BCC Minutes 01/06/1988 S .. . . . .f Xaples, Florida, January 6, 1988 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that a aajority of the Board having given approval and the Clerk having given proper notice in accordance with Ordinance no. 75-16, the Board of County Commissioners in and tor the County of Collier and also acting a. the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of auch special districts as have been created according to law, .et in SPECIAL SESSION on this date at 9:00 with the following .embers present: A.M. in Building "F" of the Governaent Center, East Haples, Florida, CHAIRMAN: VICE-CBAIRMAJI: ALSO PRESENT: Arnold Lee Glaaa Burt L. Saunders John A. Piator Max A. Ha..e, Jr. Anne Goodnight 3aaes C. G11e., Clerk; Beverly Kueter and Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerks; Heil ~rrill, County Manager; Toa Ollitf, Assistant to th~ County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Bruce Anderson, Assistant County Attorney; Toa Crandall, Utilitie. Adainistrator; Mike Arnold, Assistant Utilitie. Admini.trator; and Mike HcNees, Utilities Bu.iness Adaini.trator. &00( 110 ur.t 629 Page 1 woe 110 pv;, 632 3AJroARY 6, 1988 Tape -1 AGDDA - APPROVED WIn ClLUQU CoaaJ.sioner Goodnight 8OVe4, ..ccm4ed by Coaal.sioner Sa1m&tr. and carried unaniaoualy, that the Agenda be approved with the following changes: ADD Discussion regarding the Utility Authority continued fro. the BCC Regular Meeting of January ð, 1988. ADD Discussion of the Legislative Delegation Agenda which will appear on the agenda for the .eeting of january 12, 1988. It.. -1 ORDI~CE 88-3, AMZKDIJfG ORDIXARCE 86-66, RlVISIKG TBK SC~LZ O~ WATER AJm SEWER SYSTEM DEVELOPMD"l' CHARGES - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Xaples Daily Rews on Koveaber 11, 1987 as evidenced by Atfidavit ot Publication tiled with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 86-66 relating to water and sewer system developaent charges. Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that in August, 1981 the Utilities Division completed a rate study and has spent .oae time in calculating what might be anticipated in gro~h. He .tated that on Koveaber 20, 1987, Statt was directed to look at specific ways to ott- set soae of the bond debt to be incurred. He. noted that the .ewer rate increases are directly related to an anticipated bond issue tor capital construction of the South County Regional Sewer Facilities. Page 2 h "', .. .! JAJWARY 6, 1988 Mr. Crandall stated that Statt presented a briefing paper to the Board about a month ago which included proposed rates, however, those rates have been reduced again. Mr. Crandall noted that Staff has been very pleased with the time and effort given to this project by john Hayer Associates. Mr. john Mayer, john Mayer Associates, explained system develop- ment charges and how the growth was factored into the calculations for the proposed charges. He stated that there are many names for custoaer contributions such as system development charges, impact tees, connection charge, facilities tee, etc. and all mean up front capital paid by new customers connecting to the system. He said the purpose of these tees is to mitigate the effect and cost of gr~h. Mr. Mayer stated they looked at aany different ways ot computing system development charges for Collier County, such as "the øyste. buy-in method" and "the incremental cost method". He said under the buy-in method a customer is able to buy-in at the imbedded or historic ccst that every' '.e else paid. He said he prefers the incremental method which looks at the new plan~ being constructed, the number of cuatoaers that the n~w and old plant could serve and com. up with .what it would cost to add capacity". H. stated that this method develops a certain dollar amount wnlch is the cost tor the additional capacity. Mr. Mayer stated that in the packet he recommended a range ot system development charges which involves an increase in the water .~ 110 nr.