BCC Minutes 01/26/1988 R -.-- Naples, Florida, January 26, 1988 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to lðw and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, E!st Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass VICE-CHAIRMAN: Burt L. Saunders John A. Pistor Max A. Hasse Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Maureen Kenyon and Ellie Hoffman, Deputy Clerks; Neil Derrill, County Manager; Ron McLemore, Assistant County Manager: Tom Olliff, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney: To. Crandall, Utilities Administrator: George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator: David Pettrow, Community Development Administrator: Ann McKim, Planning/Zoning Director; David Weeks, Dwight Nadeau, and Robert Duane, Planners; Bill Lorenz, Environmental Science and Pollution Control Director; Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. Page 1 '* 111 PAr~ 146 toO( l11w.t151 JANUARY 26, 1988 Tape 11 It.. 13 AaEBDA - APPROVED WITH CHANGES CO8ai8.ioner Goodnight moved, .econded by Commi..ioner Ha..e and carrie4 unanimously, that the agenda and the con.ent agenda be approved with the following changes: a. Addition of Item 'PI r. di.cu.sion and approval ot travel tor Building Permit Committe.. Addition of Ite. 12C re Board authorization to execute paper- work for Department of Community Affair. Grant. b. c. Itea 14B3 moved to Ite. 9B3 re recommendation to adopt a resolution awarding Certificate. of Public Convenience and .ecessity to Peathers Limousine Service and Clas.ic Taxi. Aððition ot Ite. 12D re resolution recognizing the secretary ot Transporation'a trip and the continued cooperation with Collier County. d. e. Bote of interest: An Ethics Seminar at 9:00 A.M. at the Regiatry and then at 2:00 P.M. there will be Leqi.lative Delegation hearinq in the Boardroom. An organizational workshop at the Courthou.e at 7100 P.M. this evening. Offer extended to Jame. aeardon of Kalamazoo, Michiq&D to become County's Emergency Service. Adlliniatrator, which will be formally presented on the agenda ot February 2, 1988. I tela' SA EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS - PRESENTED Commissioner Glass presented Employee Service Awards to the following employees: Page 2 " JANUARY 26, 1988 Joseph Magri, Building Code Compliance Gregorio Flores, Road & Bridge Gary Hamm, Road & Bridge Abel ?amos, Road & Bridge (not present) lO years 5 y~aCtt 5 years 5 years It.. t7Al PB?ITIOø V-87-16C, HR. JOHN SLOCUM REPRESENTING HR. 'HRS. aLEX R. JOHR80R, REQUESTING ~ V~RIAKCE FOR A PROPOSED ADDITION TO AX EXISTING STRUCTURE O. POLYNESIA COURT, MARCO ISLARD - DENIED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on January 10, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-87-l6C, filed by Mr. John Slocum representing Mr. & Mrs. Glen R. Johnson, requesting a 6'4" variance from the required rear yard setback of 25' to le'8" and a 2' variance from the required rear yard setback of 25' to 23', both for a proposed addition to an existing structure for pro- perty at the north end of Polynesia Court, Marco Island. Planner Weeks stated that this variance is to allow a building addition to a single-family residence. He noted that the property is zoned RSF-3 and is an odd shaped cul-de-sac lot. He stated that it contains 16,000 square feet WhICh exceeds the required lot. He indi- cated that the buildable area is adequate for an addition, but with the proposed addition, there will be an encroachment in two places. He noted that the proposed addition is a deck and canopy at the second floor level. He noted that staff does not find a land or structural related hardship on this property dispite the irregular shape and, therefore, recommend denial. &OO( 111 Plr.~ 152 Page 3 lOOt 1111'1".r.153 JANUARY 26, 1988 Mr. Gle~n Tucker, Attorney, representing the Petitioners, stated that the intent of the Zoning Ordinance is to promote public safety, convenience, comfort and protect the health and welfare of Collier County residents. He slaled that he realizes that the County cannot pass an ordinance that deals with every piece of property in Collier County, adding that thi~ property is unique due to its size and shape. He noted that this property is prime waterfront property and is con- sistent with other property layouts and values and is developed in an aesthetically pleasing manner. He noted that the architect felt that this .ínor encroachment would not affect the neighbors as it would be done in an aesthetically pleasing manner and would not detract from the goals of the area. He noted that he feels that this is a minimum variance and would not obstruct anyone's view nor would it create any hardship on anyone in the r,¿ighborhood. He noted that there would be no purpose served in denying this petition. He stated that he is requesting approval of this petition, adding that it would be con- sistent and would follow t~e intent of the ordinance. Coœmissioner Pistor stated that he feels that the walkway could be narrowed down and the whole addition shifted back so that it would not interfere at all with the encrcachment. He indicated that in his opi- nion this is not a minor variance. He stated that by the Board of County Commissioners granting this petition, they would be encouraging the right to violate deed restrictions on Marco Island, adding that this proposed addition c~uld not be built without approval from thE Page 4 JANUARY 26, 1988 review