BCC Minutes 05/09/1989 R Naples, Florida, May 9, 1989 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having con~ucted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR 8ES8IO. in Building "P" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Burt L. Saunders VICE-CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, 3r. Richard S. Shanahan Anne Goodnight (Absent) Michael 3. Volpe ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance D1rector; El11e Hottman, Maureen Kenyon, and Annaliese Kraft, Deputy Clerks; Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Ron McLemore, Assistant County Manager; Tom Olliff, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; George Archibald, Transportat10n Services Admin1strator; Frank Brutt, Coamunity Development Adminißtrator; George Barton, EMS D1rector; 3ames Reardon, Emergency Services Ad~inistrator; Denise Coleman, Home Economics Program Leader, Mike Arnold, Utilities Administrator; William Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator; Sue Filson, Secretary To The Board; and Deputies Tom Storrar and Sam Bass, Sheriff's Otfice. ) Page 1 ,- """,---' ,-----, MAY 9, 1989 Tape.1 It- n ... ./0 vot.. indicat. C088i..ioner Volpe'. ab8enc.. ... AGDDA UD ConEn' AGEJrDA - APPROVED WITH CBA8GES CO8a1..ioner Shanahan 8QV8ð, _coD4ed by CO881_ioner Goodnight and carried ./0, that the agenda and cOlUMnt agen4a be approved with the following chang8.: 1. Item 6'd1 - DOA-88-3C, Vensel and Associates, Inc., repre- senting Deltonn Corporation, requeeting an amendment to the Marco Shores Development Order by reducing density, providing for till for the four-laning of S.R. 9!H as a fair share contribution towards its four-laning, provide for a certain time when resi'ential traffic from Unit 30 may access S.R. 951 prior to the tour-laning, other tha~ through Unit 27, deleting the causeway road connecting Unit 30 and Unit 27, changing community district language, provide for users of the northern 18 hole golf course in Unit 30, and provide for enforcement of the Marco Shores Development Order - Continued to 6113/89 (Petitioner's Request). 2. Item 6B2 - Petition PDA-88-9-C, Vensel and Associates, Inc., representing Deltona Corporation, requesting an amendment to the Marco Shores Planned Unit Development by reducing the density, provide for additional preservation of wetlands and provide for a certain time when residential development foz' Unit 30 can be allowed to access S.R. 951 other than throulå'h Unit 27, until that time all access will be from U.S. 41 - Continued to 6/13/89. 3. Item 9A1 - Appeal of Case 6W89-0172 - Nuisance Abatement - Withdrawn, per Petitioner's request. 4. Item 9A2 - Recommendation to provide direction regarding the Audubon Country Club fence and associated PUD amendment - Continued to 5/23/89, per Petitioner's request. ð. Itell 9C 1 - Added. Report to the Board on the status of nego- tiations between the Vineyards, the School District and the County, regarding acquisition of School and County Park Property 6. Item 9M3 - Added. Recommendation to approve and execute a contract with Florida State University for provision of Mediation Services. 7. Item 12A - Discussion re Mandatory Solid Waste Collection - Cont1nued to 5/23, per Commissioner Volpe's request. 8. Windsor Park Subdivision: Water and Sewer Stipulation amend- ments approval - Continued to 5/16, as requested by County Attorney. 9. Item 14D4 Moved to 9D3 - Recommendation to approve final Change Order 1:4 to Harry Pepper and Associates, Inc. contract for Regional Water Plant - Phase 2. It- .aA DCPt.OTU aDVICE AJQJU) - p:!KSD'RJ) Commissioner Saunders presented an Employee Service Award and pin to Bill Finch of Parks and Recreation tor 5 years of service with 1 Page 2 ,..,.,.,.-.",..,-. _uuu_- MAY 9, 1989 Collier County Govern..nt. I~- .U 8UJIu'XU M 8CC tmGOLAJt ØX'fI.O8 OW APRIL 11 UD 25, 1 9 8 9 - A.PPKOVKD AS ~aiI;¡~ cc-1_ioner Goodnight 8O'V8d, seconded by C0881..ioner shaD8han 8Dd carried ./0, ~hat the .inut- of the BCC Regular ...tiDQ8 of April 11 8Dd 25, 1119, be approved" pr...nted. It- ~B ~'fI0JI DKSIcaA'fI.G 'fD nu OW MAY U - 20, 1 III AS - '1'UCD1\ J.Pn&ÇIA'fIO. nø - - ADOPTED Upon reading of the of proclamation, coaai..ioner Ib."_han aaved, aecODdecS by coaai..ioner Baa" and carried ./0, that the procl...tion de8ignating ~he ....11:: of May U - 20, 1981 .. -Teacher Appreciation ...11::- be aðopted. Mrs. Mary cunningham. teacher at Pine Ridge Middle School, accepted the proclamation and thanked the Commission tor their support and recognition on behalf of all the teachers in Collier County. ? Page 3 --- -,-, ---"""-~' -- MAY ~, 1989 It- ftC PIt()CI.AIIA'fI08 DUICDIA'fl8G 'fD ØB OJ' MAY 8, 1989 AS .COOPDAl'IVE 5A'l'_$I08 WJI.rt.. - .\DOPTKJ) Upon reading of the proclamation, C088i..ioner Goodnight 8QV8ð, aeçoDðecI by c~..ioner 8h-",_han and carried ./0, that the pro<:l...- Uon ðe8igD8tlng the week of May 8. 1989.. .cooperative Kxtenaion Week. be 8ðop1: ed. Mr. Edward Oates, Chairman of the Extension Advisory Committee, accepted the proclamation. He stated that it is the 1ðth birthday of the Extension Service. Hoae Econoaics prograa Leader Denise Coleman, advised that the Extension Service began in 1950 in Collier County. She reported that Staff enjoys their relationship in Collier County and they look for- ward to providing this service for a long time. /0 Page 4 . "--,,, -""""",,- MAY 9, 1989 11:- nD PBODU AI8AJU) CDTUICATK8 TO DIS PØSOJIJfKL - PftZSDTKD Co..issioner Saunders read a scenario describing EMS personnel responding to a call from a local restaurant where a man was having a heart attack. Upon arrival, the man was lying on the floor, and he was clinically dead. Me related that five days later the man was released froll the hospital and able to keep a golf date later that wenk. Commissioner Saunders disclosed that the Phoenix Award is the highest honor bestowed upon EMS Personnel. He presented awards to EMS personnel who have successfully revived a victim of sudden death, as follows: Richard Bardell Noemi Praguela (2) Chris Pluamer Valerie Thorsen Anne Hare (2) Jorge Aguilera Randy Carroll Debbie Carney Thomas Maguire Frank Suriano (absent) Belen Ortega (2) Dave Kitchen Nancy Kreieburg John Katzenberger Erin Suaaers Theres. Ortengren John Poczynski (not present) Gary Leshinsky David MacGregor, 3r. (2) Jetfery Page (absent) Douglas Cameron J'ranlt MUlot (2) Beverly Fields (not present) Commissioner Saunders reported that Frank Millot has now received a total ot 5 Phoenix Awards. He presented Mr. Millot with a gold Phoenix pin for his achievement. Emergency Services Administrator Reardon advised that EMS person- nel encounter victims of trauma with no life signs. He disclosed that their responses enabled 21 victims and their tamilies to have a nice day. He assured the Commission and the citizens of Collier County that these are the "best of the best", and there are 40 additional EMS personnel who work all three shifts. EMS Director Barton advised that the two things paramedics enjoy doing during their daily runs are delivering babies, and facing a .code blue" situation where life has ceased. He reported that taese paramedics step in and display professionalism where their actions count. Me thanked the Commission for appreciating and recognizing the ¡:r Page ð "-",, ,-"."".. "-",,,--',- ,,--- ,.,-- MAY 9, 1989 par...dic.. Co..is.ioner Saunders commended the EMS employees for their ser- vice to Collier County. It- 8Cl C8DDIIoIIC8 1"21, PItOVIDI80 rea 'fD DIPOSITIO8 O. 'lD SIX 0D'f8 LOCAL orn08 8&8 'fAX UPOJI KVDY G.ILLOII O. MO1'OIt n7EL UD SRCIAL .-on SOLD 18 OOLLID euu.:r; 11 TO U ERKC'fIn SKPrDIBD 1, 1919 rea A PERIOD O. 'I'D TUIt8 - AÞO rT 5U Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 20, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance pursuant to Section 336.025, Florida Statutes, providing for the imposition of the six cents local option gas tax upon every gallon of motor fuel and .pecial fuel sold in Collier County and taxed under the provisions ot Chapter 206, Florida Statutes; providing that said tax shall be effec- tive September 1, 1989 for a period of ten years; providing findings and purpose; providing for collection and distribution of the tax and providing for distribution of the tax and providing for use of reve- nues; providing for conflict and severability; providing for repeal of Ordinances Nos. 84-46 and 85-38; and effective date. Transportation Services Adminiøtrator Archibald stated that this item is a public hearing to consider an ordinance to extend the six cent. local option gas tax for a period of 10 years. He advised that in 1983, Florida Statutes 336 was amended with a provision that local governments meet their transportation needs by considering the option of a gas tax. He reported that in 1984 and 1985, prev.1ous Board's approved ordinances levying gas taxes in Collier County. Me '~dicated that Collier County was one of the first County's within the state to do this. Mr. Archibald explained that the user and those who benefit by road improvements pay a fair share of those improvements through the gas tax. He advised that the six cents gas tax is important in Collier County with regard to road construction and road maintenance programs, noting that of the 6C tax allocated, 4C is used for :1.ew IS Page 6 -" ,.",------'.' ,~.- ".,.,.-.. MAY 9, 1989 construction which is 35~ ot the County's total revenue for new construction. Me replied that 2Ç ot the 6ç per gallon is used for aaintenance programs, and this represents 30~ of the County's total revenue for road maintenance. Mr. Archibald mentioned that the Five and Ten Year Road Plans r61y heavily on the six cents gas tax, since they have a need for those revenues for a long period of time. Me advised that the intended ordinance provides for a 10 year period, beginning September 1, 1989, and extending to August 31. 1999. Me noted that collection of the gas taxes are through the ~~ate Department of Revenue. Mr. Archibald advised that the ordinance makes provisions for an Interlocal Agreement since the option gas tax will be used by Collier County, the City of Naples, and Everglades City. Me noted that if the ordinance is adopted today, Staff will continue negotiations with the two cities regarding the pro ration between the three parties. He advised that currently, the Agreement allocates 80.15~ of the tax dollars to Collier County, 19.10~ to the City of Naples, and .75~ to the City of Everglades. Me indicated that the transportation system throughout the County will benefit ~y the option gas tax. Mr. Archibald reported that it should be noted that the two current ordinances which implement the option gas tax in place, will be repealed by adoption of this ordinance. Me advised that this gas tax has many advantages over other forms of tax, in that, it is a user fee system where the people benefiting are paying a good amount of the cost for road improvements. Me mentioned that the Board ot County Commissioners has the power to levy and the power to repeal the gas tax, noting that this becomes an important segment, should in fact other revenue sources become available at some future point in time. In answer to Commissioner Shanahan, Mr. Archibald stated that the current formula that is set forth in the current Interlocal Agreement was based upon a review ot prior five year expenditures by the City of Naples and Collier County, noting that the formula in place reflects an analysis fro. an accou~ting standpoint of expenditures by the /if Page 7 ,.""."..' ",..." "., MAY 9, 1989 respective parties. He reported that the revenue streaa co.ing in to the County and the Cities remain essentially the same, and it is likely that the percentages, based upon revenue will also remain the sa.e. He indicated that the gas taxes received by the County and the City will be continuing, and the allocation of those expenditures will reaain about the same on a percentage basis. Co..issioner Saunders stated that the formula that is being used, is one that is set by the Statutes. Mr. Archibald replied art iraatively. ec-1_icmar Ih--.Þ..n 8QV8ð, seconded by C0881..ioner Ba8- and carried 4./0, to clo- the public hearing. Co8ai..ioner Sþ_n.hen 8QV8ð, _conded by C088i..ioner Ba8- and carr ieeS anan 18OU8 1 y, that the ordinance - nuabered and titled below be 8ðop'ted in accordance with JI/.e8o1ution 8t-80, and entered into Or41DaDce Book .0. 3ð; authorize the Chairaan to 8X8CUte the ordi- n8DCe; -vr"ov. aDd authorize the Chairaan to axecute an Interlocal Agr....nt, aDd authorize the County Attorney to proce.. the Aqr...-nt to tb8 City ot .apl.. and the City of KYerglað8. tor approval/8X8CU- tion. OIU) IJIAJICZ 8 9- 21 ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO SECTION 336.02ð, FLORIDA STATUTES, PROVIDING FOR THE IMPOSITION OF THE SIX CENTS LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX UPON EVERY GALLON OF MOTOR FUEL AND SPECIAL FUEL SOLD IN COLLIER COUNTY AND TAXED UNDER TME PROVISIONS OF CMAPTER 206, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING THAT SAID TAX SHALL BE EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 1989 FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS; PROVIDING FINDINGS AND PURPOSE; PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION AND DISTRIBUTION OP TME TAX AND PROVIDING FOR USE OF REVENUES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES NOS. 84-46 AND 85-38; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. l{ Page B ---,,--,,- . ^""-,---,,,-- MAY 9, 1989 It- ftC2 IJITDLOI"-AL r#JY,U"-'" UL AtJJtDMD'f U'1'WD8 'I'D COO1IT'l UD 'I'D CITY or JU.PLD AV'fIIORIZI1IG 'fD COO1r'fT TO PJWVIDE DnKLOPMD'f UVZD SDVICES roa 'fD En'IU JlALS'fA'f'f DrnLOPMD'l' UOIO8AL IMPAC'f - A.PPJtOVG WITH .