BCC Minutes 01/04/1989 S Naples, Florida, .January 4, 1989 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Co..issioners in and for the County of Collier, ~nd also acting 8S the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted bu.ine.. herein, aet on this date at 1:00 P.M. in SPECIAL SESSIe. in Building "r" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following aeabers present: CHAIRMAJt: Burt L. Saunders VIC!-CHAIRMA1f: Max A. Hasse, .Jr. Richard S. S hanahan Michael .J. Volpe Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESEJf!: Ellie Hoft_n, Deputy Clerk; Heil Dorrill, County Manager; Toa OUiff, Acting Co-.unity Development Adainistrator; :lCen Cuyler, County Attorney; Marjorie Student, Assistant County Attorney; To. Crandall, Utilities Administrator; George Archibald, Public Morlts AdJIinistrator; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; .Jane PitzpatrJ clt , Growth Management Director; Michael Arnold, A.sistant Utilities Adainistrator; Charles Gauthier, Comprehensive Planning Manager; William Laverty, Growth Management Planner; Wil11am Lorenz, Environaental Resources Management Supervisor; Jeff Perry, Chief Tr&n8pOrtation Planner; Robert Wiley, Growth Management Engineer; lCen Pineau, Eaergency Manageaent Director; and Nancy Israelaon, AdJIiniatrative As8istant to the Board. ,., Page 1 .---- ------..-.---.-....- ..- ._-_.._,-, JAJroARY 4, 1989 ... 8O'r%08 - ",.,,10 _.enN Legal notice having been publi.hed in the Naples Daily News on Deceaber 30, 1988, as evidenced by Aftidavit of Publication filed with the Clerlt, public hearing wa. opened to consider recoaaendations for the adoption of the Collier County Growth Management Plan. I~ 1 M8JIÐA - ... i-~" &.II ,A.I AR&II UIW C t..1.aoer --- aoved, 8eÇ0Dde4 by eo-iaaiooer 8hanahaft aDd carrI- ....-.t......ly, that the 84jI'8Dd.a be çprOV1td. with the followIng ~t I~ 3. - 1Ioa81.Dg Ueaent aoved to It.. c. ~¡-.¿0Ir Ca8ai..ioner Saunders stated that he wished to thanlt Staff and the citizen8 who participated in the development of the Comprehensive Plan. Be noted that it has talten two years to get to this point, and that the docuaent that is to be reviewed and approved i. one of the aoat iaportant prepared by Collier County Staff in this decade. He indicated that it is impossible to recognize everyone who participated in the preparation of the Plan, but he would like to thank in par- tlcularly, Mrs. Fitzpatrick and Mr. Gauthier tor their hard work. Be noted that other aajor contributors are Messrs. OU1tf, Perry, Lorenz, .? Archibald, Boldt, Wiley, Arnold, Laverty, Crawford, Loubier, O'Donnell, Blanchard, Pettrow, Dombrowski, Milk. Lee, McDaniel, BlUing., Pineau, Dr. Proffitt, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. SlIIith, Ms. Student, and other members who helped to write the Conservation Eleaent are Dr. Benedict, Messrs. Beardsley, Thoealte, Varnadoe, Long1lire, and Land. Growth Manageaent Director Fitzpatrlck advised that the Growth Manageaent Plan was prepared in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and Rule 9.10, Florida Adaini.trative Code. She indicated that the Plan i. a result of a aignificant aaount of public involvement: beginning in February, 1981, the 25 -aber Citizens Advisory Co..ittee held 154 full co..ittee and subco..ittee Page 2 ... ......- ._""""" "----_._"" ~ JANUARY 4, 1989 aeetinge which were opened to the public; the Collier County Planning Co..i.sion held 23 advertised worltshops and public hearings; and the Board of County Coaaissioners held ~1 workshops and public hearlngs. In addition, .he noted that the Board-appointed Conservation and Coastal Manageaent Ad Hoc Co..ittee met a total of 20 times. She advised that tonight's public hearing is the 218th public hearing on the Growth Manageaent Plan. Mrs. Fitzpatrick advised that within ~ days of adoption ot the Plan, it .u.t be submitted to the Departaent of Community Atfair8 for thelr official determination of coapllance with the Growth Management Act. She noted that DCA then has 4~ days to determine compliance. FinaUy, she indicated that by August 1, 1989, Collier County must adopt Land Developaent Regulations consistent with the newly adopted Plan. She advised that Collier County will have the opportunity to aaend the Growth Manageaent Plan through a foraal public hearing pro- c..s, up to two times per year. She noted that according to the Growth Management Act, the County is required to aaend the Capital Iaproveaent Element once per year, in order to update the tacility lnventory, expenditures and revenues, and make any other changes necessary to the Five Year Scheduled Projects. She lndlcated that the development ot the Plan will be an on-going process, as the data and analy.i. will be updated, and prograas will be implemented, a. ~ outllned in the Goals, Objectives and Policies to be adopted tonight. Mrs. Fitzpatrick referred to the agenda package, notlng '-:hat it lncludes the Monitoring and Evaluation Pr~cedures which were approved by the Board ot County Coaaissioners last July, all the GOP'. as they were reviewed by the Board in the workshop last week, and any changes to the August 1, 1988 document have been lndicated with strikeouts and underline.. She noted that there is also a complete Capital Iaproveaent Element, including the 5 Year Schedule of Projects, and the implementation programs which must also be adopted. na... d%Z08 8'1 _. JtO8D'1' DDJrIS or 'I'D J'LOJtIDA DIEPAJtYka.wI' or 0<- IU T1' AnUU Mr. Robert Dennis or the Departaent ot Colllmun1ty Atfairs in Tallahassee read and submitted for the record, a copy of . letter from Page 3 .....,,-............-... ...- "-""'----"-- .. .JAJroARY 4, 1989 Mr. Paul R. Bradsh_, Director, Division of Resource Planning and Manage_n t, DCA, which states that the Department's representative is to participate in this evening's public hearing, and that he is authorized to restate their position, as expressed in the Noveaber 10, 1988, Objections, Recoaaendations and Coaaents Report. Mr. DennIs stated that on behalf ot the Department of Coaaunity Affairs, he wished to co..end the Board of County Co..issioners, the Planning Coaai.sion, the Citizens Advisory Committee, Staff and all citizena who co..itted their hard work in participation ot the deve- 10p8eDt of the Comprehensive Plan. He indicated that he and DCA are loolting forward to a good working relationship with the County in the final adoption of the Plan. He noted that he will be available to answer any questions throughout the evening. Coaais.ioner Saunders stated that it is possible that the adoption hearing will be continued to next Tuesday for preparation of the ordl- nance approving the Plan. County Attorney Cuyler advised that the Comprehensive Plan will be in ordinance form, and becomes effective upon receipt at NotIce tram the Secretary of State's OffIce, that it has been tiled. He noted that it must be filed within 10 days of adoption, and Notice wIll be shortly thereafter. .r 8ClV8x. ..,. - Mrs. Fitzpatrick advised that there have been no changes to this El...nt .lnce the workshop on December 28, 1988, and noted that there will be no Staff presentation. Father Isaia Birollo, Pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church ~n 1880ltal.e, stated that he is speaking as President of CURE of Collier Coun ty. He noted that &any of the .embers are atfected by laclt of affordable housing, and substandard conditions. He note~ that aany have to drive 80 ailea or more, round trip to get to service jobs in the County'. hotels and restaurants, and aany of the far. worlter. are crowded into brolten-down mobile homes and are paying high rents becauae at the shortage or alternative housing. He indicated that Page 4 ---- --.,,- ...--, JAJroARY 4, 1989 t..1l1.. are continually coalng to hls church, and aslting help in obtaining hanGing, noting that at t illes, the church parlting lot turns out to be the hoe. for some of these people who have nowhere to live, but their old cars. He stated that he is in support of the proposed Housing !lnaent, and urged the Board of County Co..issloners to adopt s..... Pather Birollo suggested ways to encourage public and private finan- cial support for Affordable Housing alternatives: 1. As part of the County's Reinvestaent Act Coaaitllent, banks should be encouraged to set aside funds tor a loan or aortgage pool to construct or rehabilitate affordable housing. 2. Mew developers could be required to construct affordable units or contribute to the Housing Trust Fund as a condition of development approval. Collier County should investigate whether voluntary incentives, such as density bonuses, actually provide atfordable units. If they do not, the County should require new developers to provide affordable units. Should State authorization for a local government ordinance be determined to be necessary, the County should lobby for such authority from the State Legislature. 3. Continue to advocate for state-wide enabling legislation, so that Collier County can adopt a real estate transfer tax to provide a dedicated revenue stream to the propo~~d housing trust fund. rather Birollo referred to Objective 1.2, noting that a relocation progr- 1s to be implemented in 1989, for persons displaced because of governaent action. He indicated that with the eminent passage of the proposed Bouelng Codes for the County, there will be dieplaceaent for ~ aany persons who are now housed in substandard units. He stated that it 1. critical that the Board ot County Coamissioners toresee the iapact of thls Code's enforcellent. Because of seasonal overcrowding be questloned whether the enforcement could be stressed during the waaaer aonths when there possibly would ~e alternative housing. He indlcated that no aatter when the enforcement occurs, affordable bousing alternatives are needed to help in the relocation of dleplaced f_il1e.. Father Birollo referred to Objective 1. ð, which states that the total nuaber ot at fordable housing units shall be increased by 1994, and questioned whether the County could talte immediate steps for the expe- Page ð ".-".--.-..-. ...-..-.-....-...- JANUARY 4, 1989 ditioua processing ot Development Orders and peralta for developers of Low Incoae Housing? He further questioned whether an ordlnance could be adopted to provide economic relief in iapact tees for developers of Low and Moder4te Incoae Housing? In cancluslon, Father Birollo stated that he supports the HousIng IU.-nt, and that he will be watching the Impleaentation of the Boueing Plan in the future. Coaaissloner Shanahan indicated that he commends Father Birollo, and stated that he feels that Staff should look into the possibility of aoving up the 199. date, in Objective 1.5. Sister Pat Sieaen, Director of I..okalee Hon-Protit Housing, stated that it has been her privilege to serve as Chairperson of the Citizens Advlsory Group Subco..itte on Housing. She noted that as this SUb-Ele.ent has gone through the various work shops, it has got- ten stronger. She stated that she supports this Ele.ent. She suggested the adoption of the Housing Code, and concurs with Father Birl1lo suggestion that the initial laple.entation in I..oltalee be during the 8U8aer .onths. She noted that there are a number of units that would need to be looked at during the suaaer, when the units are e.p ty, and would not cause displacement. ;' Slster Sieaen stated that she supports Objective 1.0, and its Policies. She indicated that it road impact fees, etc. will be increased, she urges the Board of County Co..issioners to keep the precedent that has been established tor those that are providing Low Inca.. Hou8ing, or those that have co..itted tor a long perlod of tI_. She noted that she supports the fast tracking ot per.its and o.velop8ent Orders for those that will provide Low Incoae Ho~~ing. She noted that she supports the Housing Trust Fund. She indicated that there i8 a standard definition for those who work in the fields regarding affordable housing: no taaily, either tenant, or ho8eOWDers abould have to pay more than 30~-35~ ot their annual income on housing costs. Attorney Steve Pteiffer of Tallahassee, representing 1,000 Friends Page IS ~..._-,_.".