BCC Minutes 08/12/1987 B Naples, Florida, August 12, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business h~rein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Center, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass John A. Pistor Burt L. Saunders Anne Goodnight (Arr. !hSO A.M.) ALSO PRESENT: Maureen Kenyon and Beverly Kueter (3:45 P.M.) Deputy Clerks; Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Lori Zalka, Budget Director; Jennifer Pike, Stan Litsinger, and Jean Gansel, Budget Analysts; David Pettrow, Community Development Administrator; Tom Crandall, utilities Administrator; Mike McNees, Business Adminis- tration Director; Joe Magri, Building Code Compliance Director; Wanda Jones, Housing Programs Director; Ann McKim, Planning/Zoning Director; William Lorenz, Environmental Science and Pollution Control Director; and Dr. Ed Proffitt, Natural Resources Management Director. .... .; "c Page 1 IDDK 106 P£~t 3'38 .þ aoo( jl()f)'AG[~~I) AUGUST 12, 1987 COMMUNITY DFVELOPMENT DIVISION Budget Director Zalka stated that the purpose of these budget workshops is for staff to present the de~ailed budget to the Board of County Commissioners and then in the public hearings in September, the Board presents the budget to the public. She noted that the format of the budget book is by fund and department, adding that first division will be Community Development. She indicated that there have been some revisions which will be indicated during the discussions. She stated that the budget book contains the property tax rates and pro- perty tax dollars that were adopted at t~le Board meeting last week and set as the millage, adding that each rate i3 the maximum allowed for that district. Budget Analyst Pik~ stated that Page A-52 in the budget book is the first organization for Community =evelopment which is in the General Fund. She noted that this page represents the dues and mem- bership fees for the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council which is a 5% increase. Economic Development Council - Page A-53 - Ms. Pike said that this represents the Economic Development Council and there is no increase being presented, adding that the recommendation is for $20,000 again. Budget Director Zalka stated that this item is to come before the Board next week and if more than $20,000 is decided upon, it will have to come out of the Reserve for Contingency. Page 2 ~ ~ ¡ .-' j'~ V - - - - - - AUGUST l2, 1987 Re.t ~.d Marin. - Page A-54 - Ms. Pike said that this budget is within the Department of Natural Resources, adding that there is no increase in the recommended budget but there is a change. She noted that this current year the coastal zone management program has been operating through a grant and next year it will not be awarded through the County. She stated that it h~s been recommended that $50,000 of Reef and Marine monies be utilized for the Coastal Zone Management Program in the next fiscal year. County Manager Dorrill stated that the budget is not increasing at all, adding that the revenue from taxes is the same as it was this year. He stated that what is being said is that the total amount of money spent on the reef program for next year will be less due to the fact that the money is also going to support t~e coastal zone manage- ment work which should be continued for another year in order to complete the project. Environmental Science and Pollution Control - Page A-55 - Ms. Pike stated that this represents the General Fund portion of the Environmental Science and Pollution Control Department, adding that this is a totally expanded request of $103,000 to develop a ground- water protection program which includes a consultant fee that would develop the initial modeling for the program and the phase-in of a hydrogeologist and would also provide for the continuation of the sma11quantity generator notification program which is already an on- going program. &001t 106 PAGE 340 Page 3 ¡ , '. t.1 It 1 , f t.,' I.. t t .~ ~ .oo~ jl()f)P~Gt~~jl AUGUST 12, 1987 County Manager Dorrill state~ that thåre is a matching grant of $37,000 from the South Florida Water Management District that would be available. Marco Coðe Entorcement Board - Page C-1l - Budget Analyst Pike stated that the special revenue section of the budget book represents the Marco Code Enforcement Board Budget and there is no signifi- cant change in this budget this year. Commissioner pis tor questioned where the money is coming from, to which Budget Director Zalka stated that i~ ~s coming from the unincor- porated area MSTD general fund. Budget Analyst Pike stated .that the overall change is a decrease of $100 this year over last year. community Development Administration - Page C-12 - Ms. Pike said . that this is a revision påge and represents three administrative sec- tions of Community Development, adding that this is a change this year compared to last year because last year, these three organizations were in the Community Development Fund l13 and this year these three sections will be in Fund 111 which is an MSTD fund. She indicated that the sections are Community Development Administration, Planning and Zoning Administration, and Economic Development Administration. She stated that the total appropriations of $406,700 is for all three combined. She indicated that in the forecast, there is a $6,000 increase for relocation of Economic Development ana that is to accom- modate the move that is to be made in a few weeks, adding that this , . . ;" Page 4 '. ~" t.. If1ACH, .. '\ ~;~'; ~, i:,.; (')~ "t'ijlj " .: J} ~, ~"'.! t,'J" : ':' /' ,\, ~,. ,"''ì !~ ~!" .._-- .~.._.-_.- ... -- - ... AUGUST 12, 1987 office will move from Building "F" to the Commerce Center. She stated that current service has phase-in of some positions and a cost for recording of advisory board minutes and an additional $20,000 for next year's Economic Development relocation expense. County Manager Dorrill stated that this particular section warrants some highlight and it will be of particular interest to the Contractors and Builders Association. He noted that the Community Development Fund ran primarily with building permit fees and this year he felt that there is some county-wide and ad valorem related benefits to all citizens for the administrative s~ctions involving planning, community development and economic development and for that reason, he proposed that the administrative sections within Community Development be placed in a tax supported fund and that the balance of the building '. permit fees be used tb fund actual developmentqoriented or building oriented programs to include the Building Department, the Zoning Department, and a portion of the Natural Resources Management Depart- ment. He indicated that this is one of the significant changes in the funding mechanism for Community Development in the coming year. Commissioner Saunders questioned the function of the Economic Development, to which County Manager Dorrill stated that this is the department who's activities have been two-fold; one is rental assistance for low income federally subsidized rental programs that the County administers at the local level; and the o~her program has dealt with the administration of Community Development Block Grants " aODK jl06'AGt3"42 Page 5 , ' ,>. '. lOOK 10f) mE 3'43' AUGUST l2, 1987 that have been received and improvements made primarily in the Immokalee community. He stated that it is really a housing rental assistance find urban renewal type function, adding that they are not actively involved in the same type of economic development that the private council is involved in. In answer to Co~missioner Hasse, Budget Director Zalka stated that the 28.6% increase refers to the increases in expenses for all three administrative sections in Community Development which are due to the additional positions that have been added this year and the expanded service request. She stated that there is over $400,000 that will no longer be charged to building permits, as it is now being levied against MSTD general fund ad valorem taxes. County Manager Dorrill stated that the Building and Contractors Association are generally pleased with this first step and the fact that building and permit fees will not be expected to carry the entire Community Development Division. He noted that there are additional departments that can be looked at in the coming year and he has made some promises to do that to make this a two-step situation. Commissioner Pistor stated that he feels that the Natural Resources Department is benefitting the whole county and this is another department that could be changed over. County Manager Dorrill stated that this is one of the departments that will have to be looked at, adding that most of Natural Resources Management work that is not already in the General Fund is related to ~ ., . Page~ 6 \. '."'. fe,";" '. r>r..· ¡,,),.: r' ,: ,; . , '~.\ - - - ,} .~t;I. '0" ~: ¡"~7 1~ .¡/~~ ':iI", :' .{ t."· : ~, I. -- - - AUGUST l2, 1987 development in the community. Natural Resources Manaqement - Page C-l7 - Ms. Pike advised that there was a revision which amounts to $3,100 for microfilm processing which is a p~rt of the expanded service that is explained on Page C-18. She noted that 'the total increase in this budget is ll\ and this is due to the expanded request. She stated that two new posi- tions, office furniture and the microfilm processing are the increases in this budget. She noted that this is also the organization that did not receive the award for coastal zone management, adding that this is the $50,000 that Reef and Marine is being asked to share. County Manager Dorrill stated that t.il'. re are two new positions and one is a compliance technician which Dr. P~offitt will elaborate on. Dr. Proffitt stated that the development compliance technician position is reviewing'on-going PUD's and other"sources of development for natural resources and planning and zoning stipulations in order to develop a computerized program that can be useà through time periods to determine when stipulations are suppose to be phased-in. He noted that this would also be done on previous developments. He indicated that with only one person available, it is impossible to handle everything. He noted that this person would also work part-time to issue tree permits. Planning/Zoning - Page C-19 - Budget Analyst Pike noted that this is for an additional $10,5CO for microfilm processing. Budget Director Zalka stated that a committee of county divisions BOOK 106 pm 3'44 Page 7 ;I",>.. ~ '>;, ;,..' . '~~ ",/ 106 PACE 3'45 AUGUST l2, 1987 ; . \ J . j' · .i ,I" under the MAnager and the Clet~ have'r~~iewed the need for micro- filming and have come up with a proposal and in order to fund that proposal, each division that has microfilming needs will have to contribute toward the cost. She stated that, therefore, the Community Developme~t Division's budget was increased to account for the addi- tional cost of microfilm processing. Commissioner Saunders asked that the new positions be explained and Budget Director Zalka referred to Page C-20 which gives the list of the new positions, noting that the phase-in refers to positions that have already been approved for this :·~ar and the expanded posi- tions are the ones proposed for 1988. planning/Zoning Director McKim stated that under the phase-ins, there has been one planner and a graphics technician, but there. has not been 8 secretarial po~ition filled as this was requested for the next budget year and it is found under the expanded services. Budget Analyst Pike stated that a few months ago, the Board of County Commissioners approved the phase-in of one secretary and two planners. Planning/Zoning Director McKim stated that under expanded services there is money set aside for consultant fees to accomplish the Immokalee and Golden Gate master plans, adding that these are esti- mated costs. She stated that she has requested a phase-in position in January of a Secretary II position which is for the Long Range . Planning Section which will be busy with the future land use element. 