BCC Minutes 11/01/1988 R Naples. Florida. Noveaber 1. 1988 LET IT BE REMEMBERED. that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County at Collier. and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created acc~rding to law and having conducted business herein, aet on this date at 9:00 A.M. in KKGOLAR SESSIOK in Building ~F" of the Government Complex. East Naples. Florida. Kith the following aeabers present: VICP.-CHAIRMAJC: Anne Goodnight John A. Pis tor Max A. Hasse ABSENT: Arnold Lee Glass Burt L. Saunders ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles. Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Maureen K~nyon, Deputy Clerk; Neil Dorrill. County Manager; Ron McLeaore. Assistant County Manager; Tom Olliff. Acting Co..unity Developaent Administrator; Ken Cuyler. County Attorney; Toa Crandall. Ctilities Adalnistrator; George Archibald. Public Works Administrator; ~evin O'Donnell, Public Services Adainistrator; Nancy Israelson. Adainistrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett. Sheriff's Departaent. Page 1 NOVEMBER 1, 1988 'rape _1 It- n A4ØDo\ ~ COJISPT A.GKJrDA - APnOV:lD WITH C1IAJIO&S C~..ioner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Co..i..ioner Ba8.e and c:arri84 3/0, that the agenda and the con.ent aqenda be approv84 with the following chanqe.: 1. Itea 6C1 re recommendation to adopt a proposed ordinance establishing Cable Television Franchise regulations in Collier County continued to Xovember 15, 1988, at the request of Co82issioner Saunders. 2. Itea 6C2 re conslderation of a Parks and Recreation Facilities Iapact Fee ordinance, continued to November 8, 1988. 3. Itea 6C3 re consideration of a Library System Impact Fee Ordinance, continued to November 8, 1988. 4. Itea 9C1 re construction ot a regulation baseball tield and support facilities at Golden Oate Coaaunity Park, continued to Noveaber 8, 1988, at the request of Commissioner Pistor. 5. Itea lOA Added - re resolution relative to the extension of the Cable Franchise Application Moratorium for three Keek. due to the continuance of the consideration of the cable ordinance. 6. Itea 14Al moved to Item 9A2 re interim funding of emergency shelter grant tor I&aokalee Friendship House. Inc. pending tinalization of Health and Rehabilitative Services Contracting procedures. 1. Item 14B4 moved to Item 9B5 re approving and executing a lease agreement between C. Will Woodford, et. al and the Board for the use ot a portion of Harbortowne Mall tor temporary court- room facilltl.s and expen~lture of tunds needed to repair and improve the leased premises. It- _ü DIPLOYD t"UVICI AICAJU)S - PK&SDTKD Co..is.ioner Goodnight presented Eaployee Service Awards to the following employees: Orfilio Olazanbal Wanda Lawson Marlene Richardson Road 6i Bridge Buildlng Code Compliance Main Library 10 yr.. 5 yrs. 10 yr.. It- ". IIOIDrU J'AOt.S gcoanzG AS I:MPLOTD OJ' 'nl MOIfT1I J'OR XovaœD. Iill Co..issioner Goodnight recognized Bonnie Fauls as "Employee ot the Month" tor Hovember. 1988. She indicated that Ms. Fauls i8 an asset Page 2 ~:':. .--.-" NOVEMBER 1, 1988 to Collier County and presented her Kith a ~laque and a $60 cash aKard. It- -a.c 13-11, 11.. AS wOPTI~ST YOOTH Co..issioner Hasse read and presented the proclamation to Mr. Merle Steele ot the Opti8ist Club. Mr. Steele indlcated the various activities that are aponsored for youths throughout Collier County and invited everyone to a breakfast brunch at the Western Steer Steakhouse on Nove.ber 13, 1988, from 1 A.M. to 10 A.M. He noted that 8oney from this butfet Kill be used for the ~Just Say NO" drug program. Co8a1..ioner Pi.tor JIOVed, _conded by Co..i..ioner Ba8- and c:arri84 3/0, that the proc:l...t1on d4t8ignating the week of .oveaber 13-11, 11", as Opti8i.t Youth Appreciation Meek be adopted. Page 3 -'"".~._........_.