BCC Minutes 08/05/1987 W - .. - Naples, Florida, August 5, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governi~g board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:30 P.M. in WORKSHOP SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Center, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass John A. Pistor Burt L. Saunders Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: Beverly Kueter, Deputy Clerk: Neil Dorrill, County Manager: Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; David Pet trow Community Development Administrator; George Archibald, Public Works Administrator, Jane Fitzpatrick, Growth Management Coordinator; Randy Young, Growth Management Consultant; Edward Oates, Collier County Planning Commission. ~{¡Gj{ 106 PAr,[ 179 Page 1 t ¡ ~ t '/ ~ii'_~__'''''''''.''''_·""·'''_'''''''''_·''','''''''''__'''<>''_'m,,,,". _....,,"',~~~_,"'__ ~,'''' . If ¡. ::,'" ,~ , '. ¡ '~ ~ , " . ',. ~!- . IJ <' t .: t. . ," , I '.....:, I . , '"" 'I ' " '., 1", ' I ' . . ' aCG¡; 106 PAGE 180 AUGUST 5, 1987 PRESENTATION OF GROWTH MANAGEMENT RECOMMBNDATIONS Growth Management Coor~inator Fitzpatrick stated that in accor- dance with Growth Manageme~t Legislation, the Capital Improvement Ele- ment identifi~s public facilities that will be required during the next five years, including the cost of the facilities and the sources of revenue that will be usp-d to fund those facilities, if the level of standards rccommended are ndopted by the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Randy Young, Growth Management Consultant, stated that the methods used in arriving at levels of service have worked well. He said they have been done a few times because the first two drafts were either too expensive to fund or did not provide enough service to the community. He noted that the testing ground for this process was the 26 member Citizens Advisory Committee and it has been their thoughts that have directed what level of service is appropriate and what kind of revenues would be appropriate. He advised that this is also a good indicator of whether there is community support for the funding sour- ces being recommended. Mr. Young stated that the Capital Improvement Element has to be completed by the end of September of this year pursuant to the contract that the County has with the Department of Community Affairs. He said this is not the official capital element that goes into the final Comprehensive Plan, but rather a dry-run in order to grasp what the standards are and what they cost. He reminded the Board that as Page 2 - _. - AUGUST 5, 1987 they make decision on standar~s they are setting the tone for the entire balance of the Comprehensive Plan. He noted that although the information being presented today is a test, the deci3ions made bet- ween now and the end of September, 1987 will be setting the flavor for next year's budget. He emphasized that if the Buard has concerns about some of the items in the Capital Element, the time to change the standard or resolve the concern must be done before September, 1987. Mr. Young stated that final action on the service standards and the goals objectives and policies will appear on the Board Agenda for the Se~tember 22, 1987 meeting. He said a Workshop has been requested for September 3, 1987 to review the rest of the element with enough time for careful review before the September 22nd meeting. He also stated that at the Budget Workshop of August 21, 1987 the capital improvement budget contains these projects. Mr. Young advised that Staff would like the Board to take any of the following approaches today as the standards are presented: 1. Simply aCknowledge - indicate vocally or by silence ttlat this seems right. 2. Express a general concern, even without an alternative. 3. Make specific suggestions - maybe a particular standard is of concern to you. Mr. Young stated that the presentation today is the equivalent of a balanced budget. He said if it is suggested that a level of service be increased then the revenue source needs to be increased, or if the revenue package is not acceptable, then an alternative revenue must be Page 3 bC~~ 106 P~r.[ 181 ....~..'--"".._,. ""..> ."~"--,-,,,,, ..., ..... .>-~-"."."- ..............~~----~,.,.,-------"""""--___."""U0_'.. -1 : !O~~ 106 PAr.t 182 AUGUST 5, 1987 found or the expenses need to be cut down. He requested that the Board keep in mind that Staff must keep up with the suggestions because one change creates a domino effect and the earlier Staff knows of the needed changes, the easier that task will be. Mr. Edward Oates, Collier County Planning Commission Chairman, thanked the Citizens Advisory Committee for their many hours of dili- gent service. He advised that the 26 member Citizens Advisory Committee was broken down into sub-committees and came up with various projects which need to be addressed in the County, either presently or within the next 5 years. He stated they first needed to determine what the population of the County would be