\A5II~l' 'fB.A'f A~r DPIUS IX I'In YU.RS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 24 and May 3, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavits of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an Interlocal Governmental Agreement between the County and the City of Waples authorizing the County to provide development review serJices for the entire Hal.tatt Development of Regional Impact. Assistant to the County Manager Olliff reported that this item has been discussed several times. Me noted that this is an Interlocal Agreeaent between the County and the City of Naples for a unified Developaent Review of the Halstatt DRI project which is located at the corner of Airport Road and Golden Gate Parkway, a portion of which lies within the City of Naples. Mr. Olliff explained that the Agreement outlines the process whereby the County will perform the Development Review of the DRI and the issuance of the PUD ordinance. He advised that the City would be responsible for the remainder of the review process through per- sitting, inspections, and "CO" issuance. Mr. Olliff reported that the City of Naples is comfortable with the Agreement, but they have requested that a stipulation be included which states that the Agreement will expire in 5 years. He noted that Staff has no problem with this stipulation, since the County would have issued the PUD ordinance four years prior to this. He advised that Staff is recommending approval of the Agreement, with the stipu- lation as stated above. City Manager Fr~k Jones advised that the City is pleased with the Agreeaent. CO8a1_ioner ..... 1IQV8d, seconded by Co_i..iemer 8ban.~an and carried 4./0, tr. close the public hearing. Co.ai..ioner ~~.".h.n~, seconded by Co_i..iemer ...- and ~O Page 9 ",,-,---- - ' ... ",- . -~--"-,,-,,~,,'---_._--'" ".....",",.-- MAY 8, 1818 carr"" ./0 to aathor1ze the CbaJI'II8I1 to 8JUtCUte the Inter local 8v"'.A~t AvJ¡;~'1T nt, aatborizing the Coun1:y to prov1ð8 develos-nt l'8Yi.. .-rYicee to the Bal.tatt DIU project, including that port10Z1 w1thiA the C11:y ot .apl- tor the DIU, POD Ordinance and 8Ub8eq"a.8nt aubet....Ual d8v1ati0D8, with the 8t1pulation that the Agr..-nt ezp11"88 iA t 1". .,.er., and torward this Agr8888nt to the Ci1:y. ~I Page 10 _._-' " .' " ---""'-- "'-.--,... . MAY 9, 1989 It- ..,&1 USOLU'fX 011 I 9-11 5, Pr"..I'fIOII V-II-3, MIt. RO. PDGL or rounD AJIC1[Z'f'8CTS, DC. JÅ“PUSDTI.O DR. J'OB P. J'Jt. AJrD MJUI. J' I LL cromu co, DQUDTDfG A 0.. I'OO'f VUUJlCK nOM 'I'D REQUIUD non TAIlD SftBACK: or 30 FEET TO 21.1 FEET, roR PltOPD'1'T LOCATED O. 'I'D un SIDE or ~UV81lKnlø I. PUICU BAT - ADOPTKD Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 23, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-89-3, filed by Dr. John Guercio, Jr., represented by Ron pergl of Forsythe Architect., Inc., requesting a 0.4 foot variance from the required front yard setback of 30 feet to 29.6 feet tor property located at 813 Buttonbush Lane, in a PUD zone, and further described as Block B, Site 19, Pelican Bay, Unit 1. Planner So to advised that this variance request i. tor a three year old single-family home in Pelican Bay. She reported that when the applicant purcha.ed the home he noted that there was an encroach- aent into the front yard setback. She indicated that the Petition request is for a variance of 0.4 feet. Ms. Soto stated that on April 20, 1989, the CCPC reviewed this Petition, and unanimously recommended approval of same. She noted that Staff is also recommending approqal. Mr. Ron Pergl of Forsythe Architects, Inc., representing the Petitioner, advised that he has been requested by the Guercio's attor- ney to change the wording in the Petition from Dr. 30hn P. Guercio, 3r. to Dr. 30hn P. Guercio, Jr. and 3i11 P. Guerc10, husband and wife. Ms. Soto indicated that Staff has no problem with this request. c-1_10Der Sh.81"4IIha:n 8OVed, seconded by C088i..1oner 11&8- and .:arr1ed .10 to cloee the public hearing. c-1_icmer Shanahan 8OVed, _conded by C088i..ioner 1Ia8- and carried .10 that Petition V-I9-3 be approved, with the II88nd84 n8888 of the Petitioner., thereby adopting Resolution 19-115. 15 Page 11 -,. -- """",...""",,.,...- . "'.--.-..-'"",.-----. '._-,-._---,.",,-- ,- --,- -~-"'--- MAY 9, 1989 I~.. nA2 DSOLV'fI08 8SÞ-118, PETITIO. V-li-2, MR. COR'l'LAJrD DtJ88UU REQOKSU.G A 1.1 roar VAJtIDCK nOM 'l'D UQUIRED non YARD 8KTBAa or 3& rD1' TO 2&.9 rKZ'f - ADOPrKD. 6.6 rooT VMIAJrCE nOM TO REQUIRED non YARD 8ETBACE or 3ð rKE'f TO 21.4 rKE'f, roK PROPERTY LOCATKD AT 'l'D 80tJT'll1ßtST coon or 10lTH AVE. AIm 8TH COtm'f WEST, MAPLES POX - DDIED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 23, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-89-2, filed by Cortland Dusseau, requesting a 9.1 foot variance from the required front yard setback of 35 feet to 25.9 feet and a 6.6 foot variance from the required front yard setback of 35 feet to 28.4 feet in a RMF-6 zone for property desc~ibed as Lots 34 and 3ð, Replat of Blocks 4 and 5, Unit 1, Naples Park, (corner lot located on the SW corner of 108th Avenue, North and 8th Court West, Section 28, Township 48 South, Range 25 East). Planner Soco stated that the ßubject property is located in Naples Park, on a corner lot (108th Avenue and 8th Court West). She indi- cated that originally, the Petitioner was seeking to move a home from another location in Naples Park to Lot 35. She advised that the Building Permit was issued, but at t¡le time the home was on the trailer and about to be placed on Lot 35, the Inspection Department noticed that it did not meet the ßetbacks. She reported that the Petitioner also owns Lot 34, and ~he home was set on that lot. She noted that the combination of LotlJ 34 and 35 would make the property a conforming lot, but separately, they are non-conforming lots. Ms. So to indicated that there are two front yard setbacks with a corner lot, which is currently 35' in Naples Park. She replied that the Petitioner is requesting an addition to the existing home, in order to construct a duplex. Ms. Soto reported that on April 20, 1989, the CCPC recommended approval of the 9.1 foot variance on 108th Avenue, but denial of the 6.6 foot variance on 8th Court West. She advised that 3 letters of strong objection against this Petition have been received, but Mr. Dusseau has since talked with all three objectors, and one has sub- t/7 Page 12 ,---"'--'---"" ,,_.' MAY 9, 1989 aitted. letter stating that he now has no problea with the variance; verbal approval was received via telephone from the other two objec- tor.. Mr. Cortland Dusseau, owner of the property, stated that he contracted with a moving contractor to move two houses which he purchased. He indicated that a survey was made of the lots, prior to the purchase of the houses. Me noted that a Building Permit was issued but at the time of the inspection by the Code Enforcement Official, he was advised that the house would not fit on Lot 35. He noted that he was told that the house would in fact fit on Lot 34, so he con.ented to having .his done, but when the house was placed, it was put on the property line. He advised that he has purchased another lot in Naples Park to accomaodate the other house. He indi- cated that he now has two lots, and expected to have two units there. Mr. Dusseau reported that the other homes in the neighborhood have 2~' or less setbacks. Coamissioner Shanahan questioned the recommendation of Statt? Ms. So to replied that Staff is recommending approval of the 9.1 foot variance on 108th Avenue, and the 6.6 foot variance on 8th Court West tor the existing building only, but they are not agreeing to the addition. She advised that Staff is recommending approval, based on the recommendation of the CCPC. Mr. Dusseau submitted photos and a copy of the floor plan for the record. Co8ai..icmer ...- 8OV8d, eecond.ed by C088i..ioner ShJII "'l1an and carried .10 that the public hearing be cloeed. CO88.i-1oner l!a8.. 8OV8d, _conded. by C088i..ioner Shanat>an and carried .10 to approve the exi.ting building, but deny the a4cUtion to it, thereby approviI&g the i.l toot varianc., but the IS.IS toot varianc. on 8th Court ""t will be denied. Ii Page 13 ---- -..--- -" HAY 9, 1989 It- MA JIlt. LDI .....-./.1. ItD'KUDTIJIO PLAJl'fA'fIO. I8LA8D PROPDTY OWJIDSI ASSOCU'f'IOJI DQOKn'I!IG SIIJDIALE ALOJfQ PLAJl'fA'fIO. PAJtDAT - PftOJ'KC'f 'f0 n IJICLDDKI) I. LIST or 8IDDU.LK: nonCTS TO 8E BID I. .1tJH 0Jt .roLY Mr. Lea Pennell, President of the Property OWners' Association of Plantation Island, stated that he is requesting sidewalks and bike- paths for safety reasons. Me indicated that there is a road that leads between the ~o bridges on S.R. 29 which is about 18'-19' wide, and the cars and trucks rush up and down that road at a high rate of speed. He indicated that most of the people walking along that road will aove off the side of the road when they hear a vehicle coming. Mr. Pennell indicated that he understood that Plantation Island would be on the top of the priority list for sidewalks and bikepaths thi8 year, but he has now learned that all the funds have been exhausted. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald reported that Staff is aware of the need for bikepaths. He noted that in 1986, plans and specs were incorporated for that project as part of the County overall bikepath program. He indicated that at that time 8650,000 worth of bikeway needs were identified, and Staff has under- taken 50~ of thea. Me reported that the majority of the bikepaths that have been built, are related to dirc~t access to Bchools. He stated that in the current year, Staff i8 in the process of putting together another listing, and preparing plans and specifications. He noted that with the Board's direction, Staff will include this project on that list, follow through with the bidding, and bring back the bid results as well as Staff's recommendations, based upon the limited aaount of funding that the County has. Me explained that it must be realized that there are a number of new schools, and the bikepaths for those schools will take priority over this bikepath, particularly if there are insufficient funds to cover all of the needs. Commissioner Saunders stated that the sensible approach seems to be to include this project in the bid package and see what Staff comes up with. He questioned when the bid package will be let? .5þ Page 14 '-' - ----"-,," """,",. - ",-~_. ",---" MAY 9, 1989 In answer to Coamissioner Saunders, Mr. Archibald advised that the bidding of these projects will take place in June, 3uly, or August of this year. ~t ..iClD8r ..... 8:I'9'8d, aecon4eð by C088ia.ioner Goodnight aDd carried ./0 to 1nclade the Plantation I.land Project in the li.t of projecbl to be bid during the .:mtha of jtma. july. or Auguat. ... 1t8ce8.: 10:1& A.M. - Jlecomraneð: 10:28 A.M. at which t188 Depaty Clark hnyon replaced Deputy Clerk Boff8an ... It_..a MR. an.r. DOIIAJrO'K'. MA'f1...UJtOJI'f 8KTBACX aDP rn OW 8288.00 MAIVKD Mr. Bill Donahue of 2300 Crayton Road stated that he designed a hoae and the lot was not what the surveyor said it was and he came in for a variance assuming he would have a double-sided front yard set- back and he would use the rear yard setback as a side yard setback, but after the var1ance was denied he redesigned the home and submitted it to the Building Department which is when he was told that he could not treat the rear yard as a side yard, noting that it had to be treated as a waterfront yard. Me stated that he ended up paying two te.. to get one ite. handled, adding that he paid $4~0.00 for the variance hearing and $255.00 for the waterfront yard. He stated that he is requesting that one of these fees be waived. Community Development Services Administrator Brutt stated that what Mr. Donahue has stated is correct. Me noted that after the variance was denied, Staff recommended that a site development plan be filed, which he did. Me noted that this was administrative action and was approved and because of an erroneous decision that was made by the Staff in October of 1988, he was charged two fees. He noted that it the correct interpretation had been made in the original decisions, there would have been no need for the second application, therefore, Staff recommends that the $255.00 fee be returned to Mr. Donahue. C--i..l0D8r 8ha"'.~4m 8:I'9'8d. _con4eð by C088i.eioner Goodnight and carri.. a/o. (ec-1..icmer Sc1m4er. out of the rooa). that the 82&0.00 f.. for Mr. aUl Donahue'", waterfront -tback SDP be waived. .J'1 Page 18 ""."."..'.'.... -, MAY 9, a8g I t8s .ec STAn' TO an- PIIO8LD18 COJrCKItJI'IJIG .1AJr&S SCDIO DRIft AJß) UPOa'f BA.CE TO 'fD IICC Mrs. Mercedes McCallen stated that she lives in the Fakahatchee Strand State Preserve but she has no affiliation with them. Jhe incH- cated that there are problems in this State Preserve specifically with County Road 837 called Janes Scenic Drive. She noted that 3anes Scenic Drive offers unrestricted access and there are no speed limits posted and this causes safety hazards to people. She indicated that aniaals are being hit and killed, vehicles are going oft the road into ditches, people are carrying guns and spot lights to attract deer, and people are reaoving rare and endangered plants that are only in this State Preserve. She indicated that she would like something done about this and perhaps this road could be limited to traffic only during dayti.e hours by way of a gate. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald stated that Janes Scenic Drive serves as a transportation link until the 1-75 construc- tion 1s co.pleted and as more and more growth occurs in Golden Gate Estates, Janes Scenic Drive may become a roadway that will increase in the volume of traffic. He stated that the access to I-75 will be denied for a large number of properties and the only protection bet- ween Golden Gate Estates and State Road 29 and U.S. 41 ar~a will be by way of 3anes Scenic Drive. He stated that he could provide some signage to warn people and post some speed control iamediately. He indicated that this may be a minimal effect. Commissioner Hasse questioned if this road could be restricted to day use only, to which Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that there may be .ore need for access and emergency vehicles to use this road. He note~ that it would be difficult to prohibit traffic aoveaent during certain hours. Commissioner Hasse stated that there should be better surveillance on this road by the Sheriff's Department and the Fish and Game Co-ission. ff Page 16 .,.",."'"..,~".,_., ",.." ' ~-- MAY 9, 1989 C088iaaioner Shanahan stated that it appears that there need. to be aoaething done with regards to signage and the posting of speed li.its as well as enforcement with regards to people hunting at night with spot11ghts. Co..issioner Saunders questioned if it is illegal to hunt at night with a spotlight, to which Mrs. McCallen stated that all plants and aniaala are protected in a State Preserve. Coamissioner Goodnight stated that it is illegal throughout the State of Florida. Mr. Archibald stated that the County has worked closely with the Depart.ent of Natural Resources in trying to Gontrol access of 3anes Scenic Drive and he will continue to work closely with them to discourage the side roads from being used. CO..is8ioner Saunders stated that by asking the State to enforce these laws and by posting speed limits signs, it may not do much good but it aay help. He øtated that the Sheriff's Department is not going to hire an additional person for this road, adding that he does not know enough about the issue to indicate whether alternatives should be looked at with regards to keeping the road open or not. He indicated that there was discussion a few yearL ago with regards to closing this road. He stated that he feels that the appropriate action for the Board would be to direct Staff to look at the appropriate alternatives and report back to the Board. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this is an area that is in transition and the DNR is attempting to follow through with the purchase of the private lands which takes time, but in add1tion, the DNR is coming up with plans to develop it as a preserve and to provide tor public access that would be controlled by the Park Ser- vice. He stated that possibly he could obtain those plans so that any efforts that the County makes would be coordinated with the DNR. c-1-iClD8r 8ca.Dder. 8OV8d, aeccmded by C088i..i0D8r Goodnight, tba~ .~ldt nwi- thi. _~t.r wi th the DO, the 8heritt'. Departaent, the .l8rida Parka l: a.cr.a~ion, and whatever agenci- would b8ge .j~/ P8g8 1'7 ---,-,"--,.----_.- -,-------- . ,-, ---,' ---., JU.'l ., a.. jur1841ct:laa 0'9'8%' ~he rakahatcb88 8trand and rapor~ back to the Board on tile mrt8a~ ot tile probl- that baa been outlined aDd poeeible aolu- ~1DD8 ~o ~~ probl- including. if DeC-8&lT. a c~ideration of cl081D8 ö.a~ rO84 or taking other action. Co..issioner Goodnight stated that a few years ago, the Sheriff's Depart.ent discouraged the Board from closing that road because of the Sheriff'. participation in that area and as part of her decision, she would need a report fro. the Sheriff's Department with regards to their position on this aatter. Deputy Storrar stated that he would provide this inforaation from the Sheriff to the Board. Co..issioner Saunders stated that he would request that th1s aatter be brought back to the Board prior to their vacation and also that Mrs. McCallen be notified when it will be presented to the Board. 0p8a call for the queaUon. the aoUon carried 1ID8Z1i80u8ly .10. It- ..0 ~unAn08 8'l lat. w. DIn U USOLU'fIO. 8'l-U - COll'l'IIIUKD on If8U Mr. Willi88 F. White st~ted that he is making this appeal because through no fault of his own he has not been able to start his addjtion which was previously approved to Whlte's Motel. He noted that he had a loan set up with a local bank but it did not go through because the interest went up when they changed their loan officers. He stated that he now has the financing available and he is asking for a 90 day extension on the provisional use. Coaaunity Development Services Administrator Brutt stated that in April 1987, the Board heard a request from the ap~licant relative to allowing them to have a provisional use for the expansion of the White's Motel and the adjacent and contiguous property. He noted that this provisional use was for a one year time period and in March, 1988, a request was made for a continuation of that provisional use for another one year period which was granted by the Board on that date and haa since expired on April 14, 1989. Me noted that the Zoning Ordinance at the p~es~r.t ti.e states that the Board aay extend ð/~ Page 18 ~-,,-'-",""" ,. . '" '" -""------ ""-,,--,. - - MAY 9, 1989 the provisional use one ti.e up to one year upon written request of the Petitioner, and this has been done. He stated that Staff sees no difficulties with regards to any negatives of the particular site, there is a question with regards to the Zoning Ordinance. County Attorney Cuyler stated that the provisional use was granted and was extended for one year and then they came in for a building per.it on the last day of the extension. Mr. White stated that when the per.it was to be picked up, there were a few things that had to be changed due to new restrictions, adding that he was there in time to pick up the permit but not the provisional use application. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he was originally asked that if the building per.it had not been picked up by the end of the second year were they vested, and his answer to that was "no". He stated that he was under the impression that they were in for their first application. He stated that if the Board would like, they could con- tinue this for a week, and he would provide a written report. Mr. White indicated that he does not have a proble. continuing this for one week as the finances are now available. Coamissioner Saunders stated that the proble. is that there may not be anything that the Board can do legally to help at this time, but the County Attorney will review the ordinances and report back next week to the Board. ~i..1cmer ~.hw1 8W8d. 88Con48d by Co8ai_icmer Go?dn1ght 8Dd C8rr 184 ~..,. i --a.al y 4.10. that this ..tter be cODt~ tor ODe ---k. It- .-&a 0P'f'I~ .1 A.III) n aOAIU>IJIG DISJJOJtSI.O POCD'f or I'UYA«U cø.&JI'!' rmrD8 - L-.._",~ Housing and Urban Improvement Director Shreeve stated that this ite. was discussed last week with regards to a budget amend8ent in order to set up the accounting for t~e Pocket of Poverty Grant, adding that at that time, he was requested to investigate what could be done to increase the funding or to better disburse the funds. He stated ."j"'1 Page 19 ,"----- MAY 9, 1989 that there were four applicants that applied for $1 million and the total aaount of their applications was $1,034,715. He stated that Iaaokalee Non-Profit Housing, Inc. is going to build 40 units of housing and they are requesting $500,000. He noted that Collier County Concerned Citizens are going to build an older far8Worker congregate center and they are also interested in finishing the road within the Collier Village. Me stated that the County is anticipating that they will receive a $650,000 Community Development Block Grant which will be used to pave the streets, install water and sanitary sewer as well as a puap lift station, construction of the lakes and put in fill aaterial so that the land can be developed and used. Me stated that Collier County Housing Authority is going to put in 30 units in this area and Collier Village ia going to deed 44 lots to Hab1tat for Mumanity to build houses. He indicated that the $.87,500 of the grant would be used for the actual construction work for all the i.provements and $65,000 is budgeted for engineering and $97,500 is for adainistration which is the maxi.um 15~ that can be used. Me stated that when they receive the grant, he feels that the administra- tive cost can be cut to $92,000 which i~ about 8~ of the grant which would free up $42,500 to add to the construction cost. Ht'! stated that the Collier County Mousing Authority has applied for 80 units of far.- workers housing and 50 units would be put in just south of their pre- sent site for farmworkers village and $90,000 is required to buy that 15 acres of land south of their present site and the other 30 units would go in Collier Village. He stated that Collier County Hou~ing Authority is expecting a letter soon indicating that this has been approved and as soo~ as it is, they will move rapidly to start buying this land. He stated that he is proposing Option #1 which is that the County allocates $31,715 to be used in the Pocket of Poverty program and the full $90,000 would be allocated to the Collier County Housing Authority and when the Block Grant is received, construction will begin on the road and then the money for the Collier County Concerned Citizens infrastructure could be started. Me noted that the Community £% Page 20 ".'"",-",.... ,..- ,-. MAY 9, 1989 Devel0p88nt Block Grant would be revised and some of the .oney that was to be used for administrative costs would be used for the road and would not coat the County anything. He stated that there are several other proposals and one would be to cut back and not award the full $90,000 to the Collier County Housing Authority. He stated that at present the Pocket of Poverty Committee has allocated $58,285 which is where the $31,715 difference is. Co..issioner Goodnight stated that she does not want to go against the Pocket of Poverty CJmmittee, but they could only recommend so auch, adding that if Mr. Shreeve feels that he can cut some of the adainistrat1ve coats, then she would like to take the $31,715 from the IaaoJcalee Habitat for Humanity and add it to the Housing Authority and then give the Iaaokalee Mabitat for Humanity the $31,716 from the adainistrative costs when the Coæ.unity Development Block Grant is received. She stated that this will also show that County government is encouraging affordable housing. She stated that this would be Option. #1 and #2. Mr. Shreeve stated that he is advertising for a consultant and if one is not able to be retained for this amount, then an additional staff person could be hired and this could be done in-house. Co..issioner Shanahan stated that he feels that this is the best way to proceed. C i..100er""" 8C7ftId, 88C0Dded by CO881..ioner 800dD.Jgb~ aDd C8Z'1'1..a --i-..ly 4/0, ~hat tb8 allocation - re<: V'Iðeð by S t at f he ~. _w-4 ..Jch 1nc11Jð88 Options .1 aDd #2 of the b8c1IU". 8,. -r - i....t..~ _low: 1. The County may allocate $31,715 to the Pocket of Poverty prograa, use a consultant to adainister to Coaaunity Develop.ent Block Grant, and li.it the administrative costs to 8' of the Grant. If the Department of Community Affairs approves the amendments, $45,500 of the Block Grant funds would be used for street improvements and the County would not need to use the allocated funds. 2. The Department of Housing and Urban Improvement be permitted to add one additiunal staff person to administer the Community Developaent Block Grant. This would be paid out of the Grant using about 7' to 8' of the Grant funds and still free Grant funds as outlined in #1 above. I~_.-ol 59 Page 21 ._--'"'---'" .-.""-"-"'-"" MAY 9, 1989 -,..~ I8KD TO - ~&.I""X&U rJtQII 'I'D VDlZTUDS roa SC1IOOL UD euu..I . AU ~ t ~ - Ar i' ao Y &II SUB.nCT TO PItOVI 8 I on County Manager Dorrill stated that there have been a number of issues and problems related to the conveyance and joint use of this property in aaintaining the desires and integrity of the development on behalf of the Vineyards. He noted that the location of the fire departaent site in the northeast quadrant of this site, the 1-1/4 acres, has been removed and the developer has now agreed to accom- aodate the desires of the fire district for property that is within the PUD west of 1-75 along Livingston Extension. Me stated that this is the preferred site of the fire district. He indicated that this fire site is therefore removed fro. th1s property and the use of the property will be conveyed to the County to be used for a park and an eleaentary school. He stated that the reason that this ite. was added on this date is because of the need to accommodate a new ele.entary school by next fall, ~dding that the School Board is under extreme pressure to get the school open at this location which is going to be difficult to do in this ti.e period. Me noted that the Vineyards have agreed that within the 34.9 acres that will be conveyed to the County to be used as a park site it will no~ include the canal right-of-way along the western side of this property, adding that the County did not want the park site to include a canal right-of-way that could not be used for park amenities. He stated that the developer has agreed to convey an additional 2 to 2-1/2 acres of land to the County that is along the southern and eastern portion of the site that is adjacent to the lake, therefore, the actual park property tha~ is net and available to be developed as a park is around 36.4 acres, adding that the developer's obligation is 34.9 acres. He stated that within this acreage, the buffer has gone from 50 feet wide to 35 feet wide which is the saae existing buffer that the Audubon Country Club has between a residential area and a separate developed area. Coamissioner Masse questioned if by cutting the buffering is this giving .ore land to the park. to which County Manager Dorrill replied &,0 Page 22 <,«---<- -_.."