BCC Minutes 10/27/1987 R Napl.., Plorida, October 27, 1987 t.r:T IT 82 RDÐtI!IDED, tN t the Board of county C~hsloners in and (or t~. County of CollIer, and a1.0 a~tinq a. the Board ~r Zoning Appe4al. a"d a. the 9OVerni~ t·?ard(a) of such !lP"tCial districts a. have ~ cre_l4K2 according ',(' law and ha',ing condu<:t'!d l';'lsine.s herein, ..t on this date at 9:'0 A.M. in a&GVLAa 8.8.10. in Building .,. of t~ Gover~t Center, ~.t Nap1e., florida, with the fol1owiß9 ~I ~.r. present: CHAIRMAN: Max A. Ha..e, Jr. I ICE-CHAIPMAH: Arnold ~ Clas8 John A. Pi.tor Burt L. Saunders Anne Coo<!night ALSO ~EMT: J.... C. Giles, Clerk: John Yonkoeky, rin.nce Director ~ ""'rly Kueter .nd Haureen KC!nyon, Deputy Clerk.: Neil DorrH1, county Mana~r: Ron n::Le.-ore, ....sisl.nt County Kenaqer: Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; To. crandall, Ut il i tie. .~~_inhtrftt.or : Ceorge Archibald, Public WOrk. Mah ,tretor; (ev I nO' Donne 11, Pu b lie lerwlces Adalnl.trator: Oðvl-i Pettrow, Co-.unily Develo~nl AdIIlnl.tr.tor~ Ann McKl., Phnninq/Zonin~ Dir,,<:tor; Dave ....k., Robert Duane and Dwight Nad..u, Plannere: H.ncy taraeleon, Ad.inietr.tive Aaalstant to the Board: and r~!puty Chief Rey Barnelt, Sheriff'. Deper t...nl . pao- 1 MOl 109'1.'-l 01 OCTOBER 27, 1987 ,... '1 JteIa tJ ~ &lID ~_f AGD'DA - APnan1) ß'f1I.....£:OJ'GZ. eo.ai..ioaer .1.tor .oYe4, .eooD4e4 by Co.ai..ioDar 0004niqbt aDd oarrie4 ....tao..ly, tbat t.a AqaD4a a~ COD.ant AqaD4a be approy" .i~ ~ fol1ow1aq ohaaqa., Petition R-87-2OC - Worl~ Tenni. Cent., - Conlinued to Hov~r 17, 1987 It_ 1681 It.. HE It.. '9(:3 Approval of ~intJte. for 3p~c'al Hr..Ung held (,n S"Pl~r 21. 1987 - Add~-i. Reco..endali~ to e~t..nd th~ tnleri. Concession Agr~nt II~ the fourth AJnoendaenl to t". Beach Acce.. f4c~lJti.. Aqr....nt for Cia. Pasa Par~ to Hov~r 30. 1987 - Added. It.. tiOA U~íted Ç~ur~h of Marco parkinq lot per.it appeal - OItlet4K2. IteIa 'UI'.. U.AiI)YAJ, OF aIJ1VT&8 - .-aRm A.PUI..u. ADJUardMf BOUD '/23 , ./24/171 aaøvLAa X&&TI~ or ,/Zt . 10/1/.77 AØD 8r&CIAL X&ZTIWOß '/21 , 11/1/17 - .unlOnD .u n..&'~ ~..ioaer pi.tor .oYe4, ..ooD4e4 by eo.al..ioDar ~iqbt anð oarri" saaalaoualy, tbat t.. .Løut.. of .~teaber 2~ , Z4, 1"7 for t.IM .roperty AWrataal U'u.t.aellt 8oar4 be approya4 a" pr..aDt.4. coaai..ioaar Pi.tor aoYe4, lacoD4~ by c~t..íoDar Qoo4Dlqbt an4 carri" .....1JIov.ly, tbat tb. aiøuta. ot tb. .~('I1a'. "aaUoq. ot ...~r 21 ... october I, 1..7 a&4 t.. aeqular xa.tiDq. of .apteaber .. aM october t, 1"7, be appro-re4 a. pl'..aDta4. It.. 'IA al"LCnØ .anca Ao.ao. - 'UIS.!1I'nD IftI 100 ,.,.{ 07 Pðqe 2 _...,.,.~- .,,"- .. 109w.t 08 OC'TOf\ER 27, 19 8 7 Chaira.an th... pre.enled P.r'lploy.. Service Aw"rds to the following .-ployees: t:>ona lð ....ter son Clarice St.robl Road' 8rlð9. Public Servlc.. 10 yr.. 10 yrs. A4." ~tþ< 'p'~.".f .. an oøm ~lr..n Has.. advi&ed th,: earl~.r this .orninq the ~nvironnent.l Prcteçtion ~ pre~nled C~llier County with a ch~k in the anount of $10,1'4,221.00. He expl.ln~ t~ ~y is a granl fro. the EPA to be ue.d for tbe South R~~~l V..tevater Plant. He nQted that this grant 1s one of t~ l.rqee~ ~,.r received by Collier County and com- ..nded Itaff for all of th4ir effort... xu. '682 OaD~ .,-.1, PETITIO. POA-"-IC, .I~., KILLE., BARTO., ~LL · no. I1fC., Un.zaKnIJIG 1rTWDI.UU nu. D&T&LOI'tdft, IIrc. ALI.OWI.O .,as FLlX18ILITY I. D&T&LOP1tC!1' O1rIT Kl% .. ADOrn1) Legal notice havlnq ~n ~~bli.~ in t~ Napl.. Dally Nevs on October 7, 1987 a~ evi~nc~ :y Affidavit of publication filed with the Cl.rk, pub 1 ic hear inq vas opened to con. ider .~~ ord i nanc. a..,nding Ordinance 81-29 c.. anend<l!'d b, Ordinance 84-66) whict, establishe~ the Wynðeacre Planned Unit v.vel?~..nl: a..nðing lhe .xi.tlnq Wynd~re PUt> t.o per.At aore !1exibi lit." in lhe developeent. au. Planner Duane oUlllneð th~ area of l~e ~{nd~re PUD on a wall Map støtlft9 tbat t.his ...nd.enl v: 11 not change the nuMber of dwelling unila or the den.it.y of lhe project, bul vIll allow a great.er d.gree pag. 3 - - - OCTOBER 27, 1987 of fl..iblllty in the t~ of unit. ðeve~oped. He .tated that currently undeveloped Tracl. -A·, ·C-2a·, ·C-2b·, ·D·, -E-, ·R- , .C. were ori9inally ~10~ .ultt-ta.ily and thte a..nct.ent will per~it ~re .1"91. f..ily options with l~r ~~itie.. He not'~ that. Tracts -,. , ·C· viII r...tn .. .in9)~-t..ily tr~ct. only. ~. Duane etated that St.rr rec~nd. approval and the CCPC forvarded this pelitio" with ft un.ni~. recon.enda~ion of approval .ubj~t to Staff'. .tipulation,. He .tat~ that no correspondence has been cec4tl~ on thl. peUtjon, however, one person .poke in oppo.i- tion. clti"9 hiClh den.ity .. '1. objecti,n. In .n.wer to Chair..n ......, Mr. Duane advised th.ll the road e\.lett within Wynd"'r. has not been cha~. ~..iODer Pi.tor IIOTe1S, .ecoD4a4 by C~i..ioDer OoodDic¡bt an4 ~e4 tDaDlaou.ly, that the public hearinq be 010e.4. eo..J..iODer .iator IIOTe4, .eooD4e4 by C~l.~ioDer OOo4Diqbt an4 oarrle4 ....iaou.ly, that tbe ordiaaao. .. Duabere4 aD4 title4 below be a40pte4 ..4 eDtered iato CrdlD&DC. aook ~. ZI. CJDIJIAJfCZ 110. 17-1' AH OADIHAHCE ",""IDUoI; OADIHAHCE 81-29 (AS NŒNOED BY œDIHAHCE 84-66' WH1CJi ESTABLISHED THE WYHDDŒRE PLANNED UNIT OEVELOPMÐIT; AKÐIDUol; THE EXIST [He WYHDDŒR.E PUD BY AMENDING mE: REV J S tON DA Tf: '),. THE POD DO:uMEHT: AMEND I He THE Dt:'Vf':L()PHEH'r ST AHOAR [, 5 S f:CT tON R ( AMUm 1 He THE rot. LOW I He SUBSf::crIOHS: COtr/EH':"IOHAL ~IHel.:: fAMtLY LOT AREA, HULTI-F'AMILY CLUSTEJ' AREAS; TOW'I'IOUSES (DUPLEX): ZERO LOT LIHE S[NCt.F. f'A.HIl.Y ¡.Jlf:AS; VILLA AREAS; ACr:-f:SS STREE.ïS AND DR rvy-S; N1l:NDIHG TIff, DEVP:I..oPMOH CC»tMtn1l':NTS SECT ION BY AOOIHe THf: fOr.Wltt,...; SU8SECTION: t:NVIROW1.ENTAL STIPULATIONS: AHDfDINC THE PUO HA;',Tf:ft PI.AN; AND a',. P~OVtDtNG AN r:f'f"f'.C"rtVE DATE. ... 109 ,...( 09 paoe 4 _ 109,W'.t 12 OCTOBER 27, 1987 %teIa ft.' OaDl~~ "-", P8TITl~ SO-.7-2C, ~I~ ORDI~ 12-2, ~ cc*pp--ir-.m IOII11IQ UGVI..A'\'10" .., ADOIIIO A .... 'aB..CTIO. "0" , .,.-¡~ IIIQ(II.....t. - N)OPn1) Le9al notice havinq ~n publlsh.d in th~ Naples Deily N~ on Septeaber 2S, 1987 a. ~1ðenr..!<! by Affida'dt of Publication fil4K2 with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance a.ending Ordi~noe 82-2, the Co.pre~.ve Zoning ~"9ulations for the Unincorporated Area of Collj~r C?Unty by ~dding a n~ Subsection -k-, Monitorlnq Pequir.-ents. Planner Duane advised th~~ this a.end~nt ie t.he resylt of di8O.Ø.lona held by the Soarri of County C~,.si~re and the CCPe on PUD ~itorlnq and i~l~nt~:ion. He e~plained thal there are pre- -.ntly 100 POO'. whic~ have t~e potential of creating an enforce.ent probl.. without the proposed IftO<:hani.. for -.onitorin9. Mr. t>~ane advi.ed that t~ proposed allt@nd"r"t will require th«! developer of a POO to aubail en annual report out1ininq the ty~ ðnd a80Unt of ~ol~nl that h~~ t.ken place each y.ar and the progress toward ...Unq c~i tnent.. He slated th,at the CCPC re<:o.-end4K2 inclusion of . ~na1ty clays~ for fai1ur~ to file the report and t.his cl.u.. i. included in the pr0,~ed ordinð1ce. a:-1..joner Pi.tor stated his !~elir¡1 that lhere should b4t .<ltfte type of U.. U_itaUon on p1JU'a by which a certain p-:>rtion of thc' ðevelopaent suet b4t coøplete. Plannlnq/7.~nin9 Director McKi. advised that vork.~ have been held on this subject and it wan found thðt pag«t S OCTOBER 27, 1987 PUO's which have bHzn cSoraant (or any len9th of ti.. need a..nd.-nts prior t.o ectual dev.l~t. 3M .ald that the a..nðaent process all~ for another thorough r~viev of the PUD. SM al.o noted that their .i~, lendecapinç, par~in9, etc. _~.t be in confor.ance to the Zoni"'9 OrcHnance at the U.. they apØly for building ~r.it.. eo.al..ioner Saunder. .tated hi. feeJtnq that there t. ..rlt to tr1~d"'9 an aulOll4líc revi'!V and .U9ge1It.~ lhat the lIOniloring b4r approved and Starr be direct~ð to draft a plan for autonalic review of PUO'.. County Attorney Cuyl.r eU9geeted ~hal the Board .ay wish to worksbop this it.. to allow tt~ contractor. llDe to reepond before a regular ~ting. Mr.. McKi. etated .he w~uld aake arrangeaents for a woruhop with the Board and CCPe and Stat( would propo1S4 Batie opt.ions for dlKUSØlon. In r~ to Cheiraan H.s..e, Hrs. MeKi. stated there are pre- 8efttl~ 100,000 propoeed dwelling unJte within approved POO's, with approai.-tely 5' developed. co..d..ioDer .i.tor aoY~, .ecoD4e4 by Coaai..loDer Goo4Diqbt and carr!" aDaAiaou.ly, that tbe publlc be~rinq be close4. eo.al..1oDer Pi.tor aoY.~, .eooa4e4 by coaal..ioDer ..UD4er. an4 oarr1e4 UA&a1aou.ly, tbat tbe or41D&Ace .. Duabere4 aa4 title4 below be &4opte4 ..d eDtere4 IDto Or4iDaftce Book .0. 2'. OaDIXA»CS ~. "-" Nt DA D I NAHCE ;.HEHD r N(; DAD I N AHCE 82 - 2 THE C(»1PRf:HEHS I VE ZON I He RECULATtOHS rOM THE UHtNCOAPORATED AREA or COLLIER COUNTY, rLOAIDA, SECTION 7.27. (PUt" PLANNED UNtT D~t.oI'MDfT DISTRtCT, AND m:w SUBSECTION k., MONITORING RI':QUIREMENTS, TO PROVIDE STANDARDS fûfl ANNUAL þf)N tTOP tNG REPORTS TO BE Page 6 .... 109,~ 13 .. 1091Xt 1~ OCTOBER 27, 1987 stJBIItI1'T'ED BY THE PUD ~ECT D£V£LOPER/OWNER: AND BY ESTABLISHING PDCALT IES fOR NOH-ca1PLIAHCE: AND BY PROVIDING Nt ur~""Ivt DATE. Xtala "A1 u.ot.UTIOII .'-2S., ..-rtTtOlf CiCCL-.,-7C, GaArrIWO " naJJ:A1C3 F1IOW ft. COUTaJ. -.-f*UCflOII ...-v..UOL LID 10. .-.oPS1t1"1' LOCAnÐ AT ULT Þ&U"OO'T a&aC1I, V1fI'T 0Ir& - ADÇJI'1'&1) WIn 8TIPVLA'TIOII Lfooc1al notice havIng ~~r publ1shed In the Nðples Dally N'!Ws on October 11, 1987 a. evid~nc.d by Affidavit or Publicalion filed with the Clerk, public ~aring was opened to consider a request for a variance teea the Coastal Ccnstruclion Control Line (CCCL), f 1lC!d by Sunset La~aping f~r the ~ur~e of constru<:tinq five (5) elevated beach walkover. and attac~ bOardwalks, r~on.tructinq the dune, and r..~tating tho dune zone et .ix .ite. s..ward of the Coastal O-Velopaent Li.it Line al v'ly 8arefoot &each, Unit an.. Matural R.