BCC Minutes 01/20/1987 R ·,t< :ì\···· ..' ~. ,~ :f .. .. .. ; ", ~., ; Naples, Florida, January 20, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, East NL¿les, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass John A. Pistor Burt L. Saunders Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance .~ Director; Beverly Kueter, Deputy Clerk; Donald B. Lusk, County Manager; Neil Dorrill, Assistant County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator; George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; Dave pettrow, Community Development Administrator; Ann MCKim, Planning/Zoning Director; Dave Weeks, Planner; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Sergeant Dave .Johnson, Sheriff's Department. . ,. Page 1 &CO~ 100 r~~f 65J \.:: ¡; JI \ ", \~. ~ .~-t:. f' '. . I ¡ ;, : l00ní£660 January 20, 1987 Ite. U AOZHDA - APPROVED WITH ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS The following changes were requested to the Agenda: Ite. '12 A , B - County Manager Lusk requested that these items be :f.: heard at 11:00 a.m. Commissioner S':."1ders stated that he would be requesting that the items be continued for two weeks. Mr. Lusk advised that he would request the items not be continued until his attorney was present to address the Commission. (See added item after Item . 5) ¿. Ito. '6Cl - County Manager Lusk stated that the Petitioner has requested this item to be continued until February 3, 1987. Commissioner Pistor stated that the petition has been continued too many times and requested that the item be heard. Staff was directed to call Attorney George Vega's office to advise that Petition will be heard. Ite. UC2 - Continued until January 27, 1987 - ståff request. Ite. UDl - Continued until January 27, 1987 - Staff request. Item f9A2 - Re flags and banners under the Sign Ordinance - added It.. '9Bl - Withdrawn to allow solicitation of competitive bids * Item '1481 - Deleted (at beginning of Consent Agenda) Ite. '14B2 - Deleted Ite. '12F - Continued. Commissioner Pistor stated that it has been an established policy of the Board of County Commissioners not to discuss an item unless supporting material was submitted prior to the Page 2 >. ¡.. L' , J r J "')q::.,:! l' r,\.. ," ~. '. \".h. ¡_!,_;~. - - - ------.- -+ .------- r' - ,. , . .-. - ..... ':j-, /("'$ ~ ;-:"(>~jj~~'~¡~:;r ~~ ;~;) '~~'(?',~i!,. January 20, 1987 "."meetingí..ind since he did not have any supporting documentation for " 4.,-;-':~~ ',~>:' J /'~";; '.. '\ .":,.~ t~¡Ite~,~12F!,r~garding report on water and sewer bond issues, he ;'.::reqú8eted that the item be continued. ~.~......, , . /,:'~\" .' co_issioner Saunders moved, .econded by Commissioner Glas. and ,ft~:(.:( a~~1~4 un'animously , that the Aqend... ....nd Consent Aqenda b. approved i" ~" f,J":'" '~" I with chanq... %tea f5A EMPLOYEE SERVICI AWARD (PERSONNEL) Chairman Hasse presented Employee Service Award to the following employee: . ,,<t-o . 'I Sue Filson BCC Office 5 years It.. US .~ PROCLAMATIOK DESIGNATING WEEX OP JANUARY 18 - 27, 1987 AS JAYCE8 WEEX ADOP'l'BD FOllowing the reading of a Proclamation designating the Week of January l8 - 27, 1987, as Jaycee Week, Commissioner Saunders moved, ..conded by co_is.ioner Glass and carried unanimously, that that the proclamation be adopt.d. ~ '1 .f ¡ ~ : ' i.. . ,../: !OO~ l00"'~6ßl Page 3 ·1¡ '):;U¡:.'1<':· ¡,' T~t.L'·f)I¡\~ .,W;~ t;;t,,) ~ Á" ," . . ~i;~ï>.·. .... "'¡iJ'}"~ 1/ ! , ,'," h i' i. ! " ""....."',"'...._.'"',_...~'" ..."...- - ,-''''.._--,.......~ ,. .. .. .. '/~' .'1 January 20, 1987 Ite. 'ADD1D DISCORSION OP ITEMS 12A , 8 OP AGENDA County Mðnager Lusk stated that after speaking to Mr. Foremðn, if the Commission wishes to postpone Items l2A & l2B, he is agreeable. Commissionel' Saunders stated the reason for his request of a con- tinuance is prompted by Mr. Foreman': letter dðted January 13, 1987, in which he states that ðn individual member does not have the authority, without a motion by the Commission, to have such ordinances '\ ,., ' and amendments prepared. He stated that he does not ðgree with the letter, but is concerned about the prospects down the road of a deve- loping adversarial position. He requested that the Commission approve the placement of these ite:~s on the agendð in two weeks, and said that this will be p~~t of his motion. County Manager Lusk stated that if action is going to be taken, this should not be discussed until Mr. Foreman is present. He sðid that by directing the County Attorney to do something, the Commission is taking action. Commissioner Saunders stated that County Manager Lusk could call his attorney and ask him to drive down for the motion of continuðnce. He then suggested that Mr. Lusk call his attorney and inform him of the intention of the motion and see if he has any objections. In auswer to Chairman Hasse, Commissioner Saunders stated that he is asking that the Commission direct that these two items be placed on ~ ! the agenda in two weeks. " 'f Page 4 &OOK 100 J'a'i! 663 n;· I' ,'l .¡ ¡)\ I'i , '. :.~ . . -.;, ;i lt~:· 1¡f..\¡.'.{· 'it;·· , 'rJ.,f" " " .1," ~, 'f' .. r " " tC" . ,<~. ~/ '.1:>"';" ~: ' 't~ , .~~",,: ;<to: m"" .{.~. ' , ;. ~-- lOOfY.! 664 January 20, 1987 County Manager Lusk stated that he is requesting the County Attorney to do something, which is action. Chairman Hasse requested County Manager Lusk to make the call to his attorney. Ite. UCl APPBAL 07 PLANNING/ZONING DIRECTOR'S DECISION RE ACCESSORY USE 07 BOAT DOCKING 70R N. H. DENIZMAN - DENIED (s.. Items . 12A , 12B) Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on December 2l, 1986 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition A-86~4, appealing the Zoning Director's decision that accessory use, boat docking, and accessory structure, boat dock, must be in conjunction with principle use of single-family residence on the property. Attorney George Vega stated that this appeal is based on a tech- nical question. He stated that Mr. Denizmsn has a boat tied to a seawall and has put in some pilings. He said the question is whether .. . a piling is a dock~ He noted that these items are defined differently in the County Ordinance. Commissioner ~istor stated that is not quite true. He stated that a variance must be applied for to place pilings and they are not allowed with empty lots. He said that this by itself is a violation. He aleo stated that water has been extended to the facility and electrical power has been extended from a neighbor's property. Community Development Administrator Pettrow stated that the issues j~ ;1' . .' Page 5 ri'I'~'~C{"~~- ~ {";~ r~}. l;rH..