BCC Minutes 01/27/1987 R . ...... .... -- .. I; ,L , \, ';+ I, ',) Maples, Florida, January 27, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also aoting as the Board of Zoning Appealå and as the governing board(s) of suoh speoial distriots as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein,.'met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the members present: CHAi"\N: Max A. Hasse, Jr. (¡) VICE-CHAIRMAN: Ar~old Lee Glass P' \(iI1. John A. Pistor Burt L. Saunders Anne Goodnight 'J . , I::' ~' ~, :j /'1 : .... " ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Beverly Ku~ter and Maureen Kenyon (12:50 p.m.), Deputy Clerks; Donald B. Lusk, County Manager; Neil Dorrill, Assistant County < . Managetf Kert'Cuyler, County Attorney; Tom Crandall, Utilities :':-<"Aðminiétràt'or; 'George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; David ;1.: ?~. Pettrow, Community Development Administrator; Ann McKim, Planning/Zoning Director; David Weeks, Planner; Kevin O'Donnell, ,Public ~~rvi_ces,Administrator: Nanoy Israelson, Administrative Board; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's V:'.;.f ~ : ~ M ¡ !1~ '-' VA! ;, ~ ...., };JJ,.~ ::' :. bE.!.:r! " r'V,:.i' . . ì ¡' ~) r-: 1,) i - l: 1: ~ " L ;... ¡ ·t¡!,__.. ':' " ¡ 1/; "', . '.', Page 1 am 101 PA~t 24: - - .. January 27, 1987 colfsmrr AOBImA - APPROVED WI'l'R cm\1fOES f :~;:'" "', C01'llllli..ioner Ola.. moved, .econded by Commissioner Saunders and :'- ; - , aarrielS unanimously, that the agenda anlS consent agenda be approved following chenqes' ,,~, . ,Ita. ,19B2 - Change Order for ,,'cU tional work beinq performelS .' ,;¡ 'by 'oee contraotor., 1'1:. Myers '.,. the county Barn Bxpansion- project - Added. ", ¡ , Item '9D2 - Recommendation to ðeclare a special meetinq of the BCC to consider conver.ion of bond pool funds - Added. Item '9F1 - Contractual aqreement with Deloitte, Haskins , Sells - Continued to February 3, 1987 (Staff request). Item UF3 - Appointment of twenty-one (21) members to the Collier County planninq Commission ci then I,S Advisory Committee - continu~d to February 10, 1987. (Commissioner alass) Item '10B - Discussion concerninq Conveyance from Avatar ,propertie., Ino. - Continued to I'ebruary 3, 1987 (County Attorney) Item '10C - Discussion of County Water/sewer District special Act - Added. .. t·" ' ~ " Item '10D - Recommendation to declare a .peoia1 meeting of the BCC regardinq options available relating to the Resource ,,:Recovery service Agreement and related documents - Added. - ¡taU , ,'! ,~. ..'L'.",: 1. '. -MIøu~ø8 OF,DBCBKBBR 23, 1985; JANUARY S, 8 I 13,1987 - APPROVED AS P1U!I S Z1f'1'BD ' I, r ¡,u ;,-,: '>, C01'llllli..ioner Saunders moved, .econded by C01'lllllissioner Pistor and t (.I:;¡;;. , aarrielS unanimously, that the minutes of December 23, 1985; January 6, j ". .,1 13, 1987, be approved as presented. ?;-.:',~~o\C ;t i ;,< , ' f~£~__L ..:;~~ 1, ¡. , ~,SOYo.\..YA "D.. h 1>-'; ,: '/ ,'¡tIÞiþt'ZU' If!{;' !~;;;',:,,,:,: ~. . IM)'J Cr.: u ~ - r h t, t,' Page 2 'J.' '.11',,'0 ~,tJ.:"l loot 10~J'1i,.:30 ",' r r-:-!!l'f¡ :; . ;1· l. ;: ~ ': J .;, ! : I .' ., (.: ~. ! ".' 3} , .' . .' ¡ ¿,l' ' ;,; '.'\ January 27, 1987 ORDI~CB 87-1 RB PITITIOH PDA-ø'-12C, WBSTIHOBOOSB COKMUNITIZS O~ RAPLB8, INC. RZQOBSTIHQ AXBHDKmrr TO PBLICAN BAY POD BY CHANOIHO ROADWAY "D" PROM A PRIVA'l'B ROADWAY TO A PUBLIC ROADWAY - ADOPTED Legal notioe having been published in the Naples Daily News on " . November 2l, 1986 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with ~,; the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider' Petition PDA-86-l2C, :r.';;M ,{ J J ; f! ":..' ¡, ';' ~~J!'fI'P.fc?~..~-?~~~ay ,"0" (Greentree Drive) '.n Pelican Bay from a private ';!~08~:~;~l,?t~ ,8 ,public roadway. j' Planner Weeks stated that all surrounding lands are within the ':~:.,jP}tp'~.~'.Bay, :P,~~ ,and contain a golf course, residential units ,a",d unde- t:.\o.'. ~ . .¡:r· r,e,~op~~ properties. He noted that when Pelican Bay was origi- ,nally approved in April of 1977, the subject roadway was to be a public -t: . ¿street, hoWèvèr, in September of 1983, the Ðoard approved an amendment .. '. \. " : ~ to the PUD whioh changed the street from public to private. He said present request is to èhange the street baok to a pUblic roadway. Mr. weeki'stated that the petitioner submitted a revised master ' .'. ::" .JÞ- of the entire Pelican Bay PUD añd the only change is just the one known as'Greentree Drive. He stated that no one spoke during the CCPC public' hearing and three letters' were received in opposition, '- . .' citing lack of privacy and traffic concerns. Mr. Weeks advised there is a fiscal impaot due to maintenance of a public road. Mr. Mike Zewalk, North Naples Civio Association, stated that his organizat,ipn, ~s in agreement wi th this amendment. commf..iö~.r Goodniqht moved, seconded by commissioner pistor and ~1 , ': .,·f'í I,...; ( " "'__f'T;~q j' (I l'· '., t; l ;' Page 3 ~¿;~~i:,.'1~ ': ,:..!¡: ~í '/Lo!'·'M',:lJ .~. '.ut ,:i¡'" -,': . i ~; !", J ~ .-\ - . ; ,~ I i'~:, - .. -. Januðry 27, 1987 thðt he will hðve no troùble with'his deed and mortgðge, etc. C01'IIIIIi..ioner SauDder. moveð, .econðelS by Commissioner Olass and aarrielS unanimously, that the publio hearing be closed. Commi..ioner Saunders moveð, .econðeð by commissioner Goodniqht \. an4 oarrie4 unanimou.ly, that ae.olution 8'-18 regarding petition ,1i, . ID-87-10 requesUng .,f~".,~ . ~"¿;i Lane be adoptelS. .Ir' . ,~~;~,^(.... '.::01. 'nil; 0(1',· "~¡:'i I; ' :.tr;<'I .I i d ,'.', Jf~, ',f,,..,. . 11';';'¡ .. 'I. r" , jì.¡;: '.. a .treet name change from Ilea Lane to Ivygate '. ' \tth: ,," t ; f.· ~ ." " qm I.o;¡-, 1 (!",;,I; f)J·g:JU(';!, i~...~ï·r)··) ., ':t t,: '; J ... L',!", J J.~ I , " " ,',! \- r:,' " ',I ..... t' ì 'ft':, ,; ~ ..1 (: . " I' ii¡'.w "¡ tl.~1>'~I: 9<Jrn.nC14 01:" -:'1) ", ,~ft;, : I ' ~ ~ , . ~ - / ,,~j1; ; r~ !-<'C ~JJ,UL:" j,~'",-;·n·} CF1i./ji~í; t~f);" !rC'~l UG' I, "'00)( t '; ,;' fI') 11'1"! ,- ", r [I 'J ".1" -,,< ,L Page 7 o¡ ;; I'; \,0' : . j ',.i,I \i ,~'..: ; u ~. : " !.' ~ -i' i I ; .,);~i;; "J ¡. ;! - .. <."'''''''~~''".''-,"""~".,.;,,,,.,,-_.-,,,,,,,.*...._-,,_..,,,....->,,'",'. }/ -; i" }.¡~I'f (,:q T<'1 s' y.b,~,t./',~,ßfI ~r.; .'1 ; .101~ '.:ir~~~:" ", ',t¡. "·t ~'NT ; ...:..... ~ .. . 'f~,#~' .~(.., , ~",.' _ . ,;;'~ ,{~);~,_,r, ,¥~'~j:~' .' ' ,;1>'~" It.. . 'Ç,4.: C (~¡ Ii:, . -.....,. ::.,.~r··/ '.~ I' . "", . (~ ". ......,.. ,. " "" > Jðnueryi,.,21, )1987 '. - .;,-0;: ". ~I ¥ ,. )."1 PB'l'I'l'ÌOIfJ.V-8I-018, UQUBS'l'IHO VACA'l'ION 01' U'l'ILITY BASZHZH'l' AIm ACCEPTANCE 01' UPLACEKJ!:H'l' BASZMEH'l'S ~OR PELICAN RIDOE CONDOMINIUM _ COH'l'IIfUBD TO ~BBRUARY 3, 1987 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on January 11, 1987 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition AV-86-0l8, requesting vacation of utility easemel,~s in Pelican Ridge Subdivision. Public Works Administrator ArchiblÜ , stated that this publio hearing is to consider a proposed vacation of utility easement in the Pelican Ridge Condominium Development with a replacement of those easements. He stated that the primary reason for the request is that the developer plans on changing the layout of the project. Mr. Archibald added that this vacation does not affect any roadways or road aooesses. He said Staff has no objection to this petition. In answer to Commissioner Glass, Planning/Zoning Direotor McKim ,'", stated that the developer did not get a tree clearing permit and has rbeen sited by the Natural Resources .Management Departm'e'nt, however, it . 1 f~as not been resolved as to whether they will mitigate or go to court. Commissioner Goodnight, Mrs. McKim stated that the ~):n answer to ..-} " .i': ' ¡-emended site ;... development plan does not show a buffer for the easement, ,), . however, if the land had not been cleared there would have been a " J.:" t!~~ i . ,;1- Community Development Administrator Pettrow stated that it has ,,:;¡ I " dlfficultto asoertain the exact amount of olearing beoðuse ' L;¡': , ; # ' . ; :' ~ I": ~ ( , 'I't 'I' ~, :_ t ~ ¡, .;! ¡ Ç,: q ~,' ¡¡ r = t; t"j t:> .; ¡.' ~~ '.<,r.;.,: r'· JnC¡H>¡_r~;" Page 8 'r ~'.: . , t".~; l ':::., ~/;: . ~ ; '.,': ;--,:' t '~;" ~ :i . "., ..,' ¡' l! ,~ ~ : ~ f ' ~ :-:~ ;"Î ;,' i. ¡ 'I I ~:'." I. 'I; ~ i, r,,:, ,. .. - - ','''0 . - ç-:) " - - .. January 27, 1987 ,!everything was either hauled away or burned. He stated he does not " l' ~:know what ramifications, if any, the clearing will have with the ~bepartment of Natural Resources. ~? ' In'answer to County Attorney Cuyler, Mrs. McKim stated that if the "'},:" . fl ,~~petitioner wishes any amendment to the site development plan, the ;' requ4!s.t ,will ,have to go before all advisory boards again. She stated Qt" ,',-,1 - f' '. ',. they, ha,v"!a,, RMF-16 zoning classification. ,," :J .... ... J ';. 'f ,~ ',' ,...., , ~ape U t..~~:II:rJl1 ',1 'r,' j, j~ Attorney Kathleen Pðssidomo, repree· ,ting Pelican Ridge, stated \Ü!..'" . that the developer has decided to change the marketing of the project , ' a little for Phase II and stub-outs for Phase II were constructed during Phase I. She stated that when the site plan was redone because of the marketing change, they had to move the outlots and this moved ~~e..stub-outs, creating the need to move the road slightly. She said that the developer is not making any drastic changes. : ~ . I ~.; J " :"} ,M~~:, passidomo stated that she was not aware of any tree clearing ¡~y~~la~~ons, b~t did ~ot feel that it should affect the decision on the ;;Ì'/ " J' . , , . :,\vacaHO~,?f ,~he ,euement, since it is merely being moved, not elimi- ~~:,:,~~.