BCC Minutes 12/06/1988 R -"',----"^,,, Naplcs, Florida, Deceaber 6, 1988 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Co..isaioners 1n and for the County of Collier, an~ also actin¡ aa the Board o! Zoning Appeal. and a. the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted buGine99 herein, ..t on this date at 9:00 A.M. in a&oOLAa S&SSIO. in Building .W. of the Gove~nt Coaplex, East "aplea, Florida. with the following aeabers present: CHAIRMAJt: Burt L. Saunders VlCE-CHAlRMAJf: Max A, Hasse, Jr. Richard S. Sh~nahan Michael J. Volpe Anne Goodnight ALSO PIta DT : Jaa.s C. Giles, Clerk; Jo~n Yonkosky, Finance Director; Ellie Hotfaan, and Dalila Mendcz (lC:40 A.M.), Deputy Clarka; .ell Dorrlll, County Manager; Ron McLeaore. Assistant County Manager; Tea Olliff, Acting Coaaunity Develop.cnt Dircctor; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Toa Crandall, Utilities Administrator; George ArchJbald, PublJc Morks AdainJstrator; Kcvin O'Donnell, Public Service. A4alnl.trator; Michael Arnold, Assl.tant Utilities Adaini8trator; Nancy loraelson, Ad.inistrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Depart.cnt. Page 1 DECEMBER 6, 1988 hpen Jt8a n AaW8ft& - Uf-"Yall WIn C'LUIGU 0-. ..iooer ...... 8OVed., ..cODðed by Co_i..ioner ShaftAha"l and ./1 (ec-..1..loner Volpe oppoaed), that the agen4a be approved with the foll«*1Dg ~: a. Itea ~A - Service Awarrt - Diane Dupre, Social Serviceo - Mlthdrawn as requested by the Board of County Coft8issioners, b. Item 14B3 - Reco-.endation to declare Vehicle No. 81621 8Urplus property and accept a purchase offer fro. the City of Everglddes. (Continued trom ~nvember 2~, 1~88 meeting. Mithdrawn) . c. It.. 14Dl - Plantation Subdivision (Eaatr1dge paD) Agreement - Moved to Itea 9D2. d. Ite. 14Fl - Renewal of the annual Service Pluo Agreement for the County's telephone system - Moved to Item 9Fl. e. Item 9B6 - Recommendation tor the Board of County CO..i8s1oners to consider revisions to acc~ss controls bet- ween EcclJd Avenue and the Whispering Pinc~ Development, per County Permit No. 60708 - Added. t. Ite. 9B7 - Recommendation to execute Purchase Agreement tor the acquisition of right-ot-way for the four lane expansion of S.ft. 951 between U.S. 41 and Marco Ioland (Parcel No. 144, United Telephone Co. - Added. g. Itea 903 - Berkshire Lakeo Unit 11 Acceptance - Added. Water and Sewer h. Itea9Bl - Recoaa.ndation that the Board of County Co..18eioners authorize an additional one-year extension of the tlnancial plan eotablished tor the resource r~covery &yetem (Continued from Hovember 2~, 1~88) To be heard at 10:30 A.M. 1. Ite. 14Bl - Rcco..endation to continue procuring legal ocr- vices from the law fir. ot Carlton, Fields. Ward, !aaanuel, Saith & Cutler, P.A. for deoign and =onotruction related mat- ters - Moved to Item lOA. AmnIn.A ADDITIOIIS TO BE LIMITED TO DØ:JtODCY ITDCS Co..188ioner Volpe stated that it is very difficult to make intelllgent decislons on items that are added to the agenda at the co...nce..nt of the Board meeting. He indicated that there is insut- f1c1ent tl.. In which to review the aaterial being presented. He augge.ted that it the Board's Policy relating to added agenda item~ apec1fl.. that add-on. are to be ot an emergency nature, Jt .hould be the Cha1raan'8 dl8cretion a8 to whether those items tall into the Page 2 I DECEMBER 6, 1988 e..rgency category. Co..l.sloner Saunders concurred wIth Coaaiooioner Volpe, but noted that .1tuatlona arIse at various tImes, after the We~nesday deadline to be Included on the following week's agenda. Co..lssioner Shanahan shared Commissioner Volpe's concern regard- Ing added agenda items, noting that he believeD the Coaaisoion can rely on the Chalraan's decisJon as to whether the additional iteas should be placed on the ~genda. CoaaI..Ioner Saunders stated that he will accept the direction of the Coaal..1on to determine whether late Itcms are to b. .dded to the agenda, notIng that he will be conservative in what items are of ~n e..rgency nature. He noted that there may be inotanceo wherein the other ...bers of the Co..lss1on may feel that ite.~ that are added to the agenda are not an emergency, and if 00, he would like to know. (!-i-1oDer Volpe 8OV8d, "condad by CoIIat..loner ..... and carried --i8ð'Q81y, that it... that are to be added to the agen4a be U..t~ to J..rg.ency ite_, .. a..ignated by the ChaIr. It_.... . i tb4r 81m Itaa ft. DOlI a..-A&Kf Jt&COCØIUD AS IXPLOTD OF TO YUK - AMJ.IU) PRUDnD Co..issioner Saunders read a letter fro. the Board of County eo-ia.loners to Paramedic Don Eckert, recognizing hi- as Employee of the Year tor 1988. On behalf of the Board, Cc.,uaissioner Saunders congratulated Mr. Eckert tor his outstanding p(!rtormancp and preGented hI. with a plaque and a S2~0 cash award. I tell 8C ~- -18"&" nJIAIICK OnICDS ASSOCIA'rIO8 CDTUICAn ow AC1IInnmJrr PLAQa8 ~RDIm TO COLLIn COlleTT ~ DCKLLUcz x. WI.UCIAL uPOIt'rI.O - .._"-~.., TO nllUCK DIJtaCTOa JOB TOROSr{- --, . . Mr. Daaon Adams, Finance Director, City of Fort Lauderdale and representative of the novern-ent Finance Otticero Aosociation (GFtA) .tated that it is an honor to present the Award of Financial Reportlng AcbIeve8ent. He advised that thio award represents signJticant acbIeve..nt8 ..eting the high standards of the GFOA program with Page 3 ? (j -- DECEMBER 6, 1988 coapl~ten..a in reporting. He noted that Collier County should take apeclal pride that their annual r~porting has been judg~d to b~ the beat, which reflects expertis~, professionalism, and many hours spent by Staft in preparlng this report. He advised that the attainment ot this award will encourage other entitieo t, strive tor excellence in reporting, and requ~sted that Collier County colltiT'<le its co.mitment to good 80und accounting. On behalf of the GFOA. Mr. Adams presented a plaque to Flnanc8 Director John Yonkosky, noting that he has been very lnatruaental in Collier County achieving this award. eo..l.aioner Saunders congratulated Clerk Giles on the outstanding perforaance of hi. Staff. I~ ...u UP ",-un, IUJlGaOn UTUAKY syatDl$ STt1DY walt COLLID COOJITY -Y' ,..;11 ax.&.r. ~ DEP.LItTlo&blr - STATI TO nOOTIAft 00Jr'1'UCT WITH .J'ODI'T Y_XU- "'l."