BCC Minutes 05/18/1987 W -.'" .. . .. .. Naples, Florida, May 18, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissionera in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:15 A.M. in WORKSHOP SESSION in BUilding "F" of ~he Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass John A. Pis tor Burt L. Saunders Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: Neil Dorrill, Acting County Manager; Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk; Mike Arnold, Assistant Utilities Administrator; and Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator. AGENDA Consultant Selection for East and South Naples Sanitary Sewer Collection System. PRESENTATION BY CAMP, DRESSER' MCKEE/AGNOLI, BARBER, BRUNDAGE Mr. Rick Barber, President of Agnoli, Barber and Brundage (ABB), stated that his firm along with Camp, Dresser & McKee (CDM) stated that they have the technical expertise to provide the engineering documents and the bid documents to allow Collier County to bid and successfully construct the project. He stated that this project will ·.ic.llloJ..v.e..a .J.ct·,.o£.,gJ::.ant...funding and .g.r.ant management. He .noted that as Page 1 aOOK 104 FAGE 325 ""------,""'^-,.,,_._-- , , , . .. aOOK 104 PAGr 3'26 , , , MAY l8" 1987 a team, they are currently doing a project in Lee County that is involved in grant funding, adding that this will be one of the most important aspects of Collier County's project. He noted that Camp, Dresser &.. McKee ha3'-'lflTof:fi:ce>' .tIT' Nl!ples- .!Pnd'" numerOt1S"ofõf"i'c~"I!'}lÞ'oveI"> Florida. Mr. Bob Matthew of Camp, Dresser & McKee stated that he has had 16: years experience with Camp, Dresser & McKee as an engineer. He stated that he feels that his firm has the strongest credentials of any con- sulting firm in the State of Florida with regards to grant development, and grant management programming. He stated that the projects involving EPA funding over the last five or six years has been for Broward County in the amount of $75 million in grant funds; Orange County in the amount of $87 million; Manatee County in the amount of $49 million; and the City of Sarasota for $21 million. He noted that , in order for Collier County to remain in the funding status for 1988, a lot of work is gc.íng to have to be completed in 6 to 8 months as the' funding levels have been dropped to 55% and it has almost reached a critical stage, because it will only be about two years before the complete phase out of the EPA grant funding program which will be con- verted to a loan program in 1989. Mr. John Calise, Branch Operations Manager for CDM in Naples, referred to the deliverables that the EPA and FDER require for grant eligible projects, adding that an amendment to the facilities plan would be required, an evaluation survey, a financial capability analy- Page 2 - .. - MAY 18, 1987 sie, and the documentation for reserve capacity eligibility deter- mination. He noted that a public hearing is also very critical and the documents have to be accepted by June 1st. He noted that plans and specifications of the technical construction documents must be prepared in addition with a value engineering analysis. He stated that the construction permit applications are very critical and the dredge and fill applications are a very significant co~ponent. He noted that the easements and site certification are important and it must be proven to the State that there is ownership or control of the property on which these facilities will be placed. He noted that time is critical and time is control, adding that they take pride ~n maintaining performance, meeting deadlines and maintaining control. He noted that with regards to communic~tion he knows what is needed so that everyone will be able to work together. Mr. Dan Brundage of Agnoli, Barber and Brundage, (ABB), stated th~t these firms have local offices and local expertise and knowledge of the area which will be vital to this project. He stated that they know the geologic conditions and the design constraints for the area. He noted that the surveying department has been active in the area for many years and are familiar with the necessary records dealing with right-of-way, easements and real property issues on the project. He noted that the previously produced contract documents were reviewed , and will be able to be used as a resource material in this new effort. : ';.\lIe::e.bt1ted "·'t.tUl'ttÞ.the:qUlIl i'ty '''assurance ;Pt".ogram ·;.fo.t"~!Jtlt.i8 "'proÐec.t~iJtl ibe aoOK 104 PAGE 327 Page 3 .~'.". , '1..1.. ' ~ .. I 1 ¡ i .¿ .. ''''>-'-"'~....'-'''...~-' ·>"_''''M,""",'''''~;,,......___"~_ aODK 104 PAG£ a28 MAY 18, 1987 comprised of a team from both firms. He referred to the various people that will be working on the team to complete the project in an efficient and timely manner. He noted that there is also a public relðt·i:onS"prograJr:·thet., 'Í-æ' presentecb tcr", ther:',publ.i0\ tot educa~e.'