~~~., Lv: , , ~~~., Adjacent property owner Lawrenoe Mulvaney stated that when this ..../-., " 'ho! ,~, . ~:' project ,:,as first announced the developer assured him the development i't:,', would conform with the surrounding area. He stated that Phase I is all single-story buildings and now Phase II is going to be two story He said he was also assured that no trees woulð be removed i : "-.J i 1 ~- . þ ~ i.. > '. ... ,- . . ;';' aDDK 101 p)r,r 38 Page 9 : t (.. ~-___ ,~' ]7 _...._"."'''*_,.....,',''''''".''''''_....~, January 27, 1987 absolutely necessary, however, his property used to look at a ~~blid mass of trees and now looks at a very unattraotive two-story ~r:~uilding. Mr. Mulvaney stated ,that another problem is that the deve- ~''JI-:.'' . :' ; : \ ~ . '-'þ ~; loper is raising the level of thiS property approximately 4' which ,\.:..",,," . ::i,';Ul ca"use runoff from their property onto adjacent properties. He .. . ~. i~t.~~~~e~, ~hat t,h,ere will be a parking lot approximately 15 feet from his };\ lanai and windows above his swimming Pt,· ',. He urged the Board of ¡ ';I¡~.(., \if J. .':, ¡8~county Commissioners to deny this petition. f~,,_W"~' ,f't\,l' \ ~, J . ¡.:¡,,:'~ ",.t the request of Assistant County Manager Dorrill, Mr. Archibald ~';;''''.J,.,_,,~ , ' 'J'~,pointed out the location of Mr. Mulvaney's house in relation to the ~&I' '" 'J'1' ." . -, '.. . '(development on a wall map. 'à>~' "4 :'" Commissioner Saunders stated that a vacation of an easement is ,.."9C~.q H:JÌ .' I } '." 'rJ,ie~at¡i v,ely routine, hl')wever, from the exhibits presented, he cannot 1tel1 the exact l~cation of the easement or the replacement easement. Vi L.'· !",.,. , ~; "~.suggested a continuance for one week and to request staff to fur- , ,~, to· 1 r ., -',' , I nish a better exhibit. . r' ",' ..,. '~~I: rt':~s.~"r;a,s~idomo stated that the section of property i~ very I~,~~l~ 'k:;', IÌnd drawings were provided to Staff. She stated that there was going .'. '-jill., !t.:l' I'¡ ,":' ~~,to be an aooess road in the northeastern corner of the property and ~,.~:,.\~, ~; J' t. ; ~'t...· they are r,equestlng that they be permitted to move it over several .:).: ~,(. ~J". 'k l " feet. j J ~' i -' í ! ~ . ' ,-' : j, ~- ' '~, ~ .;' i ! , ~ ,Commissioner Saunders moved, .econdelS by commissioner Glas. and .¡ ~~fL.:' ~ 'J," oarried unanimously, that Petition AV-86-018 requesting the vacation of , utility easements and acceptance of replacement easements for the ~ '~i -. ," '. : " . , ! ¡ {f If ::/'\11... r I.t \,,> '; $ ~. J, .'... .: .." ), ,:.¡ q;'ï[ r... ç:).-, ~'1 ~Ij,i L I). ~ 1 ft', .~ 1',: i' ¡ .: .,;,p pag_ 10 ' " "Vjt r: t o~,¡ t ! C! .;.,}.'. ;>, . 't,~f:~J;l,Ið w,¡ ~ .; '\f~j[~,"\: ~"i"{,~, :,/ ~,~~~;r~:~) , ..}~~~;' .. 'C ., ' } ~ ~ ¡ t, ~~. : '.j.. t ~:1.... '> M ì ; ,; ,L~t; j ""~); I ~. . , '.,,'.1 . ¡, '" 'j'. 'I., ( ,;; '~: ¡, 1. "': 1- , ,I C".!:. - .. ",,,,,,,-,'-~""-""-"""""'-_._-""" ,;::?~,'ì "::\~jl: .' ~,~ ..,,' . ')'~"':,:J" ·:,;'~t ;.{:fJ, L'.;r, 'rt ",,~~:,.,~, .\t',.:f;.; - - - January 27, 1987 .elican Ridge Condominium D.v.lopm.nt be aontinu.d to p.bruary 3, 1987 .howing th. .a....nt. be provided. Commissioner Glass requested staff to report back to the Board on the tree clearing mitigation for this project. "'+(::)Itell .'CS ;~.)' "~ '~'~ !Jr,: "J, t·, !t¡:,,:' , PETITION AV-U-019, nSTINOBOtJSB COXXUNITIBS OJ' NAPLBS, INC., , :(~'. RBQtJBSTIN<J VACATION OJ' A PORTION 01' LAtJ1U:L OAK DRIVE - CON'l'INUED TO ~::/ KARCH 3, 19 87 f - i:; ,îZ; :.: '~' ..' Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on (,' : January 11, 1987 as evidenced by Affid. ·'it of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to Jonsider ,Petition AV-86-019, [,' 0, requasting vacation of a portion of Laurel Oak Drive in Pelican Bay r~7.~ l;í';:';:' . Subdivision. ¡ ¡ ':..' :.' , Referring to a wall map, Publi~ Works Administrator Arohibald .... location of Laurel Oak Drive in Pelican Bay, stating that I'J Cif 0' ~ , , Laurel Óak Drive runs east and west, and the petitioner is requesting ~" ¡..,; ".',',' ':i, . to vacate approximately 300' between Ridgewood Drive and West " '~ . " );. Boulevard. He advised that a petition containing 14 names objecting ;~;< ~~'t~;h'; va~~ti~n' has been received from Gulfshore Associates ;. partnershipwhioh owns the Sun Bank Building. f...'. I Mr. Charles Turner, Planning Direotor for Westinghouse, stated r' that a performing arts hall is planned for the parcel to the north, . 1 {' '~. ,t ~ 1 leaving only approximately 6.5 acres between the hall and Laurel Oak tC .'ì ; ~'1 \: '. , Driýe. ' He stated they are requesting to vacate the small section of , í' f: ,'~' '. ,$ Laurèl Oak Drive in order to utilize that small pieoeof property ~;,~:I!6Ur 111 (¡It: ,fpc·-(l12 .': ; í ! ' '~ f ('. ¡ ,~', . , .\ r ..1: : ': ¡, "', ....bb~ .)', " Page 11 rt' .' ; il:_ ",', aOOK 101 PA~t 40 lUJ- ~ J ,",-",,,,-,,",,,""'"''''~"''' ".,,,,",',,.;,,,,,,,,.,",~-,--_..'"'~"'''' , ' ,_ ,,.'..,',,'~"O,",' ,,,,,."'......",.~~...__,__...._.,~_'...'"~, ..."~~'",.. I! \! 4 J I '~ithin the commercial acreage to the "~ > '>".bts of approximately 26 acres. .. t· \ : ~, : January 27, 1987 south of the roadway whioh con- In answer to Commissioner Saunders, County Attorney Cuyler stated , ·",sthat th.ere is '1,^ ''.;~lient in the 't~hl -. .:'.:. I ~';:, In answer ,-,.1:" ·'t·., ,. '... would like as no conflict of interest on this petition with his Sun Bank Building. - ' to Commißsioner Saunders, Mr. Turner stated that they many entrances and exits uS possible to the planned shopping center, and that they will need to distribute traffic around ;' .. r"', ' the perimeter. Mr. Turner also stated that there is a given require- ment for parking around a shopping center and all parking will be pro- vided on site. He then displayed a map showing additional median I breaks for the proposed shopping oenter. ii Attorney Don Pickworth, representing the Gulfshore Associates Partnership and Laurel Oak Limited, owners of the Sun Bank Building, stated his clients object to the vacation of this road at this time ..... ~, ¡ beoause of adverse effects on traffio flow. He noted >hat at present , ther~ Is ~ circular pattern to the traffic which allows access from the Gulfshore Blvd. and Park Shore areas. He stated that his clients f. ' . relied upon that traffic flow when making their decisions to buy the , " property. Mr. Pickworth stated that his clients are not trying to 'I" obstruct Westinghouse from utilizing their property to its fullest, however, they feel that the people involved should meet with '€" ' : ' westinghouse, and worK out an alternate solution. He suggested that ~a~b~ Lau~el Oak Drive couid be redesigned and/or relocated rather lC"JJ: C>'~; > ' ':" r " ~::,,~'p,,;, r 4. C(~ (. ¡. :"-.1 t. I , .~~~.<\ C"",~¡J;~ :1:: 1 '_:;,1. \ ,,' I..'; ZI/¡ Ibl'! "[....l't1 \ "¡u·,,, ,: Page 12 {"'. ¡:, :^/~_1 '.; ~: t'',- l~ (:,1 p.": h " (',' .:, rc,b~o]Jr ,.' '_. :);" . ~ ;J1-'Q,l :>' T~f" ? '}' ¡ .:. :'.\' '! t\ .;~ ~ ill ~ .. .. .. .. '1..1. .~ ' January 27, 1987 ~,<'~han vacated. '~" Hr. Hike Zewalk, North Naples Civic Association, stated that this , ;~ vðcati6n will also affeot the City of Naples. He stated that the ,ri\:'; '\ ' ~¢ ttaffic from St. Williams Church on any Sunday morning is tremendous Ii and choked. He stated that this road will handle the overflow from the churches in that area and everyone is waiting for it to be built. He stated that they are not against th~ cultural center, however, it ,.... '(" ehould have nothing to do with the vacalion of Laurel Oak Drive. Commissioner Saunders stated that the traffi¢ from the ohurch .hould have no trouble using Pelican Bay Blvd. when West Blvd. is oon- nected. Mr. Thomas Roberts, Gulfdhore Associates Partnership, , stated, they oppose the'vacation until some other access is made for traffic to use. He stated that, tenants of the property and clients from the Park Shore area rely on the traffic pattern. He stated they are agreeable that Laurel Oak Drive could be moved. Hr. Sid,Jackson, Sun Bank, stated that they are not opposed to the vacation, but are opposed to the results from the vacation. He requested that they be allowed to see the other plans for the property þefore the vacation is granted. rµ , Commissioner Pistor stated that if the road is eliminated and the shopping center is constructed, people will just cut through the parking lot of the shopping center to get through and this will create .~·l(',' t"'l< to!: ¡;,>.o;,'~J~I,q !~ í I '" ~ r· ' ~ ... ' ; . , ,,' Page 13 ¡ , BOOK 1l()jlpA~t ~~ , , HH ' .;, j ,I iÞ.' .. '^h,"'",."....,~".."..._",...-...._____.."'"____,..'_,,·,,';O""'·,,;,·'','--'..~...-,..'..,'.'....+"".. January 27, 1987 ¡ '; ~ " ~ \. Mr. Turneraðvised tHat the major portion of the contract to a speoialty shopping center oontraotor. He stated that it is his job to see that the oiroulation patterns are safe and effioient within the interior. ,Commissioner pistor stated that he would like to see the petition until they have a chance to ~tudy what is being placed on the aite, how the buildings will be sh'..ted, and where the road will Attorney Cuyler advised that if this petition is continued more than 5 weeks it will have to be readvertised. commi.sioner pi.tor moved, .econdelS by Commi8sioner ooodnight and carried unanimously, that Petition AV-86-019, westinghouse Communities of Naple., Ino. reque.ting a vacation of a portion of Laurel Oak Drive be continued to March 3, 1987, and a conceptual plan of additional pre.ented. Commissioner Saunders suggested that Mr. Turner al~p meet with Mr. conoeptual plan to resolve any difficulties with '~other ¡developments. ...!'~~.; ; RECESS lOz20 A.fI. RECONVENE 10:30 A.M. ***** RlSOLUTION 87-1' RI PETITION PU-86-1C, CITY or NAPLES, REQUESTING EXTENSION or PROVISIONAL USB rOR WATER STORAOB TANK - ADOPTED Planner Weeks stated that the Board of Zoning Appeals approved a provisional use for a water storage tank for property located on the northwest corner of Lois street and Shadow lawn Drive on March 18, 1986 ~ j.. i'o ~'J 1 ¡= (- \("; +' J; ¡'~~. pa'gê 14 - .. - .