< '~.:~ ;,¡}:~~-t " 'I" ........... ...."__ J:),..r~ j~"¡:"" ~"f.":~;it ;;~r,:,' .'~..·,·...\i.'" ;,.:~, }~ .> ,. , ~ ",' - - .. ./" , ., January 20, 1987 being appealed involve the docking of a boat and installation of mooring pilings adjacent to the seawall for use as docking facility on a property for which no principal use has been established. He noted that unless the property has a principal structure, the docking faci- lities are in violation. He stated ~hat the definitions are quite clear and requested that the Staff's . !cision be upheld. Attorney Vega stated that pilings are not attached to a lot, docks are, and docks are not pilings. He stated that Mr. Denizman is not living on the boat and since the Ordinance, as written, does not cover pilings, it is strictly a policy decision of the Board of County Commissioners. He noted that, unfortunately, there is a loophole in the Ordinance. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he has reviewed the matter with staff and if the pilings are used for the same purpose as a dock, then it is a dock and falls under the Ordinance. He stated that this is the way it should be interpreted and if the Ordinance needs clarifica- tion the Commission should direct that it be clarified. . " Mr. John B. Renard and Mr. Ray Paret expressed their desire to have the appeal denied. County Attorney Cuyler advised that this item is not a variance for one piece of property, but rather an interpretation to be used in all such cases. In answer to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Pettrow stated that if the - Commission upholds Staff's decision, Mr. Denizman will have to remove Page 6 ~DOK l00~'l.665 "1 ~ ,J''i~.~' <".m,",~,;""'~_'w..'>"'''''~'''·~~'';__~"''_''"'_'."'_~''';Ö'''".o;,',""'_"'"'''_'''';'_'''~ ~. II! ',!~.' , oót',l00 PAr.! 666 "...t ~.. ;"( , t:r:' i: January 20, 1987 the pilings or produce a building permit tor the lot. Commissioner Pistor stated that the pilings would have to be moved in any case because they are not far enough out for a dock if a house is built and not in compliance with zoning. Commissioner Pistor moveð, aecon~,d by Commissioner Glass anð carrieð unanimously, that the p~lic hearing be closeð. Commissioner pia tor moveð, seconðeð by Commissioner Glass anð carried unanimously, to uphold staff's decision anð deny the appeal. It.. .7B1 RBSOLtJTIOM '7-15 I'OR PB'l'ITIOB PU-86-21C, GRANTING PROVISION1\.t. OSE POR AN ADOLT CONGRBG~TB LIVING PACILITY - ADOPTED Planner Weeks stated the property is located at the southwest corner of Monroe Avenue and Palm Street. He reported that all surrounding properties are zoned RMF-6 which permits single-family homes, duplexes, or multi-family dwellings with the maximum density of ..' 6 units per acre. He stated that on the property is a one-story dwelling that has operated as an adult congre~ate living facility for the past 22 years 'and has been licensed since 1976. Mr. Weeks stated that the petitioner is proposing to perform some interior modifica-. tions that will allow 6 additional residences for a total of 12 on site, as well as some external face lifting of the property, including upgrading of the grounds and parking area. Mr. -Weeks stated that due to the minor nature of the request and the passiveness of the use, Staff feels the requested use will be com- .. ~:v W;,,'.,l ¡ ;, I ; I Page', ¡.: .:, : ~" ,;} , , ~ . I - .. - - - - January 20, 1987 patible with the surrounding properties. He noted County Departments . have reviewed this proposal and have no objections, subject to the stipulations contained in the summary. Mr. Weeks added that the Planning Commission has reviewed and recommended approval with an added stipulation that the number of residents being limited to 12 would not exclude the manager or het ~rnmediate family. Mr. Weeks stated one letter of opposition has been received, h~wever, no reason was given for the objection; and one letter in favor in addition to the letters in favor submitted with the applica- " tion. ·';rM~. Wé~ks noted that one stipulation has been inadvertently left out of the 8ummary from the Public Works Division: "There shall be no .~ additional points of access on Palm Street". In answer to r.hairman Hasse, Mr. Weeks stated that the difference between a nursing home and an adult congregate living facility is that residents at an adult congregate living facility do not require medi- cal attention in the sense of having a nurse on site. He said that ther~ are professionals on the site, but there is a technical dif- ference between the two facilities. In answer to Commissioner Glass, Mr. Weeks stated that Mrs. Owensby, the resident manager, will continue to be the resident manager after the property is sold. Mr. Weeks assured Chairman Hasse that the residence h~s centralized cooking, heating, etc. facilities and the square footage complies with the ordinance. , , , ' page 8 ¡ ! . &OOK 100 f,t~! 667 /' , ., __,__,"-..."~..,,,..,,.,_.~,,,_",.,..·~_._",,.v·.,_. it.... ·1 Llí,! ~!P.\ January 20, 1987 ''"''fJ~'>-' f!.,(h:; Mr. Frank Kowale.ki, representing the pet! tioner, pointed out that ,.~.:-:' r :",' ~~¡~.>.~::' the purpose of an adult congregate ¡ ~.ving facility as opposed to a f-j~-,(;.: 1ti!i. conventional nursing home is to provide something akin to a family ~~: 'style living environment. He stated that the home as it exists accom- modates 6 people and it is not in the best physical condition and it 'It' ..,~" 1"- , .!~.'..." '\ " "$f'~ '!j I:.·~-·.····' ,.\' ,""" ;~~.., (. '.,' r¡-,,-;' .tl: f..·."· ·"t, ,', ~~; '...r..:t. ~. C-fl \;:, 1{;' .~, ~': . , ' í is not financially feasible to make the necessary repairs to the b~ildin9 unless the occupancy was expanded to permit 12 residents. He noted that the neighbors have consented to the expansion. Commissioner Pis tor stated that this home has been in use as a " ; 'I" 'congregate livin~ home for quite a while and provides elderly people, or single people, or people not financially able to maintain a home, to live with others and have companionship and have good meals served to them at regular times. He stated his feelings that if this home is \; , satisfactory to the neighborhood, it is serving a major purpose of 1'· , , Coilier County in ~elping single elderly people to live pleasantly. Commissioner Goo~night move~, seoon~ed by Commissioner pistor and oarried unanimously, that Resolution 87-15, regar~ing potition PO-86-21C, requestinq.provisional use for an adult congregate living facility be adopted sUbject to the following stipulations: 1. Any noxious exotic plant specie. shall be removed trom the parcel. 