BCC Minutes 11/24/1987 R Naples, florida, November 24, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, ~nd ~150 ~ctinq as the Roard of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(sl of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in RZaU~R 8E88IOR in Building ·F" of the Government Complex. East Naples, florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass VICE-CHAIRMAN: Burt r.. Saunders John A. Piøtor Max A. Hasse Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk: John Yonkosky, Finance Director: Maureen Kenyon and Beverly Kl:eter, Deputy Clerks: Neil Dorrill, County Manager: Ron McLemore, Assistant County Manager: Tom Olliff, Assistant to the County ~anager: Ken Cuyler, County Attorney: TOM Crandall, Utilities Administrator: George Arch;b81d, Public Works Ad.lnistrator; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; David Pettrow, Community Development Administrator: Ann McKim, Planning/Zoning Director; Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. Page 1 'DOC 109 w·~ 734 ... l09wJ. 739 NOVEMBER 24, 1987 Hpe '1 Ita. t3 aøarDa - APPROVED nn C1IAJfCDI co.ai..ioner Goodniqbt aoYed, .econded by c~i..ioner pi.tor and oarrie4 unaDi.ou.ly, that tbe aq.nda be appr~ed witb tbe followlD9 obaDge.. 1. It.. 12£ Add.d by c~i..ioner 8.und.r~ to di.cu.. cbanqinq the date of tb. b.arinq on Maroo I.l.nd Be.ob ..nouri.baent projeot fro. Dec.aber 22 to D.o.-ber 8, 1987. 2. It.. 12F Add.d by co..i..ioner S.und.r. to di.cu.. e.tabll.binq a bond ref.r.nda. to be pl.c.d on tbe Karob a, 19", ballot to finance the Marco Island 8.acb ..nouri.haent projeot. 3. It.. 'Al Added re reque.t of R.no 8paqna to expedite Petition a-'7-34C a. .oon a. po..ible in order to .eet tbe deadline for Þeinq con.idered for a state of Florida FarftWOrker Kou.inq D..elo~ent I.oan. 4. It.. 1488 aov.d to 985 re approvlnq the final plat of Moon Lake, Dnit 1. S. It.. 1489 .oved to 98' r. approvinq the final plat of .ark.bire Lake., Dnit 1. .. It.. 148. .OT.d to 987 by co..i..ioner Ola.. re allooatinq fund. for the acqui.ition of dralnaqe .....ent. nec...ary to prOTide a drainaqe outfall for poinciana vlllaqe. It.. ... 1ll1IU'l'B8 OF IfOVIMBB. 3 AJn) IfOVBMBIR 10, 1987 RZODLAR JØB'1'IIfO - APPJtOVBD AS ....D'I'BD Cbaai..ioner Pi.tor .oved, .econded by co.-l..ioner Ooodniqbt and oarried unani.ou.ly, that tbe alnut.. of ftoveaÞ.r 3 and ROTeaber 10, 1"7, regular ae.tinq be appr~.d a. pre..nted. Page 2 - - .. - - - If·· , " .' V~"t¡.'..' . .. ,~:..- . Ff"¡.,~ lüfa'fSA NOVEMBER 24, 1987 .~ IBStVICB AWARD PU8B11TBD TO RALPH CARBOtfBao ~. 4~ ~~ eo..1s.1oner Glass presented an employee scrvice award to Ralph ~. \1::. ~~bonero, Road and Bridge Department, for S years of service wIth ..I.....,..:,l;;;~~I~et ..ÔMtty. '. . 1'1Uâ ,it , - . . ,~:. r. ' ~nOlr DBSIG1fA'1'IRG DBCBJœB. AS BLOOD OOROR MOØ'1'Jl - ADOP'l'BD Upon readln9 of tbe prool..ation by co..i..ioner B...e, co..J..ioner GoodDiqbt .oved, .econded by c~i.sioner pi.tor and oarried UDani~u.1y, that the procl..ation desiqnatinq Deo-.ber .. .1004 Donor Montb be adopted. .nc 109 PA(;t 740 Page 3 r' I"~· . , !r: 0p0D readinq of the proclaaation, Co..i..ioner Saunder. aCTed, .eoonded by c~i..loner Goodnight and carried unaniaou.ly, tbat ~b. prool...tioD de.iqnatinq Dec.aber as Help an Angel Montb be adopted. Ms. TrIsha White, representing HcDonalds, expressed her .pprecIation foe the proclamation noting that there are a lot of children that need help at Christmas and she would like to ask everyone to come by McDonalds and pick an angel from the tree to help . chIld at Christmas. '.¡ , ", ' '~1 "t, _" ., t-~~~ ~;, :. ~,~j<'\. ....... , \?L ""fr ¡.: l,'~tît~,' NOVPMBER 24. 1987 Ii: .~~ ISO ~~ ."I' .~. " ~n01l DI8ICDO.URG DBCØBBR AS HBLP M MQEL MOIl'l'H - ADOrnD 'II , t"',, fJ' I:~ I';, k-¡. ~, f~,'.~:,', . I,: ,,~ ,y' aOO( 1091'.'·! 742 Page 4 ~ ¡ ',." ! '. NOVEMBER 24, 1987 PJtOCLI,D'fIOB DBSIG1fATIRO APRIL 24, 1988 AS THE 60rR ADIVBUUY ca.aBJtA'fIOJI O'P TBJI TMX~MI TRAIL - ADOPTED CoaaIssioner Pistol' read and presented the proclamation to Mrs. Florence Tomlinson and Mr. LQdge McKee noting that Mrs. Tomlinson was one of the first people that came across the Tðmiami Trail. co.ai..ioner Piator .oyed, .econded by c~i..ioner G004niqbt and carried UD.ni~u.ly, tbat the prool..atio~ d..i9natinq April 24, 1"8, a. tbe IOtb Anniver.ary Celebration of the Taaiami TraIl be adopted. Mr. McKee thanked the Comøission for the proclamation on behalf of the Historical Society and the Friends of the Museum. He noted that there would be a barbecue dinner at the courthouse complex on that day in celebration of the event. lie stated that he hopes to re-create the origInal motorcade that took place years ago. Mrs. Tomlinson stated that she has looked upon the trail as the .pIne and heart of the development of Southwest Plorida. aooc 109 '1f,~ 744 Page 5 1'/ " \ J¡¿ t::;, , .' It.' ... ...; ~OII DUIGD'fIRO .... · aoot-dtl Uþon readinq of the proclamation, coaal..ioner Ooodnlqbt ~ed, NOVEMBER 24, 1987 THE "BX OF ROVEMB!R 22-28, 19'7, AS FAMILY ..00D4e4 b7 co.ai..ioner pi.tor and oarrieð unani.ou.ly, tbat tbe procl...tion de.Iqnatinq tbe week of Rovember 22-28, 19'7, be adopted. IOOC 109FJr,! 746 Pl!Ige 6 !