.. the~; ê!S"t" to why this facility is needed. Mr. Bob Matthews stated that with regards to the grant funding, ; th~ burden of responsibility for funding the local share needs to rest: with the citizens that benefit from the program. He stated that they have looked at a combination ~f sewer collection assessment districts and impact fee programs. He stated that these programs would minimize the impact to existing ratepayers for the development and funding of the local share of this program. Mr. Rick Barber stated that they have been involved in a team pro- ject like this before. He stated that they are responsive and imme- diately available, adding that they are sensitive to the client and residents need. He reported that CDM's part is extremely important as they have contacts in the Atlanta office at EPA and in Tallahassee at DER office which means that they are in touch with how the grant program is doing. He noted that they have state-of-the-art equipment and techniques and are confident they can do a good job. Commissioner Glass questioned how long this work will take, to which Mr. Matthews stated that the plans and specs for the grant would have to be complete by December, which is no problem. He noted that in addition to this, there are other deliverables that are needed Page 4! ! i .. .. .. .. -JII_""'_______~"','~,___,_ ....,..'''·.>.a.~,'''.... MAY 18, 1987 prior to this timeframe and they have no problem in meeting any of the schedule requirements. Commissioner Hasse questioned how long both firms have been in Collier County, to which Mr. Matthews stated that CDM has had an office in Naples for over two years and ABB has been in Naples since 1983. Mr. Matthews stated that CDM has seven offices in the State of Florida. Mr. Barber stated that ABB's office is in North Naples and they employ 32 people. Commissioner Pistor questioned what the key point in the critical date of June 1st is, to which Mr. Barber stated that it is to complete the facility planning document, which is an appendix to the facility plan that establishes the need for the collection system pump station ,_ j: force main and the eligibility issues with regard to that fac~lity. I He noted that the Engineer of Record is already working on this, but ! ¡ there will have to be a public hearing for the overview of the program: j and the approach to the local share of financing with regards ;to eXisting customers and customers directly benefited by the project. . , Commissioner Saunders questioned if CDM is going to be primarily doing the engineering and ABB the surveying, to which Mr. Matthews stated that in order to have a successful project, a team approach is being used. He noted that both firms would be involved in the plans and specifications and CDM would be doing a lot of the grant work while A'BB will be aoing a 'lot Or 'fielð work. 'He noteð'1:'ha'="CDM -would aODK 104 PACf 329 ,'. Page 5 .' .....'. . . .... ., ./' .' y,I"...: -~".,,,,,",,,,.,..."<,,,,,...__.~- /' --.".. .~; .";-.'''¡ MAY 18, 1987 be in charge of the financing of this project unless it is done by an assessment project based on square footage, then ABB would be assisting with field verification of information. He stated that as far'ða.·th'etPUI:7l.i'CJ'r·elabi~ð\SpeOb~ CDM·,1experts. WOuló.ass.is.t. in... that,'; ,!. part of the program. CONSOER, TOWNSEND & ASSOCIATES, INC. Bill Townsend, Vice President of Consoer, Townsend & Associates, stated that they have a:1 experienced design team for projects of this size and complexity and they have a demonstrated ability to produce within tight time constraints and aré familiar with local, state and federal regulations. He stated that his firm has an experienced construction management team that is familiar with a project of this intensity as it is unique in that it is located in congested areas. He stated that they have the ability to deal with complaints from residents and the firm has ample resources that are immediately availðble. He stated that there is a definite commitment to Collier County as they have no other clients in this area and they can, there-¡ fore, devote their full activities to the County and because of this, there is no potential conflicts of interest. He noted that Stephen Betts would be the principle in charge of this project. Mr. Stephen Betts stated that they have been working for the County for three years in a variety of projects; updating the sewer master plan, updating the 201 Plan, preparing a portion of the regional wastewater tr~atment aèsign, and assisting in funding pro- Page 6i r j i -- .. - - - ,.,.,......,.....;......_--,......_-~~ i. '----...."'.,....~,.,. MAY 18, 1987 jects. He stated that they are also involved in the construction manngement of the water plant expansion which they designed, adding that they kno¥/ the staff and how things are done. He noted that if they were awarded this project, they would do it under 9 different construction projects because they need to be of a manageable size to increase the interest of qualified construction contractors, which increases competition. He stated that if the work is divided and the bids are done in a phased situation, then more bidders are attracted and they also have more than one chance to do work for the County. He stated that a phased approach during the construction phase will mitlgate the destruction of the neighborhoods to a certain extent. \.ommissioner Pis tor questioned if this would extend the construc- tion period by any great length of time, to ~hich Mr. Betts replied ! ' negatively, adding that the construction time is expected to last for two to three years, but a phase-in program is not going to extend it appreciably. Commissioner Pistor questioned if the grant money is made available, does Consoer, Townsend and Associates have the ability to help Collier County get some of this money for the project, to which Mr. Betts stated that they have part:cipated in writing grant applica- tions and they would do the same for this project. Commissioner Pistor çuestioned if they would put in effluent lines or secondary treatment lines for irrigation purposes to get rid of the effluent, townlch Mr. Betts statéd that this is Involved at tne plant ! I Page 71 800K IlJ4.I':~r 331 .. .: l~::~~~r,;:j~~' -,---~_.._- .. . , .. 