BCC Minutes 08/11/1987 R Naples, Florida, Augus~ 11, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in end for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having c,)nducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Center, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass John A. Pistor Burt L. Saunders Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk¡ John Yonkosky, Finance Director¡ Beverly Kueter and Maureen Kenyon (10:40 a.m.), Deputy Clerks¡ Neil Dorrill, County Manager: Ken Cuyler, County Attorney: George Archibald, Public Works Administrator: Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; Mike Arnold, Assistant Utilities Administrator: John Madajewski, Utilities Engineering Director; David Pettrow, Community Development Administrator; David Weeks and Robert Duane, Planners: Sue Filson, Administrative Secretary to the Board and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. Page I BOG~ 106 PAQ 198 ',. '. t '. !. .... -~.. --- - Tape '1 Item f3 - - ~ AUGUST 11, 1987 AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA - APPROVED WITH CHANGRS Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that the agenda and consent agenda be approved with the following changes: Recommendation for Board to approve payment of spe- cific interview expenses for Assistant County Manager candidates - Added. Recommendation to reclassify a Clerk III in the Social Services Department - Added Authorization for volunteer group to paint "Welcome to Goodland" on water storage tank - moved to Item #903. Item #14E5 Item #l4E6 Item #14D2 Item f4 MINUTES OF JULY 28, 1987 - APPROVED AS PRESENTED Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that the minutes of July 28, 1987 be approved as presented. Item tSA EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS - PRE~ENTED Chairman Hasse preRented Employee Service Awards to the following employees: Patricia Cookson Parks & Recreation IS yes. ...... Page 2 ~~DK lOBf'~~.t20~ -..r: aOOK jL()f)PA~t~~ AUGUST 11, 1987 Item t6B1 ORDINANCE 87-64, PETITION R-87-4C, COASTAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC., REPRESENTING E. ROGER BUDNY AND JEFFERY A. LOMAS, REZONING PROPERTY FROM A-2 TO C-1 "ST" - ADOPTED Le~al notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 10, 1987 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, puc'lic hearing was opened to consider the enacting of a County Ordinance amending Ordinance 82-2 by amending the zoning classifica- tion of 4.04 acres on the north side of U.s. 41, approximately 660 feet east of the intersection of U.S. 41 and C.R. 951 from A-2 to C-I "ST".· Plðnner Duane stated that the petitionèr had origin811y' réquestéd C-2 zoning on this property, but at Staff's recommendation they are requesting C-I zoning. He then outlined the location of the property on a map. He stated that the CCPC has recommended approval; all agen- cies have reviewed the petition and the petitioner has agreed to all Staff stipulations. He noted there has been no public comment, either for or against, this petition. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Duane stated there are no connections planned between this development and Woodfield Lakes. Mr. Jim oavis, Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc., stated that the Utility Department has recommended that the petitioner be respon- sible for the extension of the 20" water main and space has been set aside for a treatment plant. He mentioned that just recently they have learned that Rookery Bay Sewage Treatment Plant may have capacity ,; <;¡ . . :page..~ ., ..,J - - .............. ~ .... . 0..... '. --:. ... _..,~. ,. _....-..-..P.. _."~"..,.~",.,"",^,_.-......-...... '.'.'-: available for this development. In answer to Chairman Hasse, Assistant Utilities Administrator Arnold stated water is available in this area, however, every time a new user is connected it reduces water available to current users. Answering Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Arnold stated that the water will not have to be retreated for this development. Mr. Arnold advised that the County sewer service plant will be'in place in two or thee years, however, lines will not be available in that area until 1992 or 1993, therefore, Staff doe~ not object to the package treatment plant. He also noted that it has not been deter- mined as to whether the Rookery Bay plant has the capacity available. Replying to Commissioner Saunders, County Attorney Cuyler stated it may be possible to place a time limit on the connection to Rookery ~ðY for this development, however, he would prefer to do more research before giving a final answer to this question. Mr. Mike Stevens, Coaßtal Engineering Consultants, Inc., stated they would prefer to connect to Rookery Bay rather than have their own package plant, however, they are only in the initial contact stages with Rookery Bay. He stated they would like to have another option, just in case Rookery Bay does not have the capacity. Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the PUblio hearing be olosed. Commissioner Saunders move~, seoonded by Commissioner Goodnight and carxied unanimously, that the ordin~~ce as numbered and titled below be adopted and entered into ordinance Book No. 27 AUGUST 11, 1987 aoo," 106 p.m 2D6 Page 4 ~..-"^"-"'''''.~-'''''.'''''''''".-''--'''_.''''''''''.'''"~' -wr:- ~. ,if. r~'" ~t"- . ··..ODK lOBf'm207 j.<. 1 ~ . \, r , ~ t, f"" ~: . \ ,/!;" /~ :". , \ \ í ! ' ; ! ,h,j ;¡.\. ! \.) :.-':. 'J' AUGUST 11, 1987 ORDINANCB NO. 87-64 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 51-2€-2 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCR~BED PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF U.S. 41, APPROXIMATELY 600 FEET EAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF U.S. 41 AND C.R. 951, It! SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 51 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST + 4.04 ACRES, FROM A-2 TO C-I "ST": AND BY PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. I' . I , ~ ¡ 'I _,',I,"" !' .., ,', " :,. .' ;' ¡ A..' ç: ;! I ,.' v'·,rv;.Cp , ' . i:, '-_~ :,. (~ ? L I' L: ¡ ¡., ~:,;'''~~.r.~.! (' 'í ~ [. "J/.'J! 1 'Jjl j 6· .' t ~. r .' , ~ I , , . ., fl,' , '-'., ,o' ~ t ! ,. uG· 'J ',', ~ j .;;.. i (, r. '. ;:·/~f·.,~t ;·~1-1 r ;~ -) ,10-.) ~ "ì . r~~;í;' r:J,L J','. it - ~. ., J r ,'''t .~ ~ I ' \ ' i~U ::.i1\... ;'Gt¡r 11~.:!("t~· "'·i',.r.'· Ç¡.(,~,'!, ~;)I.;I" , .' ~ ....':.; . .~. \'¡' .¡'.~,: I! :t·U~ Page S - - - .. 'J : , : 'i", _... . , --f~".< .~J'~ ',:, '..,,: .. . . _~-I .. .. t:l , -" I. --~ .. 't! ;-.1'.~ .,. I, ,v'; " /. :~ , ,f !!;. ~:;q . :z.-.', , ~ o' i?f" ;(¡" Hits, .:'1, IIÐ~ 106 f'J':'{ 211 AUGUST 11, 1987 Item f6C1 RESOLUTION 87-181 PETITION AV-87-012, CARL M. FERNSTROM REQUESTING VACATION OF SIDE AND REAR EASEMENTS FOR PROPERTY ON GREEN BLVD - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 26 ðnd August 2, 1987 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication f~led with the Clerk, public hearing WðS opened to consider a petition to vacate and ðnnul the six foot side easements and sjx foot rear easements for property located in Golden Gate on Green Blvd. between 41st and 43rd Lane, S. W. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated the petitioner would like to vacate both the sid2 ðnd rear yard easements in a plat north of Golden Gate City. He stated the exact location are Lots I through 6 and Lots 15 through 20 in Block 70, Golden Gate Unit 2, Part One. He stated these lots are south of Green Blvd. and north of 16th Place. He said this vacation will allow the petitioner to build across the interior side lot lines and noted that the number of units will remðin at 60 units. In answer to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Archibald stðted they do not know what the interior layout of the units will be, however, he disp1ðyed a drawing showing the location and sizes of the buildings. He noted that the architecture of the building is something the developer will be able to change. He continued by pointing out the pðrking area and access road through the project. Mr. Archibald noted that the remaindê: of Block 70 is currently ¡ ! ~ l. , ; r 7 ,Page 6 ~; J: ., - - - ...~ AUGUST 11, 1987 :t.triaer"1!II ~ and 'is being de·..nloped with essenthllly the same layout ':al1ð-by .the' same owners. commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Replying to Commissioner Saunders, County Attorney Cuyler stated that Staff is recommending that the easements may be vacated, but the Board must use their own discretion in either approving or denying this petition. Commissioner Saunders m~ved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that Resolution 87-181, Petition AV-87-012, Carl M. Fernstrom, as petitioner, requesting vacation of the six foot side and six foot rear easements on Lots 1-6 and 15-20 inclusive, Block 70, Golden Gate unit 2, Part One, be adopted. . . :; r ~, , ... \-' ~' 1.. ' L't ~ ,: ",I ; '~r .' " .. IJ ¡ .\ ' ',:-r. ' «: r,-,. ;'," ; Page 7 )D01( 10ßp:'~,!212 .'. ., '/' ¡:.õ, I.' U-./I '..'~-;;". , ~~, T'ê9"j ,. .. ..,<:-... r~l~j . ~ '. ,\ , ,,:_. ; 1 , " ~ . .-,', ::,1" i; :i.~ , í¡ I . 'r:'~ r1 ....~.".........,..._~ aøaK 106 P,\';t 215 AUGUST 11, 1987 Item '6C2 RESOLUTION 87-182, PETITION AV-87-003, WALTER G. SOROKOTY AS AGENT, REQUESTING THE VACATION OF THE TWENTY FOOT ALLEY EAST OF LOTS 100-109 OF THE PLAT OF LAKE KELLY NO. 2 - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 26 and August 2, 1987 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider ð petition tv vacate and annul the twenty foot alley and utility easement lying east of Lots 100 through 109 in Lake Kelly Unit 2. Public Works Administrator Archibald displayed a map showing the location of Lake Kelly Unit 2, stating it is located on the east side of Bayshore Drive and south of Lunar Street. He stated the petitioner is requesting the vacation of an alleyway which runs along the back of the petitioners' lots. He explained that the alleyway is being retained as a drainage easement. Mr. Archibald stated that Staff has no objections to the request ..' because the County has no need for the alleyway, however, access is needed and Staff would like a drainage and utility easement to replace the right-of-way: Commissioner Saunderø moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that the pUblic hearing be closed. Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that Resolution 87-182, Petition AV-87-003, Walter G. Sorokoty as agent for the property owner, requesting the vacation of the twenty foot alley east of Lots 100-109 of the plat o~ Lake Kelly NO.2, be aGopted. Page 8 ' 'T;\ ,fI ..; ;y r:' t ""~11 j:ó: ; ~!; r 4, r : :1; r ~ ,. ¡' f;'>;!" I'..)f.c; ~~ :' - .. .. I';· ·l~.: ~, ~ ~~ ¡¡:".~..'..'.' i. :~ ~:: '.. ~, ~'t. " - - - AUGUST 11, 1987 Tape t2 Item t7A1 RESOLUTION 87-183, PETITION V-87-11, LOUIS E. WESTON, REQUESTING A SETBACK VARIANCE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON GULYVIE~ DRIVE - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 26, 1987 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a petition for a 5 ft. variance from the required rear yard setback of 25 ft. to 20 ft. for Lot 13, Block 3, Gulf Shores (Gulfview Drive, approximately 700 feet west of Bayshore orive). Planner Weeks advised that the subject property is a single-family lot on a cul-de-sac. He stated the house is unusually shaped and the 5' encroachment is a corner of the garage and a corner of the house. He stated that Staff finds there is a land-related hardship and recom- mends approval of the variance. He noted that the house has not been built yet and the request is not after-the-fact. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Weeks stated that the required side yard setback is 7.5 ft., but the lot does not meet the required lot width and the requirement of a 6 ft. setback is based on the required calculations. Also in answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Weeks stated that it would be possible to turn the house 90 degrees, however, the front door would face his neighbor. Mr. Louis Weston, petitioner, stated there has been no contact with the affected neighbors. ¡:e advised that he already has his house plans and his loan approval. Page 9 !DDK l06~1.;1218 -~;- 110'1: 106nQ219 AUGUST 11, 1987 commissioner saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that the publio hearing be closed. commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that Resolution 87-183, Petition V-87-11, Louis B. weston, requesting a 5 foot variance from the required rear yard setbaok of 25 feet to 20 feet for property located at the end of Gulfview Drive, approximately 700 fe.t west of Bayshore Drive, be aðopted. . " , , ¡' . . , ",I i 1.. i ¡ =¡ 'I !" . . " Page 10, ~----~ .. ..~# ..~..,.. ......~ ~....... ..' ,. aOOK l()ô PA~t 223 Item t12A AUGUST 11, 1987 REVIEW OF PROPOSED AGREEMENT FOR 16 INCH WATER MAIN EXTENSION TO NORTH NAPLES - STAFF TO NEGOTIATP. FINAL AGREEMENT AND PRESENT TO BOARD ON AUGUST 25, 1987 Commissioner Glass stated there has been on-going problems with water pressure in the North Naples area which have caused fire fighting deficiencies and the County has been working with some pri- vate developers on an agreement to speed up the work. He advised ~hat the agr~ement itself does not have to be approved today, however, the request is for Board approval of the principal of the agreement and authorization for Staff to negotiate a final agreement. Assistant County Attorney Anderson stated that the agreement requires the developers involved to pay all of the up-front engi- neer irlg costs for which they would not be reimbursed. He stated the construction cost will be approximately $350,000.00 of which the deve- lopers will be responsible for the first $150,000 and once that amount has been incurred, the County will pick up the additional $200,000.00. He added th:t any costs in excess of the $200,000.00 will have to be brought before the Commission for approval. Answering Chairman Hasse, Commissioner Glass stated that the agreement and time frame is directly tied to the completion of the Carica Road tank. He stated there will be no Certificates of Occupancy issued until everything in Horking and sufficient water is available. He added that the developers will also not be relieved of impact fees or connection charges. Page 11 - - ,","---..".-,,- _.._~------,. AUGUST 11, 1987 Commissioner Glass move4, seoonded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that the Assistant County Attorney and the utility Department Administrator be authoriBed to negotiate a final aqreement with the develop~r. and present it to the Board on August 25, 1987. Answering Clerk Giles, Mr. Anderson stated that this will not be put out to bid. County Manager Dorrill stated that he would recommend that the Utility Department review the unit prices for the work to insure a competitive price. Item t7B1 PETITION PU-87-9C, WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL , PEEK, INC., REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USE (ESSENTIAL SERVICES) FOR NAPLES ISLE - CONTINUED TO AUGUST 25, 1987 Planner Nadeau stated that the petitioner is requesting Provisional Use for essential services to allow constru~tion of a sewage treatment plant. He said that lands to the east, north, and south are zoned A-2 and to the west is a mobile home subdivision. He advised that Naples Isle Mobile Home Subdivision will be comprised of 600 dwelling units and westwind Mobile Home Subdivision is located to the south. Mr. Nadeau stated Staff finds the request to be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and has formulated mitigation measures to insure compatibility with neighboring properties. He advised that the CCPC recommended approval of the petition subject to Staff stipula- tions and two people expressed opposition at the CCPC hearing. .. Page 12 ßDDK 106 f'A':.l 22-1 _.......~____,·,~<.._...._"'"._,____""~_'">.O,'~__~,"'...-......._>_.H."."."..,."'0' .,-.- ,."."" "'-~'''''~._-~~'''~''-'''~~-'-'- aoDK 10ôf'1~t225 AUGUST 11, 1987 In answer to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Nadeau stated that the Westwinds Mobile Home Subdivision is currently being served by the Rookery Bay Plant. He noted that he has been advised by Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soli & Peek, Inc. that the Rookery Bay Plant is presently experiencing problems with DER. Mr. Tom peek, of wilson, Miller, Barton, Soli & Peek, Inc., gave a brief history of the property and stated that Rookery Bay has commit- ments from DER for other developments and they are presently expanding to handle those properties. He said they have discussed connecting to Rookery Bay with DER and wer~ advised that they probably will not be permitted to connect to that plant. Mr. Peek stated they have been advised by Jim Spade, owner of the Rookery Bay Plant, that Naples Isles is within their service area, however, the Public Service Commission has advised they are not within that area. He reported they have discussed the situation with the County Utilities Department and indications were that under normal circumstances Naples Isle would be required to abandon their own system when the County system becomes available. Mr. Peek advised that ,fter all of these facts were reviewed they proceeded to file for a Provisional Use allowing construction of their own package plant until such time as the County system becomes available. He stated that since the CCPC meeting he has been informed that Rookery Bay has obtained their construction permit to expand their plant, however, it is not complete nor have they been given a . '_i,'I..i . :...,~: ~:JJ(; " , Page 13 ~ - . -'. ......... ..------ ~r-a=- '"O>__._~,___'"'~"~_.".,.._'''"..~'''",.".~__,_.,...~,,....,,___'.,-,..<M"__ AUGUST 11, ·19B7 permit for the expanded capactty. Mr. Peek stated that there were a couple people who spoke against this request at the CCPC meeting because of the high water table in the area. He advised that they have designed a storm water system to alleviate this concern and the County Pollution Control Department has begun monitoring. H~ said he does not feel that this is a viable con- cern. Mr. Jim Spade, Rookery Bay Plant Owner, stated the DER has no objections to Rookery Bay obtaining new customers and noted that Riverwood was connected within the last three months. He stated they are in the process of expanding the plant to 400,000 gallons per day and expect construction to be finished in March or April, 1988. Mr. Spade stated that because of the proximity of Naples Isle to the Rookery Bay Plant, this alternative is the most practical. He noted they presently have an 8 inch force main across the street from the project. He noted that the Rookery Bay Plant exceeds the DER standards at this time. Mr. Spade stated they have discussed this situation with the Public Service Commission and have been advised that Naples Isle is within Rookery Bay's service area. In answer to Commissioner Glass, Mr. Spade stated that they were advised verbally during a telephone conversation. He also noted they have a sign~d contract with Mr. Cunningham, the previous owner of Naples Isle. Replying again to Commissioner Glass, Mr. Spade stated their pre- Page 14 aDDK lOÔp~q226 T .......__.-.....-...._ ,-''', IIÞ .