BCC Minutes 10/07/1986 R ... .. .. ~. .' , ¡. : ,,',;.,. I.·.. Naplell, Flor ida, October 7,' 1986 " LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 ~.M. in REOULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John A. Pistor VIet-CHAIRMAN: Anne Goodnight Max A. Hasse C. C. "Red" Holland ABSENT: Frederick J. Voss ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk; Donald B. Lusk, County ~anager; Neil Dorrill,Assistant County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Bruce Anderson and David Weigel, .~, .. . ..,.¡.þ.AlSlSllStant County Attorneys; Ann McKim, David Weeks, and Barbara Cacchlone; Planners; To~ Crandall, Utlllties Administrator; Dave ~~,Pettrow, Zoning/Planning Director; Jane Fitzpatrick, Growth Management Director; Nina Small, Acting Community Development Administrator; Leo Ochs; Administrative Services Administrator: Ken Pineau, Fleet Management Director; George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy ¡' - ) Chief Ray Barnett, 5heriff's Department. .r, (.!~¡~LJ:~L~ . ~ r j , ',¡;'.. " '), ' ! >1 [¡ ~: ;/ H ;. to n' l C 'r ,'J"t,", ,I. '" .\ <:: !'I ': : t '¡: . : t ;; r 'Page 1 aDOK 098 PA~( 62 \. '. '.. ( nl~ OtYd'\' p',; --,.."...__._.~-"'. ~ .... .....·__,...,__'O_";~··",· ,"" ',~ ._" ~..",,,.,,_,«,,,,,,.,..,,...,.,,. :1 :j , .,..~.~~ .,,;....... ." .. : 1 - - .. DRESS CODB Commissioner Pis tor indicated that as of October l4, 1986 the Board of County Commissioners would return to their formal dress for the w1nter. Tape 11 Item U AGENDA - APPROVIID WITH AMENDMEN'I' Commi..ioner Ra..e moved, .econded by Commi.sioner Goodni9ht and oarried unanimously, that the agenda be approved with Item SA re9arding .ystem development oharg.. for Naples Indu.trial Park being oontinued indefinitely_ CRECK PRESEN'I'BD BY TAX COLLECTOR CARLTON IN THE AMOUNT 07 $1,004,000 Tax Collector Carlton stated that the amount that he is returning to the Board of County Commissioners this year is $1,094,000 with $90,000 going to independent districts. He presented a check to the Chairman in the amount of $1,004,000. ,; "Commissloner Pistor thanked Tax Collector Carlton for .the f,ine jOb ~f1"" ".~,.." he has done for the County." y,/:.l ~i,: 'Íf,~: .:¡¡';J,.:< ~ ,,~ -: ' l' ,~:~;,. :f. '~.'; ,~.",.. , '-! :~I~: p '" ' . t!k - 1.,'·,' ';(.j , '~,§t ',':..~.' .,' ..~ ~~'J','..",," , ""-if ì'; 4. ':, ~¡.~" '~ October 7, 1986 Item fSA DIU. CORLSl' BOJrOlUU) AS CBAIIUDI.K or 'l'RB COLLIBR COON'll' PLANNING COMMISSION Commissioner Pistor stated that for the past five years Mr. Corley has been Chairman of the CCPC, adding that the associates on the CCPC and the Board of County Commissioners would like to thank him for his time and efforts. He presented him with a plaque. '; (\ ¡:}:(;'·;~(i"j~J;;'f:--~.~;;ï~ \:i; E ~/~.\fl!'1.~ J :'.' ,>Fr,l EL' i ;,~. ~ ;,"1 Page 2 ;:!' r l' \ : ~ \ ¡ ¡ , aODK 098 p~q: 68 . . , I , lOOK (J~'f)'AGt f3~ ",1, ',; ¡! ~ { ¡: " ,(, October 7, 1986 It.. UB BMPLOnB BBaVIes AnJU)8 - I'RE81NTBD Commissioner Pis tor presented employee service awards to the following employees: I.' Ronald Hough - Road & Bridge Thomas Traxinger - Road & Bridge Francisco Llorea - Road & Brid~e Cynthia Grogan - Court Counsellng It.. nc ~LUØ.'.rIOK DBSIGD'.rIHG '1'RB nBK OJ' OCTOBBR 5-11, 19U, AS "NATIONAL 4-B OBK" - ADOPTSD 15 years 5 years (Absent) 5 years 5 years (Absent) Upon reading of the Proclamation by Commissioner Pis tor, Ms. Kim Booth and Racheal Shea accepted same and indicated the various func- tions, activities, learning experienoe, and efforts that have been put forth by the 4-H Clubs and the volunteers of the community. commi..ioner Goodnight moved, seoonded by Commis.ioner Ba..e and carried unanimously, that the þroclamation de.ignating ~he week ot October 5-11, 1986, .. "National 4-B We.k" be adopted. '. \ ~_.: '. ;: r ,¡ '~:~ C(l1tPJn"i<'¡ !UÇI"t:¡;¡; to...') '1,' rF!d :-:¡..~ í ",' . ~H"7r'·~"·';· t(Jt ~"¡ .; ~itJ'·rr.1 ".jT 1,~.t ~_ ; (;;¡'1.~ CIt1.1.. r1'l1 n:'II\,¡ 1 :c<'!: ., ,'.' ", ;..' \1 "",,1 pH 9rr.!-', i' ¡ :~ ¡ r P ! I, ,.I',' 1/\' GÖI'·':Y1.)S ((¡pf'. ¡< - ... ,i;;"q r'}\ ,- (~ , ".. ~ ¡ , , f~~ t.,)., l; tr r I p¡. ...... , ~1' 1 ~;'rr·L,~:J.J ~. V!..:¡~.., . ." .,.. .t I, iJ;¡' "'J .t Vb06 H 4 I' r. 1.....~') . - i:. :. :' t..', ñši:;tti' ç(::)¡.: Page 3 ",.i - - - , ,i("", ,'¡,'." (1 ' j ,) .f( i) .. ' October 7, 1986 OP THB KORTH FOR OCTOBøR, 19.' Mr. Dan Pucher as a $50 cash award to be his next pay check. ~OÙ8 AGENDA ITBMS CONTI~.D DUB TO LAêx or .OLL BOARD Planner Weeks indicated that due to the lack of a full board, the fOllowing petitioners are requesting that their petitions be con- tinued: 1. Item 681, Petition ZO-86-l3C, Community Development Div. _ Continued to October l4, 1986. 2. Item 682, Petition R-86-l3c, Dr. Neno J. Spagna, repro G.J.R. of Naples, Inc. - Continued to October 21, 1986. 3. Item 683, Petition R-8~-20C, Community Development Div. _ Continued to October l4, 1986. 4. Item 6B4, Petition R-86-23C, Vines & Assoc., repro Michael O'Mara - Continued to October 14, 1986. 5. Item 7Bl, Petition PU-86-l4C, Asbell, Haines, Doyle & Pickworth, repro petrolane Gas Service - Continued to October 14, 1986. 6. Item 9Al, Petition MP-86-6C, Collier County PUblic Works Div. - Continued to October 14, 1986. Commi.sion.r B.... mov.d, ..Cond4d by Commi..ion.r Goodniqht and oarri.d unanimously, th.t ~h. abov.-r.t.r.nc.d p.tition. b. oontinu.d to the d.t.. indio.t.d abov.. It.I"·' teCl è, ~. RESOLUTION .'-190 AND RESOLUTION .'-191 REGARDING THB NORTH NAPLES ROADWAY MUNICIPAL ØBRVICB TAXING AND BBNEFiT UNIT - ADOPTED , , Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 17, 1986, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was continued from September 2, 1986, to ~'.~~.".~,':;, .," , ;> r;".~· ~f"!o"~ ~~..r.~'1 , .' ~:', '. ,~~~ , 'ò' . \ . - ~ ¡ I~:~;' ....',' ¡; i i !j /,';!:: j ""1 It:1J;.,gi;Va J .I~;.,,"- :·~'.,ri·; j¡.L~. ;!;J' ~ (...r.)a"J!J;;~\ Page 4 1:'; , . I" l;' "¡ III' : . .1; p '¡ I f·j.:: ~ i L /:: 1 , , . r. . . if '¡ ¡:- ~;! :;:!<; T 7 :1 ~ 1; L' I'II;~' I: ',." ' 'I f f' I ~ : ,or1 .. "',-1.'/ .. - - .. October 7, 1986 consider the adoption of a resolution pertaining to the North Naples Roadway Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit and confirming Resolution 86-125 ordering the construction of said road and waterline improvements in the unit. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this hearing is to consider confirming resolutions for the North Naples MSTU project which he is trying to get into the design stage. He noted that at the last hearing a number of issues were brought up and he met with pro- perty owners on these matters in the past few weeks to try and resolve these matters. He stated that this was done by writing a resolution which sets forth the means of addressing all the issues. He noted that the problems addressed the parcels that were on the south end of the project and the other problem was with the utilities properties . that are owned fee simple. He noted that the resolution indicates that the County will acquire 275' of right-of-way from the parcels in the southern end of the project, adding that the majority of these owners would prefer that the County purchase the entire parcel and, \ therefore, the resolution is recommending that the County have the option to acquire the entire parcel with County funds to address the issue of adverse impact on those parcels. He noted that there are six parcels that will be adversely impacted, which is why he is asking for ! . authority to purchase the entire six parcels if the property owners I' want to sell the entire p^rc~l_ He noted that the money for the , , acquisition will come from a combination of gas tax funds and'from the .I! t..q r p-~, : L lOOK D981'J~r 72 Page 5 ,'t' Œ:12 \ 1: .1J "'.", .: -------."