-...-- ...- .-"" -"-"--""'- - .-..,,'..-....... JANUARY 4, 1989 ot rlorlda, provided a wrltten report for the record. He stated that he believes that the Goals, Objectlves, and Policies are excellent, but they lack specificity and ti~e fraaes for implementation ot prograas, which will aake development regulations dlfficult down the road. He indicated that Page 31 of his report refers to suggestions regarding Goals and Objectives, and noted that these may be considered down the road for implementation of the Plan. There were no other spealters. 0 f -.loaer ..... 1IOV8d, 88C:orIiðed by Co8a1ss1cmer ~Mm aDd carr ieA t--Iy, to ......"'.."'. the ll.aa.8ing Eleaent. rv¡~ W8D U8S eo..issioner Volpe indicated that he wished to disclose that he bas a 10~ beneficial interest in the Activity Center located at 1-75 and laaoltalee Road. He noted that the Co..ission on Ethics has advised that there is no conflict in voting, and it is not necessary for hia to disclose this aatter, but he stated that he felt it was appropriate to do so. He asked County Attorney Cuyler whether he felt that be should abstain from voting on that portion of the Eleaent? Coun~ Attorney Cuyler advised that if there is financial benefit, or appears to be financial benetit which would inure to Co..issioner Volpe, he would suggest that he abstaln fro. voting. He stated that /' he feels that the Activity Center in questlon should be broken out froa the other ones at the time of the vote, but noted that he aay participate in the discussions, and vote on the other Activity Centers. Comprehen.ive Planning Manager Gauthier stated that the ~acltage that bas been provided includes the Future Land Use Element with ...ndaents suggested by Staff, the public, the Planning Co..is.ion, as well.. the guidance received by the Board of County Co..issloners l..t _It. He indicated that a copy of the revised Future Land Use Map i. also included. He indicated that the most notable ot Staft's reco...ndations, are those relating to the Urban Boundaries. Mr. Gauthier noted that the recoaaendation for the C.R. 951 frlnge Page '1 -"""-""'-~" .-- -....-. -__,_,,'H" .JAJroARY 4, 1989 of land, 8outh of Alligator Alley, reaains to allow 1.5 units per acre. Be noted that there is also spec1f1c water management language, and the requireaent that any development be in the fora of a PUD. Mr. Gauthier indicated that Start ls suggesting that the urban tall .ection be put into a rural classification, allowing 1 unit per 5 acres. Mr. Gauthier advised that he has also provided a aeao, dated today, with ~o suggested revisions. He stated that the most notable change refers to Activity Centers, and the 50% rule, add1ng that by uslng guidance for a more adjustable approach, this rate aay be lower or higher, based on consideration of a series of factors. Be noted that the.. would be things that the applicant would have to de8:m.8trate. In addition, he indicated that language is being suggested that would require the applicant tor zoning wlthin an Activity Center to demonstrate compatibility with neighbors in teras of urban design; careful control over road impacts in teras of coor- dinating access points to the road networlt; and coordinating off-site traffic aoveaents with the neighboring projects. He stated that these are being oftered as a substitute to the 50% rule wlthin Activity Center.. He indicated that other than these changes, the !leaent i. as discussed at the workshop last week. ~ Coaaissioner Goodnight stated that she has a problem with the -tail., listed as Bird Rookery Swaap. She noted that she has tallted with two of the landowners on the east side of Lake Trattord. She indicated that Mr. Curry's property is in grove. and he 1s using the area in -blue" a. the water retention area. She stated that the saae for the Milli... property. in that, he is using the slough for the water retention area. She noted that it the t1me comes when the State wants to purchase these areas, they should be put on the list then, aDd DOt at this t1ae. Mr. Gauthler advised that the intent in showing lands to be acquired, is to identity tor the benetit to the public, the status of those lands. He indicated that all areas 1n "green" are either on the Page 8 .-- .-._----- ,- --...- "-'- --"--._....."...~_.. .JAJroARY 4, 1!iI89 CA.RL list, the Save OUr Rlvers List, or involved in the Colller land ...p. He stated that land uses under the "blue" areas are still a. allowed, 1 unit per 0 acres in most all areas. He noted that In the 8OUthern Golden Gate Estates area, the use will be 1 unit per 2-1/4 acre.. Be Indlcated that there are no special standards for develop- aent in thee. areas. He stated that a note has been added to the aap which indicates that these lists will be adjusted. He noted that 40~ of the 2,000 square ailes is owned by the public now, and heading for the point of 60- owned. He indicated that tor the benefit of the public, Staff is recoamending that these areas be illustrated. Coaaissioner Goodnight stated that she has not been able to obtain any evldence that anyone has shown an interest in purchasing this pro- perty in the tail, co.ing down troa Lake Trafford. County Manager Dorrill stated that there is a desire on the part of Staff to identity somewhere within the Comprehensive Plan, lands that have been designated for public acquisition, and he feels that it i. a notable Objective and Policy that the Board ot County Coaaissioners wl11 want to support. He Indicated that there is a con- cern on the part of the land owners that by designating land. whlch ~e desired tor acquisition, but tor which no money has been /~ appropriated, that there is a sti~. Mr. Gauthisr stated that the Future Land Use Map series includes 7 aaP8, noting that this is the key regulatory aap, adding that there is also another that identifies natural resources. Co..issioner Volpe stated that he believes this is aisleading, becau.. it does indicate that, that is, in tact, the tuture land use tor those areas. He noted that he teels that this lntoraatlon should be noted on a aap, with a notation on the Future Land Use aap to review the other aap. Coaaissioner Saunders indicated that It there is a aap that shows lands that are subject to potential State acquisition, all lands that are on a 11st should be included. Co8ai.sloner Volpe questioned whether Mr. Dennis could clarify Page i -"..,---.- -----, - ---- --- -- .JAJroARY 4, 1989 this itea? Mr. Dennl~ advised that he is not aware of any such instance in any of the aap. that he has reviewed. Coaalssioner Saunders stated that this is an issue that needs to be resolved, and hopefully will be so done, after the public coaaent. Coaaissioner Hasse advised that he is opposed to the corridor on the e..t 81de of C.R. 901, adding that he does not belleve that urbanizatlon is necessary. Attorney George Varnadoe Indicated that he agrees with the land- owner.. Be noted that he does not object to lands being on a aap for intoraational purposes only, which would state that these are the lande in Collier County that some public agency has on a list to acquire. in the future, it they obtain funding. Mr. George ~ller stated that he concurs with Mr. Varnadoe. He indicated that there should be a notation in bold on the Future Land U.. Map that states: "Please be advised that there is another aap which will designate lands that will be subject to Federð! or State acqul.ition." Mr. P~er Budny of Coral Gables stated that he ls a real estate /t appral..r, dealing in condeanation. He noted that it there 1. a .tigaa to .oaeone's land, it is worth less. He indicated that if the lands for acquisltion are to be listed on a separate aap, the appropriate agency should also be listed. Mr. Gary Beardsley stated that he concurs that the aap should identlfy these parcels, and the agency that is identifying thee as environaentally sensitive. He noted that if an agency of the State has identified these areas as environmentally sensitive, it is wi th good re..on. He noted that the State plan of the Natural Systeas and Recreational Lands states that Florida shall protect and acquire uni- que natural habitats and ecological systems, and restore thee to a functional condition. He indicated that 935 Requirem.nts for Goa18, Objectives and Policies, Policy 9 states that designation of environ- 8eDtally sensitlve land tor protection is based on locally determined Page 10 --_.0 --__"'0--' .,.--- ,,- ..._--,--. . .JANUARY 4, 1989 crlteria. Be stated that the envlronmentally sensitive lands need to be sbown on the aap. Mr. Elhanon Combs stated that he teels that the aaount of utl1i- tie., rodways, etc. should be considered tirst, before any zoning i. a.,plov.-d. Attorney Donald Pickworth indicated that he is concerned about the potential eftect of this type of mapping. He noted that a Land Use Map 1. a key regulatory tool, and the identification ot lands, subject to acquisition, should not be put on this type of lIIap. He stated that he would suggest that any identification map be accoapanled by very carefully worded text to indicate where these lands are, what agency has 8Uggested Its acquisition, and the state of it. Mr. David Land stated that even if aonies becallle available, the 1and8 that are on the various lists would be difterent from other are_. Be noted that very often agriculture and wetlands are related, and they cannot be separated. He indicated that it the map ls correct, and looking at the lands that are environaentally sensitive in the taU, some ot these are outside the slough. He stated that it does not aalte sense to put together a aap in this aanner. He indi- /Z- cated that hls recoaaendation would be to delete it totally, and in a year froa now it could be added. Mr. Rick Jaeger noted that he does not believe that anyone's land that aay be acquired should appear on any list. He indicated that this devaluates the ¡>roperty. He stated that it ls the realtor's responslbility to advise that such property may be acqulred by a spe- cit ic agency. Dr. Marlt Benedict, re ~resen t ing the C..mservancy, 8tated that this i. an i.sue that wa. discussed in preparing the 1983 map. He indi- ca ted tha t it is necessary that there be sollie indication on the Future Land Dee Map of which areas are environmentally sensitive, and what are- have the potential to affect developlllent there in the future. Be stated that there were two designations in the 1983 aap: a Coastal Resource Manageaent and Recreation category that specitically iden- Page 11 - ""."--..--.