1'11, >;.;' f' ¡: j" '.: J> '( ~ ."..: ..,: ('11 r~' ; ;~,} ~ !,n! (jr".:,...... , : ;~L: .. ,11. ; Page 8 ~l't ~); ~~~'"¡ r";Bl' - - - - - .. AUGUST 12,l987 She noted t~at another zoning investigator and a zoning clerk has been requested a~ they are trying to streamline the procedures in order to accomplish moce investigations which will create more paperwork and the need for an additional clerk. She noted that she is recommending creating a new z~ning Feview section for the people that are under the Planning/Zoning Department but are located in the Building Department and review building plans. She stated that she is requesting a chief position for that new section who will be responsible for coordinating the implementation and proper tracking of the PUD's which is necessary, supervising the section, and answering zoning questions. She stated that this will help the over~l] function of this whole department. County Manager Dorrill stated that the $46,500 for office fur- niture includes Planning Department changes on "the 8th floor of this . building as well as Zo~ing. Planning/Zoning Director McKim stated that this amount is simply for zoning in the Building Department building, adding that they are moving into an unfinished area and creating four offices. County Manager Dorrill stated that there is a 3toreroom in Building "G" now that will be converted into an office area that will have to be lighted, carpeted, and air-conditioned. County Manager Dorrill asked that Mrs. McKim elaborate a little on what the long-range planning people will be doing with regards to the growth management activities. -- 106 mr 346 Page 9 60DK "'''' ït}' I .~ L '/" j "- ~ .. ~.... .' aDo,; 10ôrm3"47 AUGUST 12, 1987 Mrs. McKim stated that over the next year, these people will be working on the future land use element, adding that there is one posi- tion in the long-range planning section which almost totally functions by reviewing rezone petitions for compliance with the current compre- hensive plan. She noted that there are two other positions in that section and a section head and they will primarily be focused on the future land use element. She stated that one position is coordinating mapping and rese~rching: another position is focusing on the coastal zone area and working on portions of the l~ture land use elements; and the section head is involved in coordinativn with other departments in actually developing the future land use element. She stated that until this goes to the State, one year from this fall, these people will be totally working on the future land use element and after that time, another mode will in,volve the current planning section and the long range section which will be to develop, revise and amend current ordinances to implement the comprehensive plan. She stated that the need for strong coordination is needed to avoid conflict in oràinan- cas, as well as streamlining procedures. She noted that this work will take at least another yœar and at the same time, the Zoning Orài- nance will be revised. She indicated that there will be a lot of public hearings and it is a major job that has to be done. She noted that once they receive comments back from the State and have final hearings on the future land use element, the Comprehensive Plan will have to be adopted. She noted that another thing that is being pro- ";1 Page 10 - '. ;.; J.' ;: ( '.' ,. i' I": I,~;, . ~.. : ;¿¡ C'~'. 1-'" . ~,J. '~'..". '"If: ~~;. . ;~~1 ,"¡' ~;. ~, }, ~ II1II- II1II AUGUST 12, 1987 posed in tte new comprehensive plan is sector studies which goes into more detailed analysis of certain areas within the county of corrid?r studies, like the Belle Meade area study, U.S. 41, Davis Blvd., Airport Road, Pine R~dge Road, and Immokalee Road, adding that the long-r.ange planning people will ~lso be involved in this which will be on-going over the next couple of years. Building Coðe Compliance - Page C-2l - Budget Analyst Pike stated that this represents the Building Code Compliance Department which shows a 34% increase and Page C-22 show~ the expanded services being requested. She noted that there were lour positions approved in the current fiscal year and there is a list of expanded services for addi- tional positions as well as for microfilm processing and equipment . Budget Director Zalka stated that the microfilm cost refers to the . " f cost that Community D~velopment will pay to a central group in the Clerk's office that will microfilm all the records in order to save storage space needs. County Manager Dorrill stated that there are no microfilm capabi- lities at all under the County Commission, adding that Mr. Giles has a microfilm camera and lab on the second floor of Bui1ding"F" and he is proposing that the Commission work through the Clerk's office under contract as opposed to creating a separate lab. He noted that at the present time, the records are boxed up and stored, which will allow .. more office area when these records are microfilmed.' Building Code Compliance Di~ector Magri stated that by law, he is 100IC 106 PAGE 3"48 Page 11 ... .... ~ t ~'~ , '1 i ' 11lv '. ðOOK 106 PAGE 3'4.9 AUGUST 12, 1987 required to keep residentibl prints for IS years and commercial deve- lopment prints have to be kept indefinitely. He noted that if the request for microfilming is approved, they will be able to destroy the residential prints once they have been microfilmed. He indicated that . the commercial prints have to be kept indefinitely even if there is microfilm availablê. County Manager Dorrill stated that this can all be sent to a dead storage warehouse as opposed to occupying office space once it is microfilmed and in the event that there ;~ some litigation, then the actual commercial prints would have to be oroduced. Budget Analyst Pike stated that there is a recommended 15% increase in building permit fees and the numbers for revenues assume the l5% increase. County Manager Dorrill stated that 1983 was the last time the building permit fees wera, increased, adding that the builders and contractors have been made aware of thiq and they may not be entirely happy about it but they have been notified. Mr. Ed Smith, representing the Builders and Contractors Association, presented the Board with a graph depicting the growth in building permit fees over the past five years, noting that this infor- mation came from the County's Fiscal Office. He stated that it indi- cates that for Fiscal Year 1986-87, which includes a three month projection of data based on the prior 9 months, that anticipated reve- nues will total approximately $2 million. He referred to another Page 12 d.' .'. - - - AUGUST 12, 1987 graph that he presented to the Board which depicts the value added to the tax base by new construction for the past five years, adding that this is an over simplification because it only includes the actual value added year by year of new construction to the tax base that ignores the multiplier effect that occurs in this geometric progression of value year by year. He reported that Collier County Government has $l6 million more to spend than it did ten years ago due solely to the growth in the tax base caused by new construction and the building permit fees pay the salaries of approximately 77 people in the Community Development Division. He noted that the problem with linking operating departments to fees rnvcnues is that the fees reve- nue is elastic and what happens is when permits decline, the work force has to be struck. He presented a recap of the Community Development Budget to the Board, r'loting that the Community" Development Division is funded from 3 major sources; building permit fees, the general fund, and the special voted levy that was approved about two years ago. He noted that there has been a sharp increase in building permit fees in 1986-87 which produced about $2 million in revenues and was lOOt over the $1 million budget of the Building Department. He stated that with the additional million dollars it is proposed that Planning and Zoning be totally funded based on the information that they had available two weeks ago from building permit fees. He questioned if Economic Deve- lopment is to be supported from building permit fees.·or not, to which County Manager Dorrill stated that the Economic Development is a aOOK 106 PACE 3'50 Page l3 i';:> . ~ '. f l t lie· ...f'· 106 pm 3'31 AUGUST 12, 1987 general fund mixture. Mr. Smith questioned if $68,700 of housing code enforcement is to be paid from the building permit fee revenues, to which Budget Analyst Pike replied affirm~tively, adding that it is listed on Page C-23 of the budget book. Mr. Smith stated that it is important that Collier County have a minimum housing code and there should be an enforcement mechanism for that, but they are concerned with regards to the enforcement mechanism that might be in place. He stated that he would question if there is to be any consideration of a county-wide code enforcement board, they would be very concerned. He stated that th~ question of whether this should be supported by building permit f~es is "no", because the entire population needs to be concerned and responsible for minimum housing code standards and the living standards of all fellow citi- zens. He stated that it is not the concern of private industry necessarily and it certainly is not the sole concern of the building industry. He stated that he would suggest that this come out of general fund sources, adding that there is no logic as to why it should be funded by building permit fees. He indicated that other things that could be considered arguable is the MPO function which is included in Planning and Zoning and it is proposed that this be funded by building 'permit fees, adding that this shared planning concern bet- ween the City and the County for planned major thoroughfares should not be supported by building permit fees. He noted that the revenues in 1986-87 is approximately $2 million from building permit fees and ~,<~ ,.<.; t '~i '1; Påg.'è' 114 : , : '\,. 1 d! Ì' ~1Ir~ - - - --""- - - - AUGUST 12, 1987 if there is n logical adjustment made in the Community Development Division to only those things that should be funded by building permit fees, then the present fee level would support those functions. He indicated that there is very little justification given to increase the building permit fees, adding that there is justification for looking at spending. He noted that last year in Planning and Zoning $700,000 was spent, the previoua year $500,000 was spent and in two years, there has been a jump of a half million dollars. He stated that there are a lot of needs that have to be met, particularly in the Zoning Administration and the Growth ~,1nagement Act, but the Growth Management Act is simply the Fed~ral Housing Legislation of 1958 that needs to be brought up to current terminology which will make a workable program. He noted that the Gr9,wth Management Act sta- tes that there has to be a plan, a financial plan and the capital pro- jects tied in with growth which is not anything new. He noted that he would like to see an adequately funded Building Department that is capable of meeting the demands placed upon it and an adequate Planning and Zoning Department that is capable of doing the jObs. He indi- cated that they would like to see a minimum housing code that is enforced as well as meeting natural resources concerns. He noted that given the facts, he does not feel that it is necessary to increase building permit fees at this point in time. He stated that if impor- tant budget decisions are to be made and the spending is to be con- sidered, then all items of the budget have to be looked at critically . Page 15 800K 106 P 'Gt 3'52 --.