BCC Minutes 05/19/1987 R - - - "- Naples, Florida, May 19, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of CQllier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULÄR SESSION in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. I; . VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass John A. Pistor Burt L. Saunders Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance , Director; Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk; Neil Dorrill, Acting County Manager; Tom Olliff, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator; George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; David Pettrow, Community Development ~ ~ . ¡t,' ';, . . it' i,': ¡J ;'~ J~' :~. .J I Administrator; Tom McDaniel, Robert Duane, Dave Weeks, Planners; Ann McKim, Planning/Zoning Director; Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. . ': ~ ..... ,. . . :/::,.J.~'r' "',j..1 , .,/....... . . , . jI;' i ~'. ,. Page 1: I I .. ...... aOOK 104 PÂ(,[ 342 t:~~J 'ItN ' . '~"~t~~', '.~~{:.' .' ...'" r' 'C..~..;'. .:~:L . '\~ ..; ~~'t:-. > ~ . ~r' { ,,- . ; 104 pm 349 MAY 19, 1987 Tape '1 Item f3 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH CHANGES commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by commissioner Glass and caJ:'rltI4A vna '0 i 1qouaJ.]t"c, tha.t.t.1:.b.....agenc16!f..be.". appr.Q'{~. ,.i.t.h."t.h., f.QUQ"inq,,~:~(¡:, '" changes: 1. Item 9D2 Added - recommendation for approval of final con- sultant selection for professional engineeering services for the East and South Naples Sanitary Sewer Collection System. 2. Itcm 9Fl Added - Resolution supporting a local option sales tax enacted by a super majority vote of the BCC for capital projects. 3. Item l2C was inadvertently put on the May 19th agenda and should be put on the May 26th agenda. 4. Item l4BlO regarding appraisal of properties in Golden Gate Estates moved to Item 9Bl. 5. Item l4B5 regarding agreement wjth Golden Gate Business Association, Inc. for Frontier Days moved to Item 9B2. 6. Item lOA re amendments to the Proposed County Water Sewer District Act to be heard as soon as possible on the agenda. Item HÄ&B HlNUTES OF APRIL 21, ÄPRIL 28, AND HÄY 5, 1987 - APPROVED AS PRESENTED Commissioner Saunders moved, seoonded by Commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that the minutes of the regular meetings of April 21, April 28, and Hay 5, 1987, he approved as presented. Item UB1 PETITION R-86-16C, WILSON, HILLER, BARTON, BOLL & PEEK, INC. REQUESTING REZONE FROM PUD TO PUD KNOWN AS WESTVIEW PLAZÄ - DENIED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on January 30, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with Page 2 - ... .. _. - . , _........._"'_~^"...."'... . r·_~.",_,,"'·"'_"'''·''''''''''''·''''_' ....._...__.._"""_,..;_...",..._..""_"_._,>,,~___.,~"~~.,.,.."-..""..,,,,_....,.,..>< ,_...,..._,__"......·.~,",...'"'.~,,.·,"...'m'.._ MAY 19, 1987 the Clerk, public hearing was contin11ed from March 3, 1987, March 31, 1987, and May 5, 1987, to consider Petition R-86-l6C, filed by Wilson, Miller, Barton, SoIl & Peek, Inc., representing Ted Harvey, requesting a rezone from PUD to PUD known as westview Plaza for light industrial uses for ±20.37 acres located north of Gail Boulevard, west of Donna Street, and approximately 1/4 mile east of Airport Road in Section 1, Township 50 South, Range 25 East. Planner Duane stated that the petitioner is requesting light industrial use for this project, adding that the lands to the north are zoned industrial, lands to the east are zoned RSF-3 and lands to the south are zoned "E" Estates. Ee noted that there are several single-family residents that are located south of Gail Blvd. and there is an establisheJ neighborhood on the east side of Donna Street. He stated that the Donna Street connection with westview Drive has been deleted, which will prevent any of the truck traffic from entering or egressing from Donna Street. He stated that the CCPC recommended this~ petition unanimously and Staff also recommends approval. He stated that this petition is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that objections have been received from neighboring property owners, and a petition with 91 signatures against this development was also received. He stated that there is an industrial park that adjoins Westview Plaza to the west and the industrial land uses would be confined to the northern half of the property. He noted that the ,fi,ndusti".lÍ.e1.·ause-)wOuié bot ..oe,;.òea~· ',lIIanufectuC'¿ng 1',USe5,,, ',;edding .,:tba t i ' . : aOOK 104 I>~r,: 350 Page 3· ~ - \, ,; i ~ I, ; ~~":~l ;"', '~'~~t" ft~íi' ,,'!" /',:':¡ ,~.,.:.~ t~~{ ,':;. "~'i::;}\~':;'... Ìit:..· :., ~~,:.¡{~~".. J'~r:~:'~ jt'·.~ §:~~~<,:" - . ¡.' k·Zt:.', J'~."". . (,<.~;~). :~.,' , ~ aOOK 104 nr.t 351 MAY 19, 1987 there would be boat sale~, auto part shops and repair type establish- ments. Commissioner Saunders questioned what can be built on the property aB~it-, is..n.ow.c.ur.rentl)'.zoned and what the chan.g.e will mean... to which Mr. Duane stated that the uses that are allowed on this property can be categorized as the C-2, C-3 type uses, adding that they are repair and service establishments. He stated that this is the fifth request on this piece of property since 1981. He noted that the proposed request would permit C-4, C-5 and IL type uses which are more inten- sive land use classifications than are presently permitted. He stated thðt wholesaling, warehousing and light manufacturing uses have been introduced to this petition and the prio~ uses were more of a low intensity retail type nature. He stated that the request includes a list of permitted uses that is outlined in the PUD. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Planning/Zoning Director McKim stated that light manufacturing would consist of cabinet making and is the type that would not produce excessive glare, noise, or air pollu- tion and is usually done in an enclosed building. Mr. Alan Reynolds of Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll & Peek, Inc. stated that this piece of property was proposed for multi-family in 1980 and was withdrawn because it was felt that residential use was inappropriate in this location and was subsequently refiled in 1980 and was approved for a commercial district. He stated that the plat was recorded in 1981 and the subdivision master plan was approved in Page 4 ji,: é' il'" _ -- .. .,........,. - - -, - - - MAY 19, 1987 1982. He noted that in 1983 the infrastructure was done and there was also a rezone to makp. it a PUD, which is the current one that sits on the property this date. He noted that the uses that are permitted on the property is a mixture of retail uses along with light manufac- , turing uses, and due to the location, there has been difficulty in attracting retail types of uses. He noted that on the current peti- tion, there has been a question about the access to Donna Street, adding that this property was platted and had a private/public connec- tion to Donna Street. I]e noted that there was concern regard~ng this, : therefore, that access has been deleted from the property. He noted that in June, 1986, he met with the property owners to discuss the I UfJeS that should be allowed on the property and after several meetings' there was a consensus regarding the list of uses. He noted that when this petition was heard by the residents in February, there were ,still' some unresolved problems and one was to determine that there was legal access to westview Drive. He noted that the petition was then con- tinued for a month to resolve all the necessary problems, and the sub- ject property was then replatted. He noted that there were concerns about the buffering of the property and in April when the CCPC heard this petition, there were agreements reached with regards to the buf- f(~ring and the CCPC recommended approval. He noted that after the CCPC meeting, he met with the property owners again to discuss any unresolved issues. He stated that one of the two remaining issues is ~'l'Ie excavation "(jf the 'la'ke, aIJdi'T1g''ttla't one ·bf,,'the·;'t:h~rrges "i~ :e ".. , -··,·.·t .. J I I . i &OOK 104 fJf.! 352 ·page 5' /'JI t J U'~ .( '" , Ii; X~ b --, ~E "~i' .~. ' ....'~. ~":",., . .. ~ ~!:-l4~..., , . 'I . ~J '" ~>:j~;'~ :<l~·k.~ I:\-'!~ .~., ,i: ,;:~~,t t :::"<~' .;~;:r.h~:.Þ:·:I:·. .. aDDK 104 f.\f.f 353 MAY 19, 1987 revised water management system. Hé ~oted that the water management is currently accomplish~d by a dry retention area and one of the changes is that the dry retention areas will be consolidated and to excavate a lake at the southeast corner of the property. He stated the:t: to resolve this .i:ssue with the' property' owner" they.......il'!'· " construct the lake prior to any building activity on the site. He noted an extensiv~ buffering system around the residential area will be ~rovided. He stated that it will be a 25' berm and landscape buffer system, which is a berm with a top elevation of 7 feet and on top of that would be an 8 foot high landscape buffer that meets the requirements on the zoning ordinance and is outlined in the PUD docu- ment. He stated that behind this buffer there is another 25 feet which is a dry retention area which makes a total of 50 feet which is the buffer and retention area setback along the south and east pro- perty lines. He indicated that adjacent to this, there is another 60 feet which is the Gail Blvd. right-of-way and canal, adding that bet- ween the closest property line and the closest building, there is 110 feet of distance. He stated that the Estates zoning district also has a setback of 75 feet and along the south property line, the clo- sest building would be 185 feet to any residential structure. He stated that the current condition is that the closest house is 200 feet from this project ~nd in some cases, there is between 600 and 700 feet. He stated that if this is approved he would request that an exhibi t showing the buffer be included .in the PUD document. He noted I I ! Page 6! I i I , ~ .. - .. MAY 19, 1987 that there is a height limitation included which is comparable to the most restrictive zoning d:strict which is the single family district and is a maximum of 30 feet. He stated that there are currently 47 permitted uses for the project and they are mostly retail commercial oriented, adding that there is some light manufacturing, high tech- nology and warehousing type uses. He stated that to offset the poten-; tial for impact, all those uses would be required to be in enclosed buildings with safeguards put into the PUD fur the buffering of these usefJ. Tapn t2 Mr. Reynolds stated that the proposal has 24 uses as opposed to 47' currently approved for the project and of those 24 ·uses r~ughly half of them are already approved in the project. He stated that he feels that the neighbors are now satisfied with the safeguards that have been put into the project. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Reynolds stated that a lot of the uses require an outside storage and it would be understood that if these uses locate in this project, they would not be permitted to have outside storage. He noted that there is a large inventory of industrially zoned property, but there is also a need for good clean light industrial use that is served by adequate infrastructure and '.. there is a substantial difference between those two. He noted that he' has looked long and hard as to what is an appropriate use in this 'loca"t'ionan~ ''he '!'~nizes''"''t'h'8't "'tlt'i"S 'is' '8uni~ue ··1.~at:j,~>n"in'fse~l , , , , nOK 104 We: 354 I. Page 7: . . " , . ¡ , ' . . ':' ~t ,. ~,~ .,' ~ ... 'OOK 104 W.E 355 MAY 19, 1987 11" ; " '~~ f " "". respects as it is between a residential area and an improved industrial area, but without the road frontage and visibility that general retail commercial demands. He stated that he feels that these uses~ car'll' 5i~ anþ,' t:h.ii9l; ;1DOpe12~. :dcelW .anã>"at.4f:' ~~. 