BCC Minutes 05/16/1988 W .aple., Plorida, May IS, 1988 r.&'r IT a ItDIDIBDED, that the Board of County Co8aJ..ioner. in 8Dd for the County of Collier, and al8O acting a. the Board of Zoning Appea18 8Dd .. the governiDg board(.) of such epecial di.trict. a. b898 beeD created according to law and having conducted busine.. beNin, _t on this date at ShOO A.M. In IIOU880P 8U8I08 in BuildJng -..- of the GcwerD8eDt Co8plex, Ea8t .aple., Florida, with the followiDg 8811ber. preeent: CBAIRMAJI : Arnold Lee Gl... VI CE -cøA I RMAJI : Burt L. Saunder. 30hn A. Pi.tor Max A. _H Anne Goodnight ALSO PJtESDT: Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk, '1'08 Olliff, Acting eo...h,.Sty De981op..nt MaJni.trator: Marjorie Student, b8i8tant CoaDty Attorney; George Archibald, Public Mora Ad8Jni8tratorJ ..itzpatrick, Gr~h Manag88eDt Director: Diane Saith, Growtb Jane IlaD8ge8eDt AnalY8t; Ron Lee, Planner; 3etf Perry, MPO Director: and 8aDcy I8rael8OD, Adaini.trative A88i.tant to the Board. AODDA Traffic Circulation Mae . '1'r 8O8i t Aviation '001( 114 'AG[ 121 Page 1 , 114""122 .Of .. MAY IS, 1988 Dt.WIC ChL;u&.iU08 MPO Director Perry .tated that the trattic circulation deal. epe- cif1eally with de.cribing the exi.ting highw8y ey.te., the aajor arterial. and collector. on both the State and the County roaðKay .,.. tea . .e DOted that it al.o deal. with the future ey.te. need., wbat i8 aaticipated tor need8 in the t ive-year Capital Iaprove.ent K188ft1t ti- tr..., the second five-year ti.. tr... beyond that, and a lODger r&Dge of the 201& urban area ti.. fr... tor thoroughfare or right-of-way planning. Øe noted that there are .everal ..pe incor- porated in the eleaent that detail. the exi.ting eyet.. de8cribing the DU8ber of lane., the facility type., and the ti.. tr..... Øe noted that per8p*ctive. deal specitieally with land use 188Qe8 and how they relate to tr8D8portation, intergovernaental coordination and Coopera- t1on and the tanding .ide of the roadway iaproveaent scenario. Øe .tated that he has tried to plan the roadway .y.tea baaed upon the land 1a88 deei8iona that the County hu II8de in the PUt knowin~, where the ~nd8 tor future rOadway. will be, ba.ed upon approved rezonings at eerta1.1 level. of denaity. Øe .tated that be baa al8O tried to incorporate Statt'. recoaaendation into the Land U8e &le..nt which is a defining of the urban liaits. adding that the urban boundary pre- ..ntly exi8t. one aile east of County Road 9&1 and one aile north of U.s. 41 and Staff i. reco...ndiDg that this line be palled in to further concentrate developaent in the areas where public facilities are exi.ting now or can reasonably be provided for during ~ ti- ,i.' , Page '1 MAY 11,1088 tr... of the Capital I8prOV...nt Kleaent. Øe noted that he baa tried to iJla)rporate the aovnaent of the urban boundary line into the Traf- fic Circulation Eleaent and if changes are 88de to that urban boundary liDe, tbe8e change. eftect not only traffic circulation planning but al80 all the other facility planning. Mr. Perry .tated that in the original draft there were .everal iIIportaDt change. aa4e, adding that the CCPC agreed to a change in the way the level of service i. _aeured and bow the level of .ervice 8~.tmd.r4 i8 de8cribed in the ele_nt. Øe .tated that when this ele- 88Dt W88 first .tarted, a Level of Service -C' .tandard W88 developed 1n order to 88Jntain the roadwaye, adding that at this ti.., there was no