BCC Minutes 01/26/1987 W (B) .. - .. , ;;J(J. 1 Naples, Florida, January 26, 1987 IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in ,~nd for the County of Collier, and aløo acting as the Board of Zoning t'" ~:AppeaI8 and 8S the governing board(ø) of such special districts as "'. ~. ; ,'l~ ( )1''Ì'have been created according to law and having conducted business é~.rein, met on thiø date at 10:45 A.M. in WORKSHOP SESSION in Building ..' ~~~.~fthe Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the ~ fallowing memberø present: t. " ~bt; l '.' , , L: ,I' ~:':, ~)è:'tPO~ t1L; I.' ~",~¿ '., ..,,' ~ ., I " , ", 1.,~..:,~~'",.tlt.; .",..J., ,.., "::. CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. VICE-CHAI~N : Arnold Lee Glass 't' John A,' Pietor Burt L. Saunders Anne Goodnight ';. ALSO,: PRESENT: , James C. Giles, Clerk: Maureen Kenyon, Deputy B. tusk, County Manager; Neil Dorr!ll, Assistant County . Za~~,., Budget Director; Jane Fit'.patrick, Growth :,1 ./:Management Coordinator, Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrat:or: Aubrey .~ " ~~õgerBi Sheriff; Mary Morgan, Supervisor of Elections; and Nancy ,Xetaelson,' Administrative Assistant to the Board. ~.. . \.:',../ ' :- ;,;.:):., f, ",J . '," .' ,i t AGENDA 1987-88 Budget POlicy ~orkshop ..j"' , " , , '! ~, . ~~ l , I ~ C,11 :,f,. . ~ ! '~, ". ", ¡ " , ' ¡ '.. I ,t:" ',,,\. , , ,"'1, ,;'1.: ~ ~;'jr fPvol.'.. <ili' '\, rj. , ': ~ , J ~ , , ¡ .~ ~. : ", . j l,.: J', (;OUP 1'1 ¡ :. ' , - , I' , '. I. ~ _ ' ,\' j I J ( ~Hf(.ï u,Þ_,., I {: -':1' {. ~.;, \' ¡ . t', ;:(h;~Ir·. í t',;! Page 1 iq.J~~i)J: I ,oo~ jl()jLPAtE 'jLjl T(' 'il) " :á ''''', '4, :%1.! ~ " r):~¥f' ':ft i'1~ ~;.\' 'J ~ ..(', January 26, 1987 DISCUSSION RlGARDIHG 1'87-88 BUDGBT POLICY WORKSHOP Budget Director Za1ka statèd that a workshop report was submitted to the Board last week and she now has an outline of that report to discuss'. She noted that she has discussed a lot of the budget issues Constitutional Officers and with the Naples Civic Association. She stated that the budget has been prepared for the last two years according to a service ' 'vel format, adding that there has been a current service level which rapresents the cost of con- tinuing the current operations and services. She stated that to define the current level of service, decisions are made up front. She stated that the expanded service level represents new programs and improves services, which are decided on during the workshops that are ¡ ¡held in August. She reporteù that the departments will start pre- ~! , !parino their requests and recommendations for expanded services in ~'.' " ' ,) . . :.March and April and then agency managers will be reviewing it through ¡·.the months of May anå June and it will be presented to·'the Board in July,for discussions in August. She stated that in the meetings with the Constitutional ~ffioers an idea was discussed to develop activity measures as a method for making decisions on expanded levels of ser- vices, which would help' the Board. make their decisions. ,She indicated that activity measures are the first steps in developing a program performance budget, where it is decided the first year on what is .releva~t ~nd then the process of keeping track of the activity in each department is started. She stated that the first year the con- ,',f f.H ~ ¡-.:; , , ~"I.'(~ ~~1 ',' '~ ; . I", ;ì, ; ¡: Page 2 " .. _....__,__-..__.S..,.., - - .. January 26, 1987 is on what is a meaningful activity to count and then as on, there is more historical data developed to help ,;4.014. where growth is occurring and what demand on service that rt'" ;Creates. She stated that she would like to propose that the service .. 4:' ~. 