-<,,,- MAY 9, l~e~ affinaatively, adding that if Mr. Assaad desires to have anyaore of a buffer than that, it will have to be done on his property to the east. He noted that Mr. Assaad has already agreed to pay for all the costs associated with the landscape buffer, adding that the County has no obligation to pay, install or maintain that buffer in the future. County Manager Dorrill stated that if a fence is installed, it will be done in conjunction with security provision~ at either the 8chool or the park site and the actual location of the fence will be subject to and approved by the County and will be proposed by the developer not to be installed until such time as the school i8 built and then only for security reasons as it relates to the school or the County park:. Me indicated that both the County and the School Board generally have 80me type of perimeter fencing but the actual location and type of fence will need to be coordinated and subject to the approval of the County. Co..issioner Hasse questioned who would be paying for the fence, to which County Manager Dorrill stated that this has not been agreed upon, but fenc1ng is generally a cost of County park sites and school construction projects. Co..issioner Saunders stated that if this is a fence on County property that is to be used to fence a County park or a County school that would be a normal cost for the County and the School Board. Co..issioner Hasse stated that if the Vineyards wants this done as well as the School Board, then they should share in the cost of the fence. County Manager Dorrill stated that the Vineyards may offer to share !n the cost, but he is more concerned with the location of the fence and who has final approval on the fence. County Manager Dorrill stated that the two other issues deal with general deed type covenants, adding that there is a difference between legally what can be done as opposed to recognizing the fact that the County will be part of a residential community. He stated that it is incuabent upon the County and the School Board to be good neighbors Page 23 ~I ""~,,,...,,".,,_.,- "-,, MAY 9, 1989 and within that regard, there is an concern regarding acces. on to Vineyards Boulevard. He stated that his desire iy that the County and the School Board have access to Vineyards Boulevard for the school and the park and the Vineyards has concerns about controlling access, recognizing that the County park probably will not be constructed within five years. He 1ndicated that the Vineyards has similar con- cerns that the signage at the school and the park adhere to the type of signage that they use throughout their community, adding that he does not have a proble. with that issue. He noted that he feels that the Vineyards has an obligation to pay for the cost of the signage to the saae extent that Le~y agreed to pay for the signage at Lely Barefoot Beach. He stated that the final matter involves lighting of ballfields and lighting at the school itself, adding that everyone need. to agree to the extent possible that the lighting will be designed and operated in such a way to minimize the impact on the adjacent residential areas. Co..issioner Hasse questioned if the location of the fire station has been resolved to the satisfaction of the fire district, to which Chief 30nes of the North Naples Fire Department stated that they are satisfied with the location. Coamissioner Shanahan questioned what the additional 2-1/2 acres would be used for that is in the southeastern section, to which County Manager Dorrill stated that it would be owned by the County and could be incorporated into a jogging or bicycle trail, subject to final design. He noted that it could be developed in conjunction with the final excavation of the retention lake. Colll8issioner Shanahan stated that within the agreement there should be ways to protect the residential areas from the ballfield lights which should be do~e in the initial design. County Manager Dorrill stated that the County is going to be part of this comaunity and they should not impact on the adjacent residen- tial areas. Coamissioner Goodnight ~estioned it there i8 going to be an (,'V Page 2. ._.... -.-..,-..---- --..." -,-. -~ "' -.- .-----,... -.,,-.. MAY g, ¡gag access point off Vanderbilt Beach Road and Vineyards Boulevard, to which County Manager Dorrill replied affirmatively. Co..issioner Goodnight stated that previously there was discussion with regards to an access ramp off 1-75 and questioned how this would work. She stated that most school sites have two exits; one for the parents and one for the buses. She stated that there needs to be good traffic flow in this area. Mr. Dorrill stated that what is being proposed is an improvement over 8Ost eleaentary schools, adding that internally there are separate driv~ays for bus pickup and car pickup, but in this case, there are two separate accesses; one from Vineyards Boulevard and the other from Vanderbilt Beach Road. He indicated that the Vineyards would like some agreement as to the type of access that will be coming onto Vineyards Boulevard. He noted that the rationale is that they still need to sell residential sites or condominiums on two parcels that are going to be immediately across from this and they do not want their sales adversely affected. Mr. James Sleety, Attorney for the School Board, stated that they have resolved all their issues, adding that this is important to the School Board. He stated that the settlement that has been related is acceptable to the School Board and is better than what they expected. Commissioner Hasse questioned if the entrance across from Arbor Boulevard is a closed driveway, to which Mr. Siesky stated that the concept for the short-term is to have two entrances that are not con- nected. Me stated that the School would use the southern entrance for bus traffic and parent drop off which would restrict the amount of traffic on Vineyards Boulevard and would aid the developer for the short-term. He sta~ed that the aajority of the traffic would access the site by means of Vanderbilt Beach Road.s this would be the larger parking area. He stated that it will be designed so that it ie usable and convenient for everyone. He stated that sometime in the future, about five years, there would be a connection between the two parking lots that would permit internal circulation and possibly a (/5 Page 2ð ....,....._-",-,..- ~-' .-...' MAY 9, 1989 roadway around tha periaeter of the site that would also per.it cir- culation. Co..i88ioner Hasse questioned if the 1-1/4 acres for the f1re site would be incorporated into the school site, to which Mr. Sieslcy stated that the boundaries will be adjusted by the developer so that the School and the County receive the negotiated acreage. Co..issioner Goodnight questioned if this is going to be the same prototype as the rest of the elementary schools, to which Mr. Sieslcy replied affirmatively, adding that this had to be done because of the extreae tiae pressure .nd, therefore, plans are being re-used. Mr. Hafaa Assaad, Project Manager of the Vineyards, stated that with regards to the fence, this should be the County expense and not the Developer's expense. Co..issioner Shanahan questioned if all the landscaping respon- sibility and the buffering will be the developer's responsibility with the except10n of the waterway, to which County Manager Dorrill rep11ed affiraatively for both construction and perpetual maintenance. Mr. Assaad stated that this is only within the buffered area and the County has the responsibility of the waterway along 1-75. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he wrote a letter to Mr. Lurie, who is the Attorney for the Vineyards, which will be made part of the record. (Appended) Mr. Sieslcy stated that based upon the accommodations of the Developer, the School Board would accept responsibility for installa- tion of any fence that it ~esired to install. County Manager Dorrill stat~d that the actual conveyance that is de8ired 1s a single warranty deed because the rationale is that the School Board and th~ County have an obligation to jointly develop a 8ite plan that recognizes that the School and the Park are going to 1nter-relate in aany aspects with regards to parking, recreation fields, etc. Commissioner Hasse questioned if the interchange right-of-way is going to take a big part out of the park land, to which County Manager {p¥- Page 26 ---,-- , --_...-,--,-,-,..., MAY 9, 1989 Dorrill stated that this is a possibility. He stated that based on the current DOT ten year plan and their financial problems, it is not an i...diate possibility. He stated that it is not inconceivable that at soae point beyond the ten years, the DOT .ay wish to conatruct an access to I-75 ðnd another alternative would be to install some type of cloverleaf wind-down access on the north side of Vanderbilt Beach Road. County Manager Dorrill stated that the action that is necessary is that the Chairaan be authorized to accept a warranty deed subject to all the provisions that have been outlined and are part of the record as well as the letter that was prepared by the County Attorney. Co..issioner Saunders stated that he assumes that the only main issue at this point is the payment of the fence and the School Board, through their representative, has indicated that they are willing to pay for their share of the fence. Me stated that he feels that if the fence is built to the normal County standards for a park fence then the County and the School Board should pay for it, but if it is going to be something out of the ordinary because of the desires of the Vineyards, then the Vineyards should pay for any additional cost. Co..issioner Masse questioned if by removing the fire station site is it going to aake the School and the County property any saaller, to which County Manager Dorrill stated that there would be a new site plan prepared but it will not take this fire station site out of the northeast corner, adding that it will be available for the use of the School and the County depending on the final site. He indicated that this will help in terms of greater utilization of the site. ~t...1aDer tl'hanahvl 8OV8d, 88Conded by CO881..iOD8r GoodD1gh~ aDd CIUT i e4 u:n-n t --ual y .1 0, that a warranty cSee4 tMr accep~e4 8Ubjec~ ~o aJ.l ÜII8 prcwi.i0n8 that have been outlined and II8d8 a part of ÜII8 ~-~H lDcl1l4.1ng ÜII8 lett.r prepared by the County AttorD8T to 'ferry A. L8:rie, -.quire. / (p~ Page 27 -- -,------",-- MAY 9, 1989 11:- not JI8g- - & 80. 1 TO 'I'D ~ 1f1:'fII IIOU, MOII'fU . ASSOCUns, DIe . I'C8. ..- ~ J: 08&L IaN xnP.IJfØ SDVI CD nnt 'fD SOO'fJI ~.,¡ It JÅ“8 1 OI[AL ~TD I'ACYLJ:TJ:U - ArrkOvIW Utilities Adainistrator Arnold stated that this involves an agreement that the County entered into with Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc. in September, 1986, which was one of two agreements in regards to the South County Regional Wastewater facilities. He indicated that this agreement was originally formatted using the percentage factor bã=ed on the amount of construction. He stated that at the time, they hoped to qualify for Federal funding, but they did not know what the requireaents would be a'- that time and, therefore, the standard format agreement was used. He stated that the County did receive funding but it required that the County revise the engineering agreements and bring them into conformance with EPA. He stated that the fundi~g was set up on an as-needed basis, adding that they originally approached the project fro. the standpoint that it may not get to construction but only to the design stage. He stated that the funding currently standa at 81.6 Billion and in order to complete the pre-construction portion of the contract, he is asking for further f~ding authoriza- tion of approxiaately $50,000 which w~uld bring th~ design phase part of the agreement up to $1.7 million. Me noted that Part II of this action is to approve the amendment to the agreement which brings it into comformance with the EPA guidelines and that mandates a change in the agreement from a percentage basis to a fixed cost plus profit fac- tor. He noted that with approval of Amendment #1 and the funding authorization for the project, it would bring the total engineering fees for the projøct to slightly over $2.5 million which is about 14- of the total cost of this agreement which 1s consistent with what engineering agreements have been in the past. Co..issioner Saunders questioned if this is consistent with other co88U11ities, to which Mr. Arnold replied affirmatively, adding that he has reviewed this and feels that the fees are reasonable. He stated that once this amendment 1s approved, it will be submitted to the 1}- Page 28 ".,- .-.,,-- ....""... .-,,"'..-"'.---."'.. ,.,-.,,---.. . - MAY 9, 1989 State and part of the engineering fees will be recuperated as part of the grant proce.8. C '-10lIl81" tnuoft~~ 8O"I'8d. ........oðed by C~_1011181" ..... aDd carr1ed ./0. (ec-1_ianer GoodDigh~ out. ot ~ rooa). ~~ ~...,..'~t 80. 