BCC Minutes 04/05/1988 R ~ -- ~ . Naples, Florida, AprilS, 1988 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, 8et on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building -F- of the Government Center, East Naples, Florida, with the following .embers present: CHAIRMAN : VICE-cHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass Burt L. Saunders John A. pistor Max A. Hasse, Jr. Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Beverly Kueter, Deputy Clerk; Ron McLemore, Assistant County Manager; Brian MacKenzie, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Tom Crandall, utilities Administrator; George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; Jay Reardon, Emergency Services Adaini8trator~ Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. Page 1 &liG( 113,,1'.s. 01 ..-- -' "-----"q,,,,-- "" 113 fl','. 06 APRIL 5, 1988 (~ere are DO tap.s available for this ...ting due to malfunctioning equipaent) xt- f3 AQDDA AJID COKSE1f'l' AGE1fDA - APPROVED WITH CHANGES CO88issioner Goodnight moved, ..conded by Commissioner pistor and carried unaniaously, that the Aqenda and Con.ent Agenda be approved with tb. following changes: IteJI '5E Recommendation to establish Volunteer Appreciation Week - Deleted Itea '9B5 ~esolution re Walkway from Farmworker's Village to Village Oaks School - Added. Resolution approving the City of Naples, Florida, Hospital Revenue Bonds (Naples Community Hospital Inc., Project) - Continued to 4/26/88. I tea 1l2C Itell 114B2 Agreement with Billy Wilkerson for the purpose of allowing him to use County-owned land to hold acti- vities for a Rodeo - Moved to Item 19B6 Item 1l4C1 Recognition for Sublease re Clam Pass Concessionaire Service Providers by or on behalf of Association of Unit Owners pursuant to Section 23 of Agreement - Moved to Item 19C1 Resolution to establish a Volunteer Recognition Program - Moved to Item 19E1 Item 114E1 Item 114Fl Purchase of two hundred T-Shirts by the County to show support and encourage participation in the March of Dimes Walkamerica to fight birth defects in the amount of $780.00 - Moved to Item '9F1 It- 14 KIBtJTES OF KARCH 15, 1988 - APPROVED AS PREBElCTED coaaissloner Goodnight moved, .econded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the minute. of March 15,1988 be approved as pre.ented. Page 2 W' ~1'Þ ,,' "i'i/;.! if .'ö" r . "'" APRIL 5, 1988 nRVICB AWARDS - PRESEtn'ED Chairaan Glass presented Employee Service Awards to the following ellPloyees: Howard McFee Road & Bridge Road & Bridge 10 years 10 years Carlos Lopez It.. '58 COlŒIB JOmrSOK RECOG1f1ZED AS EKPLOYEB OF THE MOtfTB FOR APRIL, 1988 Chairman Glass presented a plaque and a $50 check to Connie Johnson from Building Code Enforcement for being chosen a5 Employee of the Month for April, 1988. It- f5C PJtOCI.AXA'l"IOJI DESIGnTI.G TBB REX OF APRIL 10 - 1', 1988 AS "THB WEEK OF 'l'1IB YOtl1fG CHILJ)ff - ADOP'l'BD Following the reading of a Proclamation re The Week of the Young Child, CO8aissioner Saunders aove4 it. adoption, seconded by CO8ai.sioner Pistor and carried unanlaously. &GG~ 113 "AI',t 07 Page 3 . ",----.--.,.. ".....,.".... ...--,-----.,,-.--,----....,-.--.-.. ..-,..- ~._-_.---,-'"._------""-_...,-_."._._-_.."'_..._...,. .-..,.,... ~ APRIL 5, 1988 DBBIGKATIKQ APRIL, 1988 AS "FAIR HOUSING MOIl'l'H" - ADOPTED Following the reading of a Proclamation re Fair Housing Month, Co88i..ioner GoOdnight .oved its adoption, .econded by Commissioner pi. tor and carri.d nnantaously. túû( 113",.t 09 Page 4 """""""""""""",----, """,""",,- APRIL 5, 1988 It.. f'BS kEBOLU7XO. 88-10 REQUESTIKG LEGISLATIVE COKSIDERATIOH FOR COHSTRUCTION OF A PZDEBTJUAJI OVERPASS OK S.R. 29 BETWEE1f FARK WOIUœRB VILLAGE AND VILI..AClB on BCBOOL - ADOPTED Coø.issioner Goodnight explained that this item was approved at last week. .eeting, however, no resolution number was assigned. CO88issioner Goodnight moved, ..coDded by Commissioner Saunders aDd carried unanimously, that Resolution 88-10 requesting Legislative consideration for construction of a pedestrian overpass on S.R. 29 between Fara Workers Village and village Oak School, be adopted. , Page 5 tGG( 113 '1'.£ 11 --..-"-.-"..,,-,.. " -" , UI( 113nr~ 14 APRIL 5, 1988 xt- f9Bl DIBCUSSIO1f OP OPEJlIIIG ROADS IK no RIDGE StJBDIVISIOII '1'0 GOODLE'!"rE-FJtAJnt ROAD - TO BE DISCUSSED AQAIII 111 ONE YEAR Public Works Administrator Archibald displayed an exhibit showing the Pine Ridge Subdivision, the interior roadway network, and the roadway perimeters. He advised that in 1981 the developers to the east of the Pine Ridge Subdivision agreed to support the extension of Goodlette-Frank Road for purposes of access to the new developments and i8proved access to and from the pine Ridge Subdivision. the developers support included: He said 1. 2. Partial acquisition of right-of-way for the new road. Subsidized cost of litigation against the County to prevent road construction. 3. Designed and gained environmental permit approval for the roadway. Constructed the extension Ii miles north of Pine Ridge Road. 4. Mr. Archibald stated that one of the considerations in the 1981 Agcee.ent is the fact that the extension of an arterial roadway would benefit the new developments, but also the Pine Ridge Road residential area. He stated the developers of Woodbridge and Sleepy Hollow pro- ject. have made a substantial contribution and their position is to open Coodlette-Frank Road to the north and also open it to the road- ways connecting it to the Pine Ridge Subdivision. Mr. Archibald stated that Option II is to open Center Street and Carica Poad (southern portion) to the Goodlette-Frank Road extension. Page 6 - - - -."'