-"-""- -,.._---, ,..... -_. .J AJro ART ", 1989 tifled ~hose undeveloped naturally functioning barrler island, aangrove and bay systems that were environmentally sensitlve. In additlon, he noted that an overlay of County environaental concern was inc I uc1ed. Dr. Benedict indicated that the Citizens Ad Hoc Co..lttee for the Coaatal and Cons.rvation has proposed that over the next 5 year., there will be a syste. developed of natural resource protection areas, which will identity these areas. He noted that the problem i. what will be done in the interim to indicate these environmentally sen- 8itlve are.. are shown on the Future Land Use Map. He noted that t~.. areas need to be identified, and suggested the possibility of an inforaatlonal overlay. He stated that he will be glad to assist in any way he can. Ccaaissioner Goodnight stated that all of the overflow water of Lake Trafford runs into the slough and the Fahltahatchee Strand. She noted that she believes the environaentally sensitive areas are talten care of by the whlte and blaclt dots o~ the -p. Mr. Olliff stated that the blaclt and white dots designated on the -p will re-in, but suggested that the light green areas, which are /~ VUblic inforaation proposed for possible purchase, be put on the enviroD8ental aap. Co..issioner Shanahan stated that he ls in favor of deslgning a -V.t.. that provides tor the information, and an overlay. C i -.1oDer 90 I pe 1IOV8d, ..cODde4 by Coaai.sioner S"-"-~ 8Dd carriell ~-i ~ly, tha~ the ruture Land 0- -p be ~ to dele-t. t:IIIe8e ...... which appear in 88qU88 - 18Dd8 pr<)......-.ð for acqvi.itlOD tor I I. ...t!ea., aDd designate tho8e are.. on the ..tura.t ae.o.arc.. .... -it:Ja . DOutt... that the li.t 18 81Ibjec1: to change, 8Dd the 88p 18 ... D8C fl1Ir1ly def.1nlt1va at what 1. on it. ~ 8o8DdarY - Commissioner Saunders questioned whether there is any d..ire on the part of the Commission to _ke any changes to the Orban Boundary, regarding property owned by Mr. & Mrs. Hahn, the pro- perty east of C.R. 901, and the property on the East Trail? Page 12 ----- -- -...--.--,-."'.,--.-..-- JAJroARY 4, 1989 Co8ai.sioner Volpe stated that denslty was discussed at the worltabop, 8peclficølly 1.5 units per acre for the area running along C.R. 9!H, and 1 unit per tive acres tor the "tail" area. He noted that be is not clear on the distinction ot these two areas. Mr. Gauthier noted that the area along C.R. 951 has &any wetlands, ls a sensitive area, and one with water aanagement proble... Be indi- cated that it wll1 only be suitable for lower residential densitie8. Mr. Gauthler indicated that the "tall" section also has Kater aanageaent proble.., but it will be suitable for .ore intenslfication, after iaproveaents have been &ade to C.R. 951 and the Watershed Master Plan baa been developed. Mr. Gsuthier indicated that Statf believes that both area. should be li.lted until the Watershed Master Plan is in place. Coaaissioner Volpe stated that as he recalls, the origlnal Co8preheneive Plan was sub.itted to DCA wlth a density of 0-4, and the rec.., ndat1on fro. the CCPe was different. Coaaissioner Shanahan noted that those areas are contiguous, and there is soae development. He indicated that the dlrection fro. the lý cepe w- that both of these areas be treated the saae, 3: 1. He stated "hat there should be consistency, but if a change in the pattern occurs, there should be a good reason and explanation. Coaaissioner Hasse stated that he concurs with 1 unit per 6 acres, untll such tiae that all improvements are completed. Mr. George J::el1er 1ndicated that the Belle Meade watershed problem is not resolved. He stated that Development Orders require that water be retained on the applicant's property, but noted that a POD was recently approved that will be pushing the water to the east. Øe notltd that there are also flooding probleas at SouthKinds Mobile Bo8e Parlt. Be suggested that the reco..endation of Staff to Iteep the dens i ty down, be approved. ... a.c:... 8:'11 P.M. - 8:&& P.M. ... Colonel John Beebe, .1r., President of Lakewood Civic Association, stated that he recognizes the outstanding work of County Statt in the Page 13 -... ".",-'------'~'-'- ----._---_._- ,- .JANUARY 4, 1989 ~ation of the Plan. particularly, Mr. Gauthier. He indicated that be believes Staff's original reco..endation regardlng the Urban Boundary should be adopted, which remove. the 9,600 acres east of C.R. iOl and south ot Alligator Alley; and east along the Taaiaai Tral1 to Colller Seminole State Park. He noted that this land 1. not yet rlpe for development, considering there is aval1able property for develop- aent in the urban area, west of C.R. 951, which will keep the Industry bu8y for the next 50 years. He noted that infrastructure should be in place before this land is considered and a study on the Belle Meade Basin should be completed. He indicated that hurricane evacuation clearance tiae for Marco Island is perilously close to the required 28 hour., and funding for S.R. 951 aeelllS to be years away. He noted that tbe approval ot the Naples Golf Estates wlth 90 units on 640 acres gave a density ot 1-1/4 units per acre, and caused the four-laning of C.R. it:. to aove ahead by one year. He requested that the urban area be reduced, by reaoving the entire area in question, and designating all areas not already zoned, as 1 unit per 5 acres. Mr. Fred Voss stated that Colonel Beebe aentioned nearly all of hi. issues of concern. He noted that he believes that Statf's recoa- aendation is the appropriate zoning for the subject area at this ti_. In addition, he indicated that there is a treaendous aaount of aoney tha t l8Ua t be spen t for Capital Iaproveaents, and noted that he would hate to see the aoney being spent on that area, and short another area that is already on a list for things that need to be done at this time. Mr. MIllie Anthony stated that there were discussions approxl..- tely 1-1/2 years ago about i.proving the Sabal Pal. area. He noted that it the tiae coaes when th~ Watershed Master Plan is developed and the density is increased, the present property owners in thls ares wIll be scrutinlzed. He indicated that the property south of U.S. U and east of C .R. 951 will have such more of a detriaental impact on the evacuation of Marco Island than the property north of U.S. U and ...t of C.R. 951. He questioned the difterence of the sensItlvlty Page If ,-. ..__.~,-~...~ . -'-'-"-'" .-.. -"--'._---~'._----"'-~'- .- .J ANt1 ART 4, 1989 between the area east of C.R. 951 and west of C.R. 951? Mr. Gauthier stated that he does not know whether he can charac- terize the ar.a west of C.R. 951, but noted that the area to the east or C.R. 951 is 5°" wetlands, and the County is dealing with a dif- ferent watershed since C.R. 951 fora. a basin boundary. He noted that the Distrlct 6 Drainage Basin has a heavy pattern of development, and aany water aanageaent proble_, but the other side 1. virtually unde- "lo~ baa in , adding that this limits the County's opportunity to worlt toward the west. Mr. Anthony indicated that it is his understanding that if the Orban Boundary i. not changed, 4 units per acre will be Pftr.itted. Mr. Gauthier replied that if the Urban Boundary stays to the east of C.R. 901, the Density Rating System will allow 4 units per acre, and a little higher near Activity Centers. Ms. Charlotte Gilli. at Reynolds, S.1th & Hilla, and representing /¿: A. Duda II Sons, stated that she is interested in the designation of Study Area 2, a. rural VB. urban category. She noted a few basic points relating to the main issue, questionlng whether developaent is appropriate at this time in Study Area 2, and if so, at what density? She stated that the four issues that need to be considered and addr....d are: 1. '!'be existing conditions of developaent presently in the area. 2. Infrastructure. 3. Mater Hanageaent. 4. Hurricane Vulnerability and transportation evacuation tiae. She stated that, as Staff realizes, Study Area 2 is more appropriate tor development than Study Area 1, yet the denslties are being increased for Study Area 1, while restricting any type or growth for Study Are. 2. She refftrred to Map 3 of the generalized zoning which sugge.ts that there is extensive development, PUD's, and DRI's edjacent to the western boundary and existing in Study Area 2. She indicated that the density issue is the major inconsistency that she has. With respect to infrastructure, she noted that there are ~ con- Page 15 --.----..- . --..........---.. .-.._-.. "'!. .JAKUARY ", 1989 .iðerati0D8: availabl1ity of capacity, and responslbI1ity for funding. She stated that the funding issue and who will bear the re8p0D8ibility is the aajor point. She noted that concurrency addre- sses this issue, and suggested that the developers should be respon- slble for the aajority ot the expenses for improving the Infr..tructure. She noted that with regard to Water Management, the existing Belle Mead. Study does not reco-end that there should be no further deve- I opaen t in this area. She noted that developments which require iaproveaents will probably address the drainage issues and existlng proble_. and aay I.prove those situations, adding that there is DOt.hJ.Dg prrvenUng the Ccunty fro. requlrJng that tlw J994 Plan be 8OVttd up, preliainary studies be advanced, and stricter language con- earning the water -nageaellt issue. She stated that hurricane vulnerability has two sub-issues: property daaage and loss, and evacuation times, She stating that the /1' aajor issue is evacuation tiaes. She indicated that the evacuation rout. that has been suggested for Study Area 2 is directed to the ...t, eoutheaat, on U.S. 41, and there will be no evacuatlon from that area that goes onto C.R. 901. She noted that the evacuation route fro. Marco Shores and Marco Island is directed up C.R. 951 toward 1-70, and noted tha t the evacuation times have been hashed through. She stated that there is a fair aaount of room on U.S. U to addre.. the evacuation problem, and suggested that this be considered. She indicated that she believes that Study Area 2 is appropriate for deve- l0p88nt, and should remain in the urban category, and suggested that the appropriate den.ity ot 3 dwelllng units per acre be considered. Mr. Milton Hahn reterred to a aap depicting the aiddle section, which he owns. He stated that with regard to drainage in this area, Staff has indicated that there are not the problems as those south of Alligator Alley. He noted that it has been mentioned to equate the area e..t of C.R. 961 and U.S. U to the area on the aap, and 8Ugg.sted that one compliments the other. He stated that the property Page 16 "., .....-....--- """".----..-..... .JANUARY 4, 1989 to the aort;h i. less expensive, and would be a baslc element for affordable hou8ing. He stated that he believes this area should be i~cluded In the urban area, and requested that this be considered. Mr. Gauthier advised that this is the classic case ot allowing urban sprawl, it the County would allow urbanization in this area. He noted that it is iaportant with the concurrency requlrements that the County have a close coordination and staging of the land uses and the ability to put facilities in place. He indicated that if the develo- per. a:e relied upon to put the facilities in place, it w111 be a pleceaeal approach, and will hurt system-wide public facilities. Be aot;ed that there are also unexpected consequences, 1.e. increased coats for the School Board, and increased costs for emergency service. because of the geographic dlstance. With regard to urban sprawl, Mr. Bahn stated that he feels the 553 acr.s that he would like included in the urban area will have very little influence on "leap frogging" and urban sprawl, and will hardly //" change, encourage or discourage development in the County troa what it is now. Mr. John Duda, representing the Duda faaily, stated that he owns property In several different countles within the state. He noted that be works very closely with County Coamissions, Reglonal Planning Councils, and has developed very fine worlting relationships. He indl- cated that growth has begun in Study Area 2, and will liltely continue. Be stated that it seems strange to hi., that when growth is happening in the area, the County would consider changing the designation of the area to rural. He suggested that the recoamendation of the Planning Coaaission be accepted, leaving the area as urban, but with the den- 81ty of 3 units per acre. He noted that he feels this is an accep- table and workable solution. Mr. Clyde Quinby indicated that there is no need to reaove the exi.ting boundary lines as they are established on the east side of C.R. 951. He noted that Naples Golf Estates was recently rezoned, and continuing south to the next section of land is Highway Pavers, who Page 11 .... .,..,---,-_.,... - -..