0:~.Yel' format be continued as it ie, but she would also like the com- 1~j.nts'as¡to whether this type of budget should be continued or whether '~'J .. '~~iVitY(lIIeasùres' should begin. " ",:¡ ,·'Commissioner Glass stated that he it looking for a modified type ¡t .: "'tetem where there is a line item justiL' ation in order to cut out things'that do not have reason to exist and use the service levels to ~," ' '1." 'if they are going toward a bUdget that is realistic without a increase. He stated that the past programs need to be reviewed sure that they are still viable programs and worth funding ." iC",T I. Budget 'Director Zalka stated that each program is presented and J'::'" , ~~~èér!bed'tròm each department at the time the actual budget is J~ÓrkShoppéd'and at any given time, those decisions can be made. .~~., pit Commissioner Glus stated that he wants to review this budget in ,.,:, I' · :a~ in~depth way in order to reduce cost and he wants this understood. J '!". , . ~ 'f ' ' County Manager tusk stated that most budgets go through two 1~, rèviews before they ever get to the Board and at that time, items are e,t.;·', cùt 'from the budget that are determined to not be necessary. ø:I, f' 'Ms." Zalka stated that if she recommends a cut and the County ;'k¥:," Manager disðgrees, then it is presented to the Board in August and a ~.3· ~;Ur~,-'J ¡'''' I :.: ~;' i" ~ ;: Page 3 aD OK 101 PAGE 13 'IL] 1 11 :O'.¡';,'i: ..,.,....." , , ,~. /. 'I January 26, 1987 \ 11 ¡ \ .¡ . ' . is made at that time whether to cut it or leave it in the for discussion is salary Board has provided 5' a two years that has included adjustment and a merit plan. she stated that Staff recom- next year a 4-1/2% increase instead of 5% due to lower '~'inflation. She noted that the Per sonne , nepartment does surveys every ,year¡to see how the salaries compare with other governmental agencies ,I ,i:cend pcivete sectors. She stated that based on the recommendations of 0."":-;-" '.:t" ~the survey, she will be able ,to specifically state the breakdown of jI:': i';:the4-1/2t. She stated that she is recommending at this time that an ¡'!'~ " ~~~b\leráll'dollar amount be set for salaries at 4-1/2% and that the spe- ~" , ~~¡ oifid details would be pending the results of the survey. She :.... ' ~~~Teported that the Constitutional Officers handle their ~rÞises dif- }f¡tetentlY'than the County Manager. She stated that for the County ":" 'f-:Maneget'& agencies, she would recommend a 3' across-the-board wage /~djUBtment and 1;"1/2' f~r tt merit plan. ,!~}l' êòuÎ'It:y Manager LU~k" stated that a 3' across-the-board is all that 'i1ahbe I,'ill"tified this year as the' cost of living has not Increased ~~ I" , ' that~mùch, adding that there is a cap on the number of people that can ,'i~èt'3' merit raises, adding that last year the cap was no more than ii"t\·, " ' .;;" 50l:ofthe employees. He stated that the 3% merit increase is the <ff~~ ~',be't;employee in the department. He stated that the 1-1/2% merit a.."~ ... i':, ,¡ f,Jf.::.I' c.;} \ ! ~ '·~.1 I ," ~ Page 4 " " , .. .. - .. January 26, 1987 based on the average per employee, noting that some a merit increase, some receive 1%, some 2', some 3' increase. "Commissioner Pistor stated that the merit increase would be less the job evaluations art ,:one all at one time, and '-'dImly one pe:" year. "'itc, còuÎ\tY' Manager tusk stated that if the increases are set up on a '~ <.... ,..~'''ðnð.'a yeat'basiø', it is a more expensive plan than by doing it on ,,,¡" '~tb. anniversary dates. He stated that he does not want to have ,~" :'~êVeryone evaluated at one time as it is too much in some departments .