BCC Minutes 07/25/1989 R Naples, Florida, July 25, ~989 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the Governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in R~GULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: VICE-CHAIRMAN: ABSENT: Burr L. Saunders Max A. Hasse, Jr. Richard S. Shanahan Mlchael J. Volpe Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; 3ohn ¥onkosky, Finance Director; Maureen Kenyon, Ellie Hoffman, and Annaliese Kraft, Deputy Clerks; Neil Dorrlll, County Manager; Brian MacKenzie, Assistant tc the County Manager; Tom 0]lJff, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Leo Ochs, Adminlstrative Services Administrator; Kevin O'Donne]l, Public Services Administrator; George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Frank Brutt, Community Development Administrator; 3ames Reardon, Emergency Services Administrator; Mike Arnold, Utilities Administrator; William Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator; Ron Ntno, Ray Bellows, Ron Lee, and Sam Saadeh, Planners; 3ames Butch, Environmental Specialist; William Laverty, Gr{)wth Management Planner; Nancv Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Tom Storrar, Sheriff's Office. Page JULY 25, 1989 Tape Item AGE~DA - APPROVED..WI~H CHANGES Co~isstoner Shanahan moved, seconded by Commissioner Raeee mhd carried 4/0, that the agenda be approved with the fol3owtng changes: 1. Item 5A service award for William Hudepohl - continued to August 1, 1989. 2. Item 8A Reconsiderat]on of Petition PDA-89-3 - continued ts August 15, 1989. 3. Item 14E6 moved to Item 9E2 re reclassifying and retitling a vacant budgeted position in the Administrative Services Dlvlsion. (Commissioner Saunders) 4. Item 14E8 moved to Item 9E3 re establishing two new pay plan titles. (Commissioner Saunders) 5. Item 14A4 re recording of final plat for Crown Polnte East. Moved to 9A3. (County Attorney Cuyler) 6. Item 10A re Agreement with Imperial Plaza Associates to be heard at ]1:30 A.M. Item ,4 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF JULY 6f 1989 - AppRgvED AS Commissioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Volpe and carrIed 4/0, that the mlnute~ of the Special Meeting of July 6, 1989, be approved as presented. Item ,~A __R~/~PLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS - PRESENTED Commissioner Saunders presented the fo?.lowlng employees with ser- vlce awards and pins for their years of service: William Kysar, Compliance Services - 5 years Maralyn Babcock, Main Library - 15 years Harvey Seibert, Road & Bridge - 5 years William Hudepohl, Road & Bridge - 10 years - Continued to 8/1/89 Item PP-~SENTATION OF C~KCK IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,330 BY WASTE MANAGgI(gNT CORPORATION FOR THE RECYCLING PROGRAM AND PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING W~EK OF JULY 30 AS RBCYCLING APPRECIATION WEEK. STAFF AND WASTE M3kNAGKMENT TO REPORT BACK TO THE BCC WITH REGARDS TO COntINUING AND EXPANDING THE PILOT RECYCLIHG PROGRAM Mr. Klm Egelseer, representin~ Waste Management, stated that the pilot recyclin~ program has been in effect since May 1, 1989, noting! ti~at the program has been very successful. He stated that the Page 2 JULY 25, 1989 s~t-out rate for the bins that have been delivered is about 60% with participation estimated at about 75%. He stated that in two months, 221,660 pounds of newsprint equates to almost 2,000 trees being saved by recycling the paper. He indicated that they have collected approximately 15,000 pounds of clear glass and 5,833 pounds of alumi- num cans which amounts to a total of 12] tons of material. He stated that with regards to the 121 tons of material that was collected, it was promised that this revenue would be turned over to the County and mt this point, presented the Board with a check for $4,330, which is for the newsprint and the aluminum, add]ng that the glass is still bein~ accumulated. Commissioner Saunders stated that the arrangement that the County had with Waste Management in reference to this pilot recycling program was that funds generated from the initial program would be used by the County for park improvements or some type of facility that would serve the people of the community. He thanked Waste Management for the check. Commissioner Saunders stated that the program has been very suc- cessful and it ts an indication that recycling has come for Collier County and the citizens are willing to support it. He stated that he would like to see this program expanded to include more households and recycling of office paper. He stated that Collier County Government Complex could be one of the first places to start. He noted that the County Manager and Mr. Egelseer cculd discuss this matter to determine how this could occur. He indicated that with regards to long-term, he would like to see this program expanded to a county-wide program. He noted that in the future, there should be consideration with regard~ to a recycling facility. Commissioner Shanahan stated that he agrees with Commissioner Saunders and something must be done before the program ends. Commissioner Saunders stated that it may be appropriate to have the County Manager meet with Waste Management and at least talk about Page 3 JULY 25, 1989 how the current prcgram can be continued and what should be done to expand it to make tt a permanent program. Commissioner Hasse stated that he agrees with Commissioner Saunders and this program should be expanded. Commissioner Saunders stated that In addition to the check, the County also saved about $2,000 in tipping fees at the landfill. Commissioner Volpe questioned if there was any conclusion reached with regards to the three-bin system versus the one-bin system, to which Mr. Egelseer ~tated that he has found the one bin system suc- cessful from an operating standpoint. He noted that it has been a clean operation and efficient and he would suggest that the single-bin system be continued. Co'%.missioner Volpe questioned if he would provide the Board with h!s analysis and conclusion regarding the type of program that should be pursued, to which Mr. Egelseer replied affirmatively. Commissioner Saunders stated that it would be appropriate for the County Manager to talk with Mr. Egelseer regarding expanding and con- tinuing the recyc]trlg pr.~gram. He indicated that he would like a report back on this matter. This was the general consensus. County Manager Dorrill stated that the employees are interested in this p~ogram and would be willing to collect computer paper and alu~i- hum cans from the vending machine. Mr. Egelseer p~esented a p¥oc]amatJon to the Commissioners designating the week of July 31, 1989, as Recycling Appreciation Week and also presented pairs of gloves and an invitation to the Commissioners for a hands-on experience in the curbside recycling program during the same week. He noted that the proclamation and invitation were prin~ed on recycled paper. Item ~6B1 PETITION Z0-89-14, GROWTH PLANNING DEPARTMENT, REQUESTING AN AMeNDmeNT TO COLLIER COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE 82-2, REGARDING ON-SITE TRAFFIC FLOW AND VEHICLE PARKING NEEDS - CONTINUED TO AUGUST 15, 1989 Legal notice hav.ing been published in the Naples Dally News on July 6, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Page 4 JULY 25, 1989 Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition ZO-89-14 filed by the Growth Planning Department, requesting an amendment to County Zonin~ Ordinance 82-2, Section 7.18 C.8., required internal park street system for mobile home rental parks; Section 7.19 c.9., required internal park street system for travel trailer recreational vehicle park campgrounds; Section 8.6, buildings to have access; and Section 8.12 D.3, off street parking: Location. Planner Lee stated that this item is designed to implement the Growth Management Plan which was adopted tn 3anua~y, 1989. He stated that the [,and Development Regulations are mandated by the Growth Planning Act of 1985 and the policies outlined in the Growth Management Plan. He stated that the purpose of his presentation is to review the proposed amendments to the ZoninG Ordinance and the Sub- dtv~st~3n Regulations to ensure safe and convenient c:.-slte traffic flow and vehicle parking as required by Policy 3.If of the Future Land Use Element. He stated that the policy requires that safe convenient on-site traffic flow and vehicle parking needs be met through strict enforcement of the zoninG ordinance and development of detail site planning and design standards including the following; access require- ments from roadways, lighting, surfacing materials, locatiunal requirements relative to the parcel they serve, and landscapinG and buffering crite~ia. He indicated that the development standards outlined in the backup material meet the requirements of the policy, however, minor amendments have been proposed which are ~n the backup material. He indicated that the existing zoning ordinance meets the requirements of the po]icy and the Future Land Use Element and the amendments are minor in nature. He stated that Staff is recommending that this petition be approved. Commissioner Saunders stated that with regards to Page 2, Sect~:n 4, which is an amendment to Section 8.12 d.3, off street parking' stated that it Indicates that the parking must be on a lot or parce! in the same ownership and with the same zoning as the parcel on which Page 5 JULY 25, 1989 the principal structure Is located. He stated that a petition was recently approved for Catholic Social Services in Golden Gate and the parkinG was on a lot that does not have the same zoninG classification as the principal structure and questioned if this would apply to that structure or would it be Grandfathered in as the Board already approved it? County Attorney Cuyler stated that the Board could state that this ordinance will apply to the future and not be retroactive to prior approvals. Commissioner Volpe questioned if this section helps to clarify such matters a:3 Commisslo~er Saunders was discussing, to which Planner Lee replied affirmatively. Community Development Administrator Brutt stated that last week he was qu-3tionlng If the Board was looking at a decision specific only to the church tn relation to that zone or was it Going to be a blanket change to the zoninG ordinance, adding that his recommendation was that the Board Give this ~,erious action. Attorney T)onald P]ckworth stated that if this action does not apply to the action that was taken last week and the Catholic Social Services are Grandfathered in, then that resolves that problem. He stated that if the same situation comes up in the future, there would be no discretion from the Board. He indicated that he does not believe that this Is the best way to handle the situation. Commissioner Saunders stated that there are churches in the com- munity that tend to be in residential areas and they are constantly acquiring property around the church in order to expand and this would prevent that from happening. County Attorney Cuyle~ stated that there are only a ~ew way9 to handle the matter: either prohibit it, allow it with conditions, allow it outright, or allow it as a provisional use. He stated that in the future, the Board may want to discuss changing this to a provisional use as opposed to a proLJbition, adding that he would suggest that this be approved at this t~me and then Staff can come back with an Page 6 JULY 25, 1989 amendment as a provisional use. Commissioner Saunders stated that he would suggest that Staff lo0k at this matter and come back with it in a week or two. G~owth Management Planner Laverty stated that what they envisioned was to bring a regulation before the BCC that would meet the specific language in the Plan, noting that if there lsa problem with the pro- visional use aspect, the appropriate vehicle may be to do tkis after Icard Merrill has completed their work. He stated that he would like the Board to act on this today to bring the County into conformance with the August 1, 1989, deadline. He noted that there would also be a vehicle in the un/fled zoning code to make the change. County Attorney Cuyler stated ~hat if this is going to be changed to a P..~visional use, his office will have to be involved and this will take some time. Mr. Plckworth stated that if this language ]s deleted at this time, it would not be an uncontrolled situation. He noted that it could be deal~ with separately. Commissioner Volpe stated that he would suggest that this matte~ be handled after the Land Development Regulations are returned to the County, adding that he would not suggest that this language be deleted. Commissioner Saunders stated that this matter takes a fou~-fifth~ vote and there are only four Commissioners present this date, there- fore it will be denied because he cannot vote in favor of this amend-- ment the way Jt is. County Attorney Cuy]e. stated that under those circumstances, Staff would lJ~e tc see this matter continued. Go~issioner Saunde~.s moved, seconded by Comm~ssioner ~asse and carried 4/0, ~hat Petition Z0-89-14 he continued to August 15, 1989, for Staff to came back with recommendations on this matter. ORDINANCE 89-47 RE PETITION SDO-89-3, GROWTH PLANNING DEPARTMENT, ~{ AN AMeNDMeNT TO COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE 76-6 (SUBDIVISION R~GULATIONSI. ARTICLES X AND XI - ADOPTED WITH CHANGES Page 7 JULY 25, 1989 Legal notice havlnG been published tn the Naples Daily News on July 6, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication flied with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition SDO-89-3 filed by the Growth Plannlng Department. Planner Lee stated that these are minor changes with regards to Subdivision Regulations and to also implement Policy 3.1f as mandatefl by the Future Land Use EJement. Commissioner Volpe questioned why the reference to residential with regards to alley was deleted, to which Planner Lee stated that alleys in residential areas are now optional. Commissioner Volpe referred to Article X and questioned what the last few sent~nces mean, to which Planner Lee stated that this is additional language to ensure compliance with the concurrency require- ments. Attorney Ptckworth stated that on Page 3 of the ordinance where Jt state~, "Access to lots within a land development or subdivision" the words "land development or" should be eliminated because this is an amendment to the Subdivision Regulations which are applicable to sub-- divisions. He stated that he does not know what a ]and development ts, but he has a concern whether this ordinance would e~en cover lt. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he does not have a~ny problem with ~lr. Plckworth's suggestion. Knute Hartman, Engineer for Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll& Peek, Inc., stated that he has a problem with the language on Page 3 in the second paragraph, noting lhat he does not understand the meaning of some of the phrases. He referred to the second sentence, noting that this type of thing was tried in Lee County and it failed becaus~ they had a lot of access roads that did not connect to anything. Planner Nlno stated that Staff is restricting access from each and every development, adding that this is a further attempt to allow the County to look a~ sl 'uations where access is a problem and to require at the time of platting, the provision of service drives. He stated Page 8 JULY 25, 1989 that he hopes that the Board will agree with this matter. Commissioner Volpe stated that .it ts belnG considered mandatory instead of discretionary and lie would think that there should be flexibility there. Planner Nlno stated that he does not have a problem with allowing this item to be discretionary. Commissioner Saunders stated that the word "shall" should be changed to ~'may be provided after review". Mr. Hartman referred to the third sentence in that same paragraph and qu~stlone¢! the meaning, to which Planner Nino stated that Staff is concerned that major access points to developments not be located closer than 330 feet from the intersection. He noted that this is no~ an unusual requirement. He noted that the 660 foot spacing ~s currently in the Subdiv~sion Regulations with respect to the tntercon- nectlon of collector roads or major arterial roads. He stated that he feels that it is appropriate for driveways as well. Commiss]on~r Saunders stat{~d that it would make more sense If there was a period after "right-of-way lines" and then capitalize "Intermittent". Planner Nlno stated that Staff is optinG for service dr~ves and there Is no intent to limit the spacing of driveways on a service drive as there ]s no reason for that. He Indicated that the access point spacings are meant for driveways that connect to an arterial road. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he agrees with Staff on th~s matter and does not have a problem with the sentence. Mr. Hartman stated that the last sentence in this paragraph contradicts the first sentence. Planner Nino stated that if the~e is a problem with the last sentence, he would encourage the Board to delete it. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald indicated that the confusion is between the location of the roadways, notin~ that in the Page 9 JULY 25, 1989 first part of this section it ts being discussed where the marginal roadways can connect to collector roadways, adding that the first con- nection can be no less than 330 feet from the intersection and all future road locations will be 660 feet. He stated that the last part of the section has to do with access to the marginal road or access from an intersecting point. He stated that these are two separate items of discussion. He stated that he would recommend that the last sentence be left In this section. County Attorney Cuyler stated that with regard to the last two sentences he would suggest that it ~hculd read; "When double frontage lots are created adjacent to a collector or arterial street and a local street, they shall front on the local street whJch shall provide access to said lot. Access to the lot shall not be provided by means of the collector or arterial street." He noted that he also Just spo[:e with Mr. MadaJewski who prepared this ordinance and he does not have a problem with the Board deleting the last sentence of this paragraph if they so choose. Coutssioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Shanahan and carried 4/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Saunders noted that there are five changes to thls ordinance, noting that on Page 3, the first line where it says "access", it shall read "access to lots withln a subdivlsion", the next paragraph, line 6, the word "shall" is changed to "may", line 11 in that same paragraph, there should be a perlod after "right-of-way lines" and then "intermittent" should be capitalized, line 17 should read "arterial street, and a local street, they shall front on the local street," line 18 after the word "Access" it should read "to the lot shall not be provided" Conlssioner Shanahan moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried 4/0, that the Ordinance as numbered and titled below adopted and entered into Ordtn~mce Book No. 36 subject to the above referenced changes: Page 10 JULY 25, 1989 ORDINANCE 89-47 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 76-6, AS AMENDED, THE "COLLIER COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS", FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY BY AMENDING ARTICLE X, REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS; AMENDING ARTICLE X SECTION 1, ACCESS TO PUBLIC ROADS; AMENDING ARTICLE X SECTION 2, ALI,EYS; AMENDING ARTICLE XI SECTICN 1, ACCESS; AMENDING ARTICLE XI SECTION 2, ALLEYS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Items #6B3, 6B&, 6B5, & 6B6 ~ROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN AMENDMENTS FOR ITEMS 6B3, 6B4, & 6B5 - ~ONTINUED TO AUG. 1t 1~89, AND ITEM 6B6 - CONTINUED TO AUG. 22, 1989 Co~alasioner Hasoe moved, seconded by Commissioner Shanahan and carried 4/0, that Items #6B3, ~6B4, and #6B5 be continued to ~.ugust 1, 1989, and Item #6B6 be continued to August 22, 1989. Item #6C1 RESOLUTION 89-177 RE P~TITION AV-88-032, HOLLAND SALLEY, REQUESTING VACATI'~ OF FIFTEEN FOOT REAR EASEMENTS ON LOTS 5-9 BLOCK A NAPLES COM~_R_CIAL CENTER - ADOPTED ' ' Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 9 and July 16, 1989, a~ evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition AV-88-032 filed by Holland Salley, requesting vacation of the fifteen foot rear easements on Lots 5-9, Block A, Naples Commercial Centex', so petitioner can build across easement. Transportation Seruices Administrator Archibald stated that the property has frontage on Linwood Avenue. He noted that this easement has never been put In use by Collier County for drainage purposes, adding that there is a possibility in the future that there may be a need for it and as a result in considering this petition, Staff has received from the property owner two replacement easements that would run along the west side of Lot 5 and the east side of Lot 9. He noted that Staff has reviewed the petition and has no objection of recom- mending approval of the proposed vacation based on the replacement ,Df those easements. He noted that all of thls property is zoned C-5 and the reason for the request is for the land owner to develop an office building adjacent to an existing warehouse building and then connect them. He noted that the appropriate "Letters of No Objection" have Page 11 JULY 25, 1989 been received and a re,slutish has been prepared and reviewed by the County Attorney's office. Commissioner Hasse stated that this area is prone to flooding and he hopes that this has been addressed, to which Transportation Services Administrator Archibald stated that the building to the north has been subject to flooding during heavy rainfall, but this develop- ment will not solve that problem. He noted that they do however, meet ail the requirements, and there are provisions for easements so thai: tile water can be directed along existing property lines to Ltnwood Avenue. Commissioner Volpe questioned why only a five foot easement ts being requested, to which Mr. Archibald stated that this will serve the Co%,nty's purpose In this location, adding that the plan for on- site retention will be adjacent to the five foot easement. He noted that the overflow wiJl use the five foot easement and if an adjacent owner wishes to use that easement, it would be available to them. He l~]dtcated that any runoff that ts directed along that existing ease- ment would have to be directed south because the outfall for that par- ttcular area is Llnwood Avenue. }{e indicated that if an adjacent property owner would develop his property to a larger degree, he would be asked to provide an easement on his side of the lot line which would also be a five foot easement. Co~iastoner Sh~ahan moved, seconded by Commissioner Hassm and carried 4/0, that the public hearing be closed. Co~misstoner Shanahan moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried 4/0, that Re-slutish 89-17~ re Petition AV-88-032, be adopted. Page 12 JULY 25, 1989 Item #6C2 ORDIN~NCl 89-48 AMENDING ORDINANCE 83-25 BY ADDING AN ADDITIONAL DKFKRRED COMPENSATION PLAN TRUST - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published In the Nap]es Dally News on July 6, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a proposed ordinance amending Ordinance 83-25 by adding an additional deferred compensation plan trust. Adminlstrative Services Administrator Ochs stated that this is a recommendation to make available a second deferred compensation program for County employees. He indicated that this wi/] cost $2~0 per year for administrative costs. Commissioner Saunders stated that this is simply another way for employees to defer compensatlon. Coutmstoner Shanahan moved, seconded by Commissioner Hmsse and carried 4/0, that the public hearing be clo=ed. Commissioner Shanahan moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse ar~4 carried 4/0, that the Ordinance as numbered and titled below be mdoDted al~d entered into Ordinance Book No. 36: ORDINANCE 89-48 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 83-25 BY ADDING THE INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION RETIREMENT CORPORATION PROGRAM AS A DEFERRED COMPENSATION PROGRAM FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Item ,6C3 I~30LUTION 89-178 RE PETITION AV-89-013, ARTHUR L. ALLEI! AS OWI~R OF LOTS 1-5 REQUESTING VACATION OF A PORTION OF THE THIRTY FOOT ROAD KNO%~NAS BONI_____TO AVENUE - ~DOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on July 9 and 3u]y 16, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition AV-89-013 filed by Arthur L. Allen as owner of Lots 1-5 requesting vacation of a portion of the thirty foot road known as Bonito Avenue so petitioner can consolidate property. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald stated that this Page !3 JULY 25, 1989 Item ts to consider a request for a vacat]on of 30 feet of the exlst~ng 60 foot right-of-way at the very south end of Isle of Cai,ri. He stated that specific location is on Bonito Avenue which ts a platted roadway as part of the Isle of Capr~ development. He not,id that the roadway is 60 feet tn width and has never been built and is only used for access to an existing single-family home on Lot 1 o.f the plat for Isle of Capri. He indicated that there are three lots in this area that are owned by the petitioner, adding that Staff has reviewed the proposal and has no objection to the vacation recogn.[zing that the roadway has no future use and that the southern segement of the roadway has already been vacated. He indlcated that the prop(~rty owner is asking to have this vacated to increase the slze of his land holdlnQ,, noting that the zoning on the property is RSF-4, which will not l;lcrease the density of that property. He ind~cated that the zoning :~est of Bonito Avenue is RMF-16 and along that property the 30 foot right-of-way would remain, so that if an alleyway ]s ever needed In the future that road right-of-way could be used for that purpose and would remain available fo~ the property owner of Lot 1. He noted that "Letters of No Objection" have been received from the pertinent ut]l~ty companies subject to a relmbursaab]e agreement and Staff has no ob3ection based upon any future use that he foresees. Co~lsstoner Shanahan moved, seconded by Co~missioner Hasse and carried 4/0, that the public hearing be closed. Co~missioner Shan~an moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried 4/0, that Resolution 89-178 re Petition AV-89-013 be adopted. Pa~e 14 JULY 25, 1989 Item #6C4 BUDOET AM~I~)M~NT RESOLUTION 89-18, 89-19, 89-20, AND 89-21 APPROVING ,AMENI)I~ENTS TO THE FISCAL YEAR 1968-89 ADOPTED BUDGET - ADOPTED Legal notice havlng been published in the Naples Daily News on July 23, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider approving amendments to the Fiscal Year 1988-89 adopted budget. Finance Director Yonkosky stated that this item deals with the manner that Chapter 129.O6 requires the BCC to amend its annual budget, adding that whenever there is an increase in total app~oprlatlons of a fund over the annual budget that was adopted by the Board at the beginning of the year, resolutions have to be adopted after an advertised public hearing. He noted that these proposed reso.l~:tlona include carry forward, transfers, and supplemental revenue that has come in, adding that this is the third quarterly budget amendment hearing. He reported that the last Executive Summary and the budget amendment tn the backup material that deals with appropriating supplemental revenues and a contribution from a prtwlte source has not been previously before the Board. He indicated tha'~ he ts requesting that the Board adopt the four budget amendment lutlons. Co~tesioner Shanmh~ moved, seconded by Commissioner Haase and caf'rind 4/0, that thz public hearing be closed. Co~iseioner Haeee moved, seconded by Co~iseloner Shmnahmn mhd c~Tried 4/0, that Budget Amendment Resolutions 89-18, 89-19, 89-20, m_~d 89-21 b~ adopted. Commissioner Volpe questioned the current status of the Old Ma~co Branch Library which is Fund 307, to which Commissioner Shanahan stated that Tax Collector Carlton is putting a branch office in one- half of the library and there is interest being expressed for the other half of the library. Page 15 JULY 25, 198!7 ORDINANCE 89-49 AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE g2-2 BY AMENDING SECTION 7.27 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT BY PROVIDING FOH HABITAT IDENTIFICATION - ADOPTED WITH CHANGES Legal notice having been published tn ~he Naples Daily News on 3uly 6, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with ~he CJerk, public hearing was opened to consider a proposed ordinance amending Collier County Ordinance 82-2, as am(:nded, the Comprehensive Zoning Regulations for the unincorporated area of Collier County bl~ amending Section 7.27, Planned Unit Development, by providing for habi- tat identification; by providing for removal ,f exotic species; by providing for a program to prevent reinvasicn of exotic species; by providing a requirement to obtain a tree removal permit prior to l~nd clear!.ng; by providing a requirement to preserve an appropriate amount of native habitat; by requiring for a protected species survey. Chief Environmental Specialist Butch stated that the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan coutains several requirements for the County to adopt Land Development Regulations and the implementation of these regulations will be necessary for the County to be in compliance with its own Comprehensive Plan and the requirements of F/or]da Statute 163.3202. He stated that his strategy is to use the language of the Comprehensive Plan wherever possible for these regulations and to use standard environmental stipulations that have been applied for some time through the development review procesc He stated that he ha~; also proposed that many of these requirements be applied to several existing ordinances so that application of these requirements can be consistent throughout the permitting procedure. He stated that the application of these regulations will give the County interim criteria for developments and developments with environmental constderatton~]. He stated that as interim criteria, these regulations are not intended to be highly specific or vastly encompassing criteria, adding that there are several policies within the Comprehensive Plan that requires Staff to return to the Board with more specific