~. '0:' , . I, · I NOVEMBER 24, 1987 Ita. 1101 DSOLO'l'I01f 87-282 ... PB'1'ITIOJf 1.V-87-0U, JORR r. DOIfAHUB AJm RHODOn DOIIAIRJ1I IUIOUESTIRa V1.C1.TIOR or THE P~T, THE POINT, CITY OF OPUS _ AJ)()..,.D Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 25, 1987, and November 1, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to con- .ider petiticn AV-87-016, filed by John F. ()onahue and Rhodora Donahue requesting a vacation of the Plat, the Point, City of Naples. PublIc Works Administrator Archibald stated that this petition is beIng heard by the County, but the City of Naples is responsible for the land development and has the jurisdiction over it. He noted that it i8 being brought before the Board of County Commissioners to aS8ure that clear title occurs and that all bodies that may have ~ny rights relatIve to the vacation have acted upo~ it according to Florida Statutes. He noted that this property includes five lots at the south end of Gordon Drive that has been purchased by one owner and he is a.kIng that the property lines be vacated so :hat all lo~s can be one. He Indicated that the City has approved this and staff has no objec- tIon to this nor do the utilities. ~i..ioner PIstor .oved, seconded by CommissIoner Goodnlqbt and oarried unani.oualy, that the public hearinq be closed. Co..i..ioner PI.tor .oveð, .econded by Commissioner Goodnight and oarried unani.ou.ly, that Reaolution 87-282 re Petition AV-17-01& be adoptad. Page 7 aDIIf; 109,ar,¡ 748 j '....., IH/' 'i')", - - - NOVEMBER 24, 1987 It. Itu 1'I'fI'fI0Jf R-87-34C RBPRBBBJlTED BY JfB1fO SPAan - TO BE nARD AS I001I JUt POSaIBLII County Manager Oorrill stated that Dr. Spagna is representIng a group In Immokalee that is attempting to acquire State funds to deve- lop a 40 unit low-cost housing project, but there is a deadline that .uet be met in or~er to qualify (or the funding and Mr. Spagna ie petItioning the Board of Cour.ty Commissioners to expedite this petI- tion. Dr. Spagna stated that the zoning has to be approved prior to the acceptance of the loan. He noted that the deadline i. January 13th for this loan. ~l..ioner Saunders ~ed, ueoonded by co..i..ioner G004Dlqbt ud oarrled UDani.ou.ly, tbat Petition .-87-HC be expe<1lted and beard .. .COD a. po..ible. It.. 'tBl STArr "PORT O. , O"-ACRB WELL SITES - ACCBPTBD AØD '1',400 TO BB APPItOPJU:ATBD FROM GB1fBRAL nnm TO OAC TROST rtnm Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this item is in r89ard. to public petitions concerning 8 well sites that were donated to the County years ago. He referred to the material included in the agenda gIving the location of the well sites. lie noted that the request for the~e sites was initiated by the County in July, 1975 and on August 24, 1976, GAC did convey these sites and the Board of County Co.missloners accepted theM. He noted that following the acceptance Page 8 UD« 10'9 PAr.~ 752 NOVEMBER 24, 1987 of these sites, the City of Naples developed a well site and a wellfield within the same area that the County had obtained the sites, end as a result of this, the well sites are no longer applicable for use by the County and the Utility Division is currently establishing a wellfield along Wilson Blvd. He noted that the question now is whether or not these well sites should be purchased by a department within the County and reimburse the trust fund? He noted that the CitIzens ^dvisory Committee feels that the CAC Trust Fund should be reImbursed and the parcels shoulc. !:- transferred to ",he real property Beetion of the County for disposal or some possible future us.. He noted that staff concurs with the committee'o recommendation, but the question is whether the funds should comes from the General Fund con- tingençy or some other specific area. He stated that it is proposed that these parcels be excluded from the CAC parcels and be handled by the County for disposal. Commissioner Pistor questioned if this money is transferred from the General Fund and then these parcels are £old, would the General Fund be reimbursed at that time, to which Public Works AdminIstrator Archibald replied affirmatively. "ape 12 Mr. Archibald stated that the two options to be weighed Is whether or not to transfer the funds or simply include those properties in the total number of properties to be handled by the County. He noted that the real purpose of those sites was for the development of a wellfield Page 9 - - .. ~vEMBER 24, 1987 end .lnce that did not take place for IS numbcr of reasons, it Is a questIon whether to dispose of them seperately or include them In the llOO ecres for action. In enswer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Archibald stated that the value of these properties is based on an overall apprðisal of proper- tIes throughout the Colden Gate Estates and depcnding on the specific area of the Estates, there were values deter~incd as being average velues for that portion of the Estates which is whet is being used as en indIcation of the current value. He noted that the value of $2,300 per acre is typical for this property. He noted that these parcels are non-conforming es one-acre parcels. Comølssioner Saunders stated that the County made a mistake and he does not feel that the GAC Trust F'rmd should suffer because of thIs and he would suggest that the Trust Fund be reimbursed for the value of those well sites. Mr. Richard Braun, Chairman of the Golden Gate C~~~~ens AdvIsory C~lttee, stated that the committee is recommcnding that they receive full retail value from this property which would be $4,689 per acre. Mr. Archibald stated that the value of the Estates land depends on the location and in the area of the well site, the average prico of the lend 1. $2,300 per acre. Comøissioner Glass questioned if the propcrty is sold and mor. than $2,300 per acre is received, would the excess money be able to be put Into the Trust Fund, to which County Attorney Cuyler replied Page 10 .ooc 109 Pi',! 