- NOVEMBER 1, 1988 It- .aD nocr..ucAn08 DUIGJlATI.a JIOVDIBD, a.. AJI "JlATIOILU. HOSPICE MO8"tB" - ADO rT &41 Co..i..ioner Pistor read ~nd presented the proclamation to Mr. David Sexton. Mr. Sexton thanked the Commission for its Kork to make the County and people in the County aware of Hospice and its role as well as thanking the Comaission tor their financial support. He noted that in five years this organiz~tlon has become an active viable organization. ~.8ioner Pl.tor aove4, -r::onðed by Co..i..loner Ba8- and carrle4 3/0, that the proc:l...tlon de8lgn.ating .oveaber li88, .. ".at1oa.al Bo8pic8 Month" be adopte4. Page" q NOVEMBER 1, 1988 It- _61E ACTrvITIES roK SPKCIAL OLYMPICS TO BE HELD O. KOVEMBER ð, 18'8 AT C»ØIIJt PAU A representative of th~ Special Olympics indicated that the Board proclaimed Noveaber 5, 19S8, as Special Olympics Day and there will be activiti.s held at Cambier Park that day. Amy, a special olympics athlete, stated that she Mould like the support of everyone, adding that she hopes to see everybody at Cambier Park. It- nr I'1tOC'I..UIATIO. DUICDU.TI.O .OVEMBD 8, 1811 AS G&JfDAL &I.JtCTIO. DAY, U COOPØATIOJI WITH TBK LUcroJ: or MOMIEJI VOTDS - ADOPTn Coaaissioner Goodnight read and presented the proclamation to Ms. Dorothy Fritch, Presld~nt of the League of Women Voters. Mrs. Fitch indicated that the League of Women Voters i8 a non- parti.an organizatlon and does not back candidates, but they are urging everyone to vote on November 8, 1988. Co8al..ioner Goodnight aoved, ..conded by Co..l..loner Pl.tor and carr184 310, that the proc:l...tlon d881gnat1ng .ov~r I, 1811, - G8Dera.1 Election Day, be adopt84. Page 6 -- Ii -.......---.- NOVEMBER 1, 1988 It- "AI ace "-A&UUI.& OJ' PtJBt.IC MORXSBOPS AJfD PUBLIC BltARI.OS srr KKCL\Jt.I)I.O TO APOPTIOII OJ' TO GROWTJI MUAODIDT PLAJr Actlng Co.munity Development Administrator Olliff stated that com- ments are expected back trom DCA on the Growth Ma~agement Plan and he has devised a schedule for Korkshops that will be necessary before final adoption. He noted that he has scheduled December 28, 1988, as the tirst publlc workshop date and January 4, 1989 as the Board's public hearing date. He indicated that the final adoption of the plan should then be on January 10, 1989. Co..is.ioner Goodnight questioned if Staff Kould be available on Deceaber 28, 1988, as the regular Board meeting of December 21, 1988, was cancelled because ot the holidays. to which Mr. Olliff indicated that Starr will be ready and available on December 28, 1988. C-t..loaer Plator 8:l'Veð, _condAtð by COJIIIlaaloner Ba8- and ~1.-d 1ID8Z118OU81y, that the Board'. achedule of publlc workab0p8 and pv..bl1c be&r1.Dga be _t r8Qardinq the adoption ot the Growth ~t Plan. It.. "A2 InDDI nnmuo OJ' DIDODCT SDLrD 0JUdIT PO. I)8iI()JCA.LD DIDDSBIP JIOOß, IJIC. PDDI.O J'IJlALlZATIO. OJ' BL\LTH AJfD REBABILITATIW SDVICU COJrnAcrt.O PJtOCß)OJl&S - APPROVED Acting Coaaunity Development Administrator Olliff stated that Collier County has been awarded a Shelter Grant in the amount of S44,31~ under "The Federal Emergency ~helter Grants Program for the Hoaele.." , but contracting procedures Kith HRS have not been finalized due to delay. at HRS Headquarters in Tallahassee. He noted that the delay has created a financial hardship for Immokalee Friendship House, Inc., a. the aval1able resources of that agency are limited. He indi- cated that interim tunding by the Board Kould allow Immokalee Friendship House, Inc. to proceed with the proposed renovation, thereby creating temporary housing. He noted that the General Fund Page 6 NOVEMBER 1, 1988 Kould be rei.bursed upon receipt of HRS funding. Co..i.sioner Hasse questioned if there Kould be any problem w1th the Friendship Hou.e r~ceiving the grant if the County puts up this aoney to start Kith, to which Mr. Olliff replied negatively, noting that he has a confir.lng letter that indicates t~at the County has been <awarded $44.315 boJt there are a series ot necessary steps that have to be taken betore th~ aoney is actually receive~. County Attorney Cuyler indicated for the record that the funding contract Kith HRS Kill be brought back to the BQard of County Co..i.sioners. ec-.l_10D8r Pi.tor 1IOVe4, _concS.d by Cosa1881oner Ba8- and carried 310, tbat interi. funding at ...rgency shelter grant tor I88Okal.. rrlend8hlp House, Inc., be approved In the aaount ot '..,315, ~ t1nallzatlon ot KRS contractlng procedure.. It- "81 tlTATI DIJœCTZD TO U1IDDTAD A KARDT OALYSIS or LAJrD