-. 098+'Jq 73 October 7, 1986 MSTD fund that will become available at some future time. He indi- cated that the two concerns brought up at the last meeting by the property owners was that they would be left with property that they could not use after the County acquired the needed right-of-way. He stated that these people ~Iill have access to the new road and there is also an easement on the west side of the project and they, therefore, will benefit due to improved access. He stated that another commit- men", i.n the resolution is that the County will assure access by a public road right-of-way to those parcels where it is economically feasible and where there is a benefit. He reported that the practical side of this project is that if an agreement cannot be reached with the property owners and the area has to be condemned, the cost of legal fees and related fees would probably exceed the value of the total parcel, which is why the procedure of purchasing the entire par- cel has been incorporated into the resolution. He stated that it would cost the County approximately $350-375,000 to purchase the entire six parcels and the County, in turn, may be able to sell them to adjacent property owners, which would result in larger parcels for som~ owners. He noted that thare are many owners of the larger par- cels that do want to retain that property, adding that it is only the six parcels that are five acres tracts that are adversely affected. He indicated that the MSTU has approximately $850,000 for right-of-way acquisition. He stated that all property owners with the exception of three have indicated a willingness to donate the right-of-way and ; I ' .. 'Page 6 - ~ .. - - - ;)i:..#\ '''iìo¡(.·:.", ~i::~,~' 'f'if: ,¡o!, ~,; ~ti~'S:J;'" '.,',t" .. n,. ,"!;,f·j ."":, October 7, 1986 the preliminary assessment currently covers the $5.1 million which includes right-of-way, road construction and the extension of the water lines. Tape U , Mr~,Archibald stated that another iSSU6 was how to handle the pro- perties that are owned Fee Simple by Florida Power & Light and the pel1can Bay Improvement District. He stated that in general, the Board of County Commissioners will give a credit against the assessment in the case of both utilities if the utilities grant multiple easements resulting in access through it's properties within the district to satisfy commitments made by the North Naples MSTU and also subject to a mutual agreement between the utilities and Collier County. He stated that the value of the easements that are needed would be the benefit derived by the utility of the roadway improve- . ment. He stated that the benefits are limited in that both FP&L and Pelican Bay Improvement District have easements already to have access to ,their properties, but it is also realized that once, the ,new road is built, their access will be greatly improved over what they have now. He indicated that the resolution addresses the issue of road impact fee credits and based upon the road impact fee ordinance, credits are available to property owners for the value of construction of arterial roads that are part of the roadway network that is shown within the Comprehensive Plan, noting that the property owners that pay a portion of the, construction cost will r.eceive a future road impact fee credit. ; ... -.' r;' t~, .) ~, ;* '¡ I; '; .;;:} ¡ 't ~'! ".e ,) ~ "Page 7 fi' ;' ,)... \ _t. '), ~:' , 8DOX ü98 p~~t 74: f' I '\;\JI I;,' 098 nrot 75 , ~>i I j October 7, 1986 He stated that one commitment of Collier County is to pay for 50% of the cost of the bridge to cross the canal on the north side of C.R. 846, adding that since this is a roadway that is part of the Compre- hensive Plan, Staff's position is that the bridge crossing should be subsidized by the County to reflect the ~ounty's commitment and the need to provide for improvements to the drainage system that will be part of the water management plan. He stated that the commitment will be either 50% of the cost of the improvement or up to a maximum of $150,000, which would come from gas taxes at some future point in time when the construction follows through. He indicated that there is a need to tie the northern end of this road into an existing road in Lee County, adding that there is 1,000 feet of roadway that the County would be responsible to build to extend that roadway. He stated that the County will make a commitment to provide the rights-of-way necessary for certain parcels to have access for the new road, adding that if it is not economically feasible to provide that access, then the benefit derived by those parcels would be reduced and the assessment would be reduced accordingly. He noted that the property owners that are giving the right-of-way would like to have some recognition that they are providing this at no charge, adding that he I has written a section in the resolution that would give them such recognition. He stated that under Section 5 it reads that all pro- perty dedicated to Collier County for right-of-way usage shall be dedicated by perpetual easement so that the property owners will main- .: '.~ ~ ,. -") ': vr i- -"'¡f I ~ , Page 8 .';! - - - .. I - - - ~ October 7, 1986 tain ownership of the right-of-way for use in determining the gross acreage which is used in calculating the amount of residential and nun-residential uses 6~ the time of rezoning of the property involved. He stated that it is also intended that this same right would be / ': oJ I I # I I , i '! . ' ./ available to subsequent owners or assigns and successors. He reported that Section 7 of the resolution indicates that the Regency Village PUD is benefited by the project in that it provides additional access between the new roadway and the property. He stated that in the reso- lution, it is being suggesteõ that the boundaries of the district be revised to include that PUD, and that the PUD be assessed based upon the benefit that will be derived from having a new road constructed. He stated that he is asking for consideration with the idea that this resolution and the confirming resolution would allow for the final design of the roadway to occur, which will still take approximately nine months. i' The following people spoke in favor of the North Naples Roadway Municipal Service Taxiny and Benefit Unit citing the need for access to property, and the need for a north/south arterial from Immokalee Road to the Lee County line, Jerome Smith Tap. t3 Mr. Tom Peek stated that he is the project engineer for three par- Joseph Weinfeld ..- eels of land within the District, noting that a~'the laat meeting he raised aome concerns that they had wh.tch have mostly been resolved. " ! i i ..1 i ~ . , , , '. r f 1\ pag";'9 aDOK 098 mt 76 . . , t.;: ., ~ ,; .:r ...