2. Landscaping shall primarily us. plant species native to Collier county. 3. Should parking or new buildings be required, detailed sit. drainage plans tor the entire .ite shall be submitted to the County Engine.r tor review. No construction permits shall be issued unless and until approval of the proposed oonstruction in accordance with the submitte~ plans is granted by the County Engineer. Page' " . :..\ ":: f; \ ; ~~ ~{ \ - -- - _...__,¡,..___;....."',..',.".-._ ,-,''''....__.0_'''''''''.''''''''''-_.'.,,'>·,-', _ ,^'- ,- ¥j:- .., ~.\; '._¡;I. i.' :~.!Ú'· " ).'.:;;:-' - - '/","': .,~ . .. T. ,",~ ~, /..'þ ........ ~. (' January 20, 1987 4. The petitioner shall be advised that pursuant to County Ordinance 86-66, this project falls within the 10-year planninq boundarie. for .ewer service for the County Water/Sewer District. Due to this fact, sewer system deve- lopment charqes will have to be paid based on the proposed buildinq plans submitted &~ the time buildinq permits are applied for. 5. Any e.tablishment requirinq a CCPHO permit must submit plans for review and approva~. I. A detailed aite plan shall be submitted at the time of building permit applioation oomilying with seotion 8 of the Zoning ordinanoe regarding park ng and landscaping require- .ents. specificallY, the plan shall show the proposed parking aisle with one way traffic flow. 7. The number of residents allowed shall be limited to 12 olients/resident patients. The manager and immediat¡-family are not inoluded In this number of 12. 8. There .hall be no additional points of aooess on Palm street. .~ f 11 ,~, l , . .. : q r',·f..~ T~<J;. "~111 x-:"qQ C''):H.GlLI'' , /¡ Îf', tt.îU1i1tt;....(·1J. :::1"1 I', ;, . " r;r,'rc q, fI' 1," ',( It·; "1 r '.11 ", .;jf;~; t 1r~~; ~),r .:;jJ í" tf t:...:,::,~ ';.v~·') .' ,; ¿ ; i ~ I: ; . . ¡. 'n -r; ;;,~ 11:. '",'elf!! 'tit ;';}t';'.b'tOJ\fqtt¡t ~r:J'1 F '. ;(i""~fr.< f,-~', :'rlr,.(~~1>~! i\ ~:"':\'~;;..i'~"'¡ .' -:I~;_.;;~,·"1tu,Jr.1tI1l ~' ~~':..f' p..'n.p¡\ ,_ ~t·: :',.'~T{.t' ,.; ;.,-q>.,;{*,:". . " ' ", !,I.~,/.: '>T~'l:'1 I !ph. ',..\.. fU qbbolLftt:Jtt ':¡,; ;ll '. !.~ .. I ,.". 1'(. 'I'; "f C,'! 1 :«',:') i1l~q1-t',~I' ,"",!!¡' ; { , ¡,;~ : p\i ',I'! l'I,",,¡, ft·"". \:r;fì~'Ánl ;'(;_ ¡" ; ;1<, fI¡. "lInlJ~., Cj' :;E.1:tp,,~: ~\~; ~,·I' ."...., L ~/;\J! ,;¡; nf tat' r';"T"{~ :':h~:~~t'.\/;-~ . ;, (" I !' ~ 'I ,1, ~ (.:' . ., \J.rl ¡ ,1--..... rt',/"T'lf 1','':' I". .,'f i:; :-1:1'1 !]l1,~Ç t t (. (~ Î ",:Page.:l0, I. '¡I.~:'\' '1:/ , !W'f /" ..... . " ,', " '~.J ,,: r'~: J'; j ~ r;' r. ~ ~ ~ j .... ¡'<it r; "..:.¡ &ODK ,100.f'J~ 669 '" r. ;';.1 !;"L .:~;¡ " <"" ,~,"d'ii'). :..;:' 'j¡r~\ ,!\ '-";: 'f 1;~1t ,..:,.·..:~.,...i..~.i: '.. ' ,., ",.." . ':"'," '. j' ~, '.J; ,!, , January 20, 1987 Itom UAl APPBAL OP NOTICE TO ABATE A NUISANCB, MR. HERBERT 2. MARVIN, RB UNATTBNDED GROWTH OP WEEDS AND VEGETATION - DENIED Building Code Compliance Director Magri advised that the property is located on Santa Rarbara Blvd. in Colden Gate City, Unit 5, Block 153, Lot 8, and is 2/3rds covered wi ~ weeds from 18 inches to 40 inches in height. He noted that t..re is a residence adjoining the property. He stated that Mr. Marvin is disputing that a nuisance exists because someone has been using his lot as an access drive and, therefore, the entire lot is not covered with growth. Mr. Magri pointed out that Ordinance 85-33 defines a mowable lot shall mean a lot fifty percent (50%) or more of which can be mowed with bushhog type equipment. Mr. Marvin submitted a sketch and three photos of his lot to the Commissioners stating that Ordinance 85-33 states a nuisance is undergrowth in excess of IS inches in height and allows the breeding of mosquitos and harbors rodents. He stated the reason he is , J. . . appealing the decision of the Building Code Compliance Department is because the lot is well drained; covered with grass, not undergrowth, it does not breed mosQuitos¡ he feels it is aesthetically pleasing; and, therefore, not a nuisance. Zoning Enforcement Investigator Laubach stated that this case was ~ , I : : initiated through patrol activitieo on December 18, 1986 and a follow up inspection was conducted on January 7, 1987. He noted that he went . Page 11 " ,I .... ---...- .. - ·_-----_._-~..~-:-" .".."._..).,,,~,,,,,,".~,~.,,,,_,,,,,_,,,,_;__·,~,,,,~,,."''''''-'';_·f<'o'''·· '.." ·_'_"'~_""""''''·.''''''''''..H",,'.",,'''''''''·''___''''"'''-'-'-_·''·_·''···~"·.',',~ - - - January 20, 1987 by the property ,this morning and the petitioner has not, mowed the lot. He also submitted photographs for the Board's review, stating that all property owners on that particular block were notified that they were required to mow their lots. In answer to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Marvin stated that he did not want 'to mOw his lot because he has p' '.losophical differences about the law itself, and he finds the lot aesthetically pleasing in its present state. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Laubach stated that he drove by the property this morning and all propp.rties, with the excep- tion of two or three, have been mowed. Commissioner Saunders stated that the Ordinance defines growth of weeds in excess of a 18 in=hes as a nuisance because it may ~arbor rodents, breed~mosquitos, etc., however, it does not have to be proven that rodents exist on the property. Commissioner Gl.ss moved, seconded by commissioner Saunders and oarried unanimouslY, that that Mr. Marvin'. Appeal of Notioe to Abate . NUiaanoe, under Ordinanoe 85-33, be denied. It.. f9A2 BNPORCBMBNT OF FLAGS UNDBR ORDINANCE 82-2 - ABATED FOR 120 DAYS County Manager Lusk advised that under Ordinance 82-2, the Sign Ordinance, Section 8.31-I(6), companies have been cited for flying company flags. He stated that this has prompted numerous complaint letters from companies. He quoted the Marco Marriott as stating that they have l50 hotels and they can fly the Marriott Flag at l49 of '. Page 12 BDDK l00",~675 iOU" 'g.w. . "~¡';i':~.'~':'·:..:';· ·1·~l.,·j,i1. ":",,f ~"'·-""···'·'·"""'-"'""""<P""'·~'-"-·" ..."', "... ___"'".. w "_~_"""""",,",,",,,-,,,.