VALOJ:, 0 I.JIA.LY'lIS or rIJlAJJCUO, .um AJI OVUA.LL PUSIBILITY UPOR'l UGAJlDIIO t.U1> ACQt1ISITIOJI ADJ'ACDT TO TO .A.PLU t.U1>rILL Public WorKs Adalnlstrator Archibald stated that this is a recom- aendation to consider looKing at the landtill expansion, adding that there are two alternatives. He noted that the existing site could be expanded by pu~chasing adjacent land or a neK site could be purchased elsewhere in the County. He noted that Staft looked throughout Collier County tor land that would aeet the required criteria tor a landfill and concluded that the only area in Collier County that Kould be feasible would be along the C.R. 858 corridor. He noted that operating costs for elther site would be the same but transportation costs would be the major ditference and the fees would be increased to cover tho.e costs. He stated that he teels that the best alternatlve is to look at the existing site and try to expand that area. He stated that to the west of the site is a 300 acre tract that has been discus8ed in the past. He noted that this site i8 still available for Page 1 NOVEMBER 1, 1988 aale and Staff would like co prepare a .arket analysis on this site with no outside costs. He stated that it may be determined that it is not feasible to purchase this property because of the price, but he Kould like to prcceed Kith such an analysis to determine this and then bring saae back to the Board. He noted that the ~olid Waste Advisory Co..ittee is looking at ditferent ways to reduce the solid Kaste atreaa which would allow the Count~ to use the existing site for a longer period of tise anj the additional acreage Kould be used in the future when it is needed. He noted that 20 acres of land per year will be needed over the next 10 years which will be 200 acres, addlng that this aay be the only ti.. to purchase this property as 10 years fro. now it will be built up. The following people spoke against negotiating Kith the adjacent property owner. aa there i. not an urgency to purchase additional pro- perty; there are other alternatives that should be investigated such as source separation, composting, and recycling; there is legislation that aandate. that intake of solid waste ls to be reduced 3°'; and action should be deferred until after the first of the year because this i. preaature: Ira Evans George Keller Cheater Dobeck Charlotte Westman Bob Krasowski Co..i.sioner Goodnight questioned the location of the ~Citygate" DRt in relation to this property to which Public Works Ad.lnlstrator Archibald indicated that it is within 1/4 8ile. Co..issioner Pistor indicated that Staff is simply trying to deter.ine the price of the property, not purchase it. He noted that it this property is the aaa. price as it was two years ago, the County could have an opportunity ot purchasing it nOK and saving it for future years when it will be needed. He noted that in ten years when it ia actually needed it could be co.t prohibitive. Public Works Adainistrator Archibald stated that Staff Kill con- Page 8 'k NOVEMBER 1, 1988 tin~e landtill 8ining and will also be looking at new ways to reduce the waate stream but the current activities must still go on. He noted that the Solid Waste Advisory Co..ittee can keep up their actl- vitie. but they also voted 4/3 to look at this parcel. Co".nty ~ger Dorr 111 stated that this proposal i. simply a com- aon sense proposal and something to fall back on if it is needed. He noted that horticultural programs Kill be pursued as well a. mulching programs. recycling programs, etc. but the County needs to move tor- ward in the meantime so that the level ot service in the GroKth Manage..nt Plan is not belng reduced. Co..issioner Goodnight stated that this is only for permission to do a aarket analysis, adding that if this property is purchased, it would have to be brought back to the Board. She noted that if the pro- perty we. purchased and not needed tor a landfill area, it could be .old but it Kould escalate in value over the years, therefore, the County Kould not lose anything. She indicated that she is not voting to allow Statf to purchase this property, but to determine it it is