~ &1)180. COMMOJrITY COLLKOE; RIDDS ow ItOODKY BAY .urn TD ~....u,. OW PVIltOJIQJITAL EDUCATION Legal notice having been publiohed in the Ila~lco Daily Newo on .oveaber 1 and 11, 1988, as evidenced by Affid~vit of Publication flIed wlth the Clerk, Requests for Proposals were received until 3:00 P.M. on .ove.ber 21, 1988, to consider RFP '88-1331. Mangrove Estuary Sy.te- Study. Acting Community Development Adminiotrator Olliff stated th~t the County applied tor a grant from the Department of Environmental Regu- latlona (DER) to perform a study relating to mangrove estuaries. He advi.ed t~t grant tunda received froa CER are approximately $41,000. Aa a re8Ult, he indicated that the Board authc¡rized Statt to solicit propoaal. tor local consultanto to provide the work. He otated that St.tf 1. requesting authorization to negotiate a contract, in an &8OUDt not to exceed S~6,OOO, with the top ranked firm, the joint ven- ture between Edioon Coaaunity College; Friends ot Rookery Bay an~ the Center of Envlronaental. C~i..loners Shanahan and Volpe questioned the ditf.~rence in the 8ð6,OOO reque.ted by Staff to negotiate a contract. and tl.: ~41.000 &8OUDt tor aatching funds as noted in the Exe=utlve Summary? Page ... ~ DECEMBER 6, 1988 Mr. Olllft replied that the County's in-kind match can be in the fora of other p~rvices, i.e. secretarial, otficc space, and tield work by Staff, all of which will b~ provided, and DER hag accepted. He noted that the only dollars involved will be those of payr~ll costs. Be indicated that there i3 also a joint match between the consultant and the County to meet t'1e 8inhIUm amount requi red" C-1..ioner Volpe IIOV8d, "conded by C088ie.lonar SNllnAhAt\ and carr~ aD8D~ly, that Statt be authorized to n.gotiat. a contract, 1D - ~t DOt to exceed 8ae, 000, r:l th the joint venture between Jr.d1~ c: nJty College; Frlenda ot Jtookery Bay and the C4D.ter ot bvb . tal .l4a.cation, to be brought back betora the Board for .~4,,",-.l. Coaaissioner Volpe questioned whether the contract will identify the In-klnd services that both parties will be providing? Mr. 01litt reaponded afflraatively. I tea "'2 D8Ot.O'f'Z08 .8-107, AICAIlDI80 CDTIWICATK OW PUBLIC COIIVDIDCZ A8D DiC&.unT TO A8TBO8T D. InIULD D/B/A JIAPLU 811t1TTL.I - ADOM'KD Public Works Administrator Archibald otatcd that requeGt is being aade to aw.rd a Certificate ot Public Convenience ~nd Necessity to Anthony D. Wheeler D/B/A Naples S~uttle, to operate a van service in Collier County. He advised that the Public Vehicle Advlsory Committee (PVAC) revJwwed Mr. Wheeler's application on November 14, 1988, and found the applicant to be in compliance with :he require.ents aD 3et forth In Ordinance 86 4. He noted that Statf and the PVAC are reco.- ..ndlng approval of this Certiticate. In anawer to Coaaissioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald Indicatej that the applicant will be providing a van service for hire, noting that mo~t of the work provided will be to acco..odate the hotelo tor 3peclal functlona. C'--i..i0D8r ...... 8OVed, "eonde4 by eo-1..10nar Shanaban and carrIed ~8ft1~ly, that a.aolution 88-307 8M8rdlnç a Certificate of Pablic CoaveDi8DC8 and ..e..alty to Anthony D. Mbaeler D/B/A .&ple. 81mtu.. be adopted. Pa,¡e ~ ..."---_..".,, -. I~ ,-,,-_.~-, -" DECEMBER 6, 1988 It:- .,&3 I'OJtCII&5Z MJta~T POR no: ACQUISITIO. or RIG1fr-Or-MAY POR no: POUR ~ 8XPIJISI~ ow STAn ROAD lUll IIKT1QU U. S. U AJfD MAJtCO ISLAJrD (PAItCZL 14.3, CJW:RD BY PE~IXSUt..!- ~~O~JfT -ÇQ~RAT!Q!lL _~_~~0VEp-__- Public Work3 Administrator Ar~hibald ln1icated th~t ~ rCCOMmen dation is beinq 8dde tor the Board to consider a Purchaac AgreeMent for the acquisition ot right-of-way tor the tour-lane expansion ot State Road 951. He noted that the subject property (Parcel 143) is located on the west side at S.R, ~51. and south or u.s. 41, and is zoned C-4. He stated that the parcel io 17~' x 13'. and .1t the t i.e of the County's original apprai3al in 1~87, the property was valued at 83.64/SP, and was updated to $3.65/SF at the time the origi~al otter waa aade. He advised that the o'ff1cr, Peninsula Improvement Corporatlon aade a counter otter of $~.OO/SF. Mr. Archibald stated that duc to the small size at thi3 property, with 175' of frontage, Staft is recommending that the $5.CO/SF amount be accepted. He noted that St~tr deeD rccog~ize th~t this amount is allghtly higher than the 53.65/SF amount, bu~ it w111 eli8inate the Order of Takinq that is scheduled tor this w~ek. Co..lasioner Saundero questioned whether the $5.00/SF amount will at teet other property value3 and detract fro~ appr~13al3 on other par- eel. to be acquired tor the four-Ianing of S.R. ~51~ Mr. Archibald at.ted that subject property i3 close to an :ntcr3cction, and i3 more valuable, r.oting that it will not est;ablioh ;) pattern to boa tollowed in the future. In answer to Coamisoioner Shanahan, Mr. Archibald noted that th~ 8Ubjeet property owner has done hi3 "holD':!wcrlr" , and identi~ied similar parcels that have sold tor greater amounts. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he believe:; that Statt has done a good job in coordinating with the Eminent Domain Counsel, and he feela that Staff's recommendation is a valid one. Co..18s10ner Volpe qu~stioned the ditferential of the 3' inflation factor which was used to increase the appraised value on a parcel of property that was acquired last week, and the 5\ factor which Is being Page 15 13 ".'--- DECEMBER 6, 1 ~88 applled to this parcel. Mr. Archibald advised that different segments of this corrldor are taken into consideration. noting the property located further south, which is undeveloped, would have a lower per- centag. factor. o-i-1oDer tQ:I.".h.n 8OV8d., _conded by eo-i..ioner Ba.a- and carried --180D81y, to accept Start'. reC0888ndation to approve the Rigbt~--.y Agr....nt tor Parcel 143, at 8ð.OO/SW, and the Chairaon to 8Z8C1Ita tiae ..... Page 7 IY ,--,--.--..." , DECEMBER 6, 1988 It_..... ~..~ """.........u walt TO ACQtJISITIOJI OW ItIGHT-OW-MAY I"OJt TO WOOR LI.8& IZI'ADIo. or STAR JtOAD 9&1 8&DKU U. S. U un KAACO IGI.AJrD frAltCa. 129, &tIu&a& JŒ1aCIS) - APP1tOVKD "------------ Public Work3 Ad.inlstrator Archibald indicated that P~rcel 12~ is located on thc west side of S.R. ~51, south of Hendprson Creek. north of Manatee Road, and it is zoned C-4. He noted that the ?arcel i9 83' X 99', and consistn of 2/10 acrc. Mr, Archibald .tated that the County's original appraisal ot this property (1987) was 52.75/SF, and was increased by 3\, ba:)cd upon a 5\ annual In~latlon rate from the date of the appralsal and lhe date of the otfer. He advised that thio property, and the parcel next to it (Parcel 121), are being represented by Furst Wein & Tarya~, New York attorneys, who have aadc a counter'-offer of 53 .15/~fo', He indicated that Statf believes that $3.25/SF io an acceptable ~~ount for this parcel and Parcel 127. Mr. Archibald indicated that an invoice for attorneys fees has been 8Ubaitteð by Furst Wein & Taryan, in the amount of $3,900, to be split equally between this parcel and Parcel 127. Co..i..io~er Volpe queationed the justification of the payment ot the attorneys tees? County Attorney Cuyler stated that the County is .utborlzed, as the Board sees tit, to pay attorneys fees as part of the purchase. o-i"1oDar Sha"'.