Agenda 04/10/2018 Item #16A1604/10/2018 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to authorize the Clerk of Courts to release Performance Bond No. 6451097 in the amount of $41,558, which was posted as a guaranty for work associated with Covent Garden, Site Development Plan (SDP) PL20120001764. _____________________________________________________________________________________ OBJECTIVE: To release a security which was posted as a development guaranty. CONSIDERATIONS: The Growth Management Department routinely accepts securities administratively as guaranties for developer commitments in accordance with Section 10.02.03 D.5.b of the Collier County Land Development Code. The work associated with this security has been inspected and the developer has fulfilled his commitments with respect to this secur ity. The subject security was provided for work associated with a planned residential project within Twin Eagles development. The Performance Bond was posted as security for remaining sidewalk improvements within the Covent Garden SDP. The sidewalk improvements have received a satisfactory inspection by the Development Review Division. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this action. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact associated with this action. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been approved as to form and legality, and requires a majority vote for Board approval. - SAS RECOMMENDATION: To authorize the Clerk of Courts to release Performance Bond No. 6451097 in the amount of $41,558. Development Review will issue a Memorandum to the Clerk of Courts upon approval of this item by the Board of County Commissioners advising the Clerk of this action. Prepared by: John Houldsworth, Senior Site Plans Reviewer, Development Review Division ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Location Map (PDF) 2. Perfomance Bond (PDF) 16.A.16 Packet Pg. 455 04/10/2018 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.A.16 Doc ID: 4966 Item Summary: Recommendation to authorize the Clerk of Courts to release Performance Bond No. 6451097 in the amount of $41,558, which was posted as a guaranty for work associated with Covent Garden, Site Development Plan (SDP) PL20120001764. Meeting Date: 04/10/2018 Prepared by: Title: Technician – Growth Management Development Review Name: Lucia Martin 02/28/2018 10:54 AM Submitted by: Title: Project Manager, Principal – Growth Management Department Name: Matthew McLean 02/28/2018 10:54 AM Approved By: Review: Growth Management Development Review John Houldsworth Additional Reviewer Completed 02/28/2018 11:24 AM Growth Management Operations & Regulatory Management Stephanie Amann Additional Reviewer Completed 03/01/2018 4:53 PM Engineering & Natural Resources Jack McKenna Additional Reviewer Completed 03/02/2018 3:25 PM Growth Management Department Matthew McLean Additional Reviewer Completed 03/06/2018 8:48 AM Growth Management Department Judy Puig Level 1 Reviewer Completed 03/09/2018 10:59 AM Growth Management Department Thaddeus Cohen Department Head Review Completed 03/09/2018 12:39 PM County Attorney's Office Scott Stone Level 2 Attorney Review Completed 03/14/2018 1:51 PM Growth Management Department James French Deputy Department Head Review Completed 03/14/2018 7:52 PM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 03/15/2018 3:47 PM Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 03/23/2018 10:01 AM Growth Management Operations Support Allison Kearns Additional Reviewer Completed 03/27/2018 3:52 PM County Manager's Office Leo E. Ochs Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 03/29/2018 3:26 PM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 04/10/2018 9:00 AM 16.A.16 Packet Pg. 456 COVENT GARDEN LOCATION MAP 16.A.16.a Packet Pg. 457 Attachment: Location Map (4966 : Covent Garden Bond Release) PERFORMANCEBOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRFSENTS, that pulte Hone Cor of 9148 Boni ta Beach Road, Ste 102, Bon lta Springs , FL 34135 as hincipal, and Bond No. poration a corporationorganizedand existing under the laws ofthe State of Washlnsron and authorized to trarsactbusinesslnthe state of tr'lorida as Surety, are held and ftrmly bound untoCo111er Count v Florlda Board of Count y Coumissloners uof Dr FI,339 42 &e penal sum of for tY e thou sand f lve hundred flf ty elght and 00/ I as Obligee, in 100 58 .00 for the payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, we bindourselves, our heirs,administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and s€v€rally, ftrnly bythese presents. WHEREAS, the principar has agreed to construct or hate constucted,5r sldewalk ln Twin Ea g1es. NO% THEREFORE the condirion of this obligation is such that if said hincipar shall we, and truryperform said work in accordance with said standards, then this obrigation sha, be void, otherq.ise torernain in full force and effect. Signed sealed and &ted this 3rd Counterslgned by: day of 2006 1r eH CorD oratlon Calvln R. Boyd,irector of Treasury Operat ioos Safeco In surance Comp any of Amerlca 7L L George L. Frey Robert Porter, At torney-in-Fact November /< 16.A.16.b Packet Pg. 458 