sO8ething that is in the best interest ot the citizens of Collier County. Co_i.sioner Ha... .tated that he would like to ..e Start look into the feasibility and cost ot the property but to come back to the Board with said information. CoaIai..ioner B&a- aoved, -con4eð by Co_l.81oner Plator aDd ~184 310, that Itatt be dlrec:ted to undertake a aarket analy.18 aDd cSeter.1.De the approxl-te land value. ot the adjacent halt 8ectlon ot laDd; to UDdertake a financing analyal. bae84 on value.; to report to the IIoarc1 on overall te..ibll1ty baeed upon tera.a, conditione, tlnanclng aDd tlpp1.Dg t- illpaCt; and in the event tera.a, condltlona and price are aaacc8ptable, Staft will provlda alternative reco...ndatl0D8 to the 8oard regarding solid Ka.te landtl1l actlvltle.. ..... a.ece..: 10:30 - Reconvened: 10:40 A.M. ..... Page 9 ------" _.' --~ I NOVEMBER 1, 1988 It- nu 811PPLDCDTAL ~ WITH COASTAL DOIJlUJtI.O C08St7LTAJrTS, I.C. TO PDk~ DVUO8MZJI'TAL STUDIES FOR THE COLLID COUJITY BEACH KOU1Usmuarr noauM I. TD AMOt1Jr1' or JU,O16.00 - APPROVED Public Works Adainistrator Archibald stated that thls is to approve a supplenental agreement tor the beach project Kith Coastal Engineering Consultants. He noted that on June 7, 1988, the Board approved a request tor tunds in the amount ot $150,000 to pertorm environaental studies related to the Collier County Beach Nourishment Prograa. He indicated that a supplemental agreement in the amount of 5104,970.00 tor sand source investigations accompanied said request on June 7, 1988 but additional environmental studies Kere also included in that total tunding request. He noted that due to time constraints, however, the Agreeaent being recommended for approval herein Kas not included in the original request. He indicated that the Kork to be accomplished under the subject agreement is necessary to obtain per- 8lts for the project as well as obtain a recommendation from DNR to authorize appropriation trom the Legislature tor state funding. He noted that it is recoaaended that this agreement be approved to complete the work for which tunding has previously been appropriated. He noted that between the two studies there were dollar savings of approXi&ately $25,000. He noted that he is asking for approval on this &atter and also to process the budget amendment in the aaount of 845,015. ~1..1oner Baa.. 8OVeð, "conded by Co881..ioner Plator to apprO¥w the suppl888Dtal agr--.nt with Coaatal &n21neer1ng Coa.8uJ.t8Dt., Inc., to pertora envlr0D88n.al .tudle. tor the Collier Coanty 8eaoch 8ouriah8ent Progr.. in the 8IIOUnt ot 846,016. Hr. George Keller stated that there has been a lot of money spent on studies and nothing has been done with the beaches. He stated that the figures do not add up appropriately. Public Works Adainistrator Archibald stated that there are tKO Page 10 KOVEMBER 1, 1988 functlons; one i. to go through a series of studies for DNR approval and the other function i. by doing the.e studies it keeps this beach project high on the DN~ list in Tallahassee. Opoa ~l tor the que8tion, the aotlon carrl84 3/0. Page 11 NOVEMBER 1, 1988 It- .,82 COII"faACr ".-1261 CUCnLG .um AICAJlDED TO SICOJrD LOW BIDDD, BrrTD JtOAJ)S, IJJC., ~ nLL MAT'DIAL FOR PRASE T1fO, cnr. IS AT .APLU LAJlD7ILL Public Works Adainistrator Archibald stated that this bid was awarded by the Board on August 16, 1988 for the purpose of base aaterial at the County landtill. He stated that the contractor has been ready to perform but he does not have the appropriate perforaance bond and, theretore, cannot proceed at this time Kith th~ project. He stated that the contractor had subr.itted a cash bond in the amount of 565,000 Khich Kas mistakenly returned to the bidder. He noted that the contractor has aade an effort in trying to obtain a performance bond and get it approved but to date, the County has not received it. He noted that the Board at County Co..issioners has the opportunity to glve the contractor additional time or the bid Kould be rejected and rebid or the second lowest bidder could be aKarded the bid. He noted that he has been waiting on the performance bond because there is approxiaately $135,000 