3amev-+::::3i:ne$~L'C,d~':)·'" adequate protection to the residential areas. The following people spoke in opposition to this petition citing th~ excessive noise, the excessive traffic, air pollution, lack of good management in zoning, depreciation of property values, and con- cerns regarding the buffer zone and excessive water from the water management plans: , Bettle Gulac::sik William Thomas Robert Beckler Linda Heims George Keller ,Tape. f3. . " Ann Bolhover Joann Salvia Jane Paquette Paul Kierstein Grace Reid Raymond Heims Rosalia Dante ! , ! ' ! commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by commissioner Goodnight and ! ! Tivis w.Eastèr1y; .,~.. : carried unanimously, that tho pUblio hearing be closed. Commissioner Saunders stated that Item #24 of the list of per- mitted uses seems to be causing some problem and questioned if he would be willing to delete this item, to which Mr. Reynolds replied ,with regards to the language that allows comparable uses, the peti- tioner has no problem deleting this. He noted that as far as acc~ssory uses, he would not have them as defined by the zoning -Ordinance. (; ',~ . (.: .~, .2 - , .;,' t ~ ':t j'. : .~~ . t '1,""" Page! , \ .. - - .. .,·....,"~....,"-'_,.,·.~".;.·,_",'_\fc.._r"'.*..._..-". -4b. , ! ¡ i I, a! I ! ¡ · . MAY 19,' 1987 , ; Commissioner Glass stated that the main objection is Item .#15 and questioned if this could be deleted, to Mr. Reynolds stated that if this item was deleted it would negate the whole reason for going thr~ugh this matter. Planning/zoning Director McKim stated that accessory uses within the same building is something that needs to be provided for, adding that the accessory structures would not be critical for these 'type of uses. She stated that an accessory use may include some minor retail or display area within a manufacturing or distributor facility. She stated that accessory uses could bg limited to the principal structure and not providing for accessory structures. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by commissioner Glass, that Petition R-86-16C WQstview Plaza, be denied. ! ' new plan over the existing plan based to do. I I: I;' ., on what the developer is willing: , ' Commissioner Saunders stated that there are improvement~in the He stated that the buffering is better, the ag:eement 'not to connect to Donna Street is an improvement, the deletion of Item #24 in Section 2 of the development regulations and the limiting of per- mitted accessory uses to the existing structure is an improvement and this is all something that should be considered before it is denied. Commissioner Glass stated that there is a substantial improvement in this plan, but he does not feel that light ind~~trial is ..."app,ropr ia.te .next to a residen tial area. '.11 Commissioner Hasse questioned if the cul-de-sac wiTl'stIllbe put " , !ODK 104 r,,<:~ 356 Pa,ge 9 .;. ;': .~ , ! ' (, , . ,. " ,··,,,o,,,,",,,,,>~"·",,,·......,,,__,,,,,..,,~,,,,,,,,,,,~,..,,,,,,,,.._,_.........;....__·~"'''.~'.'''''''''"' ~:~ i~ '1; -;". ¡> ¡ , ',}..', '. í:~ ~. - . ." ,.., .' Or. ~.;~ i~!, ~~;'" r ~~ '."-"'" ~ODK 104 F"q 357 MAY 19, 1987 in if this petition is denied? Pla~nér Duane replied nègatively, lidding that this connection was required by a prior Board and Gurrently Westview Drive is a public street and Donna Street is also a puo~ic streetJ,>.' anœ t'7Picaltl~~~ub-1f:i:~9.tnee:t"a1."ew,coDnecteÓ'.:,r., :~3ta'teà#l.<." that without approval of this request, the County cannot make the petitioner vacate that portion of the plat that is now public and make it private. He stated, therefore, that the separation cannot be done unless the petitioner wants to volunteer to do this. He stated that he was willing to make this part of the PUD document if it was approved. County Attorney Cuyler stated that the problems that exist are approved as part of this change in zoning, adding that the developer I was offering to cure some of those transportation problems. He stated' that if this is not approved, the developer is probably not going to volunteer to make any changes. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/1, (CommIssioner Saunders opposed). ..... Recess: 10:25 A.M. - Reconvened: 10:30 ..... Item '10Ä AMENDMENTS TO THE PROPOSED COUNTY WÄTÈR-SEWER DISTRICT ACT - APPROVED WITH CKANGES County Attorney Cuyler stated that this item is in reference to amendments of the County Wate~-Sewer District Act. He referred to a two page memo dat~d May 19, 1987, indicating the various amendments to Page 1 - ~ - -', - . '. MAY 19, 1987 the Act. He noted that on Page 5 of the Act language has been stricken as a result of the Public Service Commission who indicated that they either want the complete responsibility or no respon- sibility, and they have therefore, asked that this be stricken. He noted that on Page 10, the word authority has been changed to district; Page 25, line 20, Ch6pter 126 has been changed to Chapter 136; Page 31 language has been added prior to Section 21 which reads: I I, , ' "(8) As an alternative to the provisions of the foregoing subsections (1) through (7) the District is empowered to levy and collect water I' I and/or sewer impact fees within the boundaries of the District in the ! same manner and to the same extent as counties". He noted that the ! reason for this change is to provide the County with added flexibility; in case the Legislature adopts an impact fee statute. He referred to ¡ I: Page 32, line 7, the following phrase has been added before ,the comma ! : and after the County "which are hereby ratified and confirmed," adding; that this would make the new Special Act consistent with Chapter 78-489 Laws of Florida, which validated the creation of the County Water-Sewer District. He referred to two additional insertions that ar4~ not preferred but were the results of negotiations with represen- tatives from Deltona and Avatar who have expressed strong objections to the Bill and threatened to have the Act killed in Committee unless I this proposed language is inserted. He stated that this language will confirm the fact that Deltona and Avatar are under the jurisdiction of: the PSC and they would not be included as part of the District. i .1. " I. I 11 í: '. S ,1_ ."' 'I' ~ ~ : . !ODK 104. I'Jt;r a58 Page ,~ ~ "·;;.H ¡. 'I.i~ I ':'C< f j ¡.; : ! l . ~ '¡., " I .. ~ ""\- , ~.?'-.~~' . .;.' ;-" '1>-'~~¡"./· ;'~H~ . " <dl~~ ;., ..},..¡, . :to .~.~;~~_:~~,;\ ,,~,~,... :.:L....~,.:"... ;' ,oo~ 104. PAGt 359 MAY 19, 1987 Acting County Manager Dorrill stated that the County has certain authority and power to regulatp. through an interlocal agreement with DER. ! He stated that this Act would not preclude the County from being; a b IE!", tOt, do~;'tbi9.'., a91 ':hexrer,· j9f :IIe11~tf: iB1< ':hå' Coorrt!.yr;.; ~j¡n91o! abI!.~', èa': pexrmi'tc\. ': ' .' and inspect package plants. i Commissioner Pistor stated that this language would invalidate any: franchise. Tape '4 County Attorney Cuyler stated that the first set of suggestions have been agreed upon by all the parties and would be recomme~ded for approval by his office, but the two additional paragraphs that are to be added have not been recommended, but this language is to take care of concerns of the people that are objecting to the Act. Commissioner Glass questjoned why this Act or Bill is needed at this particular time, to which County Attorney Cuyler stated that it was a policy decision made by th~ BCC several months ago. Commissioner Saunders stated that this Act deals with the regula- tion of rates and service areas and the inter local agreement thit is .' being discussed is with regards to the quality of service and cnfor- cemen t ')f it. Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that the intent was to strengthen the County's position, adding that with this compromising position, he is not sure if this is being done. He stated that he is concerned that something is being given up that the County already has l , I,:. I' Page 12 - - -- i: ! ' i i MAY 19, 1987 and needs. Commissioner Saunders stated that if the lðnguage is inserted on Pðge 32, he feels that the County is giving up something that they already have and if necessðry, if the County needs to control rates of, i utilities, the County can take back the jurisdiction fr.om the PSC. He stated that it takes a period of time to do this, but it can be done. H~ stated that by using this language, the ability to control Deltona and Avatar is lost, and the same thing could be accomplished by taking' back jurisdiction from the PSC. He stated that one of the reasons that the County went to regulation of the utilities by the PSC was simply that the County was in the process of acquiring some utilities and at the same time that acquisitions were being negotiated, the. County was trying to regulate the rates also. He stated that maybe the insertion language should be decided upon and if it is not accep- i ~ table, the County could go with the Special Act without that language. : I' He stated that if it is approved, the County has gotten everything ¡ , that they want and if it is not approved, then the County could deter-: mine if they want to take bðCk the jurisdiction. Acting County Manager Dorrill stated that he would have to agree with Commissioner Saunders, adding that the reason the County decided on a Special Act was to reinforce what was already being done. He stated that this Special Act was workshopped on two different occa- sions and there were no objections raised by Deltona or Avatar at that ¿:i.1tíÌJæ. :"~"',,( ,: I: ..' ,,' 'I j, , ¡ ! . page.l~ &OOK 104 nq 360 ~ i . '.. ~ ! ; . r v...·,· . '<f"J:~.,;: .; .'. ·_·.~itfl,r··'':; ,......~...,., . " ., ." ."" "~. ~.t:.;.';/..,.",. . ,..-;,;t" ...!.,,,: ; :"~..., t,.:,",~..Ì".~~"!" _"~ . -~ ,.. ~ -. . ",,-'"'-''-'''~''''''''''''''''''''''-''' """'-'''<''~'''' "" i i I' ! ." ~'. ,. . .-;" : ·,;1 <..."\ . ,. ''''',-.._,<,-,- ~"."",~,","-~.", ._,,""-,~....~ 104 ,,~q 361 I' MAY 19" 1987 ' ,. '. , ! Commissioner pistor stated that he agrees with Mr. Dorrill, adding: that the two inserts were originally generated by Deltona and he feels! that if they were given the option of going with the Act without any ðdl3'.itiorrð'~.\· insemt'~ aIr' nð.'\('.IO!;W.~~:ì:irl:.jr,.:k~l,leà'.;," ';:.~: ~ C;uickà"9\.tchan9~"'·"" some of their feelings and agree to the Bill the way it is rather than have the County take back jurisdiction from the PSC. Commissioner Glass stated that he feels that jurisdiction should be returned to the County. commissioner pistor moved,. seoonded by commiss~oner Saunders and oarried unanimously, that the following amendments as indioated by the, memo dated Hay 19, 1987, be approved7 Page 5, Lines 4 through 127 Page 10, Line 27 Page 25, Line 207 Page 31, addition of separate paragraph befc:>re section 21; and Page 32, Line 7 be approved. commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and oarried unanimously, that Page 3, Line 5 insert and Page 32, ~ine 19 ins~rt be deleted. commissioner pistor moved, seoonded by commissioner Glass, that the local jurisdiction over the local utilities be returned to Collier' County from the PSC. Commissioner Saunders stated that he would like to find out what happ~ns with the Special Act before anything is done and he would like staff to have some time to think about this before any action is taken. Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that he wou14 like an Page .. - - 14' I: ! i i ! ,....,~"..."~~,_...._"...._,_____.""'_"'_,.';,".~;r_"'._~""'._""_","";,.>~","~_"""."""",...,",,,..,,,,"-~~~-~._,. ".,~.."".". ,~~,."....._-;....-~-,,_.~,._-~ " diction of the utilities. ! I '1 ' . MAY 19, 1987 opportunity to bring a report to the BCC on this matter. commissioner Glass withdrew his second, and Commissioner pistor withdrew his motion. ! i i memo County Attorney Cuyler questioned if the last paragraph of the needs any action, to which Commissioner Pis tor stated that this takes several years to happen and the PSC would have to have a requ~st and they do not meet again for several months, which means that Mr. Crandall would have time to give his report on taking over th~,juris- He stated that after the Legislature i adjourns in two weeks, they will know what happens with this Bill and I then they could move ahp.ad accordingly. ***** Later in the meeting after the 12:15 recess, this item was brought up again with the following discussion: ***** i, !