BCC Minutes 04/26/1988 R Waple., Plor1da, April 28, 1188 LET IT BE RDŒMBERED, that the Board of County C0881..1cmer. in and for the County of Collier, and al8O act ing .. the Board of Zoning and Appeal. and a. the governing boardCs) of such special district. as have been created according to law and having conducted busine.s herein, ..t on this date at 1:00 A.M. in a&GULAa SlSSIo. in Building .p. of the GoverD8ent Coaplex, East .aple., Plor1da, with tbe following 8e8ber. present: CllAIRMAJI : VICE-CllAIRMAJr: Arnold Lee 61... Burt L. Saunders .1ohn A. P1.tor Max A. -- Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT, .1.... C. G11e., Clerk; .1ohn Yonko.ky, Pinance Director; Beverly Eueter and Ellie Boffaan, Deputy Clerks; We11 Dorri11, County Manager; Ron McLe80re, As.i.tant County Manager; lCen Cuyler. County Attorney: Tea Olliff, Ac~ing CO88Unity DeveloP88nt Adaini.trator; David Weeks, Dwight Wadeau, and Pb1Up Scheff, Planners: Tea Crandall, Utilitie. Ada1ni.trator; George Archibald, Public Morka Adalni.trator: Kevin O'Donnell, Public Servic.. Ada1ni.trator: Sue PUaon, Board Secretary: and Deputy Chi.f Ray Barnett. Sheriff's Depart8eftt. I' '* 113 r~'.: 325 Page 1 ---.-..-. . APRIL 28, 1188 hpe ft Itea n aamma UD CODa-z. AGDDA - Uf'kuv&u WITH ClWlQU C-t..10ftft' II.... 80"~, aec;0DdecS '" Co8a1..10ftft' SallD4wr. 8114 carr184 ~h.oa.l,., that the AgeD4a 8D4 Coa8eDt AgeDda be appr0ve4 w1t:b t:be followiDg c~: It.. '8A Mr. Cralg R. NoodNard reque.tlng public petition regarding Mbodlake Condoa1niU8 bond reduction - Continued to May 10. 1188. It.. "Al Reco...ndatlon to i.sue t..porary perait and hold harale.. agree88Dt for Mind8tar/Bigh School band benefit - Added It.. "V3 01.cue.10n regarding water re.trictions for Marco I.land - Added It.. 'IV" RecO88endatlon to ado~t a Re.olut1on which expre.... the Board of County Co8ai..icmer.' support of the pl'OpO8ed aandate. 88eDd8ent to tbe Florida Constitution - Added Minor 88eDd8ent. to proposed c¿"ater /Sewer Di.trict bill - Aðded It.. 'lOA Itell 128 01.cue.ion of d1..01ution of Marco I.land Beach Renouri.b8ent Co..1ttee - Added It.. '14C2 Agre-.ent for approval of 8ervice provider. under Cl.. Pas. Conce..1on Agre...nt - Moved to Ite. "Cl It.. '14£3 Reco...ndation to adopt a re.olution e.tabl1.hing. .ack1ng policy for County eaployee. in all County governaent building. - Moved to Ite. '9El It88 .. MnrVXAa cø APRIL 8 . 12. 1988 - Aft>MIY&U AS PUS";¡-&U C-t..loaer -- 1ICWeCS, 88CODded '" Co8a1..ioaer ~.r. and C8r1'Ja4 1ID8Di80u8ly, that .the a.tmat.. of April 8 8D4 12, 1988, be ~O"e4 .. presented. 801( 113 nr-! 331 Page 2 ---_.,."..,^"" .. 113 n~.s. 332 APa%L 28,1188 I tea - Add8cS ItUOft OIl JIAJtCB OW DIDS W.aT-zAJUlUCA - PRDbT&U Buaan Resources Director Tea Whitecotton reported that Collier County Oovernaent Staff raised over 810,000 in donations for tbe March of Di.... Øe said 175 eaployees walked in tbe event and won tbree out of the four &warda presented. Mr. Whitecotton then presented the awarda to the Board of County Co8a1_1oaer8 . r In. ftA DIPf.ØYD 8kY.lCK AIUJmS - PDS&.T&U Chairaan Glass pre..nted !8ploy- Service Awarda to the follow1ng eaploy..s: Barbara Pedone Glen Price County Manager Aquatic Plant 8 ye 81'8 8 years I~- ft. PJIOD .1& AII&RDS - PUS D T &II TO DIS ~ . Co8ai.s10ner Goodnight explained the Phoenix Award Progr.. and the following EMS !aployee. were pre..nted with the Award: Randy Carroll -8081 Praque la (2 Halter KOpka III -ancy Erei.bargh Jei. Lank .1eff Page T.rri Orteagren Dabble ZiegenfU8. Paul "Ueon awarda ) Page 3 -----.., APRIL 28, 1988 I t8a .., ~ MllnG8 DaIGJlATI8 'fD hu.T8 '" MAY, 1188 AS 8OLDD AlaaICUS' *'-~. - ~.-u hl1ow1Dg tbe rea4tng of . Proc~tion I'egardJag Older A88r1cana' IIoDUa" Cbalr88D cu- 8OV~ it. adoption, MCOftde4 by Co8aJ..ioner -"'..1U6 8Dd carrIed ftft4mt80a81y. aooc 113 rr.1 333 P8ge 4 -.--,,-.. _._..-..~- - - - APa%L 28,1988 It88 ftD ...-ruan08 DUIGBTIJIG 'lD IfDJt '" APRIL 24TH - 30TJ1, 1988 AS 8caauI'r aJOCAUOII tn1rr8 - ADOPtau ~llow.tag the reading of a Procl...tion regarding Credit Education Meek, CIIaU'88D Gla88 110.84 it. adoption, 88CODded by Co8aJ..1oaer . - . . IIDII C8Z"I" Ja4 ~ t 1tOa81 Y . . .. 113,"".1 335 Page 8 -----'~-""- .. - - - APRIL 28,1188 Itea ft. Wol1ow1ag the reading of . Procl_tion regarding Respect The Law ....It, .--t..ioaer ~ 80.,.4 it.- 8dopt1on, 88COft48d by C-t-1oaer Pi8tor 8D4 carried 1ID8DJ80a81y. .. 113 ~.~ 337 Page 8 ----."." APRIL 28,1188 It"'...1 oaDnr&JIC'& 88-38, PK'rITIo. 1'I)A-88-1SC, WILSOJI, MILLD, 8A.R"lOII, SOLL UD PKZE, IE. ~"T1JrG 3AK1S K. ".IJIG8at ~d, AJØJlDIIfG 'fD US'!' 'lOLL PLAZA RV USORT POD - ADOn &II Legal notice having been publiabed in the .aples Daily.ews on Marcb 25. 1188 a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with tbe Clerk. public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance ..ending OrdInance 85-57, which establiabed the East Toll Plaza POD. Planner Meeks showed tbe location of the subject property on a wall ..p and stated that the proposed aaend8ent will decrea.e tbe nuaber of lots fro. 240 to 165, increase the .ize of tbe pre.erve area. relocate the recreational 8pace and aaend tbe POD Master Plan. Be noted that tbe petItioner ia reducing tbe iapact of the property itself and decre.sing its usability. Mr. Meeks stated Staff baa no objections to the petition and rec:oll8end approval subject to 8tipulation.. Mr. Alan Reynold. of Milson, Mill.r, Barton, SolI. Peek, Inc., stated they agree with Staff stipulations. c-t..icmer Slnmdera 8Oged, 88CODded '" Co8a1aoioaer Pi.-tor and e&n'i84 1ID8Di80u8ly, that the pablic bearing be cl0ae4. C-ie.100er Pi.tor 80v.4, aeccm4ed by CO88i..iOlMtr Baa- aDd C8r1'i84 aD8n1aoualy, that the ord1DaDc. .. maabered and titled below be adopted subject to tbe Pet1tI00er'. Agr....nt and entered into Ord h.~ Book JIo. 30 tOOlt 113 nr.~ 339 Page 7 -------. lOG( 113 "~.I. 340 APRIL 26, 1188 OJmIJlAJlca 110. 88-38 U ORDIWUCE AMDÐIKO ORDIWUCE 88-87, WHICH ESTABLISJŒD TIlE EAST TOLL PLAZA PUD, BY AMEIfDIWG SZCTIOK II, STATEMENT OP I.l~r; AMEXÐIWO SECTIOW ..3, PERMITTED USES AWn STRUCTURES; AMEIfDI.G SECTIOJl ..., PERMITTED MAXIMUM IWMB£R OP R.V. LOTS; AMEXÐIWG SECTIO. ..1, MIWIMOM OPF-STREET PARXIWG; AHEKDIWO SECTIOW 5.2. P.U.D. MASTER PLAØ; AMEKDING SECTIOW 5.., TRAFFIC IMPROVEn&~TS, AMEØDIWO SECTIOW 5.6, UTILITIES; AMEIfDIKG SECTIOW 5.8, SUPPERS; AMElfDIKO S£CTIOK 5.1, ADDITIORAL CORSIDERATIORS; AMElfDIWO SECTIOW 5.10, DEVELOPER COt9tITME"TS: PROVIDIKG U EPPECTIVE DATE. Page 8 APRIL 28, 1188 It- "82 P&T1TXo. 8-87-38C, IfIt.SOJI, JlILLD, BAJtTOJr, SOLL . PEU, nrc. Jt&.t-lt..,.-;¡-lJIU JIAPI.U IJrrDsT.&D ASSOCUDa, RUOn DOM A-2 AJI]) '&-2 -n- TO POD DOInr AS CA.RLTOJI uas - DDYm Legal notice having been publisbed in tbe ø.ple. D.ily ø8W8 on Marcb 18, 1988 .. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with tbe Clerk. public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance aaending OrdJD8DCe 82-2 by changing the zoning cla.eificat1on fro. A-2 Agricul~e and A-2 .ST. Agriculture - Special Treat..nt to POD Pl8DDecS Unit Developaent known as Carlton Lakes, for property located on the north side of CR-84&, 1/4 .11e we.t of 1-75, Section 19, Townabip 41S. Range 2&E. Planner .adeau .tated tbe petitioner propose. to develop tbe site with a aaxiaua of &2& re.idential units including single-f..ily, zero lot line, cluster and 8Ulti-f..ily dwelling.. Øe said tbe petitioner i. al80 propo.ing 7 acres of neighborhood cO88ercial use.. Øe gave the surrounding zoning and land u... and .tated Staff fin4a the reque.t to be in coapUance with the Coaprebensive Plan. Mr. Wadeau advised that the central i.sue on review i. the proxi- .ity of tbl. CO88UDity to the Pelican Bay laprove..nt Di.trict lfellfJeld. Øe .tated tbie property i. 200 ft. ea.t of tbe wellfield, which contains 7 wells ranging in depth fro. 10 ft. to 102 ft., is 3,800 ft. in length and oriented along a nortb-.outb axi.. Be .aid this wellfield was originally used for Pellcan Bay'. potable water .. 113,..,~r343 Page I .. 113 r:~~ 344 APRIL 28, 1988 supply. however, Pelican Bay now obtain. it. potable water fro. the City of Waples through contractual agree8eDt, and the _11field is used for landscape watering. He added that tbe Pelican Bay Iaprov~..nt District is also con~racted with Collier County for potable water when it beco..s available. Mr. Wadeau stated that ColUer County doe. not currently bave a foraal Mellfield Protection Ordinance under which this issue could be reviewed. Be said Staft reviewwd the reque.t under tbe unadopted 0-1 Rule and tbe pre.ise that the wellfield is per.1tted for con.uaptive use and should be protected. Be adviaed that Staff foraulated .tipulations and the petitioner bas agreed with the. and incorporated thea into the POD dOCU8eDt. Mr. Wad. au said it should be noted that tbe Petitioner faUed to include Stipulation .dd- into the POD docuaent. howev.r, it has been agreed to and the petitioner bas stated he will include this stipula- tion and 8Ubait a new POD doCUllent. Mr. .ad.au advised that the CCPC held their public bearing on March 17, 1988 and unaniaou81y reco...nded approval subject to Staff stipulations. Øe said there was no public co...nt for or against tbis petition at the CCPe hearing and no correspondence baa been received. Coeaissioner Pistor stated that be would like to eli.inate tbe cO88ercial 7 acre tract fro. thi8 developaent since there is a large abopping center to tbft _at and approved co...rcial property to tbe Page 10' APRIL 28, 1988 ...t . Mr. Wa4eau .tated that Staff ba. no objections to the neigh- borbood Coaaerc1al tract s1nce 1t 1s 1n coap11ance with the present Coaprebensive Plan. Co..iss10ner Ra.se stated that he concurs w1th Co8ai..ioner Pistor and he al8O ha. concerns about tbe water supply in the Worth Waples area. Tape n Re8ponding to C088i.sioner Haas.'. concern, Uti11t1e. Adainistra- tor Crandall stated tbere is concern with tbe .ortb .aple. water pr"sure, however. the new 30 inch Una Whicb wl1l eupply that area will be coaplete in 80 to 90 day. and Carlton Lake. will be receiv1ng their water frea the County. Be adv18ed that the PeUcan Bay IaprOV88ent District Melltield i. currently U..d tor 8ixing with their effluent for irrigation PUrposes only. Mr. Alan Reynold. of Mil.on, Miller, Barton, SoIl. Peek, Inc., .tated that they are proPosing a low density, .ixed-u.. project. Re ..id the develOPer baa aade substantial co..Jt..nt. for this project, such.. iaproving the COcohatchee Canal and participating in tbe C0ft8truction of Livingston Road. Be said tbe dens1ty of thi. project i. ~Ioxi..tely one-halt of What i. allowable and i. lower than ao.t of the surrounding approved projects. co Mr. Reynolc1a stated that a lot of u.. wa. spent on the i.sue of Ireial land u.e. Re noted there are only two provi.ion. in tbe . C~rebenaive Plan that allow co...rcial u.e. outside of co...rical ao )( 113 tJr.