BCC Minutes 08/28/1987 B Naples, Florida, August 28, 1987 IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in the County of Collier, and also acLing as the Board of Zoning and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Center, East Naples, Florida, with the members present: CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass John A. Pistor Burt L. Saunders Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: Beverly Kueter and Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerks; I. Neil Dorril1, County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Lori Zalka, 'í ';'j, :~:~'~. Budget Director; Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator; Kevin ,~" O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; David Pettrow, Community and Leo Ochs, Administrative Services ., " Page 1 BOO« 106 ml 691 TU' . > , ,:~~' , ,-......, ''''0 '..'..".....". H "'..,,,..._..~'..,,;,.,"_,..,,',...... ,_', ".'''"' "....,~.......__ ~,_'h_.. aDDK 106 PAGf 692 AUGUST 28, 1987 COKMUNI~Y DEVELOPMENT Budget Director Zalka advised that the Board requested information regarding the funding elements of Community Development in the MSTD fund, information on building permits, and a change of name for the Economic Development Department to Housing & Urban Improvement. She noted that the name change will appear on the Boar~'~ ðgenà~ for the September l, 1987 meeting. Ms. Zalk~ stated that the current tentative budget includes the Community Development Division in the Community Development Fund (Attachment "A"), with the exception of the Administrative sections of Community Development, Planning Department and Economic Development Departm~nt which appear in the MSTD, the ad valorem tax supported fund. She advised that the Community Development Fund is the building permit fund. Ms. Zalka stated that based on that funding mechanism the result is an unincorporated area tax increase of 4l% and a building permit fee increase of l5%. She then presented the following options: 1. If the Standard Housing Code, which is part of Economic Development were moved to the MSTD instead of being left in the building permit fund, then the permit fee increase would go down from 15% to 12%, but unincorporated taxes would go up to 43%. If Long Range Planning were also moved to MSTD there would be a further decrease in building permit fees to 5% and an increase in unincorporated area property taxes. 2. ," 3. If administration is charged back to the Building Department in the Building Permit Fee Fl.J:1d, percentage wise with the MSTD Fund, the permit fee increase would Page 2 - .. <~'''"''';"",..--......,."--_.,"_.,..'~~"""",".,..,~;"..",,,,",-,,,. AUGUST 28, 1987 011:'". .- . ~jJ.J1' :.' <i~i" ~1; ! Ms. Zalka recommended ~ï~r:(~~ntative budget with the ~~" , Dev~lOpment Fund, building ......;Ð ':\jl- . I' ., " r·. go up and ad valorem taxes would go down and if this were done for Planning and Community Development, the result would be a fee increase higher than the 15% pro- posed in the amended tentative budget. that the budget be left as it appears in the direct services included in the Community permit fees, and the Administration sec- tions in the MSTD Fund, ad valorem taxes. Commissioner pistor stated his feeling that the Community , , ;' ,.~;. Development Division is for the benefit of the entire County ::!nd not '~JI"~t .,!:& j h· d lk d h . :~." ,~,st t e unlncorporate areas. Ms. Za a state t at the Clty ':Jf \N~ples has it I S own Planning department and the County bllUding permit ·if!.:'''.... . for the unincorporated areas, with the exception of growth which appears in the County-wide General Fund. Manager Dorrill stated that this is the first time money out of Community Development and placed in the MSTD He' said that while the contractors are pleased that this has .:- r ; ~ been done, they would like to see more of the burden taken off the He recommended that the Board accept the proposed budget and investigate a two year phasing cycle for establishing Community Developm~nt as a tax supported activity. Commissioner Saunders stated his agreement with the two year t ;:~,-, ",Y, ' . .''\~'.phð~i'ng program. ~ ".\,. -¡:' -~'~.:' y,'. ',~,,; Permit Pees - Attachment "B" - Ms. Zalka stated the Board also ,ñâ7r,!.,,, ,requested a survey on building permit fees. She reported that Collier !OOK 106 fAG£ 693 Page 3 ¡ ~ -""'''-'~'''''''''--'~''''-''''''''''''-''"'"~''''''_'''''' . '-~"_'*""'-"-_.;' ._""',~""_..,,,,,-""",,,.,-_.,,,,.,""..,,,,",,,.,,,,..,,..".,.- &OO( lOR mt fiD4 AUGUST 28, 1987 County is currently charging under the average and the 15% increase will place Collier County sJightly above the average. County Manager Dorrill noted that Collier County has not had a permit fee increase in four years. UTILITIES Ms. Zalka stated the issue is the settlement of the East Naples Plant and there was a proposal to tran3fer $398,000 from th~ General Fund to the Utili ties Di vis::'on and Clerk Giles is gcing to re(lI'~st an Attorney General's Opinion on the legality of this payment to the utilities Fund. She stated that before an actual transfer is made, Staff will wait for the Opinion. She said that in the interim the County Attorney and Clerk of Courts has recommended that the payment to utilities, which is $796,000 or $398,000 for two years, be ~u~geted from the MSTD General Fund instead of the County-wide General Fund. " > ~'I . . ~~ . , ;. i. ." . - ~ì 5:'" .)~ ··t¡ :."'~' .,~ :~j~-, with :::~:~:::::::~:::: :~::::::::::::~t P::.:::1:: ::::i::~·:e::::~e:h.t ...,1 " "'~ the Board should transfer any money, and the funds should remain in -i~{ :.~,"i1."; "'~~- ."~~~~: . 'it ~- , }·'tt~ "'_' oiI!. , " ~ Ms. Zalka stated that the tentative unincorporated area maximum millage rate of a 45% increase was reduced to 28% when the Board removed $3,000,000 in Capital Reserve, however, adding the transfer to utilities the 28% will go back up to 41%. utilities. He stated that all actions in the suits were related to the actions of the utility purchase and was not a basic benefit to all Page 4 . - - '''·-'''"""''''w,_"._,~.,,,__~._,_.~,,,,,,,,,,,....._,,..,,,....,-,..."._.""'.'_'.._._.....'''.______......._''''''__......_'''''..__'''''_..........;¡.;''.....___..._......,.'__"..'~.,.."',.,",.,"""""__:.",..,'_"''''''''''',,".'"_"'',.~..,''',,.,",,""""",.",,.., AUGUST 28, 1987 the people in the County. '......, .." ~.~~> F',. "~';:"\' utili ties. . "P':) ';". ,,~ . t(~:with the Winter Park project. .