~~;; '. '~~for '8 ·ëuperv!sor 'to deal with all at once. :,:, ii"){"Corrimfssioner Pistor stated that he feels that if the ;~.' ;~cøn8tit:ùt:iÒnal Off-icers are doing this with their employees, the ~'. . Coùnty'Mânager could do it also and it would only involve extra 1t,~i . . .' '., I :{eX¡)én..i£or'the first year and after that everyone would be, uniform. :ô :~~i Coünfy:ManlÎger tusk stated that by going to 4-1/2% increase this " i: , Yèát¡ the Constitutional Officers' employees will typically get more of ;etllncrede. "He noted that the first year that this was set up and in effecty it did not work out well for the Constitutional Officers. Clerk Giles stated that the average person in his office gets 1% , because their so called anniversary date is October 1st. ')4~;'¿': , Con1mièsioner Saunders stated that according to the plan that the ~;countYMélt\ágèr'uses, the Constitutional Officers' employees are getting , , 8hbrt~chàngeð~ 'He stated that it should all be done in October,at one "~~~rr µ, r pc (;m i :;, ',; : ~':ì-.rnj '~l~Cc;;r¡~(. '1' , , '1. . ~. j . 'I i ~ I: c.on í.J r 1\ ì;;ljJl)t.,¡J .~:;. , '¡): < ; ~, ' j aDDK 101 PAGE 15 Page 5 H!. , ;,.;-0{;, , ., '\ ¡(\I L' January 26, 1987 '"j, ; ,., 1 !'" time, ~7:)~ Coùnty Manager tusk stated that he would come back to the Board '.. ,,' with I!I recommended pay plan in August. He stated that he could meet the Constitutional Officers and come up with the same type of pay ëó' that all employees are receiving the same. Goodnight stated that maybe the Constitutional thejr system up to be on an anniversary date basis that she wants to see ev. 'yone on the same system. {Ms. Zalka stated that the next topi~ of discussion is attrition, Naples Civic Association has indicated that the County should '~0'reðuce the'salary bUdget to recognize the normal turnover, which in ;; ,!.'~ ;'\}'1986 was 6'. 'She stated that one year does not represent a trend and ~' ¡p ,';,'r' it would be dangerous to take that 6% out of the budget, because )$.\., " > ~~i~(bÚdget:iryg for attrition does not intend to create attrition but only '1,i~'Çto recognize that which occurs naturally. She stated that she propo- -1',\' ~. '~;(8esthat half of thiS' could be reduced and that 3' reduction would ~~.. , f.1.::" save, over $700~;OOO in the short run in terms of tax dollars that could :~,':~ rèduced,' but ther:e is no true savings when attrition is budgeted ~" ,~ut because that money 'is not usually spent. She stated that if it is '..1.'~ ,. _, ~ . '~,:ftbt bUdgeted out, it becomes carry forward and is used the next year .' ~~~"?tlC~l'if !t:''is' budgeted out, then the carry forward is reduced and in v." ,1:;\ :the long run when the carry forward is reduced, taxes have to be ^.. ¡-~ ~\rai~edto make up for it because it is a revenue source that is used. ",~:; .... - '. . ';}'Ci:>:¡ Commissioner Pistor stated that he feels that this is very (/..,)U~11; i:.'..; , 3!-' ~" ',: ~ '. " ) \ ":,"'~' 't ' !f) p9.'rq ,. ;,:'1 , Page 6 ' ' .. .. "._""'"'-_._"-,_.......,---,...'~,....,.",.~_..'._..~.^' ... - - ~.,.. , 1 January 26, 1987 angerous based on only one year of data. He noted that there were ';¡.'.,'", positions in the budget for last year that were not filled due to the \t." salary that was being offered. He stated that when employees leave '>Î,!, , ~nd other staff has to work overtime, it costs additional money. He :f~.tated that there may be money in the budget for additional salaries ~~~i~~ ~~~"~~~~~d as growth continues and the need for additional per- :,'~, ' ;'~' '" ~ :. ' ..' sonne I occurs. He stated that if there is not enough money bUdgeted "t~ . it comes out of contingency and the County ends up with that much leas. He stated that the "Reserve for ~ash Flow" is the money that is tc.f~r·¡.'í '~ . ;. 'sed for operating the County from Octo~,~ 1 to December 1 when the J/" :":f"';:.U:" ; ; ¡ ¡'taxes come in, so that the County does not have to borrow any money. ~'*.~i .I,i ,., í·J .. .