difference betKeen the low bidder and the second low bidder. He indicated that he Kas told that the bond has been approved and should be in the County's possession by the end of the Keek, adding that he is asking for direction from the Board on this aatter. Co..issioner Hasse stated that if this bid is rejected and it is rebid, then the low bidder could bid again and the County could find the..elvea in the same situation again. Mr. Archibald stated that there Kas a provision in the contract that the performance bond be furnished in 15 days Khich has not been fult illed. Co..iøsioner Pistor stated that by returning the cash bond of $66,000 the contractor is receiving a aajor benefit. He noted that it noraal procedures are tollowed, then the contractor could bid again and still come in 510,000 less than the second low bidder and still be Page 12 ')5 --_.- .-- _... - .. NOVEMBER 1, 1988 ahead with regards to money. Mr. Archibald stated that the contractor is new in the area but has other jobs Mith question is it this foraance bond. the County that he has performed good on and the problem can be resolved Mith regards to the per- Mr. Toa ~uck, representinc Better Roads, Inc., stated that the contractor that was awarded this bi~ was Sea Con Industries and he has had plenty of ti8e to supply a performance bond. He stated that it has been 77 days slnce the contract has been auarded and he feels that the County has been reaiss in the bid proce.s. He noted that Sea Con na. not met their coaaitaents, but at the same time the County has re~urned their cash bond to them and still holds the bonds on Better Roads, Inc. He noted that the County has the choice of aKarding this bid to the second low bidder or rejecting all bids and rebidding the it.a, adding that if all bids are rejected Sea Con should be restricted troa bldding again. Mr. Gary Wilson, representing Sea Con Industries, stated that his client is ready to perform the work, it is simply a paperwork problem at ~his point. He noted that the bond should be available in the next 1 days and he is asking that this matter be delayed until next Keek. He noted that it the bond is not approved by that time, then his client will not oppose any action taken at that time. In answer to Co..issioner Hasse, Mr. Archibald indicated that it would take .t least 3 weeks to rebid this it.m again. Mr. Archibald questioned if Sea Con Kould be willing to return the bid bond it extra time was granted, to Khich Mr. Wilson replied affir- aatively. Hr. Joe Bonness of HighKay Pavers, stated that Sea Con is aaklng a 8Ockery of the competitive bldding process in Collier County, adding that they have been in detault since September 8, 1988 and should not be granted any additional time. He stated that he would recoanend Page 13 . ... . '" "..-.--. ._.. .- ... NOVEMBER 1, 1988 that the Board reject this contract and award it to the second low bidder. Mr. Oeorge ~eller stated that he feels that one additional Keek would not hurt the County and in all fairness to the contractor, he should be allowed the extra week. Coaaissioner Goodnight questioned if an interim Kork order has been given to any other contractors regarding this aatter, to Khich Mr. Bonne.. stated that HighKay Pavers has received a purchase order tor 9,000 or 10,000 tons of material for Sea Con Kork. Co.-issioner Goodnight stated that she teels that the County is being inconsistent with the bid process and teels that this bid should be rejected because they cannot meet the bid specifications and it should either be rebid or aKarded to the second low bidder. County Manager Dorrill concurred. ec-1..icmer 8&8- 8OV84. to reject all bida and rebid thl. ite. and b8ve ... Con return the 865.000 iJlll8dlatel y. 8IotiOD 4.184 tor a lack ot aec:ond. Co..lssioner Pistor stated that the County should follow the nor- ..1 procedure and go with the second low bidder. ec-1_icmer Pl.tor aov84, _cond8ð by Coaa1..1oner Gooðz1ight and c:a.rr1e4 2/1. (ec-.1..1oner Ba8- oppoaed). that Contract ".