in five years. He noted they have deviated slightly from the suggested DCA recommendation of using the University of Florida mid-range of population increase and are using the higher range because Collier County has historically been in the higher range of increases. He said it is his understanding that DCA has approved this change. Mr. Oates stated that the sub-committees worked very closely with staff and most of the programs contained in the element are presently on the drawing boards of the County in one form or another. He stated that in almost all of the instances the CAC are not recommending any increase in level of service. He said there are a couple that are slight increases over what exists today. Mr. Oates advised that DCA r~quires that everything be related to people and it is a little difficult to relate things such as drainage. , . Page 4 - _. - AUGUST 5, 1987 to the number of people, so in some instances the calculations were worked in reverse to determi~p. that figure. He then reminded the Board that all reco~mendatiQn include only County projects. Mr. Oates advised that the population figures being used for the year 1992 are 170,000 permanent County residents with a peak period population of 232,000 and the County-wide weig~ted average being used throughout the element is 190,000. ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR ROADS Mr. Oates stated that all arterial and collector roads in Collier County are recommended to operate at Level "C", with the exception of eight roads which are recommended to remain at Level "0" indefinitely. He stated there are times when the Level "C" roads will drop to Level "0" and it is recommended that no overall section may operate at Level "0" for more than two years. Commissioner Pistor asked why there are eight key roads in the County are being allowed to operate at Service Level "0" indefinitely? Mr. Young stated that the basis for the roads that are recommended to be improved is the County's 10 year master plan for road improvements and the eight roads listed were not on the plan. He said these roads could be required to operate at Level "C", however, the decision of the Committee to allow Level "0" was based on the cost of these pro- jects being an additional $9,000,000. He advised that the CAC recom- mended to the CCPC that the $9,000,000 cost was not worth boosting these roads from Level "0" to Level "CR. He advised that the Board t- ,." ~C~~ l00r...: 1:83' Page 5 ~- ~'.--"'~-'--"~""'~-"-----""--"'--'""--....,....._""....",",---",,,,,,,,,,~."'......,.~".""...."">,~,"'" 106 PACE 184 , I, AUGUST 5, 1987 has the option to say that they have to be at Level "C" also, but a funding source for the $9,000,000 must be found. Mr. Oates stated that as of today Collier County needs 630.6 miles of highways and there are 676.0 miles available, or a surplus of 45.4 miles at a value of $16,000,000. He said that there are 178 miles needed for growth in the next five years at a cost of $62,000,000 for 8 5 year shortfall of $46,000,000, plus major resurfacing and traffic signal projects of another $4,500,000. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Oates stated that these costs relate only to the level of service, and these projects and costs are already planned in the next 5 years. He stated that increased dollars needed will be mentioned later in the report. Replying to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Oates stated that if the Board wishes to bring the eight Service Level "0" roads to Level "C" the total money needed in the next 5 years would be $60,000,000 instead of $50,000,000. WATER SERVICE AREA TREATMENT PLANTS Mr. Oates stated that after intensive study, it was determined that 135 gallons per day, per capita, was the proper amount of water usage in Collier County. He noted there will be a percentage for non- residential usage. Mr. Young said that the percentage has not been arrived at yet, however, it is very near completion. He said that over the years there has been consumption by commercial and other non- residential users that is a certain amount of the Utilities total . " ..,." Page 6 ~. '''1 1 - - - ......-__ ·_·"..·..·,_,"'·_____"......·"'....,·.w_._" " "","'.____.,....""'".·...._."""""......,__.'..',0..'..'.",..,.,,,.,.,."""