BCC Minutes 08/26/1988 B - - - Naples, Florida, August 26, 1988 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, ~t on this date at 9:00 A.M. in BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION in Building -F- of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHM RHAN : VICE-CHAIRMAN: Burt L. Saunders Anne Goodnight John A. pie tor Arnold Lee Glass Max A. Hasse ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk~ John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk; Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Lori lalka, Budget Director; Jean Gansel, Stan Litsinger, and Jennifer Pike, Budget Analysts; Sam Colding, Property Appraiser; Guy Carlton, Tax Collector~ Ken Cuyler, County Attorney~ Sheriff Rogers~ and Bill Miller, States Attorney Office. AGBJmA 9:00 - 9:15 - 9:30 - 9:45 - 10:00 - 11:00 - 11:30 - 9:15 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:45 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 12:00 A.M. Property Appraiser Tax Collector Board of County Commissioners County Attorney Courts & Related Agencies r..lerk of Courts Wrap Up Page 1 ,act 117 PAr,t135 .,-----_.,-_.'-_.' , J: ~ :~ :i it ,¡ ~' t J J"'s, ," ,: HI( 117 Pl'.! 136 August 26, 1988 UPDATED REPORT OR TROPléAL D~PRESSIOR " Eaergency Management Director Pineau stated that Tropical Depression 17 is on the eastern tip of Cuba along the north coast and is 55e .iles southeast of Florida moving toward the west, northwest at 13 knots. He noted that over the next 24 hours, he expects is to reaain along the north coast of Cuba and also remain at its present intensity. He noted that as soon as it leaves the coastline, he is looking for some intensification, adding that by Saturday morning, he is expecting it to be 350 miles southeast of Naples with winds at 35 ..p.h. gusting to 45 m.p.h. and should be a tropical storm. He indi- cated that by Sunday morning, the storm should be 150 miles to the south, southeast of Naples with winds of 40 m.p.h. gusting to 50 m.ph. and during most of the day on Sunday, the storm should stay to the southwest of Naples. He noted that by Monday morning, the storm should be 120 miles to the west of Naples with winds at 45 m.p.h. gusting to 55 m.p.h. He referred to a handout indicating that the elipses are 50\ probability of winds in excess of 34 knots. He indi- cated that over the next couple days, he will be monitoring it clo- sely, adding that it is quite possible that it may take a more northward course toward the Broward-Dade County area. He stated that - he needs to know the whereabouts of Co~dissioners for this weekend. ----- cðmmissioner ~~unders stated that it appears that all the Co..issioners wil. De in town this weekend. County Manager Dorrill stated that Mr. pineau and Mr. Arnold will Page 2 - - - August 26, 1988 be working this weekend and he hopes that the Commissioners will not have to work. PROPERTr APPRAISER Budget Analyst Gansel stated that the Property Appraiser budget is on Page C-15 and the overall increase is 11\ ~hich includes an expanded service program Cor four additional positions to work on the special assessments being put on the tax bills. She indicated that she has no other comments on the Property Appraiser's budget. eo..issioner Pistor stated that Mr. Colding has tried to be con- servative and still supply the County with the necessary services. Property Appraiser Colding stated that hopefully this joint effort to put the special assessments on the tax roll will save the County a lot of money but it will be a big job for his office. BOARD OP COO1fTY COKHISSIORERB Budget Analyst Gansel stated that the Board oC County Cc..issioners' budget is on Page B-1 which shows an overall increase of almost I' for the nex~ fiscal year which includes the salary increase for the Board members of 7\, adding that it is a very conser- She stated that salary increase is set by Statutes and vative budget. the Board has no control over that, it is 5\ for inflation and then th~ population increase will be approximately another 2\. TAX COLLECTOR Page C-16 in the Book of Changes. Budget Analyst Gansel stated that the Tax Collector Budget is on She ~oted that the overall increðs~ lOOK 117 PA'.£ 137 Page 3 .. 117 paç( 138 August 26, 1988 for the Tax Collector's budget is 20.5\ which includes expanded ser- vices for four additional positions: 3 positions are associated with the non-advalorem special assessment tax collections and one position for the one stop permitting division for Occupational Licensing. She noted that there is also $23,000 for data processing equipment and office equipment included in this budget. Commissioner pistor stated that the charge on the tax collection is a fee, but does not affect the ad valorem taxes. Budget Analyst Gansel stated that his revenue source is based on the fee that he charges and collects on the tax bills as well as fishing licenses and license plates. Co.a18s1oner pistor stated that since he is going to return almost a .illion