BCC Minutes 01/16/1987 W - - - Naples, Florida, January 16, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:00 P.M. _"1 JOINT VlORKSIIOP SESSION with the City of Naples Councilmen and Mayor .n Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: COUNTY CITY CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. MAYOR: Ed Putz~ll VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnol~ Lee Glass Lyle Richardson Burt L. Saunders Anne Goodnight Kim Anderson-McDonald William Bledsoe Alden Crawford, Jr. John Graver ALSO PRESENT: Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk; Donald B. Lusk, County Manager; Neil Dorrill, Assistant County Manager; Bruce Anderson, Assistant County Attorney; Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator; Frank Jones, City Manager; Dave Rynders, City Attorney; Jim Chaffey, City Utilites Director; Tom Taylor of lIole, Montes & Associates; Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board. AGENDA County/City Water-Sewer Discussion DISCUSSION RE EXISTING & FUTURE WATER/SEWER PLANS FOR COUNTY AND CITY Commissioner Hasse stated that the purpose of this meeting is to discuss water supplies that are available and what might be available Page 1 5(¡Ð~ 100 r.\~( 638 --------.."""-.....-"""",--..,-..",""'",......- --- --~-., _.._.--...-_-_.--., ~ÐO~ 100 P.\'.\ 639 '" r \ "1 r , ti ,\} . January 16, 1987 in the future and how the City and the County could work together. Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that the Utilities Department is procecdi~g ahead with dates and time on installing water plant expansions and water mains to me t commitments that the County currently has. lie stated that the City dnd County entercd into an interlocal agceement regarding water service to portions of East and South Naples as well as the area north of Pine Ridge Road in 1977, adding that a lot has happened since that time and there has been several amendments and several addendums to the Agreement. He stated that this agreement was done in order to provide an orderly tran- sition of service from the City to the County in the time frame that would allow for the City to use that plant capacity for the 180 District. He noted that the County assumed responsibility for water service to those portions ,of East and South Naples in August of 1984, which was at the completion of the construction of the'~egional Water Treatment Plant on C.R. 951, north of Interstate 1-75. He stated that Phase I was comprised of a 4 million gallon a day line sOftening water treatment plant; 5 million gallon a day wells located in North Golden Gate Estates; a 30 inch raw water line from the wellfields to the water treatment plant; a 20 inch finished water transmission main from the water treatment plant south to U.S. 41; and other miscellaneous water main extensions. He noted that also included in the 1977 City/County Agreement is a provision for the County to take respon- sibility to service north of Pine Ridge Road and this is a primary Page 2 - _. - ".-"'-..,.,---_..--..._-,...,,_.~- - .. .. January 16, 1987 purpose of this meeting. He indicated that water master planning efforts started in December of 1984 by the Board of County Commissioners' authorization to enter into an agreement for engineering services with Hole, Montes & Associates and PRC. He stated that Mr. Tom Taylor of Hole, M~ntes & Associates will give a presentation on how much work went int~ che master plannng effort. Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that there are numerous questions that have been asked over the last few months that need to be addressed, adding that he will ask the questions that he has been asked and then answer them. H~ asked what is the County's current water treatment plant capacity versus its system demands? He stated that the answer to tbat is that the current water treatment plant capacity is 4 miiÍion gallons a day at the regional facility and there is a 1.25 mgd capacity at the East Naples plant. He stated that the average daily demand on the regional facility is 3 million gallons, which does not take into account the peaK period and the demand on the Glades facility is about a half million gallons a day. He stated that with the Glades facility, there are commitments that do not allow for any gredt expansion of customers to that plant. He indicated that the County is nearing the maximum ability to provide the water that is needed from the regional facility. He noted that another question was, what is the County doing to provide for growth to its water system as well as to provide for meeting the commitments outlined in the 1977 interlocal agreement? He state~ that on April 8, 1986, the am 100 P.\f,! 640 Page 3 ; I.', ~ ~ ~ i ~~' :.t;.;;..., ' ~~,"I.\~.:" , .;\.~...;..', ,. Ií" Îi;ia,! 