~ ~ Page 3 . i aoO( 1101'1~£634 .1AJfUARY 6, 1988 syste~ developaent charge fro. the current $700 to $900: and an increase in the sewer systea developaent charge fro. $9~0 to $1,100. In answer to Com=issioner Hasse, Hr. Crandall stated that it someone is currently being serviced on a private package plant, they will have to pay the system development charges when they become a Co~ty Systea user, however, anyone who J. an existing user of County Service will not pay those charges again. He stated that it i. his recoaaendatlon that those charges could be financed over a period ot years, but that will be decided at a later date. Answering Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Mayer advised that ti.ing i. always a problem, however, system development charges are alway. paying for the current plant or an existing plant. Mr. Crandall stated that charges are made in accordance with the Master Plan and it service is planned to an area within the next 10 year., the systea development charge is made. Hu said that system development charges are collected up front and the only exception i. where the plan doe. not call for a plant within the 10 year period. In response to Coaaissioner Saunders, Hr. Mayer stated that several different methods were used in calculating the fee., however, he would tind it difficult to recommend fee. any higher than the $900 and $1,100. Commissioner Saunders asked tor the tlgures used when Mr. Mayer was determining prior capacity, new capacity, and which plants were used in those calculations. Mr. Crandall stated that the plant. being replaced are Fox Fire, East Haples and LeJy plants. A lengthy - . ~~ ". r .;!:H! Page 4 '. . . 01. ~. . '" f .... ,- - - - -,. ..~..., .".--.---..-.-.-. \~ jARUARY 6, 1988 discussion was held on the coaputations and estiaated exaaple calcula- tions were coapleted during the discussion. Co..issioner Saunders asked if the County will have the flexibi- lity ot adding to the new plan in the tuture and also asked it charges would be reduced if the South Regional Plant could be aade saaller for the time being and one or two of the existing plants could reaain operational? Mr. Crandall stated that it could be done, however, Hole, Montes & Associates did investigate this method and found it to be a little less expensive in the short tera and more expensive in the long tera. He said it is also ch~~per to operate one plant as opposed to two or three. Tape n Mr. Crandall stated that Collier County has already received a $10,000,000 grant for the Scuth Regional Plant and if it is not built, the grant aoney will have to be s~nt back. Chalraan Glas. pointed out that the Board has already approved the plant in the Master Plan. Mr. Crandall assured Co..issioner Pi.tor that under this plan gr~h is what i. being planned tor, and the charge is tor growth. Coaaissioner Plstor stated his feeling that the Board should l~ok at the best way to complete the whole operation rather than trac- tionalizing the project. In response to Coaaissioner Saunders, Hr. Mayer stated that the rates tor a 6" meter are low~r and anything larger than a 6- aeter shows a substantial reduction in rates because he could not justity áõoë 110 P.~I B35 Page ð .. ---"-.-... aDO( 110 P1'",! 636 . ! . ¡ 3AXUARY 6,1988 the rates currently being used because the multipliers are too high. Answering Chairman Glass, Mr. Anderson stated that a rate reduction will cause no problems with current collections. Mr. john Beebe, Lakewood Civic Association, stated they are in favor of completing the plant as proposed and do not want the Board to do anything that will jeopardize the grant money, however, the scheduled sewer rate increase is 35' and current users will not be using acre than 25' ot the plant, and therefore, requested that the increase be li.ited to 25'. Answering a question by Mr. George Keller, Collier County Civic Federation, Hr. Crandall explained that if a development is in an area 8cheduled to be serviced by the County within 10 years, the system developaent charge i8 made at the time they apply tor their building penai t . Be also explained th~t only the gr~h expected within the next 10 years was factored into the calculations and not all units within approved PUD's. In response to Bettie Gulacsik, Collier County resident, Coaai8sioner Saunders explained the present policy that as soon as service is available to an area, those residents are required to con- nect to the County syate.. Re8ponding to Mr. john keschl, Collier County resident, Coaaissioner Goodnight stated that when the County buys a system, the County is responsible for any lines lying in a dedicated easement, however, the County is not responsible for the 11nes on private pro- Page 6 I. t . .. . \' j ~ .~_......_..._--_....._."... ---...... ..