Attachment: Perfomance Bond (4966 : Covent Garden Bond Release) 8 SA,FECO LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY SATECO INSURANCE COMPANY OFAMERrcA GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AII'ERICA BOME OTFTCE: SAFECo prJ{zA SEATTLE. WASHINGION 96I A5 H:J;Tffi ^**NGE COIiIPANY oF AMERICA and GENERAL |NSURANCE coMpANy oF AMERICA, each a washins(on corporaton. croes eacr, E R' ZUKOFF: SUZAINE TREPPA; JOTIN R. STOU-ER; VINCENTJ. FREES; CALVIN R, BoYD; JULIA T, CoRCoRAN; JAN M. KLYM;JANE x. BOTTTNG; BRUCE E. RoBTNSON: ROBmr rorrrr; groor"r.ijH;", il;;;--_- KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: ;ls lrue and tawlul aflomey(slinJact, with tul aullp.ily lo exedrte on its behat tidelity and surety bords or undertakings and other docrrrnents ol a similarcharacle, issued by the comparry io the course of its business, and to bind the respeclive company lhereby in armunts or p€nall.res not erceeding $e sumol Tyo MillioD Five HuDdEd Thousand and 00/t 0O DOLTARS(S 2,500,000.00 ll*#ti::"H:l?F' sAFEco tNsuRANcE GoMPANY oF AMERICA and cENERAL tNsuRArcE coMpANy oF AuEFuca havo eadr erectred .rd lhis | 50!day of March CHRISTINE N/lEAD, SECRETARY l^; pt%*,u-- IWKE MCGAytcK PRESTDEMT CERTIFICATE Ext acr from t le By-t-aws of SAFECOTNSURANCE COMPANYOF AiTERICAend oI GENERAL,NSURANCE co'iIPAI.IY oF AmERICA: 'Atlicle v seclim 13 - FIDELITY AND suRETY BoNDS _ . the President, any vice presidenr, *," secroiary, and any Assisrant vice president appornred ,o,lhat pu'pose by the olficet in cha'qe o, surety orle-lions, shal eadr hsv€ ,rti'r;il rolr*in, noi,iduats as atromeysi-n-iaoii,i#", o*", "op.rare liues wlhaulho'ily lo execul. on b€half c,' the company fdefity and surety bonds ;rJ .o,rr-#rr-o , sr,,,irar characrer issued by th€ cornpany in the cours€ o, itsDusmess on anv i'lstn'menl matno or evioenctng *"rr lpp"r"rrr"ri ,rr" .tg;lt o ",av b. atfred by racsirnire. 6n ani mstrument conferring suctrau*rc'ity o' on any bond or ,noerrakino ir ure *.,,r-;, ;; "fi;: "Lili*'yil1""r ,"i o.-,,np,-i"Li.,li*J .Jii "iir, ",n", .,,ne, reprcduc€d;pror'ided, how6ver, that the seal shalt nol b€ nec€ssary to the vatidity o, any such inslruienl or mdefukhg.. Extrad trom a Resoruuon o, the Eoard o, Diredo* ot SAFE'O TNSURANCE COM,AN' OF At ER,CAand ot GENERAL INSURAIiCE COi{pANy oF At ERtcA adopred Ju}y Zg, ,976....._..,- 'o, ",',{ *o::*T:1r,"1 y.T,":-:j"" * an assistant s€cretary or rhe comparry seflins our.,!!l lne plov-r9oos or ArUcJe V. Sec on 13otheAv-LaG errt d;;i &?#"J ffi ,9.'#:::H#XHlffi lffi ruY ffi ?#::,ffi iklthe slgnabre ot th€ certiMng otf,ce, may be by tacslmfie, ana rm sear oithe cornr],y a"y u. " ,uorm16 Ihereol. I' chrkffne Mead' sec'elarv o' sAFEGo l'lsuRANcE corrPAtly oF aMER,bA and oT.GENERAL rNsuRANcE coMpAt{y oF ArrERrcA do hereby ce]ti,thal the foregoing exlrads of lhe q^Laws and o,a n"-r"b" J o" a"";I'riililJJ *.* "-r*"i.*. ,"a u " p*,", "i,ir.;ey issued pu$tanr rherero,are uue and conect and that bot th6 By-bvrs, th"t.sofuton .rr Dr. ioui.-Jin l.r. "u, ,n "! torce and eflect. lN yTITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sel ,yty hand and atrtxed th€ facsimile seal o, saicl coDoralbns lhis 3RI)day ol PR . 2006. CHRISTINE UEAD, SECRETARY t xI SEAL cqt0SIIt - s-o975r/SAEF zmt O A rcgistercd rradenEt oa SATECO CoDoratbn 03152005 PDF No. 80ti ) , 2005 SBAL 16.A.16.b Packet Pg. 459 Attachment: Perfomance Bond (4966 : Covent Garden Bond Release) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY SURETY STATE OF MICHIGAN ) )ss. coLrNTY OF OAKLAND) On this 3rd day ofNovember, 2006, before me, a Notary public in and for said County andState, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, jersonally appeared Robert poier who acknowledges himself to be Attomey-in-Fact for Safeco lnsurance Company ofAmerica, the corporation described in and that executed the within anO foregoini instrument, and known to me to be the person who executed the said instrurient-on behallofthe said corporation executed the same. In w'ihess whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day andyeiu stated in this certificate above. My Commission Expires: March 26,2012 Notary Public, M arcla G. Howard Oakland County, Michigan MARCIAG HOT^JARD }IOTARY PUBLIC. STATE OF M COUNTYOFOAI(IJANO llY COUrIISS|ON E\ptRES ltr. 20, 20lt MH O]! 16.A.16.b Packet Pg. 460 Attachment: Perfomance Bond (4966 : Covent Garden Bond Release) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY PRINCIPAL )ss. STATE OF MICHIGAN ) COTINTY OF OAKLAND) Notary Public, Marcia G. Howard Oakland County, Michigan On this 3rd day ofNovember, 2006, before me, the undersigned authorized employee, personally appeared Calvin R. Boyd, who acknowledges himself to be Director of i.*rr.yoperations for Pulte Home corporation, and as such employee, being authorized to do a;,'executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein containedly signing the nameof the Corporation by himself as such employie. My Commission Expires: March 26,2012 MARCIAG HOAIARD NOTARY PUBLIC. STATE OF III COUNTY OF OAKLANO UYCOMMTSSTON O(plRES t a'26,2Or2 16.A.16.b Packet Pg. 461 Attachment: Perfomance Bond (4966 : Covent Garden Bond Release)