^"""'''''_;'''''____''''''''A_ -... - - AUGUST 5, 1987 business, and it will be added to the residential consumption. Mr. Young noted there will be several other blanks in the report for this section, and advised that the data will be received by August 17, 1987. Mr. Oates noted that since the CAC and CCPC are recommending that all of the costs related to this item be funded by user and impact fees, the figures will not be given until later in the presentation. For comparison, Mr. Oates stated that the Governor's Office suggests 144/gdpc; Sipe & Starnes suggests 125/gdpc; Lee County suggests lOO/gdpc. He stated that Harold Hall headed this sub- committee and if the Board has any specific questions, he will be glad to answer them. WATER SERVICE AREA TRANSMISSION LINES Mr. Oates advised that this calculation is one which was done in reverse and was based on what size lines you will need to get 135 gallons per day. He advised the recommendation is 110 linear feet per dwelling unit of 6 inch equivalent footage. He noted that Lee County has 21 feet to 25 feet per capita and Seminole County has 31.416 feet with a 16 inch pipe. ~r, Oates noted that he is not sure how those comparisons are related to Collier County's standard. Mr. Young advised that this is an area where using local numbers make sense and comparing to someone else makes no sense at all. He stated the other county numbers r~ported because it might be helpful, however, those utilities are serving eith~r larger or smaller areas, CG¡¡~ 106 W.[ 185 Page 7 i'· " ~..J'; " ~ ,~~ $ ~~ ,*", ~?'~,' ,$"" ~. ¡;,. &Qû~ 10B PA(,( 186 ~f' ~ AUGUST 5, 1987 '1;: some are more densely or broadly populated. He stated that the basic problem with ~ll the water and sewer information and the reason it is incomplete, is the need to finalize the populatiùn data which deals with the service area of the utilities. He said that information will make the balance of information available on August l7, 1987. SEWER SERVICE AREA TREATMENT PLANTS Mr. Oates stated that the reccmmendation is lOO gallons per day per capita with adjustments for industrial and commercial usage. He advised that this has been broken down into areas: North, Central, South, and Marco which shows the North and Central Areas have an excess at the moment while the South and Marco Areas have a shortfall. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Oates stated the chart includes everything which is in the budget through September 30, 1987. SEWER SERVICE AREA COLLECTION LINES Mr. Oates reported that the line calculations will be made when the information is received from Utilities on August 17th, but pointed out that while the treatment plants in the Central Area were in excess, they don't have enough lineage. He said in the South Area the lineage is there, but not the treatment facilities. Mr. Lyle Richardson, Sub-Committee Chairman" noted that the water/sewer recommendations are totally in line with the currently approved Water and Sewer Master Plan which the Board has already decided to undertake. LANDFILL Page 8 - - - .._-~...-'--..__........_"""_____._ -__",Of ;t ...... . l' 'q' -. -~...-_.._,..._- AUGUST 5, 1987 Mr.. Oates advised that the Committee did not choose to get into any discussion other than "Is the present method the one to be used"? They did not feel it was proper to make a recommendation on whether it should be Resource Recovery or something else. He stated the recom- mendation is that the present method continue for at least the next 5 years. Mr. Oates aå.ised that the standard for solid waste per capita per year is 1.55 tons. He again stated that most of these figures are based on usage in Collier County over the past number of years. He stated that at the end of 1992 there is a shortfall of 214,000 cubic tons for a cost at that stage of $1,l15,OOO. He noted that this figure assumes that the landfill is full at this point, so the recom- mendation is that additional lineage be provided for in future years and that additional acreage be bought for needs beyond the fifth year. Mr. Young stated that the problem of land and lined cell availabi- lity has been converted into the standard. He said that the standards recommended ar~ at least two years of future capacity of lined cells be available and 10 years of advance capacity of raw land. He noted this will avoid crisis situations and decisions. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Mr. Oates advised that this is one service that is recommended for a slight increase in level of service. He stated that at the present there is a six minute response time in the City of Naples and the response time in the Metropolitan Area is 7.5 minutes. He stated it ~GG~ 106 PAC,£ 187 Page 9 >i 'i'~1i , ,'; ,,;. i:?./;/l¡~;,"'itl ,c. J r'" ."<'4, ,)l~\'i!"Îí ". ":, /1<,'.';; '.' t~\,~.·;.'it~;~:. ,'Yé. :J ~';' .;:., I'~ ¡ ",,$,.r . .'. .'~ ~. ¡: .' 't. .'.' ¡;. .'{.,-:. .' .... ....t I' 1i}"J",~" ',<. ~D, ' .1 . '~~.v~fi ¡%;,~}."-~~' " - !: ; ::';t" i~:;;jh;1;~~JÆ , __-""..'.,__,,~...,. ···_...·,.._,"'v"""'............._·,..."."""."'_.,""""""''''"''''"...._.'''''''''"''''''''','.,,..