{, ", a~DJ; 106 n~.! ~7 AUGUST 11, 1987 sent capacity is 150,000 gallons per day and they are expanding at this time because construction costs are lower today than they will be in the future and because they have an existing commitment with Quail Roost. He also stated that the present capacity includes 100,000 gallons per day fr.om Naples Shores, a subdivision which is not doing very well. He said the developers of that subdivision are running out of money and the houses ~re not selling, so he does not expect that capacity to be put on line. Commissioner Pistor stated that if the market changes and that development begins to sell, Rookery Bay is committed to handle the 100,000 gallons per day. He stated that an owner cannot commit the same capacity twice. Mr. Spade stated they are presently building to 400,000 gallons per day capacity and that will be sufficient until the County system is available. Tape t3 In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Assistant County Attorney Anderson stated that the PSC has advised Utilities Engineering Director Madajewski that Naples Isle is not within the Rookery Bay Service Area. Replying to Commissioner Goodnight, Mr. Madajewski stated that all package plants within the County are inspected by the County Pollution Control Depar:ment. Mr. Allan Fry and Mr. John Keschl, W~stwind Mobile Home Subdivision residents, stated their objections to the petition, citing , Page 15 ~-~- - - -. . . - --...- " .--:f!> - ...---.--.- -..--..- --- AUGUST 11,,1987;' possible devaluation of their properties with a sewer package plant on adjoining property and concern with the water table in the area. Commissioner Glass moved, seoonded by commissioner Saunders and caxried unanimously, that Petition PU-87-9C, wil.30n, Miller, Barton, Soll , Peek, Inc., requesting a provisional Use for essential ser- vices, for Naples Isle be continued to AUgust 25, 1987, pending the following information: 1. Establishment of Jurisdiction. 2. Has Rookery Bay complied with County Ordinances or are they in violation? 3. Fiscal Impact on the County. 4. Disposition of effluent from both plants. 5. Exact capacity required to meet all of Rookery Bay's commit- ments, including Naples Shores. 6. Mr. Spade to furnish a list to Mr. Anderson of all developments being provided with service. Determination of developments which may be in violation of contracts with the County by receiving service from Rookery Bay. 7. Mr. Peek to evaluate whether it is practical to connect to Rookery Bay, either now or in the future, based upon expan- sion plans. Item '7B2 RESOLUTION 87-184, PETITION PU-87-1C, WILLIAM R. VINES, REPRESENTING BARRON COLLIER III, REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USE rig" OF THE C-3 ZONING DISTRICT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED BETWEEN GULFSHORE COURT AND COMMERCE STREET - ADOPTED Planner Ouane stated that this item was continued from the meeting of August 4, 1987. He stated the property is located on the north side of Vanderbilt Beach Road tetween Gu1fshore Court and Commerce Page 16 aODK 10BrJ~228 ~ . .¡ ·... aOOK 106 p:.~,t 229 AUGUST 11, 1987 Street and the petitioner is requesting a commercial development with 8 residential units on the second floor. He said the property is comprised of 1.26 acres fronting on Vanderbilt Beach Drive and is surrounded by C-3 uses which are similar to this request. Mr. Duane stated Staff finds the proposal to be compatibi1e with the area. He advised that the CCPC voted 5/1 to recommend approval and no one spoke for or against the petition. He noted that Staff feels the 8 units can be accommodated and the petitioner is reducing the amount of commercial which is permitted on this site. Attorney George Varnadoe, representing the petitioner, stated that the residential units will be small one bedroom units. He advised that the residential and commercial will have separate entrances and separate parking. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Varnadoe stated that if the Board limits the residential units to 5, the petitioner will not build the project because it will not be economically feasible. County Attorney Cuyler stated that if the Board allows this use, he would like them to make the resolution effective on Friday, August 14, 1987, because the Ordinance adopted at last weeks meeting, to which this issue applies, has not been received from Tallahassee. commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnigh~ and carried unanimously, tha~ Resolution 87-184, Petition PU-87-1C, william R. vines, representing Barron Collier III, requesting Provisional Use "g" of the C-3 Boning distriot for a mixed use of Page 17 .. ,...-.. ---.... ... ".A.~.... -_ ,.. . . 1:1 " ">",--"",,,.,",,,~~-,----~""~- AUGUST 11, 1987 residential uses in commercial structures, be adopted and beoome effective on August 14, 1987. ~ I . ;, i ~ " Page 18 800K 10B~;.:230 ; {i; j;.' ,r .J J'.' - - - AUGUST 11, 1987 **** Recess: 10:25 A.M. - Reoonvened: 10:40 A.M. at which time Deputy Clerk Kenyon replaced Deputy Clerk Kueter ***** Item tBA '. BERTRAM I. BWINDELLS APPEALING NOTICE OF WEED ABATEMENT, NAPLES PARK UNIT 3, BLOCK 33 - DENIED Bertram I. Swindells apoealing notice of abatement under Ord. 85-33 re unattended growth of weeds and vegetation for Case W87-1585, Naples Park Unit 3, Block 33, Lot 431 Case No. W87-1497, Naples Park Unit unit 3, Lots 44 and 45; and Case No. W87-1498 Naples Park Unit 3, Block 33, Lots 46 and Wl/2 of 47. Building Code Compliance Director Magri indicated that these lots were in3pected on July 13, 1987, and found to require mowing under the terms of Ordinance 85-33. He noted that Mr. Swindells was notified on July 28, 1987, that the lots needed to be mowed. He noted that Mr. Bwindells is appealing this decision, noting that he claims that the lots were mowed on June 11, 1987, but upon inspection, the growth on said lots were found to be over 18 inches in height. He presented pictures of the lots which showed the overgrowth of weeds and also showed the measuring stick that is used to determine the growth. Commissioner Hasse questioned if this matter was based on a comp~aint, to which Mr. Magri replied negatively, adding that it was noticed during routine patrol. Tape t4 County Attorney Cuyler stated that Mr. Swindells sent a letter indicating that the lots were mowed on June 11, 1987, and he feels aoo ( 106f'~(;1238 Page 19 :1.' 106~::;23.9 : . :' I .... AUGUST 11,' 1987 that the weeds are not high enough and he has some plantings on the property that he does not want mowed down. He noted that Mr. Swindells indicated that he will be returning in September and will mow the lots then. He indicated that Mr. Swindells was sent notice by certified mail of the hearing this date. commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that the appeal be denied and th~t Mr. Swlndells be given two weeks to mow the grass and if it is not mowed, then staff is to proceed under the terms of the ordinance and cut the grass and . place a lien on said property. Item UA1 STAFF TO CONTACT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY RE UNDERTAKING A HISTORICAL/ ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE/STRUCTURE INVENTORY TO MEET REQUIREMENTS OF THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT AND RETURN TO BCC IN TWO WEEKS Growth Management Coordinator Fitzpatrick stated that this is a recommendation to enter into a contract to expand on the previous study that was undertaken by Mr. Philip Werndli of Florida Preservation Services. She stated that he conducted extensive research and field work with regards to a preliminary survey of sites, structures and objects of architectural, historical and cultural significance within the boundaries of Collier County. She stated that he submitted his final report on June 30, 1986 and although more than 300 sites were identified, the large land area involved and the limited funds available for the project, meant that a number of historically significant areas of the COlmty could not be fully sur- '. ,'.. '., I",);; ~ j , ' '.,\; . Pagè20 - - - -.---.-,.-,.,....-,. " . "'~,:.. - - .. AUGUST 11, 1987 veyed and evaluated. She reported that the identification and mapping of historic and archaeological sites is a requirement of Sections 163.3177 of the Florida Statutes and Sections 9J-S.006, 9J-S.OIO, and 9J-S.012 of the Florida Administrative Code. She stated that Mr. Werndli estimates that an additional $10,000 would be needed to pre- pare a historic site survey of the County and in addition, he would assist staff in developing goals, objectives and policies to incor- porate within the Comprehensive Plan and develop a realistic policy for historic preservation in Collier County, including a model ordi- nance. She stated that a study is also needed to inventory and record the e~dangered archaeological ~ites in Collier County, the majority of which have been precisely located. She stated that to complete this portion of the inventory, Mr. Werndli would subcontract with a pro- fessional archaeologist and $6,000 would be dedicated exclusively for that portion of the study. Commissioner Pistor questioned if the sites will be pinpointed to the exact location, to which Mrs. Fitzpatrick stated that these stu- dies will give better data base in order to assist developers in determining if these sites exist on their land. Commissioner Saunders questioned if what is being asked is for the rest of the County that has not been studied to be developed for the Comprehensive Plan, to which Mrs. Fitzpatrick stated that the contrac- tor will be asked to incorporate data from the previous studies into . his report so that it can be used for th~ Comprehensive Plan and is aDDK lD6r:'\.12iO Page 21 aDO( 106 f''\<;t 241 \' AUGUST 11, 1987 required under the Growth Management Act. Commissioner Saunders seated that he would like staff to contact the Historical Society and/or the Archaeological Society to see if they would be willing to take on this study. He reported that this item could be continued until they have been contacted. County Manager Dorrill questioned if the Archaeological Society was sent an invitation to bid as only one bid was received which was from Florida Preservation Services? Mrs. Fitzpatrick stated that the Archaeological Society was not asked to bid because at the time, the study was for historical sites only and she is asking that this contract be expanded to include archaeological sites and that the bidding process be waived. County Manager Dorrill stated that staff could check into the matter and contact the Archaeological Society and report back to the Board in two weeks if the Commission desired. commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that staff be directed to contact the Archaeolo- gical society with regards to doing this survey and study and report back to the Board of county commissioners with said results in two weeks. Item UB1 INTERIM REPORT UPDATED RE STORAGE AREA IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS APPROVED AND BID 87-1121 AWARDED TO SLIFE MATERIAL FOR A FORK LIFT IN THE AMOUNT OF $14,385 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on June 19, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Page 22 - - - ~.