~ Commissioner Saunders stated that County Attorney Cuyler spoke with Mr. Anderson concerning the Special Act that was discussed at beginning of the meeting and Mr. Anderson's belief is that it 'is ! the, I \ important that the two paragraphs that were deleted be put back in to I \., I' t' I, ! insure passage of the Special Act. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he has the impression that Mr. Anderson strongly favored the initial changes, adding that he is not happy about the last two paragraphs but he feels that within the scope, of the entire Bill ~s a whole, it is better than not having the Act passed. He stated that Mr. Anderson's suggestion is that the two paragraphs be included i~ the Act, adding that he feels that the Act ~,~... ' ~. 'I I I' i: I 15 ! ¡ ! . . t)'t· I. ~f; ',j ; ~, . j;' . :~~!.., .. . '.......,'.. ,. ..,' :.Page .' aODK 104 r.\~,l 3'62 ~¡. . ',' f{~~~~.; ~ ' :~; . :, ._ ",4': " ..,It,,( " :!I....*...'¡ .,~..~....'.....~;. '....;._-~ "",,",.''1'1 ....,..;.. !." --,-~-,,,;,,,,,,,,,--_..,.... ..-...-..,--,..".."..........."....'........ ,~ . aD OK 104. pm 363 ! , MAY 19, 1987 will pass with the two paragraphs. He stated that there is a good chance that it will not pass if these items cannot be agreed upon., He; noteò thati¡;'t:hEJr.'A'ctt, cl'aD'i~ese' th'et\ aI::t.i',b'i~y.~"t'a' ch'a~~d:~' f~~;·.'" extends the boundaries of the District to include areas thit'~re currently outside the District, and also allows for the provision of services to some of the service providers other than the ones designated. Commissioner pistor stated that for many years there have been discussions about the County purchasing Deltona and the possibility of: , the Avatar plant, adding that if these two paragraphs are ins~rted, i they would cloud the whole issue. Commissioner Glass stated that he is not in favor of adding these two paragraphs back in and it is time that the County takes care of ' . i' ~ ' itself . commissioners Saunders moved that the two paragraphs be i~serted , I ' on the recommendation of the county Attorney's office. Motion died for a lack of second. Item f6Cl ORDINANCE 87-39 RELATING TO THE WESTLAKE BEAUTIFICÄTION MUNICIPÄL SERVICES TÄXING UNIT - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 30, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a proposed ordinance reaffirming the creation and appointment of the westlake . "..·.1" ¡ ," Page lç - .. .. -, ..._____-._..__m... .""~,,....._._____~___.,..,~,.'~""~i<"_""""-""""'""»''''~"'".,-,,".,..,",~",".''''-'' . ' i I I ;~ ..'j'~, ,:,~. )"" , _":f+rn¡,' f ..: , t,~ .'~... <I, '~"'.;- .~;i 'r-i (~ . ,;, ' ~ . f.~*'.l ,'" ...JE./':' . . ,'" ' , )~ \ ~../I;~V¡:-'...., '" ~:.... \ ' " :1<' ¡; .I ~ \ MAY 19, 1987 Beautification Municipal Services Taxing Unit Advisory Committee and amending Section One of Ordinance No. 76-58, which created the Westlake Beautification Municipal Services Taxing Unit, by raising the tax limIt from $1,000.00 to $2,000.00. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this amended ordinance addresses two basic changes~ adding that one allows for an increase in the ad valorem collection and the other addresses :the creation of the advisory committee. He stated that the increase in ad valorem taxes would amount to $20.00 per household for one year only and would be used for beautifying the perimeter wall and maintenance .' and repairs related to the area.i : Commissioner pistor questioned who will appoint the members to i . . :'1 this advisory committee, to which Public Works Administrator Archibald!' ! : stated that he is recommending that the Board of Directors appoint the:, i i , ' members to the committee. I commissioner pistor moved, seconded by commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the publio hearing be olosed. commissioner pistor moved, seconded by commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 27: ORDINANCE 87-39 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE WESTLAKE BEAUTIFICATION MUNICIPAL SERVICES TAXING UNIT; REAFFIRMING THE CREATION AND APPOINTMENT 'tOF' ,THE ::WESTLA!Œ'ßEAU:rJ:F .ICA'l'::ION,MUNJ:CIP At. SERV.I.CES.IJ:'AXING UNIT '1\D"f'TSORY!'>1COl"!!I!ITTEE j ", 'PROVm!NG ''YOR '7>.PPO l'NTMENT·"AND'~OMPOS 'PrION ; SETTING FORTH THE TERMS OF OFFICE; PROVIDING FOR REMOVAL FROM OFFICE, FAILURE TO ATTEND MEETINGS; PROVIDING FOR QUORUM, RULES AND PROCEDURE; PROVIDING FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES;. SETTING , ,- , ; \ .,', , ';"j ..' Page 17 : '/ 11 ~:' ,~ .',/ ,.: '1;" ' ~ODK 104 m;T 364 '1.1.(.:.'\ ;:J~;~- ~::':.~ ,~ <~ .~: :-' ,,'It'f.: "J.' . . "lJ"t " '> ;f~:,:"~J~~;" ':;,:. .~~ ' ~ ¡ ! , , ' &OD~ 104 P~1:! 365 :: i.1 MAY 19, 1987 FORTH THE FUNCTIONS, POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE COMMITTEE; SETTING FORTH THE DUTIES OF THE PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR OR HIS DESIGNEE; PROVIDING FOR A REVIEW PROCESS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; AMENDING SECTION ONE OF ORDINANCE NO. 76-58, WHICH CREATED THE WESTLAKE BEAUTIFICATION MUNICIPAL SERVICES TAXING UNIT, BY RAISING THE TAX LIMIT FROM $1,000.00 TO $2,000.00; : Paov,IDINGV~BP.!tEC'D:I.\ Ðr.DATß;...,' " : Item '6C2 RESOLUTION 87-110 AMENDING DEVELOPMENT ORDER 87-1 FOR TWELVE LAKES - ADOPTED , Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on May 3, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a proposed resolution amending Development Order 87-lt for Twe:lve Lakes, amending Findings of Fact, Number four (4), amending Section 3, Transportation; amendng i: ! i. i \ Section 3.d, Transportation; amending Section 3.e, Transportation; amendi~g Section 3.f.d, Transportation deleting Section 4.i, dealing with vegetation and wildlife. ! . I i Planner Duane stated that the changes to the Development Order are minor in nature and have no significant impact. He noted that most of these changes were initiated by the applicant with concurrence by staff to avoid any confusion in implementing the document. He noted that one change was requested by the DCA to include the number of squ~re feet permitted in the initial development approval. commissioner Goodnight moved, seoonded by commissioner Glass and oarried unanimously, that the pUblio hearing be closed. commissioner Glass moved, seconded by commissioner Goodnight and , .' '., J .J.., page 1~ i i I I' ! .. -, - 'OH~_'''_''"W'"'" MAY 19, 1987 oarried 4/1, (commissioner pistor opposed) that Resolution 87-110 amenc1inq Development Order 87-1 for TWelve Lakes be adopted. L 1 I t. ¡., , ~ ". I I I I I i ! 1.. .' , .~': ~ ;j>--::; ,.", ~,,\! '" 1 . \. ~~; ~ " Page &ODK 104r.\f,\3f36 :-':" I',· .: , t> ~ -,u, I I, i, I , I ¡ I I iI' i ! i 11 I ~__._,._--...4_ __...",.""",......v.,,...,",...'.'........' .._.'_'.,...._.~.d"·._.~"k',·.". ,~~-- .~_.~"=-..~""--"""'..._,,..,., MAY 19, 1987 Item t7Äl RESOI,UTION 87-111 RE PETITION FDPO-87-1, RONTO DEVELOPMENTS OF FLORIDÄ; REQUESTING A VARIANCE FROM THE MINIMUM BÄSE FLOOD ELEVÄTION ~E HÄBITAT ÄT HIDEAWÄY BEACH - ÄDOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on May 3, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition FDPO-87-l filed by Ronto De··elopments of Flor ida, requesting approval of a var iance from the Minimum Base Flood Elevation on property described as the Habitat at Hideaway Beach. I planner McDaniel stated that the petitioner has a hardship between the State's Handicap Code and the flood ordinance, as the handicap meet the elevation requirements of the Flood Damage Prevention I I' I" I' .. \ they i \ have to have access to the public restrooms and it is impossible to Ordin.ance. He stated that FEMA wrote a ietter to the County that would allow this variance due to the circumstances of meeting the requirements for the handicap, but this would be the only circumstance: I that such a variance would be permitted. He stated that the F,lood \ : i Damage Prevention Ordinance requires 12 foot elevation and the p~ti- I> i: ! tioner is requesting a 6 foot elevation, and Staff is recommending i approval. Mr. Rick Carr of Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll & Peek, Inc. stated that in order to build the handicap ramp at the 12 foot elevation, it would have to be 83 feet long and there would also have to be 5 foot ""re9"t~e~e'5"bùlfl!t""'tÍ'l<009 "'tne,tI['.emp ''90' ¡'1:b81:.M:he:"ê\ðrid:i~ «x>ul'ð '.4iatop'end . !:: ; -, 1"~"" ,,.,. t . ;",'7 ~ ' .- , " ~ ,Page . " ,,-, MOK 104 f'Âr,£ 3'72 .-"~~-,....",..........,-----~--.""",,.......,-~,..~.".. ! i.. ! i I 2~ ,..t- -.-"<'-'"'''''...-"-~'.-..'' '001t 104 PA~t 373 MAY 19, 1987 rest. He noted that there is also a requirement that a"restroom be within 75 feet of the pool and it would not be possible to build the handicap ramp and still have the restroom within 75 feet of the pool. '.' i co~~cm;er¡,¡ti..-toJ:!l"...o\fe4:",r.\' .~AaAII\¡~. ro.--..-\.-tW\oJlm:lt:~ft'¡ r;¡ht-Ç.·anð,)¡:, ' carried unanimously, that the p~blio hearing be closed. commis~ioner pistor moved, seconded by commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that Resolution 87-111 re Petition FDPO-87-1, Ronto Developments of Florida, be adopted. . t '0, , " . \' d.··. ,", I' ..! , . .~ ., I . - .' ¡ ¡' ), - ": \ to ~'. .. . '~. ¿-;- Page 2~ ¡ ! i - .. - - _. ! , i I ¡ .i .._._,..,~"____.¡.a MAY 19, 1987 ItBm f9Al C~~ÄTION OF SEVEN NEW POSITIONS WITHIN THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DI'1ISION - ÄPPROVED Community Development Administrator pettrow stated that the growth and development in the County has increased tremendously and has also encumbered staff to a great degree. He noted that the planning and Zoning staff is comprised of 20 people in five sections and two of thl~se sections, planning Administration and Current Planning, takes care of the petition receipts, the analysis, and the scheduling. He stated that in these sections, there are 9-1/2 positions and of these positions, 3 people have professional degrees and they are the ones that come into contact 0n a daily basis with the Developer and the applicant to look at plans. He stated that the growth in the 'County has resulted in about a 380% increase this year in conventional zoning, a 27% increase in PUD's, a 56% increase in PDA's, 67% increase in variances, 16% increase in PU's, and a 14% increase in ordinance amendments. He noted that the needs in the Planning and Zoning Department are for a planner I to immediately assist Mrs. McKim and a Planner I to assist in the processing of these plans. He noted that \ he also wants to hire a Secretary III for the zoning review in Building "G". He noted that the Building Department also needs an electrical inspector and a plumbing/mechanical inspector as there are not enough inspectors to cover the daily inspections. ,~;:~a~:1't5 .,.. .- :t , 1.\ =~.: c . " I, : Page 2~ ~OOK 104 f},q 376 " ..... . " I I' I I , \ : ' ! ¡ , I:, I I' I ,,, 1 ' I , i ! " i I I, ! . ,i : I .... I ! 0',__' "_~._._..._~~........~ . fl...i.\. ,:" ' ' Iq, . ,tt . 