BCC Minutes 02/10/1987 W ''; .. - - .. Naples, Florida, February 10, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 7:00 P.M. in WORKSHOP SESSION in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Narles, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. John A. Pistor Burt L. Saunders Anne Gpodnight . ABSENT: VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass ." ALSO PRESENT: Beverly Kueter, Deputy Clerk; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Bruce Anderson, Assistant County Attorney; George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; David Pettrow, Community Development Administrator; Jane Fitzpatrick, Growth Management Coordinator; Ann· McKim, Planning/Zoning Director; John Boldt, Water Management Director; Jeff Perry, MPO Director; William G. Tracy, Karl Corley, R. Frederick Keyes, Jack Johnson, Collier County Planning Commission; Wafaa Assaad, Tom Peek and Harold Hall, Collier County Planning Commission Citizens' Advisory Committee. AGENDA Growth M~nagement/Capital Improvement Element Page 1 am 101 m( 503 -. .,. ðOOK 101 PACE 504 February 10, 1987 GROWTH MANAGEMENT/CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT ORIENTATION Grow~h Management Coordinator Fitzpatrick advised that this meeting is a joint meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, the Collier County Planning Commission, and the first 15 members of the Citizen's Advisory Committee for the p·'rpose of orientation to the Growth Management Plan, Capit~l tmproV~I'nt Element. Ms. Fitzp~trick stated that materials were available at the door and continued by giving a brief overview of what will be accomplished over the next 8 months. She stated that there are three phases to the Capital Improvement Element: I} level of service standards; 2) review of capital improvement projects; 3) completion of the Capital Improvement Chapter f0r inclusion in the Growth Management Plan. She stated that the first phase has a targeted discussion and recommen- dation date of April I; second phase review and recommendation date of June 23; and, third phase date of September 1. .. . Ms. Fitzpatrick introduced Mr. Randy Young of Henderson, Young & Company, consultants to the County on the Growth Management Plan. She noted that he has also consulted with Lee and Seminole Counties on their Growth Management Plans. Mr. Young stated that he will review the most important parts of the Capital Improvement Element. He stated that Collier County has chosen to respond to the Growth Management Legislation in a reasonable and orderly fashion in 1987 rather than waiting until it is mandated Page 2 ¡. . ./. - ~ .. ;' ',:,~ ~ ...;,., .. - .. February lO, 1987 in 1988 and scrambling for funds to accomplish the task. Mr. Young stated that he will summarize the components and what is expected from Collier County within these components. He stated that the Capital Improvement Element will be a new chapter added to the existing Comprehensive Plall. He said that just like other chapters such as transportation, this chapter will pull together in one place the need for and locatian of public facj 1ties. Mr. Young advised that this plan includes new facilities as well as existing facilities which need repair or renovating work. He said these facilities are not just the public amenitiès which immediately come to mind, but also include all other public facilities for which local government is financially responsible, such as roads, jails, transportation, ssnitary sewers, solid waste, drairiage, potable water, education, government buildings of all types, emergency medical ser- vices units, fire stctions and apparatus of the dependent districts, and libraries. Mr. Young stated that the time period to be coverÐd is five fiscal years or longer. He recommended that Collier County use a five year period, at which time it can be expanded for the next 5, 10 or 15 years. He noted that the regulations stated that the Chapter must be submitted on August 1, 1988, at which time it will be reviewed by the Department of Community Affairs and sent back for adoption, which will probably be January, 1989. He stated that regulations state the five aOD~ 101 PA(;£ 505 Page 3 " ~. , '"t ~ t. ~ ~ " ~,}' ~ j¡ h ~ -. -"-'---"'-"'~-''''--'--''-''_.'''''''''"-¡;¡-'*'~''''''''''" ~~,-,~~ '1/',-. [, ,.! . ~,~,~. t~; ,rf,;; .. .-,"' ~ :0~ ,'"I, -- .,. am 101 PACE 506 February 10, 1987 years begin with the fiscal yeat after .adoption, and that the plan will actually take effect October 1, 1989 and end September 30, 1994. . Mr. Young noted that the Legislation requires that the plan be updated annually. t t Mr. Young advised that the costs of each facility, when they will be needed, the general location, and what revenues will be available to pay for the facilities need to be included in the document. He stated that Collier County must deve1o~ ~tandards that will indicate availability of facilities and adequac~ of facilities. He added that unlike the rest of the Comprehensive Plan, the Capital Improvement Element must be based on statistical data. He cited an example using parks - acres per unit of people. Mr. Young noted the most difficult þart of the Capital Improvement Element is to insure that it is consistent with all other parts of the Comprehensive Plan, Legislation and Regulations. Mr. Young stated that it is important to note that the County sets .. . their own level of standards, although it is not clear if there is a negotiable difference; the County selects which plans (goals) are relative; and the County selects which facilities they will spend their money on. He noted, however, that this has to be done now and once ad09ted must be fulfilled, which is why the document must contain information on the revenues available. He noted that the document must be realistic. Page 4 ¡,. , .