BCC Minutes 03/31/1987 R .. - Naples, Florida, March 31, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:08 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hassel Jr. VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass John A. Pistor Burt L. Saunders Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Beverly Kueter and Maureen Kenyon (1:15 p.m.), Deputy Clerks; Donald B. Lusk, County Manager; Neil Dorrill, Assistant County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Bruce Anderson and David weigel, Assistant County Attorneys; Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator; George Arct.ibald, Public Works Admini~trator; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; Anne McKim, Planning/zoning Director; Barbara Cacchione, Planner; Joseph Magri, Building Code Compliance Director; John Madajewski, Engineer; Nancy Israelson, Administrative'Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. acex 103 PA(;!: Of Poge 1 ì ' , I , - I' , ' \ ........ ¡ J t ¡ I f I ¡ ~ I í ~ ¡ ¡ I ~" .~ MARCH 31, 1987 ~GEND~ - ~PPROVED ~ITH CHANGES commis.ioner Glass moved, seconded by commissioner Goodnight and oarriedunanimo~.ly, that the Agenda and Con.ent Agenda be approved with the following changes: proposal for seeking , selecting the new County Managar (comm. Goodnight) - ~dded Reaommendation to appoint Neil Dorrill a. Aoting County Manager effective April 24, 1987. (comm. Ha..e) - ~dded commissioner Glass reported that Mr. Brown's family has requested that this item be deleted. - Deleted ~ssistant County Manager Dorrill stated that staff is requesting that this item be continued indefinitely, as opposed to withdrawn .s stated on the Agenda. - Continued Item U2B Item U2F Item UA Item UBl Item UB BMPLOYBB SERVICB ~WARDS Chairman Hasse presented Employee Service Awards to the following employees: Item f5C Jan Bennett Ervin Collins Agriculture Road & B~idge 10 yrzs. 5 yrs. MONTH 01' APRIL, 1987 PROCLAIMBD "PETS ~RB W,')NDERFUL MONTH" Following the reading of ð Proclamation re Pets Are Wonderful Month, commissioner Saunders moved, seoonded by commissioner Glass and oarried un4nimously, that the proclamation be adopted. l(YJ' Page 2 &COX 103 P~t:t 07 ;: ,j! j-; ~ (-" r; I ' ;- ..... ............,..-.......""'..,.,..-...."'.--"'"""",""""..,-.,.;..".--,--."...." ," - - - MARCH 31, 1987 Ite. f5K PLAQUE I'ROM COLLIER COUNTY I'AIR BOARD PRBSENTED TO GEORGE ARCHXBALD, PUBLIC WOR~S ~DMINISTRATOR Cha1rman Hasse presented a Plaque from the Collier County Fair Board to George Archibald, Public Works Administrator, in appreciation of his help and assistance in making the Fair a success. Item '6Al ORDINANCE 87-l3 RE PETITION CP-85-2c, REQUESTING A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ~NDMBNT 01' THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT AND FUTURE LAND USE MAP I'ROM ~ RURAL LAND USE DESIGNATION TO A NEW LAND USE DESIGNATION, VESTED ~RBA II FOR ORANGETRBE DEVELOPMENT - ADOPTED WITH CHANGES Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on March 12, 1987 and March 25, 1987 as evidenced by Affidavits of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to con- sider a Comprehensive Plan Amendment of the Future Land Use Element and Future Land Use Map from a Rural Land Use Designation to a New Land use Designation, vested Area II for Orangetree Development. Planner Cacchione stated that the property is located in Sections 13, 14, 23 and 24, Township 48 South, Range 27 East. She stated that the proposed Comprehensive Plan amend~ent is to allow those permitted uses granted in the Settlement and zoning Agreement dated January 27, 1986. She said the Vested Area II land use designation is a ,unique deeignation specifically created to apply to that area known as North Golden Gate to allow the proposed uses as agreed upon by the County in the Settlement and Zoning Agreement. Ms. Cacchione stated that the CCPC held their public hearing on &CÛ~ 103'PAt£ 11 Page 4 r~ / ..~; ~¡)" ~t:', ~ ~ . I'~' ~ "" '" " .,t~',·r . ..~ ."". ". , ;.IIIt-.~. am 103 PAt!: 12 MARCH 31, 1987 November 20, 1986 and recommended approval subject to future amendment of the "PUD by Settlement" to allow the school site to accommodate a high school rather than an elementary school. She stated that at the first public hearing with the Board of County Commissioners it was agreed that Chief Bob 5iebold, Big Corkscrew Island Fire Department, would meet with the County Attorney and the Developer to resolve the fire concerns with the development. Ms. Cacchione stated Staff recommends approval of Petition CP-85-2C. Attorney George Varnadoe, representing the Petitioner, stated that they have met with the School Board, Big Corkscrew Island Fire Department, and the County Attorney and have come to an agreement. He stated that they have no objection to the school site being utilized for a high school rather than an elementary school, and this change will not require an amendment to the PUD. Mr. Varnadoe stated that in discussion with the Fire Department, the Petitioner has offered to donate a It acre site plus $15,000 towards the purchase of a pumper or no site and $25,000 toward the purchase of a pumper. He advised that he believes the Fire Department will choose the $25,000 offer because they currently have a site a little less than one mile from the development. He noted that this change will require an amendment to the PUD. Chief Bob Siebold, Big Corkscrew Island Fire Department, stated that an agreement has been reached and the Fire Department is electing Page 5 - - - - .. - MARCH 31, 1987 to take the $25,000 toward the purchase of a fire truck and related equipment in lieu of the lt acre site. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Varnadoe stated that the Petitioner is in agreement with allowing the $25,000 to be used toward the purchase of a truck and related equipment. In answer to Chairman Hasse, Chief Siebold stated they anticipate to begin construction of the fire station within It months and should have occupancy within three to four months. Commissioner Saunders suggested thQt the changes on the school site and the $25,000 in lieu of a fire station site are simply "housekeeping" changes within the PUD for Settlement Document and the Chairman should be authorized to sign the document after the changes are made. County Att~rney Cuyler stated that the Board can express their intent for these changes to be made, however, the Settlement Agreement requires that any changes undergo the entire process, including a hearing before the CCPC. commissioner Saunders moved, seoonded by commissioner Glas. and oarried unanimously, that the pUblio hearinq be olosed. commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that the Ordinance as numbered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinanoe Book No. 261 and further the County Attorney be authorized to oomplete the ohanges from an elemen- tary sohool to a high school and $25,000 in lieu of a 1-l/2 aore site for a fire station. Page , acox 103 P.\tt 13 ,., .'...,.... ¡..'..-....'-.-. .f"' , '- - . ' t~",:,i, , j.;1" ~¡..~' '. ::' ~~, ~~".. ~ "':' ~. (. . " ", '1f:\/'" ,cox 103PAGt 14 MARCH 3l, 1981 Ordinanoe 81-13 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NUMBER 83-54, THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP FROM A RURAL LAND USE DESIGNATION TO A NEW LAND USE DESIGNATION TO BE KNOWN AS VESTED AREA II AS DESCRIBED WITHIN THE TEXT OF THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT AS AMENDED: SUCH LAND USE DESIG- NATION APPLICABLE ONLY TO THP. FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: APPROXIMATELY 2,798 ACRES FORMERLY KNOWN AS NORTH GOLDEN GATE CITY, ALSO KNOWN AS ORANGETREE DEVELOPMENT IN SECTIONS 13, l4, 23, AND 24, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. Item UCl RBSOLU'l'ION 87-U/CWS 87-6 COUI'IRMING CREATION OF THE DAVIS BLVD. WATER IMPROVEMENT SPECIAL ARSESSMENT DISTRICT - ADOPT~D Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on February 22, 1987 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was continued from March 10, 1987, to con- sider the Davis Blvd. Water Improvement Special Assessment District. Engineer Madajewski distributed a copy of the only letter received in opposition to the assessment district and an update on page two of the comparison cost summary which corrects a mathematical error. He øtated that at the Board direction, Staff has analyzed two alternate method~ of assessment: a) property square footage and, b) weighted average benefit based on property front footage and square footage and the location of the water main with respect to the benefited pro- perty. He indicated that the back-up material illustrates the method of each assessment. Mr. Madajewski said the assessment amount varies Page 7 - .. - ,···.·."'«.·_.__·..,_~.',"".,,,..<'=""<·~o,,,·.""...·_~..""'''"'_,.,,.'~"',__.......""-........_-...~_,_<-,.~..",.,."..~ ". -."'.--.......-- .. '··r:-.J··..·· .. .. - - MARCH 31, 1987 depending on the method used. He pointed out that using the square footage method some assessments were increased and some were decreased. He said the weighted method fell between the front foot and square foot methods. Mr. Madajewski stated that Staff still recommends using the front foot assessment method. Tap. f2 Mr. Frank Dolan, U.S. Home Corporation, representing Countryside Development, spoke against the front foot assessment method. He stated that Countryside was assessed for the Radio Road water lines and should not be charged again for the Davis Blvd. lines. Mr. Madajewski explained that the front foot asses~~ent only allows for a depth of 150 ft. and if there is a greater depth, there will be an extra charge for the extension. He noted that for this reason, the Countryside Development and the Bretonne Park Development were excluded from the square foot method of assessment. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Madajewski stated that there are only three irregular parcels within this assessment. In answer to Mrs. Cleo Ingram, property owner, Mr. Madajewski explained that she is being assessed for the front footage on Davis Blvd. but would not be assessed when the lines are construçted along County Barn Road. Mr. George Betor; Attorney Don Pickworth, representing Nicholas Klokochar¡ and Attorney George Varnadoe, representing Bretonne Park Page 8 lICIIX 103 ~r.t 15 0'..... v.........._,,..,___ :.J. aQIIX 103 PAf;( 16 MARCH 31, 1987 Development, also spoke agains~ the assessment methods. Mr. John Jassy; Mr. Stanton Gedvillas, representing Fritchey Corporation; and Mr. Harold Hall, Anchor Engineering, ~poke in favor of Staff recommended front foot assessment method. Mr. Gedvillas stated that property owners feel that this project is in their best interest and offered to contribute to the engineering services in the hopes of accelerating the time frame of the project. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Madajewski stated that in calculating the square foot method, the north 150 feet of Bretonne Park and Countryside Developments were subtracted before the calcula- tion was completed. commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and oarried unanimously, that the publio hearing be olosed. Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders, that Resolution 87-66/CWS 87-6 confirming the oreation of the Davis Blvd. Water Improvement special Assessment Distriot and ordering the oonstruotion of the assessable improvements be adopted1 and negotiate with Mr. Gedvillas on his offer to help with the enqineering study, however, if no aqreement oan be reaohed within lO days the utilities Division is authorized to obtain the servioes of a consultinq Enqineer for the design and construotion of the project. Tape U After a brief discussion on the motion, commissioner Glass amended hi. motion to inolude that the utilities Division meet with Cler~ paqe 9 - .. - ···-·'·,'----··--,_·..'.,,_,\'..,.,__""\.__t__."'L""...'1~r""_,._, - .. - MARCH 31, 1981 oile. with referenoe to the loan, and an amount not to exoeed $310,000 be authorized. Commissioner Saunðers amended his second and the motion carried unanimously. . . Page 10 ~cn~ 103 ~Ar,t 17 L. :... .> - - - MARCH 31, 1987 Items UC2/UC7 ORDINANCES ADOPTING THE STANDARD BUILDING CODE, COASTAL BUILDING ZONE, STANDARD SWIMMING POOL CODE, STANDARD PLUMBING CODE, STANDARD MECHANICAL CODE AND STANDARD GAS CODE - CONTINUED TO APRIL l4, 1987 County Attorney cuyler requested that these items be continued to April l4, 1987. commissioner Glass moved, seoonded by Commissioner Saunders and oarried unanimously, that the Adoptior of the Standard Building Code, Coastal Buildinq Zone, Standard swimming Pool Code, Standard Plumbinq code, Standard Mechanical Code and Standard Gas Code be continued to April 14, 1987. Item UC8 ORDINANCE 87-l4 AMENDING ORDINANCB 75-16, ESTABLISHING THE DISTRI»UTION REQUIREMENTS 'O~ REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on March 12, 1987 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an Ordinance amending Ordinance 75-16, establishing the distribution requirements for regu- lar board meeting agendas. Assistant to the County Manager Olliff stated that the proposed change will reflect the procedure actually being followed at the pre- sent time. He stated that the current Ordinance requires the County Manager's Office to prepare and distribute the agenda for all regular Board of County Commissioners' meetings no later than 7 days prior to the meeting. Mr. Olliff explained that this does not allow placement Page 11 6COX 103 ~r;r 21 .;. . ,I',; '}t~':" 1':;~:"1' :~ '~;r j 'i· mx 103m!: 22 .,.~ '. ~. ' MARCH 3l, 1987 of items which are continued for one week, nor does it allow adver- tising those items. Mr. Olliff advised that Staff is proposing to change the Ordinance to stipulate 4 days, which is actually what is being done at the pre- sent time. Chairman Hasse stated that 4 days prior to the meeting is Friday and the agendas are currently being distributed on Thursdays. He said he would like to continue to have them distributed on Thursdays. County Attorney Cuyler stated that the change should be from 7 days to 5 days. Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and oarried unanimously, that the publio hearing be closed. commissioner Glass moved, søconded by commissioner Saunders, that the ordinance as n~ered and titled below be adopted and entered into ordinance Book No. 26. During discussion of the motion Commissioner Goodnight noted that Section 1.l.C.2. does not allow the Constitutional Officers to pla~e items on the Agenda. Mr. Cuyler advised that Constitutional Officers submit their requests to the County Manager and he places the items on the Agenda. Commissioner Saunders stated that the Constitutional Officers should be allowed to plac2 items directly on the Agenda. commissioner Glass amended his motion to include the stipulation that Constitutional Officers be allowed to place items directly ~n the ~genda. commissioner Saunders &mended his second, and the motion oarried unanimously. í;· ¡ Page 12 - .. - '!."'. . . ".........' ...t,j. ~~i?', .( \:.;~ ,; "~'" ~ : ;"'1" .\;1:" . X f', ~; }~~' MARCH 3l, 1987 ordinance 87-14 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 75-16, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE TIME, PLACE, AND CONDUCT OF MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS; BY AMENDING SECTION 1.1.C.2. TO BE PREPARED AND DISTRIBUTED NOT LATER THAN FIVE (5) DAYS PRECEDING THE MEETING; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Item .981 and '9B2 RESOLUTION 87-&7 PERTAINING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT AND FUNDING OF A BUDGET FOR THE MARCO ISLAND BEACH RBNOURISHMENT AND PUBLIC ACCESS M.S.T.U. - ADOPTED AND AGRBEMENT WITH COASTAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. TO PROVIDE PRBLIMINARY DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE MARCO ISLAND BEACH RENOURISHMENT AND PUBLIC ACCESS M.S.T.U. - APPROVED Engineering Director Huber read the proposed resolution and stated that funding a budget for the Marco Island Beach Renourishment and Public Access MSTU was approved on February l7, 1987 and Staff was directed to investigate a funding source. He stated that Staff has conferred with the County Attorney's Office, the Budget Office and the Marco Island Beach Renourishment Advisory Committee and have found there is no other source of funding for the balance of FY 1986/87 except a loan from Fund 301. Mr. Robert Stakich, Chairman of the Marco Island Beach Renourishment Committee, requested that the Board take both actions today by changing the wording of #5 in the resolution from "the Board may consider a transfer from Fund 301" to "there shall be ~ transfer from Fund 301". r,cox 103 p~(,!: 23 Page 13 :.. .6 t¡~ ;j '".......;....",...,"~'"...."',--."..,,-,,..,-""-""-_.. 4. __'~_.._.''''''''''.~_"'-'''_.''..''"¡~'''.'''___'''''''_"'_~~'''' "*';;;;¡h·,·."",.....~"",..,¡-_"'"-'.·,....___,·.".~"·",",,~,,=y,.,..·"."'·.,,..",..,._..~,""__..~...,',,.,...~.~,.._..._.,... ....,,,-,--- &cnx jl{)~P£G! ~~ MARCH 3l, 1987 Mr. Carl Berke, Marco Island resident, stated that he is in favor of Beach Renourishment, however, he requested the Board postpone taking any action on this item until the Committee first addresses the issue of parking to enable residents to utilize the beaches. He atated that the people of Marco must drive to the beach and if they have no place to park, renourishment and access become unnecessary. In answer to Commissioner Glass, Mr. Huber stated that the Ordinance creating the Marco Island Beach Renourishment Committee only includes renourishment and access and does not address parking. In response to Mr. Berke, Mr. Stakich stated that when the Committee addresses access, if they find that parking must also be addressed, they will go back and address it. Mrs. Charlotte Westman, Marco Island resident, stated that this resolution should be addressed with tho next item on an Agreement with Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. for design services. She also stated concern over the interest rate and whether it affects the MSTU and the referendum. 'tap. f4. In response to Commissioner Glass, Mr. Huber stated that an Agreement with Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. for professional engineering services to perform a study and report on beach nourish- ment in Collier County was approved on September 23, 1986 and it is requested that this agreement be expanded to include the design work on Marco Island's beach renourishment project. He stated the expan- Page 14 ¡ , , " - - - ):" MARCH 31, 1987 sion of services will cost $177,782.00 and this portion of the agreement will consist of two parts: 1) the preliminary design, and 2) a certain amount of final design criteria which is needed to secure permits. Assistant County Attorney Weigel stated that the proposed resolu- tion is satisfactory. Answering Mrs. Westman's concern over interest, Mr. Weigel stated that this interest is not usary interest, but only maintains the status quo in a fund that would not otherwise be used, and it is similar to an anticipation note. He stated that there are no legality concerns with these two items. He also stated that Paragraph #5 of the Resolution is an informative paragraph rather than an operative paragraph and provides the Board with the ability to con- sider in more detail the exact ramifications concerning percentages of transfers back and forth. In answer to Com,nissioner Glass, Mr. Huber stated that the pre- vious study is attached to the Executive Summary and is similar in nature to the current study being done. He stated that the transfer of funds will be a contribution of funds used for the actual restora- tion project. He stated that there is a contribution of $27,000 rather than a loan because Marco Island is contributing to the County-Wide Study. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Huber stated that the $177,782.00 is included in the transfer being requested with the Resolution, and will be paid back to the County from taxes collected &COX 103 p~r.