1· 0 A flt,r, 377 ~>' &ODK 'i ¥ -" J" l' , .. , ' , HAY 19, 1987 Mr. Pettrow stated that the building inspectors are doing on an average of 35 inspectio~s in a single day, adding that the national .average is 15-18 inspections a day. He noted that the zoning inspec- tors did over 22,000 inspections in a year with 11 people. He note~ that the Building Department inspections have shown an increase of about 17%. He stated that he is also asking for two Clerk Ill's, one woulò be in the inspection department and the other would be at the permitting counter. He noted that this is a total of 7 positions he is requesting. He in~icated that from June 1 until September 30, he is requesting funding of $87,100 which includes capital outlay like a vehicle with a radio and a desk top computer. He stated for the next complete fiscal year, the cost of these seven positions for salary, benefits and capital outlay would be $170,050. He noted that the funding sources are under Fund 113, adding that the Natural Resources Management, Economic Development, Planning and Zoning and the Building Departments are all funded under building permit fees. He stated that it is his suggestion that the Building Department continue to be funded under Building Permit fees, but for the hiring of these seven people he is recommending that he be allowed to borrow $53,800 from the General Fund for the positions in the Building Department because there are no funds left at this time and there will be a shortfall, and for. the Planning and Zoning positions, he is requesting that he be allowed to use the MSTD for $33,300 for the balance of this year. He stated that this is part of the first phase in addressing the problem. ; " ¡ j Page 21 .. ... - .., ..~----,.._.~,."-~-..",...",-"-,,,----- ^ .,.~;"-"_,, ........""'~.. ij _;--...-.v- fir ' :~l" ~Jr ' k' ~i \:lilt '~',(I," : ~, MAY 19, 1987 In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Acting County Manager Dorrill stated that with regards to funding, he will defer to the Finance Director in terms of which fund to use. Cc)mmissioner Saunders stated that the staff that is being proposed' this date does not address growth management and questioned if addi- tional staff or equipment is going to be needed for this, to which , I Community Development Administrator Pettrow stated that there is defi-: I, I nitely going to be more staff needed for the growth management sec- ! ' tion. He stated that h¿ will be back in the near future with I additional requests. Acting County Manager Dorrill stated that he hasrev~ewed"this proposal and he is in full support of these positions. He stated that he has become "aware of the need to actual positions are filled, he is improve service but before 'any , I, expecting to see a work program and, i I I ! ' some projections on how the service to the public will be imp~oved. Mr. Wafaa Assaad stated that he is in support of the request for the Planning and Building Department. He noted that the system is antiquated and has not been changed since 1974. He reported 'that he would request that some research be ~one with regards to ~mp~oving the; service to the public. Mr. Richard Braun stated that he agrees with Mr. Pettrow on this matter, adding that the department has not been staffed properly with qualified people. He stated that the reason that the Building De,par"tment nas so many prdblems wi't'h l'J1spectOTs ''is "th-a't 'go'cli:''inspec- : ~ , . I : I: I i 24 I, I ! ' t ::! . ~~ , , .....,-j., '. Page aOOK 104 p~q 378 w _ "''~"'_""._~"'",_"....",_""""""___"""".",,",,._,,,,,,,,,,",",,,,,,,~,,~,,_,_, ... 'f!OK 104 PAr,: 37D MAY 19, 1987 tors cannot be found for $18,000 a year. He stated that he would recommend that the wages be raised to get good qualified inspectors. Mr. George Keller stated that he feels that the Building Depan:tmenb;';'SI'. doin9\" an" exce:blerrt.-1ob"!'butr:.i;ba.p~" t.h:~, S'OJQe':,'ð:XIe~; within the Building Department and the Planning and Zoning Department need more balancing out. He stated that there are enough ordinances in the County to cover the various violations that exist and they should be enforced. Commissioner Pistor moved, èeconðtd by commissioner Glass anð carried unanimously, that the seven positions under the community Development Division be approved. Commissioner Saunders stated that ttere is going to be additional equipment and staff needed for the growth management legislation, adding that if these people have to wðit until October 1st to be hired, this is delaying the work on the development of the Comprehensive Plan. He noted that he would like to know the needs to see if this is something that could be accomplished in advance of October. Mr. Pettrow stated that th~y are going to need additional com- puters and a system that will be able to handle all this information on a timely basis, as the system that is currently in-house has reached its maximum capacity and will not hold anymore memory. He stated that he would neeò a graphics person, 3 computers and a digi- tizer board to make the system function properly. Commissioner Page 2~ i i , - ... - -, - <> """''''.'''"'''''~-''''.'~~'-'''''''''''''.''', ,.._,.,,,.,-,_.~~~,,,--_---.....,.._..,-- .~,,~._--,........., MAY 19, 1987" Saunders stated that he would like to have this item placed on the agenda in two weeks and have Mr. Pettrow come back with a report regarding this matter. Acting County Manager Dorri1l stated that until Mr. Pettrow makes a presentation and justifies his needs, he will block any attempt to expedite this until it is fully developed. He stated that he wants a full opportunity to review it. Commissioner Saunders stated that he would suggest that Mr. , P~ttrow come back in two weeks with a report to justify this and hope- fully, the Acting County Manager will have had a chance to review it. IteM UA2 STAFF TO DESIGN SEWÄGE TREÄTHENT PLÄNT ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM AND RETURN TO BCC WITH COST, PERSONNEL REQUIRED ÄND NECESSÄRY ORDINÄNCE Environmental Science and Pollution Control Director Lorenz ~tated, that this item is in regards to enforcement capabilities for sewage treatment plants. He noted that this department was created ,in ,1984 with a referendum to monitor and study the treatment and disposal of sewage, and to abate the effects that the disposal of the res~lting liquid and solid pollµtants have on the water resources of Collier County. He stated that presently he is operating under an agreement with the DER to inspect package sewage treatment plants. He stated that there have been questions raised regarding DER's effectiveness taking enforcement actions in a timely manner. He noted that the ·""~l'll.~'orr'Con~ilMDepðtr:'t1nrent couJ.:e,\cotit.å:nueL~o;!'8ct",es lå:1t:::.is 'lOr G:'.t I ¡ I' I' '. tO$K 104 ~",i" 3'80 Page , . ,."'"....,~....""".."..,_..,"".....~'''-_. ~., . ....-... ."'_. ! ! : ¡ ; I I in i , I' 2$ ¡ " ' BODK 104 PAr,r 3'81 , , I, . , '''')','.~'" "".!., :;:~~ .. .. .. ... <~,~::. ,.~ .¡, :',. '," "~~ ., '".' ;,.~. ,Þ' ...-....~. ........ , ~~. .... 1~ '.~ MAY 19, 1987 could get involved in additional local enforcement, which would require the County to adopt appropriate local ordinances, prepare an enforcement....'mechanJ.slQ", and.. hav:e~a. 9,ex:mLt.ting., ao.d.. insp,ec.tiac.. gtagr,am.. Tape '6 Dr. Greg Brooks, representing the Conservancy, stated that they support the staff recommendation to design a sewage treatment plant enforcement program. Mr. Richard Braun stated that his concern is the Avatar. sewer plant, adding that they have been fined by DER and have refused to pay it. He noted that Mr. Lorenz is doing a good job but has no power to act when violations are found. He stated that DER, SFWMD and the Corps of Engineers do not do their job, and he would recommend that Mr. Lorenz be given the power to fine these people and take them to court or that this department be abolished, as there is not much sense in paying taxes on four different agéncies and no one doing the job. Acting County Manager Dorrill stated that he is in support of this, and would recommend that Staff be authorized to pursue the development: I of the necessary compliance program and assume authority from the DER. He noted that after everything is in order, staff would return to the Board, adding that this will take some time. commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that staff be authorized to pursue development of the necessary comprehensive complianoe program which involves the creation of ordinances that would proviGe for inspection, permitting, "1'" i . .~ Page 2~ i ¡ , I I , ! 'II"O¡¡",_",,,""''''''_'''" ',C' "'''.....''_'''''_'.,,<,_,..'''...,_'.,''~..""'__''''..,,.~.._..,. .,,,.,."·....."h__'.._,',,·"_·~....·,__ --....,...." HAY 19, 1987 enforcement, criteria in terms of operation of the plant, ooðe enfor- oement board, as well as an analysis and proper bUdqetary restraints and return to the Board when it is daveloped. Item f9A3 RESOLUTION 87-112 ENDORSING THE DESIGNÄTION OF THE ROOKERY BÄY AQUATIC PRESERVE ÄS OUTSTANDING FLORIDA WATERS - ADOPTED Natural Resources Management Director Proffitt stated that this is to recognize the value and sensitivity of certain aquatic preserve waters by taking a position tional waters. in favor of the proposed designation of ; i He noted that' I I these waters as outstanding Florida waters by the FDER. the Rookery Bay Aquatic Preserve was given this designation in 1982 and in 1985 it was expa:lded and the proposal now is to include add,i- ¡' Commissioner Pistor stated that he questions why it has to be done' , at this time, adding that this is simply another hurdle in the hopefUl, I probability that Some of the beaches may be renourished. He noted i that this could cause problems for the County in obtaining permission to go ahead with the renourishment in some areas. He stated that he would like to see this matter continued for a year. He stated that the County would like to be able to use the sand from Caxambas Pass and Big Marco Pass to renourish the beaches and with this further designation, it may hinder the County in removing the sand. Dr. Proffitt stated that the areas that Commissioner Pistor is ;~ {fr:ie.ferr;in,g 1I:.o:>!8re ,.III1reðày ~~cet5 ~~'1the·.;,I1\qu~,ti:c :IIP-reserve iRuJ.e_ '..,I' 'I <~::-, , ·1. ~DDK 104 ur.r 3'82 "'( . I~';:' Page 28 , ¡, J , :.i ... ',··"··..,_··..·..,,·>.,"''''..·,...''''....'_'e.....''''",.',,,__.... "... -~..~..,-"._,--"".,---- -,,""......,.<.,.. ......_"..."'--,~""""~,,,"'....,,_..~",....'....,.......~,.,.,..~, .>/: aD OK 104 ~A~r 3'83" MAY 19, 1987 Commissioner Pistor stated that h~ feels that this is being brought up as a deterrent to the program and the areas that he is referring to are not in the single line and if this is approved, there , will be additional restrictions put on these areas. ! r, Dr'. Proffï tt stated' t!'tð't' this-c. Ï'!J being brougl'r~ 'tlP"'1!f1f the: request:" ''> of the Assistant Secretary of the DE~, who is requesting that the BCC take a position upon the ~roposàl. Mr. Ernie Barnett, FDNR, stated that the FDNR strongly endorses the designation of the Rookery Bay Aquatic Preserve addition as outstanding Florida wat~rs, adding that the goal of this program is to: , preserve designated marine estuarine ahd freshwater areas in their natural or existing condition so that their valuesrnay be enjoyed by future generations. '. . Mr., David Addison of the Conservancy stated that the Board of Directors of the Conservancy are in full support of this resolution. He noted that the Conservancy took action on their own resolution sUP-i I porting the outstanding waters of Florida on March 24, 1987. He : stated that this is another means of protecting the amenities. Commissioner Saunders stated that he could support this resolu- tion, but he is not sure how it will impact the beach restoration. Dr. Proffitt stated that to the best of his knowledge, the taking of the fill material would come under the DER dredge and fill per- mitting, but as far as the outstandiri~ waters designation, they would be concerned of the effects of the trepidity, adding that only a por- ,', r: ~.." i I ;"PðgE! 29 " , i. . '. '". ;.' ~,) '} í : J ;. - 'I ~. , "., <4" . ;,: _ \ :: "~ J¡ } ~ ~ ; .' ... .. ... .. '.. ^-'-".,._'''''.."._,.."...'''..__O(_._.~,.....'''''''''____.,,'''-,_".....~·'>i'..".O~., "-..;',"'...,.".,...~".,."'""".,.a"''',''..',i......."."...~".".._._~.."~ !~ .. i , I tion of the material lies within the Aquatic Preserve. 