~- ""....""_..,,,;., .,........;".",.~.,. ,-.. ---"""'".~~~-".,......._,.._... =,.. ~, ~...:, It:: 'If t?; .~<"!¡,. j ; '.': ~' ~. -:r . - - - AUGUST 11, 1987 Clerk, bids were received for Bid #87-1121 for an electric fork lift until 2:30 P.M., July 8, 1987. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the first part of this item is simply a report on storage, adding that at this point all the costs are known with the exception of the building expansion for the Tax Collector and the Property Appraiser. He noted that there was originally $320,000 budgeted for these expenses in Fund 301. He stated that some of the projects have been completed, some are in the process of being constructed and some have not started. He noted that the total expense will be about $235,000 which will l~ave a surplus of about $85,000. He noted that based on the proposed expenditures being below the appropriated funds, he went through the bidding process to obtain proposals for a fork lift to be used in connection with Building "W", the warehouse. He noted that there is a platform lift to be provided for the Clerk and the Supervisor of Elections and after going through bid proposals, he is recommending that an electric fork lift be purchased to be used by maintenance in handling material from their work area to the second floor. He noted that this fork lift has a 3,000 pound capacity which is sufficient for the work that needs to be done. He stated that he is requesting that this bid be awarded to Slife Material in the amount of $14,385. commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the report be approved and that Bid '87-1121 for an electric fork lift be awarded to Slife Material in the amount of $14,385. aaaK 106 PAt;t 242 Page 23 .'.;" ~, ~.l '" ., .DOIt 106 f'.\r,r 243" ,! !; AUGUST 11, 1987 1.'t Item t9D1 UTILITIES ADMINISTRATOR TO ~XECUTE PROJECT SCHEüULE AGREEMENTS FOR FY/88 EPA/FDER GRANT PROJEC~S Mike Arnold, Assistant Utilities Administrator, stated that this is a request to authorize the execution of project schedule agreements for grant projects. He noted that he submitted applications on March 15, 1987 for grant funding assistance from EPA/FDER for the East and South Naples Sanitary Sewer Collection System: for the phase out package plants as part of the East and South Naples Sanitary Sewer Collection System; and resubmittal of South County Regional Wastewater Facilities. He noted that any monies received will offset the cost of the project. Commissioner Pistor questioned if there are any amounts to the grants, to which Mr. Arnold stated that it is too early to project what the State is going to have available for 1988, adding that he would estimate that there would be $5-7 million available under grants for the collection system. He noted that the State's participation is usually around 55% and the rest is the local share. ' commissioner pistor moved, seconðed by commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the utilities Administrator be authorized to execute project schedule agreements for FY/88 EPA/FDER grant projects. Item f9D2 AGREEMENT FOR A PORTION OF ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH HOLE, MONTES , ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR THE EAST AND SOUTH NAPLES SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM IN THE AMOUNT OF $150,~QO Mike Arnold, Assistant Utilities Administrator, stated that the Board interviewed the short-listed engineering firms for this project Pag~ 24 - - - - m. - AUGUST 11, 1987 and selected Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc. and then authorized the Utilitieß Division to negotiate an agreement for engineering services with them. Tape t5 Mr. Arnold noted that a total contract price has been negotiated for the complete project which is not to exceed $2.7 million which represents 15.3% of the estimated construction cost of $17,635,000. He indicated that on July 23, 1987, the Board of County Commissioners approved a partial agreement for engineering services to allow the consultant to begin the aerial surveying, photograph and mapping. He indicated that the amount for this was $283,000 which has been rolled into the total fee. He noted that it is also necessary to proceed with the initial design work in order to meet grant timetables and an agreement for these services would amount to $150,000. He stated that this is a big project that involves a lot of work and time and he is requesting authorization to proceed with the initial design work in the amount of $150,000. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the agreement for a portion of the engi- neering services with HOle, Montes , Associates, Inc. for the East and South Naples sanitary Sewer Collection system in the amount of $150,000 be approved and the appropriate budget amendment be prepared. aDaK 106 p,\f,t244 Page 25 '.J~, ,r ~ 1 ~,~ , - ~ U"': "., ' ..",- ~ . (; j ,f';, . " í! .~. - AUGUST 11, 1987 Item UD3 "WELCOME TO GOOD LAND" TO BE PAINTED ON WATER STORAGE TANK IN GOODLAND - APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that he requested that this item be taken off the consent agenda as he has been discussing this matter with the Risk Management office. He noted that the request is from a volunteer group from Goodland that would like to paint "Welcome to Goodland" on the water storage tank. He indicated that his only concern is the liability of the County, adding that he did receive a complaint this date from someone objecting to the water tank being painted. Commissioner Pistor stated that he understood that the people that Wêre going to paint the water tank are commercial painters and have their own insurance. Mr. Crandall stated that he understood that the pecplearé pro- fessional in nature but he does not know if they do this work for a living. Risk Manager Rynders stated that anytime anyone does something for the County, any liability would be the County's responsibility. She noted that they are considered volunteer~ not receiving compensation and the responsibility would revert back to the County. Commissioner Saunòers stated that he would like a member of staff present when the tank is being painted to be sure that nothing is being done that is prohibited. ; . ! Page 26 aOOK 106 PAGt 248 (,n;, u~···, . 'It l ,; ~-' ..1 '. ~ !' .: \.: ,'. . t . I . . -.,- .. ,"---",--~.....--,-",-...,.,".-"...,.,,.,¿,..~,~,~~~,-,.~_._" -:-f f " . . i . .:. i i ~;' aDO ( 10BI'Ar.t 24.9 AUGUST 11, 1987 Mr. Crandall indicated that the County has the ultimate control and he planned on having someone from staff on the job at all times. Commissioner Hasse questioned if the waiver would be sufficient to protect the County, to which County Attorney Cuyler stated that the waiver is legal and proper, but it would riot absolve the respon- sibility of the County. Risk Manager Rynders stated that even with a waive~ o~ hold harmless, the County would still be responsible because the people 8re volunteers. There was some concern voiced regarding the letters on the sign, to which Mr. Crandall stated that all letters would be the same size. . commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that the painting of the "Welcome to Goodland" on the water storage tank be approved; that it be in accordance with the sign ordinance; that someone from staff be present at all times to insure that the work is done in the proper manner; and that a waiver be signed. Commissioner Glass stated that he hopes that the maintenance on this sign will be kept up in the future. Item UE1 BOARD PAY POLICY AND PAY PLAN FOR FY 1987/88 APPROVED SUBJECT TO FINAL ANALYSIS AT BUDGET WRAP-UP SESSION Administrative Services Administrator Ochs stated that this is a request to approve a 4.5% general wage adjustment and selected pay , , ,. . ~ : ,¡":' J.;,~ r;n' í·~-!/;·,i' P8ge 27 . J 1;, - - - AUGUST 11, 1987 plan recommendations and pay grade adjustments for Board employees. He noted that the 4.5% incr€,ase would be effective September 26, 1987, and within that pay plan, there is a recommendation to make certain position reclassification adjustments in order to remain competitive and equal within the pay plan. He stated that there is also a recom- mendation that the Board suspend for a period of one year, the merit system in order to make certain provisions in the system. He noted that a 2% salary adjustment is also being recommended for new hires upon completion of the 6 month probationary period. He indicated that there is a recommendation to increase entry level for executive and clerical pay schedules and a recommendation to allow the County Manager to authorize the hiring within an established pay range of more than 10%. He noted that the fiscal impact of the paV plan recom- mendation is $191,000 for the 4.5% general wage adjustment and $143,059 for the pay plan adjustments and reclassifications. Commissioner Pistor questioned if and when the merit plan is reinstated, would it be done on the anniversary date or at the beginning of the fiscal year, to which Mr. Ochs indicated that there are pros and cons both ways and they will be studying the situation. He noted that even though the merit system is suspended over the next fiscal year, the employees will still be evaluated on their anniver- sary date. Commissioner pistor stated that he feels that all raises should be effective October I, 1987, instead of continual raises all year long. ~OOK lOB PAGt 250 Page 28 ',0 (. '! ~"':" . '. \.h. . .. [, I J ; I . '. ... ._~.._~-,-"".-......