADDING SECTION 2.l4, PARKING; AMENDING SECTION 4.04.03, MINIMUM SETBACKS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. \ , " ... ,\ ( ,..:."" ) BOOK 094 mt 31 Page 20 tt~, {' l,J May 6, 1986 Ite. 17 RESOLUTION 86-74 RE PU-86-4C, RE CENTRAL FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH, REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USE "A" OF THE "E" ESTATES ZONING DISTRICT FOR A CHURCH FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF SANTA BARBARA BLVD. - ADOPTED, SUBJECT ~O STIPULATIONS Planner Weeks stated thðt the objective of this petition is to build a church, adding that the lands to the north, south, and west are zoned "E" Estates and lands to the cast, across Santa Barbara Blvd., are zoned RMF-12. He stated that lands to the north and south are undeveloped, lands tv the east contain duplex residences and lands to \ the west contain single-family dwelling units. He stated that the . ì. property is l50 feet by 856 f~et, which is compatible to the adjacent ... proper~ies to the north and Aouth, and the property is presently unde- veloped and is zoned "E" Estates which permits one single-family dwelling unit per 2"l/4 acres, as well as providing for a variety cf ,provisional uses of which one is a church. He stated that the c~ucch 'that is requesting the provlsional use is currently meeting further north on Santa Barbara Blvd. at present and therefore, this should not affect the traffic. He stated that all agencies reviewed this peti- tion ~nd have no objection to it, subject to CCPC's stipulations. He stated that the CCPC hearing, six people spoke in favor of the oeti- tion and two people spoke in opposition to the petition, objecting tJ a non-residential use in a residential neighborhood. He noted that a petition with 3l signatures was received opposing the petition, citing concerns regarding the affect upon nearby property values and objec- &OOK 094 P~~[ 33 Page 2l iODK Q~lr.t 3(. ( Kay a, 19U ting to a non-residential use in a residential area: a letter was also received in opposition and no correspondence was received in favor of the petition. He noted that the recommendation of staff is for approval, subject to the CCPC's stipulations. Commissioner Hasse stated that he would like to see some type of a stipulation put on the petition so that there can not be numerous buildings put on the property. Reverend James Allen of Central Fellowship Baptist Church, stated that he would agree to no other buildings than the church itself. County Attorney Cuyler stated that the staff can incorporate this into the resolution as one of the stipulations under Board direction. Reverend Allen stated that they want to put up a church on Santa Barbara B:vd. and be an asset to the community. He stated t.hat he wants the church to comply and fit in with the surrounding n~jgh- borhood aesthetically. He stated that this would be a small coun~ry- .." style church to meet their needs, adding that 60% of the membership ls. \ from Golden Gate City aod 40% from Golden Gate Estates. He noted that ~. 45' of t!I':: property will be left in its natural condition, adding that he agrees with the stipulations. He stated that he is requesting that he be allowed to build a house of worship. Tap. II The following people signed up to speak and simply indicated from the audience that ~hey were in favor of the petition: Homer Edwards Margaret Jerguson Cheryl Gatlin John Green John D. Jerguson, Sr. Johnny Gatlin J¡ Page 22 , 1 , ¡ ¡ î j' \ I', I. , ' 1~ '- -"/, -',., ... - ... , - "'¡" , ..--" . '-~.'....""."':'..;. ......_~'þ;.,. Fletcher Stephens, Jr. Elias Seda Maya, lU' Muriel Black Harold Krout Commissioner Voss aoved, seconded by Commissioner Rasse and carried unanimously, that Resolution 86-74 re PU-86-4C, re Central pel10wship Baptist Church, requestinq provisional "A" of the "E" Estate. loninq district for a ohurch for property located on the west side of Santa Barbara Blv~. be adopted subject to petitioner's Aqree!lent and JPJ.ndinq of Fact and the stipulation that no out bu1ldinqs w11l be build. '\. \ ....\.'\ ~\ &ODK 094fA'-1 35 Page 23 BODK 094,w'l 40 Kay 6, 198a It_ ,. DISCUSSION BY A. P. JOHNSTON RE WATER AQUIFER - NO ACTION Mr. A. P. Johnston stated that he is worried about the water supply in Collier County. He referred to a report that was prepared by the Southwest Florida Water Managêment District, adding that it leaves no doubt that water use in Collier County needs very careful control by the County and the City. He st~ted that the problems are not going to be solved by one idea, noting that it will be every little thing that can be tho'JQht of and designed to help the water situation. He noted that there are homes being built with sidewalks, parking areas, and very little place for grass which is the type of thing that is contrary to the water needs. lie stated that hotels :ue not in the best interest of water problems, as people are going to be using water in abundance. He stated that all permits should have a certain land requirement attached to them, adding that he would like least one-third acre of land in order to apply for a permit. to suggest that every dwelling unit that is approved should have at \ " He .. stated thr.t there should be restrictions put on growth. He stated that he is against taking 3/4 of a million g~llons of water per day out of the ground to run an incinerator plant, He stated that the . \ County cannot keep dcstroyi~g the aquifers, or moving people into the area as the water is not available to support them. He stated that the Planning Board should work on a project that would come up with land area requirements per dwclling unit. Page 24 ,.~ - _./ - May', 1981 Commissioner Voss stated that the pre3ent problem with water pressure is not the depletion of the aquifer, but rather the lack of capacity in the treatment plant and the pumping facilities. He stated that the Resource Recovery plant will primarily be using surface water that is collected in a pond. He stated that not much can be done what regarding the size of lots that already exist. He noted that all new projects that are approved are required to have on-site holding ponds so that the water does not run off to the Gulf and does tend to pec- ,colate back into the ground. \ Commissioner Pistor: stated that the County is about to build a " \."\ dispo~al plant in East Naples and it is the County's intention to pump \ the effluent water from that plant to the Resource Recovery Plant to be used for cooling. He stated that existing water supplies will be used instead of pumping water out of the ground. Mr. Johnston stated that anything that can be done to prevent taking water from the aquifers is a good thing. Commissioner Pistor stated that in most developments that are being approved, the County is requesting secondary water lines be put in so that the irrigation in the development will be done with the effluent from the sewer plants rather than using potable water. He stated that the County is trying to conserve potable water in every way possible. He noted that the County is presently investigating the possibility of tapping the Coral Reef Aquifer, which has more water than the Golden Gate aquifer, and the County will be required to ) Page 25 lOOK 094 P.r.t 41 '. . '" , \ ~ am 094 PA<;t 42 Maya, 19sa look at running lines to the Fakahatchee Strand for additional water. He stated that the County is looking at ways to supply water and other ways to conserve water for the needs of the area. ..... Rece..: 11:55 A.M. - Reoonvened: 1:45 P.M. ..... Ite. t9 RESOLUTION 8'-75 ÃB PETITION 86-'C, FORSYTH, SWALM AND BRUGGBR, REP. COURTLAND PLAZA OJ' NAPLES, INC. REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USE "e" OJ' THE C-3 ZONING DISTRICT FOR AN AM/FM RADIO STATION AT 2500 AIRPORT RD. _ - ADOPTED SUBJBCT TO STIPULATIONS Planning/zoning Director Pettrow stated that the objective of this petition is to obtain provisional use "en of the C-3 zoning district for an am/fm radio station, adding that lands to the north, south and west are zoned C-J, and to the east the zoning is C-3 and C-4. He noted that lands to the north are undeveloped, land to the east, across Airport Road is a fire station and commercial plaza, land to the south is a vacant lot, and to the west is a mobile home park and undeveloped land. He stðted that the radio station has had its offi- '. ces, as well as the FM broadcast facilities at the present location since July 1985, which incl~des a 30 foot transmitting tower on the , , \ roof of the building. He stated that the C-3 district allows a radio station office from which a radio signal emanates, only as a provi- sional use. He reported that the Petitioner was issued an Occupa- tional license originally for administration offices and if this provisional use is granted, it will make the radio station legally conforming. He noted that Staff and all County agencies reviewed the Page 26 , .. _/~. ""'~"'-""-'__''''~'''_<"''_~'''''"'''''__'''',~""""",,,,, ""_"H"~.