BCC Minutes 12/16/1986 W - ... .. Naples, Florida, December 16, 1986 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 3:20 P.M. in WORKSHOP SESSION in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass John A. Pistor Burt L. Saunders Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk; Donald B. Lusk, County Manager; ~~il Dorrill, Assistant County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Tom Olliff, Administrative Assistant to the County Manager; George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator: and David Pettrow, Community Development Administrator. COLLIER COUNTY'S STATE LEGISLATIVE AGENDA FOR 1987 - CONSENSUS THAT THE AGENDA BE APPROVED WITH ADDITIONAL CONCERNS OF COMMISSIONER PISTOR TO BE INCLUDED County Manager Lusk stated that in previous years there has never been much of a legislative agenda that has gone to Tallahassee from this County and this year/ Staff would like to do a good formal job. Tom Olliff, Adminis~rative Assistant to the County Manager, stated that this is the first full legislative package that the County has . Page I ~OOK 100 P~G( 212 my; 100 PAr·r 213 December 16, 1986 put together and he is looking for conceptubl approval of this packftge. He noted that the Division Directors are going to explain what items they have in the package that is of int~rest. He indicated that with regards to the Growth Management Issue, it has 3 separate scctions; one dealing with special l~gislation, the second wvu1d be requested changes to existing State Statutes and the third would be position issues. He stated that the first one under growth management is a position statement requesting that the State consider granting State funds to assist with the cost of changing the County's Compre- hensive Plan as mandated through the Growth Management Act, adding that this is something that a lot of other counties are going to request as it is something that is mandated but is also going to take extra staff, extra time, and extra money out of the County's budget. He noted that if there are items that the Commission would like to see in the package, if it is so noted, Staff will prepare documentation on same. He stated that everything will come back in a final package and .,. the Board of County Commissioners will see the drafted legislation or the position statements as they appear. Mr. Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator, stated that the first item that he would like endorsed is the need for additional funding for the public services health facility, adding that he was able to secure $750,000 from the State during this budget year. He stated that the County has appropriated $1.2 million for a total of $2 million for the construction of the facility and based upon the Page 2 - - - .. ... .. December 16, 1986 planning needs, the existing facility will not be adequate and he is looking for additional money from the State to add the third story which the building is earmarked to have. He stated that another item would be for the Commission to take a position to encourage the State to acquire open space where possible in Collier County and to retain it for recreational purposes and request that the State enter into a formalized agreement with the County for ~h~ maintenance of the opera- tions. County Manager Lusk stated.~hat Staff will be coming back to the Board on January 6, 1987, for finil approval on these items and asked that they be presented to Representative Hawkins. Mr. O'Donnell stated that the other item that he has is in regards ... to the Agricultural Center, which is on the drawing board with no funds appropriated for it. He stated that he is requesting that the State approprinte money to ccver the engineering and architectural costs, adding that it is estimated to be 14,000 square feet and will cost approximately $750/000 - $800,000. He stated that he is requesting that the State contribute about $75,000 - $100,000 to cover the architectural, engineering fees, legal fees, and administrative costs. Commissioner Goodnight stated that she understands that there is also money available through Doyle Connor'~ Office for youth-related activities, but it has to be approved by the Legislature and then put into his budget and questioned if this had been checked into? Mr. Page 3 ~OQK 100 P~r.r 214 ,oo~ 100 PAr,r '215 December 16/ 1986 O'Donnell stated that this would be a line item budget that would be included in Mr. Connor's budget if approved and then he disburses it to the individual counties. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that he has four items to discuss, the first being a request to consider increases in the gas tax p~imarily for State road ~pplications. He stated that the second item has to do with a Statute that requires the State to maintain at least 2% of the arterial road mileage in a metropolitan area, and because of development in Collier County, the number of State roads in the urban area do not meet that 2% criteria and, therefore, the State is trying to take over some of the roads. He stated that he would like to give them the roads to maintain if they can maintain them and continue to improve them at the level that the County is trying to achieve. He stated that he would like to have the Statute revised to establish the criteria at 1% rather than 2%. He stated that his third item is in regards to condemnation action, adding tha~the County is currently responsible for their own expenses as well as appraisal fees, attorney fees, engineering fees, planning fees, etc. for condem- nation action relative to road rights-of-way and other property acquisition. He stated that he would like to prepare something that indicates that anything beyond the jury trial should not necessarily be at the municipality's expense. He stated that the last item he has involves the sales tax exemption, adding that there are going to be ' large operations in utilities and resource recovery in which expenses Page 4 .. - - ~.",.- .. '.. - December 16/ 1986 will be subject to sales tax and for a large construction operation that could amount to large dollars, adding that he is requesting a possible exemption to the sales tax for public service or public user re 1 a ted items. County Manager tusk stated that he would now like to know if there is anything the Commissioners would like to add. Commissioner Pistor stated that since the lottery passed and the School Board is going to get all that money, he would like to suggest that the legislative committee put forward some kind of legislation that would require the School Board to pay for their portion of the Property Appraiser's commission and the Ta~ Collector's commission for collecting school taxes. He stated that there is an item that the State AssociatiOlÞis supporting and they have asked counties to help them with regards to legislation that removes from the County the Statutory responsibility of paying for fees, costs/ and expenses asso- ciated with the State court system, included but not limited to court appointed private counsel, witness fees, court reporting costs, etc., adding that if the County did not have to put this in the budget, it would be a sizeable amount of money. He stated that the committee should be askeõ to support this type of legislation. He noted that there is also an item that would permit counties to charge franchise fees and this should be supported 80 that ad valorem taxes would not have to be increased and still be able to ~eceive money that is con- tinually needed. He stated that wi~h regards to State Revenue &OOK 100 PAr,~216 Page 5 -, 800K 100 pm 217 December 16/ 1986 Sharing, there is a bill being proposed that requires equitable State Revenue Sharing and if this was passed, it would be for the benefit of Collier County. He indicated that the County should also help the State Association oppose any legislative attempts to restrict or limit local governments ability to levy impact fees, adding that this is how growth pays for growth. He reported that all these items effect the revenue or taxes and the County should ask for support on all of the above-referenced items. County Manager Lusk stated that there will be some things in the legislative package that will ask Representative Hawkins to sponsor the legislation. Commissioner Goodnight stated that there is going to be a lot of things that the Board of County Commissioners will have to take action on after February, adding that the County should be very active in sending resolutions to all of the repres2ntatives. County Manager Lusk stated that the County has been·working with Representative Hawkins and she has done a good job for the County, adding that he hopes that the County can continue working with her. There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 3:45 P.M. Page 6 .. .. - """"""""..,......",_"_.._"';;....._",...,"'~~ "'"'.....-....~____.."_",';,"""',,"_.'_.,.,;'''';''"..,,.._~....,_.....".=.._..~."_., ."....'~_..,~".ü'_~......,"0>__,~_,,......"_"^~_..._