~ 345 Page 11 ---.......".--.--.. '._"-"--'-~, . ... 113",.: 346 APRIL 28, 1188 nodes : the 5.2.1 Rule and neighborhood co...r~al. He said tbere Js a aoratoriua on tbe application of the 5.2.1 Rule and the neighborhood CO88ercial has a series of tests attached to it. Øe stated the teata for aeigbborbood coaaercial are very strinyent and 8O8t .ite. cannot ...t tboae tests. Mr. Reynold. .tated that they agree with Staff that this site Js a good location and having neighborhood co...rical at thi. aajor inter- aection will avoid the necessity of having other isolated spots of cO88erclal activity. He stated that tbis site .eets tbe current cri- ter1a for coaaerical in tbe Coaprehensive Plan and be believes it will coaply with the future Coaprehensive Plan. He noted it ls also con- .i.tent WIth the County's policy to 11~it future cO88erc1al use to aajor intersections. Mr. George Eeller, Collier County Civic rederation, .tated that be questions whether the uses are really neighborhood co...rcial and requested tbe Board to deny tbe petition. In answer to Co..issioner Ha.se, Mr. Reynolds stated they would like the project left the way it was pre..nted. C-j..icmer OoodDJght 8OY.4, 88CODded by Co8a1..ioaer P1.tor and C8r1'ied UDanillOU81y, that the public hearing be cl0ae4. Co8aIsaioner Goodnight stated that she has reviewed tbe project, read the backup, an4 Ustened to Staff and sbe cannot ... that the 7 acr.. of co...rcial will hurt the project. Page 12 "- APRIL 28, 1188 ~t-1oaer Goodnight 80,,", 8eCOftde4 '" eo.a.t...tOll8r Sa1mder., to ~&~ ~.ttiOD a-17-36C SUbject to Staff .tipulat10D8. Upon call for the qaeatiOD, the 8Ot.ton failed 3/2 CC088i..10Der8 P.t.~or and _.... ØPva..4). Chairaaø 01... .tated that the 8OtJon faUed beC81l8e a petition for a rezone required a ./8tb aajority vote. It- Ha OJU)~... "-31, nTIno. R-17-.'1C, AGJIOLI, IIADD . 8JtUJIDAGa, I.C. ~k.a.8T.u.u COLLIa ~ COItPuxATIo., azon I'ROII A-I -MB- TO -I- J'œ AJI I"""SfJCIAL PARE m D8IOr.u.a - ADOP'PKn Legal notice having been published in the .aple. Daily Wewe on Marcb 18. 1988 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with tbe Clerk, public bearing was opened to con8ider an ordinance ...nding Ord.tD8DCe 12-2 by changing tbe zoning cla.sification of property located on tbe south side of C.R. 8a (Devil'. Garden Road), nortbea8t of s.a. 21 approxi..tely 3/. .ile e..t of Iaaokal.. in Section 2, TOWD8bip 47 South, Range 21 ltut. Planner Weeks .tated that the SUbject property i. a 280 acre tract wb1ch the petitioner propose. to use for an JDduatr1al park to accoa- 8Odate Collier Enterpr1.es Agribusine.. Group'. land u.. need. a. well .. other agricultural/Jndu.trJal intere.t.. Øe 88id that prOPO.ed fac1liti.. include packing house.. citrus house, proce..ing facilitie. and COrporate headquarters. Be di.plaYed a aite plan and gave 8UITOaDding zoning and land use.. Mr, Meeks adv i.ed that two acce.. tOle 113 ,~.. 347 Page 13 IO8c 113n~~ 348 APRIL 28, lie8 point. are proposed, however, additional acce..e. could be placed on this property as long as they confora to tbe Rigbt-of-May Ordin..nce. Be 88id the petitioner is proposing a variety of agricultural uses to service Collier Enterpriaes bat they aay lease or aell tracts for 4evelopaent by other parties. Mr. Meeks noted there are ""eral undeveloped indu.trial .1te. in the I880kalee area, including tbe vacant indu.trial park to the west, however. thia project required a large tract of land and tbe others are too ...11. Øe said Statt anticipates tbe need for additional ~trial sites in I880kalee.. the citrus industry expands into this area. Mr. Weeka stated that Staff baa reviewed tbe proposed project and have DO objections to its approval SUbject to .tJpulatJona. Be said the cepe reviewed tbia petition in IlI8Okale. and they endor.ed tbe project with one exception, which 1. tbe lAC being required to review the Mater nanage..nt plans for the project. Re noted the lAC placed this stipulation becau.e the petitioner will be excavating and they "'....8I'1not tell whicb POnd8 were of an envirOlUlental value and they would IJke 8O8e control a. to how the excavation takes place. Cha1raan Glasa stated that the stipulation 1. very apec1flc and .tate. -approval by- tbe KRMD and lAC. Re asked County Attorney Cuyler it tbia 8tipulation i. worded correctly because the lAC J. an advJ8Ory capacity only? Mr. Cuyler stated that the Board of County Page 14 - APRIL 28, 1188 Co8ai..Joner. is the ultJaate deci.Jon aaker with regard to reco..en- datJona, however. it Ja acceptable.Jf the Board approves the atipula- tion in that fol'1l. 2'ape n c-t..ioner Goodnight 1ICWeCS. 88COft4ed by Co8ai..ioner P1.tor and carried 1ID8D18oualy, that the pablic hearJag be clO88d. Co8aJ.sIoner Goodnigbt stated that tbe area in question is already a .ite and he.lth hazard and nothing could be aore hal'1lful than what J. there ROW. She state~ that .be doe. not feel it is necesaary for thJa project to go back before tbe !AC. C-t..101Mtr Goodnight 8Oge4, 8eCOD4a4 '" Co8a1..1oner 88aDder. 8Dd carri8cS an-tl8Oa8ly, that Petiti00 R-17-47C go throag!a DOI'881 .~t NYi.. w1tbøQt going back before the 8dviaory board8, 8D4 that t:be OI"-'t~ .. Da8bere4 8D4 titled below be adopted 8D4 8J1tered .into Ordt~ Book 110. 30: OItDIJ1.UC3 JrO. 81-31 AIr ORDI.AJlCE AHEJfA)I.G ORDI.AJfCE 82-2, THE COMPRanSIV! ZOWI.G R!GULATIOWS lOR THE OWIWCORPORATED AREA OP COLLIER COOJn'Y, FLORIDA, BY AMEJrÐIWG THE OnICIAt. ZOWIWG ATLAS MAP .uMBER 47-11-1 BY CHAWGIWG THE ZOWI.G CLASS I PICATI OW OP THE HEREIK DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED O. THE SOOTH SIDE OP CR-846 (DEVIL'S GARDEJI ROAD). KORTBEAST OP SR-29 AFPROXI- MATELY 3/4 MILE EAST OP IHMOXALEE IW SECTIOK 2, TOHøSHIP 47 SOUTH, RAKGE 29 EAST. 2&0+ ACRES, PROM A-I -MH- AGRI- CULTURE - MOBILE HOME OVERI.AŸ TO -I- IKDUSTRIAL lOR AK IJlDUSTRIAL PARX; BY PROVIDI8G FOR AN EPPECTIV! DATE. aooc 113 "t;1 349 Page 18 APRIL 28, 1188 ...~aa. AT 10:10 A.M. azco.V&R&U A% 10138 A.M.-.. It.. HU ORDIJrA8Ca 88-40, PETITIo. R-87-41C, tfILSOJr, MILLER, B.\RTOJr, SOLI. .. PDI:. Dc.. br"""àlrrll1U CllLI.1D ~ CORP. . ........ :"1TY aOSPITAL. REZOn TO POD DOMJI AS ~ID IlEALTB Cbl"&K - ADO Legal notice having been published in the Waples Daily Xews on Marcb 18, 1988 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public bearing was opened to consider an ordinance "'nding Ordinance 82-2 by changing tbe zoning clas8ification of property located on tbe north side of CR-846 and approXiaately 1/2 .ile e.st of OS-41 in Section 22, Townsbip 48 South, Range 25 East fro. A-2 Agriculture, A-2 (P.U.) AgriCUlture-Provisional Use, and A-2 (ST) Agriculture-Special Treataent to POD Planned Unit DevelOP88Dt to be known as Collier Øealtb Center. Planner Scbeff stated that the proposed aite contain. approxiaa- tely 61 acre. and he gave tbe SUrrounding zoning and land u.es. He 88i4 the .ite pre..ntly contains the Kortb Collier Healtb Center and the petitioner plans to significantly expand the .ite by creating a health center with a full range of Coapatible and co.pl1aentary land U8e8 inclUding residential. retail, as.iated living facilities, hospi- tal an4 8edical office buildings. Mr. Scheff advised that tbe CCPC held tbeir public bearing and have forwarded tbe petition with a unaniaou. reco...ndation for appro- val SUbject to Staff .tipulations and aaendaents. He 8tated that the aooc 113 N'.I 353 Page 16 ... 113rs-:354 APRIL 28, 1988 cepe did not ..ke a recoaaendation on Stipulation -q- .hich .tate. that ~ project be approved subject to stipulations being developed by Staff and the petitioner that provides for a developaent schedule C0ft8i.tent with the County's effort to ..intain Level of Service -C- on I880ulee Road. He .tated that Staff has aet with the Petitioner ""'ral t1..s and tbe issue has not been re8O1ved. Mr. Scbeff stated that ba.ed upon certain concern. regarding the Level of Service of Iaaokalee Road and the fact that Iaaokalee Road coald drop to LOS -E- prIor to 4-lane reconstruction currently sche- da1ed for 1190, Staff has recO1lllended stipulations to the approval of U1e petition: 1. That the Pha.e I Ho.pital (71,200 sq. ft.) portion of tbe project be allowed to proceed subject to all other con- ditions. 2. That the building pera1ts for all other phase. of tbe project be withheld until construction of tbe four-lane road project (Iaaokalee Road froa US-"1 to Airport Road) baa co...nced, or unt11 such ti- as the County adopts ~ co.prehensive plan that includes a ..chani.. for deal1ng wltb the ..lntenance of the adopted level of service .tandards. 3. In the event that tbe petitioner wi.he. to obtain per.its for any pha.e of the project prior to the co..ence..nt of the four-lan1ng of laaokalee Road, then: a. The appl1cant shall file a revised Traffic Iapact State..nt (TIS) that identifies tbe then current traffic conditions of both the project and the adjacent highway BYstea. b. The Staff w111 review tbe TIS a. well a. the .chedule status of all proposed applicable roadway iaprove.ents. c. Statt w1ll aake a recoaaendat10n to the CCPC a. to the need for (1t any) new st1pulations or cond1tlon. regarding traff1c related issu.s. Page 17 APRIL 28. 1188 d. The CCPC shall review the Staff reco"'ndatJona and shall deteraine whether or not any sucb stipulation or conditions should be attached to tbe petition. e. If the CCPC deteraines that certain stipulations 8bould be added, then the petitioner agree. to...nd tbe stipu- lation package approved at tbe ti.. of initial rezone by whicbever aeana is appropriate at that ti... In addition, the County should con.ider a. po.aible .itigation of negatiqe iapact any other de8On.tration by the pett tioner that would expedite the four-laning project. f. Mr. Scheff stated that three people spoke against tbe petition at the ocPc public hearing, citing tall buildings and traffic congestion. Øe said one letter of OPPOSition was received citing special treat.ent are.. protection and concern over tbe height of tbe buildinga. Mr. Scheff advi8ed that Staff recO88enda approval of the petition subject to stipulationa. County Attorney Cuyler stated tbis J... baa been in the pres. with regards to a voting conflict by ---bers of tbe Board. Øe stated that Coaa1.sioner P1stor has a corporate ".berabip in tbe hospital for which a fee is paid an~ certain publication. are distributed. Øe .tated there is al8O 80" litigation in process, however, Co..i..ioner Pi.tor is not involved and is not a defendant. He stated hi. opinion that Coaaiss10ner Piator does not have a voting conflict. Øe noted that he al8O checked with the Co..ission on Ethica in Tallahassee by phone and they are of the sa.. opinion. Mr. CUyler stated at A, G. Edwards, the principal for which aOO( 113 rs-I 355 Page 18 .. U3 r:'~ 356 APRIL 26, 1988 Co8aJ.sioner Saunders works, is involved in funding the bond.. He .tated that Coaai.sioner Saunder, doe. bave a conflict. Mr. Alan Reynold. of Milson, Miller, Barton, SolI & Peek, Inc., stated the proposed project is a .ixed o.ed bealth plan containing apPlozJaateJy 81 acres. Øe stated it is a Joint application for a PUD to accQ~te the hospital facility and SUpporting o.es that relate to the bospi tal. Coa8J.sioner Hasse questioned whether it is essential to keep tbe ~wo portions of this petition together. Mr. Reynolds responded that the petitioner. wisb it to be considered as a whole. Mr. Reynold. explained that the hospItal will be Contained on the eastern balf of the property and the support facilities will be placed on the western half of the property. He stated that he knows tbere are people who wisb to speak on tbis petitIon and he Would appreciate tbe chance to re8pOÞd to their co...nts and discus. the transportatlon i.sue after the pubUc bas been heard. Mr. .1. Sandy Scatena. Collier County re.ident. .tated he oppose. thJ. rezone petition for a professional bealtb center. He subaitted 28 exhibits containing letter. fro. the City of øaple. 