~,..<,_____,"""" ----... --'.'..--..,-- May 6, 1986 petition and recommended approval subject to the stipulation that any establishment requiring a Collier County Public Health Unit Permit, must submit plans for review and approval. He stated that the CCPC held their public hearing and unanimously recommended approval subject to the stipulation. He noted that no one spoke for or against the petition and no corr:espondence was r:eceived. He concluded by stating that Staff is recommending approval subject to the above-referenced stipulation. Mr. David Leigh, representing the petitioner, stated that he is ., àvailable to answer any questions and is requesting approval. " C~lIIIIIi..ioner vo.. moved, .econded by COllllllis.ioner Holland and oarried unanimously, that Resolution aa-75 re Petition pu-sa-ac, por~yth, Bwa1m an~ Bruqqer, rep. Courtland Plaza of Naple., Ino. reque.tinq provi.iona1 use "e" of the C-3 zoninq distriot for an am/fm radio station tor approx. 1.4 aore. looated at 2500 Airport Road be adopted subject to the stipulation that any establi.hment requirinq a Collier County Public Health unit permit, must sUblllit plans tor review and approval. &OOK 094 pv,t 43 Page 27 : . i ~ .! ..1,[ . - ..,. ,,·.,~o~._,,~,~·,· ','~~"- ,'..,"~'" Maya, 19sa Ite. 110 PETITION MP-8¡-lC, ltRIS A. DANE, P.E. REP. HARBOURBIDB AT WIGGINS BAY, INC. REQUESTING VARIANCE FROM THE REQUIRED MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN STRUCTURES FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF WIGGINS PASS ROAD AND VANDERBILT DRIVE - APPROVED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Planner Weeks ~tated that the objective of this petition is to construct multi-family structures with building separations less thðn required by the PUD document. He noted that the subject property currently contains one two-story multi-family structure which meets ~.the required setbacks. He stated that the petitioner proposes to construct eight additional two-story multi-family structures on the ... subject property and five of these proposed structures do not meet the '\ required minimum distance between structures. He indicated that Wiggins Bay PUD was approved by the Board on December 28, 1982, and the PUD document allows the structures on the subject property to be constructed up to 15 stories in height. He stated that the petitioner is proposing to construct nine two-story buildings for a total of 70 units and the petitioner's proposal reduces the total number of units and density. He noted that the two-story structures would be more compatible with the existing structures on the subject property and adjacent tracts. He reported that Staff and all appropriate County agencie3 reviewed this petition and had no objection to its approval subject to the stipulations that the variance requested shall only be applicable to the five structures as shown on the site plan, that the four proposed additional structures affected by this petition shall be ðODK 094 Plr.[ 47 Page 28 -""^~"'~~'-'-'-'---"~- BOOK 094 PAGt48 May 6, 1986 limited in height to two stories. He noted thðt there was a stipula- tion that no transfer of density rights shðll be permitted from the subject property to any other tracts within this PUD, but upon further review, Staff found that there is a provision within the PUD document that allows the transfer of density subject to the review and approval by the Zoning Director and, therefore, this stipulation should be deleted. He noted that the CCPC held their public hearing and recom- mended forwarding this petition to the Board for approval subject to the first two stipulations. Commissioner Hasse questioned why the density rights should be waived, to which Planner Weeks stated that the PUD document has language in it that would allow them to trðnsfer the density from this particular tract elsewhere, adding that they felt it was a good idea to have this stipul~tion in the staff report, but then upon reviewing the PUD document the stipulation was found that would allow them ~o .~ transfer the density, which means that there would be ð conflict. Hè.\ \ stated that there is a total of about 40 units that they ðre reducing ~. the subject tract by, but with the provision in the PUD document that would allow them to transfer those 40 units or a portion thereof upon review and approval by the Zoning Director, he did not feel that it would be appropriate to stipulate that it not be allowed. Commissioner Pistor stated that there is no increase in the overall density or total number of units for the project. commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and oarried unanimously, that petition MP-86-1C, Kris A. Dane, P.E. rep. paqe 29 '- ....-...-...-. ( '-'-"""'_1 v __...-....,.....'.- <, ,..,""""~-"'-"..,....~,«....,<..., .' ..~-_._,,,--""..;,,.".,-....,..,.....¡,..,--,-~. \ May 6, 1986 Harbourside at Wiggins Bay, Inc., requesting a variance from the required minimu~ distance between structures for property located al the corner of Wigglns Pass Road and Vanderbilt Drive be appr:oved sub- ject to the following stipulations: a. The variance requested shall only be applicable to the five structures as shown on the site plan. b. The four proposed additional structures affected by this petition shall be limited in height to two stories. \, \ '\ ......" .., ,\ Page 30 !GOK ŒJ4 W! 4.9 May 6, 1986 Item '11 STAFF TO NEGOTIATE A LEASE FOR THE 6 ACRE SITE AT PELICAN BAY WITH THE CULTURAL CENTER FOUNDATION AND AGREEMENT WITH WESTINGHOUSE AND RETURN TO THE BCC ON MAY 20, 1986, WITH ALL LEGAL ISSUES RESOLVED Pat Carroll of the Engineering Department stated that this is a discussion of the terms of a lease that is currently being negotiated between the Board and the Naples Cultural Foundation for the future construction of a cultural center on land in Pelican Bay. She stated that as directed by the Board, staff has been negotiating the terms of the lease with representatives of the Naples Cultural Foundation, ,poting that there is a copy of the draft lease attached to the \ Exe~utive Summary which best represents the status and negotiations. She s~ated that since there are still some unsettled issues, Staff requested that th~ Board listen to some of the complaints and discussion involved with this project in order to give Staff further ,direction. Mr. William Hutchinson, President of Naples Cultural Foundation, stated that the Naple~ Cultural Foundation, a Florida not-for-profit organization, was founded August, 1985, because the people of this community have shown that they enjoy and support visual and performing arts. He stated that it is obvious to all that available facilities places severe limitations on the quality of educational and artistic presentations and constitutes a deterrent to healthy growth of both the participation in and the enjoyment of the arts. He stated that when the Pelican Bay property became available as a site for a am 094p,,,¡ 51 Page 31 ",__~~,,,~~"_,,,....,,,,.,,,_."