~ - 09'8 nr,! TI October 7, 1986 He stated that the concerns for access in Section 18 has been addressed but he questioned the meaning of economically feasible with regards to ~btaining right-of-ways for the access roads as there is a lot of wetlands in the area, to which Mr. Archibald stated that the County will make every effort to provide ·right-of-ways and permit the proposad roads, but it may be premature to make any improvements to them. Mr. Archibald stated that prior to assessing anyone, he will know what can be provided in the way of rights-of-way and what can be permitted, and then there will be pUblic hearings held on the matter. Mr. Peek stated that he work3 with the owner of the Regency Village PUD and he feels that the benefit has not been demonstrated and he objects to being included in the District. Mr. Jerry Owens of Florida Power & Light stated that they are in favor of this District and they agree with the County to provide and work with them with regards to access and agree to the credits for providing access across their corridor. He noted that he concurs and agrees with the conditions. Attorney Tracy BOlesky, representing Pelican Bay Improvement District, stated that his client is opposed to this assessment as they will not benefit from the planned improvements and they do not want the im~rovements. He stated that his client's property simply supplies water to the District, and they are asking to be excluded from the District. Thefollowin9 people spoke in favor of this project citing that " \J';; ~. "i(: . ~i ( (, , h i : ! c-; ¡ ~ ¡ ; ') Page 10 ~>; ii'_" j" ,~.,"...., '", ;::" ~~ - III - .. .. .. October 7, 198G the time is now to do it as it is a good project and i8 needed for tho people that own property in the area as well as the need for a northl south arterial roadway: Robert McMichael Ralph Nickerson T. A. Hamilton Tap. '" Attorney George Varnadoe, representing property owners in the Paul Toppino Victor Hugo Bouse District, stated that his concerns have been resolved, adding that this road should go forward now. He stated that he would also urge that the Board of County Commissioners adopt the resolution as writ- ten. He stated that Regency Village PUD is committed to hook-up to this road when they get a certain number of dwelling units and will, therefore, get a benefit from this road. He noted that with regards to the parcels in Section ~4, Staff has gone out of their way to work with these people in trying to acquire the necessary parcels. He stated that he feels that the Pelican Bay Improvement District should be included in this proposed district as their property could be rezoned at a later date and used for another purpose and 'a be~efit would then be derived. He stated that with regards to Parcel 30, in Section ll, he had concerns regarding the amount of the assessment at the last meeting, adding that the proposed assessment roll has been redone, aCknowledging access to that property from Lee County and questioned if Mr. Archibald would indicate same on the record. Mr. Archibald stated that h~ ha:3 revised the preliminary assessment roll 'tli,,' " Page 11 anOK Q98 P~~t 78 i f ~, ! i' t ',;, W~'ì ~-, \ -' t~¡.¡ .,!,. ',""t " ¡.;.>' -~ ~.~,- '~ " . -'0':' :., ~...' !' ',t " 'OIlK 098 mr 79 ( October 7, 1986 and for those particular parcels that did have access to other roads in Lee County, their point~ were revised and the preliminary assessment roll reflects that. Commi..ioner Goodnight moved, .eoonded by commi..ioner Holland and \ ' oarri~d unanimously, tbat the publio bearing be olo.ed. Commissioner Goodnight moved, .eoonded by Commi..ioner Hasse and oarried unanimously, that Resolution 8'-190 pertaining to the North Naples Roadway Munioipal Service Taxinq and Benefit unit tor the oonstruction of road and waterline improvements be adopted and that Re.olution 8'-191 confirminq the policy ot re.olving i..ue. brouqht up at the 9/2/8' bearinq be adopted and that statt be authori.ed to nego- tiate . .upplemental agreement with Hole, Monte. , As.ooiate. tor tinal engine'trine¡ design .ervioe.. ;'.¡ ¡: ~',',:,: .: ¡ ,'"l ~ , ~ ¡J L , (: \' ", ....., '''\ (~; , , " ;', . r r· v, ~ :.,- ~. ",. ~ f~L: ¡"f I" . " r:,~ I' 'i , ¡ ,! ! " ~¡·11 '" ¡' , .. V, ¡:C l~;¡'.^ ",.' . ' ,.... ~,:. J,vbe .. V' f;'~ ": r i; : ¡ : : .. ; ~'1' . 1; "¡'..,.! ;;1;... ; ')f ':. ;,; ':. '. E .: ,,> Page 12 ! ; .. .. '- 'DD~ 098 Pitt 105 October 7, 1986 ***** Reoe... 10:30 A.M. - Reoonvened: 10:45 A.M. ***** Itelll Uca RESOLUTION '6-192 APPROVING RBSIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE COLLECTION PEB INCRBASB lOR THB MARCO DISPOSAL PRANCHISB AREA - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on September 22, 1986, and the Marco Island Eagle on September 24, 1986, 8a evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a resolution approving a residential solid waste collection fee increase for the Marco Disposal Franchise Area. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that based upon the franchise agreement, Marco Disposal can appear before the Board of County Commissioners once a year and based upon documentation there has been substantial increases in insurance. He stated that the rate consultant reviewed and approved their analysis and the final amount computed for a rate increase is $.47 per month per residential customer. Mr. Ira Evans stated that the amount involved is small, but' there has b~en a lot of small indreaø~s. He stated that rate increases are based on increases of cost, but what ðbout decreases of cost~ like fuel? He stated that if increases are gOing to be recognized, then decreases should also be recognized and a complete renegotiation of the rate should be done each year. He stated that he has no objec- tion to the service, but the principle on which this is based is ine- quitable and does not protect the ratepayers under this agreement. ¡ ~ f : 0, ~ l' . j , I"; i Pag~ .13 " . .1 f f '. \f' . r ~ . 1 11") ¡ 1 " ';~ '.~ ! ': " ';' I ¡.' .. - - :I:'ii .. 'i,~,:,:, :,' : }t- )~\:> ¡oC(¡( 0':)(' , ,:~?" . (Jt~ ~ ~ .. .. .. " " . October 7, 1986 Commiss1oner Pistor stated that this matter was thoroughly investigated by the rate consultant and the cost of fuel and operation ,were taken into consideration. Mr. Archibald stated that based upon the analysis of the rate con- sultant, Marco Disposal is entitled to this rate increase, adding that Marco Disposal is still below their earning rate as provided for in the franchise agreement. Commissioner Goodnight moved, seoonded by Commis.ioner Holland and oarried unanimously, that the publio hearing be olo.ed. Commis.ioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Hass. and oarried unanimously, that R..olution 86-192 approving a residential 801id waste collection te. increase tor the Maroo Disposal Franohise area be adopted. .;. . {u\ ,I',': ! ;'.' , IrJ '. . ~ i ~ " M'U':'I,; . ¡. ,I ,iJ 1J ~~ ¡ I ¡ , I ( 1 ,, ¡ ,. ì; ~ j ,',~ ':: IJ ~..~ I ''';' r.1I! .. !: G 1 ~;! ~..:.," n; J L ,,-' L r , ' , , ;;,": f.'I',':' '.1; ':,'t{' ";",,. 'qq ~¡,,~t .JÇ¡~.' ~ I ;.' '. ~ .:' t ,', ~ 'J (,,; I'. ~,., i,' r), ~ . r '. ~ ,',; r . , , ¡ ~ . It ! ], .. ~ "·'t.. i1 ~!'I..~fi ;.., : J":U hr., " ;. ; ,~f: \,i: L I, (:."t,,·:':: I f . r " . .~ -,' .' ""J Page 14 " ' aDOK 098 PAr,! 10B 10,!, ¡ ¡, ~'. :'.1 ...¡i ~t ¡ ;J:~" ;"G d : .. .. .. October 7, 1986 It_ ttA2 aBSOLUTIOØ ..-1'3 RlSCINDINQ RlS. ..-e9 DUE TO DEPAULT OP CONTRACT OBLIGATIONS OP COAST RIB' TUG - ADOPTBD. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH GULP PILXNG , MARINE CONSTRUCTION, INC. Brandt Henningsen, Assistant Natural Resources Management Director, stated that Staff is recommending that Resolution 86-89 be rescinded and that a contract be executed with Gulf Piling & Marine Construction, Inc. to remove, transport and emplace dredge pipes and pontoons at a designated artificial reef site in the Gulf of Mexico. He stated that this mater hI is presently located on land between Smokehouse Bay and Elkcam Circle on Marco Island. He stated that the contract with Coast Reef Tug defaulted on their agreement due to their 1nability to satisfy insurar.ce requirements of the County, and NRMD has negotiated and finalized a contract with the second lowest bidder, Gulf Piling & Marine Construction, Inc. He stated that the total cost of the reef construction will be $18,900, adding that Deltona Corporation hðs donated $4,000, therefore, the County's expense will be $14,900. He noted that the reef material will augment an existing reef located about five miles southwest of Marco Island. He noted that the contractor will have a total of 80 days to complete the pro- ject and will adhere to specifications outlined by the NRMD and that the contractor will not be paid for their services until the end of the project and after NRMD has inspected the reef. Commissioner Goodnight moveð, seconðeð by Commissioner Bollanð anð carrieð unanimously, that Resolution '.