( <,,",',,"___...,__"'<~_'" '·""'·""_'FO""'._'<~"''-''''.'''''~'''_';__'""''''''""'''··'''-''"'''' - - - "~1rt'sn:li ~' ~~ ! " , ;'(1','''<,;.1 I.r, " :.( ¡, January 27 " 1987 the Ci tÿr o'f Raple..: He .tatec!l that the City of NapleB ¡ i. now in proces. of designing the water tank and ha~ requested an extension of the provisional use. Mr. Weeks stated that Staff has no objections. commi.sioner Pi.tor .ovelS, .econded by Commissioner Ooodnight anlS carri.ð unanimously, that R..olution 87-19 r. p.tition PU-8ð-1C, ext.nlSinq a provisional u.. for a water storage tank for the City of Ifapl.. for ..'period of on. year, be adopt.lS. I: L' K·· ....J~,(; (:'1:"t. 1':1. !:'.r¡',~;':-. ~ ., I. ¡;1 " ,"';.,~ ~ { ( " , " j"l: 1.: I () f,J ...,,r.; J~; ~ ~O~,' ,I " }:,f, ;¡;: '" ~; ,,;" L;..:,.~()q l~~~ I do. U'oj¡" tJ¡' ~:o..~."i' .. , 1 <, rmKr.v'o . 'j- . í ': '~.... t fI f' S ,:'j otG.i.l¡~..~~ í·;' .,", " ,.:..¡j-:r (1 ,LJÞ,;C;~. ., ,.' ~;'-I "¡ ; ;ll.~.I,:,.',~' (.i "';}O C·i'~le... Ct;J1utì. w~~orn'T°!J %,,' ',""!, 1'" .:' j ~., . ~\ '~ \ f f'!", ¡ '! .. <. ~'¡.I·:J:'~lr: rn (;¡·q'fIJ·",)."." :'JiEi' c.'t.~ I 'J1) ~ . " 'T ~'., 1 \ .' J G C. 't>:': ¡': ¡; ,ell [,ç q ,'r.¡ ') t. '; , '0 ;':' " <'}:.~,! ;" -r,· c.x-, ':HJ'1ftJ'tf ·'irr.¡ ~ ' r I' ¡' i ; ',;:\: :11". [iÏJ.tl''';¡:I''~~: ,-,III If",.. " I , ''''l .' 1,:,1. r; ,1'1'.. 11 n(/, ,; VH ~~4.-(j ¡,wcr. , , ." \.: "'1 ., . ~\P/:, ,,,p' "~f q ';,'! t'i~~l:] '1(: ¡..." ~ ,t l '; ~,r /~, ~ ~I, "''-,''Page 15 BOOK 101 PA(:£ ~4 ." i- ; i~:!; ..~ 1~ '. ¡.: ¡:!). 'L~_ ~ ,1 ".' 'r-~':".í'...r,,~A .~ "':t,' C~ "'"'-,.',...""..'-''''.._..,'"',,','""',....~~.,''''''_.,,_.',., 'j >, _.",",.'"._,~,-'-"_.."',,,..~-,,,..,---.~'----- - - - , , ... . 1~ r" 3 . January 27, 1987 creation of native veqetation and habitat characteristics lost on the site during construction or due to past activities. All exotic plants, as lSefined in the County code, shall be removed during each phase of construction from development areas, open space areaa, and preserve areas. Fo11owinq site development a maintenance proqram shall be implemented to prevent reinvasion of control techniques and inspection intervals, shall be filed with and approved by the Natural Resources Manaqement Department and the community Development Division. If, ðuring the course of site clearinq, excavation, or other constructional activities, an archaeoloqical or historical site, artifact, or other indic,tor is discovered, all deve- lopment at that. location shall ~e immediately stopped and the Natural Resources Management Dt;>,rtment notified. Development will be suspended for a suffioient lenqth of time to en~le the Natural Resources Manaqement Department or a desiqnated consultant to assess the find and determine the proper course of action in reqard to its salvaqeability. The Natural Resources Manaqement Department will respond to any such notification in a timely and efficient manner so as to provide only a mini~al interruption to any constructional acti vi ti.'és. .. . 5. Only the areas required for access and that needad for actual tower construction m~y be cleared. Within the quidelines that the 199 feet tall tower remain completely on the parcel, should it fall. The NRMD will have review anlS approval authority for any access road and tower site location. Detailed site drainage plans shall ba submitted to the county Enqineer for review. Ho construction permits shall be issued unless and until approval of the proposed construction in accordance with the submitted plans is qranted by the County Bnqineer. Any establishment requirinq a CCPHU permit must submit plans for review and approval. ' Updated drawinqs shall be submittelS for approval prior to the issuance of buildinq permits. f: r;,_ ~ \I:} . ~ {; ';' \ . ' ;. " ;. ~ {. \,; ' ;;;" J ; ,,': I. 7. e. (JLqp, tH"r. '"'....J ¡l;"'¡'}:J:': L~":tlrt',1~ I I~' r~ t q 1 "1I~:(!1~ (I la, h'.!f:.t'1C.~,;Ur. .r:.-"j í:t' ~J'j" ;'. I)¡f1',:H:'1l-tC '~'~IJ~~ itS COJ~". 1.i.J:ÍI¡/" ,', ,', ;...':' " !.'I ¡~ \HHif..,&c¡ W ':', ' ,"'1\): l',\ rpH ,'! (',f' ii',' ¡"'PTTt;! Ifl'q bo.., "i ~ ~ t, ~.~ ~ t I j ¡.'1' ¡¡' Page l7 I"t (lUj ~!. :,: aDDK '1011'J~r 48 i" It' Ljf.;À~·lJ tpc I"'Y:';:;: . . " L:' _~ ,.' I . 1 ~, .' ¡ ." ! " j, . 1 ~¡ (' iJ. . . : :;1' !If, '.li'H,L!!l' t..,'.U,iOi', 1',0" t'¡i"," .. : ~',.' '. . ~ . ~~'r'rJ :H~ ;, j 'n;~om..t101i Ð~' --:» ",".'"-"",,-;-.~,,",.;,,---,,,..~,..,....._--_..._-,." - .. - January 27, 1987 /DmSIOR OJ' BLIND SERVICES UQUEST POR ADDITIONAL SPACB - J'EASIBILITY , ,~" '1'0 BB STUDIBD Mr. George Griffin, Coordinator for Division of Blind Services, Department of Eduoation, advised th~ Board of County Commissioners that the present Collier County snack >,1r facilities are no longer large enough. He proposed renovating and enlarging the snack bar.. facility to allow a modern operation. He stated that this has been done in several counties, such as Manatee and Lee. He said that a larger facility would enhanoe what cou~d be offered to customers. Mr. Griffin stated that 1f the County will consider enlarging the faoility, he will meet with staff and supply plans. , ~i' Mr~ Steve Tillis, Manager, stated that the present snack bar is very overcrowded wi~h no seating ar~a or storage space. He said he would like to oi~r a cafeteria type service rather than just a snack bar and stated his feeling that the growth within the County warrants the' enlargemént. , Commissioner Glass moved, seoonðelS by Commissioner ooodniqht and carrieð unanimously, that the Division of BlinlS services meet with the County Manaqer'. office to stuðy the feasibility of this project under the Courthouse Expansion capital Funding proqram. Ite. .aB PUBLIC PETITION BY OEOROi ~INO RBOARDINO HEIOHT OF WALL ON 91ST AVENUE - STAFF DIRECTED TO MONIrOR AND TA~B ACTION, IF NECESSARY Mr. Richard Wood, Co-Chairman of the Civic Committee of the Naples ,~, \ ¡ Park Area Association, said he would like to review the facts of the '. :.' } , .: ;,,1, :';('\}'. ~;,., ¡. ! : t ~ aODK 101 mE 54 Page 18 " ~ ~~t,:.~ç.(~ !","~!! 22 --~""",,,~._,~,,,,~,,,,,,,,,""---,,.,,,.,,,.,,,...-..,,,,,, '~It'¡ !, :( ., ',,:,,' .,. , '1 j~ U J,,~ (. , ~L~' January 27, 1987 wall surrounding Beachwalk Development across from 9lst Avenue, Naples Park. Mr. Wood proceeded to playa section of tape from the Commission meeting held June 17, 1986. Mr. Wood stated that the Beachwalk wall was to be built in accordance with Ordinence 84-5 to a maximum height of 6 feet. He steted that the Civic Association met with the developer of Beachwalk lest fall and requested thet they lower the wall, however, they deolined, but did chenge the length from . " " 90fl.èt'to60 feet. l.r ,¡:¡'; '1'lip. If [¡ ('t' ' ,,I':' two Mr."Wooð stated thet at the time construction begen there was a berm-which was to be removed before the well was built, since they wete:td use ground level. He then presented pictures of the wall stating'thet he is standing in front ofith. wall in the pictures and hè' is 6'3" tall. He seid that the pictures clearly show that the wall iecloserto 7'4" in height. " , Ms.' Lucy Veochia, resident of Naples Park, stated ~J:)etal1 efforts protesting the illegal height of the"wall have gone unheeded to date. She stated that they have received nothing but false promises from the developer and are now requesting that the illegal height of the wall be enforced e8 e violetion of County Ordinenoe. She said they feel false agreements were made and the Ordinance was deliberately violated. Ms. Veochia stated thet Community Development Administretor pettrow met with residents of Naples Perk at the wall and Þeld a tape measure from the top and let it fall. She asked whether they were to " \, '" ,: I..; ", '<i~" r.:t':)~, ~·I .; ¡ 4,:' ¡ I;': " Page 19 1¡;-, ',' , ~ ,~~ , "!:V'1 rtln· , .1 ç~;n.; ~(('1 .. .. .. .,_.",-,;";.,;"..~...".;,,,~,. .. .. .. January 27, 1987 the conorete blocks below the end of the 6' tape measure? the Board of County Commissioners require Commissioner Glass stated there seems to be a difference of opi- .'104' ~ nion on where ground level is and the Board is being asked to give an . .' interpretation on the last paragraph of the Ordinance. ;( '. Planning/zoning Dir~ctor McKim stated that the Ordinanoe requires the Planning/zoning Director to determi,'~ whether the ground level was :I' . altered for the purpose of the fenoe hei~.1t. She stated that the ~, following must be considered: r· The elevation of the property itself. She 'said Beaohwalk was required to raise the elevation of their property by the South Florida Water Management District for the purposes of drainage, and have not exceeded that elevation, to her knowled~~. ' Varying ground elevations, the ground elevation at the fence location and at point. in that vicinity. She said this accommodates the variations in ground elevation and espe- cially the few areas of the County where hills are encoun- tered. 3. Ground elevation on both sides of the fenoe and the lowest point is to be considered in measu,ring. L 2. In answer to Chairman Hasse, Mrs. McKim stated that the crown of the road ruling is not m~ntioned, per se, in the Ordinance as a point to measure. She said the crown of the road is, important in fordil1 on the lot. I [¡,Mr.. McKim displayed a diagram depicting street level, swale, and elevation of the property. She stated that a final measurement of the wall cannot be made at this time because the final grading and the ',. ': ; ~.' ~ ,i fl'~7 '¡Î'.)#: qt !urE'age 20 '. " '\,~ \ ì d U ~") _\ am 101 p~r,t 56 ___"__""~"""''''',"~'''-A''..1 ".,.._"',_........,"~,""..."..',..~_..,,",.',.."""""'.."'M'_~."''''' 