104 PAGE 3'32 , I' > f><,AY 18, 1987 which is where all the water goes anà then it is treated and sprayed sUbsequently on the golf Courses. Mr. Betts stated that they have developed a schedule for dOing the wo.ck. and, th.ey.,·be1!,eve. tha.tall.., the. des.ign.,. woc-k". could be" done., and.. r.eady",. . to submit for review to Staff and the FDER within 12 months. He ! ' stated that they would generate particular packages for particular projects between 6 and 9 months. He stated that they have divided the work into 13 tasks with the first being review of existing data and the rest involve various things such as surveying, design, cost esti- mating, FDER review, etc. He noted that during peak loading periods, he would expect 28 people to be involved in the design jOb and they have the qualified and experienced people to do it. He stated that the firm knows what they are doing and has done projects like this before, adding that the Nashville, Tennessee project they did, was a 20 year project which averaged 350,000 feet of pipe being laid each year.· He indicated that they Use video equipment for the design'work and computerized drafting techniques. He stated that the plans are detailed, which makes the construction contractors knowledgeable before they bid the job. He noted that after bids are opened and reviewed, recommendations are made to the Board and then the contract is awarded and a conference is set up with the construction contractor and the utilities for co~rdination and sCheduling. He noted that when construction begins, they review submittals and the product and then there is a final project close out at which time the final product is Page 8! ! i' i ! . i .. .. .. ..".""......""'.""....'.--'...-..-."......''''.,....-...-,--...-.--.'''''';,...~''''''""",."."~...;.","~"""","-,.;,;,"..>.,.~,~,,,,,,-,,~,.., : , MAY IS, 1987 inspected. He stated that they have a complaint program which deals with the public and the residents of the area that are affected. He stated that they deal with these people fairly and make sure that they' understand what is going on and what the time schedule is. He indi- cated that they notify all the homeowners in the area prior to construction indicating that there will be construction in the neigh- borhood and what the outcome of the construction will be and what their benefits will be, as well as providing them with a telephone number if they have questions or complaints. Mr. Townsend stated that he is hoping that the Board selects his firm as they have a mature design staff familiar with anticipating construction problems that will minimize disruption during the construction phase. He noted that they have a proven public rela- tions program that will provide an insulation between the general public and the Board and the utilities staff, and of all the firms that are being considered lor this project, his firm is the only one that does not have any outside contacts with other clients in 'Collier County. He noted ~hat Collier County is their only client, which eli-i minates any potential conflicts of interest. Commissioner Saunders questioned how many people are in the Naples office, to which Mr. Townsend replied three. Commissioner Hasse questioned if the engineering will be done in Naples, to which Mr. Townsend stated that he intends to add more staff to· the ~ðp1.es óf'fice anð a rna~'or 'portion óf the design 'wotk wi'l1 'be aOOK 104 PAGE 3'33' ¡ I ! 1 Page 91 < ;: , . ~ I ~ , t" '.' . . .(';,.:.~i" . ,~'?l:I:.3.i ~, . tl~,·4.~/"""'4~···" ....., ~.., :.: :~~\¡~,r'~ v: t ....'..,; ,I;'\.;...I~~""¡;.~.':~~~ ··"·'·"'''''m.~_W'"''___ --".~- i i i I. ,·'t I ..... ""^ ,..~--.._.."..~"' "',,-r.·: ....., :~:.~ aOOK 104 PAr.r 334 MAY 18, 1987 done here, adding that their main office is in Nashville, Tennessee and Chicago, Illinois. Commissioner Pistor questioned how successful they have been in get t:ing,:.gr:ant:"monies-,.:;, to:,·"'hich:.'MI:<_. Townsend';;stateó'.\ thabr the~, . have<ibeen.