1 U ÖI8 Ap'&I..n~ wi~h Bole. IIont.. a uaociat... Inc. tor pro- t...1aDa1 eag1DeeriDg aerv1c.. tor ~ South Coanq Reg1cmal ~ J'8c1l1t:1.. be ~roved. 1j Page 29 ,-,.' '. ,.-,. ".,...,. "" ,,------ MAY 9, 1989 lu. .-n DI"LVa'f IJIa18ATIOIr AGIt~4 WIn CML B»IMOCI: aUJClUtI - AP!1tuv&U Utilities Adainistrator Arnold stated that in the continuing efforts to dispose of the effluent that is being generated in the wastewater treatment plants, he is continually seeking different orga- nizations that can make use of this effluent to help with the water conservation efforts. He stated that up to this point, Staff has pri- aarily negotiated with golf courses as they are the biggest users. He stated that this particular nursery whIch is the subject of this agenda Itea, is located next to the power easement which is north of Iaaokalee Road and happens to be in the same alignment with the pipe line that provides effluent to Imperial Golf Course. He stated that it is a siaple aatter to branch off this line and provide service to this nursery. Be stated that he views this as a good agreement in regard to trying to increase public awareness of the recyclIng efforts and also to bring on some different users. He stated that this par- ticular nursery will be producing trees, landscaping, etc., for new developments and this method will lend itself well to that use. Coaaissioner Saunders questIoned if the 2C per 1,000 gallons is a reasonable charge, to which Mr. Arnold stated that it is probably not a reasonable charge at thIs point, but originally when the County entered negotiatIons with the golf courses the rates were comparable with the City of the Naples for their golf courses. He noted that there was a lot of reluctance on taking effluent to begin with but thIs situation has changed in the last few years. He stated that when the South County system Is on line, his plan is to do a restructuring and set up rates that reflect the cost of the proèuction of the effluent. He stated that this fee Is simply a nomInal fee to have the aechanism in place. Coamissioner Saunders questioned if it would be feasible to charge a rate that would re-coup costs and also provide some revenues to the system for iaprovements, to which Mr. Arnold stated that it could be consistent with the rate structures for providing the basic water and r¡( Page 30 " ""--",,_. -"",_. . .... --"---_._---" ".-.......""""", .--,.- - . MAY 9, 1989 .ewer .erv1ce. Co..i..ioner Saunders questioned if the agreement could be made for a shorter period of time until the rate structure is put together, to which Mr. Arnold replied negatively, add1ng that this agreement is consistent with the t1.~ fraae for the other agreements in the northern part of the County. Co..iss1oner Shanahan stated that he does not feel that this should be a five year contract at 20 per 1,000 gallons. He stated that the aarket will probably be c~nsiderably greater than that before the five year contract expires. He stated that the County should be planning now tor aaintenance and growth. Mr. Arnold stated that this is being planned, but he is not at that point yet, adding that the prime directive is to dispose of the effluent. He stated that Staff needs to look seriously at this as a resource and the rate structure needs to be addressed in detail in the future. He stated that he needs this s1te to get rid of effluent. C i..l.-r"'" 8OV8d. 8eCCJDded by Co8ai_ioner Good:nlgh~ and C8ZTied 3/1. ('"-i..loner "'8ftA~ OJ I~), that tb8 .~~luen~ lrri- ga~l- 8p.l t with OWl " -dt IP1u ");1. be ç."","v..ð. g>b Page 31 ---,--- -..,.,,'..--.'.-.. .. --, MAY i, li89 I 1:88 ..oa eIIl.,.... 08Dat . . TO II.IJtrl P - r &.It. AJI'D .a.s sac IA ns . IJrC. COII'fUoC'1' I'OIt 1Å“81:C8&L MTD PLAJI'1' - PBASE 2 - ArMtOyKJ,l .a.s AllKJlDKD BY \;\lUau: A;¡;~~I County Attorney Cuyler stated that the only reason that this was pulled fro. the Consent Agenda was to change the reco..endation to have the Adainistrator of the Utilities Division to sign the documents instead of the Board Chairaan since they are so nuaerous. C I..t..r ~jgh1: ~. eeccmde4 by Co8aJa81DD8r ..... aDd C8ZT !ell - f r _IT .10. 1:ba1: Cb.8Dge Order .. 1:0 Barry P-IflII"8~ aDd A88oC iat88 . IDe. COD t ru:1: for 1:b8 aeg i ana 1 ..1: . r P 1 aD t. Pba8e 2. be -...-.-4 - .&ad by the Ca1m1:y A 1:1:orney. jQI hg8 82 -,."',.-""'"~ "----- MAY .. 1... I1:8a ..1 aD ....IM1 LIDJ) C'8LL 1'ttO.nc'f8 I'OJt ~ AJß) IIAPLU LAJIDInLLS - ...... ~ 8U8'JIIf.8 LXflJICI 3111tIllT_. IJfC. Dr 'I'D AIIOOft o. '844. U8 .00 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily Hews on 3anuary 27, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for lined cell projects for Immokalee and Naples Landfills until 2:30 P.M., February 22, 1~89. Solid Waste Director Fahey stated that this involves the lining of cells at both landfills. He stated that there are three aspects of this work; the construrtion of the elevated base, the installation of the liner and leachate collection system, and the special material that is required to cover and protect the liner from damage. He stated that because of delays in construction of the base, bids were taken and he is now in a situation where they are five aonths behind. Se stated that he is recommending that this bid be awarded to Gundle Lining Systems, Inc. but the cost of $844,138 has been modified because of an error in one of the components of their bid. He stated that one of the items is the leachate collection system and the rock that is associated with that, noting that the specifications prohibit the use of limerock which they bid and requiring them to supply gra- nite rock increased their bid price by $40,000 but even with this irregularity their total bid is $95,444 less than the next lowest bidder. He stated that he is recoamending that their bid be accepted because of the time constraints that he is now facing. He stated that he does not feel that he could get a lower bid if it was rebid. c-1_1cmer ..... 8OV8d. seconded by C0881..ioner ~jgb~ IID4 carr!" """"1~IT .10, that Bid "9-1311 tor lined cell project. tor T-1- IIDd llapl- La.n4till. be .warded to Bundle Lin1ag 8y8t.... IDe. La ~ 88Ø8Dt of $844.138. I~- ...2 8ID ...-UM .. 81'SCLU. nLL MATDXAL J'Oft LIJrD PItO.nc'f8 A'f IIAPLU &lID ~.~ - r..AIIWILLS - AII&JU)KD TO SD CO. I.OODTft.IKS. "';1; ;1;- ItOADS. &lID Al'flC-n.c8XN . IJI'C. Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily Hews on I ¡cY March 16, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with Page 33 .".-.-,,-.-'-' ,,'- .---.-..- MAY 9, 1989 the Clerk, bids were received for fill material for liner projects at Naples and raaokalee Landfills until 2:30 P.M., April ð, 1989. Solid Waste Director Fahey stated that this item concerns the cover material that will be used to cover the liner, adding that this material is special and must have a high grade of porosity to allow the leachate to be collected in the pipes. He stflt,.~ that h. is recoaaending that Sea Con Industries, Better Roads, ~~d APAC-Florida, Inc. be awarded the bids and he "ill then use the best material that is available and also assure hi.self that there is an alternative source if one supplier should run out of this material. Mr. George Keller, President of Collier County Civic Federation, questioned if anyone is getting the bulk of this bid, to which Mr. Fahey stated that they will use the one with the lowest price first, but if the lowest price .aterial does not meet the spec1fications or he runs out of that material, then they will use the second low bidder. In anSMer to Commissioner Shanahan, Mr. Fahey stated that assuming that the .aterial will be delivered to the Naples Landfill and installed, both Sea Con and APAC-Florida have the same price "hich 1s $6.30 per ton. He stated that with k'egards to Immokalee, APAC-Florida is considerably laMer. C t..i-.r m-.-tun. 1IO98d. 88C0DdecS by CO88.1_iODer 400dDJght: 8Dd 88rr18d -t~ly 4/0, that: 8id ...-13IS tor special fill _1:er1a1 for 11.Der project:a at .8111- IIDd I~Jtal- L8Ddflll. be ~ to ... CoD Indu.8'tri_, Bet:ter JtOIId8, and APAC-Wlorlda, Inc. I tea ft81 CC8DIC'r a,¡u-I08 H.1..I... COLLIn euu.;¡;;a: .um 8B'f'1'D 1tOAJJ8. IIIC. - a 80 ""1'" - &fir_Tau Assistant to the County Manager Olliff stated that this item was discussed last Meek regarding a contract extension on the time frame for the contract between Collier County and Better Roads for fill aater1al for the same landfill cell projects. Me stated that the actual contract "ith Better Roads "as based on a fill site at Crown Jig Page 3. --"-"- .- MAY 9, 1989 Pointe POD an~ the POD did not have language that addressed re.oving fill saterial from the site and therefore, there was a problem in being able to provide this until a POD amendment was proce..ed and approved by the Board. He stated that there i. only 20 ton. of saterial that can be removed from this site and the contractor has an obligat10n to provide an additional 12,000 to 15,000 tons of off-site saterial. He noted that an amendment to this contract has been pre- pare~ that would require him to provide that off-site material in the interim period until the POD amendment is brought before the Board and then contingent upon that POD amendment being approved, he w1l1 be able to have that contract extension and continue to provide that material. He stated that he is asking that the Board approve this aaend8ent to the contract between Collier County and Better Roads, Inc. Mr. George ~eller, President of Collier County Civic Federation, .tated that this is the same firm that came before this Board when Sea Con could not get insurance. He noted that ~ea Con asked for a week's delay and Better Roads had stated that they could deliver iamediately. He indicated that the County should deal with everyone based on price and he does not feel that this firm should be given an extension. Co..issioner Shanahan stated that at this time, it does not appear that the Board has any alternative. Mr. Olliff stated that the County needs fill material at this time and it this extension 1s not approved, then the County would have to go through a re-bid process which will set everything behind further. Be noted that at this time, this is the best option available to the County. C t-iOD8'r tP!.....h..... 8O98d, eec;0Dðed by CO88.i..10D8r -..tgb1: 8Dd C8rriell -t-.aly .10, that ÖMt conn-act ez1:8'D81on betI¡M8I1 Co1l1eJl" Co8D1:y .... "1:1:er Ro8d8, Inc., re 81d ."-1288, be ....,.¿w...4.. 01 Page 3ð -,-, , ,-"".-.,----- -,- ------- " MAY 9, 1989 I~~ ArC't'X08 Pr..uI ,,"'UWDIQ CAItLSO. CO1tPORA'fIO. un 'I'D DAL'lII un PU'8t.IC 8D'9'ICD 8U:ßoD1R 1'ItO.78C'f - &.I"'rKUvlW County Manager Dorrill stated that this item was discussed briefly and the Executive Summary now indicates the points of agreement to effectuate a termination for convenience of the Carlson Corporation fro. its contract to build the Health and Public Service Building. He stated that the general terms and conditions have been spelled out to terminate the agreement with Carlson Construction, to pay them for work that they have undertaken and retainage that they are legally entitled to, to pay them a negotiated amount to demobilize and get off the site, and to sign a full agreement at the original price proposed by the second bidder which was H. D. Rutledge from Ft. Myers. He stated that he has personally conducted reference checks concerning H. D. Rutledge and is satisfied that they are capable of undertaking this project. He stated that there will be a full assignment of all sub-contractor agreements that have been undertaken, the County w111 be released from any and all claims arising from this action on the part of Carlson Construction and its sub-contractors, and the final reco..endation i. for the County, through the assistance of Carlton-Fields, the construction attorneys, to investigate and report back to the Board the feasibility of pursuing a claim against the Geo- technical Engineer who designed the alternate foundation and piling system. Me indicated that the final area involves the expedited agreement jetween the County and the piling contractor to maintain and recover to the extent possible the schedule for this project, adding that the County Attorney has indicated that there are some legal docu- .ents that need to be prepared bHt the Executive Summary ind1cates the points of agreement ~nd the dollar amounts involved in the termination of Carlson Construction. Me noted that the termination agreements will be brought back to the Board on the Consent Agenda. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, County Attorney Cuyler stated that it is his recommendation to proceed in the manner as outlined by J /1 Page 35 ..-'-"<"-"-"'--" .', .."--- . .._-"_.__.._-~. , MAY 9, 1989 the County Manager. Co..issioner Hasse questioned what will happen to the tiaetable, to which County Manager Dorrill stated that presently the project is about 14 weeks behind schedule and he is endeavoring to recover that schedule and aaintain it to the extent that they can by having a separate agreement with the sub-contractor who is doing the piling work as opposed to waiting until H. D. Rutledge can get mobilized on the site. He stated that the Contract would be a number of weeks behind the original contemplated schedule. He stated that the piles that are 1n the ground can be utilized in conjunction with the re- design foundation plan. Co..issioner Shanahan questioned if the amount that it is going to cost the County is the difference between the original Carlson Corporation bid, the new H. D. Rutledge bid, the demobilization costs, and legal fees which is about $428,000, to which County Manager Dorrill replied affirmatively. CI t..iCllD8'r Sh--.h~ 8DV8d. 88COD4ed by CO8a1..iOD81" ..... aDd. carr 1.. ......... i 1W"a81.., f / O. that the Board 1Idopt: a .ix .t:-.p action plan - de8crJMd below aDd. direct 8tatt to t:ake the nec--..ry act:ica t:o ~" ÖI8 project:: 1. Approve a sole source Geotechnical and Subsurface threshold Engineering agreement with Ardemann and Assoc., Inc. for the remainder of the project and authorize the Chairman to execute the agreement on behalf of the Board. This firm is most fami- liar with the site and existing conditions. 