--..---" --"" APRIL 5, 1988 He said that Goodlette-Frank Road extension was completed in late 1987 and was available to the County, however, he had some concern about traffic and chose to keep it closed. Mr. Archibald stated that Option 12 is to keep the side streets closed because there may be a lot of through traffic. He said they are not sure whether the resulting traffic would be internal from the subdivision or external. Referring to the Exhibit, Mr. Archibald pointed out where the future extension of Vanderbilt Beach Road and Goodlette-Frank Road will be. He said at some future point in time there ~ill be access on all four sides of the Pine Ridge Subdivision. He explained that because there are currently only two accesses to Pine Ridge, there are a lot of internal trips. He said as time goes on and these corridors begin to open up from the internal network to the external network, the trip lengths will be much shorter which should result in a slower speed. Me. Archibald stated the concern is the volume of through traffic when the streets are opened. He stated that if the through traffic was in excess of 1,000 vehicles per day, it would cause a problem because the streets were built .any years ago and are narrow. Hr. Archibald advised that he is recommending Option 13, to open Center Street and conduct a traffic count to see if the residents of Pine Ridge will use it to shorten their trips or whether they will receive a lot of through traffic. He said that if they find that in addition to the residents, the external traffic is using it for a cut tfiû~ 113,,1r,[ 15 Page 7 "-"-.-0__" 0" ""." "G~ 113 pr,i 16 APRIL 5, 1988 through, then it should be closed until the extension of Goodlette-Frank Road is completed to Vanderbilt Beach Road. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, County Attorney Cuyler stated that Hr. Archibald is speaking from a practical point of view rather than fro. a legal point of view based on the Agreement. Responding to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Archibald stated that the extension of Goodlette-Frank Road to Vanderbilt Beach Road and I-.okalee Road is in the preliminary stages of determining alignment and negotiating a design contract. He stated the road will probably be connected to Immokalee Road before it is connected to Vanderbilt Beach Road, due to existing rights-of-way. Chairaan Glass read a letter from Sheriff Aubrey Rogers stating that he is in favor of opening Center Street and Carica Road to Goodlette-Frank Road because it will obviously shorten their response tille. In answer to Chairman Glass, Mr. Archibald stated that the design and permitting process will take approximately 18 months. Responding to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Archibald stated that signs would be posted controlling truck traffic and speed. The following Pine Ridge Residents spoke in opposition to opening Center Street and Carica Road citing reasons of endangering the resi- dents; too much traffic; and the developers have not given a good r~ason to open these roads; and the opening should wait until Goodlette-Frank Road has beer connected to the north: Jim Quigley George Keller George Buonocore Page 8 "'-"'""cc"c.."".-,.c_""" , .,,"..., APRIL 5, 1988 Tom Maloney Richard Grant Gr iff Paine Mr. Richard Jaeger and Mr. Guy DeLoach spoke in favor of opening Center Street and Carica Roads citing reasons of traffic improvement and alternate routes. Mr. Jaeger read a letter from the North Naples Fire Depart8ent citing they are in favor of opening these roads to i8prove their response time. He also submitted a petition signed by 80 people living in the Pine Ridge area that would like to have the roads opened. Mr. Joseph Bonness stated that he is not affiliated with any of the developers, however, he was a partner in the sale of the land and never anticipated a problem would arise 7 years later after the deve- lopers involved have spent more than $700,000 to extend the road for the County. He stated that the people against opening these roads are trying to do, through the Board of County Commissioners, what they could not accomplish in court. He stated this group contested the legality of putting in this road and the Appellate Court said the County should open it. He said the interim ~pening scheme creates an artificial situation and should be done permanently. He stated the County encouraged the developer to buy the rights-of-way and build the road and they even defended the County in a lawsuit. He said they should listen to the Sheriff's Department and the Fire Department when they talk about response time. Attorney George Varnadoe, -representing Levitt Homes, stated that tc,¡;( 113"sQ 17 Page 9 ---CC_d ."."""'.."-.-."'--.,,...