~~::~ . '." Mr. Dorrill stated that all of the lawsuits were not related to He said some had to do with rezoning matters associated Commissioncr Saunders stated the whole thing revolved around the utility question, but there were counts involving zoning and other matter. He said the County had insurance which was paying 80% of the litigation cost, so there was no real exposure to the County. He said the settlement only involveà ~he purchase of the system and he agrees with Commissioner Glas3. In response to Chairman Hasse, Ms. Zalka stated that if the Board to have the Utility Fund pay the whole cost, the unincor- area taxes will go down to the 28% increase rather than the increase. Mr. Dorrill stated that there will also be a expense on the Water/Sewer District, but it is solely a policy·decision. Ms. Zalka stated the impact on the Utilities Fund would be the need for future rate increases to gen~rate $796,000.00. Answering Mr. Dorrill, Ms. Zalka stated the Utilities Fund has already paid and the reimbursement would not be made until the Attorney General's Opinion is received. She stated this really sets aside the money in the Unincorporated Area Fund and the significant is, does the County have the money in the fund it is coming After some discussion on reserving this money, Mr. Dorrill suggested that there be no reserve and if the Attorney General's .",: ~~: .~ 'i"f"~, ·;iN\. "'d':""'· .'... ~' . ',.j. .. ~. 1;\ ...)\ . .~f Pi,' ~r"'" .'I:·f'<¡','~.;.'.">'."".'" 1i ~. t,:" . . , ~.~ ,: . f~~'. ~~tJ. j:~~:.: ,Ii,.'" ' .~~. '.' &OOK 106 F~r: fi95 Page 5 ..."'-"-"--..,,........"-~""......, """...._"--- ,¡¡ If" ___""""...'....,....-""""...____......."', "'-_'rl BOO~ 106 FAr,l 69G '·.A"', AUGUST 28, 1987 Opinion leans toward tax participation, it could be budgeted next year. Commissioner Saunders stated that the Attorney General is going to render an opinion on whether it can be taxed Co~~ty-wide and the Commission must decide if it is going to be paid through tax~s or e ,:,~['.'/.' ,}~t ;' , .' ,....,. .;::~'''''': ¡ :, . " " >(. '. :~,,.; '/'t ':,:it,r~ ,:':~f~$f through utility fees. Ms. Zalka stated the Attorney General iu being asked if any property taxes can be used and not whether it ~an be .. '-~'f. ':¿~ ')fi,~:. I .'....,~.lt;,:! ;'~;~' ;.~&\ 11ít ;,:~þ , ?J~~ .,..~', .:':~'. .~,;~~ :"fi', He sa id. :.:".'~#.'" . ,., ,ji~ . i;'!..~¿:6. ' .¡:.,~ Commissioners, and individual Staff members were all named in var.ious ""':'~. suits, although mosL did have to do with utilities, it should be noted "·:i·,,:.:i· that a lot of their claims had to do with utility rate regulation. He.::V:~~: stated the regulation is something separate and apart from the County-wide. Assistant County Attorney Anderson stated that this is the second time the County has requested an Attorney General's Opinion and the first time it took 5 months to get a response and that the Opinion did not really answer the County's question. He stated the end of the Opinion said "It would appear that only funds from the governmental entity involved may be used to pay the costs associated with litiga- tion to which the specific governmental entity was a party." the County, along with the County water/Sewer District, individual County's Water/Sewer District Operations. He explained that rate regulation is a police power that the County had before it was trans- ferred to t~e Public Service Commission. Commissioner Glass stated that under those circumstances, he con- Page 6 - - '"--....--..........."..-....,,""".......,...,., ......._.,~ ,. AUGUST 28, 1987 <~'h.' ~~!'~ur8 with Mr. Dorrill's recommendation and the money not be trans- ~!t(:,'!: :;~J;.:,':. ferred this year and wait for the Attorney General's Opinion. He stated that at this point, he feels there is no basis to take the money out of general funds. Ms. Zalka stated the budget will be changed to show a 28% increase ,. :~~ result in the tipping fee being reduced so that the increase would be ~~J:{ . ~~.:) $1 instead of $2 or $l9 per ton instead of the or iginally proposed $20 .If pe, ·:::~ty Manage' Do"i11 stated that Staff has ,eeeived an initial ,~' indication from DER that the Landfill Mining Project could be approved ,~.y ~~~;'f? ;~:)!:.. ,,~:;. ~*,. ..,..... ¡:" ,f$.' : ';'-:t'~t.; -iff·4' :~\ 'milling devices to shake the dirt out of the old landfill cells and ;I~~: d~posi t the trash portion in the new lined cell, and the balance of Ii·- ,~:' '... ,~II :l;", i\!( ~~.i. . ~'..' :it.,~ ....... ,'. . ~,;. , ','4 ' " \:; ;j:i . ~ti- '~i:: for the unincorporated area-wide taxes rather than a 4l~ increase. PUBLIC WORKB Port-Au-Prince Engineering MSTD - Ms. Zalka stated that the Public Works Administrator spoke with some of the homeowners in that district and recommends n~ change to the tentative budge~. She stated the 7.8 mils to be levied in FY 1988 represents a 3% tax decrease. BoliO Waste Department - Landfill Mining Project - She stated the new landfill mining project could save $230,000. She said this would for daily fill requirements. He said that one of the most expensive operating expenses at the landfill is the need to buy dirt on a daily basis. He advised the proposal being explored, which will be pre- sented to the Commission shortly, is to rent some ~creening and . ' Page 7 &OOK 106 rvr 697 ".,······"··~'""··...'..........M..<.......'_·... ~"'" ..._"""'----'-""'-_...,_._'""..~.~., ðOO( 106 W·: G9g AUGUST 28, 1987 the material has been tentatively approved by DER as fill. He stated this would alleviate the need to purchase fill on a daily basis. Mr. Dorrill stated this would also save $1 from the p~oposed increase which was to be set aside for future landfill purcha~e. He stated they still need the two dollars, but th,~ existing operJting costs can be reduced by $1. He noted there will be no incrt>;Ise until the Board adopts a resolution to increase the fees. In response to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Dorrill stated the cost of the pilot project will be less than $50,000, but the cost could be reco- vered quickly. He advised the equipment will be leased for the test period because it is exper imental. [Ie said the only issues to be resolved during the test period are air quality issues and some on- going testing of the material to make certain it is not hazardous. It was the general consensus that the budget be changed to reflect a $1 increase in tipping fees. COURTS AND RELATED AGENCIES state Attorney - MSTD General Fund - Ms. Zalka stated that origi- nally $25,000 was included for a contract with the State Attorney. stated the State Attorney has advised that this is an unacceptable option and in order for them to improve their involvement in prosecu- tion of County Ordinance violations, it would require the County to fund a full time attorney al a cost of $40,000, including benefits. Ms. Zalka stated the two options are to provide the $40,000 and have an attorney dedicated to Ordinance violations or not to fund Page 8 - - .~ ~>""-""""'~"'"'''''-''-''''''''~~.'''''' '>--~"---""""_·","~-,~"",,,,,,~·_,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,_,,,,,..