100 Pj[., 641 ,~ . ., v,: ~-4' \'> . January 16, 1987 Board ~pproved a contract for en9inee~ing services to design an expan- sion for the regional water treatment plant and the bids will be opened this week and he plans on moving forward with this rapidly. He noted that it is a 6 million gallon a day expansion which will make a total of 10 million gallons a day, but it is being designed in such a way that the tanks are built in 4 mill:on gallon pods so that in the event there was a real urgent need to p ~p more than 10 million gallons a day, it could be done for short periods of time, adding that 12 million gallons a day could be put through the plant. He stated that another question was, how is the County going to get the water from its regional water treatment plant to the North Carica Road tank and to the customers north of Pine Ridge Road? He noted that the Board has committed the County by approving a contract for engineering design of a 36 inch and a 30 inch water transmission main that will be run north along C.R. 951 and then westerly along the Vanderbilt Beach Road Extension to the Carica Road tank. He stated that.this design is to be completed by March 30, 1987. He stated that a big question is, how is the County going to pay for all these improvements? He indi- cated that the 1986/87 budget did allow for the improvements of the plant expansion and the water transmission main to the north and sub- sequent to that, the water rates were adjusted to be in line with the budget th~t was prepared in May, 1986. He stated that water user rates were increased on September 23, 1986, to provide for debt ser- vice coverage based on the engineering estimates, adding that they are t..; Page 4 - _. - <'''-'''''--'''''''''''"-'-''''''"''~ .. .. .. January 16, 1987 fairly accurate to what was anticipated. He reported that a bond po~l was approved on August 6, 1986, which also helps provide for a source of funding, although ttlere ere no commitments rate wise to draw from that bond except for the 14 million d~ Jars that was put in this years budget. He stated that it is enticipated that future rete adjustments or system development charge adjustments may give a better ability to draw from that pool, adding that it makes an easier process. He reported that another ~uestion wes, when will all the construction take place? He reported that additional storage at the regional water treatment plent has been completed, adding that a 6 million gallon tank was recently instelled as well as the associated piping, which .r will help during thp. high demand peaks that ar~ being experienced during this time of year. He stated that construction will take pIece in March on the weter reatment plant expansion and within one year of lhat date, the plent should be able to produce 10 million gallons e dey. He stated that the contract has a one year construction date, but there may still need to be dress-up ar.d painting done at the end of the year. He state~ that the purpose of this one year time limit 1. the season, adding that he does not want to have to go through two more seasons without additional capacity. He stated that design of the North County water transmission main is scheduled for completion March 30, 1988, with construction to begin in May, 1987, with a 9 to 12 month construction period. He stated ~hat the water transmission main and the water plant will be completed approximately the same Page 5 m~ 100p.\r.:fA2 '11'/ . . . t ..' ~ "'...".,----'''''~''--"--- ...,.._". ·__'C_¢ '~"",._,--;------~ ,. .~.,".,-,._- ".- .-' ,cat 100 PA(,[ 643 January 16, 1987 time, adding that one is no good without the other. Mr. Tom Taylor of Hole, Montes & Associates, stated that he has been working with the County on the utility system for 2-1/2 years, adding that he has worked on water and sewer and has developed a good plan for the County that is very agres~ive providing water and sewer service throughout the County: He staL j that when he first started working with Collier County, it was recognized that there was not a real workable master plan with the sufficient detail that was needed to provide the utility ~ervices over the next 20 years. He noted that the original master plan or the preceding master plan was done in 1980 and it was recognized that there were basic recommendations that the County has followe~, but things have changed since that time. He noted that there are several areas that needed a lot more detail and a much better guide was needed for all of Collier County in achieving the goals that were established in the Comprehensive Plan in order to provide the water and sewer utilities. He indicated tbat there are two phåses to the Water Master Plan which incorporates seven steps in those two phases, adding that the first phase was to gather infor- mation on the existing system which was done on the regional system and the system in North Naples. He stated that they briefly looked at the Glades system, the Marco Island system and the Golden Gate system. He stated that from this information, population projections and land use studies were developed which is an essential part of the master plan and from that the water demand projections were developed through .