\.. " , . \: I . ~¡;,. . jAJroARY 6, 1988 perty. Mr. Chester Dobeck, Collier County resident, expressed concern over intiltration in lines and asked it the County will inspect the lines in the easements? Mr. Crandall advised that there is always some infiltration in a large system, however, the County will be cer- tain that it is .aintained at an acceptable level. Also in answer to "r. Dobeck, Mr. Crandall explained that ad valore. taxes are not used for utilities. Tape #3 Ms. Lee Layne, Collier County resident, asked why North Naples residents are being charged when these tees are tor the County's share tor obtaining the grant and the plant is for the South Rapl.s area? "r. Hayer explained that this is an entire syste. and not just one part, and the benetit is the sa.e. Responding to Co..issioner Pistor, Mr. Dorrill stated that the s'1b-district arrangeaent was eli.inated a couple of years ago. He said that there are specitic projects within geographical areas, however, all aonies are for all projects in the Kaster Plan. Mr. Terry Fit~gerald, Collier County resident, asked questions on the i.pact tees and who pays for the share not raised by the current users? Hr. Crandall went through the calculation again, stating he would aeet with Mr. Fitzgerald. Co8aissioner Pistor 8OVed, aec0n4e4 by Coaaissioner Goodnlgbt an4 carried unaniaoualy, that the public bearing be clos.d. aGO( .110 PAr,!. B3í7 Page 1 ...----,.,..,---..-.-..-. 80~ 110 P£';t. 638 JAJWARY 6, 1988 en--t..ioner Saunders 8OVe4, .ec0nde4 by Co8ai..loner -- an4 carried unaniaously, that the ordinance.. mmbered an4 tltleð below be adopted and entered into Ordinance look .0.29. ORDIRAKCE .0..88-3 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDIKAkCE RO. 86-66 RELATING TO WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES: AMENDIRG SECTION TWO BY REVISING THE SCHEDULE OF WATER AnD SEWER SYSTEM DEVELOPMEHT CHARGES AS FOLLOWS: WATER METER SIZE (IHCHES) 5/8, 3/4 1 1 1/4 1-1/2 2 3 .c 6 8 10 12 MINIMUM EQUIVALENT UNITS PER METER SIZE 1 2.6 " 6 10 20 30 100 115 ~16 476 S EWER RESIDENTIAL SIKGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCES, MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCES, APARTMENT RESIDENCES, MOBILE HOME RESIDENCES: OHE BATH 225 GALS/DAY/UNIT EACH ADDITIONAL BATH PER RESIDENCE (50 GALS/DAY/UNIT) KOK-RESIDENTIAL HOTEL, HOTEL AND TRAILER RENTAL UNITS (110 GALS/DAY/UNIT) COMMERCIAL, OFFICE AND INDUSTRIAL TOILET UNITS (NOT TO INCLUDE IHDUSTRIAL WASTE), (400 GALS/DAY/UNIT COMMERCIAL COIN LAUNDRY WASHBR eXITS, (200 GALS/DAY/UHIT) RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE SEATING UNITS {35 GALS/DAY/SEAT: I. t . ": roo. - - $ SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE '08.80 1,750.88 2,888.88 8,300.08 4,800.00 !,eBB.ee 8,100.00 14,eee.ee 18,000.00 !1,eee.ee 27,000.00 !e, eBB. ee t, 88,800.00 1U,eoe,ee , 90,000.00 1t2, 88e. 8S' - .14:&,000.00 S82,eos.oe 207,000.00 , . .. [; ,.. ". 900.00 2,228.00 $ '3e.oo 1,100.00 ue. ee 240.00 1e~.ee 640.00 1,e8~.ee 1,960.00 845. 88 980.00 158.00 170.00 Page 8 - "-""-."'-"- .: '. y ., >. ; .1AHUARY 6, 1988 PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY AND AX EFFECTIVE DATE. ... RZCZSS AT 10:26 A.M. RECOBVEXED AT 10:35 A.M. ... It.. #2 ORDIXAJlCZ 88-4, AKEJlDING ORDIXAJrCZ 8CS-CS7, ESTABLISBIXG RATES AJrD METD TAPPIXG CBARGES AJrD AJŒJIDIXa JWLU AJrD JŒGt1LATIOWS :FOR COLLIER COtnI'TT WATER-SDfD DISTRICT - ADOP'RD Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on january 3, 1988 as evidenced by Atfidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance amending Ordinance 86-67 establishing rates and aeter tapping charges and aaended rules and regulations for the Collier County Water/Sewer District. Mr. john Mayer, john Mayer Associates, stated that the basi. tor the recoaaended water and wastewater rates is the adopted 1987/88 Budget. He advised that Page 1-3 of the report contains the proposed water and sewer rates, however, since the report was issued there have been a nuaber of changes in the figure.. He stated the reason tor the changes has to do with cove rag. requireaents, and necessity to tund for bonding. Mr. Mayer stated that the proposed rates are Phase I rates and were developed by almost the s..e methods as current rates and resulted in minor modifications in the water rates. He stated they are proposing a reduction in the fixed aonthly charge tor water tro. the present $13.94 to $12.50 and a corresponding increase in the voluae charge troa $1.24 per thousand gallons to $l.ðO per thousand ,80. 110 I"'~! 639 Page 9 . ., . '. i --.-»...-.-----.-...,. -.-..-.