-ource. Devel(~gent Coapliance In~.etig.tor Muldoon at.ated the petitioner is reque.ting that one beach acce.. dune walkover be approwed tor Sit.. -r-, ftH-, -1-, -H-, and -K-. She etated the walkover. are proposed lO ~~ 60 Ct. elevated boardwalks be9innlno at t~ .anðward 4K2qe and end a', the current co.uul develop..nt line. She Hid the petitioner 18,180 proposing enhðncelWnt and reconst.ruc- tion of the dune in ..ch .i~.. a. well.. Site -C· which ha. an eXlstl09 walkover, and the 'evegetation of the dune zone at all .ix ~ll" uelno ..lnly native plant speci... "-. ~lðoon advised thð~ this work i. proposed approxi..tely 52 ft.. ..evar4 of t.~ Coastal Construction Control Line. S~ stat.ed that Pave 7 OCTOeER 27, 1987 ~tructíon of veq8tative c~~r ís ~au.ed ~I p'!destrianft, and (or this t...on tl'M el..at4K2 du~ walk OOlIte. are r'!Coqn í zed as the b~u.t ...thod of .lni.iz1n<J 111pacta on dun. '/~etation whi Ie sU 11 allO\oling beach acces.. She noted that coaatal dunes ar~ eff~tive in buffering nearby ðevel~t fro. th4 ~yr..íc beach ~nV1ro~nt a~4 the replace- aent of non-native pl.nt specí~. increa~ the zone's effectivene.. as .. .tor. buffef. "-. ~ldcon stated (or ttes. r..&OO., ills the polley o( the HRHD to stronqly encouraqe and re<~nd appr~val for all proj~ts that pro- tect .nd/or rest.ore the County's du~ syste~. eo..i..ioner Pistor stated hIe f~ling that the dune walkovers should ~ coo.tructed with r.~. rather ~han ~tairs. He noted that ..ny people in the County car~t use th4 walkovers becau.. they cannot C)et up and down the stairs fer one reason or enother. Ife noted that the r88p8 .hould not be ..de too .te.p. Cha i rlRð~ ~as.,' concur red wi th eo..ls.1oner Pi.t.or. hpe II Responding to co..issioner Saunders, He. MUldoon stated the erea in question i. actually abo?ut 1/2 .tle SQuth of the n~ Count.y b4!ach ~. and perki09 and north of the new County park. She noted that the County viiI be building a walkove~ in the vicinity of the parking lot. In .~r to Chairaan H..M, .... t'tu1doon stated she does not know where the develop«r will obtain the ..rlO, :\01oIeVer, they will be prohi- .... 109 '1'1, 15 pag. 8 t :~ '~ ~, 'I.. .' ,~. 111' ! '. '" ,1 ~ ,1 '. 16 OCTOBER 27, 1987 blted froe usinq the sand landward areas or the dune zone on each .1te. She ...~ they will be required to use beach quality .änd. C 1 I..io-Mr .ietor aoYed, eeooD4e4 by eo.ai.eioDer Ooo4Dlght &D4 carried ....~ly, that t'. public bearioq be clo.e4. o---4..ioaer .ietor aoY~, .ecoD4e4 by coaaieeioner Goodnigbt &D4 oarried ....Laoa.ly, tba~ "~lation 17-251, Petition OCCL-17-7C, ~~ ¡"AA.~apiDq, IDCI., aq..t for lAIr .etate., IDO., reque.tlAq a yariaDCe froa tbe Coa8tal Co..traction CoDtrol LiDe for property located a~ IAly aarefoot a.aoh, oDit ODe, .eacb Oar4eD. "7", "0", "8", -1-, ~., ..4 "E", be aðopta4 .itb .taft 8tipulatioD. and tbe a44e4 .tipalatioa that all ..lkoy.ra be built .ith reap. cODtaiDiAq tbe proper el...tioD aD4 elope i..tea4 ~f .tair.. paoe ~ .. 109 ,..'" 20 OCTOBr:R 27, 1987 lUll f7a.t D80urnOll .7 -2 Sf, PnlTlO11 V-I1-14, QUJlTIJIG A 8 I~ YARD YAJl<U.~ TO JOBD7 &lID cmDI. ~ f01I PJOnnT 011 T1IK SOVT1l 1101 or 4T11 a...vs. .... - ADOPrIÐ Leqal notice havinq ~n pJbli.hed in the Naples Daily Hews on October Jl, 1987 a. eVlðenc~1 ~ Affidavit o( Publication filed with the Clerk, public ~arlnq va! opC!n~ to consider a request for a variance fro. the required aIde yard ..tbðck of l~ t~t to .. feet 9 Inches in the E-~tat.. ~one Cor property located on the south .ide of 4 th Avenue, S. " . Planner Weeks advised thðl l~ .ubj~t property i. located vest of 1-75 and awroxi..tely 1/2 ..: l.s e..t of Livinq.ton Road within tho Eata~ Subdivision. ~ ste~~d lhat t~ lol ~asureu l~O feel by 660 feet and i. large enouqh to r.cntain . residence. ~ not.d the plo~ plan sbow1s tlw house i. loce,:(d .. teet. 9 Inch.. fro. the east e ide yard property line. He .t.l~ the lnforadtion reviewed lndicat.s that the petitioner in no w.y inte1'.ðed to have t.he hou.. built ",here it now .iu. ,.,.. Neeks edv h~ lhat the' peti tioner hired a contractor to bu lld his hou... and the contractor procured the bui Idinq per_it.. He said lt i. clearly the contractor'" error, however, thal fact i. not part of the criteria for revl~lnq ·l8rí.ncee. H.... .ald St.rr IllUst re<:o-.nd denial. He noted t.hat surrQUndlnq properly owner. were notified and two letter. of objectIon have been received citinq that, if approved, people will be encouraged t~ file (or variances. He &-ided t.hat no PaqÐ 10 OCTOBER 27, 1987 response hes ~ re~e1v4K2 frc. the adjac"nt property owner. In response to Coaai..ic~.r Pistor, Mr. w.eks stated that Staff has not. l~t.i941ted whether the hou.e can be .oved. He also statttd that t.he adjacent propoerly j·~.t ...te the .inl.ue width ff)r lot. 1n the £at.tAts Subdivision and u'llinq a ....11 portion would create a Ylo1atlon on that propoerty at ~ll. Reepvndinq to Chair-.n Ha..e, Mr. ....0 ~lMd lh41t lhe hou.e ,.,a. built in 1985 and is co.plete. ~. Robert Shearer, Petitioner, .tated that, in hi. opln~on, ð\lr 100 clear In«) of the proper I.y, the .urvey .take. were I..t'locked ðo..,n and the ~t.ractor did 00· re-survtty the property before con.t.ruction. In a~ ~r to eo..issíoner Saunders, Mr. Shearer aðv15ed that there 1s no ~ on the adjacent prop.rty, ~.r, there is a pad and the di.tanoe between the pad anð hi. residence i. approxiaately 40 feet. eo..l..ioner Pi.tor .tat~ his objection to grar.tinq variances and ~t.ed thie it.. be conttn'Jed until Mr. Shear..., det,u.lnee recourse· 898i~t hi. builder and vhethoo!or or not th.,. house can be .oved. eo..is.iooer Saunders stnted that he will .upport Mr. Shearer in this petition, ~ver, h<I! ",oJld like the Board to consider insti- tuting an after-t.he-facl var~lnce filinq fC!e that i. .everal ti... tho t.. for. r89ular variance. Mr. o.or98 Keller, Collier County Civic '~~ration, .taled th.t Mr. Shear.r paid $425 to (ile this petition and he doe. not r..l he should be .ubjecl to ~re f~s. Co..i.sioner Saunders as.ur~d Mr. Keller thal the pen~lty Cee8 ror arter-lhe-fact varìances would net Page 11 'OIl 109 'r.t 21 _ 109 wo( 22 OCTC9ER 27, 1987 ,epply to ..,.. Shearer. ~ I..i~.r .i.tor ~.4, .~OD4e4 by c~i..loD.r ..un4er., to ooatl... htiUoa .-11-14 to lIoY.-tHtr \7, 1n7. eo..l..íoner Coodni9ht .~~t~ that the house cannot t~ ~ved becautM they h.ave a .vi_incj pool. S~ .tatfKt that both Me. , Me.. Sbearer have taken ti.e off froe work to be h~re today ftnd their peti- tion .hould either be .P9ro~9d or denied. County Attorney Cuyler r'!.inj~d the Roard thðt th~ Uuildinq Deper~t r~ulation. h.IJve bfl!n chanq4td 1n re.~t to nurvey. and thi. type of variance should be kept to a ~in1~ in th~ future. He advi.-d the Board there are ~~ way. of not qrantinq thí. variance: 1) not ~o do anYlhinq, whIch is not 1n coepllance with the Board'. ~dlnance; or 2) 90 to co~rt and aake Hr. Sh~arer tear down the buildIng. oo..d..iooer Pi.tor .ith~r.. biB actiOD. c~..1oa.r .i.tor aoYeO, ..coa4ed by C~..ion.r 01a.. aa4 carried ....i~ly, t..t the public ...riDq be 010..4. eo.ai..ioa.r .i.tor .oYe4, .ecoD4e4 by Cbaira&n II...., to 4..,. htitloa .-17-14. Our 109 dhcu..ion of th" IIOt ion C~1a. ioner Saunders pointed out tbere 1. quite a bit of 8C!parallon ~t~en Hr. Shearer's hou.e and the pad tor the hou.e next door, Ue .aid h. ðqreoCt. that variance. au.,t be stopped, hovever, the 8Ulld¡nq Depart..nt requlfttions have been adjust.ed to addre.. th 1. l.flUe and the Board can pen.... Ii ze. PaOfl 12 OCTOBER 27, 1987 Opoa oa11 fer tb. qve.tl~G, th. action taile4 1/. (C0E2i..~on.r. ......, en..., ....d.r. ..4 G~04Diqbt oppoee4). ~..ioaer ..RD4er. aoYe4, .eooD4.4 by c~i..ioD.r Goo4Digbt &D4 carrie4 4/1 ceo.al..iODer pi.tor oppo.e4), tbat ".olution .7-25', "~iti08 .-.'-\4, qrantiDq 'obert &D4 Gerri. ....r.r a 10 f..t, ] incb yariaaoe froa t.. r~~ire4 .i4& yar4 ..~ct of 15 f.et to 4 t..t, , iDea.. for property locate4 OD th~ .out. .i4. of 4th A?~u., .. W., be ~ed. ~..ioa.r 'a'G.D4er. ac.e4, to 41reot .taff DOt to acoept UIY aftar-tae-fact yariaDc. applicatioD., a. of today, until a peaalty of J or .. t.... t... reoc¡1l1ar ".rhac. .ppUC&tioa f.. i. ..~a.bli.be4. hpe '1 ec:-i..ioner Class stat"è that aany of t.he older h?ntea in Collier Count.y will require a .ur.,"1' vhen t.~ are sold and tI'.r. will bf! a(t.r-u~-t.ct variance.. ~'4(' .t.at.ed the) have the IIMtCho!nL.. in place to curtail t.~ Y.r~an-;.e In the (ut.ure. ~. Cuyler .tated t~ ~;~rd ..y wi.h to consider u.inq the d.t.e which tnaH tut4K2 the .urvey requl r...nt. at the tiaA of foundatioo tnapeclion for the ~uildl"9 (_p.rt~nl. eo.ai..1oDer ..UA4er. r.nt.te4 hi. ~tlon to 4ir.ct .t.ff DOt to accept.., aftar-the-tact Y.rlaA~. applicatloD., att.r th. 48t. wbicb 1..tlt.te4 the ..rYey r~lr...nt at tb. ti.. of foun4.tioD in.pao- tio., ..til a penalty of ) or 4 t1... th. reqular "arianc. application r.. 1. ..ta.bli..e4. Th. aolioD .a. .eooD4.4 by =~i..ionar Gla.. an4 oarr1.. ....1-.ov.l y . P-O. 13 110( 109,.,.{ 23 .. 109".,( 26 OCTOBER 27, 1987 ttela '7.1 U8OI.ftIOII .7-2.0, PftIflO1l PV-I7-17C, ~u..J.TY O.....LOntAWf 1)IT1.I01I I;IIQQU-tI»O .-rnaIODL 0.. "".. OF 'nnI IBF-4 OI8T1UCT PO. ~",I~ 110"" U.OWC1Il~ P1.CILIT1U - J.DOP'n1) Pllnner ~ke staled lhe property in located approT.l'~tely 1/4 .11. eouth of Bonita &.ach Road, and 3/~ .11e weet of Vanderbilt Drive In the Llttl. Hickory Shores Subdiviaion. He atated that the Board directed .taff to Initiate a Provi.ional U~e for this property beca- use of the ...11 lot .ize which cannot be used for a principal struc- tur.. He ..id it appears th~t tneee lots were Intended for boat dock lo~, however, that is not indicated on the plat. Mr. Week. .taled t~ CCPC has review.d thi. ~tition and forwarded it vltb a rec<1JAlndaUon of approval. He .aid correspondence on th1a petition va. received, with øix letter. in favor and one in opposition. He noted the ~etter of ~ltion wes d.