guidance fl'Oll DCA other than thea .tating thtit it had to be ae8sured OD . peak hour. Øe .tated that tbe County chose peak hour annual 8ftJ'8g8 .. the ..808 of deteraining whether or not the level of .er- vice... acceptable. Øe noted that .everal aonth. ago he learned that DO'1' will be reviewing thi. el...nt tor DCA and they will be exaaining the 1.".1 of ..rvice .tandard. which will be done baaed upon 8 peale ..88ODa1 aeuureaent. Øe noted that if the County tria. to aaintain -C- level during the peak "..on, the roaðKay ey.te. will be over,. baJlt 8Dd during the off-.e88OD tho.e roaðKay. would hIr,. -A- and "B" level.?f .ervice. Øe noted that it baa been sugge.ted that there is a re88OD8ble equivalency between .c. annual average and -D. 4nring the peak ..aeon, adding that if the County can aaintain the roaðKay .yete. at -D- during the peak .e..on, then on an annual average baais, the .. 114,"£ 123 Page 3 . . --,..---..-... -", / .. 114 fKt 124 MAY 1S, 1988 le981 of ..rvice will be .C- ?r better. Be noted that he bas 81Igge8ted 8Dd the CCPC baa approved, a change throughout the entire eleaent 8Dd the policie. that will change the Level of Service .C8 8DDaal ...r8g8 to 8D8 peak ""on, adding that this change will keep the Coan~ on trac~ with the originally proposed capital iltprove.ent progr.. and it i. a change that Statf 1. reco...nding that the Board 8UppOrt. Be .tated that one change that the CCPC aade that Statf did DOt agree with i. a recoaaencSation to pull the eight roadway. off the -a- 118t and put the. with the re.t of the road., adding that ei,ht 8peCif1c roadway. were ident1t1ed that Staff felt..y drop into a lower level ot .ervice during the five year period, but it w.. also felt that they would .till carry enough capacity 80 that the nece.sary iaprOV88eftt. would not have to be aaðe during that five-year period. lie DOted that the coat of bringing th08e roadways up to the level of ..rvice within the five year period was di.eaased and it wa. e.tiaated that it would cost 810 ai1110n. Øe .tated that the CCPC felt that all Coan~ roadways should be aalntained at the .... level ot .ervice and Staff felt that it was preaature to add the.e roadway. to that level of ..rvice a. they were .i.ply being projected a. PO..ible proble. roadway. . Be noted that at the la.t ..eting ot the CCPC, they voted to reaove all the roads fro. the -08 li.t and it is now the 818 list. Øe noted that four of the roadway segaente would have been recommended to be reaoved troa the l1at by Staff this year beca\we they have e1 titer been added to an iltprov...nt progr- or the re-analy.i. baa Page 4 -- .....--.....- - ....... -, MAY 11,1988 iD41eated that they will not be a probl88 during the five year period, adding that the particular road. are Bay.hore Road, Bonita Beach Road, CoaDty Barn Road, and I.le of Capri Road between Golden Gate Parkway and DaYis 81vd. Øe noted that Goodlette Road between U.S. 41 and GoldeD Gate Parkway baa been added to the li.t .. a result of the re- 81181781.. Be DOted that it i. Staff'. rec~ndation that the par- tiea1ar roadway 84tg88nts be pat on . secon&Þry li.t and that the 88t:~~e4 810 aillioo not be included in the Capital Illproveaent Prograa . Cc t8.ioner Saunders .tated that be agrees with Staff, adding that Uaere i8 . .hortfall now in funding the CIP and it doe. not aake any "De. to iocre... that .hortfall by another 810 aillioo. eo~~1..ioner Pi.tor que.tioned what happens if the road8 are put into . ""'1 of Service -B- and then iaproveaent. are aade on other road8 and tbe8e road8 drop to Level of Service -P-, to which Mr. Perry indicated that the projecti0D8 are for 1992 to 199. when the ~el of Service for ~ roada will drop below the acceptable level during the peak .. 