- .1AJft1ARY 6, 1988 gallons. He 8tated the reason for that switch is that 80ae fixed charges associated with administration and debt charges were moved .ore onto the volume rate. He 8tated the overall revenue ettect ot this change is a very .inor 1'. Mr. Mayer 8tated that the proposed sewer rates were also based on the 1981/88 Budget and the foraat involves billing on Equivalent Dwelling Units and the base rate being proposed is a change trom $9.98 to $13.50 or 35'. He said the reason behind the change is that the bond covenant makes certain promises which include: 1. Ket revenue 8Ust be sufficient to pay principal and interest on the debt for the co.ing year with a coverage of one time. 2. Net revenues plus syste. development charges plus special assessments sufficient to cover debt service 1.25 times. Mr. Mayer noted there is no problea .eeting the second covenant because special assessments and system developaent charges can be taken into account. He said the increa8e comes from the first rate covenan t . Tape #4 Hr. Hayer stated that Phase II of the rate adjustaent8 ia. change in the rate foraat which is not being discussed today. He stated there are 80a. rate proposals for Pha8e II and they are contained on Page 2-21 which shows a charge for various .eter sizes and a volume charge of 81.69 per thousand gallons. He said these rates were designed by the traditional cost allocation method reco...nded by the Aaerican Waterworks Association called the ~b..e cost extra capacity Page 10 ;\ . , ~, '$ " . t- - - - -...-----"""... -...,...... '. . . ,4 t 3AJIUARY 8,1988 method- . He noted that this method i. used alaost exclusively by utilities regulated by a regulatory authority and aany aunicipalities when determining fair and reasonable water rates. He requested that the Board consider this method tor the next time a rate change is con- templated and noted that it cannot be put into effect at this time because certain things cannot be verified at this time. A brief discussion followed on volumetric rates and Mr. Crandall stated the issue would probably require more than one public hearing. Mr. Mayer stated that it is pretty standard around the country to use the typical wet season usage as the approximation of domestic .ewage use. Be also stated that sub-meters could be used for irrigation water. In answer to Mr. Dorrill, Mr. Crandall .tated that the grant calls for Collier CotU1ty to be billing in volumetric rates and Statf is trying to buy 80m. time to work it out. Mr. Dorrill stated that volumetric rates is an issue that i. not going to go away and i. generally considered the proper way of determining sewage use. Coaaission,r Saunders asked about three possible approaches to lowering Collie:- County debt service: 1. Contact the Bond Insurance Coapani.. to see it Collier County could permit a phase-in of rates. 2. Could Collier County utilize anything other than level debt service? 3. Issuance of subordinate debt for a short period of time. Answering Comaissioner Saunders, Mr. Worth Blackwell of Smith, Barney, Harris, Upham & Co., Inc., stated that the debt can be issued IOOC 110"'-'1641 Page 11 '--""'--"'~ -~-" . IQO( 110 FA',( 642 jAJroARY 6,1988 in two for..: 1) parity to the outstanding debt of the utility ayste., or 2) on a subordinate basis. He explained both methods and stated that if parity bonds are issued .both tests (mentioned by Mr. Mayer) aust be met. He advised that the alternative is to issue debt that is not on a parity with outstanding debts. He stated this .ethod would be on a junior lien basis, payable only atter the payaent of your first lien debt. He said this debt is not as frequently issued, costs more because it is not as highly rated or regarded by the rating agencies and insurers, but it can be done. He explained that it you start with a junior lien debt you are starting with a clean slate, prescribe whatever condition. you wish subject to market conditions and acceptability in the market place. Hr. Blackwell advised that this is essentially a trade-oft, if junior lien debt is issued you pay .ore but you have slightly .ore flexib1lity. Also in answer to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Blackwell stated that he does not believe that junior lien, variable rate debt can b. issued. He stated that it publicly oft.red, this debt is offered Kith credit enhancement and has received the highest rating possible. He said that he does not see the issuance of var1able debt as a aubor- dinate debt. He stated that a fixed junior debt 1s actually much closer to a bond anticipation note. Mr. Dave Fischer, Sun Trust Secur1ties, stated that 1t i. his opi- nion, fro. listening to Mr. Blackwell, that a variable rate is a tea- porary band-aid tor higher costs at a lator tiae. Be stated that Khen 1'. Page ;312 i. . . ,. -"" .....