com8ittee on Marco Island, which has not been granted. County Attorney Cuyler stated that this petition is based on the Zoning Ordinance, adding that Mr. Tucker's client may have a problem with the deed restrictions, but this is not the concern of the Board. Coaaiasioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unani.oualy, that the public hearing be closed. coaais.ioner Hasse moveð, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unaniaously, that Petition V-87-16, Mr. , Mrs. Glen R. Johnson, be ðenied. It.. 17Bl RESOLUTION 88-31 RE PU-87-22C, THOMAS E. KUCK, REPRESEKTIKG HIGHWAY PAVERS, IBC. JœQUESTIKG PROVISIONAL USE FOR A PORTABLE ASPHALT COIfCRrrE PLAIfT EJl.ST OP C.R. 951, SOUTH OP S.R. 84 - ADOPTED Planner Duane stated that this request is for provisional use "0" of the A-2 District for a PQrtable asphalt concrete plant for property located approximately 2,435 feet on the east side of C.R. 951 approxi- .ately 2 miles south of S.R. 84 (Alligator Alley), in Section 11, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, !80 acres. He noted that all surrounding lands are zoned A-2 with provisional use for eart~ mining and ~ll surrounding lands are undeveloped. He indicated that staff has reviewed this request and has determined it to be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. He reported that staff finds the loca- tion appropriate and recommends approval subject to the stipulations in the staff report. 'rape '"' Page 5 aoo( 111 ,.ar,~ 154 tOOt 111 nr.t.l55 JANUARY 26, 1988 Plann~r Duane noted trot one of the provisions states that the plant must set back 500 fe~t from any property line, adding that there are 330 acres and with the setbacks required, there will be minimal impact on adjoining properties. He noted that this provisional use will expire in five years and will give staff an opportunity to review the petition again at that time. He noted that the CCPC reviewed this petition and recommended approval with an additional stipulation regarding hours of operation. He noted that there has been no correspondence received for or against the petition and staff recom- mends approval subject to the stipulations contained in the Executive Summary. Mr. Tom ~uck, repre5en~ing Highway Pavers, stated that the peti- tioner agrees to all stipulati~ns and development standards. c088issioner Goodnight ~oved, seconded by co..issioner Pistor and carried unaniaously, that Resolution 88-31 re PU-87-22C, Tboaaa B. ~uck, representing Highway Pavers, Inc. requesting provisional use tor . portable asphalt concrete plant east of C.R. 951, 80uth of S.R. B4 be adopted. Page 6 800C 111 '1~[ 163 JANUARY 26, 1988 It.. UA DISCUSSIOB BY GOLDEN GATE AREA TAXPAYERS ASSOC. RE SALE OF TRACT 81, UKIT 99, GOLDEH GATE ESTATES - PUBLIC WORKS ADMIH. TO RETURN WITH FULL REPORT REGARDIJfG THIS MATTER Mr. Joe Grimm, Director of the Golden Gate Area Taxpayers Association, stated that this discussion concerns the 1,lOO acres of land to be donated by Avatar Properties, Inc. He noted that there is one specific parcel, Tract 81. Unit 99, that was conveyed to DOT for use as a right-of-way by Avatar Properties. He noted that this parcel was part of the 1,100 acres that was to be conveyed to the County, but was sold by Avatar to DOT. He indicated that there is no documen- tation available that indicate~ what actually transpired with regards to this parcel nor is there anything available that indicates the size of the parcel. He stated that the County Attorney gave up the deed so that this parcel could be sold to Avatar and there was some money put into the Trust Fund. He noted that any parcel sold is subject to an HAl appraisal and subject to the approval of the Board, noting that neither was done. fie staled that in his opinion the County Attorney made a big mistake in hanèling this matter the way that he did and did not serve the Board or the property owners in Golden Gate well. He stated that he tried to find documentation in the Clerk's office on this .atter and could not find any. He indicated that the closing took place on December 18, 1986, and funds were conveyed to the trust fund in February, 1987, yet when he tried to find the documents in November, 1987, there were none available. He stated that the manage- Page 7 JANUARY 26, 1988 ment of the Trust is the responsibility of the Board and should be con- tinually watched. lie noted that this matter was improperly hðndled and if this type of situation continues, the Trust Fund may not be getting what it should. He noted that the Taxpayers Assoc. asked the County Attorney to apprise them of when a parcel of land was to be conveyed, and they found out 8 months after it was done. He noted that all .atters arc to be handled in accordance with the 1983 ðgreement and if the County Attorney is not aware of thðt, then he should be ordered to handle this matter according to that agreement, which will protect the property rights and interests of the residents of Golden Gate Estates. In answer to Commi~sioner Hasse, Mr. Grimm stated that the Trust Fund was paid $2,300 per acre, which was $1,700 per acre less thðn it should have been sold for. C~issioner Pistor stated that it appears that the sale rnðde to the DOT was better than the current value of most of the property in the area. Mr. Grimm indicated that there is no way to tell if this was a good deal because it was not appraised. Co~issioner Saunders stated that the Commission has done everything that they can do step-by-step trying to cooperate with Mr. Grimm and Mr. Braun in trying to get this matter resolved. He noted that the County Attorney has investigated various issues that there were conce~ns about, money ~as paid from the General Fund to the Trust Pðge 8 aoo( 111 PI',! l64 ......... >.