57 January 27, 1987 '~ .,¡'; ~t~<.wale has not been completed. She pointed out the project's interior elevation and stated that measurements at various points along the wall appear to be 6'. She stated that the developer must still finish the grade for the swale and their plans show they will be grading to the same elevation as the interior, and then grading down on the 4 to 1 maximum slope which produces the swal~ 1ecessary to maintain the water management for 9lst Avenue. Mrs. McKim stated her feelings that the elevation of the land on which it is placed is the reference point for the fence, ~hich is the elevation filled to requirements of SFWMD. .J ,~; 11"':: ,.,-,'t' ',',',!".',,',"; , ,','.. il' ?, j: ~" f:; ,.t ~" ~, "'.' 4' .:.¡ ~': '(:' '~~I f f,:: f.r:, t, ','. 'ë! Mrs. MoKim stated that when all grading has been done and the swale is complete, if the elevation on the outside of the wall is lower than the elevation on the inside of the wall, making the measurement over 6', then the wall would be in violation and would have to be lowered. .> . Commissioner Goodnight stated thåt when the developer appeared before the Commission, they stated they would not build on the dyke and that dyke was only put there to hold the water. She said she assumed that what they meant was they were going to grade it down and make it 6' from the center of the road. Mrs. McKim stated that the height they are building on is the level to which the land m\st be filled as required by SFWMD. She said she does not know if the.e may have been more fill at that point than what is there now. Chairman Hasse stated that the SFWMD required ~ aí..· . " Page 21 .. .. - .. .. .. January 27, 1987 is an artificial height and there should be some standard, such the crown of the road. Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that in this particular case, from looking at the pictures, if the crown of the road were used, the wall would actually be higher than it is now. Mrs. McKim stated that in certain locations, this IS true. Commissioner Glass stated that he disagreed and that if th~ :rown of the road were used at this particular spot, the wall would be about 9" to 10" lower. He stated that the zoning regulations are supposed to support the surrounding communities and protect them. He said that the section in question is only about 350' long and the rest of ,the wall tapers down. He stated his feeling that the Ordinance is being interpreted wrong, noting that the Ordinance should be modified to reflect the outside of the wall. . " Public Works Administrator Archibald stated they that ran a survey to compare the elevation of the road and the elevation of the existing contour to see how high the land was filled. He said the wall along 9Ist Avenue is 2,600' to 2,800' in length, and generally speaking, the wall follows the contour of the land. He stated there is a segment 400' to 500' in length between 7th and 8th Streets which is the problem area. Mr. Archibald stated that the survey showed that at 7th & 8th Stre~ts, the foundation of the wall was nearly at ground level, but between those two poi~ts, the land had been filled approximately one foot. He said the rp¿son it had been filled was to provide :J:"',: .~H, ~ " (II' Page 22 ðDDK 101 PV,( 58 1 fUr .1 1', , J' i !:...lL , ~~~" iOlw.r 59 ~. .' interior grading to meet run-off conoerns. County Attorney Cuyler stated that the Commission is dealing with January 27, 1987 an Ordinance as written and an interpretation of the wording must be made. He said the Staff has been relying on the wording of the Ordinance as it exists now. He added that the Board may wish to revise the Ordinance after this interpl~tation is made. Commissioner Goodnight stated her f~~ling that if SFWMD is 'requiring artificial ground levels to handle drainage, there is a problem for existing developments that were built on the actual groúnd level.. She said that if all this fill is required, a fence or wall should not be permitted. County Attorney Cuyler stated that pre-flood elevations are an important point and the outcome depends on the point of reference used.' Mrs. McKim stated that this case has called attention to a defi- ciency in the Ordinance which will need to be addressed, but added .- that she is not comfortable using the crown of the road as a reference ~oint in all cases. Mr. Grover Erickson, Developer of Beachwalk, stated that he has spoken to almost all members of Staff at length, and he feels the wall is at the proper elevation and when everything is complete, the neigh- borhood will be looking at a 6' wall. Commissioner Glass st.lted that it is only the 400' section that is being objected to and asked Mr. Erickson if he would be willing to :!;' '; ,·i.-'·:,; \;'#.:" ' ~ ( ,Page 23 ',)'. . ~ ;. ~ .. .. .. """"",,,,,~",~,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,_u,,..,.'_ .. .. .. January 27, 1987 take the top block off the wall? Mr. Erickson replied that he would not be willing to incur the expense involved, sinoe the wall will be at an elevation of 6' when completed. \''1'ape '5 "' The following Naples Park residents also spoke against the ŠèâChW.!Ìlk1wall: , George King Eugene Kline. In answer to Chairman Hasse, Mrs. MoKim stated that the interior ground level does vary slightly to handle the water and make it run to v~rious places, which causes the wall to step down toward the west. Commissioner Saunders moved, s.conded by commissioner Glass and carrielS unanimously, that Yt~ft is direct.d to monitor construction and, after comp~~~ion of the swa1. and qradinq, if ,any violations exist, entorcement shall proceed immediately; and Staft should review Ordinance 84-5 tor needed clarification chanqes. It.. tac 8TAF7 DIRECTED TO INVESTIGATE FUNDS FOR PAVINO OF VAN BUREN AVENUE Ms. Grace Thomason, resident, requested the Board of County Commissioners to pave Van Buren Avenue. She stated that she lives on ~his street and its present condition is dangerous. She advised that ·'Jl. "'" '. . ~'n~lghbor stepped in a hole and broke her hip and one neighbor is b11ndand cannot walk on the street because it has so many holes. Ms. Thomason also stated tha~ all the other roads in her area are paved. t" Publio Works Administrator Archibald stated the road needs to be 'IL, : f; h"H Page 24 l' . 'J', ' BOOK 101 ~~"r 60 e,J January 27, 1987 ~,r...urfaceð ,~, ì ,;tf}:w.ithin the ~:;. ~:;, year. ,. j and is on the list and if,t~ere are enough funds available , , oarry forward funds,'paving could be acoomplished this ~'",,"','">' , "d). ~. f.::" ,S~; '" ~I"!,.f..,.",,.,'.. , ~ ,"' ,', .' 'W. \:~,~; "t.' (T..~~ ~r· It was the consensus of the Board that staff be directed to inve.tiqate funds for pavinq Van Buren ~venue, and if available, paving should be completed this year, and Ms. Thoœason should be Ì1oti~ie4 in writing as to when work win beqin. Item' taD 8YSTBK DZVELOPMENT CHAROB TO BB PINANCZD POR PALM SPRINOS ESTATBS SUBDIVISION WATER SERVICBS IMPROVEMBNT DISTRICT Ms. Tammy Buchan, representing the residents of Palm Springs Estates Subdivision, stated that the residents of her subdivision petitioned four years ago to be placed on the County Water System. '..o.~ ¡.' ,-, .., .. > ' ~þe,8aid that has happened ar.d they are grateful, however, they have a J,. '..' ", 8£~N'B'¡.~i~?, p'a¥ing all fees invol~ed withi':1 90 days. She requested ~~r¡>~oa~~; to ,allow the resident~ of ,Palm Springs to pay the,;~~es: ~~e!r ~!,per~o~ of time or have an extensio? :on the 90 days. "': " , (:~:.,Util,i~y"Division Busin~ss ~drin,~s~r,~;+~e, Direct~r: MCNee~¡ s,~at,e~ that the previous System Development Ordinahoe contained a provision \.' ~, ~..: '," . , ~;, " , ' ! ¡ I ,", .. \ that the charges could be financed on a three year contract at a 7% interest rate. He stated that Staff has no objection to this request, and the,peti~ion contains 66% of the affected residents. In answer to Clerk Giles, Mr. McNees stated that the current provil:~ for financing, however, it does not t ~.:: .. : 1 .,. ¡'¡'i. "~1~":::è!16"'i¡' (':.'IJ (Ij . , .!~ :,i;;;~',_\,' < I-i:¡ /11 ¡ I ~ d (': '" ~ ' Page 2S , , ~ t' ,~r~-; ~- ',!"'. ~. : ':' , ) ~, \ .. .. "''''J_''''''''''''''~'''",,,,-,,,,_,..,i',,,,,,__;''''',-_+,,, ¡ ,1 , ~ ·',t "1'.~ ,','J\' ; fo{ :l;; , ;;~' ,~~ .. .. .. January 27, 1987 County Attorney Cuyler advised that the Ordinance could be if it is not prohibited the Board may use their Mr. MoNees stated that on a 3 year, 7\ finance plan the system development charges would be $22.00 per monthl the assessment peyment 1s made annually over 7 years; and the inimum bill will be $13.22 per month. r $,¡ 'i 11~\ ,.,oj;;',., " f· ....~.. t, ',"¡: ·t~ ~;\' Commissioner ooodnight moved, seconded by commissioner Olass and carried unanimously, that the System Development Charqes for the Palm sprinqs Bstates Subdivision Water Service Improvement District be financed for a period of 3 years with a 7% interest 'rate. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he would like to formalize this procedure in the future and will have Mr. Anderson look into it. . ,. Item UB1 RBSOLUTION 87-21 AUTHORIZING THB AcQUISITION OF LANDS POR THE WIDENINO OP STATB ROAD SR. 951 FROM U.S. 41 TO MARCO ISLAND BRIDOB - ADOPTED Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that there were 19 parcels to aoquire for the four-laning construction and maintenance of S.R. 951. He reported thet only 5 have not been acquired. He stated that negotiations with the owners of parcels Nos. 101, 108, 110, and III have been unsuccessful and Steff is seeking approval of 8 resolu- tio~ ~~,~hey will have the authorization to continue their prepara- J Iii).... ..' 1'-' ~ tions for condemnation pJoceedings. He noted that the resolution I'\~ ~:r;;.~ only addresses four of the five needed parcels. \ . i, f:,: I. . i .' ~ ~" Commi~sio~er Pistor stated that the State may put out the bid on ,,-; '¡;,:; 3/1:;,ì ~ ('1 f'-" BOOK 101 p,r.r 62 Page 26 f" , j.. ' J' '" . ~ ea - ~"'" '"'--"~.',..~..,,.~.. .--",~_._- ~~,01t 101 pa'·r 63 'yo j'" :;<~~t::' I.