-.--.-"-" \: .'1.; .. .jANUARY 6, 1988 talking about second liens, there are higher interest rates. He stated that he is not sure whether insurance could be secured tor second liens. In response to Coamissioner Saunders, Mr.. Tom Giblin of Rabors, Giblin, Steffans & Hickerson, P.A., stated the Bond Resolution is aabiguous and not clear as to rates being phased in. He stated they have phased-in rates before and are willing to go along with thi8 only it the two insurance companies will .ign off on it. Also responding to Co..issioner Saunders, Mr. Blackwell stated that capitalized interest would reduce any potential increase tor this year, but would have a negative impact on future increases because ot overall higher debt service in the future. Mr. Dorrill stated that a very legitiaate process was used to arrive at these rates and r~ainded the Board that the increase was substantially reduced from the original 60~ to the current 36~. He said his advise is that cost should not be artificially reduced, and noted that the average increase is $4 per month. Co_is.ioner Saunders stated that capitalizing interest is not uncoaaon in utili- ties and is not something used to artificially hold down rates, but rather to relieve rate payers fro. very high increases all at once. Tape .15 Mr. McNees displayed graphs on hi8torical rates as coapared to other areas in Southwest Florida. He stated water rates in Collier County have received steady increases aaounting to a total of $12 from ;;; lrOH~.~ 00 Page 13 I r. '. ,; ti ).j !. fl' IDOIt 110FIf'! 644 .."', , ".' ! , . JAJWARY 6, 1988 1918 to 1988 and this proposal decreases the charge somewhat. He stated that sewer rates in Collier County troa 1911 to 1986 went up $.48 and and the proposed increase in 1988 brings that increase to $' in 11 years. He displayed rates of other counties and showed how Collier County's proposed increase places the. in the high end ot the aiddle range for water and the low end of the aiddle on sewer. Hr. KcKees outlined the following changes to the proposed Ordinance for sewer increases: l/B residence fro. Each Additional Bath Hotel, Motel & trailer Coaaercial & Industrial Co... Coin Laundry Restaurant & Lounge $14.16 3.30 1.20 26.26 13.10 2.30 to $13.150 3.00 6.60 2'.00 12.00 2.10 He stated that two ite.. have been added to the Ordinance: 1. The utility is rqui~ed to be in the name of the property owner. 2. A penalty provision. eo-1s.ioner Goodnight lIOVed, _con4ed by CO88.1ssloner Pistor and carried n~n180U81y, that the public hearing be clo.ed. Coaaissioner Saunders stated his teeling that Staff has done an excellent job at keeping costs down, however, he would like the t1nan- cial advisors and underwriters to get the cost down even further. Co8a1asioner Pi. tor 8OVed, seconde4 by Co8aIs.ioner ~1ght and carried ./1 (Co..ls.ioner Saunders opposed), the ordlnanc8" DU8bereð and tItled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book Bo. 29 with tiMt changes outlinud above. . ,j'H": Page 14 ;', " , . - - - ,.t : " \r .1A1roARY 6, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 88-4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINAj~CE NO. 86-67, RELATING TO WAT"R AND SEWER SERVICE PROVIDED BY COLLIER COUNTY; AMENDING SECTIO~ TWO BY PROVIDING THAT RATES. FEES AND CHARGES FOR SERVICES PROVIDED OR MADE AVAILABLE BY THE COUNTY SHALL BE REVIEWED ANNUALLY AND BY REVISING THE SCHEDULE OF RATES. FEES AND CHARGES AS FOLLOWS: ~ 1) FLAT RATE - AVAILABILITY CHARGE (a) SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE (b) MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE DUPLEX RESInENCE RENTAL APARTMENTS OR CONDOMINIUMS (e) BUSINESS AND INSTITUTIONS $~/$12.ðO/UNIT ~/UNIT $~/$12.ðO/UNIT $T9T9+/$12.ðO/UNIT $ 1.24/$ 1.ðO/1000 GALLONS OR PART THEREOF 2) WATER USAGE - ALL CLASSES OF SERVICE SEWER 1) RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES, MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCES, APARTMENT RESIDENCES, MOBILE HOME RESIDENCES: EACH ADDITIONAL BATH PER LIVING UNIT NON-RESIDENTIAL EACH FACILITY SHALL BE BILLED BASED UPON THE TOTAL OF THE FOLLOWING UNITS CONTAINED THEREIN. (a) HOTEL, MOTEL AND TRAILER RENTAL UNITS: EACH RENTAL UNIT (b) COMMEñCIAL, OFFICE INSTITUTIONAL AND INDUSTRIAL TOILET UNITS (NOT TO INCLUDE INDUSTRIAL WASTE): EACH TOILET UNIT (e) CO~~ERCIAL AND COIN LAUNDRY WASHER UNITS: EACH WASHER UNIT (d) RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE SEATING UNITS: EACH SEATING UNIT $ i-'r:-'.l-+ $24.00 $ &-;-&T $12.00 $ +-:-5-6 $ 2.10 $~ $ '2-:-H $13.