-....... tOO( 1111'1',-165 JANUARY 26, 1988 Fund for the wellfield si'es, adding that he feels that this 1983 agreement has been followed. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that it was based upon his recommendation that this whole matter transpired, adding that in the beginning the title to that property was in the name of Avatar Properties and they were the only party that handled the transaction. He noted that if Avatar identified this parcel as a future parcel to be conveyed to the County, the County could possibly lose it to DOT without cOmpensation. He noted that DOT made an appraisal on this property of $4,000 per acre and there was 4.6 acrés of property con- veyed to DOT and approximately $18,000 was put into the Trust Fund. He noted that the County will end up benefitting in two ways, as the property was valued higher tha" what the County's original apÞ~aisal was for, which can be subst~ntiated in ð report that he will prepare for the Board. He noted that another benefit to the County is that if the County had title to this property, they would have had to donate it to the State for little or no money because when it comes to emi- nent domain powers of the State, they are a little different with County-owned property than they are with private property. He 8tated that the proper amount of money was received from Avatar and there were no overhead expenses involved. He stated that the net result of $4,000 an acre is very acceptable and he would be very happy if this . amount could be received from other property that is forthcoming. County Attorney Cuyler stated that the County did not have legal f I Page 9' I.t r .. .~. t JANUARY 26, 1988 H t:l~ on thAt propprty ...nli th4'>.rE:fore, could not. r~cord the deed. Hp- noted that the property has not been accepted by the Board as it is in a list of property in Phase II that the Board has not approved at this time, but it wa~ recognized that these properties were being offered to the County and if the County so agreed, they would sell that piece and give the funds to the County which was agreed upon. Mr. Archibald stated that the DOT is required to pay fair market value on that property which is what they did. He noted that the Trust Fund has benefitted greatly by the sale of that property. County Attorney Cuyler stated that there were only three people interested in appraisals; the County staff, the people in Golden Gate, and Avatar, adding that Avatar did not have any problem with the State appraisal, the County staff did not have any problem, and at the last meeting of the Golden Gate Taxpayers Association, it was conveyed to him that appraisals were not needed. Clerk Giles stated that the County received $l8,720 which would indicate that the County had rights to that property, otherwise, Avatar would not have had to turn that money over to the Trust Fund. He noted that it should have been brought before the Board of County Commissioners prior to any final transactions. County Attorney Cuyler stated that Avatar recognized that this property was going to be purchased by DOT and, therefore, sold it to DOT inst~ad of turning the deed over to the County, but instead, turned over the money from the sale of the property to the County. '°0( 111 fir.! 166 Page 10 '* 111 WJ.lõ7 ,JAnUARY 26, 1988 Mr. Archibald stated that if a similar situation comes up, it will be brought to the Board prior to any action and a full report will be made regarding the matler. He noted that there was also another issue, noting that DOT was only looking for 175' which would have left a saall parcel that could not be sold easily, but Avatar convinced DOT to purchase the entire parcel. Coønissioner Glass stated that he would like to see a full report regarding this matter brought to the Board. He noted that once all the facts are available, then they can determine what type of action is necessary, if any. Coømissioner Saunders questioned if condemnation was actually filed by the State, to which Mr. Archibald stated that he would have to check the court record3 to be sure. Mr. Grimm stated that the question is whether the amount of money received for this property was a fair amount or not and at this point, there is no way to determine this as the property has been sold. County Attorney Cuyler stated that this situation was different than most as the property was going to be condemned, adding that he considers this parcel of property an insignificant matter, but if the Board decides, an appraisal can still be made on that piece of pro- perty. Co~issioner Saunders slated that there could also be an ackrowledgement made that the land was not accepted and the money could be sent back, as the Board of County Commissioners has to make Page 11 final acceptance of all of the l,lOO acres. JANUARY 26, 1988 He noted that if the County does not want to accept that land, then the check will have to be returned and Avatar will have to be told to find the County another 4 acres sODeWhere else. Mr. Gri.. indicated that $33,000 was paid from the Trust Fund for an appraisal of the land in the Golden Gate Estates area, and now it is being referred