BCC Minutes 01/05/1988 R . . 'f ~aples, Florida, January 5, 1988 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and ~or the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoninç Appeals and as the governing board(s) ot such speclal districts as have be~n created according to law and having conducted business herein. ~et on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" ot ~h~ Government Complex, East naples, Florida, with the following ce=bers present: CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass VICE-CHAIRMAN: Burt L. Saunders John A. Pistor Max A. Hasse Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESEnT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Maureen Kenyon and Beverly Kueter, Deputy Clerks; Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Ron McLemore, Assistant County Manager; Tom Olliff, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; David Weigel, Assistant County Attorney: Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator; George Archibald, Public WorKs Administrator; Kevin O'Oonnell, Public Services A~inistrator: David Pettrow, Community Developcent Administrator; Ann ~cKim, Plan~ng/Zoning Director; David Weeks. Planner; Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett. Sheriff's Department. -, &00( 110~t478 Page 1 ,. . - &oOt 110 r1'.~ 485 January 5, 1988 Tape #1 It.a #3 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH CHARGES Coaaissioner Pistor 8oved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unaniaously, that the agenda be approved with the following changes: 1. Itez 14B5 re e~penditures for the Environmental Health Department to be handled according to the recommendation of the Clerk. 2. Ite~ 10C - Added at request of the County Attorney re a contract between Henderson Young and Company and the BCC for consulting services for the impact fee study. Itea #5A EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS - PP...ESElfTED The following Collier County employees were presented Employee Service Awards: Larry Henry Joa:1:1e Beaird Road & B=idge Department Witness Manageœent 10 years 5 years Itea #5B DARYL HUGHES RECOGNI~ED AS ~LOYEE or THE MONTH FOR JANUARY, 1988 Co~=issioner Glas£ recogn~zed Daryl Hughes as Employee of the MO:1th ~or ~anuary. 1988. and pr~sented him with a letter and a plaque. Itea '6B1 ORDINANCE 88-1 P~ PETITION ZO-87-19C, WILLIAM L. JONES, REQUESTING AN AMZNDMZHT TO ORDINANCE 82-2 BY AMEXDIHG SECTION 7.25, "IL" - INDUSTRIAL. LIGHT DISTRICT, TO PERMIT OFFICES - GENERAL AS A PERMITTED ~lU!!,Ç!PAL USJL=-~DOPT~1>____--- --- L~gal notice having bee~ published in the Naples Daily News on ~ece=ber 4, 1987, as evide~ced ~y Affidavit of Publication filed with Page 2 '. . . January 5, 1988 the Cle=k, p\:.blic hccarlng wa", opened to consider Petition ZO-87-19C, filed by William L. Jones. r~q\1eBting an ~mendment to Ordinance 82-2, the Co:prehensive Zoning Ordinance for the unincorporated a=ea of Collier County by amending Section 7.25, "IL" - ¡ndustrial, Light District. Subsection 7.25.b.l) to per=it offices - General as a per- oitted principal uses; amending Section 20, Definitions, to add the definition of of~ice-gen~ral. Planner Weeks stated that this amendment to the Zoning Ordinance is to add an additional ~se which in this case is general offices. He noted that staf~ is supportive ol this request because the "C-5" and the "I" districts per=it this and the Light Industrial District is in- between both districts. He noted that the CCPC unanimously recom- mended forwarding this petition to the Board of County Commissioners for app=oval. Com2issloner Hasse aoved, seconded by Comaissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. CoaalS8ioner Hasse 8oved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 29: ORDINARCE 88-1 An ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIOllS FOR THE UllINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING SECTION 7.25, IL-INDUSTRIAL, LIGHT DISTRICT, SUBSEC':'IOll 7.25.b.l). TO PERMIT C'FFICES-GENERAL AS A PERMITTED PRINCIPAL USE; AMEnCING SECTION 20, DEFINITIONS, TO ADD THE DEFINITION OF OFFICE-GENERAL; AND TO PROVIDE AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ;-;~ 110t1~f "486 Page 3 &00( 110 r:'.: 487 January 5, 1988 Itea #6B2 ORDINANCE 88-2 RE PETITION ZO-87-11C, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION, REQUESTING AN AKENDMEKT TO ORD. 92-2, REQUIRING THE COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION TO REVIEW AND MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS ON VARIANCE PETITIONS PRIOR TO ACTION BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Dece:ber 4. 1387. as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk. public hearing was opened to consider Petition ZO-81-11C, ~iled by the Communitï Cevelopment Division, requesting an amendment to Ordinance 82-2. the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance for the unincor- porated area of Collier County by amending Section 11.1b. to require the Collier County Planning Commission to review and make recommen- dations en variance petitions prior to review and action on those petitic~s by the Board ~f Zc~lng Appeals. Planner Weeks stated that the Board of County Commissioners directed Staff to dra:t thls ordinance in order that the CCPC review varianc~ ~etitions. He noted that this ordinance will accomplish that directive. b~t may result in an increase to the tees as well as an increase in the time frame for processing because or the review and advertising procedure that will be necessary in order for the CCPC to hear the petitions. He noted that some cities and counties have a separate or designated board that is set up to hear these matters and the elected officials do not have to consider variances. He indicated that if this is the desire or the Board of County Commissioners this could also be done. He núted that there are two types of petitions Page" January 5, 1988 for the public to utilize to decrease setbacks, increase heights and increase or decrease the size of structures, adding that they are miscellaneous petitions and variances. He noted that the Miscellaneous ?etitio~ is used for the PUD zoning district and the Variance Petition is used for all zoning districts except the PUD district. H~ indicated that there appears to be problems with the variance criteria as contained in the Zoning Ordinance, noting that the var!ance criteria is rather strict and rigid and in reviewing variance petitions, staf~ finds the majority of them do not meet the test of the criteria and therefore, recommends denial. He indicated that the Board, however, approves the majority of these variances which indicates that there may be a problem with the criteria which could be modified to allow some flexibility. He stated that the defi- nition of a variance is very limited in nature as it only allows variances for height, setback, and area, adding that in other zoning ordinances there are variances for parking requirement8, landscaping or other on-site develc,pment requirements that cannot be met in the case of hardship. He indicated that as a result, there is not a pro- cedure in Collier County for administrative relief for some situations that may be appropriate. He stated that another iesu. is whether there should be a different variance procedure fcr the PUDls from that of conventional zoning districts, adding that typically, staff recom- mend. approval of vari~nces in PUDIS but rarely for variances in con- ventional zoning districts because of the 8trict criteria. He ;-;~ lIn-),:! 488 Page 5 .--,..-...""...---". " "0( 110r¡:! 489 January 5, 1985 indicated that he is seeking direction from the Board and the CCPC as to whether they concur that additional revisions are needed to the variance proce1ure. He noted that CCPC unanimously recommended appro- val of this petition and also directed that Staff investigate amending the Zo~ing Ordinance to require the same critieria for "MP" petitions as is used for variance petitions and to allow variances to other develop=ent standards of the Ordinance by expanding the present deti- nition of what constitut~s a variance. He noted that approval ot this petition will result in additional advertising costs and additionftl staff expenses which can be oft-set by increasing the petition fee accordingly. Commissioner Saunders stated that he was the one that suggested that this ordinance t~ looked at by the CCPC and to receive their inpu t . He noted that he does not feel that the criteria should be changed for the POD'. and feels that if other problems arise in the future, they be handled at th~t time. He noted that he is in agreement with the way the proposed ordinance has been drafted at this time. Coamissioner Pistor stated that he would be hesitant to change anything dealing with parKing requirements, adding that he agrees with Com=lss10ner Saunders with regards to the proposed ordinance. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Planner Weeks stated that a mora- torium has been imposed on nfter-the-fact variances and Staff is in the process of initiating an ordinance requiring a penalty. Page 6 '. . . \: january 5, 1988 Mr. George Keller stated that he does not feel that the Board '. should relin~~ish thè~r authority regarding variances. Com:1ssioner Saunders indicated that this would merely be an addi- tional step in the current process and would give the Board an opinion from the CCPC. Coaaissioner Saunders aoved, seconded by Coaaissioner Pia tor and carried unaniaously, that the public hearing be closed. Coaai..ioner Saunders aoved, seconded by Coaai.sioner Pistor and carried unaniaously, that the Ordinance as numbered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 29 and it a tee increase is needed, Staff will bring same back by resolution: ORDIJlAJrCE 88-2 AU ORDInAnCE AMEnDING ORDINANCE 82-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIOnS FOR THE U~nnCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY A.~E!,ûInG SECTIOU 11. 30ARD OF ZONING APPEALS: POWERS, DUTIES AnD PROCEDURES; AMEIWnlG SUBSECTION 11.1. b., VARIANCES, TO REQUIRE A PUBL:C HEARING FOR VARIANCES BEFORE THE COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION AS WELL AS BEFORE THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS, AND TO PROVIDE A PROCEDURE FOR A RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL OR DENIAL OF VARIAJiCES BY THE COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION TO THE BOl.aD OF ZOnING APPEALS; AnD TO PtOVIDE AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Itea #6C1 PUBLIC RP.ARING TO CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 86-66, REVISING THE SCHEDULE OF WATER AND SEW'ER SYSTEM DEVELOPMEBT CHARGES - CONTINUED TO jANUARY 6, 1988 CO..is8ioner Pis tor aoved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unaniaously, that the public hearing to consider an ordinance aaending Ordinance No. 86-66, revising the schedule ot water and sewer sy.tea d.v.lopment charges be continued to january 6, 1988. 100( 110 rJ'.! 490 Page 7 600( 110n-::491 January 5, 1988 It.. #6C2 PUBLIC HEARIJfG FOR THE ADOPTIOJf OF AX ORDIRAXCZ ESTABLISHIRG RATES AND KETER TAPPIJfG CHARGES AND AMEJroED RULES AND REGtTLATIOHS FOR THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER/SEWER DISTRICT - CONTiNUED TO JANUARY 6, 1988 Coaaissioner Pis tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unaniaously, that the public hearing for the adoption of an ordinance establishing rates and aeter tapping charges and aaended rules and regulations tor the Collier County Kater/Sewer District be continued to January 6, 1988. Ite. #6C3 RZSOLUTIOX 88-1 RE PETITIOJf AV-87-01', KILSO., MILLEa, BARTOR, SOLL & PEE~, IXC. REQUESTIJfO THE VACATION OF PORTIOJfS OF THE REPLAT or WYlfDEXE1œ TRACT MAP - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily Hews on November 29, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was continued from December 8, 1987, to con- sider Petition AV-87-01., filed by Wilson. Miller, Barton, SolI « Peek, Inc. requesting the vacation of portions of Parcels GGL, SSl., 5516, and Parcel "C" of the r~plat of Wyndemere Tract Map, to allow petitioner to replat. Public Works Administrator Archibald referred to an overhead map indicating the area that is being replatted and which the petitioner has requested to be vacated. He noted that the road going to the north and south will be relocated further to the east so that the developer will be able to develop this property for approximately 29 zero lot line single-family units. He indicated that the plan is con- Page 8 . . . -. January 5, 1988'. sistent with the ~indemere ?CD. He noted that the roads and the drainage syste. will remain private and statf has received letters of no objection :ro~ the pertinent utillt!es. He stated that there will be no density change in th~ PUD, no adverse effect on access or adja- cent properties and Staff is recommend!ng approval. Coaaissioner Pistor aoved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanlaously, that the public hearing be closed. Co_i.sioner Pi. tor .eved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unaniaou.ly, that Resolution 88-1 re Petition AV-87-014 vacating the portions of Parcel. GGL, 9914, 9516, and Parcel .C. of the replat of Myndeaere Tract aap, to allow the petitioner to replat, be adopted, and that ~he Chairaan be authorized to sign .aid resolu- tion and the Clerk to record s.... &00( 110 ,,¡r.t 492 Page 9 . < . .".. '. . .--------------- ",,---.,-,........ ......----......------- - w , ._-_..-- aoo< 110 fa'}. 499 ¡ ~ . January 5, 1988 .' ~ Itea #6C4 RESOLUTIOX 88-2 RE PETITIOX SHR-87-8C, THE SHELTER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LTD. REQUESTING A STREET HAMX CHANGE FROM CONWOOD LANE TO M~OOD LJJrE IN BEAR' S ~~W COMPLEX - ApOPTED L~gal noti~e having been published in the Naples Daily Hews on Dece:ber 20, 1987, as ~videnced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Cler~, publi~ hearing was opened to consider Petition SHR-87-8C, filed ~¡ the Shelter Corporation of Canada, Ltd. requesting a street name change fro~ Conwood Lane to Alwood Lane which runs south off Charleswood Lane in Bear's Paw Complex, in Section 26, Township 49 South, Range 25 East. Planning/Zoning Director McKie indicated that there has only been one lot sold on Conwcod L~~~ and the Petitioner feels that it is due to the na:~ of the street, which is the reason for the request name cha~ge. Coaaissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Co..issloner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. CO~iS5ioner Pistor moved, seconded by Co..issioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Resolution 88-2 re Petition SHR-81-8C, The Shelter Corporation of Canada, Ltd., ~equestlng a street naa. change fro. Conwood Lane to Alwood Lane which runs south oft Charleswood Lane in Bear's Paw Coaplex be adopt.d. Page 10 '. ; - - - ..._c.--.... ........ 600( 110 rr" 501 .January 5, 1988 It.. .6C5 RZSOLUTIOX 88-3 RE PETITIOX AV-81-018, MILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL & PEEK, INC. REQUESTING THE VACATION OF PORTIONS OF THE REPLAT OF WY1fDDŒRE TRACT MAP - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Dece:be~ 20 and December 27, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication fil~d with the Cler~, public hearing was opened to con- sider Petition AV-87-01S filed by Hilson, Miller, Barton, SolI & Peek, Inc., re~esting the vacation of portions of Parcels GG-1, GG-2, MM-2, 5S-9, 55-10, 55-11, 55-12, SS-13, SS-15, and portions of Parcel "C" of the replat of Wyndemere Tract Map to allow the petitioner to replat. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the petitioner is requesting the vacation of a number of parcels in the Wyndemere Developaent in orde= to define the ~olt course parcel which is to be ~rans~erred to the Association. He noted that there are plans to realign the existing perimeter roads which will be the subject of future replats of the replat, adding that the developer is working in a counter clocKwise direction d~veloping parcels. He indicated that this is standard procedure and has been done in the past, addin~ that there iu no change in density, no effect on exiotlng access or existing properties and letters of no objection have been received. He indicated that Sta:f is reco~ending approval of the vacation. Coaalssioner Pistor moved, se~onded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that th. þ~bl~c hearing be closed. Tape #2 Page '11 I, . . - --- ... . . " January 5, 1988 "\; " Coaal..ioner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Co..lss1oner Saunders and ,; carried unaniaously, that Resolution 88-3 re PetitIon AV-87-018, Hilson, Killer. Barton, SolI & Peek, Inc., reque.tIng the vacation of :. portions of Par~els GG-1, GG-2, MM-2, 55-9, SS-10, 5S-11, SS-12, S5-13, 5S-1~, and portions of Parcel "C" a. well a. mi8cellaneous areas of the Replat of Wyndeaere Tract Map to allow petitioner to replat, be adopted. aDO( 110 fA~.t 502 Page 12 &00« 110 fJ':! 507 .January 5, 1988 It.. .7A1 PETITIOX V-87-16, JORH SLOCUM, REPR. MR. & MRS. GLEN R. .JOHNSON- 9llITIJlUED In ORDER TO READVERTISE Co..i.sioner Pi.tor aoved, seconded by Comaissioner Goodnight and carried unaniaoualy, that Petition V-87-16, be continued in order to readverti... Ite. '9Bl, 9B2, & 9B3 RESOLtTl'IOR' 88-4 ORDERIR'G A RD"EREHDt1M ELECTIOR' TO BE HELD MARCH 8, 1988 IX THE MARCO ISLAND BEACH REBOURISBMEWT AND PUBLIC ACCESS H. S . T . C. - ADOP'IED. PRZLIHIR'ARY DESIGK FOR PRO.1ECT APPROVED. APPLICATION FOR PERMITS AUTHORIZED. COt7HTY PARTICIPATION IN THE FUXDI.G OF THE PRO.JECT - CONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER IHYORMATION IS AVAILABLE Assistant Public Works Adœlnistrator Huber stated that the Marco Island Beach Renourishment and Public Access MSTU was created on June 17, 1986, by Ordinance 86-31. He stated that a referendua election was held on November ~, 1ge6, and the voters approved a tax levy of one-halt mill to provide tor beach renourishment, improve stormwater protection of the beaches, and tor public access to the beaches. He stated that on December 23, 1986, the Advisory Committee was created by Ordinance 86-91 and then on March 31, 1987, the Board approved an agreement with Coastal Enginuering consultants to provide a prelimi- nary design for the project. ne noted that there was a tg~ meeting held on November 24, 1987, tor public input. He stated that the taxing district as it exists this date complies with the requirements of Chapter 161, Florida Statute.. He 8tated that it will be necessary to amend the method of taxation prior to any capital expenditures, Page 13 ;'. f' / , -- ...