~ to .isinf~raation and aCtor clarification by Staff, 1M obje<:tíon was verbally wit'\drawn. "e said Stalf rec.c. MWS. approval. In ,.~ to Chair..n H...., PlaMi~/Zoni~ Director McKl. atated tbe dock. are lor privete u.. only, however, renting oC boat docks 1s a proble. throuqh~ut t~ County. She explained that Staff only be<:oIM. awat'. of thh t'¡pe of violation if there i. a coeplaint. co..l..ioner pi.tor aaYed, ..conG.4 by coaai..ioner G004nlqbt an4 carr!" ....1aou.ly, that ae.olutioD '7-210, ..titioD PO-'7-17C, for DOD-~raial boat launohiDq tacl1iti.. tor property 10cate4 approaiaat.ly 1/4 .11e .outh of aoDlta ..ach aoa4 .n4 3/4 .11. v..t of ...4erbl1t DrlYI, be adopted. Page 14 _ 100 ra:t ~ OCTOBER 27, 1987 Jt.ea 'Ta I '.A ~nœ IV-I7-tc, 1fIUIOIr, nu.a., aAJt"lOll, aou, , PESJt, .......arrIJIG ATU..8U ...., life., aaov&ntllG noYIII01QJ. UII ..10 (U.arfIAL 8ZØ'ICIaI) roa A onJ.!" 11n - COII'rurvm TO 1IO.~n 10... 19.7 Planner Nadeau .t.ted t.hi. petition w~. continued from the Septeaber 22, 1987 ...t&09. Ke .aid the reason the ite. was cont.inued v.. to allow ti_ for .n 89r..-.nt to be worked out bet~n the peti- tioner and ~ery Bay Utilities Cor ~r &ervice to the Naples Isles SubdiYi.ion. He aðvl-.d that it i. t~ Plannt09 ~partment'. unðerst.ndinq l~t the County Attorney sent a drafl conlract lo Mr. $pede'. attorney and, .. of thi. .orni09, there ha. been no r..pon... He .1.0 noted that the Utilities Adainie~r.tor has r~o~nded sone cha~ to the dr.ft 89reeømt end the uti Ii ty .t ipulatìons, noted in the April 23rd ~, ere still in effect. As.i.tant County Attor~, Anderson .lat~ th.t he ha. received a telephone ....a~ that Rookery Bey Utili tie. cannot aak. a deci-i~n on the dr.ft contr.ct until they h.ve reached an .9r....nt with Atr.ban Amlll. . Mr. To. Peek, of "U~, Hiller, Barton, 5011 , Peek, Inc:., stated they received a propoeed .9r..-ent fro. Sp.de £n9in..rin9!Rookery Bay Utilities d.ted lepte.ber 28th and 1t WftS forwarded t.o Atraban Hoaes. He ..ld that Atraban f~. reviewed the a9re-..ent and there are acme sl9"iflcenl areas thal they do nol .9r~ with ~nd they pre .red a counter .9r....nt on October 19th and resu~itted to Rookery Bay Utilities for revi9W and h.~e not received any inforaation to date. Page 15 OCTOBER 27, 1937 Mr. Peetr stat4td Iw has ~11 inforaed this IIOrni"9 by lo..one in cont~t vith .11. ~cM that he has not received t~ counter .9r.....-nt. He ..id If that 1. the c.... In all fairne.. he need. an opport.unlty to r..iew and r..~, and they will be open to .noth~r continuation of this ..t~r until it can be verified t.hat he ha. had an opportunity to r..l.... the coun~r propoeal. In .~r to Ch.ir..n H..... Mr_ ~k etated that he cannot say whether the attorney for Atraban H~. ..nt the counter a9ree.ent by r~i.ter4td ..il. He then r~~t.ed a continuanc~ to atraiqhten out thi. ..ttet. ~~ I..loaer Ola.. ~e4, to ooat1Dae 'etitioD PO-'7-tC uat!1 ~ 6~ 1', 1t.7. County Men&ger Dorril1 .t4led that this aatter ha. Þ.en continued aeveral tl~ .nd .~ted that lhe Board .ct on lhe petition iteelf which request. per_iesion for a seveqe p~ckage plant. H~ noted that at ~ point. this ..tter h.. becOMe .ore troubl~ ,-~d eXp"neø th.n it 1. vorth. ~I..ioaer ..1Ø4ere aeooa4e4 tIM ItOt10D. ~. Alan Fry, citiz.n, stated hie opinion that the area .urroundl"9 the propoeed .It.e to .uch too low to handle a .evaqe pactel 4t plant. Vpoa call for tbe qve.tioD, tbe 8OtioD carrie4 uDaaiaou.ly. ... aICW.. A7 lOla' A... aaco~~&..D "7 10140 A... ... Deputy Clerk ~DYOD replace4 Deputy Clerk Kueter Page 16 .... 109,.,.( 31 , _ lmrr.¡ 32 OCTOBER 27, 1987 ADDIm ..... ~ DeCt.aaJ., 'A~' I. D1.LOtraD PO. C'JIILDUJr County Meneger Dorrill 8t.l~ that. prC!ss release will be issued ðeclerl"9 Saturday .s ~iog H.1 ~n .nd of .~ial int.rest. t.o children end ur9ing caution and s.f-.ty for all. It.a '9Cl ~ J'Oa YOO"fW OVI~ antes t. lJmOn.a.aa - AOTJIOaIlaD Public Services Ad8inistrator O'Donnell st.ted that h. i. requestinQ aUl~rizalion to ler.inate the lease for the Youth Cuidðnce Office In I~l.. at 210 North First Str~t a, of October 30, 1987, end to approve a new lea.~ for a facility at 212 South First Street in 1--*.1... He not~ that u~ .xiaUog facility thal 18 bein9 cx::cupied has not been brl)UC)ht up to County bu i 1dinq c~. and there have bef!n repeeted co.plainta tiled w1t~ the la~lord who has never atte.pted to ..k. eny correction.. He stat.d that as a result 0f ~his, he wish~s to terainat. this le.ae and ftOVe to . new facility. He indicated that. ðuri"9 the aonth of Nove.ber tte Youth Guidance Depart..nt will op.rat. out at the c~n1ty parlr "urtng the ItOrning and wi 11 u.. the "IV" ecbool in the afternoon. He noted that the n~ lea.e will be effect!.. o.ceaber 1, 1987, ad~in9 that the current 1.... ia lor 9400 per ~th which ia for epproxiaate1y 800 square fC!el of space and the new 1.... i. tor SSOO per aonth end "111 be tor 1,000 square fe.t ?f o:fice epace. He noted t.hat t~cr. are sufficient funds to cover this ~~'tur. in the Youth Cuidance Depart..nt bud;.t.. Pege 17 OCTOBER 27, 1987 C; faatotter Pi.tor IIOYtHt, .e00a4e4 by eo.ai..ioner f100cSniqJat an4 carr!" ..-~1.owaly, t"t t.. 1.... for tb. routJa Qui4aDo. offic. at 21. ItortJa Pint 8Ueft in X-Okal.e be terainate4 october 30, 1'11, aM t... ... 1.... aqr.....t be apprcn'e4 for 212 801ltb Pint 8tr..t in ~.1.. effecti.. Dec~~r 1, It.,. ... 109 rr.( 33 peg.e 18 t 'i ~. ... t i - 109l1li to If. t" <' xu. . 9C2 OC'T08£R 27, 1987 LDaa W."'ur.- WIn 'fD n.tKa'J) l OJ' TJIJI COLLIn CQi .-n .a..~ - NIl.. il'ÞU Public Servic.. Adaini.lralor O'Donnell .lated that this it.. is . result of the c~l~ljon of the building facility that was dedi- cated Septeaber 17, 1987, aðdiog lh~t the fri.nd. of tho Mu.eu. have requested an I..~nt to t~ leas~ that ~ld release the. fro. lhe req\llr..."u to ..íntaín inaurance on thot! bui lding proper and it.. con- tents. He noted th-st lhi. va. anltdpat"!d in t~ budqet and the ~ o.part...nt ha. budqet4K2 a line i tea for insurance as I County eapenditure. He not4K2 tt\ðt the Fr iends of the Mus.va wi 11 sU 11 be r.-ponelble for l~ liabsllty In.urance on the 9r~Jnds itself while t.hey coap1ete the various ouldoor exhibila. H< ~~t.~' that he ia reque.t.i"9 luthorization for the 8..~nt to this 1..... ~..10..r Pistor aoY.4, .80004.4 by Coaai..l0..r Ooo4Aigbt an4 carr!" ....laoualy, that t.. 1.... aqr.....l wit. t.. Prle.4. of tb. COllier Co8aty XUaeaa be ....4e4 with reqar4a to AD.uraDce coy.rage. Page 19 - - -- OCTOBER 27, 1987 I~- .~ IJr!'D.tJI OOIKualOll M~.~r TO n ...-n.m AWl) .XTD'D1m :-1) FOV1tt1I .~~~--,,,~I' TO T1U lEACII ACCZ8. n.cILI1'IU MUDEn roa CLAJI PM. no - Þ",,"&II 1rt'l1l ~IFI0710S11. Public ~ryice. Ad.¡nislrator O'~ell .taled that this is . requeet t~ ...k a 30 day exten.1on to tt. Int~rl. Cone...ion A9r«~nt until ~Y.-ber )0, 1987. and t~ Fovrth Aøend..nt to the Beach ÂCce.s Aqr....nt to Cia. P~.~ Park. H-. .tat~~ that pur.uant to the Co.ai..áon·. previous dir~tton. Staff nlonq with C~ia.ion.r Cla.. _t with repr...,.tatlvflI of ....llnghou.'., AOO, and the Rllt91stry ln an alle.pl to resolve eo.. of the out.tand.n9 la.~. and a. a r..ult of t~ ...tlnq., it wa. l~ Staff'. opinion lhat the rer..nent con- ce..ion aqr...-.nl .hould be awarded to ~ of t~~ Reql.try as it i. in the beat po8!llOn tQ ~rate thal t!P@ of oper~llon untíl per- ..nenl veter end s4tWer utilities are lo::ated which will be appro;<i.ð- tely II aontha fro. now. He noted that as a re.ult ot that, the County Attorney's ofllce will need to put. logether . final cone~sion a9r.....nt that would be preeented dur ing the IIOnth ot Noveaber. ftpe ... Coa.i..ioner Gla.. stated thal ther. .r. two separate ís.ues; the Conc...lon A9r~nl .rd the dev.loper's responsibility u"d~r the rourth A8enðaent to the Beach Acee.. r.cllltl.. A9re~nt. He stated that there we. . r~ve.t for proposel that was sent out that had ~ral reqvlre..nt. whlCh indlcet4K2 Ulal the conce..lonaire that was selected would have to co-. up "'tth $l~,O,OOO and $4S,OOO and ccn1plete ... 109 "'of 45 Pð~. 20 ... 100 w.t 46 OCTOBER 27, 1987 kitchen.. He indicated lhat this proposal .tate. th.t the con- cessionaire 1. responsible to .u~il docuaentation and proof of abi- lity to ...t .11 the Cínançial ob1iqations, addinq that ~hi. put. an ~.i. on what the Cou:"lty 1. lookinq to r.cuP<erate. He .tat." that at the present tiRe, this Is not a co.plete park a. t.he!~ i. not .~r and vater or the proper el~lric. He 1nd1cal4td that with the ongoing di.cu8stone with the A.gi.try ~eloper who is re.ponsible for half the co.t of certain ite.s, the~ th1nqa will ~ settled and c~pleted when the per.ittinç is~, He .tat~ thðl the continuation of tho couc...ion .9r....,.nt I. IIlrl9ht, but I'M. ~11.vllt. that when this p.rk is co.pl.ted, the pr~e.. .hould bIIt rebid so that evoryone h.. an 4tqUal ØP'PC)rtunlly. He noted that 1n the ..anti.., the Registry 18 there and he ~ not have any objections to this conee..ion .or....nt continuin,; at this li... but he would reco-.end that it be continued unti 1 the project ill c':'>apleted ðnd an place. ~~ '.ote.1 that thh pro- j.ct va. pushed .head before it should høve ~n and a. a r..ult, tbere are certain tht~. that have not ~n co.plet~. He noted that there 1. . drawbri~ that i. (or the service of boats 90100 throuoh and has not bfMon op.n on. t I.. in 10-1/2 IIOnth., at:!dt"9 that there is a poe.lbl1ity that the dravbr1dqe ..y ~ taken out. He noted that beeau.e of lack ot uee, there te . provieion that etate. that If there are no opentnq. o( thle drawbrid~ wit~an 12 IIOnthll, the Count.y cen petition the Coasl Cuard to have it ell_tn.ted. He indicated that the tact 1. that the perk ia inco.plete and the County has. coaait- Peg- 21 - - -- OC'TOBER 27, 1987 .-nt. and a contract wJth ttMt o.vel094r ot lhe Regi.try to do c.rtaln tblnc)S. He .tated that with t.tMt pera1 Uinq f rOta ttMt Federal eov.rn- .