1 ¡ , I type MAY 19, 1987 Commissioner Hasse stated that he can only see good from this of a resolution and the County's support of it. Acting County Manager Dorrill stated that his concern is that under some circumstances the State can claim jurisdiction for ditches, : canals and swales that are far inland because they ultimately outfall into the system, adding that the only concern he would have is the impact on the water management plans. He stated that he would advise that the Board take whatever action is deemed appropriate but, if for some reason there is ð negative impact on the County, either direct or indirect, he will bring this back. Commis8ioner Saunders moved, 8~conded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried 4/1, (Commissioner Pistor Opposed), that Resolution 87-112' i ! .. i endorsing the deaignation ot the Rookery Bay Aquatic Preserve as outstanding Florida Waters be adopted and that the Acting County Hanager return to the Board it there is any adverse ettect. " .;. &OOK 104 PAq 384 ¡ I' , " , ¡ 1:- I .. ;:y·:r';· '. !; ",',/ Page 30 !! ¡ i i I, ¡ i , .'.' (, ....;...~ ~'Þll;~:I"":r," 'f. . .., I,:, ..j .... :? :)' ; Jd , , ... ""'_.^,".""-~-.._.,...,,, 1>-,---,,- . "",".",..."".."""",~""_._-".."..,,,,,,_._-_....,,-,..;;,,¡ ··-·,··,','-,····"."".,,_·,",",',··_".~M..." : i ' II " ¡c, t: :iib::t" . I~,:, ~,)i,t> "",'", ~.i. ïA.~ ;,¡j)' ì~' ~.-¡ 'i;~ MAY 19, 1987 Item '9B1 CARROLL ÄND CÄRROLL TO APPRÄISE THREE PROPERTIES LOCÄTED IN GOLDEN GATE ESTÄTES, UNITS 11 & 12 - APPROVED Pu blibr WODkSi\' A'drrtitrist["'atOIJ!'.:I¡¡;clriba'ldl-·sta-te~,tha.t:¡! tl:ti:Sf'\ iSt~request.~.~ . to approve an appraisal contract with the firm of Carroll & Carroll to undertake easement appraisals for the East Regional Wellfield. He stated that this firm is highly recommended because if these proper- ties go to condemnation, it is critical that a firm that has been dealing in condemnation proceedings previously be used. He noted that the Assistant County Attorney and the County's Condemnation Attorney have both recommended the firm of Carroll & Carroll. commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that the firm of Carroll & Carroll appraise the three properties located in Golden Gate Estates, Units 11 & 12 for ¡ , $2,000 per parcel for a total of $6,000. " ' >, ~-" I. J \.'\ ...." '-!" _ ""x;·",~· ir '~_:tt : -' ~ "'''~-l "':. ' -.., ......~,~::¡ "\ ·~...·1,~~\;...,:t,>¡~_1..,tl:;,__, . ,_ ò""·~,,.. ~ ~"~,, "'.... .......... "\ ""-:, .-, I',..... -"". ...")",,, ¡ '\"" ) .......... .;,,~~, \-' , Page I. 3~ i I I ! , , - ... .. .. -'-"--~~"'~-"-"'-'~~''''' '-"~---"----'''-'-"--''''''-~'----"''-'---''''''~'-''''~ "H·'_-.---...-"'..,_,"____"____..."'''''''I'_,...,.,""_.,.".,_.",,'''..,,_,<._"'.,,.,,'_....""""'^.........-...,,',."""--."4..-_"^'__^'._.._..."'=.~ MAY 19, 1987 Item f9B2 AGREEMENT BETWEEN GOLDEN GÄTE BUSINESS ASSOCIÄTION, INC. AND THE BCC FOR THE PURPOSE OF HOLDING "FRONTIER DÄYS" - CONTINUED TWO WEEKS Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this is to approve an agreement with the Golden Gate Business Association, Inc. and the Board for the purpose of holding the yearly event "Frontier Days". He statéd that this is a fairly standard agreement and has indemnification and insurance clauses and there is no cost to the Business Association for undertaking Fr.ontier Days as it is a non- profit activity. He stated that staff is recommending approvðl. Commissioner Goodnight moved, seoonded by Commissioner Saunders that the agreement be approved. Mr. George Keller stated it is his understanding that the Golden Gate Business Association has contracted Mr. Goodrich to operate this event for a fee and there has also been ~ number of people that have donated their time and expenses in the past for nothing. He stated that this is going to be a project of the Business Association and they do not want to operate it so it has been contracted out. ! because there is a lot of work involved:, j' I He stated that Mr. Goodrich has an occupational license as a concessionaire, adding that Mr. Goodrich is the one that built the fence without the approval of the County and it appears that Mr. Goodrich feels that a piece of this property is partly his. He noted that last year's profits from this operation ',""erA:! ,'EUpposeä, Ito ~o·1t.o :Æli.r.e '-,,,r.ot:eèt.5..'On '.il!tnð ~he gBtœii..nessmen",'S .....550- j ! o' I I, i ~ ¡ , ,Page 32 800K 104 PAr,[ 3"94 ....."___',."c,;,,,..., -,..-..-.-- l I I I ¡ ! : , , (".> . --~-'''''-'''''''''-'''''-''''~ . aGO\( 10~ PAr.[ 395 MAY 19, 1987 ciation has been advertising that anynne that put money into the escrow fund at the bank could get their money back. He noted that the public is not going to get any reward from this and the County should not permit them to have the land. Cbanty:;Atto¡;lIe~'CUy}øt15' 9't:a~'13~' ~herertw~: $'.1~O~ttfa~tW5~', indicated would go to the Golden Gate Fire District, but there is a great deal of discussion about this and the Businessmen's Association now wants the money returned to the various people that donated it. Commissioner Hasse stated that this should be held up for two weeks until staff could research the matter. commissioner Saunders withdrew hie seoond and Commissioner Goodnight withðrew her motion. Tape '7 Commissioner Goodnight stated that the BCC should not get involved in individual community problems, adding that the BCC is only giving permission for the use of the land and she would not like to see ÞFrontier Days" discontin~ed. Commissioner Hasse stated that he does not want to see "Frontier Days" end either, but he wanta to be sure that it is done the way it should be done and that is part of the job when permits are/granted. Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, th&t the agreemeht between Golðen Gate Business Assooiation and the BCC tor the use of the land tor "Frontier Days" be oontinued for two weeks. I·.',;· I' l'C1 ~1.'), "¡, .t.: .f.:':", r L{! Page 3 -" .. .. ~ "-"-"'~"-"__"""'__"_~__''''''',n",'''''-'~''"'~'"';'''''''''''''"""",...,~,_",,,,....."",;..e..........,,.~_.;....,,......__..,w,..._,,"",~".. MAY 19, 1987 Item f9C1 ADHINISTRATIVB LEAVE FOR KEVIN HILL, LIVESTOCK EXTENSION AGENT, AGRICULTURE DEPÄRTMENT - ÄPPROVED Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that this is a request for Kevin Hill to take administrative leave to secure a masters degree that is required by the State for his position. He noted that it would enhance his capabilities as a livestock agent. stated that he has been employed by the County since 1984 and would need 18 weeks of administrative leave with pay. He stated that he has agreed to split the administrative leave with the County and would also agree to remain 0 County employee for a period of one year after he receives his degree and if he does not, he will reimburse the County. He noted that this leave would be granted in 6 week intervals over the next 3 years. Commissioner Goodniqht moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and i· oarried unanimously, that the administrative leave tor Kevin Hill, Livestock Extension Agent, Ägrioulture Department, be approved and the ¡ County Attorney prepare the neoessary agreements. Item UC2 BID '87-1091 AWARDED TO AERO PRODUCTS, INC. FOR THE PURCHASE OF A REPLÄCEMENT MODULÄR ÄHBULANCE IN THE ÄHOUNT OF $49,423.00 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on March 13, and March 19, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid #87-1091 for the purchase of a replacement modular ambulance until 2:30 P.M., April .1j,j 1",1 .1: ., 1.;....,. .. I.:':,' i- f Page 34 ! i ! ,-.:. &OOK 104 f.1Q 396 , , """'''~''''''~''~- '"'.,..,..,-.,._..."''''"-,-''''''",'''''',.......,_.,_.-._-,.,."'-..,<~-;,."',."_..",,_..,,,, He: ! ' . ! "','., .' 104 PAf.{ 3'97 MAY 19, 1987 1987. Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that on April 13, 1987, bids were opened and only one actual bid was received, adding tHat> there< were threet:' noo., ~jch, alsoo: receivecJl~, :re"St1ër~th'ðto:.the¡~t:ot"a.J.¡.~~ price of the bid submitted by Aero Products, Inc. was $49,423.00. He noted that a performance bond was required and a $5 million product insurance liability coverage was also required as well as the chassis being provided with various testing documents. He stated that he feels that there was only one actual bid due to these requirements. Commissioner Goodnight moved, seoonded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Bid .87-1091 for the purchase of a Type II modular rescue ambulance be awarded to Aero Products, Inc. in the amount of $49,423.00. ***** Reoess: 12:15 P.H. - Reconvenedz 12:30 P.M. ***** Item UD1 CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 TO GUYMANN CONSTRUCTION FOR MARCO SEWERS PHASB II, AREA "Nt' IN THE ÄHOUNT OF $38,966.39 Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that this is a request to approve the final change order for Marco Sewers Phase II. He noted that the primary reasons for the adjustment is the road conditions, adding that they tried not to damage the roads but the base was not good and more damage was done than what was anticipated. Commissioner Pistor indicated that the contractors have done an excellent job. " ,',. L~ "t" ~;..' Page - .. .. .. ".",,,,._,,~,,..~.,.,,..._~,...,, ",.."'.""'........,-,--_........,_.,-..,...._.","""'" "~..,..'''-''''_"-4i,,,''_...____'''*',.,_;'''',.~.. , " ,-,';",..,.,.........._....._,-.,-,_.,..,.".."'--",'~, i 35 j I i i I I, '~< -.... ii~ " iil: :,,' " ~', '\~ ' \4.);. \!~·,.·,íl'~'.:"., J. .'.. .- f ~~ .~ "_.__._,-~. 1 It, 1 ~' I' .' MAY 19, 1987 Commissionor Pistor mQved, Sftconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Change Order No. 2 to Guymann Construction for Harco Sewers Phase II, Area "N" in the amount of $38,966.39 be approved. 'I I .f , . j'" "~.. '0. .,.,< ~t~~ :';~ /, . I ,1 ":.'1 I) 11 : .. \ .. ~ ..! . "l .' ~.' :~ , í ,,'- ) "I i' f , ./." ! ,. " . I , , '" I " I! ! '.' , ;,¡,'i . 'I, ' , i , r.' I' I' I, .: ;'~' ¡, . ~ ~. ì , ; . ~ f:l :; !.~? ~ "i ;, ;. " i."':' (" i ' j'l. ¡ ('1 , , ! p: ,I-- I I:', Page 36 , ~~J '¡. :;';: i d : 'f í' ,_ '..1;'( . .,', , aoox .1041'~<:f3'98 ! ;;ì:~ . f' t ~ - ~ J ,: ¡ j,: \"1:\:' '\ -'''.,"+.''''''''''"~".....'''-.._-,.. --..-....--, '--.................---'"'...........--.-..-..-.......,'" I', I I. '. ~, L ~ +1 ~_ r: ',', .1 ') - ..', r . 8DOK 104 PAr.[ 40a Item f9D2 MAY 19,. 1987 HOLE, HONTES/WILSON, HILLER, BÄRTON, SOLL & PEEK, INC. SELECTED ÄS CONSULTÄNTS FOR PROFESSIONÄL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE EÄST AND SOUTH NÄPLES SANITÄRY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM PROJECT AND STAFF TO NEGOTIÄTE A CONTRACT AND RETURN TO THE BCC Utili tieD Administrator Crandall stated that this is a confir- ma1:ion.~: oft.: theT:BCC: woeJcsbop¡¡. meetång.t:-o£,. May,q, 1&...); :!}8t1l-"., t'eg"aI~cli<nq~ the¡."", ' first, second and third engineering firms selected. He stated that formal action is required at a regular Board meeting and therefore, he is, requesting that the Board accept the ranking of Lvle, Montes/Wilson; Miller, Barton, SolI & Peek, Inc. as the #l"firm and authorize staff to negotiate a contract with them. Commissioner Pistor moved, seoonded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that HOle, Hontes/Wilson, Hiller, Barton, SoIl & Peek, Ino. be seleoted as the Number '1 firm; Consoer Townsend and Associates as '2 firm; and Camp, Dresser, MOKee/Agnoli, Barber & Brundage, Inc. as the '3 firm for the professional engineering ser- vices for the East and South Naples Sanitary Sewer Collection System Project; and that staff be authorized to negotiate a contract with the: '1 firm and return to the Board with same. Item f9E1 REPORT ON COUNTY SURPLUS PROPERTY AUCTIONO _ ACCEPTED Purchasing Director Carnell stated that all items that were authorized for disposal were sold ahd disposed of on April 25, 1987, and May 2, 1987, adding that there were 22 vehicles, a house trailer Page'3 - ... " : j))~ .. ... .. ." ,·,....'''''"''·,~,·;.....''..''';;''"--...,~-,....''''-"..._---.."'''"''_''',.,,,.c.'''~,.._.__,.__, "'.'...-'...«-.........--.... Ci ~. t ¡ ". v r ' " .i.~ ..\...f ,~.~ . -~. . MAY 19, 1987 . " ~\" : and a quarter horse. He stated that the auction netted $3l,S2l.621n~: ' ~, ¡. : , . .