dollars in his budget, he would recommend that this budget be accepted as presented. Coønissioner Saunders stated that it is the consensus of the Board that this budget be accepted. COO1l"1"Y A'l'TOJUœY Budget Analyst Gansel stated that the County Attorney's Budget is found on Page B-2 in the General Fund and the overall expenditure increase is 3\ and included in this budget is funds for replacing some office furniture. Commissioner Saunders questioned how many positions are vacant at ---tb~me, to which County Attorney Cuyler stated that he has only one position vacant ~ he has hired someone that will be starting after Page 4 - - - August 26, 1988 Labor Day weekend. Commissioner Pistor questioned if this staff will take care of all the require.ents of the Board, to which County Attorney Cuyler stated that he hopes that when there is full staff, everything will go a lol slllOOther. He noted that next year he will be asking for one more Attorney and possibly two more. 0'l'JŒJt ClB1ŒRAL ADKIKUTRATIOK Budget Analyst Cansel indicated that this budget is a catch all budget and shows a reduction ~f 3\ which is primarily due to a reduc- lion in the unemployment compensation budget. comrrs AIm RELATED AGElfCIES Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that the Courts and Related Agencies summary page is on Page 8-69 in the Book of Changes, noting that there is a 23\ overall increase in the total appropriation budget which includes $197,000 in expanded services for 8 new positions. ***** Commissioner Goodnight arrived at this time. ***** Mr. Litsin~er stated that there is also a 77\ increase in forecast revenues which is a 3.7\ increase in cost to general revenues. He stated that the first organization budget is on Page B-56 which is the Court Reporter and has decreased 6\ from the previous year which is due to an $8,000 reduction in operating expenses. He indicated that Page 8-57 is Court Counseling and has decreased 1.1' due to a corresponding reduction in operating expenses due to over-estimation. He noted that Page 8-58 is Witness Management Victim Assistance which aoOtC 117 ~,,~.t l3.9 Page 5 --"~""-","-,-^,,--,-,,, . -'.-"__M ,.,..-------.-.-.,.".'" . loae 117~i'.r.140 August 26, 1988 shows an overall increase of 26\ which includes an expanded service request for $18,000 for a Clerk III pcsition to coordinate witnesses and keep the. out of court except when needed. He stated that Page 8-59 is Circuit Court Judges and is virtually unchanged with a .2\ increase, adding that the significant increase in this budget is in personnel services which shows a 73\ increase in order to provide Judge Blackwell with temporary help. He noted that Page 8-60 is Parole and Probation which shows an overall increase of 66\ which includes $163,000 in an expanded service request for 6 positions and 95\ increase in forecast revenues which results in a net overall cost to general revenues of a reduction of 6'. He noted that the expanded request includes a Clerk I position to serve as a Department recep- tionist; a Clerk III position to assist Immokalee Probation Officer and Community Service Coordinator; a Clerk III position to perform data entry; and an additional Probation Officer Assistant position; a Probation Officer to reduce the number of cases per officer; a Probation Officer position in Immokalee; rental and utilities, data processing enhancement equipment and other equipment to service the new positions. He noted that Collier County has the highest case load per officer in Florida by three times but also has the lowest probation fee. He noted that the Commissioners received a letter from Judge Trettis concerning this budget, adding that his letter is in -sup~t of this budget. County Manag( )orrill questioned what the 95\ increase in fees is Page 6 August 26, 1988 attributable to, with Mr. Litsinger stated that that it is a com- bination of higher collections and increased fees. lie noted that the increased fee will go from 520.00 to $30.00 per month for a proba- tioner. He indicated that there are some questions as to whether the additional fees can be collected due to the economic circumstances of most probationers, but the Parole and Probation Department feel that they can realize these revenues and they have realized some revenues in the current year. Cogøissioner Saunders stated that if the revenue estimate is not correct, the County will have to make up the difference during the year fro. the Contingency. Mr. Litsinger stated that the Department stands behind their estiaates and they feel that they can increase collections and have already in the current year. Clerk Ciles another factor is not only the money they are raising, but how the case loads are stacking up to justify it. Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that the next budget is on page B-62 in the Book of Changes under the General Fund, which is Courtroom Operation and Maintenance and has a 13\ increase which is an expanded service request for $15,900 for the continuation of a permanent part- ti8e Guardian Ad Litem Coordinator which was approved by the Board on May 17, 1988. Mr. titsinger stated that on Page B-63 is County Court Judges which shows an overall reduction of 22' which is due to one time capi- aooc 117 PSt;f 14..1 Page 7 . ------.,,- --,-" "---..----.-.-.".-..--",...-. ..,." .,," -,---" '* 117WÆl42 August 26, 1988 tal purchases in the current fiscal year which resulted in a 98\ reduction in Capital Outlay. He stated that Page B-64 is Economic Crime Rehabilitation program which has a 13\ increase and is a net revenue generator of $1,300. He indicated that Page 8-65 is Alcohol Infor.ation Classes and shows a 25\ decrease in total appropriations and is still a net revenue generator of $1,300 which is an increase of 225\. He indicated that Page 8-66 under the General Fund in the Book of Changes is Naples Wilderness alternative which is a 67\ overall increase in the program and is due to a $9,200 increase in personnel cost due to position reclassifications and $11,000 in operating due to an increase in contracts with outside instructors and for meals and operating costs for a vehicle donated by the Naples Wilderness, Inc. He noted that there is also additional revenues in the form of a $10,000 contribution from Naples Wilderness to support expedition expenses and $2,400 in revenues from fees charged to students who take the expeditions which results in an overall increase in general reve- nues of 28\ Commissioner Class stated that the States Attorney is next and they are sending someone from Ft. Hyers and he would like to defer the budget until a representative arrives. Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that the Public Defender's budget is showing a 7.21 increase which is due to an increase in operating -.-~f electricity and telephones. Clerk Giles £ :ed that with regards to Court Appointed Attorneys, Page 8 - - - .'-" .-- "~-"-"--""'-"'~--"'--"" ..--,--".-..---""-., -"..._~----_..._-" '.."" "'..., ""--"".""".....,.. ".. --.--" - - - August 26, 1988 the expenses should either appear in this budget or one of the courts budget so that it is being discussed along with the whole court systewa. He stated that there is no problem for this year, but it is something that should be worked out for future years. co.øissioner Pistor stated that the 20th Circuit is one of the lowest beneficiaries from the amount that the state gives every year and Lee County and Collier County usually gets the majority of the aøount that is allotted to the 20th Circuit, but there are also three other counties that need additional money. Clerk Giles stated that whatever the State does not appropriate for adding attorneys to the Public Defender's office in the Circuit, comes back to Collier County, who has to pay a lot more in outside appointed attorneys that are paid directly from the Ceneral Fund. Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that Page F-36 is the Family Mediation Counsel budget which is a new budget and was established to account for the $2.00 fee on every divorce case filed in Collier County. He noted that revenues are at $10,900 and at the current time, the revenues will be held in a reserve pending a decision from operation and maintenance of courts on the administration of this program. He noted that the monies are used to train divorce and fa.ily mediation counselors. CLBJUt OP COURTS Budget Analyst Pike stated that the Clerk's budget starts on Page C-7 in the tentative budget book. She noted that there is a 10\ aDO ( 117Pir,t143 Page 9 ----.-"'"' , ,,---- '001( 117 ~1'.( 144 August 26, 1988 increase in the total appropriations and includes expanded which is on Page C-l. She stated that this is the budget for Clerk of the Board and the expanded request includes $1,600 for office furniture; $17,500 for data processing equipment and software: and $800 for the Florida Administrative Code. She indicated that on Page C-2 is the budget for Clerk of Circuit Court and the expanded request includes $5,600 for office furniture and equipment; $6,400 for data processing equipment: $8,000 for a part-time clerical assistant position for the Civil Depart.ent; $12,000 for on-call trial clerks for the Civil Department: $16,500 for a Clerk Specialist I position for the Felony Department; and $17,200 for a Court Specialist II position for the Probate Department. She indicated that there are no expanded requests for Recording and Speica1 Service Departments. She indicated that on Page C-5 is the expanded request for the County Court which includes $3,500 for building improvements in Immokalee; $2,800 for office furniture and equipment; $5,100 for data processing equipment; $15,300 for a court specialist position for the Traffic Department and $6,900 for a part-time Clerk position for the Traffic Department. She noted that on Page C-7, there are some fluctuations in the operating budget for the Clerk because he has made some internal transfers for better management, adding that he has reassigned some operating costs to more - '-ap~opriate sections, but this has not caused any significant change l" -- the bottom line j 'he budget. She indicated that the Clerk has transferred the Ju/cnile Section from County Clerk to Circuit Clerk Page 10 - - - -.