~""""""'""_""^~"''''''_~''~',"~_'·a'_""'''''"'''_·''··''~~··___~''' m~ 094 w', 52 May 6, 1986 cultural center through a special arrangement between Collier County and Westinghouse, the Foundation filed a proposal to lease the site from the County. He stated that on December 17, 1986, the Board voted unanimously, authorizing acceptance of the property from Westinghouse, declaring a cultural center faci Ii ty to be the highest and best use of the property, acceptins the proposal of the Foundation for construc- tion and operation of a cultural center and authorizing staff to com- mence lease negotiatjons, He stated that at a cost of $2l,000 the Foundation engaged Brannigan, Lorrelly Associates of New York, to determine the cultural needs and wishes of the community. He stated that the local performing and visual arts organizations that par- ticipated in this survey were the Finc Arts Society of Collier County, Naples Community Concert Association, Naples Marco Philharmonic, Naples Players, Royal Brass, Southwest Florida Symphony, Friends of Art Museum, and Naples Art Association, adding that these local orga- nizations will use the cultural facilities in the presentation of\. artistic cultural, educational and entertainment programming which \ will meets the needs and wishes of the community as evidenced by con- tinued community attendance and financial support. He noted that the consulting firm recommends construction of a 1200 foot multi-purpose hall for the performing arts, for symphony concerts, chamber music, dance, operð and theater performances, a 299 seat drama theater which may also be used for children's theater and community events that do not require the larger hall, a 25,000 square foot art museum with Page 32 \ ' .. -,./ '-, , . .._.___,____.."''''.m.'.''·~.. .,~.,.O>.'H".......-·......."..."_~··;......~·~,·".~·~_,·..~_·, May 6, 1986 galleriea for permanent collection and temporary exhibits, a 100 scat lecture hall and a sculptured court or garden. He stated that in planning anything, choices have to bp- made between alternatives, adding that it is ~ot possible to satisfy everyone's wishes, but it is felt that the Foundations choices met the needs and wishes of the greatest number. He stated that the Pelican Bay site was chosen over the Fleischmann site because of higher elevation and will be less costly to build and safer from the risk of flooding, it does not have ',25,000 planes flying directly overhead each year as does Fleischmann, \ it ,is available now and the community is ready for a cultural center " now. ~~e stated that a multi-purpose hall is chosen for the performing arts rather than a hall built solely for music because the survey tells him that a ~ommunity this size needs educational, artistic and ,entertainment performances other than music to support it financially. He stated that they chose to combine the three facilities, the hall, theater and art music on a single site because it is more economical to build an operate a complex than it is to build and operate facili- ties at different locations. Tap. .7 Mr. Hutchinson stated that he believes that the Foundation has cho- sen the best combination of alternatives and they are willing to pledge their resources, talents, time, ûnd efforts to raise $20 million for a cultural center which this community deserves. He stated that it will be funded and operated as a not-for-profit organi- m~ 094p~('L 53 Page 33 '0>_' ,,,,,,,.,,.,,,~_...^.-,_,_.,,,,,,_,_.._~,,..,,_ '~'-~- .,....-.-. &COK 094 PA(.[ 54 May 6, 1986 zation and will not be supported by local taxes. He noted that there is ð problem with th~ legal language noting that as long as the word "park- is contained within the lease, Westlnghouse will not transfer the deed to the County and without it, the Foundation cannot lease the site. Be stated that Wéstinghouse will not transfer the deed if there is languag~ that would indicate that a park could be put on that site because Westinghouse has 26 acres at the corner of Vanderbilt Road and U.S. 41 that they may want to develop and they do not want to be pro- hibited from selling or consuming alcoholic beverages on that 26 acres simply because they are within 500 feet of a park site. He stated that he is reques:ing that this draft be presented to the Board on May 20, 1986. County Attorney Cuyler stated that Westinghouse has concerns that they will be limited to development of their property at the corner of Vanderbilt Road and U.S. 41, which is why the deed has not been trans- ferred at this time. He stated that if the site is designated a p~rk, Westinghouse must comply with the 500 foot setback that is in the ' Zoning Ordinance. Ccmmissioner Voss questioned if the property were leased to the cultural foundation in its entirety and it was not called a park, but the parking lot that is going to be built for the general publi~ to use in the daytime was built and benches were put around the re- tention pond, could Wer¡tinghouse then transfer the Deed? Attorney Don Pickworth stated that he feels that this could be done, adding that \. Page 34 - _/,,/ May 6, 1986 the bottom line is that there will be what has been described by Mr. Hutchinson on this site, there will be parking facilities, there will be ð "passive park" that can be called whatever the County would like to call it. Mr. Pickworth stated that what is on the ground is going to be the same irregardless of what Westinghouse calls it, but by not using the word "park" Westinghouse will be able to do what they want with their commercial property. In answer to CommiRsioner Goodnight, Planner McKim stated that the . PUD language reads that the major portion of this area, which is the '. '20 acres for a community park, is intended to serve as a community '\ p~rk with the minor portion to be used for such things as fire sta- tion,~library, Sheriff sub-station, branch courthouse officea, audi- torium, ete, She stated that non-administrative uses such as open storage, equipment yards, and other non-compatible government func- ~ions shall not be permitted within this site. Commissioner Goodnight questioned if that language is in the PUD document, how can Westinghouse change it now by indicating that this site cannot be used as a park, to which County Attorney Cuyler stated that the Master Plan is somewhat adjustable as all PUD master plans are, adding that the exact location of this area is not designated in the Master Plan. He stated that there is flexibility in the Master PIon and there is a possibility that it could be arranged so that there is five hundred feet to the commercial area, adding that Westinghouse has indicated that based on past interpretations with the ðOGK 094 fN 55 Page 35 &OOK 094 PJ~,¡ 56 May 6, 1986 County that their concerns were not that scrious until recently. He stated that they did not want to deed the property and place them- selves in a posi tion of having these discussions after the property was deeded. He stated that they want to be sure that this is not going to cause them a serious problem in the development of their com- merical site, Commissioner V03S stated that the essence of this matter is deciding what the Commission wants done and once the decision is made, it is up to the attorneys how to accomplish it, Commissioner Holland questioned if this would be a major or minor change to the P~D with reference to the location of the building, to which County Attorney Cuyler stated that if this is in accordance with the language of the PUD, t~e Board has the discretion and authority to act within that language and can do certain things. He stated that he feels comfortable that the agreement that the Board has tries to \ " nccomplish having a community park, still leasing the property to the Cultural Center, and that is not a major change in the PUD, noting \~. \ that the PUD has certain uses in the language and the way the agreement is structured, he feel3 that it complies. He stated that it is the designation of the park that is the problem from Westinghouse's point of view, In answer to Commissioner Hasse, County Attorney Cuyler stated that the pcoperty is not deeded at this time and there is some flexi- bility in the Master Plan. He stated that if the Master Plan has pro- Page 36 - -~/ May 6, 1986 perty designated for a particular use, those boundaries can be adjusted somewhat wtich is one of the purposes of the Master Plan. In answer to Commissioner Holland, Planner McKim stated that the PUD indicates that 20 acreÐ located in the vicinity of the community com- mercial parcel near Vanderbilt Beach Road and U,S. 4l will be dedi- cated to Collier County in increments of 5 acres per each 1,000 dwelling units permitted for the first four dwelling units permitted. She stated that it also 5tates that should the requirement for use of a part of this 20 acres develop prior to the above described dedica- tion rate, the applicant will make available at the early date a spe- \ cific area for an immediate ~pecific use. Tapes "a, '9, and .10 The following people spoke against the County giving away County land and the use of the land for a cultural center, citing the need !or beach parking, governmental services and community parks, a Bubst~ntial deviation from the PUD document, the need for the two cultural groups to combine as one, and a more centralized location: Dave Bruner Maxine Thorson Donðld Llewellyn Virginia W. Glasgow Richard Braun Dorothy Johnson Ira Evans Genevieve Mills Robert Asmuth Suellen Kirsch Donald Rustad Charles Zinsmaster William A. Snelling Myra Daniels Florence Aurgst Mike Zewalk The following people spoke in favor of the cultural center citing the facts that this type of facility is needed in this community, is in a good location, will bring in additional industry into the area, &OOK 094w.t 57 Page 37 ..