þ'4In 8OVed, -cODðed by Co8ai..ioner II.a8a8 and carrIed aD8D18øaaly, to accept the reco...n4atlon ot Staff to approve the ~ght-of-M8y Agr....nt tor Parcel 129, at 83.26/5W, 8Dd attorneya t... iA the IIIIOW:\t of 81,9&0, .&Dd the Chalra.an to execute the ..... Page 8 13 "----------,-", DECEMBER 6, 1988 It- nM pmwow... """..""'T reR TO ACQOI8ITIO. O. RIOBT-OP-WAY rea T3 J'O1J1t r..&n DPoUISI08 '" STAn: ItOAD 9&1 BnwkJœ 0.8. 41 A.o JCA.aCO ISL.U'D J..l~ 127, 0Z0JtaZ 8OOn UD .1OD1' BOOn) - APPRoy&D Public Works Adainistrator Archibald atated that Parcel 127 lies Iaaediately south of Parcel 129, and is approxImately 83' x 100'. He noted that $3.2ð/SF is the reco..en~ed amount tor the acquisition of this property, and approval of attorneys fees in the amcunt ot $1,950 is requested. C-i..1oaer ..... 1IOVed, -cODðed by Co8aJ..ioner Shanaban and C8ZTied --i'WO'Utly, to accept the recO888nd.atlon ot Staft to approve tb8 ~t-of--., Agr"88nt tor Parcel 127 at $3.2&/8., 8Dd attorney. t... 1A tb8 ~t ot 81,StðO, and the Cbairaan to -x.ecut. tbe ..... Page 9 J~ DECEMBER 6, 1988 I ba .... ~l -..anœ WOII TO 8OA.IlD o. euu.u' COI8aSSIOJrDa TO COJISIDD D'i'IßG8S TO TO ACCUS COJITJtOLS 8ftWKD KUCLID AVD:D ~ 1'D 11111an:aI:8J PIJIU Dn"ILOPMD'T PO COtTJITT PD:Ja! .0 10708 - -~ --- Public Works Administrator Archibald 9t~ted that a meeting between the Developer of Whispering Pines and two r~preoentatives ot the Mliloughby Acres Property OWners Association took place last week to discuss the problems that exiot on Euclid Avenue due to constructlon traffic. He indicated that the Developer i3 submitting a two part plan for the Board's consideration: 1. Gain access to the development site through existing ease- ments and the Livingoton Road alignment. The Developer will need to obtain approval trom various land owners. When access io provided, construction traffic wil] not use any ot the roads within Willoughby Acres. Co..lssioner Saundero questioned how many property owners are involved with the Livingston Road access that is attempting to be acquired? Mr. Archibald stated that there are more than 30 property ownerm involved. Co..issioner Saunders questioned whether Mr. Conley haG explored the possibility ot private agree.ents with the property owners to obtain access to Livingston Road? Hr. Conley replied that he has not dlscuaaed this possibility with any ot the property owners, but if a;ces. could be gained trom the north, there would be only one pro- perty owner to deal with. Co..ls81oner Saunders stated that he would like to work with Mr, Conley in obtaining an agreement troa the property owner to the north, 80 that access could be attained. Mr, Archlblld noted that the second portion ot the Developer'g proposal ia: 2. To provIde strlct controlo for truck trattic into and out of the project: a. Establioh a guard at the acceOG to enforce strict Gontrols ot the trucks. b. ~ruck traffic liaited to Monday, Wedneoday, and Friday between the hours of 9:00 a... and 2:00 p... c. ~he number ot large trucks will be restricted ~o three per day. Mr. Archibald stated that the Willoughby Acres Property Owners A8aoclation would like to present these issues to thelr members at Page 10 :;Jfy ". -,---,-.'-,-- ,- DECEMBER 6, 1988 their ann~l aeeting on December 1~, 1988, and respond to the Board regarding the Developer's proposal. He noted that Staff has no objec- tlon to consi~rlng this propooal ao interim conditions, until the Mllioughby Acres Property OWners Aooociation present their teellngs to the Bo4lrd. In answer to Com.iosioner Hasoe, Mr. Archibald noted Board actlon on .ove.bar 22, 1988 halted all truck traffic on Euclid Avenue, other than vehicles driven by construction workers, and one fuel truck which ia within the ~ ton range. Mr. Conley stated that he has consulted with the contractor of the Whispering PJr~s Developaent, and he believes that limiting the large truck looads t:c three per day Mill result in the project falling behind achedule, and he is requesting that consideration be given tc e trucka per day. Mr. Jack Pointer ot Milloughby Acres recommended modifications to the two point plan oubeitted by Whispering Pines Developaent as follows: 2b. Bours of authorization tor large trucks would be restricted betwe.n 10:00 a... and 2:00 p... 2c. .ueber ot large truck loada would be restricted to no more than two (2) per day. Mr. Polnter further ouggeated that June 15, 1989, be the ending date tor the construction trattic, noting that this will be six months tro. the date of the Willoughby Acres Property OWnrrs Association _eting. CO_i8.iol1or S!wnahan questioned whether Mr. Pointer felt tha\. the r.aidenta coulrl live with three truck trips per da'¡, rather tha., the ~ that he J8 8Uggeoting? Co_iaaloner Hasse stated that if Mr. Pointer is suggesting that the tl.. tor truck traffic be turther restricted by another hour (10:00 .,a.) it does aeea logical to allow three trucks per day, and queationed whether he wa3 in agreement with this? Mr. Pointer replied that: if the time trame permitting three truck. per day will only be until the property owners present their responses Page 11 ;)1 DECEJi".BER 6, 1988 to the Board atter their annual meeting in two weeks, he could live with it. Co..issioner Goodnight suggested that Mr. Pointer consider the cut-off date for truck tratflc on June 1, 1989, rather than June 1~, Ig89, slnce the children will be out ot school for summer break. Mr, Pointer agreed that June 1st would be a aoro appropriate date. Mr. Ed White of Willoughby Acres stated that he believes the action that wae taken on November 22, 1988 by the Board should reaain as It ls, noting that the residents did not h~ve sufficient tim~ to prepare tor today's &eeting, since this item was added to the agenda this aornlng . Be requested that any further action be taken a~ter the Wl1louqbby Acre. Prcpcrty Owners Association meeting on Docember l~, 1988. Mr. George Keller. President of Collier County Civic Federation stated that he agrees with Hr. White, noting that the residents of Willoughby Acres appeared in aaos forces at the Co..issio~ secting on .ove.bar 22, 1988, and they had no knowledge that this item would be added to today's agenda. He suggested that the Developer start building the one 8ile ot the road to the north that is required, so that the people at Willoughby will not be burdened with this problem. Co~issioner Goodnight noted that Euclid had several f~ur-way stops slgns before the new bridge waG constructed, and que3tioned whether they could once again be installed to control the 3peed of addltlonal traffIc, and then remove the signs after the constructIon io coapleted7 Mr. Archibald stated that with the Board's permisoion, he can attend the H(,,~e Owners annual lIIeeting and adviae of the vario'ls optiona, however, he noted that he had mixed feeling regarding the atop signs. In Gn8Wer to Coaaiasioner Volpe, County Attorney Cuyler advised that the Right-of-Way Per.it torso the basia of the conditions, noting that if they are not met, the permit will be revoked. o-t..10Der ShAft."