2. Approve in principle. the termination of the Carlson Corporation and authorize the Chairman to execute such ter- mination on behalf of the Board. 3. Authorize staff to negotiate with H.D. Rutledge Ii Sons, Inc. (the second lowest bidder) for assumption of the construction contract. Authorize the Chairman to execute said agreement on behalf of the Board. 4. Authorize the expenditure of additional design fees under the architectural contract for the redesign or modIfication of foundation drawings. 5. Direct staff to remove the Carlson Corporation and its sub- entities from the Collier County bidders list. 6. Direct staff to pursue any possible legal actions for the pur- pose of recovering damages related to this project. II ( Page 37 -. '" ,..-", -"" . -.----..-.--"- ,.----- ,-_. "'" MAY 9, 1989 I aa .... CC8DLIC"f WIm I'LORIDA STAn UIIIVmtSI'fT rem PItOVI8IO. ow DDU'fIOII 1Ø9JC88 - AorIO'_..AU Assistant to the County Manager Olliff stated that this was added to the agenda in order for the Board to consider this contract prior to the Co..issioners going to Tallahassee for legislative days. He stated that if the Board would consider approving this contract and setting up the meeting with Mr. Pelham then the Commissioners would have the ability to say that Collier County has done everything that they could have done. He stated that in dealing with Mr. Pelham, it it was felt that .ediation was not a good idea, then the contract could be broken and the County could go forward with the adainistra- tive hear1ng processes. He stated that he felt it would be a ~ood strategic .ove. County Attorney Cuyler stated that there is a termination provi- sion that states that either party may terminate this agreement with or without cause. He noted that service rendered up to that point would have to be paid for, but if the Commission decides in two weeks that this is not what they want to do, there is that right to ter- .inate the contract. Me stated that he has gone over the pros and cons of this contract and he is willing to recommend that the Board enter into the aediation contract, adding that it is to the County's benefit as long as they can step out of the contract whenever they want. Comaiss10ner Saunders stated that based on the County Attorney'S reco_endation, he had indicated that he woulá vote in favor of this contract, but he has changed his mind again. Me indicated that the oiggest part of this contract is the mediator spending time try1ng to find out what the issues are and what has been done. County Attorney Cuyler stated that this is one of the .oat criti- cal parts of this contract and is one of the things that the mediation provides that the administrative hearing does not provide. He stated that the Coma1ssion and staff will have the mediator that they can I '1 ~ Page 38 . ------..,.".-. , ,,-- ._-_.,~--,-"... " MAY 9, 1989 talk inforaally to and can aaJce clear to him how unhappy the County is with this situation. He stated that he sees this as one of the advan- tage.. He stated that $23,000 is not significant in light of what has been spent over the past 18 months in staff time alone. He stated that it i. not a detriment to the County financially. C ri..iooer ~h.., 8O98ð, M<;0Dðed by Co8a1..10D8r JIa88e aDd carried all, (c-.i_iOD8r 8..mder. opp0ae4), that the con~ with .lor1å Stau UniV'8rait:y tor provi.ion of 88dia1:ion aervi~ be -- L_I.". Page 39 /1q --'--'.""'-'.'"." ,_.".,."M_"_- MAY 9, 1989 1 a. ." 1A1 -~~ _pot_..... "'189 UD "'172 - ADOPTED C t ..1 oaer ..... 8D91td. eeccmded by Co8a18.ioner ~Jght IIDd carr1.ed --t--ly 410. that Badge t A88nd88n t . . .. U 9 IIDd. 8.. 1 7 2 be adopt... ... ec-.1_ioaer Goodnight: 8D91td. seconded by CO881_ioner ..... , IIDd. carr led 4 / O. that the following It:- UDder the Cm I 111;1: ~- be appro"'~ IIDd/or adopted: ... lu. nUl aaourn08 "-117. AtrrHOJUZIJIO PltKLIXIJIAJrl ACCKPrUCZ o:r aoADIIAY UD ~a~.... I8.......-,,1 I. LADSIDK o:r II.&PI.&S A'f CI'f1WS GARDD8 P!l&SE I &JrD IICCKPrDI8 IlAIJr'fDAJK.Æ 8OJID ftOII D8VU.0PD I'OR IlAIIITDAJICK o:r x.""'__AA :roa IIInIftJlil o:r on YU.R: UD UCORDI.O o:r :rIIIAL PLA'f .-:ITH ;IX .1 ¡.øf.&1'X ems Approve for recording the final plat of "Lakeside of Naples at Citrus Gardens" and grant preliminary acceptance of the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements in Phase I with the following stipulations: 1. Authorize the recording of the final plat of "Lakeside of Maples at Citrus Gardens." 2. Accept the Surety Bond(s) as security for the construction and maintenance of Phase IIA and lIB. 3. Accept the Surety Bond as s~7Urity for the maintenance of the infrastructure in Phase I until the Board of County Commissioners grants final acceptance of all improvements of Phase I. 4. Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Construction and Maintenance Agreement for the entire project and a Resolution authorizing the preliminary acceptance of Phase I. S. Preliminary acceptance of improvements in Phase I will not become effective until water and sewer facilities have been conveyed to the Collier County Water-Sewer District (or other appropriate governmental entity). 6. That no Certificate of Occupany be granted for Phase IIA and lIB, until the required improvements in Phase IIA and IIB have received preliminary acceptance. See Pages S 7../J. I -A,/~ / It- .14.&2 øcÅ“.oDN O:r 'ßI& I't"AL PLA'f o:r DPA JUDGK OJrI'f On - .-:I'fII STIPULATIon Approve the recording of the final plat of Napa Ridge Unit One with the following stipulations: 1. Accept the Letter of Credit as security to guarantee comple- tion of the Subdivision improvements. ¡ql Page 40 -""",--,,"'----"" , MAY 9, 1989 2. Authorize the recording of the final plat of Napa Ridge Unit One. 3. Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Construction and Maintenance Agreement. 4. That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted until the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. See Pages 57-'&./-13..5 I~ nUl JrDOI.ftI08 I-.-UI, IJft3USIJIQ 'fD DISTIJrØ SPKKD LIXI'f 0Ir L~Y....-i'OII 8DIJ) ....- ...... GAD PJJÅ’IIAY AJIJ) 'fD ~ OJ' ".".-.10. noli 'ßUsn (10 ) KU.88 I'D JrOUI( TO :roJn'Y (~O ) KILU I'D JrOUI( See Pages .57- ~ II - C."J.. I~ n~l ."'-17--.1. W 'fIDE ~ LAIID LUSK WITII 'fD STAn OJ' I'LOJUDA ... &a .. -, III ;¡ or IIA2'VJt.&L DSOOJtC&S roa C a y ~ ~ BOA 'f a.uIP See Pages ..5 7. lJ. I - 7), Jg' 11:- n6Dl ACCU'fA8C8 OJ' nLICIJI JUDG.K - PII.I.U III 8DD FACILITIES O.R. BOOK 1439 PAGES 2199-2210 11:- n.D2 11m "-'-1603, CDJIIc..u.s WOR 'l'D UTILITIES DIVI8Ioa. WA'l'D UD ~'lD DID'~¡8 - TO VARIOUS v...uuRS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Apr il 17, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for chemicals for the Utilities Division until 2:30 P.M., April 28, 1989. Bid #89-1403 was awarded to the following vendors: A. Anhydroug Aaaonia No Bid B. Allied Products Quick Lime (CaO 90') $86.67/ton C. B.P. Scientific, Inc. Polymer (~A 253) $80.86/65 lb. bag D. B.I'. Scientific, Inc. Polyphosphate (RS-2) $29.76/60 lb. bag E. B.P. Scientific, Inc. Sodium Silicofluoride $17.50/50 lb. bag F. Carbon Dioxide No Bid G. R.I'. Scientific, Inc. !aulsion Polymer POL-E-Z 2466 $69.667/5gal. B. H.P. Scientific, Inc. Dewatering Polymer (Emulsion) POL-I-Z 675 $493.60/66 gal. 1. PB&S Chemical Company Dewatering Polymer (Dry) 6120 P $110.20/65 lb. bag 3. Carus Chemical Company Pota.sium Permanganate 8420.06/330 lb. drua ¡qY Page ~1 "--"._"""" "",, ,,--- MAY 9, 1989 I~ ft... C..... to .,Å“) Itea ftG8 8ID ""1888. ~JJ18 AJII) »8IDIrU wmm .:rar.. WOK 'fD CJOODLUm M'fD. DI:8'f1Å’C'r TO R a- -_....r AlII) ASSOC. I. ø AIfJOJr'f 1101' TO II".." 828. .70 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily N~s on March 21, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed ~ith the Clerk, bids were received for Chlorine and Ammonia Feed system for the Goodland Water District until 2:30 P.M., April 7, 1989. I~ ft.- BID ...-lSu. ~E 'fKLDC8'fRY .~ZIi.UI J'OIt 'fD GOODLAIID M'fD. DIS'fJUC"f TO n.catM 8ØnCl IJI'GI8DJtS 18 U .uønrr .0'1' TO DCUD 818.700 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on March 21, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for re80te telemetry syste8 for the Goodland Water District until 2:30 P.M., April 7, 1989. I~ ft..-J ~ - ~ CItOSS:møs. PIIASK I - SDID rACILITXU - IIX'f1I ..~ 1. All legal docuaents are found to be legally sufficient by the County Attorney. OR BOOIe 1439 PAGES 2211-2220 Iu. ft..- 8m ....U82 raa PLQII8IJIØ SUl'PLIU I'OR 'l'D O'fILITXES DIVI8IOII - ~-WP TO Yu.IOUII YIYWUIIQI I.egal notice having been published in the Naples Daily N~s on March 13, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for plumbing supplies for the Utilities Division until 2:30 P.M., March 29, 1989. Bid .89-1383 was awarded to Davis Meter and Supply, Southerctern ~1u.nicipal Supply, Sav-On Utility Supplies, Inc. and Florida Industrial Products tor an estimated $198,000. I tea ft 6IU ~ ~ - - .... 4 2 7 AlII) a I 2 I'OR IRJJU.&L LOTS A'f LAD 'fILI.n'OIm IllliltrAraJr. 9" ... '_¡;AAX See Pages _~7-£.J - £,~ I~ ft82 .u--a~ n II' ¡; AlII) ftA4\14UKf Jmm) I. 1t&r&K&JICJ: TO 'l'D LU.J: or ~¡;. III ~ un U"fA'fa TO AVA'fAit noPD'fIU. IIIC. Iq~ Page 42 '" -.-".. ".,---.-..- ---"""- .- . .. " MAY 9, 1989 See Pages ..57-r. 1- F. 4' 11:- n.u =:; .a..= UD STAT\nVß DUD 111 KØDDCK TO 'fD SALa OJ' 111 un KS'fAn8 TO aMUJ) AJrD PKTLLI8 DIIDIS See Pages .5 7- ~. I - }j. * ...... I~- n." ~~&-...:I ~ AJrD STA~Y DKKJ) 111 Jt&JrJl,lUUl(;K TO 'fD SALa OJ' ~......:Io.fY ø 8OIoD8II un P'fA'fØ TO 1m AJrD .JCTfCK ALLØ See Pages £7- JJ. I - 1:1..3 . It88 nØ1 ~G8 89-1U "A)u)IJICI 01Ø W J'U8])S BY 'fD ISLE W c.&ftX nu '-"81 ~..A. DI8'DIC'r XII ~ 1fI'fB OJU). 87-15 See Page J)~- J), I It- n6J'2 ~.- ¿A _¿-- COLLID BOAJm OJ' COOJn"l COIIMI8SIOIIDS &lID J'Xft ~CT8 SD'IICDfQ 'fD COLLIn CUUIIITI nu \,;U.;¡;~ JI8TU Big Corkscrew East Naples Golden Gate I_okalee Ochopee See Pages -57-9. / - 9-. $() It88 .11 CDnnCA'fØ W CC8QCTI0JI TO 'fØ 'fAX ItOLLS 1988 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY lIos. 1988-108/111 Dated "/25-21189 Iu..1 msc.:p'.- "~IArv~K nt.KD AJrD/OJt. ~ There being no objection, the following miscellaneous correspon- dence was tiled and/or referred as indicated below: 1. Public Notice dated 4/27/89 trom the Dept. of Army regarding Perait Application No. 88IPP-21265 to construct a 3-aile road extension to Vanderbilt Road and excavating a drainagelborrow canal on the north right-of-way. xc: John Boldt; Bill Lorenz; and Filed. 2. Letter dated 4/26/89 tro. Patrick Kenney, Environmental Specia11st, DER, enclosing short form application File No. 11637945, which involves dredge and fill activities. xc: Neil Dorrill; Bill Lorenz; and Filed. 3. Let:er dated 4/21/89 froa Patrick Kenney, Environmental Specialist, DER, enclosing short tora application File No. 111639195, which involves dredge and fill activities. xc: Jqt Neil Dorrill; Bill Lorenz; and Filed. page.3 ",---- ,,_. 'q .,..",.,."- --~- MAY 9, 1989 4. Me80ranðua dated 4/14/89 fro. Roxane DOW, DER, attaching a copy of changes in Surface Water Quality Classifications (Section 17-3.161), F.A.C. xc: Bill Lorenz; and Filed. 5. Letter dated 4/27/89 from Robert K. Loflin, Environmental specialist, DER, enclosing short form application, pile No. 111639755, which involves dredge and fill activities. xc: Nell Dorrlll; Bill Lorenz; and Filed. 6. Me.orandua dated 4/21/89 fro. Ronald F. Cook, CPA, Finance Dept., to Robert Fahey, Solid Waste Director, regarding Solid Waste Disposal Interi. Financial Statements for the period ended March 31, 1989. xc: BCC; Lori Zalka; and Filed. 7. Me.orandua dated 4/21/89 from Ronald F. Cook, CPA, Finance Dept., to Dan Pucher, Fleet Manage.ent Director, regarding Fleet Manage.ent/Motor Pool Interim Financial Statements for the period endel March 31, 1989. xc: BCC; Lori Zalka; and Filed. 8. Me80randua dated ./21/89 fro. Ronald F. Cook, CPA, Finance Dept., to George Barton, EMS Director, regarding EMS Interim Financial Statements for the period ended March 31, 1989. xc: BCC; Lori Zalka; and Filed. 9. Me80randua dated 4/21/89 fro. Ronald F. Cook, CPA, Finance Dept., to Michael K. Arnold, Utilities Director, regarding Marco Water and Sewer District Interi. Financial State.ents for the period ended March 31, 1989. xc: BCC; Lori Zalka; and Filed. 10. I.etter dated 4/20/89 fro. Nancy J. Gunter, Legal Assistant for Bruce D. Frankel, Esquire, of Goldberg, Goldstein & Buckley, P.A., regarding Client: Harvey Gelber VB. Maples police Departaent D/Accident 9/22/88. xc: Ken cuyler; and Filed. 11. Letter dated 4/24/89 fro. Nicholas C. Anthony, Ph.D., District prograas Supervisor, HRS, advising that the Fifth Annual Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Planning Council Meeting will be held May 19th at the Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club. xc: Filed. 12. Minutes received and Piled: A. 02/09/89 - Ochopee Fire Control Advisory Board. B. 05/04/89 - Agenda for CCPC. C. 05/02/89 - Agenda for Marco Island Bel1utification Advisory Committee. D. 04/13/89 - Fire Consolidation study Uroup and .127189 Agenda. 