-nt and the in.tallallon .nd bidding o! the eward. for the line. to be lnet.lled, it will prObðbly take 18 aonth.. Cow1ty MatUt94tr Oor r H 1 .Ut4K2 that the 18 aonth U.. fra.. is a worM c... ecenario, addinq ttutt it deal. with tutvinq to run a tech- nically coaplicated force ..in .1009 the drawbrldqe with. .ubaqueous croe.lng. He not4K2 ttutt t.he AUO M. be,", a.ked to provide the e.-built plans and specifications for the septic .yst... becaus~ it i. an ela- borate ~t.. and if it 18 en adequate .ept ic .yet.. which can be apprO¥ed by the Heelth Depart-.nt, it ~ill solve 90\ of th. problem. and viII probably .ave 6 .onth. ti.e. ~t s.ioa.r al... .oYH tla&t t.. CODO...ioD at;:'....Dt be cat....4 for. period of . aoDtb. Ratil t.e park faoilitie. are o-.pl et..e4. Me. Keller atated that the.. facI11tt.. ar. not 901ng to be coapleled lor at leaat 6 aont.h. and, theretore, . t.eaøorary a9røe.ent lor' aontha .hould be pr~.red wit.h the und.r.tandin~ thðt definite action vill be taken by that ti... He .tated that it the R~i.~ry ~ not lulfill their .qr....nl by tÞ,t ti.., then they .hould not be ~11owed to bid on this aatt.r. eo..l..ioner Cla.. .tðted that ttMt Regi.try i. . hotel ".parete trOll the ðeYeloøtr\9 function. o~ '..Ioaer 'aaa4.re .tat.. tla&t bl. uD4.retaa41D9 of tb. ~tiOD .~ 109,.-! 47 ..9. ZZ - 100,...1 48 0C70... 21, 1'" 18 t.M~ tM iaurÚl 001a0...1011 89r.....~ will be oontiznae4 for a peri04t of . 80atU 8A4 cmce t.. park faoiUUe. ba.e IMen ooa.~rwcte4, tbea t.e County will 90 ~~ for a o~tltlYe bid for a OODONsloa aqr..nt, aDel be_" 011 tbat UD4er.tan4iÞq, b. .e00a4e4 tbe 8OUoa. ..... Richard Aaron. r~"~Ung t~ AUO at t~ R89istry Hotel, Pelican &&Y. .tated that ~ i. willing to 90 alo09 wit.h t~ concept that this i. nol a co.pJet~ facility and t~y would lik. to continue with the c~~...íon ~ration. ~e .tatnd that he ls hðvinq a liltle probl_ und4tutandi09 what i. 90lng to h4tp~n in 6 IKmttuJ. O~ I..loaer ell... .tate4 tbt tIM IIOtlOII .boald .tate . 80Dtb or ~ ~letloc of t.la facility wit. reqar4. to tbe leqal reqair..ents &ad tIM ooaatntotlOll of it. County Mana94tr Dor rill .let.-ð thet the inil hI discu.e.ion involvln? the AUO/R~i.try 9rouP enticipal~d as part ~r their havinq a IIOre ~r"nent conc,..8ion would e9r.. to con.truct to lhe County's specification., the C~rcial kitchen. He indicated that if new pro- posals are c~i~red or 901"9 lo be 80) icit4K2, the County cannot ..pect thea to aeke this ty~ of inv..t~nt in that coeMercial kitchen and then run the rlS~ of not having t~ concession. He stated that he would not continue to explore this particular avenue with thee, unless they wish to proc~ ð. part of t~ int.ri. ðrranoe."nt with so.. 9Uerantee that t~ Counly will r.i~r.. or purchase the kitchen It It. value, then that would ~ a chanqe frOft what was pr~viou~ly pag.e 2) - - - ocrOBER 27, 1987 ðiltCUtJMd. Hilt not4K2 l"'at or aqinally it .,a. that t~ AUO would build the kitchen, aeke t~~ i~v~st~~nt end only in the event that the con- cession eqr~t was lost on an annual basi., then the County would pay the ðepreciat4K2 value of t~tr tnv"t~t. "c. Aaron stat4K2 tMt:. this was one of the concern., addinQ that until the recility i. co.pl.ted, he would like to get t~ kitchen a. fully operational a. po..i~l.. ~...ioaer Gl... .tate4 tbat be wowld ....4 .1. aotl0. to iaalDde a depreoiate4 sc....l. for t.. kitcbea. OOeai.sio.er ..UDdera 8eOilad.. u.. --.4e4 aoUoa. Public Services Adainistrator O'Donnell atated that with reg.rds to this ..tter, the AVO ha. alway. a9r~ lo put in .. kitchen faci- lity. He noted that their conc~rn was t~8t if the County exercises ita .bility to terainAte the conces.ion tqr~nt with the. at any ti_ without cau.., they "anl~ to recehe S~ kind of co.pen.aUon tor the .xpen.. that t~1 put in for the kitchen facility, and Staff felt that thi~ wa. an appropriate req~l lo aake ar~ there wa. 89r.....nt in ðev.lopinq so.e fora of a d«-pre<:utaon .c~ule. He noUtd that once the kitch<>r'l (acility wa. µ\.It in it. WO\.Ild be owned by the County and would bo4t<:o-. a CíJted a.set. of the County facll1ty, so It the proposal was rebid, anyone el.. that ca.. ln would be using that kitchen facility. County Menaier Oorrill slat~ lhat tt~ course that. the County ie takl"9 i. to review on an annual b..i. the pertoraaoce of the Pao. 24 .... 109 'I'.{ '9 'it ... 1oo~.{ 50 OCTOBER 27, 1987 AUO/le9i.try 9roup and cancel their cone...ion in any y.ar SYbject to . 90 day notice, aðdinq that this propoaal this date is f .onths. He suted that a. part of tho@ .otion, .tarr -::ould b4t direcied to proceed with ðev.loping a ConC..SIOO that would b4 in .. (tnal for. that. would Include a kitchen. County "-~r Dorrill .tat4K2 that .. long a. th.y are put on notice thet within three .ontha of when the !irat year ~il1 end, coa- petitt.. Þidding wtll tak@ place, and t~'l viiI have the rioht to bid along with everyone el.e. ~, Aaron stated that ~ a9r... with this type of control, addino that an artificial deadliO@ doe. not .erv~ the purpose. County Mana98r Dorril1 .tated that based on all discu..ion., .taCf could be directed to br ing back the revia4!d conc.;...iOt. agr....nt and a report on the statu. of all the con.tructto~ related it.... Mr. Duane Billington stated that he di.agree. with. continuation of the ~rary extensions, adding that this fac\llty is ipcoaplete, and a tenant could be put 1n there unU 1 ~he facil tv is co.plet.. u. stated that he doe. nol bel ieve that an extension should be qranted. c~ '.sloD.r Gl... witb4r.. bls eotiOD aa4 eo.ais.ioD.r .auø4ers wi~.. .1. .eooD4. c~ isstoøer 01... ~e4, that .tarr be 4irecte4 to coae back to ~ -..rd of Ooaøty co.ai..ioa.r. witb a r-.l..4 coDc...ioD aqr....Dt ~eot to the discas.ioa tbi. date, tbat .taft briaq back a con.truc- tloa proqr.. report d.tailioq lbe peraltt10q .tatu. aD4 all otber .1a9- II OCTO'.. 27, It.7 ~io.a related to t.. ð...l~t sit., t~t t.is coDc...ioa aqre...t be U" to tN CGalPletioa of t.. park'. UD. ay.t... so that. ~n rill be a ~l.t" facility tbat caD be bid out, tbat tbe coa- oeesioa ~r....t .... a ODe year ...i... t1.. period for c08p1etion of t'" facUity witlt a J aoatlt DOUUoatioD iD achaac. to t.N1ut. so t..t tIN COGat1 will ~.rtl.. for bi4e aD4 if it i. .ub.~aDtially ~leted prior to tkat tl.., t.. proc... .111 be acc.l.rat.4. MotioD -.00.... by co.ai..ioaer ....d.r. a84 oarrie4 anaai.-o,..ly. Aa81.tant County Attorney Melqel stal~d that this ltea was a draft of the tblrd extension or the rourth A8end-.nt t.o the øeach Acce.. Facl1itl.. Agre.-ent, addinQ that the draft thal was prepared th1s ct.te provided for a one -=>nlh extension or both the sixth e)ll':.en.1oo or the Interi. Conceeeion Aqr~t and the extensioN of the ~ourth Aa.n~lInt to the øea<:h Ace... raeili lies A9re.-.nt and they have both been extended for the .... duration durinq each of the previous exten- el~ and he would request that the Board of County C~is.ioners extend the Fourth ~~nt ror the .... duration as lhe Inter!. Con- ce.slon A9reeeent £xtens ion. eo.ais.ioD.r .aUDd.r. aoYe4, .ecoDd.d by c~i..ion.r Q1... ..4 carri.. ....iaoa.ly, tkat tit. rourt. ....daeat to th. ..ach Acc..a raoilitl.. aqr.....t be estea4e4 for tb. .... 4vral10D .. th. IDt.ri. OOaoe..ioa aqr.....t est.uioa wit. tIN .... l&AqU&9. b.iDq 1.c1a4.4. Page 26 ... 100,,,.( 51 .. 109 ,...,¡ 52 OCTOBER 27, 1987 Þpe .. IteIa 'tDl ~ oamm , 5 '1'0 OV'TDØ COW8TS~I01I, life. ... u..co ,Jnrzu nu. II - U""'IW John Ma~'~ki, Uti lit i.. Enqin.erinq Dlr~tor, st.ted that this 1. tbe final close-out cha~ order for the conatr'JCtion ol the Phase II ...,.c ey.t.. on Marco I.hod for the Marco Water and Sever District. Me noteð that 411 con.trucllon ha. been c~leted and cer- tified by the enqi~rs of re<:ord and the contractor has su~ltted final pey req~t. to the County to clos4-out Area ·0· which was the l..t pha.. recently co.p1et~, H. noted thal the enqln.er h.. reviewed this final pay r~t and it will require 0 chanqe order for the contract to (Inalize all of the quantities a. constructed within thi. acea. He indicat~ that the tot..l chanq4 ol~.r in this area .-ount. to S~I,e64.02. noUnq that the bulk of the C01lt has ~n due to the reetor.tlon work on Marco I.land fro. the conatruction of ~ddi- tlenal houses aince the slart of the proj~l, .orft driveway repair., an: eoetly r~air or the roadway.. He ir.dicated U.at there is poor sub-ba.. on the ro.ds on Marco I.lend which ha. c.u.ed .ore ro.d repair th.n what wee anticipated. He noted th.l an an.ly.is of the total ~~ orders for lhi8 project we. aade which o.ounted lo 9.12' or S120,27~.4~ of the total project and as\ of that co.t has ~n directly rel.led to restoration It... which pean. that only 1.37' was for adjuet-.nt of quanti tie. which i. very alniaal for a project ~his .ize. He noted that Ull11tle. 1. very pl....d with the coapletlon of PaOtt 27 .... l09,aQ 53 Pao. 28 OCTOBER 27, 1987 cona~ruc:t.ion anð he i. r~tir')9 that Ch.1nq. Order .5 Final be approved in ~ðer to clc.--out ail the constru~tion related costa and tMt91n to fina llze tho!! a.~.lWOt project. ~asi...r .i.tor ~e4, .-coDde4 by C~..loD.r Ð004Diqht and carried ---~i~ly, tbat CbaDq. Or4er '5 riaal ID tb. .-cunt of 'Sl,'''..2 f~ tlM llaroo ....r ..... II to 0UyaaA.D con.truotloD, IDC. M ....(~vecS. ___,_...·'·..~n..." ;~ .. 1m w.t 60 ot~ER 21, 1987 Iu. f.n oaDIJat.IK"Ir '10 _ .