- , &w( 113,,1"¡ 18 APRIL 5, 1988 when the Board of County Commissioners approved the agreement with the developers in December, 1986, the Executive Summary stated the County responsibility was to do on-site inspection and testing to undertake signaling at Goodlette-Frank and Carica Roads. He requested that the Board consider the message they are sending to the development com- .unity when they say the developers cannot use the road that the deve- topers built as contemplated. He then suggested that both roads be opened at this time and then be monitored. the suggestion for truck and speed signs. He stated he agrees with In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Varnadoe stated that at the ti.e of the Agreement, all concerned thought it was essential to have a westerly and south~rly entrance. An unregistered speaker of Monterey stated that build-out is expected in 5 to lO years. He said that one of the reasons for con- necting roads is that they intended to be part of the community and they would like to be perceived as being part of the community. He stated they consider the huge barriers to be a negative effect on their development. Ca..issioner Saunders stated that he takes exception to the inference that the County coerced the devel~pers into building the road. He said the County did not compel the developers to build. Mr. Varnedoe stated his understanding is that building the road was a required stipulation and in order to get those projects approved, the developers built the road. He said that became the Agreement between Page 10 APRIL 5, 1988 the developer. and the County and it was tested in court. Mr. Pat Ryan of National Development Corp., stated they anticipate breaking ground in the middle of this year and expect a 3; year build out. Another brief discussion was held on whether the County compelled the develo~s to build the road. eo..issioner Saunders asked County Attorney Cuyler what legal requiresents are contained in the Agreement? Mr. Cuyler stated that he finds no obligation on the part of the County to open the roads at this point. He said there does seea to be a general intent that those roads will be opened eventually and he advised the Board that they need to .ake the intent of the County clear. He encouraged the Board to aake a finding today and specifically state the reasons for their actions. C088issioner Saunders stated that he has not heard any compelling reasons to open the road at this time. He stated that they have asked for the expedition of the extension of Goodlette-Frank Road and this will not be inconsistent with build out of these developments. He said that it is his feeling that if the County opens these coads in two years,-it will not be terribly inconvenient. Commissioner Hasse stated his feeling that all those roads were put in to tie into Coodlette-Frank Road, whether now or later, and it should be done when Goodlette-Frank Road is completed. Mr. Archibald stated his position remains that if the roads are tliü' 113,.,.( 19 Page 11 ---""""""'-'" "-- . '10" 113n..¿ 20 APRIL 5, 1988 opened and are used by the people within Pine Ridge, whether now or later, the roads will handle that volume of traffic. He said that if heavy through traffic develops, then the County would want to try and stop that traffic. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Archibald stated it would take approximately 1 to li weeks to make the traffic counts and a couple of weeks after that for monitoring. eo..issioner Goodnight stated her feeling that Pine Ridge is not a short cut because you need to know your way around it. She said she would like to see the traffic count done before any permanent decision is llade. She stated her feeling that some of the people in Pine Ridge need these access points. C088issioner Pistor stated his agreement with Commissioner Goodnight. He stated they need a way to determine if the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. He stated it may actually improve the intersection at Pine Ridge and U.S. 41. Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department, stated that the 8Ost dangerous thing a driver can do is to make a left turn across a four-lane road. He said the people of Pine Ridge have to do this every day and opening Center Street and Carica to Goodlette-Frank would be most advantageous to them. He stated he does not believe that too much of an increase in traffic will be noticed immediately. He reminded the Board that if they have a car located in Sleepy Hollow and the Deputy gets a call from Pine Ridge he has to drive 2 miles or 8Ore to get there. Page 12 .è' j J".. t.~ .~ W~ 1t, f!; ',I< 'to r .. .:' APRIL 5, 1988 Co88issioner Hasse stated he believes it is advantageous to leave the situation alone for now, as long as there is a timetable of two years on the rest of the Goodlette extension. Mr. Archibald stated it will be 18 ~nths until construction can begin and then it will take approxiaately 2 years to actually build the road. Co88issioner Hasse aoved to leav. Center street and Carica Road closed until Goodle~te-Fran~ Road is completed up to Vanderbilt Beach Road or I8a0~ale. Road, whichever comes first. CO8aissioner Saunders stated he would second the motion if Co8aissioner Basse will acce~t an amendmont to direct Statt to expe- dlt. the extension of Goodlette-Frank Road and the issue of opening Center street and Carica Road be discussed iD approximately one year. Co8aissioner Hasse accepted the amendment and the motion carried waaniaow.ly. *** RECESS AT 10:30 