-.. '.----- . , ,j J , 8 ;,. >I. {) J ~, '! \ :.' . . " .1anuary 5, 1988 adding that presently the project is in the design stage but will then proceed into the construction stage where the tax is baseð on a bene- fit basis. He noted that after the construction phase the caint.nance phase starts and that should also be handled on a benefit basis. He indicated that beachfront property would be receiving more benefit fro. the project than someone living further inland. He indicated that Chapter 161 makes provisions for different zones of benefit. He noted that it states that the tax shall be levied upon each taxable property in proportion to benefits said property will receive as determined by the most economic analysis of the program. Commissioner Saunders questioned how a special assessment district can be nerged with the existing HSTU that was formed by referendum, to which Assistant County Attorney Weigel stated that if there is a desire to change the method of assessnent it would require an amend- aent to the ordinance as it currently exists to effectuate that fac- tor. Hr. Weigel stated that he would have to investigate this further before making any suggestions to ~he Board. He indicated that the KSTU, however, was not created under Chapter 161. Coaaissioner Saunders questioned if the Board is in violation of Chapter 161 or Florida Law, to which Hr. Weigel replied negatively, adding that he does not believe that there is a conflict or that Chapter 161 preempts the area of a county addr.ssing the programs of beach renourishment. Commissioner Saunders questioned if simply establishing an HSTU &OO( 110 mE 508 Page 14 ¡OO( 110 w.! 509 January 5, 1988 under general powers of the County preclude State funding pursuant to Chapter 161, to which Mr. Weigel indicated that he does not know the answer to this. He noted that he has spoken with DNR officials and they are awa~e of the application for State funding under the present format L~d even though there are no funds available at this time, the State did not indicate that there is any problem with the format. Mr. Huber stated that the taxing issue does not have to be addressed at this point, adding that the first item for consideration is ordering and calling a referendum election to be held on March 8, 1988, to determine if the issuance of general obligation bonds are approved to finance the Marco Island Beach Restoration Project. He noted that the original es~imated cost of the project as prepared by the consulting engineer was $6.5 million and based on the current taxable property values, one-half mill generates approximately $720,000 per year. He noted that if operating expenditures are deducted from that, there would be approximately $600,000 available tor capital improvements. He stated that the Advisory Committee feels that the funding of the e~tire project at one time would permit the most efficient and timely completion of the project. He noted that as a result of the regular meeting of the Advisory Committee, they unani- Bously agreed that the Board should place the subject referendum on the ballot on March 8. 1988. He noted that the Election. Office indi- cated that this will cost approximately $1,000 to put on the ballot. H. noted that the total cost of the project would be funded through a Page 15 ',,' : I . . " January 5, 1988 bond issue and debt service would be paid from ad valorem taxes generated by the taxing district. Coaaissioner Hasse questioned it the access issue has been addressed, to which Mr. Huber stated that members of the Advisory Committee will address that issue when they speaK. Mr. Des Farrell, Subcommittee Chairman on Public Relations of the Marco Island Beach Renourishment Advisory Committee, stated that the committee mandate was to consider beach renourishment and access, but parking was not in that mandate, even though it was considered. He indicated that parking was not part ot the project when it was voted upon. He noted that the committee started over a year ago and there have been 14 meetings that h~ve been open to the public with media coverage. He noted that a written report was sent to the voters in August with the progress to that date and another written report will be sent out in February. He noted that all the committee aembers are experienced business executives and bring a wealth of talent to the Board. He indicated that the p~an tor the project was developed by engineers who made measurements and analyses and facts to develop this plan that tooK over 8 months. He indicated that the Marco Island voters voted for a half-mill tax when the taxing unit was set up and there are no Federal or State funds available and there is no need tor County funds. He stated that if funds Were available, Marco Island re~idents would not be willing to agree to the conditions placed upon the. if they had to give up control of the beaches. He noted that aðO( 110f'~"'! 510 Page 16 .------...... 1m 110 fP. 511 .1anuary 5, 1988 there is a need to do this project now as the beaches are receding at a rate út one-half to four feet a year, and loss of the beach adds to dredge and fill cost. He stated that every day and every month that is going by, more sand is being ~oved and it means that is has to be . relocated. He indicated that renourishing the beach helps to prevent storm daaage and everyone on the beaches of the County have concerns regarding this matter. He stated that the people on Marco Island do not want to wait 10 years tor something to be done, adding that they want to have it done now and pay as they enjoy it. He stated that with regards to parking, private bus transportation could be investi- gated tor the island. He noted that this 1s not going to be addressed by the Advisory Committee b~cause they were not asked to address it. He stated that the plan should be approved and the reports and requests should be authorized in order to forward them on to get Federal and State permits and approvals. He stated that he has every confidence that the people on Marco Island will approve a referendum to allow their tax monies to be used to borrow funds to renourish the beach and pay what is required to get the job done. County Attorney Cuyler stated that with regards to the parking issue, this was removed from considerations of the committee by the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Tom Kalbfus, President ot Marco Island Taxpayer. Association, stated that he supports the request of the advisory committee that the Board approve the proposed design tor renourishment, approve tiling Page 17 . . i . , " January 5, 1988 th~ applications for necessary construction permits so that this pro- cess can begin, and approve placing the question of bond financing on the March 8, 1988, ballot so that all the voters of Marco Island can decide what should be done. He state4 that further delay in filing permit applications or açproval of the renourishment design would needlessly allow further erosion and build additional future expense in addition to prolonging danger from storm damage. Tape .3 Mr. Xalbtus stated that there has been a petition circulated by a group opposed to bond financing but the Commissioners should examine the signatures on the petition to determine if those people that are signed are registered voters of Marco Island. He noted that the beaches on Marco Island are important to the property values of all the residents. Hr. Prank Blanchard, Vice-Chairman of the Beach Advisory Board, stated that he is requesting that the applications be approved tor the revi~ of the plans, adding that this project could be eligible tor State funding if it becomes available. He stated that he believes that Marco Island voters should be allowed to express their opinions at the voting booths, and asK that this issue be approved. Commissioner Pistor questioned how long it will be for the State to consider and approve the permit requests, to which Mr. Huber stated that it will taKe approximately 9 to 12 months. Hr. PatricK Hurley, member ot the Beach Renourishment Advisory ~ 110~'~ 512 Page 18 "."-.-,,.--.--.- .,,"~'"_..