BCC Minutes 12/15/1987 R Naples, Florida, December 15, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s} of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.H. in REGULAR SESSIOR in Building -Y- of the Government Center, East Naples, Florida, with the following ~rs present: CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass VICE-CHAIRMAN: Burt L. Saunders (Left at 10:30 A.H.) Max A. Hasse Anne Goodnight ABSENT: John A. Pistor ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk: John Yonkosky, Finance Director: Maureen Kenyon a~d Beverly Kueter (11:15 A.M.), Deputy Clerks: Neil Dorri1l, County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney: Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator: George Archibald, Public Works Adainistrator: Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator: Robert Duane, Planner: Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board: and Deputy Chief Ray fðrnett, Sheriff's Department. .. Page 1 lOOK 110 Par.t242 '. ~.~ ~,~ t ì ~ t' t f. f :\' ~ . ~.\:> > . """"" '* 110..;,).247 DECEMBER 15, 1987 "ape '1 lUll '2 AG1IIIDA - APPRO' aD WITH CJIA1IGE8 c~4..ioner Ha..e aoved, .econded by comai..ioner 8aunder. and carried 4/0, that the agenda be apptoved with the following chang.as 1. Add - It.. 9A2, agr....nt with Reg.ncy Autohau. to conduct their wetland aitigation work in phas.s so that a "CO" can b. is.ued at this tiae. 2. Add - It.. 9D3, Water Faciliti.. acceptance for Bagle Creek coun~ry Club Tract. "A" and "1'". 3. Add - It.. 13A grant approval for a s.lective traffic .nfor- c...nt prograa unit. 4. It.. tCl continu.d for on. we.k re agr....nt for joint purchas. of Class "A" puap.r truck for th. ochop.. Fir. Control District. 5. It.. t81 authorizing construction of park r.lat.d iaprov...nts at Gold.n Gat. Coaaunity Park aov.d to It.. tC2. a. It.. 14Bl on con.ent agenda aoved to 14C4 to properly align th. cons.nt agend.. 7. It.. 14B4 aov.d to 9B5 re perait for blasting by Sh.ll ..st.rn coçany. I~- ... ~UTA8 OF 11/17/87 REGULAR; 11/23/81 SPECIAL; AXe 11/24/87 REGULAR KBft1JNS - APPROVED co.ai..ion.r Bass. aov.d, second.d by co..i.sion.r Saunder. and carried 4/0, that the ainute. of Koveab.r 17, 1981 Regular K.eting; ~eaber 23, 1981 Sp.cial Ke.ting and Kovemb.r 24, 1987 Regular "e~iDq be approv.d. Page 2 .... .,..¡<If s . ~~,,~. . t ,. ,I!' t t ...... " .,. 'I .. ~ .' -~ DECEMBER 15, 1987 JIIOCLaDfiOll DBSIGD'l'I.G '1'JU: WEEX 01' OEcmœER 13-19, 1987 AS DRtnnt UD D1t11OGZD OR.IVI1lG AWAUJŒS8 WEEK - ADOPTED Upon reading of th~ proclamation by Commissioner Hasse, C~is.ioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried 4/0, that the proclamation designating the week of Dec~r 13-19, 1987, as Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week be adopted. .... .. Page 3 aOG( 110 PAr.~ 248 - - DECEMBER 15, 1987 %~_ '5. ZXPL01"ZZ SZRVICE AW7úmS - PUSEJlTED eoa.issioner Glass presented Employee Service Awards to the following ~loyees: Robert Keeran, EMS Donald Short, Engineering Edward Maltba, Road & Bridge %UII ,6C1 5 years 5 years 10 years PItO~JU) OJtDIDJIC'B CUATIJrG 'I'D DOtODLZE AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD - wx'l'JlDun AJß) '1'0 BE RZADVER'1'ISED co.aissioner Saunders aoved, .econded by Coaai.sioner Goodnight aDd carried 4/0, that the proposed ordinance creatinq the Iamokalee Airport Advi.ory Board be withdrawn and readvertised at the request of U. Co1mty Attorney. lUll '6<:2 aaso~~ 87-291 RB PBTITIoø AV-87-015, FRAXX M. BOLLARD, JR. 1tSQtJB8TDKI 'fBB VACA'fIO. OF PORTIO.S OF A UroRDED DRAIDI'JB BASBJŒJfT IN IJOIODLBB IJIDOS'nUAL PAU - ADOPTED Legal notice having been publis~ed in the Naples Daily News on Novet8ber 29" 1987 and December 6, 1987 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Cler~, public hearing was opened to con- sider Petition AV-87-015, filed by Prank M. Holland, Jr., requesting the vacation of portions of a recorded drainage easement in·Iœmokalee Industrial Park, to allow the petitioner to relocate drainage. Public Works Administrator Archibald sta~ed that this is to con- siðer the vacation of a platted easement in the Immokalee Industrial Page 4 &ClG.: 110'''Q 250 "" 110 w.l251 DECEMBER 15, 1987 Park which is located in Block "B". He noted that letters of no objec- tion have been received from the appropriate utilities. He noted that the construction that provides for the alternate drainage has been c~leted, adding that the resoluti~n refers to two items; one is the vacation of the 40 foot easement and the other is the dedication of . the easeaent that will be given to the County as a replacement. He noted that the County Attorney has approved Exhibit "A" and the resolution v.cating the 40 foot easement, but the County has not received the eas~nt dedicating the alternate route and staff is reco..ending that this resolution be adopted but that it be withheld fr~ being recorded until Exhibit land 2 has been reviewed by the County Attorney and approved. He noted that the purpose of this vaca- tion is so that the petitioner can construct a packing house over the existing easement. He noteJ that this was conceptually approved a few aonths ago and as a result of this, the owner reconstructed the ditch . and now the County is getting the dedications for the new easement and vacating the old. co.ais.ioner Goodnight aoved, secobded by co..issi~er Saunders an4 carried 4/0, that the public he.riftg be closed. co.aisaioner Goodnight aoveð, seconded by C~mmissioner Basse and carried 4/0, that aesolution 81-291 re Petition AV-81-015, Frank H. Bollan4, Jr. be adopted but not recorded until Exhibit "A" anð "B" has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney. ; ~ c Page 5 f . ~J.Jl1(· : '.~' ~. I;, i· \oei f110w.t265 ( ,~ . ; '- '. ¡ , I f . 6.~.:~, Ii ~ .t"'J;. - Ii: ~ . DECEMBER 15, 1987 ¡ , . Xu. '7A1 CJm)IDIICW '7-'8 AKBJrDI.G ORDIJrAJfCE 87-48 nICK CREATED TJIB OOLDn GAR B8"1'AnS Ct:'fIZDS ADVISORY COKHI'l'TEE - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Nove.ber 25, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a proposed ordinance aaending Ordinance 87-48.which created the Golden Gate Estates .. Citizens Advisory Committee. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this committee was for.ed tó look at the property that is being transferred from Avatar to the County and determine how it should be handled. He stated that in establishing this committee the verbiage indicated that no acre than two me.bers sh~ll be appointed from anyone phase, noting that there arc rive phases but only three of the five phases had applicants submit resumes. He stated that he is recommending that the ordinance be amended to read that no more than three members be fro. anyone phase. He indicated that applicants applied from Phase I, II, and III but there WðS r.o response from Phase IV and V, adding that he is requesting approval of the staff recommendation. eo.aissioner Goodnight aoved, seconded by Commissioner Basse and carried 4/0, that the public hearing be closed. c~issioner Goodnight aoved, seconded by Commis.ioner øa.se and carried 4/0, that the Ordinance as nuabered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book Bo. 29z paC e a ~ ' DBCEKBBR 15, 1987 ORDIJfAllCE S7-98 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 87-48 TO PROVIDE THAT THE GOLDEN CATE ESTATES CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE SHALL CONSIST OF NO MORE THAN THREE (3) MEMBERS WHO LIVE WITHIN ONE OF THE FIVE (5) AREAS OF GOLDEN GATE ESTATES AS OESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" OF ORDINAl~ NO. 87-48; PROVIDING FOR CONLFICT AND SEVERABILITY: PROVIDINC FOR AN EfFECTIVE DATE. It_ '8A DI8CVSSIOJI RBQJdU)IIfG GAC¡AVA'I'AR PROPERTIES FOR TBB SBARI:JfG OF R.BVENUB FIIOII '!D 8ALB OF SPOIL BAIß MATERIAL - 1101' TO BE DISCUSSED AS ADVISBD BY COUftY A'f"fOD:EY County Attorney Cuyler stated that because of the on-going litga- tion of this aatter, he is strongly advising the Board of County C~issioners not to discuss this matter at this time. He indicated that any type of dis~ussion is not advisable as it could lead into various areas that may cause problems with the litigation. He noted that the litigation has been going on for about 18 months and the County should know where they stand by next summer. He stated that if the Co..issioners would like any further information on this matter, he will sit down with each one individually to discus~ the litigation. co.aissioner Saunders questioned if there is a claim for money da~9es, to which County Attorney Cuyler replied affirmatively. eo..i8sioner Saunders questioned if there is a civil rights cIa!. involved to which County Attorney Cuyler replied negatively. eo..issioner Glass stated that the Board of County Commissioners .. would take the recommendation of the County Attorney and not discuss this ~tter. Page 7 lOOK 110 "i'.t 2G6 DECEMBER 15, 1987 I~.. 'tAl ~ ~&~~ 87-11 RZ PETITIO. CP-87-11, WAPLES JAYCEBS, as OOKDO~ A ~VAL OK DECEKDER 16-20, 1987, -'APPROVED C~issioner Hasse questioned the status of the proposed ordinance regarding carnivals, to which County Attorney Cuyler stated that his office has prepared a draft that is directed to all carnivals which will be presented to.. the Boðrd of County Commissioners in the near future. C~is.ioner Hasse indicated that the Naples Jaycees are a local , organization and he does not see any problems with granting this per- .it. "ape '2 eo..issioner Goodnight stated that she does not have a problem with the permit but questioned what can be done if complaints are received about excessive noise as the hours of operation at night are late. Hr. Don &each, President of Naples Jaycees, stated that they had originally asked to close at Il:OO P.M. during the week and midnight on the weekend, but it is normally the policy of the Board of County C~issioners that the operation close at 10:00 P.M. during the week. He stated that based on this policy, they changed their original request fr~ 11:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M., adding that the .idnight time for the weekend is normally what other operations have been. County Attorney Cuyler stated that if there are complaints Page 8 DECEMBER 15, 1987 regarding noise, the Board of County Commissioners could make it a condition of the per.it that the County Manager would have the discre- tion to close the operation earlier or pull the permit. Co..issloner Class stated that if complaints are received, the County Manager will take care of the problem. ~{..iODer B.... aoved, .econded by c~issioner Saund.r. and carried 4/0, that Carnival perait 87-11 to conduct a carnival on Dec~~r 1'-20, 1987, in Golden Qat. City b. approved. r* .ø .. Page 9 &úG~ 110 'A(.~ 268 DECEMBER 15, 1987 Xt_ flu AGUJDœ'Jr'f ALLOWIIfO UGEKCY AUTOHAUS TO CONDUCT THEIR 1ŒTLA1m la'rI01':IOII WOB IIf PHASES OVER '1'BE COtJRBB OF '1'HB WIRTER 80 THAT A CBR'lIFICA'lZ OF OCCO'PAJlCY CAW BE ISSUED - 1\PPROVED Dr. Proffitt indicated that prior to obtaining a "CO", the Regency Autohaus had to do some wetland mitigation. He stated that in 1985 the land was cleared and at that point a restoration agreement was worked out. He noted that they tried to work the restoration into the sto~ater ~na9ement system but have run into a time schedule. He indicated that they have a contract for the planting and over half the acreage has been planted, but because of high water levels, the rest of the planting cannot be finished at this time. He stated that he does not ~ant to hold up the "CO" because of the circumstances arid -=- is requesting that they be allowed to obtain their "CO" now but do the rest of the aitigation at a later date. He noted that the petitioner has agreed to put $7,000 into an escrow account to guarantee that the work will be completed. He noted that the agreement points out that if this is not in compliance with the PUD, he will have to come back . and ..end the PUD at that time. County Manager Dorrill støted that the County Attorney's office has reviewed this .atter and has no particular problem with it. He stated that the petitioner has expressed an interest in doing addi- tional on-site mitigation to the satisfactiop of the County Manager. co.ai..ionec Goodnight aoved, .econded by Coaais.ioner 8aunder. an4 carried 4/0, that the agr~e.ent Þe executed allowing Regency Page 10 &OO( 110 Fl'.