13. Notice to Owner dated 4/26/89 from B.C.H. Mechanical, Inc., advising that they have furnished HVAC for improve.ent of Collier County Health & Public Service Building, under an order given by The Carlson Corporation/Southeast. xc: Neil Dorrill; Skip Camp; and Filed. u. Notice to Owner dated 4/20/89 from Firm-Sloan Pump Company, Inc. advising that they have furnished pump, power unit & miscellaneous equipaent and services for Job 1:89-6, County Barn Road, under an order given by T. A. Forsberg, Inc. xc: Neil Dorrill; Skip Caap; and Piled. 15. Kotice to Owner dated 4/29/89 from Mid-Coast pluabing, Inc., advising that they have furnished plumbing for the i.provement of Collier County Health & Public Services Building, under an order given by the Carlson Corporation/Southeast. xc: Neil Dorrill; Skip Ca.p; and Filed. / Iq~ Page.. ---,-". MAY 9, 1989 16. Rotice of Hearing dated 4/26/89 to Florida Power Corporation and FPL from Public Service Coamission regarding Docket Ro. 810098-EI, petition for approval of an increase in the accrual of nuclear deco..issioning costs to be held on 5/25/89 in Tallahassee. xc: Filed. 11. May 1, 1989 budget received from Sheriff Don Hunter for the operation of the Collier County Sheriff's Office for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1989, and ending September 30, 1990. xc: Filed. 18. Second Draft of Rule 04£-61, received ./27/89 from South Florida Water Management District regarding Works of the District in the Lake Okeechobee Basin, proposed to implement the Surface Water Improvement and Management (SWIM) Plan for Lake Okeechobee Water Qua11ty. xc: Neil Dorrill; Bill Lorenz; and Fi]!d. 19. Order dated 4/24/89 from Twentieth 3ud1cial Circuit for Civil 3ury Trials regarding said Trials for the two-week trial period co..encing May 25, 1989, by Hugh D. Mayes, Judge, Circuit Court. xc: Ken Cuyler; and Filed. 20. Roofing Guarantee received 5/1/89 from Crowther, Inc. to Utilities Department for Regional Water Treatment Plant Expansion at 3851 Utilities Drive. xc: Mike Arnold, and Filed. 21. Rotice dated 3/16/89 from U.s. Department of Transportation regarding Urban Mass Transportation Administration Program Guidance Checklist. xc: Jeff Perry; and Filed. 22. Notice dated 3/16/89 from U.S. Department of Transportation regarding Urban Mass Transportation Regulations Checklist. xc: 3etf Perry; and Filed. ..... ~: 12:1& P.M. - ~WUy.ned: 1:10 P.M. .~ whJch ~188 D8p1ty Clark Eraf~ replaced Deputy Clerk K8DyoD ..... -A1o'IUIC8 "'-A8XA'fI08 .mt SKLKC'fIOJI 01' U JDlGIJlKDIR ~~L'fAJrl' ... '1118 I8Ya.øI'I8II'f 01' 'fD 1,;UU.1 f 11& 'I'D IIAJIAGDID"f MU'fD PL&JI - POST, 8OCU.8T, SC1IVII . J1DOrI GAJI, Ille. - UJIDD .0. 1 Consul~8nt - L8r KnvirOt188l1tal, Inc. Bob Westey, Assistant Vice President and Chief Scientist with La" Environaental, Inc. expressed his appreciation for the opport~~ity to appear before the Board of County Commissioners. He pointed out that Jane Fitzpatrick, of the firm Henderson Young, and the law firm of Rabors, Giblin, Steffens «Nickerson are part of the team that Law Environaental put together for the purpose of this project. He empha- sized that this team will provide overall management and support ser- vices, as well as legal needs. He described the coordination of land use and development while displaying a diagram. He stated that Henderson Young will provide the financial analysis for capital impro- Page .ð ¡q& -"",..,- MAY 9, 1989 v...nt, and lIabors I Giblin, Steffens & lIickerson will provide legal 8ervices necessary for drafting a stormwater utility building system ordinance. He noted the basic approach recommended for study with the 8tor8Water utility is critical and will have to be modif1ed. He explained that Law Environmental will focus on the Phase 2 part of the water aanage.ent plan. 3ane Fitzpatrick of Henderson Young described the re8ponsibility of Henderson Young in this study. She noted Young and Menderson will prov1de economic analyses for the rate setting in the utility fee structure. She explained the initial rate setting will be done imae- diately in order to worL within the time frame the Board of County Co..issioners set up so that certain projects will be completed by August and October. She stated that a mechanism for on-going rate .chedules will be developed, and as the master plan for basin studies evolves, the Board will adopt certain levels and adjust rates accor- dingly. She explained that generating revenue immediately allows the County to recover the cost of the project and implement a lower fee. She stated this can be achieved by examining and analyzing the poten- tial of vested properties, small or large rate payers, low income housing, senior citizens, direct credits for payers who make improve- aents on their own and indirect credits for provision of needed infra.tructure by other entities such as the South Florida Water Management Di8tr~ct. Ms. Fitzpatrick discussed investigation of the billing and collec- tion issues proble~s that .ay occur. She noted alternative billing procedures such as piggy-backing utilities to other utility entities, and using current property tax billing process as a source or a spe- cial assess.ent billing system. She described the organization and staffing issues involved in setting up this utility. She explained that Bob Nabors and Craig Stewart have worked with the County and emphasized the legal support of Nabors, Gib11n, Steffens & Nickerson 1s 1.portant throughout the development of the rate structures and uti- l1ty fees. ,Q1 Page .15 . ,~" "",."......" ",,"---- ...- -."..-., MAY 9, 1989 Ms. Fitzpatrick described Henderson Young's experience and quali- fications, l.e. development of capital improvement element, parks and library impact fees for Collier County, experience and familiarity with county operations and local governments in Florida. She concluded by noting that the stor8Water utility fee is a relatively new concept to be developed and Law Environmental has the expertise to do this. Mr. Westey stated that Ms. Fitzpatrick covered Phase I and Phase II is in the proposal the Board of County Commissioners has in its literature. He demonstrated their technical expertise by di&playing a portion of a aap contdining a dataset built into a computer. He stated that the computer reads the particular location and provides details which enable them to solve the problem. C088issioner Hasse questioned if they completed the Martin County drainage system and Mr. Westey responded that the fundamental work was accOllpl1shed. Coamissioner Shanahan questioned if that was a ð year project, but Mr. Westey responded they have been working with them for one year. Co..issioner Saunders asked if Law Environmental presumes the County has decided to pursue a stor~ater utility system? Ms. Fitzpatrick responded that was the approach they were taking, and Phase I would cover this. Colll8issioner Saunders noted the legal ana- lysis proposed could be provided by the County Attorney. He questioned their use of legal analysis with outside counsel, but he indicated that was an unfair question. Mr. Westey noted the County Attorney Cuyler would not have the range and expe~tise of Nabors, Giblin. Commissioner Shanahan questioned where their headquarters is located. Mr. Westey responded Atlanta, the Tampa office has a staff of 43, of which 28 are professionals, engineers and scientists and the .aples office would provide technical support. He asked where 30hn Driscoll resided, Mr. Westey responded "Tampa". Commi8sioner Hasse asked haw many people would be stationed in Naples? Mr. Weøtey answered one supervisor, 5 field support and 2 additional engineers /qK Page 41 ,-,---- ,--- - ,- -, ",-,""'-' MAY 9, 1989 froa T&8pa &8 needed. Co..issioner Hasse questioned the timetable. 30hn Boldt, Water Management Director, responded that Water Management set up a notice to proceed on June 14 with completion dates for Phase I on September 1st and entire completion by December 1, a relatively short period of ti8e. Co..issioner Hasse questioned if that would pose a problem, to which Mr. Hestey said "it would be very tight". C088issioner Shanahan questioned the revenues for Law Envir01'Ul8ntal. Mr. Westey answered 120 million and goals are 3.0 8illion by 199ð. co..issioner Saunder. noted profitability on engineering fir.. i8 8~, Mr. WestBY indicated environmental jumps to the 20's. Co..i8sioner Saunders indicated he had some questions for staff. Co..issioner Saunders reaarked to County Manager Dorrill that the eaphasis from the presentation indicated a decision to proceed with a 8torawater utility, prepare an economic analysis and rates, and provided counsel to draft ordinances. He noted he thought that was preaature. County Manager Dorrill responded that it was contained in the RPP because the Growth Management Plan Capital Improvement Element baa identified the proceeds from bonds or revenues as being the funding mechanism for a variety of drainage and related improvements. Co..issioner Saunders indicated he was not prepared to go with a storawater utility, or subsequently outside counsel for drafting ordi- nances. County Manager Dorrill responded that the Board of County Co..issioners will have to resolve the funding options within each of the sub-basins to give consideration to the storawater utilitf. Mr. Boldt, responding to Commissioner Saunders question about the propo- sals including counsel to draft ordinances, said "Yes, counsel will be included to draft model ordinances. Commissioner Saunders reiterated that the County Attorney's Office can review the ordinance and adapt it to the County's circumstances. CH,.-1t8Dt - ..1. 1IoDt:- a .\88O(;i8t:- Stanley Role, principal engineer with Role Montes & Associates, expressed his gratitude to the Board of County Commissioners tor the ¡qq Page .8 -- -,,-,-'-'-"--'.- MAY 9, 1989 opportunity to aaJce this presentation. He explained this proj~ct would include Chris Hagan of Hole Montes, Dan Brundage, of Agnol1, Barber and Brundage, the engineer who will handle water resources per- sonnel, Forest Banks, President of Johnson Engineering, Itevin Erwin of Erwin Associates who will handle environmental work, and Milo Priede of Camp Dresser & Mcltee who will handle funding. He pointed out that funding and engineering are the 2 phases they will concentrate on. He. ellpha- sized that Camp Dresser does no private work in Florid~ and private clients will be unable to influence recommendations fro. Mole & Montes. Be pointed out the study area will be divided into basins, as displayed on the map, wlth the locations of boundaries fro. th~ four watersheds. He discussed Johnson'study of the Golden Gate watershed for the Big Cypress Basin included designing weirs, back pu8ping puJlping facilities to raise water levels wt,ile improv1ng drainage, and their use of computers to determine how high water will rise during stor.s. Mr. Bole stated that another phase is to identify existing dr.inage facilities and the last phase is to estimate the cost of the new facilities in each of the basins. Me concluded by noting that all of this 8Ust be done without adversely impacting th6 water resources and Erwin Associates handles this phase. He stated this is a high priority project for Hole, Montes and their team, and assured the Board aanageaent of the group will not be a problem. Milo Priede of Camp Dresser & McKee explained that the key point is looking at the complexity of stormwater management. He pointed out that federal permits, and legislation for stormwater bills require dealing Kith long ter. co.plex conditions that will ch6nge with land use. He noted surface, groundwater and ecological factors are critical to Collier County as well as establishing a reliable funding .echanis.. He stated that their experience in Sarasota, Hillsborough, Manatee and Lee counties will be a great advantage. He illustrated that optimizing resources was apparent in the $1,000,000 grant they obtained for 3acksonville (Duval County) through SWIM .oney JOb page.9 -, -.--.---------------.-.' ," "",-""."""..,.".-- "'--" -. MAY 9, 1989 appropriated froa the legislature to the water aanagement district. Be eaphasized Collier County's priorities must be understood and artl- culated to the right people. He noted that their databases can be integrated with the Collier County Tax Collector's. Be concluded by detailing a fee and lieu process that can be integrated into the Ordinance to finance capital iaprove.ents. He indicated that the revenue base generated is substantial and can be leveraged in the form 0 f revenue bonc18. Co..issioner Saunders asked tor an explanation of what the other tiraa are going to be doing. Mr. Hole explained that Caap Dresser will handle funding, a teaa analyzing the data will be handled by engineering, and Johnson will test the data and Camp Dresser will pr10ritize the data. Co..issioner Saunders inquired about the environaental aasessaents. Mr. Hole responded that Kevin Erwin has mapped aost of the area and will analyze the effect of natural systeas on watersheds. He suaaarized by noting that it is now the Board's decision as to who they want to do business with. He eaphasized that coapetence and c088itaent are the two things to be considered and noted that Hole Mont.s has years of experience in Collier County with water resource issues. Co..issioner Hasse questioned it the continuing activity in Collier County will aaJce hi. too busy to handle this? Mr. Bole replied that he is far too busy to handle the engineering eleaent of this job without bringing in other people. Me explained that the group he put together will be able to handle this project even though the schedule is extremely tight. Collllllissioner Hasse asked it he can handle this job i~ an expeditious manner and if he was on schedule with soae of the jobs he is presently handling? Mr. Hole replied that they have never failed 1:0 complete a contract on time and on budget, but he indicated he did not know about the scheduling tiaetable for the Transportation Department, but they are ahead on some of the uti- lities work and behind on others. A discussion followed about the Page ðO dol - - ,---..