8Dd Waple. Co~kn1ty Hospital (filed in the Clerk to the Board'. Office). Tape .. Mr. Scatena gave a lengthy pre.entation on bis view of the bonding lS8Ue. Page 19 ---- - - - APRIL 26, 1188 Mr. Dick Braun, Collier County re.ident. reque.ted tbe Board to delay the decision on tbia aatter until an opinion can be obtained fro. the Coaaission on Etbics with regard to C088is.ioner Pi.tor's votJDg conflJct. Mr. .1obn E.scbl, Collier County re.ident, stated bis concurrence with the two previous aP4taJters. Mr. Cuyler advised tbe speakers that tbe Board of County ~..Joner. doe. not have the option 01 not voting unless there 1. a specific conflict. Mr. Chester Dobeck, Collier County rea1dent, stated that compe- tit100 in the aedical field i. neces.ary to keep costs down and requested the Board deny the pet! tJon. Mr. Milli.. Crone, repre.enting Waples CoaaunJty Ho.pital, stated that Waples Coaaunity Hospital was built by tbe people of Waples who have contributed $50 .illion for a not-for-profit facility. He 8aid that 8ince Wcø Js a non-profit organization, if tbere are excesa fund. at the end of a year they are placed back into tbe hospital to provide health care. He noted that last year 8cø took Medicade and Medicare ".Jonaenta ~otaling $28 .Jlllon, provided uncoapensated care In tbe &8OUnt of $13 .illion, and will pay over $1 .ill1on to the fund to take care ot the indigent. He stated WCø provides over 1,500 Jobs in Collier County and has over 1,800 volunteers giving freely of tbe1r t18e. IØ( 113 "'.: 357 Page 20 ... 113 "'; 358 APRIL 28, 1988 Mr. Crone .tated that if tbe rates around Collier County are reviewed, it will show that Wcø i. Ie.. expensive than other boapi- tals. Øe said that at tbe pre.ent ti.. tbere is one Blue Cro.s group that baa not been accepted bec8U8e they pay below cost, however. the peopl. Covered by tbi. group are going to Lee Me8Orial Øospital. noted they are still negotiating with tbis group. He Mr. Crone advised that the Worth Collier Healtb Center was designed to be separated froa WCB When it reacbes tbe .iz. of a 100 bed facility. Øe said this wae announced in 1982. He requested the Board to approve thie petition. hpe ft Co8a1..ioner Basse stated it aay be better to wait until after tbe euit 1. .ettled. Mr. Crone advised that a suit of this type could l..t 10 year. if it goes to Court. Acting CO88UDity Developaent Adainietrator Olliff .tated that tbe UDre8olved ite. in this petition i. actually a policy issue. Øe said Staff does not have the policy i.sue before tbe Boa~d. however, tbi. 18 only one single project. Øe .tated it i. Staff'. recO88endat1on that the POlicy language be reaoved fro. tbe stipulations until tbe i.sue can be reviewed, recognizing that the County want. to .it down and discus. the aatter i...dIately. Mr. ReynoId8 .tated they wJ1l agree to that and whatever tbe policy deci.ions are, they will be included in the POD. Re.ponding to Page 21 APRIL 28, 1888 Coaai..1oner Pi.tor, Mr. Reynold. stated that Jf a POlicy deci.Jon neecSa to be established, that policy wJll have to be ..de .ppl1~able to all project. and whatever that POlicy i., they will agree to it. Mr. Dorrill stated that tbe Coaais.ion POlicy will have to Cover t.ev.l of Service on a secondary County road and criteria for deter- .inauon. Øe said that one project sbould not be penalized or afforded anything different froa any other project. Mr. Olliff stated Staff reCO88ends approval contingent upon review and approval by tbe Board of tbe traffic etJpulatJon. Mr. Cuyler stated that tbe petitioner is agreeing to whatever aJtigatiOl1 i. nec"-rv regarding the Level of Service 011 IlIIIOkalee Road and understand. that the policy has not been developed at tbis ti... Øe said that state..nt should be In the POD. ~..ioner Goodnight 8Oge4, 8eCODded by Co8ai..Joner P1.tor an4 carried ,nu."t80Q81y, that the public beariDg be clO8ed. Coaaissioner Saunders .tated that be is abstaining fro. tbe vote on th1. i.sue. ~t"iOD81' GoodDJ.ght 8Oged, 88CODdecS by Co8aJ..ioaer Pi.-tor an4 carried "/0 CCo8a1..Joner ~ers abstained), that the ord.1Duc. .. 1'.I"~-1e4 and titled below be adopted 8D4 entered into OrdJnance Book 80.30 with tbe additional .tipaIation I'8gardJDg aJtlgation.. .tated '" the CoaD tv A t t omey . OItDIIWIC8 WO. 11-"0 8D/JI( 113 r:'.1 359 Page 22 IOIC 113",) 360 - APRIL 28, 1188 U ORDIXAWCE AMEWDIXG ORDI.UCE 82-2, THE COHPREBuSIVE ZOWI80 REGULATIOaS FOR THE OWIWCORPORATED AREA OP COLLIER COO~rT, FLORIDA, BY AMEWDIKG THE OFFICIAL ZOXIXG ATLAS HAP XUMBER 48-25-5 BY CØAWGIWG THE ZO8IXO CLASSIPICATIOX OP THE REHEl. DESCRIBED PROpnTY LOCATED OX THE KORTH SIDE OP CR-84a A8D APPROXIMATELY 1/2 MILE EAST OP US-41, IW SECTIOW 22, TOKlfSRIP 48 SOtrrR, RAKGE 25 EAST PROM A-2 AGRICULTURE, A-2 (P.U.) AGRICtJLTORE-PROVISIOWAL USE, AND A-2 (ST) AGRICULTURE-SPECIAL TREATMENT TO POD PLAMwED OWIT DEVELoPMEIn TO BE 1CJI0Klf AS -COLLIER HEALTH CEJlTER-; A8D BY PROVIDIKG FOR A. EPPECTIVE DATE. Page 23 . - - .. 113 w,s 368 APRIL 2&, 1988 It- ftU It88OLVnc8 -.. &ÐIWV~.wG 'fD CITY cø WAPLES HOSPITAL Ui...u& BOJIDS - ~&II County Manager Dorr111 advised that th1s re.olut10n ..et. the technical requ1rftNmt. of app11cable Pederal Tax Laws tor tbe bonds, botMver, the County i. 1n no way a party to tbe bonc18 and baa no liability ..aociated with tbe bonds. ~t..1oDer Pi8tor 8Ov84, 8eCODded '" Co8aJ..100er GoodDJght aDd carried ./0 (Co8a1..iooer ~r. abstained), that JteaolutJon 11-8. -""~J.Dg the City of llapl.. Boapital Jte981'iU 8oDd8 tor the WapI.. Q~ ..tty Boap1ta1, IDe. project, be adopted. Page 24 ... 113w~ 3BO APRIL 28. 1988 xu. 81'1 MJ~ ~8.WI&8T AO'rIIORIZI.O .b,rJUluITUUS NIDIW TO IIDILY CREAnD ~ SDVICES ÐEPARI"""T - APPROVED Assistant County Manager McLe8Ore expre.sed appreciation to tbe 8ailding Perait Study Co..ittee tor their dedic4tion, co..1t.ent and bard work. Øe said there were three aajor 1.sues of concern wbicb be woald briefly highlight. Mr. McLe80re stated tbe first que.tion was one of financing. Øe ..id the Coaaittee Report reco...nd. a user fee driven ayste.. which .boaJd be equitable and tbe general governaent type actlv1ties sbould not be funded by user fee.. Mr. McLeaore .aid the second question i. that of scale. He 8aid that in a user tee driven eyste. the sc.le of the organization i8 de- tera1Ded by deaand on tbe eyst... He noted that this also aeana that the level of activity will go up and down with tbe level of deaand on the ayat... hpen Mr. McLeaore .tated tbe third question i. that of the building. Be ..id the aain issue is that a centralized unified organizatlon can- not be 1aple_nted wi tbout a place to house tbe.. are alternatives for the building: Øe advi.ed there a. 23.000 sq. ft. building to _at tbe i88ed1ate needs, wblcb could be accoaplisbed quite econo.ically. b. 40,000 sq. ft. building to _at future needs, which could be used at this ti.. to bring all outside le.sed County departaents into this location. Page 28 ::- --,- APRIL 28, 1188 Mr. McLeaore stated that fro. a busines. point of view tbere is IIaCb to be gained frea the 40,000 sq. ft. building. Re.ponding to Co8a1..iooer Pistor, Mr. McLeaore stated tbe County J. currently 8p8n4ing approXI..tely 82ðO,OOO for facilities on short-tara lea.es and thi. building would elJ.Jnate tbe need for 8190,000 in rental 8p8Ce . Øe noted, bowever, that the Staff in tbe leased spaces say tbey do not currently have enough space and tbis calculation was purely a busine.s calculation. An8wering CO"1s8ioner Ha..e, Mr. Mct.eaore stated ttult the.. are only depart_nt. working under tbe County Manager. In reaponse to Co..is.Joner Saunders. Mr. MCt.e8Ore stated that a ftft8her of the outlying departaent. are not Developaent Service Organizations and if they 8OVed into tbe building tbeir share would be prG-rated to their budgets. Coaa1s.ioner Saunders stated that be baa no probl.. with tbe orderly devel0P88nt of this depart..nt, however, he is concerned that the County -y be lIOVing too quickly. Øe noted that be baa no concern over the new po.itions for Jnspecting and revietf8, however, several of the DeW POSitions listed are for adaini.tration and "~ge"nt. Øe aaJd he would like to eli.iRate those po.ltions and ..rely create tbe 12 DeW positions in tbe field. Mr. McLeaore stated that Staff .truggled with tbe rigbt level of -"ttge..nt and feel it is well balanced. Øe .aid each .ection aust 8- 113,.,-:1 :l81 Page 28 ----"----, .. 113 ~; 3B2 APRIL 28, 1988 baYe a 88Dager and tbe Developaent Service. Depart.ent needa an adal- nJ.trator and secretary. Øe added that -project aanagers- are not 1n a&nag88ent, but rather the people who are SUpposed to be tbe expedi- tore and coordinators of the project to take it through coaplet10n. He .tated that aaybe a aore appropriate title would be -project COOrdiDator.- or -cas. worker.-. County Manager Dorrill added that these project aanager positions are &e:tually senior planners, like Dave Weeks and Barbara Cacchione, however, ~ additional positions are needed. He added that tbe posi- t1on for Contractor Licensing and Zoning 1. actually an investigator. Responding to Co..issJoner Saunders, Mr. DorrI11 .tated that he ~reci.tes the concept of iapleaent1ng ~ne .tep at a t188, however, the ~nag"'nt i. not top heavy and it would be iapos.ible to create the 8eCond largest depart..nt under the County Manager without a cUrector. He stated that whJle too auch aanage.ent 1. a bad thing, no ~age~Dt at all is worse. Øe noted the po.1tions are not vacant and are ..r.ly being rea11gned. In answer to George keller, Collier County re.ident, Mr. McLe.ore stated that part of tbe reco...ndation 1. to raise the f... to .ore closely relate to tbe aaount of work being done. The following residents spoke in favor of going forward with tbe Develop11ent Service. Depart..nt: hpen Mr. Don Barber Mr. BJ11 .1one. Mr. Augi. Longo Page 27 . ..