~ 286 Page 11 HIt 110~287 DZCEKBBa 15, 19.7 autohaa8 to conduct their wetland aitiqation work in ph.... over the ocnar.. of ~b. winter .0 that a certificate of Occupancy can be i.sued a~ tlai. tiae. .Þ !j~ "it '1 " :1 t" , r,' '~ .:.'..'.~ ~1t]t < Air ~f fwt- . ~ i:~ .. DECEMBER 15, 1987 It_ ".2 aXO'D.'n01l nDI'f FOR ORAJlGETUE DEVBLOPMEXT - CORTIlroBD FOR on WEIIt Public WOrks Administrator Archibald stated that this item is a recoø.endation for an excavation permit for Orangetree Development. He stated that an excavation permit is usually on the consent agenda but due to the amount of material that is to be excavated on this pro- ject, he wanted to review this matter. He stated that steps have been taken to be sure that off-site impacts are properly mitigated. He noted that this project is off State Road 846 and County Road 858. He indicated that it is necessary for the developer to build a retention area for the housing development, the proposed farming operation, and the grove. He stated that there will be l25 acres of lakes or reten- tion area that will be provided to meet the requirements of the SFWMD. He reported that there will be over 2 million cubic yards of material excavated and a percentage ~f that will be used on site, but a large portion will be removed. He stated that to address concerns stipula- tions have been added which includes a security bond, notification to the applicant that the County has the right to establish weight limits on the roads, and also the right to suspend off-site removal if unsafe conditions have been created. He stated that the development is in its initial stages and they have undertaken improvements to Route .' 846 and 858 and based on the performance to date, he feels that the stipulations will tak~ care of any adverse impacts that .ay arise. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Hr. Archibald stated that only Page 12 &OG~ jljl()'1~~~() 110 n'.t 291 DECEMBER 15, 1987 the roads that are outlined in the permit application will be used and the County reserves the right to control this and can prohibit the use of other roads. Mr. Ricahrd Braun, President of th~ Colden Gate Taxpayers Association, stated 5hat a year ago, the County was going to adopt a policy w~ereby each fill pit operation would pay so much per ton to the County for maintain1ng the roads. He noted that this has never been done but is something that is needed. He stated that 0 security bond is put up for 55,000 but then there is a half mil1ion dollars in daaages done to the roads and the taxpayers end up paying tHe cost. He noted that in the arca of Golden Gate Estates, there are no funds to fix the roads and if it has not been included in the budget, then the residents are the ones that have to travel the roads that are in bad shape. He stated that he is requesting that this petition be denied. Hr. Archibald stated that he has been working on this policy and there were some parts of the ordinance where he ran into problems, but revisions have been madc and whcn the ordinancc is adopted, there will be a traffic impact statement that will be required and then a dollar figure ~ill be attached to that statement in order to determine the appropriate amount nccessary for road damages which will have to be provided by the developcr. Coamissioner Saunders stated that he would like to see the deve- lopaent of the impact fce for excavations as ð priority item and then Page 13 DECEMBER 15, 1987 the revisions to the excavation ordinance could be the second priority. Mr. Archibald stated that the road impact fee ordinance is in place and staff could be directed to add a stipulation that as part of this approval, that ordinance would have to be complied with. He noted that the developer would have to submit a traffic impact analy- sis based on that ordinance that is already in existence. co..issioner Saunders stated that an ordinance is needed for this type of project as it was not contemplated that excavations would result in using the impact fee ordinance for roads. County Attorney Cuyler stated that there are various options that he needs to look into and that the Board of County Commissioners should consider. C~is.ioner Saunders stated that this matter could be continued for one week to determine a source of funds that could take care of this probletl. Mrs. Ch~lotte Westman st~ted that the League of Women Voters has been supportive of rewriting the excavation ordinance. ~ape '3 Mr. Bob Lockhardt of Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll , Peek, Inc., stated that he would like to be able to consult with Mr. Archibald before next week's meeting to resolve any prpblems that the County may have. He stated that there has been discussion with regards to two different .-thods of c~lculating a dollar figure. He indicated that Page 14 aOGX 110 Pi'.! 292 .!.... , ~( t~. f.. l"" 110....:.200 DECEMBER 15, 1987 the developer does not have a problem with continuing this item for one week, adding that he has been working with Public Works with regards tc certain commitments that he has made. eo.a!..ioner Ha... aoved, .econded by comaissioner Saunder. and carried 4/0, that this excavation perait request be continued for one week in ord.r for th. County Attorney and staff to resolve oertain probl... and report back ~o the Board of County comaissioners. It_ "B3 BID '7-1188 FOR A TRACK TYPE DOZER A~ IKKOKALBE LAKDFILL - AWARDED TO KELLY TRACTOR I. THE AKOUØT OF $111,"1.11 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily Mews on Nove1aber 6, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of PubUcation filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid 187-1188 for a track type dozer for the I..okalee Landfill until 2:30 P.H., November 25, 1987. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this is to replace a dozer that is at the Immokalee Landfill that has been used for .any years and is long overdue for replacement. He noted that due to the location, the bid specifications w~re prepared for the total cost and the maintenance guarantee over ð period of five years. He noted that there were two bi¿s: Kelly Tractor and H. F. Mason. He stated that Kelly Tractor is the only bidder that chose to use the total cost method. He noted that the big cost is the maintenance, which i. why a total cost and maintenance purchase price was spe- cified. He stated that staff is recommending Kelly Tractor as being , ~ . ~ ".., ~ " ., ~:; " ..I 4! Page 15 ~t I, ~ ,( ;: - - - .. :,...