__,_,,,,,,,'_;,.""W_,e'.0' ".",-_,____"_,.,, "''''....-.....- ,. ., .~~ .':¡; .~.~' ','~¡;',' '~~'14~' '''ï';; 'n, :I'"/£t i<'" ~-'!' ~.~..,:,·It '~'?I'~' " ,.", III!' ~.:t. .~\ '~ , ',' , ":~'.Ii!; '."!," '1 ;""':1 " . ~ ~ ,", ~ '\\ :: ',:,~:,;ìi h "'C,".',,']{\¡!, S e ",'~':, , ~'ç ';",~ ,'i., .' . . ~.. '!1i I.. .>::. ~~'~~ . ~:~i~~: ',~M<!J .r;.\4.{:!: ',I. ii"; ~. AUGUST 28, 1987 Saunders asked the County Attorney if it would be appropriate for the Commission to establish a Code Enforcement noard for prosecution of these types of offenses and would it eliminate the ~~¡ need c:::t: ::::::::dC::::: :::::::Y t::: :h:::o O:::::::ment Bc"d can 1-:~~~ be established and it is an option available to the County. HE' stated ~.; "':') ¡~j~' the code enforcement board is a good mechanism for standard enfor- í~\¿: '~, cement ðnd seems to be working relatively well in other counLies, > ¡~;,: . ~~however, it is not a complete alternative to the State Attorney's He reminded the Board that the County has a right to go to Office for prosecution regardless of whether a He said the question is when there is a big case the front page of the newspaper, will it be the type Attorney's Office can look at in a reasonable He said they have found that in some cases it is not work load. Commissioner Glass stated that in the past they have funded a position in conjunction with the City and have wound up with the ~ ~~ junior man in the office and it has provided no specific benefit to I~~~,,. . .'i,~ the County. ~j~.~ (J~~~,' 4, ,~~>·~t¡:~, Mr. Cuyler stated that the benefit in the past has been that there í~:~~h'a's been someone there when you make an appointment or have an '.!J . : emergency. He said the comment has been made that the County needs a "-\' . ,", ,,,,\, ·~W~~:I.t ~J,~, '::1.Jj ;., ' ",.\, I~?¡·~ .;" it; ~·.IJ.:¡. ~¡;':""" 'ill,,!,;. i . ~~.~,~}',': ,~-' . lOR rAr,[ fHJ9 Page 9 ~DD~ --.....-- "....._--~ -".-".--'.'~'"'-'-''-----'-"-~."....."''' BDD( lOR fÂ',¡ 700 AUGUST 28, 1987 -iT ... ~:1: . little more experience and if you want the experience you have to hire the experience. Commissioner Glass sLated that if the County goes with a code enforcement board the process becomes decriminalized ard ~he time "If frame is shortened by 6 to 8 months. Mr. Cuyler stated tha~ the State Attorney's Office can move fairly quickly on most casf'!S becal',se they are misdemeanors. Commissioner Glass stated that the Stat~ Attorney's office has a tremendous workload which must be recognized. Commissioner Saunders sLated that with a code enforcement board the options are still open and if there is a particular~y bad case, it .,'," '.~. ~Ù/+ ,"., ~.. . :~.'¡,; ',:~'r.~~\.' , ¥r.?J :'\". ,.j/." . ¡y.:' ':':',.'.",; could still be turned over to the State Attorney's office for prosecu- tion. He noted the bulk of the cases, however, could be handled through a code enforcement board. He stated his opinion that the code enforcement board on Marco Island has worked very well, and'most cases are cleared up when the code enforcement board notices the violator. He pointed out that his opinion of the problem is that the County has had a dedicated prosecutor who has not had that many cases to prosecute. Commissioner Saunders asked if there is any instances where a spe- cial prosecutor could be appointed for these cases, such as the County Attorney's office? ~1r. Cuyler stated that the he knows of no provi- sion for this and the StRte Attorney wants to keep criminal prosecu- tions within the State Attorney's office. :.~¡.I '? . i ....'''" ':\:11':"\ .'" .. 'S ~ J·,_l~.~ .~ "'~,,»,"', . ;~~ : ';'¡I":'~: '.,. t. It; ,,,,.!,!!,,, ..,. ~. '~~. " .:- ~/:' :_~Þ:' '.';,;[1: In answer to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Cuyler stated he has no problems Pðge lO - - "..".,,,,,,,-,,".~,"-,~-",,-,.._----_."-,"~,,, ....-R__ -'-~.;;t~ AUGUST 28, 1987 the speed of the prosecutions. lie pointed out that there is no enforcement board in place at this time and if that is what the Commission wants to do, then it needs to be started quickly. Asked for his recommendation, County Manager Dorrill stated that he sees the County leaning toward a separate code enforcement board in the future, however, for the interim he would defer to the County Attorney's advise. Responding to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Cuyler stated that it will take a little time to implement a code enforcement board because appoint- be made, staff needs to be designated to work with that procedures need to be established, and policy decisions need to ~, be made with respect to cases and area. He esti~ated it would pro- ¡bably be December or January before it could be operational. l In, answer to Commissioner Saunders, Assistant State Attorney ~~:~.rboinst.ted tho t wi thout commenting on the v81 idity of having . ~~~' ~:i~": i~~':.; dual approach to enforcement, the State Attorney's office could handle t~~!f;" J;:t· :f~?·· '+..'" ~~.,' the Staff to give the desired amount of time, attention, and priority fl~i;:':' to code enforcement. H~ said if it is a single case, it would still ~;~~epend on the amount of time required, not only for prosecution, but ~~~:~S:::~:r:::::::~:::o c::m:::~:::rO:~u::::s~h:rca:::':::nb::::e:a::~:d ~;; ~'f.t, ,{~, h':'. '~".f:~. :t,' .t\-;.-r:t ~ the violations within the resources available. He stated the whole issue arises out of a situation where the State Attorney does not have Page II ~DDK 10{) PAr:[ 701 "..-"'.-....".--- "'_''''_'"'~'>_____,''m·'''-''_''''''''''''_____~'~';'~M'''"''''_'''"'''.*",", .; ()f"\ 70r &OO( .l0f) PI,[.[ t: AUGUST 28, 1987 it is not a desirable approach from the State Attorney's view to have someone outside of that office designated as a prosecutor. He stated his feeling that it would not be acceptable. Commissioner Saunder~ suggested that the Board should not appropriate the $25,000 and direct the County Attorney's office to work with the Community Development Division to establish an appropriate code enforcement board or boards, and if there is a par- ticularly difficult case it can go through the State Attorney's office for prosecution. Community Development Administrator Pettrow stated that a code e.'forcement board for the minimum housing code will be requested later, in the fall. He stated this is standard practice for minimum nousing codes and the question arises as to whether the Commission wants to include zoning enforcement in that board. He advised that at the pre- sent tim~ a "Notice to Appear" citation process is used and the zoning investigators place this on the County Court docket and the violator either pleads guilty, and if they plead not guilty it is automatically remanded to the State Attorney's office. He said that very few cases go to the State Attorney's office. Mr. Pettrow stated that they are hiring ar~~ther zoning investiga- tor and the present system will probably be improved. He stated that he has never worked with an enforcement board for zoning because the County Court is almost always used. He stated his opinion that he is not sure that is the proper direction to take. Page 12 - - '''~;''"''''~'''"'';'''><'''''''''''''''' """""~'_'~"''''''_'__A_ ..",.