-,. . '" j proceeds, which are being allocated to four different County funds. ' He stated that there are plans for a SUbsequent auction late this summer to dispose of some additional vehicles which will become surplus when the last of tte ordered vehicles are received. He stated that he will be coming back to the BCC during the summer for authori- zation to hold another auction. I' : I I I: Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the report on the County Surplus Property Auotions be aooepted. Item f9F1 RESOLUTION 87-113 SUPPORTING A LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX FOR CAPITAL PROJECTS - ADOPTED Commissioner Pistor moved, secon4ed by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Resolution 87-113 supporting a looal option ¡ , sales tax for Capital Projeots be adopted. I. I..... ; I i· i ¡ ! : ~- t j '1 . . J ~ ,. .',', !,' ::', ' . ~. ; I " .; '.1 ' . ';,1 P/f)., '. :i'í -oj I I',· : I , :/'!'''',. ,I " "_i , ~, 11 t.~ '. . , ... ¡. ¡ ! BOOK 104 I'Ar.r 404 Page 38 t , ~ 1 " ¡H . . \ .. '"";"- ." ~ " ;:~,.,T >, '.. , ,~:.\ . :"' -'~··"···_'+·<O··~,""··,;_~_".-!""'b"_ ~-""...,-",....- ",,, ""~"""-,,,",,,,",,.-".,--~.._;,,,,_..,_.;,,,,_..,..-.....,;-,-,.,,,,,,,......,., ""~'~""". ...,.,",...""-,~. J ~- I:~~"r .... ;,; _; iLL \:If.; '':'" 1. .' n ~ , .. ~\ , ~ , , ¡ ,"';':", r' ~ ¡.;" .....:,. \. \, ". \....:..~'. + ,«::; 4''(;.' 1<." . 'MAy'19, 1987 Item flOB SALARY, OF DAVID WEIGEL, ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY II INCREASED PROH 35 135 TO 40 000 - APPROVED Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that the salary of David Weigel, Assistant Attorney II be increased from $35,135 to $40,000. Item fllA BUDGET AMENDMENTS 87-282 283; 87-285 290; 87-292 294 _ ADOPTED County: ¡: í ,.. . '. "" I I.. ! Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by CO~issioner Glass and carried unanimously, that BUdget Amendments 87-282/283; 87-285/290; and 87-292/294 be adopted. Item flu BUDGET AMENDMENT RESOLUTION 87-032 _ ADOPTED Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that BU~get Amendment Resolution 87-032 be adopted. .j 'f " i: .. _~' ..' ) i I i -¡ 'f" ~!. / t ¡"t' >,/: :-~., ("/" .'. ;(;:J1"'" e_ . - ,; ,':".1.'= 'f : " ~ f D I , ' ,¡ I i i" ;. I:' '.. .. , ::¡.:. 1 :: ~ ... " . l ðOO« 104 W,I" 406 , I Page 39 ,'"P{j~ :tOif" 'j! ì.~. ;:y:," ,.:. ~,~~,...' :.J""'¡'f''''''''--t.' -i:,"". J , !i~~,'~' -....(~~ : '- -:.. ~ . ",." ',.'''----'''.~''''"".,.'".--..., " ~.í~/.t. . j~. --'."...._.__.."';--"",".,.,...,~"..,'-".," ""'-,~,, . i, , 1 -..-... I t' '\ I', ) . "'- j ! " , I ", /1 . ;~~ ~,I-,;;~", : r-, ¡'f . " irr Irl ~;. .~ ~~ ;It MAY 19, 1987 Item U1C BIDDING PROCESS WAIVED AND SOLE SOURCE DÄTA PROCESSING EQUIPHENT AWÄRDED TO HAWKINS SERVICE CO. IN ÄHOUNT OF $4,000 _ APPROVED Finance Director Yonkosky stated that this item is for approval to purchase data processing equipment and to waive the competitive bidding process by purchasing scle source justification which is a decollator and a burster. He noted that the Property Appraiser had purchased the existing equipment but in his move to his new quarters, he took the equipment and data processing does not have such equip- ment. He indicated that the Data Processing Director has found two pieces of used equipment that could be obtained for approximately $4,000. . Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that the bidding process be waived and the sole source data processing equipment be awarded to Hawkins Service Company" in the amount of $4,000. Item 12A PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO INVESTIGATE BOAT DOCK LOT PROBLEMS IN LITTLE HICKORY SHORES ÄND RETURN TO THE BCC WITH A SOLUTION Commissioner Glass stated that this problem occurred because of a zoning change and certain people were not notified of that change, adding that the land is strictly limited by the deed to boat dock :JtuSð.ge"ìðnè ~.t has·,to .beresol ved ,because -they have· boat docks there and there are others that plan on building their boat docks there. He stated that this was brought up at the request of the owners in the '-,' . Page 40 aDOK 104 PAr:: 408' ";'" .'~' ," ."......~'..,..". ,.,..... J ' I' , , ¡ '.. , , .. ...., . i ~"'.','!!'" .. . ~,\,;;.~:.' ~'" ., ...,' ", . ~'f,' 'k' Ji" ',I '"k ':~? ,~" r.~,·,; aOQ~ Hit' " :.\ 1-: " t~ t·, f f'·,· " 104 pm 409 MAY 19, 1987 area. He stated that basically what needs to be done is to determine if this is deed restrictive or if something can be done with the area. Mn-_ Donald'Gn~":..owner"of"'boat..dock.."'LOt.~~&..., !Hock..,o,.., L~t,le.,."" Hickory Shores, stated that the lots are all small designed and designated for usage as boat dock lots for personal uses. He stated that his main concern is due to Ordinance 82-2 which says that ~ccessory structures must be constructed simultaneous with or fOllowing the construction of a principle structure and should conform' with setbacks and building separations. He stated that this states that he would have to build a house on the boat dock lot before he can, build a dock and the lots average 30 feet by 30 feet which means that there is no way to build a house. He referred to his survey which indicates that his lot is 30.14 feet by 29.81 feet, but due to the erosion, there is only 17 feet by 11 feet left and this also makes it impossible to build a house. He stated that other lot owners in the area feel the same way that he does, adding that each lot owner has an individual lot. Commissioner Glass stated that this matter was referred to the Zoning Department and the people cannot do anything without provi- sional uses because it is not properly zoned anymore because of the change, but he would like to give direction to the Zoning Department to resolve this because there is a platted subdivision with platted boat docks for specific purpose. He stated that because of the change in th~ zoning, these people are being denied the use of their pro- Page I i' ! 41 I I .. ".,.-- "'·_--""';,..,_"....'"-,>'"",."""'·,..,',.,.,c,_"'~,.._""_._'''''..~_,-'",~...'>.-=-,,,~._.,,. , MAY 19, 1987 perty. He stated that there is no notification of record that these people were ever notified of the zoning change. He stated that he would like to direct Planning Staff to come back with a resolution that would allow the use of these lots for boat docks and boats. Commissioner Piœtor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodniqht and carried unanimously, that this matter be deferred to the Planning Department and come back with the necessary ordinance to resolve this problem. Tape f8 Planner/Zoning Director McKim stated that the area is zoned RSF-4 which allows single-family as a principle use and one of the provi- property. I : 1 I; I ~ ¡ I, She questioned if staff is being directed to initiate this ¡ sional uses is non-commercial boat launching boat dock facilities. She stated that she feels that a provisional use needs to be applied for and if approved, then a provisional use would be granted on this provisional use for all the properties, to which Commissioner:ßlass replied affirmatively. Ms. McKim stated that if the plat was designated that these lots were for hoat docks, then the provisional use process does not to be met. She stated that from what she can tell, the plat does not appear: to designate them as boat docks and this is why they are not covered. She stated that if she can research the records and find where the plat has them covered, m~ybe this whole process can be avoided. , , Commissjoner Hasse questioned where .the people that own tl1e ,boat ,.', ~ ,..¡, . . " .:' ,'~.J. .. t : '; .' ~~ 4 I.., ; Page BOOK 104 pÂr,[ 410 , -_ I<>~_,.o'~ ·~·,·,.;.._·"""_",.·"._'M__,".".,...._._,..__.,~....._"",,,,,,",,,,,,,,..h,.,....,~"'_"."....,~"'"',.....,"_<._.....,,,.".,..^.""..,_.~...._ '~I :, ' , , 1" r! 42 .i.j. i f I: I, ! 'c , " ¡ r~ ~, ;:- iå ..if ~~' .' I,DOII 104 Pl" 411 Iti.,' ,",i· '>i;¡o· MAY 19, 1987 docks live, to which Commissioner Glass stated that the process that was allowed was for secondary assigns and this was a legal process that could change and convey the boat docks at different times, and therefore, the people' db not" all l'ive< in' tha'~ aree. ", He"st'atIec:Þ thtJ'tl" they are paying taxes on the boat dock lot as well as paying taxes on their own homes. , Commissioner Glass stated that Staff now has the direction ot the Board and will return to the Board with the problem resolved as soon as possible. Item U2B 300 TO BE DONATED FOR PROJECT GRÄDUATION _ APPROVED Commissioner Hasse stated that he received a letter from Mrs. Barton ,of Pro~ect Graduation regarding this matter. Mrs. Mary Peterson, representing Project Graduation, stated that she is in hopes that the Commission will give a little help for the project graduation, adding that last year, 200 tee-shirts were bought in preparation for 100 people and they ended up with over 650 attending. She stated that over 650 are expected to attend this year and they are aiming for 1,000 students. Commissioner Pis tor stated that this is a School Board project and they should be donating. He stated that this party is only for four of the high schools because Everglades City and Immokalee are too far away and if they should have a partyþ the County will have to donate to them also. :'" I ¡ ! i' Page 4~ i ., >1 , i f i .. - - -""---'~"'-~""''"''''''-''''''''''~'''''''"--''-'''"'"'''_'~__'''''0''-''''".",~"""""",,.~~ MAY 19, 1987 Mrs. Peterson stated that the School Board has also made a contri- bution and with regards to Immokalee and Everglades City, they were asked but they did not reply. She noted that if they decided to have their own party and ask for a contribution, the School Board would donate to both schools. Commissioner Hasse stated that this is a good activity for the students and it keeps the majority of them off the road and away from drinking. Commissioner Goodnight questioned if there is any money left in the $7,500 that was budgeted for these type of events, to which, Administrative Aid to the Board Israelson replied affirmatively, adding that the Commission also contribL1ted toward this event last year. Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried 4/1, (Commissioner Pistor opposed), that the BCC contribute $300 for Project Graduation. Item fl2E ROBERT ROTH AP~INTED TO WÄTER HANÄGEMENT ÄDVISORY BOÄRD Commissioner Pistor stated that he would recommend Robert Roth for this vacancy as he lives in Immokalee and is part of the agricultural industry that is interested in getting involved in the water manage- ment issues of Collier County. ,,commiss.i.oner Goodnightind,ica ted tha,t she would ,like to see Mr. Roth appointed as there is no one presently on the Water Management :¡ aOOK 104 P,\<;[ 412 ¡ Page 4i , -_.....",..--.~.."'-"'-, ~··_""--~-'-,.-..,"'~..""""_,........_"""...~·",.....;_"_0.".."_,...'^"'~".""'~'____;;0;__. ~".- ,- '_'~_.,~"~~,"-~~"",._--,----"..",."".....-".;" .>',,,...~..,","'.,. i ' i' i ¡ I I ~: 104 p~q: 413 , . '. I. MAY 19, 1987 Advisory Board from District *5. commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Hr. Robert Roth be appointed to fill the va.cancy.~-Qn, t.ha. ....t.,J)·, H.ana.qeaent:tr~~iao~tBoa.r4.."." . ***** Commissioner pisto~ left the meeting at this time ***** Item '12D REGISTRY HOTEL TO RESOLVE NOISE PROBLEMS WITH NEIGHBORS Commissioner Saunders stated that he was asked to pl~ce this item on the agenda because the Commissioners have been receiving telephone calls regarding noise at the Registry Hotel. He stated that he wants the people to be able to make their concerns known to the entire Commission as well as finding out what the Registry plans on doing to ! i I' resolve the problems. 1';1 Mr. Philip Smithers, representing the Seagate Prope~ty Owners, stated that there are 80 families that are affected by different aspects to varying degrees. He noted that there are four main sources; of noise and they have been impacted by all four. He stated that there are two types of pollution, visual pollution 'and noise pollu- tion. He indicated that the visual pollution can be ignored and in an, attempt to block out the view, $ome residents have planted trees and scrubs, but the headlights from the cars coming in and out can still be seen. He noted that the noise pollution is an entirely different matter. He stated that it violates the sanctity of their homes and persons and becomes a threat to mental and emotional well being. He . t: j .. ~ . ;.. ~. Page , ' . H:~ ,'t' ,.