to as a ~arket analysis and not an appraisal at all. Mr. Archibald stated that it is a thorough market analysis and was done by an MIA. Mr. Richard Braun, President of the Golden Gate Taxpayers Association, stated that he is not happy with the 1983 agreement, noting that there are certain guidelines that are not being met. He stated that very close to this property, there was property that the County was going to buy for ð landfill and the appraisal on that pro- perty was $11,000 an acre and staff recommended that it be purchased. Tap. 13 Hr. Braun noted that the Board was involved in the purchase of Lely Barefoot Beach and at that point, they were not happy with the State appraisal which indicates to him that the people of Golden Gate should not be happy with their appraisal either. He stated that ori- ginally the Trust Fund was supposed to receive $4 to $5 million for this 1,100 acres and now it is being estimated at $l million. He stated that the County has collected $89,000 over l4 years for fill and he has requested a copy of that contract, but to date has not Page 12 600( 111 w.~ 168 .. 111 w.! 169 JANUARY 26, 1988 rece i ved it. He indicated that if everything is done the way it is supposed to be done, then the County should have no problems in requestiog a federal grand jury investigation into the whole matter which would ~ke the people of Golden Gate very happy. C0Ø8issioner Saunders stated that if there are documents that are needed from the County Attorney, it should not take more than a couple of days to receive them after being requested. He noted that he has no problem in requesting that a federal grand jury look into the whole matter of the Avatar property, but he feels that it is not rational. Hr. George Keller, representing the Golden Gate Civic Association, stated that this transfer of properties has been going on for some time now and it appears that the State is involved in buying some of the properties which will complicate things more in the future. He stated that the Golden Gate Taxpayers Association is a watchdog over the property where the money is involved, and now that the State has decided to purchase a few pieces of the property, some of it appears to have increased in value. He stðted that he hopes that the Board and the County Attorney stay on top of this matter so that the County will get the best deal that is possible for this property. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, County Attorney Cuyler stated that the deeds were brought before the Board of County Commissioners last fall and recommendations were made, adding that since then the Golden Gate Advisory Committee has been reviewing certain aspects of the agreement and the deeds and will be making a recommendation to the Page 13 - .- - --.-..--.... JANUARY 26, 1988 Board shortly. Hr. Braun indicated that at th~ last meeting it was recommended that the Board accept Phase II and Phase III of these properties. c088i..ioner Glass directed that the Public Works Admini.trator prepare a report in ðetail regarding this .atter of the parcel that was sold to DOT anð submit copies of the report to all interested par- ties; that the County Attorney supply the necessary documents to Mr. Braun that he has been trying to obtain regarding the spoil banks issue; and that if Mr. Braun is interested in pursuing a re4eral grand jury investigation, he should contact comaissioner Saunders who will assist hi.. It- f9Bl PULIJUJIARY ACCEPTANCE OP THE WWADWAY AJfD DOIDGE IJIPROVBJŒ1I'1'S 111 arYXBRA GOLF ESTATES, UNIT 3 - APPROVED Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this is a 9 acre parcel of land that has been subdivided into a mobile home subdivision and all infrastructures, roadways, storm drains, etc. have been completed and inspected by Staff and it is, therefore, being recom- mended that the preliminary acceptance of the roadway and drainage improvements in Riviera Golf Estates, Unit 3, be approved. He stated that the developer is responsible for maintenance during the one-year maintenance period. c088issioner Plater aoved, seconded by Co..issloner Has.e and carrieð unanimously, that the ~r.li.inary acceptance ot the Roadway aDo« 111 nr.£ 170 pag.14 ,..-. -....--.. ... 111"...,-171 JAHUARY 26,1988 and Drainage Iaprovements in Riviera Golf Bstates, unit 3, be approved. Itea f9B2 AGREBJŒM'f' FOR PROFESSION~L SERVICES WITH WILBON, HILLER, BARTOJI, BOLL , PEEK, IJfC. paR THE S~B"L P~LH ROAD ZX'rB1fSION JtSTt7 - APPROVZD Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this is a recom- mendation to approve a consulting service agreement with Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI & Pe~k, Inc. for the preliminary study and final design and the bidding and construction. He noted that a taxing district was established in 1986 and at that lime, staff was directed to obtain a consultant which was approved on January 27, 1987. He noted that the consultant's contract includes a price to do the study analysis phase, to determine the character of the terrain, the vegeta- tion, the feasibility of building the road, the drainage and also includes the permitting meetings with the required agencies. He noted that the initial phðs~ will cost $75,000 and will take approximately 180 calendar days. He noted that this contract provides for Phase II which would be the final design, the bidding phase and the construc- tion phase and Phase II would take 270 calendar days and would be done on a percentage basis. Coeœissioner Pistor stated that he is in favor of this project, but at various times the DNR has recommended that this project not be done as they plan on buying ð lot of this land, but without this road, the people will be landlocked. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that there is a spe- Page 15 JANUARY 26, 1988 cial taxing district set up and those people are willing to subsidize the cost in order to provide an important link to the Estates. He stated that even if this road is built, it will not constitute 8 land use change. Cosaissioner pistor aoved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and oarried unaniaously, that the agreement for professional service. with wilson, Killer, Barton, SolI' Peek, Inc. for the Sabal Pa12 Road Extension KSTU be approveð in tbe aaount of $75,000; that the Fiscal Officer be authorized to obtain a loan to provide funds required over and above those generated by the tax levy for VY 87/88 and that the Chairaan be authorized to execute the appropriate agre..ents by and between Collier County and WiJson, Killer, Barton, Soll , Peek, Inc. Page 16 'DD( 111 p,r,r 172 .. I11nr-! 199 JANUAHY 26, 1988 It.. UB3 RESOLtrrIOB 88-32 AWARDING CERTIPICATES OF PUBLIC COXVE1CIB1ICE AJID JrECESSITY '1'0 FEATHERS LIMOUSINE SERVICE AND CLASSIC TAXI - ADOPTED Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the PVAC reviewed both petitions and in both cases, the applicants met the necessary criteria and the recommendation is for approval. Co88lssioner Pistor moved, seconded by coaaissioner Goodnight and carried unaniaously, that Resolution 88-32 awarding Certificates ot Public ConveniencA and Becessity to Feathers Liaousine Service and Classic Taxi be adopted. Page 17 ., . '* 111,i'.r.203 JANUARY 26, 1988 ***** Rec..s: 10:25 A.H. - Reconven8ð: 10:35 A.X. at Which time Deputy Clerk Hoffman replaced Deputy Clerk Kenyon ***** Tap. f4 It.. t9C1 BID 187-1208, EAST N~PLES COMMUNITY PARK PHASE 1 - PART 1, SITE PUPARATIO. AWARDED TO KITCHELL Am> STARK CONSTRUCTION COMPAJIY, I»C. I. THE AMOUNT OP $467,3'5.80 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on December 28, 1987 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Bid 187-l208 for the East Naples Community Park - Phase 1 - Part 1; Site Preparation (Rebid). Public Services Administrator O'Donnell noted that this is a rebid for site preparation, noting further that Staff had previously recom- 8ended rejection of bids which were received due to excessive costs. He stated that the specificat!~ns have been modified so that a more competitive price could be received. Mr. O'Donnell indicated that two bid proposals were received: Mitchell and Stark Construction Co. tendered a low bid of $467,395.80, and Haeper Brothers remained at their original bid of $750,640.00, further indicating that Staff is recommending the contract be awarded to Mitchell and Stark Construction Company. In answer to Commissioner Pistor's inquiry, Me. O'Donnell replied this phase of work is anticipated to be completed within the next four 8Onths and Phase 2 construction is anticipated to take an additional 4 aonths, adding that the new park should be ready to open within the p.']ge 18 .-.....-...... .-. JANUARY 26, 1988 next 8-9 JIOnths. Comøissioner Saunders commended Mr. O'Donnell for the rebidding of this project and the cost savings to the County of $250,000+. coaaissioner pi.tor moved, seconded by Comaissioner Saunders and carried unaniaously, that Bid 187-1208 be awarded to Kitchell and Stark construction Co., Inc. in the ..ount ot $467,395.l80. It.. t9C2 AGJUCt1LTt1RE DEPART1ŒH'l' ~UTHORnED TO ~ED WITH REVISIOB OF COOllTY ORDIKABCB O. LETHAL YELLOWIKG Public Services Administrator O'Donnell indicated that there has been lethal yellowing of palms in Lee County, further noting that the latest aerial survey which was done on December 2, 1987 in Collier County indicates no occurrence of lethal yellowing. He advised that the current ordinance is not adequate in addressing the problem and revisions need to be made. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, County Extension Director Brown stated that the current outbreak is in Ft. Myers Beach, adding that he feels the current ordinance which was written in the late 1970's, needs to be revised to meet current demands. He noted that the pre- sent ordinance requires innoculation. CO8aissioners Saunders aoveð, seconded by Comaissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that Staff review and revise the County Ordinance on lethal yellowing. aOQ( 111 nr,¡ 204 Page 19 ... 111 pr¿ 205 JANUARY 26,1988 It.. I9Fl TRAVEL EXPOSES POR TWO NOIf-COtnrrT EMPLOYEES' TRAVEL FOR BUILDIlfQ PERKI"!' COMHI"!'TEE - APPROVED County Manager Dorrill stated that the present travel policy allows various agency managers to approve travel for matters related to County business, adding that it is unclear as to whether it is for County employees or travel for the good of the County as a whole. noted that there were two members of the public who traveled to He Scottsdale, Arizona on County business as part of the building permit review, and indicated that in order to alleviate any concern, he would like specific Board action. Coaais8ioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodniqht and carried unaniaously, that the travel for two non-County employ.es be apprO'Ye4. It- 1101. SUI"!' TO DETBRKI1fB CONFLICTING CLAIMS TO WATER AJfD