-....-----.. ....,..------- -.,--..-"."."--....",.-.,,.-."-.. August 26,1988 which ~ans that it is now a fee paid budget versus a tax supported budget. She noted that he has also established an internal service fund for records management which has resulted in a reduction in the recording of special services at a cost of 9 positions which will be covered in the Internal Service Fund budget. She indicated that there is $195,500 budgeted for salary reserve also, adding that changes in revenue include a 32\ increase in revenue assigned to the General Fund which is an increase of 5501,600 in the County Court Revenue which is fro. Court cost fines and related fees increases. She stated that there is also an increase in revenues assigned to an MSTD and this is pri.arily an oversite in not budgeting for school crossing funds last year. She indicated that Page B-5 under the General Fund in the ten- tative budget book is the budget for the court appointed attorneys and expert witnesses and is controlled by the Judges of the Circuit and County court. She stated that there is a $119,000 increase due to increases in court costs, adding that this was the one that was discussed earlier. Clerk Giles stated a case has been remanded back to Collier County courts and there are a few other large cases that are also coming up, adding that he may have to come back to the Board to ask for more money fro. contingency. He noted that the function of his office on the courts costs is to see that the cost be paid pursuant to a court order and that they have been reviewed by the County Attorney's office and once those requirement have been satisfied, he has to pay the bill, lOOt( 1171'AG[145 Page 11 . _~M'O<_~__'""-",.",, ~--"'.""-'--"."""""" " """""",., "-."'.".,, --.--"'. '"-'."--"'-""" -'.. lOO( 117'~-,[146 adding that he has no control over the cost. August 26, 1988 He stated that he is willing to help estimate these costs, but it is not an operating expense of the Clerk's office and should be classified under Courts and Related Programs in the budget. Budget Director Zalka stated that the Clerk has taken on the responsibility of monitoring and estimating these revenues and expen- ses, adding that if it is transferred to the court System, it should be .ade clear that there is someone there that will learn to monitor and esti.ate these expenses. She noted that she would like a specific person to be responsible for learning this. Clerk Giles stated that he does not monitor other than seeing what direction it is going and then coming back to the Board to see that the proper budget amendments are made. He stated that he would be glad to continue this and work with Charles Bell, the Court Administrator, to see that this is accomplished. Commissioner Saunder~ stated that is something that should be taken into consideration for the next fiscal year. Budget Director Zalka stated that she can transfer this in this year's budget, adding that if it is done this year, it will be less explaining next year. Commissioner Saunders stated that this would be moved to the Courts with the assumption that Mr. Giles will also be keeping tabs '~~e matters. Collllllissioner "tor stated that it may have a benefit in that the Page 12 - - - ..--.,...-.,-.----,-,-..".." ."'..--------,. - - - August 26, 1988 people responsible for the court expenses see the costs going up, the State may give us a little more appropriation. Clerk Giles stated that consideration should be given on the break-out of these non-operating expenses and the amount that repre- sents court appointed attorney'S for the Public Defender's office should be transferred to the Public Defender's budget because if the State does not fund positions, the County has to pick up the expense and it should be shown in that particular budget. Commissioner Pistor stated that we have tried to get an additional $100,000 for the circuit courts and we have not been able to receive it, but this could force them to give the County more. Budget Analyst Pike stated that Page F-22 in the regular book, is the Internal Service Fund for Data Processing and there is a 16.7\ increase in the data processing budget which includes an expanded request of $9,500 for a Junior Computer Operator~ $10,000 for building improvements; $10,800 for data processing equipment and $21,000 for software. She stated that in the current budget, there is an $82,600 net increase in operating resulting from leasing a new VAX computer. She stated that Page F-23 is the Records Management budget which is an internal service fund that was established this year to provide records management services for the Board departments and the funding source is $273,400 in microfilm fees and a loan from the Board in the amount of $134,000 which will be paid back in this current year from a new fund called Public Records Modernization. She noted that there eooll: 117 PAr,¡147 Page 13 '--'~""'-""-""U"~"'" <----< I. 117 py,r 148 August 26,1988 are expanded requests fqr $16,400 for 8 records technician position~ $15,300 for another records technician position~ $14,900 for a cleri- cal assistant~ $5,100 for office equipment and $7,500 for microfilm equipt8ent. Clerk Giles stated that these new positions were authorized by the Board January 1, 1988, when he started doing microfilming for all Board depart.