~ " .. _. - "''''-~''''''.'''''''-~'-'''''~''''''' ..... """~"'-"""""""^''''''''-''''-- ^._"..."'..,.'......"~,~.- -.<,_.""~"'-._'''''..-;,.'''''-''''--'''',',-,-''''-...,__......._...._,.,__......i)','''*'''__''~'-'"' "·,,'_,,..,~_...'.,,~"W"~..,',,·. ,._,._,_ .,"'_.."~,.,",....,,< j I 41-: , MAY 19, 1987 stated that it is a physical preaence in your home and a strong inva- i I sion of intimate spa~e. He stated that one of the noise pollutants is' i the amplified music which is the subject of police citations and a forthcoming trial. He noted that the music can be heard inside their closed homes over the TV and their own radios, adding that the vibra- tions can be heard and felt. He stated that another noise problem is ¡ the midnight volleyball/pOlo games in the pool which sounds like a summer camp having a free-for-all. He indicated that another complaint is the big exhaust fans that bring the fumes from the underground parking garage to the surface. He stated that the roar dies down at night from these fans but is increased again at 5:50 A.M. He stated that the worse noise pollutant is the fleet of large diesel ¡, , ' /., buses that are used to shuttle the people back and forth to the ,. I. Airport. He stated that they park on County property and run 'their J' J I buses for hours waiting to be used. He noted that they drown ,out the ¡, noise from the exhaust fans and when the wind is in the right direc- tion, the smell that comes into everyone's home is terrible. ,He stated that he has only signed one complaint all winter, adding that they are not looking for excuses to complain. He stated that it is easier to go inside and close up your home than to get all worked up about it. He noted that voices carry at night and sometimes they are awakened at two, three, or four in the morning and think that someone is right outside their home. He stated that the slapping halyards on j " ..the"big",.flag,.poJ.eare v.ery nois«"and on two separate occasions, heli-, ! <..1 t, .,' ~ , ~.; :.~ t aDOK 104 PAf,f 414 Page , ' ,), . ---~"-".*"'-"" " "..''^''o>..'.''.'_''.~'''''''._',.,...,,,,,,,,,____..__.., .~.-,...,~".",.,""___."."'.~"..._''''___,.__,"'_~'''''''''_'''''_,.__"...u,,_."__...~~ "·_··N""_..._'____.".,."."".,"."""...."";.....,_;....,""....,.,.;'''~,,,.......'_'.,.__""_",.,"......_."~,.".~, .... ........ . r: 46 ! " &OOK 104 PArol 415 MAY 19, 19137 copters have hovered over the area at about 250 feet. He noted that he would think that the guests would have had the same complaints and he would ask that the County enforce their police powers and do something about" th'is. Mrs. Nancy Minor, representing Seagate Property Owners, stated that there are numerous problema at the Registry and one means of resolving the problems is to file a complaint with the State AttorneY'R office, but the Sheriff is the one that has to enforce the law. She stated that she is willing to do whatever is necessary to resolve these problems. She stated that she cannot hear her own classical music in her house when the Registry is playing their music. : She indicated that some of the music that has been at thé Registry is obscene and the noise from the fireworks is excessive. Tape f9 Mrs. Minor noted that it is difficult for the children to con- centrate on their school work when they hear this noise and it is also; very difficult to listen for your children when they are outside playing and you are in the ho~se due to the noise coming from the Registry Hotel. Attorney Anthony Pires, representing Gulf Bay Development Group, owners of property adjacent to the hotel, stated that they have con- cerns about the noise level, noting that the exhaust fans are left running in excess of 60 decibels. He stated that he hopes that these problems can be resolved by the Registry. He noted that tests were ! Page 41 Î - .. - .., .. _B·""·'='^"'.~'_,.·.,,,",,,, ...__," 'h.~._ ---"'-~......,' ""~""''''"-'''''''''''''-''''''''-'''-'''~----''''--'''',""..",.,..,~"",.._..._,."..,""""""""""'-------.-.....-."'. ,-.---- (tt. It:',' \ !j', :f{ ~. , /" ';;:fe' 1'~"., MAY 19, 1987 taken on these exhaust fans for a one hour period one day which was not during the peak of th~ season. Mr. Richard Aaron, representing Shelter Seagate Corporation, Association of Unit Owners of the Registry Hotel, stated that they have tried to solve some of the problems and they are still working on solving others. He stated that they have had several meetings with the residents around the area to identify the noise problems. He noted that in dealing with mechanical equipment, he retained Law Engineering to test three locations. He stated that according to the tests, they did exceed the decibel level set by the ordinan~e~. fie , . stated that they are trying to reduce the noise to the lowest level possible. He stated that baffles have been installed and the second phase is to reduce the speed of the motors. He noted that this is called air balancing and the combination of these two modifications will reduce the noise. He noted that they recognize the problem of '. ',."'" . the pool area, adding that the noise is acoustically pushed out. He indicated that since they were cited, they have not played any music, i r I adding that they did do testing using two locations, and it was deter-: mined that the decibel readina was less than 60, which i~ what the County ordinance speaks to in regards to equipment handling. He noted, that the ordinance, however, does not indicate the standards for music. He stated that they are trying to find a solution to the problem. He noted that these tests were taken during the daytime ", i I ,..,~lftout"S ~në¡.'tIefp!mns .ron .'ðoim; ·~s,ts,~the:æJ/.ening oI\hour.sÒ!illi·tlI,oa! :mew Ii Page BOOK 104 PAr.[ 416 .. '::~, . -"··~'·"·,..·;·"~-·"···~_,··_·...._..",,,~,,·,._-o........._ ""1' I..·.."'__:_...........,,~·.."'~ ..._"-,".-_.." '~'-"'-"""''''''''---'"""., ,.,.,., ,'".""....,~...;..',.,."',..,""'~."'".""'.,,...~ " I I I, ,I ! ' í i ! í !, .. , j ! ! , j ~ , i : i I . i' i L ~ . ¡ , 48 ; , i I. I ;. ï· 'OOK 104 pm 417 MAY' 19, 1987 location for the music. Mr. Thomas Nicademus, General Manager of the Registry Hotel, stated that they have full intentions to be good neighbors and comply ", .' wi th the ordinances. He stated that they' have made' some corrections ~'; with regards to the noise level and have more corrections to make and that they will make some corrections with regards to the traffic and the buses. He stated that he does not have a solution but he would welcome some recommendations. He noted that people do come to the resort for entertainment and the outside which they enjoy. He stated that the outside entertainment has been scaled down tremendously and they have discouraged the hard rock bands by the pool and deck area. He stated that they do not like being cited as it is ð detrimenr. to the business and with complaints from the neighbors they have to can- cel functions which causes them loss of business and it is not something that can be justified to the ownership of the unit owners of; Pelican Bay. He stated that 'iith regards to the helicopter, the advertising agency hired a helicopter service in February to take pic-; tures from the air but that is the only time he was aware of a heli- copter being in the area. Commissioner Glass questioned if it would eliminate some of the traffic problems, if the Registry was allowed to have a service entrance into Pelican Bay, to which Mr. Nicademus replied affir- matively. Commissioner Saunders stated that there are many problems as far Page 4 - .. .. "'. - --'-"-~"""'"-~"-' -.-, MAY 19" 1987 8S the neighbors are concerned with regards to the Registry Hotel and these problems are not things that these people are making up. He stated if there is a problem with the ordinance with regards to not having standards, then he can direct the County Attorney to re-draft the ordinance. He stated that if the problems are not resolved, the County could consider banning o~tdoor music. He stated that the Commission has an obligation to protect the neighborhood and the rights of the homeowners. He stated that if a resolution is imposed , j i I i I I I ! ' ! i, i ! by the County, it will be more restrictive than if the 'Hotel takes i ! , i, 1 ¡,¡ i He stated that a ban on the use I ~ of the pool after 10 P.M. could be imposed, which would eliminate a lot I I' , i , ¡ Mr. Nicademus stated that five nights out of seven nights are very;' quiet unless there are private functions scheduled. He stated that ¡' they are doing their best and are looking to the Commission for recom-I: ! care of the problem themselves. He indicated that the Registry is a great asset to Collier County but at the same time, the interest of the neighborhood has to be protected. of the noise problems. mendations. Tap.' 110 Commissioner Saunders stated that his recommendation is to do better than the best because the next time it comes up on the agenda he will ask the County Attorney to draft an ordinance that will solve .~he County's problem. Mr. Aaron stated that if ordinances are considered, tòeÿ'would ¡ í' ! ' " "1 I ¡ ~ \i 56 ¡ i 1\-', I,' 'Page &OOK 104 PAf,f 418' I I I: : .~ ~ ~:;" ~.."___._,______.........,_..---,...;_,...",_,___"...,o_..-~"".'. "~"",_"",,,,,,_,_,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,"""";_n_.'~'"~;"" _"., '" -.," ~'" .,~,.;"". ',. .",... ,,,,,_.,-,.._~.,,..,, ..,,,,.,,,.,,, 104 pm 419 l ~ ¡,\ , ¡ : . ·,t ' MAY 19, 1987 have to effect Collier County on a county-wide basis, adding that it also has to be recognized that the Re~istry Hotel provides 740 jobs fo¡; ColJ.iêr., Co.un.t.y.·..., a.nd."a.t... peak~, a .$.3.110.. QQQ."pay.r,aJ.l e.vec.~. ,twa.weeks..., adding that there are benefits on both sides. County Attorney cuyler stated that by the time it gets to his office and he has to get involvèd with it, then the solutions are going to be harder to find, adding that he hopes that the solutions can be found before they reach that point. Commissioner Hasse stated that the Commissioners have a respon- sibility to the people that live in the area and they are willing to work with the Registry Hotel b~t their responsibility is to all the people of Collier County who ate being aggravated by this sit~ation and a solution has to be reached. He noted that these people have to have a reasonable amount of peace and tranquillity in their lives. He: stated that the Registry Hotel is the one that has to solve the problems. *** commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by commissioner Glass and carried 4/0, (commissioner pistor out) that the following items be adopted and/or approved under the Consent Agenda: *** Item U4B1 HODIFICÄTION OF EXCÄVÄTION PERMIT NO. 59.273 "BERKSHIRE LAKES", PARCEL D-1, SECTION 33, T49S, R26E - Modification to recognize new ownership of parcel as being Berkshire Park Limited Partnership of Cincinnati, Ohio. All other .. , I ;Page 51 I i I 1 I i 1 ~ .. .. "'. .~.,;I¡ , . . . MAY 19,: 19B7 and stipulations for the original excavation permit will , : ¡ i I 1 i remain the Berne. ... ", item IUB2 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH VINEYARDS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FOR ROÄDWÄY ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE com~Y'S FOUR LANING OF PINE RIDGE ROÄD, JCT. 1-75 TO JCT. C.R. 951, BID NO. 86-915 See pages Lt a 7 - 43 ~ i ~ .' i CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN BILL OF SÄLE TRANSFERRING WATER LINES \ SERVING NORTH NÄPLES COMMUNITY PARK TO THE COLLIER COUNTY.WÄTERSEWER ' DISTRICT Item , UB3 See page> J./.,33 1 i i' Item tUB4 FINÄL PLÄT OF CREEK BED ESTÄTES ÄPPROVED FOR RECORDING; SECURITY FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS ÄCCEPTED1 ÄND CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE CONSTRUCTION ÄND HÄINTENÄNCE ÄGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS See Pages 1~~4- - L../..3 7 Item '14B6 i JÄNITORIÄL CONTRACT ADJUSTED TO COVER ÄDDITIONÄL SERVICES FOR THE ! ' UTILITIES DIV. ÄT COMMERCE CENTERS ÄT NAPLES IN THE ÄHOUNT OF 2 228. Item tUB7 COMPETITIVE BIDDING WAIVED. LETTERING ÄND DRAFTING MACHINES AND SCALES FOR ENGINEERING TO BE PURCHASED FROM SPEEDY BLUEPRINTING - NOT TO EXCEED $2,065.00 Item '14BB BID NO. 87-1094 FOR CÄRPET TILÉ AWÄRDED TO OFFICE FURNITURE ÄND DESIGN Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dail~ Ne~s on _ ' ,,. Qtart:h '1.B0:'; -4.9ßw.. 