-,--- --"---"-""-""'I"",,;¡;",,,_<IIII"''''"'~''''''''''-''¡.'-'''''''''''''¡-''''''"'''''''''''''-''''' . .,',',._._."-.."",-'''''--,.._-".....""'';_."~''''',..,,,.,' ---_._--."''''''''''".",~ !.~ ~~' ; ,8!-" :>,'.:., ,;.$~}.. ~~(~¡ Responding to Commissioner Saunders, Planning/Zoning Director ~McKim stated that only 10 to 15 cases have gone to the State ._t~v· ~,Attorney's Office this year. ··:·k,;' . ,.r:/of July, 1987,573 citations were issued for zoning violations. ^UGUST 28, 1987 Mr. Pettrow statud that during the month said 80% complied and 20% went to County Court. lie reported that out of the 20% that went to County Court only one or two will end up in the State Attorney's office. Mr. Cuyler pointed out that if a code enforcement board is 't.i}"~ , :;~t~{ created, there will be expenses involv~d. He said they will have to ;:;,!~:" , have Staff members assigned to that board, they will need minutes '~~. " '.. "~Ftaken of the proceedings, and they will need counsel because the ..,Colmty Attorney's office cannot represent the code enforcement Board '.:~~' the County. Commissioner Goodnight stated they need to be realistic and see if is ,less expensive to create a board or fund the State Attorney. Commissioner Glass stated there is no reason to change right now, but the County Attorney should look into the matter. It was the general consensus that the $25,000 be taken out of the budget. COUNTY MANAGER Budget Director Zalka advised that the requested cost analysis of former County Manager settlement appears on Attachment "C". She stated that the costs of the tentative County Manager reorganization Assistant to the Manager for East County ^ffairs¡ 0epartment Page 13 ðOOK lOB FAGE 703 -~- "'f He ""_"'--'''''"'''''-_'_'''''--'''_.,-",.,"".",.""._""",_.-.,,- .",,,,,,,,,,,,-,,"'-»,"-~.---""--'-'- aoo( 108 rn 704. AUGUST 28, 1987 Secretary; Division Administrator for Emergency Services; and a Secretary for a total cost of $163,000. PUBLIC SERVICES DIVISION Medical Examiner - Ms. Zalka stated there was a request for addi- tional salary money for the Assistant Medical Examiner. She stated the requested detailed salary survey appears on Attachment "D". She recommended that the Board approve the tentative budget because it is consistent with the survey results. She noted the budget provides for $7l,000 for the Assistant Medical Examiner and the survey shows that full time Assistants are paid between $50,000 and $80,000. Davið Lawrence Mental Health Center - Ms. Zalka stated the Board requested a copy of their pay plan which appears as Attachment "E". Commissioner Glass requested that the Budget Office calculate the, minimum salaries from this pay plan. Youth Guidance - Ms. Zalka stated that there was a request for costs for an Immoka1ee Office. She said the cost of an office for Immokalee will be $16,100. She stated the cost to add a specialist is $19,400. She recommended that the tentative budget of one director and two specialists be maintained and office space in Immokalee be added. She stated there is $9,100 in the Trust Fund which could be used for this and $7,000 from General Fund Reserves. In answer to Commissioner Goodnight, County Manager Dorrill stated that the proposal is to have a full-time, 40-hour specialist in Immokalee and a full-time specialist in Naples and have the director Page 14 - - - <'''''''''''''';~......,.."".,...-.".«,,",'' .........,..._,...............,,,"""'--'-------"--_....... !> :14(. :,; '~~;,'~~ '~tyt :~;,·~l '~. '-,,}", ,~,~" '-:'~~:~: '~í!! /~:¢~ 'f'~. 0(,;' , .,~~¥ '\~r:~ ;:,~t~ -,. ~ "", . ~~'I. . ~ t ~~A <';.i~: ',: ...~'.::. ,';<"1 . ""':"'" """It;:: ,; , ,'.;!'¡.r:. \' ,!Jl;tJ~ ',.X"'~; ,....,'. '~~~ ':',.~~', '11",... '. ~...-~~. ;t\'-#J' :" .i: ~~v,·t~·~ÿ ,1..'$,'..~*.~+ . ",~;: ,t~~(~w' AUGUST 28, 1987 both. He ~;tated, however, that he could not say today exactly going to be, Mr. Brad Estes, Greater Naplcs Civic Association, statcd they are , concerned about the County providing a service which is a State ,~responsibility. Commissioncr Glass adviscd that whcn thc State docs not fulfill their obligati0ns, the County still has a responsibility to its citizens and this program is needcd, Commissioncr Saunders noted that it is less expensive to help prevent crime than to prose- It was the general consensus that the $16,100 be added to the ten- Youth Guidance Büdget. Western Gateway Ambulance - Ms. Zalka stated there are several for consideration on this item. She said the first options is with Western Gateway and have Ochopee Fire mill for an additional cost to the County City of $20,000. She said the to use Ochopee Fire District personnel and have them levy 1 additional mill, which will cost the County $73,000 and cost the City of Everglades an additional $20,000. She said the third option is to use EMS personnel and have Ochopee Fire District levy 1 additional mill, which will cost the County $67,300, and cost the City of Everglades an additional $20,000. She said the fourth option is to provide an ambulance at a cost of $32,000 which includes the trade-in on the current ambulance. Ms. Zalka stated the fifth option is not to Page 15 ~~:,' 106 P~(,\ 705 ~_~~ 10\1 r~r,\ '70G AUGUST 28, 1987 provide the extra Jevel of service. Ms. Zalka slated the Staff recommendation is to charge the Ochopee Fire District an additional 2 mills, which will cost the City of Everglades $~O,OOO. She stated at this point the only decision to make is who is going to operate the ambulance. Commissioner Goodnight stated her feeling that the Ochopee Fire District should not be charged anything additional because it is a County-wide benefit and th0 statistics show that most of the calls during the last 18 months are from people who do not reside within that district. In answer to Commissioner Goodnight, Ms. Eva Weeks of Western Gateway Ambulance, stated they are not paid for the response tò acci- dents which are turned over to EMS. She stated that when they transfer a patient to EMS, the billing is handled by EMS. Ms. Weeks also stated that if the County decides to purchase the equipment the cost would be $42,000 because a modular ambulance is needed. Much discussion resulted on a m~thod to reimburse Western Gateway for their services when the County bills the patient. Mr. Dorrill stated that it would probably be best to allocate the portion bill~d for "BLS" service, since that is the portion they are providing. Ms. Zalka stated Lhat the total cost is $134,800 and that the money be placed in the EMS fund. It was the general consensus that option #1 be used for Western Gateway Ambulance. Page 16 - - a>t__'i'.....""',"__\~...