ðO $ 3.00 2) $~ $ 6.60 AMENDING SECTION THREE BY REQUIRING PROPERTY OWNERS TO SIGN APPLICATIONS FOR SERVICE; AMENDING SECTION FIVE RELATING TO METER TAPPING CHARGES; AMENDING SECTION SEVENTEEN RELATING TO REQUIRED CONNECTIONS TO THE COUNTY SYSTEM; ADDING SECTION TWENTY-EIGHT PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. aDDK 110 pm 645 Page 15 ----'-----'-'."""""'-'- -...,......------- '* 110 P£',[ 646 , . jANUARY 6, 1988 It.. .3 UTILITY AUTHORITY DISCUSSIOX AND DIRECTION RE SPECIAL ACT Assistant County Attorney Anderson stated that the draft for this Special Act provides for a Utility Authority to be known as the Collier County Water/Sewer District governed by a five ...ber board ot directors to be appointed by the Board of County Co..issioners. stated the District would have its budget reviewed and a9proved He annually by the Board ot County Co..issioners and would take a super aajority vote of 4/5 to change the budget as adopted by the five ae.ber board of directors. Coaaissioner Pistor asked why Marco Island and Goodland Water Districts are lett out of the proposed Special Act? He noted that Goodland is already a County Water District and the County owns halt of the s~er collection lineE for Marco Island. Mr. Anderson stated that the Act that the Board initially sent to the Legislative Delegation included Goodland and Marco in the overall District, however, during the hearing there was a group troa Marco Island that spoke, begged and pleaded that they not be included in the District. He said he explained the Board's reasons why they should be included, but there was no Co..lssioners or citizens present to speak. He said the Legislative Delegation went along with the request of the Marco Island group. Mr. Anderson said that it aakes no sense to leave them out of the District and if the Co..1ss10n is going to get rid ot the operating responsibility for the utilities, they should get rid ot it . òqr Page 16 ~\ .. . . -'----.-"-"" - \~ , . ; " J'A1fUARY 6, 1988 all. Co..issioner Hasse stated that he feels that if the Board creates a Utility Authority they would be shirking their responsibilities. Tape ., County Manager Dorrill stated that originally the Board asked for an independent authority and unfortunately that cannot be done anymore and a dependent authority is the next best thing. He stated hi. con- cern that while the Board's involveaent can be limited in certain mat- tar. to get around the problem of a totally independent authority, it threatens the county aanager form ot government in Collier County. He said that as long as things reaain under the County and as long as the Ccunty has a county aanager fora of governaent, the operating arrangements need to continue to fall under the County Manager. He advised that if the Board wishes to continue to review this Act that the operating requirements ~nd reporting responsibilitie. .hould con- tinue to fall under the county aanager fora of governaent. Coaai8sioner Goodnight stated she has reviewed the Act and feels that utilities need to have elected officials. She stated that is one of her biggest complaints about the Iaaokalee Water/Sewer District. She stated that she is in favor of continuing the Utility Div.seion as it is now structured. Mr. John Keschl, Collier County re.ident, spoke against the Special Act. Co_is.ioner H...se aoved, _candee! by C~ls.ioner Gooc!nJght, that &00( 110 Pir.t 647 " Page 17 .d"'_""'."..., ,.,. ,.- ,- 110nr.t648 3AJ1OARY 6, le88 the Special Act creating a dependent Utility Authority, be taken ott the Agenda. , , Co..lssloner Saunders stated that he a.ked to have thi8 subject placed on the agenda because he was opposed to an Independent Utility Authority. He suggested that an Advisory Board be created for the Utility DivIsion at a future date. Hr. Dorrill noted that this is the only DivisIon under the County Manager which has no advisory board. Upon call for the question, the action carried 4/1 (Coaai..ioner Saunders opposed). Mr. Þ'1derson advised that the Board needs to expand the present boundaries of the Water/Sewer Di8trict since they are currently serving customers living outside of the District. He noted that the current boundaries were established in 1969. He added that the Act will also enhance the Board's powers as the governing board of the Collier County Water/Sewer District. eo..i8sioner Saunders aoved, seconded by Co..is8ioner Baa.. and carried unanimously, that Statt be directed to prepare a Legi.lative Act tor the Collier County Water/Sewer Di.trict, inclu41ng Marco Island and Goodland. Coaaissioner Goodnight aoved, .econded by Co..i..ioner Baa.. and carried unaniaously, that Staff be directed to dratt an ordinance creating an Advisory Board for the Utilitie. Divi8ion. -', ,",', ,. 