BCC Minutes 01/19/1988 R Naples, Florida, January 19, 1988 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of Cou~ty Co~issioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing b~ðrd(s) of such special districts as have been created according to Idw and having conducted business herein, met on this dat~ at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SBSSIO. in Building "P" of the Government Center, ~ast Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass VICE-CHAIRMAN: Burt L. Saunders John A. Pistor Max A. Hasse, Jr. Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: Ja~s C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance Di rector; Ell ie Hot fman and Beverly Kueter, Deputy Clerks: Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Tom Olliff, Assistant to the County Manager: Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator; George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; David Pettrow, Community Development Administrator; Leo Qchs, Administrative Services Administrator: Ann McKim, planning/zoning Director; Robert Duane and David Weeks, Planners; Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board: and Deputy Chief Ray Bðrnett, Sheriff's Department. Page 1 ~OO~ 111,n 01 JANUARY 19, 1988 'lap. 11 It.. U AGE1fDA A1fD CO.SENT AGEJroA - APPROVED WITH CHARGBS co..issioner Hasse moved, seconded by co..issioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that that the Agenda and Consent Agenda be approved with the following addition: Item J9A4: Community Development Division requesting the Board of County Commissioners to direct staff to amend the Zoning Ordinance to give Staff the authority to grant waivers of small set- back encroachments and establish a fine, and for the Board to establish an interim policy. It.. ,. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGULAR KEETIBG OF 1/5/88 AKD SPECIAL MEETING OF 1/6/88 - APPROVED AS PRESElfTED Coamlssloner Hasse moved, seconded by Co..issioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the minute. of January 5, 1988 for the Regular Meeting and January 6,1988 for the special Meeting, be approved as presented. It.. 151. EKPLOTEE SERVICE AWARDS - PRESENTED Chairman Glass presented an Employee Service Award to Verda Daniels of the Animal Control Department for 10 years of service. Andrew Frenock, Ochopee Fire Control for 5 years of service, (not present). Itea UB1 PETITION NO. R-87-30~, KENO J. SPAGWA, REPRESBNTING LAWRBBCB P. BASIK - DOlED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on December ll, 1987 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with Page 2 &OO( 111 W[ 07 , ¡ . , '! "--.-'..--.-.--. '* 111 'Ir~ 08 JANUARY 19, 1988 the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-87-30C, filed by Neno J. Spagna, representing Lawrence P. Basik, requesting a rezone from A-2 to C-4 and C-5 for a motel, restaurant, service sta- tion, retail salcs and an office building for property located on the north side of U.S. 41 approximately 3+ miles southeast of S.R. 951 in Section la, Township 51 South, Range 27. East, 8.24 acres. Planner Duane outlined the area of the subject property, noting that lands to thc north are zoned "I", Industrial and TTRVC, further noting that the area to the west is zoned "IL" and "I", Indus~rial. He stated that the surrounding zoning and land use are zoned "A-2" and area predominantly vacant. He stated that Staff has determJ .1ed that an alternate zoning classification, an extension of the TTRVC District for Tract "A" and an extension of the "I", Industrial for Tract "B" are the best land uses for the property at this time. Mr. Duane advised that the Comprehensive Plan calls for C-4 zoning to be located in com~unity nodes, which are generally located at the intersections of maj~r arterials, further noting that the subject tract is not located in a community node. He further added that the C-5 zoning technically can meet the criteria set forth in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. After reviewing Section 14.4 of the Zoning Ordinance, Mr. Duane indicated that ð portion of the zoning does not comply with the Comprehensive Plan end neither zoning designations comply with the criteria as set forth in Section 14.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Page 3 - - - ,. '; .~J.} .... "","""..'.. ,-- JANUARY 19, 1988 Planner Duane noted that the C-S Zoning District permits wide range use, Le. cabinet making, manufacturi~; cf I! '!'.?'ry li!'!ít:~d nature, and wholesaling and warehousing, and also permits some of the retail uses found in the C-4 Zoning District, further noting that this is the reason Staff is not recommending the C-5 zoning designation at this tilDe. Referring to the zoning map, Mr. Duane indicated that there is an 8-10 acre site which is 1/2 - 3/4 mile from the subject tract, noting that this site was zoned C-3 ten years ago and still remains vacant. He stated that there is an adequate supply of retail zoning which is unused in proximity to this site, which further provides basis for Staff recommendation. He added that as population patterns change and development tends to go out towards this site, these zoning districts may be appropriate at a future date, noting that Staff believes they would be premature at this time. Col'UDissioner Hasse inquired as to the availability of utilities to the subject site, to whíc~ Utilities Administrator Crandall replied that the site has County water service and the sewer service by Spade Engineering. Commissioner Pistor stated that he believes the zoning was changed on the subject property several years ago, to which Planner ~uane replied that a portion of the tract was changed, but a portion still remains A-2, Agricultural. After discussion regarding a roadway which will be running through Page 4 ~OO( 111 Þ1':1 09 ,.--".., «.." " tO8( 111 n-.~ 10 JANUARY 19, 1988 a portion of the subject site, Public Works Administrator Archibald advised that in 1986, application was made to the State for Community Grant Funds to build a portion of the roadway to subject industrial property for the purposes of creating an operation which would employ people in that area. He noted that the improvements will cost $265,000, which may be subsidized by the grant in the amount of $l99,000, further noting that the difference of $66,000 would be the responsibility of the developer. In answer to Commissioner Fistor's question regarding the proposed Little Red Caboose project of several years ago, with a restaurant and travel trailer park, etc. being intertwined with subject property, Planning/Zoning Director McKim stated that it is her understanding that ~t that time, an Industrial and TTRVC Zoning was requested, as well as a "GRC" zoning, which was the retail/commercial zoning at that time . She noted that the Board of County Commissioners approve1 the Industrial and the TTRVC Zoni~g, but did not approve the "GRC" zoning. Dr. Neno Spagna, Agent, mentioned the history of the site, adding that in the 1910's when Marco Island was growing rapidly, there was a need for the Krehling Concrete Plant to be in closer proximity to Marco. , He stated that the present location of the Krehling Plant was also looked at during that time for a small node to serve Marco Island, Isle of Capri and Naples. He noted that after two years of the operation of the Krchling Plant at the present location, Mr. Basik petiti~ned to hove subject property rezoned, further noting that a I f t t "t:,. :... .