-12ðð be C8DC81184 w1 th ... Con Indwltr 1.. and --.rde4 to the aec:cm4 low b1dð8r, ..tter 1t.o848. Inc:. It- ..... on COIr'!'UoCTUAL sun' PDSOØEL FOIt TO K&.AL PROPD'l'Y MAJU,GDmJI'r DUkUt0A8"l" FOIt .A.SSISTI80 COtnrn' DIEPAR'r....dS 18 LoUD ACQtJIS1'fI08 - U"~&Ð Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the Real Property Kanageaent Departaent handles a lot ot right-ot-way acquisitions, contracts, leas.s, easements and MSTD's with only three specialiata. He indicated that he feels that there is a need for an additional contractual statt personnel and would ask that this item be approved. Page 14 '7, ., ".,~.,._. _~_.,..m. . "OVEMBER 1, 1988 Be noted that the cost tor this position would be offset by the various departments that are charged for the contract work. C---i-iooer Pi. tor aov84, _cond84 by CO8IIiaaioner Ba8- and e&rTi84 310, that one contractual .tatt personnel tor the Real Property ~t Depart..nt tor _.l.tln.g County depart..nta in laDd ecquJ.altlon be approv84. It- naa I.LUUE 1-<P"W~J; UTJIt&.La C. IfILL MOCDreIW, rr AL AXD TJm BCC rea TJm aSK ow A POItTIOJI or ILUtBOtJ'ftTOMW MALL rea TEMPORARY COtJRT1WOM J'ACILITIU AJII) TO A.PPJWVK lLU'üDITtJU OJ' J'17JrDS REDED TO REPAIR AJ(D ~& TU LL\SED PJlDIISES - APPJWVKD Public Works Adainistrator Archibald stated that this item is to relocate the court systems tor a period of 3 to 6 months to the Barbourtown Mall while the courthouse project is under constructlon. He noted that the first action will be to demolish the old jail Khich Kill be followed by a lot ot toundation Kork and Kill be very disrup- tive to the court .ystea. He noted that there Kill be a need tor tKO criminal courtrooms, a civil room. a j~ry room and a prisoner holding room along with the officers. He noted that the cost is $6.47 per square foot, and overall tor a 3 month period Kill be $13,675 for 8,500 square feet ot space. He n~ted that the Executive Summary outlines the rental cost and the operating costs that will be assessed to that activity Kith the expenditures being charged to Fund 301. He noted that he is recoamending approval of this lease agreement so that the initial Kork can be undertaken. In answer to Co..issloner Pistor, Hr. Archibald stated that the contract he. to come back to the Board of County Comaissloner. tor approval but the actual work Kill probably start around the first of Deceaber and that is Khen the old jail Kill be demolished. CG8a1_10D8r P1.8tor aovec1, aecODdeð by Co8a1.aioner Baa.. and carried 310, tiwat the Le... Agr..-nt between C. 'Ull Wooc1ford. et 8l IIDd tb8 Board tor the use at 8 portlon ot Barbourtown Mall tor tea- Page 16 ._--- - - -. ------- ----------- ?;J ---.--..-..--.----.--" -...- 80VEMBKR 1, lell porary coartrooa facl11ti.. ao4 expen41tur.. of tund.a needed to repaU IIDd 1-r.u°v. the 1..... F_l... be approved. Page lIS .-,f"",: . ,. "" ",.. ..... NOVEMBER 1, 1988 It.... nD1 8ID "'-1314 rea CQMMOI1CATIO.S CURrUT~ EQOI~ raR UTILITIES D m II 011 - AIiLUD &!) 'to I 8M U TO AMO tnrr 0 I' 811. 2 U Le~al notice having been publlshed in the Naples Daily News on October 5, 1988, as evidenced by Atfidavit of publication filed Kith the Clerk, bids tlere received tor Bid .88-1314 tor communlcations com- puter equipDent until 2:30 P.M., October 19, 1988. utilities Adainistrator Crandall stated that this department is currently in a reaote location and Kill be moving again to another react. location and in order to operate the terminals, tKO mode.. are needed . He noted that he checked into leasing a mode. as it is not something that i. going to be needed in the future, but the best eco- noaical Kay Kas to purchase one. He indicated that 6 firm. were asked to bid but chose not so to, as the bid price is a State contract price. He stated that he is requestin~ approval ot this item. ec-.1_10D8r Pi.tor -=wed, 8eC0Dðeð by Co..i..loner Ba8- and carr~ 110, Bid ."-131' tor cO88UDlcatlone co.puter equip88Ut for Utilltl.. Dlvi.ion b4.-arded to IBM in the aaaant ot 811,241. It- ftD2 8ID "'-12~~ rea COJISTROCTIO. 