88OD . Be .tated that there i. a continuoua proc... ot 8Dm1ally. 8OD1~or1Dg the tratf1c 8OYe88nt. and it can be deter~1ne4 each year it bIprov...nts are needed. ~ t-ioDar P18tor lIOYed, 88CODde4 by Co8aJaaiODer tl8ttMera and C8ft'18d 8ft8fttN0Q8ly, that Airport Jto84, Golden Gate Parbay, Good1ettenr8Dlt Jto84 froa P1De JUdge Road to Golden Gat. Parkway, and P1De aJdge Itoa4 be pat on a -~.ry I'O8CS li.t. IOOC 114 Par,{ 125 Page & .. .. j : : .... ~ "'C."', ff.; .'. ~ c > . f' "!', .f ~;.. ' ., :)\. l¡í.. iifo. ?" \t JIll? ~'" -"...._--, 114-126 MAY JS, Jg88 1Cr. Perry .tated that the only other are. i. a request froa the public with regard8 to deleting 8088 roadway. frO8 the DOrthe_t part of . tile CoaDty. 8e DOted that Staff ia objecting to this deletion as it MOaJd be preaature and it coald be deleting pos.ible corridor. fro. the long-range plana. Øe noted that this tfOUld leave the County ext~ly deficient in the DOrtb-eouth and e..t-weet lIOV8IWðt. Øe DOted tbat Hr. Millia. Vines is prepared to aake a pre.entation and tbeD be NOuld like to aake a few COa-vnt.. Mr. IfJlli- Vines .tated that the sugge.tions that were aade to the cepe dealt with roadway. that extend froa 1-75 e..terly to a DOI'th-aoath road without a ~, but i. the 8Ost e..tern north-.oath road Oft the future traffiewaye ..p for the year 2015. lie .tated that tbere are two road8 in the quadrant north of IlIIIOkalee Road and east of 1-76. adding that ODe 1s an e..t-weeterly exten.ion of the MSm road that ia called Livingston Road exten8ion. Øe noted that 8CCOrdJDg to tÞ)e Statt rec~tion plan, this road i8 to go over 1-75 and e..t tor two ailea which 1. Where it will end becaU8e at this point, the Mater Hanage..nt Di.trict is acquiring Under the Save our Rivera progr_, a large wetland area called Bird Rookery Strand he..,.". that will extend beyond Coracrew and toward IlIIIOule.. Øe stated that hi. po.ition i. that developaent in this area i. already planned, hu largely occurred, and include. the Quail Creek project wbJeh abut. this two aile .ection of road which would not .erve any parpoee or aake any .en.e. Øe noted that it will not aerve any con- Paoe 45 MAY IS, Ig88 NqtNQtiaJ 88OaDt of traftic and cannot be extended further to the east DOr would it ever aake it. way onto a funded road progr... 8tated that the public road iaprov...nt dollars will never be Øe available in the abn7\dance that would perai t this kind of an exp...uta.re for such a_II aaount of traftic voluae. Øe indicated that the DOnb-8OU~ road that i. being uked to be eli.inated Which tbe CCPC agreed with, i. to extend frea the pre.ent terainus of 0ak8 Blvd. at IlIIIOkal.. Road nurtherly to the County line. Øe .tated that tbJ8 C888 to hi. attention becauae he is WOrking on a large tract of land throagb which thi. road would extend. Øe noted that it lie. in the narrow 8eCt1on of land between Quail Creek and 1-75 and it Js planned.. another very low-density golt cour.e re.ident1al CO88Unity. lie noted that it baa a propo..d nortb-8OUth road to run through it that will faDctionally do what the Staff prOpotted re~tion is ItXQIpt that it