( t 1 t Page 5 ! ~ ~ I ¡: - - - ". ,~, ---'. "..,.. . " J^NUARY 19, 1988 portion of the tract was rezoned to "I~, which is adjacent to the Krehl ing proper ty, add ing [u( Lh~t Lt.at thE: "CI'-C" '...z¡s t~rnc~ ~own .at that ti~ because there was no wat~r and sewer. He noted that speci- fic instructions were given at that time to wait until w.ater and sewer were available, and the petition would then be reconsidered to be rezoned. He further stated that Mr. fasik could have requested an extension of the Industrial Zoning, whi~h the Comprehensive Plan per- mits, nothing that Mr. Basik feels it is a good transition to go from an industrial to a commercial-type use. Tape '2 Dr. Spagna indicated that application has been made to the St.ate for funds for the proposed road in subject site, as detailed by Mr. Archibald earlier. He noted that the road will serve part of the existing industrial property, as well as the two subject tracts, and that it is the petitioner's intent to have access only by this road to U.S. 41, adding that Mr. BðSl~ will pay for the cost of the road with the help of the State of Florida. Dr. Spagna 3dvised that all agencies, with the exception of the Planning SLaff have approved the petition. He indicated that he hð8 a problem with the environmental impact, referring to Page 4 of the Staff Report which requires posting of a bond [or the restoration of a small wet area located on the property, adding that this is a man- mðde, created wet area, and the water does not collect there, noting that ~ lake is planned for the development which will be landscaped Page 6 ~~; Iflw! II -... .,.,,"- .-. . ..... a* 111 ,~.~ 12 and Made into a nice aquatic area. JANUARY 19, 1988 He requested that this petition be approved and the requirement for bond be stricken. Mr. Lawrence P. Basik, owner of the property, stated that when he applied for a permit to have a prefabricated commercial structure plant on site, the DOT requirements were that deceleration lanes and left-turn lanes be constructed on U.S. 4l. He noted that he applied to the State and met with the criteria for funds from the State. He added that when applying for a permit for the plant, requirements were put on the entire 45 acres, adding that in order to keep the funds, extensions on the funds were requested, so that all requirements could be met for the various agencies. Commissioner Pistor questioned if the TTRVC is planned for deve- lopment? Mr. Basik responded affirmatively. In answer to Commissi~ner Pistor's inquiry regarding permanent residency in the TTRVC area, Mr. Basik replied negatively. County Attorney Cuyler stated that regarding the discussions he has heard, i.e., past boards, statements, etc. there is nothing binding on this Com.ríssion. He added that he feels Staff has looked at this petition based on today's planning and zoning considerations. Mrs. Charlotte Westman, representing the League of Women Voters of Collier County, questioned what caused the delay in obtaining the required permits from the various agencies? Mr. Basik replied because of the fact that he ow~ed 40+ acres, State approval on the entire par- ccl was required, including the TTRVC. Page 7 , ..~ 1 4 , ./.' .q . ~ ; .. . ~ . I !, .... JANUARY 19, 1988 Mrs. Westman stated that the League appreciates the Planning Department's posture regarding this petition. Mr. John Kesch1, Westwinds resident, stated that between S.R. 951 and S.R. 92 there are five convenience stores, adding that the Petitioner's intent is to have a restaurant, motel, service stdtion, and a retail sales office building constructed, noting that the sewer plant and the water facility will not be available in that area for several years, and thee is still a flood problem. In response to Commissioner Has£e's inquiry, Planner Duane stated that he had attended the Environmental Advisory Hearing, and noted that the EAC desired to have a 1 to 1 mitigation for the wetland areas that are to be fi]l~d in as a result of the proposed development of subject site, and added that it was determined by the EAC to require the Surety Bond. Commissioner Saunder& asked if the Petitioner is in agreement with Staff regarding the I to 1 mitigation, to which Mr. Basik answe~ed aff i rmati vel y. Co..i8sioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that that the public hearinq be closed. Comaiøsioner Hasse moved, second.d by Chairman Gla.., that Petition R-87-30C be denied, and 1../, vas ~í~ (Commissioners Goodnight upon call for the question, the vote and Saunders opposed) 9- e.n......- ..'~"'" ~ ~.- seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that Coamissioner Saunders moved, Petition R-87-30C be approved, with the exclusion of the Surety Bond, Page 8 / ?c ~ .. "fS aoo( 111 F1'.! 13 .---."."..-,," tOO< 111 rJ'~ 14 JANUARY 19,1988 and upon call tor the question, the vote was 3/2 (Chairman Glass and Commissioner Hasse opposed). Motion tailed as it requires a 4/5'8 vote. It.. '6B2 PETITIOIf R-87-42C, WILBON, MILLER, BARTO., BOLL' PEEK, INC., RZPUSEJrTIlfa COMMERCE CENTER AT IfAPLES PARTJfERSHIP - CONTllfUED TO YEBRUÀRT 23, 1988 Comaiøøioner Goodnight aov8d, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unaniaously, that Petition 2-87-42C for rezone from "IL" to "C-S", be continued to February 23,1988. It.. I6B3 ORDI~ 88-8, ~ PETITION ZO-87-18C, HIGHWAY PAVERS, AKEKDING ORDIXAØCE 82-2, BY ~DDI"G PORTABLE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE BATCH PLANTS AS A PERMITTED PROVISIONAL USE AND BY ADDIBG DZVELOPKBØT FOR PORTABLE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE BATCH PLANTS" ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on December la, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 82-2, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance for the Unincorporated Area of Collier County, by amending Section 7.9b.3) <A-2 Rural Agriculture District) by adding portable asphaltic concrete batch plants and portable Portland Cement Concrete Batch Plants as permitted provisional uses; amending Subsection 7.9.c by adding deve- lopment standards for portable asphaltic concrete batch plants and portable Portland Cement Concrete Batch Plants; and by providing an effective date. Page 9 JANUARY 19, 1988 Tap. f3 Planner Duane stated that Staff feels the proposed zoning amend- ment is in compliance with th~ Comprehensive Plan, adding that these types of facilities are often done in conjunction with excavation and types of activities could be viewed as an accessory to a principal activity to be conducted on the site. He indicated that earth mining and excavation is only permitted in the A-2 Zoning District, and with the 80 acre lot size and the 500' setback requirements the impact on adjoining properties can be minimized. He noted that if this petition is not granted, the petitioner would have to seek additional zoning classifications which may not be appropriate at many l09cations, given the wide range of uses which are permitted in the Industrial Zoning District. Hr. Duane advised that Staff has included a reversion clause with this petition, in that, after a five-year period the zoning of this property would revert back to agricultural activity unless the excava- tion permit were to expire prior to this time, noting that Staff feels this is a unique opportunity with this provision. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Planner Duane stated t let the site is comprised of 350 acres, adding that the 80 acres which is being requested f~r the concrete batch plant i9 located in the middle of the 350 acre parcel and the surrounding land~ around the 80 acre site are predominantly vacant. Public Works Administrator Archibald, in restonse to Commissioner Page lO &00( 111 W.I. 15 '~.'_".m" - ......" aOO( 111 fI'.~ 16 JANUARY 19, 1988 Hasse, indicated that the road impacts will be addressed by requiring . the use to be subject to the Road Impact Ordinance, further noting that when an applicant considers a provisional use, they would also be considering their impact fee to mitigate off-site impacts. He further added that impact fees will not be assessed due to weights of trucks, but rather for any change in land use which would generate more traf- fico County Attorney Cuyler advised that this petition is to add the ability to come in on site specific provisional use petitions, adding that it is a general amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, and without this, petition cannot be made under the provisional use. Mr. Thomas E. Kuck representing Highway Pavers, Inc., replied to Commissioner Hasse's inquiry regarding the height of the structures by stating that the 60' height is for the stack which is associated with the portable asphalt batch plant, and the 90' height refers to the silo which is the required height by industry standards. Planner Duane stated that the current highest structures in the County's Zoning Districts are contain~d in the "C-4", "RHS-l6" and "RT" Districts which permit lOO' heigtt and typically in single-family residential areas the maximum height is 35'. Commissioner Pistor indicated that the silo would not be visible to the surrounding areas due to its central location on the site. coaais.ioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, t~at the public bearing be closed. Page II ¡;tV. 1"-: f" I ""-',-,,~,,- .- ¡'; ...~ -"" ,1U . Lf 1. tl'.O! JANUARY 19, 1988 CO8aisaioner pi.tor aoved, seconded by comaissioner Goodniqht and carrie4 unaniaously, that Petition 1O-87-18C be approved, and the ordinance as nuabered and titled below be adopte4 and entered into Ordinance Book Ro. 29. ORDlKAØCB 80.88-8 AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 82-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY BY AMENDING SECTION 7.9 b.3)(A-2 RURAL AGRICULTURE DISTRICT) BY ADDING PORTABLE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE BATCH PLANTS AS A PERMITTED PROVISIONAL USE; AMENDING SUBSECTION 7.9.c BY ADDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR PORTABLE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE BATCH PLANT; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. It.. f6Cl PðTITIO. SHP-87-2, TRaKAS PEEK OP WILSOK, MILLER, BARTOK, BOLL' PBBK, IRC., REPUSEJn'IHa IMMOJtALB2 BABInT I'OR BtJKAJfI'l'T, IKC. RBOUBS'l'ING SUBDIVISIO. XABT2R PLAX APPROVAL POR IXMOJtALEB BABITAT paR RUKANI'l'Y, PRASE VI - APPROVED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on January 4, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filea with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition SHP-87-2, filed by Thomas R. Peek of Wilson, Miller, Barton, 5011 & Peek, Inc., representing Immokalee Habitat for Humanity, Inc., requesting a Subdivision Master Plan approval for Immokalee Habitat, Phase VI for a 3.l8+ acre tract of land located in Immokalee at the southeast inter- section of Immokalee Drive and North Eleventh Street in Section 4, Township 47 South, Range 29 East, Collier County, Florida. Engineer Kepple stated that subject project is located in I..okalee at the southeast corner of Immokalee Drive and North Page 12 &()O( 111 'Sr:f 17 ,. iJ ... 111.,'~ 18 ( Elëventh Street and contains 3.1 acres. JANUARY 19, 1988 He noted that the proposal is to divide the parcel into 13 single-family lots and provide a road as indicated on the displayed map. He advised that the project has been reviewed by the Subdi'lision Review Committee and the Collier County Planning Commission, and that it has been recommended for approval with two stipulations: 1. The existing oak and pine trees shall be taken into account when locating the buildings on the lots. No construction permits shall be issued unless and until approval of the proposed construction, in accordance with the submitted plans, is granted by the County Engineer. 2. Mr. Fred Voss stated that the 1,100 sf. homes are built and then sold to people who have never had anything as good in their life, noting that land and materials are bought with monies received from various churches and individu~ls, and no funds have ever been requested from the County or State. He further stated that free labor for the project is provided by people from allover the country, adding that part of the labor is furnished by people who wlll be living in the homes, ~nd this is referred to as "sweat equity". He noted that these people have no money, no down payment is required, and the homes are sold on a long-term contract with no interest. In closing, Mr. Voss stated that approval of this petition will allow l3 single-family residences to be constructed. Commissioner Saunders commended Hr. Voss and his group for all their efforts in Immokalee. Page 13 ., ~ .¿ lJL .' -""""",,_.. .,., JANUARY 19,1988 c088issioner Saunders aoved, seconded by Co..is8ioner Goodniqht and carried unanimously, that the publio hearing be closed. cosaissioner Saunders moved, seconðed by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Petition SKP-87-2 be approved, subject to any stipulations that the Board of County Commissioners adopts from the Bouainq Subcommitt.e and that the retroactive effect to this petition be signed off by the County Attorney as beinq per.issible. It.. f7A1 PETITIO. V-87-18, BILL GRIYFIH OF COLLIBR COUNTY EKBRGBBCY MEDICAL SERVICES, REPRESENTING THE GOLD" GAB FlU CORTROL , USCUB DISTRICT - COHTlXUED INDEFINITELY C088is.ioner Goodnight aoved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unaniaou8ly, that Petition V-87-18 be continued indefinitely. It.. '71.2 RESOLOTIOX 88-24, PETITIOX V-87-19, SCOTT SIDBBY OF LEB COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, IXC., RBQUBSTI.a A ~~CB FOR PROPBRTY LOCATED AT THE EAST END OF LILT COURT (MARCO ISLABD) - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on January 3, 1988, as eviden~ed by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-87-19, filed by Scott Sidney, Lee County Electric Cooperative, Inc., requesting a variance from the maximum height of a wall in a residen- tial District of 6 feet to lO feet in a RSF-4 zone for property located on the following described property: Tract "F" of Marco Beach, Unit 25, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 12, Pages 2 through 5 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. (East end of Lily Court approximately 350 feet east of Heathwood Drive, Marco Island, Florida). Page l4 aolK 11Iw.! 19 -."""".,,-... ""'" ... l11FY-! 