~ - - - DECEMBER 15, 1987 the best buy and in compliance with the bid specifications. coa.i..ioner H.-se .oved, seconded by Coaaissioner Goodnight and carried 4/0, that Bid '81-1188 be awarded to Kelly Tractor in the aaoun~ of '111,"1.11, including trade-in of the 1918 Caterpillar 977, b.e~ 110. '05'. lUll .,.. BID '87-11'1 1'0. TJU: WIDEJfIIIG AJfD LEVELIRG OJ' IMHOItAL2B ROAD - AWARDBD TO B~AA~â ROADS, IIIC. III THE AKOUJIT OF $793,500 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Noveaber 13, 1987, as cvidenced by Affidavit of Publi~ation filed with the Clerk, bids were received for the widening of Imm~kalee Road until 2:30 P.M" December 2, 1987. Public Works Adøinistrator Archibald stated that this project is to widen IMØØkalee Road from C.R. 9Sl to Oil Well Road, approximately 15.9 .ilea. He atated that the lan~a are ten fcet in width and there is a need to widen them and level them. He noted that bid specifica- tions were prepared with 4 different options. He noted that the low . bid is frea Better Roads, noting that the leveling would be $354,509.21 and the widening would be $438,990.80. He indicated that he ia rec~ndin9 that both bids be awarded to Better ROðås in order to widen and level thc road at the same time. He noted that they can use the .oney from Fund 313 to cover this bi? as there was more collected than anticipated. . oo.ai..ioner aas.e aoved, seconded by commissioner Goodnight and Page 16 &úGK 110 ~1~J. 294 .'~" "'J., .... , r1! t'l '..'......,...: . .~. ~.,#' " ......'....~,... :".. : ,': ! .M\1 ~ ,'~, I..... ; i ' ~,"''Í'''. .' .~!,f . ' .¡!"o. . <if": ; ;.of; '.(,~. .\Jt<: ,1; 'to"., ~. ':(;1'0' '~ 'f í/' 'r ,:' f: -.+} lJ' ~¡ ~i' . , !~ ~ 110,.,..(299 DECEKBER 15, 1987 carrie4 4/0, that aið '87-1191 for the widening and leveling of x..okal.. Road be awarded to Better aoads, Inc. in the amoun~ of '7'3,500. lUll "85 V8D/BLAS'I'D PBDI'!' J'OR snLL nS'l'1uur BXPLORATIO. ARD PRODtJCTIOJI, I.C. '1'0 COJmVC1' 8EIBJIOGRAFH SVRvty USIXa EXPLOSIVES - APPROVZD Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this permit is for seís.ic ~esting in the eastern part of Collier County, adding that the conditions are standard and the firm has done this tJpe of work before in this County ðnd providing they meet all th~ conditions of the per.it, staff is recommending approval. co.ai..ioner Bas.e aove~, seconded by Caaai8sioner ØOOdnight and carried 4/0, that a U.er/Blaster perait to Shell Western Exploration' Pro4u~ion, Inc. be approved for the three seis.ic lines in Collier COUDty 8Ub1ect to the application request information .ubaitted and .oon41tioDS" .et forth in Exhibit "An. Page 17 , t j \ ~~ Vi, ¥ ... ~,~~ r." ' ~. t',," ~; DECEMBER l5, 1987 ~ X~.. "C2 811)8 !'O .. Al)v5XTISZ1) I'OR 'l'JIB COJlSTRUCTIOR OF , LIGJl'J'ED SJIUFFLBBOARD COURTS FOR GOLDD nA'R COKHU1IITY PARX - APPROVED Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that this was a request by several citizens in the area and staff and the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board concur with this request. He noted that he 18 requesting approval to advertise for the construction of shuffle- board courts and anticipates that they will be ready for public use in May, 1988. Mr. George Keller stated that the courts will be used for com- petition and he would suggest that the bid specifications are specific as to what type of fin~sh will be put on them. c~t.sioner Ha..e aoved, .econded by co..i.sioner Saunders and carried 4/0, that the bid. Þe adverti.ed for the construction of , lighted shuffleboard courts tor Golden Gate Community Park. Itea ftDl AGht.aAd FOR UIXBUUEJŒRT TO KJtCCQ, IJlC. FOR SEWER FACILITIBS XXPao,~s I. THB RIVIERA GOLF BSTATES AREA IJI 'l'JIB AKOuwr OF $45,000 - AP'.I:09'I1) Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that several months ago, there was dëvelo~nt occurring east of Kings Lake and Foxfire which required a sewer system to be built. He noted that the County agreed to build a fund from variou~ developers to correct this pr~lem, adding that $45,000 was collected. He stated that the Developers have decided to make lhose improvements and they are asking that this ~, ';. Page l8 'OQ( 110m~300 t l' .';~~.< ,1,. .~ ~'. . it III« 1t9!1'.! ao1 't··" . .~ ~ . , ;.,.'; ''¡ ;~ '.~ :; .~ ! . . f ..~' f ./ ·i .~.., '~7 " ~, ~. DECEMBER 15, 1987 $45,000 be rei.bursed to them. approval. ~~f..ion.r Goodnight .oved, s.cond.d by Comaiesion.r Has.e and He stated that staff is recommending carried 4/0, that the .gr....nt for reiaburs..ent to KXCOQ, Ino. for ....r facilitie. iaprov..ents in the Rivi.ra Golf Zstates Area in the aaouD~ oL $45,000 be approve~. .. 'If: Page 19 1~'"i;...~".J,'..',,',·; ~' , ~ ~ ;/ C' ... ~- , 'k.J "', . ~'-." ~" . . lOG( 110,v,£305 DECEMBER 15, 1987 X~ "03 JrAGL8 coat COOftKr CLUB 'l'RACTS "A" AJn) "F" - Dna nCILI'lIB8 ACCBPnJIC'B - APnO'RD Utilities Adminístrator Crandall etated that all on-site water ,. facilities have been constructed to serve Eagle Creek Country Club Tracts -A- and -F· and he is recommending that the water facilities be accepted. co..i..ioner G004Diqht aOV8d, .econded by comai.s10ner Ha..e and carrie4 4/0, :-.tbat the Zagle Creek country Club Tracts "A" and "FI', on- site water facilities be accepted with the following stipulations 1. The water facilities to serve the project cannot be placed into service or water meters set until the facilities have been rebacterially cleared to the satisfaction of the Utilities Operations Department. See Pages O.R. BOG~ 1316. Pages 427-449 Itea '9Fl CB:BCK ACCZftBD I. 'rD AKOUJfT OF '5,000 FROM THE COLLIZa COtnITY PJtOnkrl APPRAISBa FROM I't7JfDS OaIQIDLLY DESIGJrED TO ØZ tJ8BD TO MOVE COKpg~Ga BQtJIPXBøT County Manager Dorrill stated that during part of the renovation of Building ·C·, computers we~'e relocated. He noted that Mr. Colding wc~ unhappy with the cost and a3 a result of his efforts, the vendor returned a check to him for $5,000 which he has endorsed and turned over to the Board of County Commissioners. He stated that this item is si~ly to aCknowledge receipt of the $5,000 check. He indicated that the check will be turned over to Clerk Giles. eo..issioner Class stated that he appreciates the effort of Mr. Colding. Page '"0 .;.;,...' :~:l~"~, ~b; :t<:;, DECEMBER 15, 1987 ..... aeoe..s 10:20 A.M. - Reconvened: 10:30 A.M. ..... (eo.ai..ioner Saunders left the .eeting at this time.) Tape . 