-1'3 rescinðing Res. e.-e, due , . : , :.t T" r,'; rr - _; :1' L i ,'¡.' >' ! l' , t ¡ ~. I: . ¡ 1 f f1 aDOK ij9g w.tl0s Page 15 l ;, '~;" ; i .i; i.' .~~ _..~"..._"~...,,.~'"_.....__.. - '....'......._"',.~'''.,.~.",.,.,...,,~._" ,",.,^,_.. "..--.".--...,.."..-....--.- i ! ì ! ! I ¡ I ¡ I October 7, 1986 one is land application, another is to take it to the landfill, and the third is to burn it in a resource recovery plant, adding that his program will be looking solely at land application at this time. Commissioner Holland move~, .eoonded by Commis.ioner Hasse and oarried unanimously, that the Invironmental Soienoe and Pollution Control Department prooeed with a plan ot aotivities to establish a sludge disposal oomplianoe program tor Collier County. Item UBl SOLID WASTB FACILITIBS FIB SCHEDULB TO BB RBADVBRTISED AND BROUGHT BACK TO THB BCC ON OCTOBER 14, 198' Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this involves the revised fees for the Solid Waste operation, adding that as part of the budget hearing process, some expanded services were considered under Solid Waste which included the establishment of some sinking funds for equipment replacement, purchase of land, e~pansion at the Naples Landfill and some closure and monitoring at the Immokalee landfill. He stated that based upon the sinking fund requirements, the fee sche- dule has been revised and is outlined in the proposed resolution. He stated that he is requesting that the resolution be revised to be con- sistent with the budget requirements and that the tipping rates at the landf1ll be increased from $15.00 to $l8.00 per ton and that the bio- mass tonage rate be increased from $3.00 to $5.00 ð ton. In answer to Commissioner Holland, Mr. Archibald stated that this has been the subject of a series of advertisements in the newspaper. Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that the three franchise ê_ ;A . , Page 18 aOOK 098 ¡>~r.! 12.9 ·I;·!.-' i" '.,( 1 C ,; ~ ¡ fS .. .. .. ì ¡ I I ! [ H4' ..'~ '~iI'~ .±J :~~ ..... ì .~, -.' -. ." . ,)4 :". .,-, . .-;,tf ,'-~' '~~"·'t,¡,;..;.I-Þ';·· .. .. .. ,lOOt 098 PA('.t 130 October 7, 1986 haulers that are involved with the majority of the commercial and residential collection have been advised of this and, in addition, ads were run in the Naples Daily News indicating that this would be con- sidered this date and it was pdrt of the adopted budget for solld waste. '.rap. IS The following people spoke in opposition to the rate increase and the way it was advertised, noting that it does not inform the average person that they ðre going to be faced with a rate increase, as well as the lack of justification for an increase and suggested that this matter be deferred: Mike Zewalk '.p. fa Bob Krasowski Edward Smith (presented letter) Mr. George Keller. commissioner H.... moved, ..conded by Commissioner Holl.nd, th.t no action be taken this date and the Solid Waste Advisory Committee r.vie. this matter and bring it back to the Board. Opon oa1l tor the que.tion, the vote was 2/2, (Commi..ioner. Pistor and Goodnight oppos.d). ,. commissioner Goodnight moved, .econded by commi..ioner Pistor, that the Board amend Resolution 85-200 Solid Waste Faoiliti.s Fe. soh.du1. to establi.h tran.fer and disposal tees for 1986-87 be adopted. Upon oa11 tor the que.tion, the vote was 2/2, (Commissioners Bas.. and Holland opposed). Mrs. Charlotte Westman stated that with regards to the sinking r ,¡ ,: .,.' :!. ~ ~_. i. '. ;"0,:, II".: ¡.# ., '.' "~":'. )¡j:CF'-t"!i.J... I I' ~-: ) ¡ì i..':¡ 1.0'?f',"n'.t'!·~QQ 'r;:,; ~-', ·~'t; '( . Page 19 ~ 'I r ~ I ! ' . + .., ~ IJ -: r';~J:-.·,,_~';~ Ijr'/lJ7-:"....f ! r ~ ." -~ to'! (~ ~: \,~ p ~ ~ ,'i j (, j " ~ .~ :.' ~;":'j T ::" ','~ J "'; ¡ 1 J'. . I.~I.;~-\·r~· t ¡ ::; 'i~' ',p;: ,~ ,(. ! l " 1'.- 'r¡ ;: ¡,f\ ) l ~ ' j. !. r. \ \ Ið~rt~ nor ¡',:' , ._'....~....,. ,,.....__.,..._~."~,~.N.""'·~_'.... ,.^ Octob.r 7, 198' fund., .he f..l. th.t th.y .re n.o....ry .. the ourr.nt fund. .re not .uffioient and .he has no obj.otion to this inor.as.. commissioner Has.. mov.d, second.d by Commission.r GOOdniqht and oarri.d unanimously, that the 801id Wast. paoiliti.s f.. soh.dul. b. r.adv.rti..d and brought baok to th. Board next w.ek. Ite. UB3 RESOLUTION .'-1'4 AWARDIN~ CERTIFICATES OP CONVENIENCB AND NECESSITY POR "VEHICLES POR HIRE" - ADOPTED Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this is a request to approve the initial applications per Ordinance B6-4 to operators of taxicabs and "vehicles for hire". He stated that the initial appli- cants,were reviewed by the Public Vehicle Advisory Committee and the resolut1on outlines the firms that met the requirements in the ordi- nance and the firms that were approved by the committee, ,with three exceptions. He noted that the firms that are listed for approval are the firms that have been grandfathered in based upon having an occupa- tional license prior to January 21, 19B6. He stated that he is requesting that the resolution be adopted for the firms that met the current,criteria and in addition, that two more firms be added to the resolution that were inadvertently left off. He stated that the two firms 'are C & P Tours and RES Transport. He stated that both firms meet the criteria and were approved by the PVAC. He stated that there is also another firm that meets the criteria and was grandfethered 1n, but the firm is not being recommended by the committee at this time because they do not have an office in Collier County. J... ".I ¡:.\j ~ ¡.' .' Page 20 I CúK (198 P1~! 131 I'," -, '. ,i"! I^'i,!;,"~,: 'n')))'; . ,,"', ,;(, ¿"t,'" ~ , :\. T30 .. .. .. .. .. .. i; ~~:t '¡;i~, ~t~,' , ~141'.\~\~ f~}" ~'OD( 09'8 PAr.t 132 :,.>, ~ ..',,' :. , ~ ~. r' I' ) ': ' I' October 7, 1986 ~.p. '7 Mr. Archibald stated that the Board needs to make a decision as to whether to approve this firm or to amend the ordinance to include that a firm must have an office in Collier County. Fleet Management Director Pineau stated that the issue is that the PVAC has made the recommendation that ð judgement be made by the Board whether Sun Lines ahould receive a certificate, adding that they meet all the req~lirements of the ordinance, but the issue is whether they need an office in Collier County or not. He stated that this has not been addressed in the ordinance. Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that Sun Lines has an exclusive franchise to serve the Southwest Regional Airport and questioned if they cannot obtain a license from Collier County, how will people get from Collier County to the Airport on Sun Lines? Assistant County Attorney Ander$on stated that the ordinance would not prohibit Sun Lines from dropping someone off in Collier County, but as the ordinance is written, the Board does not have the discre- t10n to deny Sun Lines a certificate or to require that they have an office in Collier County until the ordinance is amended to make that a requirement. He stated that with regards to C & P Tours and REB Transportation, they do not have a current and valid occupational . license to engage in ð Motor Vehicle for Hire Business as of the effective date of the ordinance and, therefore, they would not be sub- jeot to the grandfather provision. " :._,'O~· . l'~~ I : t ! II ': . ¡.J:-., f'.''(; . l~ it... . Page 21 ! ,. !. ~':; :O;fu '~~.':.' ~t~_ " ~,r:~, " tl~:' r~ \" ~ ,~~..