·__.__N \ / O r;8' BOOK g~ PAé,t v May 6, 1986 Barbara Mann Henry Maxant Edward Anthony Dr. William Perry Almeida Evans Philip M. Francoeur A letter was received from Dr. James Cain indicating that he is in favor of this type of facility as there is a great need in Naples for such a facility. Mr. William vines read into the record a statement regarding com- ments on the Fleischmann Estates property. ^ letter was received from Mr. George Keller indicating that the property should be reserved for the citizens of Collier County and not used as a cultural center. Tape '11 Commissioner Voss stated that over a year ago, he met with a group of people to find out how a cultural center could be built, adding that at t~at time the group talked about where a cultural center could be located. He stated that they looked at the 50 acres that is on Rattlesnake Hammock Road and S.R. 951 and decided that it was not a \ '. good place to have it because it would be difficult to raise money for it in that location. He noted that they looked at the site at Fleischmann and at the site at Pelica~ Bay, adding that in the planning they looked at the fact that Airport Road and Goodlette Road would be four-laned to Immokalee Road and Vanderbilt Beach Road would be extended across Goodlette Road and Airport Road to C,R. 951 which would be a good network of roads. He stated that the group decided that the best location, in their opinion, was the Pelican Bay site. Page 38 - -/' .' , - . ~ " " ",<"",,,,,,_,.,.,_w_ _1__"'__·~_··"·_·_""'"··'·'·'·" May 6, 1986 He stated that he signed the incorporation papers to get the Naples Cultural Foundation started, but he has since resigned from the Board in order not to create any type of conflict of interest. He stated that if the site turns out to be the Fleischmann site that site will go off the tax rolls and will cost the taxpayers money, He noted that irregard.,esa of where the site is, it is going to cost the taxpayers money and it will b~ worthwhile. He stated that he does not feel that it is up to the Commission this date to decide which of the two sites 'the cultural center should be built on, adding that what is being \ discussed is whether or not the County is willing to lease to the "- Cultural Foundation the site at Pelican Bay if all the legal details can be worked out, Commissioner Hasse stated that this is Collier County property and 'it belongs to the people of the County and it is nut within the Commission's rights to gi~e away this land, particularly not knowing what is going on the land and where it is going to be placed. He stated that there is also ð lot of concern regarding beach access and indicated that the County needs parking access to the beach and this area could be used for that purpose. He stated that the two cultural groups should also get together and work from one site. He reported that he feels that the County is moving too fast and this property is too valuable to do that. Commissioner Goodnight stated that there has been some discussion in the PUD document that calls this 20 acre a community park and in &COK 094 W.[ 5.9 Page 39 \ ..,,,,...."'....,,.~....._-~--"~-~....._..._..,..,- ~m C9{Plr,t 00 May 6, 1986 order for it to be a community park it has to consist of a minimum of 40 acres, therefore, the only thing that this can be considered is a neighborhood park. She stated that she feels that the community needs culture and when this was first discussed, she w~s in favor of it. She stated that she feels that the parking for the beach is very important. commissioner Gooðnight moved, seconded Þy Commissioner VQSS, that the 6 acreft Þe leased to the Foundation and the rest be used for parking anð a passive type park and that Staff be instructed to instruct the lawyers to come with an agreement with westinghouse as tar as their concerns on the liquor and exactly where the property will bø aDd bring it back to the Board. Commissioner Holland stated that he would like to see the County Attorney check the legality as far as the change in the PUD is con- cerned, the State and Regional requirements be checked, and the deed \. changes from Westinghouse. '. comcissioner Gooðnight stated that she would amend her motion to \. instruct staff to check the Regional anð state requirements, to check \, the deed requirements and the PUD ðocument regarding all legal mat- ters. commissioner Voss amended his second. Mrs. Carroll stated that Staff has negotiated with the Cultural Foundation since December and the interest of the Cultural Foundation has been taken into consideration, but Staff has also had to take into consideration the land use issue and the potential use and benefit by Page 40 \ - - }.t;:-. "t:· ..._.;."".""'~.._".._''''''<~,..,_.... "..,",_._~,-,~,.,,,,---.- May 6, 1986 the general public. She stated that at this time, she needs specific direction from the Board. She stated that she needs to know if it is the Board's intentio~ to lease the full area, adding that she believes that Mr. Hutchinson is not interested in leasing only 6 acres. Attorney pickworth stated that it makes no dif:erence what the acreage is because they have committed to what they are going to do however it works. He noted that the cultural Foundation has been operating up to this point under a plan where there would be ultima- ~elY 6 acres under lease and the rest would be developed by the cúltural Foundation as a pa~sive park, with the parking, and turned ... back to the County. He stated that at that point, the only property \ that would be under lease would be the 6 acres, adding that in order to resolve the ccncerns westinghouse has, if the Foundation needs to have the entire site under lease, they are prepared to do it that way. Mrs. Carr0l1 stated that Staff would li~e dir~ction as to whether to continue with the lease as written or if Staff should negotiate with Westinghouse for the lease of the entire area. She stated that if she is to work with Westinghouse on the lease for the entire area, then there needs to be a determination as to what action will be taken to approve the use of the entire area in relation to the PUD wording. County Attorney Cuyler stated that the legal advise depends on how the lease is structured, the terms in the lease, the amount of land that is leased, adding that he has been proceeding under the assump- tion that a minority of the property would be leased to the cultural ~QO( 094w.~ Ul Page 41 m~ 094. PI~,t 62 May 6, 1986 Center and the majo~ity of the property would be dedicated to parking and a passive park. He stated that if this is going to change, there may have to be changes in the PUD language. Commissioner Holland questioned if the County is accepting the responsibility of keeping up the parks and lakes, etc., to which Mr. Pickworth replied affirmatively, adding that the way it was designed was that the entire site would be developed by the Cultural Foundation at its expense. Commissioner Holland stated that in the original lease, it indi- cated that if the Association should decide to turn this back over to the County the Cvunty becomes the owner, and questioned what would the County do with it and how would the County pay for keeping it up? Mr. Pickworth stated that it was originally in the County's draft that the County would become the owner if the association should ever decide to turn it back to the County. \ '- Commissioner Holland stated that if the Association decides to \ turn this cultural center over to the County after 3 years, the County ~.