4 It_ '972 P1tB8BftA'I'IOII BY 0. KAIUt gLOVER REGARDING COLLIER COtnlTY'S PROPOSBD XBXB~P IBTO THB FLORIDA lKØOVATIOK GROUP - RO ACTIOR TAKER Mr. Mark Glover, representing Florida Innovation Group, presented a packet of information to the Board of County Commissioners and described the various inf~rmation in it and the newsletters that are sent as well as the product information that is useful. He referred to various newsletters that contain information on computers, micro- co.puters, hardware, software, etc. He noted that videos are available in their library in California. He stated that they have a problea solving department that is very helpful. He noted that the product ínfor.ation is very helpful and would be of interest to n~r0U8 counties a5 well as providing a service. He indicated that there are workshops that are held that cover everything and one of the big ite.s that is discussed at workshops is employee incentives. He stated that there is no charge for these workshops, noting that they are a one day workshop. COunty Manager Dorrill stated that he wanted Mr. Glover to explain what the Innovation Group is all about. He noted that the Florida .. Association of Counties providcs similar training opportunities but they do very little in general probl~m solving, newsletters and pro- ducts. He noted that they are more into lcgislative issues than Page 21 &00-' 110 F"·r 306 .T . 'i" -..- ''I ';1{: Þr-l> .... ~" t:""t< Ji'.,,, .¿ f _ 'f;\ 1.i~'; .".-:' I : ~' ~ c' ,~< '* 110M 307 (, DECEMBER 15, 1987 r ,.1 general operations. He stated that this group is Ø Ore for operational '~ ,~' )- '" "Þ':' '... " ~~ ~t' ,if"> '", i~rove.ent and increa8~d productivity. He noted that th~ cost of this aeabership is bas~d on population and the cost for Coll1er County is $2,000 per year. He noted that there is not any action necessary on this ite., adding that he simply wanted the Bùard of County eo.aissioners to mee~ Hr. Glover. Xt_ 'llA B01>IíaIST AI{&,j ~ 88 - 5 8 AJm 88- 5 9 - ADOPTED - eo.ai..ioner Goodnight aoved, .econded by Commissioner Basse and carried 3/0, that Budget Amendments 88-58 and 88-59 be adopted. It_ '11C2 A.lb-AU& YOtrJIG UD COKPAJfY 1'0 PUPAU All RFP TO EVALUATE PROPOSALS FOR rIDEDL DIJ"OJUlATIO. SYSTEK COMPtJ'1'E1t SOI'TWARB AJß) '1'0 DGO'1'IAD A COJI"raACT - APPa."VED Clerk Giles stated that this is a request to engage consultants to develop an RFP for computer software and to evaluate them and then negotiate. He stated that the current system has outgrown the hard- ware. He noted that he feels that a commitment to the Vax system in looking for computer software would be appropriate. He noted that in 1983 Arthur Young was hired to prepare an evaluation of the Data Pro- cessing Department and they have a lot of information that would make this jOb easier. He stated that he feels that they would supply the County with all the needs and he is recommending that the formal bidding requirements be waived for the consultants and hire Arthur Young and Company to prepare an RFP to evaluate proposals for the Page 22. DECEMBER 15, 1987 , I, contract for same. flna~ial inforaation system computer software and negotiate a ~ j ~ 'I.' ,j eo.ai..ioner Gooðniqht aoved, seconded by commi.sioner Basse and carried 3/0, that the bidding process be waived and Arthur Young and coapaDy prepare an RFP and evaluate proposals for financial infor- aation ayst.. ~uter software and assist in negotiating a contract. Clerk Giles stated that the preparation for the RFP is estimated at 816,500 and will state the hourly rate. %UII '11C3 ~... DItDIQJtB tJPGRADB TO DIGITAL VAX 8550 COKPU'J,"i:¡R IB CLEU'S DATA (;~.r... - APPIOVBD Manageaent Information Systems Director Laymon stated that this. is a request to upgrade computer hardware by trading in four old com- puters for a Digital VAX 8550 computer with SA482 disk drives and TU-8l-Plus tape drives. He noted that this is state-of-the-art equip- aent and there has been an endorsement of the upper level County offi- cials that will be affected by this computer system. He noted that this systeawill take care of the needs of the County for the next five years and this system is being leased instead of purchased, 80 at the end of five years it can be bough~ for a $1.00 buyout ~r can be traded in prior to that time if necessary. Finance Director Yonkosky stated that the leasing environment is .. easier to change to new technology, which is why they prefer the leasing instead of the purchasing environment. Page 23 lúÇ" 110,."l308 ~ r" ~ ~~' .t~:" !~~. .i ¡~1_ -.:'~ "t.., .i~i:~ lOG( 110 nt.t309 ... .,...... } -,.-,-' " DECEMBER 15, 1987 t, '4 ~-, ~<¡ ...¡ .,j <." ,'I,'; ," }";'. ,~ n~ .{": '. . :'! I eo.ai..ioner Goodnight aovod, seconded by Comaissioner Hasse and carried J/O, (Coaai.sioner Saunder. out), that the computer hardware apqra4e to the Digital VAX 8550 coaputer in the Clerk's Data Center be appro"f'e4 . lUll '12A RBSO~~ .7-292 APPOIXTI.G ROSS LO.GHIRB TO TBB COLLIER COUNTY PU.JIJttJIG C01OaSSIOR CITIZENS ADVISORY COKHITTEE - ADOPTED ". Ad.inistrative Assistant to the Board Israelson stated that this position is åvailable because of the resignation of Stan Whitcomb and the CCPC has recommended that Mr. ROBS Longmire be appointed to this c:o..i t tee. ~{..ioner Goodnight aoved, .econded by Coaaiasioner Ha... and carried 3/0, that Resolution 87-292 appointing Ro.. Longaire to the Collier CouDty Planning coœ.i..ion citizens Advisory Comaittee be acSopted. t. , . Page 24 't.· .)....' .. 'l~~ ~ , t, . I j .' ¡;.