754 '.( Ò, '~. ., :' NIl 100 mt 755 NOVEMBER 24, 1987 afflr~tlvely, adding that aa long as it is indicated in the .otlon that the excess monies frOM the well sites will be dedicated to the Trust Fund. Mra. Carroll, Real Property Management Director, referred to a handout she presented the COMmissioners, noting that it references the units where the well sites are located. She indicated that based on .ale. in those units, the average price per acrc in October, 1986, was 82,180, excluding ^vatar sales. She stated that she chose to exclude Avatar Sales because they generally have a very active marketing proce- dure. Comnlssloner Pistor stated that these properties are part of the 1,100 acres and the County should wait until they are sold before anythIng is done. Mrs. Carroll stated that these proþerties should not be considered part of the 1,100 acres as the 1983 agreement specifically states that the properties must JO to benefit the Colden Gate Estate. resident. or the revenue from the sale of the property. She stc~ad that she does not belIeve that these well sites benefit the Colden GÐle Estat~~ residents. She noted that the use for the money and the land is to include schools, fire stations, and emergency services. Mr. Archibald stated that this whole matter is in response to a public petition, adding that staff can handle the property whether It i. part of the 1,100 acres or not, but the reason that it was brought up Is because tnese lots are unique as they had a specific u.e and are Page 11 .. .. - NOVEMBER 24, 1987 only one aCte which Makes the. non-conforming. He etated that as to the di.position of these lots, it is being considered today because of the MOral 1.sue. C~isslon.r Goodnight stated that these lots will not benefIt anyone and, therefore, cannot be considered as part of the 1,100 acres. co.ai..ioner pi.tor .ov.d, s.cond.d by co..is.ioner Goo4niqbt and carried unant.ou.ly, tbat $11,400 be tran.f.rr.d to Fund 105, QAC Land Sale. fro. tb. a.c.ral Fund a. r.iabur....nt for tb. 8 well .ita. and if tbe land i. sold for .or. tban $2,300 per acre, t~lo ace.. aaount will al.o be or.dit.d to tb. aAC Tru.t Fund. It. "82 JIDV1'II BVILDI.a UCJlI'1'BCTtJRAL COIn'RAC'l' 'l'O RBrLBC'l' BXPUDBD UQVIa:JDmftS - APPROVSD Public Works Ad.inistrator Archibald stated that thIs Is a request to incre..e the building design contract by adding deslqn hour. to reflect .dditlonal d6~ign coste required to expanded the flnl.hed area on the .econd floor and ~ify the area on the firs~ r~~r of the Health BuildIng. He noted that these changes should be ..de at this ti.. .0 that in the future, this building will be able to handle the additional expansIon that will be required, adding that the founda~lon will be desIgned for six floors. He noted that when thIs expansIon 1. ~lete, the Public Services Division will be moving Into thl. building .0 that there will no longer be off-site rental paId. eo..i..ioner Pistor questioned if this design work will delay the Page 12 MOC l09n~.~ 756 ... 100 pact 757 NOVEMBER 24, 1981 letting of the bIds, to which Mr. Archibald stated that thi. will add en additIonal 30 days. eo.ai..ioner pi.tor .oyed, .econded by c~i..ioner 0004Diqht and oarried unaniaou.ly, to incr.... d..iqninq hour. in tbe Kealtb aaildiD9 Arcbiteotural contract to r.fleot increa.ed de.iqn to fini.b additional .qu.re footaqe for incr...ed utilIsation by tbe Ke.ltb oepartaent and Public S.rTice. Diyi.ion. UANOTE: DOCUKEIn' NOT RECEIVED IN CLERK TO BOARD omœ AS OF DECEMBER 9. 1987.". {" t:; '., 'i,_ 1t¡.'trJ ;, ;. . r"',:"'¡ " r~· r;' I.:... paoe 13 - .. - " , , NOVEMBER 24, 1987 :n_ ".3 Ð1JPI'LDIBJI'1'A AQUBJUlIr1'S SA-03 AXD SA-04 O. BID U-U4, SA1ft'A BADAItA BLVD, RADIO aD. '1'0 DAVIS DLVD. - APPROVED PublIc Works Administrator Archibald stated that this is a request for -.dlan, turn lane, and driveway improvements and also a request for intersectIon improvements. lie noted that turn lanes will be constructed onto Davis Blvd. and this new section of the road should be open by the end of the week. He etated that the other chanQe 1. to .ake a -.dian openIng with. private developer who will reimburse the County. C~issloner Plstor stated that APAC is the contractor Involved In these aQreements and questioned if this is going to te done rlQht away and If .0, wIll it delay Airport Road any further? Hr. ArchIbald stated that APAC plans on taking their crew from Santa Barbara Blvd. and puttlnQ th~. on Airport Road ae soon as Santa Barbara Blvd. i. cOllpleted. eo.ai..ioner pi. tor acyed, second.d by c~i..ioh~r G004Diqbt and oarrieð unaniaou.ly, tbat 8uppl..ental Aqr....nt. SA-OJ and BA-04 on Bi4 "-'14, lanta Barbara BIYd., Radio Road to Davl. BlYd. be apprcwe4 . .