BCC Minutes 01/26/1987 W (A) · - .'. -- .. Naples, Florida, January 26, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein,' met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in WORKSHOP SESSION in Building MFM ot th~ Courthouse Complex, East Na, ~es, Florida, with the ,fbïlowlng members present: CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. :, guq ,'.~ !.: VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass ;{:~ f.¡;rl{' :¡{ "i', ! $1" : ~., (';¡i'6q í'i)';' ~. J ~1Il;' ,f;' î.-",¡:.::';:·l',';'~~ ::;("1.,-, ..~~, o~ ~ ,,~SO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk: Maureen Kenyon, Deputy ¡;''' Clerk: Do~aldB. ·Cusk, County Manager; Neil Dorrill, Assistant County John A. Pistor Burt L. Saunders Anne Goodnight (Arrived 9:15 A.M.) Manager; Guy Carlton, Tax Collector; Sam Colding, Property Appraiser: Aubrey Rogers, Sheriff; Mary Morgan, Supervisor of Elections; George Archiba~d, ~u~lic Works Administrator; and Nancy Israelson, to the Board. ':t, AGENDA Warehouse Space Workshop (Constitutional Officers) '.' ; ".".: ,I, u. [' ~ 4 ,', . 'J r j..!(~ :J;' .:':. ~; \) ,:",. I : I ~) ;.. ,~! : . ab<¡lc¡~' "qq I ,", ~ ~. : I ~ ¡} ¡ . . ~; ((':J;I,.';~Pt,';.:~I; , \ "J!' Page 1 , ; IC;"':, --('.'.' J j.: D.; am 101 PACE 01 r - , J:. 1/'" 02 J r I' 1 I, _. ;:::t )'1 < (, . January 26, 1987 DISCOSSIOø RlGARDIøØ SPACK NEEDS FOR CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICBRS Commissioner Hasse stated that this meeting is to discuss the need for space, adding that he has found that there is not sufficient space for the'storage needs. He indicated that he thought that this was addressed when additions were made and the warehouse was built, but it has been determined th~t the constitut, 'nal officers do not have enough space, particularly the Tax Collector. He noted that after this discussion, he would like to have Commissioner Glass get together with the constitutional officers and determine exactly what is needed and then report back to the Board of County Commissioners on the ~,' :' ma t ter in two weeks. ~f,·'''''~·'~; j~, ~ ',~J '. ,;, ¡\.. 'v ¿t~l~r~~~rk G~~~~ stated that ne has been concerned with the warehouse .'; .:" end the need for additional air conditioning. He stated that he feels , '.,.'i'f··"· ,1:hat,there should bo a mezzanine put in the warehouse, adding that he ~. t r . can see a need for it over the next couple of years for the Clerk's \....,.. " j" ' ... He noted that the Board Minutes and Records Department has received more space which will be nice when it is finished. He indi- cated that his Data ,Processing people are shoulder to shoulder, adding that he would like the'room altered to make better use of the space and to position the equipment better. He noted that he would also like to have a small conference room for them. He referred to the parking for the public needs and stated that he would be willing to giv~,up hié reserve space if requested. )1';' County Manager Lusk stated that whatever 5th floor space is ~ r\" ; :\ ~,.;' \ .1JH. r!,Go (:('~ : J ",:i:, 1't:J, U tŒ "'1.:: pa?e 2 "; ..... ~Ci.·· . . 'M."'^"""""<''"''__'''''''''__·""~'_'___·_''''___'''''-''« II " " January 26, 1987 by the Tax Collector and the Property Appraiser will go to the Clerk, adding that he is not concerned with the layout or alterations simply with the amount of space that is required. Clerk Giles stated that the Traffic Department is in Building "A" and is well set up, but someday he wou: like to be able to move them closer to his Misdemeanor Department on the second floor of Building . "F" in order to avoid the public inconvenience that occurs by going " back ,and forth to these departments. Property Appraiser Colding stated that he has no storage space and is going to reclaim what is on the fifth floor of Building "F", adding that he has no ,space for the storage of daily papers which means that , ~ . Clerk Giles will not be able to move into that area. : . !" Commissioner·Pistor indicated that there is 400 square feet needed for daily use and questioned if it would be better if this q';, . V¡',,: . space was available near his office, to which Mr. Colding replied ~ ¡ . affirmatively. ~.' ; Ì,. ~ t ..: ' , Mr. tusk stated that with regards to the Clerk and the traffic .l~H1. ~"; ::: '~'~".' ',.