--.. APRIL 28, 1988 Mr. Dick Braun Mr. .1obn Ee.cbI C-1..iOD8r Sa1mdera 8OVed to appl'OYe all positi0D8 rttqUeatocS ~t the t'MO posit10D8 for Degelop..nt Servic.. A4aini.tration, one poeit.toa for Ca8tOller Service., ODe pos1t1on for Pl8DDiDg Service. ~ -...Q' -¡,t, 8D4 ODe POSition for Project Review Servic... '!'he 8Ot1on 4184 tor 1acJt of a 88CODd. C-1-iOftft' .,..- 8Oved that budget -DCL..4t. in the 88OUDt of .8.8,000 f1"O8 the CG~ity DegelØPIIeDt I'1m4 for coat.- -aociated with the 20 DeW poaiti0D8 for the DeW Degelopa,ant Servic.. Ðepart8ent be Ap,;r40tll..4. Co8aJssioner Saunders asked Coaaissioner H..se to incorporate in the 8OtJon that there be an incre... in building perait fee. to be calculated by tbe Staff to pay for tbe total cost of tbe progr... Mr. Dorrill stated tbe only actual Board approval is to approve the budget aaend8ents for tbe re..Jnder of tbis year and approve within tbe position and classification plan the titles a. they relate to positiona. Øe .tated it i. obvious that thJ. departaent cannot be tunded w1tbout an fee incre..e Which will be tbe re.pons1bility of the bailcUng and developaent COll8UDi ty. Øe reque.ted that the Board withhold any fa. related increase until sucb ti.. a. Staff brings tbe appropriate resolution and relate it to tbe award of a potential deve- lop..nt services facility. Øe 8180 stated that all of this would be done in conjunction with n,xt year's budget. aoo.c 113 N~! 3B3 Page 28 JC¡( 113 ,,':: 384 APRIL 28, 1188 ~t..1oDer ......'. 8Ot1on - eecon&tc1 by Co8a.t..1cmer Goodnight 8D4 C8n'i84 f./1 (Co8a.t..1oaer 8auDder. opptr..4). Iu. nn 1IaOLU'n0lr 88-1& U'fULISBIWG POSI'rIon AJID PAY PLU 'rIna IJI 'lD ~T SDVIca DEPARIh..,u - .I.DOh&u C-t..iOftft' Pi.tor lIOVed, aecODde4 by Co8a.t..1oaer Goodnight a.n4 carri84 ~-t~ly, that "solution 81-18 ..tabl1.hiDg poeiticma a.n4 ~ p1.aD titl.. in the Develo¡w..øt Services I)epart8eDt, be 840pted. Page 21 APRIL 28, 1188 ... azeus AT 12:30 P.M. azeo.v""&D AT 12:45 P.M. ... De¡n:ity Clerk BoffJllm replaced Depaty Clerk hater It- .eel Legal no~ice having been published in the Neples Daily Hews on March 31, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publicatlon filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to coneider an Ordinance ..ending Ord~e .0. 15-16 as ...nded by Ordinance "0. 81-54 by providing procedures for the reconsideration of certain ..tters by the Board of County Co..i..loners: ...nding the reconsideration procedure; pro- v1diDg conflict and .everability; providing an effective date. County Attorney CUyler .tated that the Board directed bi. Staff to 888Dd the Reconsideration Ordinance .0 that a reconsideration of a ZoDJag or Coaprebensive Plan petition did not require tbe approval of all appropriate advl80ry boarð8 and Staff prior to tbe Board of County ~ssioners reconsidering it. Øe advised that a.~n4aent. have been aaðe 80 that tbe request i. ..de by tbe petitioner, but tbe fact that 1t did not have approvals froa Staff and the advisory board., does not preclude the Board hearing reconsideration ..tters. Øe noted that he added Subsection -b-, whlcb indicates that when a petition i. recon- .1dered, it will be readvertised accordingly. C-t..1oner Goodnight 8OVed, aecODded by Co8ai..ioaer aaUDder. . 8DIS CUTied UDaDi80u81y, t~t the pabl1c bearing be cloaeð. aGO( 113 Pt'.1 387 Page 30 .. 113rs-J 388 APRIL 28,1188 eo-t...1cmer Gooc1nigbt lIOged, aeccm4e4 by Co8a1..icmel' Pi.tor and carr184 1IIMr"8ð118ly, that the ordiD8DC8 .. DU8bered and titled below be aðopted aDd entered into OrdiD8DC8 Book Wo. 30: ORDIJlAJlCE 88-41 AX ORDIKAWCE AMERDIKa ORDIJlAXCE JlO. 75-16 AS AMERDED BY ORDIJlAXCE WO. 81-&4 BY PROVIDIJIG PROCEDURES FOR THE RECO.SIDERATIOW or CERTAIK MATTERS BY THE BOARD or cuu.rr COMMISSIOJIERS~ AMEXDIKG THE RECOKSIDERATIOR PROCEDURE: PROVIDIKa COIfFLICT AWD SEVERABILITY: PRO- VIDIJIG AX EI'PECTlVE DATE. %~ ftU œDIJI&8C& 110. 18-42 .. PftXTIo. R-87-48C, ASBZLL, BAIJIS, DOYLII: AJn) n\i~IB Ui>JtU...~IJIQ U &GOLD DEVELOPKIJI'T CORPORATIOJI ft)R I.AJIDMARX Ø'1'&1'IS - AÐOPTm Legal notice having been published in the Jlaple. Daily Kewe on March 11,1188, .. evidenced by AffidavIt of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to conslder Petition R-81-48C, flIed by Asbel1, Rains, Doyle and Pickworth, representing Alagold Oevelopaent Corporation, requestlng a rezone fro. C-5 to MBRP (to incorporate tbi. property into tbe exi.ting Mobile 8088 Park, Landmark Estates) for property 10cate4 on the east .i4e of Old U.S. 41 approxi- aately 1/4 .ile north of the apex of 014 U.S. 41 and new U.S. 41 in Section 15, Townabip 48 South, Range 2& Ea.t, 4.2 acre.. Planner Meeks indicated that the objective of this reque.t is to rezone the subject property which contains 4. acres froa the C-& Co88ercial Industrial Zoned District to tbe Mobile Øoae Rental Park Di.trict. Øe advi.ed that tbe property is surrounded on the ea.t and Page 31 APRIL 28, 1988 aoatb by the existing Landaark Estate. Mobl1e Bo.e Rental Park, Lee County i. to the north witb undeveloped property, and across Old U.S. 41 to the west i. property zoned C-4 and is presently undeveloped. noted that Staff has reviewed tbis petition which is in coapliance He wlth tbe Coaprebensive Plan and has no objection to the request, as it i. a l..sening of the intensity of the land u.e and the aaount of traffic generated and will be coapatible with surrounding properties. Be .tated that Staff and other review agencies are reco..ending appro- val of thi. petition adding that the cePC bas reco_nded approval, subject to .tipulationa. He advised that tbere bas been no correspon- ðeDce or public CO8880t regarding tbis petition. c-t..iOftft' Sa1mder8 110984, aec0Dde4 by CoIIaJ..1oaer Goodnight 8ID4 carri84 ~t8ðQ8ly, that the public bearing be cl0ae4. c-t..icmer Sa1mder8 110984, aec0DCSe4 by CoIIaJ..icnutr Goodnight 8ID4 C8Z'1:'ied UD8Di80a81y, that the ordiD8DCe - D1IIIbered 8D4 titled belCRf be adopted 8D4 entered Jato OrcUD8DC8 Book Wo. 30: OJmIJlA.8C& 11-42 AJI ORDINAJICE AMEXDIWG ORDI.AJfCE 82-2, THE COMPREBDSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE OWINCORPORATED AREA OP COLLIER COUWTY, FLORIDA, BY AMEKDIKG THE OPFICIAL ZOWING ATLAS MAP .uMBER 48-2~-6 BY CHAMGING THE ZONING CLASSIPICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE EAST SIDE OF OLD U.S. 41 APPROXIMATELY 1/4 MILE NORTH OF THE APEX OF OLD U.S. 41 IN SECTIOW 16. TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, 4.2 ACRES FROM C-6 COMMERCIAL IWDUSTRIAL TO MHRP MOBILE 80ME REJITAL PARJC: DO BY PROVIDING FOR U EFFECTIVE DATE. IOOC 113,.,.:1389 Page 32 ..113~~392 APRIL 28, 1988 11:- -.c2 aaor.un08 110. 18-88 ... PETITIo. AV-88-OO2 REQtIES'1"IG VACATIOIf OP POUIOllS cø IIDIUJtEET SO'BDIVISIo. I'OR co.STR1JCTIOW 01' IfUDOOS& III ~.I'n - ADO.t-.I"5U Legal notice having been published in the Waples Daily Wewe on April 10 and 17. 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed w1th the Clerk. public hearing was opened to consider Petition AV-ll-OO2. f ned by Bob Dean Supply, Inc.. to vacate portion. of a recorded plat, located in the Xewaarket Subdivision, for tbe purpose of COft8tractlng a warehouse. PublJc Morks Adainistrator Archibald .tated that subject petition i. a request to vacat~ an alleYWay which is within an entire block in the Iaaokalee area, and i. located be~-n Broward Street and Alacbua Street. Be advised that the petitioner intends to build a warehouse acros. the lot line and the alley Une. adding that the area i. unc1e- veloped. Be noted that appropriate -Letter. of Wo Objection- have been received and that Staff has no objection to this petition. ~t..ioaer GoodDJght 1IOve4, 88COftdecS by eo.a.t..JOII8r 8aaD4er. 8D4 carried 1JD8D1.8oa8Iy, that the pablJc bear1Dg be clo88d. c-4..ioaer ~lght aoved, aec0Dd84 by Co8a1_i00er Pi.tor and C8r1'i84 ~.DSIlO1l81y, that Petition AV-81-o02 be approve4 8D4 It88olution .0. 11-88 be adopted. Page 33 .. 113~~394 APRIL 28, 1988 Iua nc3 Jt&SOLOn08 110. 88-87 D PETITIo. AV-88-o0", CLARJt D. Jb8D REQUESTIKG VACArI08 cø O'fILITY AJID DLUJU.G& asIMÞT IW PI.lUSuKS1" ESTATU (I.ELy) - ADOhIW Legal notice having been published in the Øaples Daily øews on April 10 and 17, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed wlth the Clerk, public hearing w~s opened to consider vacating a por- tJon of a utility and drainage eas...nt on Lot 37, Block 12, Pinehurst Estates. Publ~c Works Adainistrator Archlbald indicated that subject pro- party 1. a 8ingle-fa.ily lot located in the Lely develop.ent, noting thrt the reason for the request to vacate 18 to allow tbe boaeowner to conatruct a pool in the rear yard, and a~ the sa.. t1.e, to .eet set- back requireaents. Be noted what 1s proposed 1s twofold; to vacate 3 feet of the existing drainage eas...nt, and to dedicate 3 feet to the County, to rrplace the 3 teet being vacated. Be added that "Letters of 80 Object lon- bave been received, and Staff is reco...nding approval. C-'_ioner ~ 1IOV8d, aeCODded '" CoIIaJ..10ftft' GoodDlght 8D4 carried UD8DlI1OU81y, that the public bear1ng be cloaed. C- t..1oaer Sauøder. 8OVed, aecon4ed by CO881..1oner GoodD1ght 8Dd carried QD-t~ly, that Re8o1ut1ora Wo. 81-17 1'8 Patitiora &V-88--00. be adopted. Page 34 "'f--' i ::,'.' ";:11 It I . í,.' ; ¡Jí" 1iJ! . " ... 113 w~ 400 APRIL 28, 1188 I t- 8Cf. JtDOf.O"n08 80. 11-18 a PfttTIOII AV-81-OO8 .7UDSOIf DAVIS DQUES'lIWO Vac.t.n08 cø POR'lIo.s cø O'lILITY AIID DRAIIIAG& USÞs&. ta IJI IMPERIAL OOU Ø'lATØ. PIIASZ IV - ADOrTlW Legal notice havIng been publi.hed in the Waples Daily Mews on April 10 and 1" 1188, a. evidenced by Affldavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public bearIng was opened to consider Petition AV-ll-OO5, filed by.1ud8on Davis to vacate portions of utility and draløage eas...nts, Lots 1 6 2, Iaperial Golf Estates, Phase IV. Public Works Adainistrator Archibald noted that subject petition 1. a request to vacate a 6' side lot utility ease.ent and a rear ease- aent for two lots in Iaperial Golf Estate., Lots 1 . 