~' IOOC lUg PA~t 758 Page 14 NOVEMBER 24, 1987 It. .,.. LD.Ia MUDB1I'I' nn MR. RIC1IARD II. LA1f8DALB FOR THB U'l'ILIIA'lIOJI or OI'PICII .~ BY 'l'KB BXVIROIOœ1r1'AL RZALTH DEPARTMZIft - APPJcuvaD Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this is a request to .pprove and execute a lease ~9reement with Richard B. Lansdale for the utilIzatIon of office space Ly the Environmental He.lth Dep.rt.ent. He stated that due to courthouse expansion, the 3 ~ul.r oftices presently used by the Environmental Health Department located .outh of the Sheriff's office IIIUSt be relocated. fte noted that. 1...e .gr....nt has been negotiated for office space at TahItian Profes.ional Pl.za on Torrace Avenue, adding that thn monthly rent.l i. $2,200 whIch will consist of $26,400 per year. He stated that he i. reque.ting these monies be taken out of Fund 301, the Capital I.provement Fund, because it is associated with the capital Illlprove- -.nt. of the Courthouse Complex. Clerk GIles Indicated that Cha,ter 129 is very specIfIc on the use of capital l~rovement funds and rent is not considered a capital l~roy...nt project. He noted that it would be appropri.te to take this ~.Y frQØ the General Fund. co.ai..ioner ..und.r. aoy.d, .econd.d by C~l..ion.r pi.tor th.t ~. Ie... .qr....nt witb Mr. Richard B. Lan.dale for tbe utilis.tion of offio. .pac. by tbe Inyironaental H.alth Depart.ent be apprOYed .nd that a budget amendment be brought back for the payment of these .xpense. fro. the appropriate fund as determined by the County Man.ger ... 109 ,.r·t 766 Page 15 I . , , ..t: , lOll 1(19 net 7õ7 NOVEMBER 24, 1987 and the Clerk. County Manager Dorrill stated that it does not appear that there i. an l..-diate need to provide the air conditioning, breezeway or the connection way between the separate buildings and he Ie proposing that thi. particular clause be re.oved from the contract which wIll save about $2500 per year. eo.at..ion.r øaunder lndic.t.d tbat be would .dd tbe r.-oYal of tbis 01aU8e to bls actIon, ..conded by c~i..ioner pIstor aDd carried aDtDt.oualy, tbat tbl. .qr....nt be approved witb tbe r-.oYal of .aid 01..... ..; -' Page 16 - .. .. -----.--. ---. .- NOVEMBER 24, 1987 ... UCla. .'1 10130 A.M. UCOK'IBIfBD A'f 10140 A.II. ... Deputy Clerk Kueter replaced Deputy Clerk KenyoD It. ItB' , UBI nDL PLA'I fOR IlOO. LAD 0111'1 1 AJID BBJUt8BI RB LADS O1II1' 1 - APPJIO. .u WID 8'fIPVLA1'IO. PublIc Works Administrator Archibald stated that the plans and plat. on both Moon Lake Unit 1 and Berkshire Lakes Unit 1 have been reviewed and apþroved by Staff with the recommendation that recordIng of the plats be withheld until the developer undertakes the improve- ..nt. and COMpletes the projects or the developer pluces .ecurity acceptable to the County to insure improvements will be undertaken. ftpe 14 Clerk alles pointed out that reque.ting Board approval before the developer has co~lied is in violation of County regulation.. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he does not object to the method being proposed by Mr. ArchP.ald. Mr. Archibald stated that recordIng doe. not take place until certain things happen and it c~uld be considered 8 pre1i.inary approval with recording wIthheld. In answer to Mr. Giles, Mr. Cuyler stated this approval doe. not 81low the developer to s.ll lots. c~..ioner pistor aoYed, .econded by c~i..ioner Gooðnifbt and oarried UDani~u.ly, tbat tbe final plat for Moon Irake ODlt 1 be appcoye4 witb tbe .tlpulation tbat the final plat not be reoorded until tbe requir~d i~roy..ent. bave been construoted and aooepted or until appcoyed securIty i. reoeived. Page 17 ... 100,*<:1718 109 W.t 779 NOVEMBER 24, 1987 co.a!..ioner pi.tor aoYed, second.d by C~issioner Goodnigbt and carri.d unani.ou.ly, tb.t tbe final plat for Derksbire Lake. unit 1 be .pproTed with tbe .tipulation th.t tb. fin.l plat not be reoorded antil tb. required i.proy..ent. ha.e be.n con.truct.d and acoepte4 or antil .pproY.d .ecurity is r.cei.ed. It.. "87 nnrDS ~a ftB ACQUISI'fIOIf or DUIJrAGI IABmanrrS '1'0 l'JtOVIDB DaAIDGB OU'lJ'ALL ~a POIIfCIUA VILLAGE - APPltOVBD I. TJIB AMOtnrl' OF '5,000 PublIc Works Administrator ArchibÐld stated there is a recognized need for draInage easeMent. at the very west end of Coach Hou.e Lane. Øe .tated Staff 1. requesting authorization to contact the owner. involved and that funds be allocated for the purcha.e of the .a....nt.. Responding to Commissioner Plstor, Mr. Archibald stated Staff 1. requesting that a .øall aMOunt of money be allocated to .ee If the .a....nt. can be acquired through purchase rather tn~n through cond..