} ¡ fines, there may have to be a change in order to make the hallway secure for the Federal courts which means that the hallway and the two bathrooms would be reserved for the Federal courts. He stated that he has a representative coming from the Federal courts this date and they {> ~ ~ ' will be making a decision on that. Commissioner Hasse stated that moving around is going to be essen- "'),1' . Þ ." tial, but his concern is that the additions were built and he thought ,0. ,¡;'" """ .: ' ~,"",:::Ig 1116 F' ¡ ~ ~,i;. ¡ wr." ~{,-:q:\i~} Þåge 3 r .,.. , " . ,. aDDK 101 PACE 03 H11' I '~ . . -if;. , .,f'" ,,' . <~101 PACt 04 .~:!:~ ;. . ·f;~~'.i~: .' ~ 'f +: "'~ : ,~;' that :\',,'*' Mr. Colding stated that January 26, 1987 t, "'~ f ~,. 1 , ; I ,,' ¡ this was all the space th4t was gOing to be needed. the storage is the main thing, adding that as far as the building, it is ample for the operation of the office on ~ daily basis. He stated that he did not realize that a large portion of the computer room would be used for electrical which cut down on r !" " i' the space. He stated that there is st~~l a need for room for the decalator and the burster and there is room left for storage in the (")' original Building "C". He stated that he basically has enough room ¡' . ¡excePt for storage on a daily basis that would be required to be air conditioned. :;,1 There was a general discussion regarding the second floor of the t..I;I. Ii' warehouse and what type of equipment would be needed to lift material , ' in order to store it. .;,.' : ~,r; , Mr. tusk stated that the second story of the warehouse was not designed for envelopes, adding that it was originally set up for U·· " storage of old records, but could be converted if necessary. ~. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that with regards to (, th~ type of equipment that would be used, there would have to be . hydraulic type lifters;. a large one for exterior use and a smaller one I. for interior use. Assistant County Manager Dorrlll stated that the building was r::'t ·· "" j , "! \' designed w!,th a high span ceiling for a mezzanine whether it is pre- engineered or built with timber. Mr.-Archibald stated that he has spoken with a number of firms L:o;L~. ;,~~ ,;'.,~, Ia) t~If'.; ,''. f', J . ¡~ . J~<~':<' ~.. .., ". ,t ,'.' ,_. i"'Cf"', (!1Q\]¡\.J·1 . :'~'. L',!" " . ~'c"r'·<I 1'\ Hit .t 1;: ":4 ;;~ '~~ .' - " . Page 4 ~ ".. ' ...'. ," ,··r.iìI .. - ~. """"-"'''''''"-~'''''''';''-''''''''~< --.... f /. ~:r. .. {r " i~"" ",'\~" "," .~:J¡.. ~tj;. I¿ 'I~"{~ ~,.' . r, ~~':£' .. .. .. /<-- 'I January 26, 1987 with regards to mOdifying the existing heating and air conditioning system in order to control the temperature and the humidity. Supervisor of Elections Morgan stated that she needs a mezzanine, additional storage, air conditiooing and a hydraulic lift. Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that the Supervisor of Elections has two types of paper stora~ one for old records and the other is for the computer paper, ballot cards and envelopes. He stated that to keep the temperature at 70 degrees and the humidity at 55 percent, would be very expensive for the whole building and is not necessary for all the records. He stated that there is also the storage of the voting machines which do not have to be humidity controlled, noting that this would cost about $5,000 a year for power bills and is not necessary when only certain things have to be kept . .. dool and dry. Commissioner Hasse stated that the amount of air conditioning could be limited, but something needs to be done immediately. Tax Collector Carlton stated that since 1981, he has lost space and at one point had storage at the County Barn and then all his records were moved from there and he still does not know where they are. He noted that his needs for 1986 was a 20 by 74 foot storage area and at this point, he needs more storage than that. He stated that he was told that there was nothing available for the Tax Collector and then late~ on he was told that he could have 1200 square feet in the warehouse on the second floor which has no air con- .I:':: '., L' :'"10:. ,'. aOOK 101 PACE 05 Page 5 lOJ >" , ,i LiJ ~.~". .'.' .",.".._".,,~,_.......·~,u".