~" - I· ,( ~",';'~,'" ,. .... , " tt. ~. October 7, 1986 Mr. Pineau stated that he received a call from C & P Tours indi- cating that they had an occupational license in the tour guide area. Ms. Pam Kelliher, owner of C & P Tours, stated that she also owns a major interest in Coachways, which is a bus company in Collier County. She stated that she did not apply for an occupatlvnal license in the name of C & P Tours. She s~ated that Coachways is the result of purchasing a pre-existing licensed company called Sportsbu8 that was 1n the County and has been here for two years. She stated that her problem was trying to keep the two companies separate in regards to explanations. She stated that she was told that she did not need a new license to operate a company if they already had a license and she purchased the company and changed the name. Shß stated that when the license expired in February she renewed it, but now there is a problem whether Coachways will be granted the certificate of operation because a pre-existing licensed motor vehicle charter business was purchased and the name was changed. She stated that C & P Tours does not own any vehicles and will not need a vehicle for hire certificate. She stated that she operates and owns a tour company and bus company and has for 3-1/2 years in Naples. She stated that the bus company ls Coachways, Incorporated, and C & P TOUrs is a brokerage for a lot of bus companies in Lee County, adding that she uses a lot of buses from Lee and Charlotte Counties in supplying the Ritz Carlton and the Marco Marriott. She stated that if these companies have to have offices in Collier County in order to pick up here, there is going to be a big .t 'ê (,,,' ~.\ Page 22 r;, ~ aODK 098 ~",:, 133 .. .. .. - - .. " ",,.,.' . 098 PAr,t 134 October 7, 1986 transportation problem during season. Mr. Ocy Richardson stated that his concern is that these buses are going to have to sub-let from other companies to handle these proce- dures as there is not enough buses in Collier County. He stated that in regards to REB Transportation, there has never been an occupational license issued for vehicles for hire, prior to January, 1986. He stated that there has also been some unethical practices used in his business and he would recommend that this company come back before the advisory committee. He stated that this was a new recommendation from the advisory committee after the 24th of September. Mr. Russ Baisley, REB Transportation, stated that all his vehicles have been inspected by the State and he has an occupational license now, but prior to January he was told that he did not need an occupa- tional license for the type of vehicles that he has which, are vans that sit 15 adults. He stated that in the present ordinance, it is not clear whether he needs a bus or van license. He stated that the people that are now objecting did not have any objections at the com- mittee meeting. He stated that there has been a clerical classlficå- tion error for numerouo companies, but those companies were not penalized for that, adding that they were grandfathered in and did not have to have a hearing on the matter. He stated that he is trying to comply with all rules and regulations. Ms. Olimpia DePena, representing Sun Lines, stated that even though Sun Lines was grandfathered in pursuant to the ordinance, they ~ ., ··'ì ';1 ¡.' Page 23 ., l) Î: " '. r C!:~ (' <;" ___",,_ """~"'''''______;'';''''''_.'·"'''''''''''''''''._,''''r'''·''',,'^'''''"_'~'' ----.-' -..-,.- October 7, 1986 are required to have an office in Collier County, adding that the ordinance does not indicate this. She stated that if an office is important the ordinance should be amended and it would then be required next year when the renewal comes up but, at this time, Sun Lines should be grandfathered in according to the ordinance. Mr. Ken Reese, Fidelity Coach, stated his company is a bus opera- tion and the only thing that bothers him about the ordinance is main- taining an office in Collier County. He stated that he has an office in Lee County and to open an additional office in Collier County could not be justified. He stated that tours are not sold in Collier County, but a lot of charter work is done here for travel agents, schools, and civic organizations. Mr. Ron Gey~r, Ohio V~lley Service, stated that he furnishes the !'.. majority of the buses to C & P Tours and he does not feel that an office should be maintained in Collier County. He stated that he has a lot of buses that need to be maintained according to government standards and they have a shop in Punta Gorda where he houses his buses and does all the maintenance work and it would not be feasible for him to open an office in ~_ollier County, too. Mr. Joe Cusson, Classy Taxi, stated that in regards to REB Transportation, it is his belief that if there is a business of any sort in this County, one must have an occupational license. He stated that REB Transportation or Courtesy Cab did not have an occupational license, as he researched the records back to 1984. He presented a < ' Page 24 aD OK 098 PJ ',! 135 " ., . .t>, J" .,;t.tOH·' ' ~f :11 {i, i-~~~~ .. 1~:,' ~; ';~, ( . ¡ ~ .. .. - ...-...:-. .. .. .. 'OD~ OH8 PAr,~ 136 October 7, 1986 letter from the Chairm~n of the advisory committee indicating that they made a mistake with regards to recommending that REB Transportation be grandfathered in. 'tape '8 Assistant County Attorney Ander~on stated that as far as the indi- vidual companies are concerned, there are three questions; one con- cerns Sun Lines, the other concerns Coachways and the other concerns REB Transportation. He stated that based on his review of the ordi- nance and the companies' applications, he would recommend that Sun Lines is entitled to a grandfather certificate and it would also appear that Coachways would be entitled to a grandfather certificate. He noted that as far as REB Transportation, they did not have an occu- pational license to engage in motor vehicles for hire on the date that the ordinance was adopted an1 they are not grandfathered in, there- fore, he stated that the appropriate time for this company to come before the Board with a =ecommendation of approval is the next meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. He stated that all companies that are not grandfathered in have to have a public hearing before the Board. commi..ioner Goodnight moved, .eoonded by Commissioner Ha.se and carried unanimously, that Resolution 86-194 reqarding Certifioate. of Convenience and Nece..ity for Vehiole. for Hire be adopted and inolude Sun Line. and Coachvays and that RED Transportation be brouqht up next week. .' . ,', Page .25 . ~ t I \ . "ì -';i",~' ,#:,. -,--.---..-.-----,",.,-«.",--....,,,.,.,,,,,,, ~-.._.~-,,- ....,.......-" ~... .r' October 7, 1986 Mr. Gary Mastro, Chairman of the PVAC, stated that with regards to the letter that was presentéd, it is simply facts and figures for the Board and not a recommendation from the PVAC. :: A(1'\'1.... ' etH1 1'" I I"~ '.. 'J~"~ (J~ "H :;,01 I ,I [',I f ,c ~!I :: ('. j.., ' t<, ¡, t, f" .. ;r \, ~~' ~ t· ~.;',: " t- '1,.: i' , I ¡', (.- !....i.: ~ t'; ;~: :., t', ~. í :, r l 'to -~ ',. :) - ~ , , .' " r: ,,:J ('I:,'¡ . ,; ¡ r ~ ~ I :; "K" : ~~ '::\ , , , ·1, J i~b., . ~.~ ;, Page 26 &COK 098 PAr.r 137 t \ i r .. .. .. "r ,( r ¡ " ~ October 7, 1986 ! 'n.. 