-----, '.-, .J AJro ART 4, 1989 own and are dlgging 330 aGre., leaving app~oxi.ately 300+ acre. and the balance belongs to 90 people and 25 parcels. He indicated that the next _ct ion ot land, across fro. Rattlesnake Haaaock Road i8 the SwaJIp Buggy Grounds, and Highway Pavers totaling 300 acres. He noted that the balance of the 340 acres i~ held by 31 property owners. He stated that no developer will be building in front of or behind the 8waJIp Buggy Grounds. He indicated that the section below the Swaap Buggy Grounds is Sabal Pal. Road, comprised of nurseries, single- f..l1y hoaes, c_pgrounds, and approxiaately 90 acres in that section. Be indicated that he cannot foresee any developer wishing to purchase that land. He stated that the two sections to the south of that are vacant, and do not presently have a PUD. He noted that the property on the we.t side of C.R. 951 includes a service station at the northern end, and one at the southern end, adding that the only dif- ference i. that the sections that border Davis Boulevard and C.R. 951 has 10 property owners and is zoned co..ercial, ault i-faal1y, and /? .ingle f..lly. He stated that the section below that has 6 property owners, and 160 acres have been zoned PUD for Shaaroclt, and w111 not exit onto C.R. 951, noting that this does not create a proble.. He advised that the property on Rattlesnalte Hamøock Road and C.R. 951 has S property owners, and 40~ is wetlands. He added that further down are 3 sectlons on the west side that Lely owns. He stated that the 6 8ile strip on the east side, without the present zoned sections, have 1,600 acres lett for development, with 1,200 acres of that at the 8OUthern part near u.s. 'u. He noted that the present density i. 0-4, and recoaaendations are 0-3. He indicated that lIIonies have eeen paid on tho- water lines for 3 years, and there are 12 more years re_ining. He stated that his recoaaendation is that Study Areas 1 and 2 reaain urban, with 3 units per acre. Mr. Todd Deaing at Reynolds, Seith, and Hills, representing A. Da4a.. Sons, stated that Statt has never said that Study Area 2 is not developable, noting that the issue is one of tilling which is tied to ~r..tructure, drainage, and natural sensitivities of the land. Øe Page 18 -"",. ......-..-- - '.-'---""-'--'-" .. ..,... .1 AJro ARY 4, 1989 IDcUcated that the concurrency issue requires that infrastructure be in place at the ti.e the iapacts occur, and the Board at County Coaais.ioners have the ability to place restrictions on that develop- aent to enfor~e that. He noted that he does not feel that infrastruc- ture i. an i..ue. Mr. Deaing indicated that Attordable Housing is a key and critical isaue, noting that lands are .ore expensive closer to Naples, and the properties within the two Study Areas could be passed on to the deve- loper. for Affordable Housing. He stated that Staff's recoaaendation is 1-1/2 units per acre froll a rural to an urban intensity for Study Area 1, and he questioned why Study Area 1, and not Study Area 27 He advl88d that Study Area 2 has little _tlands; Study Area 1 has 52~ wetlands; and Study Area 2 has been intensely developed, and i t does DOt aake sense to take this area out of the urban classification. Be noted that the timing is right because it is adjacent to develop.ent, infr_tructure is in place, the Planning Commission's recoaaendation 1. a fair one, and both areas should be treated equally. Z!ø Mr. .J88es McCoabs of 2150 Gulfshore Boulevard North stated that he purchased an inte~est in sollie land on the east side of C.R. 951. in 1983, wlth an understanding that it was in the Colllprehensive Plan, thf! land was developable, the density was 0-4; he was pleased to see the inetallatlon of the water line, the announcement that C.R. 951 will be four-laned in the near tuture, and now all of a sudden he feels Bite the rug ls being pulled out troll under hill. He noted if this land 18 taken out ot the urban area, it will be worth far less that what he paid for it 5 years ago. He requested that the recoaaendation of the cePC be approved. Dr. ~i. Thoeùe, Manager ot the Rookery Bay National Estuarine ""arch Reserve, stated that fro. his perspective, and his pro- f...ional opinion as manager frolll the area that receives water fro. the twQ areas along C.R. 951 and U.S. 41, he believes that these areas are extreaely iaportant to the quality of' water coming into Rooltery Bay. He indicated that tresh water is the key to what happena in the Page 19 -,-- ...,.., ..._...._-~.......-,~ '- -"""""""-""'-"-"""""" ......-.........-..-.. .JAJroARY 4, 1989 ..tuar iDe area. He stated that he supports the recoaaendation at Mr. Gauthier, that this land be restricted, until s-uch ti- that appropriate studies can be designed so that the drainage of this land will not have an adverse impact on the "ational Estuarine Research Re8erve. He noted that the waters within the Reserve are Outstanding Florida Waters, as designated by DER, and part ot the criteria of that designation is that the water quality cannot be further degraded below aablent conditions. He requested that the Board ot County Co..issioners accept the reco..endatlon of Staff, and deny any i...- diate activitles that will allow higher densities in this area. Coaaissioner Volpe stated that mention has been made that the uses in Study Area 2 are predominantly agricultural, and he questioned whether this has any relevance in teras of Dr. Thoeake's coaaents? Dr. Thoealte replied that this is the reason that he is requestIng action which will delay the permitting of develop8ent to occur. He .e/ DOted that it is not known what types of i.pacts will occur it this area is changed from agricultural to urban, adding that the drainage and runoff patterns will be ditterent. He s-uggested that both of the are- be treated the saae. Dr. Mark Benedict, representing the Conservancy, advised that he eupports Staff's position on the "pink" area, adjacent to C.R. 951, noting that a density of 1 unit per 5 acres is at most, what should be there. He indicated that he opposes ~he Planning Co..isslon's recoa- aendation to have a cap of 3 units per 5 acres. He advised that the entire Watershed Manageaent Area consists ot a lot of wetlands, a aajor flow way syste. that does ultiaately impact the Estuarine Systeas, Rooltery Bay, Marco Island, and the 10,000 Islands. He indi- cated that the entire area is without an adopted or funded integrated Watershed Manageaent Plan, and there is no mechanism to deal with the water. Be noted that he does s-upport Statf's position of 1 1/2 units per acre because he has been involved with the Naples Golf Eatates Develop_nt, and the wetland and water management concerns were addressed. Page 20 , ----'---. .-----'--- - --- .----..-.---, '-'--- .7AJroARY 4, 1989 Mr. D8vid Land noted that as a point of inforaatlon, Goal 2, and a nuaber of the Objectives and PolIcies under it in the ConservatIon and Co_tal Manageaent Element address concerns relating to estuaries and water aanageaent plans. He indicated that a Watershed Management Plan will be developed, and by 1992, there will be an Estuarine Progr.. for the County, and all canals, rivers, flow ways, etc. discharging into .stuaries have to meet applicable r~deral and State standards. Mr. Alan Reynolds indicated that he supports the reco..endation of the cePe regarding urban boundaries. He stated that he would lilte to dIsCU8s the density issue tor the frInge area. He noted that the .aples Golt Estates and the Southampton projects demonstrate the question ot density and how it relates to the viability of the pro- jects. Be indicated that Maples Golf Estates was approxlaately 614 acres, and over half of the property was wetlands that re_In vir- tually untouched in the Development Plans. He stated that it the Zl!- wetlanda are excluded trom the Land Use Summary, the balance of the project which includes allot the water management systea, gaIt cour- ses, open spaces and residential uses occupies 291 acres, and that denalty is approxiaately 2.1 units per acre. He indicated that Southaapton is being used as a comparable, as It has siailar land uses: low density project; mostly residential; has a golf course; has open space; preserved creek system, and occupies 313 acres. He noted that the density ot this project is 2.6 units per acre. He advised that h. is trying to show that most of the high quality, low density r..id.ntial projects that have been approved, have tallen in the 2-4 ,~it per acre range. Mr. Reynolds indlcated that the 3 unit per acre cap, as recoa- 8eD4ed by the CCPC, is appropriate, recognizing that the POD system woru. Be noted that the review process that the individual projects go through, individually assess the merits ot each project, they look at the quantity of wetlands and open space, surrounG .r.9 land use, and the density is adjusted accordingly. Mrs. Charlotte Westman. representing the Collier County League of Page 21 '-'--'~ ."-""'."-'-"""""'.'--- -'----'-" . ~-"-----"-"-- -'---'.' .1AJroARY 4, 1989 Woaen Voters, stated that they support Staff's position on the "pinlt" coluan down C.R. 951, to the east, and the "green" area along the rest of the eastern "tail". She indicated that she supports the reaarlt. aade by Colonel Beebe and Dr. Benedict. Coaalssloner Volpe stated that he has heard the arguaents, and he i. not persuaded by the gentleaan who aade an investment for property in this area, and indicated that he is inclined to go along with the recoaaendationa provided by those that the Co..ission has deferred to, to aalte those reco..endations. Coaaissioner Shanahan indicated that based on the inforaation pro- vided by both sides, it 8USt be reallzed that the Plan is reviewable twice a year. V t_~ a.-..h.., aoved, 8eCODded by eo-I_100er k-.ð..r., 'to ~t ~t'. re< ~l4Itlon tor 1 1/2 dMtlling unit. per 8C'r8 in 'the ",1z*8 -- . Coaaissioner Hasse stated that he does not !eel that there is any ~~ Deed to aove forward on the density at the present time. He indicated that he believes that 1 unit per 5 acres is sufficient, until such tiae that a report fro. the Water Manageaent Colll8ittee has been received. Coaalssioner Volpe stated that he does not understand the dif- ference between 0-3 and 1-1/2 per acre, noting that Actlvity Centers will be discussed at a later point In tlae, and they aay have SO88 iapact on density. Vpac call for the question, the 8Otion carried 3/2 (Co8a.t-ioDera ..... 8Dd Volpe O~). ~ t-.100er 8han-beD 8OVWd, 8eCODded by CO8a1..100er ....., to A.{ [1..'