20 JANUARY 19, 1988 Planner Weeks advised that the objective of this petition is to obtain a 4' variance from the height limitation of 6' for a fence or wall in a residential neighborhood, noting that the purpose is to allow construction of a 10' high wall in a resid~~tial neighborhood. He further indicated ~hðt it is proposed to buil~ an electric substa- tion, and then surround the site with a 10' high wall, adding that the property is zoned "RSF-4 single-family, but it does state in the Zoning Ordinance under Essential Services that electric substations as well as a variety of other uses are permitted in any zoning district. He added that the substation is currently under construction, and the variance is requested for security and safety reasons, noting that a 6' high fence or wall would be permitted around the facility but the petitioner does not feeL this is adequate because of the potentially hazardous nature of the facility. He advised that Staff believes this is a structure related hardship, and approval is recommended, subject to the stipulation that landscaping is provided around the outside of the wall, and also, that the petitioner shall be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the wall. Commissioner Pistor asked if the water storage tank is in back of this property, to which Planner Weeks replied affirmatively. co..issioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimou8ly, that the public bearing be closed. Coaais8ioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that that Re8olution 88-24, Petition V-87-19, pag.15 .:. !.. of ..,~ . .t ""',if' ,~, i¡ . ': . .......,.-..-.-.,. Í(:') ".., , " ~ : ,. 1', ')n 1." L JAJIt1UY 19, 1988 Scott sidney of Lee County Blectrio COOperative, Ino., for a 4 foot variance in a residential district of , teet to 10 feet, be adopted. Page 16 '* 111 F1",f 21 "" . ... ) -, ",' ... ..,... JANUARY 19, 1988 ... RBCESS AT 10130 A.M. RBCOMYB~BD A'l 10140 A.X. ... Deputy Clerk Xueter replaced Deputy Clerk Boff.an ¡tea "81 Tape 14 PETITIO. PU-87-23C, DON CAHILL REPRZSEWTING JOHN AND GRACE McCAA, PROVISIONAL USE FOR CAR WASH - COHTIØUBD AND SENT BACX TO CCPC Planner Weeks stated the petitioner proposes to place a car wash on the southeast corner of Golden Gate Parkway and 50th Street, S. W. Mr. Weeks displayed a map and gave the surrounding zoning and land uses. He said Staff finds the request to be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Weeks advised that the petitioner submitted a new site plan yesterday, however, Staff has not had sufficient time to review the plan. He said the CCPC based their recommendation on a different site plan than the one contained in the agenda packet. He advised that there have been many discussionA regarding the alley and internal traf- tic movements for this sitp. lie said the Zoning Ordinance prohibits an alley from being the primary access for a property. He noted that the CCPC continued their first putlic hearing and requested the peti- tioner to modify the site plan, Yhich was done. Mr. Weeks stated that Stdcf has no objection to the use itself" however, there is concecl on the internal design. He stated that the CCPC recommended denial of the petition at the public hearing held on ~ember 17, 1967. He stated there was no public comment or correspondence on this petition. aoo( 111 Pl'.~ 25 Page l7 . .. 1 f l ! . i ¡ . I. 111 fY~ 26 JANUARY 19, 1988 Responding to Commis3ioner Pistor, Hr. Weeks stated that closing the alley exit would eliminate the Staff's concern. He said that sta'ckin~ of cars is also a concern since they do not want cars backed up on Golden Gate Parkway. Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department, advised that this intersection is already a problem. He stated there is also a micidle- school located on this street and it is difficult to get the buses in and out. Answering Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Weeks stated that the distance between a liquor establishment and a school only applies to consump- tion on the premises establishments. Mr. ~rk Lamourex, Consulting Engineer, stated that if the exit to the alley presents a problem, the alley could be eliminated and the cars for the drive-thru beverages would have to exit the same way as the people exiting the car wash. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Hr. Lamourex stateè that, if the County feels a deceleration lane is n~eded on Golden Gate Parkway, they are prepared to comply. He also stated that the buffering would also be decreased if the alley was closed. He explained that the buffer that would be left next to the building would only be 5 ft. wide for the distance of the building. Commissioner Saunders stated that it is difficult to tell whether the CCPC objections were to the ingress and egress or the intensity of . use. He stated his feeling that the CCPC should review the new site pIen. Page 18 ,~ 1 fJ : - . Ol! , , '..' t'.'...... 1¡. ~;.~. . .. '1.. .. 1- ' '. '.' "-. ,,¡' '. r ,. - . ¡..,A,J.I ,.' .:.,..;",....~ .¡ . \} .;;" .-- --- ..---..-- .,. t' JANUARY 19, 1988 In answer to Co~missioner Pistor, Mr. Lamourex stated that the drive-thru beverage building could be made smaller, if necessary. cO88Íssioner pistor aoved, seconded by Co..issioner Bas.. to deny Petition PO-87-23C. During discussion of the motion Commissioner Saunders stated that he would like to have the CCPC review the new aite plan to see if they could work out the traffic flow. Chairman Class asked that the Board keep in mind that the drive-thru beverage can be placed on the site now under current zoning and only the car wash is being con- sidered for approval. back to the CC~. He stated he also felt the petition should go CO8aÍssioner Pistor withdrew his aotion and co..ission.r Bass.' withdrew his ..cond. CO8alssioner pi.tor aoved, seconded by co..issioner Basse and carried unaniaously, that Petition PO-87-23C, Don Cahill, representing John and Graoe McCaa, Provisional Use for a car wash, be continued and sent back to the CCPC. It.. 191.1 PETITIO. XP-87-10C, WILSO", MILLER, BARTOR, BOLL' PEBK, IRC., RBPRBSElfTI"G WI LLIAM T. HIGGS/COAST COMMUKITIES CORPORATIOR, FOR VARIAJfCB I" WALL HEIGHT - APPROVED (BEIUtSHIRB LADS POD) Planner Weeks advised that the petitioner is seeking a variance in wall height for a part of ßerkshire Lakes. lie stated that originally the petitioner requested a height variance to 10 ft., however the Board approved that request on ð graduated scale and the petitioner Page 19 ,oo~ 111 I'I',{ 27 1 f j. j '0."_0'0_,'- -_.. .-. '* 111 nr.~ 28 JANUARY 19, 1988 was to start at lO ft. then graduate to 8 ft. and then graduate down to ~he allowable 6 ft. in height. Hr. Weeks displayed a map showing the proposed wall, stating that the petitioner is requested that the already approved height of 8 ft. be increased to a height of 9 ft. He stated that Staff and the CCPC have approved this request with the same stipulations which were attached to the original request. Commissioner Pistor stated that he has examined this site several times and feels the 9 ft. is sensible. Answering Commissioner Hasse, Hr. Weeks stated the petitioner will continue to landscape in front of the we 11. Tape '5 C088is.ioner Saunders aoved, seconded by Co88i.sioner Ba..e and carried unaniaously, that KP-87-10C, Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll , Peek, Inc. representing willi.. T. Biggs/Coast Communities Corporation, height variance for a vall froa 8 ft. to 9 ft., be approved. It.. 19M JlESOLCTIOB 88-25, AFFIRMATIVE ACTIO. PLAB FOR TB!: PROCtJ'R.BJŒBT OF COIOtODITIES AND SERVICES - ADOPTED Human Resources Administrator Ochs stated the intent of the Affirmative Action Plan is to promote and assist minority contractors and small businesses to have an opportunity to do business with Co 11 ier County. He stated it ie aleo an im~ortant part of the Page 20 .t. " .