will be a private road ..rving the co..n".tty. Øe Hated that the fact that the.. two road8 lie in the northeut .ec- tioa ot the urban area with wetlan48 that will prevent ta~~e exten- 8ion of the urban area to the e..t, and therefore, prevent future geaeration of traft1c. juetifie. the reco"'ncSatJon ot the CCPC to delete tbe88 two roada. Be .tated that with regard8 to the re.t of the el88tnt, there i. a north-8outh arteria] road shown that rune tbroagb the project called Shaarock which lie. .outh ot Davis ~lvd., W88t of C. R. g&1 and it W88 agreed at the ti.. that thi8 project was approved that this road would never eaerge a. a publicly funded ~o IOOC 114,"[ 127 Page "1 .-----""'.,,,_.,,- .- 114PR128 MAY IS, 1988 aile road ..gaent, but yet it appear. on the aap. Mr. P8rry .tated that be thinka that the -p W88 prepared at the ti- thi. project waa di.euaMd and it w.. not reaoved frO8 the up, 8cSctiDg that it will be corrected. Mr. P8rry .tated that the north-8OQth road i. i88ediately to the e..t of 1-75 approxiaately 1/4 8ile and extend8 Oak8 Blvd. north troa 188OIta1.. Itoa4 into Le. County. Øe indicated that the e..t-we.t road- way i8 AD extenaion ot the currently planned Municipal Service Taxing DDit project known.. Living. ton Road prJje.t. Øe indicated that there i. a diatinct absence of north-eouth, e..t-weet r0a48 in this partic:alar area. He noted that the di.tance between the north-.outh ~ that Mr. Vines would like deleted and the north-eoutb road that i. next to Parkland8 i. about 3 8il.. and the di.tance be~n the ...t-tMtlt road that i. being ..ked to be deleted and the ea.t-we.t Bonita Beacb Road i. 4 ail... Øe .tated that the purpo.. of thi. ...t-west roadway i. to provide trattic circulation 8OVeaent. for this area 01 the County a. well.. taking the load ott IlI8Oltal.. Road and Bonita Beach Road. Be reported that the Parkland8 project will place approxiaately 6,000 vebicle. per day on the north-.outb rOaðKay: 4,000 98hicl88 per day on I880kalee Road; 4,000 vehicle. per day on Bonita Beach Itoad: and 1,000 vehicle. per day on 1-7&. Øe noted that the Noodland8 project i. proposed to put 9,000 vehicl.. per day on I880~lee Road; 8.000 vehicle. per day on Bon~ta Beacb Road, and 3,000 98bicl- per day on 1-7&. Øe .tated that the Vineyard8 ia plojected Page 8 MAY 18,1988 to pa~ 1,300 vebic1.. per day on I880kal.. Road and 1,100 vebicle. per day OD 1-7&: Dove Pointe project will add over 7,000 vebicle. to I~~kal.. Road per day and 1,&00 to I-7&: Long.hore Lake project will add 4,000 vehicles per day on I-.okale. Road: and Regency Village will add 1,800 vehicles on I880kal.. Road. Øe noted that the.. are all low deD8ity project. but wben pat together, it there i. an ab.ence of a bJØbNa, -V.t.. to carry tbi. tratfic, it will hQr~ th. entire Coan ty . Be DOted that I-7& i. in the aidcUe of the urbaø are. and it will be 1I8ed by urban tratt1c, lidding that north-south roadway. can be a Y8ry 1aportant tacility when the Inter.tate J. reaching it. capa- ciq. Be DOted ~hat it i. extr_ly illpOrtant to plan for the long- tera objective. and there baa to be the proper IUIOUDt of lane. to ~l. tbe8e .ituati0D8, othend.., there will have to be freeway. baJI~ to baDdle the local traffic. Øe noted that staff wouldrecoa- II8D4 t:bat ~he.. particular roadway. not be deleted troa thi. propo.ed' CO8tr~beD8ive eleaent. Co8ai..ioner Saun4er. .tated that the Coaa1s.1on i8 conte8plat1ng . aøv1Dg the urban boundary in a 811e and 20 or 30 year. froa now, the urbaD boandary aay be lIOVed further out to the e..t again. Øe .tated t:bat Ui8 road eyste. -y not be needed for 20 or 30 year., but when it i. D88ded, it i. going to be very expensive to acquire if the area i. DOt ..t _ide now. Øe .tated that he agree. with Staff with the exception ot the Sbaarock Developaent a. this road ba8 already been detera.Jaed to be deleted. lOll U 4 ",.t 129 . , Page 0 --"".,.,""",",-_." IIIC 114 ,.