~~. u,ca &aaIDIJIQ ~rAT1ODL LlCD88 nu .lft a '100 ~ 011 nUl) na ~"rATIODJ. LICD8U AM) " Ra OF '100 FOR nDJICIAL 1ØT1TVT10118 'to .. IIIft1TV'1' &D Aa.i.tanl lo the County Manaq@r 0111(( 5tat~d thal em S@pteaber 22, 19'7, the Board of County C~i.eiooere dir~ted staf( to review occupational liceml@ f~. and co.e ~ck with an equitable fee sche- ðule in order to a..ist in the funding o( the Eco~ic Oevelop.ent Council. He indicat~ that eirce that ti.., the EDC has .ent a letter eU.inatinc} their req~t (or fundit)Q fro. the County and this report 1. .illPly in r..pon84! to tM fee scMdule. H4I! noted that the fee. C41nnot be ra ieed, but c.t~or le. can be decrea.C!d to el1.inat. .o.e of the irwtqUIU... ~ not4K2 that there are 10,600 bu.iness.. In the County and out of that e~nt, only" bu.inee... pay ~r. then $100, eðdi"9 that the f i ret rec~at ion is to br i"9 t~ 66 bu.i~..e. down to 8100 and put a cap o( $100 on fixed fee occu~at1onal lic.n.... fie noted U'.at this WO\.Ild ...an a 108. of reven~ to the County, but tbl. could be off..t by in.tituting a fee of $100 for financial inati- tuUona that are nol pre..nt.1y in the fee schedule. He indicated t.hat u~ end r..ult in lost revenue would be epproxl...t.ly 82,000. H. .t.ated that the .taft r.port contains 1nforINUon about the £DC fundlnv and the Board of County C~i..ioner. can decide what th.y would Uk. to do with reqarde to this .aller. II. .tated that it the Board of County Coa.is.ioner. wants to ..ke .ub.tantial change., th.y would be.. to 90 throuqh the leqi.lative proc.... Page 29 ~_.... '0-· ,_~.-."_,.,.,,,~<. "...___,~, OCT08!:R 27, 1987 ec-l..loner Kat,,, stated that It~ 5 of the .taft report should be ðeleUd. eo..issloner Cla.s stated that the r.ason for changing the occu- pational 11~ f... was becau.. of the EDC fund1n9 and if that Is not necessary at this U.., he a.ked if there is . need at thia tilDe to cba~ the fee echeóule, to which Mr. Olliff stated that there has bee~ ..~~.ton (r~ the Board of County Co..i..iOO4trs ':. 1 several oc::c::.siona prior to the reque1Jt of the £DC. He noted that so.e of the ~1""s owners tulve also requ4t8ted r.1lef fr~ what they s.. as an inequit-able r.. ItClwdule. Me not...... that he f..l. that th.re i. enough '~tificatlon to look at this .etter. eo..lss1oner Saunders .tated that he ~ not see justification tor having 66 business.. peylnq lees that are lar in e.cess of SlOO and tbe r..t of the bueinee... paying f... that are le.. than $100. fie sUIted thet he feel. that there should be a $100 cap and aleo feels that financial intl~ i t'Jt i~ should be chu< e'd. ~.sl.oaer 8aVJa4er. aoTH, .e00Me4 by c~¡..~on.r en... &D4 oarri.. ....t.oa.ly, tbat tbe t... of t.e " ba.1D.~.e. lA axo... of '1.0 be redace4 to '1001 tbat fiaaaolal iD.tltatloae be cbarqe4 . fee of '1.., ... t..t t... ordlaaJ1ce be brOUC bt back vitia tb... cbaD< .s. ~. 31_ McCrath stated thal he would suggest that this ..tter be brOU9ht before the leqi.latur. and have the f... corre.pond with the Clt?'.. eo.ais.ioner Saunders .tated that the County n..ds to resolve the Page 30 .... 100,1.'.{ 61 1OOrr.t62 OC'1'08ER 27. 1987 i.MoIe c:onc.rning the r... that ere per. it t4K2 by Statute and In the upcoIIiÐ9 .ontM, there could be ...,.. .U9geetion. ..de tl) the legillla- U.. ðel~lIon. Ju. ..n ~tft COO.h 8V1tDIJIG PaaxI'! hC.Uuf.....-r P1tOJ&er - amoum As.I.tant County Manager ~~re .tated that. this i. an effort bet~ .t.!! and the Contractor'. As.ociation to addre.. soøe aulual probl... vith r~ard. to bulldlnq per.it.. He noted th~t. fl.. years ~, residenlial building per.its used to t.~e five dðys to is.ue end it now tak~ five veelr.: co-.rcial building per.ita used t.o t.ke 4 .,..k. to i..ue and now it tak.. e wteks. He noted that thore he. ~ ~ additional .taf! added this year and .inc. that tiae, the U_ period. have ~ cotling down, but not. to a de-qree t.h.at will ..tl.fy the building co.aunlty or the .tatt in ter~ of their d..lre to return to the old .tandard.. He noted thal as a r~,ult at this ..tter, the County Kan~r has directed that a joint private/public partner.hlp project. be e.tablished which will bring t09~t.her t.he building contracting co..unily and the staff with a goal of resolvino thl. probl... He .tat4K2 that it i. an í~rtant project becau.. the .it..-Uon M. to be illproved and with tlM private/public 9r.ouP th;. viii heve en iapact on the proble.. He stated that he f-.ls that there will be sa.e poeiUve results, adding t.hat this 11 the first. ..,or oo.ponent in a syste. of productivity a.nage..nt ~hich i. boin9 put to' ether. tte noted lhal with this projecl he h tryin9 to Paget 31 OCTOBER 27, 1987 acc~U8h cerUln objectives: one Is to .1t19ate the .ituatinn which 1. aneccepteble. and the! second one i. to Institute a nev progra. with r~arðs to productivity. Mr. Ed S.ith, Ex~tive Director of the Collier County Builder. and Contractors As~htion, .Ut4K2 that they would l1k~ to ... effec- ti.. end .fficlent County r~lationa of the industry, adding that they are in ~rt of t.hi. private/public 9rouP and t~ productivity pr09r_. He noted tttat t~ do not want to .... un~e.eary red tape, fri¥Ol~ r~latiOO8, and inðect.ive adainistration. f~ noted that thi. project viII take care of all t~ ..t.t~r. and it. also recQ9ni- ~ that t1~ i. lIOney. He noted thðt lhis will set up a _ana for ....lop!n9 a ~pabil1ty withln the 8udqet Depart..nt of op.raUons r....rcb and productivtty enhanc~t. Ke .tat"~ ~ha~ they do not differ "ith anythit)9 in this propott8'd .tU<1y. Mr. Mcl..eeore .Ut4K2 that th i. is.ue wi 11 be addre..ed (rea bolh .1des and he will be ceaino back to the Board of County Co..i..loners with aoluUone. He noted that they will be followit')9 the prQ908e<1 project plan a. outlined in the executive s~ry. hpe .. Me. .ichard Braun, President of Cold~ Cate Taxpayer. As.ociation, .~ted that it licen.ed surveyors survey t~ propert.y, architects pre- pare the plan., and the e"9in..r. put lhelr seal. on t~ for eleva- tiona, driveway., etc., there would not be any need for the County to r..iev the plans other than for zoning. He noted that the Building Pao- 32 .. 109,.,.( 63 .. 109 P1r.t 64 OCTOeER 27, 1987 Depertaent could be strea.lined i--.diately by putting t~e ..thods Into effect. He ind1cated that people that are hired in the 8u1Idl09 Depar~t .hould be knovledgeable of the job they do and abould be qualified to do it. County "'ßager Dorr 111 stated that the purpoiJe of th j s it.. is to str_Une and 1llprove on the job that the people are 00109, and 18 not Intenðed to cr i t lche the Building Depart.ent. ~. ~hl stated that he would like to s~ so.e standards .et tor heeJtJa end ..eety on con.truct ion jobs, adding thal contractor. could be req.lced ~ .u~il quarlerly report. on accident. or injuries that tbey be.. bed on jobs. OJ t ..1oMr ~ra 80'9", seooa4ed b7 Coaai.sl0.er Qlus &ad oarri.. ....útooalJ, tut tbe COllier COUDty BuildiDq Perait ~1......, ..t ftoject be eD40ree4. Jtea '1.. Im8OLOY%C.* 87-211 A.ØTBOUIIJIO '11m ..-rn.aaarr OF " CLAtA 8'1 COLLXa. ~.~k aGAI..-r ctG1lA raVUJfC'& OOII~ Ut.A'flJ1O 1'0 'fa COU1l'l"Y" CLAIM I'Oa FDa AD con. UI.IJIO r-. 'fD 8.1ØO CUB - ADOrn1) County Atloroey Cuyler stotC!d that this ite. is ð~kinq for authorIzation for the County Attorney to ent~r into ð lease and ..ttl..-nt a9ree.enl wilh lh~ previou. insurance carrier lhat resulted 'roe coe~ and fees that were incurred in the cas. of Rita Bruno vs. Collier County, addin9 that this ~.s a l~e5 case and the insurance cerrier ahould have dctfend4K2 the County end it failed to do so. He atateð that .inc. that ti.e there has ~n a clai. o90inst the Plloe 33 - - - Pege 34 OC'1'08ER 27, 1987 i......rance c:.rrier and they have now 89ree-d t.hat they will set.tle the clal. for 81.192.31, addinq that the fees that were actually incurred are approxi..tely $2,600. H-. stated that he d~s not want to indicate t.hat the County vi 11 pay lhe r...inder ~.u.e h4 ha. b..r, havi"9 con- versation with coun..,1 .l this point and this ..y b@ r4K2uced or _11_i- nated, but. be 18 ..Unog t.hat. t.he Board of County Co..h.ioner. ac:cept t.his ..ttleaent fiqure anð authorize hl. to execute a relea.. and Mttl--.t ecJre.-.nt. C 1..101ter 411... .oY4t4, -.ooD4e4 by eo.ai..ioner Ooo4nie¡bt u4 carried ....i~ly, t..t "solation '7-2'1 autborlalDq tbe ..ttl..ent of . 01.18 Þ7 COllier r~ty aqai..t Ciqna Insuraace coapany r.latine¡ ~ tbe ~t7·. cla1a for f... an4 co.t. ari.inq frea t.. lruno Ca.e H adopt.e4. uoc 100 '.'{ ~') _ 100 PIt.l 70 OCTOBER 27, 1987 lUll 'lOC ~""i. ArIO"'~ a.crrmat!&Ð '1"0 ax.cvn a cowraACr '1"0 OftAI. LaGAL 8DYIcz. roa 'I'D ...PAJtATI~ UD JU)OPTI~ or YUlova lXPJ.C'!' n. OIID~ - UHIOY&Þ County Attorney Cuyler .tat~ that this it.. i. a r~ue.t that the County Attorney be authorized lo execule a contract on behalf of the Board of County Co..i..icner. in order to obtain leqal service. neoess.ry for the preparalion and adoption of various i~act fee ordi- nances. He noted that hi. office va. directed to prepare certain i~t fee ordinanc.s and it was hi. understanding that the Board v.nt~ a port1on o( l~ ordinance. back in (inal draft (or. in late No_I ~.r or .arly Dec..oer. He .tated thal this is the point in the proc.u4inqs that tMt a. 90ing t.o rMM!d eo.e additional eJ(perttse, adding that be he. had :!I'~ di8<:u..ion. with the 'ir. of '4at.::'>r., Cibl1n, Stephana and "icker.~. He .tated that Mr. Nabor. has a great deal of experti.. In this aree and he he. indicated a top fioure of $35,000 in ou~iðe coet and fee. whach are ava.l.bl~ within t.tMt County Attorney'. budget. He noted lhat Hr. Nabor. would be able lo heve at lea.t two of tbe i~ecl fee ordina~.. lo the Board o( County Coe....ioner. by oec.JIt..r. eo..is.loner Ke... quq.tioned why thIs cannot be done In-hou.., to ~lch County Attorney Cuyler .tated that he cut. down any out.ide f... that be can, but there .. alway. 9Oi09 to be .ituation. where outside e.perti.. i. needed a. t.he altorneys are not experts in all fields. ~. ~hl .tated that he agree. with Co.ai.sioner Ke..., addlno pag_ 35 -----~,,~.... ,.., OCTOBER 27, 1987 that thl. I. ~thlng that .hould be chec::k4K2 into in T.U.ha.... befoce .11 this work 1. done and then 1t i. deterained that the County cannot ~. the.. f..... Co.al..1oner Saunder. atated that there ia .ufficient .upreae court ca.. lev in rlorida that giY~. counti". total jurl~'ction to levy l~t f... unl... the State Le9i81.ture p..... a l.