~- . '°0( 110w.r.513 january 5, 1988 Committee, questioned it the referendum is turned down by the voters of Marco Island will the County use the plan and renourish the beach with ~unty-wide funds, to which Commissioner Saunders stated that with regards to taxation, there will not be double taxation on Marco Island. Coaaissioner Saunders stated that it the voters approve the bond issue and the MSTO remains in effect and then years from now, Collier County builds beaches with the City or at Vanderbilt Beach, there will not be any additional taxation on the residents of Marco Island for anything off Marco I&land. He stated that as far as the County's plans tor beaches, they are many months or years away from building beaches in Collier County. He indicated that if the County does build beaches, the taxpayers are going to pay for the project regardless of whether it is a Marco Island MSTU project or a Collier County project. He stated that there would not be any dollars saved by waiting to join up with a County program that mayor may not be built in the tor- seeable future. Coaaissioner Hasse indicat~d that there are State funds that would be available to the County if there i. a beach renourishment plan. County Manager Dorrill stated that the State has established some beach renourishment funds for which applications can be .ad., but there has not been any amount qualified. Mr. Huber stated that the maximum reimbursement would be 75' pro- viding all conditions are met that are placed on the County by DNR, Page 19 . . ,.4 january 5, 1988 adding that the funds have been applied for but there have not been any funds appropriated in the legislature, therefore, they are not available at this time. County Manager Dorrill stated that the County owns a portion of the beach face on Marco Island at the public's Tigertail Beach Park, adding that a reasonable argument can be made to have the County pay its proportionate share of improvements to a project where there is a direct benefit to the public's beach tor work that is being done tor the rest of the beach at Marco Island. He stated that while there is no direct benefit and no proposed sand to be placed on the public's beach as a result of this project, it has not been resolved a. to whether worK done adjacent to the County beach or up and down the beach face may have a stabilizing influence on the public'. beach at Tigertal1. He noted that this is a remaining issue and it is proposed that funds in support of the public's Tigertail Beach project could, in fact, be County funds that would be done in a proportion equal to whatever percentage 1s benefitted on the public's beach. In ~~swer to Commissioner Fasse, County Manager Dorrill stated that the County beach park at Tigertail is considered to be a county-wide benefit and his recommendation would be that this would be a general fund type as~1stance in the event that this Commission elected to participate in that type of project. Hr. J. Gordon Henry, Chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee of the Beach Renourishment Advisory Committee, indicated the tax money aDaK 110 r"~~ 514 Page 20 - - .____H.'_'.'-.. &00( 110 WI. 515 January 5, 19a~ that would be needed for the project and how much would have to be held in contingencies based on when the project is started, the infla- tion, and the erosion rate. He indicated that he has also gone Over various figures with the County Finance Director with regards to bonding. He noted that it the $6.5 million figure project is used for the bonds, they could be paid off in 15 years at an annual cost of 5590,000 and if it was 60ne in 10 years, it would require $7'0,000 a year. He indicated that if the $5.3 million figure was used, the bonds could be paid off in a maximum of 10 years at an annual C09t or $565,000. He stated that he is strongly in favor of the Board authorizing this issue to be put on the ballot, adding that the voters of Marco Island are entitled to make their own decision on this matter. He stated that taxes of a halt-mill maximum will be pai1 whether the project is done now or later, adding that when the project is over the tax rate will drop to about .1 mill which will provide for maintenance, monitoring and other expenses involved in the upkeep ot the beach. Tape ., Comaissioner Pistor questioned it the State is going to charge tor the sand that is dredged from one place to the other, to which Mr. Henry stated that a letter has been received from the State Beaches and Shores Agency, noting that they advised that this cost is assessed to individual property owners but not on a public proj.ct or State lands that are being developed. He noted that the letter specifically Page 21 . . . 4 'r january 5, 1988 states that there will be no severance charge for the sand that will b~ u~ed. ... RECESS AT 10:30 A.M. RECOBVEXED AT 10:40 A.M. ... Deputy Clerk Xueter replaced Deputy Clerk Eenyon Mr. Robert Stakich and Mr. Michael j. Shaughnessy spoke in favor of placing a bond issue question on the March 8, 1988 ballot tor the citizens of Marco Island. While not speaKing against beach renourishment, the tollowin~ people spoKe against placing the bond issue question on a ballot until questions on parKing, access, financing and continuing maintenance are answered to the satisfaction of the citizens ot Marco Island: Tape #5 Mr. .rim Reinders Hr. Bill Clayton Tape 116 Mrs. Charlotte Westman Mr. Kenneth Hunt Mrs. Ann Bruner Mr. Lee Older.haw Mr. Frederick Besancon Mr. David Bruner Mr. George Keller Ms. Marjorie Ward Mr. Arthur Gore Coaaissioner Hasse stated that the citizens ot Marco Island will ultimately decide this issue, however, he has many unanswered questions regarding beach access and parking. Tape 111 Responding to Commissioner Goodnight, Mr. Huber stated that it the decision is not made today to place this issue on the March 8, 1988 ;;~ 110PA',!516 Page 22 .. ..---..,.-..-"-..--...--.... .,..- ,.-......-.---...... MOt 110nr~517 .7anuary S, 1968 ballot, it a~y be placed ~n the September or November, 1988 ballot. He noted that if this issue is placed on the March 8th ballot acd fails, the only other option for funding is to "pay-as-you-go". He also stated that the Marco Island voters have already approved 1/2 mill for beach renourishment, and the proposed ballot question merely provides a method of funding. Answering Chairman Glass, Mr. Archibald stated that he would not liKe to see parKing along the ~-lane roadway on Marco Island and would discourage the Board from permitting parking in swales. He stated this could be very hazardous. He said there are some side streets on Marco which are not too far from the beach which could be explored, however, the streets wo~ld have to be reviewed on an individual basis. Mr. Michael Shaughnessy gave a detailed description of several locations of foot-path access which is being discussed at the present tiae. He stated property owners have been contacted and funds a~e available for these acquisitions, if necessary. Comaissioner Hasse stated his concern that if the Board goes for- ward with a referendum on the question of financing before all questions are answered, the referendum will fail. He stated the citi- zens need to Know what they will receive tor their money. Coam1ssioner Pis tor suggested that the Board approve the prelimi- nary design to enable Staff to apply tor the permits. He stated that the funding is not needed until construction begins and the fund~ng 1o~ue could be added to the September or November, 1988 ballot. Mr. Page 23 ~\ ,'" .. . . January S, 1988 Hub.r stated that even though the Board is considering all of the items at one time, funding is not needed until construction begins. Mr. Huber stated that the preliminary designs will be submitted when applying for permits and the next step would be to enter into a contract with a consultant for the final design. He said that when the final desiçn is completed it would be submitted to the Board to~ approval. Coaaissioner Saunders commended both the Marco Island Beach Renourishaent Advisory Committee and the Citizens for Eensible Beach Protection. He stated that he is not sure that everyone understands the original referendum, however, the basic question is whether ~he citizens want to build a beach as subaitted by the Advisory Committee, which does not include parking? He suggested that a straw ballot be taken asKing: "Do you favor continuation of the MSTU for Beach Renourishaent under the plan as submitted by the Advisory Committee?" He stated the plan could be made available by placing it in the Marco Island Branch Library. Tape 68 Assistant County Attorney ~"eigel advised that the language in the original referendum was very broad, and it is the opinion of the County Attorney's Office that parking may be included. He stated the Board also has the authority to further direct their Advisory Co:2ittee to study parKing. He advised that because ot the number of words allowed by law in the titl. and language, that the words "and ao~ 110rJ~t518 Page 24 ~.'"'-'_."'-" '--.--."'.'...."... ..", ",-.".,... '-....._.__...-.,~" ,00< 110 n? 519 .1anuary 5, 1986 parking" be added, while the words "all taxable" be deleted. CO~i9sioner Saunders stated his teeling that the suggested lan~~age Kill not answer ~'e question that needs to be answered. He said that it this refere:~dum is rejected, the Board needs to know why it is b~ing rejected. County Manager Dorrill 8tated that a separate straw ballot m~ght be the best Kay to procee~. Coaalssioner Saunder8 moved to place the que8tion of issuance of General Obligation Bonds in a principal amount not exceeding 8&.6 ~llion with a maxlmua aaturity of 20 years on the Karch 8, 1988 ballot; and a straM ballot be taken aaking "If the citizens ot Marco Island want to proceed with the beach restoration project as struc- tured by the Advi.ory Board and approved by the Board of County Coaais.loners, which does not include parking, but does include access?