- nation whIch would be much .ore costly. c~i..ion.r PI.tor aoYed, ..oonded by c~i..ioner 0004niqht and carried anani~.ly, tb.t '5,000 be alloo.ted for tbe parob... of araiDag. ......nt. .t tbe we.t .nd ot Coacb Bous. LaDe, St.tt i. 4ire~e4 to proce.d witb Phase 1 and r..ults of Pbas. 1 .oqui.ition are to be reported to tbe Board ot county co..iø.ion.r.. :n.. "Dl MDUIiutf '1'0 AG1lIIJØJI'1' FOR COlfSUI.'1'IúO nGInBaIlfG SIRVICBS WITJI DC COJr80la, '1'01f1ISBJrD FOa GROO1fD1D.'1'Ba 01.1. COlfS'n.UC'1'IOIf - APPRO"fBD WIn CHUGS . Ut11itJ8. Administrator CI:IInða11;', stated that. in June of 1987, the Board of County Comai..ioner. authorized the con.tructlon of ølght Page 18 - - -- NOVEMBER 24, 1987 wells. He .ald the bids were so favorable the Board authorIzed en additional three wells to be drilled and that the additIon dIrectly affected the extent of the engineering inspection service. required of the Consultant. Mr. C!1wiII11..... advised that the Scope of Work eection needs to be expended end the limite of compensation need to be adjusted to reflect en addItional a.ount of $52,084.00. Mr. a.dI11'! noted that the first paragraph in the Whereas Cleu.e in the e..nd..nt should be changed ae follows: FROMs seven wells to ten wells TOI eight wells to eleven welle C~..ioner pi.tor ~.d, .eoond.d by co..l..toner ø...e and carrie4 UBanUlou.ly, tbat tbe bengent to tb. Aqr...ent witb PRe CODaoer, ~.end for qroundwater well con.truotion, be approYed. MIl lUg ,at;t 780 Page 19 f;)( . J ¡ . .f "1.... , . ; I ....., \ . , ; !OÔ..1 ~. ..:.':"...... .~, . ',1 ......~I..¡;. ' .;¡; /i·i ".;:, .. 100 WJ. 783 NOVEMBER 24, 1987 It. "1'1 nrna.r..oc::u. MUmmrr WI'r8 '1'IIB CIn 01' b'LB8 UGAaDIJIG PAUIJICI I DIJI"lBIfAIfCII or IDCII AUU WInu 'l'HB CIn - A'PROnD WID CDlhD8 Assistant to the County Manager Olliff stated that the proposed .gr....nt with the City of Naples was draftcd after being discu.sed at . Board workshop and between County and City Stoff. He stated theIr .re . couple of minor changes Staff would like to make. Mr. OllIff s~ated that the agreement provides for an annual revIew of the budget submitted by the City of which the Ccunty wIll pay on.- third ba.ed on the number of parking meters at each .lte, .nd free annual parking stIckers allowing the beach parking to remaIn free to County residents. Mr. Olliff stated Staff would like to delete the followIng sen- tence In SectIon 3: ·Stickers shall ~~ placed in the vehIcles rear window for Identification by enforcement personnel.· He .tated that thi. sentence Is really an operational consideration and does not belong in the agr~nt itself. Responding to Co..issioner Pistor, Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff'. Department, stated that whether or not it is legal to have the stIckers in the window, it is not a good idea. He stated they should be located near, but not on, the license plate. Also responding to COIIIIIIÍ8sioner Pistor, Mr. Olliff stated th,"" a driver. lIcense or voter registration will be accepted as proof of residency. Page 20 j -""";::ii: ..,. :-:..' - - ~ ---- NOVEMBER 24, 1987 Mr. OllIff advIsed that the County Attorney has requested the in.ertlon of a sentence that the stickers are good for eIther the ..tered or unmetered spaces. C~i..loner Saunders stated there are many people who own pro- perty In Collier County, but are not necessarily re.idents. He sugg..ted that a property tax certificate be included for proof of r..idency. Mr. Olliff stated that these problems are operational and the City's intent is to issue a sticker for every vehicle regIstration in Collier County. eom.issioner Saunders suggested that the revenueA in Paragraph 68 include fInes collected on the parking meters. !'ape II A lengthy dlscus.ion followed on the wording for the County's one- third contribution, ",ld it was the consensus that the ter. "share" should be clearly defined. In .nswer to Clerk Gile., Mr. Olliff stated the only exclusion to the .gr....nt Is the Naple. Pier parking. Also answering Mr. Cil.s, County Manager Dorrill stated that any surplus in any given year would ~ the beginnIng balance for the next year. Com.i.sioner Pistor suggested that the Naples Pier have sIgns posted that state there is no free parking by sticker, so the pub!lc will not be surprised. COunty Attorney Cuyler stated that he is comfortable with the ter- ... IOU ,.,..t 784 Page 21 7 n;ì 109 w.t 785 NO~~ER 24, 1987 .1nation options within the agr...-nt. He .tated that If the Board .ddr..... the .pecific changes, he wIll make the chang.. .0 .~thing can be put In place soon. co.ai..ioner B...e aoYed, .eoond.d by c~i..ioner Pi.tor and oarried unani.~u.ly, tb.t tbe Int.rlooal Aqre...nt witb tbe City of ..ple. reqardinq parkinq and .aintenanc. of b.aob .r.a. witbin the City, be appr~ed .abjeot to tbe followinq chanq..1 1. Delete the following .entence from Paragraph 3: ·Stickers .hall be placed in the vehicle. rear window for iden- tifIcation by enforcement personn~l. 2. Insert a sentence stating the stickers are good In eIther ..tered or un..tered epaces. 3. Revenues fro. fInes should be included with revenue. fro. parkIng ..ters. 4. The ter. "' '3 Share· should be defIned. 5. Lowder.ilk Park .hould be expressly stat~ .. being included within the agr...-nt. ,.. '; Page 22 - - - NOVEMBER 24, 1987 I~~ AXB.~rl "-31/34 AXD .1-3./37 - ADOPTED co.ai..ioner ,i.tor acTed, .eoonded by C~i..ioner Goodniqbt and carried unant.oualy, tbat Budqet ~en4aent. 88-31/34 and 18-31/37 be adopted. It. '12A ÞIJC..... It, 1"7 8CC JlBftIIfG - CAJlCBLLBD eo.ai..ioner .aunder. aoyed, .eoonded by C~i.aioner Goodnigbt and carri.d unani~u.ly, that tbe Board of county co..i..ionar. requ- larly .obeduled .eetinq of Deceaber 2', 1917, be oanoelled. ltea U21 IOAJU) axPU8.8. 