~.... -"--~,-"~,-,, " JANUARY 19, 1988 Community Development Block Grant which will be presented to the Board. He advised there is no fiscal impact to the policy and sub, sequent a.end.ent to the current Purchasing Policy, and Staff recom- mends approval. County Manager Dorrill stated that matters of Affirmative Action need to be fully understood. lie stated that as part of the work plan for Administrative Services this year, they have been asked to prepare Affirmative Action, both for the procurement of goods and ser- vices through the Purchasing Department, as well as development of procedures related to affirmative action in hiring and recruitment practices. He said they have expedited the first half of that program in order to improve and enhance Collier County's chances on the CDBG application. Mr. Dorrill stated that this should not diminish the importance of affirmative action as it relates to procurement of goods and services and future hiring practices. He stated that affirmative action is a policy that the Board does and should consider as part of good govern- ment, and as County Manager, he is opposed to the establishment of arbitrary quotas and percentages or anything that could be perceived to be favoritism in order to support affirmative action. Mr. Dorrill stated that he has prepared a written clarification to the Executive Summary to avoid misunderstandings and a copy will be submitted to the Clerk's office. co..i.sioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commi.sioner Haase and F>OO( l11Þ! '. 29 paqe 21 . ;.,-" "J'I. ' "~";'~,¡ '~ f --""""--"" , '* 111 ~',J 30' JAWUARY 19,1988 carried unaniaously, that Resolution 88-25, Affirmative Aotion Plan , for the Procurement of commodities and Services, be adopted. Page 22 ;~. 1 J ~ -: (W " .... '«--""'-' . " .. 111 w~ 34 JANUARY 19, 1988 It.. UA3 RESOLOTIO. 88-26, AUTBORIZI.a SUBMISSIo. OF A GRART APPLICATIO. FOR FtJJrDIJfG UJrDER TRB SMALL CITIES COMJroJrITY DEVBLOPHEtfT BLOCK GRArr PROGRAK - ADOPTED Housing & Urban Improvements Director Wanda Jones stated Staff is requesting authorization to submit a grant application to the Depar~nt of Community Affairs which proposes funding to complete activities in two target areas of the County under the Small Cities CDBG Program. She advised that the Citizens Advisory Task Force held two Public Hearings and has recommended that an application for the total amount of eligible funds be submitted. She said Collier County is eligible to apply for 5650,000. Ms. Jones advised the two target area are site development at Collier Village, Immokalee, and housing rehabilitation at Greenwood Apartments in Naples Manor. Che advised that the site development at Collier Village will include infrastructure construction of 11.5 acres of land to facilitate housing construction to benefit 194 indivi- duals. She stated the housing rehabilitation at Greenwood Apartments includes .r~novation and rehabilitation of four duplexes and one triplex, as housing for 42 developmentally disabled persons enrolled in training programs at TECH. Ms. Jones advised that the funding is extremely competitive with 268 eligible applicants. She said last year Collier County placed 17th, however, only 14 were fun~ed. C088i88ioner Goodnight moved, seconded by co..issioner Pistor, Paqe23 :' " , ... '. '" ~. .:.').;~.... '," ". J~r 19,1988 that Resolution 88-26, authoriaing sUb8i.sioD of a grant application for fundinq under the Saall Cities C088unity Develop.ent Block Grant Proqraa, be adopted. The following people spoke in favor of adopting the resolution and commended the County and Staff for their support: Sister Pat Stemen Al Fanschmidt Clifford Blðuvent Upon call for tbe question, cO88issioner Goodniqht's aotion carried unaniaou8ly. Page 24 aDO( 111 Pi~.! 35 ~ f t..-r...,.,.,.".. 'f' t; ~ r .- .~ ...--.. ,.-,"--. ,..-. ;, . 1 fl' 'll .. 111 pr.r. 42 JANUARY 19, 1988 It.. 191.4 CO.SIDBDTIOB OF WAIVERS or SI".ALL SBTBACK DCROACJDœ1I'lS WITH FIn - STATF DIRECTED TO PREPARE AMENDMENT TO THB za.INca ORDINAJfCB Planner Weeks stated that Staff would like direction from the Board of County Commissioners on minor setback encroachments. He stated that the Board established a policy requiring a spot survey to be subaitted after a slab is poured during construction to avoid some of the encroachments into required setbacks. He noted, however, that prior to these surveys being required, encroachments went largely undetected. Hr. Weeks advised that once a property owner finds out about an encroachMent, there is no quick mechanism to correct the problem and they are faced with delays ~nd additional costs. He stated Staff would like direction from the Board to amend the Zoning Ordinance for review to allow staff to administratively approve minor encroachments. He said that if the Board finds this appropriate, Staff would also like direction on an interim policy while the amendment is being pre- pared. Hr. Weeks stated that Staff recommends the following interim policy guidelines: 1. A "minor" encroachment is defined as !\ of the required set- back with a minimum of ! inch. This!\ figure appears to be the degree of error generally acceptable for a professional surveyor, according to Staff discussion with the such pro- fessionals. This calculates to 4.5" for a 15 ft. setback, l.8" for ð 30 ft, setback, .9" for a l5 fl. setback, and .5" for a setback of 1.5 ft. or less. 2. The waiver can only be requested by the property owner or his/her designee. Page 25 '.t'- ~;..~~~~~ ----._.._..~".._" ,-""--,, JANUARY 19, 1988 3. The property owner or designee must submit a signed, notarized statement of agr~ement to pay whatever penalty fee shall be adopted by the BCC prior to issuance of a C.O. for th~ ~tructurc involved. Further, the agreement shall state that if the BCC does not adopt the above-referenced amend- ment, then the owner/designee understands a variance petition must be submitted and that such petition may be denied by the acc, subject to specific criteria. Mr. Weeks pointed out that allowing Staff to administratively handle .inor encroachments, the Board will not have to review extre- mely .inor encroachments and the permit holder will have an alter- native to a lengthy and costly delay in construction. Comaissioner Pistor stated that it is very easy for ð surveyor to make a .istake of t inch and suggested that a setback with an error tolerance might be a solution. Tap. " Mr. Weeks staled his feeling that a variable setback would have the sa~ situation as exists today. He stated that at some point there is a cutoff and there will always be encroachments. Commissioner Saunders stated he feels the t\ makes sense and Staff should be able to handle very minor variances with the proviso that they would be within the limitation of ac~uracy of survey techniques. Commissioner pistor stated he agrees with Commissioner Saunders" however, it is possible to have a survey variance of more than l/2 inch. Commissioner Saunders suggested that maybe it needs to be a variable percent, depending on the size of the setback. In response to Chairman Glass' question on whether the County has Page 26 &OO( 111 FA',t 43 q. t r t..:..a . š '. I", I ,,' i f ¿ . ; ,~: .. 