~..,,,,..,,,,,., tI;~~ :'~t(, '. w " ",~'" ~~;'~ :::l}:~" :'IW' '-'Í' l00~676 January 20, 1987 them. County Manager Lusk stated that s~nce this was not the original intent of Section 8.31-I(6), that the Board instruct Staff not to enforce this section of Ordinance 82-2 for a period of 90 days, which will allow enough time to clarify the language in this section. Commissioner Pistor stated that the problem started with a complaint about a diving f~ag, cited by Staff, and the indiv~dual had to remove the flag. He stated that the intention of Section 8.31-1(6) was to prohibit gðudy flags, used to draw attention to sales, banners, etc. Commissioner pistor moved, seoonded by Commissioner Saunders, that enforoement of Section 8.31-I(4) of Ordinance 82-2 be abated for a period of 90 days, with the stipulation that no new flags be added during this time, to allow statt to clarity the language of that .eo- tion. Community Development Administrator pettrow advidèd that staff is in the process of up-dating Ordinance 82-2 and there are a couple of sections which need clarification. He requested a time frame of 120 days to complete the entire Ordinance and have it workshopped by the ~oard of County Commissioners. Commissioner Pistor modified hi. motion, Commissioner Saunders modified his seoond, that entoroe.ent ot Section 8.31-I(6) of Ordinance 82-2 be abated for 120 days, with the stipulation that no flags may be added during this ti.e. The motion carried unanimously. Page 13 .~/'. , I i ¡ , I ¡ ¡ ¡ ! \ .. .. .. January 20, 1987 It.. "Sl PRIORITY LIST RECOMMENDATION 'OR OOLDEN GATE ESTATES ROAD IMPROVEMENTS - APPROVED Public Works Administrator Archil, ,d stated that the road program in Golden G~te utilizes the GAC Trust Fund Interest. He advised that each year a portion of the interest from one of the GAC Trust Funds is put toward reconstructing limerock roads which need to be paved. He stated that the roads with the most traffic in the vicinity of 951 and Golden Gate Blvd. have been slowly improved by paving and thus assuring the maintenance of those roads does not increase. Mr. Archibald requested approval to proceed wíth the first 4 roads on the priority list, which are 28th Ave. S.W., lst Ave. N.W., 5th Ave. S.W., and. .4th Street N.E. In answer to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Archibald stated that one of the Trust Funds from GAC of one million dollars, is for roads, and the interest on that fund is what is used on this project each year. commissioner Goodniqht moved, seoonded by Commissioner Glass and oarried unanimously, that the interest on the GAC Trust Fund for roads b. used to pave 28tb Ave. S.W., 1st Ave. N.W., 5th Ave. S.W., and 4th str.et, II.B. n.. "B2 SID '.C-l059 WITH THE BXCEPTION or THE 4 DOOR SEDANS - AWARDED TO VARIOUS VEHDORS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on December 5, 1986, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication Page 14 &OOK .100~A<:;617 ~~: ~ ¡ 1 ~ January 20, 1987 !! ;: . filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Bid '86-1059 for Fleet Operations Vehicles. Public Works Administrator Archibald advised that 6 vendors responded to Bid '86·1059 for Fleet Operations Vehicles. He stated that these vehicles are for \' rious departments throughout the County and Staff has recommended che low bidder in all but 3 ctltegories. In ðnswer to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Archibald stated that in ~~tem 17, 6 Intermediate size 4 door sedans, an intermediate car was requested on the ~:d specifications and Staff is recommending Bob Taylor Chevrolet Celebrities over the Ford Tempos because the Tempo is a smaller car and wðs received as aì1 alternate bid. Commissioner Glass stated that the Celebrity is more of a family car than a fleet car and the difference in the total price would be $13,000. Mr. Archibald stated that comparisons show that the ¡ ! t ~. Celebrity has a better maintenance record and better fuel economy than the Tempo, and the heavier car holds up better. He ádded that the fleet vehicles will probably transport 3 or more persons at one time. He suggested that since the Tempo is in a different classification than requested, the Board may want to consider rebidding this item. Commissioner Glass stated that Item 11 is a request for an intermediate size station wagon pursuit vehicle. He asked which department this pursuit vehicle is for and stated that this term ~. ''/;t:, i; iJ/,; iì ,~f"l(1 ',O~.fuJ. ¡' ¡,~ . L"' Page 15:·:'Ji~r;,,···,-~ I r Gill". .) " r ,- ¡' .. .. ..""........._..0;-,.,"""..",.,..."'_""...,,,,,,,,...___- 'A~...__.....-............ -.... . ""","""._"'....."..,...."....",.""-..."",,,...,""'....-,;,,*""',.,,"",,',-, .. .. .. January 20, 1987 means police package. Assistant to the County Manager pl~~ff stated that this station wagon is for EMS and it does not require . 'the police package, however, it does require heavier suspension. Commissioner Glass stated his concern that the price given pro- ;bably includes the entire police pac;:.:.,¡e because the term pursult' was used.'! He stated that, if this is the case, the car could be 'obtained íat 'a lesser price. r;',.':~ o01llDli..ioDer sauDder. moved, .eoonded by COlIIIDi..ioner Gla.., tha~ Bid "'-1059 for Fleet Operations Vahicles be awarded per Itaff reoollllDeDdatioDS exoept for Ite. 7 and 12 whíoh will be oon- tiDued.: ¡ , í, .;( \.. COIlllll1s.ion.~ Goodnight pointed out that Item. 112 is an alternate bid for Item .11 and Staff is requesting that Item 11 be purchased in lieu of Item 12. She stated that she feels it is a good pri~e for the vehicle and a more appropriate choice. . , oOllllDi.sioDer Saunders modified his motion, COlIIIDi.sioner Glas. aodified his s.cond, and the motion oarried unanimously to award Bid '86-1059 with the exoeptioD of Item '7 for six 4 door sedaDs, which will be oODtinued, to the following veD40rsI 2 CWO BCOD utility Trucks 1 ( Ton 4WO pi ok-up Truok 3 IDtermed. station Wagons 2 1T Dual Wheel 71atbed Tr. 1 Eoon. Piok-Up Truok 3 4WO Full Size uti1. Tr. 3 lT Crew Cab Pick-Up Tr. 1 EOOD. Pick-Up Truck 1 Intermed. Station Wagon 4 (T 4x2 Pick-Up Truok.(lb) 2 (T 4x2 Piok-Up Trucks(sb) Bill aa11maD GMC au1fooast Dodge, Gu1fcoaat Dodge, Bill Gallman GMC Gu1taoaat Dodg8, Bill Gallman GMC Bill Gallman GMC Gu1tcoast Dodge Tamiami Ford Bill Gallman GMC B'll aal1man GMC $24,877.64 7t. Myers 11,201.70 Ft. Myers 25,201.02 21,466.80 Ft. Myers 6,378.64 39,159.39 35,398.86 7,025.78 12,474.00 36,896.56 18,142.26 li;, '".,~: ~¡J.. ~:H1 L '",,~' ~ ~~u If"1II tac¡ Page 16 ~í).' HiU' ì.i:;J &oaK .lOO~'.!67D ., t\ " ;~;iil'1:' .;' '::t"t':1- _ ~ ""~.."ð ;', '" ,.,., " ," ..'/', .. .¡,..- ¥ ':"r~ -¡~~ i . .~- ~ ( ~ '·i '\ ".._.-".;.,-"'""--"',.;"".,...,...",....,,~,.....~,,.._.,--'..,.-~'-''''' +",«--", "'""'_""'"''''''''_''''_~'....;~n~_'' .,""'.,..."'_,I<I"''''',._..,,'__~,_''''.......,.,,..'""_.,.-..-,_~__~,.__'__";,.'·__'OM'·..~·'_·"..,;..