[ 25 Page 15 . . f~'~ ,~.; ;t t~. :f ~" ,4~'. ': t_~. aDDX 103 nr.¡ 26 MARCH 31, 1987 by the Marco Island MSTU. Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and oarried unanimously, that Resolution 87-67 pertaining to the establishment of a funding source for the Maroo Island Beach Renourishment and Public Aocess M.S.T.U. during Fiscal Year 1986/87, be adopted with the following change: Paraq~aph '5 - 1st sentence should read: "The Board shall transfer from I'Und 30l...n; and the Budget Amendment to transfer the necessary funds from Fund 301 Reserves to I'Und l59, be approved. commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and oarried unanimously, that an Agreement with Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. to provide preliminary design servioes for the Marco Island Beach Renourishment and Publio Acce.s M.S.T.U. be approved. .. Page 16 ~,' ~r :~?\ . ,. ....... -. - - .. . , '. .." ~ ..,,' ¡ . ' . ' '. . '. aCD1{ 103 pm 44 MARCH 31, 1987 AAA RECESS ~T 10z50 A.M. RECOKV!NED AT 11:00 A.M. AAA Item f9C1 REQUEST TO HIRE MR. RICHARD WEIDERHOLD AS EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TRAINING OFFICER AT A ANNUAL SALARY 01' $27,000 - APPROVED Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that 12 candidates qualified for the position of Emergency Medical Services Training Officer. He stated that after a written examination and oral inter- view five candidates were considered for eligibility. He said that after a careful review of backgrounds and personal needs, it was decided that the position should be offered to Mr. Richard Weiderhold of Orlando. Mr. O'Donnell stated that Mr. Weiderhold is the current Paramedic Program Director for Seminole Community College near Orlando, has training interaction and responsibilities to ten area fire departments, twelve area hospitals, and is a faculty represen- tative to the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services for Florida Emergency Medical Service Educators. Mr. O'Donnell stated that the position is currently in Professional Pay Grade 13 with a salary range of $22,669 - $31,779. He stated that a true market analysis has indicated an entry salary of $27,000. Mr. O'Donnell recommended that the Board authorize a salary of 19\ above entry level for this position. Chairman Hasse stated that he would prefer to promote from within the County employees. Mr. O'Donnell stated that a Collier County employee was ranked in the top 5 for this position, but she withdrew Page 17 - - - ,-.-.,---., MARCH 31, 1987 her application after the interview. Mr. John Keschl stated his displeasure with not promoting from within. He also stated his feeling that this Training Officer should also train the local firefighters as part of his duties. Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated there is routine class work and training required for EMS and most of the firefighters main- tain an active EMT Certificate. He stated he would encourage that this position also be used for the Fire Departments. Commissioner Saunders moved, seoonded by commissioner Glass and oarried unanimously, that Mr. Richard Weiderhold be hired as the Emergency Medical services' Training Offioer at an entry salary of $27,000 per annum. Item f9C2 ~GREEMBNT BETWBEN THE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY AND THE COUNTY I'OR THE CRAIGHEAD LABORATORY RENOVATION AS PART OP THE COLLIER COUNTY MUSEUM EXPANSION - APPROVED , CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that the Southwest Florida Archaeological Society has expressed a willingness to per- manently relocate the Craighead Laboratory on the Collier County Museum Site and historically renovate the facility at its own cost. He stated that the Laboratory will be open to the public and become a "Living Exhibit" and the materials that are most significant will be placed in the Museum. He said the public will be encourag~d to par- ticipate in the construction of an Indian mound "living exhibit". Commissioner Saunders stated that the agreement contains no stan- &CQ~ 103 p~r.r 45 Page 18 &GOX lOa P1Gr 46 MARCH 31, 1987 dards for the type of operatlon and remcdy for problems, if they should arise. Assistant County Attorney Weigel stated there is nothing in the Agrecment making the Society responsible for expenses, however, the administration of the facility will be within the Museum and will fall under the supervision of the Museum Director. He stated that through this Agreement, the Museum Director will have the authority to set hours, and establish rules and procedures. Commissioner Saunders suggested that the following additional paragraph be added to the Agreement: " The Society will be responsible for the annual maintenance and upkeep, exclusive of the utilities for the Laboratory, and additionally, in the event, that the operation is not satisfactory to the Museum Director, the Museum Director will notify the Society to correct any deficiencies, and if that does not occur the Museum Dir~ctor will take action to remove the Society from the Building." Mr. Keith Waterhouse, Southwest Florida Archaeological Society, stated that they are agreeable to the additional paragraph. commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and oarried unanimously, that the Agreement between the Southwest I'lorida Arohaeologioal society and Collier county for the craighead Laboratory Renovation as part of the Collier County Museum Expansion, be approved and the Chairman is authorized to execute the Agreement with the above mOdifioation. Note: SEE PAŒS 194-1~5 ~ - ..-'.--- _._o¥···_ .' ~.___ Page 19 - .. - f . I (> ~ ' , ".,' . , - - - MARCH 31, 1987 It.. f9C3 STATUS REPORT ON PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL PLAN OP LELY BAREFOOT BEACH PARK Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that the Board of County Commissioners directed Staff to develop a conceptual site plan of the types of park facilities that could be developed on Lely Barefoot Beach. He stated that the Collier County Conservancy is a regulatory Agency for this property, and the Parks & Recreation Department Staff has been meeting regularly with the Conservancy Staff to discuss development of the conceptual plan. He stated they have also met with representatives of the Save Our Beaches Organization on the plan. Mr. O'Donnell displayed a conceptual plan depicting passive recreation. While referring to the plan Mr. O'Donnell stated that it is recommended that the following items be placed on the site: - Parking lots and pull-offs for approximately 185 cars - Rest rooms - Dune cross-overs - Boardwalk(s) - Nature trails - Canoe launching facilities - Observation tower He stated the site would be utilized as a low impact nature and beach park with the majority of the property being left in it's natural state. He added that all the facilities mentioned in the conceptual &COX 103p~q 47 Page 20 -------.., <~~--,--".. ·.... in')" '18' .~~^ \J \J PAr.~ ':t: MARCH 31, 1987 plan are allowable under the court settlement. Mr. O'Donnell also advised that the site is approximately 139 acres and total development coats will be about $l56,000. Chairman Hasse commended the Parks & Recreation Department for an excellent job on the plan. Dr. Mark Benedict, Collier County Conservancy, stated that .he pre- sented the conceptual plan to the Conservancy Board of Directors and they adopted a resolution supporting the use of the property. He then read the Resolution. He noted that this Resolution was sent with a letter to the State Land S~lcction Acquisition Committee. Dr. Benedict also stated that the Conservancy is ready to provide assistance to help insure this park becomes a reality. Mr. George Keller, Collier County Civic Federation, requested that the Board of County Commissioners give consideration to the develop- ment of more than 185 parking spaces. In answer to Mr. Robert Krasowski, Mr. O'Donnell stated that jurisdiction for operation of the property will be a decision made by the State. He added that it will probably fall under the jurisdiction of the County. Item f9C4 BID '87-l078 FOR SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM AT COMMUNITY PARKS - AWAROED TO NAPLES SOUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,620.00 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on February 19, 1987 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with :., ¡ ~I lt~ J , Page 21 - .. - " : . .. , . . ~ ' . , I - .. - ~ ., MARCH 31, 1987 the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a contract for security alarm systems at the mainte~ance buildings at the Immokalee, North Naples, and Frank E. Mackle, Jr. Community Parks. Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that the bids were divideq into installation of equipment and central station contact and maintenance fees for a five year period. He stated that the Parks & Recreation Department and the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board recom- mend the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder, Naples Sound Systems. In answer to Chairman Hasse, Parks & Recreation Director Crawford stated that the alarms are sound alarms. commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and oarried unanimously, that Bid '87-l078 be awarded to Naples Sound systems in the amount of $7,620.00. Item f9C5 EXTENSION 01' INTERIM CONCESSION AGREEMENT FOR CLAM PASS PARK - APPROVED FOR EXTENSION OF 60 DAYS Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that an Interim Concession Agreement was entered into on February lO, 1987 between the County and the Association of Unit Owners of the Registry Hotel. He , stated that since RFP's have just been sent out, it is recommended that this Interim Agreement be extended to August 31, 1987. Mr. O'ûonnell also stated that this will allow enough time to determine who will have the permanent concession agreement and allow Page 22 &CÐ~ 1U3J'm 49 r , ~I "1 &COX jl()~PÄ~t ~() MARCH 31, 1987 the parking lot, and water and sewer lines to be completed. Commissioner Glass requested Mr. O'Donnell to review contracts to see if the wall which is being constructed is within the specified time frame, and if it is not, he should take the proper action. Mr. George Keller, Collier County Civic Federation, stated that the permanent agreement should contain such items as The Registry Hotel providing transportation from the parking lot to the beach, enabling the public to utilize some of the Registry's parking spaces during the summer months, and The Registry Hotel should provide snack bars and cleaning services. He stated that the County should not be concerned about the percentage they receive on items sold at the con- cession stands, but rather, should require services to be provided. He said this would eliminate the need for County personnel to be at the site. Mrs. Charlotte Westman, League of Women Voters, asked why the instructional classes are being conducted by the Registry and not the Parks & Recreation Department Staff? Mr. O'Donnell advised that the term instruction, in this instance, means that the when boats are rented, the contractor must instruct the public on the proper opera- tion of the equipment. Also in answer to Mrs. Westman, Mr. O'Donnell stated that the permanent concession agreement will be very similar to the concession agreement at Tigertail Beach. He also stated that the permanent concession is already out for bid. Commissioner Saunders stated for the record that he has a little Page 23 ~ .. .. .. , , , ' ;: ' . ~ ' I , "þ, MARCH 31, 1987 problem with the Hotel running the concession due to complaints of noise that have been received from the neighbors. He stated he is sensing a lack of con~ern on the part of the Registry Hotel. Commissioner Saunders stated concern on the wording of the RFP's to enable 'other contractors to bid on this concession. Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that if the interest is not sufficient, the Staff, at it's discretion, can issue an addendum and advertise in other trade journals. He added that the Staff could prepare a budget, as if they were going to operate the concession, as a measurement of the prices being bid. Tape U commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by commissioner Glass, that the Interim conoession Aqr~ement for Clam Pas. Park be extended for 60 days. After a brief discussion on whether the 60 day extension was sufficient time for someone new to take over the concession, the motion oarried unanimously. N::>te: tbcunent not received in office of Clerk of the Board as of 4/0/87. ao~ l03P1f.1. 51 Page 24 I ; I I !" \' \ \ ¡ t I 1 ! I I ¡ , 1 I I aco~ 103 FAGt 52 MARCH 31, 1987 Item f9C6 BXTENSION OP FOURTH AMENDMENT TO BEACH ACCESS FACILITIES AGREEMENT FOR CLAM PASS PARK - APPROVED WITH CHANGE Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that this extension request of the Fourth Amendment to Beach Access Facilities Agreement is a companion item to the Concession Agreement. Attorney Richard Aaron, representing the Association of Unit Owners, stated that the concession agreement, as approved, does not make much sense be;ause 60 days is not enough time and the Interim Concession Agreement will be back for another extension. He stated the Fourth Amendment date makes no difference because the AUO has access, no matter what happens. Commissioner Saunders stated that the two extension agreements are linked in terms of time and he would like to keep them the same. Assistant County Attorney Weigel stated the August date was selected for a couple different reasons: 1) the reality of the Interim Concession Agreement is that a Permanent Agreement could not be ready to enter the premises within 60 days, and 2) the Fourth Amendment links the obligations of the Registry and the C~unty in that the water, sewer and electrical are going to be placed by the Registry Hotel with a splitting of costs with the County and there are no final figures or location for the utilities. He stated the Fourth Amendment is the agreement upon which the Registry Hotel has the obli- gations, as well as the privilege, for its people and patrons to be on I Page 25 - - - , . 6 ' " , , . , . ~ . . , ' ".",'~ ."'_....~.~'.,""","'.._-_...._~",,-..~'" · ... - - - MARCH 31, 1987 the beach and maintain the premises for the public and its patrons alike. He stated that if the Fourth Amendment is not extended, the park would effectively be closed, and the access to the beach facili- ties by the Hotel would be stopped. He added that the August 31st date is not an arbitrary date, but provides an opportunity for the parties to go together. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Weigel stated that the Commission may shorten the date, if they wish. Commissionar Glass suggested that instead of the August 31st date, the Agreement should state "upon notice of substantial completion". He stated that he would like to see the Registry provide overflow parking on a non-seasonal basis and continuation of the tram service. commissioner Gla,s moved, seconded by commissioner Saunders and oarried unanimously, that the I'ou~th Amendment to Beach ~ocess I'aoilities Agreement for Clam Pass Park be extended until notice of substantial completion mutually acceptable to both parties with a 30 ðay notice. thte: D:x::uœnt rot received in office of Clerk of the Board as of 4/8/87. aGOX 103' PAr,E 53 Page 26 !.i./ ~'" J.¿. l" ,..# . acDX 103 PAr,t 5~ MARCH 3l, 1987 Item flOA RESOLUTION 87-6S AUTHORIZING THB BORROWING OF $1,SOO,ooO FROM THE GULl' BREBZB, FLORIDA, LOCAL GOVERNMENT LOAN POOL PROGRAM FOR LANDPILL PROJECT - ADOPTED Co~nty Attorney Çuyler advised Commissioner Saunders that he may : . ,': \", .': "¡;. vote on this issue~ Ms. Susan Fischer, Sun Trust Securities, stated that the proposal to borrow the $1,800,000 was first taken to local banks and the results w~re a 5.6\ interest rate, however, the new tax laws have had a negative effect and the banks have notified the County that the interest rate will have to be adjusted to 7.6%. She said they then investigated the various government pools within the State and have a commitment of 5.2\ variable interest rate on a 5 year loan which will be amortized monthly on both principal and interest. In answer to Clerk Giles, Ms. Fischer stated the rate will be recalculated every 6 months and will go either up or down. She stated that ~he loan term of 5 years is notlong,enough to worry about a fixed interest rate. Commissioner pistor moved, seoonded by Commissioner Glass and carried 4/0 (Commissioner Goodnight absent), that Resolution 87-68 Authorizinq the Borrowing of $1,SOO,000 from the Gulf Breeze, Florida, Local Govexnment Loan Pool Program to finanoe the cost of the acquisi- tion of a Landfill Cell Liner and construotion of the Solid Waste Disposal Cell, be adopted. Page 27 -. - .. - f , . ~ " , · , ',- - . . ;- .., . - - - MARCH 31, 1987 Item t9D2 INTENTION TO CONVERT $5 MILLION OF THE $76,600,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REVENUE BONDS - APPROVED County Attorney Cuyler advised Commissioner Saunders that he must f I I abstain from voting on this issue. Ms. Susan Fischer, Sun Trusl Securities, stated that the next 5 million dollars is available for use by the Utilities Department to finance a portion of the North Collier Water Transmission Lines. She advised that Staff needs permission to notify the bondholders of the Board's intent to convert the bonds. Commissioner pistor seconded by Commissioner Glass and oarrieð 4/0 (Commissioner Saunders abstaininq) (Form 8B filed), that Smith Barney, Barris, Upham , Company is authorized to notify the bondholders of the County's intent to convert $5 million of the $76,600,000 Capital Improvement Program Revenue Bonds, jeries 1986 on May 6, 1987. See Pages j ~c¡ - /, C> *** RECESS AT 12:15 P.M. R~co«VENED AT 1:15 P.M. *** at which time Deputy Clerk Kuet~r was replaced by Deputy Clerk Kenyon. Item t9Dl RESOLUTION 87-69/CWS 87-7 SETTING APRIL 28, 1987, AS THE TIME TO HOLD ~ PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE PALM SPRINGS SUBDIVISIONS'S WATER SERVICE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - ADOPTED Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that this is for the Palm Springs Water Improvemsnt District, adding that the water improvements have been completed. He stated that he is asking that a public hearing date be established for April 28, 1987, to hear the final pro- Page 28 acm( lOa PAt;r.lo.9 t .... ' , I I ,r- acœ 103 W.! 110 MARCH 31, 1987 posal on the final assessment roll. Commissioner Saunde~s moved, seoonded by Commissioner pistor and oarried 3/0, (Commissioners Goodnight and Glass out of the room), that Resolution 87-69/CWS 87-7 be adopted. Page 29 ¡ . I ¡ I - .. - ---"""---..,,"" ,.» .c~ 103 r.r,~ 116 MARCH 31, 1987 Item Ul'l C~BLI FRANCHISI AGREEMENT WITH CABLEVISION INDUSTRIES, INC. - APPROVED AND NEW APPLICATIONS SUSPENDED FOR 90 DAYS TO ALLOW FOR THE DRAFTING OF A CABLEVISION REGULATING ORDINANCE Tom Olliff, Assistant to the County Manager, stated that this is a recommendation to approve a franchise agreement with Cablevision Industries, Inc. and the franchise area is basically the entire County excluding the ar~a which is already under franchise to Cablevision Industries and the incorporated cities of the County. He noted that the BCC directed Staff to review this franchise agreement in the hopes that it would create competition and provide the consumer with a better service and better competitive price. County Attorney Cuyler stated that there are some small changes that have been discussed and agreed upon with the petitioner and he would like to go over these with the Commission. He noted that on Page 2 of the franchise agreement in Section 2, the title is "Term and I Renewal" which is being changed to "Term", with the words "and renewal" striken; also in that same paragraph the date is being changed from June 8 to June 6 in order to terminate on the same date as a number of other franchises; Page 2, Section 3, Paragraph A, line 4, there is a typographical error which is required and should be requires; and Page 7, Section ll, Paragraph A, line 4, the phase "paid by franchisee subscribers within the aforesaid described area" is to be striken. Tape '7 County Attorney Cuyler stated that on Page 8, Section 12, line 5, Page 30 :<' - - - - .....