- Chair.an Glass stated that the referendum can be done at a later ti=e and only the preliminary design needs to be decided nON. Co~issioner Goodnight stated that the ret.rendum does not need to be done now, however, she would like the results ot the straw ballot. She said it might not be worth going through the permitting procedure i! the citizens of Marc~ Island do not want it. Mr. Dorrill 8ugg~sted two qu.stions be placed on a straw ballot on March 8, 1988. Coaaission.r Saunders' motion died for lack ot a second. Chairaan Glass aov.d, 8econddd by Coaai8.ioner Goodnight, for a straw ballot asking the following ~ questions: Page 2& , . " " J'anuary &, 1988 1. Do the citizen. ot Marco Island want to continue with the MSTU as currently pre.cribed within the Ordinance and the plans subaitted by the Advisory Board? 2. Do the citizens of Marco Island wish to aodity the current KSTU to include parking and access? Cocolss1oner Saunders and Hr. Cuyler both stated the questions will be confusing to the voters. Chairaan Glas. withdr~ his aotion and Commissioner Goodnight withdrew her second. Co..issioner Pistor 8OVed, seconded by Coaais.ioner Saunders, that the Board authorize a referendua election regarding the issuance of bonds to finance Marco Island Beach Renourishment a~d Beach Acces. Ha1kway. in an amount not to exceed $&.& aillion with a aaxiaua aaturlty of 20 years; and authorize a Straw Ballot asking "Do the citizens of Marco Island want available parking at access points added to the project?" Mrs. Westman requested that the words "at access points" be deleted from the motion. She stated there is a conditional claus~ on the existing access point on the south end ot Marco Isld~d. Tape 69 Coaaissioner Pistor aaended his 8Otion to have the Straw Ballot ask "Do the citizen. of Marco Island want parking facilities added to the project?". Coaais8ioner Saunders aaended his second. Mrs. Bruner pointed out that it the straw ballot is placed with the question on the bonds. the voter will not know it the parking is 'tlO< 110 t1'.~ 520 Page 26 ~--.,_.._. am 110 ~'~ 521 j .' January 5, 1988 included when they vote on the bonds. Mr. Cuyler requeated that the Board state public parking and allow the County Attorney to refine the language on the Straw Ballot. Upon call for the question, the action tailed 2/3 (Co..i88ioners Basse, Saunders and Glaas opposed). C~ssioner Saunders aoved to proceed with the ballot question as pr..ented in the agenda packet with an aaount not to exceed $6.5 alllion and a aaximua aaturity ot 20 years; and authorize a straw ballot asking -Do the citizens ot Marco Island want to proceed with the present project aa presented by the Citizens Advisory Board which does not include park1ng?-. After another brief dis~us810n Co..is.ioner Saunders withdrew hi. 8Otion. Co..1ssion~r Saunderø aoved, seconded by Coamis.ioner Pi.tor, to proceed with the ballot question.. presented in the agenda packet with an aaount not to exceed $6.5 .ill1on and a aaximua aaturity of 20 years; and authorize a straw oallot asking -Do the citizena ot Marco Island want to 1nclude public park~ in the beach ranouri.h8ent prograa?- Upon call tor the question, the action tailed 2/3 (Coaais.ioners Haase, Goodnight and Gl..s opposed). CoaaJ..ioner Hasse moved, to plare an issue on the March 8, 1988 ballot requ..t1ng the citizens ot Marco Island to deter.ine whether or not they wish to go torward with the beach renour1sh8ent project, parking and acceS8. , /.1 Page 21 I' ,'" ,., ._,~._......_._--"..., ., u...o,...._.._", \~ january 5, 1988 Coaaissloner Plstor stated that particular question could kill the beach renourishment program. He stated that is not what the people are requesting. Mr. StaKich stated that the Board has already heard froœ ~B' of the voters on Marco Island approving this project and they are obligated to honor those wishes. He stated he would have no objections to the wording of Commissioner Pistor's motion. The aotion aade by Co..isaioner Baaae died tor lack ot a .econd. Co~ssloner Pis tor mcged, seconded by Coaaissioner Saunders, that Resolution 88-' Ordering and Calling a Reterendua Election to be held on March 8,1988, in the Mar~o Island Beach Renourishaent and Public Accesa KSTU, for the issuance ot General Obligation Bonds in a prin- cipal aaount not to exceed $6.5 aillion with a aaxi.ua aaturity ot 20 years to finance Marco Island Beach Renourishaent and related laprove- aenta, be adopt.d; and Ordering and Calling tor a Straw Ballot on Karch 8, 1988 asking the question -Do the citizens ot Marco I.land want to add public parking to the Beach Renouriahaent Project?-. Opon call tor the question, the action carried unani80U8ly. Coaal..ioner Pistol' moved, seconded by Coaalsaioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that the prel1a1nary design tor the Marco I.land Beach Renourishaent Project be approved and Statt be authorized eubait application tor peralta tor the work involved. eo..issioner Pistol' aoved, seconded by Coaaissioner Bas.. and carried unanilaOWlly, that County participation in the tunding of the , Marco Ialand Beach Reatoration Project be continued until 801'. deti- nite inforaatlon is available. ;-;~ 110rp 522 Page 28 "'."'--------_. .,...,.,.--..-,.--".- t, aoO( 110 fl".~ 527 .1anuary 5, 1988 ... RECESS AT 1:30 P.M. RECOXVEXED AT 2:30 P.M. ... Deputy Clerk Xenyon replaced Deputy Clerk Xueter Itea '9B. BID #87-1177 FOR REFUSE COLLECTIOK TRUex - AWARDED TO WALLACE IRTERXATIOXAL TRUCKS AND BID '81-1118 FOR TRUex MOOHTED ROLL-Ovr HOIST - AWARDED TO .1IM HARDEE EQUIPMENT COMPANY Leçal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News ~n October 23. 1987, as evidenced by Affidavits of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bids '87-1177 and #87-1118 for Solid Waste Transfer Station Refuse Hauling Equipment until 2:30 p.m., Nove~ber 13, 1987. ~~blic Works Administrator Archibald stated that this is a r~com- mendation to purchase a Solid Waste Transfer truck and hoist, adding that currently the Transfer Station operations are being handled by roll-off containers rather than the Pac-Mor tractor-trailer system. He noted that the department developed the specifications and reCeived bids on a cocblnation of either the hoist or the truck or combination of both. He stated that based upon the bids received, the low bidders were found to be in conformance with the specifications and acccr- dingly, the staff's recomaend~tion is to award the truck hoist to the Ji. Hardee Corporation in the amount of $18,659 and award the truck to Wallace International 1n the amount of $48,690.91. Co..issioner Has8e aoved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that Bid #81-1111 for the refuse collection truck be awarded to Wallace International Trucks in the aaaunt of $48,690.91 Page 29 I. t . .. : \ --- '. \ , : 1.\ J.'c.- , " v. -- - . ",_,...u'."",. . -,-,_._-,---_., o. . . " " , January 5, 1988 and that Bi~ -87-1178 for the roll-oft hoist be awarded to Jim Hardee Equipœent CoÞpany in the amount of $18,659.00. Itea '9B5 B1). .87-tl_9~_~0JL}'AIL2-H~R MPAIRS - AWARDED TP--PAH~.~Lt7MBI~O---- Leçal ~otice having been published in the Naples Daily News on lrovember 20, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of ?ublication tiled with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid '87-1195 fer jail shower repairs until 2:30 p.m., December 9, 1987. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this request is to award plu~bin~ =odifica~ions for showers at the jail, adding that there are a number of chan~es that need to be made as well as main- tenance needs. ~e stated that because of security reasons there needs to be so:e changes =ade and, because the water splashes out ot the showers onto the floor. ~e stated that two bids were received and both were acceptable and he i8 recommending the low bidder. County ~anager Dorrill stated that there is double bunking and a lot more people in the housing area which means twice as many people taking showers, adding that the drains will be enlarged and a step over lip will be built to keep the water in the shower area. Co..ieeioner Pis tor moved, seconded by Co..ieeioner Baa.. and carried unanimously, that Bid #87-1195 tor jail shower repair. be awarded to Dan's PlUJII.bing Company in the amount ot $60,860. ;~ 110 'SÞ.~ 528 Page 30 "-'--".". .'.' ""'_"'-"'.." 1* 110 WI. 529 January 5,1988 Ite. .iN. OPLA'f OF :uPL.A'f OJ' PART OJ' NYJrDDt:UZ 'fRAC'l' MAP J'OR UCOKDIXO - APPRO'nD Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this request i. to approvo the replat of the replat of the Wyndemere Tract Map which i. a co.panion to Itea 6C5 and involve. the golf course. He noted that this area has been vacated and this plats the golf course. the limit. of it, and the legal description for it. He noted that a por- tion of this area being replatted will have to com. back in order to be developed in unitÐ. ~ssioner Saunders aoved, ..c0D4e4 by Coaais.