~ that prohi- bita it, aððlng that ttw! l~islatur. has 9Of'e on record a. .upp?rtl09 local ~rnaent. in their effort. to rai.. i.pact f.... He noted that there I. not any real ia.uea to .ðdrr18 at a etate level at this point in r.t.r~. to i~act r~~. In an8Ver lO Mr. ~eachl. C~i.sioner Saunders .tated that each ordinance has to be tailored to the .pecific County and to the .peci- flc type of (H that is being leviae! and in addition, an econollic ana- lpl. 1M. to be done that i. .pecific to the Counly. Clerk Cilea .tated that the purchasin9 policy r~ir.. CODpetltlv. ..lecUon and negotiation., addi"9 t.hat if "r. N.bors is to be ..lected, be would req~t that the tor..l co.petitive neqotiatione requlr..-nt be waived. ..... Keller aUt4K2 that he would .~t that. tiNt Board 00 ahead vith thl. ..tter. co..ia.ioner Coodn19ht alated that the attorney ie beinq a.ked to do lRpeCt fee. on park., libraries, public (ð<:iliti.., and eolid v..te, but iapacl (HS cannot be u&ed to pay (or deficila. She .tated that .be would like to s.. ti9ure. as to what the .oney fro. i.pact ... 109 JI.'.{ 11 paoe 36 .. 109 ,r.¡ 1l OCroBØ 27. 1987 f... Is 9Oi"'9 to be ue4K2 for. She indicated that .he th0u9ht reco.- aenð4tione were 90tnq to ~ brQU9hl b.ck with reqard. to 1øpact f..., addil19 that the only reco~nd.tion .he has seen is for S35, 000 to hire an out.ide attor~ to draw up an i.pact f~ ordinance. She not.ed that .he W(X, ld I ike to ~ what tM cost 18 C 01ng to be, why they should Mve an iapact fee ord1nance, wMre the ItOney w1ll co-. fro., ¥bat It vill be u..d for and a c~arieon of figurea. She noted that before road 1apact f... vere vot4K2 on, .he knew the reason "'hy 1 t VIIS ne.6ed a. veIl as t he coat. County Attorney Cuyler .tated that. lot of the b.~kground Inf~tion i. currently beinq looked at for the developeent of the ordinance, add1ng that lhere are certain a.ounts of aoney th.t is expected to be laken ln and certain deficlt. and that. inforaation could be preiMnt4K2, ttc. S11llh questioned if outside .ttor~y f~s ~re involved, has the ao.rd of County C~i.ei~r. ..de leqielative delerainations that t~ are iapaCl fee. that the County intend. to i~.e and 1f they do not intend to i~. these (~, then why develop ordinances in advance of the deciuon to i~ee lhe i:tlpact (ee? County Attorney Cuyler stated that the i~act fee has to be iapo.-d in ordinance fora at a public hearlnq wh"re people ar. allowed to Mve input and of cour.., there will ~ workshop. prior to that per 104 of U.. where th., publiC wi 11 have input. He stated that the 8CC directed h1a to ~o.c up with t~ ordinance. in draft fora, but pege 37 - - - OCTOBER 27, 19'7 by the ~i.. the draft for. 18 done. the Mjor1ty of tM IIOtMY has been .~. lie noted that there ðoH have to be SOlIe dlrec'tlon frctl the 8CC that they are qoi"9 to ..riou8ly consider thi8 and they are vU11ß9 to 90 thrQU9h the t i.. and expense to have thetMt ord inanee. prepered. C -..10.-1" h1D4en ..,.,.., e.eoo.... by eo.a!..ion.I" p1.tol", tlaat ~.. r., ~..f.t1on of tbe coaaty Attorney to proceed witla tla. lira of ~ra, otblLa, .tep~, aa4 .1ck.r~ to 4ratt t.e .arioue 1.paot or4...~ be app~e4 aa4 to .....,. t.... back for puJ:tUo b..riDCjJ by tbe fl~ .... La Deo~r or .. ~D tMr..tter .. po..iltl. _4 to oon- ~ IIppropri.te ...UDCjJ. i. IIOY-.ber to eU.cu.. tb. draft. of the or41-- .... tlMl propotte4 f.. ecllle4a.1.. eo..i..loner Saunders slaled that this C~i.sion ~a. gone on record In the pa.t in endorsinc¡ the conc.-pl of illpact f...~ the CCPC baa endorsed theta: the CN: ha. ~r.4K2 lhett: and there are infrastructur. need.. He .tated that a reasonably .tructured well tbougbt out l~act f.. proora. lhat doee not re.trlct or curtail 9rowtb becau.. of the .ize of the fees i. in the ~8t intereat of the CcJtI 1ft! ty. hpe ,., County Manager Dorri11 alated that it appears that the BCC is 901"9 to accelerate and have back in (our weeks, i~act f... ordinan- cø to be çonaldered for adoption at pub 1 ic hear in98. adding that his only COftOern is that the four cat89Qriea ahould be prioritized to ... 109 'Yo( 73 Page 38 _ 100 PIr.l 7 ( OCr08ER 27, 1987 detenline the e.ount of aoney that is 901ng to be nee<Sed In the&e c:.t4t90r1... He stat~ that a deliberate look .hould be t.aken '11th r~ar_ to r~ relal4K2 to the local option s.l.. B. t. He not~ that the first reviews could be parks, librartes, public tacilities, .nd IÞOUd va.te to be conducted during the next four week. and at the conclusion of that a .hortfall could be deter.ined and then ba.ed on that infor..tion. a eM<: is ion could be ..de wi th reqards to whether an l~t tee i. ~ (or that cateqory. eo..i..ioner Saunders .tated that ~he big probl.. i. 9fowth ..na- g. r.lt en..s fundine¡ 9fOVth ..n.e~t and Cro.e that probl.. .t... everythl"9 that is being done, but it cannot be taken a. one .olid enUty and be reeo1v4K2. He .tated that viable funding .ourc.. need to be looked at and illpact fees can be inatitut4K2 atyj 1~ i. related to the 9rovth ..~t p1ennlO9, but withlNt the 9rowth aana9ftlent plan, 18p8Ct (... are .til1 OOi09 to be nece..ary. He .tated that he still van~ to proceed with hi. action even thouqh he a9r..s with the County Maft8ger, add i"9 thAt the Board n4ed. to lIOVe on and decide a. they 90· Dpoa call for tba qae.tioa, tbe aotloa carried 4/1, (co.a!..ioaar OooCaipt oppo.ed). ltea 'l1.U-C ~ ~£rUftI~I' .7-S07, "-3/4, "-'1" ~ "-11/12 - ADOPrKD eo..!s.ioa.r .i.tor ao.ed, ..coada4 by coaai..io.er '.UDder. an4 oarri84 ....iaou.ly, tbat au4qat Aae.~eDt. .7-5071 '.-3/4' .'-'1" ... aa-11/12 be adopted. paoe 39 OC'TOBER 27, 1987 I tela 'lU ~ ~.d onu~ 'to !1D CUU'. 8"r137 - u.ao~&D Cleek Cil.. .tated that thi. il.. i. a rec~ndation for a parl- t~ eo.pyter operation to the Clerk'. data proce..ing .taff. H4 .uted tJMt for the next 6 aonlM, it would ~ for a 20 "our wor. week and then the , aontM followinog that, it would be . 30 hour work week. lie .t.atAð that he i. anlicápat ing an Increase in the work load fro. t.be new ~t_ COtIinog on I1ne, .uch a. the off ice autOtlatl.on. He notAð that there i. a 7 hour gap where there i. only one operator in the eo.puter rooa and it i. in the ~.t inlerest of the County to fund this part-tl.. ~lllon this year which will end up in a full-ti.. poeitlon next year. C t.sloaer .i.tor aoYe4, .eooa4e4 by c~..loa.r Ooo4Dight &n4 oarzi" ....t.oa.ly, t~&t t..part-t1ae coaputer operator to the Clerk'. ..-.;....t laforaatloa .y.t... .taff be .pr.~e4. ... asc&a8 A~ 12125 .... a&CO....ao ,,~ 12130 P... ... Depaty Clerk &aet.r replace4 Pepaty Clerk KeDYOD ¡U. '12A ~..¡¡:..nOll n n.VL mJ'I'ItAJI - LI.&AaJ fOLIa O".J.D Mr. Hoffaan .tated the ~rd of County Co.ai..ioner. aust a~t as a jury tocS.ay and they are char9ed 'lith defemslng truth and justice. He ..ld they .vst defend the policy of tho Public Library to insure a fr.. flow of Intoraation rrOtl the ...11 group of bigot. trying to O99r... Inforaatton. He .aid without the fre. flow of inforaation the Page 40 .... l00,j,.t 75 100-76 CX'T08ER 27. 1987 .,.tea bceak8 down and ~ i. concerned with the Library'~ arbitrary r..triction of in(or....t t"" by refu.ing to acc~t the Spo" light llevspaper . CountY"-Ðeger Dorri!l interrupted ~. Hoff..n stating that he was under the iapr...ion that the Board we. 90ing to rehear this pre.en- tation ~UM Mr. Hoffaan had MV intor..Uon. He sUted he t.sk.. exception to Mr. Hoff..n referring to hi...1f, the Library Director and u.. Library Advi.ory Board a. a bunch of bigots. Chair..n Ha..e V8rned fir. Hoff..n to r..tr ict hi...1f to the new inforaation M would 1 Ue to present. Mt. Hoff..n .tatC!d that lhe i..ue today i. the Library Polley. He reed an escerpt fro. the County'. Library Policy ar~ then read a four peragrapb excerpt fro. an opinion render4K2 by the Cow"y Attorney on whether u.. Llbrary's (.jection of the Spotlioht Nevspaper constituted a violation of Library Policy. He .tated that County Attorney Cuyler did not answer that q~tion. ~. Cuyler 1nterrupted Mr. Hoff..n .tating that if he want. to reed fro. hie -..0, he should read it tnd not editori~lize. He al.o .ta~ that Mr. Hoff..n á. conden.ín9 a 2+ page -..0 into 4 para9raph. witbout the explanation. contained in that ~.o. ~. Hoft..n .tated that hi. entire ar9u.ent i. that the Spotlight publlabes laportant ánlor.atlon, vital to everyone, which la delibera- tely diatorted or o.i t t4td by t~ ..jor M'd h. He contended that it is not the prerogative of the Library Dir~t.or lo decide what point of , f J. '. Pag. 41 ---~ 0C1"()6ER 2 7, 1987 .1.. 18 ayailable. He r~~led that tne Board enforce the County Ordinancø, inclucUog the Libra~y Policy. hpe f. ~. wtll1.. H. Mar.., 946 Henderson Cr..k Orive, stated he i. In 8VVPOrt of including the Spolli9ht Newspaper in the Library. He s~ated that inclueion or thq Spotlight Newsp.per in the Collier Count, Public Library i. in l~ nalional interest. ~. Joe Cri.., 5JIO 4th AvenJe, S. N., atated the issue Is ~ clear cut that it is hard lO understand why there is a queetlon. He ..14 the question i. -.hould the Library Director, either arbitrarily oc under color of rea&On- be authorized to refuse 11brary exposure to . publication which espou... a pro-~rican attitude and has shown itee!f to report the neve which the popular -.dia has failed or refue.d to print?- He .lated it is .iqnificant t.hat the Library Director 1. staunchly supported and 9ulded in his effort by persona who ~ clearly anU-A.-rican attitudee. He requested the Board take poeiUve a99r..sive action to c¡uarantee the library cro.. not beooae an organ f~r propaganda and .i.intor.ation in the hand of any Int.er_t I Jroup. In anever to Chalraan Has.., Library Director oe..r..t stated that the Spotlight Hewapaper we. evaluated in the! .... aanner and to the .... .tandard. that other booka and periodicals .r., .,valuated. He ..14 the Steff, including hiaeelf, deter.toed that it did not meet tbe crlt.r1a of cost, need, u.., utility, .p.ce, con~ent and a variety Page 42 .... 