- -':. " 4 ,~. ~ aOOlt 106r:"',!251 AUGUST 11, 1987 Commissioner Glass stated that he is concerned about doing away with the merit plan as there are a lot of people that have performed above the normal and they are now going to be penalized. County Manager Dorrill stated that as a result of concerns expressed by Constitutional Officers, it has been incorporated into the budget that the total wage adjustment effective October I, 1987, will be 4.5%. He indicated that the concern of the Constitutional Officers is that with the merit system, the average Board employee is receiving more than 4.5%. He noted that a survey was done as part of the budget process and 75% of the employees that responded indicated a dissatisfaction for the system. He stated that he feels that the system should be evaluated and there should be a merit process, but in the meantime, it is being recommended that everyone received a 4.5% wage adjustment on October 1, 1987. Clerk Giles stated that at the time of discussion, 3% across the board was being considered and then a merit increase of typically 3%, but when that amount of was spread out through the year, it resulted in 1.5% which showed the inequities of the system. He stated that he has a problem with a 4.5% general wage increase because the average increase for the State employees is 7%, which also applies to all elected officials. He stated that he does not think that the 4.5% covers the cost of living and questioned what the figure is for the cost of living? Mr. Ochs stated that a wage and salary survey was done in conjunc- _ -Page 29 . I. " 5,! L .\ - - - - - - AUGUST 11, 1987 tion with the budget process and local private companies were also included. He noted that there are positions that have been difficult to fill with top level people but the Board adopted a policy that holds the general wage adjustment to 4.5%, adding that the cost of living in the prior 12 months is above 4.5%. He indicated that the School Board is going to·receive 7% and he is trying to maintain com- petitiveness with the community, but is restricted according to the guidelines and policies adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. He noted that of the 67 counties in Florida with regards to cost of living, Collier County ranks in the first ten, adding that all those factors should be taken into consideration. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Ochs stated that the bulk of the individual position recommendations are in the clerical schedule because it is difficult to get clerical candidates in with the skills that are required. Clerk Giles stated that he is not finding fault with what Mr. Ochs is presenting, adding that he has approximately 125 employees and 110 to 115 are probably under $18,000 and are primarily clerical. He noted that it is difficult to make a living in this county with that amount of money. He stated that he would like to see at least the cost of living available. He noted that he is not trying to hold this up, but he would like to revisit some of these matters. Deputy Chief Barnett stated that the Sheriff's Department is having the same problem as Clerk Giles, ~dding that they are losing' aODK 10ôpm252 Page 30 :': I , . ..". , ¡ i 11 , '. :.~. ).$ .~ ~.!.: ~. .! ,:~ aOOK 106 pÂr;! 253 AUGUST 11, 1987 employees due to the wages. He stated that he agrees with the plan but something is going to have to be looked at on an overall basis. He noted that he does not want to compete with any of the offices at the complex, but there will be lot of employees jumping around if the pay raises are given in different manners at different times. He noted that they have not found any criteria for a merit raise that would satisfy all their needs, adding that they are working on one now that hopefully will accomplish this. County Manager Dorrill stated that the 4.5% was made as a policy decision by the Board in April and the amount that other jurisdictions are receiving as well as what the Constitutional Officers are receiving far exceeds the 4.5% budget policy. He noted that if the Commission feels that there are concerns based on what other jurisdic- tions around the county are doing as well as what elected officials may be entitled to in the way of a general wage adjustment, his advice would be to stay at 4.5% but to instruct staff to conduct a new survey and be prepared to discuss it during Mr. Ochs' budget workshop and invite the constitutional officers at the same time. He stated that there are two items up for discussion: one involves the general wage adjustment and the other involves the annual opportunity to review the County's own position, classification and pay plan. He noted that there are a number of positions where there is trouble in competing and not only with secretarial and clerical but also with the executive pay plan which has not been adjusted in over two years. He noted that , . - - '¡ .. : ~ "Page; 31 ;¡ ':.! ,''\!?:~C; ..1 f £:~ì '~<:~-ii::" J 1;8.\ - AUGUST 11, 1987' there are department director positions and some professional posi- tions that should have their pay range increased. Commissioner Hasse stated that he is concerned with the difference between the County's people and the Constitutionûl Officers' people, adding that they should be uniform. Commissioner pistor stated that he thinks that the staff recommen- dation should be accepted at this time and then discuss the matter at the appropriate time during the budget meetings. Mr. Dorrill stated that the appropriate time to do this would be in the wrap-up session of the budget meetings. Commissioner Goodnight stated that this could all be addressed at the wrap-up session and oy that time, they will know what has been cut out of the budget. Mr. Dorrill stated that in the meantime, Mr. Ochs could prepare all the necessary information and also discuss it with the cònstitu- tional officers. commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that the Board pay policy and pay plan be approved but that the salary adjustment be readdressed and possibly increased at the budget wrap-up session. County Manager Dorril1 indicated that the recommendation is, therefore, approved subject to some final analysis. I'· .,~, '.,II:; V .~~~..~~<~ .,. aOOK lOB PA~.!. 254 Page 32 ~ ; ~ ..,<v."_~...~~"",....__...-..._,_,.__.,",."~"~,.,,,,,,-;,"_..,,._._,....".,.,,,",,"""",,.'.·....~''',.,,~,,_.......,,''_,.,."..·'.·N'...·'' ·... .--..... _,.. I If" . . '. ~ ;¡ " pO( 10fh:,~~255 AUGUST 11, 1987 Tape 46 Item f9F1 RESOLUTION 87-185 SETTING THE DATE OP OCTOBER 27, 1987 FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION FOR AN ADDITIONAL ONE-CENT SALES TAX - l.DOPTED Mr. Tom Olliff, Assistant to the County Manager, stated that this item is to set a date and conduct a special election for a one cent sales tax increase. He stated that during this year's State legisla- tive session, an additional one cent sales tax was passed. He noted that some of the characteristics of the law is that the County can develop a new sharing formula for the cities within the County where the tax is passed or the existing formulas for the revenue sharing can be used. He stated that his recommendation is that the County retain the formulas. He noted that the City of Naples would receive $1.5-2.0 million in revenues and the City of Everglades would receive $150,000 to $200,000 in revenue. He noted that the taxes are not to be placed on items over $5,000 in value which means that cars, boats, etc. would be exempt from the tax. He indicated that from the date that the referendum is passed, the tax could not be collected until the following January which is why a special election is being recommended for this November. He noted that if this revenue can be collected in January, it will have a direct impact on fiscal year 1987-88 budget. He stated that November 10th was recommended but the Supervisor of Elections has recommended that this date be changed to October 27, 1987, due to the fact that there are not enough polling places on November 10th. "J . ~ ' , t....,..., .' ~', '", : Page-33 - .. - ..------- AUGUST 11, 1987 County Manager Dorrill pr~~ented a copy of the five-year Growth Management Plan that has been forwarded for recommendation from the Citizp.ns Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission. He noted that there are still some items that have not been finalized, but it is safe to say that it is a legitimate plan in o~der for the Commission to mai~tain the growth and the quality of life over the next five year period in Collier County. He noted that in order to increase the revenues over the next five years, the Commission has two choices: one is a continued expansion of the existing revenue source which will be ad valorem taxes and impact fees: the second choice is the new 6th cent local option sales tax. He noted that the sales tax legislation will allow the County to impose a tax in one-quarter cent increments for a maximum of 15 years and can be bonded and used for e. debt service. He noted that the Commission has adopted a policy that leans toward pay-as-you-go type programs, especially for the short term needs. He noted that the estimates without escalation is somewhere between $11 and $13 million a year which would provide the County with amounts between $55-65 million if the full penny is enacted, which is what he is recommending. He noted that this still leaves $15 million over the five years that has to be accounted and the only good source is to increase or create new impact fees, adding that he already has instruction to do just that. He noted that a portion of the· shortfall will come from that source as well as ad valorem taxes paying a por- tion of the continuing capital improvement needs of the County., He BODK 106 PAGt 256 Page 34 ;~' ., J De,· ;;~~),.:'. " ,'. -,' ~ p ..., .'. 7 f . , . : ",- ~'~ :.. . , .. . ; .