·,_,·....',,, .'" ,'IDD~ 100n~-! 680 I {)tJ January 20, 1987 Item UCl RESOLUTION 87-1' AUTBORIZINQ PARKS , RECREATION DIRECTOR AND PUBLIC SBRVICBS ADMINISTRATOR TO BXECUTB CONTRACTS FOR SERVICES NOT TO BXCBED $1,900 - ADOPTZD Public Services Administrator O·..nnell stated thðt with the opening of the new community parks ðnd ðcquired school facilities throughout the County, an extensive number of instructors will be placed under contract to instruct recreðtion classes. He stated thðt it is estimated that over 200 contracts will be executed each year. Mr. O'Donnell stated that in order to expedite the process, Staff is reque8tin~ that the BOðrd of County Commissioners offi- cially authorize the Parks & Recreation Director and the Public Services Administrator to execute these contracts. In answer to Chairman Hasse, Mr. O'Donnell stated the income from the different programs will pay the expense of the instruc- tors. He added that if a minimum of participation is not ... achieved, the class is cancelled. County Attorney Cuyler advised thðt there are no legðl problems in authorizing staff to execute contrðcts. , " COlIIZIÛsdoner Gooc!niqht movec!, ..aonc!e4 by Commissioner 8aunc!era anc! oarriec! unanimouslY, that Resolution 87-16 authorisinq Park. , Reoreation Direotor anc! Publio Servioe. A~inistrator to execute contraot. for .ervioes not to exoeec! $1,900 be ac!opted. L~: ; ,'" , 'I Pðge 17 .. .. .. - - - January 20, 1987 Item 191'1 CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT WITH DBLOITTB, HASKINS , SELLS rOR DATA PROCESSING RELATED CONSULTING SERVICES - CONTINUED TO JANUARY 27 County Mðnager Lusk advised that several data processing projects are being considered which hðve greater impðct than the immediate application, and these items need re\ .w by an independent consultant to consider all the related parameters, including hardwðre differen- ces with current Constitutional Department systems. He stated that the firm of Deloitte, Haskins & Sells prepared a long-range Data Processing Study for Collier County and suggested they be considered a sole source exception to the regular consultðnt selection process due to their prior involvement with Collier County. Mr. LURk stated that there is no immediate cost involved with the contract as it will vary dependin~~n the project. He stated thðt each project and its cost will be brought before the Board of County Commissioners. ',Assistant to the County Mðnager Olliff stated that the contract has, been reviewed by the County Attorney's office. ,:,Commissioner Pistor stated that he hðs not been too impressed with this f~rm's work to date. He sðid Staff is capable of providing the information sought in this contract. Chairmðn Hasse stated that con- sulta~ts, will not argue against equipment they have recommended. Commissioner Glass stated that he has not had an opportunity to review the contract and will not vote on it. Commis.ioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders, to paqe 18 ~- "-, L ~. ] , lOOK l00~f.!683 í;.Ì;.,·" ':1'1 {,)..1 d)' '(,( ~ .......".-.....-.-- , I> '''_~.,__.._,. .""",;""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",.~,,,,._,._,_,,, /-Þ' ., I - lOO:pA\'ì~GSI January 20, 1987 continu. this item until 3anuary 21, 1987. Commissioner Saunders stated tha the Board needs a report on the article which appeared in the Naples ~aily News, and it will be i~possible to vote intelligently without knowing the implications of the contract and how it will affect the system in the future. Commissioner Glass amended his motion, Commissioner Saunders amended hi. .eoond and the .otion oarried unanimously, that the oontraotual aqree.ent with D~Loitte, Haskins , Sells for data pro- c.ssinq related consulting services be continued to January 27, 1987: and the County Manaqer'. Office is directed to present thorouqh analy- sis of present data processinq system, how the systems tie into eaoh other, what the system is to ultimately aChieve, and a response to the Napl.. Daily News artiole. It".f91'2 I'ORMAL BID UgUIRBMBRTS TO MAD FIRE RELATBD IMP~~N'1'S TO BUILDING "J" - WAIVZD ' Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that the jail facility was completed with a ßophisticated array of fire and security equipment which met all code rèquirements and Department of Correction specifi- cations. He said the Fire Department would like fire related improve- ments made, which entail fusible sprinkler heads and related hardware. Mr. Dorrill stated that the present sprinkler system is a "dry" system requiring the valves to be opened manually and the Fire Department would prefer to see a system which is armed and activated at all !J fJ· ). : ~ .:' -., pagé'l9, ) 1}.. . CJI:.l: ,c ';;,:' " 't~. QW ftJL 1 ¡' ,'~. \ - - - ·..""'......__,.,C"'_.,~_..~_....,,..'"".'"",""" .. .. .. /<" . ., January 20, 1987 times. Mr. Dorrill added that in addition, not all sprinkler heads pop below the security lights in each cell and a 3" extension will have to be added to some. He stated that the price of materials have been estimated and Staff ~stimates the to 1 cost will be between $5,500 and $10,000. He said the possibility of having the County Maintenance Department install the heads and extensions is also being researched. Mr. Dorri11 requested the Board, in the interest of time, to waive the formal bid process and allow Staff to take three quotes and determine if the installation can be accomplished by County personnel. Chairman Hasse asked if there was any liability on the part of any contractor? Mr. Dorrill explained that the sprinkler heads and exten- sions should ~9~ be confused with the plumbing deficiencies. He said they are completely separate and the sprinkler improvements are enhan- cement. to the system. Commissioner Glass explained that the County is about to lose its insurability on the jail and at a meeting between jail personnel, East Jo.', ~ . Naples Fire Officials, and County personnel, it was agreed that with certain enhancements to the jail, we will also receive a Certificate of Occupancy. Mr. John Keschl requested the Board use a private contractor rather than County e~ployee8. He said the work is technical and should be done by someone who will assume liability. Mr. Dorrill advised Mr. Keschl that the technical work was done by the Fire ;4 I Page 20 aOOK 1001'3\.;;685 , ' \ ' - - - , /(1. , 'f January 20, 1987 time and advised of the substance of the motion so that his failure to be present i. not based on the fact that he thought there was only going to be a simple continuance, his not being