~oner Pi.tor and carried unaniaou.ly, that the rapIst of rapIst of part at Wyn4e..re Tract aap for recording be approved. Itea "B1 ,,¡XU Pt.A'l' OJ' GOLJ' COTTAGES AT M'Y1rDDCDJ:. PBASJ; III - APPROVED Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this i. a plat approval for the Golf Cottages at Wyndeaere Phase III and 1. a coa- panton to Item 6C3 and deals with the 10 acre parcel that wa. vacated earli~r this date. He stated that the developers are platting this area into 29 lots and changing the alignaent to allow for .Jngle- f..lly housing rather than condo units. eoaaissioner Saunders aoved. .econded by CoaaJ..ioner Pi.tor and carried unaniaoualy, that the final plat: of Golf Cottage. at Wynðe8ere. Pha..e III, be approved, eubject to the Unal plat not being . I I. . . Page 31 . . - .4 " .7am.ary 8, ISl.1 record.ed until the required iaprOV81l8Dt8 have been COn.8tructe4 and accepted. It.. .~Cl COKPDSATIOW TO T1m MEDICAL DAKIJJD AS IJlTDIM tmDICAL D.UaJrER .OR COLLIn eov..u TO BE BROtJQB'T BACJC Dr TWO IUUS AJ'TD. 'UKX'A&a naOTI4TIOWS Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that he has gone over the contract with the Associate Medical Examiner anð they have agreed upon everything except for the coap.nsation. He noted that the contract conforas to the contract that was previously approved for Dr. Schaid who served as Medical Examiner until January 1, 1988. He noted that the State's Attorney has appointed Dr. Engstrand ae the Interi. Medical Examiner until the State Medical Exacinere Coaaission takes action on the vacancy at the january 29, 1988, meeting. He stated that at that time, a recoaaendation will be forwarðed to the Governor'. office. H. indicated that under Paragraph OB1 on Page 2 of the contract a change has been aade which will compen.ate phy.icians that will be helping Dr. Engstrand during the time that he has a large ca.eload or is unable to perfora the various autopsies due to the tact that he i. out of t~. He noted that this would be $100 tor a narra- tive, .8100 for being on call and 8000 tor an autopsy. He ind1cateð that start is recommending that the compensation for the Interi. Medical Examiner be set at $7,000 per aonth, which i. an increa.e of 26' over what the Associat. Medical Exaainer i. curr.ntly aaking and i. lese than what th. salary of Dr. Scbaid wa.. ,00t 110 w.~ 530 Page 32 M-_"-_, -... --'-'.""'-----... ." ¡ØI( .110~-!531 January 5,1988 Tape #10 Dr. Engstrand stat.d that he 1s 1n d1sagree.ent on two points: one is the coapen8ation isau., noting that he has not been able to receive a reason for a decrease of 28' fro. what the Board approved for the District Medical Exa.iner compensation in the last budgetary process. Be noted that out of the $7,500 a aonth, there are a lot of expenses involved. He noted that wit~ the increa.ed expenses, his net income will decrease $'00 per aonth in aoving fro. Associate Medical Exa- .iner to District Medical Exaainer. He noted that there will be increased office expenses, telephon. expenses, secretarial expenses, etc. Be indicated that his work related expenses amount to $1,100 a aonth in addition to the increased cost of running the office. He indicated that there are no benefits associated with being the Medical Exa.ainer. Coaais8ioner Saunders stated that it this results in a decrease as to the ~ount of money that h. get. at the end of the week, then staff needs to take another looK at this and co.. back with an explanation as to why certain expenses covered by the Medical Examiner are coming out of hi. .alary. Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that the out-of- pocket expenses are covered after submittal of invoices to his office, adding that the total budget that the County set for the aedical exa- .iner's budget for this year is $345,000. He indicated that the County takes care of the rent for the facility that he operates as . : ,'. . ;.,; '" ,.. -, ',., . page 33' I, . . . 4 " January &, 1988 well as various equipment. He stated that he teels that this coapen- sation is on an inter!. Das1s until the Governor appoints an official peraanent aedica1 exasinor for th. di8trict, adding that he felt that a 26' increase was a sufficient amount of compensation at this time. In ~swer to Coaml.slon.r Glass, Public Servic.s Administrator O'Donnell stated that the dollar amount that was .et for Dr. Schaid was predicated upon ~O years of s.rvice 1n this County. In answer to Coamissioner Has.e, Hr. O'Donnell stated that the County pays the salary of the secretary after the medical exaainer has sub.itted his invoic. tor sa... He .tated that she i. not considered a County employee and does not receive County benefits. Co_issioner Saunders st.:tted that he teels that Dr. Schmid'. COII- pensation would have been hlgh.r due to hi. experience verSU8 a new person coalng in, but he also te.ls that $90,000 a year i. on the low side for Dr. Engstrand. He stated that he would like to .e. Dr. Engstrand and Mr. O'Donnell get together to negotiate a better coapen- Batton figure and whatever figure is deterained would b. retroactive to January 1, 1988. County Manager Dorrill .tated that the Medical Exaainer's Coa- mission will ae.t and probably contira the appolntaent of Dr. Engstrand on January 29, 1988, adding that this was being proposed.s a aonthly agreement only to recognize hi. interim increa.ed expense.. H. .tat.d that it is his intent to renegotiate th. agreeaent at 8Uch ti.. as he is named th. Medical Exaalner. aooc 110 W.: 532 Pag.3' ".""".,-"...~.~" am 110n'~533 : ; , " ' january 5, 1988 Co..issioner Saunders stated that it .hould be negotiated with the as.uaption that Dr. Engstrand i. going to be the aedical exaalner. Coaaissioner Pistor stated that perhaps Dr. Engstrand could be advanced one aonth's potential øxpenae., .0 Dr. Engstrand doe. not hav. to borrow aoney. County Manager Dorrill stated that the County doe. not typically advance anyone aoney and the invoice. are paid that are approved by the Financ. Departaent. Clerk Giles stated that until this aatter can be re.olved or nego- tiated, there could possibly be 80rt of an oral under.tanding as to an advanceaent subject to the final contract being negotiated. County Manager Dorrill stated that he doe. not .ee the fairne.. of Dr. Engstrand having to pay the secretary and other people out of hi. own personal funds and if the County can work something out to the Clerk's satisfaction, he would be in 8Upport ot that. Clerk Giles stated that his Pinance Director has inforaed him that expen..s cannot be paid in advance, ~t hj. aonthly retainer could be increa.ed. County Hanager Dorrill .tated that Staff could be authorized to work with the Clerk to cover the otfice related expense. and then bring a per.anent contract back by February 1, 1988. Co..i8sioner Pi8tor stated that an interim aethod ne.de to be worked until with Dr. Engstrand i. appointed, adding that it appears that the cost are about $2,000 a aonth. He stated that the County . " Page 35 I. t . , ~--".,,_.._... _....~._._. ..-.--.' .~ ..... .' If " ; \: i:, ',.~, january 5, 1988 M~g.r. the Clerk, and Dr. Engstrand could work out an agreement that would not cauø. Dr. Engstrand any hardship and then the salary could be worked out in due time. Dr. Engstrand stated that the expense. co.. to over $12,000 a aonth, noting that he has already taken out an unsecured busine.. loan of $20,000. Co..i8sion.r Saunders .tated that Staft can work out an arrange- aent tor the County to pay the vast bulk of the monthly expense. with the exception of the secretarial help, adding that he would encourage that this be done. He stated that the $901000 a year compensation is not enough, but he also feels that the 8123,000 a year that Dr. Schmid was receiving is too much for Dr. Engstrand because he i. ju.t .tarting out and there has to be room in a person'. .alary tor future increa.e. and it would not be appropriate to .tart him at the top level, but the $90,000 i. not .ufficient. Co8aJ...ioner Ra.e.. 8OV8d.. seconded by eo-J...1oner en..., that Dr. Engstrand i. to be covered .. tar .. expense., that Mr. Do",!!! and Dr. Ing.trand g.t together on the salary wb8n Dr. Kngatrand 1. appointed by the State and ..u it retroac1:!". to .7anuary 1, 1111. Tape .11 Co..is8ioner Saunders stated that the action indicate. that the salary will be settled after the State ..xe. it. tinal deci.ion which aeans that there will not be a contract in the interim. Co8ai..loner Gl... withdrew hi. second, theretore, the 8Otion ;;; 110 ~...t 531 " Page 38 .. - ~,""--,,--",,,.~,- ....-..-.