·;,th!s work later this year, but will not proceed until the County owns ,,"': 'i ~the needed rights-of-way. -",{' ,~,:-,; 'ape .. ';¡':..e: ,': C01'lllllis.ioner pi.tor moved, secondelS by C01'lllllissioner Olass and January 27, 1987 " f' ('; , 1 ij .l t' '.¡ carried unanimously, tilat Resolution 87-21 authcrizinq the acquisition of land. by qift, purcbase, or conde~,tion, necessary for the widening of state Road S.R. 951 from u.s. 41 to Marco Island Bridqe be adopted. 1¡('1'4,',,; '~ u ~ . . ~2¡ . " .' ,-., " ' '. I', rH'î;\ 't.' B!' it .\ .... .~~ ~. ¡ I ,Lt)"" ~:(~ ;.H.(:~"":~)Oi'I!·,J_ -. :V iI; "':":,f) ~ ~ . J . F.IDt;;.:; :~(; .' . 1, . (. '."''1¡];' '/j'l j. j, ~ J (, 1. Ç;.~ 7)1' ',/ ",,) .. , ~, , .' , ',1/;' . . 1;,' = '1 r' '.'1 ' ~ ~ ~ h : :1 HI 1 .rf':t.' r'j;' ¡,T'!I [, , ~t (:.<>PUJJ;¡';...~! '.'1J~'.~. : ~ ..('.(;'JJ.. p.o~ p,'. ! ,~,p~.Jo C f~'nílr fU;,¡ ~,;;:-! .; .:'¡ y .:) ~ -: ':~1 ,;,', L ~: ;1 f.: tJ " l!¡' ~;, ~<,' '~ ~.:, .''. ',~ fl ;,,:' Page 27 ",' ¡;J J . i',; , ÌII .. .. .. .. .. January 27, 1987 CHANG. ORDBR IN A1f AMOUNT NOT TO EXCBBD $5,500.00 FOR OEE CONTRACTORS I'OR COUNTY BARN EXPANSION - APPRO~D Public Works Administrator Archibald advised that Gee Contractors have removed the hydraulic lifts and are having them installed at the County Barn. He stated that during installation they have struok rock and in order to continue work, an additional sum, not to exceed $5,500.00 is required. He stated that in order to install the hydraulic cylinders they must hammer th.,ough the rock to a depth of 9 feet.' He noted' that the contraotor is "already on-site and any delay will 'only hamper plans to leave the garage in BuHding "G". " . Mr~ Archibald stated that $2,750.00 is needed for each installa- tion. commissione~plas. moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carrielS unanimously, that a chanqe Order for Oee Contractors in an amount not to exceed $5,500.00 for additional work at the county Barn ,-.:,.\,,' r~~ áxpan.ion Project be approved. ~;,;," ~~~_'~':1', , ~\~' , " ~o~~~: COXXONITY PARK TO DB DEDICATED ON I'EBRUARY 2, 1987 r' 'I' Pub}io Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that he is pleased ':....: ..f.' ');'i~ ¡.Il¡' ¡t", ~{: Ii ,~~~,'::":' !t4~~i, tw,o tennis oourts: two basketball/volleyball courts; approximately 180 1:~\ ,,' '. t~l',;: ~,~ :,1 ~, ,)~, L !:i'~ to inform the Board 1..-',.· L..!:" \. l. :)' 1 Community Park will "!i j... .~ ~'r;.¡ I;:~ ',}, r ' stated the faoilities at the of County Commissioners that the Immokalee be ready for public use on February 2~ 1987. park inolude: one sOftball/little league '..'.".'." , f~eld; one baseball field; two four wall lighted raoquetball courts; &ODK 101 PA~[ 74: c b." i" j. ~ ~;/: .. \ ~) -'" """"'P""""'--""-''''''''''''--'-'''''"'''''' C"_"'""""_"""'-"_"""<W~'~";'_""""___"__"_""""·' Page 28 He 75 January 27, 1987 spaoes; a maintenance building; field control center; racquet center; children's pley area; and open play area. ; \ Mr. O'Donnell requested thè:board tò officially dedicate the openin~ of the Immokalee Community Park on February 2, 1987 at 11:00 A.M. He stated the public will be invited to the Grand Opening on the (, .... 2nd end the "Grand Fun Day" on the 7th. t.. ~ ' , \. C01'lllllissioner ooodnic¡ht moved, sect:"ded by Commissioner Pistor and ,oarried unanimously, that the Immoka1et community Park be dedicated on L" I'ebruary 2, 1987 at 11:00 A.M. f;C.' ' Item UD1 BID "'-103', TV/SEAL TROCk MOUNTED SYSTEM - AWARDED TO COES, INC. IN 'U AXOtnn' NOT '1'0 BXCBBD '13',900.00 1., '., Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 13, 1986 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with fthö Clerk, bids were received until 2:30 P.M., December 3, 1986 for raid 186"1036 fora TV/Seel'Trudk Mounted System. Utilities Administrator Crandall.,åtated that 'invit~tio¡'s to bid were sent to 5 prospective vendors and proposals were reoeived from three bidders as follows: Aires Industries, Cherne Industries and Cues, 1ne. I" ,Mr. Crandall stated that the low bidder, Aires Industries at $119,000, was eliminated as an invalid bid beoause their equipment did not meet three or more c¿ the teohnioal requirements of the bid. He stated that the second lowest bidder, Cherne Industries at $120,125, àlso did not meet thres or more technical réquirements of the bid. He . ,,; '- ..'" , L' i'"" j ~" " : I Page ,29 , '.~. "' ~ : 1.: ! - .. --'"--'-'#'~--'''''''''''''''''.~''''.'~ ~",_""",;""""",,,,,,,.c;,,,,,,__""'_""'''''''_''-"'<'",N ·__.._~.- ~,,,,,,,,,"___...,,~_,~_____,v,,,~,,·,,,,,,·, '. . .- _."__,,;,,_,,,,",-,"""~"__'_"" ~""'M' \I' . ,',;\101,at.t 77 January 27, 1987 14, 1987. Mr. Crandall stated that it may be possible to award the bid without a refinancing plan. Commissioner Saunders stated that special meetings tend to prohi- bit the public from attending and requested that Staff be encouraged to schedule speoial items during regular meetings. commi.sioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and oarried unanimously, that a special X.'tinq be held on January 28, 1987 at 11100 A.X. to consider conversi",1 of bond pool funds. Commissioner Glass stated that he would not be able to attend the speoial meeting. '~,l) ¡;"'¿Yi . ''> L', " ,-: '':i't.:Vi,ri 1 ;1', 'OóNsdL~ SELECTION FOR ,APPROVED ~,~ IMMOltALEB STOCltADB OENERATOR PROJECT - Assistant County ~anager Dúrrill stated that the Sheriff has been ,ordered to, acquire and install an emergency power supply, at the Immokalee Stockade. He stated that last spring Staff 90dertook an engineering report to identify the wòrk that needed to be done and ,estimate a budget. He noted that, as a result of this report, there ,i8$150,000 in this'years' budget for these improvements. Mr. Dorrill stated that if Staff is to prooeed they will need to utilize the con- sultant competitive selection pròcess for bids, however, the Sheriff's ,Department does not have the same type of purohasing and service contract r~strictions and his recommendation, in order to expedite this project, is to allow the Sheriff's Department to undertake the ~", .. t .'..f~H:'-,\ ~;':l/, Page 31 '". t..'ÖL: {. i ¡"I-' , ; - .. >""~~'~""',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,-,,----,,,,,,,,,,,,*"",,,""-"~""""""'--'--, """,. ,~...,.."~",..._....._(_.....--,,,,",...._~,,,,,--,,,,,,,,,~,~,,.........,,,,,,-^.,,,,,",, "",., ;?~~ ·it;.', l~;" , ¡, , ~J fj ,.J ',-I'~·,;', ',~;' , :~",I,,' ~" 'ii" tI~ " ,e }:'."" ' :;,~ ,~f' .. .. .. , ./.{:' I' January 27, 1987 design and seleot the engineer. He stated that this would be the same engineer who assisted with the report and cost estimate last year. Finanoe Director Yonkosky stated that there could possibly be a conflict with Chapter 287 F.S. ~ounty Attorney Cuyler stated that part of the authorization should be to allow time for the County Attorneys to verify that there is no problem with this proposal. Mr. Dorrill stated his suggestion) that the Board authorize the Sheriff to go ahead with this matter. He suggested that if Mr. Cuyler finds this cannot be done, there is an exclusion allowed in the Florida Statutes that states work of a construotion nature that is less than $100,000, is exempt from the provisions of that Statute. He said that the electrioal wiring portions for the circuit breakers and panels oould be handled through, the electrical engineer and the . .. purchase of the generator could be handled as a separate item on a bid by the County. In answer to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Dorrill stated that unfor- tunately, in addition to the aoquisition and installation of the generator, the wiring at the Stockade is old and does not meet code ás it relates to emergenoy power. He said a new circuit breaker panel " . needs to be built and some heavy wiring work, which requires an electrical engineer to prepare the plans. He also stated that the only advantaqe to having :he Sheriff hire the engineering consultant is a time'savings of two to three months. Sheriff's Department Deputy Chief Hunter stated that they concur '" r,r.::..· , , " Page 32 ðOOK 101 PAr.r 78 ~ "'¡ '~ t . ~ t) i ..-I~J 101 'J',( 79 January 27, 1987 with the need to expedite this procedure., ' He I!Itated that the Stockade recently experienced a 13 hour power outage which resulted in an extreme security risk. Commis.ioner Gla.s moved, .econðed by Commissioner Gooðniqht and carried unanimously, that the Sheriff'. Department be authori.ed to hire an electrical engineering consultant to desiqn and prepare plan. for the Immokalee Jail Oenerator projet~, sUbjeot to the approval of the county Attorney. \; ì ' U.. I9F" :), I PRESBNTATION BY ATTORNEY ED FOREMAN ON HATTER PERT~ININO TO THE COUNTY IlANAOBR - NO ACTION Attorney Ed Foreman, representing County Man~ger Lusk, stated his feelings that several memb~ro of the Commission voting against Mr. tusk ought to consider the direction that the County Commission is taking itself. He said that Commissioner Saunders is leading the Commil!lsion down an irreversible path to disaster with reference to .. . this il!lsue. He recalled his first appearance before the Commission, January 13, 1987, and stated that Commil!ll!lioner Saunders announced that he had instructed the County Attorney to prepare certain Ordinances, Bpecifically amendments to the County Manager Ordinanoe and an Ordinanoe to dismiss Mr. Lusk without dause. He said he did not know if the other Commissioners knew of this action before it took plaoe, but it seemed to be acc~ptable to two other members of the Commission. Mr·... Foreman stated that the troublesome part of this action is that 'I...,... '¡, ! '. !'4':";)¡:' " r· Page 33 ~.~ I,' \ ' r:~c· 1:',·,: i ' - - .. -,.-.-_"^--_.-....".-,'"""'''','-''';.,',,,..,,''',',',"'"',''',..'",'''"'''~,,---~,-,._,-'....'..',~ ,-,.,-,,-''''.','',..,--''._''~,,~',._"".~..... '~,','¡,"" ~~.. ~·t !