811PPOR'l' or "8An PLACB" YOU'l'Jl &DLnR O. SOUTJlD8'1' n.oUDA - ., ACTIO. Me. Evelyn Jones, Safe Place Sðtellit~ Director, stated that Safe Place i. a non-profit organization which serves runaways In the Naples area. She stated the progra. began in Louisville, Kentucky in October, 1983 and was designed to set up a network of non-resldenti81 ~ity locations where youth in crisis situations ca,~ get help quickly. She added that Collier County Is very lucky sInce one of the original volunteers In Louisville now lives in Naples and is as.ieting in the program. Ms. Jones stated that youths are provided help quIckly, conliden- tially and free. She advised that she is requesting an endor....nt lr~ the Board of County Commissioners that Safe Place ie beneficial '* 109 "'.1786 Page 23 NOVEMBER 24, 1987 to the c~nity and the Board is concerned with the quality of youth's lIves. Responding to Comøiseioner Pistor, Ms. Jones stated that .he ia not askIng for an appropriation at this ti... In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Ms. Jones explained that the Safe Place contacts the youth shelter and the youth shelter sends the volunteer to assess the situation and offer transportation. She noted that the maximum .tay at the youth shelter is two weeks. Deputy Chief Ray Barnett stated that the program helps runaways, or anyone else who needs help. He stated that it seems to be a very 900d pr09u.. Chairaan Class stated that he is very familiar with thl. operation and knows there is a need for this program. He stated that the Board of County Coøølssioners does offer sup~rt. Me. Jones stated that they would like to designate the Gov.r~nt Center a. a Safe Place. Chair..n Gla.s Instructed Me. Jon.. to ...t with the County Manager to determine the best place for the Safe Place decal. It.. 112C UIOLU'l'IOlf '7-213 UAPPOIJrrIIfG J. CJlU8n, C. 8KUDBR, 1UID .. ~ 'fO COLLnR ooUJITY PLAIfJII.O 0010118810. ADOPTED Administrative Assistant to the Board Israelson advised that three ..-ber. of the Collier County planning Commission had terms which expired In Octobdr, 1987, and all three have sent letter. requestIng r.appointment. She stated that other resumes have been received and Page 24 - - .. ,,--"--~-----''''"~'~'''' .... ",~,",,,,,~,~.",,,.-...,,,=,.._.,:_------._- ~ ' NOVEMBER 24, 1987 the di.trict breakdown Is contaIned in the backup materIals. She advised that Mr. ChrIsty, and Mr. SMUder have each served only one te~. She Baid that Mr. Tracy was appointed as an alternate ...ber in Dec..ber of 1984, became a regular member in 1985, and has ..rved only one ter.. RespondIng to Commissioner Pistor, Mrs. Israelson .tated the press release was i.sued in August, 1987. Commissioner Pistor stated that h. would like the press release issued again to secure addItIonal applicants. co..i..ioner øa..e ~ed to reappoint Mr. cbri.ly, Mr. s.uder, and Mr. ~r.oy to tbe CollIer county Planninq co..i..lon. ~e .0tioD died for l.ok of . .eoond. co.ai..ioner pi.tor ~ed, .eoonded by co..l..ioner G004Diqbt tbat tbe Tccancie. be re.4Terti.ed. ~e .otion faIled 2/3 (Co..i..ioner. S...e, I.under. and ala.. oppo.ed). ... At tbl. tiae ~t... 12D, ~2B, 12r, 13A , 14 were be.rd. ... ~.pe It County Attorney Cuyler stated that after checking, the Board needs to IUIke the appolnt..nts today to the CCPC. C~..ioner S...e .oyed, .econded by co.-i..ioner ..under. and oarried unani.ou.ly, tb.t Re.olution a7-2.3 re.ppointinq Mr. Chriety, Mr. s.uder and Mr. ~r.cy to tbe collier County Pl.nninq c~i..ion, be .dopted. ,DO( 109,.,·( 788 Pac¡e 25 , I ~ I.· ,., ~ .., "",,,--"'--'-~'"--'-' '''''-"'.'''''.'''~~~ -......,,,."".-...-"" ~,_..,,-,-~_..._, IIOvmœn 24, 1"7 Ifape II ltaa IUD DUCV88IOII 011 10111.0 ORDIDJlCB UGARDIIIG WALLS , nJlCZ8 - C01ft'IIIUBD Ull'fIL ArnR nR8'1' OF YnJ\ CommIssioner Pistor stated that he has placed this item on the agenda for discussion because he feels that the practice of placing walls around pro,erty may be getting out of hand. He stated there are .everal being constructed at the present time without landscaping and pointed out that there are many attractive developments in the County which did not use walls. Planner Weeks stated that at the direction of the Board, Staff ha. co.pleteð s~ preliminary reviews with other fast growing counties and their OrdInances are much the same as Collier County's. He stated that typically a wall or fence is used f~r separation between proper- tIes and there are altp.rnatives to what is contained in the OrdInance, .uch as restrIctions on height, requiring landscaping, or strictly prohibitIng them. He outlined some benefits uf walls around a deve- lo~nt a. providing privacy, security, and architectural th.... Chairman Glas. suggested that the Board should receive publIc input on thi. subject. co..i..ioner pi.tor .OY~d, .eoonded by c~ia.ioner Ba... end carried unani.ou.ly, tbat the diacuaaion on the loninq Ordinanoe r.;ardin9 fenoe. and wall. be contInued until after tbe flr.t of tbe 7.ar and a public work.bop be .cheduled. Page 26 &DK lag ,ar.t 700 ---- .___.....__..._._." . ··"·...;<.,·"_~.,,d.,.",.'A·'._' ._"~~""_""'_""""""'~"~."'"""'^ NOVEMBER 24, 1987 It.. '12. I '12. DISCOSIIOW OB DRCO 18LAJrD IDCK UJIOua18JD1B1n' A1fD BS'1'AILISJDmJI'l' O. A BOllI) UFBU1IDUM TO nllMCB 'I'D JIAACO ISLAlm DBACH UJIOuaISIOCJU.'f PROJEcr - USCKBDULED FOR DBCBXBZR 8, 1987 eo..ls.ioner Saunders reported that the Marco Island Beach Renourl.