~~ ,..;¡"~ ;f ,.' " .. ~;-,t l 1, ..;:{~,' J~ iii, i~,;/ r":- I' '. "f ' i: :... ~ t, :¡ ;, j. \<". ,,"UOn.:¡gU DECEMBER 15, 1987 I~_ '1JA 8DJtD7'. DBnJt'nœ1r1' TO APPLY FOR A FEDIRAL ORAØT TO EQUIP A SILlCTIVB !"RAJ'FIC DrOJtCBJŒJfT PROGRAM UlCI'l - APnoVED Deputy Chief Barnett stated that this is simply a request to apply for a Federal Grant that 'is ·traffic oriented. He stated' that if they .. are sucoessful in obtaining the grant, the Sheriff's Department wi11 get $l14,OOO which will enable the. to put five patrolmen with vehicles on the road for one year. He noted that there are no aatching funds required. ~I..ion.r G004niqht aoved, .econded by Coaai..ioner Ha.s. and carried 3/0, that the Sheriff'. Departaent apply for a Federal Grant to equip a .elective traffic enforcement program unit. f :.' Page 2S - - - IF, r.: ¡¡;J : f -f , .. ""if ... --- _.'. ., ~G( 110 nr-tgaa t DECEMBER l5, 1987 ... '!be followiDq it..s were approved and/or adopted under the Con.ent Aqenda by action aade by Comai.sioner Goodniqht,.seconded by coa.i..ioner Basse and carried 3/0J It_ '1481 8UDGJrr MÞ~l' IJfCREASIJfG JAXITORIAL COBTRACT $4,992 It_ '1482 .. M1t.B~ I"01t DUD JfOS. 529, 530, 531, LAD TRAnORD JŒHORIAL QARDOS See Pages -3~- 347 Ita. '14B3 LAXB TRAF70RD MEMORIAL GARDE~S CEMETERY DEEDS NOS. 532, 534, 535 ..34ý -.3SÒ See Pages It.. '1485 PULT1IJ'nU ACCEP'lAJICE OF THB ROADWAY AIm DRAIDQZ IXPRO~uud''1'S FOR LZLY CODftay CLUB, 'fARGLEWOOD I Ita. '148' ., I'ULI:IIXDRY ACCEP'fMCB OF ROADWAY A1fI) DRAIOGS IKPROv6IUIi1fT8 I'OR LBLY COD..,.' CLUB, 'fAJIGLnOOD II I~_ '1487 ~,.~,~ WITH JAYCEES, IJfC. FOR UTILIZATION OF COu.TY~D PROPERTY I'OR BOLDIJICI A CAJUO:VAL AND AKE1fD1ŒB'l' TO AGREEHBNT WITH GOLDER GAD ROD.RY See Pages .3$/ - 3.s? It_ 'UCl BID "7-11'0 FOR PURCHASB OF AUTOMOBILE UTILIZIRG FEDERAL OLDER AKERXCAJrS AC'!' AJfD COtTKTy HATCHIRG Ft7JfDS Older Americans Act Tille IIJ-B plus local match, to be used by Co11ier County Services for Seniors. Chevrolet Celebrity at ~ ~.' $10,614. I~.·;.;e..: ,. ""',~ . ~. ~c', Page 26 r·t. ;1" ~'!* ~;-~ ,~. I·,t '1; . ~ DECEMBER 15, 1987 ~-'. It_ '14C2 TBKPOaARY TBAØSFER OF FUNDS WITHIN THE LIBRARY CIP (307) FUND To pay previously approved expenses until the tim~ when the unex- pended Fiscal Year 1987 funds can be reappropriated. It.. '14C3 B~ PVJtCJIASB ORDER FOR J"LCRIDA At1'l'OMATED ENERGY SY8'l'DB FOR PtJRCDSB OF FUEL It_ '14C4 TO_lid, S~ JŒJfTAL AGREEJŒ1ft BETWEElf STERLING COKHURICATIORS CORP. AJm BOAJtD I'OJt JDIB COKJroJlICATIONS See Pages ..3 &ð.. .3~ It_ '14D1 BUDGB'l' AHBICuñ_r PROVIDIHa RESERVE I'UXDS IR LIEU OF CARRY-FORWARDS RB KARCO 8BDR PDSE II COICSTRUCTIOJf AIm nGllfEERIRG It_ '1402 IJIC1tD8W OO1I'fKACT AMOtnrr OF BID 187-1075 $40,000 FOR SLUDGE JlAtJLIBG See Pages NOTE: DOCUMENT NOT RECEIVED IN CLERK'S OFFICE AS OF DECEMBER 30, 1987 It_ '14D3 BBft'LBY VILu.GB COtnrrRY CLUB - PARTIAL WATER AND SEWER FACILITIBS ACCZPDJfCB WITH STIPULATIOHS .- 1) The legal documenls are found by the County Attorney's office to be legally sufficient for the Board to accept. 2) The water facilitie$ to serve the project cannot be placed into service or water meters set un~il the faci- lities have been rebacterially cleayed to the satisfaction of the Utilities Operations Department. See Pages O.R. Book 1315, Pages 1568-1587 It_ '141'1 " paqa 27 !OG.< 110 '1'.[ 334 ~.^ 'tZ/ " ""I ,.~~. n ~ii. "".' ~. ..:-p' ..' ,..., 't ~ " .....~ :'11 110 ~I)~ .~ i '* parI. 0thJ t, ~: ,.1'.... i.ö t~ ~ , DECEMBER 15, 1987 ~ BID PJIOJIOSAL8 COlfCEJUfllfa '1"'A'.LEPHOn COllTRACTED LABOR FOR COLLIBR COUJI'rY ø:o DU'rAIK STATUS QOO I~ '14Gl CaUU1CAftS FOR CORRECTIOIf '1'0 THE 'l"A% ROLLS No. 245 lQS5 Dated 11/30/87 1986 Dated .11/30/87 1987 Tangible Personal Property Dated 12/04/87 1987 Dateå 11/30/87 Dated 11/23-12/4/87 w~, ~ No. 222 ¡ 1 No. 1987-72 ..;r Nos. 186/187 ; ~ Nos. 190/200 4 I~_ '14G2 nn8J'JCrIOJI 07 LIDS FOR SERVICES or PUBLIC DEFEJrDER See Pages .:a¿'~... 3.9 It_ '140 XIBCBLLNI'EOOS CORRESPOJrDElfCE 1'ILED AIfD/OR REFERRED The following correspondence was filed and/or referred as indi- cated below: 1. Meøorandum dated 11/04/87 from Daniel J. Bodsanko, Director, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, Dept. of Business Regulation, enclosing County's share of alcoholic beverage license fees collected during July, Aug. and Sept., 1987. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Joe Warren (with check), Lori Zalkð and filed. 2. Agenda received 12/07/87 for Rural Economic Development ConCerence, [)c'pt. of Commerce, to be he Id Jðn. 13, 1988 in Tallahassee. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Wanda Jones and f Ued . Page 28 .' ,t'" .,f", 1 , d' :,<;t.. ~'t., .~' . ¡~, ~..*'f,.. ' .J:. .: DECEMBER 15, 1987 3. Letter dated 11/18/81 from Woody Price, AICP, Director, Division of Resource Planning and Management, Dept. of COMmunity Affairs, en~losin9 comments from the SWFRPC and Florida DOT re proposed amendmcnt to the Land Use Eleaent of the Comprehensive Plan. Rcferred to Neil Dorrill, Dave Pet trow, Missy McKim and filed. 4. Letter dated 11/25/87 from Gordon I,. Guthrie, Director, Dept. of Community Affairs, advising that FEMA has informed DCA that Collier County has not enacted the revised regula- tions of the National Flood Insurance Program. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David Pettrow, Tom McDaniel and filed. 5. Letter dated 12/01/87 from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Manager, DER, enclosing short form application (File No. 1ll42336S, 111423435, and 1l1424005) which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David pettrow, Dr. Proffitt and filed. 6. Letter dated 11/25/87 from Douglas L. Fry, Enviornmental Manager, DER, cnclosing short form application (File No. l2ll420505 and 111421329), which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt and filed. 7. Letter dated 10/05/87 from Jerry Brooks, Chief, Bureau of Laboratories and Special Programs, DER, regarding Rookery Bay Aquatic Preserve a5 an "Outstanding Florida Water" and enclosing factsheets. Referred to Neil Dorrill (letter), David Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt and filed. 8. Letter dated 12/04/87 from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Manager, DER, enclosing short form application (File No. 261~25905), which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt and filed. 9. Received 11/30/87 from DNR, Final Order for Permi~No. A CO-IS1, for Permittee Fiametta Anni-Toendury-Wey and Otto Toendury to conduct activities seaward of the coastal construction control line at 20 Fifth Ave., So., Naples. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt and filed. ~ 10. Received ll/30/87 from DNR, Final Order for Permit No. A-CO-160, for Permittee Naples Golf and Beach Club, Inc. to conduct ðctivities seaward of the coastal construction control line at 851 Gulf Shore Blvd., N., Naples. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt and filed. Page 29 6Íi¡;~ 110 'J'.f 336 #".... . \# , j~: .i:~ .- " ~l if ~ 110"'1.337 "",' ~>r r;.', 11. 12. ~-~. ~" .. w.· Jf. /~~í . "1.ro1 f~'-~ ~; I tV: ~ ,j" DECEMBER l5, 1987 ~randu~ dated 11/17/87 Crom Ney C. Landrum, Division of Recreation and Park~, DNR, enclosing Procedure~ for I.p1e.enting Florida Rails to Trails Land Acquisition Program. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Kevin O'Donnell and filed. Letter dated lO/19/87 from Hank Graham, District Forester, Florida Dept. of Agriculture' Consumer Services, sum- aarizing the Division of Forestry's Fire Control activities for FY 1986/87 for'Collier County. Refcrred to BCC, Ken Pineau and filed. 13. Letter dated 12/04/87 from W. R. Trefz, P.E., Deputy Asslstant Secretary, Florida Dept. of Transportation and P. Knute Hartman, P.E., Project Manager, Wilson, Miller, Barton, 5011 & Peek, Inc., regarding six-laning U.S. 41, Solana to Pine Ridge Road, State Project No. 03010-3524, Referred to Neil Oorrill, George Archibald, Jeff Perry and filed. Release dated 11/30/87 from Florida House of Representatives advising that House Natural Resources Committee ChairMan Sidney Martin has scheduled a public hearing on the SFWMD, the SWFWMD, and the NWFWMD and their basins on 12/08/87 in Tallahassee. Referred to Neil vorrill, Dave Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt and filed. Copy of a Resolution received 11/25/87 from Golden Gate Fire Control , Rescue District, with attached note from Nancy Bisbee, President of Golden Gate Estates Area Civic Assoc., supporting the request to the County to install a traffic signal at the corner of Colden Gate Parkway and Coronado Blvd. Referred to acc, George Archibald and filed. Copy of a Resolution received 11/25/87 from Golden Gate Fire Control' Rescue Dis'rict, with attached note from Jim Melchore, Goldcn Gat~ Beautification Committee, supporting the request to thc County to install a traffic signal at the corner of Golden Gate ParKway and Coronado Blvd. Referred to BCC, George Archibald and filed. Memorandum d~ted 12/02/81 from Rogcr Evans, Business Manager II, HRS, attaching CPHU 4th Quarter Contract Management Report for Fiscal Year 1986/87. Referred to Neil Dcrri11, Lori Zalka and filcd. Letter dated 11/25/81 from Pamela S. Hammock, Acting Ad.inistrator, Primary Program, State Health Office, HRS, attaching the Florida Administrative Weekly regarding Primary Care Rule. Referred to Neil Dorrill and filed. 14. IS, 16. 17. 18. Page 30 - - - ',< "~~.,,'.. l*(;, , .'; . ."-:: 11'. ".' ~ -.'-;" í' , î"" .j' -:- ,_. , :". '" ~.: ,.,f¡ '.-.-. DECEMBER 15, 1987 19. Minutes: 10/04/87 - Lely Golf Estates Beautification MSTU 11/10/87 - Golden Cate Parkway Beautification Advisory Committee, and 12/08/87 agenda 11/20/87 - Rig Cypress Basin Board of the SrwMD 20. Letter dated 12/02/87 from Patricia A. Bidol, Ph.D, Executive progra. Director, SFWMD, regarding status of the iden- tification ðnd priority setting process for significant sur- face water resources within the SFWMD, and enclosing an agend~ for 12/08/87 meeting in West Palm Beach. Referred to Neil Dorrill, George Archibald, and filed. 21. Letter dated 11/25/87 [rom Robert L. Patton, Controller, Tax Collector's Office, attaching a distribution recap showing to date totals of taxes collected n~t of discount for 1985/86, 1986/87 and 1987/88. Referred to Lori Zalka and filed. ... ... Deputy Clerk Kueter replaced Deputy Clerk Kenyon at Ils15 A.M. ... Itea "02 ~~ OF PROFESSIOKAL ERGlHEERIøO FIRM FOR DESIGR AND COøSTRUCTIOR OF '!'1fO DTBR HAIR PROJECTS - HOLE, MONTES , ASSOCIATES TOP RAJnœD FIRM Utility Division OperatIons Coordinator Laverty stated that a professional engineering firm is to be selected for the design and construction of two water main projects: a 16" Water Main Project at . County Barn Road and a 20" Water Main Project at Davis Blvd. He stated that there were 10 responses to the solicitation of Statements of Qualifications and Interes~. Mr. Laverty stated that the following "short list" of three top rsnked fir.. was devcloped by the Staff/Consultant Committee: 1. Anchor Engineering 2 . CH 2H H i 11 3. Hole, Hontes & Associates, Inc. Mr. Laverty stated that each of the three firms will be giving a 15 or 20 .inute presentation. &úii" 110 W.£ a38 Page 31 , . , .' : ,~. , ,. :g, fr:.~', ¡< t"". I "'.~ <.,ç. '~ ¡:: 1:'. . ~, ~. " .t- "~~ ,. : ,~ ".., !r; ~ ~( ..... ",' ri' ' .'~ "fl .~'......*- 110rrd339 , .>;f./t ii'¡ t DECEMBER 15, 1987 f' , ~ " ~ :I.: . AJrCIIOR DGIJr.DRIJIG Mr. Ron Hurt, President of Anchor Engineering, advised that Anchor Engineering is a local firm with headquarters on Harbour Drive. He said they also have off ices in Marco Island and Ft. Myers. He said they are a full service company with 56 employees, 17'of which are engineers. Mr. Hurt showed a chart depicting their method of organization and explained how, staff works to put together a project team. He noted that each project is assigned a quality assurance and review commit- tee. He then outlined the staff members that will be assigned to this project and cited their experience. He noted, in addition, that ~ny of their staff members are former County or Ci~y employees. Mr. Hurt then gavc a bricf description of current projecta being worked on in Collier County. Mr. Harold Hall, Vice-President/Administrator for Anchor . Engineering, stated that their current Davis Blvd. project has been very satisfactory. He noted they are ahead of sche~ule and within budget. He stated they !eel confident that they are qualified to design and construct these projects. Responding to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Hurt stated that the design phase could be complcted within 60 to 90 days and b5rring any dif- ficulties with permits, design and construction could be complete in 180 days. Page 32 ;~. ~ :--t:"'; .