\ would not be able to maintain such a facility. He stated that he also needs clarification on the right of the Foundation to lease the pro- perty to whomever. Mr. Pickworth stated that the language that is in the lease is for the purpose of leasing the hall for the night, such as when an orchestra comes in to play for the night or if some hatel wants to use it for the night to sponsor a concert, this could be done. Page 42 \ .. -,// ... May 6, 1986 , County Attorney Cuyler stated that there are a lot of provisions in this lease that are subject to the review of the Board and prior to enactment of this lLase all these things need to be looked at and con- sidered. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he understands the direction of the Board is to negotiate the lease document for the 6 acres and to check into the PUD and all legal requirements. Commissioner Pistor indicated that he would like to have this matter brought back on May 20, 1986. \ In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mrs. Çarroll stated that in the , .... legal~description there are established boundaries for the 21.13 acres ,\ that will be deeded by Westinghouse, adding that at this point, the problem with th6t site deals with the word "park" and if that site is left where it is and the word "park" is taken out, the land is not 'used for a park use, then Staff will pursue a PUD amendment. She stated that if 6 acres of the established area is leased, the remaining portion of about 11 acres would be termed "park" and would be adjacent to the commercial area of the Westinghouse properties and this is where the conflict arises. Commissioner Holland stated that he feels that it should also be decided as to what to do with the balance of the land because the County has to keep it up as far as the roads, parking, and landscaping are concerned. County Manager Lusk stated that if only the 6 acres is considered, a park will not be built and only the roads going into the 6 acres will be built. &ûOK 094 w''. û3 Page 43 BCOK Q94PAr.t 64 May 6, 1986 Commissioner Goodnight stat~d thRt there will be 6 acres that the cultural center will be housed on and then on the remainder of the land, there will be parking that can be used by the entire County and there will be a park that will be used by the County also. Mrs. Carroll stated that her interpretation of the motion is a general acceptançe of the lease as it is written, but that the Board needs legal verification ~nd additional information on which to base their decision, and also, she will need to work out the location of the land with Westinghouse so that when the lease is presented for execution, there will be a deed to the property, Commissioner Goodnight conCUl ;ed with the interpretation of the motion as indicated by Mrs. Carroll. upon call tor the question, the motion carried 3/2, (commissioners: Hasse and Holland opposed). ....* Recess: 4:55 P.M. - Reconvened: 5:00 P.M. with Deputy Cler~ Magri replacing Deputy Clerk Kenyon ..... \ Itelll 112 RESOLUTION 86-76 RE PETITION PU-06-3C, DR. 6PAGNA REPRESENTING JI:HOVAH'S WITNESSES, INC. RE PROVISIONAL USE "a" OF "E" ESTATE6 FOR A CHURCH AT 4611 GREEN BLVD. - ADOPTED Planner David Weeks said that the proposed church is located on the north side of Green Boulevard, west of C.R. 951 and east of Santa Barbara Blvd., cor.sisting of approximately 2.7 acres and the applicant is requesting a provisional use for a church in the Estates zoning District. He said that lands to the north, east and west are zoned Page 44 \ - ~._~.~. -,.-.-.- _./ .... , ";"" ..,"",~~-,,~.""-,_.. '. \ __..._,~........",...;·..",;..o~.",,~·····, " "~""""-',..".' ......,,- ...~,.., -...~. May 6, 1986 "Estates" and lands to the south across Green Boulevard arc zoned PUD, ~ontaining 83.45 acres and is approved for 912 multi-family dwelling units. He said that the proposed church will be in excess of 200' from the nearest residence and the church will have access onto Green Blvd. only, whereas the surrounding parcels have acce5S onto 15th Avenue, S.W. Therefore, he said that the traffic generated by the church will not be mixing with this. Commissioner Hasse questioned if the surrounding properties will ,have access to Green Blvd.? Mr. Weeks said that the Engineering D~partment apparently had a policy at one time that access could not , be g~anted to residents onto Green Blvd., they had to use 15th Avenue, S.W. ~e said that Has brought up by a citizen in the area, and after discussing this with the Engineering Dept, it appears that they can have access onto Green Blvd. but he said that at this time all of the ~esidents have their approved access onto 15th Avenue, S.W. Commissioner Hasse questioned if there is "ST" in that area would they have to come before the Board to obtain a driveway? Mr. Weeks replied that they would have to get a permit from the Engineering Department. Replying to Commissioner pistor, Mr. Weeks said that he checked with the Engineering Dept. and the church could be granted access on Green Blvd. County Attorney Cuyler said that the Public Works Dept. has checked this out. Public Works Administrator Kuck said that Green :&OOK 094.p~(,t ß5 Page 45 \ , ~ ~-".",.~._,."-,,.,~---'"'-".~" -""""..~,.---".._",.."-,..,..,.',..",.,",,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,~,,,,~'~""~-".~.". ,-..."....",; .-,,,,,~,.,....""~'.,.," '"' ~OOK 094 PAR GB May 6, 1986 Blvd. is not a limited property and if a person owns property there they would have access to Green Blvd. Mr. Weeks said that staff has reviewed the petition and recommends approval and the EAC r~commended approval, subject to stipulations. Also, he said that the developer will work with staff to replace native trees lost and has agreed that the cypress stand will not be disturbed, and that will be included in the stipula~ions. He said that at the CCPC hearing six persons spoke against the petition, none spoke for it, and th~ir motion for approval was denied 2/4. He said that to date approximately 32 letters have been received in favor of the petition, 28 in opposition, and a petition with 101 signature con- cerning effects on nearby property owners, Dr, Neno Spag~a, representing the petitioners, said that at the CCPC meeting a Mr. Good did speak on their behalf. He displayed a site plan, indicating that they will use 255' and the remaining 405' \ will be left intact. He said that the original plan had a road that, accessed onto 15th Avenue, S.W. and they took the road out in order to \ ". preserve the cypress area, and that is why they are coming in off of Green Blvd, He noted that the petition was previously denied in a different location and they have found this site, and the staff report relates the background. He s3id to be compatible with surrounding areas, they have left an 18' buffer. Dr. Spagna noted that another objection was that when people bought in the area it was their idea that it would always be reserved for residences. However, he said Page 46 , \ ~- - -/'/ - -..'....."..,,"~""-"'-,.,' ".... ",--_..,....._."---~~-,'.- ....~ . . ,- I' .' 1: ¡, ' . .... ¡ 'II I . , . !" . J 1, \ '. <, í , ~' . May 6, 1986 that the "E" Estates district, just like every other district in the County, does allow churches to be placed in the area subject to con- ditions. He said that the provisionJl use does require cp.rtain provi- sions in order to safeguard the surrounding properties and that they have gone the extra mile to place distance, make a buffer, and to retain the naturalness that exists there today. He emphasized that if the petition is approved there will be no buildings or roads in the cypress area and it will be preserved as required by staff . Replying to Commissioner Pistor, Dr. Spagna said that the buffer ·1 I . I ðrea will be whatever the Natural Resources Management Department . '~ feels will enhance the area and be reasonable to improve the .