SEnR DBVBLOPJŒ1f'1' CHARGES - APPROVED Assistant County Attorney Anderson advised that in 1981 Developer -A- paid SlOO,OOO+ in water and sewer system development charges, when he pulled building permits for a condominium project, then later sold the property to Developer "B", who took out a mortgage on the property and subsequently defaulted on the mortgage, loosing the property to a bank. He noted that the Rank has sold the property to Developer "C". He added that Developer "A" and the Bank both claim the right to the impact fees that were pa:d, and Developer "A" has requested a refund. Page 20 JANUARY 26, 1988 He noted that County Policy is to treat impact fees as running with the property, adding that the County is right in the rei11le, n~t!ng that there are two people with conflicting claims to the money. He requested authorization to file suit, naming Developer "A", the Bank and Developer .C. as parties, and let the court determine who has the right to clai. the money, or if the County does in fact have to refund the money to the Developer who originally paid the fees. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Anderson noted that the current Developer has not paid an impact fee, but has received a cre- dit at this time, also noting that if the County is unsuccessful in litigation it will go to the new Developer for payment of the impact fee. In response to Utilities Administrator Crandall, Mr. Anderson stated that no outside attorneys will be consulted on behalf of the County. Coaa1ssioner pistor moved, seconðed by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unaniaously, that suit be filed to determine conflicting clata. to water and sewer development charges. It.. 11OB REQUEST TO RETAIN LAW PIRK SPECIALIZING IN LAND use TO ASSIST WXTH PREPARATIOB OF THE COKPRBHElIdIVE PLAlI AlID RELATED GROW'I'JI KAJlAGD21n' ISSUES - APPROVED County Attorney Cuyler stated that he is requesting authorization to retain a law firm, specializing in land use to review the Comprehensive Plan, adding that Staff is in support of this and it is Page 2l &001 111 ~~ 206 ------ . .. 111 PS".f. 201 JANUARY 26, 1988 in the best interest of the County. In answer to Commissioner Pis tor, Mr. Cuyler stated that the new Assistant County Attorney will be working on land use issues, but has been with the County for one week, and he feels the County's needs are that of a firm with expertise in land use matters. Co.missioner Pistor noted that Collier County is the third county to .u~it its Plan for examination to Tallahassee, adding that the finer the details are, the better the Land Use Plan may be. Commissioner Saunders stated that his understanding is that the vast bulk of the legal work in reference to the development of the Comprehensive Plan and any ordinance changes will be provided by in- house staff and that the retained outside firm would be to give guidance and review proposals to become final, as opposed to having the consultant physically here. Mr. Cuyler replied affirmatively, adding that he cannot over-emphasize the importance of the work which will be done over the next 6 months, noting that it will affect the County over the next couple of decades. Coaaissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the County Attorney be authorized to retain the services of a law firm specializing in land use matters to assist staff at the proper time. It.. 111.1. BUDGET AKB5DKENTS 88-114/118 - ADOPTED C~is.ion.r pistor moveð, seconded by Commissioner Goodniqbt and carried unanimously, that Buðget Amendments 88-114/118, be adopted. Page 22 JANUARY 26, 1988 xt- 112A COUJll'l'Y J.'l"TORlŒT TO DRAFT ORDIIfAJCCE REQUIRING PROPER'l'T 01I1ŒRB TO KAIICTAIJI PROPERTY IN CLEAN AJfD ORDERLY COJlDITIOlC - APPROVED Chairman Glass noted that trash accumulation and other disasterous situations are developing throughout the County, which is detracting from the quality of life and infringing on the people around it. He further stated that he would like to see the Board direct the County Attorney to draft an çrdinance with significant fine capability. Commissioner Pistor mentioned the Avalon Lake area off Guilford Road, stating that it hðS become somewhat of a dump, and he would like to know what the County can do to stop this. Deputy Chief Barnetl noted that there are State Statutes regarding throwing trash on another person's property, but the actual action of throwing the trash must be seen, further adding that an arrest and investigation canno~ be made by just taking a letter or something of that nature whi~h may be in the garbage. He stated further that he believes the ordinance which Commissioner Glass 8uggested would make the property owner responsible. He noted that the Sheriff's Department ha~ a deputy assigned full-time to the Sanitation Department, in an attempt to catch people. Co..issioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carri.ð unanimously, that the county Attorney's office be directed to co.e back with an ordinancft which addresses the situation of both pri- vat. and commercial properties with a view toward requiring it to be Paqe 23 aOOK 111 P£-:! 