- atatt'. re< rod.tion that the 8 green 8 are. be de81p'tec1 - a nIr8.1 --, with 1 dMtlllng unit per & acres, until fu.rtiaer rwvlew C8I1 .. Illl t_t~. Co..issioner Goodnight stated that if 1-1/2 units per acre i. de8ignated tor the "p.1nk" area, the same considerat.1on should be given for the "green" area, noting that there is sore residential Page 22 .~--- --~-_. ,. "..----...----. ...,....--.-.- .JAJroARY 4, 1989 eurrouodlng this area than the "pink" area. She indicated that .be feels there should be consistency in the two areas. Coaaissioner Volpe advised that he believes that the CCPC and the CAC have stud!2d this issue, and they have heard input and &ade their r e c 0IIIIenda t i 0 na. He stated that he has not heard any reasonlng as to why those reco...ndations should not be accepted. .... oan bIr t.be qaAtSt1on. t.be ~ion carried. 3/2 ( c.--- t ..10D81:'8 Yo1pe ~ 8.. - 1SJ'rt ...~). C t -1cDer ~ haft 1IOV8d, ee<;0Dðeð by eo-1..iooer a-wtn1gh't 8Dd C8'ri8A ./1 (ec-i_iooer Volpe oppc>8ed), that wi th reg8r4 to Mr. 8Dd lira. JIaIID'. proper"ty, Staff'. recO888D4ation be ap~10ved, 8D4 the t t:hJ.8 8r88 18 to be rwvi8W84 c!u.ring the fir.t review proc;_.. ... A8c888 10:15 P.M. - 10:25 P.M. ... lIeU Yt 'tY Cea'ter8 Coaaissioner Saunders noted that at the last meeting, the Co8a.ission agreed to keep the Activity Centers as structured in the zý draft. Be indicated that Staff has provided the language regarding the 50. rule, and the effects of it. Attorney Don Pickworth stated that he has concerns rc~arding the language provlded in the aeao dated .1anuary 4, 1989. He referred to the addltional language regarding consistency of the proposed land U8eS with the report of the R/UDAT Co..ittee, and noted that he does bOt see the need to include this in the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Plckworth stated his concern regarding the aarket deaand and ..rvice area item, indicating that when dealing with zoning context, be doe. not bell eve this can be fully analyzed at that polnt, and eugg..ted that this item be deleted. Coaalssloner Saunders stated that he agrees with Mr. Pickworth's .tateaent regarding the consistency of the proposed land use. with the report of the R/UDAT. It was the consensus of the Board to delete the itea relating to the R/UDAT report. Mr. Gauthler indlcated that with regard to the stateaent relating Page 23 . . -"-. ",,- , .. -""-"""--".-""""-""- .--"----.-..-, .'----. if '.' '~f .JAJroARY 4, 1989 to the aarltet deaand and service area for the proposed coaaercial land U8e8, one of the considerations will be for general identification of what ccaaercial uses will be provided, what 1s the servlce area and deaand, are those uses being duplicated, or already provlded. He indicated that this w1l1 justify economic viability. Co..issiouer Volpe stated that he does not teel that it is the re8pOD81bility of the Board ot County Co..lssloners to determine whether a project is economically feasible. Coaaissioner Volpe asked Mr. Dennis to coament on this language. Mr. Dennis replied that he is reluctant to provide the Coaaission with guidance on this. C088issloner Goodnight stated that she feels that the Coaaission ba8 taken poslt1ve steps not to per.it gas stations on every corner, DOting that she does not believe this language needs to be included. Coaaissioner Shanahan indicated that he does not have a problem with this, since it will be used as a guide. He noted that when this Zr language was developed, it was so done to delete the 50~ language, and that there would be some flexibillty regarding market deaand and 8ituationa. C t..iooer ~h.n aoved, 8eCODded by eo-I-ioner ScaDder. 8DII carried 4/1 (eo.aJ..sioner Goodnight oppo8ed), that the 18DgQ8ge: II8.k bl .. 1 -d and -rvice are.. for the proposed cO888rcial land U888 to be 11884 - a guide to explore the fe..ibility of the requeated laDd -. 8ba.11 :c I In in the Eleaent. Attorney Anthony Pires referred to the the proposed additional language, first portion of the criteria factors: The aaoun t, type and location of existing zoned and developed co..ercial uses withln or in cIa.. proxi.ity ot the Activity Center, and suggested deletlng -existing zoned in close proxi8ity". Mr. Gauthler indicated that he does not have a problem with Mr. Pires' suggestion. eo..issioner Volpe stated that he feels this language should be left.. suggested by Statf, noting that one of the probleas that Staff ba8 identified is that there is existing zoning out there, already. Page 24 ---,--- - --'0 -------- ,.----- JAJroARY 4, 1989 C t ..1oD8r 90 I p8 1IOV8d, .-GoDded by Co8ai..I00er --- aDd carried -t-.ly, to le8V8 the language - suggested by Staff. Attorney Bruce Anderson stated that he would lilte to address the density bans around the Activity Centers, noting that he would lilte the partial clrcles on the Future Land Use Map to be complete circle.. Be indicated that the purpose of the these density bans ls to provide a higher density residential transition area around the coaaercial activities at the Activity Centers. Mr. Gauthier stated that the Future Land Use Map identifies the traffic congestion areas of Airport Road, down to Davis Boulevard, and jogging over to Rattlesnake Haaaoclt Road. He noted that everything seaward ot those areas are in the traffic congestion area, and there are no density bans. He noted that Staff is suggesting to stay with the logic to 11.it residential densities in the traffic congestion are_, and that the circles reaain as they are. He advised that there are lia1tations along that boundary, and he noted that once the Plan Z~ 18 adopted, the land use forecasts and the public facility planning will have to be redone. Coaai88ioner Saunders indicated that there will be 8ituations that require aaendaents to the Comprehensive Plan, and they cannot be handled during the adoption process. Mr. Anderson indicated that it should be noted that people that are In a tratf1c congestion area, already receive a deduct from the base dwelling units of 4, down to 3. C t ..1ooer ..... 1IOV8d, 8eÇ0Ddeð by Co8aJ..Jooer IIa1mder., to ~t tile re< T-~tion of Staff, that the circl- 1"888.1.n - 4raIm, 8Dd 8bff will 898..la.ate JndJvic2ua1 property ownera' concern. d:ar 1.Dg the ~ t proca_. Co..iss1oner Shanahan requested that Mr. Gauthier explain the .cIrcle" process for clarification. Mr. Gauthier stated that the Density Rating System is both geographically based and perforaance oriented based. He indicated that within certain geographic areas, the coastal manageaent area, and Page 25 .-. -, ..,-...-.......,........,..,,'. JANUARY 4, 19U the traffic congestion area, densities are held down to a lower level and the potentlal of performance standards are li8ited, as reflected in the 1/2 circles. He noted that areas that are not in the coastal or trafflc congestion areas, have densities of 4-16, and they are indicated by a full circle. IJpC8 call for the quest: lon, the 8Otlon carrJed unan18O'a8ly. Mrs. Charlotte Westman stated that she would like to discuss the Activity Centers without circles, in particularly, the three northern Activity Centers, and the Activity Center at C.R. 9ðl and u.s. 41. She .uggested that these Centers be cut in half. Coaaissioner Volpe indicated that his suggestion is that this topic be revi~d at a later date, noting that this is not the proper tl.. to be elialnating Activity Centers. Coaaissioner Shanahan stated that there are areas that need to be di8C'U.8aed as ti- goes on, but noted that it is premature to eliminate any of the Activity Centers at this point. Mrs. Nestaan requested that these be considered as potential den- Z!' sity generators, with potential traffic probleaa Mr. Gauthier called attention to two minor corrections. He noted that Page LU-I-32, "0. 4. Coaaercial Under Criteria, Paragraph C. should read 25,000 square feet, rather than 10,000 square feet. The eecond change relates to the Activity Center at Pine Ridge Road and 1-75. Be indicated that the property identified as A-2 in the south- .....t quadrant, is actually POD co..ercial, and noted that because of that Staff believes that the boundary should be squared up with the boundary from the north. He noted that it was inadvertently ~pped aa A-2. Attorney George Varnadoe referred to Mr. Gauthier'. aeao dated 3 anuary ", 1989, relating to language clarifying the intent ot Policy &.1. Be stated that he believes the underlined language "as long as the change constitutes 8inor adjustment to site development plane- aaItee the proposal meaningless. Mr. Gauthier indicated that Staff's concern i. that the way the Page 26 ..---- ----"-..--- ".."-,-,.-. .JAJroARY 4, 1989 Policy currently reads, potentially creates a large loophole to the Rating Syat_. He noted that as a caution, Staff is attempting to define what the intent is. He stated that there are some undeveloped zoned lands which no longer comply with either the density or the co.- _rclal location, and to deal with that, there is the zoning eva- luatlon program that holds that within 3 years all zoning will be reviewed, and it it is not vested according to the guidelines, or no~,- conforaing, it aay be changed. He indicated that the down-slde of that type of Pollcy, which is a use it or loose policy, aay cause some panic developaent. He indicated that the proposed language is to allow adjU8taents, but the property wo~ld still be subject to zoning ~ evaluatlon. He noted that he has no problem with deleting the underlined language. I ~ It was the consensus of the Board to eliminate the underlined language. I ~r Mr. Varnadoe reterred to Page LU-I-19, Policy 3.1 IC, the ..", underlined language "All zoning districts and approvals shall be N reviewed whether in the form of rezone, PlannedOnit Developaents ~~ (POD) or Developaents of Regional Impact (DRI)'i He stated that he doe8 not know what kind ot zoning DRI's are, slnce thi8 1. not a zonlnq category, and questions why they should be in a zoning re- evaluation prograa? Mr. Gauthier stated that the intent is to aalte it clear that this prograa will apply to all zoned properties in the County. County Attorney Cuyler advised that he has no problem wlth the DRI language belng included, noting that they should be subject to Staff's evaluation. Coaai.sioner Goodnight indicated that she does not have a problem with Staff reviewing this, but doubts that the Board of County eo..i.sioners will be able to repeal a DRI. Coaaissioner Shanahan questioned whether the language is there to obtain a ruling as to whether the DRI is subject to a zoning reclassi- fIcation by the County? Page 27 -",-- .....--... ..-,.- "'.__0___.""--------"" -.