·..",,,._,, aaû~ 106 w;t 188 AUGUST 5, 1987 is recommended that the service in the entire Metropolitan Area be upgraded to six minutes, which will require additional funding of $183,150.00 today and before the end of 1992, another $468,000. He advised that none of the figures include operating costs and are only capital improvements. DEPENDENT FIRE DISTRICT STATIONS AND APPAP'TUS Mr. Oates stated that the Dependent Fire Districts are all in great shape. He stated thp- standards change for Isle of Capri and Ochopee District as outlined on Page 44 of the report. JAILS Mr. Oates stated the recommended standard is .0033 beds per capita. He stated that some of this will be accomplished in a more economical fashion than in the past. He stated this will be accomplished by constructing pods and they will be placing two beds in a cell rather than the one that exists today. Mr. Oates advised that the present level of service in Collier County is .003l beds per capita and the recommendation of .0033 is slightly higher. He said there is presently a shortfall of $522,000 and over the next five years there will be another $2,314,000 required. He noted that the cost is $l4,000 per cell which is quite a bit lower than the present jail cost. Mr. Young explained that the .0033 beds per capita figure was not just guessed at, the Committee r~quested the Sheriff to provide a detailed arrest and incarceration rate data for the last 5 or more years ~ '.' J ;;;; ;. ~ '\ Page io - - - .A>4I';'¡' _-..-...~.,_","""'-_' AUGUST 5, 1987 and to make a forecast. He said this data was used and unless there is a change in either the typ~ of crimes taking place or in the beha- vior of the courts in releasing people, it is a very reliable figure. In answer to Chairman Haase, Mr. Oates explained that the $14,000 per cell cost is str ictly for the modular cell because the land is already here. Mr. Young advised that the Sheriff has been investi- gating the use of modular cells in other counties and he provided this study information to them. LIBRARY BUILDINGS Mr. Oates noted that the recommendation for Library Buildings con- tains a substantial increase in the standard of service. He said pre- sently Collier County has .19 sq. ft. per capita. For comparison he noted that the Florida Library Association suggests .60 sq. ft.; Lee County presently has .31 sq. ft.; and the Wheeler-Goldhor Practical Administration of Public Libraries suggests .40 sq. ft. He said that using any of these levels of service, Collier County is substantially deficient. Mr. Oates stated the recommendation is .33 sq. ft. per capita for library buildings. He said the present shortfall is 20,578 sq. ft. or $1,500,000. He said growth over the next five years will require an additional 13,820 sq. ft. or $1,044,000. LIBRARY COLLECTION Mr. Oates stated that the recommended standard is one book per person. He said there are presently .99 volumes per capita and this &o~K 106 pm 189 Page 11 \ ; I ~ " , ' ,..-.~...;,.._"....~.""",...._..-.,.....",;,,,,___,,,.___......,,.~,,,;.,,,..;,,..;hM",,;_'~;~"'_~"~_'"'~''''''' ...",....."_,~.,,.,.~" " B" '.. ,J)¡:, '" ',:"-" :~,' ... I,,:::,: ,. " I', .:ti '" 'A~:: ,W ,In' " .... ',:i.' G, ì" :;1: it-,} .' ,{)i"" :,;t~~ . .~ v:;, L, t~y "-r(, Û' it aCûK 106 PAr.( 190 AUGUST S, 1987 amounts to a .01 increase. He compered Lee County which presently has l.23 volumes per capita and their Comprehensive Plan shows 1.5; the Florida Library Association suggests 1 to 1.5 volumes per capita. Mr. Oates stated this .01 increase results in a present shortfaîl of $18,000 and growth will require an additional $1,048,000 in the next 5 years. He also noted that these figures do not anticipate any replacement books or anything else thðt would be reflected in the operating budget. GOVERNMENT BUILDIN~S Mr. Oates noted that this is another area where it is difficult to relate the requirements to people. He said the present level of ser- vice is 2.46 sq. ft. per capita and the recommendation is 2.58 sq. ft. pp.r capita. Mr. Young noted that the Board of County Commissioners reviewed a Government Building Master Plan and the Committee used that master plan and added it to the current inventory spa?e to arrive at their recommendation. He said there is nothing being recommended that has not already been indicated. In answer to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Young stated the figure is, for all of the County's facilities, including the space to be provided for Constitutional Officers, Courts, Health Department, Agricultural Department, State Attorney, Public Defender, and now the Federal Court System. Mr. Oates advised that the cost per sq. ft. is $125.00. Page. 12 - - - --"""",-..,_." "^-~""'_"~-_" AUGUST 5, 1987 DRAINAGB Mr. Oates stated the reccmmendation on drainage is broken down into three categories: I. Greater Metropolitan Coastal Urban Areas A. Primary Systems - 25 yr., 3 day storm B. Secondary Systems 1. Pre-1977 projects - 10 yr., 3 day storm 2. Post-1977 projects - 25 yr., 3 day storm II. Vested (Estates) Area A. North of S.R. 84 - lO yr., 3 day storm B. South of S.R. 84 - maintain to existing level of service III. Isolated Urban and All Rural Areas A. Primary Systewß .