___~.."."'~'".,,<',,~.-.__-",."",'i,_"'"""""""""""""'<""",,'__,",,~,;, , ;¡~ .'J '.; ~~;, .:,f:') !...,~ ^UGUST 28, 19137 Recess: 10:30 A.M. - Reconvened: 10:40 A.M. at which time Deputy Clerk Kenyon replaced Deputy Clerk Kueter ***** Budget Director Zalka stated that the next item is the request o[ the Board of County Commissioners to readdress Fiscal Year 1988 pay plan recommendations, adding that in order to do this, staff is recom- mending that $70,000 be appropriated from General Fund reserves to be allocated for a consultant to help develop and implement a compen- sation and classification system for Board employees. She noted that in line with the Board request a salary survey was conducted. She indi- resulted in an average salary increase proposed for Fiscal Year 1988 of 6% and the County currently has 4.5% in its ten- ,::;: tative budget. She stated that the cost of addi tional wage increases '''':''''' ~ t: ...., .~' were provided to either increase the salary by 1% or 1-1/2%. She 't,' ,d :~'t.?/ reported that the costs shown in the back-up indicates the cost for ~,ii:~.',~,~,l.1,:.:,~.' the general fund and the Constitutional Officer funds as well as the ~,~ cost for the othe~ county funds. She indicated that a 1% increase ~ff::" would èos"t an additional $340,000 and a 1-1/2% would cost $500,000. ; ~:¡ She noted that if the pay plan is increased, the cost would come out of the Reserve for Contingency which has $1.9 million in it, She indicated that there is usually about $2 million budgeted in reserves and usually about half of that is spent in any given year. She noted is the first year that attrition has been which means that the Carry Forward that there is from year to year will be 2% lower in the upcoming year than it has ever been. Page 17 &OO~ 106 PAGE 707 " ',', ,', . .., ",'"., . . "'-. ',' . ~'" , , 'i1,~" .'tÇ¡f" .... '. .,~ f.... . :'f4~... ::;' '. ..:<.':i. " f,~"' r-..._'I1<$I' LQO~ lOR r:,',L 70S AUGUST 28, 1987 County Managcr 00rri11 sLaLed that this started in March or April when consideration was given by the Board to a budget policy and at that time, the best information available was used to determine and establish a 4.5* increase for salary adjustments. He noted that it was also indicated that the raises would be effective October 1, 1987, as opposed to spreading it across the year for merit as it has been done during the past several years. He noted that since that time, I,. , .'J~' '"' it has been determined that various state and elected officials will ~:'. receive 7%, 9% or more in the way of salary adjustments and the School Board and others are receiving 7% in the way of salary adjustments which resulted in the Board asking staff to conduct a survey. ,H~ reported ~hat the average survey increase for the agencies that w~re surveyed shows a 5.9% increase in the way of total salary adjustments for employees for next year. He indicated that he has a two part recommendation, adding that based on what salary increases are going to be a 6% salary consideration is warranted. He noted that he has had the opportunity tc discuss with all but one constitutional officer and they are willing to consider amounts higher based on the survey averages. He noted that the bigger jssue for the County Commission and its employees IS establishing a more legitimate pay plan and per- formance system. He stated that the consulting money has been established by his office to revise the pay system to go from a split system to a payment Lor performance system, adding that this is something that Sarasota County uscs. He notcd that employees are paid Page l8 - - - '""-""--,,",,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,~~,"...._~,,I''''' 'I ...,......... ... ^UGUST 28, 1987 »~based on performance only and there is no cost or living increase ','1';1, ' 7i~tt;.i{~iven those employees ðnd they iJre cntitled to receive from zero to 1\;~;~:io% in the way of an annual salary adjusLment based on that individual (,~rrl.:,':"':~mPloyee's performancc. He stated that this sort of system has attrac- .l~i' !:,' ".: ;~~. tiveness because the best employees are then rewarded and presently it :f~,'" does not work that way. He indicated that he is proposing to retain ~~~ some consulting assistance to train and develop with staff and the ,;..- ~: ~l Personnel Department a more performance paymcnt oricntcd systcm, 'I'· adding that the reason that he wants to include his staff is so that ,~'( they upda te thi 5 plan annua 11 y and 'ev i so the med t ova lua tion f o'ms ih~:, and procedures. He noted that there has been expressed interest from !~~:". two constitutional officers to participate in that exercise with the ~~>' County. He indicated that his recommendation is to allow him to pur- ~~ .¡'~,:, . sue a more performance oriented system that would then be developed :~¿~,~':'thrOUgh ~he course of next year and be effcctive October 1, 1988 and ~~)~include a~ many of the constitutional officers that wish to be ;"j[,.r.:~.~; ~::~~d:: ::: ::::e:h:v::~::Yt:d;~~tm::ts:::e:e::a:e:: ::u~:c::::e:ike .~ the oppo.tunity to meet .ith all the constitutional off;c... to dete.- ,~'..< ,::.mine how this money will be spent and whether anyone has dny interest ,*;, .g"·t. .. . \;.,/, :.11 n~vlng a mer lt system next year or if it should be given as a ,)'\..'; F general wage adjustment on October l, 1987. He noted that he would ~t/:: . 1 meet with them to develop some consensus and then report back to the :...~f Board prior t;1 October 1, 1987. Page 19 ~oo~ lOR W.E 7GB . ..~,..'..._~_.. ,'-." "···.,,"""....."OO·."'*',, ,~_.."...._,. ..,..".._~_............,.___ . ......... 106:: ,. 710 AUGUST 28, 1987 Commissioner Hasse stated that if an employee does not get any type of a cost of Jiving raise, it would seem that the poorer per- forming employee would have no incentive at all. County Manager Dorrill slated that his overriding concern is that the best employees are currently not being motivated or encouraged based on their own performance when money is being robbed from the merit system to meet general wage or cost of living increases on an annual basis. He stated that the extent of which people would get no increase is rather limited. Commissioner PisLor s'.ated that in industry, what Mr. Dorrill is suggesting is being done. He noted that if this type of performance pla~ was put into effect, the people would have the incentive to do their best. He indicated that the idea of a general cost of living increase is something that would have to be considered on an every other year basis at times because if the cost of living increased excessively, something would have to be done about it, 3dding that this could be done as an additional consideration of the p0rformance plan. He indicated that he feels that the overall output would increase and would make the whole operation more efficient. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, County Manager Dorrill stated that there is no merit increase proposed for this year because the amount of money that was established last April by the Board was not enough to give both general wage adjustments and merit increases. stated that he would like to have an opportunity to talk with the Page 20 - - .. '-_""'0___,,- r""'_"_.~_., He '.1' · ^UGUST 28, 1987 ~onstitutional Officers because his recommendAtion 15 based on all :¿I¡~ :.","~ 1';j:", .i~;:county eJlployees and not just the Board's employees. :J~i':'·~f ~.. J~,~ Commissioner Saunders stated that he reels that the new Personnel ·I}J~;\·Ò~> . ~~~. 'Director that is to be hired may have the ability to look at these ; I\~~"(~ :,' types of programs and with existing staff, develop this program. indicated that he agrees with the 6% option, but he would like to see staff handle the program as opposed to spending the $70,000. County Manager Dorrill stated that this $70,000 is an important item and has interested several of the constitutional officers, adding that he would like to have the ability to bring the Board a proposal that would indicate a cost sharing plan for all those constitutional officers that would like to participate. In answer to Commissioner Glass, County Manager Dorrill stated that as a result of the combined merit and cost of living, there is a recommended 6% increase and if this was separated out, it would be 4% for cost ,of living and 2% for merit. Commissioner Glass stated that he does not believe that some of ' the survey numbers are showing accur3te figures, adding that he does not believe that l75,000 employees in Manatee County are getting a 6% increase. He stated that he concurs with Commissioner Saunders and this study should be done in-house. Personnel Director Ochs stated that it is not the question of abi- to do this in-house, adding that historically the compensation plan has received piece meal revisions and there have been several Page 21 ~OOK 106 PAG\: 711 . ~ IIIV" l' ,I """"'"-''''___'~~'~_'''''""',",.,.,_,~,_ He .j~( 106 rm'71:¿ AUGUST 28, 1987 different performance apprais~ls and merit pay scenarios to the point where the employees and stafr arc confused, lIe noted that the County will work with the consultant to provide a frame work that will take .¡.. ",.' the County and its compensation plan into the next decade that will 'j allow the County to remain competitive. fie stated that this will establish a methodology that employees feel is objective and fair. He noted that if staff were to do this project, it would be prohibitive due to the other day-to-day operations as this project involves a lot of time and research. He noted that this is a compensation plan that establishes salary ranges as well as performance appraisal, merit pay, and a job evaluation system that will allow the County in the future to weigh the relative value of all jobs within the County. He noted that this has been a problem which has resulted in a number of, reclassifications and special pay adjustments. Commissioner Saunders stated that he would like to see if there is anyone in the community that has had personnel exp~rienGe that might like to help the County on a volunteer basis. He stated that he would like to see this investigated first. Commissioner Goodnight stated that her biggest problem is with the Sheriff's Department and how inadequate their base salaries are, adding that if the Constitutional Officers agreed to help out in deve- loping this system, they could be a part of it. She stated that if everyone is to get involved In this issue, Rhe feels that an outside consultant should be used. Page 22 - - ,,>,~-,~,,"~,,-"",....,.,-~.,,"-,,~,.~.,.~,-~,,,--,._-,-","-,-'~"""·"""'__~__""'c___...-r"'''''~ .._;¡¡¡¡--~-... __""__'"'''''''_''';''''__'_''''''~'''''''''''''"'''''H''''' \~~ r~}.~ . ~ . . ",..~:;. ~"J-' f~~ . "f .. ~.:,"(~ i.~ :~.ìJí ",'~ " ~" ',:,~\~ ,.;¡~~ j'.7J'~-f. :~{ ..o#~ ~ ~ j.'(~,: ~';'.) , , ',., , ,~~::; :. \~"','. ~~¡l·: ~(¡]i:' \~.. t ~ ,~.;, ~~:, 1t;.., '~(f" J'~" ~ i~'~"~ , '(';:~;';" ., ., '..f+'-~ .,.:,' ~~;~~:'r : ',,1»'." ." I:::~~~ ~ l.~,"¡, :,;, ,.(t'f.;y,. ~l'¡': iít ~ "t!: ' .,. ~..... . ~ ,~.." :~;::'.. ii:~:(¿ :!~'J:' i:~, :~f: ,'~ AUGUST 28, 1987 Personnel Director Ochs staled that he feels lhat the $70,000 may and this would be a not to exceed figure. lie noted,that with to the cost of turnover in the County, it costs approximately $2,000 per employee that leaves the County. He stated that the average turnover is 16~ for the County which relates to about 100 employees per year under the Board. He indicated that within that cost is advertising, relocation, interview expenses, pre-employment physicals, orientation, issuing uniforms and equipping personnel, training, tuition refunds and the down time and lost time that it takes to fill a position. He noted that if there is an objective, equitable agreed upon performance appraisal and compensation system in place, it will go a long way toward accomplishing the goal of not having such a high turnover rate. Commissioner Saunders stated that he has no objections to this goal being accomplished but he feels that there are alternatives to achieve this goal, adding that he would like to see if there is someone in the community that can help the County do this so that the $70,000 does not have to be spent. He noted that he would recommend that the raise be 6% for this year. Commissioner Pistor stated that if a firm is hired all the materials that the firm has already collected is used. He noted that a local person would have to spend money to make surveys such as the one that staff has done, adding that a firm that specializes in this type of work will give the County a lot more [or their money than an _: ~í, lUR r~',~ 713 Page 23 -~,_.._~~- --"""·""'~'·""__"''''''''''·'.''·'''W_""",,",",'''d &OO( 10R p~r,t 714 AUGUST 28, 1987 individ;.¡a1. Clerk Giles sLaLed that he has discussed the idea of a compen- sation study with starf and he is in support of it. He stated that he ,', feels that there is a problem when a Personnel Director comes up with a basis for comparison, adding that the only way that it is gOing to 'W .J~~~ ';W , ~:. :,j'¿',fi" ,1,fl ~:)~i " .;i~'Í1j' :)tIZi,' '/1 ' '¡:'~ì' . .:-.~;~~. '. ,,' ,.'.1, :~. ,"!i. '¡~{ ..f-<;.. . /:;. 1';1'; participatj.ng in this study. "~'~~'~\" Commiss; one, S'unde,s st'ted th,t he still tends to £,vo, the ide. <~~, of having someone from the public h\;,dping on a volunteer basis. He';~, .)