(? Page 6 . Á ;··"1>'.' .. i" " ~ 1,0) .. '.~,·t ,1, .. ... .. . . .' . ' ... . ~ . "' .-"""""'---"'-.-.-,.......---.- I ¡i.. " ;~'J, ' ~-~ j ',:,;' 'i~'.' the next 20 years. He oted that all this information was presented to the Board for appro\al before they proceeded with Phase II, which January 16, 1987 entailed the evaluation of those existing systems and what their capa- bilities were to provide that service to the existing and to the future and projected customer demand. He indicated that from that treatment distribution and storage alternatives were developed and then a conceptual design was developed, along with cost estimates and a phasing program. He stated that this program is very aggressive, but the County is going to try and sti~ to this program as best they can in order to provide the service and catch up. He stated that this long-range plan extends to the year 2005, adding that there have been some projections made beyond that for water demands, but it is hard to tell how accurat~rthey will be. He stated that in December 1984, he was authorized to proceed with the Master Plan'and Phase I was approved by the Board in October, 1985. He stated that Phase II of the master plan was completed and approved mid 1986. He indicated that there was 1-1/2 years worth of effort that went into the master plan that included population, water demand, and proposed system improvements to meet the customer growth in the area. He stated that one of the most important things is the population demands and the land use studies. He stated that in developing a comprehensive utili- ties system, various data was used that was gathered from the Unversity of Florida, Bureau of Economic and Business Resource using population projects and growth patt~rns that they have indicated that Page 7 ~GD ( 100 m£ 644 ,GOY; 100 paq ß4.5 '. ,~ January 16, 1987 the County should have over the next twenty years; the 1980 census data was used; the 1983 Collier County Comprehensive Plan was used to try and determine wher6 the growth and the land development is going to be in Collier County over the twent· years. He stated that the . official zoning maps were used; geocell data that the Planning Department as in-house; and v~Lious other data, adding that from all this information the project and proposed growth was determined and the location. He noted that the growth pattern of Collier Cou~ty grows from west to east. He stated that water demand projections were prepared based on a service area that was approved by the Board of County Commissioners, which extends to the Isle of Capri, one mile east of 951 and n~rth of Immokalee Road and then west and north to the County line, and the far western boundary borders the city of Naples 180 water service area. He stated that by 1990, it is his projection that on an average daily basis during the peak season, there will be approximately 14-1/2 million gallons a day needed. He~stated that there will be 18.6 million gallons a day needed by 1995 and 23 million gallons a day by the year 2000 and 27 million gallons a day by the year 2005, adding that there is a tremendous growth that is antici- pated in this area, particularly during peak season. He stated that during the off-season the County does not have a problem providing service. He stated that based on the evaluation of the existing water supply, treatment, distribution and storage system, there were a number of recomm~n~ations including recommendations for the City. He ":~\.';' I,: '¡:. ; rCl ¡ Page 8 , ¡ ~ I ~J (p~ ~ ltl, . ,i.~., " -,~~~jiA~,5 ~~ t ~,¡t'~~.. - -~;. .. .. . .. -- .. - .. (.~'" ,,'~", "?~.\J; ," ~i :,.}~'~~~ ,:~"'\í¡1' "~¡fr-, -'~.",~ .'li J II- t I~' 17. ··'f~·;1i; ifrJ;-.1;:t January 16, 1987 "?j¡"-' ~ reported that the first recommendation was the immediate expansion of the County's regional water treatment plant to a capacity of 10 million gallons a day; another recommendation was to construct the North County water transmission main which extends north and then to the west and will tie into the Carica ~~ad water storage tank that the City currently owns, which is a 5 milli~ gallon storage tank; another recommendation is the extension of ~ line south to the south service area to improve service in East and South Naples, which is proposed parallel to an p.xisting line that is a 20 inch main. He stated that hi. recommendation in sizing these facilities is to be sure that enough water will be going into these tanks in order to provide ser- vice for the next fiv~ to six years. He stated that he is also recom- mending that the County build another plant in the north part of the . .. County. He stated that when the regional water plant comes on line, there will be excess capacity and they have recommended that the County provide service to the North Naples area in order to me~t their commitments by January, 1990, regarding the bulk service form the City. He stated that the main extending up 951 will be a 36 inch transmission main and as it turns to the west to Vanderbilt Beach Road Extension, it becomes a 30 inch main and will provide service to the tank and provisions to by-pass the tank if necessary during different times of the year and different times of the day. He noted that this llnA Was sized so that ultimately the Coun~y's North Naples plant would be able to provide water back to the south area and vice versa.' Page 9 &GOK 100 P.