requirements for land Page 16 JULY 25, l~89 development and environmental concerns in the future. He indicated that these amendments have been unanimously approved by the CCPC on 3uly 6, 1989, with provisions for some minor changes in the amend- ments. He stated that the amendments reflect these revis~ons, ncting that the County Attorney's office has reviewed and approved each of these revisions. Commissioner Hasse questioned who provides the aerial survey that is mentioned in one of the amendments, to which Mr. Butch stated that th~ County has aerial surveys available, noting that there is a requirement for a certain scale of aerial photographs. He state,! %hat he. has recently been informed that the County does not have 1" to 200' scale for all of the County and there should be something added to limit this scale to whenever ]t]s commercially available. C¢;mmls$1oner Saunders stated that it appears that Staff is sugge~ting that a petitioner could purchase the 1" to 200' scale from the County whenever it is available, and if it is not available ~ 1" to 400" ~cale would suffice. Co~missioner Saunders stated that Section One, Page 2, Item 3, the next to the last sentence should read "Habitat identification will be consistent w~th the Florida Department of Transportation Flor~da Land Use Cover and Forms Classification System and shall be depicted on an aerial photograph having a scale on one inch equal to at least 200 feet whenever available from the County anQ if it is n¢,t available, a one inch equal to at least 400 feet wi/] suffice. Mr. Butch stated that Staff ]s asklng that these aerials be puI'chased from the County if the 1" to 200' Is available and if they are not then they can purchase the 1" to 400' from the County. Attorney Donald Pickworth stated that hJs only problem is a matter of drafting on the bottom of Page 2, where it says that a site clearing plan shall be submitted to the Development Services D~v~s]on for their revlew, noting that ]t ts better to identify a specific d~vtsion title lfke the director or whoever ]s the app~ovJng Page JULY 25, 198') authority. Commtssloner Saunders stated that In place of Development Services Division It could state Development Services Director or his designee. Mr. David Land stated that he would like to address Page 4, regarding the agricultural amendment at the top. He noted that the last sentence of the paragraph does not make any sense. He stated that Mr. Butch came up with a proposed amendment to correct matter, but he is proposing an amendment to that amendment, which woul,t read: "For any such conversion in less than ten years, the con- vetted land will be restored with native vegetation to the degree req,lired by County ordinances in effect at the time the clearing occurr.ed." Mr. Glen Simpson stated that he is a member of the agricultural commllntt¥ and he is tn favor of the proposed amendment by Mr. Land. Mr. Fran Stallings, representing the Conservancy, stated that the Conversanry does request a logical and needed clarification. Attorney George Varnadoe referred to Page 3, Section 3, Paragraph 2 under that section, noting that in tNe second line it indicates Coastal Area and on the Future Land Use Map it is identified as Coastal Management Area, noting that they should be consistent. He noted that the paragraph talks about the coastal management area which is west of U.S. 41 and the reason for the other undefined term of coastal urban area was to differentiate that from the various outlying urban areas that there are in the County like Immokalee and Everglades City. He noted that this paragraph was aimed at the greater area on the coast and not at the outlying areas. He stated that it is simply an undefined term in the Future Land Use Element. Tape #2 County Attorney Cuyler stated that this could be taken care of during the amendment process. Growth Management Planner Laverty stated that this definition ts in the general requirement section of the adoption notebook which is Page ~8 JULY 25, 3989 part of the adopted ~,lan. Commissioner Saunders stated that the paragraph tn question should refer to that notebook. Attorney Varnadoe referred to the last sentence of the paragraph at the top of Page 3, noting that this is dealing with an approved PUD and retaining any vegetation consistent with the approved PUD. He stated that verificatfon is needed to show that the County is not in a vacuum that will require the maximum amount of native vegetation possible, but in a manner consistent with the approved PUD. He stated that mfter the word possible, it should read "consistent with the approved PUD." County Attorney Cuy]er stated that he has problem with this and is not sure what is being said. Ai~orney Varnadoe stated that PUD's have land development plan~ and he f~el~ that what staff is trying to say is that when you are siting structures to the extent that there is important habitat in one area and not another, the structure should be put in a place where the important habitat can be maintained to the maximum extent possible. He stated that at some. point in time, some habitat will have to be given up in order to have the land uses pursuant to the approved PUD. County Attorney Cuyler stated that there could be an additional sentence that would say that one criteria to be used tn evaluating the extent of native vegetation to be retained shall be a consideration of the land use. Attorney Varnadoe stated that a PUD has been approved with a cer- tain amount of land uses and what is trying to be done is to balance those land uses with existinG native habitat and to retain as much as possible. He indicated that this is what he ts also trying to do. Commissioner Saunders stated that he feels that this sentence should read to the maximum extent practica/, recognizing the approved land use. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he does not have a strong objection with the sentence proposed by Commissioner Saunders. He Page JULY 25, 1989 noted that he may have to see how this works during practice, adding that sometimes these things do not work out the way they are supposed to. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Attorney Varnadoe stated that there have been problems with the EAC stipulations to a certain extent, but given time and the chance to get with Staff, they have been worked out. He stated that with regards to putting them into ali ordinance form, Staff should be a little more careful with the word~:,g. Commissioner Shanahan stated that if the word "p~stble" was chang,~d to "practical" and then the sentence proposed by County Attorney Cuyler was added, this would suffice. Attorney Varnadoe stated the change made by Commissioner Saunders is all that is needed. Commissioner Saunders stated that from a legal standpoint, County Attorney Cu¥1er does not have a problem with the word "practical" or the sentence that was added by the County Attorney and questioned if either of thuse changes would create a problem for the environmental services, to which Mr. Butch stated he does not see that they would present any problem. Commissioner Volpe stated that he would suggest that the change as presented by Commissioner Saunders and the additional sentence presented by County Attorney Cuyler be added to the aforementioned paragraph. Mr. Land stated that this same language will be coming up on August 1, in other ordl,~ances and he would suggest that Staff be directed to make tho~e changes prior to them coming to the Boar.fl. He stated that there may have to be some modifications to the Comprehensive Plan as there is unclear language in the comp plan with regards to this matter. Commissioner Shanahan moved, seconded by Commissioner Volpe ~nd carried 4/0, that the public hearing be closed. (~(, Page 20 JULY 25, 1989 Commissioner Saunders stated that he would Indicate for the record the changes that have been decided at this time: Page 2 of the ordi- nance, paragraph sub-part 3, the sentence that reads: "Habitat iden- tification will be consistent with the Florida Department of Transportation Florida Land Use cover and Forms Classification S¥Gtem and shall be depicted on an aerial photograph having a scale of one Inch {,qual to at least 200 feet". He noted that language should be added at the end of this sentence that will say: "when available from th~ County, otherwise, a scale of one inch equal to at least 400 feet is acceptable." Page 2, last paragraph, last sentence, Development Services Division should be changed to Development Services Director or his designee. Page 3, top paragraph, the word "possible" is changed to "practical" and another sentence is being added that says: One of the criteria to be evaluated by Staff shall be the approved land use. Page 3, Section 3, 2nd paragraph, the words coastal area shall be changed to coastal management area. Line 4 of that paragraph refers to coastal urban area as defined in the 1989 edition of the future land use element will be changed to as defined in the general require- ment section of the adoption notebook. Page 4 top paragraph that starts with Agricultural shall be exempt, changing the last sentence regarding conversions from that ]anguage to the language submitted by Mr. Land. Co~"teeloner Shanahan moved, seconded by Commissioner Haeee and carried 4/0, that the Ordinance as n~abered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. ~6 with the above- referenced changes: ORDINANCE 89-49 AN ORDINANCE A~ENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 82-2, AS A~ENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY BY A~ENDING SECTION 7.27, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT BY PROVIDING FOR HABITAT IDENTIFICATION; BY PROVIDING FOR RE~OVAL OF EXOTIC SPECIES; BY PROVIDING FOR A PROGRA~ TO PREVENT REINVASIO~ OF EXOTIC SPECIES; BY PROVIDING A REQUIREMENT TO OBTAIN A TREE RE~OVAL PER~IT PRIOR TO LAND CLEARING; BY PROVIDING A REqUIREmENT TO PRESERVE AN APPROPRIATE A~OUNT OF NATIVE HABITAT; BY REQUIRING A PROTECTED SPECIES SURVEY; BY PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; AND BY PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Page 21 JULY 25, 1989 "~"~ Rec/ea: 10:50 A.M. - Reconvened: 11:00 A.M. at which tt~e Deputy Clerk Hoffman replaced Deputy Clerk Kenyon Item #6C6 ORDINANCE 89-50, PETITION ZO-89-19, AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2, SECTION 9 SPECIAL R~GULATIONS - ADOPTED WI%~ CHANGES ' Legal notice having been published in the Nap]es Daily News on July 6, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance amending 9rdlnance 82-2, the Comprehensive Zoning Regulations for the Unincorporated Area of Collier County, Florida, by amending Section 9, Special Regulations, by providing for habitat Identification; by pro- riding for removal of exot lc species; by amending the requirements to) obtaim a tree removal permlt; and by requiring a protected spec/es survey. Chief Environmental Specialist Butch advised that this item has been identified as Petition Z0-89-19, noting that the proposed changes relate to Section 9.1, of the Zoning Code, "ST" zoning. He called attention to Subsection 9.1 e.2) (a)(5) Page 2, which requires that habitats and their boundaries be identified on an aerial photograph. He suggested that the following language be added after "200 feet" · .."when available from the County, otherwise, a scale of 1" equal to at least 400 feet is acceptable. Mr. Butch stated that the next change relates to Section 9.1 e.2) (a) (§), top of Page 2, and advised that the following language should be inserted: "....Developments shall identify, protect, conserve and appropriately use native vegetative communities and wildlife habitat"; and then continue with "}iabitats and their boundaries .... ,, Mr. Butch indicated that there is a proposed requirement for pro-- tected species survey as Indicated in Section Three (n), and Section Three (o) relates to the removal of exotic plants and maintenance of removal of same. Mrs. Barbara Henderson Cawley, of Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll& Peek, Inc., suggested that as a matter of consistency, changes should Page 22 JULY 25, 1989 be made to (k), "possible" replaced by "practical"; and to (o), "Community Development Services D]v]sion," replaced with "Develol;ment Services Director or his designee". CommJssioner Saunders concurred with Mrs. Cawley. There were no other speakers. Com~ssioner Shanahan moved, seconded by Commissioner Masse and caz~ried 4/0, to close the public hearing. Co~,,issioner Shana]lan loved, seconded by Co~lssioner Masse and cmrr~ 4/0, that the OrdXn~nce as n~b~ed ~d titled ~1~ be adopted ~d (tntered into Ordtn~ce Book No. 36 w~th the a~ve- ORDI~CE 89-50 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 82-2, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPCRATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, BY AMENDING SECTION 9, SPECIAL REGULATIONS, BY PROVIDING FOR HABITAT IDENTIFICATION; BY PROVIDING FOR REMOVAL OF EXOTIC SPECIES, BY AMENDING THE REQUIREMENTS TO OBTAIN A TREE REMOVAL PERMIT; BY REQUIRING A PROTECTED SPEC/EM SURVEY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILI~'y- AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ' O~IN~C~ 8~-51, P~TITIOM ZO-89-20, ~NDING ORDI~C~ 82-~, ~I~ M~CTION 13, PROVISIONAL USES - A~PT~D WI~ Legal notice having been published tn the Naples Da~ly News on July 6, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance amending Ordinance 82-2, as amended, the Comprehensive Zonlng Re~lattons for the unincorporated area of Collier County by amending Section 13, Provisional Uses, to provide for habitat identification, to removal of exotic sp{~cles and to reqtlJre a tree removal permit ~o l~d clearing. Ch~e~ Environmental Specialist Bu~ch stated that the only p~oposed change to the existing language is in Section One, the top of Page the sentence which identifies the mlnimum scale for aerial pho- tographs, by adding the following after "200 feet": "when availa~le from the County, otherwise, a scale of 1" equal to at least 400 feet Page 23 JULY 25, 1989 is acceptable." There were no speakers. ¢o~ieetoner Shanahan moved, seconded by Coau~lssioner Hesse and cmrrle~ I/O to close the public hearing. County Attorney Cuy/er mentioned that changes to the lan~age in 13.6 will also be made: "Development Services Department" will be replaced with "Development Services Director or his designee"; and In the last sentence, "possible" will be replaced w/th "practical" Cmlmmtonmr Shan~ aoved, seconded ~ Co~tsstoner Hesse xnd cmrrt~ 4/0, that the ordtn~ce as n~red ~d titled ~1~ ~ mdoDted ~d entered into 0rdln~ce Book. No. 36 with the above- referenc~ ch~ges: ORDINANCE ~9-51 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 82-2, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY BY AMENDING SECTION 13, PROVISIONAL USES, BY PROVIDING FOR HABITAT IDENTIFICATION; BY PROVIDING FOR REMOVAL OF EXOTIC SPECIES; BY PROVIDING FOR A PROGRAM TO PREVENT REINVASION OF EXOTIC SPECIES; BY PROVIDING REQUIREMENTS TO OBTAIN A TREE REMOVAL PERMIT PRIOR TO LAND CLEARING; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILIITY: AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Item ORDINANCE 89-52, AM]~NDING ORDINANCE 77-66, THE EIS ORDINANCE, SECTION FOUR ~ HQUIRIR~3 SUBMITTAL OF A HABITAT MAP ON AN AERIAL PHOTO(TRAPH - ~OI~"~D ~ C~S Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 6, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication flied with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance amending Ordinance 77-66, the EIS Ordinance; by amending Section Four; required Environmental Impact Information; by adding a requirement for the sub- mlttal of a habitat map on an aerial photograph. Chief Environmental Specialist Butch advised that the proposed amendments are similar to those of the previous ordinances requiring habitat mapping on an aerial photograph. He indicated that the only change to this ordinance Is the scale of the aerial photograph in Section Four, 3.B, add after "200 feet": "when available from the Page 2 4 JULY 25, 1989 County, otherwise, a scale of one inch equal to at least 400 feet is acceptable." There were no speakers. C~iesioner Shanahan moved, teconded by Commissioner carried 4/0, to close the public hearing. Co~lssioner Shanahan moved, seconded by Commissioner Haese carried 4/0 that the ordinance as numbered and titled below be adopted anH entered into Ordinance Book No. 36 with the above-referenced chang;et: ORDINANCE 89-52 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 77-66, THE EIS ORDINANCE; BY AMENDING SECTION FOUR: REQUIRED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT INFORMATION; BY ADDING A REQUIREMENT FOR THE SUBMITTAL OF A HABITAT MAP ON AN AFUIAL PHOTOGRAPH; BY PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Item ~6C9 ORDINANCE 89-53, AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-37, AS AMENDED, THE EXOTIC PLANT SPECIES ORDINANCE, REQUIRING TRE REMOVAL OF EXOTIC SPECIES - ADOPTED WITH CHANGES Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 7, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication flled with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance amending Ordlnanu~ 82-37, as amended, the exotlc plant species ordinance. Chief Environmental Specialist Butch stated that the amendments to this ordinance will more clearly establish a policy for the removal of exotic plants within new developments. He noted that no changes are proposed, other than that of the ~erb]age for consistency: "Development Services Division" changed to "Development Services Director or his designee." There were no speakers. C(m~iesioner Shmnahan moved, seconded by Co~missioner Haaae ~d carrie(! 4/0 to close the public hearing. Co~miseioner Shanahan moved, seconded by Co~missioner Haese and carried 4/0, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below be aHopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 36, with the above- P~ge 25 JULY 25, lt,89 ORDINANCE 89-53 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-37, AS AMENDED, THE EXOTIC PLANT SPECIES ORDINANCE, REQUIRING THE REMOVAL OF EXOTIC SPECIES AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A PLAN FOR LONG TERM CONTROL OF EXOTIC SPECIES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ite~ ORDINANCE 89-54, PETITION Z0-89-1C, A~ENDING ORDINANCE 82-2, SECTION 8.11, LOC&TIO~ I~QUIR~M~NTS FOR USES INVOLVING INTOXICATINa - ADOPTID WITH CHANGES. RESOLUTION 89-179, ESTABLISHING A F~E FOR WAIVER OF TH~ DISTANC~ REQUIREMENT - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published tn the Naples Dally News on July 6, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to cons]der an ordinance amending Ordinance 82-2, by amending Section 8.11, location requirements for uses ~,,volvtng intoxicating beverages. County Attorney Cuyler advised that the Collier County Planning Commission approved this ordinance as to form and legal sufficiency on March 2, 1989, and Staff ts also recommending approval. He call,id attention to Page 2 of the proposed ordinance relating to the minimum 500 feet distance requirement between an established school, chu=ch, public park or playground and an establishment which sells alcoholic beverages for consumption on premises. He explained that the distance is measured from the shortest distance between the lot on which The school, church, public park or playground is located and the lot of the alcoholic beverage structure unless it ts located in a shopping center, and then it is to measured from the outer wall. He Indicated that there have been a couple of situations within the County where there is consumption on the premises of an establishment that may be a restaurant that serves beer and wine with dinner, and the purpose of the amendment ts to allow the Commission to consider ~hose types of situations, and under the criteria of the ordinance, to waive ail or part of that distance requirement. He noted that this has been pre- sented to the Board previously, and there have been problems with this. He indicated that he has provided alternative language as noted in the Executive Summary, which the Commission may want to consider. Page 26 JULY 25, 17~9 Commissioner Saunders stated that he has some problems with the ordinance as presented. He referred to Page 3, which refers to "The nature and type of natural or man-made boundary, structure or other feature".... He stated that he fee]s that everything is either' a man-made or natural boundary or feature, noting that any applicant can meet this criteria. With regard to the decision to waive the minimum distance requirement, he called attention to Page 3, C 1), "may include, but not be limited to, lakes, marshes, non-developable wetlands, designated preserve areas, walls, barriers, canals, ditches and major rights-of-way." He indicated that theoretically, anyth:ing can be considered a barrier, and he suggested that this be tightened up a bet. He referred to Page 3, C 3), relating to the hour~ of operation, and noted that this does not contain a complete sentence. He indicated that Page 4, C 4), does not state what Staff should do if this is an establishment solely for the sale of alcohol beverages. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, County Attorney Cuyler stated that this is a common type of ordinance, and the basic premise ts a policy decision that the sale of alcoho] beverages not be ~n close proximity to any school, church or playground. Commissioner Hasse suggested that consideration be given to the portal-to-portal method, and specify that the type of the establish- ment that sells alcoholic beverages does so in conjunction with food, and this will eliminate the possibility of a tavern. Dr. Floyd Peterson of Lely Palms of Naples Retirement Communl1. y, stated that the proposed ordinance amendments will affect the facfltty where he resides. He stated that previously, a glass of w~ne was served with dinner, if the residents so des]red, and thez'e was a cock- tall party one afternoon per week. He indicated that it was brought 'to the attention of management last winter, that there were problems w]th the ordinance, noting that Good Shepherd Church is across th~ street from the facility. He explained that these services are pro- vtded at no charge to the residents, and requested that the Comml~;sion Page 27 JULY 25, 1989 take this situation into consideration. Mr. A1Mader, representing the Management of Lely Palms, sugge~ted that the proposed amendments include a redefinition of measurlng a facllttf from a church, or the ability to appeal, when certain situations arise, so that relief can be granted. He stated that he realizes the concerns of the things that can take place In a drinking establishment, but Lely Palms will not have a lot of "hooting and "hollering". He suggested that consideration be given to the portal- to-portal method, or the opportunity for an appeal procedure. Commissioner Saunders stated that he may go along with the portal- to-portal method if Section 8.11 C 2) contained language stating that the distance of 500' be measured from the closest door of the establishment selling alcoholic beverages to the closest door of the existing church, school, or playground. Commissioner Volpe questioned if Commissioner Saunders is suggesting that Paragraph "C" be eliminated in Its entirety7 Commissioner Saunders replied affirmatively. County Attorney Cuy]er stated that if this is the direction that the Commission wishes to take, it will need to address pub3tc parks and playgrounds, since there Is no portal for a park or playground. He advised that the Commission needs to realize that the establishment selling alcoholic beverages wi]] be able to locate closer to the church or school, depending where the church is located on the pro- perty. Commissioner Saunders stated that If the establishment places a fence on that property it becomes a man-made barrier, and application can be made for a waiver, and there is no standard by which the Commission can reject the ~aiver. Commissioner Volpe indicated that he concurs with Commissioner Saunders' concern regarding the placement of a barrier to avoid the 500' distance requirement, and suggested expansion of the language so that the nature and type of the ~nan-made boundary could be considered. Page 28 JULY 25, 198'] Commissioner Saunders referred to Page 3, 1], and suggested that "walls, barriers and ditches" be deleted. County Attorney Cuyler suggested that additional language be added to the end of the first sentence after "playground": "which ts deter- mined by the Board of Zoning Appeals to lessen the need for the total 500' distance requirement". He noted that the remainder of the paragraph would remain as is, except for the deletion of "walls, barriers and ditches" as suggested by Commissioner Saunders. County Attorney Cuyler read into the record the correct language for Page 3, C 3): "The hours of operation and the norse and light which could potentially be generated from the premises selling alcoho- lic beverages". There were no other speakers. Commissioner Shanahan moved, seconded by Colisetoner Hesse Lnd carried 4/0 that the ordinance as ntumbered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 36 with the above referenced changes: ORDINANCE 89-54 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 82-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, BY AMENDING SECTION 8.11, LOCATION REQUIREMENTS FOR USES INVOLVING INTOXICATING BEVERAGES, TO SET FORTH THE PROCEDURE AND CRITERIA FOR WAIVER OF PART OR ALL OF THE MINIMUM DISTANCE REQUIREMENT BETWEEN AN ESTABLISBMENT ENGAGING IN THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES FOR CONSUMPTION ON PREMISES AND AN ESTABLISHED CHURCH, SCHOOL, PUBLIC PARK OR PLAYGROUND; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. County Attorney Cuy]er explained that a resolution is required to amend Appendix A, Schedule of Fees of Ordinance 82-2, by adding a fee in the amount of $250 for the waiver of part or al/ of the m~n~mum distance requirement between an establishment engaging in the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on premises and an established church, school, public park or playground. Co~a~oner Shanahan moved, seconded by Com~iss~oner Hesse, tha~ the ]Fubl~¢ hearing be closed. Co~miaa~oner Shanahan moved, seconded by Co~m~ssioner Saunders and ~cge 29 Page 30 JULY 25, 19~,9 Item ,IOA A(~MER~ WIT~ IMI~ERIAL SQUARE LIMITED, (AS DEVELOPER) W1{EREIN D~I~LOPE~ A~$UM~$ RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE ROADWAY IMPROVeMenTS AS R~UIR~D IN IMI~gRIAL W~$T PUD - APPROVED AS AMENDED County Attorney Cuyler advised that this is a recommendation that the Commission consider an agreement with Imperial Square Limited (Developers} wherein the Developer assumes certain responsibility to provide certain roadway i.~provements required under their previous rezone, site development plan and Collier County Ordinance 82-2 for commercial development off of U.S. 41. He stated that this is the first developer with a portion of a larger rezoned area, and there are certain commitments which apply to the prior rezoned area. county Attorney Cuyler explained that the purpose of thls agreement is to ensure that there is compliance with the commitments. He noted that the stipulations are as follows: 1. The Developer is required to provide the four-lanlng of Imperial Golf Course Boulevard from U.S. 41 to 500' east, and the tapering of the four-lantng to the two-lantng of the existing roadway. 2. The Developer is required to construct deceleration lane~ on U.S. 41 and to provide right and left hand turn lanes from U.S. 41 to Imperial Golf Course Boulevard. 3. The Developer is required to pay for the purchase and installation of a traffic signal at U.S. 41 and Imperial Golf Course Boulevard. 4. The Developer will submit a Letter of Credit or a perfor~.ance bond within ten days of the execution of the Agreement to ensure completion of ail the facilities. County Attorney Cuyler indicated that another provision of the Agreement which is rather unusual states that the County agrees that any other site dewelopment plans that come in for the larger parcel, which are similar to thoFe of this developer, will be subject to these commitments, and will be required to pay a fair share contribution. County Attorney Cuyler advised that one additional sentence should be added to the end of Paragraph 6~ "Nothing in this paragraph is intended or shall be construed to preclude the developer from seeking or obtaining a fair share contribution from subsequent developers within the area described in Exhibit "A" who have not contributed to Page 31 JULY 25, 1989 the cost of the improvements described in this Agreement." He explained that he advised the developer that the County can control up to the time that the improvements are made, but once the tmprovem~nts are made and the commitments are fulfilled, there may be cther dex,elo- pets that will come into that area, and it is not the County's responsibility to be a collection agency. Mr. Dwight Richardson, representing Imperial Estates HomeowneFs Association, stated that his association has reviewed the Agreement and find that it is in conformance with the stipulations contained in the rezone petition, which established the strip commercial zone and the applicable conditions from Imperial West PUD Ordinance 82-20. With regard to the four-laning issue, Mr. Richardson stated tkat he understands that the granting of the Certificate of Occupancy for Imperial Plaza is contingent upon the comp/etJon of the four-lantr,g to the County's satisfaction. He indicated that the four-lantng involves a change tn the access to U.S. 41, therefore, the approval of Flol'tda DOT will also be required, and he would like to see this spelled ()ut. Mr. Richardson stated that the intersection of U.S. 41 and Imperial Golf Course Boulevard should be designed to accommodate traf- fic and turning movements with or without a traffic signal. He noted that DOT ts the controlling agency for approving the design of the intersection, and a median opening on U.S. 41 to facilitate the radius of the safe turn movements. He explained that presently, the median cut is 40', and will need to be widened to 1OO' to accommodate The revised intersection. He suggested that the County broaden the language tn the Agreement to tie down the responsibility of that :inter- section to include all DOT requirements. With regar.i to the traffic signal, he noted that the Agreement talks about one physical signal, and he suggested that the wording of the Agreement be revised to leave open the posslb~lity of more than one signal. He stated that he feels that the County should consider a plan to "phase in" the signal, but install the light before the season approaches and partially activate Page 32 JULY 25, 1989 the light w/th a "yellow blinker" for U.S. 41 traffic, and a "red blinker" for Imperial Golf Course Boulevard traffic. County Attorney Cuyler advised that he had an opportunity to speak with Mr. Richardson when he picked up a copy of the Agreement, and he discussed with him the design of the intersection. He explained that it will be necessary for someone to design and reconstruct the inter- section, but noted that he does have e problem with putting this is the Agreement, since he is not certain that this can be enforced against the developer. With regard to the changes of the access to U.S. 41, he stated that if FDOT does not approve thls access, the site development plan will have to be changed and re-reviewed. Me advised that with regard to the approval of the intersection improvements, prior to the issuance of a "CO", he does not believe that this can be required. He noted that FDOT can hold the developer up for their own reasons. Commissioner Vo]pe stated that from what County Attorney Cuyler has reported, in order for the developer to obtain the necessary access to U.S. 41, he must comply with the requirements of FDOT. He noted that it appears that the developer has been quite cooperati~;e in terms of trying to address the concerns of the people in the Imperial area, and indicated that it Js important to Get the commitments writing. Commissioner Shanahan questioned how County Attorney Cuyler feels about changing the requirement of a singular traffic light to plural7 County Attorney Cuy/er stated that in the event a two-light system is needed, he believes that the developer will agree to this, and will amend the language of the Agreement to indicate same. County Attorney Cuyler noted that changes to the Agreement include: the sentence he read earlier; and, language regarding an additional traffic signal, if needed. Co'~"~ss~oner Volpe moved, seconded by Comm~satoner Shanahan, ~d carrJ~ 4/0 to &pi)rove the Agreement, as amended. Page 33 JULY 25, 1989 Commissioner Volpe saggested that Staff invest]gate, as requested by Mr. Richardson, the ]~np]ementatlon of "phasing tn" the traffic signal. Page 34 JULY 25. 