208 MOt 111 "...s. 209 JABUART 25,1988 clean and orderly at all times and not intrinqe on the public~.. or any thine¡ else. It.. tUB RBSOLOTIOB 88-33 R.E REAPPOIJfTKE1f'r OF ROBERT RO'1'H '1'0 '1'JŒ WATER KAIIAGEJŒJI'r ADVISORY BOARD - ADOPTED c088issioner Pistor aoved, .econdeð by co..issioner GoOdniqht and carried unaniaously, that Mr. Robert Roth be reappointed to the Water Kanageaent Advisory Board for a tara expiring February 25,1992. Page 24 - -- ... l11m211 JANUARY 26, 1988 It.. 112C AUTBOJUIATIOJI TO EXECUTE PAPERWORlt FOR DZPARTKEJrl' or COMK11JfITY U7AIRS GR.A1I'!' - APPROVED Co..issioner Glass advised that the County has received a grant in the a~unt of $114,685 for a traffic division in the Collier County Sheriff's De~artment, adding that he is asking for authorization to sign the grant and accept it on behalf of the Sheriff's Department, so that the program, which is badly needed, can get started. c088issioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goo4niqht and carrie4 unanimously, that the Chairaan execute the necessary paperwork to accept the grant on behalf of the Sheriff's Department. Page 25 - - aDo< 111 n-:~ 213 JANUARY 26, 1988 It.. 1120 Tap. IS RZSOLO'1'IO. 88-34 TO RECOGNIZE MR. !tAD HEtfDERSOø, SECRETARY OF THE DBPARTK£.~ OP TRANSPORTATION, TO REVIEW HIG~Y PROJECTS IN COLLIER COU1lTY - ADOPTED Commissioner Saunders noted that Commissioners Pistor, Hasse and himself are representatives from Collier County to the Metropolitan Planning Organization. He stated that Mr. Henderson will be here to discuss the ~any significant needs of Collier County. He indicated that the purpose of the Resolution is to welcome Mr. Henderson and to let hi. know that the County has significant issues with the State of Florida Department of Transportation and to urge that those issues be addressed and that funding be found for various projects in the County. Commissioner Pistor stðte~ that he feels the Resolution is a good way to let Mr. Henderson know that the County is glad he is here, and hopefully, he will obtain other "~nies for the County which are available. Commissioner Goodnight asked if Commissioner Saunders would include the widening of S.R. 29 to the various list of projects, to be sub.itted to the State, to which Commissioner Saunders replied affir- aaatively. co..i8sioner Saunders moved, 8econded by Commi8sioner pis tor and carried unanimously, to adopt Resolution 88-34, ~ecognizing Mr. Kaye Henderson, secretary of Transportation, to Collier ccunty and his con- tinued efforts in reviewing the projects of the County. pag.26 JABUARY 2', 1988 ... The following items were approved and/or adopted under the Consent Agenda upon motion maðe by commissioner Pistor, seconded by Comaissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously: ... It.. 'UA1 AKBMDK.EJfT TO AGREEHJ!:1fT WITH SOUTH FLORIDA WA'1'3R HAJlAGBHBJI'l' DISTRICT FOR FUXDI.O HYDROGEOLOGIC STtJDIES FOR DBnLOPJŒJrr OF A WBLLFIBLD P1WTECTIOK ORDIlfJUlCE See page ~~~ It.. 11481 AG1lE:~~WT WITH IHHOJtALEE ROTARY CLUB, I.C., FOR THB PURPOSE OF BOLDIKG ACTrvITIES POR A WILD BOG BARBECUB See pages ~ 3 - c:.1 ót t, It.. tUB2 LEASE AGREEKBIfT WITH JERRY HATFIELD FOR THE COIITIJII11BD OTILIZATIOK OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE IHHOICALEE AIRPORT See pages ~"'7- d.~ It.. 11483 - MO7.d to It.m f9B3 It.. '1484 PlnL ACCEP"rARCE OF THE ROADWAY AJrD DRAIne!! ZMPROVEME1r'l'S ZK JœJr1'OR PIKES AKD RELEASE OF CONSTRUCTIOK SECURITY It.. tUBS EXCAVATIOK PERMIT APPLICATION NO. 59.314 "DAVEKPORT PROJBCT"-IIIMOXALBE 1. The excavation shall be limited to a bottom elevation of +22.0 ft. nqvd. All disturbed areas proposed for lake exca- vation shall be excavAted to a minimum elevation of +22.0 tt. nqvð. Page 27 &001( 111 'A~.~ 216 '°0( 111'1(,1.217 JAØOARY 26,1988 2. .0 excavated .aterial shall be removed trom the project site. Where groundwater is proposed to be pumped during the exca- vating operation, a Dewatering perait shall be obtained trom the South Ploriða Water Kanagement District and a copy pro- viðed to the Water Management Director for his approval prior to the commencement of any dewatering activity on the site. 3. 4. Bo Building Construction peraits will be issued tor any pro- posed construction around the perimeter of any excavation Where the minimum clearance between lake top-of-bank and the proposeð building foundation is less than 30 teet, unless and until all lake side slopes adjacent to the proposed construc- tion have been completed and approved by the Collier County Water Management Department. It.. , 14C1 BUDGET AHEMuK£Mr TRANSFERRING MONIES WITHIN FUKD 306 TO COBTIRUB COBSt1LTIBG ElIGIJrEERI!iG CONTRACT FOR THB COKJrolfI'l'Y PARD 306 Reserve for Contingency 306 C.I.P. 6389 Engineering It.. '14C2 <$39,000> 39,000 COIITRACT WITH DAVID EtlGSTRAKD, H.D., FOR SERVICES OF TB1I IŒDICAL EDJUJŒR OPERATIONS See pages It.. '14Dl ~ ~/- ~ .I¡lfG BID '87-1201 FOR UTILITIES JACK AND BORE SERVICES AWARDBD TO CASABA COBSTROCTION - $20,000 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on December lO, 1967, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid t87-l20l for Jack and Bore Services for Utilities until 2:30 P.M., December 23, 1987. It.. '14D2 ACCBPTANCE OF WATER FACILITIES AT REGENT PARK VILLAS, OKE, TWO AND 'l'JlRBB (FORMERLY JQfOWN AS REGENT PARE TRACT "In) 1. The water facilities to serve the project cannot be placed into service or water meters set until the facilities have been rebacterially cleared to the satisfaction of the Ut i 1 i ties UfJCl d l iCJIl5 Depar ta,ent. Page 28 - - - JANUARY 26, 1988 See Pages O.R. Book 1324. Pages 666-673 T~1r8 t14D3 AJmlCl>II.