A.K. RECOB'£a~D AT 10:40 A.H. *.. It- '6Cl COKSIDERATIOB OF AX ORDIKAKCE TO BS~LIBB A SOLID WASTE ADVISORY COKKITTEE - CONTINUED TO APRIL 12,1988 Coaaissioner Pistor moved, seconded by commissioner Hasse ahd carried unanimously, that consideration of an ordinance to establish a Solid Waste Advisory Committee be continued to April 12,1988. It- f9B2 COKBTROCTIOK DOCt1MElCTS FOR A FR.BIQB'l'/PASSDGER ELEVATOR FOR BOILDING "F" TO PROCEED - APPROVED Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the need and location report for a freight/passenger elevator in Building "F" has too~ 113 'sr:r 21 Page 13 -"-, ",--'""""-,, '* 113 "1r.r. 22 been submitted. APRIL 5, 1988 He distributed an exhibit showing the four highest priority proposed locations. He said the report states the two eleva- tors do a fairly good job but in consideration of our square footage and nuaber of floors, there is a need for more passenger service and a freight elevator for remodeling and moving heavy items. He noted there is also a safety factor to consider because at this time employees are riding the elevator with equipment. Mr. Archibald advised that the preferred location for this eleva- tor is on the south side of the building parallel to the existing stairwell. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Archibald explained that there is a requirement to have an area that the elevator opens into. He stated that this door will open against a solid wall. He said the ground floor will have a door and subsequent floors will have a retaining wall. Mr. John Keschl, Collier County resident, stated that passengers and freight are not supposed to be on the same elevator. He asked if this elevator will conform to State regulations and if it will be bigger than the prescnt elevators? Mr. Archibald stated that the elevator will be much larger than the current ones and it will meet code compliance requirements. He stated it will be large enough to handle stretchers for EMS, as well as large items. He added that specifications have been developed to allow the elevator to be used for both freight and passengers. He Page 14 .,.,.' '--"."" .,,'" APRIL 5, 1988 noted that in addition to capacity and design requirements, there are also require.ents for areas that the elevators open into and the the next phase will be actual detailed plans and specifications. Responding to Commissioner pistor, Mr. Archibald stated the eleva- tor would not be used for freight and passengers at the same time. Coøaiøøioner Pistor stated that he is not real happy with the II location, however, if put anywhere else there will be a loss of office space. CO88issioner pistor moved, seconded by cO8missioner Basse, to accept Location 11 and allow Staff and Anchor Engineering to proceed with Ph.... 11. In answer to Clerk Giles, Mr. Harold Hall of Anchor Engineering advised that the doors for ingress and egress will be located in the øa.e place they exist today and on the ground floor there will be a door opening to the loading dock. UpoD call for the question, the action carried unanimously. It- 1983 KARDTIBO OP COUJITY-ODED GOWEll GAD BSTATES LO'l'S AND AGREBHEN'l' WITH mBBJIAJI STODS ARKALAVAGE FOR APPRAISALS - APPROVED Public Works Administrator Archibald advised that Staff, the Colden Gate Estates Citizens Advisory Committee, and the County Attorney's Office have established policies and procedures that will allow the County to advertise for sale the CAC Properties transferred to the County by Avatar. He added that the procedures are outlined in túG~ 113 par,[ 23 Page 15 -"'~.._""-,_..".." "" to" 113 l'1t.t 24 APRIL 5, 1988 the agenda packet. Mr. Archibald stated that the procedure would require having an appraiser on board and Staff has requested that they meet the MAl requirellent. He said 5 proposals have been received and Staff feels CO8fortable with the proposal by Kushaan Stokes Armalavage in terms of price and response time. Mr. Archibald advised that after advertising and receiving a con- tract for purchase, Staff will have the appraisal firm appraise the property and if the appraisal value is equal to or greater than the offer, it would be considered a legitimate offer. He stated that as a dividing line, Staff feels no offer should be accepted if it is less than 90\ of the appraised value. Mr. Archibald stated that the agenda packet also contains a Contract with the firm of Kushman Stokes Armalavage to perform the appraisal services on an as needed basis. Mr. Archibald said it should be noted there are constraints other than the 90\ requirement. He said that according to the Agreement with Avatar, they have First Right of Refusal on any of the properly. He advised there is also a clause which states that the County cannot sell more than 200 acres in any 12 month period and hopefully that goal can be met in the upcoming year. comaissioner Pistor moved, secoDdeð by CommissioDer Goodnight, that tb. aarketlng procedures be approved; Kushaan Stokes Armalavage be cbosen as the approved apprai8ers for this project; and the Chairman Page 16 APRIL 5,1988 be authorized to sign the Appraisal Aqre..ent. Mr. George Keller, Cellier County Civic Federation, congratulated the Colden Gate Estates Citizens Advisory Committee and stated he hopes the Board will advertise this property during the best part of the year