ßy ,~~, . '... , ~ .," ~ t~ fJ..:: t ,,~ .,' !, p, ';1Jt~: '11 "'~ ~.., I,~~,.',,;:" I" !..' ,( ~~, , ,f ,f , ,f ,:j ~, '~;~ $~t,,' - ~ .. , ,,p, ,,/1" 1 January 27, 1987 :~;í' . :Commissioner Saunders has never said what amendments he wants to the ~, ,~County Manager t s Ordinance. Objeotions from Chairman Hasse and Commissioner Saunders were raised when Mr. Foreman mentione~ a personal vendetta on the part of Commissioner Saunders with Chairman Hasse stating that the oriticism of Commissioner Saunders, in that form, is not necessary. Chairman Hasse also stated that no one member leads the other members of the Commission, as alleged by Mr. Foreman. Mr. Foreman stated that while the content of his presentation may not De approved of, he would appreoiate the opportunity to address the Commission without interrup- tions. Mr. Foreman oontinued by stating that on January 12, 1987, the day before the meeting, Commissioner Saunders sent a memo to all other . .' Commissioners. He said that this memo, distributed the day before a meeting on an item they knew was going to be brought up at the meeting, is a Sunshjne Law violation. He said that if one of the otherC6mmissioners had circulated this memo, he would believe it was inadvertent, however, Commissioner Saunders is an attorney and what ~as distributed was his legal opinion. He stated that it is very dangerous for Commissioner Saunders to render a legal opinion when aoting as a Commissioner. Mr. Foreman noted that he believes there ire fourmèmbers of the Commission who want to do what is correct. Tape 17' , ;,(,¡ Mr.' Foreman stated that he sent a, letter indioating his feeling ..,.:..;.,J/"'f.;~!'~, ~. ( " aDDIt 101 PA~,t 80 Page 34 T(l r '. J ~ :¿T -",.,.,._-,--~,-"--",",,",,,--"~~ 101 PAr.t 81 January 27, 1987 that it was inappropriate for one member of a Commission to instruct the County Attorney to prepare amendments, resolutions, amendments to Ordinances, etc. and in response to that letter, Commissioner Saunders requested a vote from the Commission to prepare the amendments. He stateð that no one askeð the County Attorney what the amendments Ì!Íi'e'or'whether they are legal. He said that on January 20, 1987 the Board voted on Item l2A "Resolution ex~ressinq the intent of the Board of County Commissioners to amend Ordin" ,~e 84-44, commonly known as the County Manager Ordinance". He stated that this raises the question as to what the Commissioners were voting on because no one has described, in any public, forum, what these amendments are. He said that it oan only be surmised that the Commi9sioners already knew the content of the requested amendments. Mr. Foreman then stated that he is putting County Attorney Cuyler on notice that under the public records law of the State of Florida, ~. imember of Mr. tusk's family will be at his office everyday at 4:30 P.M.' to pick up any and all written doouments that have anything to do with the County Manager Ordinance, the revision of the County Manager , ' Ordinanoe, the discipline of Mr. tusk, the potential removal of Mr. tusk or any other item which might in any way relate to Mr. Lusk's job performance, security, or his status of County Manager for this bòi.inty;' :" : I, 'Mr; Foreman continvr-j by stating that Commissioner Saunders seems 'to hàve taken a position that will first attempt to amend the County I. _J Page 35 ¡:.;, .. .. .. . "<",.;",.."".,_...,,_......,__""',,,oo+,'___,.""~,"'"",.,.';,".,<r.,~"'",.,''''',.''.-.""._,''".,"',"',',,,",'',.,..",. 'A>' .,.",,~.-'_ ,"""~".".""__......,...""',,._,........~,'~- - -- - January 27, 1987 Ordinanoe and then he will try to get the proper number of to terminate withoút cause. He reminded the Commission that any member of Staff as a conduit between the members of the Commission is also a violation of the Sunshine Law and, therefore, County A~torney Cuyler cannot communicate the amendments back to the 'Commission, since the Commission never asked what they were. Mr. Foreman stated that Commissioner Saunders is now beginning to about cause in the newspaper. He said that Commissioner Saunders not seem to care that his signatu.. is at the bottom of each of the Ordinances in question, which indicates they are legal, and that i . . '~': I '. ~e approved them as to form and content. Mr. Foreman said that l-Ir. Lusk's rights and job security are being ,,", " ., trampled and tha~"other aspects of the law are being ignored. He stated his belief that some members of the Commission are doing these things unwittingly. He also stated his belief that the County, Mr. ~u~k~ end the Commissioners are being hurt by this situation. He said that Commissioner Saunders would like the world to think that Mr. Lusk is not doing a good job. He stated that he believes the problem is that when Commissioner Saunders was the County Attorney, he and Mr. ,Lusk did not get along because Mr. Lusk did not think Mr. Saunders was doing a good job and the best way out of the situation is to get Ci, ":. t.· .:. c' I~~ .' ' , t'ld of:Mr."Lusk. He noted that all of this will come out ,in due bburser," if a publio hearing or litigation point is reached. Mr. Foreman noted that, if tt.e media is correct, Commissioner Saunders '.", pege 36 aOOK 101 PA'>t 82 " J ('" ,">"''''_'''',"'''''''''",F', "''''''''''''',.,,',.,;,,'..,".."',__''_'''','''''''''~'..,','''~. "'_"O"ø__".,."""'"''''''-___~·.¡¡_.'.,'-=-·,,''' _ "..,.',";"',........""__,_,.,,',w,...,,.-"'·,"',"'"''~''' , ;,;,(1, '! "...~"'"..,.,.~.__.,'_~,,_".~"N.'_'"~__ 83 January 27, 1987 r~~ ~./ ~,r'. ."", i' 'J~:,¡ ~,..~ n ;\" '\:' -J"'I. '~ ~t::/ '. the judges in this:County, since Commissioner Saunders , . was reported to say that the judg3S wish to have Mr. Lusk removed. Mr. ,Foreman stated his conoern about an attorney who speaks to judges with respect to what he knows may end up in the courts. Mr. Foreman then requested that the Commission reconsider any actions on Items l2A and 128 from the January 20, 1987 meeting. It.. flOA STIPULATION WITH BAST NAPLBS SBWAOB TREATMENT CORP. RE PUBLIC SERVICE COXXI88ION CERTI7ICATB - APPROVED Assistant County Attorney Anderson tated that last year East Naples Sewage Treatment Corporation was issued a Certificate by the Public Service Commission which contained language inoonsistent with County Ordinances. He stated that the County objected to the Order and an agreement has been reached with the owner of the utility com- panyto delete certain language and substitute acceptable language. Mr. Anderson recommended approval of the stipulation. Commissioner ooodniqht moved, .econdelS by commissioner Pistor and oarried unanimously, that the stipulation with the Ba.~·Naples sewage Treatment corporation regarding Public Service commission certificate be approved and the Chairman be authori..d to siqn. ~ i ,t , ~ . :,I.~ t " '." '::,1.' ,:"-....',...:. '\~ t: J.: J ~ j):J i.: {' ;, ..... :I." I (~' Page 37 ~ ¡ ¡ ¡' ¡ 'f ~ ~,Jtl:~~. '~:I'. , , . .. ... .. ......"..-_,.,"'",......,,_...........-.._...--.......'~,*.... - - - , , '" ~., . ., '~r', January 27, 19~7, .' , ~,t%t.. flOD ·1~/·8PBCIJI.L XEETINO TO BB HELD ON JANUARY 29, 1987 AT 3130 P.M. RE kBSOORCB RECOVERY 'County Attorney Cuyler stated it !; neoessðry to cðll a Speoial Meeting for the purpose of discussion al.J ðppropriðte øotion regarding options'8vðilbble relating to the Resource Recovery Service Agreement ànð réláted documents including Board consideration to a 60-day exten- èion of the Agreement. 'Commi..iòner ~i.tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unanimou.1y, that _ special xe.tinq be held on January 29, 1987 :at 3130 P.M. r_qardinq the Respurce Recovery Service Aqreement. ~ : . .. It.. flOC l' -' .. J 1 : BOUNDARIES OF COUNTY WATER/SEWER DISTRICT TO REMAIN AS IS Assistant County Attorney Anderson requested clørification from the Board ~n,the Special Act for the Wðter/Sewer Distrjçt. He stated the Act which was prepared for the Independent Water/Sewer Authority was prepared with Bond C~'Jnsel and that the Law under whioh the County Water/Sewer District is çresently operating was written in 1959. He said that Bond Laws and other laws have changed considerably sinoe that time. He requested that the County Attorney's Office be directed to change the previously prepared Act for the Independent Water/Sewer ¡ Authority and substitute the County Commission for the Authority and the Act be forwarded to the Legislative Delegation as a Special Act. Commissioner Olass moved, seconded by Commissioner Piator and oarried unanimously, that the County AttorneY'a office be directed to tJ~}it:; r.1J~:):1 hj'1 ,. 1\ ! i; ,Page 38 in¡ , " ' t, aOOK 101 PJ<;[ 86 :{ ,i. \ r- .- - .....,- "1"_"'---' ¡,"..-.-._,--------~ -",..,....-,.,,"-,-"'-~-''''',....._--""'....."''''~..,'''.'' ,~,( HH" {J,' . 'j, January 27, 1987 ...... Rece.sl 12140 P.M. - Reconvenedl 12150 P.M. at which ~!" time Deputy Clerk ltenyon replaced Deputy Clerk ltueter u.u 'It_ U2A COXXISSIONBRS TO ATTEND FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIBS MIDYEAR ,LBOIlLATIVB CONFBRENCE IN TAMPA, FBBRUARY 18-20, 1'87 Administrative Assistant to the Board Israelson stated that she needs approval for reimbursement for travel and hotel expenses for ",à'ny' interested Commissioners that would like to attend the Florida \ .... ' ,- tAssociation of County Midyear Legislative Conference in Tampa, February 18-20, 1987. commissioner Goodniqht mcved, seOOb' ,,4 by commissicner pistor and aarrielS 4/0, (Commissioner Saunders out of the room), that any interested commissioners be allowed to attend the Florida Association .of Counties xidyear Leqi.lative Conference in Tampa, February 18-20, 1'87, with reimbursement tor travel and hotel expenses. I ,It_ U2B COMMISSION XEETINO TO BB HELD ON KARCH 31, 1'87, INSTEAD OF KARCH 17, 1'87 AND BCC VACATION TO BEOIN AFTER THE REOULAR XEETINO OP JUNE 23, 1987, AND END PRIOR TO THE MEETING ON JULY 21, 1987. Administrative Assisl~nt Israelsòn stated that there is a con- ference that the Commis~ioners have expressed interest in that will be held in washington, ~.C. from March 13, 1987, through March 17, 1987, ,and, therefore, ,she is requesting approval for the Board meeting on March 17, 1987, to be changed to March 31, 1987, instead. commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried 4/0, (Commissioner Saunders out of the room), that the "i: .;;::: .