01' COOJlTY BAlUI ROAD AJI1) DAVIS BLVD. arD TUJlSXISSIOJr MA1.S PRO.TECT AlURDED TO DOUOLAS BIGGI.S, I.C., 1. THE AMDOWT 01' 8134,060 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily NeKs on August 21, 1988, as evidenced by Attidavit ot Publication filed Kith the Clerk. bids were received for Bid .88-1299 tor water trans.ission aain projects until 2:00 P.M., Spetember 8, 1988. Utilities Adainistrator Crandall stated that this item is tor three Kater aain projects that were all bid at the same time. He noted that this will boost the pressure in the area of County Barn Road and Davis Blvd. and the project needs to get underway imae- diately. He noted that this will phase out the Glades facilities. He noted that this was considered a. an a..es~Ment project at one point, Page 17 NOVEMBER 1, 1988 but there Mere not enough signatures received on the petition to yarrant the project. He noted that the total tor the three projects -ill cost $634,050, and he is recommending that this bid be awarded to touglas Higgins as th~ low bidder. c-i...10D8r Pi.tor aov84. eeconded. by CoIIai..ioner ...- aDd carr~ 3/0. that B14 "'-12gg tor conetructlon ot County Barn Road ao4 Devia Blvd. _tar tranaal.aion ..1118 project be ...-rded to Dougl- .1gg~. Inc. in the aaount ot $63..060. It- ""1 UP ~l.U(Iü IIAXVKD A.8D COIITRACT TO BJE DZC'1JTED WITH BOLIt. MOJInS I. 'f1D AIIOOJI'r 01' 826,600 I'OIt ADDITIOJIAL SDVICU TO PKLICU BAY Ih.rJøn ~ ~ D I ST1I CT Assistant Co~nty Manager McLemore stated that on October 18, 1988, the Board gave Statt direction to determine the feasibility of pro- v1ding additional racilities to Pelican Bay I8prove8ent District. He noted that he Kas also given direction to determine it the cost could be reduced it Statf assumed so.. of the responsibilities. He noted t~at as a result, he has negotiated a price Mith Hole, Montes & Associates in the aaount of $26,500, aøsu.ing Staff does some on .ite investigations to determine the condition and function of existing tacilities. He noted that he is asking that the RFP procedures be K.iv~ and the chairaan be authorized to execute a contract Klth Hole, Hont.. 6 Associates in the amount ot $26,600 to conduct the fea.ibl- lity study for the County providlng additional services to Pelican Bay Iaproveaent District. ec-1_iooer Pi. tor 8OV84, _con.dec1 by CoIIal..ioner ...- aDd c:arr184 3/0, that an ...rgency be c1eclar84 and the JlJ'P procedur- be _1984 8Dd the Ch&iraan be authorized to execute a contract with Bol. Moat- a Aa8oc:iat.. in the aaount ot 826.600 to provide a4di- t1.oa&1 -rviC88 to P.lican Bay IlIprov888Dt Dl.trict. Page 18 ¿¡{) -,,"""--'-"'----"""""""'" NOVEMBER 1, 1988 It- _~OA azsoLOTI~ "-27& ~T&auIKO TRE CABLEVISIO. ~CBISE APPLICATIO. ~ 1'0 .uV~ø. 2&, 1988 OR TRE URCTIVZ DAn O~ A CABLKVISIOK ORD I ~ DACTED IJT TRE Be C - ADO P"1'&D County Attorney Cuyler stated that this resolution is identical to the previous docuaent that was adopted by the Board regarding the aoratorlua on cablevlsion franchiae applications, adding that this resolution 8i8ply continu~s ~he aoratoriua. He noted that under Section 2 he would like to add the tollowing Korda atter November 26, 1988, ~Or, if earlier, the etfective date of a cablevi810n ordinance enacted by the Board." c t-1OO8r ...- 81C1'Y84. 8eCODðe4 by Co8a1881cmer P18tor aDd ca.rr1e4 310. that a..olutlon 88-27& ext8Dd1D9 the cablev181on tr8ÐCÞS- application aoratoriua to .oveaber 2&, 1188. or the ettec- tl". date ot a cablev18ion ordlnance ena.cte4 by the Board be adopte4. Page 19 Of ",,"-,,_U_-""""'" """",... NOVEMBER 1, 1988 I~ .-t1.A.162 OUUlol&1' ",,-,,1;. .~3: AJrD .~15/19 - AJ)()PTKD c-t_ioaer Pi.tor. 8OV84, _coD484 by Co8a1..1oner Ba884t and ~i84 3/0, tha~ Ba4g.t ~t8 8~3 and 8~15/19 be adop~84. ... Cl-t-i0D8r Pl.to:- 8OV84, _condeð by CoIIal..ioner Ba8- 8D4 c:arr 1 e4 1m8Il18oa.8 1 Y , t ha " t he toll ow i D{I J ~... be a pp r oved and I 0 r a4op'ted 1IDð8r the eon..n t A.genda: It- .14A1 - tIo¥'8cS to 1A2 It- .1ü.2 ~~;¡;- AA&a~L JŒSTRUCTt1RI.O Tn BOUSIKO AJfD t1R.BA8 IMPROVJDoŒJIT I'tJJIDS It- .14.A.3 A.PPI.X CA.r¿ 08 J'Oa rmrD I. Q TBJtOOGB Tn LOCAL 00 Y &lUU'UUI J: COMPREBDS In ~ .us In .ucJ: PJWQ1t.UI s.. Pages ~... At /- ~ . ltea .1481 ~.a~ ~"-""\&.II;¡;- rea TO ACQUISITIO. OJ' 1U0000-oJ'-tfAy FOK TD FOCR L&D DPADIOIr OJ' STAn ROAD 9151 8an..... D.S. .1 AJrD MA.aC0 ISI.A.8D (PAItC1tt. 110. 112.1, 0MJrED BY LD COO'KTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE) See Pages ~ ~ - B , / - .3 I~.. .1482 .