«n aoved, ..cODðed by C~i..ioner 11oocSa.1ght p... 12 ;;).2 D&CDaI.a I, 1 it.. 8Dd C8Z'rhtd eftaftt-oualy, to approve Staff rec~tiona regarding r-.v1a1QD8 ~ u.. acC888 control. betw8en Kuclid Aven:ae aDd t» 8hteper1ag '!Dee De-nllopllent, with minor c~. - tollowul %rucka in .-x~... of I tQDII reetricted to ace... on Kuclid Avenua on 1ÞtoDdaya. ""~lI"'t.. 8Dd rr14ay8 beh8een 10:00 a.a. and 2:00 p.a., l1a1ted to t:bree t:r1pe per day; COÐ8truction traffic to be t.raJ.nated on .hme 1, 1..., ~.t4ena~1on ot In.8tallation ot tour-...y .top .igzaa: 8Dd the .111~ Ac:rea ... o.zwr. Aa8oclaUon to briDg back their Z'8c~- dat1GD8 OIQ Deceaber 20, 1981. In answer to Finance Director Yonkosky's concern regarding .3 as contalned 1n the Executive Suaaary - To provide secur1ty fo~ any road aalntenance and/~r repaira due to the proposed operation, the deve- lopeI' would pled~e the existing perforaance bend for subdivision l8proveaents aga:nst damage on Euclid Avenue, County Attorney Cuyler noted that the ~v.loper will be required to do whatever is necessary, in the event this item coaoø back to the Board. CO"1S8ioner Saund~~8 urged Mr. Conley to set up a aeeting with the property owner to the north, and noted that perhaps agreements can be attained by De:eaber IS, 1988. ... ~.a. 10110 A.M. - 10:.a A.M. at which t1ae Depaty Clerk I18ndez replaced Deputy Clerk Bottaan ... It- ..., a.a...-...-z ft)8 'fD ACQaISITIO1I ow aIOIIT-oW-IUY po. TO J'OOJt L.UI1: az¡oA88IQ8 ow ftATI: aoAD SlaJ 8~ 0.1. U A.WD NAaCO ISI.A.WD, r&8Ca. 80. 1«, imIno m.zPBon COMPAIrY rea 828.293.83 - APPJWVKD Public Norko Adainiatrator Archibald requested authoriza~10n to acqulre a parcel at land fro. United Telephone Colllpany necesoary for the tour-Ian1ng of S.R. 951 bet~~en Marco I3land and U.S. 41. He advlaed that the location of Parcel No. 144 is on the east slde of S... SlS1. .outh of U.S. 41 and north ot Henderson Creek. He noted that the total square footage is 8,407 and the appralsed value 1s 82.&0 per square toot. He advioed that the appraisal include8 the value ot the vacant property and improvements implelllented, whi~h Page 13 ~9 DECEMBER 6. 1988 Include an ace... road to a parcel tarther to the east, He advised that the total of the agreement is in the amount ot $26.293.83, con- slstlng ot $21.000 tor the land value and $5,500 tor the improveaenta. C-t-1oDer ~.h.n aoved, "conded by eo-1..ioner ...... and carr1e4 ---i~ly, dire<:tiDg Statt to acquire Parcel 80. 144, th1ited Tel.~ C"--'J" in the ~t ot 821,293.83, and that the ChaJI'88I1 be -tbazo1&ecl to 81gn the aight-of-ttay &.gr8e88nt. Page 14 ~() DECEMBER 6, 1988 It- no1 AO,Uk---. nJIt EJIOIRDI80 SDVICES SDVICU WITH WILSO., MILLD, 1IAaTO8. SOLI. AJrD PKa, I.C. FOR CLAM PASS PARI: NATD WACILITIU IXP~--d - TO BE BROtLOB"LM~-TI>.:nn:~~ ------------------ Assistant ~tilit1es Administrator Arnolj ~dvised that the intent ot the project is to provide potable water. electrical pcwer and telephone service to the Clam Pass Park facilities. He ~oted that in July the Board selected Wilson, Miller, Børton, SolI & Peek, Inc. to initiate the e~gineering services and ha~ directed Staff to negotiate an agreeaent for the services. He advised that an agreement not to exceed $21,500 has been negotiated which provides for design, construction contract adminjstration, construction inspection and related s~rvic~s. He atat~d that 8inor changes were implemented to the agreeaent by the County Attorney's office which are included in the p3cke t . H~ noted that the provision to pay interest on invoices has been deleted by the vendor. He advised that the agreement is sub- ject to appropriation of funds. In response to Co~issioner Hasse, Mr. krnold advised that the project will include restoration of the dune area. He noted that the conditions of the Coast Guard permit require that the services are Impleaented under the drawbridge. He sugges~ed that the beach route wo'11d be Staff's recomJllendat ion tor construct ion, Mr. Arnold advised that the permitting agencies have indicated that there will be environJllental impacts along the boardwalk area. Coaaissioner Saunders advised that if the preferred rOJte i~ the boardwalk, Statf should approach the Department of Environ~ental Regulations for a permitting application. County Manager Dorrill noted that the Coast Guard has jurisdiction over the selli:tg of a drawbrldge that has never been used. He adv:scd that the alternative route to take Ioould be over the drawbridge. Commissioner Saunders indicated that one of DER's conditions was that a drawbridge be bull t. Mr. Dorrill stated that he preferred the boardwalk route; Co..18sioner Hasse concurred with this statement and added that this route would be the moat economical. Pl)go 115 3Y DECEMEER 6, 1988 Reapondinç to Comaissioner Volpe, Mr. Arnold advised that there will not be a foraal desiçn report by WilBon, Miller, Barton, SolI & Peek, Inc. He sugçeated that Staff can dire=t WMBSP to consider the option ot going across the boardwalk and det~rmine which io the most econoaical route to undertake. Commis3ioner Volpe asked ~ho would be initiating the final decision on the route to be taken? ~r. Arnold responded that ~tatf would be making the fin~l decision unless the Board authorizes otherwise. Coaals8ioner Saundero recommended that the agreement te held oft tor a Meek or two until Staff determineD which route they ^~nt to undertake, and the Board can decide on the hiring ot an engineering tira. He reitErated that Statf should approach DER for permit appli- cation for the boardwalk route. Mr. Arnold clarified for Commissioner Ha3ge that initially an eight inch water aain had been discussed to install a fire hydrant, which no longer applies. CO..i8sioner Saunders recommended that Staff determine the most economical aethod to be implemented, that St~tt diacus3 the permit- ting proce8s with DER, and that the aforementioned information be pre- sented to the Board prior to awarding a contract to an engineering firm. Co..issioner Volpe concurred with ComMiosioner Saunders' recom- aendatlon. Public Services Adminiotrator O'Donnell õdvioed that the reason the dune route is a preterred option is that Staff and the engineera fait that the permitting proceaa would be extennive, and the project should not be delayed anymore. He indicated that DNR and DER have advised that permits could be isaued out of the Ft. Myero ottice, thus eli8inating the extensive permitting proce3s. He noted that the !forth øaples fire otticials have indicated th~t the pipe line can be down8ized to a two-inch line, it a holding ta~k io installed to sut- fice the fire pressurca. C---i..iODer Saunder. aoved, seconded by Coaai..Ioner Shaft.h.