---...""--.. - -~."'"..... .......- -q -----_.""""""'-,...- .... - .. - MARCH 31, 1987 this language was changed, which Mr. D'Louhy will read into the record. He noted that in Exhibit "A" the expiration date was also changed from June 8 to June 6, adding that he has also looked at the indem- nification agreement and it is exactly the same as the Palmer indemnïfication agreement was. Mr. D'Louhy, of Cablevision Industries, Inc., stated that on Page 8, Section 12, 5th line, there is a description of the various public service facilities that would be served and there is additional wording, adding that the word "except" should be deleted and the following words should be in~erted, "however, in those instances when such a public facility is already receiving cable television service from another provider or can more readily be served by another pro- vider operating within the franchise area, the County may exempt the franchisee from such obligation." He stated that Mr. Cuyler mentioned changing the date in Exhibit "AU from June 8 to June 6, which should not be a change. Mr. Cuyler agreed with this indicating that Exhibit "A" should remain the same. Mr. D'Louhy stated that he is requesting approval of the recommen- dation as it is indicated in the Executive Summary, which is approval for this franchise and also to suspend new cable franchise applica- tions for 90 days. Mr. Olliff stated that Staff is also requesting that the Board suspend accepting applications for new franchise areas for cablevision for a period of 90 days as the County would like to look at an ordi- Page 31 MO~ 103 WI 117 .-. m~ 103 "(,1,118 MARCH 31, 1987 nance that regulates cablevision and would establish some application procedures and performance standards for cable companies that operate in the County. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he will be working on this in conjunction with the manager's office and Staff will return to the Board within ~his time period. Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried 4/0, (Commissioner GOodnight out of the room), that the cable- vision franchise agreement with Cablevision Industries, Ino. be approved with the above referenoed chanqe. and that new cable franohise applications be suspended for a period of 90 days to allow for the drafting of a cablevision regulating ordinance. Page 32 - _. .. - ~ , '. ' , , . . ~, , '. , -".' . . ..,~~"'--~ -~,""".,..---.~,---- ,~...",N' l - ~ &C.;~ 103 W,1 132 rlARCH 31, 1987 Item fllA BUDGET AMENDMENTS 87-20l/202; 87-204/205; 87-208; 87-212/213 - ADOPTED Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and oarried 4/0, (Commi8si~ner GoOdniqht out of the room), that Budget Amendments 87-20l/202: 87-204/205: 87-208: and 87-2l2/2l3 be adopted. Ite. U'::! BUDGET AMENDMENT RESOLUTION 87-026 - ADOPTED Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried 4/0, (Commissioner Goodniqht out of the room), that Budqet Amendment Resolution 87-026 ~e adopted. '.: , . ') Page 33 .~ - 1 ~--....-- .. - .. - ,. """"-~..,-----_.""-"-,..,,,,,,,,,,,,-",,,,,,,-,,- IOOX 103'".\r,~134 MARCH 31, 1987 nea flu STAl'l' TO INVBSTIGATE ~LL POSSIBILITIBS REGARDING DREDGING 01' WIGGINS PUS AIm RETUIUf TO 'l'HB Bee 1M THREE on:s WITH ~nILABLB OPTIONS Commissioner Gless stated that he has been requested to present a petition regarding the dredging of Wiggins Pass. He indicated that Wiggins Pass has been filled in again and a solution to the problem on a long-term basis is being discussed. He noted that there are several people that would like to speak on this matter. Mr. William Funk, President of Wiggins Pass Conservancy, stated that in 1984 Collier County dredged Wiggins Pass and private funds of approximately $137,000 were donated to the County to assist in this project. He stated that at the time, Coastal Engineering estimated that it would ~c necessary to maintenance stretch the pass every 18 to 24 months, but approximately 6 months after the initial dredging was completed, two hurricanes passed through the area. He noted that one of them set off shore and commenced an initial and premature filling of the pass and since then the dredged channel has completely filled in and a naturel channel has formed to the north of the marked channel having the width of approximately 30 feet and ranging in depth from 2-1/2' to 4' at low tide. He stated that this is a safety hazard if more than one boat is in the channel and the shallow water restricts the ability of boats to transit the pass in safety. He noted that another area of equal if not more serious concern is the apparent development of pOllution in the back waters of Wiggins Pass. Page 34: . - .. - "". "~....,...,..~,....,>-"...,."._,,,,,.,...,-..,.,,,.......,,,,.",,-~..>,--,-~--.....,..,,,,-- .... ~ .'....Lh__........__,.,.-'_...__"..~.'"'''_''''~.;",..._;_,...__."."...~'...........''""""'''', ___, MARCH 31, 1987 He stated that an open and clear Wiggins Pass will result in an increased flow of tidal water which wlll assist in flushing the back waters and prevent further degradation. Loren Bullard, representing the Naples, Marco Island and Wiggins Pass Coast Guard Auxiliary, stated that they have patrols in this area every Saturday and Sundays as well as holidays. He noted that on March 22, 1987, the patrol counted 187 boats between Clam Pass and Big Carlos Pass, adding that there were 62 trailers at wiggins State Park Beach and 26 trailers at the Vanderbilt Drive. He stated that he would estimate that with this number of boats there were between 900 and 1,200 people boating. He indicated that during the past 45 days, there has been a severe problem with shoaling at Wiggins Pass and there has been 14 groundings re,orted to the Coast Guard during this period because the entire south side of the Pass is completely closed up. He noted that at high tide, there is about 4U of water from shore to the center marker of the Pass, which creates a severe problem when the Coast Guard tries to tow these boats. He noted that this Pass is also needed open for the Hurricane disaster plan. He stated that he presented this same picture about 11 years ago, 9 years ago, 7 years ago, and then it was finally dredged, adding that for the last 2-1/2 to 3 years, there have been no problems but they are starting to sur- face again. Captain Paul Harvey stated that he operates a charter fishing business and as a guide it is his responsibility to take people into Page 35 8COX 1D3~r,~ 135 ;'" . --_.~".,,'~..., 'OÐ~ 103 ""c.~ 136 MARCH 31, 1987 the back bays to catch fish. He noted that over the last 7 years an enormous amount of growth in this area has caused serious changes in the environment and this, coupled with the lack of the flushing action of Wiggins Pass, is doing irrepairable damage. He stated that with all the sediment and pollutants that drain into Wiggins Bay area, the lack of the flushing is trapping the sediment in the Bay. He stated that he hopes that the dredge of the Pass will be done as it will help the flushing action of the Back Bay and it will be adding sand to the beaches to the north and tne south. Mr. Funk stated that he has discussed the dredging of Wiggins Pass with Dr. Mark Benedict and Greg Brooks of the Conservancy Staff and their position on the dredging is neutral, adding that they did state that they would be willing to work with Coastal Engineering in regards to the dredging. He stated that Wiggins Pass Conservancy has contracted with Coastal Engineering to obtain the ten year maintenance dredging permits for the Pass but since the Pass will require periodic dredging it becomes impossible to rely upon private donations to accomplish this. He stated that the Wiggins Pass Conservancy cir- culated petitions among property owners of the Wiggins Pass backwaters requesting the County Commission to establish a taxing district if necessary to keep the pass clear, which he presented for the record. He noted that there are 1,870 boats registered in North Naples between June, 1986, and February, 1987, which represents approximately 18% of the county registrations. He stated that he is requesting Collier Page 36 - - - .~...-,,--~..._- "'-'<~>,""-".",--".."",--.--".";"",,.., - - - MARCH 31, 1987 County to assume the responsibility of maintaining a clear and navi- gable Wiggins Pass, adding that if Federal, State or County funds ,are not available to accomplish this, he is requesting that (1), boat regi3t~ations from North Naples be returned to the County and designated for maintenðnce of wiggins Pass, and (2) the County establish a taxing district encompassing all waterfront property in an area bounded by Vanderbilt Beach Road on the south, Vanderbilt Drive on the east, Bonita Beach Road on the north, the east side of Gulf Shore Blvd. and Vanderbilt Beach Estates and to include Wiggins Bay Club and waterfront property along the Cocohatchee River between Vanderbilt Drive and u.s. 41. He stated that in addition, he would request that the Collier County Department of Environmental Science and Pollution Control establish a water monitoring program in Vanderbilt Lagoon and north through Turkey Lake to the confluence of the Imperial River. Commissioner Glass stated that there is an ongoing problem with this waterway and there are a tremendous number of residents that have waterfront properties and boats and this is why one approach was with a taxing district. He stated that what he is requesting is for Staff to investigate as soon as possible a way to solve this problem. County Manager Lusk stated that he received a telephone call from Senator Johnson's offi=e in Sarasota County noting that he is requesting support from the County Commission for a bill that he is getting ready to submit asking that the State turn over one of their !CQ:( 103 p,r,t 137 Page 37 r- ,.",-;~..._-. ........ -~"""'=-~~"',---_."........,~."~",,,=",.~,.,".,,,,,,,.,......,,",'''--'''-'''.'-''-'''"'''~'''-''''.-'---'-' anDj( lUa f'~r..13B MARCH 31, 1987 dredge boat3 to a district that would be comprised of Manatee, Sarasota, Lee, and Collier Counties. He noted that this boat would be used by all four counties and the counties would share the cost of the crews. He stated that Senator Johnson indicated that he would send a copy of this bill and a resolution to him, which he will bring before the Board of County Commissioners. He reported that this is a per- manent program and the boat would be scheduled for the area periodi- cally. Commissioner Glass stated that this is a navigable waterway and the Corps of Engineers has some part to play in this and Staff needs to investigate all the possibilities in order to come up with a solu- tion. He stated that this is not a project that citizens alone can handle by themselves. Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that he was the Project Director for the original Wiggins Pass project when he was administra- tive assistant to former County Manager Norman and there is an excellent file on the funding mechanisms. He stated that at that time a district taxing district was looked at as well as a special assessmen~ project which would have been done on a front foot basis based on people that had access to a navigable waterway and had shorefront or waterfront property. He stated that the file is in good order and some of the work that was done in the past is very good. commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Staff be directed to investigate and c~or- Page 38 - - - ··_·__·_··""-_·,,.......~^"'_·,'_'''''',,·..''''~'Iv'~'''', _,",_.'< ..._~'~......_-----"''''','''.,--"-.,,,-..~---. ._'."''''''''''..~..~_._,~"--'''-_...._,-,.''''~---.~,.,,-,.,,,.- MARCH 31, 1987 dinate with the Wiggins Pass Conservancy and return back to the Board of County Commissioners in three weeks on the potentials and possibi- lities regarding thi. matter. Commissioner Hasse stated that as soon as the County Manager comes forward with this information from Senator Johnson, it may be a good idea to support this in order to keep all the Passes clear. Item U2B STAFF TO MEET WITH THE FIRE DISTRICTS REGARDING THE USE OF THE TRUST FUND MONIES F~~ FIRE PROTECTION AND RETURN TO THE BCC IN TWO WEEKS Commissioner Hasse stated that he would like the County Attorney to explain what can be done for the fire control districts in the Golden Gate Estates area. County Attorney Cuyler stated that his recommendation is for the fire districts to meet with the County Attorney's office, the Manager's office, and Real Property Management, adding that two separate districts have requested a partial distribution of the monies within the fund. He stated that there is approximately $230,000 or a little more, but it is his recommendation that not all the money be distributed at this time. He noted that there will be $175,000 - $200,000 that the Board may want to consider distributing for the pur- poses that are set out in the 1983 agreement between Avatar and the County, adding that fi.e protection is one of those specified uses. He stated that it is important that the Fire Districts and County staff meet to answer a number of questions, one of which is exactly m~ 103 FAC,! 13.9 Page 39 . ...-- .... '····,....._·"'><>.___...oc_. ....... . ~.~_·_""""""""""·_...""_·"""""";·.."""'."'<,,,,.._ù..__·_....__~~_ &m 103 p~'.~ 1 {iO MARCH 31, 1987 what amount is being requested by the Fire District, the uses that they plan for the money, the time frame for the expenditures, the areas in which the improvements will be placed, the areas that are going to be benefited by the improvements and any other issues that may come to light in order to make a recommendation to the Board. He stated that if the fire districts would meet with him, he could come back to the Board in two weeks to give a recommendation on how much, if any, of this money is to be used fo~ these purposes and exactly how to do it and have a contract drafted to layout everyone's obligations, responsiblities, and to maKe sure that everything is completed if the money is distributed. Tape ta Assistant Chief Gayland Moore, Golden Gate Fire Control District, stated that he was under the impression that something could be done this date with regards to the trust fund monies and the fire station. He stated that there have been several people in the community working toward the fire station for Golden Gate Blvd. and with the development of the trust fund money, it looKed like it was going to be a reality in the near futur2. He stated that he presented a copy of the layout of the fire station that is being proposed and it is ready to be designed. He stated that there are over 2,000 homes in Golden Gate Estates to protect and fire can originate from other points other than brush fires, adding that protection is needed as soon as possible as there is a 10 to 15 minute response time now. He noted that this Page 40 - - - ,···....·,,",,··"'''''...··.·'H·..."..~·_.., .-~--;-,..-._.._,...,*---_......_;..~......._...,,',........~._.__.."'""""""'..',"'-".' - .. - MARCH 31, 1987 makes it difficult to save properties and lives. He stated that he is ready to meet with the County Attorney at his earliest convenience, adding that he is hoping that the district can get $100,000. Mr.' George Keller, representing Golden Gate Taxpayers Association and the Golden Gate Estates Association, stated that they would appre- ciate anything that can be done to expedite this matter, adding that the property is there and waiting for the fire station. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he does not see much problem with capital improvement of construction of a fire house in the Estates District, but there is also another fire district that lies partially within the Estates that is requesting monies. He stated that there needs to be a mechanism for the funding and some assurances that this is where the money is going to go, and the Board has to weigh the competing interest of everyone that wants money. Mr. Keller stated that the Big Corkscrew Fire District is also asking for money for equipment, adding that they do have some equip- ment, but the Golden Gate Fire District is in dire need for this building. He stated that he hopes that the Board of County Commissioners will settle with the Golden Gate Fire District and then, if there is any surplus, settle with the Big Corkscrew Fire District. commissioner Hasse directed the County ~ttorney to handle this matter and report back to the Board in two weeks. Item tl2C N~PLES ~IRPORT LOCATION STUDY NOT TO PROCEED - CONSENSUS Commissioner Hasse stated that he would like a consensus of the Commissioners as to whether this airport location study should go aco',( 103 w.~ 1,11 Page 41 :... _'__'0"'" .,_.,,,,,~~.~_.. &CD;\ 103 w, 142 M^RCH 31, 1987 forward. Commissioner Saunders stated thðt in light of the fact that the City of Naples has elected not to proceed ðny further with their study, it would be appropriate to concur with the City and not proceed. He stated that he does not think that any action is necessary. Commissior:er Hllsse stated that as long as there is a general con- sensus of the Board Members, he will send Mayor Putzell a letter indi- eating that the County concurs with the City with regards to not proceeding any further on the Naples Airport location study. Item '12D ASSISTANT COUNTY MANA~ER TO INVESTIGATE BRINGING THE BOUND SYSTEM IN BOARDROOM UP TO APPROPRIATE STANDARDS AND RETURN TO BCC WITH REPORT Commissioner Gocdnight stated that in the past few months there have been several problems with the sound system and in converstation one afternoon with the sound man, she indicated some of the problems. She stated that he indicated to her that there is a lack of speakers and she suggested that he prepare some prices indicating what it would cost. She noted that he suggested that to solve problems for the petitioners, a wireless mike could be used and speakers with volume control could be installed for $1,494. She stated that th¿ back speakers should also be looked at as it may be possible that the wires are corroded. Commissioner Pistor stilted that the sound man was in last week Page 42 - - - ...,- ._..^"-...,......~,_...-_~,_""..."_...">O.;.-"'_.,''',,..,,_._._ ,-,,. - - - MARCH 3l, 19B7 working for quite a while and it seems that the whole system is lacking something. County Manager Lusk stated that about 2-1/2 years ago, there were real problems with the sound system and a quote was obtained. He stated at that time, there were different alternatives and the Commission decided on the least expensive alternative. He noted that there were no quarantees to the system, other than it would be better than what was currently in the boardroom. He stated that it was better than what was originally in place, but it is still not a very good system. Commissioner Saunùers stated that the~e is going to be a table put in for the staff members to sit at and it will need microphones also. Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that the problem is almost two-fold, adding that incremental st~ps have been taken and one of the major problems has always been the amplifying device which was the one that was bought when this building was built 12 years ago. He stated that the control head and many of the microphones have been changed and dozens of speakers have been added throughout the building as well as trying to make accommodations for television and radio. He stated that the e~tire system needs to be looked at. Commissioner Goodnight stated that the Commission should instruct the sound man to come in and look at the whole system and what it will cost to bring it up to standards including the table, the wireless mike and microphones for everyone to hear. &COX 103' W,r 1 ¡1:J Page 43 _.'..".