--. .1ANUARY 4, 1989 Mr. Gautbler advised that the language is there, so that when the process is established to deteralne what is or is not vested, that proc..s will loolt at the entire array of zonlng types, and it -y turn out that certaln classes are vested through State Law, etc. Assistant County Attorney Student stated that DCA aislnterpreted what the provision of Policy "X" is, noting that they believed that Colller County was going to go through are-evaluation ot the entire Zoning Ordinance, as opposed to zonlng which had already been approved tor particular developments. She advised that she had discu.sions witb Mr. Dennis, and it was the consensus that there was a 8isun- derstanding on the part of DCA. Mr. Gauthier stated that he i. comfortable with changlng the language to read "All zoning zoning districts and approvals shall be r-iewed-, and strike the rest of the sentence. Mr. Varnadoe indicated that he believes that State Law i. clear Z? that DRI's are ve.ted, and the County has no right to go back and review thee. He stated that the law is also clear that DRI'a should be taken into account when the Coaprehenslve Plan is beih~ prepared, and provide the necessary facilities for them. He noted that a neclaratory gtateaent, dated September 19, 1988, issued by DCA states this in detal1 regarding Gulfstreaa Development Corporatlon. Mr. Fred Vidzes of South Florida Water Manageaent Distrlct pro- viðed a copy of a letter to be included as part of the record, relatlng to the Save Our Rivers Land Acquisition Deslgnation and the potable water lssue of Marco River. Attorney Llnda Lawson stated that she concurs with Mr. Varnadoe's co nts regarding vestlng, and she agrees wlth the Co..ission's dele- tion of that language. Mr. Charles Lehaan referred to Page LU-I-32, Commercial Onder Criteria, and noted that it does not allow for any unusual piec.. of props r tv, 1.e. at the end of an airport runway, or next to sewage treat..nt plants. He indicated that presently the discretion the Board baa, is to consider whether the width of a piece of property can Page 28 ._""""'-"'-"- -- .._.._-----"",-,,_.. .JANUARY 4, 1989 be greater than 200 feet. He requested that the Board re.erve di8cre- tlon to consider intill co..ercial tor uniquely situated piece. of property. Mr. Gauthier indicated that the lnfill commercial does allow for coaaercial outside ot Activity Centers, under special condition.. Be noted that the C-6 Zoning Distrlct is intended to allow for tran- sitional uses between high intensity and lower intensity, and in addi- tion, it i. designed to be used where residential zoning is not appropriate. He stated that he feels there is flexibility. It -- tiIie COD88I18U8 of the Board that the language rsaaJ.n - it 18. County Attorney CUyler advised that an additional sentence is required in Subparagraph "~", noting that this refers to a prograa that 1. to be established, whereby Staff will revlew zoning during the next thr- years to br ing i t in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. He .J' () stated that there will be property that is Inconsistent with the Plan, and he doe. not want to get into a situation where it 1. not clear that building permits can be issued to those properties. Be indicated that the language is as follows: "Until the vested or non-vested sta- tua of such property has been determined, and if not vested, until notice has been given that such property will be considered for rezoning to an appropriate classificatlon pursuant to this prograa, Develop.ent Orders shall be granted for uses permitted by the zoning cl...ification in effect at the time of Plan adoptlon, or for ales. intensive zoning classification approved by the County in accordance with this Plan." Coaaissioner Volpe stated that he is uncomtortable with this language, adding that this allows that the notice that is in the Plan i. not sufficient notice, and it must be done by parcel, and area. He 1Ddicated that he has a problem with continuing to issue building permits where property rights are not vested, which Is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. County Attorney CUyler stated that as he recalls the pa.t pro- Page 29 .---- -----.-...---- .- ---.. ,-.-. _.. .JAlroARY 4, 1989 ceed.inqs, there was discussion as to how the parcels that are incon- sist.ut will be handled upon adoption of the Plan, and various methode were discua_d, 1.e. "Use It or Loose It", which was rejected by the Board. He noted that there was a reco..endation that there be an eva- luatlon prograa over the course ot the next 3 years to look at the parcels, on a parcel-by-parcel basis to determine whether they have vested rights under the law, or whether there is a acre appropriate category under the Comprehensive Plan, and this is what he understood the Board to accept. Coaai.sioner Saunders asked Mr. Gauthier, what his opinion as a Planner is regarding this language? Mr. Gauthier replied that looking beyond the legalities ot it, and loolting at the situation of the zoning patterns, he believes that strong action is called for. He indicated that his inclination is to go with the original intent ot the language. -'I Mr. Varnadoe stated that what Attorney Cuyler has proposed, i. to clarity what has been in the Comprehensive Plan and what has gone to DCA and approved by the., the CAC, and the CCPC. He indicated that the option for the "Use it or Loose It" gives the inapprc~riate uses. Co..issioner Saunders stated that his problem is that what is being developed is a planning docuaent that is going to govern the Coun~ for the next 20-00 years. He suggested that possibly the 3 year period could be shortened to 2 years. Mr. Gauthier stated that 2 years should be the shortest, possible tl_. C t-10D8r """"""'n aoved, 8eÇ0Dded by CO88.t.sI00er ~fght, to UHJt ~ l~ .. drafted by the Ccnmtyí~'t'tOrD8'y. Co..is.ioner Saunders suggested that unlaproved co..ercial pro- per~ to be re-evaluated in 2 years County Attorney Cuyler stated that he believes there is a auch better basis to re-evaluate the co..ercial properties because there was a long and expensive study conducted which gave the County a good ba81s for indicating Activity Centers, and where coamercial s~ould be. Page 30 .-." , . .-,,- --. ,.- -----,---,._-,. ....-..,---- .J AJro ART 4, 1989 ~ t-t..r ~Mm -Dðe4 hI. aot1on to .1nc11lð8 C-t..100er . - \ - ' II_- .1 tiOD that ani8¡il0....4 ,. Ircial pr°v-~lT be re- .-.a1..-t81 ...-.ry two 1'8 anr. C~1..100er Goodnight accepted the - t. VpoD aLlI for the que1rtion, the aotion - -Dðe4 carrIed _t _lYe C t..1oDer ~1"8 aoved, 88COD4e4 by eo-J...iooer ~-~ 8Dd C8T18cS 4/0 (ec-J...iooer Volpe ab8ta1ned), to "",...10,,- the AcUrity C8Dtera - cSeaignated. Coaalssioner Volpe suggested that at some point in the not too di.tant future, the issue of Activity Centers generally, and the den- sity bans be the subject ot further review. C t..1oD8r Sa1mder8 aoved, 8e<;0ude4 by eo-J...iOD8r S)\an-'Mm and carried -t-.ly, that the l'ature La:ad U- J:1888Dt be """'°"'.4 with the fo1..1ow1Dg c:b8Dge8: ~ change in Policy 3.1 1:., .trIkJ.ng '8DII:t8rlhlh"IIJ f1."O8 -whether- to the 8Dd of the eentence; the addition of the 1 .. 'I - reed into the record by the County AttOZ':lWy ntgarding j'¿ the t II . ef pe-r.1t.: ap....o\rw the language of Policy 0.1, with the ~ of the 1IDder11ne4 portIon begiftfttl)9 wIth -- lcmg --, t:hd ~ tile 8DIII of the eentenco; l~ of the o~ rul.. - ~'ted tIT tM .1-t"'9 ~t to resain - preeented, wIth the exclualon of tM ~8CP *ilL which reac18: -C0n8i.tency of the propo884 18Dd U888 with tM report of the Regional/Urban Deeign A8.18tance '1'... CIt1zen 8't8eriDg ec-1 t't- dated October 7. 1987; the approprIate aap for the 8Cq1Û.1t1OD anra and the Urban Iknmd.ary; and the two 8.1Dor natl ~II"" c:o.rle<;t1.Dg In..,graphical error.. ... Rece8. 11:50 P.M. - 11:5ð P.M. ... ~---...ArJOIf A8Ð COASTAL MAJrA~ Acting Coaaunity Development Adainistrator Ollitf stated that the l_t action of the Board regarding this Element was to send it baclt to the Co..lttee to try and resolve some of the outstanding lssue. that resulted from the Horltshop. He indicated that meetings wlth the Coaaittee and public were held to arrive at a consensus regar~ing COIIproaising language. Pege31 "------- ..-....-..--..,...-- ,- jANUARY 4, 1989 Attorney Varnadoe indicated that the Element has been revlewed at great lengths. He noted that there was a good mix on the coamittee with different interests, and stated that he believes that it these Elements are adopted, they will be putting Collier County in the forefront of environmental sensitivity, control, and protection. Dr. Harlt Banedict noted that he has been involved in this process slnce 1980, adding that he believes the dlrection of the Board has been accomplished, and the Eleaents are a substantial improvement over what the County currently has. He stated that the Five Year Plan wl11 aalte up for a nuaber ot years where the effort was not put into deve- loplng standards. He indicated that the Element is set up to describe what the issues are, what the habitats are, what the concerns are, and it also describes implementation procedures over the ;,¡..;(t nuaber of years with interim standards. Mr. Steve Pfeiffer, representing 1,000 Friends of Florida, stated that a. he indicated earlier in the meeting, he would like his written .;';JI c0888nts to be a part of the record. He indicated that he teels that the portion ot the Plan which addresses hurricane evacuation does not adequately bring Collier County, by the year 2010, to the ailestones in the Comprehensive Regional Policy plan. He noted that specific euggestions regarding this are reflected on Pages 11 and 12 of hls report. He stated that with regard to barrier islands, he does not feel that the Plan adequately recognizes the physical constraints of these, and suggestions are included on Pages 19 through 21 of his report. Be indicated that he does not feel there has been an adequate Inventory of existing facilitles that provide public acces. to beaches, and what would be needed to provide those in the future. With regard to the Capital Improvements of the Plan, he stated that his written coaaents will spealt for hls organization. Mr. Grady Minor, representing Glades Incorporated, referred to Policy 6.4.6, the preservation of a ainil8U8 of 25% native vegetation on the site tor new developlllents greater than 2.5 acres in the Coastal Area, and suggested that a sliding scale be used, rather than a hard- Page 32 ...-..- - ...-."..- ----...----.... .....---. ...~--_.. .JANUARY 4, 1989 faat rule. Be 8Ugge8ted that 25' be used for 6 dwelling units or le.s; 1~' for 6-8 dwelling units; and 2-5' for over 8 dwelling units. Mr. Minor noted that Policy 6.4.1 requires that all other types of new developaent preserve an appropriate portion of natural vegetation on site aa determined through the County's develop8ent review process. Be indicated that he believes that a flat percentage of 5' should be U8ed for coaaercial and industrial which would allow tor adequate parlting. Be requested that his suggestions be considered. Mr. Charles Layaon spoke to Policy 6.4.7, and stated t~at if deve- lepers are forced to conserve 25' of the natural vegetation, it is not alway. fe..ible in &any developments. He indicated that this land will reaain on the tax rolls, and it is unusable. He suggested that if a flat percentage basis is going to be used. it should be a lesser percentage. Mrs. Charlotte Westaan coaaended the co..ittee on the rewrite at the Eleaents. She referred to Goal 8, Air Quality, and noted that it J,Y does not address open burning, with the exception of Fire Departaents, DEft and the Division of Forestry. She suggested that addltional language be included. Dr. Benedict advised that a special meeting was held last Friday, and revlsions were &ade to the GOP's. He noted that 51 changes were -.de, and out of those, there are 14 changes that he does not agree with, and is recoaaending that they not be adopted. He referred to Page C-I-5, Itea "E" and suggested that "and where practical shall benefit- be added after "degrade". He indicated that this will improve the ti.ing and cycling through the Watershed Manageaent Plan. Mr. Varnadoe, responding for the other side of the co_lttee, stated that the coaaent was &ade that the original proposal was to bene f it the Watershed, but noted that is not always possible. He Indicated that in order to Co.e up with a measurable standard, the language as provided was agreed upon. Mr. Lorenz stated that his suggestion is to leave the lang~age as it is. Page 33 "---"'- -."