-.."',.. " " " '. aOÒK jlOB rm ~53 ;: if;· 'r- 'I' AUGUST 12, 1987 whether they are funded by general taxes or by special revenue sour- ces. '. , " Commissioner Saunders stated that thè permit fees can be justified by the expenditure ?f the funds through the building and zoning per- mitting process by coming up with a justification to use the money in a related area no matter how much the fees are raised. He questioned if it is reasonable to increase the building permit fees by l5% in light of what is being currently charged and in comparison to what other counties are charged? He indicateè that if this is a reasonable increase is the County justified in uSing the fees for the purpose that they are being used for? County Manager Dorrill stated that Mr. Smith has indicated that it is a good idea to take 50me of the departments and activities off the . .. . backs of the builders, but· Mr. Smith feels that he did not go far enough and is urging you to consider some additional removals. He stated that the amount that is contained in the budget to increase the fees was supported by survey information with regards to what other building permit fees are in other jurisdictions. He noted that the extent to which the fee is proposed to be increased is based on ð com- bination of both phase-ins and new positions that Mr. Magri had approved this year and then recognizing the annualized amount necessary for next year plus the expanded services. Commissioner Saunders stated that it sounds like the County is in agreement with what Mr. Smith is suggesting with the only area of Page 16 - .. - AUGUST 12, 1987 disagreement being the increase of the fees. County Manager Dorrill stated that his recommendation for this year is that $400,000 be taken out of the Community Development Fund and put that into ad valorem fund, adding that he has agreed to look at additional sections within Community Development for next year. Commissioner Saunders stated that he would like to know·what the increases would be in the permit fees if the $68,000 for housing was taken out and also where that money could come from as an alternative. Commissioner Glass stated that he wou'~ like some discussion regarding the MPO being fUllded by the blo:i.lcJ ing permit fees. County Manager Dorrill stated that the extent that he would agree to look at continued reductions from the building permit fees would be " in the Housing Section and the Planning Department. He stated that within the area of the long-range planning section, there are areas that he might agree to remoÿe from the permit fees and put into an ad valorem fund mechanism. Commissioner Saunders stated that once that analysis is done on what should be taken away from the building permit fee section, other areas that should possibly be incluaed in the building permit fee sec- tion should also be looked at. County Manager Dorrill stated that as Mr. Smith indicated, it also needs to be recognized that since permit fees carry the balance of the division, that during times of a building close down or some type of I depressed building market, people will have to be laid off and through Page 17 aDDK 106 P~~t ~54 ~.' - ::¿a ,i'<T .. 1tj~ ,;::-;' ií'Y ~# .,. .,'~ . .,:" .¡¡;¡....'......'...:.... ~. ~" '¡!~~ ~ ;', " "~f ~,. -~.é..~1 1," '.... , ... ._...~,--,---"'~,..~._"..- lOOK 10B I'm ~55 , , ,~. AUGUST 12, 1987 attrition, not fill positions. Mr. Smith stated that there was a time when building permit fees were designed to fund the Building Department budget, but then there was growth due to building activities and the amount coming in from building permit fees was used to fund other operations, but there are points that it gets unreasonable. He noted that if for some reason it is determined that there is an increase in building permit fees necessary, he would like to help in determining how the fees are increased, whether they are done on a square foot basis or some other basis. He noted that in terms of money coming, he feels that there is not a fee increase necessary at this time. Commissioner Saunders stated that it w01Jld be appropriate to have staff look into this particular area as it seems to be the consensus of the Board, and have them re-evaluate the building permit fee increase, take out anythihg from that budget that ~hould be such as the MPO budget and the Economic Development as well as including any other items that should be included, and report back with the appropriate increase in the permit fees. County Manager Dorrill stated that Staff will bring back a final analysis for all items on the budget that has concerns. Budget Analyst Pike referred to Page C-23 which represents an expanded request to establish a code enforcement section, adding that this cost is being recommended to be covered by the building permit fees increase. . -: f' ; ,~ Page 18 Ji ~ - - - AUGUST l2, 19B7 County Manager Dorrill stated that this is the activity thðt Mr. Smith had previously alluded to that deals with a minimum housing code and while everyone agrees that a minimum housing code and some enfor- cement is a good idea, he is making a point that it should not be related to permit fees. He noted that this housing code would be dilapidated substandard type facilities that would be required to be kept up as opposed to constructed. Commissioner Glass stated that Mr. Smith has a valid point because these activities are not related to the Building Department. Budget Analyst pike stated that a portion of a staff's salary and a vehicle will be paid through Economic Development Grants. Housing Program Coordinator Jones state~ that the money that would be supported is out of the existing hou:3ing grants, adding that this " is not grants that would be anticipated as they are fees that are currently being earned under contract. She stated that the contracts are good until 1992, 1995, and 1997. She noted that one of the suggested components i~ a code enforcement board which would have the authority to levy fines against people who are in violation of the housing code, adding that eventually there would be money coming in. Environmental science and Pollution Control - Page C-26 - Ms. pike said that this section is funded through ad valorem taxes. She stated that Page C-27 displays the expanded services that are being requested and addresses the 9% increase in the budget for next.year. County Manager Dorrill stated that this is the department of Mr. , Page 19 ðOOK 10R 1'04';£ 356 ->.-,.-.............;,.,-.". ,-~_..-.~._-- aOOK 10B PAr,t 3'57 . ·..r¡. i . ; ; ¡~, ;- I" ~ ~, AUGUST l2, 1987 Lorenz which is involved in groundwater monitoring and inspection of sewage treatment plants. He stated that hopefully there wi~l be expanded services in the near future as a result of an additional . referendum that will be held in March in order to consider an expanded scope of activity for this department. Eoonomio Development Grants - Page C-30 - Ms. Pike said that this shows a 49;3% increase' which is in the housing assistance payments which are the grant funds. She statéd that under the expanded service request there is $31,600 for a grant coordin~tor position which will be funded sOlely by an anticipated CDBG g.~nt. County Manager Dorrill stated that if the grant is received, it is a vital position, but the position would not be needed without the grant: Commissioner Saunders.. asked forl!Ìn update on t"e 'positfo:n o't'the grant applications. County Manager Dorrill stated that in the last cycle, the County did not get funded, but it was appealed and additional points were received, but the funding was not obtained. Housing Programs Coordinator Jones stated that a recommended order was received with regards to the grant, but she has not seen final orders from DCA in terms of who will be funded under the last funding cycle. She noted that out of the total 50 applications that were submitted, 35 applicants appealed their ranking and Collier County was one of them. She noted that this grant was intended to develop the :.'¡::1; ¡ 'IT' i.J-:1 :ç ".',i ~, ~,\ ; . r,\ ; ç ~ ,., 1: . L'· . 'Paºe 20 . ~ 'I... , ~ ;:," n,.. _.,n__.~...._____ AUGUST 12, 1987 Collier Village as well as some work in Naples Manor. She indicated that another grant proposal needs to be put together as that grant cycle will start in November, adding that there will only be about 6 weeks to put this grant application together. She stated that at this point, she is thinking about putting another CDBG proposal together and is also working on an Economic Development Grant proposal. Commissioner Saunders stated that he is assuming that the County is very aggressive in applying for grants, adding that his view is that grants should be applied for whenever they are available and there should be a coordinated effort to get those grants. He stated that in the past there has been a hapha~a..d ~pproach. County Manager Dorrill stated that this year has not been a good year for grants simply from the result of reduçed activities from both the state and federal level. He noted that Ms. Jones has probably more grant related sophistication than any department the County has ever had. He stated that it was unfortunate that the County was not funded the last time and it was surprising to him that the seven coun- ties that did get funded were Democratic counties from the panhandle. KPO - Page C-32 - Budget Analyst Pike said that this represents grant money, noting that there is no significant ,change in th~s budget this year. Planning/Zoning Director McKim stated that the MPO is not funded .' .. by building permit fees, adding that it is 92% funded by grant monies and 8% is a match that comes out of the general fund ,and ,the one-half IOO( 106 F~q 3'58 Page 21 , , -- :: , aOOK 106 PAr,l359 AUGUST 12, 1987 secretary that was funded under the MPO is now being funded by Planning/Zoning Administration that comes out of the general. fund. ..... Rece.s: 10:35 A.H. - Reconven,O: 10:45 A.M. ..... utilities Division BUdqet .. Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that Page E-l represents the enterprise and internal service section of the Utilities Division. He noted that this is the'County Water and Sewer District Fund 408, Administrations, adding that there is an overall 3.5% increase in the budget. He noted that the forecast column shows a $109,000 increase that is due to a one time purchase of an IBM System 38, adding that there is a significant decrease in capit~l outlay due to the one time purchase. He noted that the one major addition in this particular budget is a $40,000 utility rate study that was directed by the Board and is under operating expenses which accounts for'most of the 7% increase. He referred to Page E-2 which is utilities Data Processing and is a new organization that was created within the Utilities Division by the Board during this fiscal year, adding that it includes two phased-in positions in addition to one existing position. He noted that the notable item is the addition of two disks to the current IBM System 38 to increase its memory capacity, which is used for billing and other purposes by the Utilities Division. Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that the first billing from this system will be going out on August 13, 1987. Commissioner Glass questioned if the additional capacity is - .; I ,. ;. ,~ ~. " <- :' . PagG 22 - - - - - - AUGUST 12, 1987 related directly to the billing, to which Utilities Administrator] Crandall stated that it is directly related to the billing but there is a possibility that it will be used for other things. County Manager Dorrill stated that this additional storage could also be used for the bu~lding permit tracking system which will be run as a separate enterprise to the extent that other user departments will have an obligation to pay to support this activity. Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that Page E-3 refers to the Engineering Department ot the utilities Division which shows a 9.1% increase for the entire budget. He noted t~at on Page E-4 the expanded services shows an additional erL~ineering inspector as well as additional hardware for the PC to bring it up to computer aided design capabilities. County Manager Dorrill stated that the inspectors position is pri- marily involved with the utilities standards manual, adding that the County is about to develop the first utilities standards manual that they have ever had that spells out in technical details, the standards for which systems will need to be built in order to be accepted and conveyed to the County and that will be the primary activity that will be ~nvolved with this new position. Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that the water operations Department on Page E-5 shows a 23.4% increase including expanded ser- vices which is $340,500 and is for three additional Óperator I posi- tions to be phased-in as well a~ various operating expenses and Page 23 800K 106 PAr,E 360 ~I..:~ }'I":~. ,~::.¡ 11 ",J \. ' , \ ' 10 t .~.. _,.._...............,'.,.."'....._.........._____.'_._.."..,." _~.-..-..""_.~_,____,..__ aOOK jl(Jf)PA~r~'f)jl 1 q:. }\:·i AUGUST 12, 1987 miscellaneous equipment associated with the operation of the East Regional Water Treatment Plant. County Manager Dorrill stated that this involves additional operating costs when the size of the plant is increased for everything from electricity tO,chlorine and flour ide and the material cost in processing and distributing water through the system. He stated that the new positions serve two purposes7 one is involved with the size of the plant and the number of people that are required to operate the plant as it increases in size and the second reason is safety related as there are times that the plant only hp.þ one operator that is on duty and he is required to make periodic inJpections of the reaction basins and filtration basins and there is a safety concern with an individual working alo~e at night and being required to check basins without anyone else there. He noted that there is no water rate increase proposed for next year. Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that the amount of $340,500 in the expanded service column is not changing, but there is a slight change in the distribution among the three categories of expenses, adding that it is proposed that operating expenses be $232,200 and capital outlay be $46,000. He noted that re-examination of operating expenses and capital needs related to this expanded service at the plant show that there is a need for an additional dump truck, power boom and cement mixer, adding that it is felt that the difference can be made up through economies and operating expenses. He stated that the total .: ; ,-;, Page. 24 . ,I·, ò, : r ~. " ¡dB,', , ., AUGUST 12, 1987 requested amount is the same, but simply a change in the distribution. He noted that Page E-7 represents wastewater collection and treatme~t and shows a 25% increase. He noted that the expanded services inclu- des personal compute~ software for preventive maintenance, work order and inventory control; two additional positions, a Nechanic rI posi- tion for repair and maintenance and a wastewater plant operator for the Glades plant which is required to comply with the FDER permit. He noted that a four-wheel drive trector with mowing attachments is being requested for North Naples and a prefabricated building for laboratory use and operator training. He stated that sewer operations and wastewater collection is predicated on approximately 19% rate increase which would generate about $533,000 in the coming year. Budget Analyst Li tsinger referred 1;r.l Page",,E-9 Water and Bewer . ~ . capital, noting that the level of activity is increasing significantly which shows an increase of 77% over the previous year. He stated that on Page E-IO there is a list of planned projects for next year and all the projects have been included in the Capital Improvement Element of the Growth Management Plan which also appears on Page D-28 and D-29 of the Capital Section. County Manager Dorrill questioned if the Nor~h Naples parallel . main has been anticipated as part of this budget òr if it will be an addition, to which Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that it is .' part of this budget and shows as a small amount and it is probably not the amount that will end up as'~he settlement with the developers. He . ' Page 25 &OO( 10R !,~t;[ 3'62 - ¡ . )'~'lr . ,:,.,~ ..~'-';~..""'..__.~--_.. ""'..~ _I 106 PM;E 3'63" l.t':P ,i " AUGUST 12, 1987 stated that the settlement is about $200,000 and there has only been about $25,000 budgeted for that project because it was going to be designed next year and built in the following year. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Utllities Administrator Crandall stated that he waswistaken, as there are two items shown and the total amount that has been budgeted is $100,000. County Manager Dor~ill stated that this particular project is being expedited and questioned where the balance of the money will come from, to which Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that he will be asking that it be taken from capital reserves. County Manager Dorrill stated that th~ budget should reflect the actual amount because he is sure that the Board of County Commissioners will execute that agreement. Commissioner Saunders questioned if the debt service for the pro- II jects listed on Page E-I0 would be covered by the rate increase, to which Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that the first year debt service would be covered and the rate increase will be an on-going increase. He noted that the additional projects for 1988 and 1989 will require an increase. Mike McNees, Assistant Utilities Administrator, stated that the . debt service is about $24 million and they are proposing to fund these projects from system development revenues, existing capital reserve, and $1.4 million of existing contingency rešerve to off-set the debt considerably. , \:. ~ '" ; . t' . --,.. .,-." r ~,;"Þ ~r '::'~;' u r .J:Jtj .. ".; ,¡ : L " ;'~ .:- i \~:. >' ',:..f. Pa,9.e 26 ,. .'J.,\ .. !- ... 'I " AUGUST 12, 1987 County Manager DorrilJ stated that the 19% increase will recover the portion attributable to the debt on the bonds for all the projects and then any new projects will require additional increases at that time. Utilities Adminis~rðtor Crandall stated that the 19% is approxima- tely and the exact figure will be known when the rate analyst is done with his study which. should be in the next few days. Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that Page E-ll is a division sum- mary for Fund 408, adding that there is one item that may require some discussion. He noted that inter fund transfers shows $398,000 in the FY 1987-88 column, which is a proposed transfer from the General Fund to the Utilities Fund 408 as the first ~L two annual installments as the general funds share for reimbursement úf lawsuit settlement costs related to acquisition of the East Naples Waste Treatment Plant. He . indicated that the Utility Division provided him with a total figure of $796,000 and it was decided to be transferred over a period of two years. Commissioner Saunders questioned if the two payments will be the total amount, to which Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that this amount is based on an opinion from the County Attorney's office and not an officiÐl one at that. In answer to Commissioner Glass, Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that when the East Naples Collection System was purchased, it .' was stated by the County Manager that the general fund was involved in .j Page 27 aDDK lOR FACE 3'64 ,',', lOt' , ;31 i;'J : \. I .~._ -'__''''..,.-.,,- 1001( 106 pm 3'65 AUGUST 12, 1987 a great deal of the lawsuits that were settled during the purchase of that and perhaps, the general fund should share in the cost of settling those lawsuits up to an amount of $1 million. He stated that they have tried to assess what portion thereof would actually be paid . by general fund if all the lawsuits had to go to court and be settled and paid by the County. County Manager Dorrill stated that at the time that the East Naples utilities was acquired, there was a number of civil rights related matters, some of which were attributable to utilities, others were attributable to rezoning and development related matters that they were involved in at Winter Park. Hê! \10ted that the Board was apprised as a result of acquiring the system that releases were required from all litigation at that time involving the Hubschman family and that a certdin portion of settling all the lawsuits could be attributable to matter,~ other than utility matters. He stated that a portion of the sale price of the utilities involved damages or settlements relating to other lawsuits involving the Hubschman's. He noted that Clerk Giles has some concerns as to how the portion of the lawsuits are pro-rated that involve development or rezoning matters versus utility matters. Commissioner Saunders stated that there is no way to justify whether this number is high or low, adding that the total package was looked at and a number determined. He noted that the problem is that there Was insurance coverage which the insurance company paid 80% of - - ,', -'1' (' ),., ( Pag!!. 2~ . , 1: . I., " . .,I~; " . ~ J :/ ~ ~ :. I ,. - , ~,\Î ' -,..¡", '1i',: I>· '~' , ~ ~ " :\T ~: W ~. £i~. I.,:., ~ ¥,.:( :,¡,:.. ~J -1~. AUGUST 12, 1987 the litigation costs, adding that there was not exposure in terms of attorney's fees to the general fund. County Manager Dorrill stated that the point is whether the rate payers of the Collier County water and sewer district have an obliga- tion to pay all of the cost attributabl~ to all the lawsuits involving the Hubschman's and the East Naples utilities, adding that his thought is "no". He stated that if he is asked whether the County got a good deal, he would probably say that he is not sure, but he is glad that the County owns the Utility and is happy to have the customer base. Mike McNees stated that as part of the purchase price, there were settlement expenses and the key issue is \/het-her it is fair for the rate payers to carry the burden. County Manager Dorrill stated that the Attorney General would not even give a good opinion on this matter. Budget Director Zalka questioned if she should assume that the Commission wants her to proceed with the $398,000 transfer from the general fund to the utility fund, to which Commissioner Saunders stated that it can either be taken out completely and increase the burden on the rate payers or spread the burden a little bit and use some of the general fund. He indicated that if this is what staff has worked out, he would recommend that this portion be taken from the genenÜ fund. County Manager Dorrill stated that his advice would be to leave it as it is and schedule 'this for the wrap-up session so that Clerk Giles ..'. \.¡ , Page 29 &OOK lOR PAf,E 366 i' .... '~"""",,,"."<a .'. "._._",~.".'____r~",_" ..... è. IDD( 106 pm 3'67 ., .j í H ¡ . , , : ::~. ; { : AUGUST 12, 1987 could be present. Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that Page E-l2 is a summary of ; ~. ~ . , ¡ utilities positions which has an overall 9.4% increa~e which has pre- viously been discussed. County Water Sewer District, Marco Waste Water Collections _ Page E-13 - Mr. Litsinger said that this indicates a 125% budget increase in both expenses and revenues which is attributable to both higher revenues and expenses from increase volume due to higher customer base. He noted that there is no rate in~r~ase associated with this increase in service and revenues. He noteà that there is also an expanded service request for one additional position for a mechanic I for repair and maintenance of the expanded system in the amount of $20,600. He noted that another significant item is the large increase in debt service for previous bond issues. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. McNees stated that there is no increase proposed for Marco District. Goodland Water District Fund 441 - Page E-l5 - Mr. Litsinger stated that this shows a 15.9% overall increase and includes $9,200 for expanded services for a part-time maintenance worker position to become a full time position as well as other operating expenses. Mr~ McNees indicated that there is no proposed rate increase for Goodland either, adding that this is a separate district. Sewer Area "B" - Page F-l8 - Mr. Litsinger said that this is ð special assessment and is for Sewer Area "B" which is ess~niiaiiy ~ ¡ P~g~ 30 r ..~ ') \ . '.t -~-",,"-·"-~_I-.'.. ,-."""",·,,,<>'.,""h"·"""·'_''''''' '_"'_~"'-", ,,, District. AUGUST 12, 1987 where all the funds and revenues are being held in reserves pending future disposition of the funds and benefit of the effected geographic area. He noted that the major revenue is carry forward and the pri- mary revenue against the carry forward will be the interest accumu- lated. ~elly Road Water Assessment Fund 759 - Page F-19 - Mr. Litsinger said that there is no budget because the remaining funds are being closed out and transferred to Fund 408, the County Water and Sewer Youth Haven Water Assessment District Fund 760 - Page F-20 - Mr. Litsinger said that this fund sÞ;:,,"S no activity and this fund is also being closed out into Fund 408, adding that both these funds will cease to exist after this year. . County Manaqer Divisicn Budget Analyst Gansel stated that Page A-7 represents the County Manager's budget, adding that it will change slightly due to the County Manager's reorganization plan. She noted that this budget does not include that reorganization, but the revised budget will· be pre~ sented at the wrap-up session. County Manager Dorril1 stated that specifically for this ·budget, it includes the se~ond East County Affairs Assistant and the refilling of the former but currently vacant secretarial position that was approved a few weeks ago. He noted that copies of the revisions will be provided. . '. J'~" '." r-~ ;';.'('; aool( 106 PAGE 368 Page 31 . ~ r ! . i ~ ¡ ,¡i ",". -~",,,,,,,'---~--"'.""""'-'-.""''';'-'-''''''~ ~...", BOOK 106 PAGE 3'69 . Hlt:-· . '1\' . ,I·, f "J # AUGUST 12, 1987' Budget Analyst Ganse1 stated that this budget has a total increase of 7% which includes $13,800 in expanded services. County Manager Dorrill stated that $~,OOO of the expanded services is for membership in the Florida Innovation Group, which is a consor- tium, think tank, product development and testing group that is in Tampa. He noted that ~ole membership to this group is made up of cities and counties in Florida who have common interest in needs and problems, adding that it is a rather prestigious organization. He noted that the City of Naples has been a member of it for years and he has recently been extended an invitation t~ Join it, adding that he . would strongly recommend it. He stated ~hat they have programs for new product testing for local governments, microcomputer and software applications, training, and they also serve as a lobbying group of .. Florida cities and counties. Commissioner Saunders stated that he would like to have ereport· back during the year as to the activities of the group and what bene- fits have been derived from it, so that the Commission can decide if they should remain part of this organization. Commissioner Saunders stated that in the forecast, there is $118,500 for a settlement with the former County Manager and asked that it be explained what is included in this, to which County Maneger Dorrill stated that the forecast was for this year and the amount in the second column under the 86-87 budget is whet is expected to be spent at the close of business on September 30, 1987. He noted that .~ . t." . Påg9 32 - ------ - --. -- .. - "-' ...._~....~.....'"""",..-.,"",...." .~"..-.. '.... ""'".,"'~ - - - AUGUST 12, 1987 ¡ of the $118,500 approximately $80,000 of that money was for his severance arrangement that he had with the Board and there was an additional payment of approximately $15,000 to his attorney for related fees, and the balance of the money was for a consulting agreement that he received during the transition period of approxima- tely $20,000. Commissioner Saunders stated that he thought the severance pay was one year's salary, to which County Manager Dorrill indicated that it was, but he was also entitled to receive all of his accumulated sick and annual leave as a condition of that. Commissioner Saunders stated that on~ ~tem that would be of interest is the actual dollars saved by th~ County in terms of not having an Assistant County Manager since April and the fact that the present County Manager is not making the same ~alary as the former , County Manager and does not have the automobile expense. County Manager Dorril1 stated that he will prepare a report to the Board showing the settlement amounts and then the net changes. He noted that the other items under his budget for expanded services is for office furniture for one of the vacant offices that he will be creating. He noted that he is proposing to take a smaller office and create a smaller conference room or work room that will seat four or five people and that is the amount that is shown in the budget. He noted that the final amount in expanded service is for public rela- tions related activities which is an expenditure that· has been iden- aOOK 10f) PAGE 370 Page,33 : j'~ , ¡ . . ~j~. , I,. ., , -.- ,,---^"'-, aOOK 106 pm 3'71 AUGUST 12, 1987 '. tified in the Tax Watch Committee's report as to whether the County should be spending $500 or $600 a month on an annual basis for public education with media relations types of programs and assistance. Commissioner Saunders stated that a more appropriate title for this would be public information. Growth Management - Page A-8 - Budget Analyst Gansel stated that this budget shows a 26.9% decrease from last year. She stated that there are two primary reasons for the decrease, adding that in Fiscal Year '87, there was $40,000 budgeted for attorney's fees and that budget will be shown in Fiscal Year '88 ill the attorney's budget for a full time position rather than outside ùtt~rney fees. She noted that there was also $75,000 budgeted last year for engineering fees and these will not occur again this year. She stated that there is one expanded service request which is $7,800 to pay the Clerk to the Board for keeping and transcribing minutes from the Citizens Advisory Committee meetings and a microphone and recorder for when they go out- side the County building for their meetings. Growth Management Director Fitzpatrick stated that she has been putting together a plan for public input and although they are only required to have one public hearing before next August, she plans on having workshops around the County. She stated that she would also like to have her proposed draft element printed and circulated through the newspapers. She noted that the $7,800 in the budget allows for three meetings a month where minutes will be required, adding that Page 34 i .'; i ,,}; :".) '.....--; - - - .. ;' ~ ;..' ..... ·ff , f; , i.';ij .... ..~ , '(, AUGUST 12, 1987 some months the advisory committee will be meeting three times and other months only once cr twice and this money will allow for addi- tional workshops. ***** Reoe881 11155 A.H. - Reconvenedl 2100 P.M. ***** Publio Works Divi8ion Budget Analyst Litsinger referred to Page A-20, Public Works Administration, noting that there is a 20% increase primarily due to the replacement of office furniture and the addition of two vehicles for $28,000 to serve as a public works motor pool. Facilities Management Administration - Page A-2l - Mr. Litsinger indicated that Facilities Management consists of three sections; construction renovation, building maintenance, and janitorial contracts. He noted that Facilities Manp~~ment Administration was '0 . transferred from Fund 305 into the GenH-al Fund to eliminate admi- nistrative costs from capital projects funds, adding that the overall increase is 9.6%. He stated that Page A-22 shows a $79,000 increase in current service primarily related to increased expenses due to larger square footage being maintained at the Courthouse Complex. He indicated that the expanded services in Facilities Management consist of $39,000 for a facilities construction coordinator position to aid and review management of CIP projects related to the Capital Improvements Element of the Growth Management Plan and also additional dollars for the warehouse, small equipment and a forklift. County Manager Dorrill stat~d that the forklift has already been .: i' .";'í' ~ 'J .1\.1 t... ..:¡ 1 .., ¡ J... : I), ; '1 (~¡ 1 i:.. ; :- . Page 35 &ODK jlOA PAtE 312 f : " ~ ; -;;',""<>I<.~""~".<.""'",.,,,,.-..,,,,,,,.-..~,,"..~....--,,,,,, aOOK jl()f)PACE3~~' r ¡ ¡f ~ , ,1, .'\ ,_..... ...: .) AUGUST 12, 1987 pucchased and that amount could be taken out of the budget. Commissioner Glass questioned what type of qualifications the facilities construction coordinator will need, to which County Manager . Dorri1l stated that this person will be a project manager and have an engineering and/or architectural type background. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that there are going to be a number of design contracts and a lot of planning and architectural type of review work. He stated that he hopes to find someone that has the ability to serve those functions and can also do a little planning and drawing for a lot of small jobs that there are in-house. In answer to Commissioner Hasse regarding janitorial contracts, County Manager Dorrill stated that historically the County had its own janitorial service, but it ceased to exist three years ago and for the past three years it has been under contract with a private janitorial cleaning company. He noted that it was considerable dollar savings to put it out to bid over what the County was paying. Maintenance Director Raines stated that there was over $200,000 saved in the first year by going out to contract. He noted that it is a 2-year contract. Commissioner Hasse questioned the $79,000 for increase in square footage and County Manager Dorrill stated that this figure is for revisions to the contract, adding that they are paid on a square foot basis and as new buildings have been added like Mr. Colding's , , Page 36 . ; - --. .. .-...-----..- ;/ ',~ .<:,~.,. ~...;,..'...... ~ ~ ,', , :.~,: ) ..,/:~ I"¡~~"l ......it......... .. ' :~!!f ',' . " :~~~, , ~ .,·r -"~·····"----_~;.II. . .--..-.~,...;~"""',""'-,""~-""'-".,...-.,.."..~.~. ~ .,.. ~ AUGUST 12, 1987 building, Parks & Recreation building, and Library annèxes the contract has been revised. He noted that the over.all contract is $282,000. He indicated that the main problem of the County doing 'this work is the turn-over, adding that it is difficult to attract and keep janitorial help and it i:> costly to the County to have to pay salaries and benef i ts. . Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that the forklift purchase was $14,000 of the expanded services and he would remove that amount. Real Property Management - Page A-23 - Mr. Litsinger said that this budget shows a 69\ increase in overall activities. He stated that on Page A-24 there is a $25,000 ir~rease in personal services due to the transfer of the MSTU acquisition agent from the Pine Ridge Industrial Park MSTU fund and the upgrade of three existing positions. He noted that there is also an increase in ope~ating expenses due to f " f professional travel, telecommunications and general overall activities of this function. He indicated that the expanded services total $49,700 and includes 2 new posit~ons for real estate specialist; one to begin on October lst a~d one to be phased-in on April 1, 1988. He noted that there are also two entrance signs for the Immokalee Cemeteries and computer network equipment as well as $6,000 for appraisals on the proposed driver's license facility and Tax Collector's office in North Naples. Commissioner Pistor questioned if the Tax Collector couíd be p~t on the property tha t the County is going to get froni···Pe1ican Bay 80 it \ ff BOOK 10R FA~t 374 Pag~ 37 ; '~ .