~nt Committee has concerns about delaying their Items to oece.ber 22, 1987. He stated they have requested thøt the Itemø be heard on December 8, 1987 instead. co.ai..ioner Saunder. ~~d, .eoonde4 by c~i..ioner ....e and oarri.d unaniaou.ly, tbat tbe date of tbe publio bearinq tor ..roo X.land .e.ob aenourl.~ent .nd e.tabli.~ent of a bond referendua to finanoe tbe ..roo Ialand .eacb Renouri.~ent Project be obanged to Deoeaber " lfa71 tbe cb.nqe .hould b. adverti.ed in tbe new.p.per., inolu41ng tbe ..roo I.land paper, .eparately fr~ tbe adYerti.ed aqend., and at.tt i. dIrected to oall indivIdual. wbo app..red .t tb. preyioua bearinq. It_ ilIA UPaOnIA'lIOB ntOII 'I'D LAW øroacBXBJr!' COøIICA'fIOZ: ,..01'1' roJß) roa DOlO lIOn......, - APPItOuÞ Deputy ChIef Ray Barnett, Sheriff'. Department, advl.ed that they ar. s..king authorization from the FCC to utilize specIalized encrypted radio equIpment. He stated they ere requesting authorIzation fr~ the Board of County Commissioners for appropriation of funds fr~ the Law Enforcement Confiscation Trust Fund, in the amount of $390,021.00. H. noted thl. will leave a balance in that fund of approxl..tely .~ ';f Page 27 - - - "1"....,,_ -1":"i- ~' :it ';!~ ..... . . " '·'1... è'~ ·;~f!. 4':'): , , ~ ' .. . '. .\). , . ;::.~ NOVEMBER 24, 1987 $500,000.00 and the Sheriff ha. certified that this 1. an appropriate expenditure under Section 932.704, F.S. eo..i..ioner pi.tor ~ed, .econded by c~i..ioner Goo4Di9bt aD4 oarried aD&D!.oualy, tbat an appropriation fr~ tbe Law Bnforoeaent COafi.cation ~ru.t Fund in tbe ..ount of '390,021.00 for radio equip- .eat for tb. Sberiff'. Departaent, be appr~ed. ... ~e fol1owinq it... were appr~ed and/or .dopted under tbe Con.ent Aqenda upon .otion .ade by c~l..ioner Goodniqht, .eoonded by c~i..ioner S.... and carried un.nl.ou.lys ... It. UtA 11 DAY .uDSIOIf 0If LBAS. W%n OVBUBU DBVBLOPKBIft' CORP. I'OR OFFICII 8PAC11 U'fILIIBD BY zxvxaoMX.IIl'l'AL 8CInC1ll AJrD POLLU'fIOM COJft'JtOL DBPl'. Costs $351.20 1t_'UA! Aau~ WIn KIaDAIf DlTZRPRISr8, IJlC. FOR CORCJtI&'R cut.TBa'f !'O .. v.m U AJrnWICIAL ...n DnaIAL see pages 7 Ç'f - Yð-() It_ 11481 IfDOI .~...tàJ IIOJl l'Oa UCOaDIIIG 'fD PLA~ AJrD TBB COJlSftUC'l'IOJl O. IJIJItO'~1 I. QUAIL caollI1lG 8t1BDm8IOJl Twelve DOnth time extensIon. All improvements to be coøpleted within 12 DOnth.. Plat not to be recorded until Improvement. have been c~leted or untIl security has been provided. CI,'., ~...í. ".0:"'1' 1',' , ': ¡, ,', it; <:.. ,. . '* lU9w.t 792 Page 28 J { Ii! ____"""."..t"""""~'.."'.""",·,"'.....",.""'''',·"..·_',...,,.''",·...~"_.."W_~.",,"',,'_'" - .~~,.,--_.....,""""""'.,.............._'"--_..... · ~: \ 109PKt 793 NOVEMBER 24, 1981 It. 11482 nDJ. »'aoYAL 01' '1'KB RO~Y AIm DutnGB IMPROY1!UII'1'8 III D.GLB camrx COUII'1'.II CLt1I PublIc Works Administrator authorized to release the constructIon eecurity (Performance Bond fro. National UnIon Fire Insurance Coøpany of Pitt.burgh in the a.ount of 8131,473.72). It. '1483 azcanuOlr ....t'f 110. ".310 - "CIOODLAJrD MAUn" 1. The lake excavation shall be lImIted to a botto. 8levation of -4.0 ft. ngvd. All disturbed areas proposed for lake excava- tion shall be excavated to a minimum elevation of -4.0 ft. ngvd. 2. No excavated .aterlal .hall be removed fr~ the project .ite. 3. Where groundwater Is proposed to be pu~ped during the exca- vating operation, a Dewatering Permit snail be obtaIned fr~ the South Florida Water Management District and a copy pro- vIded to the Water Management Director for hIs approval prior to the COllllllel1cement of any dewatering activIty on the site. It_ '1484 t'O'rAJ. ADo7V8'1'K.ai1T8 TO DTBR DnGBM1Utf OnUl'I.G 81JDGB'1" I'OR DfCaD8. M U',IOO 1t..UBS 8~ AGU&dJr.t 110. 5 WIn WIL801I.. MILLS., 8AJt'1'O., 8OLto . PBBX, 1110. I'OR ADDIl'IOnL DB8IGJf 8BPICB8 ULAl'IVII TO RIGJI'l'-oI'-1fAY AcgOI'I'fIO. ODLIGAl'IO.. AXD DTBR KAKAGBKBWT RBQUI~. I'OR 'lUDBJtBIL'f 81ACK ROAD, JC"t. OAKS DLVD. TO JC"t. C.R. 951 - '21,037 See pages ~Ol - i'OJf It.. fl487 naLDtDaY ACCBP'l'UCB 01' '1'KB ROADWAY 1UID DaAIIfAG. DORO'8Dd;¡-8 III LaL! COOJlftY CLt1I - JlUIUULD ~ J.... It. '14810 " pa"'2~: ~,.I¡' - .. III NOVEMBER 24, 1987 œaJIG1I OaDBU f1 'l'IDtOOGJI f4 rot BID 1fO. 17-1477 - 8VJßfY CDO'nI ~JQ. I~. - 'lJ,2a'.24 f'ðS- ?/;J. S.. pages It.. U4Cl BODO.., arnlIOJI UftC'l'I.O 01. or nDBRAL OLDBR MBRICU8 AC'l' FØIID8 UD COOJrn JIA'J'CII JK)JII.I It. U4C2 c::BAIaJIAJI AO'1'IIOaUBD TO 8IGJI COIfTRAC'l'8 RBQOIRBD TO RBCBIVB IDUI 'fROST roJrD JIOIItBI P1tOM IIR8 PI3 - ~35 See pages It.. '1403 BID 1fO. '7-1173 AWARDED TO ~I. OWIFORM8 - '12.712 Unifor.. for the Depart..nt of Emergency Medical ServIces le_ 114C4 COJI'fUC'l' 81JDGB'1' nRIOD 3 UPORT O. 'l"IIB COUft'f IDI8 '!'RUST PmrD AnJtD See pages '%'3' - i73tt.- It.. 114D1 nua J,Jß) ..... rACILI'J'I.8 ~P'1'AJrCB - XUIItJ'IBLD 1. That all legal docu.ente ere found to be lege~'y eufficient by the County Attorney. See O.R. Book l311, Pages 2073-2078 ìt. 'UD2 WDIIa.aI 8STAn8 nu8 I AJID LAJrDMARIt 81'J'An8 8sna 8Y8'1'IDI COiIJrBC'J'IOJI IJ'O lfOaD 1lAPLB8 WU'I'BWA'l'BR 'l'RDTMBJft' pLAJft' - SsnR nCILI'J'I.. ACCI~ See O.R. Book 1313, Pages 048-073 It. fleDJ ~ or U'nLI'J'1' De....., rot JIOR'J'JI DPL.l8 WAua ftUlJa.IIOJI DIll no.18C'J' Page 30 ï~ lOO,Ar,t794 1.."