BCC Minutes 01/28/1987 W . , . 11" .,~ '. -: '~. ,; :;r:.,. . \b,J: . ~, -: ~t J . ·~}E:?:~ t·",··· ¡¡;::.i..· ~:i.'; ,,~;- ll, k~'· :~~: I.. ¡-f .. .. - Naples, Florida, January 28, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBEr¡\~D, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals ~nd as the governing board(s) of such special districts as ~ave been created ac~ordin9 to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:40 A.M. in WORKSHOP SESSION in Building "F" of the Courthouse C~mplex, East Naples, Florida, with the " ~~llowin9 members present: " CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass I'; John A. Pistor Burt L. Saunders Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk I Beverly Kueter, Deputy . .. Clerk; Donald B. tusk, County Manager; Bruce Anderson, Assistant County Attorney Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator; Mike McNees, Utility Division Business Administrative Director; Stanley Hole, Tom Taylor and Craig pajer of Hole, Montes, Inc. PRESENTATION BY HOL!, MONTES, INC. ON COUNTY WATER/SEWER SYSTEM Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that Hole, Montes, Inc. is here tOday to update the Board on issues of the County Water/Sewer System. He added that during the presentation he will have a few items on financing to speak about. Mr. Stanley Hole of Hole, Montes, Inc., stated that this presen- tation will show where Collier County is in meeting the needs of the CC(: ): . "'~ 'Page 1 i: ' BOOK 101 PAG[ 140 . , . ~.~. , " 101. PACt 141 . , ~ ¡ r ~ I ¡ ~ ;' I January 28, 1987 County. He stated they will be addressing planning, what new facili- ties are needed and the time frames involved. Mr..Hole stated that ?opulation and the rate of growth is the key to understa~ding future needs, and evaluation of the physical ability and/or inability for additions needed to meet those needs. He noted that a 20 year projection date, the yeb- 2005, was used because it is 20 years from the date the study began b,.d is consistent with life expectancies within the system. He stated that recommended service areas were developed for planning the regional water improvements and a phase construction program and recommendations for implementation of the improvements were also developed. He said that for wastewater, the County was divided int~ three areas and a phasing program to integrate these additions within the Comprehensive Plan was developed. Mr. Hole noted that the figures used are compiles from the sta- tistical abstract of the State of Florida. He said it'1~ important to note that these figures will need to be updated from time to time in order to track how accurate the projections are in respect to time. He stated they have no doubt that Collier County will have a peek seasonal population of 400,000 people in the foreseeable future. He noted that this planning program is consistent with both EPA and DER guidelines for planning windows, and certain life expectancies of ele- ments of the proposed facilities. Mr. Hole presented a graph depicting trends in growth. He said between 1950 and 1980 population in Collier County grew from approxi- 9 ~jt;, :page 2 .. - - .. ...... .. - January 28, 1987 mately 6,500 people t~ 85,95l people or a 9\ annual increase. He said the State Bureau of Econ ,mic and Business Research estimates the resi- dent population in 1985 to be approximately 124,000 people and the trend is projected to continue. Mr. hole presented a ~lide reflecting population projections for Collier County in the years 1984, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2005, and 20l0. He stated that the County was divided into community districts or areas with populations given for each area as well as the unpopulated areas. He stated th&t this factor is important . !cause some areas grow faster than others. Mr. Hole noted that it is important to project peek seasonal populations, as well as resident populations, and although construction is based on peek seasonal populations, they must be taken into consideration. He said the peek seasonal population pro- jection for the year 2005 is 366,2~7 people in the unincorporated area of the County. He stated that the peek projections reflect that Collier County will continue to have a substantial increase for peek loads. Mr. Tom Taylor, Project Manager for Hole, Montes, Inc., stated that the population figures are the basis for developing a reasonable phasing program. With reference to the Water Master Plan, Mr. Taylor stated that present water demand is in the range of 7 to 8 million gallons per day, by 1990 it will be l3 to 14 million gallons per day, and by the year 2000 it will be 23 million gallons per day. He stated that the Board will need to find a way to implement these services. Page 3 BOOK jL()jlpA~Ljl'4~ ~)!,I..;t fi I 4 \11 1.J ,- ·'·;<'_·""~''''''''--''''_'''''~'''_''i.'''''''