present is based on his knowledge of the reason for the continuance. Commissioner Glas. seconded the motion County Manager Lusk pointed out to the Commission that no where in the advertised agend£ is there an i~ for a motion to instruct the County Attorney to do anything. He stated that no one knew that this motion was going to be made. Commissioner Saunders stated that Mr. Foreman was advised this morning and the motion is on the floor. ,Registered speaker Bettie Gulacsik declined to speak. ; County Manager Lusk advised that the motion on the floor is more than just a cOQ~nuance of two weeks, it is actually directing the County Attorney to do certain actions. Commissioner ~aunders restated his motion to oontinue and ask the County Attorney to place Items 12A , 12B on the aqenda for rebruary 3, 1987. Chairman Basse called for the question, the .otion oarried 3/2 (Commi.sioners pistor and Goodnight in opposition). Item f12C OOLDEN GATE COMMUNITY CBNTER ADVISORY COMMITTEB APPOINTMENTS _ APPROVED Administrative Assistant to the Board Israelson stated that the terms of 4 of the members of the Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Committee have expire~. She advised that 2 of the members have " , Page, 22 , : , I ,~~~:( ì;:~ í" '. aOOK l00tJ"!687 " .. - .. .,~. .,r- January 20, 1987 ðoe. not expire until December, 1987. She stated that three resumes have been received from Mr. Michael Lamb of O'Shea's Restaurant (food industry representative), Erwin Elbrecht and Frank Grund (representatives from the general public). She stated that in order to correctly stagger the terms of this Board, Staff recommends that one appointment be for a term of on., olear, with two year terms thereafter for that position. commissioner pistor moved, seoonded by Commissioner Glass and oarried unanimously, that appointments to the Food Zstablishment Review Board be approved as follows: David Tho.pson Ervin EU::reoht I'rank Grund Minhae1 Lamb Expiration: Bxpiration: Bxpiration: Bxpiration: 12/31/88 12/31/89 12/31/88 12/31/87 ¡ " It.. f12G IKMOKALEB AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS - APPROVED ... Administrative Assistant to the Board Israelson stated that the Immokalee Airport Advisory Committee is composed of 3 members whom are pilots or owners ,f aviation related businesses at the Immokalee Ài~po~t~'~rid two members from the general public interested in the orderly development of the Immokalee Airport and surrounding area. She advised that James Smith, one of the two members representing the general\,pL blic, has resigned. ",Mr.. Israelson stated that the vac8ncy on this committee was advertised and three resumes were received from Kenneth,Werner, ~8neJ . ,. 1 t COWltll '., q.-.,< ~: ,';14 ! U I,,;¿' ~~., .oJ 'V)II, !"t~:): t. ¡...:. Pag!! 24 " f ,J":,..; .j ; r: '", '" ' It r . ~, : aDOK 100~~:689 '. ·'".·"_...,·,'·..·~"'HIoO_'.."'"""'·_.,...·,.,.".""..i";'_,,,.,'O;,·;....·"..",.,....,."'.""'"..,, ,~ " . j: January 20, 1987 Ruck and Harry Hoffmeister. She said that the Immokalee Airport Advisory Committee and the Real Property Management Department have recommended the appointment of Kenneth Werner to fill the-unexpired term of Mr. Smith. Commia8ioner Goodnight moved, ae,Jnded by Commhsioner Piator and oarried unanimou8ly, that appoibtment8 to the Immokalee Airport A4viaory Committee be approved a8 folloW8: Kenneth Werner Bxpiration. 8/5/88 It_, un INDBPBNDENT WATER¡SBWBR UTILITY AUTHORITY COMMITTBE REPORT . FEASIBILITY OF ADVISORY BOARD TO BB STUDIED Mr. Bill Barton, Chairman of the Independent Water/Sewer Utility Authority Commit~ee, stated that the Committee's position on the Utility Authority was 8et forth in their letter of December 23, 1986. Commissioner Saunders stated that he may have caused some of the disagreement about, the Utility Authority when he suggested that the Commission maintain the right to ban the Utility AuthòrÜy~ _ He said that he now recognizes that this would not be a viable sitüation, however t he is still;·not convinced that another controlling body is an advantage. He stated that he does not feel that "removing the politi- cal heat when dealing with utility issues" is viable.,. _ Mr. Barton stated that the primary advantage of an Authority is having a group of utility professionals whose efforts are not divided among other issues in the County and they can concentrate on just ~~iq:!'-lj ~II, ;,_.~ pnl\O r:~':;-f',í..: ,,"';. ~age ;25 I .', -q'>\oI';;: '.. ,w.' '(." J - ,{ ~ - - January 20, 1987 utilities. He stated that utilities are a big business with budgets that will rival the County Commissioners budget. Mr. Barton stated that it is sometimes very difficult for a commissioner to deal with issues such as rate increases beca~:. of constituent pressure. He mentioned that a good example of constituent pressure is the failure of the Florida Keys Aquiduct Authority. Commissioner Glass stated his feelings that some very important growth decision have to be made. He stated that when the policy aspect has been completed, then the Commission will be in a position to have an Independent Authority control the business side of utili- ties. Mr. Barton s~ated that the Committee has made their recommen- .~ dations and they will be happy to furnish all information they used in arriving at their recommendation. i'" Commissioner Glass stated that he is not opposed to Utility Authorities, but is opposed to jumping in when Collier County is not ready. Commissioner Pistor stated that the question is whether or not to ask the Legislature to create an authority for Collier County or whether to wait another year. He stated that they have approximately two months in which to make the decision. Chairman Hasse requested that as much information be gathered as soon as possible and that the Commission move slowly and carefully on this decision. Page 26 aODK 100~;.t691 " /l: '. 1iY};, ,'ou< l' ,')( I,) n.:)·~ ~],',' .~,',t,({,:' , J t,..., ,) ,-~1(~1 ," ,:,~'i' " '. , , .J: f/'" '"¡, r,' 'I' Ji;.~~ i':::' , }',,;'<'."..', ...' ~ ,: ^ , .' \Jr,.' '~",,'. ., .., '.