in order to secure independent bids, rather than selling to one or two developers. County Attorney Cuyler stated it should be noted that Clerk Giles' 8e8O points out that this procedure does not strictly follow Florida Statutes. Mr. Cuyler stated that this is an unusual set of cir- cu.stances and it is his opinion that the County does not have to follow the Statute in this particular case and he doesn't feel that this property could be sold under the Statute. He said this is a spe- cific agreement for specific purposes and he feels comfortable that the Staff's proposal is in substantial compliance, although not strict coaapliance. Clerk Giles stated that he has a problem with not strictly following the Statute on this iteø. Mr. Cuyler stated there is no case law on this subject and he is not aware of any county that is engaged in this type of situation. He offered to obtain an Attorney General's Opinion if the Board wishes him to do so. Comaissioner Saunders stated that he understands the Clerk's con- cern, however, he has no problem with following the advise of counsel. He asked Mr. Cuyler if the Statute defines what is meant by a bid and if the County gets two or more offers would that be considered a bid? tGG( 113 '.',[ 25 Page 17 ."'-'----- "." tOG( 113 ""~ 26 APRIL 5, 1988 Mr. Cuyler read the particular section of the Statute and stated that he has instructed Staff that the closer they can follow the Statute the safer the County will be. CoAl8issioner Saunders stated that arguably the County is complying with the Statute. Mr. Giles stated that the County also has an option on sections for parcels of less than 5,000 square feet. Mr. Cuyler advised the proble8 with that is the Statute is referring to size when it is a benefit to the adjacent property owner and is very limiting. He stated that from a practical point, the County will be basically in compliance with the Statutes. Mr. Richard Braun, Golden Gate Citizens Advisory Board member, stated that he agrees with Mr. Cuyler. He said the property is for the benefit of the people of Golden Gate Estates only and the County does not really hold title to this property, but rather it is held in trust. He stated that the procedure mentioned by Mr. Giles is lengthy, time consuming, and would not benefit the County or the people of Golden Gate Estates. Upon call tor the question, the action carried unanimously. Finance Director Yonkosky requested the Board to instruct Staff that any broker fees should not be netted in the closing statement, b'tt he would prefer to pay them directly. Page 18 APRIL 5, 1988 It- UB4 tJTILI'l'Y 7tCQUISITIOJl PROJECT, COIl'l'RACT .XTH MR. JOSEPH FIXEL FOR OUTSIDB COUBSEL, AND BIDDIHG PROCEDURES WAIVED FOR APPRAISAL SERVICES - APPROVED Public Works Administrator Archibald explained that the County is entering the third phase of land acquisition for the East and South Naples Sanitary Sewer Collection System project and needs to acquire approxi.ately 250 ease=ents in the next six months. He advised that ease.ent locations ~re being identified by Hole, Montes & Associates and sketches are being prepared by Wilson, Hiller, Barton, 5011 & peek, Inc. with ownership and encuøbrance searches being done by Lawyers' Abstract Service. Mr. Archibald stated that the agenda packet contains an outlined procedure involving approval of the project as a whole~ authorizing the Real property Management Department to prepare and accept any dona- tions without coming back to the Board~ allow Staff to utilize the current approved appraisers list and waive competitive bidding proce- dures; and allow Staff to negotiate a contract with Attorney Joseph Fixel who has represented the County for many years in condemnation suits. He noted that if any resistance is received, those particular ease.ents will be brought back to the Board. CO88issioner pistor aoved, seconded by comaissioner Goodnight and carrie4 unanimously, that the project be approved; staff þe authorized to record executed 4ocuaents witb tbe Clerk of Court; bidding proce- dures for appraisal services be waived and authorize Staff to utilize Uû' 113,~( 31 Page 19 '", . -----""'. "" 113 rv.J. 32 APRIL 5,1988 currently approved appraiser list; approve Attorney Joe Fixel as out- side ~el for this project and authorize staff to negotiate an agre"'Dt for Board execution; and authorize staff to process the Dec.ssary buðqet ..enðaent8. It.. '9B' ACnŒEIŒJI"l' WI'1'B BILLY 1fILDRBOII FOR ~ gaB OF COUlCTY-Olf1t£D LAm) '1'0 BOLD ACTrvITIES FOR A RODEO FOR THE PERIOD KARCH 25 '1'0 APRIL 18, 1988 - APPROVED Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that Mr. Billy Wilkerson has requested the use of a portion of the Immokalee Airport to hold a rodeo. He said this request has been approved in past years and the prepared agreement is the standard lessee agreement. He noted this operation will not interfere with the operation of the airport. CO88issioner Haase aoved, seconded by Coaaissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that the Agre..ent with Billy Wilkerson for the u.e of County-owned land to hold activities for a rodeo for the period of Karch 25 to April 18,1988, be approved. Page 20 " ---- "-'- tOG.