\(.t 646 ~Í" \; .' ~·~_t·:·~',J'· lîf ,,,\:.'I!~. , '::~:i~~~ ;~: ,:, ,..W."·"'·.A..,·.....,,_.._____ ¡'.'. 1f· f~~~r I t~';+t\ ': ¡ f~t~~,~~ 1COpm6!7 I ~", )',. January 16, 1987 I;t;, , He noted that another recommendation is that the County initiate efforts to develop what has been termed as the Coral Reef Aquifer, adding that this is th~ right time to do it and the five year plan is to get construction underway on· the No: ~h County's plant. He stated that the development of the Coral Reef i.~uifer should also be pursued as far as finding out wÞere the wellfield should be put and how the County should proceed in the next year or so. In answer to Commissioner H~sse, Mr. Crandall stated that the 6 million gallon storage tank should be in operation next week, adding that the plant will be on line around March, 1988. I t, I . ¡ 1 j ~ I Commissioner Saunders stated that it was indicated that by 1990 the demand on the County system for water would be 14.5 mgd, adding that this means that there will be a shortfall of 4 million gallons per day in 1990 and questioned how the County will be able to get off the use of the City wateri to which Mr. Taylor stated that there was oS· an evaluation of storage/for the system and the treatment plant has the capability of providing more than the 10 million gallons a day, adding that a8 much as 14 million gallons a day could be pushed through the regional treatment plant if necessary. He stated that this is wh¡ it is recommended that the North Naples wellfield be ini- tiated so that the system in the North area can be taken off line for the South County area and then provide that service back to the south area. He stated that the Glades system will also remain operational until the other plant is back on line. v ,"~ ~ (¡,f; , h'" Page 10 t. t:: ~" .. _. .. , :. I .. . . . . , ._""~._""'''''~~.''~''"-'"'''''''~''''''''''----''' - '-'~"'"""-----'",",,,....,",,"",,,,;-,,,,-,....,,,,,-~,, -' ''t '. P.·. f:" '- :n'1 ~~\~ I~~: ~ 1: . 't". ~ ~ ' ~~~.t( :', I' . .. 5, ,,', ..J " .- - - .. .-¡ ';,: (C '¡,i ;, ~~l.:,<,., ' ;~~;,< .,¡'~;~ . ~~~\. January 16, 1987 Mr. Crandall stated that when they studied the Golden Gate wellfield, it was not indicated that 6 million gallons is all that would ever be needed, adding that he wanted to find out the ability of the wellfields for future expansion be, "se ultimately the regional plant is a 16 million gallon plant as originally planned. He stated that the way the plant is being designed, it will be easier and less expensive when it has to be expanded again. He stated that the reports that have been received from Missimer & Associates indicate that there is an abundance of water available in the North Golden Gate wellfield area. He noted that 'this requires permits and SFWMD has set a cap of 30 million gallons per day from this source and the reason that they set this ~ap is because there was not sufficient data to indicate what the~results would be beyond that 30 million gallon per day draw. He stated that once they have received sufficient data to their satisfaction, then they will probably allow additional water to be drawn from that source. Commissioner Saunders questioned the cost of the main for the regional plant, to which Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that this was budgeted at $5.5 million along with the money that is going ,to be required to build the tank for the City of Naples, which is estimated at $8.5 million. Councilman Crawford stated that Missimer & Associates' study shows the projected population in 1990 for the sèrvice area as 94,000 and ~he demands are 14.2 million gallons per.day, adding that this is a Page 11 &COX 100 P~r,¡ 648 (¡'¡"j : '" (' 'r -;' ¡:;/',.". ';t '\~;. , .. ,1'~ .... ....... , ~!