\ , . appearance. Commissioner voss questioned the use of vehicles through the area and Dr. Spagna said that never was discussed. 'ii Replying to Co~missioner Hasse, Dr. Spagna said that his client " i'" would be willing to make a written agreement stating that they will only put one building on the property and they would not deviate "'¡ ~ '/,' :. ,. substantially in size. He said that they would commit to abide by the plans and if there are any additional buildings they would be willing to come back before the Board. He said that the proposed building is 50' x 80', one-story, about 20' high. He said that they would be good neighbors. , . 'Tape 113 í' l Deputy Assistant County Manager Brangaccio read a letter dated April a, 1986 from Maureen D. Van Riper, opposing the petition. ,/ , ¡I. ðCOX (][)4 f:':; 67 Page 47 .. .,' '. , , ·f '. ',. . , I .. \-' 't> .. '. '. , \ ~ aCDK Cg~A(,l G8 May 6, 1986 t1r. Wallace Andree said that although churches are permitted in residential areas, some of the property owners ðre failing to recognize the fundamental rights of a free exercise of religion. He referred to the petition in opposition, with over 100 signatures, and said that almost one-half of those persons are on the west side of Santa Barbara Blvd. He noted that they had no opposition to the Baptist Church, which which granted a provisional use this date. He said that they make reference to the fact that it is going to lower the value of their property and he would like to see that proven. He said that churches actually enhance property. He said that when the congregation get. so large that they can not hold them, they will find another area, and they would be willing to sign th~t they would not add to the Kingdom Hall, He said that the building will be made of stone and wood, be compatible, and fit in with the natural setting. Mr. Harry Good noted that there are 15 churches in the area, all \ '- in residential districts, which is the logical place for them. He '. said that they have tried to find an area where they would have the \. least impact on the community, and noted that there are no houses on \ Green Blvd. He noted that they will only be using about 1/3 of the property. He referred to the petition that was approved for the Baptist Church this date and said that he is puzzled by the opposi- tion. He said that all of the c~ngregation resides in Golden Gate City or Golden Gate Estates. Mr. W. R. Laux, said that he is in real estate and he definitely does not want to see property values go down, He noted that they are Page 48 - .,/ . ..----.,~..>o,.~.__".""''''~,....~~ May 6, 1986 spending money for land and a building ano they definitely don't want it to deteriorate, He said that when they found out there was opposi- tion they moved the access road. He said that the building and pro- perty will be taken care of. Tap. .14 Mr. Roger L. Default, Jr. said that they are not opposed to any type of religion, they are opposed to a church, He said that he is in the landscaping business so when they say they are using an 18' buffer, that is not very much. He noted that until the second week of ,April of this year no one could get access on Green Blvd. He said -, , that he would be müch happier if the church located across Green Blvd. in a multi-family are~. Pame],a Axell said that she is definitely against a church, has tiveä by churches, and when they cannot park in the lot they park in ;the street. Leah Karnis said that she would be opposed if it was her own church. Mr. Dennis Roberson said that it was mentioned that there are no houses on Green Blvd. He said that he lives on 15th Avenue, S. W. and that is their backyard. He said that it is in a natural state and creates a buffer between Golden Gate City and Golden Gate Estates. He said to approve this petition would create a negative effect on the area. He said that they have a clear majority in opposition to the petition and asked the Board to follow the CCPC recommendation of denial. &CCK 094 PA',! 69 Page 49 ,."'....,.~".,....'."_.'....,,,,,..,~.,,"....~~_.~~,'>,,,..',,,<.,,. """""."",_.,-.,' "~"~'''''''''''-'''-'--''"-'' ... ø'~ :f " I '1 . .. . ~: . .. ., " ,'''. . , , , I, . '0 ,I ~ , L , ! i f" . . ,¡ 't , , , , II Ii' l .. I Ii; V ..., .' j ,. '. , "'-"'11 .~~;; C94PAGl 10 May 6, 1986 Margaret Wright said that she took the petition around and did not mention the denomination. She said that she believes that when a group of people want to keep their area residential, they have that right. She said that they would like to see churches go on the south side of Green Blvd. She mentioned that the Electric Company has a provisional use at the end of the street, and in speaking to a neigh- bor who lives on th~ other side of 15th Avenue, they have had a $20-30,000 assessment increase and she has had approximately a $2,000 increase, because a provisional use does lower the value of the home. Mr. W. K. Wilson, 15th Avenue S.W. resident, said that he has an ATC track next to him and he sees that site as the next track on 15th Avenue S.W. He said that their backyards are facing Green Blvd. and they ~dnt to keep it that way, they do not want a church in their backyard. He said that they do not want any~hing but residences and that he feels the Board is duty-bound to abide by the majority vote. Mr. Ivan Vepy said that if the people living on the street canno~\' decide their future that it would be very undemocratic. \. Commissioner Holland questioned the size of the proposed building and Dr. Spagna replied 50' y 80' for a totol of 4,000 square feet. Commissioner Holland asked if they are willing to stipulate that will be the approximate size of the building and Dr. Spagna dgreed. He then asked if they would be willing to fence the back part of the pro- perty, because he believes that it would be for the benefit of the property owners and the church. He said that the boardroom is 40' x ; " . . . ' , . ,- ~, " , " Page 50 I .., I' . \ t' I ~ "1 - _.w '" 'f ! t . \ . ~ f' __"p--"-"-"""-~_''''''''___"''.."., ..~_",_..,....~..~_.....,.,_~"-....,.,.....""._._.,,__ May &, 1985 70' and has 144 seats plus staff seating, an( he does not believe that it is over-crowded, so the size that was quoted seems reasonable for 150 people. Commissioner Holland said that if they agree to maintain the size of the bu~lding and to put up a fence to prohibit the ATC's, he would feel comfortable with it. Commissioner Hasse questioned the staff as to how the people on 15th Avenue were cut off from Green Blvd.? Public Works Administrator Kuck said that he is not sure when people were denied access to Green Blv1. and that he would have no problem granting access. He said that 'he waa not aware of the situation until now, \ Tap. 115 ... Cvmmissioner Holland said that he lives 600' from a church and the people have caused him no problems. Citing the fact that the people have agreed to put a fence across the back and have agreed to keep the 'size of the bu ild ing to 50' x 80' Commissioner Holland moved that the peti tion be approved. conunissioner Hasse seconded the lIIotion, adding that it was a difficult decision to make. He suggested that the neighbors keep an open mind, adding that the average church is an asset to the community and trouble-free. Motion carried 5/0, whereupon Resolution 86-76 was adopted, &OOK 094 pV.