- maintain to existing level of service B. Secondary Systems - maintain to existing level of service Mr. Oates pointed out th~t the recommendation to maintain the existing level of service is based on awaiting the results of the Big Cypress Basin Board Master Plan St~aies. He noted that a 10 yr., 3 day storm produces 9.51 inch~s of rain and a 25 yr., 3 day storm pro- duces 12.23 inches of rain. Mr. Young stated that the Basin Studies need to be done and a cost item of $1,300,000 is recomm~nded to do those studies as soon as possible. He said when they are complete the CAC and CCPC can go back and look at the standards again. Mr. Young clarified that in this element the County has a joint responsibility with the South Florida Water Management District and the Committee looked at the total picture. He said that the entire $27,000,000 is not the County's responsibility ðnd the financing section contains the lower figurc of $21,000,000, which is the County's aCGK lOR PAGE 191 Page 13 ~."__="'_';". "·"_.'~'..···."''''''A·____A ·~·"'·~'-·'·_"_"H_~,__"'___."",_·,-"""";",,,,;.,,,",,~._"."'''''"'~;"""''''''''',__.,.",." tCûK 106 PAGE 192 \ ' AUGUST 5, 1987 responsibility, PAR~S AND RECREATION Mr. Oates advised th~t up to this point the CCPC submitted each of the recommendations on level of service from the CAC. He said that Parks & Recreation received a lot of comments and a majority of the CCPC felt the numbers were too high. He stated the CCPC did not wish to say which items should be cut out of the requirements, but the majority felt there should be some reduction. In answer to èommissioner Pistor, Mr. Tom Peek, Sub-Committee Chairman, stated that the cost of the boat ramps includes the land and the construction of the ramps. Commissioner Pistor stated that he does not feel that waterfront properties are available. Replying to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Peek stated that most of the freshwater ramps would be in the Golden Gate Canal System which contains a lot of water for freshwater fishing and the system is presently being used for that purpose. He said that the Park3 & Recreation Department and the Sub-Committee feel it is appropriate to have permanent ramps for public access to sports fishing in the canals. Mr. Peek stated there are several different standards which can be referred to, such as Federal, State, and Florida standards. He stated that based on these standards, tne figures were running about $l20,OOO,000. He stated the Sub-Committee then used different stan- dards and the figures were still unrealistic. He advised that ultima- tely the standards being used are the star.dards that have been used by lJ i i' 1. !\.... ~;' :', ,,__..,.4 ....: Page 14 ~'~n::!. ',' ¡~)B·. - .. - AUGUST 5, 1987 Collier County over the years, and the model for this was Fleischman Park, which has been operating for a number of years and supported not only the City of Naples, but also the County's population. He stated that this park was also the prototype for the 5 ~ommunity parks pre- sently being developed. He advised that each of the community parks will support a population of 25,000 people and based on the 1992 esti- mated population, Collier County will require a total of 7. He stated that there are presently 5 in the County, 1 in the City, which leaves a deficit of one community park in 1992. Mr. Peek stated that the master plans for the community parks was used as a basis for facilities and what is needed to complete those parks and the facilities required to build the 6th park. He noted there are some specialized items that are included in the facilities list which bear special consideration and discussion and boat ramps, included in that list. He mentioned that there is presently one pool available for young athletes to train in and it is located at the, YMCA. He noted that this pool was adequate when it was built, but with the growing population it is overcrowded and it is only a 25 meter pool and is not an olympic size pool. He said the other spe- cialized item is a gymnasium listed, and at the present time there is an intergovernmental agreement with the School Board and Parks & Recreation uses their gyms. He stated there are certain times of the year when they don't have free access to those gymnasiums because of conflicts with the school ßyste~ activities. He stated the other ¡ Page 15 , \ ~OQ\(' 106 PAr,t 193 "-"'_.'«;""'~-'..._....-......_-_....._.,,,,,,-.,.-_...,,..._!---,-~.~:;.,...~,,-,-.~.."-~,,,,.,.-"~.......<, aOG~ IGR PAr,( 194 AUGUS'I' 5, 1987 items are straight forward items found in a community park and based on the population of 25,000 per park. Mr. Peek stated the costs were then extended and a $20,000,000 deficiency is shown. He also noted that if Collier County did not grow at all, there is a current deficiency of $14,000,000. There is only 6 million attributable to growth in the next 5 years. He stated the recommended impact fee for growth amounts to $346.00 per dwelling unit and the millage for the deficiency, based on todays population, of .3451 mills at currently assessed value. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Young stated that Page 66 of the report is the total that is needed by the end of 1992 and that is broken down between what exists and what is needed on Page 68. Replying to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Peek stated there are presently only two baseball fields in the County, one in Immokalee and one on Marco Island. He said each of the master plans for the community, parks show a baseball field, however, they are'not presently funded. REVENUE FORECASTS Mr. Oates stated that the CAC and the CCPC and the BCC can only utilize what is availabJe for use. He stated that all members of the committees feel that road costs should be paid by gasoline tax, but it is not available, therefore, the recommendations being presented are not necessarily the real first choices of the Committee or the CCPC, but rather, the first choice of what is available. Mr. Oates enumerated the revenue sources for each category as follows: Page 16 - .. - "'c',"',,' ~~"._'_'""""'__.",",,,_,",-.,~__,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_____,,",_.,,,,_'·,m'._.',"--'-'"-"~."'."--"_"''''________~''''; ¡O State Grants and impact fees where allowable. Big Cypress Basin Capital Budget and benefitted property payments @ 50%. Impact fees where allowable and boating improvement program. Mr. Oates stated this leaves a deficit of restricted revenue vs. I·.··.···.'···' : r"~ ~:. f , .". w" :' ~-. '~~'.'~.:'. "if.. . ~ '. . <- ;~.' Roads: Water/Sewer: Solid WastE: EMS: Jails: Libraries: Govt. Bldgs: Drainage: Parks & Rec: J' AUGUST 5, 1987 increase road impact fees by 167% which will net a $500,000 surplus when combined with current revenue sources. should be self-funding either through impact fees or inc:eases in user fees. should be funded through user fees. impact fees should be utilized where allowable. Impact fees should be utilized where allowable. State Aid and impact fees should be utilized where allowable. costs of $29,500,000 and the CCPC recommends that a one-half cent local government infrastructure sales surtax be implemented. He stated this will generate $39,200,000 and produce a net surplus of $9,700,000. Mr, Oates noted, as a point of interest, that there are five areas within the County which are approaching or will exceed the popu- lation in the City of Naples: North Naples, Golden Gate, East Naples, Central Naples, and Immokalee. Commissioner pistor stated his feeling that empty property pays taxes while not receiving any services and then when a building is placed on the property their taxéS go up considerably, so an addi- &OG~ 106 H[,1.195 Page 17 __,~_'"~..~..<~..._""..._.-,.....,_ .1II.,¿6 aCG~ 106 pm 196 AUGUST S, 1987 tlonal impact fee for all of these categories to the cost of building a building may be prohibitive. He stated he wo~ld like some further thought on impact fees. Commissioner Pistor stated that most of the services are needed today and impact fees cannot be collected until after the facilities are in place. He stated that if the sales tax could be gained through referendum many of these items could be accomplished and be available when they are needed. Commissioner Goodnight stated that she is very concerned with the population estimates used for Immokalee. She stated her feelings that they are totally unrealistic. She ðdvised that the Sheriff's Department estimates that on April 1st there will be 30,000 people in Immokalee and the figures in the report are 15,000 in the year 1992. She also stated that she does not know of a way to get an accurate count because of double bunking and illegal aliens. She also stated that these figures do not correspond with what is in the School System in Immokalee. Commissioner Goodnight stated her main concern is that Collier County won't be able to provide the services if there is not an accurate count. Mr. Young stated they used County-wide peak population estimates, however, they have no way of pinpointing where those people are. He stated they are ~ncountering the same difficulty for hotels and con- dominiums. ". . page'ì8 - .. - '..~ /'{i ;ft_ '.....'). '/" ;~ ., "~' , ;~ 'i\ '~ . f .~? AUGUST S, 1987 Commissioner Pistor sugg~sted that the Board consider the one-cent sales tax at a formal meeting and that they place this issue on the ballot as soon as possible. Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that Staff and the C~C need some guidance as to whether they are going in the right direction and whether they should continue to do so or if the Board would like them to explore other options. Commissioner Saunders stated he feel it is generally okay, but he needs more time to study the report. Commissioner Pistor stated that he does not want to see Service Level "D" for any roads in Collier County and would like the alter- natives ~xplored for bringing up the eight Level "0" roads to Level "C". Commissioner Glass stated his feeling that the one-cent sales tax should be explored, but he is not accepting anything today. Mr. Oates stated that the vast majority of the CCPC and the CAC will be willing to assist in educating the public on the one-cent sales tax. "There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair. Time: 3:25 p.m. &OGK 106 Plr.[ 197 Page 19 """"""""''''>~",.,"__"",,,,_~_,,,_..~.,·~''''''''-_____',",'''''''.''_"M'''''''',,,·~.,.,.~"."..""."