~....,_'~'"·__~'___ January 26, 1987 He noted that, he is presently renting ,{cHtioning and is not secure. ~,. . ' ¡' iltorðge on Commercial Drive. Mr. Lusk stated that there is 1,500 square feet available for the Collector and l,500 square feet available for the Property He indicated that the second floor of the warehouse has ~S,800 square feet anJ has never been a:,signed to anyone. He stated .that the warehouse was overbuilt in or~'· to have extra room after the of Elections and the Clerk were accommodated, which would ellow;room for the Property Appraiser and the Tax Collector. Commissioner Hasse stated that the space is not going to be divided this date, but Commissioner Glass, the Constitutional Officers and staff will divide the space up as necessary and report back to the (Boardíin two weeks. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Bill Kysar stated that a com- 'puter storage warehouse could be built near the computer room at a ... ,reasonable cost with bare concrete block walls, painted on the inside, with a little dehumidifying and electrical work, but if it was dolled up'8nd precast was used, it would add to the cost. Commissioner Pistor'stated that the figures of Mr. Carlton project ,that 5,000 square feet is what is needed for 1986 which is 1500 square feet in the warehouse, plus an additional 3,600 square feet. Mr. Carlton indicated that this is based on what is needed now, but if he got S,~OO..quare feet, he would still be 3,000 square feet short based on a 10 year projection. There was general discussion regarding the ~~1' ~ : . t: (".It ":t,: tt.:\'~~,t !./i! ; Page 6 - .. ,,,,,,~.,,,,....,..,-",,,,....._,,,,~...,.--~.,,,,.,,......._---.----_.,...~,". .. - ~ , ~... 1 January 26, 1987 :';.figures and needed storage for Mr. Carl ton IInd Commissioner Hllsse 'stated that Commissioner Glass could work these figures out with him. Sheriff Rogers stated that he hils II lot of problems, noting that the delay of getting into the new jail caused him problems and the space WIIS used up when they moved in. He noted that the most critical area is the jail itself which is overf; '~d. He stated thllt there are 307 beds IInd they used everyone including the sick bay over the weekend as they haù 320 inmates in jllil IInd this date in the morning, !, there were 329 inmates. He stated that some of them are on the floor and this is in violation. He noted that there are a lot of other needs but the jail need is an expensive one and hils to be addressed. He indicated that he does not know how to expand other than to do some double bunking, ~bich would only help temporllrily. He stated that there is also II problem with pre-trial maximum security prisoners. He stated that they have been trying to do things for II year IInd a half, but nothing seems to move. He reported that he needs l,OOO square feet of warehouse space, noting that they are trying to get records microfilmed in order to cut down on space. He stated that he has probléms with sub-stations as they are very expensive to rent and every time he turns around, they have to move. He noted that in the near future, the off-site needs of the County need to be addressed. Commissioner Hasse stated that the Sheriff should come to the , Commission with a report on what the off-site needs are, what facili- ties are being rented, what the future needs lire IInd also whllt storage .: í' :.,' ~ ;' I' : ' ) lZ' ~" ,!,C <'.¡'~' lOOK 101 PAC£ 07 Page 7 JUJ '/' Or.: :! ; January 26, 1987 Mr. Lusk stated that the Sheriff lost 50 beds that he had in the ~ld jail. He indicated that the architect is recommending that the old jail be torn down and if this is done, then there will be a 4 I: million dollar shortfall for the judges and courthouse. He stated 'that he wants the Commission to be awa', that there is a real money problem, adding that there is about a one million dollar shortfall on ; ~ the Health Department building and he is trying to get State funds to ;;:,' ",,'help'out on that. ;;:,,'ÞtÖ\'" :' ":, 'Mr. Dorrill stated ~, that on the site plan for the Courthouse ti;'"': . Complex, there is two big changes; one is the cross hatch area for the ¡", , ' 'courthouse for the new judges and the preliminary estimates for that was for 6 hearing rooms and 3 courtrooms, with that facility off as a three story building with a cost of 9 million .. doilars. He stated that there is 5 million dollars in the budget, but ... (1')1 . ; . : in addition to this facility, there would have to be additional . }ìJ. .' j security for weekends. ~u '...'