-,,,,--,;,-,-,,,,,,,_._-_.= m~ 103',:,: 1.14 MARCH 31, 1987 County Manager Lusk stated that this is probably something that is going to have to be bid, therefore, specs are going to have to be written. Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that after a basic spec has been prepared, bids could be taken on it, and the existing sound man could bid on a total system versus a piecemeal system. Mr. Charlie Andrews stated that something should be done to this system as it is very frustrating trying to listen to the meeting and only hearing a portion of it. He stated that the big problem seems to be in the ceiling as one ctln usually hear the wall mikes arid the side mikes, therefore, a whole new system is not needed. Commissioner Hasse stated that he thought a great deal of money was spent on this system and it seems that this system could be improved. Mr. Dorrill stated throughout the week there are a number of meetings and some people were randomly adjusting the system which created problems and, at that point, a lock was put on the cabinet door to prevent this. He noted that this was one of the biggest problems. He reported that he would take a look at the whole system and bring back options to the Board. Item #12E STAFF TO ADVERTISE AND SOLICIT APPLICATIONS FOR AN B WEEK PERIOD FOR A COUNTY MANAGER; COMMISSION TO SELECT A 7 MEMBER CITIZENS COMMITTEE TO SHORT-LIST APPLICANTS AND RETURN TO THE BCC WITH 5 UNRANKED APPLICANTS Commissioner Goodnight stated that she sent a memo to the Commissioners regarding some ideas in selecting a new County Manager. Page 44 "'"----,._'"',,""--,"'""- "_""'_'~""'"·_'M_"_'-''''«''';___'''''' - .. - MARCH 31, 1987 She stated that it is important that this be done as soon as possible and not have the County in a holding pattern as it seems to have been for the past few months. She stated that she would encourage the Board to consider this matter and move forward on it as soon as possible. She stated that she has suggested that the Personnel Director and his department advertise for the position and accumulate applications and then appoint a 7 member blue ribbon citizens manage- ment committee that could help the Commission short list the appli- cants to 3 applicants, She stated that after the 3 finalists are selected by the Blue Ribbon Committee, she would recommend that the Board interview them publicly and privately and then make a selection. She reported that tre Personne~ Director has indicated that it would be at least four weeks before the advertising could be done and all the applications received and then another two weeks for the Blue Ribbon committee to complete their task, which is a total of at least 6 weeks. She stated that the Commission also needs to decide what type of manager the County is looking for and the job description that he will have. Commissioner Hasse stated that he does not want to rush into anything, and everyone needs to be ca~eful so that there are no mista- kes made. Commissioner Goodnight stated that she does not feel that this Board can do anything until after April 24, 1987, and from that time if it takes 6 weeks, this puts it into June and the Board will be on m~ 103 ¡Y,! 145 Page 45 ~H 103n014ß MARCH 31, 1987 vacation and the decision would not be made until July and it would probably be August or September before a new person could start. She stated that there are a lot of issues that are being worked on and need to be handled like the Budget, the Resource Recovery project, five year road plans, and water and sewer plans and it would be to the advantage of Collier County to get moving on this. Commissioner Saunders stated that he agrees with Commissioner Goodnight and the things contained "in her memo, with a few minor suggestions. He stated that once the process of selecting a manager is started it is going to take longer than four weeks to get the advertisements out and the resumes back, adding that it will probably take about 8 weeks. He stated that he likes the idea of having a selection committee composed of citizens from the community, but he would like to see them come back with five names unranked so that interviews could be co~ducted with a larger group than three. He stated that he does not agree that the Commission cannot do anything until April 24, 1987, adding that the Manager has resigned effective April 24, 1987, but a ~earch to fill this position could be started this date. He stated that the Committee, with the help of Staff, will probably take about 2 weeks to review the applications and do a background investigation on the ones that are qualified. He stated that with these modifications he agrees with Commissioner Goodnight's analysis. Commissioner Goodnight state~ that the only r~ason that she set a Page 46 ... .. .. - - - MARCH 31, 1987 time limit is so that this issue does not go on and on without the Committee taking some aètion. Commissioner Saunders stated that staff could be working on getting the advertisement out over the next couple of weeks while the Board is individually and selectively deciding how the Committee is going to work, adding that the committee's work will not start until after the solicitation period expires. Commissioner Glass stated that he concurs with what is being said, but there are certain housekeeping functions that should be addressed which is part of the ordinance that neeð~ to be revisited. He stated thót this should b~ done concurrently. Commissioner Goodnight stated that she has spoken with the County Attorney and has ideas about changing the County Manager's ordinance, but this should be han~led after April 24, 1987. County Attorney Cuyler stated that it would probably take until April 24, 1987, before it would actually be changed due to the necessary drafts that would have to be done and the legal advertising requirements. He stated that he can prepare drafts of what any Commissioner would like to propose, adding that as far as advertising something, he would probably not be able to do this before April 24, 1987. Tape '9 Commissioner Glass stated that he wants to be sure that there is a move to make certain modifications and anyone that is going to apply m',{ 103t~r.' 1·!7 Page 47 m~ 1031':'·: 148 MARCH 31, 19B7 for employment would like to know the rules that he will be working under. Commissioner Goodnight stated that the County needs to have everything laid out on the table so that when the person applies, he knows what he is applying for and this is why she felt that it should be handled as soon as possible after April 24, 1987. She stated that the most important things are to change the County Manager's ordinance so that the Board agrees to it and the other thing is having a job desçription so that tre person knows exactly what is expected of him. Commissioner Hasse stated that there is County Administration Law of 1974 which is bascially the basis of all County Manager's ordinan- ces and it spells out very carefully and clearly what might be used as the basis in regard to the voting for hiring and dismissal of a County Manager. He stated that this is what should be used in the County Manager's ordinance. Mr. Cuyler stated that a lot of the information will be taken from this law and Commissioner. Goodnight has also suggested that there be a cooling off period or a vote followed by a period of time and then another vote and this is not included in this law. He stated that under the State Statutes, there is a simple majority termination and if something else is used, then another ordinance would have to be developed. commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried 4/1 (Commissioner Pistor opposed), that each of the - - .....~<r>._...,.,...~", ,_ ......,,..'~,.~~.,.. __ '_0 ..........,..""... Page 48 - - - - MARCH 31, 1987 Commissioner's write a memorandum to the Board oxplaining what they would like to see in the County Manager ordinance and then have discussion on this in two weeks. Commissioner Saunders stated that after this matter has been discussed and there is a general consensus on what the Commission is looking for, the County Attorney could be directed to draft a proposed ordinance to be advertised for the future. Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight, that Staff be directed to prepare appropriate advertisements in national and state magazines for a County Manager and solicit applica- tions over an 8 weeks period beginning now; that the County Commission will select a 7 membdr citizens committee as outlined by commissioner Goodnight's memo; that after the 8 week period has ended, the citizens Committee will have two weeks to work with staff to evaluate all applications and then come back to the Board of county commissioners with a list of 5 un ranked names for interviews with the Board. Commissioner Saunders stated that the Board is going to have to decide certain things, but there should be enough information available for staff to do the adverti~ing and start the prúcess. Personnel Director Ochs questioned if all resumes are to be transmitted to the committee or should he be active in the screening process, to which Commissioner Glass stated that the Personnel Director is a professional and there are going to be applications that do not meet the requirements for the job and they should be discarded l.¡;D·~ 103'1-,,14H Page 49 .\ ~ ,,"'"' W F ....__,.......... ....._... _'_"'_'''''''''''''''_,"",."",~·,"",ú,..,_~,,,,,,"<>,",-",,,_,·.