-ents. Budget Analyst Pike stated that the last budget is in the book of changes on Page D-57 which is a new fund established to be accountable for a service charge of $1.00 for the first page and $.50 for each additional page for the recording of instruments to be paid to the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the funds are to be used exclusively for equipment, personnel training, and technical assistance in moder- nizing the Clerk's ~fficial records management system. She noted that for this fiscal year $134,000 was budgeted as a transfer to the General Fund to repay FY '88 subsidy from the General Fund to this budget for microfilm equipment and next year, $191,300 has been budgeted for an optional disk archiving system, and $7,500 for micro- film duplicator and storage cabinet. Clerk Giles slated that he is real enthusiastic about this new system and also glad that he is able to return the $134,000 that he .. '-1soT~ed ear lier. STATES ATTORNEY Bill Miller, ~xecutive Director of the States Attorney Office, stated that he has no problems with the budget that has been submitted Page 14 - - - < ,<",.,-<~..--_. -. "'-"""""-'-' - August 26, 1988 to hi. by OHB, except for one item. He noted that as long as he can stay within the parameters of the memo that was sent to his office on June 23, 1988, which will permit him at mid-year review to come back before the Board and ask for an adjustment. He indicated that his con-- cern is that the budget indicates $20,000 for two vehicles and he would like it increased to 527,000. He noted that a vehicle was purchase in this current year which cost $13,000 plus. Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that the difference in the value of the vehicles was based on the type of vehicles that the States Attorney had requested, adding that in consultation with the Fleet Management and Motor Pool Director, it was determined that a vehicle of the same class for a reduced price could be obtained. that this budget is on Page 8-67 of the General Fund. He noted Commissioner Glass stated that the States Attorney has par- ticipated in over 73 major cases, completed the investigation and made the arrest, adding that they are dealing with people that are master- minding behind the scenes and they need the proper vehicle for sur- veillance work. Commissioner Saunders stated that the question is if the $20,000 should be increased to $27,000. He stated that it appears that the consensus is to increase the budget from $20,000 to $27,000 for the two vehicles and if they do not cost that much, then that money will be returned. Hr. Miller stated that for the edification of the Board and the &001( 117 PAr,( 149 Page 15 -.---..,--.,,---....----..., --"------ , '* 117Ml50 August 26, 1988 Clerk, House Bill 1023 has been amended to House Bill 1049 and it has established some different parameters, adding that he will be happy t~ get with the Clerk as there are new guidelines. He stated that pre- viously the controller had to establish the trust fund in Tallahassee and now the Clerk of Courts must establish the special trust fund. Clerk Giles indicated that Mr. Yonkosky, the Finance Director, has been involved in this somewhat and he would like to speak with Mr. Miller on this matter. Hr. Miller stated that in the first two quarters since House Bill 1023 has been in effect this year, Collier County has received $157,404.65 back. -*-** Recess: 9:55 A.M. - Reconvened: 10:05 A.M. --**- WRAP-UP SESSION Budget Director Zalka stated that the wrap-up back-up is in the book of changes in the summary section, adding that the State Legislature has changed the retirement rate and the regular rate is increased by l' which the County pays all of this cost. She stated that the State retirement has had unfunded liabilities in the past and they have also changed the benefits for special risk categories like firefighters and police officers who will get substantially more money in their retirement benefits and this increased the special risk retirement rate by 2.6\ of salaries. She stated that this cost was -'~~ted for the cost of the general fund and for the Sheriff, it will Page 16 - - - """",""",","",""",,,"" "_.. ' - - - August 26,1988 cost $208,808 for them and the rest of the County will be $86,800. This has not been adjusted in the budgets, adding