-t .. AUGUST 11, 1987 noted that historically the ad valorem taxes have paid operating costs. He noted if the Commission pursues this, he would recommend that at the conclusion of the existing five year program, the addi- tional portion of the sales tax should be sunsetted. He noted that he does not have a program or budgets that account for imposing a tax beyond that, adding that the opportunity should be left available. He stated that his recommendation would be to proceed to have a special referendum, to begin collecting the tax in January, 1988 in the full one cent increment for a period to be determined, but to give con- sideration to sunset provisions at the end of five years. Commissioner Pistor stated that the Capital Improvements Program is very conservative, adding that he has concerns with regards to limiting this tax to five years. He noted that the tax is the most equitable way of collecting this kind of money' and by putting a limit of five years on it is being short-sighted. Commissioner Hasse stated that it is imperative that people understand that they are not yoing to be saddled with this extra one cent tax forever. He noted that if the County proves that this tax is beneficial, then the people should have the opportunity to approve additional time. He stated that he feels that the people would be more supportive in this respect. County Manager Dorrill stated that last Friday he invited people from the community to advise them in advance of what is happening. He noted that he hopes that this community will continue to set high : Page 3S ~ .~ ;.ì .. - - - - - AUGUST 11, 1987 standards for itself so that when the five year Growth ManagementR1an, is completed, Collier County could proclaim themselves to be one of the premiere communities in Florida and in order to do that some equitable funding mechanisms have to be developed and sales tax is the, way to go because 40% of it is paid for by out-of-county residents. Supervisor of Elections Morgan stated that she is requesting that the election date be October 27, 1987, due to the availability of polling places. She stated that if November 10th is the date of the election, 6 polling places will not be available and on October 27, 1987, there will only be two that are not available. She noted that she is also requesting that the area on the first floor of Building "F" where the merchandise is received be made available for one of the replacement polling places and that the new administration facility for Parks & Recreation on Santa Barba:a be made available as the other facility. She stated that she is also requesting that the warehouse that she is supposed to be occupying be completed by the end of the week. She stated that she needs the County Attorney to be directed to make a submission to the Department of Justice within the next couple of days for pre-clearance of the special election date as is required, and that they request expedited consideration because absentee ballots have to be in the mail to military and overseas Americans by September 22, 1987. She stated that her budget will need to be amended and the estimated figures for the current fiscal year versus the proposed budget have been presented to Mr. Olliff. She noted that .the Chairman 'I .', ~. ' f" .1 Page 36. BOOK 1061''\!"'£ 258 ..; " \ i;'· . ,¡ l· ,) 1J' :, '.' .. f ~ ,', ',;". . ":,- . -~'''--'''-----''-'~''''-''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-''","",~''''--'-''-'''-~~"".<=-,...""."., '," .~-"_._.,.._,~-,--~.<~- -" AUGUST 11, 1987 ;1{.' " will have to be authorized to sign a resolution so that it can go with the County Attorney's aubmission and her submission for the temporary polling site changes. She reported that she is also requesting that the Chairman be appointed to the canvassing board and ,that the ballot. cards that were ordered for the School Board's special election be used for this special election because otherwise ballot cards could not be obtained in time for the election. Commissioner Hasse stated that November 10, 1987, would be a better date and would give the County more time to inform the public' as to what is being suggested and questioned if there would be such a tremendous hardship? Mrs. Morgan indicated that on November 10, 1987, there would be about 6,000 voters that would not have a place to vote. . She stated that by using the October 27, 1987, date, she will only have to relo- ~ate about 1,200 voters. County Manager Dorrill stated that one of the realities of this proposal is that a good job has to be done on public education and he is recommending that he be allowed to spend some County money to have brochures and educational documentsrmade explaining what is,proposed and run some public advertisements in the newspapers.. He stated ,that this has to be done or there will be an uninformed electorate going to the polls, and if they are not sure ,what they are voting for,;they' will vote·no. . ,. . , Mr. ,John Lowdermilk, President of, Naples Board.of·Realtors, ,stated ~. ¡ , . :..... ~ ,.-. .' u" f ;~ :'.;u,'; ,",,'¡,]./. ;. ':,' ~;.,~ ,~~I:. <-t .~, t' ',. ~'\ (, i ·.J'.HHJ(H.''''~¡¡.J?ag~ .3,7 !¡ ~"¡ z! "' :: ~ r (~: G -' i. ..., ~ ': - - - ~: ¥¡.o. ,:~ :-1' .....!;. ,," ··~~ì~r ;¡.- '-'~,1 ~. (_ ',.L,. . ~ Æ·I'~.'" . " f'~. , "/'.' «.~.' '. "';','4':,< 1-~ AUGUST 11, 1987 that they are in favor of this sales tax as it is the only equitable way to involve the tourist in paying their fair share of these impro- vements. He stated that they adopted the recommendation of the Citi- zens Advisory Committee's position with-regards to the funding,of capital improvements, including the impact fee for roads and parks and recreation. He noted that if the additional revenues from the sales tax generate the necessary funds for capital improvements, then,they would oppose the impact fees. County Manager Dorrill stated that the Builders and Contractors Association and the Naples Chamber has also taken a position that they are in support of the sales tax. ¡ , Commissioner Saunders stated that he has a problem witH scheduling. the election on Octcber 27 or November 10, as one of the critical,ele- ments in getting this type of a tax approved is educating the public and informing them of what the money will be spent on.. ! He noted, that" there is a list of $118 million worth of projects and the County Commission has not taken any action to approve this list and it will be several months or more before final action is taken by ,the ; Commission to identify these as real projects. He stated that it is going to be difficult to go to the voters in 60 daysand.say here is a wish list of projects that we need money for. He reported that he does not feel that the referendum will pass on October:27, 1987, : adding that if it fails, it will be difficult if not impossible to go back to the voters anytime soon on the same question of a sales tax. ~ U i~ ".'-.;. ':'fi~ I '.(:1 ~~è, [P<J! !lOOK lOR mt 260 _,~age:38 ",' , I í 'j·,i ~uu C· ;;\, J ;~}:~ ~.~,..: ~...- ,.eJ :.:;;,~~~ ; ~'''æ'~-.L '~ . )-f:r.. <rt . .1;1, '.: ,. . :;.j i 1: - l06PAt;! 261 !: H: 1·,.* AUGUST 11, 1987 1 '..,." He stated that if this is held off until the March 1988 presidential, preference election, it will give time to identify projects so that the public will know what the money is going to be used for as well as the cost of it. He noted that according to the report from the , Clerk's office, it indicates that the l¢ sales tax will generate approximately $13 to $14 million per year which means that over a five year period that is between $65 and $70 million from that source, which would cover the shortfall completely. He noted that in addition to those revenues, there will be additional revenues from the state because of the new sales tax on services of $2.S million a year which is $12.5 million over the five year period, adding that the.new reve- nue source has not been deducted from the $71 million shortfall. He stated that another source of revenue will be increased· impact fees on roads as well as expanding the impact fee to cover parks, libraries, administration buildings, and landfills. He stated that if a bare minimum of $1 million a year is assumed from that source that would be $5 million over the five year period and he would suspect that two or three times that. amount would be raised. He indicated that ther~ is. also a .83 mill tax right now for capital improvements and one mill raises approximately $8 million a year which is $33 million over five years. He noted that there is over $50 million that he does not see accounted for in the numbers. He noted that the voting public is going to see these numbers and wonder what the County is going to do with the estimated $125 million that may, be coming in at. the end: of ':, r·· ..: I rill':: t c.,.>. .~. ", ~ : . ( . ) : : ~ .,:; ;>~: ì r. GdDJ F~pr....39 , , '/;',.;C!:.',j ) r; J JI::\ - - - .,...<-~ 'AUGUST 11~' 19B7 five yeare opposed to the $71 million that is needed. He noted that with this information, if the question was put on the ballot on october 27, 1987, he would have to vote against it. He noted that if this is done at the March presidential prefer~nce election, the $160,000 for the special election would not have to be spent. He noted that an obvious disadvantage of waiting until March, 1988 is that the money cannot be collected until January, 1989, but the program needs to be sold to the public and he feels that if the elec- tion was held in March 1988, there would be sufficient time. Commissioner Pistor stated that the G'~owth Management Committee has spent a lot of time and effort in preparing a list of items that are necessary and will appear in the document that has to be approved in the next year. He noted that in ~rder to prev~nt raising ad valorem taxes this one cent sales ta~ Is going to have to be approve~. . He noted that the County is trying to play catch-up on a lot of the items on the list. He indicated that if the services are not in place, the County will not be able to issue building permits or move forward. Tapet7 corrirnissioner Goodnight stated that in Parks' & Recreation there is a deficit of $14 million as of this date and impact fees cannot take care .of that deficit as impact fees can only take care of the growth. She stated that she feels that the one cent tax should be imposed and '. everyone should get out and r.ducate the people on the matter. &ODK 1()6 pm 262 Page 40 " :,!! ," , I ~. ... . . "..