2, Phase IV. Øe DOted that thls request 18 aade to correct an existing condition that resulted fro. construction on a single-f..11y lot. Øe stated that -Letter. of Mo Objection- have been recelved, and Staff baa no objec- tion to the proposed vacation. ~t_1cmer -- 8OV~, 8eCOftðe4 by CO881..1cmer Goodnight 8114 CU'Jr184 amanSR0a8ly, that the public hearing be cloaed. C-t_1cmer Goodnight 8OVed, aeCODded '" CO88.t_ioaer P1.tor 8114 CU'Jr184 ~tJllllOQ8ly, that Petition AV-ll-ooa be appI'OV~ and that 888o11ltioD Wo.I8-11 be adopted. Page 35 ..---.,,-...-.- --,,". ~. APRIL 25, 1988 I t88 sea ORDxu.c& 110. 88-43 REPDLIWG OJU)IILUCE WO. 81-83 AJID ADOPTIOJI OW P.S. CII.~ 388 -n.oRIDA CLEAJf IJrDOC)1t AIR ACT- - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in tbe Naples Daily Wews on April 7, 1188, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed wlth the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance repealing Ordinance .0.81-&3. which prohibited 8aoklng in certa1n public places or portions thereof. Aða1nistrative Services Ad.ini.trator Ocbs advi8ed that subject reco.-endation is that the Board repeal Ordinance 81-&3 and adopt Chapter 385 of the Florida Statutes, "Florida Clean Indoor Air Act." Be noted that in 118& the State Legi.lature adopted that Act wh1ch regulat.. aaoking in public buildings, adding that part of that Act pra.apts regulation of aaoking to the S~ate and supersede. any 8Unici- pal or County Ordinance on the subject. Øe indicated that regulatlon and enforc...nt of the County Ordinance was controlled by tbe Board and State Statute place. the responsibility with HRS to enforce and 1ß8P8Ct pubUc buildings, with respect to this law. eo..t..iOft81' Sa1m4ere 8CWe4, aec0Dde4 by Co8a1..ioaer Gocx1night aDd carried ~-t-..ly, that the pablic hear1Dg be cl0ae4. eo--'..1cmer S4nmðers 8CWed, aec0Dde4 by Co8a1..10ft81' Goodnight 8Dd C8Z'1'1ed ~.-..ly, that the ordinance - DUllbered aDd t1tled be.low be adopted 8D4 entered iDto Ordinance Book Wo. 30: lOGIC 113 "'~.s 400 Page 38 .. 113'J'~ 404 APRIL 28,1188 ORDIWAJrC& 18-43 . AJr ORDI8AWCE REPEALI8G ORDI8A8CE WO. 81-53 WHICH PROHIBITED SMOKI8G IN CERTAIN PUBLIC PLACES OR PORTIONS THEREOF: PROVIDI~G FOR IMPLEME8TATION OF CHAPTER 386, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY: PROVIDI8G AW EFFECTIVE DATE. I U. nee .&'XIhOlr ""-17-3, AGJrOI.I, BARBER, BJW.uAGB, I.C. R&QOU'rIWG MASTER PLAIr UtMIYAL ft)Jt ~UIUl&uJt~ - APPROVED Legal notice having been publisheð in the Naples Daily Wews on April 10, 1988, as eviðenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public bearing wa. opened to consider Subdiv1.ion Master Plan approval for Turnbury, a 17.68 acre tract of land east of Millowick Drive, Milloughby Acr.. and lying in Section 24, Tmmab1p 48 Soath, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. Engineer lCepple indicated that subject petition 1. a requeet to 8Ubdivide the existing parcel into 44 sJ-41e-f..ily lots in conforaance with the existing RSP-3 zoning. He added that all appropriate agen- ci.. have reviewed this petition and reco...nd approval, subject to the .tipulations contained in the Agree..nt reque.ted by tbe CCPC. C-t..i0D8r Sa1mder. 809'84, -C0D484 '" CoIIai..1oaer Goodnight aDd carried 1ID8D18ou8ly, that the public bear.tDg be clO88d. e>-t_ioaer Sa1mders 1ICWeCS, ~0Dd8d by Co8a1..ioaer Goodnight aDd carri84 UDaD18ou81y, that Petition SMP-17-3, Agnol1, Barber a 8z'w-Aege, IDC., r8pl'a..utiDg OWen M. Mard, Tru8t.., be aP}.¡oroved. Page 37 . - .. - APRIL 28,1181 .r~- '7&1 ~08 18-89 a ÞkTITIOJI CCCL-87-tC, WILSOJI, HILLa, BAR'rOJI, SOLL . PKB, IE., UQUKSTIJIQ A VARIAJla noM 'fD CCCL POR II.I.PI.U CAY BUCH ~T - ADOPïaw WITH S1'IPO'LAnOJlS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily Kews on April 10. 1988, as eviðenceð by Affiðavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, publlc bearing was opened to consider a varlance from the Coastal Conatruction Control Line (CCCL). as per Ordinance 75-19, to CODStract an acces. road seaward ot the CCCL tor Naple. Cay Deve I os-m t . Watural Re8OUrces Manageaent Director Proffitt advised that tbe reqaeat for tbe variance fro. the CCCL is tor construction of an 8Ccee8 road to a beachfront parcel, south of Cl88 Pas., to be deve- loped by Waples Cay Devel0P88nt. whicb bas been approved through a 18W8U1t aettl...nt. Dr. Proffitt indicated two pri_ry concerns: 1. The coastal baIaIock of sea grape. sabal pal.. and other vegetation will be partially 1apacted along one edge ~¡ the new roadway. but a stipulation baa been agreed upon that align8ent sball be flagged in the fielð and approved by ØRMD. cabbage pal.. and sea grape. will be aoved. where feasible, to tbe northern edge of the existing baaaock or the S.ith80nian Institution Re.earch Tea. will be allowed to reaove .0.. of the vegetation to be used a. .icrocos.s for 8U88U8 work. 2. The beaches in tbis area have been found through a sea turtle survey to be of .ignif lcant sea turtle habitat. The project could have negative iapacts wlth on-going con- struction during the nesting season, with associated veb1cular activity and ligbts that could kill tbe eggs or cause d180rientat10n of the adult sea turtles that co.. on shore. . '01( 113 "".1 405 Page 38 """--"'-"-- , . HIe 113w.J.406 APRIL 28, 1988 Dr. Proffitt noted that Staff was directed to prepare a Sea Turtle Protection Ordinance. which bas been done. adding that it will be advertised for public hearing. but he noted that Staff bad concerns that COD8truction aay begin on tbis .1te prior to the adoption of this ordinance. He advi.ed that the developer has been provided with a draft of the ordinance. and has agreed to abide by tbe basic tenet. of --. Øe further stated that he salutes the developer in this con- aervation oriented c088it..nt to help the County protect this endangered species. He indicated that Staff i. reco...nding approval of the variance fro. the CCCL. subject to tbe stipulations regarding the coastal haaaock and the protection of sea turtles. hpe .. Coaøty Attorney CUyler advised that he is .till waiting for tbe WapI.. Cay Developer to _et bls co..it..nt of 25 .pac.. for publ1c parkiDg, DOting that if this petition is approved, he feel. tbat tbe Board .bould direct hi. to hold the resolution until the developer. ...t with hi. and ascertain when they plan to ..et their develop.ent -It..nt regarding the parking. Mr. Bob Lockhart of Wil.on. Miller, Barton, SolI a Peek, Inc., representing the developer, indicated that this proce.s wa. .tarted in Deceaber of 1187, and it is a lengthy one. adding that between then and today. there was very little idea a. to the ti..fr... of tbe parking arrange..nt, buildings, etc. He advi.ed that the developer Page 31 .. - .... - APRIL 26, 1188 baa agreed. that prior to Certificate of Occupancy on tbe first bGildiag, the parking issue will be resolved. Mr. CUyler stated "this is not good enough", noting that the deve- loper has been told for the past two years to get the parking in, and this bas not been done. He requested that Mr. Lockhart ask the deve- leper to CO8e in and ..et with hi., so that tbe co..itaent on the parking lot can be aet now. He further noted that the develo~r is in the proc..s of obtaining title insurance. In answer to Cbairaan Glass, Mr. Lockhart responded that be is in agreeaent with the stipulation. as discussed above. Mr. George Eeller, President of the Collier County Civic Pederat1on, indicated that tbis road will be 125 feet fro. tbe high water aark. Øe stated that he hopes the Board will not be too lenlent with thi. developer, adding that the County sbould get what it's sup- poeed to get. ~t..101Mt1' ~ft'8 lIOVed, aecODded by CO88J...101Mt1' P1.tor 8114 carr184 --1--asly, that Petition cccr.-17-9C be approved, subject to all statf 8tipglaticma 8114 that Re8o1ut1on 81-11 be adopted. c-t_100er Sa\m4er. lIOVecS, aeccm4ed by CO88J...icmer Pi.tor and carr184 ~hm..ly, that the County Attorney prepare a brief report of tile deficienci.. and perfor88DC:e of the .apl- Cay Developer and p18ce thi. on the ageDd.a wi thin the next 2-3 weau 80 that a deci.ion caD be 88de wbether to proceed in litigat1on or negotiation with the 6n81oper . 80OC 113 WI 407 Page 40 ..._-_._~.__. .. 113rs,,412 APlUL 28,1188 It- .u JIOOÐf...arw COII).NftI.IUM 8OJID UDtk."1'1011 - COIITIJroED'TO MAY 10. 1181 Iu. ft. llltaRCO AnOCUTIOJI OW COIIJ)(),uUOMS U MARCO ISLAIrD BL\CB - REPORT TO BE -- amt UTUJUl5U TO BOARD OP COU.n COMMISSIOJIDS Dr. Marvin Grahaa, Cbairaan of tbe Beacb Maintenance. Beaut1- fication Coaaittee of Marco Association of Condo.iniU88, referred to the Ordinance of .1anuary IS, 118S. that stated -.0 Make- for 100 yards off of the beaches, adding that this ordinance wa. effective at that ti.. and did .ini.ize the hazards and noi8e wb1ch resulted fro. para- .ailing. Øe stated during tbe past tbree year.. there have been addi- tiooal botel., condos and private ho..s, adding that tbe beach i. loaded, not only with bathers, but with aotorized and non-aotorlzed boat., jet skis, etc., that are within tbe 100 yard buffer and offer hazards to tbe bathers. Øe also noted noise pollution, water pollu- tion, and the fact that dolphins, bIrd. and other MUter ani881. are dia1nJshing in tbis area. Øe indicated that the varlou. a.sociatlons on Marco Beach would like language a..nding the ordinance which would 1ncre..e tbe -.0 Make- zone to 300 yards, thu. le.sening tbe danger. of acc1dent. occurrIng to the bathers. Øe .uggested that tbe wat.r. .boald be patrolled so that the ordinance can be enforced, and indi- cated that if this is a proble., perbaps a weekend patrol can be Joatltuted. Dr. Grabaa stated that another proble. i. that of too IlUcb Co-er- Page 41 APRIL 28, 1988 cial1.. on the beach, and he is requesting that so.. type of aachanis. be 1~tlated which would control thi.. Øe cited that in aany instan- c.. ~ vendor. are out in the water selling their ware. and feel bec8uae they are off the beach, they are not violating any ordinance. In 8D8Wer to C088Is.ioner Pist?r, Mr. Arcbibald noted that in the past, the County did go through the peraitting process to install baoya, and learned through that experience that it is a full-ti.e job of providing. ..inta1ning and replacing tbe buoys. He added that there is a substantial cost 1n iaple.enting such a progr... Mr. OZz1e Eatz of Recreational Facilit1e. of Aaerican and repre- 8eDt~ the Marco Beach HJlton Recreation Depart.ent, indicated that it 1. t1.. to uPdate the zoning. or rules so that a .ate haven ie pro- vided boater. and al80 a sate place for ~i...r.. adding that a 300 yard batfer zone woulð provide that. Be noted that bis coapany Is equipped with 8Otorized boats with radios and adequate aanpower to put the baoya into the water daily and bring the. back in. In tbe evening. lie 8dv184td that hopefully. by educating the boaters as to tbe idle 8p884 %ODe, etc. these proble- can be corrected. hpe .. Public Servic.. Adainistrator O'Donnell resPOnded to C0881..1oner -- by .tat1ng that Mr. ICatz baa cooperated with the Depart.ent of Parka and Recreation when he rent. out bis jet skis, etc., by 1a1ora1ng the public to stay in an area away fro. the sw1...rs. 800( 113 N',I 413 Page 42 ... 