that she would recommend that the Board authorize her to amend those budgets to increase the retirement accounts to pay for this increase mandated by the State Legislature. Com8issioner Saunders &tated that they either recognize this and increase the budgct or take it from somewhere else. Budget Director Zalka stated that she would recommend that the reserve for contingency be used to pay for this. commissioner Saunders stated that it is the consensus of the Board to approve this. Budget Director Zalka stated that after making the retirement adjust.ent the reserve is now at $2.3 million which is a reasonable reserve for the upcoming year. Coøøissioner Saunders questioned how much was drawn from the reserve for the 87-88 year, to which County Manager Dorrill stated that $1 million is expected to taken out by the end of the year, leaving a balance of $800,000 in the reserves. Clerk Giles questioned what percentage the general fund reserve foe contingcncy is compared to appropriations, to which Budgct Director Zalka stated that it is a little over 5%. Clerk Giles questioned what the percentage was for the current year, to which Budget Director replied 9\. Commissioner Saunders stated that this sounds reasonable compared aDD( 117 PAr.{ 151 Page 17 " . --,-.-..."..,...",,' ..,-.---.------ ~."...-.;.:.;., . 1, ~'" ' ,.i..~."'.~ r" 1i~ ~Ai Ii'; t,~. ,,' "" I. 117 py,[ 152 August 26, 1988 to what has been done in the past. Budget Director Zalka stated that keeping the reserves at this amount, there is a County wide tax increase of 10\ and an unincor- porated area wide increase of 8\. Commissioner Saunders questioned if this include the salary increase for the Sheriff's department, to which Budget Director Zalka replied affirmatively. Budget Director Zalka stated that the first public hearing will be Septeaber 7, 1988 with the budget based on the 9.9\ increase and there will also be public hearings to address a couple of improvement districts; th~ Wiggins Pass Dredging District and the Marco Beach Renourishment District so that by the time the second public hearing is held on September 22, 1988, the final decision will be made on whether or not to levy the half-mill for those two districts. eo..issioner Saunders stated that there was some input from the Sheriff's Department regarding the salary progra. that will begin in January, 1989. Commissioner Pistor stated that the Board wants to do the right thing with the salaries, but he was given information that the amount that was proposed of Sl.S million was going to bring the Sheriff's people up to the same level of payment that the Board is proposing for the general staff of the whole county. He stated that he has had con- versations with the Sheriff that shows that $1.5 Million does not - ---- qui te bring them ,- to an equ i table basis because the Sher iff's people Page 18 - - - -.-----, &,,',1 ,',i, ','" JI';~ :,'j'.~I..' ".'""""','..",, ',! ' , . ~ .~, '.;' have been below the County people for a long time. August 26, 1988 He noted that this change does not have to be made this date, but it should be looked into further. County Manager Dorrill stated that the Board needs to understand that the proposal as it relates to other county employees is that for County Employees, the money set aside is 9-1/2\ of gross pay and the amount for the Sheriff's Department is 12-1/2\ of gross payroll for salary increases. Budget Director Za1ka stated that 9-1/2' was what was originally planned, but in the tax supported funds in order to meet the 6' cap, the aonies were reduced to '-1/2\ for the tax supported funds in anti- cipation of earning 2\ attrition. Clerk Giles stated that he has budgeted 7-1/2\ but the smaller the agency is the more difficult it is to come up with the 2' attrition. Commissioner Saunders stated that in reference to the Sheriff's budget, the Board has recognized certain circumstances that are going to be corrected, adding that he feels that the Board has done enough at this time with the request from the Sheriff. Sheriff Rogers stated that he has fixed positions and someone has to be sitting in those control rooms and jails, so attrition is not a factor with his department. attrition factor. He indicated that he cannot count on a 2\ Budget Director Za1ka stated that the Sheriff's budget is not based on 2\ attrition. lOOt( 117,.~ 153 Page 19 I' f:. .ßt, 'ft, .~ (fÌ\ ~" ~': . ,¡.",,~ ' . , ~' ~ uoc 117 nl".: 154 August 26, 1988 Clerk Giles stated that what Commissioner Pis tor said is the right approach to it, adding that he will try and keep his employees in line with the County Manager's office. He noted that the theory and the 8ethodology is the right idea and the County Manager has been trying to work with hill. He stated that he appreciates the study and the syste18. Co.øissioner Saunders stated that there is no further business with regards to the budget, and therefore, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 10:50 A.M. ------- Page 20 .. - -