'e5.je",.iaeflCed~y~~t6avd..'tb:r'. ¡,p,t¡bf1ÄcattDn ~~t3. ~th , , ¡ I, :\! ì ., /' '.- s~": , ! ' i Page aOOK 104 f'Jq 420 " ~ ; '~ ! I '. .;~':;' ; '. . . ~' f t:. ' ~:?' , . .; -:" ._,,--,-'-"~ ~____"__,~______"'''''''''.''~'''''''''"'H~'''''- - . " . ..I.~('" ~.. ....., c" 'to');'; .. .:4;" ..-.!- ~, . .. '00'" 104 p~(jt 421 ).I' .,.... '", ?'.¡.¡ ,:(}" '::1",." ;~:,' the Clerk, bids were received for Bid #87-1094 for Carpet Tile until '~~;'i:;';" '. ;'itf.:' 11',' ~f~;;,,2 t 30 P.M., Apr il 15, 1987. ,¡..~'~':( Item '14B9 ~ \, d .. .; I) MAY 19, 1987 '~',l\: \ ' CEAI1QI{]I.N' T'O" BX~ u dS' trrrr.ITT'" nlhlnJ:il't f"Ì'''CiluuUUid-l" '< O1'01f":''.r'JIIF..lfuA~S1rOP'''' " ONE RAW WÄTER WELL EASEMENT FOR THE EÄST REGIONÄL WELLFIELD EXPÄNSION FROM ROCCO & CÄROL ACIERNO See Pages I/- 3 f( - 4- ~/ Item '14C1 CONCEÄLED WEAPON PERMIT 87-8 FOR DÄRLENE F. ROBILIO Item f14C2 'r' CONCEALED WEÄPON PERMIT 87-9 FOR DÄNIEL L. RITCH Item f14C3 COHPETITIVE BIDDING WÄIVED ÄND PÄYMENT AUTHORIZED FOR FILES ÄND CÄBINETS FOR HUSEUM ÄRCHIVÄL STORAGE FROM SPEEDY BLUEPRINTING IN THE ÄHOUNT OF $2,566.25 Item ,UDl " '\.1,' ACCEPTANCB OF UTILITY EÄS!HENT FOR NORTH NAPLES WÄTER TRANSMISSION MAIN PROJECT See pages OR BCXJ{ 1270 P::tgPA 1266 - 1269. Item I14D2 ACCEPTÄNCE OF WÄTER FACILITIES FOR NAPLES PLÄZA - WITH STIPULATIONS 1. That all legal documents are found to be legally sufficient by the County Attorney. 2. That Certificates of occupancy DQ1 be issued for any struc- tures within Naples plaza until the sanitary sewer facilities to service the project have beén dedicated and accepted by the Board of County ~ommissioners. :Item '14D3 CHAIRMAN ÄUTHORIZED TO ENTER INTO AGftE~MENT WITH DEVELOPER OF VINEYARDS PUD REGÄRDING INTERIM ON-SITE WÄTER ÄND SEWAGE TREATMENT FÄCILITIES , . Page 5l ! .. _. '"""'''"''''-f,.._.",_,^","""",~___'h''·''''''''''·'''"''-''··''';~''~'''·' i t í, ! , I , ¡ ,MAY 19, 1987 See Pages ..i:I...If 2. - 4 JI. 4- Item 'UD4 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO LEÄSE ÄGREEMENT FOR UTILITIES DIVISION OFFICE SPACE AT COMMERCE CENTERS AT NÄPLES See Pages t+ifS Item 'UEl COMPETITIVE BIDDING WÄIVED. CONTRÄCT WITH PETROLANE GÄS SERVICE FOR LP GÄS AT $.62 PER GÄLLON TO OPERÄTE ANIMAL CONTROL DEPT. INClNERÄTOR See Pages CINI'RACT NJT REŒIVED nI CLERK TO BOARD OFFICE AS OF" 6/8/87 Item f14E2 PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR IBM 70 REDUCTION ÄUTO FEEDER COPIER FOR THIRD FLOOR, BLDG. "F", IN AMOUNT OF $61,024.18 UNDER 48 HONTH PURCHASE PLAN See Pages AGREУNl' oo:r RECEIVED IN CLERK TO BOARD OFFICE AS OF 6/8/87 , Item 'UE3 RESOLUTION 87-11. RECLASSIFYING PARKS' AND RECREÄTIOH COORDINATOR TO PARKS AND RECREÄTION SUPERINTENDENT WITH PAY INCREASE í See Pages 4~h Item 'UGl CERTIFICÄTES OP CORRECTION TO THB TÄX ROLLS 1986 TAX ROLL 190 - 191 5/6/87 - 5/7/87 1986 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1986-214/217 ':.: 5/6/87: 5/Ü/87,: Item 'UG2 ,. . " I' . EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATE NOS. 36664, 34238, 35792, 48554, 38439, 44740, 52294, AND 44051 I ! I ,¡ "¡" >, . '--, I 54 ,,:"\. ::) .'; ~ -:. ",' ],.: : .. ',;;.: I.,. ' " ' " :. ............ \ C " .. oj. ¡ Page aDOK 104 fAr.: 422 ( ',- -"--.~,""..".._..~O'<_'"M..", -~.....~"'._,"""".'""""""_."""-"-""..,_._"'..;--,-;""''''',.=_..,,'',..,...',;,'-' . ' , ¡ , aOOK 104 PAq 423" ;, , ¡ I.,}' , " ¡' ~, . t' ~. ," MAY 19, 1987 Item U4Q HISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - PILED AND/OR REFERRED There!,'he:tn9,'..nor, abj:ecti'Onr~tbe¡.:Ch2rl'~ cìi>œct:eI:'; tha.1:.~tbef;f'cù:ù.owingo(~"(' . miscellaneous correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various . ~,I departments as indicated below: 1. Letter dated 05/06/87 from Jane R. Bass, AgenCY Clerk, Department of Community Affairs, advising that the hearing regarding CDBG 87-25, for Collier County will be May 18, 1987 in Tallahassee. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David pettrow, Wanda Jones and filed. 2. Letter dated 05/04/87 from L. Anita Trimble, Environmental Specialist, DER, enclosing application (File No. 111337659 A. M. Papineau), which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Dr. Proffitt and filed. ' 3. Letter dated 04/10/87 from James W. MacFarland, Director, Division of State Lands, DNR, ~dvising of Naples Field Office at 2500 Airport Road South, Suite 106. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Pat Carroll and filed. 4. Memorandum dated 04/16/87 from James W. MacFarland, Director,; Division of State Lands, DNR, regarding DNR Automatic Consent' Criteria and single-family docking facilities. Referred to Neil Dorrill, George Archibald, David Pet trow and filed. 5. Letter dated 05/07/87 from tlton J. Gissendanner, Executive Director, DNR, attaching copy of adopted policy guidelines dealing with the expenditure of funds under the Save Our Coast Program. Referred to to Neil Dorrill, Dr. Proffitt, Kevin O'Donnell and filed. 6. Letter dated 05/04/87 from Thomas M. Taylor, P.E., Principal, Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc., regarding $5,000,000 Capital Improvement Program Revenue Bonds, Series 1986, Sub-Series 2, Collier County, Florida, HMA File No. 86.54. Referred to to BCC, Neil Dorrill, Jim Giles, Bruce Anderson and filed. 7. Letter dated 05/04/87 from Theodore Zelman, Jones and Zelman, P.A., advising that claim is hereby made against Collier County and Collier County Dept. of Transportation, on behalf of Sandra Crocket Pierce, for the personal injuries ,suffered as a result of a vehicular collision 11/20/84 at Goodlette Page 5S O,ì ,", ...':..,...... - --, "·"_'·"-__~""_'""""""..'~V"~",...,...,,_~,~._.__~._.,_-...-_.",.._._....,,__ ...... n. nr .. _'"'N_';.r~"",..·..."""'~"'""""'_"'~" '. .""""""""'.,--......._...,,"'""".,-,,,.,,~, " \ MAY 19, 1987 Road and Golden Gate Pðrkway. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Ken Cuyler, Sherry Rynders, George Archibald and filed. 8. Letter dated 05/04/87 from Theodore Zelman, advising 'that claim is hereby made against Collier County and Collier County Dept. of Transportation on behalf of Elizabeth A. Scott, deceased, for fatal injuries suffered in vehicular accident on 09/12/86 at 10th Avenue, N. E., 1 mile north of Everglades Blvd. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Ken Cuyler, Sherry Rynders, George Archibald and filed. 9. Memorandum dated 05/01/87 from Herbert G. Parker, Chief, Bureau of Crimes Compensation and Victim Witness Services, Dept. of Labor and Employment Security, regarding 1987-88 Victim Assistance (VOCA) Grants. Referred to Jim Giles, Neil Dorrill and filed. lO. Minutes: 04/14/87 04/28/87 04/29/87 - Golden Gate Parkwðy Beaut. Adv. Comm. 05/12/87 Agenda - Marco Island Beach Renourishment Board CCPC Citizens Advisory Committee and 11. Notice to Owner dated 05/05/87 from Ron Cassell, Credit Manager, Olsen Precast, Inc. informing that precast concrete structures and related materials were furnished for Airport Road under an order given by Seaboard Probe. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Skip Camp, George Archibald and filed. 12. Notice to Owner dated 05/04/87 from Hertz Equip. Rental of Ft. Myers advising that general equipment rental was fur- nished for the Collier County Water Treatment Plant, Project #648 under an order given by Harry Pepper & Associates. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Skip Camp, Tom Crandall and filed. 13. Notice to Owner dated 05/06/87 from Ron Cassell, Credit Manager, Olsen Precast, Inc., advising that precast concrete structures and related materials were furnished for Pine Ridge Road under an order given by Seaboard Probe. Referred to to Neil Dorrill, Skip Camp, George Archibald and filed. 14. Notice to Owner dated 04/30/87 from Orange State, Inc., advising that they supplied materials and installed one (1) 24' x 36' canopy with 24" white vertical fascia at Collier :'.')-X:ounty;\Cout:A:house\;\Unàen,.<en 'ar'aer;g i yen ,by.,J_~. !4'.ump JServ.ice, . Inc. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Skip Camp and filed. 15. Notice of Hearing dated 05/06/87 from Public Service Commission regarding Docket No. 87000 and Purchased Power ¡ , . " '. .- Page 56 aODK 104 f',\r·t 42~ <.'"'.-...".".."~...~~...'.'''''..''.''''..~''''.'"-''"___'_'_''''"'_'Ii.'''''''"'''''",,'''';'''''''' ". aDo,; 104 ra".f 425 j> -' ¡ 11 J r MAY 19, 1987 Cost Recovery Clause with Generating Performance Incentive Factor, Docket No. 870002-PU, Conservation Cost Recovery Clause and Docket No. 870003-GU, Purchased Gas Cost Recovery Clause. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Bruce Anderson, Tom Cr8ncfáltl"'·anàftf·~~' 16. Memorandum dated 05/07/87 from Steve Tribble, Director of Records & Reporting, Public Service Commission, regarding 870406-SU and enclosing a time schedule entitled "Case Assignment and Scheduling Record", Referred to Neil Dorrill, Bruce Anderson, Tom Crandall and filed. 17. Letter dated 04/14/87 from Ralph parilla, Chairman, PIC Review Committee, State Job Training Coordinating Council, enclosing forms to assist Committee with the review process and instructions for PIC membership profile: letter to Joe Paterno, Private Industry Council from Nancy Israelson, requesting information required in these forms; and letter to Nancy Israelson from Joseph Paterno enclosing requested information. eiled. 18. Letter dated 05/04/87 to Ms. Wanda A. Jones, Housing Programs Director, from Verlon E. Shannon, Chief, Assisted Housing Management Branch, U. S. Dept. of Housing & Urban , Development, authorizing Collier County to make the pro-rated, payment from the Section 8 Program to the CPA. Referred to Wanda Jones and filed. 19. Letter dated 05/07/87 from Jose H. Ramudo, regarding Case No. W87-0400 legal Notice of Nuisance Abatement, advising that he' had contracted services with Marco Eagle Tractor Service. Referred to Ann McKim, Walter Wolfinger and filed. ';;'" '~?~ ·Iî;./ ~:J,; ~".:', '.','," Î:"~ ~.;~:":' ~~,.. ,"i·~,.' . .; ..~ .' ~'~ f't' 1!~: í>~ ~, l ~ I / . ~" ~ \ ;'¡,"':, > ¡: ,! ;, , I .. 'J . '. ¡- l Page 51 - -, - ",,~.'"""'-'---""'~'''' ....-".... ...._.,.,~-"....""_. ......".."..~"'~,."^'.".""""",'-".,"~.~.,_.. !.. f· "::'1''1: ¡: ;(. f :'~) . . t ' ': t' . : ' ::. ~; 1 'ô' - , ' ,r.. .~. I : l " MAY 19, 1987 , . 'C., 1111* There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 2:15 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~ ~~ k? MAX . HASSE, R~RMAN' ATTE8T:. " J~S C. GILES',. C~ERK . ¡ ¡ ¡ .. . >' " l , ' - ~<.u; .{J,bJ~ ,,:..AX- These minutes - approved by the Board on '/77" ~", /~" :, /t? ~, 7' as presented '~ or as corrected -z¡- ~. . , , I.' ...1) . ; , ~ : '. J :. '~:. ~" . ,.', I·~,·;,·:":',; .' ,'< . ,¡ ì-î' i ~!". ~,: \," ;II¡ ~'~ . J ~ ;;< ' . ;; ~ , : ,; ~ ;. I; :, f:.. L i I~, C ¡ .; ! ~ :. ~ r ."':: ;¡ 1 (' r ..' ;Î' !.."(' ¿ r ¡54' ~. ~ ~ r r f , . , . 1'," , , , , .,;',! ,,'.' "rif !.rtJF:'tr:~; , , ¡.' ,( f'~¡i 1;1'," ( '!' ,~ 1\:: ' i ,1 I I: Page Sa I:"; \ (I øJ :uh La . IA < " ,",., ~"1;' ,,¡ , .' ( ': I¡ ¡tt. ."~:t'''~ ~I: .). . " '"..., ; '!"; . ; 11 e,¡ç;.r.., ',),: , I aODK 104 f"q 426 ¡" ' í (-) , ~,;', \' i!~'G:i~i(, '" i;~f~~ ~~>f J~). J6' .' ,;,...; ., ',,,J,' " ! t'J· " ..¡ , .1. ,':'. : # ,., ")' '¡'¡8~ r:' ·;:~iY.;t " , ",¥......~' ..,~ ..",~{.....,;,! ,', . : 'ii'" H.",.~,...·,.."..__,~_~~_,_",____,__"__,,,.,,,.,,,,,~_.., ! ' i ~ I i, I ¡ ; . '