~, t:U, ';.(, ;-V.":. L.~:·gtl-2f'x...~:;.:'! "n.";"} r., "\,',"1;/., "", '(.,.. ~ ,."""',"',,,,.,,. ," !:~K-.~"1"""', ."to"" ,'.,.....-..... , ,':i.,' f4Hr:l( r"!2 . : ì ,'Y~?5· :' :( ,~ ¡, ~ f . I ~ ".! f ~ f'.::, ',' .ei¡' 'r i'" ~ 1:1 ';~'t~ i~ r G r >- J i~ :~'1 ,;;. ;". i)··dJ ! ~,r;~ T, '~~";:r ,"..Ç'il I, paq. :40;. ,I ~ : . t' , . , " '! !. ~ r " í, !:" , " '. ,I;¡ :,,1 .. ~ , ; I ; 1 ¡ ~'.' u~ ¡;' :,' ., ;. .",...' ¡ ,1.: ~ - .. ""'_;'''''¡_'_''-"",,''_'_,",_'_'''''h''';'~'' , '<,'''__...'''',.__..'''"........"..-....'''''..,...,,'''''',.',.'''''''0...'"'''.....,.'. .. .. .. January 27, 1987 ,,';COIIIIiasion meeUnq be hellS on Xarch 31, 1987, instead of March 17, .,it:' \~i 1987. 'l: ~. Mrs. Israelson stated that there has been disoussion regarding the summer vacation for the Commission, adding that Growth Management is requesting that there be a meeting held on June 23, 1987 and the BUdget Office needs to start covering the budget on July 21, 1987. She stated that this would mean that the meeting on June 23rd would be the last meeting bef~re the summer break and then the next meeting I, daY,r~~~~ be ,JulY 21, 1987. Commissioner ooodniqht movelS, secon4~4 by Commissioner pistor and ii oarried unanimously, that the last meeting day betore the summer break be June 23, 1987, and the next meetinq date be July 21, 1987. Item U2D HR. LOUIS ISAACS'~ MR. CHRIS HANCOCK REAPPOINTED TO TWO YEAR TERMS ON THB OCHOPBB FIRB CONTROL ADVISORY COMMITTEB Mrs. Israelson stated that Mr. Isaacs has served a portion of one I';;;:r. '.,}.:;:, ' ";?~ " .¡~, ~ ;..' {'. ,. ",",' ~!;: }, I', " ~ ' ,; '~j"\",,, ~" ~,'" ,: term and is interested in serving again and Mr. Hancock would like to serve another term even t~ough he has already served two terms and they are being recommend¿j for reappointment. Commissioner ooodniqht moved, .econded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that Mr. Louis Isaacs and Mr. Chris Hancock Þe r.appointed to two year terms on the Ochopee Fire Control Advisory c01'IIIIIittee. Item' U2C COU1f'l'YI A'rTORHBY DIRECTED TO PREPARE A1f ORDINANCB REGARDING, OPBN COHTAIIfBRS IN VEHICLBS í" ,:' n' T" ¡-r.LI, '", Page 4li 9! :':. :;:.( &001( 101 PJGt 90 rUf' d~ .',".-".",',..'...<,""',',".....,"""",~,""""',~"".-_,,....__._"'-""'~...It___._,··"-'" "..._.....,.......;"'_,'~,' ...__",'._J__'__"'''''''''''''''' '"",,,,,,,;,,,,,,..'"..;t<,,,,,,,~,,,,-,,,,-,,",,,,,~,,,, '" .,;/", -"-,.."',"'..-_",""..._..~--""_."._~',,..~-- «(' ~¢J.i . rt!~ ..~? ~;',' .~'''f ;;.",. ¡ ~; ff:'" q,., .,11' '.¡;; 1 r~ \;" ~'J, :~!; f,~ ï' ~; ~, ;~ ( 101PAr,t 91 January 27, 1987 Commissioner Hasse questionedif;there were any people in the audienoe that wanted to speak on the matter that would be opposed to this type of a law? Mr. John Keschl indicated that he is opposed to suoh a law because' he believes in a free society, edding that if people are ( ~.- ¡ t . afraid of other people drinking and dri',ng, then drinking in barrooms should be completely stopped also. He stated that the people that sit in the barrooms are the ones that are dangerous on the highways whèn they are trying to get home and not the working man that stops to buy one beer to drink on his way home. He stated that people cannot drink on the premises of the stores where they purchase the alcoholic beverages and that sh~uld be enough, otherwise, alcoholic beverages should be banned completely in Collier County. Commissioner Hasse s:ated that what is being presented is a pro- posed ordinance that co~ld be approved for a future meeting. He noted that the City of Naples was also approached on this idea. ~. Mrs. Shirley Porter, President of the Naples Chapter of Mothers ¡ , Against Drunk Drivers, stated that she lost her twenty year old : 1. ,daught~r to a drunk , driver. She indicated that the proposed ordi- nance is a request to make open containers in a vehiole illegal. She stated that the containers could ,be in a trunk or a glove compart- ment, which would be legal, and a chauffered car would not be affected. She stated that it is contradictory when one is allowed to drink and drive and yet it is illegal to drive drunk. She stated that 37 sta- ~ ::, .. . Page 42 ,< { !; (O~m'~i'':7']',)'' ,.," . i' . ., .'~' :¡ , I' i ... - - .. .. IÌI January 27, 1987 tes have this law, adding that it makes good common sense. She noted that the City of Naples Council gave her good support and to allow alcoholic beverages in the hands of motorist is flirting with death. She stated that she is asking for the coo~eration of the commission in this matter in order to save the lives of the people of Collier County that the Commission represents. commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Ooodniqht and oarried unanimously, th.~ the County Attorney be asked to lS.v.lop an ordinance that would carry out the idea of no drinkinq while drivinq. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he has done some background work on this matter and it should n~t take long to prepare such an ordinance and return to the board with same. Ite. f12B RECOMMENDATION FROM ~INANCIAL ADVISOR AND COMMITTEE REOARDINO 1985 WATER AND SEWER REVENUE );;;)NDS - CONTINUED FOR ONE WEElt County Manager tusk stated that he reviewed proposals from various underwriters and the one proposal that was the best was very diffioult to understand and he requested that the underwriters give ð presentation to the committee before the Board takes any action, and therefore, he is requesting that this matter be continued for one week. Item flU RESOLUTION 87-22 PROVIDINO FOR IMPOSITION AND COLLECTION OF LOCAL OPBRATION FEES FOR PROVISION OF 911 TBLBPHONE SERVICB AND EQUIPMENT _ ADOPTED Commissioner Pis tor stated that this was discussed about a year ago but was not done in order to keep the budget as low as possible, aOOK 101 PAGE 92 Page 43 ~':,', ì . i " ~ \ ~ 't,/ <0., 101 par.r 93 January 27, 1987 'but it would be an advantage to Collier County. He stated that when the Sheriff reccives a call, he would know where it is ooming from and be able to send the proper personnel out and it would also expedite the response time. He stated that there are times when people call in, they are extremely nervous or they may pass out and the Sheriff's :;~pàrtment does not get the correot information as to the location and :this system would save lives and limit some frustrations. He stated fthàt'he would like to see the County p ~ceed with this enhanced 'system. .( , Deputy Chief Don Hu.,ter of the Sheriff's Department stated that in February 1978, the Sheriff implemented the 911 system after planning, studying, and formation of polioy and in 1983, the E-9ll computer dispatoh system was added, which provides districts for police, fire and EMS scrvices so that when a oall comes in, the Sheriff's Department knows what unit to disþatch depending on what ~istrict the problem 'is in. He stated that the flaw in'the system is that there are hysteriotl people that are unable to provide the Sheriff's Departmen~ with the neoessary address for a quick response. He noted that the original system was designed for enhancement when it was available, adding that it .is now available in Collier County .. ' and there is legislation that gives the County the ability to levy a fee up to 50 cents but that Statute will be sunsetted December 1, 1988, ~herefore, some action is needed as they are relying upon UTS to install the equipment and the installation time frame is 24 !:.J'. t: t \ ~ t... f '-¡;',: . :Page 44 tr¡,~ ",' .. .. .. ~--,-"> . w"""">,"_~,,,,,,",,..,,,,,.,*,,,.';'""."'·' ,_~_"_.,,,~,""~""'"~""" ~ ,""'''''''.=Ÿ''''"''''''~'--'''''''~';''''''~'--'''''''-"'''- - ~ ~ January 27, 1987 months which the Statute provides for. He noted that he contaoted UTS on the direction of the former Commission with regards to how the system would operate and be con~igured and what it would cost the taxpayers. He noted that the one-time charge for the system and the hardware is $335,297.5'. He stated that there would also be a need for additional staff to provide for tr planning aspect of the system, which' has not been considered. He stat'1d that there is a need to verify all address info~mation to be sure that there is no redundant streets and addresses, which has to be done as part of the 24-month planning and implementation process. He stated that Tier-B and E-91l service would be a monthly cost which would total for the first yeðr of implementati~~.$257,58~.CO and wbuld be an on-going recurring cost and is not provided for in the legislation and would have to be budgeted in the Sheriff'~ budget. He noted that the Police Department also shares in the resp~nsibility of answering in a backup mode in case the primary system fail. He stated that this system includes the City of Naples, adding that all 911 service terminates in the Sheriff's office and is recorded through the dispatchers. He noted that the Sheriff's Department directs the oall after obtaining the dispatch information to the appropriate service agency. He noted that UTS suggests that the primary 911 and E-911 service be centralized in the Sheriff's office, but that there be a backup system in the City Police Department. He stated that the Sheriff's Department would have to approach the City to let them know that there are recurr~ng Page 45 &DDK 101 W.[ 94 "'",'-- . ~.{; , .,/ ,~~. (~,.