------ .. _. .,- ---"---,,.-,-_..,-,.._,- .- MAY 9, 1989 &8OUDt of people involved on the team for this project. Co..issioner Shanahan asked what experience Kevin Erwin has? Mr. Erwin responded his fira is located in Fort Myers and has 12 ecolo- gists and computer scientists. He indicated that since the early '70s he has worked in every drainage basin in Collier County either for the federal, state, county or private developers. He stated that his fira did developaent work for DRI's, all the work for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on the new Florida Panther Wildlife Refuge and they are f..iliar with the natural syste.. in Collier County and water aanageaent issues. He ~xplained they will evaluate the future impacts or enhanceaents of the water aanagement facilities when they are constructed. Co..issioner Goodnight noted that one person on the selection com- aittee was unable to check references because the names and telephone nuabers were incorrect. Mr. Hole responded that Scott Gilbertson was the person they could not check. He stated that Mr. Gilbertson is in charge of water resources work in Lee County and reachable through that telephone nuaber; Forest Banks will comment on that. Mr. Banks, Pres1dent of Johnson Eng1neering, stated that Scott Gilbertson is the Transportation Planning Manager for the Lee County Departaent of 'fransportation and the boss on the surface water aanagem~nt program Johnson Engineering is doing in Lee County. Me pointed out that they have worked with Stanley Mole for years and nobody is better known and aore respected in the water aanageaent area of work in Southwest Florida than he. Co..issioner Saunders asked 30hn Boldt, Director of Water Manageaent, if their presentation changed any concerns of Staff? In particular Co..is_ioner Saunders inquired about the magnitude of the project in Lee County and time requireaents, the conflicts of interest and the Transporation Services Division and Utility Div1sion's com- aents ~oncerning lateness on their projects. Mr. Boldt responded that there was no evidence of any change. ..... ..12111: 2:10 P.M. - ~UU.~ 2:20 P.M. ....' ..... 81 JO:t "-.'-"--.-"-'-'--- ~ ,,-."-- "."-".".,,.--,. MAY ". U.. A short discussion about the method of tallying the votes followed. County Manager Dorrill stated the best method is to vote nuaber 1, 2 or 3 individually to avoid a tie vote, and collectively the teaa that receives the lowest nuaber of points is selected. c-.l ~ - ro.t. 8a.ckl". 8çbah . .7erniCI8D. IQ(;. .7on Dyer, EnvIronmental ServIces Director representing Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. presented hi. qualIficatIons to the Board for consIderatIon. He emphasized that the presentation would be identical to the one given to Staff, but not as lengthy due to the time ele_nt. He indicated ~hat he lives and works in Collier County and has been a resident of Collier County for a number of years. He poInted out that all vIsuals shown are photographs specific to Collier County. He stated he is confident that his team can meet the time fraae necessary and described the members who will work on the pro- ject. He informed the Board that Steve Linhart has 14 years of storm- water aanageaent and facIlIty planning experience; and Hector Seer Is in charge of the regulatory policy and ordinance issues and will draft the ordinances should the County decide to go into a stormwater uti- lity operation. He noted that Bill Circe, the Executive Vice Pres1dent and ChIef Operating OffIcer of Post, Buckley was also pre- sent. Hector Seer, President of Water Resources Associates, stated his co..it..nt in the State of Florida started in the 1980's and extended to work in Pinellas Park, Tampa and Fort Myers. Me indicated that in setting up the drainage division and stormwater management program for the City of Tampa, he worked closely wIth 30hn Scheer. He discussed the hydrologic cycle (rainfall running off the land and evaporating back Into the atmo~phere) as opposed to John Scheer's Illustration of a hydrological cycle where communities suffer from continuing drainage probleas over a long period of time. He described a cycle of rainfall and thunderstorms that create floods, followed by droughts that cause apathy in the community until another flood occurs. He empha- sized that stor.water management and its financing strategy is Page!52 Jog ",",",' ,.",. --_."--",,,-, . . MAY 9, 1989 nece.sary to break that cycle. He noted that there are 3 issues of vital concern: 1) people working on this project; 2) the process eaployed, and 3) the product provided. He discussed the financial analysis process and the resulting financial products. Me noted his background included 5 years as Drainage Utility Manager for the City of Bellevue in Washington, setting up stormwater programs until he started his own fira, because he preferred developmental work. He eaphasized that he only sets up stormwater programs and financing. He stated that he will develop a financing and prograa strategy tailored to Collier County. He pointed out the functional requirements include adainistrative planning and engineering in terms of design; regulation and enforcement, day-to-day mainten~~ce and operations, and aost iaportantly, capital improvements. He explained a funding stra- tegy will then be iapleaented to suit Collier County's needs. He stated that a range of funding mechanisms will be evaluated such as a storawater utility, construction fees, impact fees, and other aethods. He indicated the process of recommendations, review and approval will then give you the opportunity to aaJce a decision. ('f8p8 ft - Jlllrtial -.l~lcm) Steve Linhart apprised the Board that he will be responsible for the storawater engineering and aanageaent aspects giving requirements necessary for constI'Uction, replaceaent, operation and maintenance of the progr.. developaent. Me noted that Collier County is unique because, although large in size, most of the population is centered around the Kaples urban area, and the unincorporated area is developing towards Golden Gate, Marco, and Immokalee. Me spoke about the Growth Manageaent Plan in relation to level of service issues that aust be addressed. He emphasized that different standards exist for developed and undeveloped areas, depending on land uses and existing problems. He noted that all the basins of the study area aust be mapped in order to provide newer and bigger facilities and replacement of some inade- quate facilities. He noted iaaediate access both on the area displayed on the map and the per~itting center can be provided by j-o4 Page ð3 .._"_."._",","-,, MAY 9, 1989 overlaying the inforaation on the existing GIS syste.. He explained the basins in unincorporated areas have unique characteristics and the flow aust be controlled because of aangroves, water quality and out- falls. Be concluded that no general approach can be used and ana- lyzing these basins will require development of appropriate stor. water engineering criteria, standards and procedures controlling growth both now and in the future. He reported that their analysis of areas displayed on the chart, indicate the time period criteria can be _to hpI .. ( p8rt tal 8al ~ Ion) Bector Seer suaaarized by e.phasizing the enthusias. and expertise this teaa would bring to Collier County. He set forth parallels bet- ween reaponsibility for allocation of resources, their staff, their streaalined organization, commitaent, expertise in stormwater and finance programs and coapletion of this schedule in 4 aonths with a custoaized and personalized project. He recounted their experience in Collier County and their commit.ent to provide a good, solid progr- that will aeet its needs. co..issioner Hasse questioned where are Post & Buckley? Mr. Seer replied that the fir. was founded 30 years ago, they are the second generation of ownership. The Post Buckley staff members approached the podiua in response to questions froa the Board of county Commissioners. In response to Commissioner Hasse's question concerning work done in the Collier County area, they responded th.t they have a current 1nvolve.ent in the Pelican Bay operation for a wayte treaaent plant, they were involved in construction of the expansion of 1-1&, they have a field office in Golden Gate and in the early 1980's they were involved in a wastewater treataent plan of raw water for Collier County. In response to Commissioner Hasse's question about the time schedule, they responded that would not be a problem and they had enough staff to Beet the deadline and no other comaitaent would coapro.ise this project. In response to Commissioner Hasse question / Page ð. }O~ ---,,---_. -. . -.--..----- -,- ø..' --,------'--"-' -",~,_.,-, MAY 9, 1989 abou~ environaental considerations, they notðd Steve Linhart's exper- ti... In re.ponse to Commissioner Saunders' inquiry about funding alternative.; Post Buckley responded that this could be acco.plished by integrating a design rate structure with .onthly service charges: by ...e.._nts, or .odifications of rate structures, or by surcharges and ditferential rates. Coaai.sioner Saunders stated that a strong feeling in the co.- aanity exists that people do not want to pay for infrastructure needed by new residents. He indicated new residents should pay their fair .hare and a .iaple fee will not fill the bill. Post Buckley responded that this is precisely why a custo.ized, personalized plan is nece.sary. Co..is.ioner Saunders asked how they would accomplish that? Post Buckley explained that new facilities could be paid for by future residents by deter.ining how 8Uch additional revenue would be required. They said that this could be acco.plished by potential ..ses...nts, and charges for current and future residents. Co..issioner Saunders inquired 1f Post Buckley had any objection to working 1'ith the County Attorney's Office on the drafting of ordi- nances? Post Buckley responded that they would be very comfortable with that and noted that the use of staff will keep the cost down. Co..issioner Shanahan asked how Post Buckley as a single team com- pares against the other fir.. who use a aulti-co.pany approach? Post Buckley responded that a streamlined .anagement approach with team experti.e is the answer. Co..issioner Saunders commented that although ti.e was of the e..ence, quality is .ore of a concern than timing. Post Buckle", assured the Board of County Commissioners they could do the job well in. aonths, but 6 .~nths would give them more opportunity to inter- face with Collier County's Staff. They noted that this would also eli.inate stress caused by fast tracking. Commissioner Saunders pointed out that perhaps Staff needs to rethink the time schedule as it i. iaportant to Bake sure the project is done correctly. Co..i.sioner Shanahan and Commissioner Hasse concurred. Post Buckley Page &ð )O(¡ --".,-----' .,.'.'-- MAY 9, 1989 explained that they prefer a fast track position, but emphasized that a cost effective quality product is their goal. ... County Manager Dorrill noted no ballots were provided and asked each Co..issioner to use a sheet of paper. Commissioner Saunders explained that #1 is first ranked, 1:2 second ranked, etc. and the the tire selected will have the lowest number of points. Commissioner Saunders requested a short discussion period. He indicated comfort level with each firm was important and that could be a~hieved by presentations before the Board of County Commissioners. He stated he agrees with Staff's recommendation of Post, Buckley, Schuh & 3ernigan for two reasons: 1) Mr. Seer's national experience with funding and economics and 2) no potential exists for conflict ot interest. He pointed out the County Attorney's Office is capable of preparing ordinances, and conf Uct of interest is a major concern to hi. because of the public's perception that planning functions are pertor.ed by firms representing individual developers. County Manager Dorrill stated that each of the Commissioners must ini tial their selection and give them to Water Management Director Boldt. Mr. Boldt announced all the Commissioners were in agreement, Post Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan was #1, Hole Montes was 1:2 and #3 Law Environmental. County Manager Dorrill indicated the County will enter into nego- tiations with Post Buckley, Schuh & 3ernigan and bring the contract back to the Board of County Commissioners for execution. Commissioner Saunders declared the record should reflect that the Board of County Commissioners' agrees with Water Management Staff's reco..endation. ... Page ð6 Jo1 .._---,,--"" ,.",.,."""."""-' ---- --." MAY 9, 1989 There being no further busines8 for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Ti.e: 3:15 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZOJfIJfG APPEALS lEX OFFICIO GOVERNIJfG BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UJfDER ITS CONTROL CHAIRMAN ATTES¡: \h,~ni; , .7~ C.' GILE#/ )!LERK ; '~ <~ ~,r :',,",~-27~~£}C //:~se ai~t~ approved by the Board on ;;J::??7 ..3~ /Yel)? '/,f'~ as present.a',\' or as corrected. Page 51 /toi --,,- . ----""'-""'" ,.,-'"