1959 Tap~ #~ Item~Cll ORDIIIIC! 1)-55, IMIMDING ORDINANCE 81-42 SECTION 38, TO INCLUDE ~KN][S AND [STABLISH AND REQUIRE AN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAX OF $100 FOR I~CH CENTRAL OFFICE AND BRANCH OFFICE - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published tn the Naples Daily News on July 6, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance amending Collier County Ordinance 81-42 by amending Section 38 to Include banks and establish and require an Occupational License Tax of $100 for each central office and each branch office. County Attorney Cu¥1er advised ~hat Ordinance 81-~.2 does not include a fee for all financial Institutions, noting that banks are not tl,~/uded. There were no speakers. Comlaatoner Shana/lan moved, seconded by Comtsstoner Hasse and c~.rrted i/O that the ordinance as numbered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 36: ORDINANCE 89-55 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE 81-42 BY AMENDING SECTION 38 TO INCLUDE BANKS AND ESTABLISH AND REQUIRE AN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAX OF $100.00 FOR EACH CENTRAL OFFICE ANE EACH BRANCH OFFICE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FEES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Item ,?Al R~SOLUTION e9-180, PETITION V-89-?, JOHN JASSY OF MOON LAK~ DEVELOPMENT 6~)MPANY REQUESTING A TWO FOOT VARIANCE FOR AN 8 FOOT WALL, FOR FROI~ERTY LOCATED AT MOON LAKE UNIT 1, BLOCK B, LOTS 19-31 - ADOPTED WITH STIPULATIONS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on July 14, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication flied with 'the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-89-7, filed by John Jassy, Vice President of Moon Lake Development Co. of Naples, Inc., requesting a two foot (2.0') variance from the maximum height of a wall tn a residential district of slx feet (6.0') to eight feet (8.0') tn a Planned [Inlt Development (PUD) zone, for property described as Moon Lake Unit 2, Block B, Lots 19-31, Collier County, Page 35 JULY 25, 1989 Florida. Planner Bellows advised that surrounding properties are zoned MHSD, and multi-family communities. He advised that tf this request ts approved, there will be an 8 foot fence from Lot 19 through Lot 31, noting that there is currently an 8 foot fence from Lots 19 through 26. Commissioner Saunders asked if the 8 foot fence on Lots 19-26 there legally? Mr. Bellows stated that the 8 foot fence is in viola- tton, which has resulted in this request. Mr. 3ohn 3ags¥ of Moon Lake De%'elopment, stated that initially, a permit was pulled for a 6' fence, aI~d then 2' of decorative lattice was placed above it. He noted that his partner was advised that a variance was not needed at that point, since this was a decorative addition to the fence. He explained that since that time, the County advised that an application for a variance was required, and at this point, his company complied with same and further requested that the fence be extended to ~eparate their single-family, low-density project from the mobile home park. Commissioner Saunders stated that Staff is generally very stringent on requests for variances, but noted that in this particular situation, a land or structure related hardship has been determined, and Staff is recommend]n9 approval. Mr. Bellows advised that after several visits to the site, and the close proximity of the two projects abutting one another, Staff felt that the 2' addition Is reasonable. He noted that no correspondence, either for or against this petition }las been received. He Indicated that several residents from the mobile home park appeared at the CCPC meeting, and expressed concerns relating to the lattice work. He advised that those concerns have been addressed in the stipulations, to ensure that the lattice work is structurally sound, and that after the fence is completed, an inspection will be conducted by the County. There were no other speakers. Page JULY 25, 1989 Co~mtsston,,r Shanahan moved, seconded by Commissioner Volpe and carried 4/0 t~t the ~bllc hemming ~ closed. Co~Assloner Shan~ moved, seconded ~ Co~/sstoner Sanders ~d c~ri~ 4/0, to appr~e Petition V-89-7, ~b3ect to the reco~ndatton of the CC~ ~d Staff's Stt~latlons, thereby, adopting Resolution 89-180. Page 37 JULY 25, 1989 RESOLUTION 89-181, AMKNDING RESOLUTION 89-131, TO CORRECT SCRIVENER'S ERROR TO RHFLECT CORRKCT LEGAL DESCRIPTION TO ELININATE LOTS 17 AND 18 - ADOPTED Commissioner Saunders stated that the proposed resolution will correct a scrtvener's error as reflected tn Resolution 89-131. Cosmteeloner Sh~nahma moved, eeconded by Coutsstoner Halle carried 4/0, to ~nd Resolution 89-131 to correct the ecrivener's error, ~nd that Resolution 89-181 be adopted. Page 38 JULY 25, 1989 R~$OLUTIOR 09-182. PETITION PU-89.-5, JOHN HOBART, REPRESEIrrING RADIO (PALMER COI~)I~ICATION, INC.) RKQ~STING A PROVISION~ USE ~ A-2 ZONING DIS~ICT FOR FOUR CO~ICATION TO. RS FOR PROPER~f LOCA~D ONE MILE SO~H OF C.R. 846 AND O~ MILE EAST OF C.R. 951 - ~ED~ SUB~ TO THE PETITIO~R'S AGREE~ AS ~E~ED Planner Saadeh advised that this item is a request to obtain Provisional Use of the A-2 Zoning D~str~ct to construct four com- munication towers with a maxlmum helght of 197 feet each. He indi- cated that 8urroundlng lands are zoned A-2 and are sparsely populated and consist mainly of tracts of 5 acres or larger. He noted that the closest residences to the subject property are approximately 1,100 feet to the west and south; 1,800 feet to the north and more than 2,500 3eet to the east. He advised that the primary reason for the towers t~ to 1mprove service capablllttes to the publlc. Mr. Saadeh stated that two letters of objection have been received. He lndlcated that one public comment agalnst this petition was made at the CCPC meeting frc, m a neighbor south of thls proper~y, noting that he has been advised that this person's house ~s mately 900 feet away, but it did not appear on the o~'~gtnal aerial. He advised that the CCPC is forward~n~ thJs petition to the Board of County Commissioners w~th a unanimous recommendat]on of approval, sub- Ject to Staff's stipulations. He noted that two additional sttpula- tlons have been added to the Petitioner's Agreement Sheet, as requested by the Fire Department, and the petitioner concurs with same: a. The proposed road to be constructed needs to be wide enough for fire and rescue vehicles to travel on, is to be constructed of a hard surface in order to support the vehicles, and finally, the road needs to ke maintained. b. Due to the remoteness and the building being unmanned, it is recommended that some type of automatic fire detection system and/or a suppression system be installed. Also, the buildlng will need a portable extinguisher mounted on the wall by the door even if an automatlc fire detection system and/or a suppression system is installed. Commissioner Volpe stated that he has reviewed the backup relating to this Item, but he feels that this proposal is inconsistent with the Page 39 JULY 25, 1989 newly adopted Comp Plan. Planner N/no indicated that Staff feels that this request is con- sistent with the Comp Plan. Co~smteeti;rier Shanmh~n moved, seconded b~ Co~=l~ion=r H&ese mhd carried 3/1 (C~tssioner Vol~ opposed), to approve Petition PU-89-5, ~d t~t Resolution 89-182 be adopted, ~bJect to the Petitioner's A~nt S~et, as ~ended. Page 40 JULY 25, 1989 Item ,7B3 ~SOLUTION 89-183, PU-89-6, OEO}tOE H. MELLEN OF WILLIAM C. MCANLY AND ASSOCIATES REPRESENTING CRYSTAL LAKE JOINT VENTURE REQUESTING A PROVISIONAL USE B.10.B FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT AND A POTABLE WATER PLANT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON~-HALF MILE SOUTH OF IMMOKALEE ROAD AND ONE-HALF MILE EAST OF COUNTY ROAD 951 - ADOI~rKD, SUBJECT TO THE PETITIOneR'S AGREEMENT Planner Saadeh stated that the petitioner is requesting a Provisional Use to locate a wastewater treatment plant and a potable water supply on the subject property which consists of nine acres. He advised that lands to the north, east and west are zoned A-2 and are undeveloped; lands to the south are zoned PUD, (Crystal Lake R.V. Resort). Mr. Saadeh indicated that one letter of objection has been received from Mr. Henry Monroe, stating that he is not in favor of the proposed use. He stated that the CCPC has reviewed this Petition, and recommend approval, subject to Staff's stipulations, as contained in the Agreement Sheet. Co~iss~oner Shanahan ~oved, seconded by Commiss~oner Hasse and cmrried 4/0, to approve Pgtition PU-89-6, thereby adopting Reeolution 89-183, subject to the Petitioner's Agreement Sheet. Page 41 JULY 25, 1989 Item ~9A1 I~ESOLUTION 89-184, AMENDING RESOLUTION 88-125, TO CORRECT SCRIV~qQ]~R'S ERROlt ~ ~ CO~ T~SHIP ~OM T~SHIP 46 SO~H TO T~SHIP 47 80~ - ~D Commissioner Saunders advised that the purpose of this resolution is to amend Resolution 88-125, to correct a scr~vener's error. Co.~ieeioner Shanahan moved, eeconded by Commieeioner Haeae and carried 4/0, that Reeolution 89-184 be adopted. Page 42 JULY 25, 1989 Zte~ #9A2 DOCUMKNTS TO ACCEPT AND RECONVEY LANDS, REVISING A PREVIOUS TRAWSACTIO~ FOR THE LELY BAREFOOT BEACH DEVELOPI~FgNT - APPROVED SUBJECT TO LAND SURVEY ' County Manager Dorrlll stated that Lely Barefoot Beach was pre- viously required to convey lands to the State. He explained that the State's requirements were very awRward, cumbersome, tlmely and costly on the part of the Developer, and that he petitioned the County to convey certain lands to the County, all of which are mangroves. He indicated that there are buffer areas which were not intended to be a part of the original conveyance that are mangroves, and should remain with parcels of developable ]and at Lely Barefoot Beach. He noted that t; is area is less than one acre, and should go back to the deve- loper so that he can meet his normal setbacks Jn order to develop the private multi-family parcels which are identified withfn the "blue" areas as indicated on the displayed exhibit. Assistant to the County Manager Olllff stated that ]70 acres of thls project was given to the County, and the develope~, is requesting .9 of those acres, in order to make his project work. He noted that there can be no development on this property whether it Is owned by Lely or the County. County Manager Dorrill stated that approval of the subject are.] should be subject to review of the legal descriptions by the County Land Surveyor for appropriateness. Co~taetoner Shanahan moved, seconded by Co-missioner Volpe mhd cm~rted 4/0, to approve the documents to accept and reconvey the lmnds, r~vta~n~ a previous transaction for the Lely Barefoot Beach I)~v~lol~ent, subject to review by the County Land Surveyor. Page 43 JULY 2,5, Item ~gA~ Norad fro~ 14A4 IIIAL PI~AT OF 'CROWN POINTI~ I~...~T' - APPRO¥~D, SUB$~-~I~ TO APPIt0VAL 0F THI~ $1~CUI~ITY DOCUM~N1~5 BY TH~ COUNTY ATTORNEY'50FFI,~I~ Assistant County Attorney Wetgel stated that this tt~m came before the Commission on January 31, 1989, and direction was given to come back with the appropriate security so that the plat could be recorded. He advised that the Construction and Maintenance Agreement has been reviewed and approved by the Co~nty Attorney's Office, but the vali- dity of the L-tter of Credit which Is dated April 25, 1989, will expire 9 monthsl from the date of approval of the Construction and Malnteaance Agreement and the approval for the recording of the p~dt. He advised that this may result In a ]apse of security during the 12 month construction period since there ts no rollover within the Letter of Credit. He ncced that the Letter of Credit has been slgnt~d off by a "cashier", rather than a Vice President or an Officer of the cor- poration. He iDdtcated that the Commission's approval today should be subject to the Security Instrument being approved by the County Attorney's Office. Co~sisstonar Sh~nahan moved, seconded by Co--missioner Hmsse and cmrrted 4/0, to mccept for recomding the final plat of "Cr~ Polnte ~t", ~bJect to approval of the se~rtty docents by the Cou~ Atto~'l offtca. Pa~e 44 JULY 25, 1989 Item ~9Cl FUNDS TO IMPLEMENT THE 'HEALTH CARE ACT OF 1988" - APPROVED. ADDITIONAL SOCIAL WORKER POSITION - AUTHORIZED Public Services Administrator O'Donnel] stated that request is being made to approve budget amendments to pay hospitalization costs for indigent clients and to provide funding for an additional Social Worker to help screen this program. He advised that this item was presented to the Commission during the Strategic Planning Session on June 12, 1989. He noted that this is the $4.00 per capita expenditure that has been mandated by the State Legislature, and the maximum cost for Collier County could be $537,336. He noted that to date, the County bas received bi/is in the total amount of $80,000, and Staff is antlclpattng to draw upon the maximum amount of money in increments, as the funds are needed. Mr. O'Donnell advised that the amount of t,%e requested budget amendments is $140,000, noting that $15,O00 will be used to hire an additional Social Worker who will be responsible for screening, moni- toring, and reporting on the aspects of this program. In answer to Commissioner Vo]pe, Mr. O'Donnell advised that the State mandated this program on January 1, 1989, but it has taken the hospitals some time to determine who were eligible and who could qualify for this program. Mr. O'Donnell stated that a Social Worker has not been added to his Department since 1977, noting that the current caseload is bet- ween 75-80 cases, and the State stnndard is approximately 60 cases per Social Worker. Comiseloner Shanahan moved, seconded by Co~misstonmr Saund~rs &nd csrrted 4/0 to approve the ~medtate hiring of a new Social Worker and budget amendments reflecting salary and operating costs and initial ~mndmted payments to out-of-county hospitals (HCRA). Clerk Kraft replaced Deputy Clerk Hoff~an at this tile''''' Item 9(:2 DEDICATION OF OP~:NING OF THE EAST NAPLES COMMIFNITY PARK - AUGUST 24, 1989 Page 45 J'UL~ 25~ ~9~9 Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that August 24, 1989 st 9:30 A.M. will be the opening of the East Naples Community Park with celebrations planned for that date as well as Saturday, August 26, 1989. Co~m~f~aioner Shanahan moved, seconded by Commissione~ ~aeae ~nd carried 4/0 that the East Naples Community Park be dedtcatl~d on August 24, 1989 at 9:30 A.M. Commissioner Shanahan noted that he is preparing a dlgnatary list to participate in the opening and asked that the Commissioners apprise him of any dignatary VIP they would like to invite. '"'''Recess 12:55 P.M. Reconvened /:lO P.M.'',,, Item DATE AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF AMARDING CERTIFICATES OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO JaR ENTERPRISES OF NAPLHS, INC. D/B/A ROYAL ROSE SHUTTLE, AND FISH 'N FUN, INC. D/B/A/ ISLAND AIRPO~ SERVICE - AUGUST ~_~19__8_9'- APPROVED Administrative Services Administrator Ochs noted that this was inadvertently put on the regular agenda and requested August 1, ~989 be set as a public hearing date at the Collier County Government Complex, Building F, 3rd Floor Boardroom for consideration of awarding Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity to J&R Enterprises of Naples, Inc., d/b/a Royal Rose Shuttle, and Fish'N Fun, Inc., d/b/a as Island Airport Service. Co"'~issioner Hasse .