*'"~. .. - - .. - .. February 10, 1987 Mr. Young reiterated the general frame work required of Collier County: A five year plan of every County public facility, detailed cost, and when they are needed, based on quantifiable objectives of service which must be consistent and ir. -~mpliance. Mr. Young stated that the first phase in accomplishing this task is to field test all concepts. He noted that the County does not have a level of service standard at the present time, so staff must research existing standards from elsewhere and find the one which fits best. He enumerated by stating that in estimating the amount of water needed in the future, number of gallons per person, per day would be used. He noted that existing facilities must be researched to deter- mine the service at the present time vs. population estimates to determine if Co1~der County is already meeting the· level of service standard. Mr. Young stated that using this equation, if there is a deficiency, the revenues available must be researched to determine feasibility of the standard. Mr. Young advised that the second phase is to develop specific capital improvement projects fulfilling the standards. He stated that this phase places a more accurate price tag to determine if the plan is still feasible. Mr. Young stated that the third phase is the completion of the actual chapter that will go into the document itself and be submitted to Tallahassee with a specific statement of goals, objectives and ~ 101 FAGE 507 ... Page 5 ¡;.'.iff I~f;·: ß" . .. .... ......t l' ~:.":- ~;'~V·'· , ~~~\:. ~:¡: . ." . "." . ~" {~'jt.J . :t, ¡ r~ .,. aOOK 101 PACE 50S February lO, 1987 . . .\ " policies of Collier County to make surê everything will be funded. Mr. Young advised that the Legislature has mandated that the plan must be feasible, since many counties, in the past, have used capital improvement lists as "wish lists". He noted that this is no longer acceptable and the document must state how the improvements are going to be funded. Mr. Young explained that the review ,f each phase will take place in the fol10wJng order: Staff to Citizen's Advisory Council; Citizen's Advisory Council to Collier County Planning Commission; Collier County Planning Commission to Board of County Commissioners. He noted that the Consultants role is to provide options and help with each step in the review process. He said the ultimate decision is made by the Board of çounty Commissioners and it will not be easy. Mr. Young noted that the report submitted tonight is not complete ... because the section for Parks & Recreation is not included. He stated that this will be finished and submitted in approximately 10 days. He noted the reason for delaying this section was to receive input from the County's new Parks & Recreation Director. Mr. Young then explained in great detail how to obtain information from the report and how the calculations are accomplished. He stated that this is a very statistical report and not easily readable. He advised that this report does not deal with semantics and allows everyone reviewing to determine the facts. Page 6 ¡ J. .~. .. - - ....-"',-~-- - .. .. ~ ~ ;"1 :ñ·f,;..~·; 5' ~,C S· '" \~C~ l~l~' ";I'\. '< ¡j',;;: ~~.~... :'~'l . " February 10, 1987 In answer to Mr. Keyes, CCPC, Mr. Young stated that the figures representing facilities or units within the report will not be rounded until the third phase. He- stated that this is to guard against misun- derstandings. Mr. Keyes inquired if it is possible to make a good estimate due to changing factors such ~ approval of DRI's and PUD's? Mr. Young stated that this plan is required to be updated annually and population figures will also be updated. He said the plan could be one year behind, but not five to ten yèars behind. In answer to Mr. Tom Peek, CCPCCAC, Mr. Young stated that the population served appears on the first page of each facility under "Service Recipients". He said it will either say "all" meaning total County popu1atio;;..or "other" followed by the district served, as in the case of a depen~ent fire district. Also in response to Mr. Peek, Mr. Young stated that there is a possibility of duplication with a municipality on roads and it must be done carefully. In answer to Mr. Keyes, Mr. Young stated that the penalties for being in non-compliance with the standards set in the Plan are very severe: 1) all monies from the State can be withheld, and 2) the State can stop the County from issuing Building Permits, DRI's, PUD's, Certificates of Occupancy, etc. until compliance is reached. *** There being no further discussion or questions, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair. Time: 8:15 p.m. aDaK 101 pm 509 Page 7 ... )