\ ., . .'.. .,' ,. ,\ 0·:.\ I f .oJ< TfV Ii'. : 'J ':) -.. '~ '.>... j,. ,.... .......'~·,""."'·...,.~'"'".._,·~""v..._,·_.,.._."-'"*..,~~..',,.., '_._"__'___ lOOK 106 PAGE 375 AUGUST 12, 1987 would not have to be appraised, to which County Manager Dorri11 stated that this could be done. He stated that the Tax Collector was looking for something North of the intersection of Immokalee Road and U.S. 4l, adding that his reason was to have people from south Lee County coming into Collier County to buy licenses. Budget Director. Zalka stated that there is $440,000 budgeted for construction of this building in the County's capital funds. Mr. Dorrill recommended that the $6,000 item be left in the budget as a commitment was made to explore this by previous Board action. Enqineerinq Department - Page A-2S - BU~get Analyst Litsinger stated that this department shows a totiJl increase of 10.5% and inclu- des $17,000 of upgrading of several positions throughout the depart- ment and an increase due to the purchase of replacement furniture. He noted that Page A-26 is the general fund related to Fleet Management which is taxicab certificates, adding that this is a revenue generator " in a small amount for the General Fund. Road and Bridqe Transportation Fund 101 - Page C-l - Mr. Litsinger said that this is a special revenue fund. He stated that this shows that the total increase proposed for Road and Bridge is 7.9% which includes $128,000 in expanded services. He noted that these expanded services are for 8 maintenance worker positions and uniform costs for the workers~ He noted that this would be a 6.3% increase in st~ffing overall. MSTD unincorporated Area Road Districts - Page C-3 - Mr. Litsinger Pagel :fa , " ~" 'L. ., . ..:,- . .; .'. ' ..;: ,) \, >.I.. ... ..------- - - AUGUST l2, 1987 noted that the rate of increase ranges from a low of 3.4% in Oistrict 3 which lS Golden Gate to a high of 11.2% in District 2 which is North Naples. He noted that the primary revenue source is ad valorem in each case. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that th~ County is broken up into four districts for road maintenance activities. He noted that in addition to the main- tenance functions, there are MSTD's that are established by Commission district and road surveys are run within e~ch area and based upon the needs of each area, a road resurfacing program is established for the upcoming year. Water Management Dupartment - Page C-7 - Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that this budget shows an overall increase of 23.9% which includes $6,600 in ex~anded services for a part-time Clerk I position. He stated that the primary increases are in operating expenses; $10,000 to interdepartmental payments to Real Property Management; and operating expenses for treatment chemicals have increased by $90,000. He noted that there is a savings in the personal services area due to the transfer of one position to the GAC Land Trust Fund 607. He noted ad valorem support of water management has dropped from 52% of the total revenues to 44% with departmental revenues ~aving increased from 48% to 56%, primaril~ from excavation permits and aquatic plant control fees. MSTD unincorporatred Area General Fund Real Property Management _ 800K 108 FAGE 376 Page 39 :¡':C', ll;¡.i . .. {)'" ! ' ¡ 1.....·..... 106 mt317 AUGUST 12, 1987 Page C-8. Mr. Litsinger said tha~ ~hiB'p~rtion shows the primary . '.... expense as the Immokalee Airport Master Plan and other related expen- ses. He stated that this is a net reve~ue generator for the general fund from Airport revenues. MSTD Unincorporated Area Road and Bridge Fund - Page C-16 - Mr. Litsinger noted that the only expense is the transfer of funds to Fund 10l, road and bridge for the unincorporated area portion of that budget. He noted that the expanded service which results in a total budget of l5.4% increase is that portion of the expanded service request that was reviewed in Fund 101 att~:outable to the unincor- porated areð, adding that those were the 8 maintenance worker posi- tions for the four maintenance districts. He stated that the $65,800 is the expanded service request transfer as that portion. He indi- cated that sales tax revenues to support the MSTD road and bridge fund have increased by 24l% due to the fact that the transfers are growing faster than gas tax revenues and therè has to be a higher reliance on . sales tax revenues at this point. County Manager Dorrill stated that because the economy is good and because the County is getting excess sales taxes over what is bUdgeted, it is being applied to hold down ad valorem taxes to support operating costs. He noted that there is a 255% increase in sales taxes to support the road and bridge activi- ties. Improvement-Districts Maroo Islanð Beautification Punð 131 - Page C-36 - Budget Analyst . - I " _ ~ ~", , t,. ~. Page ;'4Ó J... j ~.. ',I _ - - - --..~......~.,,,,,,,...,- increase. AUGUST 12, 1987 Litsinger stated that the overall increase is 12.9\ and this fund is . limited to ð one quarter mill cap which resulted in a cut to the prd- posed budget due to the cap which has originally been proposed at $402,000 versus $387,000. He noted that this was done by reducing the scope of planned capital construction. He noted that there is also an increase in annual maintenance and consultant design contracts and an increase in water and sewer costs that accounts for the 12.9\ overall pine Ridqe Industrial Park MSTU - Page C-37 - Mr. Litsinger said that this budget shows a 66% decrease to the fact that it is moving into the final design stage. He ~tated that $209,000 in operating expenses is due to underestimation of engineering costs related to this partitular project. .. He reported that $9,500 in per- sonal services tave been moved because of the transfer of the MSTU agent to the Real Property Management Department. Commissioner Hasse questioned the reason for the $209,000 increase, to which Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the preliminary engineering report was in excess of $150,000 and when that was .completed and the scope of the work was determined, a contract was negotiated with the two local firms 'and the total of those plus the design were in excess of $500,000. He noted that it was not anticipated because the project has grown irt··the number of roads as well as the number of acres involved, which has increased the " scope of the job. He'stated that once the design phase is completed, j ,(, ~ 1 tj., ;,1 ,!.. eoo( jl()f)FAr,[:3~~ Page 41 . -. T {' \î ¡ " '.J 1 .. . .J\.: .,\d ,. '. "~~'''''';--''--'''''''-'''''- .....'...""~,~"'......,...........'"-;..."....~..~._,~~.,,,-."'" ".'..' "--~"'"-''''-'''- 106 pm 3/9 AUGUST 12, 1987 I '~ . ~ " l the construction will come ou~ of the bond funds, adding that the work is being done based upon property taxes and a millage that is allowed in that particular district boundary. He noted that once tbe design is over, there is no money to construct until the'bonds are secured , and sold. County Manager'DOrrill stated that the debt on the bonds will be assessment projects and there will be between $l8 million and $20 million of assessment ·work. He noted that staff has been negotiating with Mr. Carlton and Mr. Colding to get them to participate in the collections associated with those special assessments. Port-Au-Prince MSTU - Page C-38 - Budget Analyst Litsinger stated this budget shows a 132.8% increase which is primarily an engineering study. He stated that the budget activitie~ for this improvement district will result in ð millage of 7.8 for this areas property owners. He noted that the budget for $27,000 is just for engineering studies and will result in a 7.8 mill level. Commissioner Pistor stated that with this type of mill, he does not know if some of these people will be able to pay their total taxes. County Manager Dorrill stated that this is a small mobile home park development off S.R. 951 that was put in during the days of less restrictive regulations and platting requirements and it is now a legal nightmare as it relates to access and ingress to the property, lack of sufficient rights-of-way, roads never built to Coun~y stan- . I ',~i ." ".. ' , ;¡ . ,', Page ;42 ,~H!': .. .. --.-- .~--'....._- , , t. ;,';,~ ,I. ..~~ ''I!.~ '1 ,/~. .Ç;< .~:i i . "i: .: . ',Ii ,,¡,)'t' ,'.¡,. . . I , , . AUGUST l2, 1987 dards and so forth. He stated that this district may be 10 years old. He indicated that in order to raise the taxes, this is the type of ad valorem that it takes to raise the amount that is needed. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this area has about 90 mobile homes. He indicated that more than 50% of this cost is to reimburse the County for expenditures that it made last year. He stated that staff could reduce the millage and the pay back in the upcoming year and pay it back over two years instead of one year. He stated that the district is being asked to pay back the County for expenditures that it undertook in the c~r(ent year and part of last year, adding that the road improvements have to be paid back and the majority is being paid back in one year based,on this budget. He " noted that if it was ~one over two years, the taxes would be reduced substantially. Budget Director Zalka stated that the millage rate is actually going down as last year it was 8.8 mills and this year it will be 7.8 mills. She stated that many people called last year and she explained that it was for engineering studies for their future roads that would then be paid for through assessments and that it should be the last year of the millage rate because she thought that'it would be the end of the cost of the study. She noted that these people thought that this was for one time only and do no: expect to see-:this again on their tax bill. . . . Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that he has obtained eOOK 10R p£r,[ 3'80 Page 43 r. .~ ~ J " J .. - 106 PAr,E 3'81 ~ - ) ~ t ~ ~ ¡,' ',,:: : l j .'. 'it, AUGUST 12, 1987 right-of-way which was around $20,000 and the road work has been done, adding that money was borrowed from Fund 313 which wa~ approved by the Board more than a year ago. He nÐted that it was approved on the basis that it would be done immediately and then be reimbursed through the taxing district, which is what this budget is now based on. County Manager Dorrill stated that the Board may want to consider splitting this in half and doing it over-a period of two years. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that he could contact the civic association in this area and tell them what is proposed and see what their response would be with regards ~~ paying this back in year or in two years. County Manager Dorrill stated that they will be in touch with the homeowners and will bring this back with an option at the wrap-up session. Viotoria Park Drainage - Page C-39 - Budget Analyst Litsinger ,- stated that this budget shows no significant change, adding that the primary function is to maintain the etormwater pumping station. Westlake Beautitioation MSTO - Page C-40 - Mr. Litsinger said that the percentage is large but the dollars are small as far as the increase is concerned, adding that the major expense is maintenance contracts. He noted that the maximum tax millage levy is one-third mill and the $2,000 is the ad valorem taxes is that millage rate. Golden Gate Beautitication District - Page C-4l - Mr. Litsinger said that this budget reflects the maximum millage levy of .5 mills Page 44 - ---- -- AUGUST 12, 1987 and the major expenditure of 1.4% increase in the overall budget is for construction projects related to the Golden Gate Beautification project and the millage rate is .49 which is right at the limit. North Naples Roadway MSTU - Page C-42 - Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that this budget shows a major increase of 1,660% for construc- tion of the Livingston Road section, which is also one of the major roads in the Capital Improvement Element. He noted that the major expenditures for next year is for the final design and land acquisi- tion. Commissioner Glass questioned why this project was underesti- mated, to which Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that in negotiating the contract, the scope of th~ ~~rk has increased. He noted that the design contract was over $500,000 and that took into " consideration not only the design but the permitting of that road and some major structures like a bridge crossing. He stated that this was still under 8% of the construction cost. Naples Production Park MSTU - Page C-43 - Mr. Litsinger stated that this project is moving into the final design stage which is the major expenditure of the $396,500 shown. He noted that the major revenue is loan proceeds against future ad valorem taxes and the total increase is $246% over the previous year. Naples Park Area Drainage MSTU - Page C-44 - Budget Analyst Litsinger said that the primary purpose of this budget is to repay a $73,300 loan which was used f?r engineering fees and the millage Page 45 aDDK 106 PAG£ 3'82 .{.I t; .. ,.."""i«._"."'.'"'-".."'"____'''''_"._,__........_,.,~'."''''..".,''',_,,,~,.,,,."." '"··~·"·,,';"";.,'__._..,....i....._'.. aDOK 106 PAr,r 3'83' 1 ' Tnj) .~ \ 11.: f I,! I {~ . ~, AUGUST 12, 1987 rate is 1.6 mills which will raise $88,000. Sable Palm Roað Extention - Page C-SO - Mr. Litsinger no~ed that it was necessary to revise the tentative'budget. He noted that the new millage rate will be 8.5 mills with the additional funds being raised from a loan of $31,000 from millage to be levied in Fiscal Year 1989 for the remainder of the project. Budget Director Zalka stated that this is a new project, adding that there was no millage last year. County Manager Dorrill stated that this project is the road in an area that is unimproved property east of S.R. 951 which will take this particular road to the eastern edge of G~lden Gate Estates, south of Alligator Alley. He noted that this will dead-end at Miller Boulevard. Lely Golt Estates MSTÜ - Page C-S1 - Budget Analyst Litsinger said that this is another newly created MSTU called Le1y Golf Estates Beautification and is limited to a quarter mill for median main- tenance. He noted that the current budget of $11,000 reflects a .248 mills. Marco Island Beach Renouris~ent - Page C-52 - Mr. Litsinger noted that this is currently limited to one-half mill levy for beach restoration projects. He noted that the original budget proposal was $2.2 million and was subsequently reduced by the Citizens Advisory Committee based on the need to borrow $6.5 million. He noted .that the ad valorem taxes and the other half of the revenues are being obtained \ t, ¡_.\ ; pr1 :"]\;,:!(; ( 1,' , ~, \ Page 46 , i.,.' ... ,~ - - - -.-..---.. - -"";--"""-."""," "'."'- AUGUST l2, 1987 ~, from a loan against the FY 1989 millage levy. He noted that $874,000 is for improvements and the other major expenditures is for debt ser- vice. Harry Huber, Engineer, stated that the consulting engineer is pre- sently working on the final design for this whole project and the per- mitting for the project, adding that there is no time limit.on the contract but the target date is sometime next summer so that construc- tion can begin by next fall. He noted that it is possible that there could be a referendum next spring to secure bonds for $6.5 million to do the project all at once. Immokale. Lighting an~ Beautitioation Distriot - Page C-54 _ Mr. Litsinger stated that the Immokalee Lighting and Beautification District shows a 130\ increase and the resulting millage change is from .l4 to .96 with tne major expenditures being for improvements and expenses related to electrical costs. He stated that Page C-S5 is the lighting districts which are all aggregated together. He noted that this is a 3% overall decrease in existing lighting districts and there is also the addition of 7 new districts this year. He stated that the decrease is due to forecast expenditures versus the adopted budget last year which indicate the necessity to reduce the budgets ,because of less expenses. Enterprise·Punds Solid.Waste - Page E-16 - Budget Analyst Litsinger said that this budget shows an overall increase of 23% which includes $45l,OOO in toû~ 10a"PA,il3B4- ·page 47 " . . . _·__.._m__........_.. ..- aODK jl06 PAGE ~85 ~ (\0 ,,'~ ¡ AUGUST 12, 1987 expanded service request for one hazardous waste collection from homeowners in the amount of $80,000; $50,000 for water monitoring in the Big Cypress Preserve for the SFWMD; and $300,000 for a reserve for . land replacement purchase adjacent to the Naples Landfill. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, County Manager Dorrill stated that the $300,000 is based on the growth management five year CIE recommendation that this money be set aside every year so that addi- tional landfill space can be bought or apply it toward some other source of resource recovery. Public Works Administrator Archibald ~.~ted that this is based upon putting aside five acres per year fl.ir l' five year period. He noted that there are three cells that need to be developed and one is close to being ready. He noted that each cell has approximately a five year life which means that in 15 years maximu~, there will have to be a new site. BUdget, Analyst Litsinger stated that another item to note for this budget is that under revenues, there is a $2.00 per ton increase in tipping fees which is proposed to raise $451,000 for the expanded ~er- vices. County Manager Dorrill stated that this will raise the tipping fees to $20.00 which is about a 12' increase over the present year and the bulk of that is for the $300,000 land replacement reserve that is being set up. .,1 ' : ';' Pag~ 48 - - - "'"..__".""''''~''''",."'~'·_.''o'''.·''''''"'·.~''"'''';,..",_ AUGUST 12, 1987 Xnternal Servioe Funds Fleet Management - Page E-23 - Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that this bUdget shows an increase of 24% which reflects $2,600 for expanded services for miscellaneous shop equipment. He noted that the major cause of the increased operating expenses is due to the growing fleet of county owned vehicles. County Manager Dorrill stated that Page E-24 shows the unexpected rise in fuel costs for all county vehicles and this is the extent of the forecast item for this year as well as the large increase in next year. He noted that this does not involve ad valorem revenue directly but for people that use fleet management services or fuel, the County is paid on a monthly basis. Commissioner Pis tor questioned if th~ :uel.goes up will there be enough in the budget to cover it, to which Zleet Management Director PinealJ stated that there is not much leeway at all. He noted that fuel is $.84 a gallon including all taxes and $.85 has been budgeted. Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that under the current budget, there is a transfer from other funds of $103,000 which is money being transferred from the motor pool to supplement the revenues in Fleet Management. Motor Pool - Page E-25 - Mr. Litsinger said that the overall increase is 10.4% which is due to upgrading fuel pump facilities as. required by FDER. G~C Trust Land Sales - Page' F-2; - Budget Analyst,- Li tsinger' indi- aDDK jlOB PAGE 386 Page 49 . """'---, ._,.;..,"'-,---~._-,-"""-,.,,-_......... . ~~ .--~ " 106 PAGE 3"87 ;.,} r AUGUST 12, 1987 cated that the major expenditures are for appraisals and the major revenues are the land sales ftnd the transfer from Fund 313 f¢r land acquisition. He noted that paqe P-3 i. ~h. GAC Trust Roads which shows a slight decrease of 3.6% with the major expenditure being $l28,000 for road work and the major revenue is interest on the prin- ciple amount which is currently around $866,000. He noted that the intent is that all activity take place with the revenue generated from the principle. He noted that paq. P-4 is GAC Trust Canals and the major expenditure is for canal clearing equipment and the major reve- nue is from interest on principle. Special Assessment Road Construction Punð 701 - Page F-lO - Mr. Litsinger reported that this is a special assessment road construction, Fund 701, showing a 45% decrease with the major expenditure being for . debt service and the major revenue being loan proceeds against future assessments. He indicated that page F-ll is special assessment paving districts which shows an increase of 51.3% overall and the mðjor expenditure being for paved projects and the major revenues from loan proceeds against future assessments. RQad Impact Districts - Pages F-l2 through F-16 - Mr. Litsinger stated that these are the road impact districts with the major revenues being from impact fees and the major expenditure is road construction. East Naples Fire Hydrant MSTD Special As.ssment Distriot - Page F-l7 - Budget Analyst Litsinger said that the capital projects for this district involves fire hydrants and the major revenues for the coming year are loan proceeds against future assessments. '"" ~ Page 50 - - - -_._- -- -_. - . ~ ~ ._- -- --- '"~ tff ~.ÿ .... .: ·t ··r ... , {.J ~' I AUGUST 12, 1987 ***** Recess: 3:35 P.M. - Reconvened: 3:45 P.M. ***** Deputy Clerk Kueter replaced Deputy Clerk Kenyon ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION BUðget Analyst Pike aðvised the Board to use the regular budget book for this division. Administration - Page A-ll - Ms. Pike stated Administration is a new organization under Administrative Services. Sh~ said it was deve- loped within the current fiscal ye~r to centralize the purchase and operation of a computer system. She reportëd that the budget for next year l~ comprised of two positions, Administrative Services Administrator and the Administrative Secretary will be moved from Human Resources to Administrative Services. She advised there are two expanded s~rvice requests for data pro- cessing equipment and office furniture. In answer to Chairman Hasse, Ms. Pike advised that the $80,500 is merely being moved from one budget to another. BUdget' Management Department - Page A-12 - Ms. Pike stated there is a 3l.4% increase for next year. She stated that $6,500 is attributable to the hours worked by the part-time Budget Analyst. She noted there are two expanded service requests for a new Budget Analy~t position and data processing equipment. Budget Director Zalka stated the purpose of the new Budget Analyst position is to spread out the work of the analysts to enable focus on management studies during the off-season. She stated this will entail '. "} Page 51 aOOK 106 pA';r 3'88 ;.:':-r 'i¡.r.