~!, Ms., Za1ka ,stated that the reason that the County has not had to ~~", , ..,'\." ' .lborrow is because there has been attrition and it has not been 1 r1t7 ~~r"J '1 ....,:'~:, ~ . .... ~budgeted out, therefore, the attrition money is used. :;~',' r'6;~~~si~n~r Saunders stated that he would suggest that the County ,,{ 1\'" '.' continue treating it a~ they have been doing. ,~p"'J.., ~'~.I¡Z~¡lk~ !:~'tated that this attrition is not to save money in the "-'fI r ",...,.- ~long run, adding it is only short term. She stated that if 3' is :':;TU"F'!¡"¡.I) - ; I ,,'estimated and it only turns about to be 1', then there is not enough ,~r¡:_ ptrl. ~J f:~c~ \.' ; ¡ ;:,. : : ~~"¡~'lIIoney to pay the employees, which means that the County needs to be :_t;" ;"" t;': t . ~ " ;; Lyery careful. She stated that there could be a policy made that would ;.':,:; l~î:';¡ J'" 'budget out ,attrition but attrition would not be forced. She stated (.'.'\jIi....;{j~-J "H.q tiC .~' . that a policy could also be made to use reserves if there is not :;~'_'-(¡9": :'(; . :Jii,L : ~.nough attrition, but control on use of salary would have to be main- ,j:, . C"""lJ "J 1 ( '.~ ¡' ( ~ - , \, r¡,x ._~ ""'. . ';t"¡JG b"~I..~:\t;1 g,'j' ' '~~}.- -~--";".. ,: ,"¿..' . ·,,>,.,~<¡'R ç lit r¡ lH ~',:. í' .:'~¡",,"'¡"I: ""q~ Ao.;n, \II ¡ ~, L" , . :. I' f <;'·1 f I '!(~i ::¡' ! , \. "', /> ¡(- ¡ ,-' Page 7 2j':-:. >';,¡ :¡ t aOOK 101 PAC( 17 .' ,,' January 26, 1987 She stated that historical dðta needs to be obtained for more ';;'"t " ,A~' than one year and if attrition was going to be initiated, she would ,~¡ , , <;recommend starting with possibly 2' and then everyone keep track ,;iOf the percentage. )~" , 1t Commiesioner Glass stated that there is not historical data that ~.1Jon(~;' q r~' ... ~ can be supported, but he feels that th' type of system could be rI)\I i 'started and he would recommend that it be 1-1/2% or 2%. pL' ¡ Ms. Za1ka stated that another exception that is being recommended is that the Property Appraiser and the Tax Collector be excluded :1.,' because their budgets are funded by many different agencies including independent taxing districts. She stated that if they were to bUdget 1- ' out attrition and then the money was needed, the County would have to , pay 100' of the extra needs. She stated that it is also recommended ,>:' <:~~l,~ , ~"\ that all departments with 4 or less employees be excluded because the , " , 'likelihood of . :J,:.·I'IQ" ¡.: ·'i also lower. P').. ,.cr', :.: ," them having enough attrition to generate that percent is .. . Commissioner Goodnight stated that she would be willing to go for- :.J .~ ~ ~..:!! . ,.': "ward with this matter based on 2'. " Commissioner Pis tor \'atated that he feels that U would be suf- (1"li~ ~ ~\.. , 'I ficient for the first 'year and then go up from there. Commissioner Hasse stated that it seems that the general consensus Ms. Za1ka indicated that there would be a total amount of money I'\~I r ;..L ~... ~,.. ' :' have to be transferred or balanced out. '"\'.1': :(: (,:" Page 8 ~ì!t:(,:":'d ... .. .. .-. -..--.- .. - .. '~.f;. . 1 January 26, 1987 Manager Dorri11 indicated that there could be no a workshop session and sta!f would have a formal meeting. , ,_ Deputy Chief Hunter of the Sheriff'!J Department stated that he ,...,·doe~,.. ~o~ 'f~~ese~ how the Sheriff's Depa. .::ment could operate with a 2' ~'~~ftrl~ion b~SOd on the different circumstances and emergencies that r~ds'e 'wit'hin a year. He noted that there is no historical data trend pOlicy to be approved by a motion at a ~a. each year at the Sheriff's Department seems to be unique. He ';;",.. r atated' "that they have no residul!1 in their budget and for the past ,'101;..,.... ~; ,. ; four years, there has been a problem with the jail situation, growth tH', , '.; " ' , , ,~nd emergencies that nave not been accounted for. He stated that he V..:.I ~'r"J ;'I~;,~ (;1,'; ould not begin ~~ guess at the vacancy factor. (,01 "I'? ¡ ,,; .'". ~ 'Commissioner Pistol' stated that he still feels that a l' factor !