113 ~ 41 ( APRIL 28, 1988 Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sherlff's Oepartaent, noted that the . Sheriff'. Ðepartaent operates four boats, when they are running, a441Dg that it is iapoasible to cover tbe coastline, noting that if ordinanc.. are adopted pertaining to the water, he .uggest. that they be Coanty-wJde, and not just for a specifJc area. C-t..iOftft' 8a1mdere lIOVecS, 88COftde4 by Co8a1..ioaer P1.tor 8114 c:arzo18d --.,t~ly, that Mr. Eatz, 8D4 other interested parti.. -~ Idt:b .~t, 8D4 the ComIty Attor~ 8114 CO88 up with auggwa~10D8 to 801... t:be bt~ probl_. xu. -.c ftAI7 D$¡;AU\,;'fà.u m IJIVUTIGAft SDfD COJrDC'I'Io. OJ' BU.CJI . 'fbMJ:S CU18 m C()(J"u HMD SYSfitfl AJI1) REPORT BACK m '1'D BOAJa) Mr. Albert Me.t, President and Chairaan of the Board of Directors of the Beach 6 TennJs Club Condo Manage..nt As80ciation, .tated that th1. reque.t is being _de for the Beach 6 Tennis Club to tie into tbe Coaøty sewer ayst.. on Mest Road. Øe .tated that the Beach 6 Tenni. Club sewer treataent plant bas been operated by Spade Engineering, UDder a ten year contract, which would expire in 1110. Øe noted there baa been proble.. with pollution with aajor DER involv...nt, and they had been notified that a new operator and engineer should be obtained a. of February 1, 1988. He advised that .ince that time, Mr. Toa Peek has been aanaging the Beach 6 Tennis plant. He .tated that _tinge have been beld with County Staff to work out proble.. Which bave been encountered, adding that Beach 6 Tennis bas agreed to Page 43 - - - APRIL 28, 1188 pay ~ 18pact fees of approxiaately 1/2 .illion dollars and the engl- DeerIng fees to book up to West Road, which has been est1aated to be $180,000. Mr. Toa Peek of Ml1.on, Ml11er, Barton, SolI a Peek, Inc., indi- cated that his f ina has been eaployed by the Beacb a Tennl. Club to 1Øge8tlgate their sewage treataent plant and tbe difficulties they were having with percolating the proper aaount of effluent in order to _t the DER .tandards. Øe noted that tbere are tbree ponds wb1ch do not percolate sufficient aaount of effluent, and they have been tracking over 30,000 gallons of effluent per day to an approved dispo- ..1 .ite. ø. indicated that further inve.tigations have been ongoing to ðetera1ne if there was a location on that site where additional poad8 or another type of disposal facility could be installed, but the possib1litie. are negative. Øe a4vleed that they do not have the opportunity within Lee County to tle into an additional plant. Coaa1s.1oner Pistor indicated that be had beard that Bonita Bay will be providing a new plant and questioned whether it would take care of thi. project? Mr. Peek advised that tbe .ewage treat.ent plant in Bonita Bay bas been sized for that develoP88nt only, and can- not ban41e are- larger than that. Mr. DavId Leigh, attorney for the Beacb a Tennis Club, .tated that an agree..nt would be arranged between Collier and Lee County, whereas Lee County would give up jurisdiction over this aatter with regard to '* 113 "'.1 415 Page 44 -----.. , ,. '* 113w.: 416 APRIL 28, 1188 the Beach. Tennis Club so that there would be no future d1sruption. Mr. Gordon Ro8eis, DER, Pt. Myer., .tated t~t bistorically tbi. has been a probl- tor several year., and as far as the DER knows, there 1s no on-site solution. Utilities Adain1strator Crandall noted that be can atte.t to the o8ituation at the Beach a Tennis Club, adding that he has reviewed tbe .1tuation with Tea Peek, and tbere doe. not appear to be an on-site solution. Ø. stated that any .ervice provided outside of Collier County I1.its the ability to provlde that .... .ervice ins1de Collier Coaø ty . Øe noted that during tbe 8U88er aonths, the flows are low enoagh 80 that Beach a Tennis can provlde their own treataent on- .ite, bat during the winter 8Onths, there will be a proble.. Co8ai.sloner Saunders questloned if by payaent of the 1apact tee., the plant would be sized to handle tbis project, so that Collier County r..ldents would not be deprived? Mr. Crandall replied afflr- aat1vely, adding that plant expansion is to be fro. the current 2-1/2 a1ll1on gallons to 4-1/2 .ll1ion gallons. Co8aissloner Saunder. .entioned bis concern that Collier County baa. certain aaxiaua capacity, and by allowing 80,000 gallons to co.. 1n fr08 Le. County, Collier County re.idents needing .ervice down tbe road, .., not be able to obtain It. Co..l.sioner Pis tor .tated that bls fe.ling. coinclde with Co8aJs.Joner Saunders, adding that it so_thing i. not done, the Page 48 . -...---,--.". . APRIL 28, 1188 probl.. with the overflow will add pollution to Collier C~ty waters, 8p8Cif1cally in the Barefoot Beach waters. Mr. Crandall stated that he had advised the Association that he would like Lee County to toraally request Collier County's help, DOt~ lt would be one governaental body helping another governaental body, and not jUt8t belping one particular develop..nt outside tbe CoaD ty . Attorney Leigh indicated that be baa had discus.lons with Lee CoaDty utl11tie. staft and they preferred that he present a toraal agree..nt to the. to get full approval a. to what they would flnally do, add~ that Lee County will be requesting that Collier County pro- "ieSe thi. _rvice. Mr. Crandall sugge.ted that perhaps Mr. Le1gb could obtain tbe request frea Lee COUnty first. County Manager Dorrill suggested that the Board authorize Staff to negotiate an agreeaent to be co.biDed with an engineering .....88eDt of the capacity of the plant, and what re..onable capacity will be needed in the future, and bring tbe finding. back to tbe Co88l..ion, adding that this -y be a bu81ness opPOrtunity wh1cb would beDef1t the utilities ayste., its custo..rs, solve the As.oclation's probl... and .ini.ize tbe risk as it relate. to capacity, by .o.e reaaoaable eng1ne.r1ng exercise. ~ .10 aooc 113"",1417 Page 46 .. 113",~ 418 APRIL 28, 1988 ~t..10ftft' Pi.tor 80984, aecODdecS by CO88i..1oner 8a1m4ers and . C81'J:'Ja4 -4~ly, tba1: Staff be inatructed to IIO'Ve ahead with an 1D.,..-tigation - quickly - pos.ible, and C088 back to the Board with . pr~... I t88 no aUJ-IIILL 'J:U 0. MARCO I'ROPEKTIU I'OR BEAC1I JUtSTORAno. - Wo AC'l'Io. Mr. .1e.se Malton, Marco Island resident and ...ber of the Citizens for Sensible Marco Island Beacb Iaprove.ent, .tated that hi. group would applaud the decision of tbe Co..i.sion to iaple..nt an economic .~ of the benefits to be derived by restoring Marco beacbes, but that the existing 1/2 .111 tax should not be collected, pending the reaul t. of an econoaJc .tudy. Øe then read a resolution for con- .ideration, which stated that 100+ Marco Island citizen. have petl- tJ0De4 for the dissolution of the Marco Island Beacb Renour1sbaent MSTU: that a aajority of the Marco Island voters favor a falr sbare tax ayat.. and are opPOsed to a flat ad valore. tax; that the Citizens for Sensible Marco Beach I.prove..nt support the restoration of the i.1aD4'. beaches, .. soon.. practical; that sufficient funda are ava1lable to defray the cost of the econoaic study to deter.1ne tbe beoef1t. of tbe restored base to each parcel of Marco I.land property; aDd that a fair share tax assess.ent plan will expedite restoration of the beach. Øe further suggested that the County Manager be directed to expedite co.pletion of an .cono.ic study by qualified, professional Page 47 . APRIL 28, 1988 COG8Ultant. to deteraine a fair share tax assess.ent of each Marco I.l8D4 property, that necessary action be taken to obtain construction peraJt. and contract coordination resulting in the fair share taxing plan, 8D4 that no portion of the 1/2 8ill ad valore8 tax authorized for sacb MSTO'. shall be levIed for the 1188-89 fiscal year. Coaa1ssioner Saunder. indicated that be feels that tbis 1. a bit preaature, noting that the study will be done in the very near future aø4 tbe budget process will be taking place w1tbin the next few 8OD~, and he feel. that tbis will be the ti.. to consider what should be l."led. Mr. Edaond Cooper, Marco Island resident, stated that he helped obtain ~ signature. on tbe petition oppnsing the ad valor.. tax, adding that be favors the restoration of tbe beach as soon a. possible and favors the costs being assessed on a fair and equitable basis, and he 1IIplorea that the County Coaai.sion not levy tbe beach tax for the 1988-19 fi.cal year. Mr. Ira Evans indicated that tbe Marco Island beaches .bould be reetoreð.. quickly.. possible but noted that, unfortunately, aany people do not want to pay for tbi.. Øe .tated that everyone refers to the fair .hare tax, but it has not been defined. Øe advised that he feel. the County .hould proceed as quickly as possible to get the job doD8 . Øe added that within the next fl.cal year, perait. will be granted which will require additional engineering work. or will perait a* 113 "'r.: 419 Page 48 .. 113 .,.. ~ 420 APRIL 26, 1988 COD8tractlon to begin, and if a tax is not levied, tbere will be no f1mda to do this. Be stated that it would be iD tbe be.t interest of 8O8t of the re.ident. on Marco to continue the tax to keep tbe job go~.. quickly.. pos.ible. Mr. Tboaa8 blbfus, r..ident of Marco, stated that be has been pay1ng the 1/2 .111 tax and he lives approxiaately two .iles fro. the beac:h, a4ding that be feels every resident of Marco I.land benefits froa the crescent beach, which caused the island to be developed. Be IDd1cated that renourish8ent of tbe beach J. de.ired and be feel. that the 1/2 .ill tax should be continued at least to pay anticipated ~ and to provide sufficient funda to allow tbe perait process to CODtinue without a delay. Mrs. Charlotte Nestaan, 8e8ber of the Citizens for Sensible Marco I.land Beach Iaprove..nt, offered aodifications to tbe Resolution which was read by Mr. Mal ton as follows: To be consi.tent "1tb .2, and #3, .. Co..is.ioner Saunders previously stated. is a budgetary _tter. She stated that until the books are balanced for the current year, the consi.tency of Ite.. '2 and.3 should be held together. She further suggested that only that portion of tbe 1/2 .il1 ad valore. tax authorized by such MSTO shall be levied for the 1988-81 fiscal year. Mr. Blanchard, Chalraan of the Beach Advi.ory Board for Marco Beach aenouri8haent. noted that the tax passed in 1188 was tor up to Page 49 APRIL 28, 1988 1/2 aill and the vote that was taken In Marcb of this year was the right to U8e those taxes as a basis for General Obligation Bond, að41Dg that tbe voters did not repeal the ad valore. tax. He stated hi. ccmc:ern that IIOIMmtU8 ha. been lo.t. He indicated that if the Board does not choo.e to 881ntain the MSTQ, the beacbtront group baa DO other alternative but to seek another tax district definition. Mr. .108 Christy, Marco resident, stated that the County is in tbe proc... of putting together a $200,000,000 Capital Iaprovell8nt Prograa, to iaprove the infrastructure in the County, and questioned it tbe~ i. a proble. on Marco Island trying to detera1n. tbe cost beaefit of $8,000,000 to i.prove the beach, how can tbe $200,000,000 be apeDt which will involve awi..ing pools here, boat launching fac1- lit!.. there, eewers in ot~er place., etc.? He stated that Me..r.. !vane, Ealbfua and Blanchard have expressed hi. position. Co8aissioner Saunders stated that he doe. not believe this i. the appropriate tl.. to take any action, adding that tbe .illag. will be set up to 1/2 .ill during the budget process for 1186-81. Co88is.1oner Pistor indicated that by tbe t1.. the budget i. .et, the~ will be sufficient inforaation to deter.ine what baa to be done . Be noted that to el1.inate a tax which wa. voted on, should only be considered by a vote to eli.inate it, and that be agrees with Co8aJ..loner Saunders. ... . 