.''.'"''''''<'''"''_",,~__''''''__'"_.,,;;;1>_._,.'".__'''' .~' , 'I' 101PAGt143 January 28, 1987 Mr. Taylor stated that the existing facilities consist of a wellfield in the Golden Gðte area appro~imately 6 miles east of 951 , ' which has 5 wells yielding about 1 million gallons per day. He said the sys~em is almost at capacity now during peek season. He said there is a 4 million gallon per day facility located east of 951, south of Golden Gate and various stages of i.'')rovementìs'are going on at the present time, such as a 6 million gallo. storage tank was designed and constructed tu handle this peek season. He stated there is also a distribution system from the regional plant which extends to the south of Golden Gate City. Mr. Taylor added that North Naples is supplied by the City of Naples from their Carica Road Storage Plant and there are problems with pressure and volume, and hopefully the recommen- dations made today will alleviate some of those problems. Mr. Taylor presented a slide reflecting the current County water service erea, and the projected planning area. He stated that preli- minary studies have been done on potential water sources and the most ... obvious, is what has been called the Coral Reef Aquifer, which has an estimated yield of 30 to 50 million gallons per day. He stated that this needs further stuqy, however, the County should begin to acquire ,lands to develop thi~ wellfield. Mr. Taylo~ recommended two regional treatment plants, the existing one and a second in the Nòrth Area supplied ty the Coral Reef Aquifer as it is developed. He stated in this way if something should happen to either plant, emergency water ,could be supplied from the other. f·' {. 'J~ I.'" : f P', " Page 4 , , ,:';'ï .., .. - - :I" - - January 28, 1987 In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Taylor stated the County does neeo more water and ~hat is why they are completing designs on the new wellfle1d. Mr. Crandall stated that the peek flows are usually 12 hours per day and they are pumping the other 12 hours to fill the storage tank. He said the av~~age is only 3 million gallons per day and during season it is averagiL. 4 million gallons per day. He said the 6 million gallon storage tank is just on line and has been filled. Mr. Craig Pajer, Engineer with Hole, Montes, Inc., stated that the water distribution system is broken into three areas: North Area _ Pine Ridge Road and north; South Area - Pine Ridge Road to U.S. 41; and Manatee Area - u.~. 41 and south. He stated that major trans- mission lines ar~r1acking in the North Area. He said a common trait ; is smaller sized water lines ranging from 6" to 12" and they need to be much larger to get the water to the service lines. He recommend~d that larger transmission lines be installed in North Naples. He stated that the Naples Park area is deficient in fire flows and hydrants and they recommend that the area be reinforced. He stated that to accommodate growth they recommend that l6" lines be installed along Livingston Road when it is built. Mr. pajer stated that the South Area is used to reinforce the system and fill the storage tank. He stated that transmission problems are due to small lines which exist and should be improved by adding transmission lines along Davis Blvd., Radio Road and . , ¡....\"\, Page 5 " . v J- BOOK 101 mt 144 :,1 >;, 1; ì· ./. ·f - 101p)q145 r f ¡ ( ) ~ January 28, 1987 Rattlesnake Hammock Road. He noted that the Glades Treatment Plant serves it's present purpose, however, in the future it will need to be reinforced with l6" lines along Davis ~lvd. to the Glades. Mr. pajer stated that pumps and emc'ency geõe'rator power is being added to the Manatee Road Area but it will still be deficient in lack of storage tanks. He said that storage facilities are needed so water can be fed from other places to handle peek loads. He stated that improvements to the Isle of Capri would include larger transmission lines. Mr. Crandall noted that line sizes are directly related to pressure problems. Hn noted that the 20" line in North Naples is very inadequate at the present time and a 36" line is being proposed. Mr. pajer presented an exhibit depicting a 4 page table of the recommended improvements, the year it is recommended for installation, and cost estimates. He said the first phase includes a 36" line which , .. . will tie to the North Service Area, installation of reinforcement lines in Naples Park and Vanderbilt Beach area. He indicated lines would run along 951'5 frontage road to White Blvd. then over to Weber Blvd. to Vanderbilt Extension, and then west to the Carica Road tank. He stated that the timing is not good to install along 951. He added that when the North Treatment Plant is built, it will connect to the 36" line and serve as a back-up to the South Area. He stated that in the Soüth"Service Area, the County