111 "'I. 44 ~ ! JANUARY 19, 1988 stopped construction because of a 1/4 inch variance, County Attorney Cu~ler pointed out that Staff has not previously had the ability to remedy any minor encroachment. Hr. Michael Spears, Collier County resident, advised that he is in the process of building a home in Lely Golf Estates. He stated that the first survey he submitted showed an encroachment of 1.75 inches. He stated it also shows the corner of the slab to encroach by l/4 inch. He advised that the stop work order has held him up for over one week and it is also holding up his $18,000 draw. this is becoming a big problem for him. He stated that Mr. Spears stated that he agrees the line must be drawn somewhere, however, without a way to clear it up quickly, it is causing him a hardship. He requested that if the Board does not decide anything today, that he at least be allowed to continue construction. He added that he objects to paying a ?cnalty fee on top of the delays and addi- t iona 1 cos t. County Attorney Cuyler advised the Board that Mr. Spears' problem is not County generated and no action is required for that situation. commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Co..isaioner Basse and carried unanimously, that Stat! be directed to proceed wi~b develop- .ent o! so.e criteria of defining small waivers and have the authority to qrant small waiver. under the reco..ended interim policy: and Mr. Spears shall be peraitted to continue construction, but will be sub- ject to whatever policy decisions are .ade later. Page 27 . . ".:. " -~-~~~~~~',' .....' . ","c~~ ,--- --,-. . ------,- ~ , , '~~~ Chair.an Clas. instructed Staff to accelerate :::R:e:::..l::e this ¡:.'i~'.."'~J." ; h .'. matter and bring it back to the Board as soon as possible. .~ '. :-~ 1 I." ;¡ "KJ. r.r., '. .... . -. It.. t9Bl BID 87-1171, FOR OOMSTRUCTIOK or TKB CBXTRAL AIR COKDITIOMIBG/ BLBCTUCAL PLAJIT AT THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX - AWARDBD TO D.AJ'T OOMsnUCTIOM Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 28, 1987 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were rùceived until 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 25, 1987. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that under the current design contract with Winsor/Faricy, the first work item is to relocate the chillers and condensing pumps and electrical plant so the old jail can be removed and the contract let for the new building. Mr. Archibald said that in addition to the current complex, the plant will also serve Buildin~ "W", the future Building "W" expansion, the new health building and the jail and the jail expansion, as well as the current complex. He said the project involves no~ only a very large amount of construction on-site for the building, but also more than a few thousand feet of underground electrical and c~iller line. He stated that unfortunately, the estimate for this dates back to early 1987 and was roughly Sl.5 million, and now the project will be somewhere in the neighborhood of $2.25 million. Hr. Archibald stated that Staff, the Consultant, and the bidding contractors have tried to determine whether or not there could be Page 28 ,oo~ 111 par,~ 45 . ~ : t. ~ I t . j L ..1~ . .1 t," ; "j ~ -----"'.-"'" '-" , ¡ . ., ~ .. 111 nr¿ 46 JANUARY 19, 1988 changes considered or whether the County is following the right road. He'stated the conclusion is that the increases in cost are because of expansions and services to be provided in the future by the central plant. He said they feel there are big advantages, long term, in the operating costs, maintenance C03ts, and repair costs. Mr. Archibald stated that the bids received are very competitive and included is one alternate which included an underground line going north looping into the new health building. He stated Staff is recom- mending, based on the bids, deleting the additional line from the contract. He said the low bid was from Kraft Construction in the amount of $1,168,800. Mr. Archibald stated that Staff is recommending approval of the low bid for contract. Responding to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Archibald stated that Kraft Construction is not the firm that constructed the jail. He assured Coø.issioner Hasse that ð system of checks and balances will include an on-staff engineer, architect, building permit officials, and also the aaintenance staff. co..issloner pistor aoved, seconded by Comaissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that Bid "0. 87-1176 for construction of the central air conditioning/4lectrical plant at the Courthouse complex, be awarded to ~ratt Construction company in the amount of $1,168,800; and the appropriate budget amendaenta be completed. Page 29 :"t~, t \ .".."",.:. " " , ,;..,~;.;;, .¡." _1.~'. --.-....,.- - JANUARY 19, 1988 It.. f9B2 BID 87-1196 FOa PURCHASING ROAD , BRIDGB ZQUIPKBKT - AWARDBD TO VARIOUS VEJrnO RB Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 30, 1987 as cvide~ced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until 2:30 p.m. on December 16, 1987. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this bid is for annual purchase of replace~ent equipment for the Road & Bridge Depar tment. He stated that the replacements are based primarily on age, and the following equlpment is scheduled for replacement: One Articulated Motor Grader One 1/2 yd. Front End Loader One Hydraulic Excavator Hr. Archibald stated there are also two items which were budgeted this year: One Mechanical Broom Sweeper One Brush Chipper Hr. Archibald stated that bids were received in each case from at least two vendors, with the exception of the mechanical broom. He said Staff feels the price fo~ the broo. is competitive and below the budgeted amount. coaaissioner Pistor aoved, seconded by co..issioner Goodniqht and carried unanimously, that Bid Bo. 87-1196 be awarded to the following vendor.: Adams-Qewind Machinery Co. for one 1987 Fiatallis - Fe 75A- Articulated Motor Grader in the net amount of $55,223.00 H. F. Mason Equipment Corp. for one 1988 Dresser - 515B Front End Loader in the net amount of $37,600.00 &ðOI( 111 PI",~ 4 7 Page 30 l~ ; .. 1 I.. , , t i ì 1 . .'.! "~. . ,,'.«J'~' : " . ..t :?~ . ~..,.x..~ ,,-," "--- ,"' -" . I I t ~ : , 'j J 1. ,r .. 111 P17. 48 JANUARY 19, 1988 H. F. Mason Equipment Corp. for one 1988 Badger 444 - Hydraulic Excavator in the net amount of $92,000.00. Florida Hydraulic Machinery, Inc. for one 1988 Athey - Mobil Sweeper TE-) in the net amount of $67,356.00. Verøeer Southeast Sales & Service for one 1987/88 Vermeer - Brush Chipper - 1200 in the net amount of $lO,389.60. It.. f9E1 COMPETITIVE SELECT lOR PROCESS WAIVED AlII) CONTRAC'l' SIGJIBt) FOR CUSTOHER SB~CB TRAIXIXG WITH SUCCESS SCIENCES, INC. - APPROVED Äd.inistrative Services Administrator Ochs stated this item was continued from last week's meeting pending further information. He stated that a narrative report describing the benefits of the program, a training program outline, and a copy of the proposed contract have been supplied in the agenda packet. Mr. Ochs stated this is a comprehensive training approach and customer relations that would provide training for 200 employees plus certification of in-house staff to provide training to other employees. He stated the total cost of the contract with Success Sciences, Inc. is Sl4,860.00. Coaaissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Co..is.ioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the competitive selection process be waived and a contract siqned for customer service training with Suooe.s Sciences, Inc. in the amount of $14,860.00. SEE PACES /5t~- /7'-5" Page 31 .,,'oJ ~ 'f~" . "'h', .' , .!,' ~":~ .,: ",f' ~ ",,", '," " . ' . . ~..,.