·., &m 103 W~ 150 MARCH 31, 1987 and the ones that are submitted to the committee Ðhould be those that qualify under the current rules and regulations. Commissioner Saunders stated that the Personnel Director is also going to have to work very closely with the committee to do background checks on the applications that are good in order to short-list it to five and once that is done, there will probably have to be more background work done before the list is presented to the Board. He stated that the Personnel Director would have a very active role. Mr. Ochs stated that he has enough information so that he could begin to place advertisements in the national publications, etc., but he would like a better idea in terms of selection criteria once he begins to receive applications, adding that he needs to know from his screening process what particular criteria the Board is looking for, which is obviously the job description. He stated that if there is anything else outside the job description and the salary range that is in the current plan, he would need to know that as well. County Manager Lusk stated that when a position like this is advertised, there are between 200 and 300 applications received and there may be about 200 of them that are a total waste and the Personnel Director should be given direction as to what the Board is looking for with regards to experience. He noted that the applicant should have Assistant County Manager experience or County Manager experience and this would be a good guideline for the Personnel Director to follow. Page 50 - - - ,.,·~,'ô.,.,;"..,.......".,."....,~.,,,....~~_......_,~.,,,...._,,_."""",,~. . -......'~...~.~_...,-:-.........- --...-----,."'" ''''.'''"'''''~-"''--'''''''''-^,,~.,............ ...... .--",-;,.-- &m 103nr,,152 MARCH 31, 1987 effective April 24, 1987. He stated that Mr. Dorri1l has been with the County for a number of years and has served as Assistant County Manager and would be a fine person for such a position. He stated that he hopes that he applies for the County Manager's position at the same time. He stated tnat while serving as an Acting County Manager, he would recommend that he receive a 10% increase in his salary. Commissioner Hasse moved, seconded by commissioner Goodnight, that Assistant county Manager Neil porrill be appointed as Acting County Manager with a 10% increase in salary effective April 24, 1987. Commissioner Glass stated that he would like to insure that Mr. Dorrill is protected in this motion and in the event that he is not selected as the County Manager that he will be guaranteed that he can maintain his present position for a period of one year. Commissioner Goodnight stated that she would hope that the Chairman would be directed to negotiate a contract with the Acting County Manager for whatever period it is deemed necessary and in that contract, there be a protection clause. Com~issioner Saunders stated that he is not sure what type of pro- tective clause is being discussed, but if it is something that guaran- tees a job for a year, it puts the Commission in a similar situation as to where they have been in the past. He stated that he is opposed to this philosophically, adding that it has nothing to do with Mr. Dorrill. He stated that he supports the motion ,of naming Mr. Dorrill as the Acting County Manager and that he get a 10% increase and that Page 52 - - - - - - MARCH 31, 1987 in the event thðt he does not get selected as the County Manager, then he be appointed ðS the Assistant County Manager, but he will have to serve ðt the pleasure of the County Manager and the Board. Commissioner Hasse stated that if there is no guarantee on his old position and he takes the position of Acting County Manager and is not selected as County Manager, then it would mean that he would be out completely. Commissioner Saunders stated that he is happy to guarantee that once the selection is made for County Manager and if it is not Mr. Dorrill, that Mr. 00rril1 be reappointed back to his original position as Assistant County ~anager. Commissioner Goodnight stated that the best place to handle this would be in the negotiation of the contract and then have it brought back to the Board for approval. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. ... commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and c~rried unanimously, that the following items under the consent agenda be adopted and/or approved: Item '14Al CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE SATISFACTION OF LIEN FOR PROPERTY OF RICHARD RAGNANESE, GUARDIAN, KIBBEY ESTATE IN GOLDEN GATE CITY, UNIT 5, BLOCK 181, LOT 8 See Page I bl Item '14A2 RESOLUTION 87-70 APPROVING A CONTRACT FOR A TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND MR. KRIS C. MATSON TO FACILITATE COMPLIANCE WITH THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT LEGISLATION Page 53 f¡Co. 103 p~r,! 153 ____.·..M...='..UM..~.~,'.·.,.."" ""', ".,.,,,._. &Co. 103' fV,~ 154 MARCH 3l, 1987 See page.s It. ~ - I (oS' Item U4B1 BUDGET AMENDMENT TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM REVENUES TO GENERAL IMPROVEMENT LINE ITEM IN FUND 312, 1980 ROAD CONSTRUCTION GAS TAX BONDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $330,681 Item '14B2 FINAL PLAT OF SABAL LAKES - APPROVED. CONSTRUCTION' MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - APPROVED Not to be recorded until required improvements have been constructed and accepted or until approved security is received. See Pages It,t:,- Ihf Item '14D1 BUDGET AMENDMENT AL~WING PAYMENT TO THE TAX COLLECTOR FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT COLLECTIONS Item 'HEl SALARY INCREASE APPROVED FOR CHIEF PLANNER CHARLES GAUTHIER Item U4E2 BID '86-1034 FOR QUICKLIME TO DIXIE LIME AND Sl'ONE COMPANY - RESCINDED AND AWARDED TO ALLIED PRODUCTS COMPANY AND DRAVO LIME COMPANY FOR THE BALANCE OF THE FISCAL YEAR AT A UNIT PRICE NOT TO EXCEED $72.67 A TON Item U4E3 RESOLUTION 87-71 APPROVING THE 1986-87 PAY PLAN See Pages / ~ f - / f'1 Item 'HE4 JOHN MCDERMOTT TO BE HIRED AS BUYER IN THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT AT A SALARY OF $20,500 Item 'HE5 BID '86-999 FOR GRASSING AND SEEDING SERVICES TO LITTLE SPROUT, INC. - RESCINDED Page 54 - - - ">."-;-",'''''''~''-'''-'-~ ,~,,,þ.,,,. ;,,,~ _.."..'"~,, '-~"""~-"""'''''''''--''''''--~''''~·''--'''''~·~'"'''·~'''-'-'';-_,""",,-___b''__'''-_'''~_d~~-_"'_"'J"_._<>'__~_"""'~"",..._,,,,,,,,,~..¡-.,..,""';"""'''"'''_'" - - - MARCH 31, 1987 Due to inability of the ~endor to comply with all requirements of the contract. Item U4G1 CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLL AS PRESENTED BY PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE 1985 No. 233/234 Dated 02/26/87 1986 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY Nos. 2986-191/196 Dated 03/16/-23/87 1986 Nos. 159/163 Dated 03/11-18/87 Itl3m 'HG2 EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATE NOS. 33685, 52054, 44918, l5801, 35486, 41078, 52533, 42769, 52119, AND 32294 Item 'HG3 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN SATISFACTIONS OF LIEN FOR SERVICES OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER See Pages / i ~ - /9 / Item 14H1 RESOLUTION 87-72 CORRECTING 86-96 WHICH AUTHORIZED THE COUNTY TO SECURE CERTAIN LANDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF GOLDEN GATE BLVD. FROM I-75 TO C.R. 951 See Pages /9;;, -/93 Item U4G MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following miscellaneous correspondence be filed and or referred to the various departments as indicated below: &CC~ 103 w,r 155 Page 55 ;. m~ 103 r1r,~ 15ß MARCH 31, 1987 1. Public Notice dated 3/12/87 from Dept. of the Army advising that the District has received an application for a Dept. of the Army permit (Nos. 86IPG-20760, 85IPG-2076l, and 86IPG-20762) from Fl. DOT to upgrade S.R. 84 to interstate standards. xc: Neil Dorrill (letter); George Archibald; and filed. 2. Public Notice dated 3/19/87 from Dept; of the Army, advising that an application was received from Collier County BCC per- mit No. 87IPU-20080, to dredge 710 cubic yards waterward and 19,815 cubic yards landward of ordinary high water for wetlands connected by drainage ditch to Henderson Creek. xc: Neil Dorrill¡ George Archibald; John Boldt¡ and Filed. 3. Letter dated 3/11/87 from Thomas G. Pelham, Secretary, Dept. of Community Affairs, attaching revised regulations to be incorporated into the Local" Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance by April 1, 1987. xc: Neil Dorrill¡ David Pcttrow¡ Tom McDaniel¡ and Filed. 4. Letter dated 3/19/87 from Thomas G. Pelham, Secretary, Dept. of Community Affairs, advising of two public hearings to receive input and comments relative to the Small Cities (CDBG) Program. xc: Neil Dorrill; Wanda Jones; Dave Pettrow; and Filed. 5. Letter dated 3/06/87 from Richard W. Smith, P.E., Chief, Bureau of Wastewater Management and Grants, DER, enclosing questionnaire requesting information about wastewater treat- ment systems. xc: Neil Dorrill; Tom Crandall, (original) ¡ and Filed. 6. Letter dated 3/17/87 from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Supervisor, DER, enclosing short form application (File Nos. 111315255 and 11316075), which involves dredge and fill acti- vities. xc: Referred to Neil Dorrill (letters); Dr. Proffitt¡ and Filed. 7. Letter dated 3/18/87 from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Supervisor, DER, enclosing short form application (File No. 111318465) whir.h involves dredge and fill activities. xc: Neil Dorrill (letter)¡ Dr. Proffitt¡ and Filed. 8. Letter dated 3/20/87 from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Supervisor, DER, enclosing short form application (File No. 111319525), which involves dredge and fill activities. xc: Neil Dorri11 (Jetter); Dr. Proffitt¡ Tom Crandall; and Filed. 9. Letter dated 3/12/87 from Joseph C. Cain, Communications Engineer, Dept. of General Services, regarding EMS County Page 56 - - - <······_'"·~^····_--_,=..''';·_''''··,....,···,,''"...M,'''''''.'',......_... .",,,,,-,,,;,~,,,,,",=<-,,,,..~._.~,- ' &CO~ 103 P~'.' 158 MARCH 31, 1987 *** There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 2:43 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BO^RD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECI^L DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ATTEST!:' J~ ~', J AM$6':.C,. udLEJ>./ CLERK ~¢~~,¿(/L o~ß /'x /t'r? Thèsë~minut¢s approved by the Board as p~esênted '~ or as corrected Page 58 .. .. - ,"",~""",._..............._--,---- I *. ..... . ~."". 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