---..... aoo< 110n'-!535 , . . ' ¡ '.. i , !' :>c : ' J J'8J11181'y 5" 1188 died. Co..ls.ioner Saunders stated that he would like to see hi. compen- .ation .et as though he wer. the director and have it effective january 1, 1988. He questioned if Dr. Engstrand could sit down and negotiate with Mr. Dorrill, to which Dr. Eng.trand replied atfir- ;' . aatively. Dr. Engstrand stated that a lot of hi. expen..s are not reiabursed by the County, 11Ke the professional 8ocieties that he has to join which effects his salary. He stated that when he takes away his expenses and the usual employment benefits and taxes, he ends up with $2200 a aonth net which is less than what he aade as a resident his second year out of medical school. Coaaissioner Saunders stated that the only number that i. of interest to him ls the gross salary that goes into Dr. Engstrand'. pocket at the end of the year. He stated that no one gets their taxes paid, but the County should pay their expen.es and the professional fees. Be indlcated that he would like to have the profe.sional fees and expenses itemized .0 that the Coaaissioners are aware of what expenses and f.es ar. being paid. CoaaiaaIoner Saunders aoved, ..c0n4e4 by eo.a.t..icmer Pi.tor and carried unaniaoualy, that the Clerk and the County Manager _at with Dr. angstrand to work out an interi. agreeaent and a Mchan.t- for the County to pay the lIsted expense. in the contract up to and including the salary at the secretary wi tbout the .ecretary becoa.1ng . County .. . . .-,HI' Pag8 37 h '."----.'-." .-.-.-.-.....,....-..,....---...,...... k ",' -.,.,...".-- , , . " January a, li81( 81Iployee, that .taff co- b8ck with intO1'Jl&tion 1D two _u on the profe..ional t... that are being peid out of the gro.. f.. &D4 any deci.iona aade with reqarda to the groa. coapenaation w111 be retroac- tive to January 1, 1988. It.. ftDl A.G1UDI:D'f FOR ØOIRDI.O SDVICU lOa 'fD 80U'1'B COu.',u UGIODL MAS'nM.\ n::R TRU TJoWrT PLAJfr - APPROVED eo-.1..ion.er Pi.tor 8OVed, ..c0n4e4 by Co.a1..ioner Goodnight 8D4 carried unaniaoualy, that a further portion of the Agre888Dt for engi- neering ..rvic.. tor the South County Jtegional w..tewater 'l"r.a~t Plant be approved. It.. ft.l I I G1I'r IR1DGn PO L I C I U - A.PP1tOVZD Budget Director Zalka .tated that this i. the .tart of the new year'. budget proces8, adding that .he baa 8 proposed budget policie. tor the Board'. consider~tlon. C'~i..loner Scmc1er. JIOVed, aec0D4e4 by eo-J...1oner Pi.tor 8D4 carried 'tt~..fti80U81y, that the eight ba4Qet polici.. be adopted. , . ' &00( 110 P1~r 536 Page 38 , :.) . ,';.J ""--'-.'-".-.-'" ,-..""""'--.."'. ¡ ", , ' , ,.J -* 110 w~ 545 january 5, 1988 It.. n:lI USOLtnIO. .,-a APPROVIJIG ~.UII 'fO PAT :tOR LmrCDOJl MKn'IBO &..Iu!USU FOR STAn: S~AKY OJ' TRAJrSPQRTATIcø ItuUJJDUlOJl - ADO1"rKD Co-.1ssioner Saunders 8OV8d, .econded by C~.b.10Der Goodn1ght, that Jt.e80lut1on 88-ð approving the U8e of tund8 tro. the General I'und Cont~ Account to pay for luncheon ...t1ng exp8n8.. tor Stat. Secretary ot Tran8pOrtat1on Ben&treon during hi. upcoa1.og tour through Collier Ccnmty, be adopted. County Attorney Cuyler .tated that there was an article in the n~spaper regarding the legality ot th1. aatter, adding that there is nothi~ that i. illegal about this type of .1tuation. H. .tated that the pre.. will not be barred fro. the pre.i.es, noting that there 1s not going to be any tor..l presentation, it is s1aply a get-to-know one another luncheon. He noted that luncheon ..et1ngs are discouraged on a continuing basi., but this 1. a one ti88 .ituat1on and no one is barred fro. this luncheon. \ The 80 t 1.on carr i ed 1m8D.1JIO'Q.8l Y . : ; r>: .r ; i :" L '¡:' Page 39 h '" - - -- -",-,-" , -,..-", ,. ,.,.", ,." .,.-,.,.---.,.., .. . aOO( 110r,'.s. 547 January ð, 1988 It.. .10A USOLO'TIOX 88-& ORDDIXO AXD CALLI.a J'OJt A JtUDDIJt1M u.zC"rIOX !'OR IXCKZ.UIXG 'f1[E MILLAaJ: RAn: WInI. '1'BJ: IMMOnLD nu COJI'1'JtOL DIS'1'JlICT AJfD ORDD.IXG A STRAM a.u.LOT QUUTIOX TO DE'nRMIn: IF TO IItMOL\LEZ :rID CO1rTJlOL DISTRICT S1IOO'LD BE ABOLISDD UD TUIUi'KD OVER TO '1'BJ: BeC - ADO PTID Co8a.1_ioner Goodnight 1IOV84, aecoaðe4 by eo.aJ881oner 881mder8 and carried tln4ohaouely, that Re8ola.tJon 18-8 orc1erJng and cal1Jng tor a reterendaa election tor incre_Jng the a.tllage rate w1t.hJ.n the laackal.. 1'1re Control D18trict an4 orc1erJng a 8U- ba11crt c¡ue8tJon to det.era1ne it the Iaaokal.. l'1re Control DJ8UJct JJhou1d be abo- l1abed. aDd tu.rned over to the Board ot County eo-J8810'D81"8. . . . , Page <&0 l\ " "..-".'-- . ..-'"."...-...-...-.. \j january &, 1988 It.. -1OC Con1U.CT u,iJllLU KDDDSOX, YOmlO a COMPUY AJm TO BCC ~ COJrSUL'I'I.O SUVICÞ QGJJtDI.a TO IKPAC"1' m STULl! - APPROVE1) County Attorney Cuyler stated that when counsel was obtained tor impact fe.s, he indicated that h. would be coming back at the time he had a con.ultant to do the i.pact tee study. He noted that he is recoaaending the consultant, Randall Young at Hender.on, Young. Coapany, adding that they have don. work tor the County and he has quoted 80.. very reasonabl. rates. Øe noted that the rates tor the library iapact tee will not exce.d $3,000 and the Parks and Recreation i.pact fee will not exceed $~,OOO. He stated that these figures are high estiaates but will be done on a per hour basis. He indicated that the final staff aeeting will be Thursday and the ordinance should be distributed and advertised for late in january. He stated that he i. A8king that this contract be approved, that the Chairaan be authorized to execute s..e and to waive the bidding procedure. Cl-i..lcmer S&UDder. 8OV8d, eecOD4ecS by Co8a1..icmer P18~or 8D4 carried ftnAnh8t~U8ly, that the contrac~ bet1fleeD Jlen4er8OD., 1"oaDg a Coapany and the Board tor conan1ting _rvic.. regarc1.1ng the 11Ip8C~ .- Study be approved and the Chairaan authorized to execute -- 8D4 the bicS4ing procedure be waiv8d. to " , c..:', , . eo( ( 110 ~'.~ 550 Page .1 tOO( 110D'-! 553 . . .' '. January 5, 1988 It.. .10. DISCtJaSIOJI DG.AJtDIXa SRCIAL Jet TO ~ABLIS1I U'l'ILI'l'Y AtrrBOJU'l'Y - COWtI~ TO 110elel Co..issioner Pis tor indicated that this could be very lengthy and he would sugge.t that it be continued until 1/06/88. Co..issioner Saunders stated that he has reviewed this item and the legi.lation Is 8ubstantially .iaplltled tro. what it was a year ago, but he does not hav. any problem continuing it. Assistant County Attorney Anderson stated that the Special Act has to be in Mrs. Hawkins' office in tinal tor. at noon on January 13, 19B8. Mr. Ro~rt French of Florida Cities Ma~er Coapany, stated that he received a copy ot the proposed special act and it has been sent to his corporate attorneys, but the review has not been coaplete yet. He stat.d that he has a couple ot ainor concerns with the special act, but it is a vast improvement over last year's. Be stated that hi. appeal is for .08e additional time and he would request a week con- tinuance. Be noted that his .y.tea .erves Golden Gate and i. Included within the boundaries that are designated in the Special Act, adding that be øees .ome potential overlap and so.e potential Iapact which he believes is substantially minor. Coaaissioner Saunders stated that he would sugge.t that it Mr. French has any co..ents, they should be aade in writing in the next couple ot days so that the County Attorney could review and di.tribute " t . Page 42 . t ; ,;! . t i'.: - - - \~ i,' " Janurary ð, 1988 the.. Assistant County Attorney Anderson stated that this could be done aa long as he knows the necessary changes that need to be .ade prior to the deadline, CO8a.1..ioner 01..s stated. that this aatter wl11 be contimutd to January I, lil', and it n.eceaa.ary, there wl11 be a f1na1 dJaC1:l8.ion on January 12,19.'. It.. .11AIA.2 BODQ&. Aft&a~.S 11-00/74= 88-90/98: AID 11-101/102 - ADOPTKD Co8a1_ionar Piator 8OVed., eecondad by eo-.t.aionar OoodnJgbt aDd carrIed UD~i8DU81y, that Ba4get A8eD48eDt. 88-68/74= 11-90/91: aDd 8'-101/102 be adopted. It- .11C2 IO1N&T .1.1"*l1li1....-. JI.UOLUTIOn 88-2 TDOUGJI 88-'7 APPKOVUa .líuuu........S TO 'rB:I nSCAL TUJt 1987-18 ADOPnD JroDGn - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Xaples Daily Xews on january 3, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavlt ot Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider budget aaendaent re80lutlona approving aaendaenta to the Fiscal Year 1981-81 adopted budget. Finance Director Yonkosky noted that under the Budget Section ot the Florida Statutes tor counties, Chapter 129.06, certain type. of budget aaendaents that increase the total balance. of a fund that have additional transters or supple.ental revenue, the Board is required to , 6ØO1C '110 rJ'~ 554 Page 43 ---.-..-.-..----.-.. .._....,._-,.~ nO( 110 FS'J. 555 I ' . . . j . january S, 1988 approve the budget aaendaenta after advertised public hearIng. He stated that he is recoamending that thIs be done once every quarter a. there are quite a few throughout the year. He stated that th1s 1s the fir.t packet for the first quart.r and that the.e budget a.end8ent. have been advertised. There being no registered apeakeN, Co8a1..1~ CJooðDSgbt: 80,,84, 8eCOD484 by Co8a1..ioner S«und8r. aDd carri84 unania0u81y, t:hat: the ¡n¡blic Mar~ be clc;8e4. eo-i..l0D8r Goodn1ght 8Ove4, 88COD48d by Co8a1..icmer 8~r. &D4 carr 1 e4 1m 41 n j 8OU81 y, tha t Badge t .&8eD488n t It88o 1 u t 1 0D8 8 8 - 2 Ulrough 8...'7 approv1.nq ~t. to the J'J..ca1 Year 1981-88 adopted 1mðget be aðo¡tted. ".! ~ , ~' ) ~ ~.. £' \ ! .J , , ' . (. t; , . fl:' ,! ~ .'. ;;) : ,\;¡, Page U. ~\ ...-----,-..-,--...... . 'I .. ¡, '..;.., '~_' .January" 5, 1988 The following it... were apPlove4 an4/or acSopte4 1m4ar t!ut COn8ent Agenda upon 8Otion aa48 by co.ai..ioD81' S8ander8, ~ by CO8a.1..ione1' Ba8.. aD4 C&1'1'ie4 ",,-ftfIlftQ81ys ... It- .1'U AaPrau...x 1fITJI T1Œ SOtTl'H FLORIDA MAna JC&JIAGItMU't DISTRICT AtrrBOUZIXCJ T1Œ DVDtOJIXD'TAL SCIDeK AXD POLLUTIO. COJl'fROL DD.