..--.......... '.'-'. ,. .JAJroARY ", 1989 It - Ö88 c ¡¡c........,..',8U8 of the IIo8rd that the l~ in It- 81t8 J. 1- - pl'J.JJI&tec!. Dr. Benedict referred to Pollcy 2.2.2, and suggested that 8receiving waters" be added atter degrade. It - Ö88 C ........b.aa of the Board to accept Dr. BeDecUc-t'. recoa- Il1o.. u.a ul.r41Dg Policy 2.2.2. Dr. Benedict referred to Policy 2.3.6, and suggested that the ori- ginal language whlch was talten from 9.J5 be used: "Restrlct developaent activities where those activities would daaage or destroy coastal water rltSOUrces. Mr. Varnadoe stated that the Coaaittee felt that the language as preeented i. more detinitive, since "daaage" is a very broad ter., and it W88 felt that "adversely lapact" ls &Ore restrictive. I t - the COD88D8'U.8 of the Boarð the t the 1 aogu.IIg8 of Po 11 cy 2.3.8 ~ h. - pr....anteð. Dr. Benedict referred to Policy 4.1.3, and suggested that 8coapile" replace "accumulate". Mr. Varnadoe concurred with this 8UWestion. It - Ö88 C-.W.,.-u.e of the Board to replace -acC1lllll.lat.- with ..,- -.: _11'-. Dr. Benedict referred to Policy 6.2.7 and suggested that "on at l...t an equal area basis" be left in, and then add wording which will allow flexibility, "if considered appropriate by County Staff, altern- ative --thode for mitigation aay be consldered." Mr. Stanley Hole, of Hole, Montes & Assoclates, stated that he has no problem with Dr. Benedict's language, as long as the decision is not aade by County Staf f, but by the Board of County Colll8issloners, upon recoaaendation of Staff. It - ÖMt ~r..-u.e of the Boarð to accept Dr. 8eDedlc-t'. J-..- .1. bat replaciDg -County Staff- with the -Board of Ccnmty ""'- t -.1oDer8'. - 8Ugge8 t eð by Mr. Bo 1.. Dr. Benedict referred to Policy 6.2.9, and suggested that South Florida Water Management District be reterred to. Page 3~ ..-.,,-.-.-,. '-.'""--" ...- --- -..-.."...,--.,- JAJroARY 4, 1989 Mr. Varnadoe objected to this suggestion, noting that the intent at the Coaaittee was to have one definitional body for the County to refer to for its regulations. He noted that the decioion was unani- IIOU8 to use DER, so that when their definitions are updated, the Coun~ would have the current definitions. I~ ... the COD8en8U8 of the Board that the language in Policy 8.2.. J: tft.. pr...nted. Dr. Benedict reterred to Page C-I-19, and recommended the inclu- sion of an additional Policy 6.6.3, which had previously been deleted: -Where applicable guidelines of Depart.ent of Natural Resources and Departaent of Environmental Regulations tor Outstanding Florida Waters and Aquatic Preserves shall be considered to review land development projects in and near important submerged aarine habitats". Mr. Varnadoe stated that he is opposed to any additional Policies. Be Indicated that the Co..ittee telt that this Policy was duplicative .J" at the efforts of others. He indicated that DNR and DER have established Florida Outstanding Waters and Aquatic Preserves, and have regulationa which adequately address what can happen in those areas. Mr. Olliff stated that Dr. Benedict's language says the County shall conalder this as part of the develop.ent review process. It ... the COD.88D8U.8 at the Boarc1 to accept Dr. BenedIct's I-V "I. Dr. Benedict referred to Objective 11.5, and suggested that .or where necessary" be added atter "and by utilizing". Dr. Benedict referred to Policy 14.1.3a, and suggested that -adequately" be added after "not presently". Dr. Eris Thoeake stated that he believes that overall, thO] docu- aeat is a signlticant iaproveaent, noting that he is quite anxious to tulfll1 SO88 of the statements aade relating to the County and the State worlting together. He referred to Objective 2.3, and noted that the state and federal water quality standards will have to be aet before 1992. Dr. 'l'hoeake referred to Objective 6.1, and stated that he has. Page 35 -"-"'.-"'- ...-- -.----..,.....-... JAnUARY 4, 1989 probl.. with the additional wording of .iaportant native County habitats., and questloned how "laportant" will be defined? Be recoa- aended that .iaportant" be deleted. Mr. Varnadoe stated that Policles 6.1.1 through 6.1.4 addresses the habitats and what will be done for each one, and it was felt that the County should not co..l t to all habitats, some of which are not native. Be noted that Policy 6.1.4 i. the catch all, for all other habitat. It -- the ~ at the Board that the lanqu.age .in Objec-tl.,. 8.1 7: tn - it 18. Dr. Thoeake referred to Policy 45.5.1, and noted it previously con- tained language suggested by the Coaaittee, and it i8 now deleted. Be indicated that he feels it should be reinstated. Mr. Olliff stated that he agreed wlth the Committee that the language needed to be strlclten, since it is not a regulatory stateaent. Mr. Gary Beardsley referred to Policy 6.2.4, noting that timbering .1/ operations wl11 affect naturally functioning marine and fresh water wetlanda. Mr. Beardsley referred to Policy 11.3.15, which states that tia- bering will not be allowed in coastal systea., and is recoaaending that timbering not be allowed in viable naturally functioning -..tlanda. Mr. Varnadoe stated that the Co..ittee considered these, and they were not prepared to get into the agricultural arena, and i t was the aajority vote to include language as presented. It -- the ~ of the Board to accept the langcLag8 - 8't:a ~. Mr. Beardsley reterred to Policy 6.4.8, and questioned th~ aeaning at the last sentence whi~h states "For any such converslons in less than ten years any County-i.posed restoration measures of the site au.t be restored to native vegetation." Mr. Varnadoe stated that the Committee felt that if the site is to be U8ed tor agriculture, there is a ten year coaaitaent, but if a Page 345 . -.- -,-,-""... "-_. ,.._-""-,,,...,,",--- -.-,---.. . JANUARY 4, 1989 rezone occur. before the 10 year period, the site will be subject to the natural preservation requirements. It -- the ~ of the Board that the 18DgU.8g8 in Pol1cy S.".. &' h. - pr......ted. Mr.. Barbara Cawley ot Wilson, Miller, Barton, SoIl 6 Pee It , Inc., stated concerns regarding Dr. Benedict's proposed change to Policy 6.6.3, noting that Outstanding Florida Waters are proposed by rule by DER, and Aquatic Preserves must be approved by the Legislature. She indicated that to use those guidelines for land development projects, in or near sea grass beds, is an unreasonable use of Legislative types of aanageaent tools. Mr. Stanley Hole stated that he has written a letter stating his concerns, and he is requesting that the following concerns be stricken: 6.1, 6.1.1, 6.5.2, 11.3.9, 11. 4, 11.5, and 13.1. Be noted that be has suggested that "unacceptable" be added to Objective 6.2, ./;1 between the words "no" and "net". It -- the COD88n8u8 of the Board to 1D8ert -1m8Ccepbabl.- in 0Itjec:t.1~ .. 2. Mr. Bole referred to Policy 6.4.3, and suggested that the state- aent .Such i.pleaentation may be considered as mitigatlon" be added. It -- the COD:88n8'U8 of the Board to accept Mr. Bol.'s 8'1:IgV88ted 1 8"'1.11. : Mr. Bole referred to Policy 6.5.1, and suggested inserting .non-noxious" after -incorporating". It -- the COD88n8u8 at the Board to accept Mr. Bol.'. 81IWw-t1on. Mr. Bole referred to Policy 11.3.5, and suggested that "or other Coun~ approved" be inserted after "Native" and before "vegetation". It -- the ('~ . 1o8U8 of the Board to accept Mr. Bol.'. 81Igge81:1on. Mr. Hole referred to Policies 11.5.4, 11.5.9. and 11.5.10, noting that all have a destructive feed-in word of "prohibit", and suggested substituting the tirst sentence in Policy 11.4.7 to these Policies. Mr. Varnadoe stated that the Comaittee tried to distinguish bet- ween developed barrier coastal systeas and developed ~each systems and Page 37 ~ - .------ ----- ..--....-- .JAJroARY 4, 1989 undevwloped beach systeas. He indicated that the more reasonable language was used. He stated that it was the Coaaittee's consensus that undeveloped coastal barriers and beaches should be sore restric- t1ve. Be noted that the Federal definition of -undeveloped" has not been adopted, and that the Co..ittee has its own definition. Coaais8ion~r Saunders stated that he Concurs with the Co..ittee's recO88enc1atlon. It ... the ~ of the Board to accept the Coaal tt.. '. 18D8""', Mr. Bole referred to Policy 13.2.6, and suggested that "flood proofed, be" be deleted. It ... the ~ of the Board to accept Mr. Bol.'s 81Igge8'tlon. Mr. Bole referred to Policy 13.3.8, and indicated that he does not know what "25' ot the value ot County public facl1ities In the coastal high-hazard area" aaounts to. He suggested that sOllie type of liait be .;If estabUshed. Mr. Pineau stated that the coastal high hazard areas have been defined, and noted that a portion of this area had to be considered in developing the Plan. Mr. Bole referred to Policy 13.1.2, noting that he 1s unclear as to it. intent. Mr. Robert Duane otfered the following proposed language "review increases 1n density on a case-by-case basis in the coastal area, and to approve such increases only if proper mitigation, as approved by the County, is provided to reduce hurricane evacuation tises". It ... the ~ of the Board to accept Mr. Daane '. 81Igge8't ed J-.;r ,.. Mr. Varnadoe referred to Policy 11.3.1, and stated that the Coaaittee never considered the definition of "undeveloped coastal barriers". He stated that the definition talks about the Federal Guidelines pertaining to what constitutes "undeveloped", and adds ".. long as no County perlllits or platting has occurred". He noted that he wants to &ake it very clear that when the Committee ta:lted Page 38 ~o.._- .. -...-....-- --,..""-..,....0....-.,,. .."'__-'"_0 .JANUARY 4, 1989 about .coastal barriers" they meant the outer most island or barrler, and not inward islands behind that system. Dr. Benedict stated that he agrees, noting that Horrs Island wae not conaidered. He indicated that Johnson Island is a secondary coastal barrier, and the intent was tor it to be included. ~t-10D8r tlanMer. aoved, and 8eCODded by CO881..1cmer "'-, to ..w 4U. the COD8ervation and Coaetal ~t &leaent, .. 8Od..11J.ed, with the 8X'-¡.oUon of Polici.. 6.4.6 and 6.4.7. Mr. Reynolds requested the opportunity to reserve his coaaent. until he bas seen a written draft of all the changes that have been aade tonight. (' -..1oaer tta'.rMI'* --~ hI. 8Otion: To app...o,- the ð.- ............. - t..1aD ~t~ at Polici.. 6.4.6 and 6.4.7; additional cO888Dt. wIll be prori.ded in wr i t 1.Dg, and if additional ,- Int., tbr( wUI be c::on- /0 .1ðenId Û the 8dopUon hearing. CO881..ioner Ba88e accepted the 1 a ,t, aDd the 8Otion carried unanÙlOU8ly. Mr. Hole advised that he has no objections to Policies 6.4.6 and 6.4.7, as proposed. He requested that "granted" replace ~considered. in Policy 6.4.7, to be consistent with Policy 6.4.6. Mr. Olliff stated that he has no problem with this. Mr. Varnadoe referred to Policy 6.4.6, and advised that the Co..ittee'. intent was that If there ls good native vegetation on 8ite. the first priority would be to try and preserve a significant proportion of that. He indicated that if that could not be accompli.hed through a reasonable land plan, then the 25- would be &&de up of landscaping, including understory, and aidstory. Dr. Benedict stated that some type of aeasurable objective was needed to retain native vegetation on site, and the Coaaittee arrived at the 25_. He noted that it that could not be accomplished, excep- t1one would be con.idered. Dr. Thoeake stated that the reason it is important to aaintain whatever percentage is decided, is that true native coaaunitie. will Page 39 -._-, ...._,- -"'.