[ 71 Page 51 . . i I' . . ~, ~ I ! '. ,; 4 i, j , Ii I I, I! , I 0' i ~ I If .. , ~ ,. '. , I 1', I I ! I (-~ I I, May 6, 1986 Item 113 RESOLUTION 86-77 REDUCING SPEED LIMIT ON LAKEWOOD BLVD. AND APPROVING A PLAN OF IMPLEMENTING ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROL MEASURES - ADOPTED Mr, George Archibald, Tran~portation Director, said that the proposed resolution is a result of a resolution submitted by The Lakewood Community Services Association which represents about a dozen homeowners associations. He said that they recommended certain traf- fic control meðsures, the Transportation Dept. has reviewed it, and confirmed that some of it should be implemented now and some later. " H~ ðsked the Board to adopt the resolution consolidating the speed li~ìt on Lakewood Blvd, to 25 M.P.H, '\ Commissioner Holland questioned the golf cart crossings. Mr. Archibald said that the Association wanted them to pai~t the existing golf cart crossings and they agreed to it and the members of the Club :indicated to th~;" that they would reimburse the County, but instead of painting them they put thermoplastic down. Replying to Commissioner Holland, Mr. Archibald said that they would mark the golf cart crossings. He said that there would be no stop signs and they would have to yield to the traffic on Lakewood Blvd, Commissioner Holland said that he would like to see stop signs put at the golf cart crossings and Mr. Archibald said that he would check with the Club and Associations to see what signs they have. He also noted that he has received a letter from Col. Beebe supporting the proposed resolution. commissionðr Holland moved, seconðeð by Commissioner Voss and carried 5/0, that Resolution 86-77 establishing a uniform speed limit ,m OD4 W,J 75 Page 52 . . , . ~ .. I . " I; .. 1 \ .. " V" 'Q .-.....i..-...."'.......-~,._~__."~.,....._ '".....,.._,,_._ _"",~,~"..~,'H"-""="""".,.,."·",_,,_ . .~.",..,~..",.< I' " I· .. , ""1, ..,. , ';" ~ , , " f '" . " " If l I " I ; ; '. 1 ! , , II I . , ., ,oo~ 094 PAr.[ 76 May 6, 1986 of 25 M.P.H. on Lakewood Blvd. and all streets within Lakewood Subdivision be adopted and that the Implementation Plan for Lakewood Boulevard as outlined in tr.e Executive Summary dated 4/22/86 be approved. ¡" :, ! \ " 'I.' "'.'. \ ~, ;'1 ., '" '., ,. " , '. :1 " Page 53 ... 'J i, II '4 - --,/" , . ...'-....... ~._ _.~..._.4 ~'\.......'.~..'" . I " /' I i I , , . 'I, \ \: ¡~ ,~ -tt. _".,._.~_, ~._- ~"""""'"'"'_'''~.'·'''';m,'''''''',,,.,", .....". ...._~,.,.."~____ ICOK 094 PAGE 78' May 6, 1986 Item '14 BID '86-915 AWARDED TO APAC-FLORIDA FOR FOUR-LANING OF PINE RIDGE RD., C.R. 896 (JCT. OAKS BLVD. TO JCT. C.R. 951) - APPROVED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on February 14 and 23, 1986, as evidenceñ by Affid~vit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid #86-915 for four- laning of Pine Ridge Road until 2:30 P.M., April 4, 1986. Mr. George Archibald, Transportation Director, said that this par- ticular job has a timeframe of 9 months, they will start in June and complete the job in February of 1987. He noted that the other contract that they have with APAC is for 12 months. Commissioner Holland asked if it takes 9 months to build 3 miles of road? Public Works Administrator Kuck advised when they get into rock excavation it is very time consuming, commissioner Voss moveð, seconded by Commissioner Hollanð and oarried 5/0, that Bið '86-915 be awarded to APAC-Floriða, Inc. in\~he amount ot $1,793,028.91, contingent upon the County's receipt ot a \ ðreðqe and fill permit trom the Department of Environmental Regulation ~. prior to the latest contract execution date ot June 27, 1986 as spe- oifie4 in the bid bonð. Item U5 AGREEMENT WITH COOPERS' LYBRAND, CPA'S IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $32,000 TO PERFORM A COMPREHENSIVE UTILITY RATE STUDY - APPROVED Chairman Pis tor noted that there has been a memo received from Fiscal Officer Giles relating to this item, Page 54 \ - - ..../ '. .,_~.......~;"........_,_'^___.,..,_"'" "___M_____ May 6, 1986 Mr. Michael McNees, Acting Utilities Administration Director, said that he could respond to the memo, H~ noted that due to the number of private utility acquisitions of the Water and Sewer District over the past year, a comprehensive rate analysis is something that the Utility Division feel~ is badly needed and that they had planned on coming to the Board to ask for it some time this summer; however, since the recent East Naples acquisition and approval of that purchase, they feel the need fo~ the study is more immediate, He said that they 'solicited proposals and received only two responses and he recommended " that the proposal from Coopers & Lybrand be accepted, , Mr~ Gil~s said that his problem is not with the firm selected as he feels that either Deloitte, Haskins & Sells or Coopers & Lybrand can perform an adequate study on the rate. He said that he is ,beginning to be at a loss as to the Board's policy regarding the hiring of independent consultants. He said that when the recommen- dation comes in it usually involves quite a bit of money and if the Board is not specifying in advance what the scope of the work is, sometimes one firm might take a different interpretation of what is to be done and give ~ lower bid and then you don't have as much as you thought you would get if the scope of work is not well defined. Commissioner Voss asked if both firms were told simultaneously, and Mr. Crandall, Utilities Administrator, said that they were not. He said that they were interviewed separately and followed up with a written proposal. McNees said that they provided both consultants with the same written documentation. !COK 094 W., 79 Page 55 ,,,...',_. "",,, ",'4"''-',< ·~~'.·'.".'4...·."....._"~"~.,,,,=-".....,,_,_ . \ IGGK ŒJ 4 fV). 80 May 6, 1986 Commissioner Holland que5tioned at thi5 point in time, with the recent acqui5ition of the sewer and water plant5, if the County has had then long enough to find out what the fiscal impact will be? Mr. Crandall said that their rates are significantly different then the rest of the custome:s that the County has, and they would have to establish those rates by ordinance. Chairman Pistor asked Mr. Giles if he would like to have this item postponed for one week? Mr, Giles said that was not necessary, his concern was that when something is done and it is not in accordance with Board policy, he feels that he should bring it up and he wanted the Board to be aware of the fact that they do have a policy. County Mana~~r Lusk said that Mr. Crandall is very concerned about the rates and what is going to be generated with the Utility Department and he has had a lot of changes within the last few months. commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse, that ,a " contract be awarded to Coopers' Lybrand in the amount of $32,000 to' perform a rate study for the Utilities Division. Commissioner Holland said that he would assume that they know how much money it is going to take to run the department, and they know how many customers that they have in Collier County, less that 16,OOO, and asked if they would want to wait? County Manager Lusk said that you just can't look at the opera- tions end the dey-to-day maintenance of the plant. He said that Mr. Crandall is going to have to make some decisions to spend capital Page 56 - -/ \ I " May 6, 1986 money in the next couple of months, millions of dollars for a water plant expansion and sewer lines. He said that Mr. Crandall is con- cerned if he is going to have the money at the present rates to justify the bond issue. He said that they can now go to bond issue but they need to know what the rates are going to be to ~e able to carry the bond issue, so it is a lot more than how much it is going to cost to operate the plant. Commissioner Holland asked if therc is anybody in-house to do that end Mr. Lusk said that he believes Mr. Crandall would be a lot more \ com(ortable with ~n outsider. Mr. Lusk asked Mr. McNees if he has done ?ete studie~ before and he said "No". The motion carried unanimously. See Page 9?' Item 116 RELOCATION OP 5520 COMPUTER PROM BUILDING "F" TO BUILDING "G" FOR BUILDING DEPAÄTMENT AWARDED TO COLLIER ELECTRIC Deputy Assistant County Manager Brangaccio said that they are under a very tight time schedule , as the Building Department is to be r~located to Building "G" on May 16th and 17th. She said that the Building Department and Permitting System runs on the 5520 computer which has to be moved. She said it is very expensive to move because the cables have to come back over to Building "0" for Public Works and back to Building "F" for the Planning Department and Utilities Division, because they have 23 terminals doing word processing and accessing all of the data that is currently on the 5520. She asked &COK 094 W,! 