· ',) " . .. . , 4'- lOOK jl06 PAGE ~8.9 : ~ ,¡, \ ;" AUGUST l2, 1987 reviewing departments experiencing a large amount of growth to compute staffing calculations and make recommendations on method imp!ovements. Answering Commissioner Pistor, Ms. Zalka state~ that during the season there is so much over-time chat the analysts take compen- satory time during the off-season and are gone most of the time. She stated that if the work is spread out during the season the anal~sts will not take' as much time off during the off-season and the studies can be accomplished. COlmty Manager Dorrill stated that he suggested creating a produc- tivity section, which is one of the few a~~~a that Tax-Watch is sup- porting. He stated the purpose is to m~~sure productivity and it would give each budget analyst the opportunity to conduct two produc- tivity studies during the off-season and each of the six divisions would have some productivJty work done. In response to Chairman Hasse, Ms. Zalka stated the new position will bring the Budget Department from 4 full-time employees to 5 full- time employees. Mr. Dorrill stated it is a large increase, however, any budget office which is doing a good job, saves the Commission money. Risk Management Department - Page A-l3 - Ms. Pike stated there is a significant increase in this budget of 122%. She said ,the increase is in personal services and $l7,700 is due to the transfer of an Insurance Specialist from the Human Resources Department to the Risk Management Department. She stated there .are two expanded service ,1.;,(;11 r¡, ',' t "~,. 'fi Page 52 ,'. . ,."} - - - 'i¡::~ ""'::1 ·t"ø ·~\i~ :~ :.-'~ ~.. '.~. ... t. 1 ....¡.¡ ::~ · '{, t,' ,~.' .£.'; ~¡ )' Jj. .....,. :~ '.:... l' ~~' ! ¡.~ 1--..' . \" t!. I;~ ! '...f~\' t·: .,.... ,... .,... , " AUGUST 12, 1987 requests of one full time Risk Management Analyst and one half-time position which will be shared with the Human P.esources Department. Risk Management Director Rynders stated the department has operated for some time with very little staff. She said they are trying to get all loss and premium information onto the computer and another person is needed to program and set up loss reports on a regu- lar basis. She noted this will include all types of losses, where they are, graphs, etc. County Manager Dorrill stated he supports this increase because the department has a tremendous amount of rèsponsibi1ity for County- wide insurance and it entails a lot of work. He noted that one of the positions is a transfer from another department. Purchasinq Department - Page A-l4 - Ms. Pike stated this budget contains a decrease of 13%. She said the decrease is occurring in operating and capital because central stores will no longer be budgeted as it has been in the past. She advised that central stores will be a balance sheet inventory account next year. In answer to Chairman Hasse, Ms. Zalka stated that there is no savings involved since it is only an accounting chaqge. She explained that central stores purchases, which are not budgeted under office supplies, will only appear once in the budget and when the Purchasing Department buys the supplies, they will only charge it to an account that does not show in the budget and won't show in the budget until it is charged to a particular department. ..' , BOOK 10R FAr.£ 3"90 ". :;',.1;':. ,i);~ Toe' ~ :3<n Page 53 J ;18..1 aOOK jl()f)PAr.r:J'{}j[ AUGUST 12, 1987 Ms. Pike continued by stating that other changes in the budget are the transfer of two positions, switchboard ' operator and a com- munications officer, to Emergency Management Department. She said there is a phase-in of a Clerk II. Ms. Pike stated there are two expanded service requests: one for .. $9,700 for a Contract Administrator position for a July phase-in and $9,600 for data processing equipment. Human Resources Department - Page A-l6 - Ms. Pike stated there is an increase of 45% for this department. She said a large part of the increase occurs in operating expenses due to a $23,000 increase for recruitment advertising and $4,500 increase for pre-employment physi- cals. Ms. Pike stated there are expanded service requests for: $97,100 for positions of Human Resources Director, Personnel Specialist, a f half-time secretary to be-shared with Risk Management, and two Management Interns. Mr. Dorrill stated the majority of that expense occurs in refilling the Director's position which was previouSly discussed. He stated the other requested positions are based on experience in recruiting and advertising position vacancies. He said the other significant change is to recruit administrative government interns, which have been used in Collier County in the past. He explained that since there has never had a very good policy on recruiting these interns, the money was placed in Human Resources budget for pro- .. ;.,!(~,\ "3:~ I,>. ;. \.,U )S2' . Pðge 54 ~":' t !' ~:f 11"': . .; ~ ~.\ - - - AUGUST l2, 1987 fessional recruiting. :In'answer-to Commissioner Goodnight, Mr. Dorrill stated that the special events expenses have historically been placed under the Board of County Commissioners budget because the Board has discretion over how the money is spent. He advised that the other items historically paid from this account are dues through National & Florida Associations of Counties and things which are not directly attribu- table to the County Commission operation, but are County expenditures. Commissioner Goodnight stated that since these items are employee benefits, it should be placed under the Human Resources budget. Mr. Dorril1 directed Ms. Zalka to realign this expense item con- taining the Employee Christmas Party, tuition refund and training program, summer picnic, etc. and place it under the Human Resources Budget and to set up a separate organization for these activities and any other direct employee-related benefits. Helicopter Operations - Page A-l8 - Ms. Pike stated there is an 8' increase in this budget. She said there is a planned phase-in of a second pilot and an increase in aviation insurance. She advised that this department is being affected by the reorganization and that will be presented during the wrap-up session. In answer to Chairman Hasse, Helicopter Operations Pilot Bolton stated the new pilot will be full-time during the mooths of_ October through April, and part-time throughout the summer. Mr. Bolton explained that during the winter season the two pilots work-2 days on J t, ¡~ . ',' . Page 55 ; ~' , 800K lOR w.~ 3'92 "O"'_"~''"_~~~'"'' ,..,--'"""'---""........."'-""',""'.."..._-.."._....~"...,"-.,-','---~,=~.". , 'OO( jl()f)PA~E~~ AUGUST 12, 1987 and 2 days off and that covers weekends. Mr. Dorrlll added that during the off-season, the new pilot will only work Saturdays and Sun- days to fill i.n. Commissioner Pistor asked whether it is less expensive to own or lease the helicopter and whether it is depreciated? Mr. Dorrill stated that governmental accounting does not show depreciation allowance as part of the operating budget process. He said that Clerk Giles depreciates all of the County's fixed capital assets. He advised that over the years Staff has expJ~~ed lease/purchase of simi- lar helicopters and Lee County leases and s?ends two or three times the amount that Collier County spends on this expense. Answering Chairman Hasse, Mr. Bolton stated that the major parts which will need replacing have a remaining life of.4 years. Replying to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Bolton stated the blades have approxima- tely 4 to 4+ years before they will need to be replaced. Mr. Dorril1 explained that aircraft component parts are retired or replaced based on the number of engine hours used. Mr. Bolton stated that in the first year Collier County's helicopter logged just over 300 hours, and therefore, the blades have approximately l,700 hours remaining. In response to Commissioner Goodnight, Mr. Dorri11 stated that the County accomplishes maintenance on the helicopter ~y contracting with the Sheriff for the services of his Aircraft Mechanic. .Internal Service Fund - Page E-22 - Ms. Pike advised that this is Page 56 - - - - --.. .. ,AUGUST 12, 1987 the Risk Management Workers' Compensetion Budget. She stated there is a 2' increese in this budget for capital outlay for computer equip- ment. Ms. Zalke stated that this is en internal service fund which reflects charges to ell departments with employees for the Workers' Compensation Self-Insurance Fund. She stated that Worker's Compensation rates are decreasing due to Collier County's loss experience. Tape no PROPERTY APPRAISER Budget Analyst Litsinger stated thi3 budget appears in the updeted budget book on Page B-17. He stated this budget has been revised because of some changes made by the State to the Property Appraiser's proposed budget and there has also been an edjustment and expenses paid by the Board of County Commissioners to reflect higher expenses associated with traditional office space occupied by the Property Appraiser. Mr. Litsinger advised that there is another change to be made to this budget under expenses paid by the Board of County Commissioners. He stated Property Appraiser Colding has agreed to pay his insurence charges from his direct budget as approved by the State. He said this changes the line item "Charges Paid by BCC" from $53,300 to $43,300. He advised this reduces the increase from 16.6% to 15.8'. Mr. Litsinger stated the l5.8' increase is due to expanded service pðgè'57 lOOK 106 PAGE 394 aotl( jlOô PAr,t 395 , \ .! AUGUST 12, 1987 requests of three new positions: a land appraiser, computer þrogrammer and a data entry clerk. He said there is also a $20,000 one-time contribution to the. State Retirement Fund for Elected Officials to purchase additional retirement credit for the Property Appraiser, and $26,000 for new computer hardware. Mr. Litsinger stated the Budget Office is recommending that there be a $3,000 reduction in Health & Life Insurance. He said the County- wide figure being used is 20% and the Property Appraiser is using 25%, or an ~xcess of $3,000. He stated they are also recommending that $1,300 for glazing of five automobiles be ~~leted. He advised that this recommendation is based on the f8ct ttat it is not County policy to glaze automobiles. In answer to Chairman"Hasse, Property Appraiser Colding stât:.ed' , that he keeps his vehicles for a period of 10 years. He stated that glazing helps increase the life of a vehicle and he recommended that the County look into it for their vehicles. Commissioner Pistor stated that he has discussed this with Mr. Colding and is certain that he is saving the County approximately $l4,000 to $15,000 per year with this practice. It was the general consensus that the $1,300 expense tor glazing vehicles be included in the property Appraiser's budget. Replying to Commissioner Goodnight, Mr. Colding stated that any money left at the end of a year is returned to the County. Mr. Colding explained that in budgeting for health and life insuranèe, his -'¡'-,I'..· .; P~~e ~5:8 ¡. .'::1 - - - --,~~-_..,_._-.,_..-.,.,~........,"--~--"""-- '->"""'"~----''''''''''''-''~'~''''''''''''''''"'~''µ''.''' ,-"'-.,",,,,=-,",-,_.,~>" lOOK 1l()f)~l~ri3'~f) does not experience much ðttrition, which is 20% figure being used by the budget department. Ms. Zalka stated that the exact figure for health and life insurance is still an unknown, however, the 20% figure is below esti- mates because of the attrition Ydctor. She stated it is feasible that if there is no attrition, the L'" may not be high enough. She stated that the opportunity to wai~ fvr the exact figure does not exist because the State will be api-· ,x.rin9 Mr. Colding's budget within the next 3 days. It was the general consensus th~t the health and lite insurance rate remain at 25%. Mr. Colding explained the Sta: \: ~e whica allows an elected to purchase back retirement benefit~ to Chairman Hasse. Commissioner·, pistor stated it is his understandi~g that the County has no choicé in " paying this expense if the elected ?fficial has paid their half. Ms. Zalka noted that the gen,!ra1 fund budget is based on an esti- mate that approximately $22,000 will be returned by the Property at the end of next year. **100 There being no further business, the meeting was adjoUrn,ed by Order of the Chair. Time: 4:30 p.m. \ ~ ",' ~' _"~__._____.~~"",;·___.""_,o,,,,,~,,",-.........._,,",,,,,_,,,...~.......,,,,,,,,...,,,,,_,....._.......; -_.._~""...,-~.......~ .',,, .....,.. ~,. -'"~...""'-"'~,._..~,,. "~''''''''''''''''''''''''''-'.""-"":."-,,,,,,,....~,,,,..;_.,,,,,",,,,,,.,