~ved, seconded by Co~tssioner Volpe and carried 4/0 that August 1, ~989 be sat aa a public hearing date for consideration of awarding Cert~ficates of Public Convenience and Necessity to J~R Enterprises of Naples, Inc. d/b/a Royal Rose Shuttle and Fteh'N Fum., Inc.. d/b/a Island Airport Service. Ite~ R~L$O~UTIO~ 89-~S5 R~CLASSIFYING A~) RETITLING A VAC~TT.. BUDG~I'ED PT~IT).ON I~ X~ AD~INIS'TRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION AS AN INFORmaTION S"f~"l~M/; T~CHNICIAN - ADOPTED Admlntst~ative Services Administrator Ochs responded to Com~:lssioner Saunders that this posit~on is a reclassification of a position appropriated in this year's budget at a pay grade of 124 with Page 46 JULY 25, 1989 entry salary of $32,000. He noted that in discussions with James Giles, Clerk and his MIS Director, an agreement was worked out whereby his staff could provide more technical system management and, ai~ a result, downgrade this position to the training area where tile greatest workload tn the office el~tsts. Cc.m~teeloner Shanahan moved, s,conded by Co,missioner Sa~mde~e and cmrrled 4/0 that Resolution 89-185 reclassifying and retltltng a vmcmnt b~dgmted position In the Adstntstrattve Services Division be adopted. In ~esponse to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Ochs responded that this postt~-n will be f:lled at the reduced salary level. Page 47 JULY 25, 1989 It# 9K3 RESOLUTION 89-186 ESTABLISHING TWO NEW ~AY PLAN TITr, I~S OF ~FUSKUM T~CHNICIAN AND REAL PROPERTY REVIEW APPFCAISER - ADOPT.:ED Administrative Services Administrator Ochs exp]a:.ned that these positions are currently budgeted and belng reclassif.ied. He noted that the titles wiN] more accurately reflect the spec:ttic duties In those positions with the same pay grade and no change in the budget or personnel. Co~tamtonar Shanahan moved, oeconded by Coutsstoner HafJma and carried 4/0 that Reeolutiolt 89-186 establishing two new poy plaxl tttlel o~ Muse~:~]t Tachntci~A and Real Pro~rty Revte~ Appraiser ~ P&~ 48 3ULY 25, 1989 It# A(lR~l~ll~l'f B~'fW~N COLLIER COUNTY AND GOLDEN GATE FI~E CONTI~OL AND 1~$~ DIiT]~IC~ I] THE AMOUI~T OF APPROXINATI~LY $713,000.00 FOR COR'JI"RUC~ION Or AI~ ~RGENCY SERVICES COMPLEX - APPROVED Emergency Services Administrator Reardon stated this is the ffr~t of two Executive Summaries regarding construction and projects for two Emergency Services complexes, one in the Golden Gate area and one the Naples area, which will be Phase I. He explained that the Emergency Services complex will house Fire, Emergency Medical Ser';tces and the Sheriff offices. He pointed out that the agreement betwe{~n Collier County and the Golden Gate Fire Control and Rescue District packet includes the contract, scope of the contract and benefits, an.J equity calculation showing benefits to taxpayers on dollari~ being saved and is approved in the capital improvement plan. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Reardol~ replied that occupancy will be in 9 months. Co-=missioner Hamme moved, ~econded 13~ Coaumtsstoner Shana and carried 4/0 that the Agreement between Collier County ~d Golden Gate lire Control ~d Res~e District fo~ const~ction of ~ · e~tc~s Co~l~ ~ approved. In response to Con, missioner Shanahan, Mr. Reardon stated that the e~!ty calculations 9ives threshold and ceiling of costs; the specific dollar amount will be determined after the bids for construction and the cost ts amortized. Page 49 JULY 25, 1989 AG~ BETN~KN COLLIKR COUNTY AND W.R. FRIZZKLL ARCIIITKOTS, INC. FOR ~HE DKSIGN AWD C0NSTRI3CTION PROCK$$ OF TWO EMERGKNC~' SKRVICKS .COMPr~KX~S - APPrOVeD Commissioner Saunders noted that this ts a companion Item to Item 9FI for the design of the facility. Colltlmioner Hm~e moved, seconded by Commissioner Sh~u~h~n and carried 4/0 that the Agreement between Collier County ~nd W. R. Frtzxell Architects, Inc., for design and construction of tw~ K~ergency Servicem Complexes.~ In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Reardon re~ponded that this is for professional u~rvlces f~r the design and profes~tonal architec- tural type work for {,:~th the North Naples Phase I fa¢:llity and the Golden Gate complex. He ]ndicat~d that pursuing the projects Jointly will provide a gener~s financial benefit if the aGl'eement can be secured with a single con~ractor. Upon call for the que~tton, the motion passed &/0. In response to Commisuioner Hesse, Mr. Reardon mtated that the prints and layout should b,~ ready to go out to bid in approximately 60 days. Commissioner Shanahan questioned about progres~ tn the discussions with the Marco Island Fire Chief? Mr. Reardon responded that ~{arco Island Fi)-,~ District will continue through next year. Page 50 JULY 25, 1989 AUT~O~I~'-aTION TO SIGN CONSENT ORDF2~ OGC CASE NO. 89-0189 (~OLLIE~ ~ AND TH~ DEPARTMENT OF E~¥IRONM~NTAL REGULATION IN 92~(K~T OF 815,840.00 TO EVALUATE A SHREDDING MAC~INE AT THE LANDFILL - ADOPTED Solid Waste Director Fahey stated that In September, 1988, an insI'ectton by the DER revealed the County deficient Jn 4 areas: 1) 6 Inches cover is required, 2) the amount of working equipment available, 3) presence of leachate exceeding the permitted equipment available, and 4), a larger than necessary working phase. He noted that correcting the deficiencies was accomplished by accelerating the equipment purchases; a pan has been purchased and a compactor and bulldozer wi]] be obtained shortly. He indicated that a 30 day working supply of cover material has been obtained, excess accumula- tion of leachate has been reduced and the new retention facility will eliminate that problem, and the guideline of the working phase has been reduced to 150 foot width. He stated that the fines amounted to $10,500, but rather than the money, DER prefers the County consider alternative mitigatinG effects. He explained that consultants will examine shredding capability to address tires, white goods, bio-mass and construction demolition waste. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Fahey noted that necessary testing and bringing tn the shredder should meet the recommendations of the Master Plan and DER concern. He explained that $15,800 must be expended on research towards the purchase or lease of a per~nanent shredder to meet the financial penalty of 1-1/2 times $600.00. County Manager Dorrlll stated that a shredder is c~ndusive to good operating practice. C~lsstoner Shanahan mo~ed, seconded by Coutsstoner Hasse and CmXTte4 4/0, that Staff proceed with shredder evaluations. Pa.~e ~51 JULY 25. 1989 Item 9~2 &CCEPTAIICE OF GRAITI' IN THE AMOUNT OF $20,000.00 FRON THI~. CLEAll ~ORIDA ~ZSSIO~ ~ ~ATZO~ O~ ~qO~ ~C~I~G ~S ALLOCA~D ~ON ~ SOLID ~ ~S~_~pR C~ING~CIZ~ ~ _ ,AP~RO~D Environmental Services Administrator Lorenz stated that acceptance o~ a $20,000.00 grant application from the Clean Florida Lltte~ Co~tsSlon has been received and Staff requests a matchinG amount of $20,000.00 from the Solid Wast~ fund. He explained that educational and operational programs for reduction of litter tn the County will be implemented tn conjunction with the City of Naples. Cmtssi~r H~ae ~v~, meconded ~ Co~tasloner S~ ~d c~rt~ 4/O, t~t the ~t of $20,000.00, leaa 82,858.00 from the ClW of lapl~, fr~ the Cle~ Florida Co,lesion ~ accepted. Mr. Fahey stated that the $20,000 grant from the State must be matched wlth funds from Collier County and the City of Naples share ts 14.29 percent. Finance Director Yonkosky noted the Board of County Commissioners ts authorizing this request to come out of reserves is $20,000 less $2,858.00, Page 52 SULY 25, 1989 STAFF TO SOLICIT PROPOSALS TO RETAIN PUsLIC RELATIONS SERVICE TO ~ P~IBLIC ANARENESS OF REDUCTION OF WASTE DISPOSAL ARD RECYCLING - im~OVZD Environmental Services Administrator Lorenz explained that the litter grant has educational pub/lc relatlons components and twenty percent is required to be expended for public relations. He pointed out that Staff Is seeking authorization to contract with a public relations firm to provide that service which the County does not have. County Manager Dorrtll explained that there ts an Interest in working with the Conservancy in conjunction with the School Board to develop curriculum for 4th or 5th graders in Col]ti, r County to par- ticipate In an anti-littering program. Commissioner Volpe questioned If the City of Naples has a full time public relations person on Staff? County Manager Dorrlll responded that that can be explored and noted that the City has a con- suiting firm on retainer. Co~mlsetoner Shanahan moved, seconded by Co~aissioner liasae ~nd c~rried 4/0, that Staff be authorized to solicit proposals and bring b~ck for final re~i~w and approval by the Board of County It~ HEPORT ON STATUS OF CURRENT AND PROPO~D MATERIALS RECYCLING PROGRAMS ~ COLLIER C~ - NO ACTIC~ Ervlronmental Services Administrator Lorenz reported the status of the County's recycling programs. He noted that Waste Management earlier showed the recycled materials and revenue~3 obtained. He noted that the County will have to examine the cost for a variety of recycling programs. He explained that the consultant has factored in for the pilot program $40 per ton for recycling and Waste Management Is close to $200 for disposal costs. He pointed out that recycling of newspaper a~ the Marco transfer station may be extended tc other areas ~n the County and a plastics recycling update will be provided, within the next few weeks. He emphasized that recyclinQ of plastics will Page 53 JULY 25, 1989 contribute to the 30 percent mandated recycling requirement in 1992. lie stated that landfill mining will not receive credtt for recycling materials as a result of a staff decision from DER, but that process reduces the County's disposal cost and have requested DER to review their consideration and give Collier County credit for landfill mining. He explained that the County's consultant for the Master Plan has recommended that the County continue and expand the Pilot Recycling Program and use of a shredder and compost facility be used for yard trash. He explained that the details for these specific projects and more definitive programs for recycling will be brought back to the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Saunders noted that the Board of County Commissioners has stressed the importance of expanding recycling efforts and com- iended Staff for the report In response to Commissioner Shanahan and his question about meeting the 30 percent recycling requirement, Mr. Lorenz indicated 15 percent for the yard trash will be easily obtained but the additional 15 percent through residential and commercial may be tough. It~ ~tXCO~tDI~a OF FI~CL Pr.~? ot ThE VI~YAm~s - U~T 3 Am) ACCXPTA~CX O~ CO~F~T~ O~ T~ VII~YARDS PARK PROPERTY AS STIPULATED WITHIN THE vr~ra~Ds P~D - ~OV~_~_WIT~_ S?IPU~A~__TIO~S Assistant to the County Manager Ollfff noted that Commissioner Saunders assisted tn negotiations and over a per]od of several weeks, final agreement of a site plan was reached. Mr. O]ltff pointed out on the displayed plat, 18 acres of the school property marked in red and pointed out the athletic fields to be jointly used by the County and the school systems. He noted that the V-shaped 34.9+ acres marked tn green will be the County Park and the two S-1 and S-2 acres will be retained by The Vineyards to be used as outlined tn the PUD for village and civic uses. He pointed out the entrance road to be shared by the school and the County with the cost to be shared equally. Commissioner Shanahan questioned the civic uses7 Mr. Olliff Page 54 JULY 25, 1989 responded that the uses are civic related as required in the PUD. He explained that the County wll] not be building this park until the 4th or §th year of the County's Parks Improvement Plan. He pointed out that the park reflects all the acreage outlined in the PUD, ts a usable piece of land, and County Attorney Cuyler wJl] cover the stipu- lations. Attorney Cuyler stated that in addition to the 5 items listed tn the Executive Summary, approval of the final plat and accep- tance of conveyance of park property is subject to receipt of the following original documents: Attorney,s Affidavit, Owner's Affidavit, Warranty Deed. He explained that the Deed Is subject to receipt and approval, by the County Attorney,s ofttce, of a title com- mitment with the understanding that the developer will supply everything required by the title Insurer. He emphasized that the Deed ts also subject to receipt of statement by the developer and the Homeowner,s Association stating that the park site is not governed by or automatically becomes a member of the Associatlon. He noted that the Vineyard's attoraey has agreed to that provtslon. Commissioner Hmsse moved, seconded by Com~issioner Volpe and carried 4/0, that the Final Plat of the Vineyards be recorded after the V~rlous stipulations have been addroesed. In response to Commissioner Shanahan, Mr. Olliff noted that Roger Otten, representative of the School Board, will present the same item to the School Board for approval. Page 55 JULY 25, 1989 .PJ~DI3~T~ 89-244 &RD 89-246 - ADOPTRD Finance Director Yonko~ky briefly reviewed the two budget amend- ments not previously discussed. ~"~lmei~r {la~ ~ved, meconded ~ Conts~ioner S~ ~d c~l~ 4/0 t~t ~get ~en~ntm 89-244 ~d 89-246 Co~lssloner Shanahan questioned if the postage and printing cost for the County Manager quarterly newsletter will continue to be the same7 Finance Director Yonkosky responded that postag~ will remain the same. County Manager Dorrlll ]ndlcated that the County malled the newsletters to registered households, rather than incur the expense of sending one to every registered voter. Commissioner Volpe questioned the landscaplng project cost and County Manager Dorrll] replied that the County ls doing stgnage, relo- cation of flagpoles, and construction of the retaining wall. Zt~ · OI][T ~O~Sl~Op DI$CU$$IOR BETI~N COLLER COUFI'Y AWD LEE COUITi'Y TO BE ~-~--~O.O.O.O.O.