'lOA BCC TO BOLD SPBCIAL MEBTINGON N~VEMDIR 5, 1984, 2100 P.M. TO SIT A SPICIAL BLBCTION FOR BLECTION OF THE FIRST CITY COUNCIL OF MARCO ISLAND IF THEY SHOULD INCORPORATE ON NOVEMBER 4, 1986 County Attorney Cuyler stated that his recommendation on this item is that the Board not consider this resolution at thio time. He stated that he is recommending that the Board call a special meeting after the November 4, 1986, election if necessary. Assistant County Attorney weigel stated that this resolution is to order action upon the approval of the Marco Island incorporation. He stated that the Special Act requires the Board to call a special elec- tion to be held December 2, 1986, and also provides qualification date for candidates for the City of Marco Island if the referendum on November 4, 1986, is approved. He stated that said qualification date would be no later than November 17, 1986, and further prov1des that upon approval of the November 4, 1986, election, the initial meeting of the Marco Island City Council would be on December 9, 1986. Commissioner Goodnight moved, seoonded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that the Board hold a speoial meeting on November 5, 1984, at 2100 P.M., to set. special eleotion for eleotion of the first city Council of Maroo Island if they should incorporate on NoVember ., 1984. n.. f12D LOCAL MATCHING FUNDS TO SECURB ADDITI6NAL GRANT FUNDING FOR REDLANDS CHRISTIAN MIGRANT ASSOCIATION - NO ACTION Commissioner Goodnight stated that she received a letter from the Redlands Christian Migrant Association aSking for matching federal Page 27· r eODK U98 PAr,t 167 -, , I' . ¡ ¡~It' j; .. .. - "¡ <t '~~ ~') ... .. .. .. lOOK 098 PAct 168 October 7, 1986 funds of $21,480 in order to obtain a $150,000 grant. She stated that if the County could provide the matching funds, the Redlands Christian Migrant Association would be able to provide approximately 87 children of the farmworkers with facilities while the farmworkers are working. She stated that she feels that this is worthwhile, noting that if this is approved it would have to come out of the contingency fund. Mrs. Bonnie Meyer, Administrative Assistant for the Redlands Christian Migrant Associat10n, stated that the Association has been in existence for 22 years. She explained the various functions of the association. Commissioner Hasse stated that he finds it difficu:t to issue this kind of money at this time, and questioned why this was not approved at budget time? Mrs. Meyer stated that this is a grant that HRS just informed them of and was not known about at the time of budgets. Commissioner Goodnight questioned what the obligation of the Board would be next year if they gave money this year, to which Mrs. Meyer stated that District 8 just informeù them that this is the allocation that would be available this year if they could come up with the matching funds, adding that she is trying to raise money in the pri- vate sector and would hope that she does not have to come back next year for additional money. She stated that she would not be comin~ to the Board for $150,000. Commissioner Hasse stated that the Board has a limitation as to \, ~ \' Page 28 '-".' ~'" '..,....---,.._""".......,,""~..'^""._-,~,.".. .,_..._~~~._.".., October 7, 1986 what can be contributed, and he does not feel that it can be done at this time. Commissioner Holland stated that he can see advantages to the program because it would free up parents so that they would be able to go to work and would, therefore, take that many people off the welfare rolls. He stated that the progr&m is ver-y ~uccessful. Commis.ioner Goodnight moved, .econded by Commissioner HOlland, that the matching funds of $21,480 for the Reðland. Christian Migrant As.ociation be approved one time only. Upon call for the question, the vote was 2/2, (Commi.sioners pi.tor and Hasse opposed). Reoe..a lalO P.M. - Reoonveneda 2aOO P.M. ..... '1'ape U Ite. UB2 BID '8&-1004 - GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY MEDIAN MAINTENANCE - AWARDED TO WILLIAMS' SONS, INC. IN THB AMOUNT OP $1&,359.92 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on June 26, 1986, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid #86-1004 for Golden Gate Pðrkway Median Ma1ntenance until 2:30 P.M., July 16, 1986. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that he is recom- mending Williams and Sons, Inc. for the maintenance of Golden Gate Parkway median in the amount of $16,359.92 as they have a very gvod performance record. He indicated that the Golden Gate Beautification Committee is also recommendipg Williams and Sons, Inc. Commissioner Holland moved, Ðecondeð by commissioner Hasse and ,', ,': ,'" : raq~" ~, !~. t.· ; i ~ ,~. ~COK 098 W.¡ 16.9 " .. .. .. - - - lOOK 098 PA~t 1 iO Ootober 7, 1986 ,j. . carried unanimoua1y, that Bid '.6-1004 for Solden Gate Parkway Median Maintenance be awarded to Williams , Sons, Inc. in the amount ot $16,359.92 a. being in the best interest of the County. Item 19D1 UTILITIBS TO UPGRADB EXISTING LABORATORY FACILITIES IN THB AMOUNT OF 1!!,628 - APPROVED Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that with the fast growth and new regulations put out by DER, he is required to set up a Quality Assurance Program for the water and sewer plants and will require additional field tests from the laboratory. He stated that he needs to add a lab technician and also to upgrade the existins l~boratory fac1lities. He s~ated that the expanded services in the amount of $45,628 would come out of the Utilities Reserve Contingency. Commi..ioner Bolland moved, seconded by Commis.ioner Has.e and carried unanimously, that the Utilities Department upgrade the existing laboratory facilities in the amount of $45,628. Ite. 1911 PARKS ARC RECREATION DIRECTOR'S ANNUAL SALARY - APPROVED Administrative Services Director Ochs stated that this is a recom- mendation to approve an annual salary of $36,000 for Mr. Clifford Crawford, the r.ewly hired Parks & Recreation Director. He stated that he was selected from among 56 applicants for the position which has been vacant since July, 1986. He stated that he is also recommending ~hat the Board agree to reimburse Mr. Crawford for reasonable moving " .. expenses in an amount not to exceed $1,000. ,., ' Page 30 ,'; " October 7, 1986 Mr. George Keller stated that he feels that this salary is too high for a Parks and Recreation Director. He stated that with the pr.sent development of the park 8ystem, the facilities are not ready to be used. Commissioner Goodnight stated that there are three parks that are going to open in December. County Manager Lusk stated that this person is over the main- tenance of parks as well as the recreation. co~i..ioner H.... movea, .eoonaea by Co~issioner Gooanight ana oarri.a unanimously, that the P.rks .na Recre.tion Direotor's annu.l .alary in the amount of $36,000 ana the reimbur.ement of reasonable .oving .xpens,s not to axoeea $1,000 be approvea. It.. UB2 COMXtnfITY DBVBLOPMBNT ADMINISTRATOR, ASSISTANT TO TaB COMMUNITY DEVBLOPMBNT ADMINISTRATOR AND ASSISTANT TO THB COUNTY MANAGER _ APPOINTBD County Manager Lusk stated that this item is to approve Dave Pettrow as the Community Development Administrator with a salary of $44,000 and Nina Small as the Assistant Community Development Administrator with a salary of $26,980. He stated that he is also recommending that Tom Olliff be appointed as Assistant to the County Manager with his salary remaining the same. Commissioner Hollana movea, seoonaea by Commission.r Goodnight ana oarri.a unanimously, that the Co~unity Development Administrator, the Assistant to the Community Development Administrator, ana the ;".. , ~~ ¡', r V'.' : :~,j. ':.~: r ~. <~;:: ~.)~,; ~ J Q , >.. ' ' , . Page 31 ~';'J( ¡:~. d¡I';'!' ~!' aCDK 098 PAr,t 171 . . ,- - .. .. - - - . 