¡ 130 MAY IS, 1988 ID .....r to Co8ai..Joner Pi.tor, Mr. Perry indicated that the CO8t of iDtercbang.., bridge., or overpas... are very exp.maive, but the CO8t: i. DOt an i.8Ue that Start teels i. illpOrtant enough to ~t deleting ..jor roaðNaya. ~ S..iooer Goodnight questioned if the north-eoutb roadway going JAto ".. CoaDty will be buJlt by Lee County at their line to connect to BoDJta Beach Roa4, to wbicb Mr. Perry replied atfiraatively, adding that ".. Coanty included thi. road in their cOllprehen8i" plm l.st year . .. Jn4ieatecS that it he bad to cboo.. between the two roads, he NOII14 ream. .DeS deleting the north-eouth road and keeping the e..t- ....t road, but it i. illpOrtant that people traveling north and south do DOt bage to use the Inter.tate to do it. Attorney George Varnadoe .tated that it all the .ectJone were Y8C8Dt 8Dd DOthing W88 planned or peraJtted by Collier County or Lee CoaDty, be would agree wi th Statt. Øe .tated that be would agree with Staff OD the e..t-....t r0a4 al8O it it W88 not going to be . dead-end into the bird pre.erve. Øe .tated that Statt indicate. that they do DOt bage enough aoney to bring the road8 up to a Level ot Service "C", yet tbe want to extend. road two .ile. into a dead end. Øe noted that. lot of the.e developaent. will not aee the.e road8, .. the .01e ace... point for the -jor i ty of the deveJopaent in the northern part of the County i. IlIIIOkalee Road. ø. noted that a north-8OUth road beside 1-7& i. not coat etfective for the U.. of tax dollar.. He DOted that Mr. Perry has indicated that this i. good long-range Page 10 . """--,-",, MAY IS, 1988 pl~bacr 8D4 the roa48 .hould be left there tor the future, but the probl.. i. that the developer i. in the planning proce.. and he would DOt be able to preeent bis plan beC8Q80 it would not De in coapliance with the ~rehen8ive plan. Øe noted that a 21 hole golf cour.e coa- aanity with private gated acce.s could not be built on thi. property. Ca S_ioner Goodnight indicated that .he can under.tand deleting the eaat-...t road, but .be baa 8O8e conceme about deleting the Dortb-8oa th roe4 . Qa t..1oDer 8aaDder8 1IOV84, MCODded b7 Co8aJ..ioaer ..... to cœ.cu wi tJa . tat I r 8CO . D48tJoD to keep both 1'O8dwa,. em tM up for tabn pJ--,tng p'uPw". wJth the 8ZC8ptiem of the 1'084 1D tM ~ ~ ock project. CO8at..ioner Goodnight 8tated that .be hu a probl.. with that 8OtiOD becauae there i. no place for the people travelJDg the e..t- ~ road to go, adding that the developaent. that are in the area are .1Dgl. 8CC88. roa48 and no one would 118e the e..t-we.t road except for ¡MIOple that Ii". in Section us. . ID 8t!!r,.r to Co8aissioner Pi.tor, Mr. Perry indicated that there are pI.. for reeurtacing I-15 in the tive-year progr.. and in the 10 or 20 year plan, there will be a need tor aðditionallane.. Øe noted ~t if the north-eoutb road is deleted, there will be a need to acce- lerate the plana tor eight-laning %-1&. Vpoe call lor the qaeetion, tM 8OtJon carried 3/2. (Co8aJ..ioner. PJatOZ' IID4 ~tght ~). I0Il 114'At",£131 . . Page 11 " ... 