~ ',·,'t'·:.,,',,~,\· .,; " . ~~ ~~~' , l" .,;~~ " lOO~692 January 20, 1987 Commissioner Saunders stated t~a~ maybe it would be helpful if the Board created an Advisory Board for Utilities, much the same as the Water Management Advisory Board. He suggested that it be made up of utility professionals. Mr. Barton stated that he sees no harm in creating the Utility Authority next year as opposed to tl's year. He said that an advisory board cannot compare to an authority ~ecause one has decision making powers and one does not. Commi.sioner Saunder. moved, .eoonded by commi.sioner ala.s and carried unanimously, that creating the utility authority be postponed for the pre.ent and the Independent Utility Committee, County Manager's Offioe, and C~unty Attorney's Office study the feasibility of creating a utility Advisory Board, oonsisting of utility pro- f...ional.. It.. 112F STATUS RBPORT OR WATER AND SB1fER BOND ISSUES - CONTINUED County Manager'Lusk stated that Mr. Zent did no~request to make this report and it should not be made until such time as David Fischer, the Coun~y's Financial Advisor, is present. Commissioner Saunders stated that he understood Mr. Zent wanted to make a report because of problems with the rating board and Mr. Zent was to contact Mr. Fischer. Peter Zent, Smith-Barney, said apparently there was a misun- deretanding on who was to notify Mr. Fischer. He stated that he ~ .. - ¡ : ;, C ( (¡ ,.,'J' t\ ~ Page 27 ' :'p.-,,:, ¡ nr r J ' . . .' '¡ ~ p, ~I:' j , , - t 1" ~""'''''''''''''''''''''"'''''''''~''"'' - .. , , """ / ..'/ January 20, 1987 planned to discuss what is to be done with the water/sewer system. County Manager Lusk reiterated that if the Board is going to discuss bonds, their Financial Advis~, should be present. f t (·'Hr.~ ~eÌ'\t stated that it is important that the Mr. Fischer be pre- sent during the discussion. Commissioner Gl.s. .oved, .eoonded by Commissioner saunders and carried unanimously, tha~ the .tatus report on water and ..wer bond ;'jL {,':r; i..ue. be oontinue4. . I ", ; ~ *** The following ite.. were approved and/or adopte4 under Agenda upon motion made by Commissioner Saunders, seoonded Commissioner ala.s and carried unanimously: *** the Consent by I~em flUl ,~ aBSOLUTION 87-17 DESIGNATING ZONINa INVESTIGATORS TO BE CERTIFIED FOR TBB PURPOSB OF AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE CITATIONS Building Code Compliance Department employees designated as Zoning Inspectors anè certified for the purpose of authorization to issue citations. .;.. ç ..--¡,;; 1,1 ~ '-", ~~J See Page ~tJð ~\ Item fl41l2 1U,1D¡':d Jd¡ ;. ;':I,W'" ~' UCOJOlBlmA'1'IOB m COBTI1f'D'B LBASB or A VIBRATINa ROLLBR J'ROM DR'l'I' RENTAL' ZQUIPKJIlCT COMrAHY ' ,,;';, II ';'Adðl tiónal 60 days on lease at a cost of $4,600.00 I~em flU3 APPROVAL or J'InL PLAT OJ' COtmTRYSIDB AT BERKSHIRE LAns, SECTION TWO - SUBJECT TO STIPULATION Final Pl~t may not be recorded until the required improvements have been constructed and accepted or until approved security is :: :- - ¡, . '.. ~ . - ; ~; .:, . , ; , ';} :' 1, ¡ ){"II ~ Ti!i't Page 28 l";; .c . ."-'.1'1· BOOK .100~~693 ~{JJ' UJ:j , " . --'_"-""""'_',,~,;....."''''''''-'''''''';''''=.'' ,~ "i':'~' ,."~~" ~";H 'v ,. "., , ;"',,;:1:..".'.,'.. >'J ' ,_ ,"<,"~ ,i ..-' .~> ~ .':r,.. "I,,'., I'· .¡ \, ¡.} ;.' oJ \ ,d 1..,("" January 20, 1987 received. Its. 114B4 RlCOXMBNDATION FOR APPROVAL OF UTILITY REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIBR COUNTY AHD COLLIER DBVELOPK!NT CORPORATION FOR THE INSTALLATION OF TWO STREBT LIGHTS Two 16,000 lumen street lights to be installed at the western most 'entrance to the Pavilion Shopping c~. ter. Cost to County - None. See Pages 7/J / - 7tJ ~ Ite. 'UCl APPROVAL OJ' CONTRACTS WITH COLLIER THEI\.:\PY SERVICES, INC. AHD SOUTHWEST FLORIDA REHABILITATION CBNTER, INC. TO PROVIDE SERVICES UNDER THE COMMUNITY CARl FOR THB ELDBRLY PROGRAM. See Pages 7/J 3 - 7.39 Item 114C2 APPROVAL OJ' CONTRACT WITH DIAL-A-NURSE FOR THE PROVISION OF SBRVICES UHDBR TKI COMMUNITY CARl FOR THE ELDERLY PROGRAM. See Pages '7 L/. ¿) - ~ ~ >? Ite. 114C3 APPROVAL OJ' CONTINUATION OJ' CONTRACT WITH DIAL-A-NUR8~ TO PROVIDB SERVICES UNDER THE OLDER AMERICANS ACT TITLB III-B PROGRAM Contract continued for the period January 1, 1987 to December 31, 1987. S~e Pages ?~9 -7 ç>(. Item 114C4 . ,'. '·':1 ; RBHBn.L OJ' CONTRACT WITH IHDEPBHDENT PARA-PROPBSSIONAL (KlLBN POHLE) TO PROVïDB 8BRVICBS UNDBR THB OLDER AMERICANS ACT TITLB III-B PROGRAM Contract renewed for period January 1, 1987 to December 31, 1987. See Pages ? ~7 - '79 / It.. . UC5 ~ "1:- J~: ~~' : ; I,.' :, ! ;. J . -' C ,':',;¡:. ~:,.. ' !~~~~, ~~, ; <."> [t) <1"fø~:r":~-' '4", " ...) p, t''', ,:'hif"\I.'J. ;:-o1,;:.¡-r,dO.· . '1:,' ., , ',..íL\ - .. January 20, 19., APPROVAL FOR ADDBHDUK TO CONTRACT WITH UPJOHN HEALTHCARB SERVICES, INC. TO PROVIDB SERvtCES UNDER COMMUNITY CARE FOR THB BLDERLY PROGRAM Contract amount increa.eð to $S~ 000.00. S.. paq.. "79'). .' 793 Item U4Dl ACCEPTANCE OF THB ON-SITE SEWER FACILITIES CONSTRUCTBD TO SBRVE THB WINDSTAR SUBDIVISION See Pages O.R. Book l245. Pages l210-1232 It_ 'UD2 ACCBPTANCB OF THB WATBR FACILITIBS FOR THB CIRCLB K STORE AT U.S. 41 AHD C.R. 951 - SUBJBCT TO STIPULATION , That all legal documents are found to be legally sufficient by the County Attorney. . .. See Pages O.R. Book 1245, Pages 1237-1246 ~~·~'i Èf~t IJ-~' ¡ ~j , 1 ~: ~" It.. U4D3 ',~ .'.: -".:; _! ,I'¡; . .. . T "L" ACCEPTANCE OF THB WATER FACILITIES FOR GOLDEN GA'l'JI COMMUNITY PARK Chairman authorized to sign the Bill of Sale. See Pages O.R. Book 1245, Page 1236 Item U4D4 APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT MOVING FUNDS WITHIN FUND 048, ORGANIZATION 3212 Amount of transfer within Fund 048 - $20,000. "<r '. '" It_tUEl 11' ,t; " r 1\ . . APPROvAL OF INCREASE IN SALARY AHD PAY GRADBS FOR 1J'1'ILITY PLANT OPERATOR/SUPBRVISOR POSITIONS Operator II and III, Le~~ Operator B, Chemist and the Sewage ,ColleCtion, and Water Distribution ,Supervisor positions increased one (.;·0.1 !f~r:~:1~ ~J!L1.I;'J;) t', , ~ \ / ,. ;' . ~. ~ '. ',;" : ~-~,~ L:,j'\ l' t'C;..lI!1 .! ;'O!;! It r i to., J Page 30 r -',' 1 'I aOOK lOOn~695 n')') r...;c.. tl ._-.......-,''''',~,.__..._'''''..''''',....,., ~'~ f , . \; , I¡'\') ¡I,:, ; ,. ~,1.; January 20, 1987 pay grade. Employee salaries increased by 5\. Ita '141'1 CHAIRXAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN A CONTD "'l'UAL AGREEMENT FOR A LOCAL OOVEIUOmNT COKPRBHBNBIVE PLANNING At.'. ~"JTANCB GRANT Grant ðmount - $62,657.00. See Pages ~9.tJ - ¡OO ¡. Ita 114Gl .: f r; ~;J r .; , . - CERTIPICATES OP CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS J NO.,22~: ,I" 1985 Dated l/5/8? .. ' , ¡ NO; 114 Nos. 117/123 , ," ,t . ~ \ . Nos. CA-l/CA-3 '!¡(;~:!·:~.ij;ï;~r: "'};" " Item 'UG2 1986 Dated 12/17/86 Dated 12/29/86-/1/5/87 Dated 1/8/87 ";ì;¡)(:v~ ,:.)