( ~: <~~~..; be established with the employees and the public that the proper basis was used is to have a firm that has the credibility and the exper- tise to demonstrate it. H~ noted that the Human Resources Director is going to be busy with day-to-day activities and he is not going to have time to do this project. He noted that he would be willing to pay his proportionate share in the study, which would be the propor- tion of his employees to the total employees studied. County Manager Dorrill stated that he needs to discuss the matter with all constitutional officers to see if they would be interested in noted that there is time to develop this program before next summer. In ans~ler to Commissioner Hasse, County Manager Dorrill stated that the 870,000 is a one time effort to revise the pay plan classifi- cation and performance pay system, adding that this would then need to be annually updated by the Personnel Department, which is why it is important to train them. lIe Indicated that Commissioner Saunders' point is a good one, but there are some areas where the County may Page 24 - ,...Uf;i.J> '~',~:.' :··.._1 <:" . '01" ~ '. . " ,~. . ,',; ,..( .. .. !t.~. .: . , , . .. ': ,.;,. - --..r.._"",__"",__~"" ^UGUS'l' 28, 1987 some sophisticated technical data base or advice, but as a way of down the cost of this, he will exnlorr using volunteers or people in the community and the participation of the Constitutional Officers. He noted that he will remove this item, but it may come back as he may need a portion of it in the way of data base and technical advise, even utilizing the assistance of local citizens. Commissioner Glass stated that he would support a 5.5% across the board increase until this whole thing is straightened out next year. ,:f.~'; ~ :1l~k, "'(!: ,.> if;' rJ'(;:t(:' 'b...;L , ~~:'; adding that everyone should be treated the same and he will also work ¡'~',:..,: ~~4:,:n¡Tr:i~~ith the two fees officers :':0 amend those as well. ,i\'\~- ~~~~; . Commissioner Pistor stated that in view of the surrounding area, ~~. the City of Naples is giving an average of 6% and Lee County is giving ".Jj< . . t· 6-l/2% and if the employees are to be kept and the cost of the turn- ~..v. County Manager Dorrill stated that a one percent increase amounts to $340,000 for all county funds which includes all County employees, t., over is to be kept down, then he feels that there should be a 6% '".y;..' R,f' " ,,;ç' across tile board increase. " Commissioner Saunders stated that he would support a 6% increase for all employees. Commissioner Glass stated that in view of the comments of Commissioner Pistor, he would support a 6% increase County-wide. Budget Director Zalka stated that the final decision is a 6% across the board and there will be no money for a consultant ~OOK 106 p~'.: 715 Page 25 .JJ~~ 100 r~',\ 71G AUGUST 20, 1987 at this time. She noted that this was the last issue that needed to be addressed, adding that the first few decisions that were made this , ~;" . '~>1Jf. , ,'. "",~ ~~:~'·~,I· ',~, ,!~ ...... :¡J¡U'f:, ''f- ,~,.~t,f; . ~:,;;;~.;¡I~ ",.'¡'j'~. ...j....':~ :' 1t;'!ti':~' .i¿. ' date saved $653,000 and then $141,000 was spent which is a net savings of $512,000; but the pay plan cost $509,700 so the County ended up with a net savings of $2,300, In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Ms. Zalka stated that most of the $653,000 was saved in the transfer from MSTD to utilities and also in the Solid Waste fund, She stated that the aggregate budget cuts since it was first published are $3,034,000 which means chat the County-wide tax increase will be 12-1/2% and the MSTD tax increase will be 28%. She indicated that County-wide tax increases over the past two years have been about 20%. County Manager Dorrill stated that this is not a bad increase con- sidering the amount of activity in law enforcement and parks and still being able to accomplish a $3 million capital improvement reserve. noted that this is one of the better budgets that there has been in recent years. Budget Director Zalka stated that there are no further items, so it would be appropriate for speakers from the audience to make their comments. Mr. Brad Estes, President of Greater Naples Civic Association, stated that they undertook a taxwatch effort this year and set aside over one-half of their budget to hire experts to investigate ways government spending could be reduced. He noted that he has been Page 26 - - .. __~'..~_1'V' ^UGUST 28, 1987 >:" ~~~orking with County officials since th~ budget has been published, '/"111!_ ,...., . ~c, adding that their reports were pres~nted Lo Lho Commission in hopes that the recommendations have been taken seriuusly. lIe noted that they will continue their work and monitor expenditures of the budget throughout the year. He indicated that County government is probably the best that it has been in a long time, but the citizens are not keeping up with what is being done. He stated that the Board of Director3 have made a decision to support the one cent sales tax option and they will help the County when they are ready for assistance. He noted that they will continue to be active in the cri- minal justice areas of county operations, adding that the Sheriff runs one of the finest operations in the State but probably also the most expensive per capita. He indicated that they will be working with the Sheriff with regards to levels of service for Collier County. He noted that they also want to be sure that the $1 million courthouse complex that has become an $11 million courthouse complex is really necessary, adding that they hope to assist County government in deter- mining ways to keep cost on this facility to a minimum while still constructing a facility that will adequa ttdy serve the needs for many years. He indicated that he would like to thank everyone for sup- porting the Taxwatch efforts. Commissioner Hasse and Commissioner Saunders thanked Mr. Estes fur .·':B·ij,;¥i",Þ~,~(~he time end effor ts of Texwe teh and the ¡, he Ip ¡ n working w ¡ th the /','-" County. .', ...j¡I..v.:, "4'"-'. 1~¥.\' ,~~: ':.~~!~ :'~,):" : \; . ~OO( 106 F~',L 717 Page 27 "''"''"'-'"-'''''''''''''-''''''''<''''''''''<'~''' ....., --<, ~Jdi~ .. .. ..... :...:¡J:; t~"...1.~ " 'k~::.' ,; ~f-'> .' . ~..~~~ ': l' >.~~;~:~ '. ;,{",~ :¡,' ~ '..;"~~,.~?;i1.t. :::~. ' " ...'.' ò.".', ,~. ','. " .~ 1~:: " ~ ~j,~'f... -<-;. .""". . :.