( 113 PV-t 38 APRIL 5, 1988 It.. f'Cl Aau~r FOR. I.PPROVAL OP SERVICE PROVIDERS tnmER CLAM PASS COHCESSION AGRB~ - APPROVED Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated this Agreement is being presented to comply with the Clam Pass Concession Agreement which states that any other providers .ust be approved by the Board of ~unty eo.missioners. He stated the AVO has deemed it appropriate to continue to operate the food facility and sublet the beach and water operations to Adventures in Paradise, Inc. sublease requires the Board's approval. He stated that this Mr. O'Donnell stated that he has personally received the AUO Escrow Money of $450,000 and turned the check over to the Finance Depa r tJ8en t . co.aissioner Pistor stated that according to Clerk Giles' com- 8ents, the AUO has not paid any sales tax to the County since January, 1987. Mr. O'Donnell stated this was a misunderstanding that they did not have to pay this directly to the County, however, that has been straightened out. He stated they have found out that paying the sales tax to the County is a legal requirement and they have stated they will comply. coaaissloner Pistor moved, secoDded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the Reqistry Hotel, as the operating agent for the food and facilities operations and responsibilities at Clam Pass Park be authorized to enter into a sub-lease with Adventures in Page 21 ------, - APRIL 5,1988 paradi.e, Inc. to operate tho beacb and water operation on behalf of the AVO at claa Pass Park. ~Oü( 113 P1~ 39 Page 22 Uû( 113,v,l 40 APRIL 5, 1988 It- I9F1 PAnŒJI"l' FOR pURCHASE OF 200 T-SHIRTS TO SHOW SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGE PAftXCIPA'rIO. IX THE MARCH OF DIKES nLJtAJŒR1CA TO FIGHT BIRTH DEFECTS - AJkT:a:J1~1l SOURCE OF Ft1ØDS TO BE FOU1ID commissioner pístor stated that the Board is being asked to use tax ~ney for a charitable contribution. lie stated his feeling that tax ~ney should not be us~d in this ~nner. commissioner Saunders stated that he is Honorary Chairman of the March of Dimes this year, but he does not want to spend tax dollars on this either. He stated they need to find a way to pay for the T-Shirts through contributions. He requested that Assistant County Manager McLemore meet with him to discuss alternatives. xt- I9B1 coøSIDERA'rIOB OF RESOLUTIO. TO ESTABLISH A VOLUKTEER RECOGNITION pJtOGRAK - COIITIIWED Commissioner Pistor st5ted that he requested that this item be re80ved from the Consent Agenda because he feels further explanation is needed. Human Resources Director Whitecotton stated that this resolution is in recognition of volunteers that are giving their time to Collier County Government, primarily in Emergency Management. He stated Staff would like to have a luncheon and a number of other activities to thank these volunteers and it will coordinate with National Volunteers week. Assistant County Manager McLemore advised that volunteerism has Page 23 APRIL 5, 1988 becO8e increasingly important in the last few years in light of finan- cial crises. He said Staff's position was that Collier County needs a better way to recognize the people who substantially contribute to the County. C~issioner Saunders stated we need to recognize the volunteers and he would like to see some type of more formal recognition, however, it is his feeling that this is a little rushed. He suggested continuing this item to allow more time to develop the program. He noted that it is very worthwhile, however, he does not believe that it needs to be in conjunction with the National Week. CO8missioner Pistor stated he agrees with Commissioner Saunders and said if the Board is going to do this, they would like to do it right. He also stated that the timing does not give enough notice to the volunteers themselves to be in attendance. eo.aissioner Saunders moved, secoDded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unaniaously, that .stablishaent of a Volunteer Recognition proqraa be continued to allow other OptioDS to be explored and more Dotice qiven. It.. flU1U B~ AKENDMEHT8 88-174,88-180,88-187,88-191,88-194,88-199, 88-206,88-209/210,88-215,88-224,88-229,88-230, 88-234,88-248, 88-251,88-257,88-262,88-264/266 - ADOPTED Coaaissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendments 88-174,88-180, 88-187,88-191,88-194,88-199,88-206,88-209/210, 88-215, 88-224, Page 24 ~(ìû' 113 'VÆ 41 M ..-....---... ....., ~ 113 "V~ 42 APRIL 5, 1988 88-229,88-230,88-234,88-248,88-251,88-257, 88-262, 88-2'4/26', be adopted. xt.. fl1C BtrDGE'r AKBJIDJŒn RESOLO'1'IOIt 88-24 - ADOP'l'ED Coaaissioner Goodnight aoved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unaniaously, that Budget "'endaent aesolution 88-24 be adopted . Page 25 tGG( 113"1"£ 44 APRIL 5, 1988 It- f12A UBOLU'fiOJl 88-71 APPOIJrlI.G THOMAS P. RIDDLB, ROGER P. IIARVBY, GLENN E. BBRDTB, WILLIAM U. Ft71Ot, A1fJ) DOUGLAS G. McAUSLAND TO THE WIGGINS PASS AUA ADVISORY COMKITTBE Ad.inistrative Assistant to the Board Israelson advised that this resolution will appoint the initial ..