2:30 P.M. 2:40 P.M. ... RZCU8 : uco." &.W &.U : 800( 113 "'£.1 421 Page ðO ... U3 "'~ 422 APRIL 26, 1188 I tea ... a.QOþf BY CASA POOLS, IWC. TO nocno WITH COJISTRUC'lIOJI 01' A POOL I'ItO.nC'r I1f I'OU' Uta - APPLICAT10J1 TO I'IL& A VAJtIAJrc& APPROVED Mr.. Roseann Toney of Casa Pool., Inc., stated that subject request 18 for an after-the-fact variance for a pool in Pox fire. She a4Yiaed that in August, 1186 bar coapany signed. contract to bulld a pool, obtained proper perait. and began construction. She noted that in Woveaber, 1186, the hoaeowner had financial proble.., and conatruc- ticm of tbe pool we. .topped. She advised that in .1anuary, 1188, tbe bo8&ONDer contacted ber, reque.ting that tbe pool be finished. Sbe stated it was at this ti.. she learned that there auat be a survey of the property, and when the owner provided that survey to bar .he noted there was aoaething wrong. She indicated that at the ti.. of the layout of the pool. it was done with the owner's guidance as to where the property 11ne ended. She noted that the pool 18 8~ feet into tbe utility eaae.ent. She stat.d that the County wants tbi. area to be fenced, but Poxfire will not allow this. hpe .11 County Attorney Cuyler advised that the IIOratorlU8 on after-tbe- fact variances will end on May 10, 1188, when the appropriate Ordinance coae. before the Board. Be noted that in the paat, tbe Board baa allowed others to go ahead with con.truction, but aaking cart.1n that if the .tructure does not coaply with what was agreed to, it 88Y have to be taken out. Page 61 APRIL 28, 1188 C-S..10D81" 8auD4er8 1IOVe4, 8ttCOD4e4 by CoIIai..ioner P1.tor 8114 carr184 -..t~ly, that the petitioner be pel'llitte4 to apply tor a YarJ-.. Planner Meeks .tated that tbe petitioner will also be required to apply for a variance for a .creen enclosure around the pool"UDles. the property 1. fenced, as per Code. I t88 ... 88QO..% 81' STAR TO P8OCUD WID »a.&..a.Ift&A ;¡-S TO TO LELY III.RUOuT .. -ca POD - A.PJIi'bn au Acting CO88Unity Developaent Ad8ini8trator Olliff stated that one ot the aaend8ents being reque.ted J. a change in beneficiary of donated wetland propert1e. frea DWR to the County. Øe .tated that in order for the public benefit to be derived, tbe petitioner is reqaeat1ng that this POD aaendaent be fa.t-tracked. Øe advised that the other portion of tlM ...nd8ent i. a reduction in .etbacks, relating to a reduction in tbe height of buildings being proposed. Co8a.ta.100er Pi.tor lIOVed, aec0nde4 by CoIIai..Jcmer S81lDder. and carried 1ID8DJ80a8ly, that Statf proceeð. .t~iately with the nece..ary 8n'~I_Dt8 888Dding the B8refoot Beach PUD, to clarity the probl- .1 t:b tile puking lot. I t88 ft& 'fDØIOU.aY PDIII'J' UD BOLD RArnq,ZSS AGBDh&aT rea WIJlDSTAR/BIGB SCHOOL aallft 8I:l1o.....1% - Al'P"'V&.u Acting Coaaunity Developaent Adainistrator Olliff .tated that sub- ject request by Winds tar is to allow the. to have a festival this 100( 113 "sr.; 423 Page 52 . .,. ¡" :~ ... 113""- 424 APRIL 26, 1988 weekend . Øe noted that advertising require.ents have not been .et, bat they have provided a Bold Baraless Agreeaent which baa been reviewed by the County Attorney's office. ~t..ioDn' Pi_tor 8O,,~, aeccm4eeS by Co8a1..icmer 881m4e1'8 8114 C8ZT1e4 -..,h,oa.-ly, that the Teaporary Para.1t and BoleS Barale.. AQ:r,lJllnat tor MiD48t8r/Bigb School B8D4 8eDefit be approved. xu. ..1 maD DR~-.¡;. TO SISAL PAUl ROAD WITH COST SHARI.a BY Dn'U.OPD - TO MAT " 1118 ":..'~J f.!-1'L!' Xba ftC1 8I8%S'fØ 8O!EL COItPOKAno. AS sana PROVIDDS O.U&K CLAM PASS ~tllro. &0..11""" - Driw'&1I Public Service. Adain1strator O'Donnell advised that subject request is for approval of an Agree.ent of service providers under the Cl88 Pa88 Concession Agreeaent, autbor1z1ng tbe Regi.try Re.ort as the egeDt of AUO, to operate water and beach concession operations, effec- t198 May 1,1188. Øe .tated that the Reg1.try will not dJscr181nate be~n hotel gue.t. and a County patron. using any of the facilitie.. c-t_iOftft' Pi8tor 1ID984, 8eCOftde4 by Co8a1..Jemer Ol_- 8114 C8ft"184 1ID8D.1aoa.aly, that the _rv1c. provider. UDder the Cl88 P... Coac...1OD Agr.._ut be approved. SEE PAGES 593 and 594 Page &3 . - ----"'. APRIL 28, 1188 Iaa ft2B D~..Xo. a DISSOI.O1'Io. '" MARCO ISLAJID SUCH RDOORI&AI'uuu ~';I"Td - COMMITTØ TO CO1ITIJnJE FOR TBR~E MOIUØ. c-t_ioaer P1.tor lICWed, aecODdeð by eo..1..1oner S8UDdere and carri84 ftftCIt~ly, that the Marco I.land Beach ReDour1.h8ent C-1~ CODt1øue for 8DOtber three IIODtb8, 8D4 theft ... if the beach KCI.. prob~ are cleared up 8D4 d8tera1ne then what 1. to be done. xu. nn IIUD ItØfUcnon FOR MARCO ISLAJID - DŒRGDCT DECLARED Coanty Manager Dorrill advIsed that he signed an Executive Order early thI. 8Orning, Iaposing aandatory water restrictions for Marco I.l8D4, as a result of an eaergency situatIon, and a reque.t by Deltona Ut1l1tles. Be noted that tbe Exe~~tive Order is in strict accordance with the E8ergency Hater Use Ordinance. He indIcated that the Order apeclfie. altern.te days for water 8pr1nkling for area. of 5 8C1"88 or le.s, the daY$, tiaefr...., and penaltie. for nonconfor- 88DCe. In answer to C0881.sioner Hasse, Mr. Crandall .tated that there 1. a probl.. in Goodland which provIdes the servIce to Marco I.land. He DOted that tbe rest of tbe County, because of tbe added capacity at the ..llfield and treataent capacity, is keepIng up with tbe demand. ... ~t..10D81'8 GooðDigbt aDd Pi. tor left the ...ting at 3:00 P.M. ... 'DOC 113.s,j 425 Page 54 ... 113 r.'~ 426 APRIL 28, 1988 I~ nDl - 91M &&ft AJID SOOTII D.PI.ES UGIOJIAL SDfER SYSTEM Utilities Engineering Director Madajewski advised that he will present all four ite.. at one ti.., but there will be separate action taken tor each resolution. He noted that this is the last phase of the .tart into the East and South Waples Regional Sewer Syste.. He indicated that the largest district which enco.passes a aajor portion of East and South Waples is Di.trict '1; a saaller District '2 in WapI.. Soutb which coapletes the gravity sewer syste. in that area: D1.trict'3 coapletes the reaainder of tbe County'. service area on the we.t side of Airport Road in the Coconut River Area; and District .. J. aewerlng to Waples Manor, Myrtle Cove and tbe Trail Acre. area on the East Trail. He advised that the ~in thrust of this collection project 1s to el~.inate septic tanks and 1nteri. package sewage treat- 8ent plant., wherever possible, a. they had been cited as a potential cause of groundwater pollution in tbi. area and in Waples Bay. Mr. Ma4ajeweki noted that in May, 1986 the Board approved a reviaed 201 Pac111ty Plan which enco.passed the regional sewage con- cept, the Lely Sewer Plant site, which is currently being bid and expecting to receive construction bids on May ð, 1188. He advised that it is anticipated that bid. will be received 8hortly tor the main sewage trana.ission and effluent di8po8al line. and aajor puap sta- tions to construct the first phase of the regional conveyance .ystem. . Page !S8 APRIL 28, 1188 Mr. Toa Taylor, of Bole, Montes. Asscelation, stated that plans 8Dd 8P8C8 are in the process of being prepared. He stated that District '1, beinQ the larQest district, has the greatest aajority of grant eligible portions. He noted that ba.ed on the Critical Path Sdbeðale, the dl.trict. aust be created and give the County sufflcient ~i.. ~o provide advertising and Wotlce to Owners, create the .....888ftt., and they will follow through with aubaittal. to the State to get: the grant fun48 in order CoaDty Manager Dorrill .tated that the foraer Area -B-, MSTD which ... ased for plannlng and design purposes, and this distrlct is a part of ODe of the.. districts and questioned what, If any, credit or rebate for exi8tlng tuneS balance. will be afforded tbose people living in ~t district? As.istant Utilities Adainistrator Arnold stated that origlnally it was propoae4 that refunding would be done through an as_.s..nt type project, but it now s.... tbis would be an i8POssible taak. He tar~ber stated that the County Attorney is researching the POS.lbili- ti.. for a refunding aechen!s.. Mr. Madejeweki, responded to Chairaan Glass, 8tating that Staff wil1...t with the Board to discuss the possibilitles of providing an ability, if needed. to obtain funds fro. grants tor those people who cAftftftt afford to pay the as.ess..nt.. coanty Manager Dorrill indicated that as.ess..nt paybacka for as I. 113,.,..: 427 Page &5 _._~,_._-"-- . ... U3 WJ 428 APRIL 26, 1188 long as ten years are currently being explored,. adding that generally tbe8e will be older neighborhoods wbere substantial construction will be taking place and assess.ents will be very high. Clerk Gil.. stated ~hat be feels a bond issue aay be involved, as it will be difficult to finance with a bank since it will be around the 85.000.000 aark. Øe noted that with regard to Sewer Area -B" MSTO, the aoney was appropriated tor engineering servlces tor the area, and a possible alternative is that the engineering services wb1ch were recently perforaed can be identified as to what benefit tbel'8 wee to Sewer Area -B" Soutb One-half. and those funda can be applied to those engineerlng fees. He indicated that the refunding beck to property owners aay be an iapessible task. aasor.ørx08 110. 88-90/CMS-81-3, DIS1'RIC1' 1- EAST AJID SOO'1'B IIAPLU 8AII'I'r.&Kr .DID al$;¡-UI SPECIAL ASSU$øbT DIS1'RIC1' AJID ORDER ~~JW\i110Jr - AOOrlõ&U C-t..1cmer ~re 1ICWeCS, aecODded by Co8ai..iODel' 01_. 