~ ,..; '. ~^",,,.,.,,,,,~,,,,,__~_...-.,,,,,_..._,._,,_.,,,,,.,,,_..",",,.._",-''''''''''''''_'_"'''......''''''''',''''''''_...'''''''''"..." "'_"'~__"'''''''''~'''_'___~';''''''''_'m''''"'''~'_ L _., aoo,; 106 !'~-:;!: 263 AUGUST 11, 1987 Commissioner Pistor stated that impact fees are after-the-fact and they will not be collected until after the development or the improve- ment is in ~lace. He noted that the level of service has to be met. Commissioner HDsse stated that this is something that needs to be done, adding that there is not much time to propose this to the public and educate them, but it is worth a try as this money is needed. He noted that this tax is going to be paid by the tourist and winter residents that use these facilities. Commissioner Pistor stated that if this additional one cent sales tax is not approved, ad valorem taxes will have to be raised. Commissioner Saunders stated that the likelihood of this issue passing is extremely small in his opinion without the abili ty to ade- quately educate the public and to show them figures and projects that have been é.oproved so it is known what the money is going to be used for. He noted that i: it is put on the ballot and defeated in October, then there is not gOing to be an opportunity to bring it back to the voters. He stated that by the time that this goes to the voters, the list will not have been approved and they will not know for sure if these are projects that the Commission is committed to doing. He stated that he hopes that it does pass, but he does not feel that there is enough time. Commissioner Hasse stated that he feels that the public will understand what the Commission is trying to do. Commissioner Glass stated that the people are educated enoùgh to Page 41 Ii' - - - - ~ 4 AUGUST 11, 1987 make the decision and they have the right to make the decision, addi~g that the bottom line lies with the voters and they have to have the opportunity to decide. County Manager Dorri11 stated that if the motion is in order, it needs to authorize the Chairman to sign the resolution scheduling the special election on October 27, 1987, for an additional one-cent sales tax; that there be an additional resolution brought back next week that would spell out the questiov to be posed; approve the necessary budget amendment; and some ditect~on with regards to the sunset provision. commissioner pistor moved, seconded by commissioner Goodnight and carried 4/1, (Commissioner Saunders opposed), that Resolution 87-185 8cheduling Ootober 27, 1987, for a special eleotion for an additional one-cent sales tax be adopted; that an additional resolution be brought back next week that would spell out the question to be posed1 that the necessary budget amendment be approved for not more than $120,000 for the election oost: that an amount of money for publioity be brought back; that the pre-clearance requirement for the special election date be included; and that the five year limitation be approved. Commissioner Saunders stated that he does not know if he could support the one cent because the numbers that he has seen do not justify raising $60 or $70 million over five years, adding that he supports the concept of letting the voters decide on whether there &OOK 1()6 PA'.t 26t Page ;42 .)1 ;P :> \._t.,l . (' . 'j..,;,J .,,". t' .. -- .. t ~?: _ l06~~r;. 265 r:~ ~; . ¡~ t!~,: ~.¡ "{". ¡I~~ d} ~r 't' .\{ , ~.." .~"."".....' ~'.~~ ~ ,¡ ,~4' ..~ '1:~ ':"¡¡: AUGUST 11, 1987 should be a sales tax, but he is not sure that the numbers can justify how much the sales tax should be raised at this time. Commissioner Pistor indicated that all the numbers to this date are very conservative and if he had his way, he would put a 1-1/2 cent tax up to the voters. . , . J, . ;. . I" ,c·. ;' ¡ l- /,!~ "i,J" 1. f}.i<:'; <.:bGr;~~;'J '(, ., f L'll~-'l r (; t ~ . , <''; ; 1J ~_. '.~ r -; .., ; \ f ¡ ~ .. ." . l·~ ..~ J '.~ .., ¡" I , .. , ., ': J 'c' I. i ,Peg,: .4~ (;,;. ¡ I' ;¡., Ii' ". '. ~ . , ,~ ,Þ. . ";:1,: \ ~; t '" " ; ¡ ~ (' 'J (". ': -, i ~ ! - t. .. ., , 10R PAGt26.7 .. ·!.~F~~:t~3;~'!·I(; .. .. " ;' ~'~ ..~p" ï1.~~~ .; \:-0,' ~~:.ç"'l:,~.... '.:. (AÙGuST 11, 19)7, . . . ',,) ~. <, i,I ì\ : ~,;,.... \'.... ',~ -,' ~ ~.....'" ., xte11Ì ,'llA .- > '-" ! r-.~.. ",/ ':': t,· ',' -:' BUDGET AMENDMENTS 87-397/399 AND 87-401/408 - ADOPTED commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that budget amendments 87-397/399 and 87-401/408 be adopted. Item fllA BUDGET AMENDMENT RESOLUTIONS 87-039 AND 87-040 - ADOPTED commissioner Goodnight moveð, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment Resolutions 87-039 and 87-040 be adopted. ;",' ¡ ,)f; '.,J) )j.. . ¡' ; ..' ~ ( . ¡ ~~. ; . ( . . ¡'~ ¡ ~ ) "'-.::..:r :::.t h; . f !.., _; .~ ~¡ .:.. {: ~', q I," .. ~.. .. ,.' ':f' #< J, .j, L:¡¡ " :íL; (~(> CUI'£ Ç1.L ',1J;: "'''''''',>- ..... (,: 'r ) -; ~ c.':Tf.,';..; , . . ¡.: ,: (/. rJ J;; , ,~. r ~"', II ,.i..·..-.....'I. , Ii , , ì 1';..,1 ( r i',_ 't ~ :-'¡:',C!':: J.!~~: '-:-:.r,: . I :.~ t . ., ·';;·.~2?ro~n;2 ~f.. 'J ~··r;· (I. Page 44 .-', . . ~) ., t;~~ t·: 'J . II' - ;F ~ - - .....iIJ_,,__""'...·_·_·_···,~"'"' .; ~.; tv :¡ :¡¡ ri :r~ :y, ~ .-4 J1 'W '8 ~\ ~. J],:~' , ..~. ~-..: .... .: ~ .~;. J:i .\./J ,.~s; :i '~, i"' _.....Jj ;'.~ -- - - tI : AUGUST 11, 1987 Item U1C AUDITOR SELECTION VOTES RETALLIED DUB TO ERROR IN VOTING BY A COMMISSIONER. STAFF TO NEGOTIATE CONTRACT WITH ~OOPERS , LYBRAND Clerk Giles stated with regards to the selection of the auditor, there was a mistake made on August 4, 1987, when the vote was taken, adding that according to Commissioner Saunders he listed his point value in reverse order of what he intended. He noted that for the highest ranked firm he entered a point value of one rather than three and so forth. He noted that he believes that another vote is needed. Commissioner Saunders stated that he would like to apologize to everyone, adding that he did not notice on the form how he was sup- posed to vote. He stated that after the vote, he called Coopers & Lybrand to tell them they had made a good presentation and was sorry that they did not get the award but indicated that he had voted for this firm as his first choice. He stated that they indicated that the way the vote was tallied, he listed them as his last choice. He noted that he contacted the County Attorney's office to determine what he should do. He stated that he is not asking that the vote be recon- sidered, adding that he simply listed his vote in the wrong manner as he assumed the first ranked firm would be number one, the second ranked firm would be number two and so on. He noted that he. would like to correct his mistake. Commissioner Hasse stated that he thinks that it would be appropriate for the whole Commission to revisit and revote the matter. ,; -, ¡ J JÎf \ )'::.~ ~ Page 45 1 ~ " '... { '.~ ,. 1 BOOK 106 r.\!;! 270 ¡ í : ~ " <it, . II , . aODK 106 me 271 ~ <.' AUGUST 11, 1987 He questioned if there is any problem with doing this, to which County Attorney Cuyler stated that there is only one mechanism that he knows of as this was simply a mistake made in Commissioner Saunders' tally. He stated that the only way that he would suggest doing this is through the reconsideration mechanism, adding that there are certain requirements under this mechanism but the BCC can waive everything that has happened up to a motion for reconsideration this date to have the matter placed on the agenda in accordance with the ordinance for two weeks from now. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he would suggest that they comply with the reconsideration ordinance provisions only because he knows of no other mechanism to control the situation. He noted that it would not be appropriate to revote this date. Clerk Giles stated that the auditors have committed to completing the field work by December 15 and the report by January 15 and that requires early auditing techniques to be applied and it may effect the date that the elements of the contract should be completed. He noted that he spoke with Commissioner Saunders last week and put this on the agenda and in the event that any other Commissioner did not use the point value system appropriately, the error could be corrected~ '., .j Commissioner Hasse stated that the proper thing is to take another vote on the matter. Clerk Giles stated that if the Commission waits another two weeks to retake the vote, it will be the first of October· before the j¡ ; ~ Ii,~ Page 46..: ~ - tJ - - p ...'_...........,-,,-'""""'_....,...,.""-,.,,---~,.,=,'" :":j .,.j~~ ,.,.~ ¡""iU ·~1't '~n ..~ AUGUST 11, ;i981; contract comes back to the ~~ard and most of the firms want to start their preparation in August due to the timeframe. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he would suggest that this go through the reconsideration mechanism because there is nothing else that would address this matter. He stated that if the time period is waived, it would not be in strict compliance with the ordinance. Attorney Donald Pickworth, representing Rogers, Wood, Hill, Starman & Gustason, stated that he does not feel that anyone has any vested legal rights. He stated that the firm made their presentation last week and l~a3 selected, and when they found out that there was a problem, they were dismayed. He stated that the Board of County Commissioners has the right, however, to retally if the vote was made in error. He indicated that he is not sure if the reconsideration ordinance has anything to do with this matter. County Attorney Cuyler questioned if Mr. Pickworth, as the repre- sentative for the number one selection, would waive any objections as to whether the retally takes place this date or in two weeks? Mr. Pickworth stated that they would waive any objections, but obviously they would like to see the action of last week stand. Commissioner Saunders stated that he apologizes for his mistake, but he would like to correct the record and if there is no objection to checking the tally, he would like to do it this date. County Attorney Cuyler stated that in light of Mr. Pickworth's statement, his concerns are resolved. . , 'Page 47 aOOK jL()f)PAGt~~~ /f'~ w__±'.""