has started plans for a 16" line along Davis Blvd. to alleviate the pressure problems in Foxfire and Kings Lake and will be extended later to serve the Glades. Page 6 .. - - .. .. .. January 28, 1987 Mr. Crandall noted that the City of Naples is proposing to put a tank on 1hadowlawn Drive, however, it will serve City customers only. Mr. pajer stated that the addition of a storage tank is the first priority with a 36" and 20" line'along Rattlesnake Hammock Road and run through Lely. He stated that the first priority in the Manatee Road Area is the installation of a 12" line ,ecause the current 6" line is deteriorating. He stated they also recommend the installation of lines from U.S. 4l and 9Sl to the south. , In answer to Chairman Hasse, Mr. pajer stated that the Collier Corporation DRI was given consideration in the line sizes recommended. Mr. Crandall noted that a storage tank is proposed within the development. Mr. Taylor ststed that the expansion of the treatment plant off of 95l had recently bep.n bid and should be proceeding soon. He said the permitting is underway and should come before the SFWMD in February. He stated that it is hoped that the City of Naples stays on schedule with the Shadowlawn Drive tank so that the County can take over the Carica Road tank in March, 1988. ***** RECESS AT 10:45 A.M. RBCONVENED AT 11:30 A.M.***** Mr. Taylor stated that during the planning process for Collier County sewers the County was divided into four service areas: North Area- Vanderbilt Beach Extension to the north; Central Area _ Vanderbilt Beach Exten~ion south to Golden Gate City; South Area _ Golden Gate Canal south to Rookery Bay Estuarine Sanctuary; and Marco. BOOK 101p~G[146 Page 7 " 7 ,fi HjJ I ,'/ ( . ; ,~/~', 101PAC£147 January 28, 1987 ; I" j >: He stated that the original stJdy'areá êxtended two miles east of 951, however, in order to remain consistent with the Comprehensive Plan over the next 20 years, they constricted the easterly line to 1 mile east of 951. Commissioner Pistor stat"d that the easterly boundary was moved back to 2 miles east of 951 a the Board Meeting on January 27, 1987. Mr. Taylor displayed an exhibit showing the existing package treatment facilities in the North area and outlined the County's existing area being served by the North Naples Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. He stated that this system is the only extensive system in place at the present time. He stated that the plant con- sists of two individual facilities which are combined for a 2t million gallon per day capacity with current flows being approximately 2 million gallons per day. Mr. Taylor said it is being proposed that this facility be expanded within the next It to 2 year~to be in operation when the existing plant is full. Mr. Taylor advised that effluent is disposed of by percolation ponds that are on-site at the treatment plant, however, there have been some difficulties during the wet season due to high groundwater levels. He added that effluent is going to be pumped to Imperial Golf Course through an agreement and that system will be on line in a matter of days. ***** ·Commis.ioner G1a.. 1.ft the ..eting at 11:30 A.M.***** Mr. Taylor stated that the Central Service Area currently has no .·ì Page 8 .. - - ~----_._<.....""--''"" ....,..,.~'''''..,.----''''..,.,.._-~._...;-~".. ,..,..""......"'_._.;,-,-""'."'---'''~,."..,.,-,...._.,.~",... .._-,_.,...,...."..-""'" mx 101 PACt 149 January 28, 1987 from thp service ~rea and transport to the proposed regional ! "j wastewater tre~tment plant, whicH is being designed at the Lely Wastewater Treatment Plant site. He stated that PRC Engineering is presently designing th~ wastewater treatment plant which is sized for 8 mgd. Mr. pajer displayed a schematic sho~ing all the force mains being proposed for ultimate development of the South Service Area, indi- cating which lines are being designed at this time. He stated that Phase I will include pump stations located just east of Bayshore Drive near Thomasson and U.S. 4l intersection; near the Glades Treatment Plant site; near Polly Av~n~e and Rattlesnake Hammock; and near the Shadowlawn Elementary School; near the East Naples Middle School site; near Radio Road just east of Foxfire development, near County Barn Road and Davis Blvd.; near the intersection of Radio Road and Santa Barbara Blvd.; near the Hitching Post development. Mr. Pa j er s ta ted 'tha t once was tewa ter is collected"lÌnd goes to the treatment plant, the disposal system will be a series of pipelines that will take trea~ed effluent and pump it to both current and pro- posed area golf courses~ He noted that the disposal lines will parallel the force mains in most areas. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Taylor stated that the Marco Island Service Area includes the Isle of Capri. He said there are a cou~l~, p~ckage treatment plants and a number of septic tanks which will eventually call for a sewer system and will be pumped to Marco t! . ~ , , I~' -; . t Page 10 .