114 PIG 132 .. .~, '"' MAY 1S, 1988 Mr. Perry .tateeS that the fir.t objective and the policy for that objectJ.. deal. epeeifically with aaJnta1ning an acceptable level of ..rvice and identifying .everal current roadway. that are below the ae~le level and al8O indicate. that the County will bring thea up to the acceptable level. Øe noteeS that the .econd objective indica- t.. tbat the County will aake the nece...ry iaproveaenta in the five- year traffic circulation aap, which i. al8O the Capital Iaprove.ent El--.at, to aaintain the adopted level of service, adding that the policJ.. indicate that thi. J. done through the Secondary Road prograa wbicb Ja done on an annual baai.. Øe indica~ed that Objective 3 requir.. that the County develop Nay8 to protect and acquire tuture rigbt8-of-way. Be .tated that Objective 4 i8 for the developaent of DOn-80torize4 tranaportation aode., adding that it i. the County.. intention to develop a t1v*-year bicycle pede.trian plan. In 8D8Wer to C088i..ioner Goodnight, Mr. Perry .tated that the focua of the .tudy will be for the entire County and Policy 4.3 coa- '. i ' alt. the County to developing bikeway. and pede.trian way. with all a; the new roadway iaproveaent.. It Hr. Perry indicated that Objective 6 i. to coord1Dat. the Traffic f ,j" --.----- Kl...nt with the tuture land u.e..p and Policy 5.1 i. for review ot rezoning reque.t. in light of the level ot .ervice for facilitie., both exi.ting a. well as proposed levels of .ervice. Øe indicated that Policy &.2 state. that sIgnificant 1apact i. defined .. generating a voluae of traffic equal to or greater than &, of the Page 12 -- ...- """'. ..- MAY IS, 1988 ""'1 of hrYice 'C- peak boar VOlU8e of an iapact roadway. 8e noted thAt thi8 8t~ard deal. specifically with the review ot projects that CO8e before tbe Board of County Coaai..ioner., adding that if a pro- ject 18 large enough to generate enough trattic to ...t that trigger, tbeD i~ 18 &18884 to have a .ignificant il8p8Ct and it goes into a .taftAard r..iew proces.. ae .tated that if the project i. not very big 8Dd it doe. DOt generate enougb tratfic, then it doe. not have a 8ignJficant 18pact and therefore, would not go through the .tandard reYJew ~.. JA 8DSW8r to Mr. Varnadoe, Mr. Perry .tated that a new level of 8er.ice ~8ftd.rd of -aeure i. DOt being introduced, 8ð4ing that &, of Level of Service -C' 1. what hu alway. been U8ed. 8e noted that peak boar i. new but that i. equivalent to . daily vol1l88. 8e .tated that if 1ft of the average daily VO1U8e i. uaed and 1ft of the trips COILtDg oat of the project i. uaed, the exact.... nuaber i. deter- a1ned . JIr. Varnadoe .tated that in repre.ent1ng developer., there are two dJfferent .tandarda for DRI .ize project., noting that the State ~ay. t.bat it 1. Level of Service .D. peak hour.. the Region -.y. the Level of Service i. 'c' AADr, which i. coaparable and the County say. it will be Level of Service 'c' peak hour., which -ane in evaluating projec~. 8Dð what roada they .igniticantly i.pact, there will now be three difterent te.t. and he would like to have the Coun~ either adopt the State level or the Region level. lOll( 11 4 'At',[ 133 Page 13 - 114 PJIr.