<1.1<...._,·,.._ .. 109 ~ 795 NOVEMBER 24, 1987 See Pages o. R. In''K 1111, ~ ~MI:...?n'n Ia. UUl 1IA'l'CII 'fJØ n 17/11 Buncnrr nn .II'fIDftb BILLIR08 rR01I !'1m PROR1t'n &PPD%... E8ti.ated bIlling to General Fund Budget allOunt Additional cost (available In General Fund Re.erve for Conti0gencyi It. h..a $1,138,300 1, 107 . 708 $ 30,60 aBCLA88IrICA'lIOIf FROM CLBU III TO DBPARTKBJIT SBCRBTARY c~nications/Pub1ic Affairs Department It. U4Gl CBIt'I'IPICA'1'B8 o~ CORRBCTIOJI TO 'I'1IB 'fAX ROLL 1987 No. 53/58 Dated Nov. ll/l2-l6/87 It. l1eGI .A7t.racrIOIf or LIE.. FO. .ZRVICl8 or 'lB. PUBLIC DBFBlfDBR S.. Pages ~~-~7 It. fUG a.CBt.LUrBOU8 CORRB8POlfDBIfCB rILED JUm/OR RZnRRBD There beIng no objection, the following correspondence was fIled and/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: 1. ~randum dated 11/05/87 to Board Chairpersons, District EIght Grantee Organization, from William K. Clark, Exec~tive Director, Area Agency on Aging, regarding board meetings for Area Agency on Aging. Referred to Kevin O'Donnell, Martha SkInner and filed. 2. Letter dated 11/10/87 from Geraldine S. Kalvin, Chairman, Collier County PublIc Schools, regarding r..rgency MedIcal ServIces Substation and either the purchase or a long-terM ~ ~ .. Page 31 i ,è~~.·... ,J¡ '.J!' - - - "'___'''''_-_'_iIl '''''---''~~"'''''~'"''",._.,--~._,_._._,"",,---- NOVEMBER 24, 1987 lease of property on Pine Ridge Road. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrlll, Doug Greenfield and filed. 3. Letter dated 11/12/87 from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Manager, DER, enclosing short form application (File No. 111416175 and ll1416l85) which involves dredge and fIll actI- vities. Referred to Neil Dorrill (letter), David Pet trow, Dr. Proffitt ~nd filed. 4. Notice-dated 11/09/87 of Public Hearing on ll/24/87 at 7tOO p.m., tverglades City, to rezone property frOM RHP to VC to construct and operate a hardware business. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrill, Missy Mc~im and Ciled. S. Letter dated 10/29/87 Crom Virgil L. Choate, Correctional OffIce Inspector, II, Florida Department of CorrectIons, regarding corrective action response - follow-up Inspections on October 26, 1987. Referred to BCC and filed. 6. Letter dated 11/12/87 from Norman R. Hatcher, Jr., FIre Chief, Golden Gate Fire Control' Rescue DistrIct, advIsing that on 11/11/87 they passed a motion to cancel the regular scheduled meeting of 11/25/87 and 12/23/87, due to the proxl- øity of the holidays. Filed. 7. Resolution dated 11/14/87 from Sarah I. Schirmer, Secretary, Golden Gate Gardners CluÞ, supporting the Golden Gate Fire Control' Rescue District urging the BCC to Install a reøote controlled traffic signal at the intersectIon of Golden Gate Parkway and Coronado Bo\'levard. Referred to BCC, Nell Dorrlll, Ge~rge Archibald and flied. 8. Letter dated 11/10/87 from Alice Alatalo, ~;:~ident, Golden Gate Women's Club, supporting the rcsolution of the Golden Gate FIre Control' Rescue District, regarding a traffIc control device at the intersection of Golden Gate Parkway and Coronado Boulevard. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrlll, George ArchIbald and filed. 9. NotIce received 11/12/87 from Governor's Energy OffIce regarding resource recovery design studies. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrill, George Archibald and filed. 10. MInutes: A. 10/05/87 - Ochopee rire Control DistrIct and 11/09/87 Agenda B. 10/20/87 - I.-okalee LightIng ðn Beaut. AdvIsory Coøm. and 11/17/87 Agenda ,. lUg ,a'.t 796 Page 32 ___,_-.>.",1-. .. a........ _ ."~"""',"'~.,,'''''_.,,""_;,_,.___.,~''-,,_>_.."..._'"., ...".....'._...·.,'o,,_._..._,·~._~·-..-·...~>·,·~,__·_ NOVEMBER 24, 1987 C. 11/05/87 CCPC, and 11/l9/87 Agenda D. 10/27/87 - Marco Island Beach Renourishment Board E. 10/15/87 - Parks , Recreation Advisory Board and 11/18/87 Agenda F. 10/22/87 - Collier Soil' Water Conservation DIstrict l1. Copy of letter dated 11/03/87 to virgil Choate, Prison Inspector/lnvesti9ator, Avon Park Correctional InstItutIon, fro. Major Lou Gibbs, c~llier County Jail Administrator, SherIff's Office, respondin9 to 10/26/87 inspection r.gardln9 overcrowding. Referred to ace, Neil Dorrill and filed. 12. Letter daled 11/13/87 from Donald Cashdollar, Jr., District Multi-Modal progra.. Manager, Department of Transportation, regarding FY 88/89 UHTA Section 16(b)(21 Program and attaching the capital grant packet. Referred to Neil Dorrll1 (letter), Jeff Perry, Martha Skinner and filed. AAA There being no further business for the Good of the County, the ...ting wa. adjourned by Order of the Chair - Timer llr4S A.M. BOARD OF COl1NTY CCHUSSIOHERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS!EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL CL~L- J;U' ÅRNOLD LEE GLASS, CHAIRMAN A'l'TEST' JAMES C. GILES, CLERIC 4':::.Ifit..~ ~¿;-- ".~ . ::' :' ""..e..l~t.,. approved by the Board onA~~ /11',;1 . \,t. .--- ~:p_~e~;~:'~;~ ; or IS corrected . " \,;~.. ,_~' . c , . "'~""' , : ,f ; ~ # "'tIIt~'., ., ,. f ., ,'....;... Page 33 - - - "",.'qT"q~ .....~,'...'.'-.., --'-.<;...,..-"""'........"..-----