'ODt 098 PAGt 172 October 7, 1985 " j Assistant to the County Manaqar be appointed with the .alaria. as indicated above. It.. flU ROUTINB BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Pursuant to Resolution 81-150, the following checks were issued through Friday, October 3, 1986, in payment of routine bills: CHECK DESCRIPTION Vendors BCC Payroll Item '120 BVDGIT AMBNDMBNT8 15-452/4571 86-459/4611 86-4631 86-46~1 86-467/4721 85-475/4761 86-478/479 - ADOPTED CHECK NOS. AMOUNT 148850 - 149460 035553 - 036177 $3,612,818.93 276,495.60 Commissioner Goodniqht moved, seconded by Commi.sioner Holland and carried unanimously, that Budqet Amendments 86-452/4571 86-459/4611 86-4631 86-4651 86-467/4121 86-475/4761 86-478/479 be adopted. Item 12A $3,500 CONTRIBUTION TO FLORIDA STAT! FAIR ED.IIBIT, COLLIER COUNTY AGRIBUSINBSS WOMBN'S NBTWORK - APPROVED Commissioner Goodnight stated thðt during bUdget hearings, it was agreed that the amount that would be given to the Agribusiness Women's Network for the State Fair would be reduced from $5,000 to $3,500 and she is now requesting this amount. Commissioner Goodniqht moved, .econded by Commissioner Hasse and oarried unanimously, that the $3,500 contribution to Florida state Pair Ixhibit, Collier County Agribusiness Women's Xetwork be approved. Ite. fl2B COXPIRMATIOX OP C~MMISSIONBR GOODNIGHT AS A REPRESBNTATIVE ON THE SOUTHWEST PLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL .! : c(. -, ¡1 '.~ ' í (l. ) 'J ;. -- -;"'.-. -...~ ~ .~-- ---------._-..-._~--"-" Page 32 Ii. ~. . . ,~.~:". ~,' ','., ,." ',',',..,., ,",\~ ~ \ ,..,',....:,. " '~~iti.r',: ~:~: J,'" . ........1., ,'~( October 7, 1986 Commissioner Bolland moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and oarried unanimously, that Commissioner Goodnight be oonfirmed as a representative on tbe Southwest PloridA Regional Planning Council until ~ebruary, 1,a8. It.. U2C COXNI8SIOXBR8 PISTOR, GOODNIGHT, AND kAssl TO ATTEND TUB U.S. CONFERENCI OP MAYORS RESOURCE RECOVERY LEADBRSHIP INSTITUTE ON OCTOBER 27, 19a6 Mr. Bob Krasowski stated that his concern is that this conference is limited to elected officials, adding that this is made possible by private firms that are involved in reSOurce recovery. He stated that 1t is unfortunate that the govèrnment is hOlding thi$ forum with such a limited representation on such a controversial issue. He stated that he would like to suggest that thè Board also make an effort to hear from other industrie~ in regard to waste handling processes that are ava Uable. Commissioner Holland moved, aeconded by C~mmlaøloner Goodnight and oarried unanimously, that Commissioners Piator, Goodnight, and Baase attend the U.S. Conference ot Mayors Resource Recovery Leadership %nstitut. on Ootober 27, l'a6. 'tapè 110 Mrs. Westman stated that the County knows what decisions have been made and the letter inviting the Commissioners to this conference is from the Governor and he is not gOing to lead the people of Collier County astray. '; i , ' , ~, ': ¡ , " I :n'" ~ r n' d', : " '.' ~ . , v Page 33 BeOK 098 PAr,I 173" .. .. .. .~' " ;, ~. - - - aOOK 098 PA(;E 174 October 7, 1986 ..... Commissioner Holland moved, ..conded by Commissioner Goodniqht and carried unanimously, that the to11owinq ite.. be approved and/or adopted under the Consent Agenda: ..... Ite. UUl BUDGET AMZNDKENT IN THB AMOUNT OP $15,000 FOR THB BUILDING CODB DIPARTKBNT FOR CONSTRUCTION OP A DRIVB-THRU WINDOW Item '14B1 SIGNALIZATION ALONG GOODLBT1£-FRANK ROAD AS PART OF THE FDOT/CITY OF ØAPLBS COORDINATED SIGNAL SYSTEM DESIGN AND ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR TUB INITIAL DESIGN Ite. 114B2 QUIT-CLAIM DEED FOR PIRBHOUSI ROAD A/K/A MAINTENANCE SHOP ROAD IN LELY ESTATBS See Pages / f'ï - / ?':;.. r Item U4B3 CONTRACT WITH LWSM OP FLORIDA FOR ENGINBERING SERVICES FOR BUILDING "G" FOR $2,400.00 See Pages / ¡.:3 -/t'f Ite. 11484 TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT TO UNDERTAKB ONE-TIME ROADWAY RBPAIRS TO AN IXISTING, UNIMPROVED ROADWAY KNOWN AS ACRE MAKER ROAD AND COST OF ROAD REPAIRS NOT TO EXCEED FUNDS DONATED BY BENEFITTING PROPERTY OWNERS Ite. 114B5 PUBLIC HEARING ON OCTOBER 14, 1986, TO CONSIDER THB GRANTING OP CIRTAIN CERTIPICATES OJ' PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY Ite. 114B' IXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.270 "PELICAN BAY SYSTEM V, LAD 5" - SUBJBCT TO STIPULATIONS 1. The excavation shall be limited to a bottom elevation of -9.5 ft. ngvd. All disturbe~ areas proposed for lake excavation shall be excavated to a minimum elevation of -3.5 ft. ngvd. ,'. 'i,', Page. 34 I , , ' r3-:)- , 7'~ ;,g, ,'~~, ',' -,! ""1:1 '. " '$ , \~,1 ,d " ,y" ' i, ,\~ .~ ¡ ~ ~ ~ t ~ J" ¡~ j~ .. I' ~ ,t , i~~'· .'.,"'1;"..'...'.',..'.', " t,"'t'::, ~;.::.. i' t7i' ", -,"~ .. ~, ~,'" October 7, 1986 No excavated material shall be removed from the project site. Where groundwater is proposed to be pumped during the exca- vating operation, a Dewatering Permit shall be obtained from the South Florida Water Management District and a copy pro- vided to the Water Management Director for his approval prior to the commencement of any dewatering activity on the site. Where the minimum clearance between lake top-of-bank and building foundation is less than .30 feet, no Building Construction Permit~ will be issued for any proposed construc- tion around the perimeter of any lake unless and until all lake side slopes adjacent to the proposed construction have been completed and approved by the Collier County Water Management Department. 2. 3. 4. Item tUB7 CUD '1'0 RECORD EßCt1TBD t1'1'ILITÝ EAS!l)œN'!'S b UNIT 12, SECTION 9, COLDn G~TB ESTATES See Pages r:octl'El'fr mr RECEIVEJ) IN ClERK'S OMa: AS OF lO/l7/86. Ite. 'UB8 FINAL ACCEPTANCB 01" IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE ROAD RIGHTS-OP-WAY IN PALM RIVER ESTATES, UNIT FOUR Item U4B9 FIN~L PLAT OF NAPLBS PLAZA - SUBJECT '1'0 STIPULATION l. Final Plat not to be recorded until the required improvements have been constructed and accepted or until approved security is received and Chairman executes the Construction and Maintenance Agreement of Subdivision Improvements. Ite. U4B10 nBBMEN'l' '1'0 LBB COt7N'1'Y BLBC'1'RIC COOPIRATIVB, INC. 1"OR INSTALLATION 01" POUR LINES ~T MARCO COMMUNITY PARP: See Pages (fS-lt6 Item 114C1 CONTRACT BBTWEEN THE COUNTY ANn THB STATE 01' PLORIDA, HEALTH' RBHABILITATIVZ SERVICES FOR THB OPERATION 01' THE COUNTY HEALTH UNIT 1"ROK OCTOBER 1, 198' TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1987 Page 3S ft , 8COK 098 PA~¡ 175 ~,.. ", .~" . 11,' \; ~ 'I :, , ' I:.;~,' ~... ",' i·,' . :",- " ,- - - - - - aoDK 09'8 PAr,t 176 October 7, 1986 See Pages 1';7 - ~ It_ fl4C2 RESOLUTION .1-195 APPROVING THB COLLIER PUBLIC HEALTH UNIT'S OPERATIONAL ~EES FOR OCTOBER 1, 1981 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1987 See Pages ,.;2.3:) -d<3 f "ì Item 'UC3 aUDGBT AKBRDMBNT IN THB AMOUNT O~ $48,583 TO INCREASI OPERATINO IIXPENDITURE8 AND REDOCII CAPITAL OUTLAY FOR FUND 301 COMMUNITY PARJl:S Item f14C4 TURI' AND FIELD MAINTE~CB FOR LiLY GULP COAST LITTLE LEAGUB FIELDS ~OR FISCAL YBAR 1981/87 IN THB AMOUNT or $7,000 Item 'UC5 CONTRACT POR 19.1-87 FUNDING CONTRIBUTION TO THE COLLIER SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT See Pages Çl tJ<J -¿;.J.}./ Ihla fl4C' CONTRACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 81-87 AND CASH COMMITMENT $16,248 TO TRI-COUNTY SENIOR SERVICES See Pages ¢? f..;) - ó? 'f. s IN THE AMOUNT OF r I Item 'UC7 CONTRACTS aBTnEH COLLIER COUNTY AND TWO CONTRACT EMPLOYBES FOR THB PURPOSB OF PROVIDING PUBLIC INSTRUCTION ~OR TENNIS AND GOLF PROGRAMS IN THB TOTAL AMOUNT 01' $6,000 See Pages ~~" - ~S.3 Item fl4D1 BODGBT AMENDMENT TO FUND A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED CHANGB ORDBR TO THB "201 FACILITIES PLAN UPDATE" CONTRACT WITH HOLE, MONTES , ASSOCIATES, INC. TO PROVIDB EPA/FDER SOUTH COUNTY REGIONAL WASTEWATER FACILITIES GRANT RELATED ENGINEERING SERVICES See Pages d-5~ :" ,: " : ,1 '" r; ',f'; ~ L . . . t 'X~, :) ..f ~ \~~ ¡". v j' ~ ',: .,~, ;; J. ~'!:'; 1)("; ~ < : i ... , . I ~, ,; ,:,n flV f¡ I a ¡.a;..Pag& 36 IÇI~J'1 ~HD~ '/,:J,i~: ,t.,',,,", r:'j:1!'. " ,t~;,:'f;~. r{ , "'~",.,... ¡-- ,: :';f~~:':,·,:~r'j 1'" . ',,-. ~,~\~; '':-:ii " ".<i' l'·tJti. "....'Á· -~ . , <,~. . ,,' :~;~.