~. , '~ '. '¥ ." ~, ~.,~ DECEMBER 15, 1987 en. JaLL Hr. ~tt Wade, Office Manager for CH2M Hill, stated he would not go into too .uch detail about their firm because the Commissioners present know who they are. fie stated the projects will be handled frQa the Ft. Myers Office with the assistance of any and/or all of their other offices across Florida. He stated that CH2M Hill will provide local staff for these projects which will ensure coordination with the County. He displayed a map which outlined the firm's experience on pipelines. Hr. Len Berlin of CHZM Hill, stated he will be the Project Manager for these projects. He showed another chart depicting their organiza- tional and aanagement structure. He thcn outlincd the responsibi- lities of the project team. Hr. Berlin showed time schedules and stated there would be a savings to the County by doing both projects at one time since the projects are physically located close togcther. . In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Hr. Wdde stated that the design phase could be complctcd within 40 man days and that they could begin construction i~diately after the design phase is complete~, pro- viding all perøits have been received. -rape ,. ... R8CB8S A7 11:45 A.M. .' RECONVENED A~ I1s50 A.H. *** IIOLB, Ja:)It'lBS, , ASSOCIATES, nrc. Hr. TOIl Taylor, Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc., showed In organi- Page 33 &úG~ 110 P~'.¡ 340 , ." .'("j 1$' l'~. ~.~ , ;.J¡-! "" 110,.,..341 DECEMBER 15, 1987 zationðl chart stating that each member of the project team is currently working on active design projects for Collier County and they know the requirements of the County. Hr. Taylor stated there are 9 steps to each of the projects: 1. Preliminary Engineering Report 2. Aerial.Photographs 3. Yield Surveys 4. Soil Boring8 S. Perøitting I05UC8 6. Construction Drawings 7. ", Bidding 8. Construction 9. Close-out of Project Mr. Taylor statetj that. Hole, Montes & Associates has alr,eady c~leted the .ajor portion of this work while working on other recent projects. He stated that as part of the design for the extension of the North County Water Tran~mission Lines, they designed the 48" x 20" -T- intersection to which the current project will be connected, He also noted that the aerials photos have been taken, the preliminary .'engineering report and Hasler Plan have already been done as part of the other project. Hc stated they are in a position to move imme- diately into the design phase. Mr. Taylor also noted that. permitting is currently being done on the other projects and they are, therefore, in a position to state they foresee no problems, He noted that all of these completed steps translates into cost savings for the County. Hr. Taylor statcd that it may be possiblc to ncgotiate a change order with the current contractor on the North County Water ,~ Ì1 .v-r " ,f 1.~ .. ....~~.( . .. f if: ~~ y ~-\ Page 34 ¡. ^ ~'" ..,.. '+ ... .> J - ~ It .¡; ,:; " , :'r' ~ "" r. ., ·"i:.......;. . ....~ ,. i! ;.r,. DECEMBER IS, 1987 Transai.sion Lines. He said this should result in a competitive unit price and would sav~ in engineering costs as well as County admi- nistration costs. J~. Taylor advised that the second project along County Barn rtoad is already a part of the Master Plðn recommendation prepared by Hole, Montes and there is no need for the preliminary engineering report on ... ~ this project either. He said the aerials have also been taken for this project. He advised that the soil borings were in their contract for the South County R~gional Wastewater contract and since Hole Montes had this work done, th~re is no ne~d to do them again. He displayed an exhibit showing the area of the County Earn Road Project. Mr. Taylor stated they are well 0:1 th~ir way to the development.of these projects because of a~sociated work and they would like to begin, since both projects ar~ important. Mr. Stanley Hole, Hol~, Montes & Associates, Inc. stated that he will be involved in the p~rmitting proc~ss. He noted that they have already received the permits for the intersection, they have the aerials, the borings have beer. done, and this translates to savings for the County. He said th~y are substantially through both of these proposed projects and would like to continue. Responding to Com"-issioner Hasse, Mr. Taylor stated they are currently under contract for the North County Water Transmission ... tinea, East and South County Regional Wastewåt~r System and the North County Sewer Master Plan Project. He advised that their organization Page 35 &OG( 1101'&':[ 3'42 ~ ,.' . 'I> " J~'. ¡'. ~, ;:'. '" ,""I ~; ,~, r ~. 't ' I'·· ~~.." { £, ~ ,:r~ '* 110 ,y;. 3{3 DECEMBER IS, 1987 is structured so any ncw pr0ject8 will not affect the completion of others. *** While the Board of County Commissioners were marking their Consultant Selection Tabulation Forms, Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that th~ County could realize a sðvings by issuing a change order wi th the present contractor, however, it must, be con- tin9ent on t~e contractor providing a separate crew for these pro- jects, 80 th~ other project does not suffer delays. After tabulating the Selection Forms, Mr. Laverty announced the following results: 1. 2. 3. co.ai..ioner Hole, Montes & Associates Anch~r Engineering CH2P~ "i l' Goodni;ht moved, seconded by Commissioner Basse and carried 3/0, that Staff be authorized to negotiate a contract with the top ranted firm of Role, Montes , Associates on the 16" Water "in Project at County Barn R~ad and a 20" Water Main Project at Davis BIYd., and return the contract for Board approval. *** .. f Page 36 There being no further business for the Good of the County, the , ~ting vas adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 12:15 P.M. BOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ).. I· ,. " )/ ! . ~~' .,~ . t.J .' I h,' . , rl£: ,. " 'if., "..,'" ,.: ¡:\ ¡ ',( I , , ~; ¡..... ',~, ,~ ;. 'I ~" f, t", . ,. . " J ··C. "_CI.LÉÍ1')::LERX ,. . If' . /" ~. ::~,.. ~ ~{ _ .'. ,;.~:~_~~ ¿;?C . '_" ~." I-< " ~ .i.n.~5/roved by the Board a. pres4n(Id' or as corrected . . . ,. . ~~ , DECEMBER 15, 1987 C!-..,..¿/.L ~ ARNOLD LEE GLASS, CHAIRMAN on ~ -7 /-? /.? // ." .. Page 37 lOG.. 110mr344 , ~',