_..."'""."..............._..^'~""..,",.,,,.._O;__,~,'"="_·_...·,,,'_"""""" ,_"__.,,_~__~._ 106 PAGt 273 : ~ ',J '. ~ ~ i.., - \' '\ \ '. " . ,.."...~ I AUGUST 11~'1~87 Mr. Pickworth stated that he does not feel that anything will be accomplished by waiting. County Attorney Cuyler stated that there needs to be a recognition that a mistake took place and the Commission would like to retally. Tape '8 Commissioner Saunders moved, seoonded by Commissioner Basse that the votes be retallied due to his mistake. He noted that the firm should be selccted as a whole and not because there has been a mistake in the writing of the numbers on the tally sheet. Upon roll oall, the vote failed 2/31 Commissioner Saunders Commissioner Hasse Commissioner Glass Commissioner Pistor Commissioner Goodnight Aye Aye No No No Commissioner Saunders stated that he is amazed that the Commission would not let the will of the Commission be the judge as to who is obtained. He stated that he does not understand that five Commissioners would not want to be sure that the votes were tallied properly. Commissioner Hasse stated that the Commissioners have always granted a fellow Commissioner the right to make a mistake and then rectify it. Commissioner Glass stated that his vote was not against Commissioner Saunders, but his vote was that he was comfortable with the selection. .:~ '..J r -f 'I;· '; '- ;.. ! í ~a~~(' 48 : ~ - .,.. '\0 - - ,.._,.__,,"___._., .'. ,·"·"·.,,,,___~,,,,~,,..<_..,,,,",_·.,,,.,··_..,;,,,,_.,..._...,,b',_.._,"",."._~...___._..,."_,.""*.....~"",,,._",....,,,~,..;,.~.,,., "....."'><'"."-''''.,'~''',.'''..._<"'.~--_.~.__.<,....;"..;,,. . . L'-, .: cI AUGUST 11, 1987 Commissioner Saunders stated that whether anyone is comfortable or' not with the selection, that is not the issue, because that firm may have not been selected in an accurate manner. He noted that the votes have to be retallied to determine if that was the firm that was selected. Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by commissioner Hass8, that he be allowed to reta1ly his vote because that was not the firm that was necessarily selected. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/1, (commissioner pistor opposed). Clerk Giles stated that the highest ranked firm should be ranked with a point value of 3, the second highest with the point value of 2 and the third highest with a point value of 1. Clerk Giles read the ballots into the record and indicated that Coopers & Lybrand had a total of II points: Arthur Young and Company had a total of 10 points; and Rogers, Wood, Hill, Starman & Gustason. has 8 total of 9 points. He noted. that the Finance Director and the " .' ',' , County Attorney will attempt to negotiate a contr"act' with '¿dopers':& ~. Lybrand. County Attorney Cuyler stated for the record, that the recon- sideration ordinance was waived pursuant to the discussion~of the Commission that are on record and the discussion with Mr. Pickworth. ,}~-~'~-I~~ ''.',',\,n 'I. ¡~. .' ~~~'{- i: ; ;r"'~"'t·ï).' r,\ ~~'_.' ~; I HI: 1.;1 ..'.'.I"; ::1-. õem'<lG l v . .~ f l' . , , . . 6DOK 106PAr.t274 '¡ 1 Page 49 . \ ; ¡;;.,,:-. j¡) \" , ') 'I " , ~_ t..I ~.} J-~; ',.: ·.-,,,,,_,,,._..,,.~_,"i"_____' .....' ,,,.,,.....~,_, ~.·_·.~·_·~NC~"_.~...-."'~,_;__"~.___ 106f£'.t275 AUGUST 11, 1987 / . , ··;'.t..·· ,IL :..~ !}if.; ',.J~ .;\~, '/~t\f d 'i *** commissioner Pistor moved, seoonded by commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously that the following items be approved and/or adopted under the Consent Agenda: Item U4B1 PUBLIC HEARING AUGUST 18, 1987 RE AWARDING CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO NAPLES TAXI SERVICE AND GLOBAL LIMOUSINE Item U4B2 AGREEMENT WITH SOUTH NAPLES SHO~ES CO., INC. FOR THE RELOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF OUTER DRIVE AT THE U.S. 41/LAKEWOOD BOULEVARD INTERSECTION IN AN AMOUNT OF $60,000 See Pages ~ 79 - C;; f> 3 Item U4B3 REAL PROPERTY ANALYSTS, INC. AWARDED CONTRACT FOR THE APPRAISAL OF 27 PARCELS TO BE ACQUIRED FOR WIDENING OF S.R. 951 IN AHT. OF $43,222.50 Contract $43,222.50. Between U.S. 41 and Marco River Bridge. Lee H. Waronker approved for appraisal services in .the event the opinion of a second appraiser is needed in condemnation proceedings. See Pages J5U'f -ci{15" Item U4B4 FINAL PLAT OF QUEENS PARK AT LAGO VERDE, PHASE 1 FOR RECORDING. CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT OF SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS See Pages d 9~ - ..30 ~ Item U4B5 MODIFICATION OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TRANSPORTATION PUND AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY, THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO ALLOW FOR TIME EXTENSION See Pages _~03 -..3/7 Item tUD1 ACCEPTANCE OF UTILITY EASEMENTS FOR SOUTH COUNTY REGIONAL WASTEWATER FACILITIES PROJECT Ii' .. .¡¡¡, : :,.'~ - - _~.. ·""""_··."b'.'""'·". See O.R. Book 1288, Pages 431-436 Item '14D2 - Moved to 9D3 ; \ ,', , ...~ " ~~;'~ 'I':.~.·.~ ....., ! ~~';~~ ,: ...,,~ þ~¡ '>..~ '":"1 ji ~'~ f· . ',,' " t, -, AUGUST 'Ú~r,'19á7~, Item '~4B1 AMENDMENT TO COUNTY MANAGER'S EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT See Pages ....3/? -.3/'1 Item t14E2 RESOLUTION 87-186 AMENDING PERSONNEL RULBS AND REGULATIONS REGARDING THE EMPLOYEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE See Pages ,_ ~ ~,CJ - ..3~.~ r' '. í Item '14E3 RESOLUTION 87-187 AMENDING PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS REGARDING SPECIAL PAY ADJUSTMENTS See Pages ..3 ~. 3 Item U4E4 RESOLUTION 87-188 AUTHORIZING NEW PAY TITLES .3~S See Pages Item t14E5 ~c:;?b-~ó?7 APPROVAL O~ PAYMENT O~ SPECI~IC INTERVIEW EXPENSES ~OR ASSISTANT COUNTY MANAGER CANDIDATES Item 11426 , , , " ~ , CLERK III POSITION IN THE SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT RECLASSIFIED TO. CASE'SUPERVISOR ASSISTANT ';/.,:.,,"",' Item U4G1 r _! ."'- ~ CERTI~ICATES FOR CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS " ; 1986;, ,. Nos. 207/208 Dated 7/27-29/87 .~:- } ( . Item U4G2 .' '.) i~. -. "~Y;'i ~:.. . :.\.i"" ~ ,,~J:~-':/;':;, i',:,~~;' :}: ,. . I.J ¡"'i. C rH.· .~,.j~l.'L ...' .." ._ _ __,. .... _..'.... ._M...'_...... aODK l()ß p~(,t 276 ',lwn';.J" :nÞage¡¡Sl ""'''''-'''"'"~'''''"""...,___"-,."_;......."._.~",.",_".,,....,,,_____"'"'""...,,_.....,._i>_;II'J-·"~'""...*__..·,'w,"",'_""',"',..._·,_,..,·,-....... 106 PAl;t 277 AUGUST 11, 1987. SATISFACTIONS OF LIEN FOR PUBLIC DEFENDER See Pages -E~ r - ..3~=3?, Item tUG MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the following correspondence was filed and/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: I. Letter dated 07/28/87 from L. Anita Trimble, Environmental Specialist, DER, enclosing standard form application (File No. 111370409, Port of the Islands, Inc.) which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill (letter), David Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt and filed. 2. Letter dated 06/26/87 from Tom Gustafson, Chairman, Com- mittee on Criminal Justice, Florida House of Representatives, attaching the Crime Prevention and Control Act (CS/HS 1467). Referred to BCC, Sheriff Rogers, Neil Dorrill and filed. 3. Letter dated 07/29/87 from Delores G. Dry, District Adminis- trator, HRS, regarding the 1987 Indigent Care Act and attach- ing a flow chart showing the critical steps in the implementa- tion plan. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrill, Kevin O'Donnell and filed. 4. Minutes: OS/28/87 - Library Advisory Board , ," ' 'I ''-' ',: . 08/04/87 - Agenda for FL Land & Water Adjudicatory Commission 06/24/87 - 7/07/87 and 07/13/87 - Marco Island Beautification Board 07/16/87 - CCPC and 08/06/87 Agenda 5. Letter dated 07/22/87 from Charles J. Hardee, Chief, Bureau of Land Acquisition, DNR, regarding Transfer of Functions of the Naples Field Office to Tallahassee. Referred to Neil Dorri11, David Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt, Pat Carroll and filed. 6. Memorandum dated 07/27/~7 from B. J. White, Assistant Chief, Bureau of Park Planning and Design, DNR, regarding State Recreation and Parks Land Acquisition Program - Annual Report to the Governor and Cabinet. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrill, David Pettrow and filed. 7. 08/04/87 Public Notice and Tentative Agenda of Public Beach Access Advisory Committee meeting of August 12, 1987, DNR, ;:~: ;~! ~1 J Pðge~·~52 . .. <:, .. - ~. """",W"_~ ,~--",.__._""",""..,,,.._-,,,-,~..........-....~--,.,,_.- , , ~ , r, , f{',\',\· -( H " t, ~ Þ r (;. .( J ~ ~- ~'1:"1 :.;: ", r. ('. .. ~,' j: I 1Ii~ ,AUGUST: 11, 1987 3900 Commonwealth Blvd., Tallahassee, FL. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrill, David ~ettrow, Edward Proffitt and filed. 8. Memorandum to Board of County Commissioners dated 07/23/87 from Sheriff Rogers regarding Sheriff's Confiscation Trust Fund and attaching report of activity within Confiscated Trust Fund. Referred to BCC, Lori Zalka and filed. 9. Letter dated 07/31/87 from Guy L. Carlton, Tax Collector, attaching proposed budget for the Collier County Tax Collector's Office for the period October 1, 1987 through September 30, 1988. Roferred to BCC, Lori Zalka and filed. ... There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 1:00 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ "; BOARD' OF ,ZONING A~PEALSlEX",(>V>l OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF , 'I SPECIAL DISTRICTS.-,UNDER ITS\.'/!Ð CONTROL .; . f. ~ :: -( " " ~ ...,-. :- ..~ í' :: '. i. ~'. t , I.ÍI £k. on~~;;?/ Board as 'J ¡: ;;":", . a ,~'. -¡?I :~":!" ¡r.:;¡' 'i'¡¡; '. , ',' ;. 0\1::.. ,,:./ -.:~ BOOK '·lOÔPAr;r278 Page 53 : ¡ ; t ~ ~_,:7,,\:~:::.r~ ;.;:j-"- ~ ) d9.\ ·...1 '""r'-'- , ')~t~ (l'lJ .: ~ IJlo' .. - ,,-~ ;),:.t, \: .- . : ' ~, " ",I I· ...J .