~~fd'''~e a'~~f~r '~ethod. '~..'il'íè~~is~l~n~r Goodnight stated that it would be a lot easier to '.1- .. .':1-t '1 " ,t¡ ~taise taxes, if necessary, and indicate to the public the reason why >;;-;'f; )~I" ! ~¡,';. ~~ ~'.t the time instead of saying that money is being put into a savings ":bL,-t';,t:t1'¡ ,"'1,' ~ account in case it is needed. britOli;() t'ou:~'" ¡l¡ \·.¡t--': . ¡" Ms. Zalka stated that the next recommendation is that the County ''"t:t1L\\-Vj ~', ' ;use consistent cost increases for all agencies based on research that ¡~li 'be:' do~e ~nd then when the budget instructions are prepared, cer- ~~~'1h ~è::gou~t~' will use that information and then for the other , "Ct.. ~. ':,~' I ' :accounts, the cost of living consumer price index will be used as the t 't, t::, , ,i'.._." ¡ j'; I,i" ::~ ~:J j r. tJ .; , nJ\l¡:: ¡¡'!J'. Page 9 c¡){ lOl';' HH . &ODK 101 PAf,t 19 lòn, 101PACt 20 ~Ji, K.." '''-'' ,\ -~ ' ~l'.'rf~,:'- ' ,~thod of forecasting increases which will be about 1-1/2'. She ~' , ~~1.tated that she is recommending that this practice be continued. '~~Y, Ms. Zalka stated thllt the next item for discussion fs the travel í' \ í j , _' t ( , January 26, 1987 budget, adding thllt she is sU9gesting one method to encourage con- ~-. ~ ,.istency, which would be to develop a standard whereby certain pro- Ji.;ibri~lPOSitiOnS get $1500 a year and other professional positions ,'J Tt:.. :',.. ' ~'ft~~~t $500 a year for training purposes. She stated that an estimate ;'-:1\ was done of what it could cost and it 'ould be approximately what the ~··:n" . , ' 'ý:,éûrrent t~avé1 budget is, adding that t...e goal would be to provide <,:':\.~~;'~on~ist~ncy and a standard for people to use as a guideline in J ,', ";1, ,,,!',1, preparing their budget. She stated that in discussions, it was men- 1!id~~d that this would be reasonable for conferences and training, but ~({r ~ ,~r, j ,-,.. ' It'did not address regular business travel. She stated that the 1!j" (; ,ij'./':. I..'·figures could be different, adding that she is figuring the typical ~f!( "p r; : <- cost of a national conference at $1,000 and a typical state or " , ," j, ';~ .' ;':'; :'~'~~~~~n~l~t~e:confere~ce at $500 depending on where th~y. are held. '~"She 'stated that this is proposed as a method of consistency in fllir- ness and cost control in terms of preventing other increases, but it >f~, ,tt. : I.. " . l'. ~would not save money~ ~rJ¡~~'~¡~ë~mn:i~~i~ner' Giass left the meeting at this time. u",u ~~11 , qt', 1, ¡ t " .~.. Commissiòner Hasse stated that this could be tried thè way Ms. ~lk~~i~r~~~ge~ting this and ~hen it is presented to the Board in 1:,.... ( t" ,. , '-'" " , ' August', 'j,'f, will be definitely determined at that time. ~'; '~¡r. !1- 'Ms.-Zalka stated that the next issue deals with the level of , ~. \, .. .,' r':~:,..r; u· ;, .. ., ,"! : ' .. Page 10 " ~~~,~; .,J.,r. ~íti<, ~_'", " "'''7:''' . ~'';.'~;v-:-, .....:,,;;.... .IIIL - .. January 26, 1987 should be in the budget, adding that currently budgets are pre.ented on a departm£~t level basis which indicates what each ~~partment i. .pending. She stated that another option is appropriation unit by dividioo and this means the total for personal ý"~,~ >I: ", eervices, operating expenses, capital outlay, reserves, and transfers. ;i j:'~'" \ ': I ò: ' She .tated that the third option would be appropriation unit by . 