109 ,.' t 77 .. l09,yt 78 OCTOBER 27, 1987 of other factor.. He advi.ed that content is one of the least i~r- tent criteria. He stated they evaluate a variety of different periodical., anð the use the periodical will receivp. .ust be corre- lated with its c~t. He noted that cost is not just th~ dubscription itself, but also includes space, indexing, staff time, etc. Also responding t.o Chairaan Has.e, Hr. Oeaarest stated that the library i. visited 500,000 ti... per year and there has heen only two request. for this periodicaJ an1 both of those gentleøen hold subecrlptiona to the Spotlight. He .ai~ he has hundre1s of requests for other ..terials which the library could use. He nQted that ð Qreat deal of space would be necessary for this publication since it 1. a weekly publication and would have to be held fQr 5 years. Ife .aid the roo. that is currently available for holding periodicals is abeolutely stressed to the aaxi.u.. He said he would love to acco.- ~ðate a variety or newspapers, and there are hundreds of requests for the Washington Poet and othC!r r4P9ional interests. He stated they siaply ~on't have the rooa. Continuing to ansver to Chair..n Hasse, Mr. ~ðrelt stated that, to hi. knowledge, no one other than Mr. Hoffman or Hr. Morse havp. requested this periodical. He advised therc is a suggestion box in all of the library facilities and an overwhelmlng majority of th. ..terial bought for the library comes from the recommendations in the .~tion box. He stated there are ..ny, many controversial publica- tions In the library and noted that a library that does not have P.oe 43 OCTOBER 27, 1987 controversial aaterial 1. not worth visiting. Mr. CUyler stated there is one ba.ic pre.ise at hand, which ia, everything that ls printed in this Country will nvt fit i~ the library. He stated that ~ch has been naid about controversy, however. t~t ractor does not enter into this issue because the pri- ..ry .tandard. of need, cost, epace and d.-and eliminate the publica- tion before tbe Cactor or controv..rsy enters the picture. Coaal..ioner Saunders stated that this issue is not one of freedo. of expr..~ion. He stated that no one is attempting to prohibit the .ale and publication or the Spotliqht or the dissemination of that ..terlal. He said it is si~ly an iasup. or -is it going to be ~rcbased by the library?- He stated that he is not convinced that there has been a violation of the County Ordinance. eo..i.sionC!r Pístor slated lhe extent to which the Board of County Coaai.s ioners is respons i ble (or the library, is tile ðlÞOUnt of .oney that they can appropriate for books and periodicals. A lengthy discussion followed in which it was sU9gested that SC..QOe donate a subscription of the Spotlight to the library and they be authorized to diapose of it out when the new issue arrives. Coaai..1oner Goodnight stated that if that is allowed they would have to accept anything that so.eone wants to donate and there would still be no roca. She stated she is aqainst setting this type of precedent. -.rape ., It ... tbe qeDerat COD.eD.U. that tbe 4eci.ion of tbe LiÞrary a4Ti80ry aoar4 aDd tbe LIbrary 1)lr~or be apbe14. PlIge 44 ,to( 109 fl', 79 .. 100 prJ. 80 OCTOBER 27, 1987 lUll 'UB DIIIC'VUIOII or PJtOP08m COVJlT1' ftOOVCTITln AWALY8I8 nogPM eo..íssiooer Saunders slated thal th~ County has taken the first step toward .ore efficient and productive departments when they eutborlzed another position within the Budqet Depart..nt. He stated he would like the County Productivity Analysis Program to be a little acre for..lized. He stated lh~ Budqet Department analysis, as a team, is the first step, however, he would like the program done on an annual basi.. He noted he would also like a report frOG the County Mane~r at the end of each s~ries of reviews and steps taken toward iapl...ntetion of r~~ndations. Coaaissioner Pistor stated that the County Manaoer already has this pr09ra. operational. CoaMissioner Saunders stated he would like the Board to for.ally endorse this program on an annual basis. County Hanaqer Dorrill advised that a formal program is alreftdy underway with t~e first priority beinq the Buildinq Depart....nt Pf!r- aitling procedures. He stated he fully intends to furnish the Board with a report and rec~ndalions for iftProveaent and how those recom- aendetions are beinq i.ple~nted. He noted he ha. aleQ spoken to the Board about a ·pay for performance· progra.. He advised that. sone of the other departaents on the priority list for productivity analysis ere: racility Manaqe.ent Maintenance activities and analysis of their work order.; development review process as it relates to Rezoninq, DOl, and PUD related process and ti.. frames; SOlid Waste Co.mercial Page 4S - - - OCTOBER 27, 1987 Acoounta activities and collection procedures: esta~li~h..nt of a Public Affairs Co.plaint Track1n9 co.puterized process to centralize all coaplalnts received at the County: and the process rules and regu- lati~ of the Natural Resource Mana9...nt Depart..nt tree removal and site clearing related process. He stated that these reviews are the aoet l~rtant in his analysis of his operation. He noted that deadlines have already been established. eo.aiD.ioner Saunders stated that fr~ what has been said by Hr. Dorrl11, the County has a 900d start on this progra., but he still feel. that a tea. of experts should look at not only commercial accounts, but also at Parks & Recrection, EMS, etc. It ... tba general con..n.u. that comal..ioner Saun4era ...t witb ar. Dorrill to 4iacu.. tbi. proc¡r.. . It. '12C DI8C11..IOII OJ' 001.1.1.. OOtnrTT I'OLLOTIOII OO1IT1WL RBnJlD1)OX - COII'!'IWBD ~ ~~~... 10, 1'.7 Coaaissioner Saunders stated t.hat in April, 1987, the Board voted tc place a referendum question on the March, 1988 ballot concerning the Pollution Control progr... He stated that the voters appcoved up to a 1/10th levy of ad valoree taxes for a Pollution Control Program, however, the prograa was unfortunately li~ited to studying the effects of treated effluent on groun~ and surface water. He said he envisions a Pollu~ion Control progr.. that would be expanded in scope to include ..ny aceas of environ..ntal significance, such as wellfield protec- Page 46 .~ 109 '1'.r 81 .. 100 w,t 82 OCTOBER 27, 1987 tion, ..It end fresh water wetlands protection, infectious hospital waste anð hazardous waste. He said the proposed expansion of the progra. would eventually answer questions froM leaking ga. storage tanka and ..ybe, in the future, air pollution. C~issioner Saunders stated the issue being raised today is the ballot question to be considered by the voters on Hðrch 8, 1988. He .-phasized that the ballot question does not expand or increase any ta~ incresse. He then read the followin9 ballot question: ·S~ll the County-wide water Pollution Control Program be expanded t.o a County-wide Natural Resources Pollution Control progra., with authority to protect. 011 Hatural Resource. within CoU".er County fro. all forllls of pollution, without raising the existing _illage cap of one-tenth (1/10) _il17" eo..lssioner Glass stated t.hat he has no question about the Intent, however, it is hi. feelin9 that the word1ng 1s too broad. He stated hi. feeling that various depart.ents would be vying for money fro. this fund. He said the Board should be spe<:ific but li.ited to water resources. County Manager Dorrill sU9gested that si.ply using the word water ..y still leave questions as to whether the .oney Is to be used for .alt aarshe., .angrove areas, etc., when the intent is surface ond 9round waters fro. all sources of pollution. Coaaiseioner Piator slated that he would like to limit the reeolu- tlon to potable water only because the intenl of thC! progr.. wa. to protect the groundwater and potable water of the County. He pointed out that the Natural Resources Progr.. i. entirely separate. Paoe 47 OCTO'8ER 27, 1981 co..l..1oner Saunders .tated that the intent is to protect the vater of the County, but that should include all wate!. He stated that five years froa now it ..y need to be expand~d. Hr. Dorrill read th. ballot question as proposed by the Staff and the Technical Mvbory Co..iltee: -Resolution ordering and callinq a county-wide referendu. to be held on March 8, 1988, authorizing County-wide Pollution Control Progra. to protect ground and surface waters fro. all sources of pollution without raising the existing millage cap of one-tenth (1/10) .il1?- eo..i..ioner Pistor stat.ed hi. feeling that the Advisory C~ittec version of the question i. in line with the original intent of the proor... He staled the 1/10 .ill would not be enough to cover an all Inclualwe operation. Mr. Derrll1 stated that since there is no copy of an Executivo S~ry and a copy of the Staff's proposed resolution, he suggestad the Board ..y went the opportunity to review it and place this it~ on a regular agenda. I~ ... ~Þ. qeDeral co~eauna. to continue the propo..4 PollutioD CODtrol "fereDdua oue.tion UDtil ~eaber 10, 19.7. Mrs. Charlotte Weslaan, League of Woaen Voters, steted thal the ori9inal scope of the progra. va. never ..ant to include the protec- tion of oyster beds, beaches, ..ngroves, etc. and suggested restruc- turing the refer.ndu~ to bring it in line with with tho original intent of the progra.. ... Tbe following it... .ere apprOTe4 an4/or a40pte4 under tÞe COD.eat Aqea4a upoa ~tiOD ..de by co..i..ioDer G004night, .ecoa4ed by c~l..ioaer Gla.. an4 carrie4 unani~u.1YI Page 48p HOC 109 '&''\ B3 109,.-.{ B4 OCTOBER 27, 1987 ... Jt.aa '1...1 IQUIIIIIIII!f-' roa DDI)8 1525 UD 152' FOIt PltZAJUtAJlGZD BtJRIAL LOTS A'f LAD 7Un"01tD ~aI).J, GAltDDS s.e Pagetl %t.aa '1".2 qo - 9/ nDI. PLAY 07 ..... YI~, 'fJtAC'f "P, VJrI'f 00. CO.SnUCTIOR AJfD Dàa-x*·..., AGUBJœ1IT AP,aoYZD Ea..-ents ~sl be pro~ided for all utilities prior to recording. s.. Pages 9~ - 97 %t.aa '1...3 r%DIo accaPTAJICI OF 'flCTO.IA ~ 1rUT, P1IA88 no AWn RZLBAB8 OF '10,'00 ~l~l~ 8~'fY %t.aa '14... ucannOll nDl'f 110. 