~. ¡ . . I /'. .. - - ~:;!' ~':< ; tf,,\:' , " , , "" .~..~.:.j.'~, ~j, ~ ' 1?~ .. ... .. ... Island. January 28, 1987 He said the ~~rco plant is currently located on Elkcam adja- cent to the water treatment site. He stated the site is limited and proposed that the County consider removing the water treatment plant and utilizing the entire Elkcam site for wastewater treatment. He noted that this would be the most cost effective method. In response to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Taylor stated that service pro- posed along Santa Barbara Blvd. will b' adequate to handle Golden Gate City. Mr. Taylor stated that Collier County has currently applied for two grants: 1) regional wastewater system transmission system, and 2) collection or gravity system to phase out existing septic tanks. He stated that it is hoped that the grant portion of these two grants will be between 14 and 15 million dollars, however, no one can commit to that amount o!~money at this time. He noted that the ultimate determination of this money will be what they find is grant eligible. He stated that EPA does not fund any reserve capacity and will only fund the size facilities that are needed for one year from start-up of those facilities. Mr. Taylor also stated that there is a question about the grant eligibility of the effluent disposal system being pro- posed. He said that EPA feels that secondary treatment with disposal to the nearest surface water bOdy is adequate, however, the State does not allow only secondary treatment and surface water disposal. Mr. Crandall stated that the grant process is well underway and not all, but many, hurdles have been jumped, however, there may be a I' ., '." :.~ Page 11 I...... BOOK 101PACE150 ií. ' J i j : I ) I :' ~.. ... a.. ...----...- , , '" '~;:~. ',1,;. ' 101 PAGt151 January 28, 1987 problem with the effluent disposal. ~e requ~sted that the Board con- sider available options such as sharing costs with the City or sizing down the project. Mr. Crandall stated that there will be rate ~ , increases and tbey amount to approximately 3% to 4% for every million dollars of debt. ..... Co~i..ioner Saun4ers left the meeting at 12'00 Noon ..... Mr. Crandall continued by stating t; ~re are still some obstacles to overcome. He noted that easements will be required, especially from Mr. Hubschman. He noted that Mr. Hubschman also controls approximately three golf courses with which the County needs agreements. He noted that there is a rezone petition in process for the property where the County neeçJ to place the pump station, and if this does not go through, the Board should consider beginning the negotiation process. ..... Commissioner Saun4ers returned at 12110 P.M. ..... Mr. Crandall stated there is a concern about the Sewer Use Ordinance. He stated that DER would like the County to change its billing method of a flat rate to a volumetric rate. He noted that ~any counties use this method, however, in Collier County the sewer customers are not always water customers. Mr. Crandall stated that he believes it is a good method for rates and it is fairer to the custo- mers. He said Staff may be recommending use of volumetric rates after it is studied further. In answer to Commi~sioner Pistor, Mr. Crandall stated that most i~ ~. I.. Page 12 1.' ", ' '¿.' ,........ ''''~,~''"~-,_.... . ""~ -........-.........".'''., .·_''''''~..'....,C''''·___".___...''''''"...'''.'''.,',.,'';...., .. ... .. .. :-',', ',' :ft"j': I,,;'" t'l" ;fi¡i. ~, ~. ,"1", " ~;: ;~~.. '...... '.1; ".i... '. :-~ January 28, 1987 counties that use volu.;,et:ric rates feel that if customers irrigate with City or County wat~r, they should pay for it. He noted that Marco is probably the exception to this rule. Mr.' Taylor stated that ðn upper limit may be placed on volumetric rates becduse at some point it becomes obvious that the water is not being used in the house. Mr. Crandall stated that he does not agree with this method. Mr. Crandall stated that the Board ,f County Commissioners are aware that the facilities are desperate~ ' needed and he wants them to be aware that \/hen they proceed there will be substantial rate increases. Commissioner Saunders stated that he will be looking very closely for existing implication on the rate payers at each stage of develop- ment. He stated~hat maybe the COunty will not be'able to catch up for past deficiencies in one year. *** There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: l2:30 P.M. Page l3 &OOK 101 PAG[ 152 ----....,........"''". .··c··,,~.,' .," ;......'.,_'".~~-"_~............... ,._._,....",. ^"""'~\""'.'''';''''''"''''"''''~''''''''''_''''_ '"''''''''''''''.',,-"*--''''''''','''''"''._.;._...'''......;~.,