~':;.'" very successful and with the experience they have, there has been no problem obtaining money for their clients when such is available. ..... Recess: 10:25 - Reconveneð: 10:30 A.M. ..... HOLE MONTES & ASSOCIA~ES WILSON MILLER BARTON SOLL & PEEK INC. Mr. Stanley Hole, Engineer and Principle of the firm of Hole, Montes and Associates, stated that his firm and the firm of Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI & Peek, Inc. have chosen to work together on this project if they are selected because there are II values that 'they can bring with them to the project. Mr. Tom Peek of Wilson, Miller, Barton, SoIl & Peek, Inc. stated that they felt it was important to join forces for this project because there are capabilities that each of the firms have that collectively would present a much stronger proposal to the County that would do a job that would be in the best interest of the County. He stated that he believes as a joint team, they offer the best pro- fessional engineering se~vices and ask that they be awarded this pro- ject. Mr. Tom Taylor of Hole, MOhtes & Associates, stated that they have unique qualifications, skills and background that can be provided to Collier County on this project. He noted that both firms combined i Page lÖ .- .. - - - . MAY l8, 1987 have more than 50 years of consulting experience in Collier County through planning, design, and construction management services for collection and transmission system projects. He noted that Hole, Montes & Associates has served as thG County's consulting engineers of rocord since the County entered into its aggressive phase of wastewater system improvements, adding that this is important because of the con-; tinuity that it provides in trying to develop these systems tq best , I S(~lVe the citizens of Collier County. He stated that the South County Sewer Master Plan was developed by his firm, which was the basic planning document that included the preliminary design and layout of service to the entire east and south County area which incorporates this particular project. He noted that the 201 Wastewater Facilities Plan was the comptehensive planning document that ~ncompassed the entire metropolitan/Collier County area and his firm is still con- tinuing with this work. He indicated that they have been assisting Collier County in its efforts to obtain federal grants for the past two years and substantial headway has been made in order to obtain $15: to $20 million in construction grants for various projects. He noted that Hole, Montes & Associate~ is near completion of the design for the South County Regional Wastewater System for the master pump sta- tions, the transmission mains and the effluent disposal system. He referred to an overhead map indicating the various projects within the ,_p.r.oject~,area that both firms have done~ . He ,indicated "tbat.'wilson., Miller, Barton, 5011 & Peek, Inc. had substantial experience, data and i i' I; ¡ I Page 11 ¡ eoo ( 104 PAGE 3'35 ¡ . . . . . í ~\', I .. , .. '\ > . ~!)OK 104 PAr,E 336 MAY 18, 1987 survey information that had been prepared through water assessments in the area as well as previous designs for the East Naples System that was done in the late 1970's. He noted that both firms are very experienced in sewer assessment' projects withi:"" Col'lier-' Cöunty ð"nd" Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI & Peek, Inc. has been the consulting engineers for the Marco Island sewer system improvements which was the largest sewer assessment project done by Collier County to date. He stated that Hole, Montes has served as engineers of record on the last three utilities bond iFsues and this is very important. He indicated that both firms are local firms and there are more than l70 pro- fessionals that would be working on this project and being local, this ia beneficial to the Counly which produces a well coordinated effort between the firms and the Utilities Division. He noted that both firms are very familiar with the requirements of the regulatory agen- cies here. He noted that the East and South Naples Sanitary Sewer Collection System study is currently being performed by Hole, Montes, which is a requirement of the grant funding process for this project. He stated that with regards to an approach to the project, the first thing would be aerial photography, adding that this information is in house and should speed the project. He indicated that surveys would be the next step, which is done by computers from the aerial pho- tographs which saves time and efforts. He noted that preliminary per- mitting is important and should be done in coordination with the preliminary design. He stated that with regards to detailed design, Page 11 i - ... .. .. - -"""~""""'-"-"" ._._..._,._,~" ~.,..-.-~""=.-,,,.,,--~-........ -_."""."".....,..-.".-".-,;"..-""~''''''''',.,''''. """_'\W'"'''"'"'~''..''""",_~.""....".~,. ."~ MAY IS, 1987 this is also done through a computer. He indicated that with regards to financial services for funding, it will be through assessments, grants, and bond issues and they have the experience for all three of these. He noted that both firms are familiar with assessments and the methodology used, adding that they are very familiar with the grants. program and assisting the utilities division in obtaining grants and they have also been involved in bond issues for Collier County. He noted both firms have done several construction projects for Collier County and'they know what the County is looking for. He noted that when construction begins, they will be on-the-job to make sure that the work is done properly and conforms with Collier County standards as well as makiny sure that the project stays on schedule. Mr. Hole stated that all the issues that have been presented are important