~. -..-----,...---"-" .. , '~;7' ~ JANUARY 19,1988 It- UB2 RESOLOTIO. 88-27 ESTABLISBI.G A MABAu~.T IRTE~ ~ITLB I. TBB PAY p LAJt - ADO PTE D ^d~inislrative Services Administrator Ochs advised there are two part-ti.e Management Intern positions allocated in this years' budget and the3e positions will assist the County Manager's Office and the Ad~inistrative Services Division with various programs. He stated there is no additional fiscal impact since the positions are already in the budget. Coaais.ioner Goodnight aoved, seconded by comaissioner pistor and carried unani.ously, that Resolution 88-27, establishinq a KaDaqe.ent Intern title in the Pay Plan, be adopted. aoO( I11PAr,[ 49 Page 32 . & ! . r ! t .' " ~ ~. ... 0-4 .J' . MOl 111 'VI. 52 JANUARY 19, 1988 It.. 110A RZ80LUTIO. 88-28, AUTHORIZING THE COUBTY ATTORKBY TO EXECUTE HOlI-WAIVER AOUEME!fTS RE ADJOSTCO W1Œ1I DEEMJ:D APPROPRIATE - ADOPTED County Attorney Cuyler stated this resolution authorizes the County Attorney to execute non-waiver agreements when deemed appropriate to allow Adjustco, the County's insurance carrier, to defend the interests of the County. He expleined that on occasion the County receives ~ocuments whereby the insurance company indicates they. are reserving rights in regards to one or more counts of a colDpla int. He stated they forward a Non-Waiver Agreement for signa- lure saying the County understands they are reserving rights. He stated the appropriate office to decide whether they should be signed is the County Attorney's office. Coaal..ioner Goodnight moved, .econded by Coamissioner pistor and carried unaniaously, that Resolution 88-28, autborising the county Attorney to exeaute Hon-Waiver Agree.ents when de..ed appropriate, be adopted. Page 33 .. ,'J.. ' . lj:...,,'.. ~ , :'t . ì ---.-'.".'-..-- 1:- ~~~ t i~ r:.. f t' ~ " . { f ! . i .J , MIl 111 ntrl 54 JANUARY 19,1988 It- 110B USOLUTIOlf 88-29, APPROVING COlfTlBUI_Ø Ul'~1fTIOK AGUBMBlfT WITH THE FIRM OF DROll, SAVIJCAB, AJID BOD, IIl'D. - ADOP'l'BD County Attorney Cuyler stated that it has been brought to the County Attorney's attention that the County does not have a contract on file with this firm. He said this contract is not for any specific project, but for Finance and Purchasing purposes to make sure there is a contract on file end they ere authorized to process the invoices when received. CO8ai.sioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Comais.ioner Pistor and carried unaniaously, that Resolution 88-29, approvinq continuinq retention agreeaent with the firm of Karon, Savikas, and Born, Ltd., be adopted. Page 34 ~. t . ~ 111 rY¿ 60 JANUARY 19, 1988 It.. IlIA BUDOB~ ~u~rS 88-103/109 AND 88-11l/112 - ADOPTED cO88Ís.ioner Goodnight aoved, .eoonded by Comais.ioner Saunders and oarried unaniaou81y, that Budget Aaendaents 88-103/109 and 88.111/112, be adopted. It.. I11A3 Bt1DGft AXmIDKZJIT RBSOLUTIO. 88-08 - ADOP'l'BD CO88is.ioner Goodnight moved, seconded by comaissioner Saunders and carried unaniaously, that Budget Aaendaent Resolution 88-08, be adopted. - 5 .. Page 35 .,¡ ~: ' .., I j¡¡:jf), . " :. ..'. .rrrP:. ". .,., ,- ,~, ¡, ~... . ¡. {'. ',,;. ' ' ~, ': . ."'j ..,f. ~U~,:, ," \ "'t :~~ ..' " ". :;;",. .i~J, . ':V"', ,;;;. ~. .. ..:. ,+', " ,j'.. '~',Ir." -' " '~" "'~" , . "" ", '. " . '.. '.-' ¡ , .. - ------------..- .. -........,--.,. ... . ' , IOU 111 '1r,£ 62 I 'lbe followinq items were approved and/or adopted under the Consent Agenda upon action made by co..issioner Pistor, seconded by Co..i..loner Goodnight and carried unaDiaously: It.. 114B1 IXCAVATIOB PBRMIT NO. 59.316 - WESTIBaøOUSB COMMUNITIES OF NAPLES, IJfC. - PBLlCA8 BAY SYSTEM V, LAD 4 It.. U4B2 IXCAVATIO. PBRMIT NO. 59.185 - F~ AKD COBSTABCB CARDILLO FOR PRIJfCmJS PARK JANUARY 19, 1988 ... 1. The excavation shall be limited to a bottom elevation of -6.0 ft. ngvd. All disturbed areas proposed for lake excavation shall be excavated to ð minimum elevation of 0.0 ft. ngvd. 2. 3. No excavated material shall be removed from the project site. Where groundwater is proposed to be pumped during the exca- vating operation, a Dewatering Permit shall be obtained from the South Florida Water Management District and a copy pro- vided to the Water Management Director for his approval prior to the commencement of any dewatering activity on the site. 4. Where the minimum clearance between lake top-or-bank and building foundation is less than 30 feet, no Building Construction Permits will be issued for any proposed construc- tion around the permitter of any lake unless and until all lake side slopes a~jacent to the proposed construction have been completed and approved buy the Collier County Water Management Department. ---.---,-. 1. The excavation shall be limited to a bottom elevation of 0.0 ft. ngvd. All disturbed areas proposed for lake excavation shall be excavated to a minimum elevation of +2.0 ft. ngvd. No excavated material shall be removed from the project site. 2. 3. Where groundwater is proposed to be pumped during the exca- vating operation, a Dewatering Permit shall be obtained from the South Florida Water Management District and a copy pro- vided to the Water Management Director for his approval prior to the commencement of any dewatering activity on the site. Page 36 , f", , - - . , to.. : ,'. ',. ,,' , ~ ' ~""V1." " ,'. ~,,~, :>'~ ";1" . , , -' '-. , "', ':JI¡"...".,j~"", "':""~' .Á"'PJ'II ....." .-."..."o)!tJ::: .... .~~A ' ....'"~ Lw" ",' "~,:,~to;, ~ , .. 't....I'-::'t"'"", T7.: , , ,~ 'I I.., ' ; ,,"". "'Il:';""""",~, ,'.'~ "/{"OJ, , ',ft" ~ .... ' ,,' , ~. ". ,. , ....':, II"'" , - t, .. :~ ," ." . . ... . _#_------.,-.--.....,.....'. 4. , '(J.,. ;.t : ': --,. " ::; ~:~ . , ., ,J~ JANUARY 19, 1988 '. . All lakes with top-cf-be~k S~tbð~k5 1~~~ then those stipulated', in Collier County Ordinance No. 80-26, Section 8.A., as :~ amended by Ordinance No. 83-3, shall be fenced in accordance .~lJ with Section 8. D. of said Ordinance. ~, .; Itea t14B3 PUBLIC DAJU.G SET FOR JAHUARY 26, 1988, U CBRTIPICA'fB 01' PUBLIC CO.v£_I~ AHD NECESSITY TO FEATHERS LIMOUSI" SERVICB ~ CLASSIC TAXI It- 114B4 BID 110. 87-1185 FOR MEDIAH CURBS AHD 'ftJJUI LAJŒS FOR PHASB II, 8Otrl'B COLLIn BOt1LEVA.R.D, MARCO ISLAWD - PROPOSAL R.BJBC'l'ED - BID '1'0 BI R&ADVBRTISED ~ Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 9, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until 2:30 p.m. on November 25, 1987. Proposal received from H. W. Beaudoin' Sons, Inc. in the amount of $81,478.15 - rejected. It.. 114BS RESOLUTION 88-30, PROHIBITI.G TBB OPERATIO. OF TRUCKS AKD OTKBR COKJœR.CIAL VEHICLES IN EXCESS OF on TON FROM TBRU MOVBD1fTS OR KO~IBGSIDE DRIVE AND GRANADA BLVD. See page t,f It.. 114B6 BCOJlOMIC DEVBLOPM.BlfT TRAJISPORTATIO. P11JID AGREBJœJI'1' MODIFIED BBTWBBN COUKTY, STATB DEPT. OF COHKERCE, AHD PDO'f See pages '9- y.s It.. 114B7 STArF INSTRUCTED TO ADVERTISB, RECBlVE AHD EVALUATE R7P'S FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES TO DESIGN AX AGRICULTURAL CBKTBR It- tUB' aoo.: 1111'1~[ 63 Page 37 r~ , tIt ..:.