\ ¡~''iHrI i r (lit! :; r f': EXTRA GAIN TIKI: AUTHORIZED POR INKATB NOS. 50471, 37398, 4e983, 51677 ... Ita f14G3 DUPLICATE TAX CERTIFICATE NO. 83-2139 TO WILLIAM B. OR KARIAN L. WILLIAMS , ' . \,_. I,' Ç'tJ/ :. I :,1 . See Page., Ita 'UG MISCELLANBOUS CORRESPONDENCE PILED AHD/OR RBFERRED '. There being no objection, the following correspondence was filed , , and/or referred to the varioUs departments as indicated below: 1. Letter dated 01/02/~' from the Director, Bureau of the Census, enclosing survey forms regarding incorporated places within this County as reported in previous Boundary and ,., ' .. /. Ybh?:'~Ji\"If' :.t¡JH ':/1): Page 31 .1. I, L'¡;;!¡.',A v'IU':¡,J¡'; :..!'J-LCYJi'~; geff/tlç,¡.;n' " , ,1.:\ V..j !,' ,; .~,' ,.. ", . , 1'.:¡·nnLA '$.,' ¡"UJ - - .. ::t. ':i '~'1)1 , '~"H' ·,~ t..... ^ ~ ,',t~ '1 ~ ~~¡. ;v. '¡'..'11!t\' ,:' '; \ :;1", '. . \",Ì1 \Ò¡4' 1 :~ 'i·~; .. , ,j - .. .. January 20, 1987 Annexation Surveys, and requesting the forms be completed. Referred to Tom McDaniel and filed. 2. Letter dated 12/30/86 from James F. Murley, Director, Division of Resource Planning & Management, enclosing two copies of c~ntract between the DCA and Collier County pur- suant to the 1986-87 Local Government Comprehensive Planning Assistance Program. Refer[ d to Neil Dorri11, and Jane Fitzpatrick, and filed. 3. Grant Adjustment Notice dated 01/07/87, regarding Subgrantee Collier County BCC, Grant No. 87-CJ-45-09-21-01-113, Title of Project, Imm. Youth Guidance Volunteer Program, Adjustment No.2, Nature of Adjustment, Special Condition Compliance. Referred to Kevin O'Donnell, Cynthia Conners and filed. 4. Letter dated 01/07/87 from Douglas L.Fry, Environmental Supervisor, enclosing short form application (File No. 1ll290565) which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorri11, Dr. Proffitt, and filed. 5. Letter dsted Ol/07/87 from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Supervisor, enclosing short form application (File No. lll289875) which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill, George Archibald, Dr. Proffitt and filed. 6. Memorandum dated 01/08/87 to Interested Parties from James W. Stoutamire, Office of Coastal Management, regarding Coastal Management Grant Program, and enclosing announcement regarding project applications. Referred to Dave Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt and filed. 7. Memorandum dated 01/06/87 to Florida Counties and Cities, from Richard W. Smith, P.E., Chief, Bureau of Wastewater Management and grants, regarding Wastewater Treatment Construction Grants Fiscal Year 1988 Project Lists and Discretionary Funds, and enclosing a Requ~st for Inclusion on the Priority List form and a a Request for Inclusion on the Advance Allowance List form. Referred to Tom Crandall and filed. 8. Final Order received 01/l2/87, from Environmental Regulation Commission regarding Management of the Trust Fund Reserve List and Fiscal Year 1987 Construction Grants priority List, Adjustment of Reserve Funds, and Consideration of Requests for Advance Allowance Funding and Exceptions. Referred to Dr. Proffitt and filed. ,..' '''¿ I' ~ ì ~.) " j i ' :Paóé'32 ¡' ,',"1 '¡ 'r__ 'l.. ,\ ' ".";", 1'... aOOK 100 p~~,r 697 "~"·""".'I" '.". r .. '.~ "._"."_.,",'õK.._"~._,_,,,,,,,__~,,,~,,,,",,;, ''''...._"..,.,.~.'~.~,',..."..,.~''''>,.,,''"".,~,,''', ,--." ",. 100~~698 d:1 ~\ \, ¡" ! Januery 20, 1987 9. Letter dated l2/19/86 from Governor Bob Graham to Commissioner Pistor regarding appointments to the Private Industry Council. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Kevin O'Donnell, and filed. 10. Copy of letter dated l2/l~ 6 to Sheriff Rogers from Florida G. Connor, Child Support En;:\rcement Specialist, attaching contract amendments regarding Federal Financial Participation in the Child Support Enforcement Program, that increases the reimbursement to the County for Sheriff's "Service of Process" from 66.65' to 70'. Referred to Jim Giles, Lori Zalka and filed. 11. Letter dated 01/09/87 from tawrence E. Schneider, Health Services and Facilities Consultant, EMS, enclosing 2 copies of the EMS County Award contracts between the State of FL, HRS and our County. Referred to Doug Greenfield, Lori Zalka and filed. 12. Letter dated Ol/09/87 from Harold L. LaRoche, Superintendent, Seminole Agency, inviting comments on the proposed granting of trust and reservation status to land owned by the US in trust for the benefit of the Seminole Tribe of Florida. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Ken Cuyler, David Pettrow and f !led. 13. Minutes received and filed. 12/10/86 - EMSAC, and Ol/l4/87 Agenda l2/09/86 - Golden Gate Parkway Beaut. Adv. Comm., and 01/13/87 Agenda .. . ll/20/86 & 12/04/86 - CCPC 12/02/86 - Imm. Lighting & Beaut. Adv., end 01/20/87 Agenda. l4. Copy of approved packet received Ol/05/87 from Department of Revenue regarding the Tax Collector opening a new satellite office located at Green Tree Shopping Center, and attaching lease contract. Filed 15. Letter dated l2/19/86 from Wayne E. Daltry, Executive Director, regarding "Bretonne Park" DRI Application for Development Approval, DRI #5-8586-65, and advising that the SWFRPC has officially adopted the enclosed Ass~ssment for the Bretonne Park Development of regional Impact. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorill, and filed. Item tUBl CHAIRMAN AO'l'BORIZBD TO SIGN CONTRACT AMBNDMB1fTS FOR COR'l'RACT FOR SERVICB OF PROCESS WITH BRS Page 33 -' r" .. - .. - - _.__.- ._- . " ~'Jl·'~."~'·' j "~' '1t:. . ~" . ;, ".~.. /; 1 ' ,:{. );J' " .¡j, .~}"t .. "¡~~ >""-",,^,,.-",",.."..~-,.,.-."~.~_.,.,_.- ..... - - - Enforcement. Jan~a~y:~O, 1987 '" ',," fee increased from 66.65\ to 70t for èhl1d Support See Pages Çð~ - YOJj. " . ... There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: BL'RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ B~, ~D OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OF1.CIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL :,..,..,: ~¿¿~¿ A. HASSE, JR., CHA N ',' "~J" ATrFffi;·äö~.~;;~··."", ' ' ~~~ ,. ~'~~~~~~,:fE~K , 1"~ .e ;........~ ~'\ ,..c ~ 0" -I' .}.,~ ç.. '~ ..::,~. .. ~": - ',I,¡ . :"(1~ f'~~r'p'f(;JI ':'.( . £è. by the Board O~h &.éJ/ ~_ 1"7.1"/' or ðS corrected ..... i~; ./ :-: . . J 1: j' f ;, }, . ~;. ~ r ",t"lj I L'<','wr T':t, r l' I, ,t " , :¡' . ;;1 r.'1 ",:./! '''j! t .~!:.,. . .., l"',,¡::"~ r"/:' t t',' I ,~) ; , ~ ~ ;.;;.q II '; !¡~:-';(; '..et U,·'?' . " i:;r¡ ;',:, ;":'. í" '.,;-j it I; cr: :;4! (. ,:t\. .J'.'I' f :'.P!.:r,¡: 1,'j¡·ìÕ;;;.:r;I~¡ .'n~.:t n~ " J:1"age 34' (I'., ',t ",. ! ~:;'.;i) - ... . ~ I . , ?,q 'I;. \ &oDK 100 "'''! 699 , , ,. 'OJ 1 ,)' H'3~ ">"""_""'''_'''_"'-'~'''''''''_'''''''_'''''''''''''''''__'''''__''_",",,''__1__"'''''__'''''"''''''''''''''''''''"''_''' ; ~ i.