&n JIO. 1 TO OGIJŒERIIfG SERVICJ:8 AGREED1fl' WI'l'B CORSOn, '1'O1nfSIœ'D AJrD ASSOCIATES, lIfC., POR 1f0RTH COtnfrY WASTEWATER 'l'UATJŒ!tT PLAIIT EXPAlfSIOB PROJECT See pðges I~.. f14D4 ;;.4S -~~ GOL7 COtJRSE EYYLUE1fT AGRBEHENT POR HIBISCUS GOLF CLUB See pages ¿;J.l7 -d2~ It.. f14G1 BXTRA GAl. TrxB FOR IKKATB RO. 30086 It.. f14G2 SATISFACTIOIf OF LIENS FOR SERVICES OF THE PUBLIC DBFEBDER See Pages a. 7~ - dJ. 77 It.. tUG KIBCBLLABEOUS CORRESPOKDElfCE PILED AIfD/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the following correspondence was filed and/or refereed to the various departments as indicated below: 1. 1986/87 Annual Report for Collier County received from the County Manager. 2. Letter dated 01/07/88 from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Manager, DER, enclosing short form ðpplication (File No. 111437095), which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Doerill, David pettrow, Dr. Proffitt and f íl ed . 3. Notice received 01/08/88 of Availability of Funds from DER, advising that DER is now accepting project applications from state agencies, water management districts, regional planning councils and eligible city and county governmental agencies. Refereed to Neil Dorrill, David Pettrow, George Archibald, Ron Cook and filed. Page 29 'OO( 1111'.,.,t 218 ... 111 pro! 219 10. 11. 4. JANUARY 26,1988 Letter dated 01/13/88 from L. Anita Trimble, Environmentðl Specialist, DER, enclosing a standard form application (File No. ll1439509 Marco Woods, Inc.), which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt, George Archibald and filed. 5. Letter dated 01/13/88 from Lyn Carr, Communicðtions Engineer, Dept. of General Services, regarding EMS County Award 87/88: proposed communications equipment procurement for Collier County, Division of Communicðtions Reference 187564. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Kevin O'Donnell and filed. Final Order dated 01/07/88, from DNR, regarding Permit No. A CO-163, Vanderbilt Beach' Harbour Club Assoc., Inc. to construct aluminum fence along edges of existing swimming pool and spa. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt and filed. 6. 7. Final Order dated 12/09/87, from DNR, regarding Permit No. A 00-164, Scottsdale Company, to use temporary construction area for vehicular operations and equipment storage. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt and filed. Contract dated 01/14/88, tHE 514, District Eight Child Support Enforcement, certification that charges for service of process on 48 chi1d support enforcement actions represents original service on cases identified by the Department as Title IV-D. Referred to Jim Giles and filed. 8. 9. Memorandum dated 01/11/88 to Prospective Government Sponsors of Summer Food Service Program for Children - Summer of 1988, from Harold H. Blanton, Administrator, Food and Nutrition Management, Fla. Dept. of Education, regarding participation in the Summer Food Service Program for Children - 1988. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Kevin O'Donnell and filed. Letter dated 01/08/88 from William R. Trefz, Deputy Assistant Secretary for District I, Fla. DOT, regarding Interchange at 1-75 & S.R. 29, Wcrk Program Item Number 1142202, State Project Number 03175-1425, Federal-Aid Project Number 59-2087895, Collier County, Fla. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrill, George Archibald and filed. IÆtter dated 01/11/88 from Chief Louis H. Stirns, Immokðlee Volunteer Fire Department, requesting reimbursement for rescue services at the request of Collier County EMS. Referred to HCC, Neil Dorrill, Kevin O'Donnell and filed. Page 30 - -- - l2. JANUARY 26, 1988 Letter dated 01/05/88 fro~ Dr. Theron L. Trimble, Chairman, Library Advisory Board, advising of additional issues to be reviewed regarding additional funolng sources tor library development through Impact Fee Ordinance. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Ken :uylcr and filed. 13. Minutes: A. 12/04/87 B. 11/24/87 C. l2/17/87 01/21/88 D. l2/l7/87 l4. 15. - Golden Gate Estates Citizens Advisory Comm. - Collier Soil' Water Conservation District - Parks & Recreation Advisory Board, and Agenda - CCPC and 01/21/88 Agenda Notice to Owner dated 01/07/88 from CES Industries, Inc., advising that they are furnishing miscellaneous electrical supplies and equipment for the Collier County Regional Water Treatment Plant, under an order given by Madison Electric Company. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Skip Camp and filed. Memorandum dated 01/15/88 to BCC from Aubrey Rogers, Sheriff, regarding Sheriff's ~onfiBcation Trust Fund Fourth Quarterly Report - 1987, and attaching report. Referred to acc, Lori Zalka and filed. 16. Letter dated Ol/04/88 from Wayne E. Daltry, Executive Director, SWFRPC, enclosing Resolution No. 87-7, regarding the due date of funding for local ordinance adoption. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrill, Jane Fitzpatrick, David Pettrow and filed. Letter dðted 01/08/88 from Daniel J. Mischo, Controller, SWFRPC, enclosing a copy of their annual C.P.A. audit. l7. *** aOOK 111n-.!220 Page 31 .--.--"-... 1111'lfÆ 221 JANUARY 26, 1988 There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 11:20 A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~~~ ARNOLD LEE GLASS, CHAIRMAN , ;""AÚO ,. II" AT'I'E8Tv ',~ ,. . ~- JNœ$,:c.. GUJ.~,f' ~ì(K :;" ::. """.., :j:[i" ~: :. - .' ,; -.... . ~ . ~ '" - , . ...- /fJ. ~,~-.~þ~t--/ £J.C- . These. !"i.nutes approved by the Boord o~ - ?/ t'./F/~ 8S presented ~ or as corrected . Pege32