~, dir8etiDg Statt to d8teraI~ Internally wblch 1. the preferred route; Page 1& 35 DECEMBEa &, IiI. d~1Dg CoaDty Attorney Statt to tollow permit application wIth DO CODC:arJ:aJ.Dg the 8'Ub8queoua route alono the boa.rðwalk, and COIle back to the Board wIth additional Inforaation prlor to awardino contract to the 8JIICl1.Deer 1ng f 1 ra . Opon call t~r the que.tlon, the aotlon carrle4 unanlaouøly. It.. "02 Pt.t.IITUI08 SUBDIVISIO., EASTRIDGE Pt1D SDD rACILITIES AGUl'.JCEJrT - APf80w&U WID ----...uS Utillties Administrator Crandall advised that changes have been aade to Paragraph 4a of the Sewer Facilities Agreement witn Plantation Subdlv18ion, Eastridge PUD. County Attor~ey Cuylcr read the tollowing alternative tc Itea 4a: "All sewer facilities required to connect the project tc the County's central sewer tacilitica when the on site aewer tacilities are connected on private property and not required by the Ccunty to be located within utility casements, in~luding bu~ not limited to main 8ewage leaae station and forcc main interconnecting with the County's Central Facilities, including all utility ca3e~ent3 necessary". C-i-.Joner Volpe 8OVed, -cond.ed by Coaai..loner Shanahan and carried anan~ly, that agreeaent be entered lnto wlth the Developer ot Plantatlon S~ivl.lon, .. ..~nd.ed. ~t not recelved In Clerk of Board otflce .. ot 12/15/18. It- "D3 ----T.. LADS, ,,--IT II NATO AXD SDfD rACILITIES ACCEPTAJICE - Arha.TY&U --- Utllities Administrator Crandall requested the Board's acceptance tor water and acwer facilitiea for Bcrkshire Lakca, Unit II. ec-1_1oner If...e 8OVed, _conded by Co_i.. loner Volpe and carried BftafttR0U81y, that the water and 8eW8r tacI1itie. tor 88rkahire Lab8. OIUt II be accepted with the tollowing .tipulation: 880 ..ter ..ter. wl11 be lnetalled wltbln the project antl1 the ..tar 8y8t- baa been rechecked tor bacterial clearance to the _tl.- fact~ of the Mater Operatlona Dlrector". Recorded in ûP Book 140Q, Pages 500-522 Page 17 ~~b DECEMBER 6, 1988 It- ..Wl SDVIca PLUS M81_. WITH ATaT roR TO COtnrrY'S TELKPBon 8ht1Þi .0"1' 1'0 R,.".".. 8H,000 - APPROVED County Attorn~y Cuyler adviaed that Mr. Carnell had advised hia that the Service ?lus agreement with AT&T io in the pro~eßB ot being prepared and will be presented to th~ Board at a later date. He noted that the ag~ee8ent will not exceed $36,000. Responding to Co..lssioner Saun'~ers, CcllUllunicat lon3 Public Af fairs DirEõctor Luntz advised that the ~greeme~t with AT&T has been in effect since 1985. Co8a1_10D8r Haa- 8OVed, _conded by eo-ls.loner Volpe and carried. tmaDi80U81y, that the renewal ot the S"rvlce Plua IIgrlt8l8ent with ATaT DOt to exceed 835,000 be approved. Doca8aat DOt recelved in Clerk ot Board ottice as ot 12/16/88 It- .1OA CO8'U-,UK'Z 0. ncC'ORI.O L&O.I.L SERVICES noM THE LAN nD OW CARLTO., fiELDS. IIUD, D8UJrt1EL, SMITH 6: CUTLER, P.A. l'OR DESIGJr AXD CO~uu".."'1" J.~ RZLATKD -MUERS__~_~~ - ------- '--- Responding to CollUlliasioner Volpe, Commissioner Saunders advised that originally h~ had recommended that the firm ot Carlton, Flelda, Ward, Eaaanuel, S.ith & Cutler, P.A. be hired to represent the County with construction litigation problems associated with the courthouoe and jal1 expansio~. County Attorney Cuyler advioed that the legal .ervlceø are a budgetary i telll which are ini t fated on an ao--needed bas!s. He noted that the firm assists Staff with design and construc- tion contracts, and review of contractD. County Manager Dorrll1 advised that there has been a retainer since 198~. Co8a1_10D8r Saunders 8OVed, seconded by Co_i..J!oner Baa.. and carrIed. aDaD18oualy, that the contlnulng procure..nt ot legal ..rvice. froa tb8 l8w tira ot Carlton, l'lølda, Ward, E8aanual, Saith 6: Cutler, P.A. be approved. Co_løsioner Volpe requested information related to thoDe instan- c.s where outside counael is uaed. It88 "'1 Dl.1C:U88IC8 .. ADDIrIOJIAL on TEAR D'TDSIO. OW THE WIJ(UCIAL Pr.U ."1'&": T...-n ft)a T8Z u.soar.cP. RECOVERY SYSTD - COnIJrOKD TO J'U1:JA.RY 3. IN. Page 18 37 t I ¡ I , t DECEMBER 6, 1988 County Manager Dorrill recalled that a year ago the Conaission took úction to rollover the indenture ot trust and adalnistration agreements in regard to the $88 million solid waste tax exempt resource recovery bond held in trust by variou3 parties for Collier Resource Recovery, Inc. He noted that the original agreement with Westinghouse wa3 dissolved and presently Staff is in the consideration phases of dealing with solid waste issues. He requested goals and requirements be implemented by the Board to be followed by Staff and the Citlzena Solid Waste AdviGory Committee. Co..iasioner Saunders advised Mr. Cuyler that his employer may have an economic interest in the bond lague, therefore he will abstain from votlng. Bond Counsel Tom Giblin of Naboro, Giblin. Steffan & Nickerson, adv18ed that in 198~ two serieG of resource recovery bonds tor S88 8illlon were issued. He stated that presently a determination must be enacted on whether to continue with the bond issue or not. He stated that a Februar¡ 1, 1~8~ date has been set that will expire the bond i.sue, unless the Board t~ke3 action to extend the plan that waG established for the R~source Recovery System. He expressed concern about continuing to leave the bonds outstanding. He stated that Standard 6 Poor'a Corporation will probably be hesitant to give a new rating for the bonds. He 3tated that the Board must set a detinite schedule to be iaplemented for the next six months that will satisty Standard 6 Poor'n Corporation. He advised that with the 1985 transac- tion the County could not get accelerated depreciation, however, after the 1986 tax reform, the vendor can take depreciation, (not acce- lerated depreciation), but is not allowed to take inveotment tax ere" dlt8, which is a substantial amO'lnt of money. Co..lss10ner Saunders stated the main issue to be deter~ined is whether the two tax advantages would be available if the Co~nty deci- de. to go with a similar typO! facility by uning the bondo. Mr. Giblin advised that the County would be grandfathercd-ln it the bond issue is contlnued; however, it th~ ~ond issue 1s redeemed the likelihood of Page 19 ~8 DECEMB!R 6, 1988 aaln.ainlng the tax benefIts will greatly decrease. If the County ends up with a $50 or $60 million incinerator the tax He in1icated that benefIt will be used by the vendor: however, if a $10 million plant is implemented and the 1985 technology, is changed the tax be~efita will no longer be available. eo"lssioner Hasse stated that the tax benefit io dependent on the type of facility iapleÆented. Coaalssioner Shanahan asked if the $88 million bond wa:¡ origi- nally designed for a p~rticular type tacility? Mr. Giblin responded that the bonda issued in 1~85 were for a plant designed by MestJnghouse. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Bruce Hover, of PaineWebber, advised that it would probably coot less than $18,000 to aalntaln the is3ue which represents truatee fees and adminIstrative fees. County Manawer Dorrill adv~oed that he had sent the Bo~rd a re~ort expressing his concerns on whether the Advisory Coaaittee is making progress, and delineating the mcmbers functions and role. Co..issioner Volpe asked if a portion of the outstanding bond issue can be retired? Mr. Hover responded that the documents are not aet-up for partial redemption, however, he has dlscussed this lssue with the Trustee and there 1s a possibility that an arrangement can be made In this respect. He noted that the advantages in i~ple- aentlng the aforementioned io that it may s11ghtly reduce the cost to carry the bonda, and it will indicate to Sta~dard & Poor'$ Corporation that the County is indeed proceeding with the matter. County Manaqer Dorrill indicated that partial redemption cf the doCU8ents can only be accomplished as a refinerent of the County's Master Plan. Re.pondlng to Coaaisaio~er Shanahan, Mr. Hover relter¡lted that he had spoken to the Truatee a yea~ ago and specifics pertaining to tees were provlded. In anawer t~ Commissioner Haase, Mr, Dorr~ll advised that the County ~~J not implemented any otepo to dowoaize the issue. Page 20 ~1 DECEMBER 6, 1988 Be noted that :ontinuance of the project will result in a substantial benefit to the County. In answer :0 Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Hover stated tha~ 517.6 8illion represents equity that the private entity put into the pro- ject. Co..issioner Volpe asked w~at would be required to be imple~ented during the one year extension? Mr. Giblin responded that his recoa- aendatlon would be to extend the financial plan tor six months and Statf's reco8Dendation~ and the engineers reco~mendations, At the end of which tiae, the bond ioGUC can be redee~ed and Staff'o or the engi- neers recoaaendations can be acted upon, he noted, Mr, Hover noted that if the St~te's goals arc fo:10wed, a smaller acale project would result, however, the Master Plan would provide the necess~ry steps in order to carry out thoDe goals. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Giblin advised that waste- to-energy can be used in conju~ction with other ~cthoda. He noted that a portion of the $88 million can be utilizcd tor incineration. Source separat~on and for the biodegradable aspect of a project. Co..issioner Saunders stated t~at if the Board extend» the bond 18sue for six aontho the Board may very well have a recoaaendation for a project that would be availatle tor the invest~ent tax :redit accelerated depreciation. Rvwever, at the end ot six ~onths, the Board aay tind that the tax benefit is no available. Co..issioner Saunders claritied for CO"is9ion~r Volpe that if Lee and Collier County build a joint tacility the cost will be shared by both Countles. Mr, Giblin advised that the Board must act prior to J~nuary 15. 1989 to get the necessary ratings. Mr. Hover noted that prelialnary di8CU88ions have been conducted with Standards « Poor's in this regard. He reiterated that the County should ~ake a decision one way or the other. Ma. Charlotte Westman, ~eprcsenting the League of Wo~en Voters, advi..d that the unanimou~ opinion of the League is that the Board P;lge 21 1'0 'j DECEMBER 6, 1988 follow Start's advise and make the necessary preparations to continue the bonds for one acre year. Mr. ~irk Mitchell oppJsed the extension of the bon~o for the construction oi an incinerator in the County. He indicated that the aajorlty of the County's residents do not support traoh incineration, but do suppor~ recycling of materials. He encouraged the Board to terminate the i~cineration bonds and to work jointly with the meabers of Work on Maste Collier County to develop a waste program that will be beneficial to the entire coaaunity. He provided the Board with a copy ot his statement which wa3 not given to the Recording Secretary. Tape n Mr. ~ra8OW9kl requeG~ed that the Board reject the extension ot the bo nd8 . He noted that the use of the bonds has become superfluous to the waste aana~eaent program. He concurred with Mr. Mitchell that the County does not need an incinerator as incineration is expensive. Co..isøioncr Volpe stated that presently the Board is not prepared to take aftirmative action aa the County does not a Master Plan. Responding to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Krasowski noted that the Solid Maste Co..ittee has addressed the Master Plan. He advlsed that the Co..ittee will be meeting on December 7 to work further on the Mó.L8ter PIon. Co..i.aioner Goodnight coaaented that the Board haG held oft in aaklng a deteraination in order to give the new Commission the oppor- tunlty to participate. She noted that if a determination cannot be initiated within six months, then the bond issue should be "killed". She indicated that in the interim the options can be studied and a logical decision can be made, and Staff can be directed accordingly. In answer to Co..ission~r Volpe, Mr. Giblin reiterated that the Board should set forth a pl.ln ot what is going to be done in the next six acnths to t~ preoented to Standard & Poor's. He indicated that the tax be~tits can be maintained if the Board proceeds with the bond iaeue and a project is implemented by private enterprioe. ~-i0D8r Volpe 8OVec1 that a portion ot the 18aue will te Page 22 41 ... DECEMBER S, li88 reð8..ld, tb8 aaoant ot Imich Start will report on january 3, 1989; the I i""'r ot the Oond 1.8118 be extended tor a period at ...Lx 8ODtba, 8D4 Staff dlrected to co.. back wlth a reaaonable recO888n- datiola OQ bow to proceed to _U.ty the ratlng agenci_. County ~aQer Dorrill indicated that after the Board haG reviewed his status report, he will provide them with aubaequent i:1foraaation in this regard. Finance Director Yonkosky advised that part of the arrangement deal. with the investment agre~.ent and there is no way that it can be guaranteed. CI i.-lOllIa' GoodniQht ..CODded the above 8Otion. Co..ission~r Shanahan stated that there arc a number ot unanswered questions and indicated that a decision should not be preoently made. He stated that the Board needa time to review the Solid Waste Advisory Co..ittee's report, and reiterateoj that the material shou:id be re- rev le-wed. He ~eco..ended that everything be held off until january 3, 1989. c.