59.307 -- 'rOLL GAn COJOOR.CIAL OJITZIt Section 3S, Township ~9S, Range 26 East, bounded on the south by old S.R. 84, on th~ north by 1·75 and on the west by C.R. 951. I. The excavation shall be li.it~d to a bottom elevation or +1.0 ft. ngvd. All disturbed area. proposed Cor lake excavation shall be excavatod to a mini.um elevation of +1.0 ft. ngvd. 2. No excavat~ aaterial shall be removed Crom the project site. 3. Wh~re groundwater is proposed lo be pumped during the exca- vating operation, a Dewatering Permit shall be obtained from the South Flor ida Water HanagelM'nt Dust r let and a copy pro- vided to the Water HanagC!.ent DIrector (or hi9 approval prior to the com"lH."ncement of any dewat.erin9 activity on the site. 4. No Building Construclion permit8 will be issued Cor any pro- posed corslructlon around the periMeter of any excavation where th~ minimum clearanc~ between top-or-bank and the proposed building foundation is less than 30 feet, unless and until all lake side slopes ndjacent to the proposed Page 49 CX:roBER 27, 1987 construction has been completed and ðpproved by the Collier County Water Management Department. It_ U4B5 IIXOn'f101f nUI'f 1fO. 59.305 -- ROY.AL WOOD GOLF , COOMTRY CLOB Pt~ Section 17, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, corner of the intersection of Rattlesnake Hammock Road and Polly Avenue. 1. No excavðted mðteriðl shðll be removed from the project site. 2. Where groundwðter is proposed to be pumped dur ing the e:<ca- vating operation. a Dewatering Permit shall be obtained from the South Florida Wðter Manðgement District and ð copy pro- vided to the Water Management Director for his approval prior to the commencement of any dewatering activity on the site. 3. No Building Construction Permit~ yill be is~ued for any pro- posed construction around the perim~ter of any excavati~n where the minimum clearance bet~een lake top-of-bank and the proposed building foundation is less than 30 feet, unle~s and unU 1 ð 11 lake 15 ide slopes adjac.ent to the proposed construc- tion have been completed ðnd ðpproved by the Collier County Water Mðnagement Department. 4. Before the issuance of this Excavation Permit, petition~r shall submit a grading plan for the golf course to the Water Management Director for approval, demonstrating compliance with the Water Management Plan. 5. The excavation shall be limited t~ a bottom elevation of -8.0 ft. ngvd. All disturbed areas proposed for lðke excavation shall be excavated to a minimum elevation of -2.0 ft. n9vd. 6. Where lake top-of-bank setbacks are less than those stipu- lated in Collier County Ordinance No. 80-26, Section a.A, as amended by Ordinance No. 83-3, n suitable cross section shall be developed by petitioner and ßubject to final ðpproval by the County Engineer. Such crOSB section shðll be bðsed upon recognized stðndards Cor traffic engineering and road dp.sign, and shall incorporate such factors as lake oetback, bank slope, road alignment, travel speed and barriers (if required) . Page SO aDO( 109 Pl'.l 85 -'- 'DOC 109 ru,l 86 OCTOBER 27, 1987 Ita U486 BZCAVATIOR PERMIT RO. 59.301 -- LBLY REOEARCH ¡ DBVBLOPMXØT PAR~ Sections 29 and 30, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Bouthwest of Tamiami Trail East and one mile southeast of C.R. 846. 1. The excavation shall be limited to a bottom elevation of -7.5 ft. ngvd. All disturbed area~ proposed for lake excavation shall be excavated to III minimum elevation of -4.0 ft. ngvd. 2. No excavated mater hI shall be removed from the project. site. 3. Where groundwater is proposed to be pumped dur ing the (!xca- vating operation, a Dewatering Permit shall be obtained from the South Florida Water Management District and a copy pro- vided to the Water Management Director for his approval prior to the commencement of any dewatering activity on the Ilite. 4. All lakes with top-of-bank setbacks less than those stipu- late~ in Collier County Ordinance No. 80-26, Section 8.A, as amended by Ordinance No. 83-3, shall be fenced in accolodance with Section 8.0 of said Ordinance. 5. No Building Ccnstruction Permits will be issued for any pro- pos~d construction around the perimeter of any excavation where the minimum clearance between lake top-of-bank and the proposed building foundation is less than 30 feet, unl(!ss and until all lake side slopes adjacent to the proposed construc- tion have been completed and approved by the Collier County Water Management Department. It.. '1487 ACCBPTAIICB or COKPLZTBD COK8TROCTIOlf or ADDITIOKAL TURK ~JfB8 OJ! GOLDBN OATB PAR-DAY AT AIRPORT-POLLIlfO ROAD AIfD PIn RIDGB ROAD BY BBTTER ROADS INC. WITH rIKAL pATXBNT or $'7,559.93 It_ 11488 FIlIAL P~T or BARROn OARDD8 1. Final Plat is not to be recorded until the required improve- ments have been constructed and accepted or until approved security is received. Page 51 - - .. ~,.,.---... OCTOBER 27, 1987 It. 114C1 'n1U UD FIELD MAIJrRJrUCB rea GULl' co"sr LITTLI LEAOUE "'1' '!'HI LILY BASBBALL COMPLlX FOR rY 1"7/8' A'1' " cosr OF '7,000 It_ 114C2 B11DGB'1' AXBJrDMBJrl CUA'1'IJfO A SBPARA'l'B LABORA'l'ORY OROAJrUA'1'IOIf WX'1'!lIIf FVRD 408 IIf TKB AMOUJf'1' OF '105,260 It.. 114D2 ACCBP'l'AJICB OF O'l'ILI'l'Y BAS.lXBJlT8 rea SOOTH COUJf'1'Y UOIODL WAS'!'B1n\'l'BR FACILI'1'IES PROJIC'l' See pages O.R. Book 1305. P~Qe& 285-288 It"'UI1 PAYHBJIT OF '4,371.03 ADDI'1'IOIfAL RB'l'IJt.ZJŒJIT COJrl'RlBU'l'IOJf rea COMH1SSI01fBR PI8'!'OR It... .1401 CBRTIFICA'l'B8 OJ' COlUlBC'l'IOIf 'l'O 'l'Jœ TAX ROLL Tangible Personal Property 1987 Tax Roll NOli. 1987-1/26 It... 11402 Brru GAl. 'lID reR IlOIA'1'l ~. 291.7 Dated 10/13-19/87 It.. '1403 SA'l'ISJ'J\C'l'IOIf OJ' LIEJfS rea 8BanCBS OJ' '!'HI PUBLIC DEnlfDlR See pages 9? - /(J-¡J It.. '140 IIISCBLLA1f1!IOtJS COlUlBSPOIfDZJfCB PILlD AlfD/OR urZlUlBD There being n~ objection, the following correspondence was filed and/or referred to the various departments a8 indicated below: Page S2 aDD« 109 ml 87 aotc 109 ,ar.t 88 OCTOBER 27, 1987 1. Letter dated 10/12/81 from David Brierton, Inspector General and Virgil T.. Choate, Correctional Officer Inspector II, Department of Correctionø, attaching corrected Pages 1 & 4 of Inspection Report dated September 22, 1987. Filed. 2. Letter dated 10/15/87 from Douglas L. fry, Environmental Manager, enclosing short form application (File No. 111404535', which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill (letter), David Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt, George Archibald and filed. 3, Memorandum dated 10/05/87 to Thomas Crandall, Utillties Director, from Ronald f. Cook, CPA, finance Department, regarding Goodland Water District Interim Financial Statements for the period ended August 31, 1987. Referred to BCC, Lori Zalka and filed. 4. Letter dated 10/08/87 from Robert L. Johnson, Director, Child Support Enforcement, H.R.S., attaching check for $88 repre- senting incentive payments for the third quarter in FY 1987 (April 1, 1987 - June 30, 1987) on child support collections processed and a detailed statement which generated the incen- tive payment. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Jim Giles, ~ohn Yonkosky (with check), and filed. 5. Letter received 10/15/81 froll Henry W. Krehling, Jr., President, Krehling Industries, Inc. enclosing Notice to Owner inftJrming that he furnished services or materials (concrete and/or all other building materials' for Building "C", 3301 East Tamiami Trail, under an order given by Complete Contractor, Inc. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Skip Camp and filed. 6. Minutes: A. 09/10/87, 09/16/87 , 09/23/87 - City of Naples B. 09/24/81 - Library Advisory Board C. 09/24/81 - Collier Soil' Water Conservation District 7. Statement of Revenues dated 10/15/81 from Mary W. Morgan, Supervisor of Elections, with attached copy of check ,in the amount of 551,459. Referred to BCC and filed. 8. Statement of Revenues dated 10/15/87 from James C. GiIps, Clerk of the Circuit Courts, with attached copy of check in the amount of $437,874.65. Referred to ncc and filed. 9. I..etter dated 09/30/~1 from Guy L. Carl ton, Tax Collector, attaching "Errors and Insolvencieø" List, as required by Page 53 - - .. -....-......"'.-.....,.,.."'., ,...""- -,- ,~-- OCTOBER 27, 1987 Florida statu~es 197.492, for the Tax Year '85. The li~t hae been examined and errore were reported to Tax Collector. Filed. 10. Copy of a letter dated 10/13/87 to Wanda Jones, Director, Housing Pr09~'ams " Urban Development, from Ver Ion E. Shannon, Chief, Assisted Housing Management Branch, 4.6HMA, U. S. Dept. of Housing" Urban Development, acknowledging receipt of our response to the Management Review. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David pettrow and fíl~d. 11. Letter dated 10/19/87 from Senator Lawton Chiles, United States Senate, aCknowledging Collier County'n application for Wastewater Construction Grant Funds from the EPA. RefE'rred to Neil Dorrill, Tom Crandall, Bruce Anderson and filed. 12. Letter dated 10/05/87 from Peter N. Stowell, Acting ReSlional Administrator, U. S. Dept. of Transportation, advising of and attaching 1987 amendments to the Urban Mass Transportation Act. Referred to Neil Dorrill (letter), Jeff Perry and f Bed. ...... There being no further busine.. for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 1:50 p.m. BOAR ) OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPEC tAL D¡STRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ATTES1': /-- ~,.- ) JAMES~C. GILES, CLERK ~/., / j'j:,p:.,·~\)'Rú ./ ~ ~ L¡'" .....~/' , L ~ t"i.:~ . t ¡,i" ., ~ ~ M . HASSE, .J. HAI~ ~t~~. .t ~L' ~ ~__ ~ /Jc.. " ~~.=~~AV,' ':'~.:' '. 1~ese mi,iUt~; appr d by the Board on :::p~. I"'~ /? /-',/ ...,.",. 1" ta~#~:e~e.ntè~·., "" or as cor rected , I ~,'1' aoo« 109 "',l 89 Page 54 ....._,__.,,-,~,~~_.. "'···n'..,....".....,,,.,_ -.,