~'" I" : Mr. Dorrill stat~d that to sum up the discussion it has been indi- 'tH':,!" ; . cated that the air conditioning problem needs additional work at the .. ' 'present warehouse and there shoul~ be a pre-engineered mezzanine ,-.;' installed. He stated that Clerk Giles indicated that the Minutes and Records section is okay due to the expansion that is underway and he .' would like to see Data Processing remodeled and budgeted when the Tax ,; and Property Appraiser move out of the area. He stated that ~ ( ., ì" ¡.¡: ') \ Iq iJ~:..(.t:. " Page 8 .1 ... ',' .. .. .. .. .. , , ,.p. r'~ '1 >\ . , ,'lr ~~t.. t:"V{' ,.;:r\ J'j.~~ 'V:, I:~~·" , ""J. ., ',; " " 'i, ~('i.. January 26, 1987 Giles indicated that the Traffic Department is okay but he would like to have it closer to the Misdemeanor Division that is currently located on the second floor and made a general comment regarding parking spaces for employees and the public. He indicated that Property Appraiser Colding stated that he would not be in a position " to vacate the fifth floor computer room unless he receives the com- puter paper storage area requested in addition to Mr. Carlton's. He reported that the Supervisor of Electi~ s indicated that in addition to the mezzanine comment that a lifting device and the hand operated pallat trucks would be required for both her and Clerk Giles in addi- tion to the second floor area at the north end of the building. He , , åtated that in addition to the mezzanine some information had been obtained concerning wall storage; racks and shelving for wall storage 'J, and Mrs. Morgan'~rConcerns r~garding air conditioning and the mud room decisions that could be made to limit the area for the enhanced level of air conditioning and humidity control. He stated that Mrs. Morgan also indicated to him earlier that she had a concern regarding the storage of explosive and caustic chemicals along the common wall bet- ,', r w~en her area 'and the building maintenance area on the other side. He , " stated'that Mr. Carlton indicated that his concern over the county barn storage area that he had lost and that his proposal was in two parts for both computer paper and archival storage and that he had prepared estimates for 5, IO, and IS years. He noted that the area { that was discussed in~eneral is the 10 year needs, which would be a fi' ~, .(.).19 ~ H ¡ ¡>'- .:,~' \1 r¡ <l ;' , .' ,1 . ,) ~. I' ,. . ( r Page 9 J \ ~, aOOK 101 PACt 09 1: '.' " rD.:, ~ :: ' :i7",':?:i:~ 1'~ ~l(}~~f..1O .,; ~'ìii~' , . ! ! : i !: ! January 26, 1987 ~)~,650 square foot addition to the present Building "C" and an add i- ·f;tiona1 4,350 square feet for archival type storage that would be in to the warehouse space. He stated that the Sheriff indicated Jl: . .. i: that his most critical need that needs immediate attention involves ',,,\ "1~.1" . ~"" the jail and while he is concerned about the space required for pre- f"f1'I1" .. ' fl, '.,; t'r1al maximum security, he is working to double bunk other areas were ..\.1.,; . 'l,; , I'A::.; he can, but he needs t<, see some movement on the expansion of the jail fN-: . to; , " \ '" itself in terms of cell space and that ,e estimates an approximate , r::J \~ ' '1,000 square foot need in the new wareh\.ol.lse also. He stated that he po f ; ( indicated general concern about continuing to rent as opposed to build .' M" .:!,!;; and own sub-stations and that the administrative area of the present h' ~_,(II' . , r~, 'j'aÙ in East Naples is at its capacity also. '.: I Commissioner Hasse stated that action would be taken in two weeks and then the Commission woulrl move forward on what will be done. He , . . (.; ¡,-:: i.. J ~_ 1 '~ \; .;. ,~ : \ noted that Commissioner Glass would be getting together with everyone ,.~ç..I1'" ;I:~ -: ~ I~,' I .! . d· .):'and thÈ!!n bringing a report back to the Commission. '\ o/.'! ')c ,', i!:'~ Mr. Colding stated that as fast as everything is being built, ;¡~,~'p .", " "~ " l:" there' needs to be more land purchased, to which Commissioner Hasse , iÍj"'i "" . I' . :;~: concurred. "~;tnl'1 i", (r It, '. ,y,' , Conunissioner Hasse thanked evèryone for coming and indicated he ':~gp~~'\~'~~~~~ forward on this matter quickly. ·:!,.~ttJt~(.'l¡"f:';~ ¡~¡..;rl: ~. '" .. * ,~bt, f ·~,·.1- !; ,; j ! , . There-being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by - Time: ~0:3S A.M. k>.' ,;:, e:..! [iij ~:. ~ ~ ~ t J ~!f,J...v:;¡. .! r " ¡ ~ " Page 10 \.-1' ¡ ':;-~ J lr.; ; " _.;re. tr:(·J~·: ~~._, ~:',::; '.,' ..,I." ¡). _ * ."""",...-",."",,, ,,,.,,,,....._.,.,,...___'L "''''''''''''''flO._''''''_'"___'-''_'' "', '.. """....",,. ,~.,,' "~,.""_~..,.",""",,,,,.;¡.<;,~, ~""4='""'"'"_'''''''