~ iDO Pl',t 649 January 16, 1987 lot less per cepite then the City is currently using, end questioned how this Is justified? Mr. Taylor stated that all elong the City of .. Neples per capita use is much higher than the County's and within those veers of growth, the reuse of water is being encouraged. He stated that he expects to lessen the ¡mount of water that is going to be used for irrigation purposes from PI able. He stated that at the present time, the larger PUD's and DRI's have included in their stipu- lations that the reuse of weter will be for irrigation purposes. Councilman Crawford stated that the City is currently permitted at 21 millions per day and they will be going up to 24 and the County will be going up to 12 which amounts to 36 which is also over the 30 million gallons, add~ng that the SWFMD is talking about a total of 50 million gallons. He stated that by the year 2000, unless another source is found, the Golden Gate aquifer would be at its upper limits. Mr. Taylor stated that the 30 million gallons is the amount that J' was determined that should be available in the specific areas of the County's wellfields, not inclusive of the City's wellfield. He stated that there is a lot more water than what was anticipated and there is actually en area that has an oyster bed that is similar to what is in the Coral Reef Area. He stated that there is a high transvisity and a lot of water. " Mayor Putzell questioned if it is fair to say that on January 1, 1990, the County's demand of water from the City will terminate? Mr. Crandall stated that if e~erything goes in the same mode that it has r~ " ,,:<' Page 12 ':l - _. .. - , & \,' . . . /'..-. ~".....",..",._..",-,.."......_--"".,..,_...."",,-- "'~"~--"-"'-"'''''''''''''-'''''''''''~''-'''-';,,"_-.-_-,.,.., '... ~ . . , r $. ....... - - .. ~f January 16, 1987 going, it will be before the middle of 1988. Mr. Crandall statea that with regards to this same matter, he needs to know when the Carica Road tar.' will be available, to which ~I City Manager Jones stated that currently the City is negotiating for " the purchase of a piece of property to place a replacement tank on and hopefully, the sCheduling will coincid~ with the County's. He stated that the City has not got to the point of design, but he will be using a mid 1988 date as the target date. Mr. Jim Chaffey, Utiliti~s ~irector for the City of Naples, stated that the City is in the negotiation stage with an engineering firm for the design of sever~l storage tanks, including the replacement of the Carica Road tank. He stated that, he has agreed with the County and .r this will be the first tank that the contracto~ starts construction on to allow for it to come on line as soon as possible. Mr. Crandall stated that he has been working closely with the Utilities Director of the City and he would ask that the Council and the Commission work together also. Councilman Richardson questioned what the projected timing is for a water plant in the north end, to which Mr. Crandall stated that the target date is 1990, but there is a lot to be done. Councilman Graver questioned what happens if the City and the County should reach the maximum amount that can be obtained from the Golden Gate aquifer? Mr. Crandall stated that hopefully, SFWMD could be convinced that the usage is not extreme and that the large demands :::'c . j:.1 Page 13 , 1,' am 100 PA~l 650 I·, ~'~'..,"" '" J/,:,', ¡<,I',' t,~F~., ;tiC, ,\ ''¡,'~' i ,.';ì r" " ,u~.: ~ /. ~,~.'t¡: J';¡~~¡;;" .?,-!'r", ; i: ~ ¡ 1 l. , ..f '~ .; 'I ) .1- .j~._i '~.i·;, ,. :tJ¡", ,,' ~;""¡; ,i ~. , l,,' .~.(:t;·· of:"-' . ,Jr- 7;'.'. ;;,~; ."r ~ +~¡f; .1':'''.....' "~,, ".'f¡> . ·1f..1i-~ ;,.,~ , . r aGOK 100 rl(.r 651 , , I" " t ~,.',,: January 16, 1987 on that source could be afforded. He stated that there is a good supply of water in the area, it is jUt~ getting the pipeline to it which is about two or three miles. Councilman Crawford questio~ed if the population projections came from all approved permitting in the County, to which Mr. Taylor stated that the population projections were developed using data from the County Planning Department and the University of Florida which is in line with the historical trend, adding that the University of Florida has three different ranges of population projections; a low, medium and high range, and he used the high range because over the past 7 or 8 years, the medium range has been relatively low. Mr. Crandall referred to an overhead map indicating a section of line that currently has no easements available. He stated th~t there is a Florida Power & Light easement and a City of Naples easement which was for the construction of a water main and a portion of that ... easement is not utilized for the water main. He stated that the main meanders somewhat and some is in the Florida Power & Light easement and some 18 in the City easement, adding that the County would like easement rights so that the County can install their water main in the portion that the City is not currently using. He stated that he would like the support of the City, adding that this could be left to staff with regards to the necessary paperwork for the dedication of easement rights. Councilman Richardson questioned for what reason does the City :L' f:', Page 14 - - - . '.. .. . .. . ' . ;,.~~:- '¡:' .. .. .. have the easement rights? January 16, 1987 Mr. Chaffey stated that the original line ~, -,I ·';r:·;t".'