8114 carr1e4 8/0 (~..icmer. Goodnight and Pi.tor DOt pr.88Dt), that 8pec1a1 a....888Dt Di.tr1ct 1 be approved aDd joint Re8olut1on 18-10/ C8-_a be adopted. Page 57 .. 113 PI? 4« APRIL 28, 1188 1t88OI:.U'rI08 80. .....l/CMS-Ia-.&, DISDIC'r 2 - IWI'r UD 8OOTB IIAPLU IIAIIrDaY ......a .'.fDl SPZCur. ASSUSMD'l' DIftRIC'r UD ORDD ~~'tl08 - AuurT&tr ~t..J.Oftft' Sa1m&tre 8OV'84, aecODde4 bY Co8a1..Icmer -- and carr184 3/0 (Co88.1..icmer. Goo4DJght aDd PI.tor DOt pre88Dt), that 8p8c1aJ --......at DI.trlct 2 be approved aDd joiat R8801utlon 18-111 CW8 .. .. be 8dopted . Page 88 '-'-----~ -, .. 113",.. 452 APRIL 26, 1988 asourn08 110. 11-12/CW5-18-&, DIS"lJUC'1' 3 - EAST AJID SOOD JIAPLES 8AJIJ:TU'I" 8aa 81'&1... SPECIAL ASSUSMDT DISTRIC'1' AJID ORDER COIISI~Ã.108 - ADOnIW C-t_10ftft' Sa1mdera lIOVed, aec0nde4 by CØ88ia.icmer _.. and carrJa4 3/0 (Co8a1..ioaere Goodnight and. Pistol' n.ot pl'888ftt), that 8pec1a1 &8...~IDt D1.trlct 3 be approved and joint Resolution 88-12/ C8S aa-. be 1Idopte4 . Page &9 .. 113".:s 4 œ APRIL 26, 1188 a:soœrI08 80. 11-93/C11S-11-8, DIS'l'RICT 4 - US1 AJID SOOTB IIAPLES SUI:ß&ft aa.ua a,aTEM SPECIAL ASSUStlbk DISTRICT AJIJ) om... ~IAØéTlo. - ADOhtJ> c-t..iOD8l' Sa1IDðere 8OV~, aeccm4e4 by Co8a1..iOD8l' 1Ia8- 8114 CU'r184 3/0 CCo8ai..ioners Goodnight 8D4 Pi.tor DOt pr.8eD~), tha~ 8pec1a1 ......~~ Di.tr1ct " be approve4 8D4 jo1D~ Re8o1u~iOD 81-131 Ctt"3 .. . be adopte4 . Page 60 ,". . ,,'..,,-,..-..--....., 8M( 113fYJ 470 APRIL 28, 1188 It88 ft&1 1œSOUJ'n08 80. 11-94, UTABLISBIBO ØMOU.O POLICY :rea COO. n° DIPI.ODES IJI COO..I. ~ IWUIJII&IIT ØUILDIWOS - ADOPTED A4a1nistrative Services Ad.jnjstrator Ochs advised that State Law prohibits aaoking In any public place, except in areas specifically dea1gnated as aaokjng are.. and posted as such, noting that Staff will be NOrkJng with the racilities Manag...nt Director to designate tbose are.. that will allow 88Oking, and all other are.., not 80 designated, will prohibit aaoking. ~t..1oD8r Sau..ðer. lICWed, MCOD4e4 '" Co8a1..iODer Ba8- 8D4 , C8n'Je4 1/0 (C-t_1OD81'8 ~1ght aDd Pi. tor DOt Pl'888DtJ that the -*t~ policy be appl'09~ 8D4 Jteaolution Wo. 11-94 be 8dopted. Page 81 APRIL 28, 1188 I~- ..... hpe ft2 asor.un08 80. 18-18, aUrl'uUIwø PJtOPOSED MAJn)ATU AKbUPl&.ß' TO rt.Oa%D& COhd~U'TIo. - ADOPi'AIJ As.istant to tbe County Manager Mac~enzJe advised that tbe Bill referred to.. the -Mandates Aaendaent to the Florida Con.titution- proviðe8 that tbe State or State Agencies will no longer be able to --D4ate any progr... on City or County Governaents without providing taDda to Japle..nt tbe progra.. unles. tbe proposed Legislation passes both 1Ioaa.. of tbe State by 3/4 vote or better. He noted if it passe. 8~+1, they will have to provide the funds for the.e progr.... He a4Y1aecS that the 8ill al80 provides for a periodic "Sunaet Review" ~ch will autoaatically cancel all aandateð progr..., unle.. affir- Page 82 aat1vely ra-enacted by the Legi.lature by a 3/4 vote. ~t..1ODer ~re 80984, 8eCOII4e4 by Co8a1..iODer -- and carr184 J/O (eo-t..ioaere GoodDight 8D4 Pi.tor DOt pr88eDt), that 1t88O11rtJaD 80. 18-96 be adogted. aOO( 113 liS'.! 475 ~._-, APRIL 28, 1188 It88 ftOA asor.ørIOJr 80. 18-98, »ata....,.I.S TO PROPOSED COCUUI WA'lD-SDBR DIftRIC2' BILL - ADOh&ll Coanty Attorney Cuyler indicated that two _nd8ent. have been aaðe to the proposed County Water-Sewer District Bill wh1cb Is currently in Tal1abAasee. Øe referred to Page 8 of the docu8ent he ~ out, DOting language wblcb baa been .trlken through and replaced with language.. suggested by the attorney who represents Deltona aatters, and advised that tbe language change is a rede.crip- t1oø of Marco I.land land. Øe then referred to Page 10 of tbe docu- 88ftt l8b1ch rater. to Marco Shore. and Page 35 where language baa been 8dde4 . c- t ..1oaer ~ 8OV~, 8eCODded '" CO88.1_1oner ...- 8D4 carried 3/0 Cc-...10ftft'8 Goo4D1ght 8D4 P1.tor not pr888Dt), that 1t88O111tJGD 110. I""', ~;41Dg the Prop0ae4 CoaDty Water-Sewer D1ftrlct 8111 be 8dopted. JOO( 113,A':£ 477 Page 83 -'-,._~"',-_. APRIL 28, 1188 It8a ft1& lOuwh """"'IJIIU..-¡-S 11-272/273 - ADOPTED c-t_10ftft' S8aDder8 1ICWeCS, .ecODded by Co8a1..1oaer -.. and carr184 3/0 CCo8at..10Der8 GoodD1ght 8114 P1.tor DOt pr8MDt), that badget "'~nt. 18-272/273 be adopted. ... !'be ~ollow.tDg it- were ap¡,10'f'~ 8D4/or adopted UDder the CoD8ent ~. 1IpOa 8Cñ1on 88de '" Co8a1..1oner S81lDdera, 8eCODd84 '" C-t..toaer ..... 8D4 carried 1ID8D111OU81y: ... I tea ft 4.1.1 MnDACTI08 O'r LID ft)R PUBLIC InnSAJICB ABAY'DI:IJIT - 1MIu. D' BAKSB See page -5 ~ 0 Itea ft4.1 ~ IfITB ra STAB cø n.oRIDA , OFFICE cø ra GOV aa.wua ftØt .'iAT.a.&K RftW.I8_nOlr AIm AJrALftIS OP 1'0 I.A.JlDnr.r, MIJrIWG PRO.lIC1' See page. S ~/-...5 .38' Xt88 nC82 JUGIrr-fØ-lU.T UD ~ ~T FOR rn WAPLU COMMtlJI.lT'r PARE See page 63f' Itea nC83 ~.n- PLI.~ O. DDlNuuD.. PllASB 1 - C08STJmC1'Io. . JlAl"T8<.~ AmtR1Dnh~J' See page. ..s 40 - .5" ~~ It88 .14ac . l'!8a.... ORDD I'OJt DO'S PL0M8I80 BID '17-1118 FOR RZemlSYkOC1'IOW OW 1'D 88[11(1-- nIT ".au., IW 'T'Im .:rAIL COMPLD 100( 113wr 515 Page 84 -_._~._,.., .. 113"",516 APRIL 28, 1188 See pages ..JXlCt»W-NT MOT VIo"C1:'I~t) tit aDX TO BOARD OFFICE AS OF KAY 9. 1988 It- .14C1 . CO..u.JI\IA'lI08 '" GJU.Jrl' FOR J'OW"DIWO u.bD T'D n.oRIDA \iUPIftU..tn CARE FOR 'fD lIT ....x, Y ACT See pages ~.s ~<? I~- nCC2 - Move4 to It.. _tel Iba ft~ COII'Ø.&CY 1'08 LIBRARY a~ ICD UD CO8STRDCTIo. AC't, t'I'l'LB I, AØ'l'C8ll.U08 ~..\IIU G1lAJI'f See pages .s J/. 9 - s 57 108 nO1 ~al8r!lr cø ~ CO8SraDC"l'Io. USUUUIT FOR G-..-wAY ROAD IlATD aø I'I&O.7'EC'r See page .6'WJ It88 ft4D2 ~ 08 rDlDDIGS cø aDD arSTDt DVID BY COJISQD, 'ft*JISlUlu UD U~ftS. DIC. - AJUrOLI) 1.00SfRIAL ,AU: It88 .1403 tÞIIT...aft OJ' _'fElt arS'laM DEYKLO........, CBAJtOK CJtZDITS FOR DS'f IIAPLES tIUD ararat. IJIC. - PROMISSORY WO"fIt See pages .5(,¡-S6,-¥- 1t88 .141U aLtOI:1 08 TO DSULTS OJ' '.fD SORPt.OS PItOPDTY ADCTIo. IIELD APRIL 18, ltl8 See pages £6, ~ -- - ~ 7 ~ 1t88 .14&2 aaor.unow 18-e'7 AllEllDIWG USOLO'fIo. 16-1'72 TO J'IJIALID 'fD 16/87 8IU~'f Page 85 --,,-,,- "...- APRIL 28, 1188 See page. - #j 7 a -:.6¥ I Iu. ftDa - 1Iove4 to It.. nEl Xt88 ~CGl PDIOD 2 Ui'v,,' 0. TO COO" n EMS ':RUn J'U'8I) AWARD FOR 1 lie See page. --5J?~ -~f It88 ~CG2 PD%OD " ~a 0. TO eou"XI: EMS TJWST J'U'8I) PARD I'OR 1917 See pages ~ -Sfl'~ Iu. ~"'1 ~&AX.u'~CA'fØ '" COJUtSCTIo. TO TO TAX ROLL 1981 Re.l Property Wo.331/346 n~ted: Marcb 6 - April 5, 1988 Wo. 110/111 1181 Personal Property Dated: April 18, 1188 Iu. ~"82 8Zra& G&I8 TZKK I'OR x.MATZ 80S. 57881, 83008, "80&1,8261". "°82&. A8D 0.71" Xt88 n4U 8Anø~o. OW LIDS WOK SDVIca OW TO PUBLIC IiIU'..ua See pages .sß7-.59~ It88 .14. IIT.'!~U~ COJDmSPOJfDDCB nT.~ AJrD/OR Ilb'IUCAU) There being no objection. the following correspondence was filed and/or referred to the various departaents as Jnd1cated below: lOOC 113,1(1 517 Page 66 .. 113"1':: 518 7. -..._--~".._""~,,, APRIL 26, 1988 1. Meao dated 04/11/88 fro. Hillia. K. Clark, Executive Director, Area Agency on Aging, advisipg of 04/21/88 Board Meeting at the Harbor Height. Senior Center located on North San Morino Drive. Referred to lieU DorrUl, Martha Skinner and filed. 2. Letter dated 04/12/88 froa Trudie D. Bell, Env1ronaental Specialist, Standard Peraitting Section, DER, enclosing a standard fora application (Pile 110. 111478379 DOT), which involves dredge and till activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill, George Arcbibald, Dr. Proffitt and filed. 3. Pinal Order received 04/10/88 fro. DNR authorizing Barron Collier Corporation to con.truct an understructure concrete slab and a paved walkway and to enclose the areas underneath the existing single-fa.ily dwelling structure with breakaway walls and -flow-thru- walls in accordance with tbe set of plans approved as part of tbis per.it. Referred to Neil Dorrill. To. Olliff, Dr. Proffitt and filed. 4. Wotice received 04/18/88 of Public Meeting on 05/06/88 at 1:30 a... in Tallahassee fro. DNR to review and approve the 1987-88 project assess..nts that were deferred during the April 1, 1988 c088ittee ..eting. Referred to lIeil Dorrill, Eevin O'Donnell and filed. 8. Re801ution received 04/14188 fro. Golden Gate Pire Control a Rescue Di.tr1ct requesting tbe acc to call a referendum to deter.ine if the aajori~y of the electorate residing within the District would approve an iapact fee to be iaposed on all new construction within the di8trict for the purpose of capital iaprove..nts and to enable the District to 88intain the high level of professional fire protection and related e..rgency services to all residents within the District. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrill, Ken Cuyler, Mary Morgan and f Ued . 8. Resolution received 04/14/88 fro. Golden Gate P1re Control a Rescue District requesting the BCC to call a referendua to deteraine if the aajor1ty ot tbe electorate re.iding within the Di8trict would approve a aaxiaua tax increa.e of one-halt .ill, for a total of one and one-halt .ills, for tbe purpose of enhancing the current fire and rescue capabilities so as to provide better services to tbe citizens within tbe District. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrill, Ken CUyler, Mary Morgan and tiled. Minutes: Page 87 . - - - ---.-.., APRIL 28, 1988 A. B. C. D. E. P. 03/24/88 a 03/31/88 - CCPC Workshops and 04/18/88 Agenda 03/30/88 - CCPC CJt1zen. Advisory Co..1ttee 04/1'/88 - I880kalee Lighting a Beautification Agenda 03/07/88 - Ochopee Fire Control Dist. Advisory Co... 04107/88 - CCPC and 04/21/88 Agenda 04108/88 a 04/13/88 - CCPC Citizens Adv. Co... a Agenda 8. Wot1ce to Owner dated 04/12/88 fro. Pull Circle Service, Inc., infora1ng that they have furnished land8caping, 80d, seed, irrigation and related work for the iaprove..nt ot the Marco Island Library, Marco Island. Florida, under an order given by Cornerstone General Contractors. Referred to Reil Dorrill, Een Cuyler, George Arcbibald and filed. 9. .otice of Hearing dated 04/13/88 Docket "0. 880008-WS, Public Service eo..issJon, regarding establ1shaent of authorized range of return on CO880n equity for water and .ewer util1- tie. pursuant to Section 367.081(4)(f), Florida Statute.. Referred to .eil Dorr111, Ken Cuyler, To. Crandall and filed. ... There being no further bu.ine.s for the Good ot tbe County, tbe ...tiag was adjourned by order of the Chair - Ti..: 3:20 P.M. BOARD OP COtnrrY COMMISSIOIŒRS/ BOARD OP %OWIWG APPEALs/EX OnICIO ØOVERJIIWG BOARD(S) OP SPECIAL DISTRICTS tnm!R ITS COlfTROL ,.> r... j ~ ,,' . ,"" ." "/ ~I)bzr; " :",. .' . .1"'!#r9. .Git.~4' ..~ rr, ~ :~' :; ~. _"'~'."'.... " ~: ~ ;..:-:~~ Dc . \.. . Tbeaé If'li~\:e. approved by the cL.4 L .4J.? - ARJIOLD LEE GLASS, CllAIRMAJr Board on Þ/ ð -'-. Y; / ç; ; /" - presented --- or a8 corrected &00( 113,..,: 519 Page 158 F,