( 134 MAY 18,1988 Mr. Perry .tated that he baa no probl.. with this if Mr. Varnadoe 8M the Board of County Co8ai..Joner. are happy with Level ot Service .C. Oft aD annual average daily ba.i.. Mr. Perry .tated that Objective S deal. with the Traffic Cir- ca1atiOD Ileaent with other State and Regional plana.. well a. the Ci ty of Jlapl.. work plan. Øe noted that Objective 7 deal. with the devel~..nt of .tandard8 for Jngre.. and agre.. to adjoining proper- ti.., adding that ODe of the b1gg..t proble- with the -jor highway 8y8t- i. when too aany driveway. and 1nter.ectiona OCcur that breaks up the flow of traffic. Be .tated that Policy 7.2 encourag.. the iDterC~.~tion of local street. be~en developaent. to facilitate the convenient aoveaent throughout the local trattic without 8DCOaraging thru tratfic. Øe noted that the last polit;y indicate. the develoIU~~nt ot corridor -nag88eDt plana which i. enteriDg into contract. with the City and the State to develop the.e. Se indicated that RIlle 93& requires in the event the level ot .ervice of a par- ticular facility i. not able to be aaintained, Develop-.nt Order. will be cut otf. Øe noted that the el...nt baa a plan tor identifying in advance what are.. would be aftected by such a 8Oratoriua and when that 8Oratoriua is iapleaented, developaent in that particular area would be covered by that 80ratoriua. In &D8Wer to C088i..10ner GoodnJgbt. Mr. Perry .tated that the I..okal.. and Golden Gate Estates areas have been neglected in the traD8portation pl~ing becauae .l.~.t 9&* of the federal funding tor Page 1. "...... 1:. ~ t.. t':'" '" ~~> ... 'I"""':': l \', ; ," .' ,1 : ..... "-~""'-"--' MAY 18,1988 the MPO progr- baa to be uae4 in the urban area. Se .tated that he baa I"8q1Ie8ted in the UPC:O8ing budget that the need for tranaportation pl..~tDg oataide the urban area be '8X8ained. Øe .tated that there are 4efic1eaci...in then are.. and the deficiencie. ~ill have to be taken care of .. the County i. forced to do this bec8Q8e of the Growth Mana- QW_A~ Act:. Mr. A.1aD It8yDOld8 ot .il8OO, Miller, Barton, SolI. Peek, Inc., 8tat8d that aDder Objective 3, there .hould be a policy indicating that the CoaDty will cona1der a progr.. wherein credit. will be i.sued for daaationa of aee..eary r igbt.-ot-way frO8 property OWDers. Mr. Perry .tated that the Iapact Pee Ordinance i. structured .0 that the cost ot rigbt.-ot-way are not included in the calculation. aDd tberafore, credits toward lapact tee. are not given tor the dona- tiaD of ~igbt.-of-way. Øe DOted that this concept i. worth con- .SderiDg bat it aay include cbaDgiDg the Iapact ree Ordinance. He 1DdJcatecl that he MOUld be willing to look at thi., but he i. not sure that a specific policy would be appropriate at thi. ti... ~..ioner Gl... directed that Statt look into tbia aatter end nport b8ck to the Board ot County Co8aJssioners wi th 8O8e infor- -tJOIl. Mr. R8yD0ld8 .tated that with regard8 to Objective 5, Policy 1 and 2, MbJcb will be di.C1I88ed on May 17 by the Board ot County , CØ88188iooer., he baa a concern tha1: what i. being targeted .elec- tiV81y for review .. the rezoning proce.. 1. totally i.nadequate. Be " uoc 114,v.t135 Page 15 '."'-""'--" '" - 114 tIC( 136 MAY 1S, 1988 atated that the outCOlMt of the dJ.cae.Jon could Cause .088 change. to tbe langaage in Policy 1. ..... 