~ , ,¡.;, :((, tV !.4·:~·'· . f ..", ... t""'" ~,~,~ t~" ' ¡p' r,' '1' 1\ f- 101 PAr.t 95 January 27, 1987 costs that they will have to budget for in order for them to be the backup. He reported that the County Commission has the authority to charge the subscriber for the initial fee up to 50 cents for a period 'of 24 months. He noted that the total probable fee that could be collected through the sunset date wou~d be approximately $750,000. Commissioner Glass stated that tha \ser fee will pay the County back for the initial non-recurring installation fees. Commissioner Hasse ~uestioned how this charge will be handled, to which Mr. Hunter stated that this will be put on everyone's telephone bill and will be UTS' responsibility to place the charge on the bill, but it is the County's responsibility to collect it. " County Attorney ~uyler stated that the resolution that has been provided to him was redone and tracts a lot of the statutory provi- sions and imposes the It :al option fee pursuant to Section 365.171, subsection 13. He noted that in paragraph one of the resolution it states that the fee shall not be mor~ than 50 cents per' month per line up to a maximum of 25 exchange lines which is paid by the local exchange subscribers for a period not to exceed 18 consecutive months and in paragraph two it'states that the County requests that the telephone company collect from t~e subscribers and remit the fees to the County and the telephone company is entitled to an administrative fee of 1% based on the 911 fee collected. Mr. Hunter stated that after the 18 months, this fee becomes recurring cost and must be budgeted and provided for, probably through ',,:' ;-r' I,. ~"', " ; ,: t f Page 46 - - - . .-'~ '-'-'---"- ,----.-,-",. - - - , ;r..p. . 'I January 27, 1987 valorem taxation. County Attorney Cuyler stated that this is a statutory mechanism provide for a start up and to recoup the costs for that start up . and th~n after that period of time, it becomes a reourring expense ! . "'!' í' ~', and has to be budgeted. Commissioner Goodniqht moved, .eCO.~.f "d by Commissioner pistor .,: . ',4', ~, " r :' anlS oarrh4unanimously, that Resolution 87-22 providinq for imposi- tion an4'collection of local operation fees for provision of '11 telephone .ervice and equipment be adopted. See Pages /ð.3 - /0 'f ..... commi.sioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner ooodniqht and carried unanimously, that the followinq items under the Consent Agenda ~e approved and/or adopted I ..... Item U4Bl BUDGBTAKENDMENT IN FUND 132, PINS RIDGB INDUSTRIAL PARK MSTU, FROM REDEMPTION 01' SHORT TB~ DEBT REPAYMENT TO ENOIHBERINO I'EES - APPROVED Transfer of $176,OOJ appropriated in debt service to engineering fees ~ no' ,UB2 _... . U!tBJJf ~)UtBA ,JlAP 01" IMM01O\LBB IHDICATI1fCJ· '1'BB I'TmCTIODL CLASSII'ICATION 07 '1'BB ROAD SYSTBMS - APPROVED ..,...,.,.. Þ; ,\ l Chairman Hasse authorized to execute the map. Item flCB3 ,ll('~):" ¡ h " ~tœ TRAFJ'ORD MBMORIAL OARDENS CEMETERY LOS NO. 486 J ~.~..' I~:: l' 10S See Page Item UCBC RECORDATION FOR ACQUISITION OF EASEMENTS 70R AIRPORT-PULLINO ROAD See Pages It) to - I () 9 j. '~', . 1 r {" ......'. . ,.' H.~~i'..,,',~;') '~~; ( .i' J Page 47 I' n :'j. : '~.t :~. , :~ '. ~ I L ~ 1 t, . \' ;.. &DOK 101 p~"t 96 ¡ t: (' ';: tt ~ 11; ì: rOf'; n,~, _..__.._...""~~-,.."'~" "'"",",, ."~~_"'-<>""_''-'''_~__'''~''W__''A'~~'' January 27, 1987 ,¡¡;,ttell UUS " .)'r. , :~BUDOET AMENDMENT FOR FUND 131 (MARCO ISLAND BEAUTIFICATION) '1'0 RBCOONIZB CARRY FORWARD IN '!'HE AMOUNT 01' $51,UO Item 114B6 RANXINO 01' CONSULTANTS '1'0 PREPARE A PRELXXINARY ENGINEERING REPORT I'OR '!'HU SADAL PALM ROAD BXTENstoa M.S.T.U. !; " . 1. 2. 3.' Wilson, Miller, Batton, SoIl ~ Peek, Inc. Johnson Engineering, Ino. Hole, Montes & Associates It.. U4231 aBSOLUTION 87-23 APPOI~ING KEMBBRO TO TRB MARCO ISLAND BEACH RENOURISHMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE - ADOPTED >, ' See Page, 110 Ite. U4C1 f) ~ ~ \..;1 ~: 11t' '~, ; , ~ ,', ~: ~CZALEJ) WEAPON PERMIT .81-2 J'OR JBI'J'REY K. WILLIAMS - APPROVED' n.a f14C2 CONCEALED WEAPON PERMIT 186-1 FOR PAUL E. WILSON - APPROVED Item f14D1 0#'" WATER AND SZWAOE TRANSMISSION FACILITIES I'OR BER~SHIRE VILLAGE _ ACCEPTED 'I',,' " , 1. ',;i \., Bee OR Book 1246 Pages 1928-1947 Item t14D2'; ~/I,' ~f c'.' I" ":1'1 " " WATER , SEWER FACILITIES FOR MENTOR PÌ1fBS SODDYVISION - ACCEPTED '1 " See OR Book 1246 Peqes 1948-1956 Item U4D3 OY7-SITZ'SBWBR FACILITIES ACCEPTANCB FOR BERKSHIRE LAKES SUBDIVISION- ACCBPTBD 'J(', See OR Book 1246 Pages 1918-1927 Ite. U4D4 \F~" ,j;', ", . f , ; : . ~ , ~! ç<:, I ~ :,; ('I-. v~' ~ .: 4 Page 48 :,i!(",.: :J ,n.' ~ ~': ; t,:·J t I ~ r f:J :... ~'j ; "}'i;; ",,:/j,,.'. 'or'. J .:~ 1,1{H .. "".',...""">''',..--'._''''-;-,,,',~"''-"''',.,''''''~~>'~._' ".~"--.'--,-",;--..--..~"'''''','-'-~-,-,~,.".,-~ ';''''''-''--'''~'",~'-''''''''__~'''_'-''''-<-''''''_'Ø''"'''''_''''''''__'''__~'''_' """,..-',,,,,_"'..-..,,,,'..."1&,____'__,"...4._'..·..,,,,-"',,'-"'.-'.__'~ ' .'--",.-.,"',-~","',.....,-""""",.-",...,-,-- 101 PAr.t 99 January 27, 1987 ,uc31 CERTIFICATB OF CORRECTION TO TUB TAX ROLLS 1986 Nos. 115/116 Nos. l24/l28 Dated 12/22/86 Dated 01/09-01/13/87 : , 1986 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY Nos. 1986-182/186 .',1402 BXTRA OAIN TIJm AUTHORIZED FOR IHKATB NOS. 38582 AND 35862 Dated 01/13-01/19/87 Item '1403 DUPLICATB TAX CBRTIFICATB NO. 86-5001 TO PATRICIA EATON - DUB TO LOSS See Page III It.. tUG .' , MISCBLLANEOUS CORRESP~NDENCB FILED AND/OR REFERRED ;,' There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following corrèspondencé be filed and/or referred to the variou&'departments as Ú\dicåÌ:ed' below: 1. Letter dated 10/15/86 from Louie L. Wainwright, Secretary, Correctional Internal Inspector, regarding Inspection Report dated 10/07/86, Collier County Jail - 2nd Annual Inspeotion, and attaching 'summary of the defioiencies which require oorrective action. Filed. 2. Letter dated 1/12/87 from Mary W. Morgan, Supervisor of Elections notifying of ohanges in polling sites, and enclosing copy of updated list of polling plaoes. Filed. See Pages I /.;¡ - II ':3 3.- Letter dated 01/14/87 from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Supervisor, enclosing short form application (File No. 111292755), which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorri1l, David Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt and Filed. ;. ~. {,,' ~. ì .~, .' ;,~~~:. " i;¡~ r ¡. ì: ,¡ r"' .' r,,~¡~ ¡ 'W.~.t r: Page SO , :¡ J ¡f f, i';' 1 .. ~ ,1 i: Ij':' C.\ ~;j.' J':. ti.\ .. --"'--"_....,...._;--,;-'*'"~~~,,.£,."".'_.. .,..,..,-"", , ."""_.."._.."..,~.._-,"'~..._--~-- .. /-f/., , 1 January 27, 1987 4. Memorandum dated 01/12/87 from James W. MaoFarland, Directör, Division of State Lands, regarding Aquaculture, and enolosing application for Aquaculture Lease and guidelines to apply. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt and Filed. S. Notice of Appeal dated 1/20/87 from State of Florida Land and Adjudicatory Commission regarding Development Order No. 86-1 issued by Collier County, Florida, approving a Development of Regional Impaot known as the Woodlands. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David ~ettrow and Filed. 6. Letter dated 01/14/87 from Dale H. Heideman, Staff Director, Medical E,aminers Commission, 'nclosing a fully executed copy of the contract entered into t., "1een the Dept. of Law Enforoement, Medical Examiners~mmission and Collier County, effective July 1, 1986 through June 30, 1987. Referred to Sheriff Rogers, Neil Dorrill and Filed. Minutes: 12/03/86 12/18/86 OI/lS/87 7. Oohopee Fire Control Distriot Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Agenda - Parks & Recreation Advisory Board 8. Notice to Owner dated 01/13/87 to BCC from Gulf Coast Roofing Co., Inc., advising that they have furnished roofing, labor and materials for improvements to Marco Island Community Park (Phase I). Referred to Neil Dorrill, Kevin O'Donnell, Cliff Crawford and fil~d, , 'Ohneral For~ St~tUB Inquiry dated 01/13/87 to BCC, Bond No. ,,9486S7-86 ,Contractor: Harper Bros., Inc., for Immokalee Community Park, Phase I, Pak II, Bid Package 6 Paving, Contract Price $58,832.83. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Kevin O'DonÁell, Cliff Crawford and filed. 10. Lettet'dated 09/24/86 from Rita J. Roehr, Chairman, regarding -~, the~cal Government Comprehensive Planning Act. Referred to , Neil'Dorrill, Nina Neal, Dr. Proffitt, Jane Fitzpatrick and -ffled. '\ .~, - '. ".:,-,9. " ~,' ~ ~ - 11. Letter dated 01/12/87 from C. C. Barrett, Jr., Manager of Programs and Contractual Services, DOT, enclosing Notice of Announcement of Funds for the 80/20 Cooperative Assistance Program and Rule 14-89 governing the use of these funds. Referred to Neil Dorrill, George Archibald and filed. 12. Notice to Owner from Hertz Equipment Rental of Ft. Myers advising that they have furnished general equipment rental for a landfill liner project located at Collier County Landfill. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Bob Fahey and filed. Page 51 ~ '..> ~ ~ ' \ J ~ Ii :' '!: ~ I : t &OOK 101 PAl;t 100 h",""__"",__""_""~__;'''''___''''_"'''''''''''''- 101PAGtlOl : t' ; ., ~ January 27, 1987 --- There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting, was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: l:2S P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSI BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIÚ GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL /) ~~ ~H~, R., :MAN . liS presented ~-' . áJc.. by the Board on ~~,. ër /;: ðr? or liS corrècted_______~' .) , , : i 1'1 , P ! " : ~ i , " " " , , .¡. '. "" ".." , I, t· , ,.j! ; Page 52 .. ... <t '_~"~'.-^''''.. .-~.._,,~'..."~........__~ '. 'I'" ,......,....___.-.- ""-'-'-'-""-'"~' """.-,....,,"'";,.."'"""....,,.._,,_....~'~-----". .