~, I ". , -",.." ' ;.,":'.." /'. ~oo~ 108 pm 718 AUGUST 28, 1987 Mr. Ed Smith, ~xßcutive Director of Collier County Builders and Contractors Association, slated that he was sorry about the decision on building permit fees but if it had to be done, lhey would like to be a part of how the increase is constructed. He indicated that the increase in County spending that occurs year by year is made possible due to growth in the tax base over the years. He noted that with regards to the Solid Waste budget, the proposed rate increase was adjusted this date. He stated that the budget indicates that there is a $1.1 million carry forward, adding that also in the proposed reve- nues, there is $451,000 that is derived from the proposed increase in solid waste fees. He noted that it was felt that there should be an increase because the carry forward was only $1.1 million, but in reality there is 52,056,000 in carry forward which was indicated in a memo received from the Fiscal Office. He stated that this means that the carry forward is actually $992,000 more than when th,' budget was originally prepared and that raises a question as to why any fee increase is needed. He stated that over the past three or four years, there has been a succession of fe~ increases and the fund has also had shock charges against it like resource recovery charges for two years; Cypress landing craft, and purchase of land for a transfer station that zoning prohibited the use of for that purpose. He noted that these expenses should not reoccur and it seems that some prudent mana- gement of the fund is needed so that it can rebuild itself in order to have a reserve to purchase land for the landfill. He stated that the Page 28 - - '<'_"""'~-;',_.",""'---''''''''''''''"''-'' '~"'''--'' ~ "'--'*""_.~ '~~. # , ,", ~ ;'r' "::~. , ',I¡!,:, "I'., '~;f U.~~" , ~f; ;~~~~ ,""~ I': . ~. r." ...; ."&;'.', ,,' :'.f;¡. ,"~ ·..t£ Il", 1:'~ , f,¡J.'; ,....,.. , ,~;, ',..lhll, .:;...~? "-':¡"(r- 'r.'; ^UCUST 2B, 1987 and Contractors Association has about 758 member firms and employees supports the proposed one cent local sales tax option, ðdding that it is necessary and important to thc Hclfarc of County government. He noted that they will work with the County in that regard. Budget Director Zalka stated that the estimated carry forward in the budget of approximately $1 million is based on thc assumption of spending about $3 million in capital outlay this year, adding that if all of that is not spent, the funds still need to be reappropriated next year to finish those projects. She stated that the plans for that money for the future have to be taken into consideration. ~. - j Commissioner Pistor stated that there" ·1 De another shock because the County is now required to pay out ~l.B million for a liner ~~',for the landfill which was not required in the past and that will pro- :1r,· , ,~bably occur about every other year. "'1'" ' {. :r~~ Mr. Smith stated that it is a problem and it has been known for <,.~~: \~/', ;,'.~~;~" " tr;.<¡<. ' i'l:;i:. porting the Commission. ~,~~: Mrs. Beth Knocke with Project Help stated that she appreciates the ;~~;Positive response to their agency. She stated that the figures to ':~,,~~:, :~~if: their budget had been misunderstood and now that Lhis matter has been ~~~~ cleared up, she would hope that a new vote could be made. She noted ";'~:~' ;~~ t~~;::- that the budget for Project Help for 198B comes to $60,590, adding ;~{;, ;~~- several years, but it is budgeted for. Commissioner Hasse thanked Mr. Smith and his organization for sup- , . ~ iOR F~',¡ 719 Page 29 ðOO~ ·-""''''''''~----"'~·'''''"'·"~·__~~'''i ~""-~"'-,.-_..-..__......~."..._,_..,."., ~oo~ lOR ~V,¡ '720 ^UGUST 28, 1987 that th0 County apprQpriated 520,000; United Way appropriated $15,000; a corporate backer promised thcm $5,000 for ncxt year; which indicates a deficit of $20,590. She stated that she was hoping that the County would be willing to increase the ~ppropriations to them for the origi- nal $30,000 which she requested two wceks ago. Commissioner Hassc stated that the Commissior, originally approved $11,000 and then it went up to $20,000, adding that the Commis3ion has an obligation to Collier County and he feels that $20,000 is a suf- ficient amount for Project Help. He indicated that other organiza- tions are going to be coming forward and asking for n,"ney if the Commission keeps giving money out to p.ivate organizations. Mr. T0m Jones, Soil and Water' Conservation District, stated that he had a request for an added position for a hydrologist in Collier County. He noted that he thought at the end of the meeting last week that there was a general consensus that the Division would be benefi- cial in Collier County but the major obstacle was the funding. Commissioner Goodnight indicateè that the ^griculture Director gave an overview of what will be happening in Collier County in the next 6 months and it wus felt that with their additional staff, the services that were going to be done by the hydrologist could be handled by them. Commissioner Saunders stated that he would like to go back and discuss Project Help as there was not any dis~ussion by the Commissioners as to vrhether this funding should be increased from , ' . , .",' .,"'\: ", Page 3oD~4 , ':~!. , f;~~t· .;,'.;k,.;,~( , :'·(''':~f~ I:":~'':'''~~'\ - - .. ¡ ."': , 'I . . , . . , .....'"',_.,~.._.....__."..,,'+,...,,"".' ,w·,"~··_·+,.,_·_·"_.._""_........_"",,,,,,,,,,,o,..,.,..,,,,,,,,__·__.,,,,,,",_,"<...._ ~ ~w ~ w ~",___,,,..-...,__~-...-.._ ^UGUST 28, 1987 to $30,000. He stated that he would like to see the . ),Commission raise '? ..~",,~·.i,,} ",If ,',' ::~~1 ~~:,':~ A_' 'i'ì4\" ,,',: ~.. the Commission to give to a private organi7.ation, adding that he feels ,~?~;~';~" that the rest of the money could be earned by fund ra isers. ': 'j;' H'. the funding from $20,000 to $30,000. Commissioner Hasse stated that $20,000 is a substantial amount for Commissioner Goodnight stated that her position is still the same, adding that this is a worthwhile project and she would support the $30,000. Commissioner Glass stated that he could support an additional $10,000 if there was a stipulation that would indicate that Project Help had to match these funds. Commissioner Pis tor stated that since this is the final budget wrap-up and anyone else looking for money has lost their opportunity for the year, he would consid~r the $30,000 so that Project Help could ',¡£.\' continue for one more year with the understanding that this may not be ~.þ: ~~,. . ~*;¡ supported next year. ¡~~;.commissioner Glass stated that he would go along with Commissioner pistor. and support the $30,000 for this year. Budget Director Zalka stated that she will increase Project Help's allocation to $30,000. She indicated that the next budget meeting is the night public hearing which will be held Wednesday, September 9, 1987. """ There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 11:55 A.M. Page 31 aOOK 10R FASE 721 't;;":~_" ¡, ~. ,"~ ' ;zr~ I~;::;· , ,. ". ',.';: " . ,.!" >':.{.,.'.;~ ,'; ~,.~.._.,_....,"'._""""_____.JII__ g¡IO_n7 f'