1'U'8 Page 18 ~, . .'.. . ..-".....,------- , . " , . . 'I ., ~;: : . 3AXUARY 6,1988 It.. ., cotnrrY KAJlAGD UPOR'r 011 SOLID WASn PROGRAM - .l.Cc.tr-t&Þ. 07 &OWPS AOTBORIZED à.A~A.WSIOJ( County Manager Dorrill stated that this issue iø not going to go away and he is recommending that Staff look at the solid waste problem in Collier County. He stated the problea with the previous project was that it was preoccupied and directed towards a large resource recovery plant. He recoaaended a Coaprehensive Solid Waste Master Plan tor Collier County that will look at all aspects, problems and potential solutions related to garbage. He said this would include, re8idential, commercial, industrial, hazardous waste, sewage sludge, and all various means and methods ~t reducing the volume and the variou. technologies, processes and programs. Mr. Dorrill stated that in his estimation there is the possibility to dra8tically reduce the 8ize of SOme combustion orlented process that would be a part as opposed to the total solution in Collier County. Mr. Dorrill stated that the bonds are still sitting in Hew York that have advantages to them because of ti.e frame and laws to which they relate. He stated he has been advised by the County's financial advisors that Collier County can roll-over and extend the lite ot the bonds for another year. He said the cost to accomplish this will not exceed S1S,000. He stated that he does not feel Collier County will need the total principal value of those bonds under a revised eenario, however, it seems worth the $lð,OOO to have the money at the County's aOOK 110 PAr,¡ 649 Page 19 ,~ ~~' ~. "i: i;t. :. :,ff. 1.. ii :é."", ...~ .1" ' ....,,-.........,..-..... ..' .,. ;. liD,::!- . . \ JAJWARY 6, 1988 disposal. Mr. Dorrill stated that he is reco..endlng extension ot the bonds for a 12 aonth period, and that he be directed to dratt a Solid Waste Master Plan, in conjunction with the Collier County Conservancy, and technical assistance fro. DER and SFWHD. Coaaissioner Hauae lIOVed to apprcw8 the County Manager reCOIIIRrl1- dation. Co..issioner Saunders decla~ed a conflict on this itea. In answer to Mr. Keachl, Collier tounty resident, Mr. Dorril1 stated that there .ay be some fees later on, but the coat of extending the bonds is $15,000. ..... Deputy Clerk hnyon replaced Deputy Clerk JCuetel' at this ti.. - 12:10 P.M. ..... Mr. Bob Krasowski stated that the etforts of the Residents Opposed to Incineration of Recyclable and I.ported Materials stopped the issuance of the per~its that were applied tor by the County, but that put the group in an adversarial relationship with the County. He stated that Hr. Dorrill is now calling tor a coaaittee of statt per- sonnel and the Conservancy to work out a new program ot waste handling w1th soae help from the State Agencies, adding that the Conservancy was not the group that was the lead organization regarding this issue, it was the Residents Opposed to Incineration. He stated that he would suggest that the bonds be extended but it be done atter Mr. Fischer deteraines it the bonds can be used tor waste handling ayste.., ) ",' ,: " ' ; ')f:lij ;', Page 20 ", . .' , , ~." ~._"'-'-'" .<0,.'---""" .."" \: .1AJroARY 6, 1988 recycling progra.., co.posting, etc. independent ot incineration, He stated that the County should not lock theaselves into com.itting them- selves to incineration. He indicated that he would like to be a part ot this co..ittee that Mr. Dorrill 1s setting up as he feels that he is knowledgeable on this subject. He stated that he would also like to see the County establish an office of recycling that would be inde- pendent of the Solid Waste Depart.ant and report directly to the Board. Co..issioner Glass stated that no one wants to see resource reco- very burning aa a major issue an~re, but in order to have that aoney available, the bo&d has to be extended because ot the situation that was created tax-wise. Coaaissioner Has8e stated that the people on the co..ittee w111 be a cross section of everyone in Collier County and will work for the benefit of Collier County. Be stated that Mr. Krasowski will be given every consideration with regards to being on this comaittee. Tape 117 Mr. To. Donegan, Projects Coordinator of the Public Work. Adainistration Division, stated that a Solid Wast. Master Plan has been worked up which will be inclusive with regards to looking at landfill aining, continuing the landfill as it is being operated this date, SOUrce 8eparation and recycling, energy recovery which will be a total systeas approach. He stated that this aeans that they will be looking at a master plan that will include all the environaental ,... . - . . aoß 110",,1651 Page 21 100( 110 P1.'"'