---.......;¡;- TO LEASK AGJtKDtI'.JrT BKTM&&JI TD BOARD OJ' COtJIITY COIIMISSIOIIDS OJ' COLLID. l.<UUa:¡;:I, FLORIDA AJrD COLLID DALTS snvxcu, I.COJtPOJIATKD ~ FOK TD DSE OJ' ADDITIOJIAL COtJJITY LA8D AD.7ACD'T 1'0 I.A.8D ~w"'"T LUSED TO COLLID HULTS SDVICU, I.CORPORATED. See Pages ~:l-C!.../- ~ I~~. .1.83 STATUS JtZPORT O. THOSE PROPDTIU, AS PART OJ' TO 1183 A.GU&KÐrr ~ AVATA.a PROPDTIU, I.C. AJfD COLLID COOJrTY, BKI.O R.:ITA.IDD r.cIC ULJtS TO BE DSED TO PROVIDE OOVJt:RJIMEJf1'AL J'ACILITIU FOR ICtIS1'I.O .um ~uJt& QSIDD1'S OJ' COLLID COt18TY I tea .1~ - tIo¥'8cS to 18& I tea .14.81 rIJLU. PLAT OF tnB.IO. pOUT, 1J1IIT on &1' TO VIJrKYA.RDS IfITS STIPO'LA'rl0Jr8 tbe t 1Aal plat not be recorded untIl the requlr84 lçrov...nta Ia89'8 been conatructed and acc~t84 or until approved ~ity 1. recelY8CS tor the UJ1Coaplet84 laprove_nt. and that all conatruc- t1oD aball be coapleted within 36 aont.ba ot the data of ~hI. --.coval. Page 20 "^",,.,....-..-,- .OVDIBD 1.1." I'boIa .14M u.r.&:J ~ &am STAT'DTORT DUD I. It.ØDDC& TO Tn a.u.J: 07 PItOPDT1' IJr 9Ot. ~ e& n an ... TØ S- Pages a d.- j). / - /3 Itea .1487 ~ cœn.v."'%'S :roa Tn PJWPOSZD COLLID COUJrTY nLUIKL.D .un> 9 TD ~ PI.A.8T s- Pages ~ ,;¡ - £ ,I - / D -. It- nUl ~ZJI: .AIr UCKPTIO. TO Tn R.J:IMlWRSJXEJrr or JlELOCATIOJI &.A.rDSU POL1ÇT Maxiaua ot $6,000 for EMS Director George Barton. It- .1681 ~ .urrrr PVJIC&ASE DaDO rea FLORIDA AUTOMATED DERGY SYSTDCS J'O1t Tn ~.- 07 run. It- .1682 ~ 07 ... SDVICE AGJl&DIDT rea DDCAJrD MAIJITD.AJICE 01' PJlYSIO COWTJtOL LII'UAJ: I J[LUtT MOnTOJt/DUIBRILLATORS See Pages ~.a. - F. I - '7 ltea .1683 ..-.-at. 01' L&A.SE AnIt~s Brr..-.- ALL COMM or .APLU, I.C. .un> Tn 8OIoD ~ """".u COI8IISSIOJrDS rea Tn COIITIJroKI) tJSIE or TOMD SPACZ ~ ~1c:.\L ~.uu COØttJJrlCATIO.S s.. Pages ::ld.- G. 1- F' Itea .1411 !:{ttI'7Y r &-.008 COUÞPO8D1DJCJ: I'ILm> un/OR R.Ø&D.&D Th~re being no objection, the following correspondence was filed L~d/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: 1. Letter dated 10/17/88 from John A. Yonkosky, Finance Director to Stephen Fain, Dlrector of Finance, Collier County Public Schools, re 1987-88 Federal Payments-In-Lieu of Taxe. (P.I.L.T.). Referred to Lori Zalka and filed. 2. Meaorandum dated 10/14/88 fro. Linda Frohock, Chief, Bureau of Housing and Co..unity Assistance, DCA, to Potential CDBG Applicants re Responses to questions raised at FY 1988 Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization Application workshops. Reterred to Neil Dorrill, Toa Olliff, Wanda Jones, and filed. 3. Heaorandua dated 10/10/88 fro. David J. Buchanan, Planner Supervisor, Bureau of Planning and Design, DNR, to All Page 21 tJ5 "",... , -""... ",. ..-. -.-- '" NOVEMBER 1, 1988 Interested Parties re Meeting ot the Land Acquisition Selection Co..ittee. Referred to Neil Dorrill, and filed. 4. Keaorandu. dat~d 10/25/88 fro. Sheriff Aubrey Rogers to Co..issioner Saunders rc Excess ~lnds Check. Referred to Joe Warren Kith check, and filed. ~. Letter dated 10/24/88 from Wayne E. Daltry, Executive Director, SWFRPC, to Chairaan Saunders r~ "Citygate Co..erce Park~ DR: Application for Development Approval, DRI '4-8681-13. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Tom Olliff an:! tiled. 6. Minutes, 10/11188 09/13/88 - CDBO Citizen. Advisory Task Force - Golden Gate Parkway Beautification and 10/11/88 Agenda - Library Advisory Board - Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Agenda - Pocket of Poverty Review Committee (and excerpts tro. the State Apartmcnt Incentive Loan (SAIL), Program, regarding selectlon/rejection criteria and scoring/ranking guidelines. 09/22/88 10/21188 09/15/88 Iu. .1G1 IXDA 8ADI 'ru. roa UMAR 110. 68332 ... There being no turther business for the Good of the County, the 8eetlng Ka. adjourned by Order of the Chair - Ti.e: 11:69 A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSI BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~~b.~ ATTEST: J [I; , JAKES~C. GILES, ~~RK " . .~. "/. ~ t~/--- _: ,G- ~' .', "# ' " "i : ï Thes. .inutes approved by the Board on ~~~ /}/. - pre..nted ~ or as corrected Page 22 ...----