118c1., 10:35 A.M. - 8ecoA..De4: 10.45 AM. ..... Mr. Mil~ Hahn of Hi..i .tated that with regards to traffic cir- CUlatJOD.. be is reque.t:ing that hi. property, which J. 8OUth of l880kal- Road and eut of 9&1 that: cona1.t ot &&3 acre., be included in the arbaD area. Øe noted that hi. property could provide ingress 8Dd egr... to IlI8Okal.. Road. Be noted that there baa been di.cu..ion about ext8ftdiDg Vanderbilt Beach Road two aJle. e..t of 951, wbicb NDald lead into hi. property. Øe .tated tha~ he would appreciate it if thJs property .... included In the urban area. Mr. Perry pointed out that be has not planned for facilitJe. in thi. area.. it i. not included within the urban area and if the boun- dary liae is changed, every .ervice ha.8 to be looked at. IU- "'.-tt Itr. Perry .tated that the County hu a liaited -8 tr808it syste. in operation with the Iaaokalee t:o ..ple. bus route, noting that text baa been added in the ele..nt concerning th1. and a aap baa been added which.bows the route through IlI8Okalee and into .aple.. He noted that tbe cePe _de no changes to th t. ele..nt. Øe .tated that the GOP'. deal with the issue if and when a ayste. i. ever needed and aeted for. then the proper planning and developaent would tate place. .e .tated that it al.o .tate. that private .ector participation ia 8DC;OUr eged . Øe noted that the County is not ready to go into a , . ", Page 1S' . . '-"'_mo._".. " ~ f~ 1:1" ; , . , ", , \~ 3' 'f:'. ,I' 'jI.!;, MAT 1S, 1988 'pablJCly 8Ub8idized tranaJt syetea. ID r88pOD8e to Co8ai..ioner PJ.tor, Mr.. ritzpatrJck .tated that the City of .&ple. i. not required to develop a.... tranait ey.te. as it i. only for are.. with a population of 80,000 or greater. ..... ~ t..ioner SaaDdera left ~ ...ting at tbJ. ti.. ..... .VUU08 lIre PeI'..-y .tated that tbi. ele8eftt deal. with the IlIIIOkalee Airport and the ZVerglad.. City Airport, adding that the City ot .apl- Airport i. DOt added to the County el...nt. Øe .tated that part of the eleaent deal. witb the continued aaintenance of the Everg1ade8 City Airport wJ thout expanding and the IlIIIOkalee .ection deal. 8p8Cifieally with. propo.ed -tar pl;m that i. going to try ADd 8DCOarage the developlMnt of the IlIIIOkalee Airport, to try and provide fixed-"'" operati0D8 and. ..rvice. that will encourage it. -. lie DOted that this -tar plan will be CO8ing betore the Soard. of Coaoq Co8a1..ioner. Øe Jndicated that the CCPC revietNd the OOP'. and the only thing that was changed w.. the addition of one object:ive on Page AVI I-28; which deal. .pecifically with cooperating with the Ciq ot .aple. and it. airport. . Co8ai..ioner Pi.tor que.tioned if the State give. favorable con- .ideratton to turning the Marco Air~rt over to the County, is the CoaDty prepared to develop a plan for that? Mr. Perry DOted that it probably could not be done before August, adding that the Airport probably would not beco.. the County'. until 1 year. frO8 now. 1001( 114 ,"'[ 137 Page 11 ----'-"-""" """ .. 114 PI'-! 138 MAY 1S, 1188 Co t..ioaer Pi. tor .tated that Deltona want. to cancel the lea.e, ì' . 'to ~SDg that be tIOIIld hope that the County would get thi. - it would .erve - a great ad4ition. Mr. hrrr .tated that if the County doe. take control of Marco in the Aviation Ele.ent, addJDg that - far .. the -ter plan i. concerned, be would .eek Federal and State funding to do tbi.. Øe indicated that if Marco Airport.... taken over at th1. ti.., change. to the ele8eDt -Y Occur dariDg tbe fir.t update ot the plan unle.. tbe Board adv1.e. dif- f8reøtly. ..... Tbere being DO farther busine.., the ..eting W88 adj0urne4 by Order of the ChaJr - '1'i..: 11:10 A.M. Page 18