'â'(~'-,:JI", ~ I.. I.' . : :' ¡ :department where you l~ok at personal services, outlay, etc. for each . Ji'I' department. She stated that she would 'ecommend that the County stay 'fI:'ll ," "" , ' with the department level and if more d~cail is wanted then :ø~r~T, I,' ".,:' :appropriation unit by department could be used. She stated that it ,.::.;' ; result in the dollar detail being three time~ longer than it was year and there will be more numbers to deal with which is more for the Bud~e~ Office in compiling it and more work for the Board ~ ,} ',. ., . . in reviewing it, but she would not recommending gOing by Division ~ ....-; .<" ¡'. i, { ~ because the departme~ts represent the usable programs. W(.lJi· !U CI> i;¡ :: Commissioner Hasse stated that he would suggest going along with . .. ~';. . . recommendation of the Budget Office and using the third option. ~L.';: 9 ;- 1'- 'Budget Director Zalka stated that the last discussion is how much b"I"", .,: '~:hietory is wanted in the budget book, adding that at the present time, ". ',/.; 11 ~ , ¡ : the adopted budget for the current year is used as the basis for com- "0 ,-. ~ t . 'parlson in history to look at next year's proposed budget, She stated thât 'act~al history in terms of actual expenses is not shown in the .,. ~ tJ· !~~budget book, adding that all the data is gathered and used for the '\J!.~ ~l\ (':.... í k';)review and line item review. , , .)fl'i,~'~:: r ", ¡ " '" "~, {~f.^!~':'G r";',~,;,:,,!~'" ',.' ~f;r. ^(;"" !I¡! '? b j '>(, I " She noted that one of the dangers of " n¡ I :r; Page 11 'L' p' è' , ,aOOK 101 PAGt 21 IO'~I <.\', ") . ::¡~ , , --f'., '1~ i:\;t~i~'::· ',ï';:'~< jlOlm 22 ',,;:q~6:/ , rputting ." , '< r, o instead of the future, adding that the purpose of the budget is to i ( ~ ~ January 26, 1987 ;) I in history in the buðget ts that it tends to focus on the past plan for the future in order to set policies on cost and on service, levels. She stated that in discussions with the Naples Civic and the Constituti~na1 Officers, it was suggested that a the current year be added as a later look at actua1s, but go too far into the past where It is no longer relevant. She that if the Board wants to add II. '~e history to the budget, she a forecast of the current year 86-87 in this case. Assistant County Manager Dorri1l stated that the Board would pre- a 12 month estimate based on the adopted budget for this year and actual experience at 6 months estrapulated out, which is good. J:i·' Ms. Za1ka stated that this will now be done department by depart- ment in order to provide the necessary data which will mean more work .' ,,' and more information. ~,,¡:ll.: ~..\ t t !' . ; . ,W<>, , . Commissioner Pistor questioned what consideration i.e being given ~r'i't~~.' . . to the possibility of a cut in sales tax and if that is done by the i '."" Legislature? Ms. Za1ka stated that if less money was received from 1'\' ' , , sales tax, the general fund would have to be cut back which means that (f'[,\:. '.'/ either property taxes,have to be raised or services would have to be ""; ~ . cut. She stated that one of the dangers is that most of the sales tax J'".''' ¡' '.;1 ". has been pledged for debt service and, therefore, if the State does q<,b ,:, i ,T,¡ something like this, the County should lobby them to take into account :' \-" , -'. the tact that this money has been pledged and question what will hap- \'/)0;., , ,;,bb~úh,', C, I';"~, .~"', ' -, , 9f,.ÇU«,\U:: ! ¡~ ;:' Page 12 n'~ ' ::,1.' ,', .. ,..-..---- . .. '/' ,'1 January 26, 1987 ',to the bondholders and how the County will deal with that. ,(!~;;:' , ,:f Ma. Zalka stated that she will be asking for further guidance, but '1,'-,' , enext step is to bring this matter to you at a regular board ,1f'." She stated that she is, going to develop formats in terms of h. buðget preparation instructions and may require further action L¡ task is completed. ... further business, the meeting was adjourned by - Time: 12:25 P.M. ... lOOK 101 PAGE 23' Page 13 "..,,""""_..!<'__._"'_..._,--.."'----,-"'*-_.~ ,.