-bers to the Wiggins Pass Area Advisory Coa.ittee to assist in conducting the business affairs of the taxing unit which was established for the maintenance dredging of Wiggins Pass and other channel areas. She stated the Committee will consist of 5 members with representation consisting of: One member serving with belonging to and recommended for appointment by the Commander of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary - Flotilla 196 for a three year term One member from the general Area -A" for a three year term. Two members fro. general Area "B" for a two year term. One member from general Area .C. for a one year term. Mrs. Israelson stated that after the initial terms expire each appoint.ent or reappointment will be for a term of four years. She noted that Mr. Thomas P. Riddle is the person recommended by the CO88ðnder of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary - Flotilla 196. She noted there are also two resumes received from applicants that do not reside within the taxing district and they are not eligible for appointment. Chairman Glass reminded everyone that this is not a hearing on the .erits of the MSTU, but merely the appointment of the Advisory Co..ittee members. He requested that comments be limited to that sub- ject. The following people spoke on the merits of the MSTU: Page 26 - - - "~"'---,'""_._"v,, ",,",-, "'---"-"'_""""----" ~ ,---.-,----.....-'...." APRIL 5, 1988 Mr. Na than Levy Mr. Reuben Craig Mr. Bi 11 Bergan Ms. Delores Johnson The following people requested that the Board be certain that the meœbers appointed to the Advisory Committ~e are in favor of the MSTU: Mr. William Funk Mr. Harold Tassinary Mr. George Keller Mr. Newton H. Howeo Mr. Ed Buckler Mr. Lee Frink Mr. John Gebo Mr. Roger Paul Harvey advised that he is a Charter Back-Bay Fishing Guide and he would like to be appointed to this Advisory eo..ittee. Mrs. vi Barklay, Vanderbilt Beach resident, stated that she received a copy of the Creen Sheet from the Army Corps of Engineers and the wording is quite different than that of the County Ordinance. She said the Corps refers to navigation and the County Ordinance refers to maintenance. She also stated that she would like the C088ittee to obtain a non-biased group to make a study of the water quality in the area, because the people are entitled to that type of inforaation before a program like this begins. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he has not seen the Green Sheet from the Corps, however, he will look into it and will be glad to answer Mrs. Barklay's question. Commissioner Saunders stated that he must disagree with the Page 27 tí.G' 1131'11".[ 45 : tCG' 113 P1'.t 46 APRIL 5,1988 speakers who want the entire Committee to be in favor of the MSTU. He stated his feeling that it is important to have a cross section of the cO1IIØIUnity. He said the first duty of this Committee will be to con- duct a survey to determine s'Jpport, and they will focus on the best ways to accomplish the task. He stated that 1£ support is determined, he is sure that any members of the Committee who are not in favor, will also focus on the best ways to accomp~ish the task, if that is what the ~jority of the Community wishes. The following aotions were ..de adoptinq Resolution 88-71 Appointing 5 Meabers to the Wiggins Pass Area Advisory Committee: CO88issioner Saunders aoved, secoDded by C088issioner pistor and carried unaniaously, that Thomas P. Riddle, as the Coast Guard repre- seDtative, Mr. aoqer P. Harvey, and Mr. Glen Bernath be appointed to the wigqiDS Pass Advisory coaaittee. CO8aissioner Saunders moved, to appoint Mr. william Funk and Mrs. vi Barklay to the wiggins Pass Area Advisory comaitt.e. Mrs. Barklay advised that she will be out of town from April 22, 1988 to May 10, 1988 and that she does not go out at night. CO88issioner Saunders withdrew hi. aotion. eo.aissioner Saunders aoved, seconded by commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that Mr. Willi.. U. Funk be appointed to the Wiggins Pass Area Advisory Co..itt... coaaissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carri.d unanlmously, that Mr. Douglas KcAusland be appointed to the wiqqin. Pass Area Advisory co..itte.. Page 2.8 - - - ,,-,--~ ---- ~ 113 w~ 48 APRIL 5, 1988 It.. f12B DISCUSSIOW OF BCC SUPPORT FOR PROFESSIOKAL 3ABEBALL IN COLLIER COUNTY - COUJITT ATTORXEY DIREC'l'ED TO DRAI"l' JŒBOLUTtOJf Chairaan Glass stated that he added thi3 item to the Agenda because he was requested by the Chamber of ~ommerce to support obtaining a professional baseball tea. for 3pring training in Collier County. He stated that Commissioner Pistor has been very active in this endeavor and it is a worthy cause for 3tudy and discussion. eo..issioner Pistor stated that if they put together a resolution showing that the Board and the people of Collier County support obtaining a baseball team for spring practi~e, the Board would have to reinstitute the Tourist Development Council to work on the Tourist Developgent Tax which could be used for con3tructing the complex and other things. He not~ they only have to l.>ek at what Lee County has done with their Tourist Development Tax 8On~ to see its benefits. Co88i..ioner pi.tor aoved, seconded by Commi.sioner Qoodnight and carried unanlmously, that the County Attornsy be directed to draft a resolution shoving the Board is interested in trying to attract a pro- fe.sional ba.eball te.. to Collier County f~r spring training, and briDq it back to the Board. CO8AIissioner Hasse stated that he would also like to know how a facility of this type will impact Collier C~untyts facilities. coaaissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that the County Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance establishing the Tourist Development Council. Page 29 "."