~BKR AT A .pLACE AND TIM~ ROT DETEI~INED Commissioner Saunders explained that the Lee County Commissioners he had spoken with expressed Interest in a Joint workshop. He suggested directing Lee and Collier County staffs to develop an agenda covering transportation, water management, and environmental protec- tion for some time late In October, on an annual basis. Commissioner Volpe noted that there are common issues in the northern part of tile County to be addressed. Emily Maggto, Civic Chairman - Bonita Shores, Little Hickory Shores Improvement Association, applauded the effort and expressed con- cern about beach roads, water management and environmental Issues. Commissioner Shanahan commented that these meetings should be more frequent. Co~tsmloner Hume moved, seconded by Coutssioner Shanahan and carried 4/0 to aplrrOv~ a Joint Workshop Discussion b~tw~en L~e and (t',? t DS .,T~.,y 25, 1989 Collier County in October at a place and time to be determined. In response to Commissioner Volpe, County Saunders responded That the C1ty of Naples and Collier County have periodic meetings. He noted that County ManaGer Dorr]ll is planninG a Jolnt meettnG with all elected officials tn the County in the Fall. County ManaGer Dorrtll pointed out that the Chalrman, Mayor and Chairman of the School Board meet on a quarterly basis with their chief executives to discuss a variety of fssues. Commissioner Saunders requested that County Manager Dorr~l] pre- pare an agenda for the Joint workshop. R~OLt;TIO~ 89-187 APPOI~I~G JIM GLASS TO LELY GOLF ~AI~CATIO~ AD~ISORAr C~I~ - A~D Admlnlstratlve Assistant to the Board Israelson stated that on June 19, 1989, Mr. George Pearson notified the County of the reslgna- t/on of Nr. Wayne Krlng and a press release was Issued fo~ the vacancy. She explained that two resumes were received, one from M~. Ha~ry Holloman and one from Mr. Jim Glass. She ]ndlcated that Staff advised her Mr, Glass resides on Doral Circle and there is no ~epre- sentattve from that area of the taxing d~str]ct. In response to Co~tsstoner Shanahan, Ms. Israe]son stated that tt fs desirable to · ~pread out the membership. ~sst~ ~se ~ed, seconded ~ Co~tsstone~ ~:~1~ 4/0 t~t ~olutton 89-187 ~ adopted. Page 57 JULY 25, 1989 12C THAT TH~ SPOTLIGHT PUBLICATION BE CARRIED IN COLLIER COUNTY LI~3tARI]C~ - NO ACTION Mr. Paul Hoffman, a resident of Nap]es for il years, made a lengthy presentation regarding a Petition with 125 signatures submitted to the Board of County Commissioners on March 20, 1989 for inclusion of The Spotlight in Collier County libraries. He stated that he is Chairman of the Committee against Censorship in Libraries and President of the Collier County Chapter of the Committee to Restore the Constitution and spoke on behalf of the 125 residents of Collier Coutity who signed the Petition. He noted that the Board of County Commissioners was supplied with a copy of the remarks in favor of the Petition for a speaker who could not be present. He emphasized that libraries form a vital part of the world's system of communications and education, and the residents of Collier County petltJon the Board of County Commissioners to include "The Spotlight" in Collier County public libraries. He stated that The Spotlight is published in Washington, D.C., politically conservative, and noted for spotlighting issues that are frequently distorted or ignored by the establishment p~:su. He pointed out that the Library Director and Library Advisory Board declare there is no interest in this publication, but al/ libraries stock material that does not interest everyone. He indicated that Lee County and other Florida public libraries carry The Spotlight, and the patrons of Collier County Libraries deserve equal access to dif- ferent points of view. He stated that Petitioners feel a wrong has been committed and want it corrected. He noted that when this issue was brought before the Board of County Commissioners previously, dec/- sion was deferred by referral back to the Library Advisory Board. He noted that the Library Director ducked the issue by blaming the Library Advisory Board. He reminded the Board of County Commissioners that the Library Board nor the Library Director make policy, the Board of County Couissioners sets the policy and the Petitioners agree with the Board's policy and ask the Board of County Commissioners to Page 58 JULY 25, 1989 enforce that policy. He pointed out that a dangerous precedent has been set and should not go unchallenged. He stated that in 1913 our national constitutional republican form of government was transformed into a federal democracy and this Is the root cause of our national problems today. He indicated that the American public is not informed because of the issue today: control of the information made available to the public. He Illustrated that a lack of public knowledge has resulted from this. T~4 Mr. Hoffman commented that controlling information Is In direct contradiction to library policy nationwide. He emphasized that the purpose of the library is to provide Information on all points of view. He stated that library policy forbids restricting information for partisan reasons and the facts will prove that ]s why The Spotlight ts banned. He pointed out that it was not banned for econo- mic or any other reasons, and an excuse was offered that not enough Interest warranted the small expense of buying The Spotlight; but 125 Petitioners say there Is intere~t. He detailed the facts and the sequence of events verified by official records or in personal conver- sations between htmsel~ and Mr. Demarest, the Library Director. He noted that an Initial request was made by Mr. Bill Morse and himself In November of 1984 and Mr. Demarest ~greed to review copies left. He noted that significant events occurring are In the library minutes or were told to him by Mr. Demarest and before an answer was given to thel- request, a certain local Individual visited Mr. Demarest advising him not to allow The Spotlight in the library. He stated that following the visit of this individual Mr. Demarest received a paper tit/ed "Extremism on the Right", a handbook publlshed by the anti-defamation league of Bnal Brtth, and ip January 1985 at the meeting of the Library Advisory Board "following the librarian's report the Board members discussed the publication The Spotlight and whether it should be added to the library's collection and Dr. Eckman Page 59 SULY 25, 1989 auggest~t that the library policies be revised to include a clause on selection criteria for controversial material. He stated that the Director agreed and a committee was formed to revise the policy and the repDrt was presented by the Committee. He noted that Margte Hall moved that the committee's report on criteria for selection of contro- versial material be forwarded to the Board cf County Commissioners for approval and 3an Parker seconded the motion and it passed unanimously." He emphasized the time sequence and noted that a carefully worded comprehensive policy change was drafted and approved in January 1985. He stated that when request for approval in the policy change was for- warded to the Board of County Commissioners, the County Manager recom- mended that the request be changed to one asking for authorization to make minor changes to a library policy without Commission approval. Ne commented that adding a selection criteria for selection of contro- versial material was not a minor change, but authority was granted under Item 16C6 of the Consent Agenda on March 19, 198~. He stated that prevented public discussion on the change and library policy gave the Library Director responsibility under policy ~uldelines for materials selected. He noted that the responsibility was avoided and passed on to the Library Advisory Board and he was informed that their request was denied. ~{e indicated that he requested a hearing before the Library Advisory ~oard and appeared at the June 27, 1985 meeting to ask why they objected to The Spotlight. l{e read a portion of the minutes of the meeting. Mr. Eoffman played a portion of a tape from the Board of County Commissioners meeting on October 27, 1987 containing an exchange bet- ween Co:~lsstoner Hasse and Mr. Demarest. In response to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Hof~man played the end of the sentence where Mr. Demarest stated ~hat he did not reject The Spotlight because of con- tent and Mr. Hoffman played a few words more and stated that "He rambles on". M~. gcffman stated that Mr. Demarest was less than can- Page 60 JULY 25, 1989 d~d tn stating co~tent had no bearing on the decision to ban this periodical. He questioned Mr. Demarest's and the Library Advisory Board's decision to change library policy to manufacture backing for their decision7 He re.,erated the issue of intellectual freedom and access to all points of view on any subject, controversial or not. Mr. Hoffman stated that 125 people ace asking the librarian to practice tntellectua? freedom and quoted Commissioner Hasse in the tape he played s&ying "How do you kn~w there is no interest if you don't make it avails, hie"? He commented that 125 people have requested this publication .~nd asked if they are to be denied because this ltbl ary admlnlstkatton does not like the point of view this publication pr: sents? He reiterated that it was denied for partisan reasons and no other publication takes the :;trong pro-American point of view that the Spotlight does. Mr. l[offman stated that when the information flow is blocked the ability ~o know is hindered and our freedom is threatened, but the First Amendment prote:ts free expression of ali competing views and opinions leaving th.~ Individual free to (~etermine for himself which views he deems to be true. He pointed out that when government authorlt%, censors a viewpoint before it is expressed, the government has set itself up as an arbiter of the truth, and stripped the vie%~points of the rightful constitution, an action nothing short of political t~ranny. Commlssloner Shanahen questioned the other public libraries tn addition to Lee County? Mr. Ho[fman responded that The Spotlight was ~n the Fort Myers Library, the Bonita Springs library, a library North of Tampa, Spring HIll, Cape Cora] library and Lehigh Acres library at :ne time. Commissione~ Hasse questioned if the cost of The Spotlight ~;~s the reason it was not in the library? Mr. Hoffman replied that the cost h~d been mentioned, and a gift subscrtptlon was refused by Mr. Demarest. He emphasized that it must be subscribed to by the Library so that it remains in the Library. Commissioner Volpe Page 61 JULY 25, 1989 ~estloned hc~w often The Spotlight ts published, and Mr. Hoffman responded that it ~is a weekly paper. Commissioner Volpe expressed concern that The New York Times, Chica~o Tribune or Los Angeles Times are also desired per~odica]s, but the line must be drawn somewhere. H,~ commented some periodicals are conservative and some are liberal, but noted that the Library cannot carry all newspapers. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Hoffman emphasized that certain people do not like the posit!on The Spotlight takes. William Morse from Henderson Creek Drive spoke In defense of The Spotlight published by Liberty Lobby ]n Washington, D.C. He stated that he hopes the Collier County Public Library will accept The Spotlight. He noted that he has always regarded racism as unamer]can and subversive, had never seen evidence of that in The Spotlight or the LiDerty Lobby Newsletter because he would have d/scontfnued his subscriptions. He provided his background, which consists of b{!~ng extenslv~ly em?loyed by the Government. Mr. Joe Grimm of 5310 4th Avenue Southwest, Naples, Florida noted that the issue is a serious matter and the Library Director has r,~fused to provide requested information about the practices of the llbral-y administration, and has misled the Board of County Commissioners at public hearings. Commissioner Saunders interrupted to take exception about comments regarding County Staff lying to the Board of County Commissioners. He emphasized that he has worked with MT. Demarest ~or 7 years and has always found him to be forthright and professional. He stated for the ~ecord that Mr. Grimm's comments r~gard~ng Mr. Demares~'s qualifications are not a reflection of his opinion or the rest of the Board of County Commissioners and Mr. D,~marest has ,]one a fine Job, and requested that personalities be left out of this d~scussion. MT. Grimm reiterated h~s comments and noted that Mr. Hoffman pro- v~ded evidence from the public records, which the Board of County Commiusioners can examine. He stated theft Mr. Demarest destroyed a Page 62 JULY 25, 1989 ~,;cor¢ of the pub'ic ~eeting of the Library Advisory Board when the · ,lbJect publication wa~ discussed, Ccmmisslor, er Saunders commented that Mr. Demarest may want to take n ,res of Mr. Grimm's statements because he has the right to sue for e ~ander when ~ccused cf a criminal offense. Commissioner Saunders r,:lte~ated hi~ .~u~por~. of Mr. Dem.~?est, and that he does not believe t,~e allegations. He commented th.it he personally does not want to ][sten to Mr. Grtmm:s comments, bdt he has no choice. Mr. Grlmm noted t~at he is exercising his right t0, address the Board of County C,,m,,l~sloners. ~:-~ stated that Mr. Demarest has flagrantly stifled p. irt~cipatton of and input by the public on this issue. He noted that the Library Dlre~-::~r and his Advi. ory Board have exceeded to pressures from a small numbe~ of zc/~g'Ious .~anatics who disagree with the edi- torial pos]tigns c~t.the s~bJect p~:bllcation. M~'. Grimm sta~ ed the 3oard of County Commissioners has an obliga- tion to the [~copl~. of Collier Coup;fy to insure that the agencies of t,~la %oard m~ _.t t}.~.-ir responsibll)ties to act in the interest of the c.~t~z~ns of C)]~]t r C~unty. He n, ted that the small number of people who want to ogs~rt3t the public's access to information he respects their eight t ) be]-.e, ~ what they ,-,iii and to try and convince others of their pofn~ of ,'ieee, but reJec~ and resents their efforts to deny other~ the opport'~n]ty to be informed about particular facts. He emphasized that -e fohnd it appal,.ing ar~ agent o.f the Board of County Cr~mmi~sioners acticsly participat~s in and supporvs the efforts of those obstructions. He requested~the [~oard of County Commissioners take action to open the admin]str~tion of Collier County libraries, to protect records of puLlic meeting , ho3d the Library Director accoun- table for h~s acti ~ns and make th~ public library an organ of broad ]nformation for the citizens of C,.llier County. C(~m~lssfone~ .