¡··· H ~ , ",...... ", ~'..:, .:::;t~ :' ., wae a 16 inch water line that went down a 15 foot easement from Airport Road to the existing north tank and supposedly the line was in the center line of that 15 foot easeme. He stated that according to Mr. Crandall, it may be out of the original 15 foot easement at some points in its location. He stated that the City's utility position is that regardless of whether that line is in or out of the easement, when the County takes over the use of that tank, the City would recom- mend the turnover of that entire utility easement for County purposes. He stated that he has no objection~ to this request. Commissioner Hasse questioned who pays for the new northern tank? Mr. Crandall stated that the way he reads the contract with the City ie that upon the'~ounty assuming responsibility, the service to the area north of Pine Ridge, the City shall quitclaim those facilities to the County and the County shall pay the remaining bond indebtedness on ¡ , Buch facilities in accordance with the City's bond ordinance, but the City reserves the right on the 12 inch line on U.S. 41. He stated that he thinks that this has been since revised with regards to the 12 inch line. He noted that the contract also reads that the County will then reimburse the City for the City's construction and land acquisi- tion cost for replacing said pump and facilities and storage tank as 8 result of the City relinquishing their presently owned facilities. He stated that this means that the City will óuy land and build 8 tank and the County will reimburse t~e City for the cost. He stated that ,I <, .. , . .,~,. ¡ i (, Page 15 '" " '1> j :i~!~~ J .. . ¡; i' I I ' ! (¡, ' am 100 PAG[ U52 i~'';\ . ····~,··~"·'·.'·f'.'··. ' -.1'. 'I!; ;,', . ..~ ~;;,' ~, . f';f¡;" . '¡;";;'., , 1"í!J':,.. 7-, -, ~ ',~ -¡'Î~i(*,;:~) ; i' ~~ ~, ,'1]>'", ;,.::,~; ~·....,t~~1 ;:~\I i' i .~ f / , \1 '~-'"¡~ .... ' "":':"·~~':'..t ,~~ -'~" ..,.,.-.,~..""._,.",." -.,,,,-- aOOK 100 "~"~ 653 January 16, 1987 he would like for all this to happen harmoniously so that when the County i. ready to tie into the Carica Road tank, they can do so. j. Mr. Crandall stated that he..appreciates the opportunity he has had ,0, t·:.. ~4 to present this issue Lo the Commission and the Councilmen. !\ Commissioner Hasse thankeð the Cou' ,il for their time and coopera- I, ' tion and further indicated that recently there was a big discussion regarding traffic and roads and stated that possibly the Mayor could make a few statements on this subject. Mayor Putzell stated that there should be a joint workshop sche- duled after Staff has had an opportunity to study the matter regarding another bridge over the Gordon River. He stated that it is obvious .' " . that with the rapid development of the County, the opportunity to acquire necessary rights-of-way for another bridge over the Gordon River are going to become 'more difficult if not impossible. He stated that as governmental bodies, they have obligations to ~~ concerned with the future traffic problems of the area. He stated that it has been indicated that when Radio Road is four-laned, it is expected that there will be 80,000 vehicles a day on it. He reported that last March, there were 50,000 a day on U.S. 41 East, adding that this situation should be taken into serious consideration and should be of high priority. He stated that he understands that in 1973 a study was done on this and at that time, 8 bridge could be built at a cost of $7.3 million, adding that it is now 1987 and there are skyrocketing ¡ costs. '.,' ; f'; ;; :.; ~ J ~, " JJ" " . Page 16 .. .. . -' '._""---""'_"",~~--"-",""""",,,;,,,,,;-;,,~-___ 1 -,..~_._-"""....,".~ '''. jt"".. ' 1," f;>~~, ' ,. f~;"" '\:,;~ : " .î" ...' ..". '. J, I~:'" .... ".:,'.-. ' " Ji~,{..· , ;Wt 1,1 At": ,.',:, Y'·. ~'. i: ~~... ~'; ~.''''-, '",,'.""""'''~''''.~' ,~.'!;'!I:<:o-.þ - .. .. -t. AA " . 1't':t.... ' ,:¡,íi. ','" !'~¡ "' .~ : ,'# ' f: ,~. . , ';~,': I,!. , January 16, 1987 Councilman Bledsoe stated that there is more than just the bridge to consider as it will drop off to Airport Road, where it least :, belongs, adding that thlS is something that needs to be thought out further and possibly go to C.R. 951. Commissioner Hasse stated that this is something that needs to be looked at further. Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that there has been some discussion on the matter and there was a study that indicated that the bridge would tie in and connect Goodlette Road, U.S. 41 and Airport Road and also related issues concerning other roads. He stated that " he would supply the City Council with a copy of that study. Council Bledsoe stated that with regards to another item that needs cooperation, sometime in th~ future a water authority should be .r considered. . . . . . . . . There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 2:10 P.M. .... aCOK 100 PAGE 654 Page 17 , , , 'I", '.t .,'. !. ¡ . \;¡f.' " ~~~