&.R.TMDT TO f>&.iuuRM TD BY17ItOMOJrITOKIKa PROGRAM FOR 'rU ßMMÐ FOR on YUR S",?- 675 See Pages It.. .1u.2 CDTInCATIOJI .t.JID ItDCO'l'IOJI OJ' .VOUCBD J'OK PAYXb1: OJ' AJDrOAI. CO1lTaI1SUTI0JIS AXD OPEJU.'fI.O S1.'A'l"DIDT8 FOa 'rU SKCTIOJI 8 s DXS'1'XJICJ CDTIFICATZ, VOUC1ŒR AXD MODEJU.TZ RD.ABILI'fA'fIOJI 80USI](0 ASaISTAJfCZ PRO<DUJCS. Dr COKPLIIJICX WITH IItTD RJWtTI.ATIOn AJI1) UQUIRDfJuI:rS See Pages S7? -.s97 It.. .1'.1 JIIOOITf S. W&1ntnJI, J'R.. KU J1DIDr A.PPJt.USD FOR a.a. V51 RImrr-oJ'-K&Y ACOUISmOJl noJ"&C'T - JIOT TO 1rY~ 813.000 It.. .1'.2 DCAVATIcnr PDKIT 110. &8.312 - -.oommIDGS. Section 2, Township .9 South, Range 2& East; Northeast of the Intersection of Goodlette Road Extension (North) and Carica Road. 1. The excavation shall b. liaited to a bottom elevation of -10 ft. ngvd. All disturbed areas proposed for lake excavation shall be excavated to a .iniaua elevation of 0.0 ft. ngvd. Ko excavated aaterial .nall be reaoved trom the project .ite. 2. 3. Where groundwater is proposed to be puaped during the exca- vating op.rating, a Dewatering Per.it shall be obtained trom the South Florida Water Manageaent District and a copy pro- vided to the Water Hanageaent Director tor his approval prior to the commencement of any dewatering activity on the site. .. No Building Construction Per.its Nill be issued for any pro- posed construction around the perimeter of any excavation &:)O!( 110n'.l.562 Page .5 -.--..-.-...-..'... " i".<!'\ . ;'"." . " j ~~. . ti:: Tt¥ ,~ ' 'Oil( ., 110"",! 563 3anuary 15, 1988 where the .iniau. clearance between lake top-ot-bank and the proposed building foundation i. le.. than 30 teet, unle.. and until all lake side .lope. adjacent to the proposed con.truc- tion have been coapl.ted and approved by the Collier County Water Management Departaent. It.. #1483 ACCEP'UJfCI: 07 UTILITY LUI.I(&~IIl; N n.oaIDA POWD AJID LIGK'1' :roa 'I'D ....... 1. T C17 GOt.nD ClAn co..w 1I11T P AU AÐMD'I81'JtA TIOW Bt1IIJ) IJIG See pages ...59? - .s99 It.. .14.. ~ 07 BID. .0. 81-1198, LSLY GOt.I' Ø"lA'fU JmtIIAJI ~, AXAJWID '1'0 ..3. LAJ(J( SDVICES, I.C.. IW 'fD AMOOJl1' 07 81,800 Legal notice having been published in the Kaples Daily News on Dece.ber 7, 1981, as evidencftd by Affidavit of Publication tiled with the Clerk, bids wer. receiv.d tor Bid #81-1198 tor I.ely Golt Eatate. Median Maintenance until 2:30 P.M., Dece.bar 23, 1981. Itea #14Bð rr 1987...8 .LU'&aUIT'DRU AJID BtJDCD"1' » fþll"ILlU~ :roa 'fB:& IJI'RJtDC RC..QCATIOJr OJ' 'fD DVDtO~TAL DU.n DUJ.R1'K&.IIIT IB 'l'D AMOulI1:' 07 840,'715 It.. .14Cl PJŒLT1I1..rr aRArr APPLICATIOB I'OR IDOVATIOD I1f STAB AJID I.OCAL GO~, ,¡omr F. l..La..-.uT SCHOOL OJ' aOV~T, HARVARD C.J.v&.KSITY See Pages ~ 06 - c:,O.3 It.. .141:11 LA,Uuo:!!' J..BS'fRJ.CT SDVICI:, IBC. TO PRØAU 'fI'%L& RØOJt.TS woa .'9DÞxS AJlD/oa am ACQUISITIon 1'0. 'fD 8UB'l ÞD 10trnI IIJ.PI.D lUI'1'ARY IDD COLUCTIOJ: 8Y8TIM- PRO.7&cT I. AJf AMOt1JI1' .or N ~ 81e,15oo It.. #14D2 &CC&PU.JIC& OJ' ULOCATIO. O. POKIIt POr.!S AT PItOP08&D SOurB ~.x:& JWJIOUL KUTalATU PLAJrr SIn BY I'LOJUDA POIlU AJID LIGJrl' co. IX '1'JIB Anuu~ 07 128.938 ,. Page 48 h ._,,-~--_... . .-,.,."-----,_.._----_._---,_.,_.._,-,,_.'...._-,,....,'" ..------ ,., ì .' fj':, ""1 H.' :";, :t.~~ ~ ~~~ ~ " ~. , ~, .~ .4 " . ,;.. ... .Tanuary" ã';"' 1988 It- .141)3 ACcxnUCZ OJ' tn'YLITT wa~NUII1; tOít IIGÍ'.DIIOOD COJIDO. PIU.SZ II See pages & 0 t¡., - (p OS It.. -1.lU AOJl~ roa DOIJm.DIJIQ SDVICZS WID J'0JIJIS0Jr DGI"'J&II(IJIQ, IJIO. lOa s.a. i51/..a. i52 - MATER/SEMER DKPIOyAMA.~S 18 AX AMOuax.O% TO JXCU¡) 8&2.500 See Pages ~o, - C, ;).ð It- .1.1)5 AaJlI t JIAAI 1; WOm.D TDJrI S C... 1; 6.A - PtJD See Pages £, a; - ¿, ~ ~ It.. .1.01 CDTI7ICAT:U OJ' COM.&CTIOJ( TO Tn TAX aoLL 1987 Tanqible Personal Property .os.15I81-78/79 Dated 12-15-81/12-23-81 Itea .1602 IXnA G.UJr TDØ J'OR IJIMAn 110. 48187 AJrD 4CS28SJ It- .1443 "TISJ'ACTIO. OJ' LIDS FOR SDVICU OJ' 'I'D PtJBI.IC DbaauD See pages ~ ikF- ~;;J2 Itea .160 IlIscv.r~qoos CORllUPOJrD&'JICX "IUD AJrD/OJt A&.&.K.K.CD There being no obj.ction, the following correspondence was filed and/or referred to the various departments a. indicated below: 1. Lett.r dated 12/28/87 fro. Edwin.T. Putzell, Jr., Mayor of Maples, advising that it beach restoration i. to be accomplished, it will require Pederal and/or State financial support. Referred to ace and filed. &001( 110r.r.!564 Page 41 , ,} (. .~"-,,--_.,..,...,......_-- ... .......",..--...,.,.-.--... ......,....-....." ....... ..-.,...,.. '-"--'.'-- '°0( 110 w.r. 565 10. .1anuary 5, 1988 2. Keaorandu. dated 12/16/87 froM Bud Paraer, Director, Division of Housing and Co88Uni~ Developaent, regarding availability of funct. - Coamun1ty Services Block Grant. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Martha Skinner, ~evln O'Donnell, Wanda .1ones and tiled. 3. Letter dat.d 12/16/87 received tro. Douglas L. Pry, Environaental Manager, with short torM application enclosed (File no. 111(30235) re dredge and fill activities. Referred to Heil Dorrill, David Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt, George Archibald and filed. 4. Letter dated 12/16/87 froM .1erry Brooks, Chief, Bureau of Laboratories and Special Prograas, DER, regarding a prograM of recamaended federal appropriations for the U.s. Army Corp. of Engineers' water resource studies and projects in Florida. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David Pettrow, George Archibald and f l1ed. 5. Letter dated 12/11/87 froM Richard SMith, P.E., Acting Chief, Bureau of Wastewater Management and Grants, DER, with enclosed copy of the 1987 Wastewater User Charge Survey. Referred to .eil Dorrill, To. Crandall, with survey and filed. 6. Meaorandua dated 12/18/87 froM Richard W. SMith, P.E., Acting Chief, Bureau of Wastewater ManageMent and Grants, DER, advi8ing of public workshop to di.cuss revi8ions to Construction Grants prograa Priority SysteM for Wastewater Treat.ent Works. Referred to Heil Dorrill, To. Crandall and filed. 7. Final Ord.r received 12/21/87 fro. DKR authorizing S8811wood Landscaping, Inc. to construct a keystone paved patio and an open, wooden fr..ed arbor and to pertor. landscaping at 25 5th Avenue South, Rap)es. Referred to Beil Dorrill, David Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt and tiled. 8. Letter dated 12/18/87 froM Haney.1. Holaway, Secretary, Golden Gate Estates Area Civic A8sociation, wishing to go on record as bein, in favor of a satellite governaent center next to the Coaaunity Center on the Golden Gate Parkway. Referred to BCC, Heil Dorrill and tiled. 9. Copy of .e.orandua dated 12/18/87 to Ed reaver, BRS, troM Dr. Jane Polkowski, regarding plans for renovation and construction funds. Reterred to BCC, Heil Dorrill and tiled. Letter dated 12/24/P7 froM Delores G. Dry, District Administrator, HRS, advi8ing that HRS Public Health Unit tor Collier County has ~en awarded and increase of 8549,037 tor , =ì 9' Page 48 ¡. . .-.--.'" -"".."."". ,.,".-..,..,.--.".-, ", 11. 12. 13. 14 . Hi. 16. " . "' .1anuary á~ 1988 the Priaary Care prograa for contract year 1987-88. to BCC, Reil Dorrill, Lori Zalka and filed. Referred Minutes: A. B. C. 11/18/S7 - City of Raples 11/24/87 - Marco Island Beach Renouri.hment 11/12/87 - Golden Gate Estate. Citizens Advisory Co_ittee Rotice to Owner dated 12/17/87 froa Ruck Brother. Brick, Inc., stating that they have furni.hed tile and brick for the laproveaent property at the Marco Island Library, under an order given by Faulcon Masonry. Referred to Risk Manageaent, Facilities Manage.ent, Library and filed. Keaorandua dated 12/14/87 fro. Sheritf Aubrey Roger., advising of the progress ot the VIR Street Rarcotic. Task Force. Referred to BCC, Reil Dorrill and tiled. Letter dated 12/14/87 fro. .1ospeh P. D'Aleesandro, State Attorney, recoaaending that David A. Engstrand, M.D. be appointed as Medical Exaainer of Di.trict Twenty. Referred to Reil Dorrill and tiled. Letter dated 12/14/87 fro. Robert L. Patton, Controller, County Tax Coll.ctor's otlice, with attached distribution recap .howing year to date total. of taxa. collected net of di.count for 198~/86, 1986/87, and 1987/88. Reterred to Lori zalka and fHed. Certification of Cost. dated 12/22/87 fro. Tho... T. Trettis, County Court Judge, regarding Cae. Ro. 87-841-TMC, Stat. of Florida vs. Glenn Hartley Phillips. . ... &O~. 110 W.! 566 Page .9 -----'.'.".'."'..'-'.' ,..""".,..---- '°0'( 1101'i? 5õ7 , ,! J january 5, 1088 There being no further bu81ne.. tor the Good of the County, the aeetlng was adjourned by order ot the Chair - Tl..: 3:40 p... BOARD OW COOXTY COMMISSIOWERS/ BOARD 01' ZOlfIJ(G APPEALS/EX OI'J'ICIO GOVERJfIKG BOARD (S) 01' SPECIAL DISTRICTS UHDm ITS CO1l'1'ROL CL~L ~ ARKOLD LEE GLASS, CHAIRMAN ATTEST: .1AMES C. GILES, CLERIC , ;~..~ '. . ;¡~'Æ \~:- &C. . ~ ~.. - .1~~~". }wroved by tbe Board on (),.,. .. A -y (t /'1"" .P' as pr~ented'" ..:.8<:-~ or as corrected? . " . .-, . "." . I ' . .~' !.: , '. '.. ,.; . "" ,,' ., , i.;: ~" ~' , . , .¡ 'o:¡ " Page 80 .... ., . ."......-. 0 --.-...-...--....-- ...-.-.---. . ..