-t-1o:Der Sharuohan 1IOVed, ..cODðed by C~I..loner Ba.a.. and c:e.rr1ed -i8nQ81y, that the 8Otioa be tabled, County Manager Dorrill noted that the Board will not have a Master Plan, and will not have the Solid Waste Committee's report, C-t..1oaer Ba.a.. 8OVed. to continue dl.cu_lon on january 3, 1"', 81oDg with ~..loner Volpe'. 8Otlon. Seconded by C-t..1aDer 1Ut_-...., .011 carried 4/0, (Co8ai..loner S8UDðer. ~). Page 23 ~~ DECEMBER 6, 1988 1t88 na 18U1IU&~ ...--~.....,¡S .~42/4& - ADOPTED ('--f..l0D8r Goodnight aoved, _conded by Co8ai.aioner 1Iaa- and c:arri84 tmaraiJlcualy, that Budget A88nd88nts Øg-42/4& be adopted. It- .12A DISC0S8I08 O. f'aUDT MARCO ISLAm) BUCH RDOt1RISBMDT ADVISORY COMIaTTU .uD cauTIO. or JrD ADVISORY COMMITTEE - ORDIJIAJICE TO BE PUPI.UJ) ~_~_I~-f.~ MADE_~L~ J.A~-j)~~----------- ------- Adajnistrative A3sistant to the Board Israelson advised that on October 4, 1~88, the Board had determined to receos the Marco Island Beach Renourishaen~ Advisory Co~ittee until the referend~~ passed. She requested the Board's direction of the present Committee or a new Coaaittee. Co&8issioner Shanahan recommended that the Ordinance be retained and an advisory board be appointed at a later date after the studies being considered regarding the beach renourjshment are received. Mr. Blanchard ouggeoted that the County Attorney be directed to advertise for co..ittee members 3incc the dredging permit will be available by February 9, 1989, and the Board needs an active committee to be available. Ms. Westaan stated that the ~ovember 8, 1988. referendum is tor ~.chfront properties only, however, it does not address main~enance, nor access. She suggested that action not be taken until the econor¡ study is completed. County Manager Dcrrill clarified for Commis~loner Volpe that pre- se~tly there is ~ot an ordinance to create the taxing district, and the County has collected taxes under the first MSTU. ColllJllisoioner Shanahan .xplain~d that the monic3 collected were only to be expended tor public access. He noted that there io presently a Coanittee of which tour meabero have resigned. He reiterated that his recoamen- dation would be ':hat the ordinance be lIaintdined but the appointment ot an advisory comaittee be delayed until the Board has more data. County Attorney Cuyler advis£'d that the pr('vious MSTU t.ad a provl- S10D that required an advisory coaaittee; the Board establishe~ Its Page 24 L{ :) --,.- ,- DECEMBER 6. 1988 advlsory co..ittee by ordinance and the members are appoInted by reso- lutlon. He noted that the ordinance was enacted tor the old MSTU. and the new MSTO has si8ilar requirements, there~ore. the ordinance will elther have to be amended or a new ordinance will have to be drafted. CO..i8sioner Saunders indicated that an advi~ory committee is needed to dlre~t the conatruction ot the project pursuant to the new taxlng district. Mr. Blanchard indicated that a new ordi~ance must be odopted to appoint the n~~ adviaory coaaittee. ~i..Ioaør ~r. 8OV8d, ..conded by eo-i..ioner Goodnight. ctlr8ctiDg the Coanty Attorney to prepare the appropriate ordinance to ..tabl~ the advisory coaaltt.. tor the new taxing dI.trict that w111 be pcyiDg tor the initial con.a1:ruction ot the beach, and brought beck in a t18ely faahion: that the Marco I.land Beach R.enourlah88nt ec-.1ttee A4vi80ry eo-itt- be held oft In regard to the appoInt-.nt of ~p antI1 new c088itt- 1. appolnted. Ms. Westaan referred to Ordinance 88-59 that addresses the afore- ment loned. Vpaa call f or the qu.ea t ion. the 80 t i on carr i ed 1maI1 iaaa.a 1 Y . Itea .13 ~OII 88-108 APPOIJrrIJIO COÞ8CISSIOIID SADJrDERS TO Tn TOUaIST Þ8VKLOI_;t COJJICIL ADVISORY BOARD - ADOPTED ---- C-t...Ioøer ..... 8OV8d, ..conded by Co_i..lon.ar Shnnahan and carried ---t~ly, that Reaolution 88-308 appointing CoIaJa.ion.ar -.'" """.-. to tb8 Touri.t Dev81opllent Council Adviaory Board be adopted. Page 2ð ~~ ---,.-- DECEMBER 6, 1988 It- .12C ~"IO8D. ""."'u. APPOIftED TO SOVE O. IlA.PLE.S/COLLID COtJ'ftY _JIUR'Ul.J:'1'AII PL&.IIJII.G ORGAJlIZATIO. - APP1lOVED c--- f _loner Baa- aoved. ..conded by C~..ioner Volpe and carried --f--.a.aly, that eo-l..loner Shana~n be appointed to repre- MDt the Board on the Metrcpol1tan Plannino' Organization. It- 4t12D COI8ttSSIOlrD J."."II". APPOIJrTED TO UPLACE MR. JOn PIaTeK O. THE IkNJ-f J'LOJ!XD& UGIO.AL P'LADIWa cencIL - A,PPROVED ec-..1_1oner Baa- aoved, ..conded by Co-l.sioner Goodnight and carri8d DftAftf8QQ8ly. that Co-i.. loner Shan.ahan be appointed to rep~ 8r. Jobn PI. tor on the Southwe.t ~lorida Regional Planning CoaDc:J.l. tor . three-year tena en4Ing on Deceab8r S, HUH. It- .12& ~"IO8D 90LP& APPOIJrTED AS JlEPR.ESDTATlVE TO SERVE O. TO 20TH .7tJDICLU. CDtCtJIT COJrnICT COMMITTD - APPROVED ec-J._Ioner ...- aoved, ..conded by Co-l..loner ShaftAÞ.n and carr1acS m¡ani80u81y. that Co-lw~ioner Volpe be appointed.. repre_n- tati.. to ..rve on the 20th Ju4iclal Circuit Conflict Coaaitt... ltea .127 OIL 1mKLLD, IIX PA'1'1Ua EOBZA, UD 1.&0. WILLIAMS APPOInlD TO TO PJaQ A8D acau.'fI~ ADVISORY BOUD - APPROV&D Adainistratlve ADoi3tant to the Board Israel30n adviocd that on Deceaber 31. 1988 the terms for the present representatives trom Dlstrlct One and District Five will expire, and replacement from DI.trlct Two is needed for the remainder of the term which expires on Deceaber 31, 1989. She noted that ten reouce3 have been received, and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board's recommendations are listed In the Executive Summary. Mr. O'Donnell advlacd that the Advisory Co..lttee c~~ducted interviews at their last meeting. o-t..1oDer Sh.aftAl1an aoved. ..condec1 by Co_i.. loner Goodnight ~ carr1acS nr.ftt~ly, that that all Mueller, DI.trict 008 aDd Leon .111L8ae. D1atrlct Wive be appointed tor ~-year tera., eEpiring on Doe<:~...r 11, 11Þ~, and Ei. Patrlck Eobza. DIstrict Two, be appointed tor the re8ainder at the tena whlch expire. on Deceaber 31. 1i8i to ..rve oa the Parka and Recreat.1on .Ldviaory Board. Page 26 , ,roI DECEMBER 6, 1988 ... c; t-1oner CIoodzlight aoved, ..conð8d by Co8ai..ioner Baa- and carr 18d - - t --...1 y, tha t the toll ow 1ng it .... be app roved and lor 8IdopteoA 8IIId81l' the eon...n t Aqenda: It- nUl 8DY8d to It- "10A It- n~ S&cOCID ImDInCArI08 TO &mr~1DCIJI'r waR COIISTRtJCTI~ AIID MAI8'TDAJfCK or .u81.1.yLaX08 INf.......--,¡;s, AIID ~ ESCJtOM .tt8~ W'OR MAJtCO S-'n tnrIT OIIZ. P.IJ(TIAL.~~J)-' ~~~.-Wt)~-.!".~t!~.Y: ---- See Page3.:1 () - LJ~-~~A,'_L3. It- .1&83 - M1thd.rawn Iu. .1... pwwT TW'I'W...., ACC&P%A.8CE OW ROADIIAY AIID D1U.IIlAGE IMPRO\t.......uS waR ~4..