¡ 652 3AJroARY 6, 1988 syste.. analysis of all these particular categories and sub-categories ~f the above-referenced iteaa. He noted that the econ08ics of each one of these will be looked at and he will be coming back with a deve- loped aaster plan to be adopted that could be very si8ilar to the Utilities Master Plan. He indicated that as part ot that master plan, they will be looking at resource recovery and extensions or the bonds would be needed to do this as it aakes a difterence in the economics ot such a resource recovery system. In answer to Coamissioner Hasse, Mr. Donegan stated that an advi- sory coaaittee is not something that i. needed, adding that in his report a technical project team 18 needed to do the technical part of the job. Hr. George Keller questioned if there is any interest accruing on this bond aoney, to which County Manager Dorrill stated that it is not allowed to accrue on this prcject because the aoney goes to the IRS. Hr. Keller stated that he teels that there should be an advisory board on this matter, adding that Mr. Erasowski would be an advantage to such an advisory board as hi. approaches are sound. Mr. Dobeck stated that when the last plan was approached, there was an ordinance for mandatory trash collection and this is something that should be followed through, adding that he i. in tavor of extending the bonds but in the aeantl.e, there should also be aan- datory trash collection so that by 1990 the County will know how many to". of trash i. being produced and what kinds. .' ;'. Page 22 ~ - '__"_M'.".," ..~_._.-..._..".. " , '." ... , '¡, ... " JAlWARY 6, 1988 ~ssioner Pistor seconded the action to extend the bon48 tor a period. ot 12 8Ontha. Upon call tor the question, the action carried ./0, (Co8aJssioner Saunders abstained due to a conflict). Co8aissioner Saunders 8OVed to accept the report ot the County H&naqer and at 801108 point in the near future have the d1sCU8sion of a Citizens Adviaory Coaaittee put on a regular Coaaission agenda. Co..issioner Saunders stated that the Coaaission is trying to tlnd a solution to a real problea and all avenues will be investigated. County Attorney Cuyler stated that there will be turther action . that will be necessary on January 12, 1988, with regards to various - . ~approval. ot résolutions. County Manager DorrIl1 stated that with regards to a work progr.., .' ,,- it w11linclude so.e 8chedule and outline ot the ti88 and aethodology behind development ot a 88ater plan. Be stated that a citizena advi- aory co..ittee could be Included as part ot this, adding that this will be brought up at a future CO..i8sion aeeting. Co..1ssioner Hasse stated that a new advisory co..ittee should be toraed with all new aeabers. Coaa!ssloner Goodnight seconded. the aotion and upon call for the question, the IIOtion carried un8ZÛJlOU81y. DISCUSSIOK OF LEGISLATIVE AGENDA Assistant to the County Manager Olliff stated that this itea will be brought up at the next regular Co..isslon aeeting. Be stated that he will present all of the inforaation to the Board with regards to , . ,J '°0( 110 "1',£ 653 Page 23 " .- ._""..,._.,,-,._,~-,.,- ,,~.,.-- .. ---..-.." """'."""'_'H".,,»,.~..,,-, lOOt 110 n~ 654 3AJroARY 6, 1988 what will be on the agenda, adding that it any of the Commissioners have any specific iteas that they would like added to the legislative agenda, they should let hi. know. ... There being no further business tor the Good of the County, the &eeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Tiae: 12:36 P.M. BOARD OF COOXTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD O~ ZO.I.O APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERXI.a BOARD(S)oO~ SPECIAL DISTRICTS UXDER ITS COKTROL cL~¿ ~ ARNOLD LEE GLASS, CHAIRMAN .. / 'b \I 11 iI (,/ A~$T:' . L //~ È:~~9};~; CLERK 'iff~~ £) -C . '.. OTh~¡e.'~1hu/e. .p roved by the Boord on ../1,.~.-. ~/r" / f.l"¡:/ '. "c' / as presented or a. corrected. , ; ".." '" i. . . Page 24 ... \ .. - - - ,--,..,... .... "--'-"----'~ """'---""""'_0 . ..