- ""-- -----""-""--"-" . "'-' .JAJroARY 4, 1989 be -ln1:ained. Mr. Gary Beyrent referred to Policy 6.4.6 and its relationship to the Affordabl~ Housing Ele.ent. He indicated that developers were to be given density bonuses as high as 16 units per acre for provlding Affordable Houslng, but noted that if the project is In excess of 6 units per acre, the 25' cannot be retained. He stated that he feels that 10' is a reasonable aaount for projects ot 6 units per acre or 8Ore. Mr. Beardsley advised that Policy 6.4.6 is specifically addres.ing the coastal area, which has an environmental sensitivity. He noted that the State and Regional Plan speaks to development not endangering na~.l resources, and that it protect, acquire and restore natural conditions. Coaaissioner Saunders suggested that Staff 8eet with the Co..ittee one 8Ore ti88 to discuss Policies 6.4.6 and 6.4.7. Mr. Varnadoe stated that he is satisfied with the two Policies as ~ written. Coaaissloner Saunders withdrew his suggestion. Mr. Beardsley noted that the language in the Deceaber 15, 1988 d~att is exactly from the Model Eleaent, which was accepted by the eo-ittee. He noted that his problem is using landscape to meet the 25' requirement. Attorney Pickworth stated that Mr. Beyrent's concerns are addre.sed in the last sentence of Policy 6.4.6. Mr. Reynolds indicated that he feels that the language and quali- tications a. presented are acceptable. Dr. Benedict stated that the Conservancy does not accept the language that is presently betore the Board, and he is recoaaending the language as contained in the Dece8ber 15, 1988 draft. Mr. Ollitt stated that the Board needs to realize that this i. interi8, and the Coastal Area is the tirst of the areas that will be 8ddre8eed for real policy language. He noted that the language as preeented allows the County tlexibillty, and Staff supports it. Page.O " "...",,--" " ---.-.....-.......-..-.. .JAKUARY 4, 1989 Coaaissioner Volpe stated that he feels that Mr. Minor's .arller concerns are addressed by the exceptlon, adding that he is comfortable with thia. Mr. Ollitf suggested that possibly the language in both polices could be changed fro. "granted" to "considered". C I ..1.oDI.r Yo 1 pe 1IOV8d, 88CODded by eo-taaiooer ~tgbt aDd ~ f-.ly, to accept the 18Dg11898 .. pr888Dtecl 1n Pol1C88 e...e.... e...7. ~L I18!a....._;¡- WT~ Mr.. Fitzpatriclt indicated that there has been a change to the Capital Improveaent Eleaent slnce last weelt. She referred to CIE-39 and 40. and noted that the Five Year Schedule of projects has been reduced by $4.1 aillion, to reflect the Board's decision on the Urban Boundary, ot pulling in the "tail" section. f: 1-. iaD8r CIoodn i gb t 1IOV8d, 8eÇ0Dde4 by eo-i.aiooer Shaft.ahcl 8D4 carr 18d ........... 1 -.,.us 1 y, to çpr0V8 the C&¡I1 tal Iaprov__At .1~t, - . d. ýZ.. ftAJ7I C C DCOLU1 011 Mr. Mllli.. Vines stated that there have been &any dl.cussion. regarding planned arterial roads which lie north of laaoltalee Road, and east of 1-15, that run through some peculiarly shaped real e.tate. Be noted that the suggested aaendaent to the long-range Arterial Road Plan has not been resolved. He indicated that the north/south, east/ west lines that are reproduced fro. one of the map Ele.ents wl1l be lIOdit ied. He requested that language as contained in Policy 3.4 be changed to: "The County shall acquire sufficient amount of right-of- way to facilitate the planned trafflc lanes, approprlate turn lanes. 8ediana dralnage canals, and shoulders sufficient for pull-off and land8caplng tor all roadways identified on the Traffic Circulation Maps. Mr. Perry stated that the aap Mr. Vines is referring to i. the last aap in the Trattlc Circulation package. He noted that the probl.. that he has with Mr. Vines' suggestion is that 2015 1. not Pag.4.1 ....---. -........-,.---.-.-. .,.....-.-.--., - ."... .JAJroARY 4, 1989 u1tiaate build-out of the Urban Area, noting that there is another 3& year. of growth. He stated that the six-lane requlrement with turn lanes, dralnage, etc. came from the CAC Subco..ittee. Mr. Varnadoe suggested language which will allow 80ae flexibility: -Acqulre the aaount of right-ot-way necessary tor the lane .11es deteralned at the tiae of acquisition." Mr. Perry stated that the language does sound reasonable, and perhaps SO88 language could be developed to allow the flexibilIty. County Attorney Cuyler indicated that this is an active living Plan. and it wl11 be changed In the future. He suggested that Mr. Perry review this and present it at a later date. Mr. Olliff concurred with County Attorney Cuyler, noting that he believes thi. is soaething that can be addressed in the aaendaent pro- ces.. %t - t:b8 elM. "'-018 of the Board that eppropriate 181Dgt1.8g8 be - ~ ~ tor t:b8 Adopt ion IIe8r 1.Dg on 3 mm.ary 1 O. 198.. /4' Mr. Perry referred to Table 5, Itea 12, Isles ot Capri Road, and noted that the right coluan should read "right-at-way acquisition-. C'I f..1ooer -u.."'ra aoved, 8eÇcmðed. by CO8a1..icmer ~jght 8Dd carr 1ed ....- 1 8ftQ81 y, to ~~ov. the rrafflc CirculatIon .1-..nt, wi tit U. CID8 I~nt provided by Mr. Perry: the 1.8118 of the w1dth of 8CIq1L1.eit1oa will be leU open for diacretiOD by Staff to tIOI"k out t:b8 ....- ~ iate languag.. .... -""IT .,. -- (" t ..1ooer 800dni gh t aoved, 88Ccmðed. by CcIIa1-1cmer 8h---..n aDd C8Z"r18A - - t -..1 y, that the Maa. Trlm.ait .1888Dt be ~~o\r..4. AWT A'PT- .,. - c f..ioaer ~hfll aoved, 84tCODdec! by Co8a1..1oner Ooo"""ight .... 08J:'r 1ed -- t -..1 y, that the AvIation El888Dt be app..o....4. ~ FACIL.ITU:8 Ja.DœJrT (" ~..J.CID8r ~1ght 8OV8d, 8eÇ0Dded by Co8aJ_icmer Sh--h-n aDd carried 1ID8D.1aoua 1 y. that the Public Facilitie. Eleaent be ...... -. -4. ~1 '.. Page 42 .-..-...".-.- ---_..".."- .,.,_. --, .JAJroARY ", 1989 ... ~--~ &IIQ) Ot'... SP~ Mr. Richard Rudolph, representing the Kaples Youth Soccer Club and the Optlaist Soccer League, stated that it was decided In the 1980's to go toward Coaaunity Parks, and that is now in place. He indicated that there are probleas: 1,500 children are in a soccer prograa and there are not adequate facilities. He noted that it 1s projected that there will be 2,000 children in that program in the next 5 years. Be .tated that the current budget has additional funds for additional fields. He stated that the current recoaaendatlon is to build second fields at the parks. and then use funds tor lighting o~ those 1 or 2 fields 8cattered at different locations within the County. He suggested that those funds be used to have all the proposed fields in one location, which will be sufticient to handle the participants in the prograa, and it could also be a fac1lity to hold various events and tourna.aents. Coaaissioner Saunders stated that he ls not sure that this is ý¡/ øoaething that should be specifically addressed in the Comprehensive Plan. Be indicated that the Plan wl11 dictate how many facilities per capita are required, but 1t does not dictate where they are to be placed. County Manager Dorrill stated that Mr. Rudolph bas raised a very 9QOd point relating to large scale league play, and noted that 1t recently was decided to increase the level of baseball and softball emphasis at the Golden Gate Park, which resulted in a regulation base- ball field being constructed, in addition to the Little League Softball capabilities. He noted that he believes Mr. Rudolph can be given the level ot assurance that he is loolting for, as opposed to building a soccer field at each of the five parks. Mr. Ollitf indicated that he believes that this may be addressed through the aaendaent process. C t ..1cmer ~r. 1IOV8d, 8eÇcmded by eo-1..1oner aa- aDd C8rZ' i8A -- t 1L...1y, that St~f be dIr.c1:ed to ...t with Mr. It1Idalph .... _J4er a large acale 8OCcer CO8plex. Page 43 ...-.-..-. "-""""""""""""""""".'" .- ----- .J AJro ART 4, 1989 1: I - t Oftn' -.. 1 gh t ~ , 88CODd8d by Co8a1_1 0III8r 118888 8Dd C8rr1ad - 18n11U11 y, to -1I'.tOllw the Jtecreation IIDd Open Sp8ce .uu..-.-rr_-¡;4L COOJU)IJlATIOII KLIMDI"!' C t .-1.oDPr Øoo4n i gh t aoved , 8eCODde4 by C 088 i ..i c:mer IIa88e 8Dd C8ZT 1ed 1IDoIm18:7u81 T, that the Intergovernaental CoordinatIon 81 t. ... -ra--.-4. ~œ DAn Mr.. Fitzpatrick advised that the County Attorney's office has drafted language, to request substitution for the August 1st iaple- 8Imtation date. CO88issloner Saunders referred to a aeao dated january 4, 1989 froa Asslstant County Attorney Student reco..ending the tollowing 1 angu.age: "By the tiae aandated for the adoption of land developaent regulations pursuant to Chapter 163.3202, F.S., including any aaend- aents thereto". ¡l'r- AssIstant County Attorney Student stated that she has spolten with DCA Attorney .John McCurchy regarding this language, and he has no problem with it. C t..lcmer Goodnight aoved. 8eCODde4 by Coaai _1 c:mer ~ b ~ aDd C8ZT 18d -- j ....u8 I Y . to awlOV. the 18DgU8ge In reter8DC8 to BpI .t&tJ.OI1. ~.h~~ AlII) nALOATIOIr PftOC&.wKKS Mrs. Fitzpatrick stated that the Monltoring and Evaluation Procedures were approved by the Board on .July 26, 1988. She noted that no changes have been aade. " 4_~"", aoved, -.c;;0Dded by Co8a1..100er Goodn1gb't to .......-.- tb8 IIDIûtor1.Dg aDd Evaluation Proc8dure8. Coaalssioner Volpe indicated that there have been discussion. thls evening regarding the rezoning re-evalution prograa, and when and how it w111 be done, and also the concerns regarding the Activity Centers. Be noted that he believes this should be given priority. County Manager Dorrill stated that an enormous prograa of worlt Is . ~ Page 4. ~~ ^^"'-'---- ^-----'-""'-""" .JABt1ARY 4, 1989 888OCiated wlth the adoption of the Plan, and will lapact the Long- Range Plannlng and Environaental Statf. He noted that it will Involve the additlon of Statf or contract worlt to accomplish what is essential tor the reports, as8ess.ents, and the research. He Indicated that the Board will be able to determine which areas are to receive the great..t attention. adding that if a quiclt assessaent of non- conforaing coaaercial inventory 1s an item of top priorlty, the Board will have the opportunity to do that. ...- call tor the qa81Jtlon, the 8Otlon carried unan18:Naly. Coa81ss10ner Saunders advised that the public hearlng will be con- tinued to .January 10. 1989, noting that there are two outstanding i8BU.-: The Transportation Eleaent, and a review of the wrltten coa- aent. relating to the Coastal Eleaent. Coaaissioner Shanahan requested that the Board of County Co8ai.sioners develop an effective plan to provide water for Marco ~ I.land and Goodland. He noted that he will continue to make this request, until results are achieved. ... There being no further business tor the Good of the C~ty, at 2:15 A.M., the aeeting was continued to .January 10, 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COIOUSSIOIQRS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) or SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS COIfTROL ,'.~ðlnO ~ .":,.....~.>... ..", :,,~(' (I, L. SAUNDERS, CHAIRKAJf --' ." . I c~ Am:dT"r " ~ 30$SfC. GILES, OJ&RX _.~ ~~. .,:.~~¿l.C ~.~ ~ 4 q.e: ain¡¡tes app ved by the Board on ~-C. .~? /t " , ~\':\~( ..........- .. pr...~ted ~ or as corrected Page 415 ..----.. --... ..,.-- . ".----.---. "'-'