&n Ytt.t..l48. nIT tWO ~ APPROVAL OW WIJIAL PLAT It- .1.86 nuL PLAT ow ~Y ~ n!g!. nIT__~2R_-=-~!.TH_s:rI~.1JQ.~_--- The tlnal plat will not be recorded until the requireë improve- aenta have been conatructed and accepted or '~ntil approve¿ aecurity is recelved for the uncompleted iaprovement3 and that all co~struçtion shall be completed within 36 aontho of the d~te of this a~proval. It- .14M ~1IU. PLAT OW 8'oU'A RIDGE nIT on - WITH STIPt7t.ATIQ~. The tlnal plat will not be recorded until the required improve- a~nta have been constructed and accepted or until approved securlty is received for the uncompleted improvement3 and that all construction aha 11 be coapleted wJ thin 36 aclnths of the doJte of this approval. It- .1..7 FnUL PLAT OW TRADE (;.uI.&.K OW ..\PUS - WITH STI~TIO. The flnal plat will not be recorded until the required iaprove- menta have beer. constructed and accepted or until approved scC'urity is recelved for t~e uncompleted improvements and that all construction ahall be coapleted within 36 aonths ot thia approval. Itea n... I'DIUo rr..&r œ UYXDA 0013 &STATU OJJIT :rt\tnt AIID CJlAIRXU TO D:&CU'n 18CalTl' DOCUMIJITI See Pages ~!2=B :.L -=-..¥~.~7- Iu. .1~1 110984 to It- "D2 Page 27 ./9 .-- - '-_.- --,-, DECEMBER 6, 1988 tt.. nUl 8m ft88-1321, SD1Œ"LOS SOLID MASTE LOADDS - SALK O. VDICLK .. TO JU.Pt.U aL:n.¡"IJIQ IJJ TO AMOUJrT O. 8111; AJrD TO SALK O. nBICLE ..677 TO ... ltAy JUoJn"KL U TU AMOtJ1IT~--Ð.20___- ----------------- Legal notice having been publi3hed in the Naples Daily News on October 23, 19f8, as evidenced by Affid<..vit of Publication filed with the Clerk, Bids were recei~ed until 2:30 P.M. on November ), 1988, to consider Bid #588-1326, Surplus Solid Waste Loaders. Iu. .102 am ft88-13U. .Dr: smtPLOS VDICLU SOLD TO MARIJID VAlIS I8 Tn AIIOO1ft or 82.MO -.- Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on .ove~r 6, 198a, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed wlth the Clerk, Bids were received until 2:30 P.M. on Hovemter 23, 1988, to consider Bid #538, 133!>, Six Surplus Vehicles. xu. .1"1 IIc:nr84 to It- n.l It- .1481 rr 1M8-.. CO8TKICT WITH MESTDJI OATDfAY VOLt1JlTED AMBUL.AJICK SDVICZ, PC. ". TD ~OD O. lQLY!.~_1.Q..!l30L89 I. TU AMOO'rI' O. ,.U20..00 See Pages Jo-ç_.~ -30 - C . ~ It- .14.. IQ:scp-Y~-.ova COu.&sPO.-DUCK :- rILKD AJrD/OK U~D There being no objection, the Çhair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or referred to the varioUD dep~rtacnts as indlcated below: 1. Meao dated 11/22/88 to BCC from County Manager re ~arco Beach Renourlshaent Economics Study, Filed. 2. Letter d.).ted 11/21/88 to BCC from Lorn... E. Rudolph, Barrister and Soli~itor, 182 March Street, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, P6A 2Z7 ~equeating addreaa change for Victoria Shumski. Reterred to Property Appraiser. Tax Collector and filed. 3. Letter délted 11/10/88 to BCC Chairman, from Paul R. Bradshaw, Director. Divisio~ ot Resource Planning and Manageaent, DCA, with tho Departaent's Ob~ectionB, RecoDmendationo and Comments Report re the propoGcd comprehensive plan. Filed. ~. Letter dated 11/21/88 to Chairman, BCC, from Paul R. Bradshaw, Dlrector, Diviaion ot Re~ource Planning and Manageaent, DCA, enclooing the last page of the ObjectionG, Recommendations and Coaaents Report for the proposed Collier County co~prehenslve plan which waG inadvertently left off the report. Ret~rred to BCC, Neil Dorrill and filed. !L Grand Adjuotment Not.ce dated 11/17/88 from Earl H. Parmer, Authorized Official, Director, Division of HousJng and Page 28 ~ ",-,- --- -. DECEMBER 6, 1988 Coaaunity Development, re Treatment Component, Special Conditio%': Compliance, Grant "8(}'CJ'75'O~-21-01-034. Referred to Neil Corrill, Tom Olliff, Wanda Jones and filed. 6. Letter dated 11/22/88 to Chairman, BCC, from Paul R. Bradshaw, Directvr, Divi3ion of Re30urce Planning and Management, DCA, re tinal work products purauant to Local Government Comprehensive Planning Ao3iatance Program contract, Contract No. 88-LP'08 o~ 21-01-406. Referred to Noil Dorrill, ~om Olliff, Jane Fitzpatrick and filed. 7. Letter dated 11/17/88 to BeC Chairman from Robert K. Loflin, Environacntal Specialist, Department of Environm~ntal Regulation, re CEO Conatr'.lction, Inc., File No. 111572205. Referred to Neil Dorrill, George Archibald, Bill Lorenz, and filed. 8. Minutes R9ceived and Piled: .\. Collier County Planning Co..ission agenda for 12/01/88 an~ minutes of 11/03/88. B. Ka~co Island Beautification Board Meeting minutes ot 11'01/88. 9. Letter da:ed 11/22/88 to Public Officials and Concerned Citizens ~rom Anthony C. Federico, Divi3ion Director, Water Quality DIvision. Re30urcf> Planning Department, SPWMD, with enclosure of the report entitled "Draft Interim Surface Water Iaproveaent and Managcmen~ (SWIM) Plan for Lake OkeechobeeÞ. Reterred ~o Neil Dorrill, George Archibald, Tom Crandall and f lled. 10. Letter da~ed 11/18/88 to Chairman, BCC, from Wayne E. Daltry, Executive Director, Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, re ÞPclican Bay Substantial Deviation" DRI Application for Development Approval, DR! .4-8788-33. Referred to Neil Dorrill. Tom Ollift and filed. 11. M6ao dated 11/22/88 to BCC froa Mary W. Morgan re total votes cast from abaentee ballot~ received after Noveaber 8, 1988. Filed. 12. Letter dated 11/23/88 to Chairman, BCC, from Adaa W. Addioon. Deputy Tv: Collector, re amount of postage used and amount due tor the ffrat tax mailing. Referred to Lori Zalka, and filed. I tea . 16111 carxnC&rD O. cx.DECTIO. TO TO TAX ROLLS AS PRESEII'TED BY TO 1'ttO....u II APnAI~' S ORICK ----- - ltea n&a2 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1~88 .wo. ~1-08 Dated 11/21 - 11/29/88 urzan.crl08 O. LID .FOR SDVICU..Or TO PO'BLIC DEFDDD See Pages -3 () - 1). I - 3.fi:--:JJ. ¡;J. ltea .1~ Rrra& ill.&nI TD18 1'0. I8U.TK 1fOS. A47715 . &50020 Page 29 C;/ DECEMBER 6. 1988 It- n611 L\nøllC'n08 OW tolD TO GKO1tGE .nt. .. AJIJL\ STROIA, IlAPLU PAD: t18IT 2, 8LOCK 11. LOTS 28.. 2~ See Pac¡e 30 - ,Ç-' i__- It- .1.I2 L\%XØACTI08 or I.1:D TO WILLIAM ROSS nAOER .. J'UJI B. t1R.OUBART, LOT 11. 8LOCZ 2'79. UJlI1' 8, JIIAJtCO ISLAJrI) See Page ~ -1~___- ltea .1612 8&n8rACTI08 '" LID TO AJITIIOJIY BOTTALA, MARCO ISLAJrI) t18IT 1, BI.OCX U. ~ . See Page _.3.P~£~ ... There being n, turther business for the Good of the County, the aeetlng waa adjo~rned by Order of the Chair' Tiae: 12:45 P,M. ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~~ BURT L. SAUNDERS, CHAIRMAN ATTEST: JAMES C. GILES, CLERK """"y. ~' ~~:~;~ ~7"A 6/ , , '. . ' ~~'~nuteo approved by the £.:>ard on A~.... /'¿s-- .:2-<-', ///i' / .. P~8eD~.d L--~ or aa corrected ~ " ~ . "'" '. "" Pogo 30 ~