~ ~~' ',. ~ J:~ October 7, 1986 It.. 114D2 ADDITIONAL WATBR PIPB AND FITT%NGS FOR SID '86-1021 TO DAVIS HETBR , SUPPLY, INC. IN THB AMOUNT or ",949.40 It.. 114111 SALARY RANGB OF $27,$92 - 838,128 FOR ~ POSITION OF NATURAL RESOURCES SUPBRVISOR Iteill 114Gl , CBRTIFICATBS or CORRECTION TO TRt TAX ROLL AS PRESENTED BY THE PROPBRTY APPRAISER'S OFFICB 1984 TAX ROLL 254 September 24, 1986 1985 TAX ROLL ",'!- :\; 219 ¡~~ '14'02 . ..' . f'" , Septem:,e'r' Ù," 1986 EXTRA GAIN TIKB FOR INMATE NOS. 41033, 50884, 50799, 38050, AND 3734' :It_ 'URl ACC.PTANCB OF OFFICIAL CANVASS OF SEPTBHDER 30, 1986, REPUBLICAN AND DEHOCRAT RUN-OFF PRIMARY ELECTIONS FOR FILING See Pages ,:JS..!F-d.S7 :It.. U4G MIBCELLANBOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the fOllowing correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: 1. Copy of letter dated 9/l6/86 to Fischer JOhnson, Inc. from James C. Giles, Clerk, regarding Collier County Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1985 and enclosing 4 copies of the Parity Certificates related to bonds. xc: BCC, Filed. ("\ ¡..;: ~ \. . ! H'· \.-. , . , . )1' '!I \ if ) , . aDOK 098 PAG! 177 ' Page 37 .¡ " I,;,~;,;, '.r:.".", ·lff:, I'.···',>,t:...±.' , "Î" ..:~ .~.:;,',..! . ~. ';:",' ~J .. .. - r->....-". . , l .' , .. .. . '" , Þ..! L " ..,..'. ~.'.'" . ~~,"." ~ \' -I.,.; ;{,~: W r ;, '. .. .. .. '001( Q98 PAG£ 178 Octobe[' 7, 1986 2. Memorandum dated 9/17/86 to Immokalee (Collier County), from Don DeLaney, Section Administrator, regarding Enterp['ise Zones - Applicants per Population Categories. xc: Neil Dorrill; Nina Small; Wanda Jones; Filed. 3. Memorandum dated 9/l9/86 to all Community Development Block Grant Recipients, from Thomas B. Yeatman, Planning Manage[', DCA, regarding Revisions to the 1987 Small Cities CDBG Implementation Manual. xc: Neil Dor['ill; Nina Small; Filed. 4. Letter dated 9/19/86 fro~ Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Superviso[', enclosing a short form application (File No. 111248355 and 1l1250735)i which involves dredge and fill acti- vities. xc: Neil Dorr; 1; Nina Small; D['. Proffitt; and Filed. 5. Memorandum dated 9/5/86 to Florida Cities & Counties, from David W. York, Ph.D., P.E., Chairman, enclosing questionnaire regarding study DER is conducting of environmental regulations and procedures for wastewater management within the State of Florida. xc: Neil Dorrill; Bruce Anderson; Tom Crandall with original; end Filed. 6. Letter dated 9/18/86 f['om John R. Sowerby, P.E., Administrator, regarding C120597020 (Step 3) - Collier County Treatment/Transmission Facilities and C120597030 (Step 3) - Collier County Sewers; and advising of p['e-design conferences and periodic in-progress design reviews and attaching Plans and Submittal Dates. xc: Neil Dorrill; Bruce Anderson: Tom Crandall; and Filed. - 7. Letter dated 9/23/86 from Douglas' L. Fry, Environmental Supervisor, enclosing a short form application (File No. lll250725), which involves dredge and fill activities. xc: Neil Dorrill¡ Nina Small; and Dr. Proffitt; and Filed. 8. Lette[' dated 9/24/86 from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Supervisor, enclosing a short fo['m application (File No. 222350065), which involves dredge and fill activities. xc: Neil Oorrill; George Archibald; Dr. Proffitt; and Filed. 9. Letter dated 9/29/86 f['om Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Supervisor, enclosing short form application (File No. 111254435), which involves dredge and fill activities. xc: Neil Dorrill; Nina Small; Dr. Proffitt; end Filed. 10. Memorandum dated 9/8/86 to All Interested Parties from B. J. White, Assistant Chief; DNR, regarding meeting of 9/19/86 _ Land Acquisition Selection Committee, and attaching' copies of official advertisement. xc: Neil Dor['ill; Kevin O'Donnell; and Filed. i ';,' page 38 '" ".',. ';:'~$~..';' ¡"'¡' ~'; L, \'f . ,...",~ ';4 /,~.~:: . .'",", .a~' . October 7, 1986 ll. Letter uated 9/25/86 from Christian B. Felden, Attorney-At- Law, advising that he has been retained by Kenneth Howard Solow in connection with his claim for injuries and/or damages sustained by reason of an incident which occurred at Seagate Elementary on 10/l2/86. xc: Ken Cuyler; Sherry Rynders and Filed. 12. ~ttet dated 9/5/86 from John L. Matticks, Acting Chief, Risk . ' Studies Division, FEMA, regarding the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for Collier County, and enclosing annotated copies of the FRM Panels 058lD and 0582D, showing revision to be incor- porated into the new FIS. xc: Neil Dorrill; Nina Small; Tom McDaniel, with attachment; and Filed. " 13. Received 9/29/86 Resolution Signed b~ Michael ~. Volpe, President, Golden Gate Fire Control & Rescue District, regarding Collier County Utilities Division constructing a water main and fire hydrants. xc: BCC; Neil Dorrill; Bruce Anderson; Tom Crandall; and Fiied. l4. Copy of letter dated 9/26/86 to Dept. of Revenue from David L. Reeves, Chief, enclosing documents pertaining to budget adop- tion by the Golden Gate Fire and Rescue Control District. xcz Lori Zalka; and Filed. l5. Memorandum dated 8/29/86 from Glenn W. Robertson, Director, Office of Planning & BUdgeting, Office of the Governor, regarding State Comprehensive Plan Revisions. xc: Neil Dorrill; Nina Small; Jane Fitzpatrick; and Filed. 16. Letter dated 9/24/86 from Ron Fahs, Director, Intergovernmental Coordination, Office of the Governor, regarding Collier County Treatment/Transmission Facilities - Collier County Sewers, SAI: FL8606041420C, and enclosing a no adverse comment letter from the Dept. of State's Historic preservation Officer and letter from DER. xc: Neil Dorrill Bruce Anderson; Tom Crandall; and Filed. 17. Minutes received: a. 8/28/86 - Collier Soil & Water Conservation District. b. 8/28/86 - Library Advisory Board. c. 9/3/86 - EMSAC, and 10/8/86 Agenda. l8. Copy of a memorandum dated 9/22/86 to James C. Giles, Clerk to the Board, from Gail Addison, Internal Audit, Sheriff's Department, attaching certified copy of the Collier County Gheriff's Office budget as approved at the final public hearing on September 17, 1986. xc: Filed. Page 39 aCOK 098 PA&i 179 ;:'( 1'\1.: . . .. .. .. " , . r I . ') \~) A ,.; :~~j '",') ~ :Drl:;;;::::;:;~' iii", .'.; . ~' .' , I t l .. .. .. .. l" \1 ;,;¡ø .. 098 PAr,E 180 f f'1 f;.' . ,,', October 7, 1986 19. Received 9/12/86 a Summftry of Hydrologic Conditions prepared by the Resource Regulation Department of the Southwest Florida Water Management District, July, 1986. xc: Filed. 20. Received 9/12/86 a Summary of Hydrologic Conditions prepared by the Resource Regulation Department of the Southwest Florida Water Management District, August, 1986. xc: Filed. 21. Letter dated 9/16/86 from Guy L. Carlton, Tax Collector, enclosing copy of the Tax Collector's Recapitulation of the 1985 Tax Roll for Collier County (D.O.R. Form 502). xc: Lori Zalka, and Filed. 22. Letter dated 9/23/86 to BCC, Sheriff Rogers, and Mr. Bill Gunter, i~surance Commissioner; from William Zei, of Wicker, Smith, Blvmqvist, Tutan, O'Hara, McCoy, Graham & Lane, notifying that a claim is being made by their firm on behalf of Ronald Reinerth, D/I: September 25, 1986. xc: Ken Cuyler; Sherry Rynders; and Filed. ... There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 2:35 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY. COMMISSIONERS/ ÐOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPEC!At DISTRICTS UNDER'ITS CONTROL , " ¡()c ~ ( 'j. ~ ~< ,. \ ~ ..- ~ \. \:'. ~ ~..~ì\~ '*',: ~&~/:..~~,~~~~proved by the Board on ~'..J.?;/ .?r~ as pr;!~t~3~ or as corrected '"'''''' ... '. ,[r;qt~ ..;q', 'I'! .\, "'1 ; ", ~~~ ¡.. ¡ . i !..i ", \ - . \ \ ,e ,~ :.~ ,'",' ~.'" '( ".;" ", Page 40 , ." %. 1'-' Jth!j. , '" ¡.... ',. . ~ ~' ;': ~ '~./ t J 'J j , ' t ,;; 1 . '\ . , ' ,': ~. 'I , I, ~..i (t I iJ). ()-. ;'-'¡.:.'í. ~ ç, \ C"I,: ,<" :u OH 9:)0:( ,.,.' '__'Æ"'"~''_'~'''''-_'''''""_''__'''__''' ····~~__,.......·,"_.._"""'_~,,,....,,"""""""""',,...-.,,·..._,..,.^;,,;·_'""d··..,