~~ , ' '~.' J ~ 1 . ~ t -.,-..--.,..-., ,.... ... ~'. ... l11rr.t. 64 JANUARY 19, 1988 I'InL PLA'l APPROVAL FOR IMPERIAL naJC PLAC1I VILLAS It,. IUB9 LaM. ).GOEKEn WITH THE IfAPLES AIRPORT AtJTBORITY I'OR TBJS COIf'l'IIWBD US.. 01' PItOPBnY FOR A SOLID WASTE TRAIISnR STA'lION See pages It- IUC1 ~t, - JoS SOCIAL SERVICES CASES W-13642 AIfD W-13598 It- fUC2 COIfTIJroATIOB COlfTRACT WITH IlfDEPE1rD:nT PARAPJtOnSSIOJIAL (DLBJI POHLE) I'OR S~CES UNDER THE OLDER AKERICABS ACT TITLE III-B PROGRAM See pages lOt:, - I If It.. IUC3 RmrB'1rAL 01' LZABE AGJUlEMBJrf WITH ALL COJOI 01' IlAPLZS, IBC. J'OR COIITIIWED USE or TOWER SPACE FOR MEDICAL TELEKB'fRY COKKUKICATIOBS See Pages 11$- . / ~;;. It- f14C4 BID »0.87-1183 AWARDED TO T-B~IRT EXPRESS I'OR $8,593.'° I'OR RECREATIO. PROGRAM TEB SHIRTS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Nove.ber 2, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until 2:30 p.m. on November 13, 1987. It- fUDl Pt1JtCBASE or AX IBK 9335 KODEL B01 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE DEVICE IB THE AKOu.T OJ' '13,600 FOR UTILITY BILLIBG . It- fUD2 ..JAEGER PUD - SEWER FACILITIES ACCEPTAlfCE See pages g::: :~~~ î~~~:~:: ~:ïg~19 Page 38 "'f " ;:-'~., 'J~t1' , I " fl.' ;;-~: ~'~ "'~~'~ ~:} "!It.!, p', ." r " d': ~""""'J"" 1\' ,~;., , " ..', "', . t, ".:.h,; " , ",(~,", - ..' '. t . . ,~ :~. ~ i . " , .~. . . , . ",'" "'- ", '~,,"'., " . "'; '¥}' .f: '.. . .-------., ,...., .. ..:...~ '. ~~. . ~, ,," .. ~ 1 .. :J" . .'. .. L JANUARY 19, 1988 It- IUD3 CBAJlGE OIlDER 110. 4 'l'O EJlGIDEu.a SERVICES AGRBBXBJIT RB 201 WAS'l'B1Do'rER FACILITIES PLAX - JlOT TO EXCEED $11,000 See pages / a3 - / i}. f It- Iur1 AGU&KEKT IJlCUASI_a nKA BMBRGElICY KUAcaJŒ1I'I' ASSISTUCB I'tJBDS TO $313.16 FOR 7Y86-87 See pages /~- /~7 It.. U4G1 CBRTI7ICATES OF COIlREC'lIOIi 'l'O 'l'HII 'lAX ROLL 1987 Nos. 265-266 Nos. 268-272 Dated 01/05/88 Dated Ol/OS-08/88 1987 Tangible Personal Property Dated 01/96-11/88 Nos. 1987-87/87 It.. U4G2 8~ GAI. TIKB FOR IKHATE IIOS. 50283,55099,48805,54890,347'6, 41151,53926, 46093, 40639, 5~801, 40760, AXD 44380 It- IUG3 SATISFACTIOK OF LIEJlS FOR SERVICES OF THE PUBLIC DEFEJlDBR See Pages /~F- Ifl It.. U4G KISCBLLAIlEOUS CORRESPONDENCE FILED AXD/OR UFERJUm There being no objection, the following correspondence was filed and/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: L Letter dated Ol/O6/88 from Mayor Edwin J. putzel1, Jr., City of Naples, requesting appropriate steps be initiated regarding the spread of Lethal yellow harm to coconut palms: Referred to ECC, Reggie Brown and filed. &OO( l11par;t 65 Page 39 - , tl , . r t t . .~~ .J;' ~r~~' ,,"(. \.,¡ ,', ,~'. t.:h,j¡.) , ,,' ..<' ,:r '" ',""" . '" .. . ""';f»&_~ I t. ..,-_.... .-...-.-.-........,...--..- ;, ~ '; . I ft,~i~, ~'~ ! . ~:' ' . . ':j ~fljti1~,", , +~"f- <';.'f'.' : ~,~~¡:;.> ~.h: ..-.. . .... , 2. . .... . :.'. " ~ .,.. ~. , ~, '0' '~ ,J.,. ~ ',";,.. '," ",^,{ , .,. . ~ ", ' J~ ~ . i;;...,...,j~fJ.' "\,.¡t."~ ,)....", . """:f;:~.;..r...' ~:~"';.1:' JANUARY 19, 1988 Letter dated 12/15/87 to Ms. Lynette Wolfendale, Chief Executive Officer, Dial-A-Nurse, from Jean G. Jeffords, Program Coordinator, Collier County Services for Seniors, extending to Ol/3l/88, the amendment to agreement dated 04/13/87, between Community Home Care, 1nc, d/b/a Dial-A-Nurse, and Collier County. Referred to Jean Jeffords and f íled . 3. Memorandum dated 01/05/SS to All Potential CDBG Applicants, from Corinne Sharpe, Chief, Bureau of Community Assistance, Dept. of Community Affairs, regarding Equal Opportunity Employment Policy, Referred to Neil Dorrill, Wanda Jones, and Dave Pettrow. 4, Letter dated 01/08/88 from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Manager, DER, enclosing a short form application (File No. 2111437705), which involves dredge and fill activities. Refer~ed to Neil Dorrill, David Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt and filed. 5. Letter dated 01/11/88 ,rom Douglas L. Fry, Environmental "Manager, DER, enclosing a short form application (File No. 11l438545), which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt, George Archibald and filed. 6. Letter dated 01/08/88 from W. R. Trefz, Deputy Assistant Secretary, FOOT, regarding Notice of Announcement of Funds-Local Government Cooperative Assistance Program. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrill, George Archibald and filed. Letter dated 01/0S/8S :rom William R. Trefz, Deputy Assistant Secretary for District I, FOOT, advising of meeting to be held on Tuesday, Jdnuary 19, 1988 at 5:00 p.m. in the Roberts £enter in Immokalee, regarding Interchange at 1-75 and SR29, Work Program Item Number ll42202, State Project Number 03l75-l425, Federal-Aid Project Number 59-2087895, Collier County, Florida. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrill, George Archibald and filed. 7. 8. Letter dated Ol/O4/Se from Dr. Theron L, Trimble, Chairman, Library Advisory Board, listing positions they wish to be included on the agenda for communication to the Legislative Deleg~tion. Referred to Neil Dorrill and filed. 9. "4.i nu te~ : l2/08/87 - Golden GaLe Parkway Beautification and Ol/l2/88 Agenda 12/1'!/~? - ~'.'ilding C01e Adjustment" Appeal Board Page 40 !. .. ;,,' ~' . , . , . \".., . r ~ ~~: ' ."" - --"-'- ""'..0.......",.. ._..'-_.,-~_.- . .----.---... ._--~-_.__.....--_._~_._,..,---- . --,..... ,-- ~. ~.,"'~~"""'" ;;1(';~~' .. . ..{'.; it' . . JANUARY 19,1988 ,. lO. Notice dated 12/31/87 of Proposed Agency Action, Public Service Commission, regarding Docket No. 87033l-WS, Order No. l8622, In re: Application of vineyards Utility, Inc. for water and sewer c~rtificates in Collier County. Referred to Neil Dorri1l, Tom Crandall, Bruce Anderson and filed. Letter dated 01/05/88 from Robert L. Patton, Controller, Tax Collector, attaching a distribution recap showing year to date totals of taxes collected net of discount for 1985/86, 1986/87 and 1987/88. Feferred to BeC, Jim Giles, Lori Zalka, and filed. 11. 12. Copy received 01/11/88 of Tax Collector Budget Transfer/ Aøendment for year ending September 30, 1987. Referred to BCC, Guy Carlton, t~eil Dorrlll, Lori Zalka, Jim Giles and filed. 13. Order received 01/12/88 fro. Eugene C. Turner, County ~udge, Twentieth Judicial Circuit, regarding Case No. 87-2039-TM, State of Florida vs. Michael F. Farrington. .... There being no further busi1ess for the Good of the County, the 8Ceting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 12:lS P.M. .:.,,""¡, ill ~ . ,.'.. :':'.";.-. '¡I" ~f" .. : . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OffICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL C"'7'. ~ , F. ~ ", ~~~S , : CLERK a .,...G./ / - ~ ¿! - .d . ~ // ARNOLD LEE GLASS, CHAIRMAN ^:}: ~:? .3.7C-J-£:'" /£1::' . These minutes approved by the Board on-Þ~- -:ð/ "t /~ // as presented or as corrected ~. .~~ /3. Page 41 eoo( JljlJlFA~( f)¡r i f r. r t t.)~ " ., --'" -~.".-....-