to the project and they will produce the desired result on time and within budget. He stated that he feels that this project should be done by local engineers, adding that local knowledge is important and local understanding of practices, attitudes and the local presence is also very important. He stated that they are proud to work for Collier County and like working for Collier County. He etated that they enjoy working for the staff, which is a strong pro- fessionai staff. H~ stated that this is an important job for them and for Collier County and they would appreciate the vote of the . ,.Commission. Commissioner Hasse questioned how many projects the firms are i i' ¡ Page 13 aOOK 104 PACE 3'37 , ;. '. ¡,' , Æ~~.,f,'.':. ,,' ,,' .J>'1í,~':....""14.,. '.,,,", . .... '.,' ''''~ \, '·_·'";~~!l,~,.A : ~'.;';~::~..~~J. '. " . ,~.):.:b.,;., . and he does not see any conflict. MAY 18, 1987 ¡ I Mr. Peek stated that his firm doe3 not have any active clIents in I the area because there are existing subdivisions that have been there for a number of years. In answer to Commissioner Glass, Mr. Taylor stated that the field proofing of the aerials that have already been done will take about 2-1/2 to 3 months. Commissioner Pistor questioned if this project will be done as one project or split up and also questioned how long the whole project will take, to which Mr. Taylor statcd there,are deadlines of December for making substantial completion submittals to the State. He noted that EPA is going to be phasing out the grants program, adding that next fiscal year is the last year for the funding program through grants and then it becomes grants and loans and by 1993, it will be simply a loan program and no more grants. He stated that with regards to splitting the project up, it would be done by different pr~jects for assessment purposes and it would also be split into different pro-: jects for grant eligible portions versus non-grant eligible portions. Mr. Peek stated that this project is viewed as one overall project, that will be broken into construction areas because the timeframe may require that one contractor will not be sufficient to do all these and, therefore, various areas by way of various bids could be done so that different contractors can be working at the same time in dif- 'ferent areas. aODK 104 PAGE 3'3.9 I I Page 15 ¡ ! .' . ~.:.; >¡. ., I'::i.( i", i' ~t 104 340 ~{;'. aOOK PAr.[ '.' ·,f.. MAY 18, 1987 Mr. Hole stated that with regards to conflict of interest, there is no professional conflict and there is no resource conflict as they have the experience and knowledge of the area, which would be a major asset. He noted' that' CollTer' County" is:, the'most'r'importan~"C'11ient>that:.:.. they have and they do a lot of work in anticipation because it puts them in a better position to do good work for the County. He ~oted that they live in the County and the area is very important to all of them and there is no conflict. .** Acting County Manager Dorrill stated that this meeting was adver- tised as a workshop meeting and not a special meeting, and therefore, he would ask that the rankings be made this date and as part of the regular meeting on May 19, 1987, he will place this item on the agenda. for the motion and vote to be taken from the selection made this date. : He stated that the firms need to be ranked Itl, #2, and #3 and the una- nimous majority vote of the Commission will be taken at the May 19, 1987, meeting. Commissioner Saunders questioned if there is any advantage of the firm being a local firm and having local knowledge versus an outside firm, to which Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that he does not feel that there is any advantag~ to having a local firm but some- times if the field conditions are known, it helps. He stated that the contractor would benefit from that and with regards to getting per- mits, there is sometimes an advantage if a firm has had experience Page 1 .. .. .. .. .. --.-. -",.~.~. are a. tollows: MAY 18, 1987 with Collier County but that does not mean that they have to be a local firm. Aoting County Manager Dorrill stateð that the results ot the vote Number 11 firm - HOle, Montes , Associates/Wilson, Hiller, Barton, SolI , Peek, Ino. Number '2 firm - Conaoer, Townaenð , Associate. Number #3 firm - Camp, Dresser, MCKee/Agnoli, Barber anð Brunðage Acting County Manager Dorrill stated that Hole, Montes & Associates/ Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI & Peek, Inc. received four first place votes; Cons0er, Townsend & Associates received one first place vote; Hole, Montes & Associates/Wilson, Miller, Barton, SoIl & Peek, Inc. received one second place vote; Consoer, Townsend & Associates received three second place votes; Consoer, Towsend & Associates received one vote for third placc; and Camp, Dresser, MCKee/Agnoli, Barber & Brundage received four third place votes and one second place vote. He stated that he will ask for the I Commission's concurrence of this on May 19, 1987, and he would hope to: have a signed agreement on this mltter before the Commission goes on vacation. *** There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: ll:10 A.M. aDDK 104 PAGE 3'41 Page 17 ._,,_-,,--.~.",""'-"";'-''''"';-.,