---'-'" APRIL 5, 1988 * * * eo.ais.ioner pistor 8oved, seconded by comaissioner Goodnight and carried unani8OUsly, that the followinq it... be approved and/or adopted under the Consent Agenda: * * * I'lEX f14B1 BID 188-1223 FOR MILLIBG OF ABPHALœ ROADWAYS AWARDED TO TURTLE SOtrl'BEAST, IIIC . ITEK 114B2 - MOVED TO 9B' I'lEX f14B3 PUBLIC HBAKXøO SET FOR APRIL 19,1988 TO COØSIDER AWARDIBO A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC COBVE1lIEBCE AJID IŒCESSITY TO EXECUNET 'l'RAJIS PO RTA'I' 1 0 B S Y S T EHB It- ,14B4 ACCBPrAJICB AJID RECORDIBO OF QUITCLADI DEED AlID TWO PARTIAL RELEASES FOR ROAD RXGBT-OF-WAY, LIT'l'LE RED CABOOSB, JKC. mnrED BY LARRY BASIlt See Pages Documents not recei~ed as of 04/14/88 ITEJI 114B5 AL'rERD'rIVB 11 LAJmSCAPB DESIQ1fS FOR ':rBB IlEJ.LTB SERVICES BUILDING TO BE LOCATED IK THE JfORTJŒ1UI , EAS'I'E1Uf AJŒA OF THE GOVE1UQŒ1IT CElCTER I'I'BIJ f14C1 - MOVED TO 9Cl I'1'EJI 114D1 ACCBPTAJICE OF WATER FACILITIES - SDCRBST SCHOOL, PHASE I OF tJØITY DY Recorded in O.R. Book 1340. PðgeS 363-374 I'1'BII 114D2 ACCBPrABCB OF ST. MORITZ CONDOMIK1UM DTER FACILITIES Recorded in O.R. Book 1340. Pæges 375-386 ITEII 114D3 ACCBP'I'AØCE OF VINEYARDS, PHASB 1 - UBI'I' 1 - WATER FACILITIES tOIi~ 113 P"~E '49 Page 30 "'" 113 ~'~ ~O APRIL 5, 1988 Recorded in O.R. Book 1340. Pa~es 2253-2265 I'I'EK f 14 D4 AUTBOJl1D'1'1OJ1 FOR UTILITIES STAFF TO RBQtJEB'l' PROPOSALS FOR PROJECT AND GRAft ADlaJl1BTRATIOB AcnvITIES ABD APPROVAL OF STA.1'7 COKStJLTAJrr SBLEC'lXOJI COKKIT'l'EB I'I'EK f14E1 - MOVED TO '9Bl XTBK 1141'1 - MOVED TO "1'1 n'EII f14C11 CJ!Ut~InOTES FOR CORRBC'lXOJl TO TBJ: TAX ROLLS 1987 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PR~PERTY Nos. 1987-95-100 I'l'EJI'14C12 Dated 3/22-28/87 GAX8 ~ FOR IKKA'fES MOS. 21701,2432', AXD 48935 It- '14G3 SATISFAC'fIOK8 OF LIEJI FOR PUBL:C DB'..OER See Pages -~ 3 -..s 7 I'rBII'140 JUSCELLAlfEOUS CORRESPOlfDE!fCE FILED AJID/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the following =orrespondence was filed and/or referred to the various departments a3 indicated below: 1. 03/24/88 Letter from Earl H. Parmer, Director, Division of Housing and Community Development, 3dvising that our appli- cation for funding under the Anti-Drug Abuse Criteria was in error and an appeal must be filed. Referred to Neil Dorrill and filed. 03/01/88 Letter from James L. Quinn, Chief, Bureau of Local Planning, Department of Community Affairs, re contract bet- ween the DCA, Collier County and th~ City of Naples which 2. Page 31 10. ITmI'14Bl APRIL 5, 1988 provide Reserve Funds for the development of ð special pro- ject (Comprehensive Plan). Referred to Neil Dorrill and Tom Olliff, with attachments and filed. 3. 03/22/88 Final Order from the Department of Natural Resources regarding application of the Gulfview Apartments of Marco Island for a coastal construction control line permit in Collier County, Permit No. CO-169. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Dr. Proffitt, Tom Olliff and filed. 03/21/88 letter from Virgil Choate, Correctional Officer Inspector II, Florida Department of Corrections regarding Immokalee Stockade Inspection Report dated 03/15/88. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrill and filed. 4. 5. Letter date1 03/2l/88 from Freidin 'Hirsh, P.A. to EMS, re Liberal v. Department of Emergency Medical Services, etc., et al. Referred to Neil Dorrill, ¥en Cuyler, Jay Reardon and filed. Letter dated 03/07/88 from Bill Fussell, Chairman, Lee County Commission, re jail overcrovding and expansion of the current jail capacity. Referred to Neil Dorrill and filed. 6. 7. Minutes: Filed. 8. 03/30/88 - Agenda - CCPC/CAC 03/01/88 - Marco Island Beautification Board Notice to Owner dated 03/23/88 fron Armadillo Plate Glass, Inc., advising that glass glazing store front has been fur- nished for the improvement of the t~rco Island Library, under an order given by Cornerstone General Contrs. Referred to Neil Dorrill, George Archibald and filed. 9. Letter dated 03/27/88 fro. Theodore P. Litwin, president, Sandpiper Bay Club, Inc., attaching a petition with signa- tures requesting that a sidewalkjblkepath and street lights be extended from the entrance to Royal Harbor along the south side of Marlin Drive to Palm Street. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrill and filed. . Letter dated 03/24/88 from Guy L. Carlton, Tax Collector enclosing a copy of Ordinance 87-17, which increases vessel registrations by 50\, effective June 1, 1988. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Lori Zalka and filed. aGO' 113,¡r,t 51 Page 32 "" 113 w,¡ 52 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOAP.D OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL APRIL 5,1988 REBOLO'rIO1I 88-72, CAlfCELLIBca 'l'1Œ ACCRUAL O~ AD VALOREM TAXES OR THE 3.5 ACRES OF LARD DEEDED TO COLLIER COttKTY BY WESTIBGBOOSE- ADOPTED See Page!Þ .5 ~ - 6 .3 ... There being no further business for th~ Good of the County, the 8eeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 12:25 P.M. A T'l'EST : JAMES C. GILES, CLERK /fr: 4: ". j ~< f) .C - These minutes approved by the Board on as presented ~ or as corrected t2--d ¿ ./::J.& ARNOLD LEE GLASS, CHAIRMAN ~c2C:,ð// Page 33