81 Page 57 \ aoOK C94-rJ"\ B2 May 6, 1986 the BOil rd, because of tile time I imi ta t ions, to accept wha t was the lowest quote, Collier Electric, adding that the money is available. Hcplying to Commissioner Hasse, Ms. Brangaccio said that normally they would bid this, but quotes were received over the phone. Commissioner Hasse said that it would have been sealed bids. County Mllnllgcr Lusk said that he would not like to be put in the position where everything has to be sealed. He noted thllt this is costing less than expected. Tap. 116 County Manll9~r Lusk said that they have sllved about $20,000 because Mr. Reagan worked closely with them and moved his things from Building "G" t~ Building "A", thereby eliminating them from moving to Building "A" prior to moving to Building "G". Commissioner Vosø moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried 5/0, that a contract be awarded to Collier Electric in the amount of $11,'43 to relocate the 5520 computer froM Buildinq "D" to'" Buildinq "G". Item 11' BUDGET AMENDMENTS 86-253/255 , 86-258/259 - ÄDOPTED Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendments 86-253/255 , 86-258/259 be adopted. Item 120 SUMMER DRESS CODE - ÄPPROVED Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse Knd carried 5/0, that the Board set a policy startinq with the first week Page 58 .. ,-,/ ~ ___.__,""'k'~_""""___.'''_k'''··'''''._",,,,,_",,,,,,,,,,,·,. \ ~\ '0\ .Kay 6, 1986 in May and ending with the first week in November, that the dress code for Commission meelings be casual attire rather than jackets and ties, ..* The rollowinq items were approved and or adopted on the consent aqenda by motion or Commissioner voss, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously: *** Item 121 RESOLUTION 1&-78 PROVIDING POR ASSESSMENT OP LIEN TO RECOVER FUNDS BXPENDED BY COUNTY TO ABATE NUISANCE ON GOLDEN GATE CITY UNIT 6, BLOCX 181, LOT I, OWNED BY RICHARD RAGNAESE, GUARDIAN, NORMA M. XIDBEY ESTATE See Page if - ý'O \ Itelll '22 BID N~~ 16-964 W~LL INSTALLATION, GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY, PHASE I, AWARDED TO M. E. .KILLER' SON WELL DRILLING IN AMOUNT OF $6,700 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on ¡APril 8, 1986, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid No. 86-964 for well installation on Golden Gate Parkway until 2:30 P.M. April 23, 1986. Itelll '23 BID NO. 8&-963, MEDIAN LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION, GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY, PHASE I, AWARDED TO SUNNY GROVE LANDSCAPING, INC. IN AMOUNT OP '63, 746.35 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 8, 1986, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid No. 86-963 for median landscaping and irrigation on Golden Gate Parkway until 2:30 P.M. April 23, 1986. Item '24 LAXB TRAPPORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CEMETERY DEEDS NOS. 454, 455, 456, 457 AND 458 8CDK 094 W! 83' Page 59 .'''''''~"''--'''' '''"''''.''>'''''''~'''''''''~'''<--''''",,'""'.~'''''''' < ,·_·,..··,"·,~""''''"·O;;±'"-_..,_...~-_···,-___'lIrn ..". ~_M-jI ~ .." ··~,""_"'...ww__&;;.......""""'___,~"'_,."'....·""..,"~,.·"..._.,~'""',.._.·..,.~ \ BOOK 0941'Ar.[ 84 May 6, 1986 ~ See Pages 9/ - C¡ó Item f2 5 PINAL ACCEPTANCB OP QUAIL CREEX, UNIT II Item '26 DRAlr~GB AND ~CCES8 B~SEMENTS ~DJ~CENT TO GOLDEN G~TE BLVD. AND AIRPORT ROAD CANAL ACCEPTED FROM PROCACCI BROS. SALES CORPORATION TO COMPLY WITH THE VINEYARDS PUD COMMITMENT See Pages qr, - q 7 Ite. '27 PANEL CONSISTING OF DON~LD LUSX, NEIL DORRILL, T. E. XUCX, ROBERT FAHEY AND TOM DONEGAN TO SELECT AN ENGINEERING FIRM TO VERIFY DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND PERFORMANCB TESTING FOR THE WASTE-TO-ENERGY FACILITY Item 128 LEASB AGREEMENT WITH THE GOLDEN GATE ROTARY CLUB FOR PROPERTY LOCATED BETWEEN GOLDEN GATE FIRE STATION AND COMMUNITY CENTER, NOV. 28 _ DEC.25, 1986 FOR THE PURPOSE FO SELLING CHRISTMAS TREES See Pðges Qf- 9 'f Item '29 LBASB AGREEMENT WITH IMMOXALEE DAY CARE, INC. See Pages 10-0 - /0 I \ '- '. \'. Itelll 130 \ LEASB WITH STATE OP PLORIDA, DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE, AND CONSUMER SERVICES-FORESTRY DIVISION AND LEASE WITH BIG CORXSCREW ISLAND FIRE RESCUE AND WAIVER OF APPLICATIION FEE FOR A PROVISIONAL USE See Pages I ¿);). ~ / /..!J- Item '31 REN~L OF YOUTH HAVEN ASSESSMENT SHORT TERM NAPLES IN AMOUNT OF $37,900 FOR ONE YEAR / I ~ LOAN WITH BARNETT BANK OF See Page Page 60 '- -..-/ , -- :. '-4.'. _.f... __.::._. "-""-""'-~" 'f Y ~_____""","....,,,.,..-,,,.__.,_,._~_,".,,.,..__,o;,.~~,,.><,",,,.,"0 May 6, 1986 Item 132 QUIT CLAIM DEED FROM ANTONIO M. GONZALES FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY ON CECIL RD. IN CONJUNCTION WITH GREENWAY ROAD WATER SYSTEM See Page / / 7 , Item '33 CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLL 1979 No. 674 Nos. 181-187 Dated 4-21-86 1985 Dated 4-15/21-86 \. 'It.1II '34 \ EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATE NOS. 48057 anð 49945. -, Item '35 DUPLICATE TAX CE~TIFICATE NO. 3469 TO GUY L. CARLTON DUE TO LOSS See Page 1/( iIt.m '36 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objec~ion, the following correspondence was filed and/or referred to the various departments as indicDted below: I. Letter dated 04/21/86 from Gerald Herting, Environmental Supervisor, DER, acknowledging receipt of inclusion forms for FY 1987 construction grants priority. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Tom Crandall and filed. 2. Copy of letter dated 04/17/86 to Bruce Green & Associates from Carlos R. Carrero, Engineer, DNR, advising of approval of permit for construction and Final Order File No. Co-119. Referred to Pam Brangaccio, Vickie Mullins, Dr. Proffitt and filed. 3. final Order received 04/28/86 from Robert G. Dean, Director, DNR, administratively approving permit for construction for James f. and Leslie S. Magin. Referred to Vickie Mullins, ~OOK OD4w.! 85 Page 61 _,",...,~._.~...",o,,;..· ., """',"".,.,....,~...;..,.____.~___,"..-, BOOK 094 PAr,[ 86 May 6, 1986 Dr. Proffitt and filed. 4. Letter dated 04/22/86 from Nicholas C. Anthony, District Program Supervisor, Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Program Offi~e, HRS, announcing upcoming annual meeting. Posted in Building "F" and filed. 5. Letter dated 04/24/86 from George F. Nawsadi, Claims Supervisor, Insurance Company of North America, aCknowledging receipt of claim involving a summons anè complaint styled Jimmy D. Gibson vs. Collier County, Fl. Referred to Ken Cuyler, Sherry Rynders and filed. , 6. Minutes of CCPC, 04/17/86 and 05/01/86 agend~. Filed 7. Letter dated 04/21/86 from Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Storer, opposing rezone petition R-85-32C. Referred to Missy McKim and filed. 8. Motions to Withdraw filed by the Public Defender of the Tenth Judicial Circuit in 247 pending appeals; Jerome Haggins, et al., Appellants, vs. State of Florida, Appellee. Referred to Clerk Reagan and filed, 9. Letter dated 04/23/86 from A. W. Addison, Deputy Tax Collector indicating postage used and due for the First Tax Notice mailing. Referred to Jim Giles, Lori Zalka and filed. \, 10. Letter dated 04/23/86 from Fred J. Fagergren, Superintende~t, United States Dept. of the Interior, seeking permission to "', place trash metal and wood in the Carnestown Transfer Station \ free of charge. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Bob Fahey ðnd '\ filed, II. Letter dated 04/21/86 from Ralph L, Stanley, U.S. Dept. of Dept. of Transportation, stating that effective May I, 1986, the Urban Mass Transportation Administration is making a change in leadership in their Atlanta region. Referred to Jeff Perry and filed. Page 62 .. -,/ .,-'-'''-''"-~'''..~'''''..~"..,..;''''.,.,,,..,''-,,,..;,,<,,_.~.,,....,,"',--.._,....-.-.,'._'''~~ May 6, 1986 ... There being no further business for the good of the County the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 P.M. by Order of the Chair. BOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD Of ZONING APPEALS/EX OfFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL l () fZiz HN A. PISTOR, CHAIRMAN . ATTES~ìi;; "~~,~~ÁM ;~~f.AGA~, CLERK d¿<;?/~~ À?f~_.:~. tOe.. fff,·~~ ~'.' '\, ::;, 'f "/ ' .Th~s'è' 'minutes approved by the Board ¡fe;~~tpd' ~ or as corrected on ~~ 3, /7J'(,. / , ! Page 63 &OOK 094p~(,[ frl " ...'''-.. _._""..,,,_.,,-....'~..~,... as ___,·,_....,<o..._.-",.~,.._......~""_",c~.