~.~unders apolo~J...ed for Mr. Grimm's uncalled for and false statement,s. He pointed out that any credibility of the PetitJoners is i.~ur t by :,pealers s~ ch as Mr. Grimm. Commissioner Hasse Page 63 JULY 25, 1989 concurred. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Demarest, Library D~rector est/mated that ~t the headquarter:~ library, fewer than 10 periodicals are subscribed :~,. tn r~:sponse to Commissioner Shanahan, Mr. Demarest responded that th,? M.~rco Island Eagle is carried at headquarters and Marco Island. Mr. Demarest r]tated that the criteria used to Judge The Spotlight deals with research based upon printed reviews. He noted that he had researched the Issue 5 years ago when Mr. Hoffman first brought it to his attention, .~nd l~d~cated that he could not find a library J.n the State of Florida, tha~3 held the newsp.]per. He emphasized that he could ngt Justify the e×pendlture of public funds for a per~odical for which no requcJts had been received and to which no other l~brar~; ~n the State subscribe.~ to. He stated that The Spotlight had received a d.?r~jatory v~ew ~n the L~brary Trade Publicat~on and quoted th~. short review publisheq by Gale Publl.~hers, one of the two major llbra~ry p':bllshers: "N , attempt to give both sides is claimed by the p'lbl~[shers of t)ts radical right tabloid. This periodical is not as close to the lu~.atic fringe as Is the Nazi's White Power which is annotated below Bot}~ tabloids believe that the Holocaust did not r,:al]y happen. Other typical topics are subversive metric system, America's viole~:t teenagers, ads ind~cate the type of reader this newspaper appea~!s to: myth of the six mill.ion books, brass knuckles, knives, hair gr,:wth potions, other miracle cures, blow guns, laser pistols and swa~ st~cka flags are some ltemu that are offered for sale. L.~ke American Ol,inion it pushes the t, ig conspiracy theory, although not as smoothly ms the other, the Liberty Lobby has been found to be anti-semetic fo). manS, years. Libraries sensitive to anti Jewish b[gotry wi]] pr,,bab]y want to abstain from carrying this tabloid". He emphasized that ~ue to this '-:trongly worded review and based upon the information ava~ ]able to him, he could not Justify the expend~[ture of public funds fo). this periodical. He pointed out that he made it Page 64 JULY 25, 1989 clear to Mr. Hoffman that there were other avenues to be tnveetigated and the Library Advisory Board was willing to review any decisions that he made and that ~ould be the most appropriate place to purs'Je this matter. He explained that he has done so with both the Library Advisory Board and the Board of County Commissioners. He lndtc~ted that the religious zealots referred to by Mr. Grimm are the Jew.!sh com- vanity in this area who have expressed concern about this publication. H9 noted that antt-defa~atJon league material was sent by a member of the 3ewlsh community and admitted that it may have been inappropriate to distribute to the Library Board wtthout their requesting it, but It was some information, a~ opposed to none. Commissioner Hasse guesttoned if foreign language publications are tn the library7 Mr. Demarest responded publications are published o~1tslde of the U.S. tn English, i.e. from the Chinese government, Soviet Life, Mexico, France, Great Britain, etc. 3ommlsstoner Hasse q'Jesttoned If Mr. Demarest would carry The Spotlight ]n the library ]f Mr. Hoffman donated it? Mr. Demarest responded that if the Board of County Commissioners directs him to, but he cannot Justify carryJng a perlodtcal for which he has had next to no requests. He stated that Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Morse and one or two other individuals in the last § years have requested this periodical. He indicated that there seems to be little reason to carry this pub3~cation, and indicated that there are many publ~cations on the priority list for inclusion in the library headquarters that cannot be funded at present. Commissioner Saunders emphasized that the issue has not been and is not one of censorship. He noted that the Board of County Commissioners and the Library Advisory Board and the Library Director are not engaged ]n censorship. He stated that procedures follcwed to determine which periodicals or newspapers go to the library are the 1ssue. He explained that the Board of County Commissioners has glven the Library Advl:~ory Board authority to review all potential items based on the best information they Gather. He indicated that he sees Page 65 JULY 25, 1989 no reason to overrule the Library Advisory Board. Commissioner Hasse suggested that Mr. Hoffman make an appeal to the new members of the Library Advisory Board. County Manager Dorrill and Commissioner Volpe stated that the issue remains the same. Mr. Dorrtll stated that unless the Board of County Commissioners wishes to change their policy and take act]on on the periodicals, there is no area Staff can be directed to examine. A discussion followed about the policy of the Library Advisory Board. Mr. Hoffman commented that the Library Advisory Board has refused to allow them to present their case. It~ ISA O~D~ ~I~NATI~O ~ S~I~ O~ CO~I~ ¢OUW~ ~ ~I~ COI~CTIO~AL OFFICER O~ ~ C0~ CO~IO~ ~ST~ ~~ TO ~DA ~A~_951.06~ T0 BE DR~D C~i~mi~er S~ moved, seconded ~ Co~lss~one~ H~se ~d c~I~ 4/0 t~t Staff ~ directed to draft ~ Ord~.n~ce des~ting ~ ~erIff of Collier C~ty Chief Correctional Officer of the C~ty ~ttal ~t~. Co~tssimr StmrmJm~ ~oved, meconded by Co"-testoner ~saa lm~l carried l/O, that the following Items under the Consent ~ be a~r~rc~ and/or adopted: It~m#li&l I~AL OF STRUCTURE AT 302 SOUTH FIRST STREET, IMMOKALEE COMPLETED BY ~ SEA~ EI~I~q~ISR~ AT A COST OF $4,400.00 - APPROVED Case #Z-89-11127 the property owner is responsible under Collier County Ordinance 76-60 for costs associated with this contracted acti- vity. In the event that timely payment is not received, proceedings To recover the amounts owed by action against the property shall be commenced. i~ov~r, oF STa~-TVaZ AT 306 sowr~ SECOND srazZT, ~M~O~aL~Z COUrt,rED !~ rm~z SEAS mrrzaF~zsEs a_r a COST OF $1,680.00 Case #Z-89-11102 the property owner is responsible under Collier County Ordinance 76-60 for costs associated with this contracted actt- Page 66 JULY 25, 1989 vlty. In the event that timely payment is not received, proceedings to recover the amounts owed by action against the property shall be commenced. Item ~l&A3 ~ A~ A~D GRANT AGREEMENT FOR RENTAL REHABILITATION PRO(~I~AM ~fITN TH~ U.S. DEPART1qE~fT OF ROUSING AND URBAN DEVELOI~6ENT PJ~OL~TION $9-1S8 REDUCING SPEED LIMIT ON A PORTION OF RADIO ROAD; ~LUTION 89-189 REDUCING SPEED LIMIT ON C.R. 951BE/'WEE~ GREEN ~VLHW.AP,~_. TO RO~ 0F V~.E~ILT B~CR ROAD See Page3 ~/- ~_/ ~ g/. J,/ It~ ~14B2 Itu ~14B3 I~E~OLUTION 89-190 ~]~RESSING CONCERN REGARDING INCREASED VEHICULAR T~3~FIC ON STATE ~OAD 29 AND REQUESTING Tug FLORIDA DEPA~ OF T~ATION TO EVALUATE THE NEED TO IMPROVE STATE ROAD 29 FROM THE .lq~~~ NDNT~ TO U.S. 27 Itu #24~4 See Page . ~/'-- ~,___// 89-29! JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEME.FI' WITlt ~ ~ORIDA OF ~KTATION ~R ~ ~P~TION OF ~ AI~ ~ ~ ~ES AI~ IN ~ ~ NOT TO K~_~ $2,000.00 I~CORDATION OF CERTIFIED RIGI{T-OF-WAY MAP FOR SANTA BARBARA BLVD. J~ION, 2IINCTION GREEN BOULEVARD NORTq{ TO JUNCTION LO~AN BOULEVARD AVENUE SOU/qTWEST, AND AUTHORIZATION TO INITIATE APPRAISALS FOR ~(~UISITION OF RIGT{T-OF-WAY IN THE AMOUNT OF $2~__0.000.00 See Page _~OCUMErtTHO! R£~[IVED I~1 CLERK TO BOARD OFFICE C~NCELL&TION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT TO QUALITY CARE SERVICE CORPORATION D/B/A KI~BERL¥ QUALITY CARE UNDL,~ BID NO. 88-1292 FOR SERVICES UNDER ~ ~TY.C__~._FOR ~ ELD__ER~_.y PROGRAM Item ~14C2 ~ZSOLUTION 89-192 FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FOR LIBRARy SERVICES ~fD OO~ION ACT, TITLE II, FOR STATE OF FLORIDA LIBrARy ~~ON ~ FOR ~t~E ADDITION TO TRE LIBRA/~y H~UARTER~ - :.::. g. I0 Page 67 JULY 25, 1989 Item ,14D1 sm IL,TY ,ACiLmEs - - UITC i. EED Recorded tn O.R. Book ~ , Pages Item ,1411 ~'IKCHASE AGI~A"EM~]TT AND STATUTORY DEXD BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND JII~WY C. GIBSON A~D JOANN GIBSON, RE SALE OF PROPERTY IN GOLDEN GATE ESTATES IN TaX A~S~WT OF $~,500.00 See pages 7/-~, / ~X ? Item ~1412 P01tC]~%~ ~ AITD STATUTORY DEED BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND AV&T&~ I~tOPEIrTIES, INC. ~ S~l Or ~OP~ IN GOLDEN GA~ K~A~S IN ~ ~ OF ~8,ooo.oo Xtem ff14E3 I~tC~J~K &GR.EZX~MT AMD STATUTORY DEED BETWEEN COLLIER COUITTY A]/D FleD H. ]~MT ltZ SAL~ 0F ~OP~ IN GOLD~ GA~ ESTA~S IN ~ ~ 0F ~soo.oo Item ~14K4 PURCHASE A(IRE~EIFT AND STATUTORY DEED BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND AVATAR PROP~lqTIEI, INC. RE SALE OF PROPERTY IN GOLDEN GATE ESTATES IN THE AMOUNT OF 2 500.00 Item #14E5 AGI*~E~(~WT AWD STATUTORY DEED BETWEEN COLLIER COUNT~ AND IL SALE OF PROI~TY IN GOLDEN GATE ~STATES IN T~ AMOUNT OF Iteu#14E7 BID ~9-I439 IN TH~ AMOUNT OF APPROXIMATLY $50,000.00 FOR P~RIODIC CLERICAL STAFFING - AW~DKD Legal notice was published in th~ Naples Dally News on June 15, 1989. Item ~llH1 Page 68 YU'LY 25. 1989 &~ZATIO~ FOR STA~F TO ADVERTISE AND RECEIVE BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION ~ ~ ~ I~ B~ ~TION ~O~ It~ ~14H2 ~PPROgAL OF COISE]QT AGENDA I~ BY ~g COURTY ~I~I'AGER DURIRG THE BO&RD'S KEC'~SS JUNE 14 THROUGH 3'ULY 17~ 19~9 PT~AT - BERKSHIRE ~K~Sx UNIT 4 See Pa~e$ ~~,. /_~-~.ff ~T - B~IRE ~ES~,~IT 3 7- 7 ~ S~ FACILI~ES~CC~r~n - ~u~ ~ AT ~GO ~RDE, III Recorded in O.R. Book !456, Pages 1429-1457 FACILITIES ACCEPTANCX - WOODSIDE LAN~S BOWLING ALLL~Y Recorded in O.R. Book 145Z, Pages 2239-2257 FACILITIES ACCEPTANCE - LONGSHORE LAK~, PH~E I-B Recorded in O.R. Book 1461 Pages 1914 1962 ~ATE~ A~D SEWER FACILITIES ACCEPTANCE - QUAIL CREEK VILLAGE, PHASE I-A A~D IIB, PHASE II-A AND 0~AIL NEST Itss el4I Recorded tn O.R. Book 1457, Pages 1415-1556 R~LOTI(~ 8~-*193 APPROVING TH~ APPOINTMENT OF LYNETTE WOLFENDALE FOR i ~ ~ ~ ON XaE COLLILrR COUI~I'Y INDUSTRIAL DE'FL~LO~ See Page It~ el4J! SATISFACTION OF LIENS FOR SERVICES OF ~ PUBLIC DEFENDER Item ~14J See Pages N/~'~LLAN~OUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR R~F~RR~D The following miscellaneous correspondence was filed and/oB. referred to the various departments as indicated below: 1. Letter dated 7/13/89 from Johanna M. Miller, Accountant, Area Agency on Aging, enclosing annual required fiscal monitoring report for Collie; County Senior Services. xc: Kevin O'Donnell and flied. 2o Letter dated 6/8/6 ~ from Philip R. Edwards, Deputy Assistant Secretary, DER, at':achlng final copy of Consent Order OGC Case No. 89-0183 to resolve violations noted in the complaint, xc: Bt2I Lorenz with original agreement, and filed. Copy of Letter dated 6/30/89 to Barbara Henderson Cawley, Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll& Peek, Inc., from Kirby B. Green, III, I)NR, Page 69 JULY 25, 1989 approving time extension for permit file number C0-173, Equity Sound Development Group. xc: BIll Lorenz and flied. Copy of letter dated 7/C6/89 to Walter D. Stephens, Ft. Myers Transportation Engineering Director, from DER, adv]sinG of advance notice of expiration, Permit File Number LE-223 Lee County. xc: Bill Lorenz and filed. ' Copy of letter dated 7/6/89 to Ms. Priscilla Williams, from Richard White, Administrator, DNR, advising of advance notice of expiration Permit File Number FR-222, Priscilla p. Williams, xc: Bill Lorenz and filed. Copy of letter dated 7/6/89 to W. J. Johnson & Associates, from Richard White, Administrator, DNR, advising of advance notice of expiration, Permit File Number CO-145, Embassy Club of Naples Inc. xc: Bill Lorenz and filed. ' Letter dated 7/10/89 from C. Fred Jones, Chairman, Florida House of Representatives, advising that on October 18-20, a special session of th,~ Legislature has been called to specifically address trans[ortation matters and enclosing a survey requesting a response by L'uly 31, 1989. xc: Nel/ Dorrlll George Archibald and filed. ' Letter dated 7/12/89 from C. W. Mathys, Division Engineering Manager, Florida Power & Light Company, regarding Public Notice permit Application No. 89IPP-20236, Dept. of the Army, Corps of Eng]neers, DER Application No. 111602529 xc: George Archibald and filed. ' Letter dated 7/13/89 from G]orlda Woods, Sr. Human Services Pro,ram Specialist, HRS, regarding 1989-90 Emergency Medical Services (EMS) County Grant Application. xc: Neil Dorrlll James Reardon and filed. ' 10. Letter dated 6/29/89 from J.W. Warton, Service Manager, 3 & M Pump Service, Inc. advising that they have been notified by Marley Pump Company, "Red Jacket" that there is a potential problem per- tainlng to Piston Leak Detectors Model #116-030 (PDS's Carnell and fi/ed. · xc: Steve 11. Minutes received and filed: A. 6/15/89, 6/29/89, 7/6/89 - CCPC and 7/20/89 Agenda B. 5/18/89 - Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and 7/20/89 Agenda 7/13/89 - F/re and Consolidation Study Group and 7/20/89 Agenda 12. Letter dated 6/30/89 from Mary Uyeda, D/rector, County Health Policy Center, NACO, enclosing survey regarding Collier County's role In the delivery of mental health se~"" ,s. xc: ~euln O'Donnell and filed. 13. 7/13/89 Notice to Owner from Patent Scaffolding Company advising that they have furnished scaffold, scaffolding, materials & hauling for improvement to Collier County Courthouse, under an order given by AtlantJc Fire Protection. xc: Neil Dorrill and Skip Camp and fl/ed. 14. 7/12/89 Notice to Owner from Borrell Electric Co., Inc. advising that they have furnished furniture and installed fenwal halon 1301 F/S system for Improvement of property at the Collier County Page 70 JULY 25, 1989 Government Complex under an order given by Rainbow Electric (H44631BL). xc: Skip Camp, Tom Conrecode and flied. 15. Petition dated 5/22/89 from Concerned People of Marco Island sup- portinG the decision to widen S. R. 951 and to finance the project through a combination of gasoline taxes, impact fees and tolls. xc: BCC, George Archibald and filed. 16. Letter dated 7/10/89 from Walter Ward, South Florida Water Management District, advisinG that the app]lcatlon for a Water Use permit is complete for North Naples Community Park, #890525-2. xc: Kevtn O'Donnell, Mike Arnold and flied. 17. Letter dated 7/12/89 from Tony Waterhouse, Assistant Director, South Florida Water Management District, advising that application for a Surface Water Management permit ts complete, xc: Nell Dorrtll, George Archibald and filed. 18. Letter dated 6/28/89 from Wayne E. Daltry, Executive Director, SWFRPC, regarding Regency Villages of Naples Application for Deve- lopment Approval, DRI #12-8889-86. xc: Netl Dorrtll and filed. 19. Memorandum dated 6/30/89 from Peter N. Stowell, Director, Southeastern Area, regarding Notice of Competitive Services Board xc: 3elf Perry and flied. ' 20. Letter dated 7/!0/89 from Rebecca I. Osborne, United Service Agency, Inc., advising that license & permit bond for APAC-F]ortda, Inc. is no longer needed. ×c: 3elf Walker George Archibald and filed. ' There being no further busfness for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 2:50 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL BURT L SAUNDERS CHAIRMAN ATTEST: JAMES C. GILES, CLERK as presented ~"'/ or as corrected Page 71